Monday, December 28, 2009


What makes Hemingway unique? Have you ever read anything by Hemingway? What kinds of writing is he famous for? Who is your favorite author? How do you define talent? What talents do you have? Do you have any talented friends?

Tsunami Disaster

What is the weather event that you most fear? Have you ever been caught in a bad storm of some sort? Where? When? How can the world be better prepared for a disaster like the tsunami that occurred in 2004? What kind of effect would a disaster of this magnitude have on the world?

The Roaring Twenties

What do you think of the justice that was administered in the 20's? Do you think that the black community was intimidated by the lynchings? What was the primary location of the lynchings? Compare and contrast what was happening in the arts with what was happening in the world of justice.

Women in Art

This is a chronology of women as they are depicted in art. Do you know any of the artists represented in the video? Are you artistic? Have you been to a gallery or a museum? How is the depiction of women different through the ages?

Susan Boyle

What is a stereotype? Why does Ms. Boyle not fit the stereotype? What do we expect from her? What are some other stereotypes that you can think of? Who is the most talented person in your family? in your class? at this school?


Have you or anyone you know been bullied on line or by text? How is this accomplished? What kinds of students participate in this kind of action? Do you have proof of who sent the offending material? What can be done to stop this kind of bullying?
How can you support those who are the victims?

Travel Signs

Where in the world would you most like to go? Have you ever visited a foreign country? Where? Where do you like to go on vacation? Is there a difference between travelling and vacationing? Which sign seemed most foreign? unique?

Martin Luther King

How does the Martin Luther King story correlate with the Nazi story? What does MLK contribute to the world? How has MLK changed the world? Why do we celebrate his life? How is he unique?


Compare and contrast other areas of culture from these two time periods such as fashion, cars, music, television, movies, movie stars, books, pass times, sports, sports icons, or any other area not mentioned


How can the camps created by the Nazi regime be categorized? Who was safe in Nazi Germany? Who was the leader? What was the final solution? What should the world learn from the Holocaust? What are stereotypes? What is racism? Why was the genocide of the Jews tolerated? Who eventually stopped the Nazi's?

Holocaust Cemeteries

Compare and contrast the way the Jewish cemetery in Poland looks to the one in Philadelphia. How do the Polish people show their disdain to the Jewish in this video. What is the author's purpose in creating this video? How does this correlate with the play, Anne Frank?


What is genocide? What horrors took place during World War II? What are some reminders of the history of that time? What literature reminds us of this time? What movies have you seen that record some of the events of this time period? How can we avoid the mistakes of this era?