Monday, November 19, 2007

Broken Friendship

What are some other problems that could occur if you would share your password with others? Why is privacy such an important component of Internet safety? Do you ever feel that Internet safety is compromised by any of your friends? What punishment should there be for this type of cyberbullying? Can you protect yourself from this type of harassment?

The Moon Superstitions

Define superstition. Name some superstions that you have heard or believe. Are there any unusual superstions that you can find? Where do superstitions come from? In this video on moon superstitions, the terms lunatic, loony, and lunacy are mentioned. What are the etymologies for those words? At the beginning of this video an author creates a fictional account of life on the moon, do you believe that there is life on other plantets? Why?


Setting is an integral part of any literary work. Give examples of mysterious, scary, futuristic and romantic settings from books, poems, novels, or movies that you have seen or read. Give examples of setting from the past, present, and future from television shows, movies and or books. Can you think of any examples of stormy weather in a movie or book and the relationship of that storm to the character's struggles. If you could create a scary, or romantic setting for a story where and when would you choose?

Kent State

This video high lights a disturbing episode in America's history. Have you ever discussed Kent State in any of your social studies classes? Have you heard of the Kent State killings before viewing this blog? Do you know what civil disobedience is? How is this related to the first Amendment?

Web 2.0

Please comment on the terms discussed in this video. Are they pertinent in your learning experiences? Please find a free podcast such as grammar girl and comment on its contents or visit an educational site mentioned on this video and comment on it. Can you find any examples of tagging. Please elaborate on the tagging sites that you have found.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Identify at least two of the monuments or symbols depicted in this video. Explain their significance in our history, pride, and culture. Why should we be proud of our heritage? If you were to be able to plan a trip within the United States where would you plan to travel? Would any of the monuments depicted in the film be included in your travel? Who on Earth is Ray Charles?


After viewing this video, please state the author's theme or main purpose in creating this video. Please use illustrations and examples to support some of the video's claims. Finally, Why would you want to fly?

Friday, November 2, 2007

Norwood Ohio fight

After watching the fight between the two middle school students, please read the accompanying text. Do you believe that the victim's privacy has been breeched in this video? What to you believe would be just punishment for the attacker in this video. Do you feel that this type of threat exists at WFMS? How could you protect yourself from this type of attack? Should the victim and her family take legal action against the attacker in this video?