Monday, December 28, 2009


Have you or anyone you know been bullied on line or by text? How is this accomplished? What kinds of students participate in this kind of action? Do you have proof of who sent the offending material? What can be done to stop this kind of bullying?
How can you support those who are the victims?


CH0C0L4t3:) said...

I can't think of any this second, but i'm sure it happened. It's accomplished by ant technology device, and a hateful mind. Usually the ones who think theyre better then the rest. The unheard geeky kid usually do not participate in this kind of behavior. Probably not. Unlike most people I like to forget about the past so I just delete my log. Things like this usually dont happen nor hurt me. I guess just save everything and tell a trusted adult. Maybe leek some helpful psa videos to prevent cyberbullying. Talk to them tell them that its not true. Everyone deserves to be here today.

Mariah Allen
5th perioddd

Minabear=] said...

Yes I've heard some interesting stories. I think people just use technology when they are too afraid to do something in person. People with hateful minds and maybe bad tempers participate in this kind of action. No I have no proof of offending messages if somebody sends something mean to me I usually get over it and delete it. Maybe to prevent this parents should monitor their childrens technolgy use. talking always helps so just let victims know you're here to talk whenever they need youa and maybe even recommend they see a teacher or counselor.


Unknown said...

I have not been bullied online or on a text, but I have been constantly bullied by other people at school. I have heard of people at school that have been bullied on myspace or facebook. Also, they hear about chatrooms that people have been in where they talk horribly about them. People tell other people rumors or bad things about someone or a group of people. People that do this are people that want to make themselves feel better by making other people feel bad. I know about someone that has been bullied and I know who did it but I shouldn't really write that on herre. Plus it was last year so it is already taken care of. People can help to stop this by telling someone or reporting anonymous comments about someone and what they are doing so that they will get in trouble and they should make them apologize to everyone they were mean to. You can tell the bullies to stop pickng on someone or help them out if they get embarrassed. Also you can go with them to report the bully to someone. I never report when I am being bullied though because they will try to kill me or something if they get in troulbe.

Marissa Cox
5th period

Unknown said...

OF COURSE! It's everywhere, so SOMEONE has to be victim. It's not me, but I've heard of kids being bullied on myspace, facebook, twitter, and chatrooms. It's done using modern technology that is able to communicate. Students who do it are the same as students who bully in person, they're insecure, they have to put people down instead of bringing themselves up, and they can get away with it. I personally don't have proof, but it's easy to get proof. Print things, save things, or just take pictures. The only thing that can prevent it is by catching the people doing it, and stop them. All you have to do is report the bullying with them, and reassure them that they're not stupid or fake.

Unknown said...

People are bullied online and over text all the time and I've seen it from both ends. It's not very hard to cyber bully people and it's sometimes even done accidentally because it's a lot easier to take someone too seriously when you can't hear their voice. It's not always the people you'd suspect either. Sometimes people who aren't bullies in real life become bullies over text and im. The best way to stop this kind of bullying is just like any other kind, stand up for yourself. If you show the bullies that you aren't weak, they won't bully you anymore. The best way to help the victims is to show them that you're there for them and to tell an adult if you know it's going on.
Michaela Cloutier
1st period

Unknown said...

Yes, i've been bullied and i know someone who has. It is accomplished by telling your parents or an adult close by that you know will help. Student that participate in this are ones who dont have friends and that think their better than everyone else. Yes, you can have proof by saving the threats or the bullying. Block the user or just ignore them. Tell them whats true and just talk to them about it.


Soph ♥ said...

Yes I know a few people who have been cyberbullied and i also have been bullied. It is accomplished by someone using some sort of technology and bullying another. I think kids who don't have enough self-esteem themselves so they have to put others down. It can be prevented by maybe showing what can happen if you cyberbully. You can support them by trying to comfort them or by going and getting a trusted adult.


Anonymous said...

Yes. Easy acces to computers and various things of that nature. I think this is sad but most all students participate in this atleast once. I have at times. Parents should take more control of kids. you can be there friend and not put them down like everyone else is doing.


BoSs! ;) said...

I can't think of anytime that it happened at the moment so probably not. This occurs when you are not right and have technology. I think the students that participate in this are people who think they are all that. I think to stop this bullying parents should check their son or daughter's technology devices more often. To support those who are getting cyberbullied should go tell an adult or confront the person and try to talk it out.

Johnny Kesling

Megan♥ said...

No one I know as ever been cyberbullied, as far as I know. it's accomplished easily because the kids getting picked on are too shy to tell anyone about their problem and they don't wnat to be bullied anymore so they continue to reply to avoid anymore embarassment. I think maybe people who think they're better than everyone or even the ones that are just having problems of their own. I don't really save any txts or emails, it bugs me if I have too many. If the nicer people int eh world would just got out of their way to talk to these people getting bullied and become friends they'd have higher self-esteem adn maybe stand up for themselves.

Megan Branch
5th period(:

Unknown said...

not that I know of. You can intimitate someone by insulting them online and threatening them perhaps by text message. People participate in this because they fell insecure and have to put others down to make themselves fell good. I think that sites need to be more restricting in some areas to prevent this from happening. you can help them by complimenting them sincerely and just believing them if they tell whats happening to them.

erika said...

No, I have never been cyberbullied. It is acomplished by anyway of electric communication when someone tries to hurt someone else using social sites and email. People who particates are bad and wrong. Yeah, because you couldn't read it if you did recieve the message.To stop this people need to stop talking to strangers and don't start gossip or rumors. The victims that are hurt by cyberbullying should be supported by others.

Erika Edwards
5th period

Rachel said...

I dont know of anyone who has been bullied online or by txt. The people that bully are usually people that have to be mean to otheres to make themselves feel good. We need to be mre careful about what we say or post online. Everyone can read it and thats usually how fights start.

Unknown said...

I do not think I know anyone who has been bullied online or by text actually. It is accomplished through technology. I believe the students that participate in cyber bullying have low self-esteem and they must bring others down to build themselves up. You would have proof of they cyber bullying if you keep the records, messages , and emails and ect. I believe that this kind of bullying can't be stopped. Bullying in general can't be stopped. Not at school and not through the internet. You could talk to the victim to try and stop the issue.

Gabriella Pearse.(:

Unknown said...

yess, I know someone who has been bullied on the internet! It is accomplished by using technology and being afraid to walk up to someone and say it too there face. Students who think that they are better then everyone and that dont feel good about themself so they have to make others feel worse. It has never happened to me but the friend it did happen to does not. Making more programs that incourge teens to have self confidence!

edenn laurel<33

Vincent said...

I don't think I have ever been cyberbullied before but I do know some people who have been. It is accomplished by technology devices and a person who has been hurt and want to get back at someone. Usally the kids that get bullied are the kids who have hurt the person who is doing the bullying or just getting bullied for fun. Cyberbulling could be stoped by not using the tecnology, block the person, or just ignore them.

jordan said...

Yes i know someone who has been a victom of cyberbulling.Peoplr that dont have respect for themselfs and think they are better than everyone else. no i dont have proof. you could tell a parent or teacher about can help the people who are getting cyberbulled.

Unknown said...

Yes I know someone that has been a victom of bullying. I think that people that bully are people that don't care about there self and are jealous of the person they are bullying. Kids that bully are really just big punks that would be scared if someone bigger then them would try to beat them up. I think teachers should pay more attention to te hallways and see what is happening in there school to stop bullying

Anonymous said...

Yess, people get bullied everyday, on the computer, or even in life. People bully others because others are less fortunate, or arent as "cool" as others. Usaully kids that participate in this act are the kids, that make bad grades, and get held back. Sometimes people just tell you things to make you mad, but then again you could see them say something about you, or bully yu in life. Just go on with your bussiness, and when someone says something juss go along with it, it will make them feel dmb for not makeing yu sad, or mad.

*NORM* (-: said...

Uhm yes i do know someone who has been bullied online or text. The students that participate in this are punks and try hards. No i have no proof of people doing that.The teachers need to be more invloved and put a stop to this. We can tell a teacher and get the kids who are doing 5this and them turn thm in.

Unknown said...

None that I can think of right now. Its done by cell phones , computers, etc. The ones that don't have anything better to do i guess. Sometimes, depending on how its sent. Monitor the device it is done on. Tell them to just ignore it.

Neil Scherich 3-4

Unknown said...

People are bullied online and over text all the time and I've seen it from both ends. To support those who are getting cyberbullied should go tell an adult or confront the person and try to talk it out.

Bogo said...
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Bogo said...

No i dont think thats ever happend to me but one of my good friends was getting blackmalied. It's accomplished by ant technology device, and a hateful mind. Like bullies or ones who think there better then everyone else. If i would ever happen to me I would just forget about it. Maybe to prevent this parents should monitor their childrens technolgy use. Just tell an adult and they should do something about.

Ryan Bogo (;
6&7 period

Unknown said...

I can't think of any this second, but i'm sure it happened.People with hateful minds and maybe bad tempers participate in this kind of action. No I have no proof of offending messages if somebody sends something mean to me I usually get over it and delete it. Maybe to prevent this parents should monitor their childrens technolgy use.To support those who are getting cyberbullied should go tell an adult or confront the person and try to talk it out.

♫Jovaun Howard♫

Unknown said...

Yes i have been but it been nothing mayjor. Yes i know kidswho have said he or she said that on facebook or myspace or something. The kind of kids that cyber bully are people who think they are better then others and people with low self asteam so they pick on others to make themself feel better. I bet there is proof of bullying out there but the victimis won't turn them in because they are afraid if they tell they will get bullied even more. To stop bullying adults can be more visual and monoter what happens online. You can suppor the victims by being there friend and making them feel good about themselves

Unknown said...

Yes I know a few people who have been cyberbullied and I also have been bullied. It is accomplished by someone using some sort of technology and bullying another. I think kids who don't have enough self-esteem themselves so they have to put others down. It can be prevented by maybe showing what can happen if you cyberbully. You can support them by trying to comfort them or by going and getting a trusted adult.
allie wilson

R. Martin =o) said...

To my knowledge, I can't remember anyone I know ever being bullied through technology. However, I am almost certain that it has happened. You see, on some occasions, some texts are intended to be offensive but the one who is recieving the message doesn't find it offensive. Effective cyber buullying is accomplished by targeting on a loner or someone with low self-esteem. Those are the ones who are most easily affected by it. The people who participate is this activity are the ones who are too shallow to say what they want to say to the victim's face. These people are also those who really need to get a life. You can't always be positive who the person who sent the offensive material since text messages can be forwarded. Maybe someone thought that something someone else sent to them was a good insult so they sent it to someone else that was weaker than the reciever of the original message. To prevent cyber bullying, you can block the people who are bullying you. Schools should also attempt to provide education on the issue. But most of the time, education of this manner doesn't help much at all. To support a victim, there are several things you can do. The best way is to comfort them and inform a trusted adult about their concerns. Also, if you have a lot of moxie, you can try to talk to the bully yourself and find out what the deal with them is. That wraps up my blog on cyber bullying!

Rachel Martin

5th Period

Unknown said...

I do not know anyone who has been cyber bullied at our school. It is accomplished by insulting people through technology. Mean students participate in this kind of action to try to upset people. People
usually don't have proof unless you spend a lot of time to find out. People can block/ignore people. Students can talk to an adult, tell them things to make them feel better, and tell them to ignore those people.

ROZIER;) said...

I don't believe I know anyone who has been cyberbullied on line or by text. This is accomplished by text, email, chatrooms, ect. You also need a hateful person for this to be accomplished. I believe the people that cyberbully are the people who need attention. Cyberbulling wouldn't bother me because I just let it go right through me. People could moniter open chat rooms to stop cyberbullying. Tell them it is not true and tell the bullier to stop.

Ryan Rosier
Pd. 6 & 7

Unknown said...

If it has happened to anyone I know I don't remember and most likely I wouldn't forget so I am going to say no. It is accomplished by someone picking somebody weak to pick on through technology. Students that participate in cyberbullying are people who are jelous or have nothing better to do. Also people who think they are better than everyone else on earth. I'm not sure anything can be done to stop this and the only thing I can think of that might work is telling someone that you know could and would help you. I could support them by telling them positive FACTS about them to overpower the negative things they have been told about themselves.

Lauren Hesse

Unknown said...

Yes I do know people who have been bullied online or in texts. This is accomplished by people who proable are jeslous, or just want other people to feel bad and don't want to say it to there faces. So instead of saying it to there faces they say it online because they "think" there is no proof of them doing it, or they "think" they won't get in as much trouble. The students that do this probably have nothing better to do and are trying to make themselves feel better by putting other people down. I personally don't have proof, but if I printed some stuff that peopl have said then I would. Teachers and parents could help by stopping the bullying as soon as they know it is going on. You can help the victims by just being there for them and letting them know that your always there when they are getting upset.

maddie stevenski :)

ali cumberland said...

I know plenty of people who have been bullied through text, calls, and social networking sites. This problem is accomplished by any of today's technologies. I know many people who participate in this action. They are usually somebody who thinks they are better than everyone else, or just do that because they think it's funny. I usually have proof of who sent the material, but i've never showed it to anybody. You should always tell a trusted adult, like a parent, teacher, or counselor. I always try to support victims by standing up for them and comforting them when this happens.

ali cumberland .
1st periodd .

Brent said...
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Unknown said...

no, I myself nor do I know anyone who has been bullied on-line or by texting.I believe that this is accomplished by just cellphone or computer and an unhappy person. the students who think that they are better than everyone else are the cyberbullies. No I do not have the offending log. I think that more people should step in and say "hey stop that". People do not understand that the same exact thing that they are doing could be done to them, because of their actions. I try to be friends with or talk to everyone who is being bullied.

Unknown said...

No i do not know anyone who has ben bullied on line or by text. Its accomplished by the use of technology. Students that do not care about anyone else. You can tell my the phone number or email address. Ignore the person who is harassing you. You tell them positive thing about themselves

Kaitlyn Westfall

Delaney said...

I have never been cyberbullied. I can't think of anyone that has been cyberbullied but, I'm sure there are people that are. This is only accomplished by technology. The kind of people who do this stuff are just being mean, insensitive, and very immature. No I don't have any proof of who would send anything like this. The only thing that could be done about this would be to stop all social networking sites but, that wouldn't be very fair since not everybody does this. You can tell them that they aren't the only ones that have had this happen to them and that the people who did it are probably insecure of themselves and that is the only way they feel secure.

melia (: said...

Ive never been bullied online. But i know of people who have been. Its not cool to make people feel bad, when most likely there is a reason they are doing it. Like being bullied at home or something. The kid who do bulling are just stupid and immature, especially if they are doing it to ones smaller or less able to handle the bulling. No, but people how have been bullied should keep it, so whoever you decide to tell for help can better understand. I think there is a good bit known about it but, more can always be done. Just be a good friend and talk to the personn (:

melia dewitt (:
6 & 7 periodd ♥

emily said...

ooooo my!!! i know of some many people who get bullied, to an extant.I think that its so mean and pointless! like honestly what do the people who bully others get out of this? seriously if they think it makes them self feel better to pick on and take out others? then they need some serious help! lol. Cyberbullying can be done through texts,emails, etc. The best way to avoiding this situation i would say is try try try to ignore the pshyco path and save the 'evidence' to show to an adult who will do something about it. things like this usually dont happen nor hurt me.

Emily Las Vegas (:

Unknown said...

I don't know anyone who has been cyberbullied. It's accomplished by someone with a phone or computer you says mean things. Students who want someone to feel bad, students with low self esteem, or students who just enjoy it. I do not have proof. You can get proof and take it to a trusted adult/counselor. You can tell them victims to ignore them because words don't mean anything in this case.

Zack Linger
5th Period

Unknown said...

Yes i know a few people who have been cyber bullied mostly by texting. Usaully cyberbullying happens when a kid has a hurtful mind, a computer or cell phone, and some free time. The kids who try to be popular and cool mostly do these things. I dont really forseek a geeky or normal kid doing this. Yes i beleive that my friends saved the message that she received. limits to how much freedom some kids have could help this problem. talk to them and maybe the ones who sent it and find out why they did that.

Kimmy Woods said...

Yes, people alwasy bully over texts. They don't want to say it in person say they type it. BUt, there is proof of who and when it was sent. So, no one should do this because there is proof. Everyone can do their part and not bully.

Kimmy Woods
3/4 period.

Unknown said...

Cyberbulling is bad. its mean people dont deserve to be made fun of. would you like to be mad fun of ?

Unknown said...

Yes.It is accomplished with technology.I think it is usually the students that think there better than the rest of them and are usually really self centered.No you don't have really very much proof of who actually sent the message.

♥Stevie Thibodeaux♥
3rd & 4th

daniel said...

I have not been bullied on line but I have been by tx. I know a couple of people who have been bullied on line and by txs. It is accomplished by technology devices and people who want to be mean. They are usually somebody who thinks they are better than everyone else and they think it will make them kwl. No i have no proof of people doing that because I erase my messages. Ignore the person who is saying the mean things. Or confront them. You can support them by helping the victim confront the bully. :]

Unknown said...

Yes I know a person who was made fun through a forward text going around. It happens through at ton of places like facebook, MySpace, twitter, and texting. The students who cyber bully is usually mean, hateful, and very inconsiderate. They really don’t seem to care for anyone else and are not very nice. I don’t have any proof of cyber bullying but I am sure many people have it. Something you can do to stop cyber bullying is reporting it. You should never do it either. You can tell the people affected by it good and positive things. You should also never make them feel worse by ridiculing them.

Jared Bartrug
5th period

~*Cortney Dawn*~ said...

I know a couple people that have been bullied online and by texts. It is accomplished by any technology device and a hateful mind. The kind of students that participate in this kind of action are the people that feel like putting others down make them feel better about themselves. They don't have any evidence of who sent the very offending material. There really isn't anything that can be done to stop this. We could start by starting a club or something for the people that this is happening to to join.

tori said...

I know many many people that have been bullied through text, calls, and websites.I know many people who have a role with it too. They are usually just people who think thay are better or just becasue they can abd for laughter. I think you should tell someone you trust maybe a friend, parent, teacher, and just anyone you feel comfortable telling.

Tori harper
1st period

Anonymous said...

I know that on Xbox Live Andrew and Braden make fun of each other. It usually ends with andrew punching braden the next day at school. We cann stop this by muteing other gamers for saying something offensive.

Unknown said...

I try not to get in to other people's business. You tell someone that will care so then they can do something about it. I don't know for sure who is participating in this kind of stuff. No I don't have proof. They could make a different kind of counseling and they can talk to the children in a different way. They can do whatever they can to have there self defense.

Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period

Unknown said...

No one that I know of has ever been bullied by text or technology, although I'm sure its probably happened I don't know who. I myself have never been cyber-bullied. Cyber bullying is accomplished by sending harrasing or threeatening messages, texts, IMs, or posts. Since I have never been bullied I do not have proof, but if it happened it would not be hard to obtain. Limiting time online and avoiding talking to certain people can prevent this. You can stand up for the victims or you coulld talk to them.

Unknown said...

no... i don't know anyone who has. The type of people who seem to want to do something like this to others would be mean people who like to bully. To stop this kind of bullying would probably be to stop texting people u don't know or just to ignore those people that say that stuff. people should just be kind and not hurt other people. To support the victims i would just tell them to ignore them.

Taylor Rowe
1st period

Unknown said...

No one that I know has been bullied, at least I dont think so. Cyber bulling is accomplished by people who have issues and think that putting down others will make them feel better. Unlike regular bullied, cyber bullies don't have the guts to do it to their victim's face, instead they use phones or internet. If you ever get cyber bullied, you should save theproof to show someone. To prevent cyber bullying, just spread videos like this one, or refuse to be put down by anything. If you know a victim, talk to them and tell them the bulling isn't true, and tell them not to feel sorry for themselves.

Unknown said...

I do know some people that have been bullied by text and online. It is accomplished by telling an adult you are close to, or just a consler at your school. Students that participate in this are ones that don't like themselves. They have a low self-esteam so they make others feel bad about themselves too make them feel like the have accomplished something. When really they are just making themselves look bad. You can get proof who it was just save the things they send too you. I don't think anyone can stop this cause. You can supportthe victoms by telling them how they are lis and the person doing it is just to make themselves feel better about themselves.

Elliot said...

I'm sure I know people who are bullied like this, but like the video said, these people usually feel alone, so they wouldn't necessarily admit they're getting bullied. Bullies participate in this! Proof of cyberbullying could be obtained by joining basically any online chatroom anywhere. Join in the conversation and get your self-esteem lowered, oh boy, fun! Well, this kind of bullying could be stopped by eliminating all communications technology, but that's not a good idea. Maybe get more cyberpolice. Support the victims by letting them know you're there.

Elliot Herberger
5th Period

symone1 said...

Yeahh , i've been " cyberbulled " before . I didn't really pay it any attention because I thought it was funny . people who cyberbully are usally peaople who either have nothing better to do , just rude , they need something to make themselves feel better , ect . If people are getting cyberbullied then i recomend talking to someone that can help . Or if your like me ; just shake it off and keep smileing ((( :

- Symone , Stewart .
1st period .

Asian Sensation said...
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Asian Sensation said...

Yes, i have been bullied online and through texting. It is accomplished by giving access to the internet to mean people. Students who look down upon and bully other students participate in cyber bullying. no i dont, not anymore. i dont have a reason to keep offencive material at all. im not sure of anything that can be done to stop this. if kids dont report the bullying, its almost like it isnt happening because know one knows. im not sure how you can support victims either. unless they tell you and you can tell an adult or talk to them about it, there isnt much you can do about it.

crystal r. said...

I know people who have been bullied on line and through text. It is accomplished by having a computer or phone and having something rude to say to that person. Usually the people who participate in this, have nothing to do or are just plain mean. I don't have proof, but just what I saw myself. I believe that technology needs to be more safe. Today, we have so much technology that its easy to cyberbully someone. The only way you can support someone is to either help them through it or help them avoid it. I agree with both ways to help.

crystal rowe
6&7 prd (;

Unknown said...

No i have not been cyber-bullied, but I know someone who has. Students hear something they don't like, and they usually confront the person about it in a bad way. Students that have been picked on themselves, and students that are insecure. Yes, I have proof. More severe punishments for the students, and confronting the person and tell them to stop,use pepper spray.Tell them to tell an adult, and help comfort them.wwjd

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahah, sadly, I've been threatened in a text a few times(: No big deal, but me and this person STILL hate each other. Well, I hate him at least. (: He makes himself feel good about himself by picking on people smaller than him. The real wimps of the school, or the cowards, are the ones who do this. If you put them up against someone bigge than them, they'd back down in a heartbeat. And yesss(: I do still have to proof of the material. I think that they all need to to find someone they're own size that can actually compare to the bully. (: You can always give them support and back them up on whatever they need. Otherwise known as, a good friend.(:

Andy Shaw