Monday, December 28, 2009


How can the camps created by the Nazi regime be categorized? Who was safe in Nazi Germany? Who was the leader? What was the final solution? What should the world learn from the Holocaust? What are stereotypes? What is racism? Why was the genocide of the Jews tolerated? Who eventually stopped the Nazi's?


Unknown said...

The camps can be categorized as work camps and death camps. In Nazi Germany, the Aerian race was safe. The leader of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler. We should learn from the holocaust that what he did wasn't right and that that's not the way to treat people. Stereotypes are when people assume that just because a person looks a certain way, that they do something because of that. One stereotype is that cheerleaders are dumb and mean. Racism is when people are discriminated against or favorited because of their race. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Hitler convinced everyone that it was right. Eveentually, the U.S. joined the war and along with the allied forces, stopped to Nazi's.

CH0C0L4t3:) said...

There were two types of camps, work and death. the Aerian Race was considered perfect to them. Adolf Hitler was the cruel leader to this devistating piece of history. They just decided to basically kill all of the Jewish and other races or relious people. Stereotypes are generally ideas that people make about someone. For example, all blondes are dumb. Racism is when another race does not believe in another, or does not like anothers ways. Adolf Hitler made everyone believe that the "Outsiders" were making Germany fall. And the people just ate it up, and strongly believed in that. At some point the U.S. had enough and had it's say.

Unknown said...

There are 2 main types of camp that were created under the Nazi regime. The 1st type of camp was concidered a work camp. The 2nd camp was a death camp. The only people safe in the Nazi Germany was the Aerian race. The leader was Adolf Hitler ! The final solution was Hitlers term for the killing of every man, woman, baby, and child who had any part of them that was Jewish. Hopefully the world would learn from the Holocaust not to follow leader that preach hatred and prejudice. Stereotypes are very dangerous terms where we belive everyone from a certin race acts in a certain way. Racism is when we judge people because of the color of theyre skin. It was tolerated because the population feared Hitler and was afraid to stand up to him. The allied forces stopped the Nazis.

Unknown said...

The camps in world war 2 were divided into to two diffrent camps. First is the larbor camps where Jews were put into hard labor and were allowed very little supplies. The seconed is the deth camps. Here people were killed in brutal ways. The ones safe were Nazi and arien race. The leader was Adolf Hiltler. The final solution was to kill Hitler.We should learn from the Holocaust that people can be very syereotype. Also that You should not judge because of race. The stereotype was that Jews and others were not worthy enough to live.Racism is the dislike of another culture race or religion. The genocide was tolerated because nobody could stop the Nazis. Eventually Americans and European alies deffeated the Germans.

Unknown said...

The camps can be categorize in two ways, death camp and labor camps. At a death camp you would be killed immediately, at a labor camp you worked to death and had medical experiments performe on you. The only safe people in Nazi Germany were people with blonde hair and blue eyes, Aeriens. The final solution was to perform genicide on the Jewish population. The worl should learn from the Holocaust that noboy is actually superior to another based on race, looks, or sexual orientation. Stereotypes are groups decided on by people who don't actually know much about it, but are making assumptions based on their beliefs. Racism is when somebody believes something about somebody because of their race, not because they actually know it. The genicide of the Jews was tolerated because many people agreed with it, and anybody who tried to prevent it or speak out agaisnt it was killed. The Nazis eventually stopped once Hitler killed himself after finding out America was planning on stepping in on things.

ali cumberland said...
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ali cumberland said...

These Nazi camps were categorized in two ways. Work camps are where the more healthy Jews would go, and they were safer, although they could still be killed if they did one thing wrong. The death camps are where all other Jews would be taken on trains. In these camps, there were gas chambers in which the Jews would be killed. Mainly the Aerian race was safe, because they were considered almost perfect. Adolf Hitler was the leader of Germany, and the Holocaust was his idea. His final solution was to kill all of the jewish race. We could learn so many things from this, but I think the main thing was that we shouldn't categorize people by their race, and nobody should be treated like that. A stereotype basically means that I could look at someone, notice their race, and judge them from what I see. Racism is obviously the hatred of anotheer race's ways or people. This genocide was tolerated because everyone looked up to Hitler, and they were convinced that this is what should happen. They were convinced that the Jewish people were the reason for all of the problems in Germany. All of the allied forces eventually stopped the Nazis.

Ali Cumberland (:
first period .

Unknown said...

The two camps can be a concentration camp and a death camp. The Aerians were safe. Hitler (last name?) was the leader. The "unperfect" (non-Aerian) people ended up winning(: We should learn that no one is perfect and people shouldn't be treated differently. Stereotypes are when people judge things by thier "covers". Racism is a stereotype based on race/ethnic groups. Hitler made everyone believe that people who weren't Aerian, were making the world fail. The U.S. ended up helping in the war which led to the Nazi's fall.

Unknown said...

The camps can be categorized by concentration camps and death camps. The aerian race were the safe ones. Adolf Hitler was the leader. People shouldn't have done that and it was terrible. That you shouldn't judge people for there religion. Racism is where you judge someone for what they look like, what color they are, what religion,and so on. The allied forces stopped the nazis.
Caroline Brophy

Unknown said...

The two types of camps were the work and death camps. The Aerian race was safe in Nazi Germany. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The solution of it was to kill the Jewish races. The world should learn that people shouldn't be judged by the way they are or the race that they are. Stereotypes are things that aren't true about someone or something. Racism is when someone judges someone else by their race and do things to them that make them feel bad about their race. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Hitler told the people that doing those kind of things should happen. the United States and the allied forces stopped the Nazi's.

Asian Sensation said...

The camps were categorized work camps and death camps. Only the aerian race was safe in Nazi Germany. The leader was Adolf Hitler. We should learn that everyone is created equal and should be treated equal. Stereotypes are negative generallizations about a person because of their looks. Racism is the descrimination of people because of their race. The attempted genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Adolf Hitler had so much power, he could influence the thoughts of everyone else. There wasn't anyone powerful enough to oppose Hitler. The U.S. army and the rest of the allied forces put an end to the war and the genocide of the Jews.

donovan wilson
5th period

Megan♥ said...

The camps are catergorized by work camps, which worked you to death. The other is death camps, which killed you almost immediately. The Aerian race was safe in Nazi Germany. The leader at this time was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to gas the "worthless" people in gas chambers. We can learn that this isn't the answer to anything. People, despite race or religion, should be trated equally. Stereotypes are basically false generalizations. Thinking that somebody is something because of how they look. Racism is discriminatin against people that are of a different race. The genocide was never exaclty tolerated, noboby was powerful enough to take down Hitler, though. The nazi's were stopped due to allied forces with the U.S.

Megan Branch
5th period(:

Elliot said...

The Nazi camps can be categorized into work camps and death camps. Strong, able-bodied people were sent to work camps to be worked to death, and so-called useless people were sent to death camps to be killed immediately. The Aryan race was safe in Nazi Germany. The leader of the Nazis was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was a genocide of the Jews. From the Holocaust, the world should learn to put aside differences and embrace their fellow man. Stereotypes are treating one type of person better or worse than another because someone from that group of people did something that we assume everyone of that group will do. Racism is the act of treating someone different because of their background or race. The Nazis convinced the people that it was the right thing to do. The U.S. along with some allies stopped the Nazis.

Minabear=] said...

The two categories that the camps could be categorized in were work and death camps. In Nazi Germany the Aryan race was the only one that was safe. The leader was Adolf Hitler, the guy with the funny mustache. The final solution was to send people to death camps. Putthing them into the ghetto wasn't enough, so they just decided to shot them, but that took much amo so this was their final solution. I think we should learn that race and religion doesn't exactly define somebody, and that we should destory shouldn't destroy somebody based on small judgements. Sterotypes are basically a fixed opinion of a group of people. They are usually prejuidce thoughts or opinions. Racism is being prejuidce of a certain skin color and/or race. It was tolerated because Adolf Hitler deceived people into thinking Jews deserved it. Later on, the US and other allies helped to stop the Nazi's.


Unknown said...

The camps were organized by death and labor camps. The Aerian race was was consitered the only race that should be aloud to live. The twisted man who thought of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler. What they thought was the final solution was to kill off everyone but the Aerian race but they started with the jews. That everyone should be able to be whatever race, religion, and beliefs that they want. Racism is when you dont like another person because of their race, belief, or religion. Everyone was so scared of the Nazis that nobody told any goverment of what they were doing to the jews. I think the U.S. of A. had some part in it.

jordan said...

they where called work camps but they where death camps. The nazis and people with blonde hair and blue eyes and the Aerian race was safe. that if people that arent like you arent evil or bad. Stereotypes are when you think that some one is weird, just because that dont look like you and its like how girls if see a new girl and shes wearing a short skirt they think that girl "gets around". racism is when someone thinks that a race are like evil and they dont like the whole race. the U.S. joined along with the allied forces to stop them.


Kimmy Woods said...

Their were two types of camps. You either had to work in the camp or you'd die in the other one. Adolf Hitler was the leader of all this horrible stuff. stereotypes are when people assume something of you because of whats on the outside. The U.S finally put an end to the Nazi's

Kimmy Woods
3/4 period.

Unknown said...

There are two types of camps for the people that the Nazis's made. There are concentration camps where they make them work or store them there. The second type is death camps where they sent train fulls of peopel to them to just be killed right on the spot. The only people that were safe were people that had blonde hair and blue eyes I think. The leader of the Holocaust and the Nazi's was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was getting a bunch of other nations to send in soldiers and kill all of the Germans or Nazi's that they could find on the way in. They would release the few surviving prisoners from the camps. Eventually Hitler killed himself to avoid being killed by the invading nations. We should learn that killing people isn't right, even if you hate them or don't think that they deserve to live. You also shouldn't ostracize or hurt people just because you are a racist and you hate "their" kind of people. A stereotype is saying sommething about a group of people that might not be true. One example of a stereotype is "All blonde people are stupid." This is not true and even if some of them are, other people with different colored hair are stupid too, maybe even stupider. The color of your hair or whatever religion you are doesn't mean that you will be stupid or worthless or anything else. Racism is when you hate a certain group of people. Like you hear about a bunch of racists during the segregation era in the united states. That was when a bunch of white people hated the people that were colored and they wouldn't let them go to the same schools or use the same water fountains. Hitler was a racist mostly against the Jews but he was also a racist against any other person who he didn't consider "worthy." The genocide of the Jewish people was tolerated because Hitler convinced evreyone that it was right to kill them and that they shouldn't live. He told them all that they would challenge his authority if they were allowed to live. The people that stopped the Nazi's were the Allied Nations including the United States and some other countries that killed all of The Naz's that they could find. I thnk that the Holoocaust was horrible. It shouldn't have happened beacuse so many of these good people didn't even get to have a life. They killed almost all of the Jews in the surrounding countries.

Marissa Cox
5th period

Bogo said...

The camps can be categorized as work camps and death camps. The Aerian was safe in the Nazi Germany. Hitler was the leader of the holocaust. Like whe they say only certain people can do things and other can't. Racism is when you donlt like a certian persons racist. The genoocide was tolerateds by the Hitler. The U.S. was the ones thaat eventully stopped the Nazi's.

Ryan Bogo
6&7 period

Unknown said...

The camps can be categorized into death and work camps. The death camps were camps where people were sent to be killed in large numbers through gassing or other means. The work camps are where people were treated to hard labor and very little food. People who were Arian were safe from the Nazis. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution called for the genocide or the execution of the Jews and other races. The world should learn that there is no supreme race everybody is equal no matter what race or religion you are. A stereotype is a generalization about a group that is often untrue or offensive. Racism is the belief that one race is better than another race and has the right to rule over them. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because of fear. The fear was of joining the Jews in the gas chambers or labor camps if they said anything. American, British, and Soviet troops helped liberate the Jews from the Nazis.

Jared Bartrug
5th period

kelsey said...

they were catorgorized by labor camps and death camps.the arian race was the safe ones.the leader was adolf hitler.that racism isnt the way to go and thast all human beings should be treated as equals.when people judge you by ur appearance.racism is when u hate a certain religain or race for no good reason.because hitler got in everyones head sayin it was the right thing to do.the allied forces finally showed in 1945 and freed everyone.

Unknown said...

The camps were disgusting and repulsive. They were terrible and took the hope from poeple. They were the reason some people gave up hope. Arians were safe and all the nazi's.The leader was hitler. He was a manipulative and nasty bein. The allies saved and helped the jews. The world should know that there is no reason to hurt people for how they look or religion.

Unknown said...

They categorized by those that can do work and those that cant. the aries race and other nazis. Hitler was the leader. that we should not be racist. people that are prejudice. treated a race of people badly. no one stopped the nazis because they were scared. the russians, americans, etc.

Neil Scherich 3-4

tori said...

There were only two types of camps work and death. The only people safe in the Nazi Germany was the Aerian race.The leader of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler.He may not have been right but we know that from what he did not to make it happen again.He was against the jews. Stereotypes are when people judge things by thier "covers". Racism is a stereotype based on race/ethnic groups. We know now what happened and we will hope it doesnt happen again.

Tori Harper

Unknown said...

They are categorized by labor camp or death camp. The Aerian race was safe in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler lead the Nazis. The final soloution was Hitler's idea to kill all of the Jews. We should accept people for who they are and live life without hate. Stereotyping is prejeduce against certain people from a place or a race. Racism is automatically thinking something about a race before you get to know them. Hitler convinced everyone that the Jews were making Germany and other countries fall. Eventually the Allied Forces came in and wiped out most of the Nazis.

Zack Linger
5th Period

Unknown said...

The camps were categorized as work camps and death camps.In Nazi Germany the Aerian race was safe, it was considered perfect.The leader of this terrible event was Adolf Hitler. the final solution was to kill all the Jews and other uncommon religions or people. This is called genocide. We should learn that diversity is good. People who are different from us should not be treated differently. A stereotype is when people just assume that you act a certain way, and how you look. racism is when people are treated differently because of race or religion. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated, because people were scared to say anything!The Americans finally stepped in with other allied forces.

Maddison Bowen
5th period

Unknown said...

They were catagorized into two different camps. The first was death and the second was labor camps. The only ones safe in Germany during the Holocaust were the Aerians. Adolf Hitler was the leader. The final solution was for Hitler to be killed. Stereotypes are when people are judged by their race. Racism is when someone is unliked because of their nationality. Hitler told everyone it was good and right to tolerate the Jews. The Allies stopped the Nazis.
Lauren Hesse
5th period

ROZIER;) said...

There were two types of camps - labor camps and death camps. The Jews were divided up according to age, gender and physical stamina and either murdered in the death camps or tortured in the labor camps. The Aryan race was safe in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazis. The world should learn to treat everyone fairly, regardless of race or religion. Stereotypes are a standard concept or image of what a group is thought to be like - Hitler thought the perfect race included blond hair and blue eyes. Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race - Hitler hated the Jews. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because people were afraid to stand up to Hitler and he had them convinced that what he was doing was right. The Nazis were eventually stopped by the Allied Forces.

Brent said...

There is two ways that the camps were categorized. One is the larbor camps and the other is death camps. The difference between the two is the larbor camps are made for people to to work with little stuff. The other death camps are were people are killed as soon as they get there. The aerian race was the only people safe in Nazi Germany. The leader of this mess was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was a genocide of the Jews. We should learn from the Holocaust that people should all be treated equally no matter what people look like or believe etc. Stereotype is when you look at someone and think that they are something with out even knowing anything about the person. Racism is someone that hates someone else because of their race. The genocide was tolerated because everyone was scared of Hitler. The U.S. joined the war and soon ended it.

Brent Pacoe
6th and 7th period

Brent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

They had death camps and work camps. The Aerian race was safe.The leader of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler.The final solution was if Hitler didn't approve of your beliefs you were killed.The lessons from the Holocaust are tolerance and vigilence. Stereotypes are when an opinion is formed about an entire group based on an occuence or person. Racism is disliking a person based on religion, color, or ethnicity. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because people didn't want to deal with it and they were afraid if they did they would be persecued also. It was the allies that eventually aided in the cesation of the Nazi activity.

Kaitlyn Westfall
5th period

*NORM* (-: said...

The nazis atacked and seized everybody and forced them in their camps to die that they built. the aerian race was safe. the leader was adolf hitler. the fanal thinng that what the did was not right and we should never take people for granted or treat them differently because of there religion or color. racism is when people dont like who other people are because because of their race. eventually the U.S stopped the nazis.

Unknown said...

A stereotype is when people assume something of you because of whats on the outside. There where 2 camps. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the holocaust. He was crazy he went off of stereotyoes most of the time and just killed so many people. He didn't care who you where if you didn't have blue eyes blond hair you where dead. He basically ran cleaned out the whole Jews population. He killed all the Jews or sent them to them Camps. The 1st camp was a working camp where they had to wear PJ's and all them had to have their head shaved. The 2nd camp was a death camp so if you where going there they basically knew you where dieing. ILOVEYOU MISS CONSTABLE =}

melia (: said...

They were by work camps and death camps. People who had blue eyes and blond hair. If you were a jew you were deff. not safe. The leader was Hitler. The final solution was to send them to gas chabers and kill them all! The holocaust was a very scary and awful time. Stereotypes are they way you look at people. for example, if i dint like someone because where they go to church. The army eventually stopped it all.

melia dewitt.
6 & 7 period ♥

i love youu !!

Unknown said...

The Nazis was safe in Germany. The leader was Adolf Hitler. His idea was to kill the all Jews.Stereotypes are basically false generalizations. Thinking that somebody is something because of how they look. Hitler convinced everyone that the Jews were making Germany and other countries fall.

"Lance the Man"


Unknown said...

In this video its very interesting because there were things that has amazed me.This video was very similar to the Ashwitz but the things that were diferent to it were, the way that they had treated people.there were people that were being raicest they didn't treat people the way that they wanted to be treated because they didn't think that way. And they just didn't care.

Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period

Unknown said...

The camps where concentration camps and death camps. In Nazi germany no one but the aerians where safe. The leader of the nazi regime was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to kill everyone Hitler didn't like. Everyone should learn that every race should be treated equally. Stereotypes are when you judge someone by other people like them. The geocide was tolerated because everyone beleived Hitler.Eventually the allied forces invaded Europe and put a stop to the Nazi reign.

Unknown said...

The camps can be placed into one of two categories. Work camps and death camps. The people who were safe were everyone who was German. Prety much everyone with blonde hair, and light eyes. If you didn't have those traits, you were sent to one of those camps. Adolph Hitler was the leader of the Nazis. The final solution Hitler killing off every dark haired "Jew". If there was one thing that we should of learned from the Holocaust, it was that we should not be racist and prejudiced against others. Racism is the outlook of others in a negative way just because of the color of thier skin or their nationality. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Hitler convinced everyone that it was right. The U.S. joined the war and along with the other allied forces to stop the Nazis.

-Andy Shaw (:
i love ms. c ♥♥

daniel said...

The two types of camps are work and death camps. The only people that were safe were the Nazi and. The aerion race. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi armys. The final solution was a total genicide of Jews,blacks,gays, and anyone against the Hitler. The world shouIld learn that racism is wrong and don't judge people by there religion. Sterereotypes are people who judge other people by the color of there skin or by what they look like or race. Racism is dislikeing someone because of the color of there skin. Genicide was tolerated because everyone was scared of the Nazis. The americans stoped the Nazis. Starting with Dday. :)

daniel said...

The two types of camps are work and death camps. The only people that were safe were the Nazi and. The aerion race. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi armys. The final solution was a total genicide of Jews,blacks,gays, and anyone against the Hitler. The world shouIld learn that racism is wrong and don't judge people by there religion. Sterereotypes are people who judge other people by the color of there skin or by what they look like or race. Racism is dislikeing someone because of the color of there skin. Genicide was tolerated because everyone was scared of the Nazis. The americans stoped the Nazis. Starting with Dday. :)

BoSs! ;) said...

The camps can be categorized by work and death camps. Tn the Nazi Germany the Aerian race was safe. Adolf Hitler was the leader. The world should learn that from the Holocaust that it is wrong what the Nazi's did and that it was a horrible expierence. Stereotypes are what someone thinks that you are a certain way and you aren't. Racism is when someone of a different religion or color of skin hates another religion or color of person. The genocide assoiciates with the holocaust because Adolf Hitler made everyone think that what he was doing was right. The Americans, Polish, Britsh and other allies finally stopped the Nazi's after 2 years.

Unknown said...

The Nazi regime set up two kinds of camps. There were labor camps and death camps. The Jewish people were divided by age, gender, and physical fitness to decide which camp they would be put in. If you were able to work, you would go to the labor camp. If you were too young, old, weak, or sick, you were sent to the death camps. The only people who were safe were the Aryan race. These were the Europeans that believed they were the superior race. Adolf Hitler was the leader that set into place a New Order to take over Germany and get rid of anyone not like the Aryan or European people. The New Order sectioned off areas called the Ghetto, where the Jews lived or were moved to. These areas were fenced off and the people were imprisoned there in bad conditions and the German soldiers would come and shoot the people. When the Nazi leaders found this didn’t work well because it was inefficient, they put the Final Order into place and moved all the Jews to the new labor or death camps for killing. We should learn from this terrible government rule that there really isn’t a superior race. People don’t deserve to be punished or killed just because they are not like you. Millions of innocent people were killed because they weren’t like the other people. They were just trying to live their everyday lives. Stereotypes are generalizations about people or groups of people. It is like when you see someone or hear something they say and assume you know everything about them based on someone or something you’ve seen or heard that is similar. You really only know what they look like or say, and assume you know everything else about them. Racism is sort of like stereotyping someone, but is based on race or physical and genetic makeup. Racism is filled with hate and discrimination. Sometimes it leads to violence against that person. Racist think their race or people are superior. The genocide or crimes against the Jewish peoples was tolerated because Hitler and the Nazis made people believe that the Aryans were superior and the Jews were hurting their society. I’m sure many were afraid, even if they did not believe, that if they didn’t go along with the practice they would be killed, too. Several European countries that Hitler tried to take over and the United States fought to stop Hitler and the Germans. Eventually, Hitler killed himself.

Maddie Stevenski

Vincent said...

There where two camps during the war. They were categorized as work camps and death camps. Anybody in europe who wasn't jewish was basicly safe during the war. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi. A stereotype is someone who assumes something about a person because of their race. The Americans, English, French, and Solviet Union stoped the Nazi.

R. Martin =o) said...

The camps can be categorized in two different ways: work camps and death camps. If you were strong and/or not too much of a minority, you would be sent to a work camp. At a work camp, you would work to death or be used in scientific experiments. However, if you were weak, you would be sent to a death camp where you'd instantly be killed. The safe people were the Aerions. They were the ones with blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader of the Nazis was Adolf Hitler(whom I extremely dislike). A.K.A. The Dude with the Funny Mustache. A stereotype is a perspective of a group. For example, an Irish stereotype would be a short, freckle-faced redhead who is constantly drinking. Racism is a dislike of a nationality. One of the most racist times was when blacks and whites were educated in very different facilities. The genocide was tolerated due to Hiler being feared and convincing the German population that it was the right thing to do.(What morons!)The great U.S.A. along with allied troops finally stopped the Nazis. God bless America!

~~~~~~fifth period~~~~~~

R. Martin =o) said...

Oh and the final solution was killing all of the Jewish!

Unknown said...

The camps created by the Nazi regime were classified as labor camps and death camps. The only people safe in Nazi Germany were the Aryans. The leader was a man named Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to blame the Jews for all of Germany's problems, and kill them all. The world should learn not to be prejudiced and not hold anything against people unless they've intentionally done something to offend you personally. Stereotypes are preconceived notions about certain groups of people, such as all of this generations kids are gun-carrying, saggy pants-wearing hoodlums who listen to rap music and like to fight. Racism and stereotypes go hand-in-hand. Racism is when you favor or dislike a certain group of people because of their cultural beliefs, religion, or the color of their skin. The genocide was tolerated because Adolf Hitler was a smooth talker. He knew EXACTLY what to say to get the people of Germany to believe the Jews were guilty. Eventually, we had had enough of the Nazis slaughtering Jews, so we joined the wars, and, with the Allied Nations, massacred the Nazis.

erika said...

The camps are categorized by death or labor camps. The ones who were safe were the Aerians from the Nazi Germany. Their leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was killing every single jew. The world should learn to never forget this incident so it will never happen again. A stereotype is like judging people without proof. Racism is you being against them because you don't like something about them. The genocide of the Jews were not tolerated because they were all killed. The U.S. and some of the other allies helped stopped Adolf Hitler.

Erika Edwards
5th period

Unknown said...

The two types of camps were work and death camps. The only ones who were safe with the Nazis were blondes and blue eyes. The leader of this was Hitler. The world should lears that all people are the same, no matter what race, gender, ect. A stereotype is when you think of someone to be something, for an example, Football players. You would think of them too be jerks and the rulers of the school. Racism is when you don't think a certain race. The U.S. eventually joined and went and stopped the Nazis.

Unknown said...

They can be categorized as the labor camps, death camps, and as the camps you stay at til you know if you are going to a death or labor camp. Only blond hair blue eyed Germans were safe. The leader of the Nazis was Adolf Hitler, a horrific man with a twisted dream. The final solution was the complete annihilation of all Jewish people. Stereotypes are when you look at someone and, because of how they look or who they're related to or another of their characteristics, you decide what you think of them without getting to know them well. A stereotype is a prejudice. Racism is when you make fun of someone because of their race and/or culture. It was tolerated because many people were too scared for their lives and their family's lives to do anything. The U.S. and England and Russia were the ones who eventually stopped the Nazis.

emily said...

There were two types of camps, death camps and work camps. Adolf Hitler was the control leader, he tried two make everyone believe that if you were not Aerian you were making the world fail.So of course if you were not Aerian you were not safe.The only people in nazi germany that were safe were the people with blond hair and blue eyes. A stereotype pretty much means that you judge someone by the way that they look. By May 1945, 6 million jews were killed.Over 1 million were children.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The camps were catagorized as death or work camps.The aerian race was the only race safe. The leader was Adof Hitler. Allies came and raided all the camps and freed everyone. The world should learn not to discriminate.Stereotypes are like judging a book by its cover like saying all Jews are dumb but thats not true.racisim is judging a person because of thier race. Peole were afriad of Hitler. The allies eventually raided and stoped the Nazis.
Sterling fitz
first period.

Unknown said...

The camps were categorized as work camps and death camps. The Aerian race was safe in Nazi Germany. The leader of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler. The world should learn not to do that horrible stuff to people. Stereotypes are when people assume something because of what someone does or looks like. Racisim is when people are treated differently because of race. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Hitler made people believe Jews were bad. The U.S. and allied forces stopped the Nazi's.

Unknown said...

There are two main types of camps. Death camps and work camps. The only group that was safe was the Aerian race. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The world should have learned not to discriminate against race or religion. Stereotypes is when people believe that people from a certain race acts a certain way. Racism is when a person doesn't like another because of race or religion. Adolf Hitler made everyone believe the Jewish where making Germany fall. The U.S. at some point stop the Nazi's.

Stevie Thibodeaux♥
♥3rd & 4th♥

Unknown said...

The camps were divided into death camps and labor camps. The only people safe were the Aerian race. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party. The final solution for the Nazi party was the extinction of the Jewish race. The world should learn from the Holocaust to not judge according to race, religion, and life style. Stereotypes are exaggerations and beliefs used to classify individuals and groups. Racism is the belief that different characteristics and abilities are determined by the race of the person. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Hitler was so powerful and the Jews believed that they couldn't win over him. The armed forces of the United States, Britain and Soviet declared war against Nazi Germany and succeeded in the overthrow of the Nazi party.
Gabriella Pearse
6/7th. (:

Anonymous said...

The camps can be categorize in two ways, death camp and labor camps. At a death camp you would be killed immediately, at a labor camp you worked to death. The Aryan race was the perfect race. The allied nations of England,Francep;Russia,and many other nations stoped the holocaust.

Soph ♥ said...

The Nazi created camps can be categorized by working camps, and death camps. In Nazi Germany, only the Aerians were safe. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazis. The things we can learn from this are, that he way he treated all of those people wasn't right and we shouldn't judge. Stereotypes are when people judge someone or something when in reality they have no idea how that something really is or acts. Racism is when people are discriminated because of their skin tone. It was tolerated because Hitler convinced everyone that it was the right thing to do. After a while the United States joined the war and them along with other allies stopped the Nazis.

sophia libonati

Delaney said...

The camps would be categorized as death camps and work camps. The only people safe in Nazi Germany were the Aerians.The leader of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler. The world should learn that all people are equal even if we look different. Stereotypes are what people judge you as. Like blondes are stupid. Alot of blonde people are smart. Racism is when people think their race is better than another person's race, when really it is not. Genocide was tolerated because Hitler convinced everybody that is was all right, when really it wasn't. Eventually the U.S.A. stopped the Nazis and saved the Jews.

crystal r. said...

They can be categorized by death camps and work camps. The Aerian race was concidered perfect to the Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler, was the leader of the Holocaust. We sould learn that just because someone isnt the way you want them to be, doesnt mean you should kill them. People have their own rights, beilefs and customs. Not everyone should be the same. A stereotype is when a person can assume that they are a certain because of how they look or something they do. For example, when you see a blonde, people think they are stupid. Racism is when you discriminate against someone else's race. The genocide was tolerated because Hitler told them that it was the right thing to do. The U.S military joined in and helped stop the mess. Myself, personally, I think they were late and there was no reason for that. If it were me, I would've walked in and stopped the whole thing right when it started.

Crystal Rowe
6 and 7

Rachel said...

In the two camps you could either try to work if you where in good enough shape or it was imediate death. The only people that where really safe where blonde with blue eyes. The leader of the holocaust was Adolf Hitler. The world should learn that its wrong to treat people a certain way because of their race or denomination. Stereotype is when you judge someone by the way they dress or what they look like or what they believe. Racism is when you judge someone by their color. I think we tolerated the genocide for so long because we where scared and didnt quit know how to stop hitler. The U.S eventually came and ended it.

Unknown said...

Their were two types of camps. You either had to work in the camp or you would die in the other one. Adolf Hitler was the leader of all this horrible stuff. stereotypes are when people think something of you because of how you look or how you act. The United States finally put an end to the Nazis.

Sydney Woody
1st period (:

Unknown said...

Their were 2 camps work and death camps. The Aerian Race was cosidered perfect so they were safe. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi. WE should learn not to judge people and that no matter what race or religion they are they are still poeple and shouldnt be treated like that. Stereotypes are when people judge someone before they get to know anything about them. When people are liked or disliked because of their race. Hitler was a great convincer he convinced everyone that the jews deserved what happened to them and thats why it was tolerated. The United States and their allyes stoped teh Nazi's.

Anonymous said...

The camps can be categorized as working camps, or death camps. They both were terrible. In Nazi Germany, only certain folks were safe. The leader if the nazi army was Adolf Hitler. The world should gave learned that racism is not fair, and a very crucial thing. Stereotypes are like something yu expect from someone cause thats what there ade for. For example a blonde stereotype is blondes are dumb. Racism is when someone is treated differently because there race, or skin color. The genocide was because Hitler convinced them that it was all right what they were doing. The U.S. Stopped the nazis in a war.


Unknown said...

The camps are catergorized by work camps, which worked you to death. The other is death camps, which killed you almost immediately. The Aerian race was safe in Nazi Germany. The leader at this time was Adolf Hitler.Stereotypes are negative generallizations about a person because of their looks. Racism is the descrimination of people because of their race.The genoocide was tolerateds by the Hitler. The U.S. was the ones that eventully stopped the Nazi's.

♫JoVaun Howard♫

Unknown said...

The camps were categorized as work camps and death camps. The Aerian race was safe. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the holocaust. Like whe they say only certain people can do things and other can't. Racism is when you donlt like a certian persons racist. The genoocide was tolerateds by the Hitler. The U.S. was the ones thaat eventully stopped the Nazi's.

Unknown said...

The camps were categorized as death camps, and work camps. The aerian race was safe. Adolf Hitler was the leader. The world should learn that what hitler did was not right. Stereotypes are individuals. Racism is members of one race are intrinsically superior to the other race. Hitler made everyone think that what they were doing was the right thing to do. The U.S. and the allied forces eventually came together and stopped the Nazi's.

renee matura
5th period.

Unknown said...

There are 2 types of Nazi camps. The 1st type was a work camp.The
2nd camp was a death camp. The only people safe from the Nazis were the Aerians. The leader was Hitler. The final solution was Hitler's name for killing of Jews. The world should learn that you should never be racist to people.The killings were tolerated because Hitler convinced everyone that it was right. The U.S. joined the war and stopped to Nazis.

~*Cortney Dawn*~ said...

The Nazi created camps could be categorized from work camps and death camps. They could also be categorized from age and names.
The only human race that was safe in Nazi Germany was the Aerian race. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to take all the jews and put them all in the gasing chamber and gas them to their death. The world should learn from the holocaust that what he did wasn't right and that that's not the way to treat people. Stereotypes are when people assume that just because a person looks a certain way, that they do something because of that. One stereotype is that cheerleaders are dumb and mean. Racism is when people are discriminated against or favorited because of their race. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Hitler convinced everyone that it was right. the U.S. joined the war along with the allied forces to stop the Nazi's.

Unknown said...

There were work camps and death camps. The only safe people were everyone except jews. The leader of the holocoust was Adolf Hitler. He killed millions of jews. Just because people have different religions does not mean you have to treat them differently. Stereoypes is when you think something about somebody when you dont know that much about them. Racism is when you dont like a certain kind of people. The russians eventually stopped the war and Hitler eventually killed himself.

symone1 said...

The camps were categorized work camps and death camps . Only the aerian race was safe in Nazi Germany . The leader was Adolf Hitler . Adolf Hitler was very crew man , and i think he deseveres what he finally got . Dealth . We should have learned that everyone should be treated equally , because we are are the same . Stereotypes - are treating one type of person better or worse than another because someone from that group of people did something that we assume everyone of that group will do . Racism - is the act of treating someone different because of their background or race . Eventually, the U.S. joined the war and along with the allied forces, stopped to Nazi's after a long period of time . Better late than never .

- Symone Stewart .
1st period .