Monday, November 19, 2007

Kent State

This video high lights a disturbing episode in America's history. Have you ever discussed Kent State in any of your social studies classes? Have you heard of the Kent State killings before viewing this blog? Do you know what civil disobedience is? How is this related to the first Amendment?


a said...

(Oh Yeah 1st comment!)

I actually have not discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes. I have heard what it was but had never discussed it in very much detail. Yes, I know what civil disobedience is. It is where people or civilians do not obey the law, police officers, and the government. The first amendment is 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.' I guess that they are a like in some ways but still very different.

Gabby Tenney♥ 7th

Shannon Yost said...

(darn it gabby, like only a few hours before me, you have to ruin my fun)☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

No, I haven't discussed Kent State in my past history classes, but I have heard of it because my older brother and my dad are History Channel freaks, so I've seen some things on Kent State before and I basically know what happened. Yes, I do know what civil disobedience is. It is when a civilian disobeys the law, the court, the congress, or any other authority figure. In some ways, Kent State was like the First Amendment, but the thesis is still different in others.

Shannon Yost
8th Period ♫♪♫

Unknown said...

We haven't discussed Kent State in social studies classes.I also never heard of it before I watch the video
so I really don't know anything about it.

XCChick said...

I don’t think I have ever discussed Kent State in any of my classes before today when I watched this video I have never even heard of Kent State or anything that had happened there. When I watched this video I was in shock I can’t believe people would do that! I know what civil disobedience is, it is when a civilian or person doesn’t obey the law or any person of higher authority. This isnt related to the first Amendment in many ways but I guess in some ways it is.

Megan DeJong said...

No,I cannot say that I have ever discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes. My mom told me a little bit about it because she has a friend that was actually there when it happened. Civil disobedience is when citizens disobey the law and the police trying to enforce them. The first Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights. It basically says that we have freedom to express religion, free speech, freedom of the press and we have the right to assemble peaceably. It cannot limit our right to express what we feel are problems with the government. I think that the students were expressing their right to protest peacefully and also their right to free speech. I think it is unbelieveable that they were unarmed and were actually shot on a college campus.
Megan DeJong 8th Period

cheybreezy said...

I have never heard of this ever in any of my classes or heard anyone talk about it before!When I was watchinng this video my mom came in and said it was horrible.I never knew what civil disobediance is,but my mom helped me out and it is when citizens and government or the law enforcers dont obey the law themselves.I do know what the first ammendment is it allows you to have freedom of speech and similiar rules like that but noone was aloud this in the video!Its a tragic acident and it couldve been avoided!
Cheyenne Shirkey
7th period

cheyannh said...

i have never heard of kent state in any of my social studies classes in my life.althuoght i have heard about the subject but we really have not discussed it very much ever!but i do know what cfivil disobedience is when prople do not obey the law and neither dose the affects the 1st amendment but allowing you to have freedom of speech and similiar rules like that!!!!! ♥♥♥▬☻☻☻-☺☺☺
cheyann hammonds
constable 7th period
kent state blog%

Grant said...

No, we have never discussed the Kent State situation in our classes. I had no idea what it was or what it concerned. I knew Kent State was a college but that was about it.
No I had not heard of the killings taking place on the campus. I did not know of the riots or the protest marches that took place on the school grounds regarding the war. I did not realize that many students were involved until watching the video. I guess they took part in this to show their support of peace not war.
Not really, but I would believe it to mean the following. Civil disobedience would mean to me, not abiding by the laws of the United States that our ancestors put into action. Going against what the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence stand for, for us, the people of the United States of America. Not being the people we are suppose to be for our country to live in peace with each other.
We are suppose to have the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc. But when we have these freedoms we are to use them wisely. We are not to use them in ways to bring harm to other people. We are to use them to help others. Some people get carried away with what they think this freedom means and use it the wrong way. When this happens people get hurt, just like in this video of the Kent State killings.

Grant Holbert
8th Period

Wes said...

I have never discussed the Kent State incident in any of my Social Studies classes. I have not heard of the Kent State killings before viewing this blog. Disobedience is when a person doesn’t follow the rules. I would assume that civil means public, but I really am not familiar with civil disobedience.
I know a little about the Vietnam War. It was a war between the 1960’s-1970. This war was against communism, between North and South Korea. There were many people that didn’t believe in the war. I used Google to find out how many people were killed in the Vietnam War. This is what it said- 58,226 Americans were killed or listed as "Missing in Action" during the Vietnam War. Another 153,303 Americans were wounded, bringing the total number of U.S. casualties to 211,529.” No wonder many people were concerned and disturbed by this war.

I do support the soldiers though. I don’t think it was right that the students at Kent State were against the ROTC. They were probably just students that had scholarships and were going to school there. I guess that some of the students were getting too out of line. Therefore the policeman had to take control of the situation. I don’t agree that they should have killed the students! That was uncalled for!

I also Googled the first amendment and this is what is said – “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” -- First Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America In this case, the students at Kent State had the right to assemble and talk about their concerns. Maybe the policeman questioned if they were being peaceful. I still don’t believe that they should have shot and killed the students.

Wes Ashcraft
7th Period

katie nestor said...

No I have never talked about the issuses behind the problems at Kent State in any of my classes. I was not aware of the topics that were behind the issuses at Kent State before viewing this video.I believe that civil disodebience is when a person or a group of people go adgainst the laws that normally direct them. That is to say that they have gone adgainst the normally excepted laws of that particular area. At Kent State the students that were demonstrating all thought that they were peacefully expressing themselves. However, the governing authorities believed that the demonstrating students were violating normally excepted laws. The frist amendment of the constitution gurantees all citizens the right to peacefully voice their opinion on any matter. The students at Kent State were doing that, but the group turned a little radical when they started disstroying property. They therefor were demonstrating their civil disobedience. I do feel that the authorities reacted inappropriately and over reacted by firing their guns into the student group.

Katie Nestor
7th period

Ali said...

In all of my social studies, no, we have not studied about Kent State. Before viewing this blog i had actually only heard one or two things about the Kent State killing and have never really asked much about it. Civil disobedience is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. The first Amendment is the law which states Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Ali Sansalone
8th Period

Unknown said...

I thought this video was really cool and it was a good example . I really have never studied this subject/ I really have never even heard of kent state. No I have never heard of kent state killings before. Yes, I do know what civil disobedience is. It is where people or civilians do not obey the law. I don’t think this is related to the first amendment that much but in some ways it is. I really like this video. I thought this video was coll and interesting even thou I didn’t know anything about it.

Evan kosik
1st period

***Brittany Ann*** said...

I have not ever discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes. I have not ever heard of this even before. Civil disobedience is When you dissagree with something the government is doing. The first amendment is freedom of speech and the people that were killed had a right to say what they felt and PEACFULLY protest.
~*** BrItTaNy MaThEnY ***~

Connor Haberland said...

I have never discussed Kent State in any class before.Because I have never discussed this in any class, I have never heard of the Kent State killings before.Civil disobidience is when someone feels that a war is wrong. Freedom of speech is the first Amendment, and civil disobedience acts as if all that is illegal, as if you are not allowed a peaceful, non-violent, protest.

Nathan said...

I have never talked about or heard about kent state. civil obedience is social mechanisms that regulate individual and group behavior, leading to conformity and compliances to the rules of a given society or social group. It relates to the first amendment because it disobeys that there is no law inflicting freedom of speech.

[gwendolyn] said...

No,I can't say that I have ever discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes. Civil disobedience is when citizens disobey the law and the police trying to enforce them. The first Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights. It basically says that we have freedom to express religion, free speech, freedom of the press and we have the right to assemble peaceably. It cannot limit our right to express what we feel are problems with the government. I think that the students were expressing their right to protest peacefully and also their right to free speech. I think it is unbelieveable that they were unarmed and were actually shot on a college campus.
♪gwen sanders♪

Unknown said...

I do believe that the incident at Kent State was one of the worst tragedies in the history of the United States. In our history classes we have never really talked about the shootings, but my grandfather always told me of things that the school system never told us. But with talking with my grandfather, I have heard of the shootings before, and how much of a mess it was. All this basically is civil disobedience, which is the resistance of authority to a government power, which I give those people for. I give them that credit because, they spoke up when we were losing men every day for no reason what so ever. We were fighting a war that wasn’t even ours. It all was the French people’s problem, they were the ones that lost their colony to a group of guerrilla fighting rebels, then they brought us into it all, and then they backed out when we came in. Some help they were, huh? This is all related to the First Amendment because, those peaceful, unarmed students were gunned down for expressing their own views and beliefs on the war effort. They were killed because, President Nixon knew that they were correct about the subject on how we should not be involved. They were killed because, they knew more than the U.S. government, and army, but they just didn’t know how to take the news. Instead they killed four students, and injured nine, thinking that will solve everything. But you know what, it didn’t. For five more antagonizing years, we remained in Cambodia and Vietnam before pulling in 1976 out and accepting defeat. That’s what those students at Kent State were trying to tell us; “pull out before we lose most of our men for a useless cause, which has nothing to do with America.”
Randy Stickley
Period 5/6

Unknown said...

Yeah, fight the power of war. Do what hippies do. Make love not war. I completely agree with the kids in the video who were protesting. Yes, I have heard about Kent State a couple of times while I was in Elementary School. I heard it is a hard college to get into as well. No, I did not know about the killing until now. I think that is just sick and wrong. If I was one of those students, I would be ready to rage war on the army. I think it is cruel to get shot and killed just because you want to speak your mind. I think civil disobedience is when some army people do not feel like obeying what the state, community, or ecosytem have to say. It is related to the first amendment because the first amendment talks about the peoples rights and that is wrong that the law people and war people did not abide by it in that incident.

This blog was posted by:
David Collins
2nd period

Unknown said...

I have not talked about Kent State in any of my social studies classes, at least that my brain can remember. I have never heard about Kent State till today witch is Monday. The first time that I think that I heard about it was when Mrs. Constable told us that we had to blog about it and told us a little about it before we watched the video.
I actually do not really know what civil disobedience so I looked it up. Civil disobedience is when people refuse to follow or obey the certain laws trying to bring change to the government or legislation, supported by nonviolent techniques like boycotts, picketing, and not paying taxes.
I guess the first amendment and civil disobedience is sort of the same. The first amendment is the freedom of religion, free to share your thoughts, speech, press, petition, and assembly so someone could have been fighting for the freedom to do something.

MIchelle Tucker
1st period

twilight/potter addict said...

I have vhard of Kent State before (but not in any of my classes)and I had no clue it was that bad! And, yes, I do know what civil disobediance is, I think. Isn't it when someone goes against the law to protest what they think is wrong? Oh, well. I think I'm right. Anyway, I think this has to do with the first amendment because that gives United States citizens freedom to assemble and freedom of speech. In other words, they had the right to protest peacefully-as long as they didn't hurt anyone else.

.:*CaReY MoRrIs*:.
5/6th period

Oh, and P.S. Miss Constable-
I like these informative blogs a lot!

rachel_marie_7 said...

In past and current social studies classes we never discussed it ever. I had never heard of the Kent state tragedy before this video. I don’t see why though it seems like it was a huge deal! I’m not sure, but I think I have an idea of what civil disobedience. I’m pretty sure that it is not following the law, and in doing so you don’t stop what you are doing when asked to. The first amendment says we have freedom of speech. These people where expressing this, and got in trouble doing so. I’m not exactly sure why because anybody and everybody is entitled to this right.

◊Rachel Keefover
◊2nd period

P.S. i second that. I really like these imformative blogs, too.

◘ Ryan ◘ said...

No, we, or I, have never discussed “Kent State” in our social studies classes. I think they did not want us, the students, to know about this because it may make us rebel also. Again, no, I have never even heard of “Kent State” before watching this video. Civil Disobedience is acting against the government. This video is related to the first amendment by showing that we, the people, have the freedom of speech. The government, however, did not like what the students of this video had to say.

♦Ryan Wilson♦ 5/6th period

Unknown said...

I actually think that this video was very sad and disturbing. I am not sure if it was right but I do know that sixty-seven gun shots and killing fore students was most certainly not the way to solve it.

No, I actually have not discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes. No I also have not ever heard of Kent State killings until I watched this blog.

Civil disobedience is when you go against something the government says to do. This is related to the first Amendment by freedom of speech. I honestly don't think the law gave the students the freedom of speech and I don’t think its right. In some ways I guess they are the same but in many ways they are not!

Ashley Charles
8th period

Unknown said...

I actually think that this video was very sad and disturbing. I am not sure if it was right but I do know that sixty-seven gun shots and killing fore students was most certainly not the way to solve it.

No, I actually have not discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes. No I also have not ever heard of Kent State killings until I watched this blog.

Civil disobedience is when you go against something the government says to do. This is related to the first Amendment by freedom of speech. I honestly don't think the law gave the students the freedom of speech and I don’t think its right. In some ways I guess they are the same but in many ways they are not!

Ashley Charles
8th period

Gabby said...

No, I have never heard of the killings at Kent State. I thought it was horrible because the students were not armed. I can imagine how sad it was for their friends and families.

Civil Disobedience is when citizens protest the actions of their goverment. The first amendment guarantees the right of free speech. At Kent State the students were shot at, injured and killed for excersing their first amendment rights.

♥Gabriella Constable♥
5th/6th period

Colbi said...

I have never heard of the Kent State killings before I watched this video. I did not know it even happened. I t has never been discussed in any of my social studies classes. I'm not sure I even really understand why it happened. I had no idea what civil disobedience was until I looked it up. It means the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes. This is related to the first amendment because that amendment is the freedom of religion, speech, press, petiton, and assembly. At Kent State the students were voicing what they wanted or believed in. That was their freedom of speech and assembly.

Colbi Dick
2nd. period

alyssa said...

I'm pretty sure that I have not yet discussed Kent State killings before in my social studies class. I have heard little bits and pieces of this story, but not much. No, I don't know what civil disobedience is, but if I had to guess, I would have to say people in the war not following their commands. This has to do with freedom of speech witch is in the first Amendment.

Alyssa Linger 1st period

Unknown said...

We have never discussed Kent State in any my social sutdies classes before. I haven't heard about the Kent State killings before , I din't even know there was a place called Kent State. Yes, now that we've talked about it,I know what it means. It is realated to the first Amendment becuase the firt Ammedment staes that we have freedom of speech. Those students should not have lost lives as well as thier priveledge to walk and do other things.

Unknown said...

Shockingly, the Kent State killings have never been discussed in any of my classes, and I am shocked about it, because this is an important event to know on America's modern timeline. I haven't heard of this because. Civil disobedience is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. Because the teens who protested the war did not create violence, they were merely exercising their right as Americans. The Kent State students were wrongly murdered and injured. The president should formally apologize for this, if he hasn't done so already. Eric Nickolich ☻ 5th / 6th pd.

Unknown said...

30th comment>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<

To tell you the truth i have never disscussed kent state in any of my social studies classes. i don't really know anything about it but i'll tell you what i DO know. I don't know much. the only thing that i really know is that i know some people died and some people got seriously injured. sorry, i'm not that smart. No i don't really know what civil disobedience is but if i did then i would probably tell you. once again, i'm sorry.

Unknown said...

No I havent discussed in my social studies class. Yes I have heard about Kent State, but not really talked about it. Civil disobedience is when you go against the government. This has to do with the first amendment because those people were peaceful and the government killed some of them.

**Shelby** said...

No, we have not ever discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes. No, before this video I have never heard of the Kent State killings. Civil disobedience is refusal to obey civil laws in an effort to induce change in governmental policy or legislation, characterized by the use of passive resistance or other nonviolent means. This is related to the first amendment because they both talk about laws. One is talking about not changing the laws and the other is meaning not following the laws. These two are alike in some ways, but they are still different. The words have two different meanings too.

Austin said...

This video was very interesting I can't believe that a governer would shoot colleage students just because they stood up for what they believed. We haven't discussed the Kent State tragedy in any of my classes this year or before. No I have never heard of the Kent State killings before this blog but I have heard Kent State colleage. I think civil disobedience means that to refuse to obey certain laws or government demands. It s like the first admenment because they no body had any right under that bill and in this case they did not let them have any rights.

Mehgan said...

We have never discussed Kent State in Social Studies. I think its mostly private and they dont want us to know about these shooting and school activity devistations.

I have never in my life heard about a Kent state shooting. But now that i have im glad that i have finally been informed about this topic and now know what i should have many years ago.

Civil disobedience is when you rebel against the law. But its not nesaccarily in violent measures. In this case it is a very peacful protest, that went very devistating.

The first amendment states freedom of speach. This was a legal act according to the admendment but the government killed them. It was wrong of them to kill them.


Evan Cameon said...

I have never discussed Kent State killing in any of my history classes which is wierd because it was a big part of our history. This is the first time that i have heard of the Kent State killings through this blog. I am not very sure what civil disobiedence is but I think that is crimes against society. I think that it relates to the first ammendment because everyone in America has freedom of speech and the students should have never been killed.

Evan Cameon
1st period

Parrucci said...

I can't beleive that our government would declare marshal law against a school. Unless there was guns or explosives in volved in a protest, I would never declare marshal law on our own soil.I think that it brakes the first amendment of the Constitution of the United states by punishing savileans for freedom of speech. We have never talked about Kent State in school before in school. I do not know what civil disobedience is but I think it is basicly braking civil laws.

Zachary Parrucci
7th Pd.

Zack said...

I have never discussed Kent State in any of my history classes. I had heard of it before, but never knew what it was. Now that I do, it freaks me out a little. I had always heard of other school killings before watching this, however.
Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws.
This is related to the first amendment because the students should have had the right to speak out and protest against the government's ideas. Instead, they got shot down. I hope an event like this doesn't happen again.

Zack Herberger
1st period

ptwigg(: said...

No, I don't think that in any of our social studies lessons we have discussed the Kent State condition. I have never even heard of it until this video. Yes, civil disobedience is when a civilian disobeys the law, the court, and the congress. This isn't really related to the first Amendment in many ways, but I guess it is related in a little ways.

Paitan Twigg
7th period:]
No, I don't think that in any of our social studies lessons we have discussed the Kent State condition. I have never even heard of it until this video. Yes, civil disobedience is when a civilian disobeys the law, the court, and the congress. This isn't really related to the first Amendment in many ways, but I guess it is related in a little ways.

Paitan Twigg
7th period:]

midge said...

This video did highlight a very disturbing episode in our history; however, I found this video very disturbing. The video was disturbing because I had no idea what the speaker was saying because the background music was way to loud. I found it very hard to pay attention because of the two competing with one another.

I have never learned about Kent State in any of my classes. I had never even heard of it before viewing this blog.

Civil disobedience is self-explanatory. It means to refuse to obey certain laws.

Civil disobedience is related to the first Amendment because the students came together to voice their opinion. The first Amendment states the right to have freedom of speech and the right to assemble. When the students at Kent State tried to use this, nine students were injured and four students were killed.

Unknown said...

I don't think that we have discussed this subject in any of my social studies classes.

I have heard about the Kent State killing before, but I have only heard about it. Even though I've heard about it, I didn't find out anything specific about what happened.

Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands. It is characterized by the employment of such techniques such as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes.

I do think that civil disobedience is related to the first amendment. The first amendment is that every person in entitled to freedom of speech, religion, assembly, or petition. Both of the things pretty much mean the same things, with different names.

MacKenzie Kline
2nd period

Unknown said...

The video shown was disturbing. It's weird to think that something as harsh and as cruel as that could take place in the United States. It is also hard to believe that our government could do something like that to nonviolent resisters. Just because people don’t agree with something the government is doing doesn’t mean the government can shoot them. That solution is way too drastic and cruel. I don't believe I have ever discussed this shooting in my social studies classes. I have heard the words "Kent State killing" before, but never really learned what happened in it until now. Disobedience is when someone refuses to obey a law or commandment from a government or power. For someone to be civilly disobedient they must act in a peaceful manner. Basically it is pretty much the same as nonviolent resistance. The first amendment is all about religion and expression. The expression part of the amendment states that congress cannot pass a law that butchers the American rights of free speech, free press and freedom of peaceful protest. I don't think that the religion part of the first amendment, which states that the congress cannot pass a law that creates one religion that everyone must follow or pass a law that makes them give up their right of practicing their beliefs, pertains to the Kent State shooting. The expression part of the amendment pertains to the Kent State shooting because in the shooting President Nixon gave the soldiers permission to shoot the peaceful protesters. The soldiers did and nine students were injured along with four students who were killed. The first amendment would mean that the president shouldn't have given the soldiers permission to shoot. This tragic incident should have never occurred.

Unknown said...

Jacob Richards 1st period

Nakoma said...

My classes them selves have never gone over Kent state. I think I have heard about Kent state once or twice before this video. It is where people decide to disobey civil laws to try to change governmental policy or legislation, by doing nonviolent protests. The people protested against and the military was involved.

Nakoma 1st Period

Unknown said...

I have never studied this in any of my classes but I would like to in the future. This video was very interesting and entertaining it is much better than the last one. No I have never heard of the Kent state killing before but I have heard of civil disobedience before. It is where people or civilians do not obey the law. I don’t think this is related to the first amendment that much but it does cross some lines. Shane Richardson 1st

Audia Bartlett said...

No, I haven't discussed Kent State in my past history classes, I never really heard of it. I looked it up online, it was a terrible thing that happened.
Yes, I do know what civil disobedience is. It is when a civilian disobeys the law or any part of the law or any other authority figure. The first amendment allows you to have freedom of speech, religion and the right to assemble together and yes they are alike the students came together to speek their opinion.

Audia Bartlett
7th period

Debii K said...

I don't think that I've ever talked about it in any of my past history classes. I think my teacher last year mentioned it, but we didn't discuss it in depth.

I had heard of it before, but didn't really know much about it. Like I said, my teacher mentioned it, but we didn't discuss it.

Yes, I know what it is. It's where people refuse to obey civil laws.

I think it's related, because the students at Kent state had the right to protest against the war. They had every right, according to the first amendment, to speak their minds. I would have protested too! The government had no right to go in and shoot those students, because, being an American citizen, are able to say what they want.

Tommy Bice, Bice Baby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tommy Bice, Bice Baby said...

Tommy B.
2nd Period
Hey Mrs. Constable! Your class is really interesante (interesting- Spanish). hahaha. Time to blog!

No I have not talked about Kent State in any of my Social Studies classes before. No I was never aware of any protesting about the Vietnam War from Kent State. My grandpa was in the Vietnam War so I thought that I would know about this but I never have. I THINK civil disobedience is when people do not stay within their civil rights and disobey the law. The first Amendment is that all Americans have the right of free speech. Therefore, this relates to the first Amendment by the law trying to stop civilians from protesting a very severe subject, even when they did have the right to protest the war.

See You In Class Mrs. Constable. WE MISSED YOU!!!!!!

Unknown said...

We have not discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes.No,I have never even heard of this before this video.Civil disobedience is when someone dosen't agree with a law so you don't follow it and try to change it.It is a little bit related to the first amendment because it talks about having your own freedoms like fredom of press,speech,and religion.The two things are alike in some ways but still a little different.The cops shouldn't have shot these innocent students,just because they were protesting.

George Corbin
7th period

Unknown said...

I have not discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes, actually. I don't know much about wars, but I do know that many people have lost their lives in the Vietnam War. Judge Fox actually was a soldier in the war and so was one of my uncles.

I have never heard of the Kent State killings before viewing this blog and I would never have imagined such a drastic thing happening.

Civil disobedience is refusing to obey laws made by the government without using physical violence.

I don't think civil obedience is at all related to the first Amendment because I don't really understand it. They might be the same in some ways and different in others.

Brianna Woodburn
7th Period

Logan D. said...

Logan Demyon
8th period

I have never talked about Kent State in any of my social studies classes. I have heard about from other people talking about it but we never discussed it in social studies class.

Before viewing this blog, I have heard of the Kent State killings before.

I think that civil disobedience is when people don’t obey the laws and other things from the government.

I think that this is related to the first amendment by having freedom of speech. Those people should have not been killed cause the very first amendment states that you have freedom of speech to say whatever you want.

cAILEY nICOLE =D said...

I have heard of this Kent State tragedy in some of my socail studies classes before, but I never knew to much about it. I never knew the details or what had exactly happend there. I liked this video because it showed that these students all came together for the same cause that they were very set on. I think it show s that we can come together as a country in times of need. Before this blog, like I said, i had heard about it but didn’t what it was. said disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or government demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy. I think that means exactly what the students at Kent State did, disobey the inforecers because they wanted to prove a point. The 1st Amendment says the government can’t make a law prohibiting the free exercise, or freedom of speech. I think it has everything to do with Kent State because they were threatended and shot because the we using the right to free speech.

Cailey Weaver
2nd pd.

Unknown said...

I have never dicussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes. I also have never heard about the Kent State before watching this video.I think that the people had the right to go let their fellings out about the war.People should always have an opinion on thigs like that.I think that it is related to the first admendment because of the rights.

Tina Woodring
2nd period =]

Unknown said...

I have not diicussed this in my soial studies class.I have not and I think that video was very good to show to us because people like me would know about it now.I do not knowwhat that means.It is related to the frist Amendment is that they are related in some ways but are some what diffrent too.
Cienna Wright
7th period

Unknown said...




Unknown said...

Have A Great Day Ms. Constable♥

Unknown said...

I have not discussed Kent State in any my social studies class. I did not hear about Kent state killings before viewing this blog. I hae no clue what civil obedience is and i looked it up and cant find it. I dont think it is really like the first amendment because the first amendment is "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." It might be the same in some ways but i dont think.

Adrianna (: said...

This video kind of scared me and it was really sad. I haven't discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes. But this video basically told the whole story. I haven't even ever heard of the Kent State killings before viewing this blog. Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or government demands. This is related to the first Amendment because it says that we have freedom of speech. Those kids weren't allowed to use their right, which was wrong. Everyone should be allowed to use all of their rights. I feel sorry for the kids who died and their families. No one should have to go through any of that.
Adrianna Curtis
♥8th period♥

Unknown said...

I have never discussed this in soc. studies. I have never even heard of what happened at Kent State before either. Yes, I know what civil disobedience is. It is where people don't obey the law or government.

Unknown said...

No i have never talked about the story in the collage of Kent State. NO i have nver herd about this tragedy of kent state the 1st i ever herd of it was in my 8th period class at school. Yes i know what civil disobedience is when you disagree with your government and civilian disobeys the law, the congress, the court, or any other authority . I think that the kids were just doing what the 1 amenment is which is freedom of speech. But it got a ittle out of hand when they started taring up things that didnt belong to them!!

brogan raddish 8th period

lgower said...

The word Ken state is in my self dictionary, but I didn’t know that there were killings involved. Actually now that I think of it I do remember my social studies class briefly talking about it last year. Before this blog I was not informed that there were killings involved with the Ken state situation. Civil disobedience I have never heard of, but I would guess it would mean to be disobedience to war. The first amendment is freedom of religion and speech I think. This video showed the people standing up for what they agree with and they had the freedom to do what they did.
-Lauren Gower
2nd period

Jenny said...

This movie is very interesting,and I can understand why this movie is very disturbing to alot of people. I don't think I have ever heard of this event until this video. I never have discussed Kent State in social studies class. I think it would be a interesting thing to talk about in social studies because I think it brings alot of curiousity to alot of people.

I have some idea about civil disobedience. I think it means something about disagreeing with the government.I got on and I found civil disobedience. It means the refusal to obey civil laws in an effort to induce change in government policy or legislation, characterized by the use of passive resistance or other nonviolent means. I basicly think it means that when a person protests against a law without any violence.

i really don't know what the first amendment was so I googled it. The first amendment says that "congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibitingthe free exercise thereof; or abridgingthe freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This amendment has alot to do with the Kent State event because the amendment specifically states that people have freedom of speech and have the right to peaceably assemble. Therefore the police had no right to kill or even raise their gun to the college students who protested because they hed the right to.

Jenny Bundy 8th

Jenny said...

Mrs. constable did you grade my america blog

jared burns said...

I find this video very disturbing, just imaging that something like this could actually happen makes me sad. To believe it did, it makes me angry that people who enforced laws actually broke an amendment. No, I have never discussed this subject in social studies. Yet again No, I have never heard of this tragic avent. Yes, civil disobedience is when you do not obey the law and government. This is related to the first amendment because the National Guard did not allow the students to have freedom of speech and the right to peacefully assemble, instead most of them were shot or wounded, which was completely wrong.

Jared Burns
8th Period

Nick Sinclair said...

I have not heard any discussions about Kent State in my social studies classes and I didn't know about the killings there. I know that civil disobedience means when people don't obey the law. I looked up the first amendment and it says that congress shall make no law abridging the freeedom of speech. I think that the students were just using their freedom of speech and everything got out of control with the students and the National guard. The National guard should not have shot the students and I think that they took away the students' rights of first amendment.
Nick Sinclair 8th

Savannah (: said...

I have never discussed the Kent State Massacre in any class. Before this assignment, I have never even heard the details of this tragedy. I have heard that there was a tragedy, though I never knew what it was about. The Vietnam War was a very tragic time of U.S. history. Many United States citizens didn’t approve of the war. This is an important lessen for all Americans, politicians and every day people alike. Politicians need to listen the people they represent. It is their job to support and represent the people of America. Citizens should understand to stand behind their leader’s opinions and try to see ideas from different opinions. In America, individuals are lucky that they normally do have the opportunity to voice their opinion, even if it is different from those in leadership positions. This is a freedom that should be highly valued.
Civil Disobedience is actively refusing a law or a command of government. It is mostly in a nonviolent, respectful way. The First Amendment applies the right of religion and expression. More descriptively: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” So they are both similar in that they provide freedom to speak out against your government and its leaders.
I believe the Kent State Massacre does not abide to this law. The protestors were not being violent, just expressing their right to disagree with the war. It was wrong that the protest became violent and lives were lost. It is a sad moment in American history.

Savannah Sims™
2nd Period ♥

buonaiuto said...

I have never discussed Kent State in Social Studies class. Before now I have never heard of this incident occurring. I didn't know what civil disobedience was but I did some research. Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes. The first Amendment is an amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibiting Congress from interfering with freedom of religion, speech, assembly, or petition. Both of these kind of have to do with freedom. Civil disobedience has to do with nonviolent protests to get more freedom. The first Amendment is the document that states our freedoms.
Michael Buonaiuto 7th prd.

davidhaley said...

I had a hard time understanding the video because my computer has a bad sound system, but i know enough to do this assignment. I didn't know about these, but i think one of my classes has discussed it before. I don't know what civil disobedience is, but i would guess it is something like when the citizens do not obey the law of their region. The first ammendmant states that they can have the right to say what they want, and they were fine protesting by talking. When you take it to far it really gets to be to much for people to handle. I also wanted to say that i've made up all my blogs which were the Break Dance one and the one for Web 2.0

Phil said...

The Kent State murders were a complete outrage. I have never previously discussed this matter. I honestly think was against many rules of the first amendment. This violated many rules that today would not be tolerated. However, the government had a lot to do with this so who knows what could happen if that took place today. I feel that this was a crude violation of the laws and constitution. I cannot believe that our country allowed something like this to happen. This outrage should not have been aloud to happen. Nothing like this should ever happen again. I feel that this was a large mistake by our government.

phillip colasessano

Kstaggers said...

I had once heard about The Kent State Massacre, but never really knew what is was or what it was about. I've never discussed it in a social studies class before. To learn more about the incident, I did some research. The shootings occurred on May 4, 1970. The students were protesting the protesting the American invasion of Cambodia. Some of the students that were shot were only bystanders in the incident. There was a national response to this happening, hundreds of universities, colleges, high schools, and even middle schools closed throughout the United States from a strike of eight million students. The event divided the country along political views.

I know that civil disobedience means when people don't obey the law. I looked up the first amendment and it says that congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. My opinion is that the students were just using there right to freedom of speech. I do not think that it was necessary for the National Guard to come in.

Kelsey Staggers :]

NIck said...

I have never discussed what happened at Kent. State in any of my social studies classes or any other class. I have heard of the killings at Kent. State before this blog from my Uncle. I do know what civil disobedience is and it is when you protest against your government for something they are doing. This is related to the first amendment because the students that had been shoot were saying that they didn’t like what the government was doing. The first amendment gives us the freedom of speech, so the students should have been able to say that they didn’t like what the government was doing. In my opinion what happened to the students was wrong of the government.

Nick Trefz
8th period

Kenny said...

I have never discussed the Kent State tragedy in any of my social studies classes before. This was the first time that I have ever heard of these killings. Civil disobedience is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. I think that this video is related to the first Amendment because the students didn’t do anything wrong. They should have been protected under the first amendment with the right to assemble peaceably.

AShields said...

I have never discussed Kent in my social studies classes, but I have heard about it before. (wasn't this in the movie Forrest gump? or was that something different?) Civil disobedience is when you disobey the laws when you feel the law is unfair or wrong, and you break the law for that purpose. The first amendment says that you have the right to peaceable assembly and freedom of speech, which means that you have the right to gather as a group and speak your mind, as long as you do it without wreaking havoc. Many of the people in Kent State did so this, but in the case where they set the thing on fire, they would technically not be protected under the first amendment because you caused problems.

Unknown said...

No, I have never discussed the Kent State killings in my social studies classes. I had not heard about the Kent State killings before this blog either. Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes.

This is related to the first amendment because it says everyone has freedom of speech. This amendment states that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution is a part of the United States Bill of Rights. It prohibits the federal legislature from making laws "respecting an establishment of religion" (the "Establishment Clause") or that prohibit free exercise of religion (the "Free Exercise Clause"), laws that infringe the freedom of speech, infringe the freedom of the press, limit the right to assemble peaceably, or limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. These people should've been able to protest since they were un-armed and peaceful.

Rachel Waskis
5-6th period

Unknown said...

I do not think that we have ever discussed Kent State in any of our social studies classes. In fact I have never heard of it before. Civil disobedience is to refuse to obey laws. It is related to the First Amendment because it says you have freedom of speech. The people in this video and at Kent State were doing this but they got into trouble doing it.

Olivia Duke
1st period <3

JP said...

The kent State shooting was one of the worst shootings in american history. Fourteen people were killed, and dozens of other were injured. all these students were doing were sticking up for the right of free speech. they had a problem with what was goin on in the world and they did what they thought they needed to do. they were murdered for sticking up for what they belived in. they should be compared to people like Abraham Lincoln. He was killed after ending slavery. they were killed becouse they stuck up for what they belived in.

( mrs. constable i also did my web 2.0 blog)

fletcher devaul said...

I know it’s surprising but I never have been in a class where we have discussed the Kent State incident. I have heard of it but I had never been told why it happened and for the reason it happened. Yes I do know what civil disobedience is. The first Amendment 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,’ and the students where speaking their mind but not in a violent way.

Unknown said...

Surprisingly, we have not discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes. I wish that we would have because I had never heard about any of this before watching this video and listening to the documentary. Those students had every right to protest against the war and it should have never lead to loss of lives. I believe that civil disobedience is when the citizens go against the authorities to make a point and show their views. The first Amendment says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." This Amendment leads me to believe that the authorities in this event went against their constitution.
Kristen Zirkle
2nd period

C.N.B.♥ said...

I have discussed Kent State Before in one of my social studies classes but i can't remember which one though. I have heard about Kent State in i think 5th grade. Civil disobedience is the refusial of to obey a law. The first amendement is where the congress may not make laws that take the freedom of speech and the freedom of press.

~Cheynne Braden~ ~period 5&6~

Andrew said...

No, I have never discussed the Kent State tragedy in social studies, though it would be a very interesting subject. I have never heard of this in all of my life but I do feel that I should have learned about this tragic day in American history in social studies class. I have never even talked about it or seen it on television. Civil disobedience is when a person does not follow the respected laws. I think the first amendment relates to this in some ways but still differs. I think people should be allowed to say whatever they want as long as it pertains to the rightful laws.
Andrew Strand 8th period

--->Lexi ;] said...

I didn't really like this video, but...

I really have never talked about Kent State befroe iin my social studies class, so I've never really heard of it until this blog.

I've never heard of civil disobedience before, but it is refusal to obey governmental demands or commands especially as a nonviolent and usually collective means of forcing concessions from the government.

I think that civil disobedience is related to the first amendment. The first amendment states that every peron is entitled to have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the the press, freedom of petition, and freedom of assembly. I think that they are alike in so many ways. Basically they have everything in common, just titled differently! =]

♥Alexxus Bolling♥
~2nd period~

Aaron Worth said...

I haven’t discussed Kent State in any of my Social Studies classes before. Yes, I have heard of Kent State killings before from family and family friends. Yes I do know what civil disobedience is , Civil Disobedience is the refusal to obey governmental demands or commands especially as a nonviolent and usually collective means of forcing concessions from the government. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Aaron Worth
7th peiod

Unknown said...

I don’t think we ever discussed Kent state but who knows I don’t really pay much attention in history because its so boring. No I don’t think I have ever heard of it before viewing this video. Yes I do know what Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes. This is related to the first amendment because they no body had any right under that bill and in this case they did not let them have any rights.

Ashley Patterson
2nd. pd.

Unknown said...

I have not studied Kent State in any of my classes. I have never even heard about this incident until viewing this blog. I can’t even believe that I had never heard about it either. It was such a disturbing incident and it was very important in history. I do not know what civil disobedience is. These kids had the right of freedom of speech. It was very important to them to get the word around and they had the right to do so. If I were the parents of the children then I would sue them big time!
♥Katlyn Wilt♥
8th period

Unknown said...

Sam Haines
8th period

I haven’t discussed the Kent State killings in my social studies classes. I have never heard of the Kent State catastrophe until this blog, so I am very new to this devastating subject. Civil disobedience is a rebellion or revolution. I think the Kent State disaster is a great example of civil disobedience. This tragedy is related to the first amendment because the first amendment states freedom of speech and that is what the students were denied. The Kent State killings disobey this amendment because the collage students should have had the right to revolt without the severe consequences they received.

Unknown said...

I thought this video was really cool and it was a good example . I really have never studied this subject. I really have never even heard of kent state. No I have never heard of kent state killings before. Yes, I do know what civil disobedience is. It is where people or civilians do not obey the law. I don’t think this is related to the first amendment that much but in some ways it is. I really like this video. I thought this video was cool and interesting even thou I didn’t know anything about it.

evan kosik
1st period

Andrew said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andrew said...

No, I have not discussed the Kent State killings in any of my social studies classes. I've never heard of the tradegy of the Kent State killings before viewing this video. Yes, I do know what civil disobedience is. It is when people do not obey the laws to influence the government. I think it is related to the first Amendment because in the first Amendment it states that you have the freedom of speech, print, or to gather in a small peaceful group; which the people are trying to spread their beliefs with freedom of speech, and still they were killed.

Andrew Suplita
1st Period

Franki :D said...

No i have never heard about the Kent state before. I liked this video because it showed that the students came together. Disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or government demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy. The 1st Amendment says the government can not make a law prohibiting the free exercise, or freedom of speech. I think it has alot to do with Kent State because they were shot for the wrong reasons.

Franki Perry *♥*

Baller_Girl_13 said...

No I do not believe we had discussed it at all. I think! Yes I have heard My grandpa talking about it once or twice about the trangaty that had happened that day. Civil disobedience is when people or civilans do not obey the law like thay are supposed too. The first Amendment is like it by how they both are cngress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or not allowing the freedom of speech.

Sierra Greenlee

Unknown said...

Yes I think this video has destuebing high lights in the video. I have never hearded of Kent State before watching this blog. Is the refusel to obeay laws. The 1st states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Madison said...

As you state in your post this video is very disturbing, and I agree. From what I know we have not discussed the Kent State accident. I have heard of Kent State, but I don't believe that I have really received any information about the crisis. Again I don't know what civil disobedience is but I just looked it up.- - >Civil disobedience is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. The first amendment was for freedom of speech, and obviously the students at the university didn't have a say in the war that was going on at their school. If you felt the need to stand up for your rights and communicate to the people how you felt personally about the situation, you would be killed. That will show you just how fast the rights of the people actually snap into action.

- Madison Hoke 2nd pd.
sorry this blog was so late…..

Madison said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
emily said...

I am going to be totally honest, this video was so boring! Maybe if the video wasn't in all black and white, it would be more interesting. I have never discussed this tragedy in social studies class. I have never even heard of it before viewing this video. I actually do know what civil disobedience means, it is one's refusal to obey certain laws or government commands when trying to influence the legislation or government policy. This whole tragedy was about students speaking out against invading Cambodia without a declaration of war wich was their first ammendment right of freedom of speech.

♥ Emily Jordan ♥

Basketballbabe said...

NO, I have not discussed Kent State any any history class I have ever been in. Also, I can't recall ever hearing about the Kent State killings.

Civil disobedience is, when a person doesn’t obey the law or any person of higher authority.

In some ways it does follow the first amendment but in some ways it doesn't.

Courtney Sloan
1st period

tori M said...

No we haven't discussed Kent State in history before. The reason is becasue it was recent enough that teacher could get sued if they say the wrong thing. If they offend someone with their opinion about something at least slighty recent, they can get sued. That's the reason no one our age knows ANYTHING about the watergate scandal or things of that nature. The teachers doen't want to be 'politically incorrect'. Yes, I've heard of the Kent State killings before this. Yes, civil disobedience is refusing to go along with certain laws. The first amendment gives freedom of religion and such but the laws that civil disobedience defies usually go against the first amendment.

tori mcgill

reese! said...

I actually think that this video was very sad and disturbing. I am not sure if it was right but I do know that sixty-seven gun shots and killing four students was most certainly not the way to solve it.

No, I actually have not discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes. No I also have not ever heard of Kent State killings until I watched this blog.

Civil disobedience is when you go against something the government says to do. This is related to the first Amendment by freedom of speech. I honestly don't think the law gave the students the freedom of speech and I don’t think its right. In some ways I guess they are the same but in many ways they are not!

-Teresa Lodge♥
2nd period.

reese! said...

I actually think that this video was very sad and disturbing. I am not sure if it was right but I do know that sixty-seven gun shots and killing four students was most certainly not the way to solve it.

No, I actually have not discussed Kent State in any of my social studies classes. No I also have not ever heard of Kent State killings until I watched this blog.

Civil disobedience is when you go against something the government says to do. This is related to the first Amendment by freedom of speech. I honestly don't think the law gave the students the freedom of speech and I don’t think its right. In some ways I guess they are the same but in many ways they are not!

-Teresa Lodge♥
2nd period.

Taylor Masters said...

I have never heard of Kent State in my life. My social studies classes have never discussed this topic before either. But,I think I have heard of it maybe once. But not recently.I do know what civil disobedience is. It's the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. And I don't know how this relates to the First Amendment.

taylor masters
2nd period

Unknown said...

I have never discussed or heard of Kent State. It has never been discussed in any of my social studies classes either. I may of heard of it sometime but I don't remember. This video kind of confused me. Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes. This is related to the first mendment becaus it is in it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs.Constable!!

No, I haven't discussed this in any of my social studies class yet. (not that I remember)
I have heard of the Kent State killings before this, but I nevver really knew what it was. I knew tha it was a big thing in America, and tragic, but I didn't know exactly what it was.

It is related to the firts Amendment, because the people where voicing their opinions, and they were killed and wound for doing so. I think that this is really wrong. I don't think anyone deserves to die in a tragic way like this.

♥Asya Drake♥

░Madison~♥~Fitch░ said...

No, we have not discussed Kent State, well not yet, anyway....I have not, normally my dad will tell me abou these types of things, but yeah. Umm, doesn't it mean you aren't being obedient to the government? Umm, freedom of speech...Kent State students protested againts the war.
Sorry its SOOOOOOOO late :""""""(
Madison Fitch
7th period

DEV said...

No my social studies class has never discused Kent State.I honestly did not ever hear about the killings at ken state before this blog.Civil disobedience is where a student open fire upon innocent kids on campus and it is related to the first Amendment is how I think the shooter thought it was there right to freedom of expression.

Devanie Carpenter 1st period

Tre said...

I understant the people and what they wanted to stop the war and to bring there trops home. But protesting was a chose alot comes from doing that. I didin't think they had to shoot anyone though it was wrong and I hope the one that gave them that order feels really guilty. We haven't dicussed Kent State in social studies and I think we should soon.

demi_thaler said...

i haven't really discussed kest state in social stuidies but i think its so bad about all the killing that happend there and just to think that someone would do this to people and i so understand how the families feel because i know how hard it is to lose someone u love so much!!!! : [ but no i havent heard of this killing before.

love ya

Unknown said...

No, I have never discussed this in any of my social studies classes but I wish I have, its a terrible tragedy. I have alone heard about this when Mrs. Constable was discussing it right before she showed the video. Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes. This is related to part of the 1st Amendment by not letting people or students have the freedom of speech.

Isabella Leon
8th period

Unknown said...

No, I have never discussed this in any of my social studies classes but I wish I have, its a terrible tragedy. I have alone heard about this when Mrs. Constable was discussing it right before she showed the video. Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes. This is related to part of the 1st Amendment by not letting people or students have the freedom of speech.

Isabella Leon
8th period

Unknown said...

No, I have never discussed this in any of my social studies classes but I wish I have, its a terrible tragedy. I have alone heard about this when Mrs. Constable was discussing it right before she showed the video. Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes. This is related to part of the 1st Amendment by not letting people or students have the freedom of speech.

Isabella Leon
8th period

Unknown said...

No, I have never discussed this in any of my social studies classes but I wish I have, its a terrible tragedy. I have alone heard about this when Mrs. Constable was discussing it right before she showed the video. Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes. This is related to part of the 1st Amendment by not letting people or students have the freedom of speech.

Isabella Leon
8th period

♥Stephanie♥ said...

No I have never discussed Kent State in my history class. And no I have never heard of Kent State before seeing this blog. Civil Disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes.The First Ammendment is that the Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. I can't really see the likeness in the two but they may be alike in some ways but different in very many as well.

Stephanie Harris
8th Period

Kayla said...

No, I haven't discussed Kent State in my past history classes, although my step father does watch the history channel a lot and I think I have heard something about it before.I know a little about what happened at Kent State. Yes, I do know what civil disobedience is when a civilian disobeys the law, court, congress, or any other authority's. In some ways, Kent State was like the First Amendment, but the thesis is still different in others.

Kayla Wyatt
7th period

princeofthecovenant said...

So far in Social Studies class we have not dicussed it yet but my be in the future. Ihad not heard of the inccedent before this blog. I do not know what civilian disobedience is, but it does not sound good. The first says and I quote : Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In other words the protesters were doing it peacefully but they were killed.
Nathan Clouser 8th period

amelia said...

I haven't discussed Kent State in any of my past social studies classes, but I think it would be a good topic to discuss. I have heard of the Kent State killings before, but I didn't really know the background of the situation.

Civil disobedience is when people don't obey the law, government, or police officers. The first amendment is "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." The people of Kent State were voicing their opinions, but I think they may have gone too far.