Wednesday, November 7, 2007


After viewing this video, please state the author's theme or main purpose in creating this video. Please use illustrations and examples to support some of the video's claims. Finally, Why would you want to fly?


Unknown said...

(((yea first comment!!)))
mrs.constable this video will not play afer 40 seconds on all of my computers.

Basketballbabe said...

(((second comment)))
This video will only play through the first 7 seconds. :(

Unknown said...

this video will not play

Audia Bartlett said...

This video is awesome.
It is about trusting and teamwork.
Geese are very smart.

If people would trust each other this way it would be a lot better.
They are a strong unity together not alone.

I believe the Authors theme is Trust and unity.

When the Pointe Goose in front tires he falls back and another goose that is stronger at the time takes his place, taking turns doing hard tasks and like the video says respecting each others talents and skills.

Unselfishness is the key, standing in for each other when one cant lead. Formation and communication (honking), it takes all these things for these geese to function like they do.
I would love to fly to see other places from above and to feel free in the sky.

Audia Bartlett
7th period

cheybreezy said...

This videos purpose was to show that everyone in some point of life has to use teamwork and trust each other.If people didnt stab each other in the backs all the timewe would be like the geese and be better off.I think that the theme is trustworthiness and strenght to pull together.All the geese have to be strong so if one gets tired some other goose takes its place.This is why strenght and trustworthiness is important in a team.If someone gets tired someone else can take their place.You also have to be trustworthy to know that person is always going to be there to do that.You have to be willing and unselfish for all these things to happen.I would love to fly just for the fact to be up in the sky.I have always wanted to be able to fly so at any moments notice you can just take off.

Cheyenne Shirkey 7th period

Megan DeJong said...

I love this video! It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Who knew geese are so smart?! I think the author's main purpose was to show that people could learn a lot from geese, such and being supportive, protecting one another, and standing by each other. One good example is that when the lead goose get tired it drops back and lets another one take its place. People should do the same thing. Such as, when one person is no longer able to lead effectively, they should step back and let another take his/her place. Another example is when one goose gets sick, two fly down with it to help and protect it. Once again, people should do the same thing, instead of just letting another person take care of themselves and being uncaring, they should also help and protect. Another thing I love is the Honking. We should all "honk" kindly, instead being rude and critical. A lot more would get done with positive "honking." I would want to fly because I think it would be great to be in the air and see sights that most people usually don't get to see. It would also be great to be so free to be able to fly whenever you wanted to.
Megan DeJong 8th Period

Grant said...

The author's main purpose I think is for us to learn a lesson from nature. The lesson being if people would work together, as the geese we could accomplish many great tasks with less effort.

In any team sport, if the players work together, encourage, and be supportive the team is more likely to win. In an organization like the cancer society by many people working together great accomplishments are achieved to raise money for research,etc. This could not occur if individuals worked alone.

Flying would make it much easier to get from place to place. You could get there faster with no traffic.

Grant Holbert
8th period

Colbi said...

I think the author’s main purpose of the geese video is to show us that we are like geese. We need to help each other when we are in need. In the video it tells us how two geese drop down to fly with one goose that is not very strong. That would be the same as a person who is sick; we go to them to help them. If they need something, we get it for them, or just stay with them until they feel better. The video also tells us the geese fly together in a “V” formation. This adds 71% extra flying range. The author is trying to tell us we should stick together, and be close to each other. When one person is in need or flying low the other is there to pick him up. The geese flying in formation honk to encourage the geese in front to keep up the speed. This would be the same as someone telling another person they are doing a good job at something and keep up the good work. No matter the situation, good or bad, we need to be there for one another. The reason I would want to fly is, as long as you stick together, like the geese, you can get things done because you have the trust of the other geese traveling with you. Friends are like the geese. We need them to lean on.
Colbi dick
2nd period

Anonymous said...

hi Mrs.Constable<33
this video would not play very much,but from what i saw i learned that team work is very important(it stopped playing at 36 seconds)


Gabby said...

I would want to fly because I would not have to wait to get up in the morning.I would also want to fly because if you have wings then you could fly around the school to all of your classes.Like for example my moms class I would push a button that said fly and it would take me straight to the class.When people say they want to fly that means that they want to have a life like getting away like if something bad is going to happen.People also want to fly because it would be fun also.I would also like to fly because it would give you an experince with flying really high in the sky.
Gabriella Constable
5th/6th period

a said...

I believe that the authors main purpose in creating this video is to show how the human race can learn from our surroundings. The geese work together and help each other with out restrictions or getting something in return. Examples in our society is the Cancer Research Foundation but this is only one small organization. The people there raise money and work to find a cure for Cancer and to prevent people from getting it. I personally think we should have more groups or people in general like this. I would not want to fly. You are probably thinking why in the world does she not want to fly. I do not want to fly because of my clumsiness on the ground. Flying would definitely not be safe for me because of the phone lines, obstacles, and trees. Oh and I am scared of heights.

♥♪Gabby Tenney 7th♪♥

Connor Haberland said...

The videographers point in shooting this was to show the importance of teamwork. When the goose in the front of the V gets tired or sick, it falls to the back of the gaggle and a goose from the back goes to the back. People in a modern society have to work together they could achieve more. I would want to fly because I would be able to go places for free. Connor haberland 5th period

Unknown said...

I think that the authors main purpose on creating this video was to show that everyone does have to work together. Geese support each other as they live, and even when they are flying. I believe that the author was trying to put out a point that not only geese should work together, and that everyone should.

This video didn’t play on my computer, but I remember during class when it said when one goose drops out of the front of the "V", another goose goes up to the front and leads until he gets tired. Meaning if someone gets tired or need help with something, you should be there to help them out.

I would like to fly because I could travel all over the world. I could to places much faster than I could if I was walking or driving in a car. I also love heights like roller coasters, so flying would be fun for me. I think it would be cool to fly because you could take off anytime you want, and just get away from everything.

MacKenzie Kline
2nd period

Logan D. said...

Logan Demyon
8th period

I think that the author's purpose of this video is to show us how real team work is done and how real friends treat each other when they are down.

I think that a good example of this video is when like someone makes fun of one of your friends, you will get them up and encourage them to forget about all of it and be cool.

Who wouldn't want to fly! I would want to fly cause you can get to places faster and you can see things that other people cant on the ground.

Unknown said...

I think that the author's main purpose in creating this video was to show that teamwork is important. We can't do anything in life by ourselves.

I think the one that said the geese honk to motivate the geese at the front of the V. This means that your teammates give you encouragement and support to keep you going. Encouragement makes you want to impress the people that are encouraging you, so you naturally do better.

I would want to fly because it seems so relaxing to be able to soar over the towns that you only see face to face. It would be fun to fly with the birds and try to keep up with them.

Brianna Woodburn
7th Period

fletcher devaul said...

I think the author’s theme of this video is to so and tell us about nature and even how people can accomplish great things if they work together. Such as the Red Cross, this association takes blood and gives it to hospitals so when a patient comes in with blood lose the doctor can give them blood. If only one person were to try to do this task it could not happen. When players on a team encourage each other and help each other that team is more likely to when than their opposition. I would like to fly because you could travel around without paying for gas, you could get places a lot faster because there wouldn’t be any traffic, and last but no least it would be plain out fun.

DeVaul 8th period

Unknown said...

This videos purpose was to show that everyone that we should work together as one.If some get sick help them dont leave them behind.We would be much better of if we took these geese example. One good example of what we should do is that when the lead goose get tired it drops back and lets another one take its place. People should do the same thing.I would want to fly so i could see places from above and that I could go anywhere I wanted without sitting in a plane.

Bailey Haller
8th period

katie nestor said...

This video was about everyone working together to get something accomplished. The video showed that when the lead goose gets tired then he will fall back and another one moves up to the front. This is how we should be in real life. We are learning this idea in school and in our activities. We learn that we need to have teamwork in order to accomplish goals.
We also know that we must have trust in each other and that there is strength in numbers.
I think that the author of this video used the geese to show how carefree and beautiful it would be if we could fly high above the clouds. They only have each other to rely on. Even though there may be distractions and obstacles to clear, the geese do it with intelligence, teamwork, and strength.

katie nestor said...

Katie Nestor
7th period

Kstaggers said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ali said...

The authors main theme is that when we work together we create a greater sense of community and we can help each other get where were goin more easily. Geese flying in a "V" form get 71% more flying range when grouped and flying together. When one of the geese gets sick they do not leave it behind a few drop down to help the sick goose. These different examples show team work and trust.

The video explains that we have to work together to get thing accomplished. Theres not one strong leader but rather a strong group that works to complete a task.

I would want to fly so that I could see the world from a different perspective. I can get an overall look at my community and my school.

Ali Sansalone
8th Period

Kstaggers said...

I think that the author's theme in creating this video is to show how like geese, we need to stick together.

In the video, it mentions that the geese honk to encourage each other to keep it up. We need encouragement and support too. For example, when I'm in a soccer game, it really helps me when the crowd cheers for you when you come out onto the field, or when you have the ball. Another example is when two geese go with a sick goose to keep it safe. In life, our friends and family are going to go through tough times. We need to stick together and be there for each other.

To be able to fly would be pretty awesome. I'd want to fly so I could travel wherever I wanted and wouldn't have to sit in a car, or fly in a plane. (Plus there wouldn’t be any layovers in an airport ;] ) Also, I would be able to look at things from a different view. Sometimes when you look at things from a different point of view, it is easier to understand or change your mind about something.

Kelsey Staggers
2nd Period

cheyannh said...

i think the authors purpose for showing this video is tho show that it is allways good to be a leader to your peers.♥♥♥

and it wouldnt play very well on my computer sOoOoOO..........

ptwigg(: said...

The videographers point in this video was to show the importance of teamwork. The video tells us how two geese drop down to fly with one goose that is not very strong. This is like is some one fell down and got hurt two people would help them and care for them through times. I think I would want to fly so that you could get to places faster and see new thing. If you could fly you wouldn't have to have to go trough traffic like people do with cars.

AShields said...

That was a pretty cool video. The author's main purpose was to show how trusting geese are of each other, and how people aren't so trusting. Geese trust each other with their live and some people wouldn't trust someone with their toys let alone their life. I think that it is true that we have to help each other to get through life. If we were supposed to do it alone, why would other people be here with us? I would like to fly because it would be much quicker to get to places, and if I were the only one that could fly it would be much safer too.
Andrew Shields
1st period

Unknown said...

I think the authers main purpose for creating this video is that people should learn from animals because geese for example as said in the movie they help each other and encourage each other. The reaon I would want to fly is that it would probably be a more efficent way of traveling. It would also be great to fly because who wouldn't want to fly I bet it would be awesome

Adrianna (: said...

The author's main purpose for creating this video was to show that teamwork is very important. Geese are smarter than I thought they were! Geese work together the same way a soccer team would. If there is a person that is on the team who thinks they are better than everybody and they are the star of the team, they are wrong. There's no "I" in team. A team means working together to acomplish a goal, and no one person is left out. No one on a team is better than anyone else, because there is always room for improvement no matter how good you are. I would want to fly so I could go anywhere at anytime. I would never be late for any of my classes. I would never have to pay for gas to drive anywhere. I could probably get to places faster too. Flying would be so awesome and teamwork is really important!
♥Adrianna Curtis
8th period

Unknown said...

I think the author’s theme was to show how geese fly in patterns and help each other while flying. It also can relate to how humans interact with helping each other. I think this because when they showed the subtitle that said geese honk if they need to rest or to be replaced. If you think about it, humans talk like geese do when they need help themselves. I think I would like to fly because, I would like to feel nothing. When you’re floating and/or flying your body feels as if it has no counter weight to it. Also, flying gets to places you want to go faster.

Randy Stickley
Pd. 5/6

Debii K said...

I think the authors theme was to show us we would be better off, if we acted like geese. They are there for each other, and suppot each other even when it's an inconvenience.

When one goose gets sick, another stays back with it until it recovers. I think that shows loyalty, and trust.

I don't think I would want to fly. I afraid of heights, so I really have no desire whatsoever to fly.

midge said...

Hi Ms. Constable <33

The author's main purpose in creating this video was to make you realize that we need to relay on one another and we can't do everything on our own. I think the author was also trying to point out that we can learn from animals and their instincts. For an example, when the tsunami hit Asia, all the animals ran away from the water but the people ran toward the water.

I think that we need to encourage one another through out life like the geese for each other. For an example, the geese show their encouragement by honking to one another. They stay together no matter what.

I would love to fly because coming from a 14 year old; I don't like relying on other people to get me from place to place. Being able to fly would be like a 16 year old getting their drivers license. It also would give younger people more independence.
It would be really cool! =]

( P.S. the music drove me crazy! =D )

Midge Robinson
2nd period<3

rachel_marie_7 said...

this video is alittle wacky!!!but i think i remember it from class...the authors purpose was to tell people that if we use team work like geese we would have a nicer community, and people would have easier lives because they had nieghbors to help. And umm well duh i would love to FLY!!!!!! i would fly all day and all around the world!!
Rachel Keefover

davidhaley said...

This video wouldn't work at all on my computer, and I sat in the very back of the class room so I couldn't really see it. Although from what i saw the author was saying that teamwork will go a long way and i would want to fly so I could go to places without traffic and if my parents couldn't take me. Who needs a drivers license when you can fly.

**Shelby** said...

The author's purpose of this video is to show how well birds work together and try to get us to work that good together.We should work like the birds,because we would be so much safer.We would have really good protection and if we worked together we would get stuff done a lot faster.These birds get stuff done quick.The birds are helpful to each other,we don't help as much as we should.We could help each other get a lot done,but we are selfish and only worry about ourselves.I would want to fly because I think it would be fun.Plus, flying is faster than driving or riding a bike.
~Shelby Sawyer 5/6 period~

Unknown said...

Sam Haines
8th period

I think the author’s main purpose for creating this video is to state that teamwork is always the best way to do things, and without it we couldn’t succeed. For example, the one goose that left the group fell the furthest behind. Another example is that the geese fly faster than any other bird because they fly together in a V shape. Actually, I saw them fly over my house this morning at the bus stop and they were very fast. I think I would want to fly so I could go places quicker. Some ways I could do this is flying over traffic, over a building and so on.

Jenny said...

The author's main purpose of this video is to show that teamwork is very important no matter where or what they do. The geese in this film work together by helping each other. The geese in this film encourage each other by helping each other when one of the geese are sick. The geese go down with their team of other geese when they are sick. This video shows that the geese in this video love each other and care about each other. That's what you have to do when you are on a team if you want to win.

You need teamwork when you are on a team. The examples are the following. When I was on the dunbar white team in 5th and 6th grade, we won every single game because we motivated each other. We acted like a team by encouraging and helping each other improve in everything we do. That is what you are supposed to do when you are on a team. A good example of what not to do on a team is not to participate by not passing to everyone on the team. I was on a team in the summer which was an AAU team and we played alot of different places. We had a lot of girls on our team who didn't like each other, and they didn't want to pass the ball to other people. We never won a game when those girls were on the team. Soon as they quit the team bacause they didn't think they had enough playing time, we won a tournament. Teamwork is that obvious. You need it no matter how bad or good the team is.

Why would i want to fly? Because the geese look like they would take good care of me if I would fly with them. They would love me like family. That's what teamwork is. It's playing with everyone on the court, and leaving all the stuff that happened between you and your team mate before the game.

Jenny Bundy 8th Good Bye :D

Unknown said...

the main porpose for this video is to show teamwork and how teamwork is important. LIke if a goose is sick a coulple will leave the flock and help the sick goose so they can help him. that is showing teamwork. I would like to fly because i could see everything from up in the sky wothout having to buy a plane ticket. and you could get to places quicker there would also be no trafic

--->Lexi ;] said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
♥ Olivia Katharine ♥ said...

I think this video was very interesting. It showed teamwork along with corroperation. When birds fly in a V shape, the head bird is really getting the hard end of the deal. While the head goose gets all the hard air flow the others get off pretty easy. The following geese have an easier time because the goose in the front makes the air less forceful. Every so often they switch around and take turns in front.
Another way they show teamwork is when one goose gets sick, it flys down to the ground to rest. Two other geese then fly down with it to keep it company and take care of it. It is kind of something like we do. If someone is sick, they usually dont go to school. Someone who cares for them usually stays home with them to look after them.
I would love to be able to fly. ONe reason is because you get to go up as high as you want to and look down upon the world like you are seeing tiny ants. The second reason is because you would get everywhere so much faster. I have always wanted to fly; it would be so much fun! :]

OLivia DUke
1st period

Unknown said...

This author's purpose was to show that everyone at some point of time has to use teamwork and trust each other.If people didn't stab each other in the back all the time we would be like the geese and be better off.I think that the theme is to trust one another and strenght to pull together.All the geese have to be strong so if one gets tired some other goose takes its place.This is why strenght and trust is important in a team.And if one person doesn't partisapate then you aren't going to make a very good team.You also have to be trustworthy to know that person is always going to be there for you .You have to be willing and unselfish with all your partners so you will be a better team.I would love to fly just for the fact to be up in the sky' and I would be able to see every thing that is happening.I have always wanted to be able to fly so in a blink of an eye you can just jump up and take of.

George Corbin
7th period

Unknown said...

I think the author purpose of this
video was that it also has an effect
on us humans because later on in life
them quotes will have a meaning if you have time to read them because it to fast. I think i would like to fly because if my parents are at work and i want to go to the store or my friends house all i would have to do is take off and leave a note for my parents.

--->Lexi ;] said...

Hey Ms.Constable!♥

This video was pretty cool. I think that the video's main purpose was to teach you about teammwork and trusting each other.

You should always be there for someone if they need your help. Friends are a good example. If you are truly someone's friend, the you will always be there for them, and will always stick by there side no matter what. You may feel like you are someone's best friend forever, but really, you will probably only have on or two true friends in your life, if that.

This video was very good and had a very good lesson that everyone should learn. ;]

And oh yea, I would LOOOOOOOOVE to fly!!!!!! It would be sooooo cool!!! =] You'd be able to soar through the sky and see everything below you look so tiny! I'd absolutely love it!!! ;]

[Alexxus Bolling♥]
[2nd period]

Kristina said...

I think the author's main purpose was to explain that teamwork friendship can help us get to extreme heights.That no matter what you can always have your friends to guard you when your down on encourage you when your behind.
I would want to fly because I believe it would be extradorinary.
(But that's just me)

Kristina Amos
♥8th period♥

Unknown said...

I thought the video was cool and interesting. I thought that the authors purpose was to show that team work is very important in life. I think that the theme of this video is to be strong and have trust in each other. If everyone acted like the geese then the world would be nothing like it is today. Each one of the geese is part of a team and they work as a team . when one goose gets tired another one takes its place. Its just like us if we are on a team and we get tired then someone takes our place. If I could fly then I think it would be awesome because I would love it becaue then I would be free and fly where ever I want.

Evan Kosik
1st period

Tre said...

Somethings wrong with my coumputer won't play SORRY

jared burns said...

The author’s main purpose of making this video is to show that teamwork is important to succeed in life. Geese are very smart, like these geese that protect the weak, root for the ones that think they can not fly anymore, and taking turns a the front of the V-formation so that if the goose in front gets tired another takes its place to lead the group.

I would like to be able to fly because I would be able to see around America and maybe the whole world. It would be a learning experience too. I would like being able to be so close to the sky and the clouds. Also flying would be easier than driving. There would be no traffic or gasoline, which is a large annoyance to almost everyone. Plus just being able to fly would be extremely fun.

Jared Burns
8th Period

Unknown said...

Cool, I love geese. They are really good animals. They are even cooler when they are making a V. I think Mrs. Constables purpose for the video is to show how great a group is when they are working together. The most friendly part is when one geese is slowly falling, but the wind of it's leader pulls it right back up. It is like when a guy loses his girl-friend and his friends are there to help him through his tough time.
I would love to FLY. It is the best power, other than being able to shoot flames. FIRE RULES. Being able to fly could help you get to work faster if you lived in NEEEEEW YOOOORK CIIIITY!

By: David Collins

Jacob said...

The main purpose of this video was that team wok is sometimes or all of the times better than one. Why because it relieves stress off one person and if you get tired you have help (personally alike having responsibility put on me it helps me to work harder and do better). You may also have to encourage someone if they do bad or praise him or her if they do well. By looking at the video I would say that the geese have good teamwork. Sometimes I wish some of the people I do thing with would work together better.

I would like to fly. I think it would be fun cool (and impress people (girls). You would not have to wait for someone to give you a ride.You also could go almost were ever you wanted.

Jacob said...

Jacob Freeland 2nd period

cAILEY nICOLE =D said...

I think the author’s theme or main purpose in creating this video was to show the viewers that even life’s lesson has examples in random places, like in a flock of geese. The lesson I like best was the about when the lead goose tires, it drops back and lets the others lead for a while. The meaning is that if we take turns with hard tasks, we can accomplish a whole lot more. I want to fly because then I don’t think I would be afraid of heights. I could go to far away places and not have the worry of the prices or even a bomber on the ride. If I were to fly, I would want to be the kind of flyer that does it without wings because I think that would look weird at school or anywhere.
Cailey Weaver
2nd pd. 11-15-07

Kayla said...

The authors main purpose in creating this video is that we need to encourage, help, and care for people. For example in a basketball game there is 1 minute left on the clock and the home team is down by four. The fans need to encourage the players and tell them that the game is not yet over and they can still win it. Also if one of your friends get sick you will make sure they are ok and see if you can do anything for them, such as get there homework from school and bring it to them. Also if one of your friends hurt there ancle then while they are at school you could carey there books for them or something like that. Geese are all encourage by honking, help by taking over when the leader goose gets tired, and caring for one another when one goose gets sick. I honestly wouldn't want to fly. This is because if you got tired of flying all the time and you started to hate it then you wouldn't want to fly anymore.

Kayla Wyatt
7th period

Andrew said...

I think the purpose of making this video is to show us that we need to be like geese an stick together, trust each other, and support each other. For example we need to stop making fun of each other and be like a family is nice to everybody. Another example would be if someone is sick we should help each other get better. I think we should even help people if were better than to them at something. I would love to fly because I wouldn’t have to wait to go to vacation in the car. Also I would get a lot more things because we would have lot more money. We wouldn’t have to waste so much money on gas. Finally I could go wherever I want whenever I wanted to.

Andrew Suplita
1st Period

Unknown said...

WOW! I never knew that geese were so smart. In this video the geese symbolize humans. After watching this video, I think that, maybe, geese might be smarter than humans. We can learn a lot from watching how geese always fly in groups, and how they help each other when one is weak. The loyalty in geese is amazing. If everyone on earth was more like the geese then the world would be so much more peaceful.

I would like to fly because I think that it would be interesting to look down at our world from a different perspective. I would really enjoy being a bird for a day.
Kristen Zirkle
2nd period

Phil said...

This video symbolizes how people should act, as well as trust each other. If we acted like this there would be no wars or arguments, everyone would work together. Geese have the perfect work system, it is practically flawless. However, in order to work like this you must first trust all of your partners. Humans have a hard time trusting everyone. I think that we need to create a worldwide bond that unites all of our nations. If that were to happen, our world would be a better more reliable. Geese have a good system, we need one.
Phillip Colasessano 1st period

Unknown said...

I believe that the author's theme or main purpose in creating this video is to show that people should work together and trust each other like geese do. Geese travel in flocks and support each other constantly and that is what more people need to do. Also, Geese go south in the winter because it is cold, they are smart. Personally, I would love to fly to the beach in the winter. Want to go Ms. Constable? I would love to be able to fly because sometimes when I am primping I tend to run a little behind schedule so it would be nice to be able to fly above all the traffic and get to where I need to be always on time.
Ashley Patterson
2nd period

Madison said...

The author’s purpose for creating this video is to show that by acting like geese fly; life will flow a lot more smoothly. By having a sense of community, as the geese do when they are flying.

When the geese are flying and one gets hurt they don’t just keep going. As a friend, person, and a respectful member of your family, town, or community you would stop to help those not has privileged as yourself.

Another characteristic that geese have, that humans should use and value more is teamwork. There are very many people that work poorly with a team, because they just aren’t good at dealing with others. When you work along with other people you can learn from them and they can learn from you. Also you can develop a sense of trust.

Would I like to fly? Yes! If I could fly that would be my escape. When I was having a bad day I could go and fly away, and relax.

GEESE RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- - > Madison Hoke < - -
2nd pd.
:) =) :D =D :] =] :} =} :P =P

Austin said...

I believe the author's theme or main purpose in creating this video to show that if everyone would stick together like the geese then society would work a lot better. For example, if one of the geese falls ill all of the geese helps the ill one land. They fly in a v-shape, so that no memeber is left behind or lost. They show constant support for each member of their community. If one of them gets tired of leading the pack one of the geese will gladly switch spots with them. All of these examples show how they trust each other and work together to support each other to make a fail proof community. Humans need to take notice of this and use the geese as an example to make our society a better place to live. In closing, I would like to fly to get a better view plus I am an adrenaline junkie and I am sure that would definitely be exciting.
Austin Patterson
5th and 6th period

NIck said...

I think that the author’s purpose in this video was to say that using teamwork and helping each other out we can accomplish a lot more than we could without anyone else’s help or motivation. When the geese honk to encourage each other and keep it up it’s like cross country because we cheer for each other to keep going or to pick up the pace a little. Working as a team is like basketball if you only had one player you couldn’t ever win but with the rest of the team you could win a lot more. I think it would be great to fly. I could fly to wherever I wanted whenever I wanted and I could get to where I’m going very quickly.

Nick Trefz
8th period

Baller_Girl_13 said...

I think the author's theme and purpose was to show us how that people aren't the only one's who can run there own pack. One is when if one goose drops one more takes its place and another goose helps it. This is how life sometimes works. Say for example if your failing a grade then well your teacher or another student can help you get right back off your feet. I would like to fly because I would feel free and like nothing can stop me in my path.

Baller_Girl_13 said...

Sierra Greenlee 2nd

Unknown said...

I think the author's purpose was to inform us how geese live. I think the video was cool. I did not know why geese flew in a V formation. They are both supporting and encouraging each other. Even geese know that they must trust others and be willing to take help in a time of need (like when the front goose gets tired and falls back to allow another to take lead. If only we could be more like the geese, and trust our friends and family. I also did not know why the geese do all that other interesing stuff.
I did not realize how smart geese are. Nature is a wonderful thing. God really knew what he was doing.
I would like to fly because I could get somewhere really fast. I also could see some of the most exciting sights in the state. If I could fly you probably couldn't keep my feet on the ground. I do not know what else I would be able to do if I could fly. I think it would just be cool if I could fly.

Unknown said...

I think the authors main purpose of creating this video is is to inform the people who are watching this video about about teamwork.

In this video it showed geese flying in flocks. They work together so no one is left behind. They are supportive of eachother when it comes to teamwork.

I would want to fly so I could see what geese and birds see.

Rachel Waskis
5-6th period.

Mehgan said...

Haha yeah son i got mine to play for like, 15 secs. I win out of all of you.

Anyway, to the blog. I think that the authors main purpose of this video is to show you that we can help each other through hard times, and things that we have trouble with, and it will work out for all of us, just as it did for the geese. If one goose gets ill, two other geese insure it's safety by surounding it and protecting it while in flight, or on the ground. If we would help each other while we are ill, then we could be more confident and safer than if no one were to help us at all. I would want to fly because you can see alot more things, get to places faster, be peacful and away from stress. You could travel farther from home with your parents knowing you'll be alright.

Mehgan Haskiell 5th/6th pd. ♥♣♥♥♥♥♥

Nick Sinclair said...

I liked this video a lot. I think the videographers purpose for making this video is that we do better when we work together. An example of team work in the video is how the geese HONK to encourage the geese to keep up the pace even when they are tired. Also,the geese fly in a V formation to increase their flying range. We can all get so much more done when we work together and encourage each other to work hard. I would like to fly because I think you would feel free and it would be amazing!

Nick Sinclair 8th period

Wes said...

I thought this was a good video once I got it to work. It took a really long time to download.

I thought that the author’s theme was TEAMWORK. The author wants you to look at the geese to represent how people should act. In life it is important to work together. I remember one of my coaches telling me that there isn’t an “I” in TEAM. I guess that means that if you only think of yourself, then life will be more difficult. Also, if you only think of yourself then you won't win games. You have to pass, and work with each other in order to win.

I just did two projects for school. Both times I worked with my friend Grant. I think that because we worked together we came up with better ideas, and we were more creative. We also didn’t have to do all the work. We split up everything 50-50. He worked on one part, while I did another. We made good grades on both of our projects. Life is always a lot easier if people work together instead of having to do things on your own.

I have always liked to fly in an airplane, so I know that I would enjoy flying. I like to look down and see all the small cars, houses and buildings. I also really like getting to places quickly. It only takes my family around two hours to get to Florida when we fly. If we would drive, it would take about 14 hours. I would like to learn how to fly an airplane. I bet it isn’t that hard after you get used to it.

Wes Ashcraft

princeofthecovenant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
princeofthecovenant said...

I think(really I know)that the theme is working together and that there is no "I" in team, or something like that. I remember that it said somthing about when the head goose gets tired it falls back and another one takes it's place and that the others in the back honk to encourag the head goose. Actually, I wouldn't want to fly, atleasst not after 9/11 and the whole terrorist bombings and all the fretting another possible one or two or three,four and so on until all the air planes are blown up in the sides of buildings that are smoldering and filled with corpses. Boy do I have a wierd and twisted mind.
nathan clouser 8th period

lgower said...

I think the authors main purpose for making this geese video was to compare and show how we are like to geese. These animals stick together, and have respect for eachother. One example that really stuck out at me was geese honk to encourage eachother. Us as people don't always do that, sometimes people put other indivduals down. We all need to stick together, and learn how to act like a family. I am not saying everyone is like that thank God for the people who atleast have respect for other people and are like the geese. Another lesson this video taught me was that birds sometimes drop back to let other birds lead for alittle while. I think that was very nice, it shows that these birds have alittle bit of character. I think it would be really fun to fly. Also sometimes when i am in traffic I wish that some cars would just get out of our way, if I could fly that problem could be taken care of. Also it could get my places much faster, but it would be quite cold in the winter.
-Lauren Gower
2nd period

reese! said...

The author's main purpose I think is for us to learn a lesson from nature. The lesson being if people would work together, as the geese we could accomplish many great tasks with less effort. In any team sport, if the players work together, encourage, and be supportive the team is more likely to win. I would like to fly because it would help get from one place to another without polluting the air with the vechicals.

-Teresa Lodge
2nd period.

Kenny said...

I think that the author’s main purpose for creating this video was to show people how geese work together during their life. I think it was interesting to learn all of these things about geese, for example, if one of the geese got sick, two fly down with the sick one and protect it. The geese work together to protect, take care of, and look after one another. I think that people could learn lessons about being kind and helping one another from the way that the geese live in the video. I would want to fly so that I could get places quicker. Not only for that reason, but I would just like getting a better view of WV, for example viewing all of the wonderful natural resources that we have.

Anonymous said...

The author's main purpose in this video was to show how geese work together. The author is saying that everybody should work together like this. If everybody was like geese then we would all be friends and work together in life.

In this video the geese support each other by staying in the "V" position. If one of the geese fall out of place then it will be a lot harder to fly. This shows you have to work together.

I would want to fly because I would be able to get places a lot faster. I would also be able to go a lot of different places that I can not drive to.

Taylor Gross 2nd period

Taylor Masters said...

I think this video was way different from the others, but it was all right(well the 15 or 20 seconds that I saw of it).
I think that the author's theme or main purpose was to show everyone the role of teamwork and how it's so very important to succeed.
I think it is so cool how the geese work together the way they do. I mean if people in the world today would get along and work together like these geese; the world would be such a better place. Same way with the wars going on. If everyone would stop and take a minute and think about these kinds of things, we could just talk it out.
When it comes to teamwork the first thing I think of is a basketball team. Why? Because I used to play basketball for 4 or 5 years and I know that it takes a lot of teamwork and agreeing to succeed and win the games. It's like peanut butter and jelly. Except for teamwork and agreeing. If you don't have the teamwork (peanut butter) it just isn't the same with out jelly.
I think it would be so cool to fly. I would like to fly through the clouds. I think it would also be cool to just lay on them and float with them. But then, I would not like to fly because I am afraid of heights and I would be afraid to go up there so high.

Taylor Masters
2nd Period

░Madison~♥~Fitch░ said...

I think the author's main purpose of making this video is that people should be like geese. For Example, you should cheer your teammates or friends on when they need it the most, or to help the sick. I would like to fly because I would go anywhere anytime I want, and I won't have to buy plane tickets or spend money on cars that just waste fossil fuels and pollute the air.
Madison Fitch 7th period

Aaron Worth said...

I think the main purpose the author in creating this video was to show you that you can’t do everything by yourself. You need to have friends beside you to help you. You need them to help you if your sick they will stand beside you and if your humiliated they will tell people to quit making fun of you. Just like in the video when the point goose gets tired and falls back in formation. The goose that is stronger or healthier at the time takes over and that shows a good form of teamwork and respecting each other. I would love to fly because it would be nice to see things from above and I love to explore things.

Aaron Worth
7th period

Unknown said...

I think the main purpose of this video was to show how geese use teamwork, help each other when needed, and protect each other, and that we should learn to do these things as well. The video was trying to show us how geese depend on one another in order get things done and that it is okay to take help from one another. The geese in this video show that when one is sick or for some other reason can’t go on, a couple of other geese fly done with it to help and protect it. I think the author was trying to say that when someone is down in the dumps, we shouldn’t just leave them by themselves, all alone, we should comfort them and do as much as possible to cheer them up. Another thing is that we should be able to trust one another and others should be able to trust us like when the goose leading gets tired and falls back it can trust another goose to fill the spot. The geese honk in order to keep the other geese at the speed they are going so they won’t fall back. That is sort of like us cheer each other on in sports or achieving something. I never knew how much geese are like us and how much they work together.
I TOTALLY WISH I COULD FLY!!!!!!!!! I want to fly because I think that it would be fun to float around, over peoples’ heads. If I able to fly I could fly anywhere without using a car or walking or something like that. I would be able to go where I want without my parents taking me and I wouldn’t have to worry about being stuck in traffic or have my family take for ever to get ready to leave or have my sister too drive slow to make me late. I think that it would feel great to fly threw the sky without a care and soar as high as the clouds. I think that everyone would love to fly………except for the ones that are afraid of heights.

MIchelle Tucker
1st period

franki said...

I think the author's purpose is to show us that we need to stick together and trust each other. So if people would trust each other it would make a huge difference in the world. We also need to help each other out like the geese would. In the video, it says that the geese honk to encourage each other to keep it up. So we need to tell each other to keep it up and encourage them. I would definetly love to fly. Who wouldn't? I guess I would love to fly because its alot faster, you could be able to see so much more in life, and you can go as fast as you want becuase you can't get speeding tickets in the sky.

Franki *♥*
2nd period

Shannon Yost said...

This video meant more than just telling you how geese fly. This video was made to show where team-work gets you. The author is telling us that things work better when you work together. I would want to fly because maybe the earth would look more peaceful and together if I looked at it from above.

Shannon Yost ♥
8th Period

Zack said...

The author's purpose is to show us that nature works together better than we can, and that if we have any sense at all, we will do the same. The video claims the geese will always go back for each other and help each other. After that, is states we can and should do the same. I think the video gave some really good examples of how geese can be like and better than humans in some ways. I'm not sure if everyone can be like geese, but we should at least try to.
I would want to fly because it would just be amazing.

Zack Herberger
1st period

♥Stephanie♥ said...

Stephanie Harris 8th

The video is really cool!! I think the authors main purpose was to show that noone could do anything by themselves. Sometimes they need help. For example: When one goose gets sick or hurt he drops out of formation and one or two other geese go with him. That shows that If we help more instead of ignore then maybe the world would be a kinder place. I would want to fly because I would be free to travel the skies. I could go anywhere! :○)

Andrew said...

I feel the author's theme or main purpose in creating this video is to tell everyone how important it is to stick up for one another and to be helpful to them in all ways. The author's purpose is also to show how important it is to watch out for others and if they are in need we all need to be like geese and take over the lead point.
I would like to fly because I feel that if all "flew" like geese then the world would be a better place. For example, it explained in the video that the geese that fell behind the other geese would go to it and make sure that it was ready to fly. That means if a person is hurt we all need to look out for them and make sure they re ok.
Andrew Strand 8th period p.s. sorry it was late!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I think the author's main purpose in creating this video is to show people that they should stick together no matter what.When a friend needs your help, they can always count on their friends. When a goose would fly out of the group, another goose would help or go with it.I would want to fly because I could go anywhere in the worldand do anything I want.If I could fly, I would have sooo.. much fun. Everyone would love it!

Tina Woodring 2nd period [:

alex swiger said...

Wow I had no idea geese were this smart and helpful toward eachother.
I believe the authors purpose in making this video is to tell everyone that if we all work together and help everyone out, life may become much easier. Geese fly in a v-formation so they get places faster. If we all worked like this it would be very easy to accomplish things. The video states that if one goose is sick two other geese will drop out of the formation to aid it. That tells everyone that if someones not feeling good or doing good at someting you should help them. I would love to fly. You could get places faster and could see amazing sights.

Unknown said...

(finally it works!)

The author's state in this video is that teamwork is very important in everything we do. He created this video to show us that we can't do everything by orselves sometimes we will need help. One of the examples in the video was that you can't leave one behind so they should one goose dropping because it was sick then two more geese going to help him and the grop just takes the place of those geese so it wont crash and brn. I would love to fly!! It would be fun to get places faster and just enjoy the earth. You wouldnt have to pay for gas or an airplanes icket either. It would be awesome if we all could fly.

Isabella Leon
8th period

Evan Cameon said...

I think that the author's main purpose for creating this video was so that people can see how they need to stick together just like birds do.Birds fly in very big packs and most of the time in a "V", and when a bird gets sick,two other birds fly down and care for it until it gets sick.I would want to fly because it would be easier to get around and it would just be really fun.You can also have a good view of whatever you are flying over.

Evan Cameon said...

Evan Cameon 1st period

tori M said...

I actually didn't get through the entire video because it took FOREVER!!!!!! plus lunch is almost over. From what I can tell though it is about trusting each other. I don't really want to physically fly with wings, I much prefer a plane or helicoptor. Figuratively I'd love to fly. It means I'd be able to go above and beyond normal

Unknown said...

I think that the author's main purpose in creating this video was to show that people can learn a lot from how geese work together and help each other out. I bet in that aspect the geese are better than us. This video lists many interesting facts on how the geese help and encourage one another. This makes a lot of sense to me. It would be cool if everyone could try and work together like the geese.

It would be great if I could fly. I would want to fly because of the amazing views. I could probable get to where I wanted to go faster, too. I could probably help people if I had a power like that. It would also be cool to fly near birds and above buildings and other things like that. It would just be really cool to fly.

Jacob Richards 1st period

sorry I'm late doing this:(

Parrucci said...

I think that we can learn many lessons from many animals. I think that geese can teach us many different lessons. Mainly teemwork. In the video it says that when the lead goose gets tired of flying it drops back in the formation and the next goose flies up. And if a goose gets sick and goes down another goose follows it to help it catch up. And geese are very lucky because they can fly. If I could fly I would be able to move faster and never be late to class again. Thats why I would want to fly.

[gwendolyn] said...

This videos purpose was to show that everyone that we should work together as one.If some get sick help them dont leave them behind.We would be much better of if we took these geese example. One good example of what we should do is that when the lead goose get tired it drops back and lets another one take its place. People should do the same thing.I would want to fly so i could see places from above and that I could go anywhere I wanted without sitting in a plane.

Unknown said...

I think that the autors purpose in making this video was to show taht you have to work in a group to proceed in life!! IN life if people would all work together and trust each other we could be great! We all shouold try to be like geese at everything. It shows in the vidoe when one goose gets out of line it messes up all of the other geese. Also in the video the leading goose that is in the front when it gets tired one of the other geese goes up and takes its place the form of the V shap they make when they fly. Another thiung is when one goose gets ssicka and flys to land two others go down and try to protect it> I think that we all should be like GEESE they are great!!!!...

XCChick said...

I think the main purpose in creating this video was you prove that we need to stick together like glue in all conditions. One example is when one of the geese gets hurt they don’t just keep flying they go down as a "family". I would want to fly because it is a feeling of being free and feeling that you can do, go, or see anything or anyone.

twilight/potter addict said...

I think that the author's purpose in making the blog was to inform people that you can learn a lot from geese. I think that geese are very smart and we can learn a lot of stuff from them, like how they fly in a V.
.:*~CaReY MoRrIs 5/6 PeRiOd~*:.

amelia said...

The author's main purpose was obviously to show how humans should act more like geese. The author doesn't necessarily want you to go around honking all the time, but the author wants you to show the same qualities that geese have.

One example from the video was that if one goose got sick, two other geese dropped down with it to make sure it would be okay. The author explained that "If we had as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong." I totally agree with the author on this one.

Another example was "When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of flying alone. It quickly moves back to take advantage of the lifting power of the birds in front." To the author, this means "If we have as much sense as geese, we stay in formation with those headed where we want to go. We are willing to accept their help and give our help to others." I think this means that you should become close with the people that you will be spending a lot of your time with, and go together through your journey.

--Amelia Parks 2nd pd.

Unknown said...

I loved this video! It showed that not very many people can work alone well and that most people are better if they all work together as a whole. I believe that the authors theme is teamwork and encouragement.

When geese communicate and honk, they are really encouraging their teammates or group to go on and to never give up hope. If one goose falls behind then the whole flock slows down for that one goose to catch up. I think that they believe that unity and teamwork is the only way that they could fly.

I think that it would be fun to fly because I would like to just be flying through the clouds and get away from everyday life. It would be fun because you could just take off and soar through the sky and get where you need to be even faster than you could by walking or driving.

Katlyn Wilt
8th period

Nakoma said...

It show how much sharing responsibilities can help you and others. If geese can get along enough to share responsibilities than why can't we.If we all work together than we can do bigger better things faster hopfully better, more easily. Why I would won't to fly so I could see what the world was really like from way up in the sky.

Anonymous said...

hey ms.constable

This video was very nice. This video shows that we need other people for support. How is it that the geese can get along well enough to trust one another to support them and we can't? If we can come together like the geese did then humans can help one another succed in life. It's nice how when one bird gets too weak to lead, another bird replaces it. This is a very good example of how the world would be like if everyone was suppotive of the other. "You can work until you can't work anymore, and then be worked for." The strenght of not just one bird, but all the birds together helps them move on in a pace that is at ease.

I would like to fly, because we can see the world at another point of view. I cna get places faster and life would be a little bit easier.

thats all.

Asya Drake
2nd period


Savannah (: said...

The author’s main purpose of the video is to persuade the viewers to stand by one another in good times and bad. The author stresses how criticality important teamwork and trust are in the world. Geese are similar to humans in many ways. They depend upon each other for survival. We could not survive if it wasn’t for others, though some people aren’t so open-minded to this concept. They either do not open themselves for help and support from others, or believe that no one else needs or wants their support.

The video describes that when one goose gets sick, two more fly with it in order to protect the sick one. People are the same, when someone is suffering, no matter how severe; they are in special need of others. Geese are smart creatures. They have an understanding of teamwork and trust, better than some people. People often talk about the importance of helping a friend, but do not often take the time out of their busy schedules to really offer a helping hand. Thankfully however, many do take the time to help others in need. It is good to know that you do have friends and family you can count on when times get tough. It is comforting to know that if you are having a difficult time, you have others who are on your side.

I would want to fly because it is different. No one has flown in history, without mechanical means. It’s inhuman and unreal. Being able to fly would be awesome. Soaring above the world, looking at the beauty below would help in leaving your worries in your life on the ground. The sense of freedom and connection with the wind and nature would be amazing.

Savannah Sims ™
2nd Period ♥

demi_thaler said...

the propose of this video is how the geese work together as a team, just like people. geese are very smart birds... i would like to fly because i could exporler the whole world and see so many different places!!! i would also like to fly so anytime i'm not happy i could take off and leave the problems behind!!!

demi thaler
1st period

Unknown said...

I believe that the purpose of this video was to show that when we work together in the world then we arer stronger people. However, when we fly alone we are less powerful and we have much less of an influence. For example, when the geese leading the pack falls behind, then one of the geese from the back move up and take the lead role. Also, when one geese gets sick two or three fall to the ground with it so that they can help the fallen geese and catch up to the rest of the pack later on. I would want to fly so that I could visit distant lands and I wouldn't have to drive in traffic when I get my car.

Unknown said...

I believe that the purpose of this video was to show that when we work together in the world then we are stronger people. However, when we fly alone we are less powerful and we have much less of an influence. For example, when the geese leading the pack falls behind, then one of the geese from the back move up and take the lead role. Also, when one geese gets sick two or three fall to the ground with it so that they can help the fallen geese and catch up to the rest of the pack later on. I would want to fly so that I could visit distant lands and I wouldn't have to drive in traffic when I get my car.

Tommy Bice
2nd Period <3

***Brittany Ann*** said...

I Think this video is all about teamwork and how the geese help each other, for example when one gets tired and flys down another follows to comfort it.
It shows that when we work to gether we can acomplish more.
I would want to fly because,You can see way more than being on the ground and it would get you places faster.

Unknown said...

The main point is to show us we need to work together just like geese do. With that we can accomplish anything. One example would be: If we work together we can stop pollution a whole lot. Another example would be we could could stop violence by working together. To get to places faster and see everything.

◘ Ryan ◘ said...

The purpose of the author creating this video was to tell people we should work together. An illustration from the video is, the geese taking turns, for who is the lead goose. I would want to fly because it would be very cool! It would be awesome if I would be able to fly, I wouldn’t have to take the bus anymore (it is always late to my stop).
◘Ryan Wilson◘ •5/6th period•

nicole said...

The video on geese is about working together on thing and can't do everything and how thing work on things all you will be a better team and you can get a lot more things done as a team by teamwork.

Unknown said...

The authors purpose is to show that we need to work together.One is that when the lead goose get tired it drops back and lets another one take its place. People should do the same thing. To see the world and it would be cool!..

Unknown said...

This video wouldn't play, but from what I can remember after watching this is class is that the author's theme was team work and working together. The geese in it have different things that they do to help all the others. For example the way they fly in a V shape, and the front bird switches every so often. Geese seem like very intelligent creatures. I would most definitely want to fly. I've always wondered what it would be like. I would want to fly to feel free :)

Anonymous said...

This video is pretty cool, it shows you about teamwork, helping others and trust.This video was to show you to work together and who knew that geese where that smart? i knew i didn't.If other people trust eachother i think that the world would be a better place.Geese are really smart and they trust eachother, they work together and help eachother.I think that the main point for this video was to show you that there is animals and they do work together and they show eachother what to do and how to do it.He wants you to see how animals work together hoping that we would follow and do the same as the geese.

Unknown said...

I think the author's purpose for writing this was because he might have wanted everyone to really know how smart animals really are ecesially gesse.When gesse have a lead flyer and they know when to go south for the winter when it gets cold and they are so smart. I would want to fly because you could see a nice veiw all the time and could go where ever I wanted anytime I wanted so that is why I would like fly

Unknown said...

The theme of the video is that things stay together for when they need each other. Like in the video the geese stay together to now where to go. I would want to fly because I could go some where far like if I am mad I could go to let out my stress. And I could fly if playing a game.

Unknown said...

The author's theme or main purpose in this video was that, he showed that people should work together like geese and stand together and work as a team. In the movie the geese didn't leave each other.They stood together when they were needed most. If times went bad and the geese had a problme they didn't leave but stayed and halped them get through it.
Brooklyn Little ♥

twilight/potter addict said...

If i could fly then i would fly just to get away. Most of the time my sisters really make me mad and i just want to get away, but, of course i can't fly so i can't get away. If i could fly then i would probably be really happy because i could run from all of my problems, but running away from your problems doesn't help solve anything. Sometimes it does, but most of the time it doesn't. I think that if everyone could work as a team then there wouln't be as many fights. Fights aren't that good for a schools publicity. It actually only makes them look like a bad school. If we were geese then we would all probably get along alot better then we do now.

twilight/potter addict said...

add to above blog
tayna phillips 5/6 pd.

Basketballbabe said...

The authors main theme was working together. If they were in trouble the geese would stop to help. If the goose in front should tire others would take the front. If we were more like these geese there would be a lot more better in the world to day. Everyone would lend a helping hand no one would be on the streets.
Everyone would have a meal. Everyone would be much sweeter.

I would like to fly because it would not take as long to get from place to place. I could go anywhere I wanted when ever and be back in time for what I had to go to. I wouldn’t have to ride the bus to school. Would just fly there. That is why I would like to fly.
Courtney Sloan

emily said...

This video is awesome!! I think the author of this is to say that if everyone helped everyone else the world would be a much better place!The uplift the geese use would be like helping someone up after they fell flat on their face. Flying in the "V" formation would be like being the leader or captain of a club or sport.

I think I would like to fly by myself(without a plane) because being in the plane in fun but being on the outside would be awesome. I think the wind on my skin and the spped and the view would be awesome!

Emily Harper 2nd period. <3

Unknown said...

This video was very inspirational it states how teamwork as well as hard work can get anything done. It also shows you can learn by watching not only by listening. The geese can’t talk so they learn by watching and learning. Like the video said it one goose falls out of line it gets all out of wack. I would like to fly because you wouldn’t have to stop at red lights. There are no traffic jams of wrecks while flying. And last you don’t have to find a parking spot. Shane Richardson 1st

emily said...

I think that the author’s main point in this video is to show that geese are like humans in many ways. I think he was also trying to give the idea that geese can teach us a lot of things. Like when the video said that when a goose is hurt two geese go fly behind it to protect it, I think that means always be their for the people you love even if it’s not good times. If your friend is having a hard time in school, be there for them even if it’s not easy for you. I would want to fly just to see what it felt like. I think it would be really fun

emily said...

^above comment Emily Jordan's

alyssa said...

I think the author's main pursues of this movie was showing that geese are actually smart creatures, and if they have enough sense to do all those things then we should have enough common sense to do those thongs that geese do.
I think this video has a lot of trustworthy things in it and unity. This video is very full of useful things and stuff that would help an average person get through life easier. I would want to fly because, in my opinion it would just be loads of fun and if we could all fly together like the geese do we could lean a little something like how to be kind and cheer someone on when their feeling tired, or taking care of someone when he or she is sick or healthy.

Alyssa Linger 1st period

drew c. said...

I think this movie is about working together because it shows that there isn't just one leader they change to help each other out. For instance when a goose gets sick or tired it goes to the back because he gets drift which causes him to fly easier. I would want to fly because it would literally be a different point of view. It would also be a faster way for travel and better for the economy and also the environment.

tori M said...

The author wanted to talk about teamwork. Everyone relies on each other. it's a big web or something like that. Think of a pyramid, if you take away one stone, the whole thing could crumble down. I personally wouldn't want to fly except in an airplane/ helicopter/something of that nature. I wouldn't want that much empty air around without something stable.

tori mcgill

Unknown said...

The author's main purpose and message in this video was about teamwork and trust. If everyone could rely and trust one another the world would be a completely different place! The way these geese work together is amazing. I wish I could work with other people like these geese do with each other.

I would love to fly, because I love to travel. I wish I could be on the road all the time. I like to take time to get places instead of just jumping on a plane and getting somewhere within hours. Flying would be a way I could have some alone time as well. I think flying would make me feel peaceful.

Katie Nunan
2nd period

Unknown said...

I thought this video was cool,the geese were cute. I think the author's statement was if you can fly your free. He basicly means geese just live their own life and nobody can stop them. I'd love to fly because it seems better than driving!!

ashley charles

8th period