Sunday, September 20, 2009

Geese ( YES...Geese)

Which life lesson from the geese would you most want to incorporate into your own life? Are there any other animal's that have habits which would be exemplary for humans to follow? What is the videographer's message? Tell a story involving an animal and you or your family.

Evolution of Beauty

What is your perception of beauty? What famous people do you find beautiful? Which actors, actresses, singers etc... do you feel represent beauty? How do you define inner beauty? Can you think of anyone who exemplifies inner beauty? What is the videographer's purpose in making this video?

Diet Coke

What is happening? What causes the diet coke to go crazy in this experiment? What is your favorite science experiment? Have you made any interesting experiments at school or at home in the past? Do you like science? Would you like to make this experiment at home? Who would you like to target with the coke?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Great Quotes

Select a quote from the video and explain its meaning. What is the most common quote used in the video? Do your parents or grandparents or coaches have any quoted that they use repeatedly. Do you know any phrases from songs that could be used as great quotes? Are there any quotes from athletes that you find inspiring?

Evolution of Dance

What is humor? What makes you laugh? Can you think of a time that you laughed uncontrolablely? What were the circumstances? Who is the funniest person that you know? Oh yeah, can you dance?

We didn't start the fire.

What is the purpose of this song? What is the fire in the song a metaphor for? Select a person portrayed in the video that you would want to know more about and write 2 facts about that person. What is your favorite song? Why?