Monday, December 28, 2009


What makes Hemingway unique? Have you ever read anything by Hemingway? What kinds of writing is he famous for? Who is your favorite author? How do you define talent? What talents do you have? Do you have any talented friends?

Tsunami Disaster

What is the weather event that you most fear? Have you ever been caught in a bad storm of some sort? Where? When? How can the world be better prepared for a disaster like the tsunami that occurred in 2004? What kind of effect would a disaster of this magnitude have on the world?

The Roaring Twenties

What do you think of the justice that was administered in the 20's? Do you think that the black community was intimidated by the lynchings? What was the primary location of the lynchings? Compare and contrast what was happening in the arts with what was happening in the world of justice.

Women in Art

This is a chronology of women as they are depicted in art. Do you know any of the artists represented in the video? Are you artistic? Have you been to a gallery or a museum? How is the depiction of women different through the ages?

Susan Boyle

What is a stereotype? Why does Ms. Boyle not fit the stereotype? What do we expect from her? What are some other stereotypes that you can think of? Who is the most talented person in your family? in your class? at this school?


Have you or anyone you know been bullied on line or by text? How is this accomplished? What kinds of students participate in this kind of action? Do you have proof of who sent the offending material? What can be done to stop this kind of bullying?
How can you support those who are the victims?

Travel Signs

Where in the world would you most like to go? Have you ever visited a foreign country? Where? Where do you like to go on vacation? Is there a difference between travelling and vacationing? Which sign seemed most foreign? unique?

Martin Luther King

How does the Martin Luther King story correlate with the Nazi story? What does MLK contribute to the world? How has MLK changed the world? Why do we celebrate his life? How is he unique?


Compare and contrast other areas of culture from these two time periods such as fashion, cars, music, television, movies, movie stars, books, pass times, sports, sports icons, or any other area not mentioned


How can the camps created by the Nazi regime be categorized? Who was safe in Nazi Germany? Who was the leader? What was the final solution? What should the world learn from the Holocaust? What are stereotypes? What is racism? Why was the genocide of the Jews tolerated? Who eventually stopped the Nazi's?

Holocaust Cemeteries

Compare and contrast the way the Jewish cemetery in Poland looks to the one in Philadelphia. How do the Polish people show their disdain to the Jewish in this video. What is the author's purpose in creating this video? How does this correlate with the play, Anne Frank?


What is genocide? What horrors took place during World War II? What are some reminders of the history of that time? What literature reminds us of this time? What movies have you seen that record some of the events of this time period? How can we avoid the mistakes of this era?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Have you ever heard of Shakespeare? Have you ever seen a movie or play based upon a work of Shakespeare? Have you ever been to a play? Who is your favorite author? What fact about Shakespeare can you add to the blog? Do not use a fact that another student has found.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Running of the Bulls

The running of the bulls in Pamploma Spain is a very famous day each year. Thousands of tourists go to Spain to participate? Would you do this? Would you participate in Bridge Day? Are there any dangerous activities that you would like to participate in? Would you go to a bull fight? What does Hemingway have to do with this video?

Bad Math

Do you like math? Do you do math like Ma and Pa Kettle? What is your favorite old television show? Have you ever seen The Three Stooges? Have you ever seen Friends? How about I love Lucy? The Jetsons?

World Trade Center

What is patriotism? How does this video make you feel? What should happen to terrorists? Do you feel safe? Is there any time when you feel unsafe? Do you remember the incidents depicted on this video? Where were you when you found out about the attack on the USA? Would you ever enter the military?

Think Before You Post

What can you do to be safe on the Internet? What is the videographer's purpose in creating this video? Do you feel that this video is accurate? Do you know any examples similar to the one illustrated in this video? How much time do you spend on social networking sites?

visions of student today

Do you like to be connected? How do you learn best? Do you learn from hearing? seeing? doing? What is your best way to learn using your Ipod? your computer? How would you like to see technology used in your other classes?


What is your favorite sport? What is the best football game you have ever seen? Have you ever been to a professional football game? Who is your favorite football player? What is your favorite professional team? college team?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Geese ( YES...Geese)

Which life lesson from the geese would you most want to incorporate into your own life? Are there any other animal's that have habits which would be exemplary for humans to follow? What is the videographer's message? Tell a story involving an animal and you or your family.

Evolution of Beauty

What is your perception of beauty? What famous people do you find beautiful? Which actors, actresses, singers etc... do you feel represent beauty? How do you define inner beauty? Can you think of anyone who exemplifies inner beauty? What is the videographer's purpose in making this video?

Diet Coke

What is happening? What causes the diet coke to go crazy in this experiment? What is your favorite science experiment? Have you made any interesting experiments at school or at home in the past? Do you like science? Would you like to make this experiment at home? Who would you like to target with the coke?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Great Quotes

Select a quote from the video and explain its meaning. What is the most common quote used in the video? Do your parents or grandparents or coaches have any quoted that they use repeatedly. Do you know any phrases from songs that could be used as great quotes? Are there any quotes from athletes that you find inspiring?

Evolution of Dance

What is humor? What makes you laugh? Can you think of a time that you laughed uncontrolablely? What were the circumstances? Who is the funniest person that you know? Oh yeah, can you dance?

We didn't start the fire.

What is the purpose of this song? What is the fire in the song a metaphor for? Select a person portrayed in the video that you would want to know more about and write 2 facts about that person. What is your favorite song? Why?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Did You Know?

What is the videographer's purpose in creating this video? How do you use technology each day? How would you like to use technology in this classroom? Are you a member of a social networking site? Which fact in the video did you find most enlightening? What is your favorite web site to visit?

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Everyone has a favorite place on Earth. What is your favorite place and why?


Identify some the players depicted in the Yankee film. The list of retired numbers begin with 4 and 3? Who are they? Who are some of the other retired numbers? What is iconic about the Yankees? Who was the greated Yankee? Have you ever been to a professional baseball game?


What are some your favorite nouns? Food? Person? Places? Musicians? Songs? Television shows? Movies? Clothes?


What titles by William Shakespeare are you now familiar with? Have you ever watched a movie based upon Shakespeare's life or one of his plays? Have you discussed reading Shakespeare with your siblings or parents?