What Fire? The fire is all of the problems in the world, of course!! It started as soon as Earth was made. The videographer is talking about all of the things good or bad that have come into our world in the past hundred years and his purpose in creating the video is to show our fellow citizens that our world has problems and we are not the creators of it. Marilyn Monroe is a natural brunette, her favorite perfume is Chanel No. 5, and her social security number is 563-32-0764. There was a rumor that she has twelve toes but she really has ten and her favorite colors are beige, black, white, and red. Disneyland was never owned by Walt Disney, it is open 365 days a year, and has no Pepsi at its concession stands. The game show, Wheel of Fortune, had 10 general entries, Merv Griffin created the show, and the first show premiered on January 6, 1975. Billy Joel is who sang the song “We Didn’t Start the Fire”! It was released on September 18, 1989 and recorded in 1989. We may not have started the fire but we sure can extinguish it!! Kayla DeLorenzo4th-5th periods
The "fire" could stand for conflict amongst different leaders and situations throughout time. The purpose is to show that there have been many famous people in history during the lifespan of Billy Joel. Joe DiMaggio was a famous Yankee baseball player and he was married to Maryilyn Monroe. Billy Joel was the singer of the song "We Didn't Start the Fire." He has many other famous songs, and he also plays piano. This song was created in 1989 to be a rebuttal to the Baby Boomer generation.
My interpretation of the fire is the excitement and conflicts that the world faced during the years shown in the video. During that period of time new inventions were created, illnesses were cured, wars were fought. All these “fires” were put out. The videographer is talking about new things. Whether they are good or bad, he is talking about change. The purpose of him creating the video is to show that his generation didn’t start the fire and they aren’t the ones how brought evil into the world. He is trying to say that evil has been around for millions of years. I chose Mr. Mickey Mantle as my historical figure. Mickey was a all American baseball player. He played 18 years of baseball. He played for the New York Yankees. Mantle died in 1995, and eventually made the hall of fame. Today people still remember Mickey and the things he accomplished. Billy Joel is the artist of “we didn’t start the fire.” His career kicked off in the 1970's, and still continues on today. He just finished a tour in March of 2010. In summary even though the fire throws good and bad situations our way that doesn’t mean we can’t overcome them. Maddi Craig 2/3 Period- 8-23-10
By fire they mean the anger in the world. But we don’t want the anger. We strive to solve the worlds problems but we mostly fail. The videographer is talking about the events that happen in history. But they mostly occurred by emotions then anything else. The point in making this video was to shown all events and disasters that happened. Some of these disaster still effect us today. The governor of Texas, his wife John F. Kennedy, and his wife where on their way to the airplane that would take them to Johns next meeting on Friday, November 22,1963. When passing the Texas School Book Depository a gun had fired. Bullets struck John F. Kennedy in the neck and head. But the Governor was always struck in the chest. After thee shooting had occurred they rushed off to the hospital. But there was nothing that they could do for john. At 1:00 p.m. John F. Kennedy was pronounced died. But the Governor of Texas would recover just fine. Billy Joel was the artist of the song “ We Didn’t Start The Fire.” In June 4 2004 Billy Joel sang the song “ We Didn’t Start The Fire” in New York.
The fire is what happened in history that changer are future and all the bad things that happened.the video graper is talking about waht is wrong with the world.The dogers 1995 world championship team was the first for there team in 8 tries the play there rivials the yanksThe game went to a game 7 and there was one man who changed it all wit one play in the series Jackie Robinson who stole home and was the reason why african americans play sports today is because he broke the color barrier and led his doodgers wit the help of his team to win there first championship.Billy Joel is a legend singer and is in the hall of fame he has lots of hits. the song was released in 1989 but he started to make the song in 88.
The fire stands for controversy. The video guy is trying to show lots of people who were first to accomplish different things in their field. His purpose is people had to fight to do things to do what they wanted to do in their own way. Elvis is known as the King of Rock n Roll. He had a very strange haircut. He would swing his hips back and forth when he danced and people thought that was dirty dancing. Many people loved Elvis’ music. Billy Joel created the song “We Didn’t Start the Fire”. The frame of this is in1989.Logan orton 2nd_ 3rd period
When I hear the phrase "we didn't start the fire", I think of the rises and falls this world has seen. There have been many good times and brilliant things invented, as well as terror and war in parts of the world. I think the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show that we might have not started the fire, but we continue to keep it lit. Every day is history because time never stops, which is why you see something new on the news channel every morning. I chose James Dean as my historical figure. He was an American actor in the 50's and also raced cars. James Dean starred and a lot of television and did some work on Broadway, but he was most known as an actor. James Dean starred in 7 movies, but his most popular was Rebel Without a Cause, in which he played Jim Stark. James Dean was only 24 when he died from a car crash in 1955, but during his short lifetime he was nominated for two Academy Awards and two BAFTA Best Foreign Actor.Billy Joel is the singer of the song "We Didn't Start the Fire". He was born in 1941, which is where the time frame of this video begins. The video represents how much things have changed while Billy Joel has been alive.
My opinion of what they ment by the fire is showing what the world faced during the years.The videographer was talking about his friends and even people that wern't his friend's did not start the fire and did not want all this to happen. He was trying to say him and his other friends did not do anything wrong or harmful. I think the videographer's purpose of making this video is so we have an idea of what they went through and what happened during that time. I choose Joe Dimaggo as a historical figure. Joe Dimaggo is a famous baseball player. He was also married to Marylin Monroe. Billy Joel is the singer of "We Didn't Start the Fire." This song was released in 1989, but the song was made in 1988.
I think that the "fire" is all of the problems and disagreements that we've had in the past years, and that we have now. When Billy Joel says that "we didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the worlds been turning," i think he means that we might not have started the conflicts from the beginning, but they are always going to disagreements here. The videographer's purpose of this video is to show many different people, places, and things in this world that are good and bad. I think the purpose is that even though they're might be good things in the world, there are still going to be problems. Albert Einstein was born in Wurttemberg, Germany. He was one of the greatest and smartest scientists of all time. Einstein created a law of energy equivalence although his famous formula E=mc squared. Billy Joel is an American singer and song writer of classic music. He had then top 10 hits in the 1980s, and 1990s. Joel also has 33 top 40 hits in the United States, all of which he wrote singlehandedly. 1989was the year the song was released on his album Storm Front. "WE didn't start the fire was a number one song in the U.S. In conclusion, even we have problems with different things, we can always look at the positive and try to overcome the situation.-Sarah Topardo.
I believe the fire is life because of all the years that go by. The videographer is talking about famous historical figures and events that has shaped our country into what it is today. The purpose of the song is to teach people about the events in our past. Sugar Ray Robinson was a professional boxer. His real name is Walker Smith Jr. He finished his amateur career with 65 knockouts. Billy Joel is an American musician, pianist, singer, songwriter, and classical composer. "We Didn't Start the Fire" was written and performed by Billy Joel in 1989. The song covers the time frame from 1969-1989. As of July 2010, only 9 of the 56 individuals mentioned in the song are still alive.Triston Newbrough7th-8th periods
What fire? The fire they are talking about is all of the problems that have went on. The videographer is talking about all of the good and bad things that happened in the past 100 years. They want to show us, that we aren't because of all of the problems. I have chose to do Albert Einstein. He was born in Ulm, Wurttemburg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the fanily moved to Munich, where later he began his schooling at Luitpold Gymnasium. After the first move, he moved several other times. In 1905 he finally obtained his doctor's degree. In 1909 he became a professor physics at Extraordinary Zurich, in 1911 professor of theoretical physics at Prague, returning to Zurich a year later for a similar post.James Byron Dean was born on February 8,1931. He was an american film actor, and cultural icon. He is best embodied in the title of his most celebrated film "Rebel without a cause", in which he starred in as troubled Los Angeles teenager Jim Stark. Dean's fame and popularity rests on this main film, his entire output in starring a role. Then James Byron Dean was killed in a car crash on September 30,1955. He was the first actor to recieve a posthumous Academy Award nomination, for best actor, and remains the only one to have a posthumous Academy Award. Harry S. Truman was born on May 18,1884. He was the U.S. 33rd president. During World War 1 truman serve as a artillery officer, making him the only president to have seen Combat in World War 1. Truman replaced vice president Henry A. Wallace as Roosevelt's running mate in 1944. He popularized phrases, such as, "the big buck stops", and "If you can't stand the heat, you better get out of the kitchen".Doris Day is and american actress, and singer. In 1945, she had her first hit recording, Sentimental Journey. In 1948, she appeared in her first film "Romance on High The Seas". All of these people have something in common. They are all famous, and they all have a good, and bad past.Samanthe Bolling2-3 period
I think that the fire represents the many problems of our world. Throughout the video, it showed pictures of things and people that make the world what it is today. Of the many people in the video, I chose to write about Feidel Castro. Simply because he's an easy topic to write about, and everybody knows him. Castro was the "president" of Cuba, but we all knew that was a lie. He was a dictator and was the main reason that through 1959-1979, many Cubans fled to America to escape Feidel Castro's rule. The song, "We didn't start the fire!" was written by Billy Joel. It was released September 18, 1989. Nine years after Castro's death. The song says that the contreversal firewas here befroe we came , and that we didn't start it. However, we are the reason that it's grown. I feel that, in time and with determination, we can kill the fire.
I believe the “fire” is referring to famous people and popular news at their time.They are great moments in history that will be discussed about now and for years to come. The videographers composed this to entertain the listener visually as well as hearing it .I think the video adds life and makes the song more intriguing for the viewers. The “British Beatlemania” as said in the video refers to the Beatles and how popular they where and still are today. The Beatles were a band with four members George Harrison, Ringo Starr, John Lennon and Paul McCartney. The Beatles formed in 1957 , in Liverpool England. There first song was Love Me Do. They have written over 300 songs and each was popular to a new crowd. The only member still living is Paul McCartney. He is now 68 years old and is still going strong. Billy Joel is the singer in this song.This piece covers history from the last 100 years.Olivia Wilson(:4th & 5th
The fire is all of the problems that are going on in this world we are living in today. In my opinion, everybody started the fire by fighting and wealth. One thing always leads to another. The videographer is talking about how people always want to be like everybody else and it just makes a bigger fire. The videographer's purpose in making this video is to show people how this world has so many problems and how it all started. John F Kennedy died on November 22, 1963. He is also the youngest president elected in history. And his middle name is Fitzgerald. Billy Joel is an American musician and pianist, singer-songwriter, and classical composer. The time frame of the song was about 1989.Elizabeth Tennant 4th and 5th
The "fire" that the videographer is talking about is all of the conflicts in the world between people and things and all of the things that went wrong or right. The "fire" started to burn when the earth formed and has continued to burn since. The videographer's purpose in making this video was to inform the watchers that not all of the problems in the world are our fault, and some good things weren't because of us. Brigitte Bardot was born in Paris, France. She was an upcoming ballet dancer and didn't turn to acting until 1952. She was famous world-wide because of the sixteen films that she had been in. Billy Joel was a famous singer and performer. He signed his first solo recording contract in 1972 and released a record called "All My Life" in 2007. He recorded the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" too, which was the song played on this video. The people or things that started the fire may not have been us, but we can help by not feeding it. Bethany McPherson 4th and 5th Period
The fire are the problems and tragedies that have happened throughout time. All these problems were man-made and caused by the generations of people all over the world. The videographer made this film to show that the fire continues and each generation makes their own fires. We, the people, are our own worst enemy and create all these problems. Even in good times when we celebrate the accomplishments and good things, we can never be satisfied and we want to outdo it.The best example is Astronaut John Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth on 20 February, 1962. That opened up the floodgates for the United States and space travel. Over the following years, many accomplishments in space were made, but with them came tragedies. Space ships blew up and we lost a lot of lives by trying to be the fastest and greatest space county in the world. Many mistakes were made trying to be the best in the world and because of that, we had to live with those mistakes. Later, John Glenn became a US Senator from Ohio and served from 1974 to 1999. He worked on laws to make space travel safer.Billy Joel, the singer of We Didn’t Start the Fire, was making a statement when he sang the song. He wanted us to realize that each generation pays for the mistakes of the generations that came before them.Michael Shaw4th-5th Periods
The fire in this video could be the situations and problems that has occurred in history throughout the years to give us how our present is today. I think that the videos purpose is like to actually show people that WOW, this is actually how everything got started. And that this is why we have some wars going on today and the things that we have today. For the thing we had to use I chose Liberace 1952. He was basically in the music artist business. In the mid 1940's he was going around in the United States and preforming in night clubs.His New York preformance at Madison Square Garden made him 138,000$ and from there he went up to alot more and in the years he was making 1,000,000$ just from public apperances. Billy Joel is a musician and pianist, singer and song writer. He also made and sang "We Didn't Start The Fire." It was released on September 18,1989 and also recorded in 1989.JoMarie Bogard 4th-5th Period
What fire? The fire represents various events that have left a permanent mark in our nation’s history. The fire kept burning…meaning that one event led to another. The fire symbolized some of the chaos that has occurred in the years from 1950-1989. What is the videographer talking about? The videographer is talking about how over many years, new fires were started as one was extinguished. He wants us to connect visual aids with the music so that we know about some of the major controversy that has occurred. What is the videographer's purpose in creating this video? The videographer’s purpose of creating this video is to visually explain to younger adults like us what occurred in the past. The song “We Didn’t Start the Fire” talked about events that took place before we were born. The visual images make it easier for us to relate to the words in the song. Select one of the historical figures in the video and tell a couple of facts about your selection. As a welterweight and middleweight divisions of boxing, Sugar Ray Robinson was cited to all people as the greatest boxer of all history. In 1990, Robinson was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. When Robinson was an amateur boxer, his record was 85-0 and 69 of those victories ended in a knockout. During his boxing career, he fought in 200 fights, had 173 wins, 108 won by knockout, and 19 losses.Who is Billy Joel? Billy Joel is the musical artist who wrote and sang the song, “We Didn’t Start the Fire”.What is the time frame of this selection? The time frame of the video covers the years from 1950-1989. The song “We Didn’t Start the Fire” was recorded in 1989 and released to the public in September of 1989.Dalton Okel4th-5th Period
What fire? The fire is the important events that happened in the past. The videographer is talking about all the events taking place good, and bad. I think the videographers purpose was to show that the fire is never going to stop burning. By simply living the way we are we're keeping the fire lit! The character I'm choosing to write about is Richard Nixon. He was the 37th president of the United States. Richard Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California. Billy Joel sings the song "We Didn't Start the Fire." The time frame of this song begins in 1989. Lauren Massacci 4th & 5th period.
(The fire) the Fire that Billy Joel is referring to is all the tension in the world. In this song the fire is all the major things that happened in his life between 1949 and 1989. I think the videographer made this video to inform us about all these events in history. The event I chose to Wright about is British beatlemania. British beatlemania is the time that the beatles were a band. In 1960, Lennon, McCartney and Harrison were joined by drummer Pete Best and bassist Stu Sutcliffe, a friend of Lennon's from the Liverpool Art School. They went through a succession of names -- Long John and The Beatles, The Silver Beetles, The Beat Brothers -- before settling on The Beatles. After touring Scotland (backing a singer named Johnny Gentle) the group was invited to play the first of a series of club dates in Hamburg, Germany. They returned to Hamburg twice more in 1961 and 1962, after which they became increasingly popular on the Liverpool club circuit. Billy Joel is my favorite artist and he has written some of my favorite songs. The timeframe of this selection is 1949 and1989. 7-8 periods
My opinion of the fire is that it's about all the important and tradgic things that have happened throughout time. Times about different kinds of illness being cured, very important presidents, and different shows and music that came out throughout the years. It's about trying to make changes and make the world a better place to live. Jasmine Bruce 7/8 periods
When I hear the song, I think that the fire means all the troubles that were happening in the past. The videographer created this video to help people realize to help and keep the peace that is in the world. Richard Nixon was born on January 9, 1913 and died on April 22, 1994.He was the 37th president of the U.S.A. from 1969-1974 and was also the vice president from 1953-1961.After the attack on Pear Harbor, he was quick to join the U.S. Navy. In 1946 he was elected to the Republican House of Representatives of California. He had a stork on April 18, 1994 and died four days later. Jayce Riley, 4/5th period
The fire refers to all the past events that had happened around the world. The videographer was talking about important event that happened around the globe with about a 20 year span such as JFK getting shot. I chose Wood stock. Wood stock was a free concert that was supposed to be 3 days of peace and music. The people that arranged it thought it would be small but instead about 500,000 people attended the festival. During the 3 days although quiet rainy and muddy almost everyone stayed to watch the performances. Even with so many people there were only three fatalities. -Taylor Campbell 4/5 period
The fire is referring to all what is wrong and all of the world’s problems. The fire started when earth started turning because there were wars and problems back then also. We didn’t start the fire are ancestors did. The videographer is talking of all of the pros and cons from the past and when the song was made that present day. The videographer’s purpose for the video to show people the world’s problems known as the fire. I chose Sally Kristen Ride who was the first woman astronaut. She drop out of college to become a pro tennis player then in 1977 she joined NASA for training. She has been on the Challenger STS-7 and Challenger STS 41 –G. She has 343 hours in space. Dr. Ride has been very successful in her career and has won many awards . Billy Joel is the singer of this song “We Didn’t Start The Fire “ he is very successful .The time frame of this song is 1949 to 1989 . Holly Bogdanich 4th and 5th
The fire is all of the atrocious things that have happened to the world. The fire is also the disagreement of the world’s countries and people. The videographer is talking about the good and terrible things that have happened to the world and its’ people. The videographer purpose of making this video is to show the general public how the world has troubles throughout history. October 4th 1957, the Soviet Union launched a satellite named Sputnik. Sputnik changed history for the better. When the Soviets launched Sputnik they changed the way the military, scientists, and the government would be able to do things. In July 1957 the United States decided to launch their own satellites to keep all their information a secret from the Soviet Union. Billy Joel is the man that sang this song. He sang this song in 1989.Sean Riggleman Periods 4 and 5
What Fire? The fire meaning all the chaos that happened in the world between 1949 through 1989. The videographer was trying to show the different things that happened during those forty years. I’m choosing to write about Muhammed Ali he is one of the world’s top boxers. He was born on February 25, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. During the first part of his career he fought and knocked out 7 opponents becoming heavyweight champion. In the 1960 Olympics he annihilated all his opponents to win the gold medal. He became famous for his quote “Float like a butterfly sting like a bee.” Billy Joel wrote and sang the song We didn’t start the Fire in September 1989.Steven Riggleman Periods 4 and 5
What fire? The fire is the problems and the people and events that changed the world. The purpose of this video is to show people our world's history since 1949 and how it made a difference in our lives. Without these people or events, our world would be a different place. Berlin was once divided into two sections by a giant wall that had gaurds +all up and down it. It was constructed on August 13th, 1961 by the German Democratic Republic. It divided the city into the west and east side. The wall was taken down on November 9, 1989. Billy Joel is the person that sang "We Didn't Start the Fire". The song was released on September 18, 1989.Isaac Childers2nd-3rd periods
There was no actual real fire. He is referring to fire as war, conflict and term oil around the world. To give a brief history lesson of the different conflicts around the world through out the years and the leaders at that times, military and political. I chose Marilyn Monroe for my historical figure. Marilyn was born June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California. She was the most famous woman of the 20th century. She spent most of her childhood in foster homes. Billy Joel was born May 9, 1949, in Bronx, New York. He is an American musician and pianist, singer-songwriter, and classical composer. The time frame of this selection We Didn’t Start the Fire was in the time frame is September 18, 1989.
By the meaning of "fire" means all the hostility and anger in the world. People these days are racist and the other people get mad at onw another and start a conflict. And then they start fighting and forming "gangs" and fighting innocent people because they are racist and want to hurt the other person. Thats what the "fire" is in the world.
The fire they are referring to is all of the world's conflicts, problems, but also progress. This fire has been going on forever. The videographer is talking about the good and bad things that have entered the world. I think that the videographer's purpose of creating this video is to show the world what our world has gone through, both the bad and good. The historical figure I chose is Doris Day. Doris Day was a historical actress and singer. She loved animals. In fact, she actually rescued a puppy, a maltese. She named the puppy Daffy. Doris' real last name is Kappelhoff. At the age of fifteen, she began small performances. One of the band leaders suggested that she change her stage name from Doris Kappelhoff to Doris Day. The reason being that it was catchy and shorter. Billy Joel is the lead singer in the song "We Didn't Start the Fire." The song was released on the date of September 18, 1989. The song was recorded the same year as it was released. In conclusion, if we all work together we can fight off all the bad and evil things in our world.Martina Edgell4-5 periods
I believe that the author was talking about both the great thing and the awful things that happened in the past century. The videographer created this because they want to inform people about different thing in the last century and also entertain people. The Studebaker was made from 1852- 1963. The company was originally a producer of wagons for farmers, miners and the military. Studebaker entered the automotive business in 1902 with electric vehicles and in 1904 with gasoline vehicles, all sold under the name "Studebaker Automobile Company". Until 1911, its automotive division operated in partnership with the E-M-F Company and the Garford CompanyMatt Strand
The fire is all problems over time in the 1900s to 1989.They are talking about all the things that these people did that changed our country.The Catcher in the Rye was a very popular among teens in the U.S. The Catcher in the Rye was written by J.D Salinger in 1951. It was soon translated into all languages over the world so that everybody who wanted to read it could read it.About 250,000 copies are still sold each year which comes to total sales of 65 million. This book was featured on the Time's 2005 list of 100 best English-language novels written since 1923. The song "We Didn't Start the Fire" Billy Joel was made in 1989.Alex Pavelko 4/5 period
I think the 'fire' means life and the passion people have for life. Like the song says, it began when the world began. The videographer is talking about the things that happen in life, whether it's good or bad. I think the purpose of this video is to present the historical events that have happened in life, but to do it in a fun way. I chose Sally Ride as my historical figure. Sally Ride was the first American woman astronaut to fly into space on June 18th, 1983. She was also a scientist, a physicist, and a writer. Billy Joel is a famous singer/songwriter who wrote and sang this song. The time frame was from 1949 to 1989, during Billy Joel's life.
There is no fire. “Fire” refers to war and everything that is wrong in the world. We are humans, were not perfect. It is our nature to fight. There have been wars since the world was made. That’s what I think the videographer was telling with the word “fire”. I’m not exact sure what the videographer purpose of making this video was. The Hydrogen Bomb (H-Bomb) is an extremely powerful bomb that uses nuclear fission to create a massive explosion. The first ever Hydrogen Bomb was dropped in a remote area of New Mexico on July 16, 1945. The H-Bomb forever changed the world. Billy Joel is the artist of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” He started his career in the 1970’s. One of his tours ended A couple months ago. The time period of the video is from 1949 to 1990. Life is short so let’s try to make it as great as possible. Lucas Kinder 2nd-3rd period
I think that the fire is a combination of the views, segregations, and worldly problems that have affected us all in history. The videographer is saying that today’s problems in the world weren’t created by present day leaders and citizens. They have always existed, and we are constantly searching for solutions. The videos shown reflect the different problems that we have endured over time, and are still trying to overcome some of the issues presented. Princess Grace married Prince Rainer of Monaco. Princess Grace was said to have hated every minute of the public wedding, and especially being filmed. Prince Rainer banned the showing of films in Monaco if they had Grace Kelly in the cast. It is still against the law in Monaco to show films featuring Grace Kelly. Billy Joel is a musician pianist, sing-writer and composer. He became the 6th best selling recording artist, and the 3rd best solo artist in the United States. The time frame of this video blog was 1949-1984.Megan McCullough 7th & 8th period
The fire thats been getting bigger and bigger since the world has started to turn. The videographer was talking about the hate and conflict in the whole world. I think the purpose of this video was to show everyone who has changed the world in some way, people that were loved and hated by others around the world. Some children of Thalidomide were born without limbs because the drug targeted blood vessels. The drug blocked the growth of body parts. The drug was used to stop morning sickness,but morning sickness normally occurs while the childs limbs are growing, so a result of that is about 12,000 children were born without limbs. Billy Joel is an american singer, pianist, songwriter. He made this song based on the time frame of the 1940 to 1989. I really liked this song. Aubrie Moss 4-5 period
I think the fire means all the things many americans accomplished!Some Americans died for what they believed in and the changes they made stick with us now.
Fire? I think the fire means all of the bad things or problems we have had in this country. But everything or everyone gets a problem every now and then. But we have gotten over some of them. The videographer is talking about all these famous inventions or people that had alot to do with our history. The videographers purpose for this video was trying to show us these people and inventions in history that changed the way we do things then and now. Albert Einstein was a very famous scientist! He discovered the thing we use in all of our houses Electricity!! Alber also won the Nobel prize in Physics at the age of 42. Albert was born in Ulm, Germany. Billy Joel is the writer and singer of the song " We didn't start the fire". The song was released on September 18, 1889. The time frame of this selection is between 1949 and 1991!- Izaiha John 4/5 period
What fire is BIlly Joel talking about? Well, I think he is using fire as a metaphor to talk about all of the most well know events in history starting with Harry Truman in 1949 and ending with foreign debts in 1989.He created this video to recognize all of these events so you know what the world and its people have experienced, including the ups and downs. Davy Crockett was a celebrated 19th-century American folk hero, frontiersman, soldier and politician. He is referred to in popular culture as Davy Crockett and after the 1950s by “King of the Wild Frontier.” He represented Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives, served in the Texas Revolution, and died in the Battle of the Alamo. Billy Joel is an American musician and pianist, singer-songwriter, and classical composer. The time frame was 1949 to 1989.Cody BrubakerPd. 2nd/3rd
We didnt Start the fire," metaphoricly, no we didnt start the fire, but we add wood every day by the things we do. I picked George Santayana, His real name was Jorge AgustÃn Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borr. George Santayana was born on December 16, 1863 in Madrid, Spain and died on September 26, 1952 Rome, Italy. He was a Spanish-American philosopher, poet, and novelist. A lifelong Spanish citizen, Santayana was raised and educated in the United States, wrote in English and is generally considered an American man of letters. Of his nearly 89 years, he spent 39 in the U.S. Santayana is perhaps best known as an aphorist, most famously for his oft-misquoted remark "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Another line of Santayana's, "Only the dead have seen the end of war," is often falsely attributed to Plato.Sam Tonkovich4th and 5th
What fire? The fire they are talking about in the song is about the problems and evil things in our world today. The videographer is talking about the good and bad progress. In my opinion the videographer's motive for making this video is to show the people that our world has illness, persecution, and many other problems that we need to face. The historical figure that I chose to write about is Chubby Checker. Ernest Evans, now known as Chubby Checker, was born in Spring Gulley, South Carolina, but grew up in South Philadelphia, where he lived with his parents and two brothers. When he was 11 years old he started moving toward his goal by forming a harmony group and by the time he was in high school he had learned to play the piano. Chubby Checker ended up becoming a famous singer and sang the song that was a big success, "The Twist". Billy Joel is the lead singer in the song "We Didn't Start the Fire".This song was released and recorded in the same year 1989. It was released on September 18, 1989. In conclusion, there may be a fire but we should all come together and try to fight it off. Abby Williams pd. 7th and 8th
The fire is just meaning a lot of the problems in the world that have happened over time. The videographer is talking about all of the good and bad things that have happened in this world. I think that the videographers' purpose in making this video was to show you the historical figures through out time, good and bad.. The historical figure that I chose was Brigitte Bardot . Brigitte was born in France in 1934. She was an actress, animal rights activist, fashion model, and singer! In the 1990's she was outspoken due to her criticism of immagration , race-mixing , and some figures of homosexuality, and for that she was fined 5 times for racial slurs . !!! Billy Joel is an american singer and songwriter . The time frame of this selection was 1989 . brooklyn nuzum . (: 2-3 periods.
In this video, the fire they are referring to is the world and its problems. The videographer is talking about the problems that occur, and how problems start naturally. The purpose of this video is to take you back through all the things that have happened in the 1900’s, whether they are good or bad. Ole Miss is the University of Mississippi. They started their first class with 80 students and now they have over 18,000. For 110 years, it was the state’s only comprehensive university. Billy Joel is the man who sang “We Didn’t Start the Fire”. This song was first released in 1989. --Baylee Abbott. 4th&5th periods
The fire they are talking about all the problems we have seen in this world. Stalin and Hitler had a clash of personalities during world war 2. against the advice of his generals, Hitler insisted on humiliating Stalin by invading the city of Stalingrad. During the invasion, Hitler lost a fourth of his army, eventually causing Germany to lose the war. Stalin was known as “Father of Nations,” “Brilliant Genius of Humanity,” “Great Architect of Communism,” and “Gardener of Human Happiness." Billy Joel was the creator of this song. The creator of this video and song is talking about all things that have happened in the world from 1949 - 1989.
The fire probobly means everything good and bad thats happened in history. Mickey Mantle was born October 20 1931 and died August 13 1995. He was a very famous baseball player who played for the Yankees,and is one of the best switch hitters of all time. Mickey Mantle was an alcoholic for many years of his life too. He still leads career walk off home runs. Billy Joel is a musician and a pianist. He also has become the sixth best selling recording artist in the U.S.The video time line is 1949 to 1989.
I think the fire is all of the significant events that have happened throughout history. Some were good and some were bad. I believe they created this video to show how our world has changed over time and what has happened to us throughout history. He says we didn’t start the fire because the fire started long before his generation. The Mafia is a secret organization of criminals mostly in the United States and Italy. They are engaged in many illegal activities such as gambling, drug dealing, prostitution, and protection. Their main motivation is money. Billy Joel is the musician who sings “We Didn’t Start the Fire” in the video. The time frame of these events was from 1949 to 1989.Trey Giorcelli4th and 5th periods
The fire Billy Joel (the singer of the song) meant was the sadness, anger, and more. His purpose was to show everyone how dangerous the world actually is. I chose to do Einstein. He brain worked differently from other kids. He dropped out of school when he was 16. He was famous for his intelligence in math and science. He had a case of Asperges Syndrome, which makes his mind work differently. Because he was smart with math, he was allowed to go to a high school in Aarau, Switzerland. He graduated in 1896 when he was 17. He has created many scientific theories, like E=MC squared.
The fire is referring to people and world events that effected the United States from 1939-1989 The vidiographer is talking about events which contain conflicts that are related to “the cold war”, equal rights, and political leaders. The vidiographers purpose is to show all the ups(goods) and downs(bads)in events from our history. Juan Peron was an Argentine general as well as politician. In 1955 he was in a military coup. He had three wives. He had also served as the president of Argentina. Billy Joel is the one who sings the song “We Didn't Start The Fire.” He released this song in September of 1989.-Sarah Cox period 2/3
I think what Billy Joel was meaning was there is alot of things that are bad then come out good or even things that turn out good into bad. Either way all of these events had to deal with it being good or bad. That will always happen from now until whenever. I chose Richard Nixon as my historical figure. I chose Richard Nixon because he was one of the president's of the USA. Richard Nixon was the 37th presidnet. He was born on January 9,1913 in California. He attended Whittier and Duke University where he became a smart lawyer. His term of office was from January 20,1969- August 9,1974. His numbers of terms elected was 2 terms, but he resigned during second term because of the Watergate cover-up. Nixon also visited China in 1972. He started liking politics after he came home from serving as a Navy Lieutentant during World War II. Also the difference between Nixon and other President's is he actually got caught from the scandal of the Watergate. Finally he died on April 22,1994. Those are some facts of why I chose Richard Nixon as my historical figure.
The fire means that people have always had conflicts about some matter. It either falls under war or even politcs have caused some to go on the deep end. The start of the worst started in the 1900`s. For example world war and world war two. On record it is the worst war in american history. The fire is not going to get any better in the future. There will still be assasination and other stuff. Billy Joe is who sang we didn`t start the fire. It was put in stores om septemper 18, 1989 and recorded in 1989. The end
The “fire” represents all of the problems in the world and the countries in it. The videographer is describing all the good and bad things that have happened through the 1900’s. The videographer is also bringing it to the people’s attention that most of, if not all, the problems are not caused by us. That they are in fact created by others. But not all of the things in this video are bad to the world.I chose Buddy Holly as my historical figure. Buddy Holly was born on September 7, 1936 in Lubbox, Texas as Charles Hardin Holley. He picked up his nickname Buddy from his family when he was a young boy. In 1949, he recorded a bluesy solo of Hank Snow's "My Two Timin' Woman" on a wire recorder borrowed by a friend who worked in a music shop. Buddy was a singer, songwriter, and musician. The instruments that he played were guitar, piano, fiddle, violin, banjo, and vocals.In 1956, when he was signing a contract for Decca Records he misspelled his last name. He missed the “e” and spelled “Holly”! Then he formed his own band called the Crickets. The Crickets band members included Holly (lead guitar and vocalist), Niki Sullivan (guitar), Joe B. Mauldin (bass), and Jerry Allison (drums).On August 15, 1958 Holly married Maria Elena Santiago in Lubbock, Texas. Also that same year the Crickets split.Buddy Holly, J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson, Ritchie Valens, and Dion and the Belmonts were starting a three week tour across the Midwest opening on January 23, 1959. The tour turned out to be a miserable ordeal for the performers, who had to ride a long overnight travel bus that had a faulty heating system and had broken down several times between stops. After a performance at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa on February 2, 1959, Holly, Valens, and Richardson refused to ride the bus again. So they rode a small airplane to take then to the next stop on the tour. All three performers and the pilot of the small aircraft were killed when the plane crashed soon after taking off. It crashed nearby Mason City in the early morning hours of February 3. Holly’s funeral was held on February 7, 1959 at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Lubbock. He was buried at the City of Lubbock Cemetery.Holly’s pregnant wife, a widow after barely six months of marriage, miscarried soon after, ending that part of the Holly family tree. In 1978, there was a movie made about him called “The Buddy Holly Story.”Billy Joel is who sang the song “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” It was released on September 18, 1989 and recorded in 1989.Abby Cooper7/8 period English
The fire is representing the conflict and disagreements between the people. Like Rosa Parks. Her conflict was civil rights. She did'nt want to give up her seat. At that time, people didn't believe that we were all equal. Josef Stalin. As a child he was made fun of and when enrolled in college, he was expelled because he had read forbidden books. All of these childhood memories, could've built up and caused him to be a big part of history. The song "We Didnt Start the Fire", was created by Billy Joel. It was on his album, Storm Front. The point of the song and music video was to show the ups and downs of the historical years.~McKenna Kelley(:4/5 period
The fire is probably all the problems and trouble we have. The videographer's purpose in creating this is to point out how many problems and stuff we have to deal with in the world. Dorris Day was born on April 3rd 1922. She was a singer and actress. She has been in over thirty nine films and has recorded more than 650 songs. Billy Joel is a singer, songwriter, and pianist. The time frame of this song is around 1988.
The fire is events throughout recent times. 'We Didn't Start the Fire' means to me that no one wants to take responsiblity for things that are happening. The videograper is sending the message that changes happen for the good or bad. It makes me feel sad to see some of things that I know about. Homeless veterans deserve a place to live. More tax money needs to go to veterans' services to help provide for themselves, such as housing, food, job skills and education. The veterans fought for our country and freedom. We owe them alot for what they have given.
I believe the fire means all the conflicts of the world,and its people.The videographer is talking about all the bad things that are in this world and how long its been around.This video shows some of the conflicts throughout history.John F. Kennedey was elected January 20th, 1961 and was assasinated while in office on November 22,1963.Kennedy worked for a time as a journalist before running for the House of Representatives. He won and was reelected twice. He showed himself to be an independent thinker, not always following party line.Critics were upset that he would not stand up to Senator Joe McCarthy. He also authored Profiles in Courage which won a Pulitzer Prize although there was some question about its true authorship.As you can see there is still fire today and there will always be fire.T.J. Jones7th & 8th period
What I think about we didn't start the fire. I think Its about what happened in the past/history. Like what happened between the black and whites, the famous singers, the baseball players, technology, and the medicines. It shows how our world has changed from then and now. We had a lot of negative situations back then but now they have been defeated!!!!!!
to tell you the truth there was no fire "the fire" is all of the prblems in the world.All major things that happened in history was shown in this video.JFK did not deserve to be shot. He was a good president.When that bullet hit him everybody was a mess,especially his wife.She was a disaster after that had happened.I mean why would someone do this to a president?!Anyway all im trying to say is we are the ones who decide what this world is going to be like so lets make it peaceful and make it the best life we can make it.
I think that the video is talking about all of the problems in the world occurred during the period of time shown in this video which is the 1950's. I think the videographer is talking about the good and the bad events that happened in the 1950's. He is trying to tell us that were not the only ones who make bad mistakes and good ones. On top of all that the purpose of the video is to take us back and show us spectacular events that occurred in the past. For example Mickey Mantle is a hall of fame baseball player who hit 536 career home runs and 18 in the world series which is the record. Jahlil Howard 6/7th period
The meaning of we didn’t start the fire is not talking about an actual fire. The fire Billie Joel is speaking of is that these people and event s did not cause the issues of that time they were there before they just simply lived through them. The video is speaking of the issues of the time frame from Billie Joel’s life to the time the song was created. The topic from the video that I chose is Woodstock. Woodstock was a music festival that lasted August 15-17, 1969. The music festival left the sponsors in dept of 1.3 million do to poor planning because most were admitted for free. The cost of a ticket were $135 a piece. billie joel was a artist and song writer. By. sarah nicklow
My opinion of the fire is the world and what it was facing durring that time period. I pick the television it is a big part of the world and what is today and i dont know what it would be like without it know. It was invented june 16 1946. The television is a big help to the world and the people in it. billy joel started his cereer in 1970 and made the song we didnt start the fire,Also just recently finished a tour in 2010
what fire i dont see no fire do u mean people hate on black people back in the day when black people couldnt do anything
The Fire is figure speaking of the drama in society. The videographer is saying that we need to be nice and get along with everyone one in the world and stop the drama. To make the world aware of the drama and horrible things in this world is the purpose of creating this video. Martin Luther King had a dream and was shot because of his dream.Billy Joel was born in 1949; he was an American musician and pianist, singer, songwriter, and composer. The period of this video is a very hard time in the world it was the time frame of 1950’s.
they are really not talking of fire.the past and what we have learned in school his purpose is to teach you about heros and pepole ho changed the world.martin luther king he was one of the people changed slaver and no one would be slaves again
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What Fire? The fire is all of the problems in the world, of course!! It started as soon as Earth was made. The videographer is talking about all of the things good or bad that have come into our world in the past hundred years and his purpose in creating the video is to show our fellow citizens that our world has problems and we are not the creators of it. Marilyn Monroe is a natural brunette, her favorite perfume is Chanel No. 5, and her social security number is 563-32-0764. There was a rumor that she has twelve toes but she really has ten and her favorite colors are beige, black, white, and red. Disneyland was never owned by Walt Disney, it is open 365 days a year, and has no Pepsi at its concession stands. The game show, Wheel of Fortune, had 10 general entries, Merv Griffin created the show, and the first show premiered on January 6, 1975. Billy Joel is who sang the song “We Didn’t Start the Fire”! It was released on September 18, 1989 and recorded in 1989. We may not have started the fire but we sure can extinguish it!!
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th-5th periods
The "fire" could stand for conflict amongst different leaders and situations throughout time. The purpose is to show that there have been many famous people in history during the lifespan of Billy Joel. Joe DiMaggio was a famous Yankee baseball player and he was married to Maryilyn Monroe. Billy Joel was the singer of the song "We Didn't Start the Fire." He has many other famous songs, and he also plays piano. This song was created in 1989 to be a rebuttal to the Baby Boomer generation.
My interpretation of the fire is the excitement and conflicts that the world faced during the years shown in the video. During that period of time new inventions were created, illnesses were cured, wars were fought. All these “fires” were put out. The videographer is talking about new things. Whether they are good or bad, he is talking about change. The purpose of him creating the video is to show that his generation didn’t start the fire and they aren’t the ones how brought evil into the world. He is trying to say that evil has been around for millions of years. I chose Mr. Mickey Mantle as my historical figure. Mickey was a all American baseball player. He played 18 years of baseball. He played for the New York Yankees. Mantle died in 1995, and eventually made the hall of fame. Today people still remember Mickey and the things he accomplished. Billy Joel is the artist of “we didn’t start the fire.” His career kicked off in the 1970's, and still continues on today. He just finished a tour in March of 2010. In summary even though the fire throws good and bad situations our way that doesn’t mean we can’t overcome them.
Maddi Craig 2/3 Period- 8-23-10
By fire they mean the anger in the world. But we don’t want the anger. We strive to solve the worlds problems but we mostly fail. The videographer is talking about the events that happen in history. But they mostly occurred by emotions then anything else. The point in making this video was to shown all events and disasters that happened. Some of these disaster still effect us today.
The governor of Texas, his wife John F. Kennedy, and his wife where on their way to the airplane that would take them to Johns next meeting on Friday, November 22,1963. When passing the Texas School Book Depository a gun had fired. Bullets struck John F. Kennedy in the neck and head. But the Governor was always struck in the chest. After thee shooting had occurred they rushed off to the hospital. But there was nothing that they could do for john. At 1:00 p.m. John F. Kennedy was pronounced died. But the Governor of Texas would recover just fine.
Billy Joel was the artist of the song “ We Didn’t Start The Fire.” In June 4 2004 Billy Joel sang the song “ We Didn’t Start The Fire” in New York.
The fire is what happened in history that changer are future and all the bad things that happened.the video graper is talking about waht is wrong with the world.The dogers 1995 world championship team was the first for there team in 8 tries the play there rivials the yanksThe game went to a game 7 and there was one man who changed it all wit one play in the series Jackie Robinson who stole home and was the reason why african americans play sports today is because he broke the color barrier and led his doodgers wit the help of his team to win there first championship.Billy Joel is a legend singer and is in the hall of fame he has lots of hits. the song was released in 1989 but he started to make the song in 88.
The fire stands for controversy. The video guy is trying to show lots of people who were first to accomplish different things in their field. His purpose is people had to fight to do things to do what they wanted to do in their own way. Elvis is known as the King of Rock n Roll. He had a very strange haircut. He would swing his hips back and forth when he danced and people thought that was dirty dancing. Many people loved Elvis’ music. Billy Joel created the song “We Didn’t Start the Fire”. The frame of this is in1989.
Logan orton 2nd_ 3rd period
When I hear the phrase "we didn't start the fire", I think of the rises and falls this world has seen. There have been many good times and brilliant things invented, as well as terror and war in parts of the world. I think the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show that we might have not started the fire, but we continue to keep it lit. Every day is history because time never stops, which is why you see something new on the news channel every morning.
I chose James Dean as my historical figure. He was an American actor in the 50's and also raced cars. James Dean starred and a lot of television and did some work on Broadway, but he was most known as an actor. James Dean starred in 7 movies, but his most popular was Rebel Without a Cause, in which he played Jim Stark. James Dean was only 24 when he died from a car crash in 1955, but during his short lifetime he was nominated for two Academy Awards and two BAFTA Best Foreign Actor.
Billy Joel is the singer of the song "We Didn't Start the Fire". He was born in 1941, which is where the time frame of this video begins. The video represents how much things have changed while Billy Joel has been alive.
My opinion of what they ment by the fire is showing what the world faced during the years.The videographer was talking about his friends and even people that wern't his friend's did not start the fire and did not want all this to happen. He was trying to say him and his other friends did not do anything wrong or harmful. I think the videographer's purpose of making this video is so we have an idea of what they went through and what happened during that time. I choose Joe Dimaggo as a historical figure. Joe Dimaggo is a famous baseball player. He was also married to Marylin Monroe. Billy Joel is the singer of "We Didn't Start the Fire." This song was released in 1989, but the song was made in 1988.
I think that the "fire" is all of the problems and disagreements that we've had in the past years, and that we have now. When Billy Joel says that "we didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the worlds been turning," i think he means that we might not have started the conflicts from the beginning, but they are always going to disagreements here. The videographer's purpose of this video is to show many different people, places, and things in this world that are good and bad. I think the purpose is that even though they're might be good things in the world, there are still going to be problems. Albert Einstein was born in Wurttemberg, Germany. He was one of the greatest and smartest scientists of all time. Einstein created a law of energy equivalence although his famous formula E=mc squared. Billy Joel is an American singer and song writer of classic music. He had then top 10 hits in the 1980s, and 1990s. Joel also has 33 top 40 hits in the United States, all of which he wrote singlehandedly. 1989was the year the song was released on his album Storm Front. "WE didn't start the fire was a number one song in the U.S. In conclusion, even we have problems with different things, we can always look at the positive and try to overcome the situation.
-Sarah Topardo.
I believe the fire is life because of all the years that go by. The videographer is talking about famous historical figures and events that has shaped our country into what it is today. The purpose of the song is to teach people about the events in our past. Sugar Ray Robinson was a professional boxer. His real name is Walker Smith Jr. He finished his amateur career with 65 knockouts. Billy Joel is an American musician, pianist, singer, songwriter, and classical composer. "We Didn't Start the Fire" was written and performed by Billy Joel in 1989. The song covers the time frame from 1969-1989. As of July 2010, only 9 of the 56 individuals mentioned in the song are still alive.
Triston Newbrough
7th-8th periods
What fire? The fire they are talking about is all of the problems that have went on. The videographer is talking about all of the good and bad things that happened in the past 100 years. They want to show us, that we aren't because of all of the problems. I have chose to do Albert Einstein. He was born in Ulm, Wurttemburg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the fanily moved to Munich, where later he began his schooling at Luitpold Gymnasium. After the first move, he moved several other times. In 1905 he finally obtained his doctor's degree. In 1909 he became a professor physics at Extraordinary Zurich, in 1911 professor of theoretical physics at Prague, returning to Zurich a year later for a similar post.
James Byron Dean was born on February 8,1931. He was an american film actor, and cultural icon. He is best embodied in the title of his most celebrated film "Rebel without a cause", in which he starred in as troubled Los Angeles teenager Jim Stark. Dean's fame and popularity rests on this main film, his entire output in starring a role. Then James Byron Dean was killed in a car crash on September 30,1955. He was the first actor to recieve a posthumous Academy Award nomination, for best actor, and remains the only one to have a posthumous Academy Award.
Harry S. Truman was born on May 18,1884. He was the U.S. 33rd president. During World War 1 truman serve as a artillery officer, making him the only president to have seen Combat in World War 1. Truman replaced vice president Henry A. Wallace as Roosevelt's running mate in 1944. He popularized phrases, such as, "the big buck stops", and "If you can't stand the heat, you better get out of the kitchen".
Doris Day is and american actress, and singer. In 1945, she had her first hit recording, Sentimental Journey. In 1948, she appeared in her first film "Romance on High The Seas".
All of these people have something in common. They are all famous, and they all have a good, and bad past.
Samanthe Bolling
2-3 period
I think that the fire represents the many problems of our world. Throughout the video, it showed pictures of things and people that make the world what it is today. Of the many people in the video, I chose to write about Feidel Castro. Simply because he's an easy topic to write about, and everybody knows him. Castro was the "president" of Cuba, but we all knew that was a lie. He was a dictator and was the main reason that through 1959-1979, many Cubans fled to America to escape Feidel Castro's rule.
The song, "We didn't start the fire!" was written by Billy Joel. It was released September 18, 1989. Nine years after Castro's death. The song says that the contreversal firewas here befroe we came , and that we didn't start it. However, we are the reason that it's grown. I feel that, in time and with determination, we can kill the fire.
I believe the “fire” is referring to famous people and popular news at their time.They are great moments in history that will be discussed about now and for years to come. The videographers composed this to entertain the listener visually as well as hearing it .I think the video adds life and makes the song more intriguing for the viewers. The “British Beatlemania” as said in the video refers to the Beatles and how popular they where and still are today. The Beatles were a band with four members George Harrison, Ringo Starr, John Lennon and Paul McCartney. The Beatles formed in 1957 , in Liverpool England. There first song was Love Me Do. They have written over 300 songs and each was popular to a new crowd. The only member still living is Paul McCartney. He is now 68 years old and is still going strong. Billy Joel is the singer in this song.This piece covers history from the last 100 years.
Olivia Wilson(:
4th & 5th
The fire is all of the problems that are going on in this world we are living in today. In my opinion, everybody started the fire by fighting and wealth. One thing always leads to another. The videographer is talking about how people always want to be like everybody else and it just makes a bigger fire. The videographer's purpose in making this video is to show people how this world has so many problems and how it all started. John F Kennedy died on November 22, 1963. He is also the youngest president elected in history. And his middle name is Fitzgerald. Billy Joel is an American musician and pianist, singer-songwriter, and classical composer. The time frame of the song was about 1989.
Elizabeth Tennant 4th and 5th
The "fire" that the videographer is talking about is all of the conflicts in the world between people and things and all of the things that went wrong or right. The "fire" started to burn when the earth formed and has continued to burn since. The videographer's purpose in making this video was to inform the watchers that not all of the problems in the world are our fault, and some good things weren't because of us. Brigitte Bardot was born in Paris, France. She was an upcoming ballet dancer and didn't turn to acting until 1952. She was famous world-wide because of the sixteen films that she had been in. Billy Joel was a famous singer and performer. He signed his first solo recording contract in 1972 and released a record called "All My Life" in 2007. He recorded the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" too, which was the song played on this video. The people or things that started the fire may not have been us, but we can help by not feeding it.
Bethany McPherson 4th and 5th Period
The fire are the problems and tragedies that have happened throughout time. All these problems were man-made and caused by the generations of people all over the world. The videographer made this film to show that the fire continues and each generation makes their own fires. We, the people, are our own worst enemy and create all these problems. Even in good times when we celebrate the accomplishments and good things, we can never be satisfied and we want to outdo it.
The best example is Astronaut John Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth on 20 February, 1962. That opened up the floodgates for the United States and space travel. Over the following years, many accomplishments in space were made, but with them came tragedies. Space ships blew up and we lost a lot of lives by trying to be the fastest and greatest space county in the world. Many mistakes were made trying to be the best in the world and because of that, we had to live with those mistakes. Later, John Glenn became a US Senator from Ohio and served from 1974 to 1999. He worked on laws to make space travel safer.
Billy Joel, the singer of We Didn’t Start the Fire, was making a statement when he sang the song. He wanted us to realize that each generation pays for the mistakes of the generations that came before them.
Michael Shaw
4th-5th Periods
The fire in this video could be the situations and problems that has occurred in history throughout the years to give us how our present is today. I think that the videos purpose is like to actually show people that WOW, this is actually how everything got started. And that this is why we have some wars going on today and the things that we have today. For the thing we had to use I chose Liberace 1952. He was basically in the music artist business. In the mid 1940's he was going around in the United States and preforming in night clubs.His New York preformance at Madison Square Garden made him 138,000$ and from there he went up to alot more and in the years he was making 1,000,000$ just from public apperances. Billy Joel is a musician and pianist, singer and song writer. He also made and sang "We Didn't Start The Fire." It was released on September 18,1989 and also recorded in 1989.
JoMarie Bogard
4th-5th Period
What fire? The fire represents various events that have left a permanent mark in our nation’s history. The fire kept burning…meaning that one event led to another. The fire symbolized some of the chaos that has occurred in the years from 1950-1989.
What is the videographer talking about? The videographer is talking about how over many years, new fires were started as one was extinguished. He wants us to connect visual aids with the music so that we know about some of the major controversy that has occurred.
What is the videographer's purpose in creating this video? The videographer’s purpose of creating this video is to visually explain to younger adults like us what occurred in the past. The song “We Didn’t Start the Fire” talked about events that took place before we were born. The visual images make it easier for us to relate to the words in the song.
Select one of the historical figures in the video and tell a couple of facts about your selection. As a welterweight and middleweight divisions of boxing, Sugar Ray Robinson was cited to all people as the greatest boxer of all history. In 1990, Robinson was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. When Robinson was an amateur boxer, his record was 85-0 and 69 of those victories ended in a knockout. During his boxing career, he fought in 200 fights, had 173 wins, 108 won by knockout, and 19 losses.
Who is Billy Joel? Billy Joel is the musical artist who wrote and sang the song, “We Didn’t Start the Fire”.
What is the time frame of this selection? The time frame of the video covers the years from 1950-1989. The song “We Didn’t Start the Fire” was recorded in 1989 and released to the public in September of 1989.
Dalton Okel
4th-5th Period
What fire? The fire is the important events that happened in the past. The videographer is talking about all the events taking place good, and bad. I think the videographers purpose was to show that the fire is never going to stop burning. By simply living the way we are we're keeping the fire lit! The character I'm choosing to write about is Richard Nixon. He was the 37th president of the United States. Richard Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California. Billy Joel sings the song "We Didn't Start the Fire." The time frame of this song begins in 1989.
Lauren Massacci 4th & 5th period.
(The fire) the Fire that Billy Joel is referring to is all the tension in the world. In this song the fire is all the major things that happened in his life between 1949 and 1989. I think the videographer made this video to inform us about all these events in history. The event I chose to Wright about is British beatlemania. British beatlemania is the time that the beatles were a band. In 1960, Lennon, McCartney and Harrison were joined by drummer Pete Best and bassist Stu Sutcliffe, a friend of Lennon's from the Liverpool Art School. They went through a succession of names -- Long John and The Beatles, The Silver Beetles, The Beat Brothers -- before settling on The Beatles. After touring Scotland (backing a singer named Johnny Gentle) the group was invited to play the first of a series of club dates in Hamburg, Germany. They returned to Hamburg twice more in 1961 and 1962, after which they became increasingly popular on the Liverpool club circuit. Billy Joel is my favorite artist and he has written some of my favorite songs. The timeframe of this selection is 1949 and1989. 7-8 periods
My opinion of the fire is that it's about all the important and tradgic things that have happened throughout time. Times about different kinds of illness being cured, very important presidents, and different shows and music that came out throughout the years. It's about trying to make changes and make the world a better place to live.
Jasmine Bruce 7/8 periods
When I hear the song, I think that the fire means all the troubles that were happening in the past. The videographer created this video to help people realize to help and keep the peace that is in the world. Richard Nixon was born on January 9, 1913 and died on April 22, 1994.He was the 37th president of the U.S.A. from 1969-1974 and was also the vice president from 1953-1961.After the attack on Pear Harbor, he was quick to join the U.S. Navy. In 1946 he was elected to the Republican House of Representatives of California. He had a stork on April 18, 1994 and died four days later.
Jayce Riley, 4/5th period
The fire refers to all the past events that had happened around the world. The videographer was talking about important event that happened around the globe with about a 20 year span such as JFK getting shot. I chose Wood stock. Wood stock was a free concert that was supposed to be 3 days of peace and music. The people that arranged it thought it would be small but instead about 500,000 people attended the festival. During the 3 days although quiet rainy and muddy almost everyone stayed to watch the performances. Even with so many people there were only three fatalities.
-Taylor Campbell 4/5 period
The fire is referring to all what is wrong and all of the world’s problems. The fire started when earth started turning because there were wars and problems back then also. We didn’t start the fire are ancestors did. The videographer is talking of all of the pros and cons from the past and when the song was made that present day. The videographer’s purpose for the video to show people the world’s problems known as the fire. I chose Sally Kristen Ride who was the first woman astronaut. She drop out of college to become a pro tennis player then in 1977 she joined NASA for training. She has been on the Challenger STS-7 and Challenger STS 41 –G. She has 343 hours in space. Dr. Ride has been very successful in her career and has won many awards . Billy Joel is the singer of this song “We Didn’t Start The Fire “ he is very successful .The time frame of this song is 1949 to 1989 .
Holly Bogdanich 4th and 5th
The fire is all of the atrocious things that have happened to the world. The fire is also the disagreement of the world’s countries and people. The videographer is talking about the good and terrible things that have happened to the world and its’ people. The videographer purpose of making this video is to show the general public how the world has troubles throughout history. October 4th 1957, the Soviet Union launched a satellite named Sputnik. Sputnik changed history for the better. When the Soviets launched Sputnik they changed the way the military, scientists, and the government would be able to do things. In July 1957 the United States decided to launch their own satellites to keep all their information a secret from the Soviet Union. Billy Joel is the man that sang this song. He sang this song in 1989.
Sean Riggleman Periods 4 and 5
What Fire? The fire meaning all the chaos that happened in the world between 1949 through 1989. The videographer was trying to show the different things that happened during those forty years. I’m choosing to write about Muhammed Ali he is one of the world’s top boxers. He was born on February 25, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. During the first part of his career he fought and knocked out 7 opponents becoming heavyweight champion. In the 1960 Olympics he annihilated all his opponents to win the gold medal. He became famous for his quote “Float like a butterfly sting like a bee.” Billy Joel wrote and sang the song We didn’t start the Fire in September 1989.
Steven Riggleman Periods 4 and 5
What fire? The fire is the problems and the people and events that changed the world. The purpose of this video is to show people our world's history since 1949 and how it made a difference in our lives. Without these people or events, our world would be a different place. Berlin was once divided into two sections by a giant wall that had gaurds +all up and down it. It was constructed on August 13th, 1961 by the German Democratic Republic. It divided the city into the west and east side. The wall was taken down on November 9, 1989. Billy Joel is the person that sang "We Didn't Start the Fire". The song was released on September 18, 1989.
Isaac Childers
2nd-3rd periods
There was no actual real fire. He is referring to fire as war, conflict and term oil around the world. To give a brief history lesson of the different conflicts around the world through out the years and the leaders at that times, military and political. I chose Marilyn Monroe for my historical figure. Marilyn was born June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California. She was the most famous woman of the 20th century. She spent most of her childhood in foster homes. Billy Joel was born May 9, 1949, in Bronx, New York. He is an American musician and pianist, singer-songwriter, and classical composer. The time frame of this selection We Didn’t Start the Fire was in the time frame is September 18, 1989.
By the meaning of "fire" means all the hostility and anger in the world. People these days are racist and the other people get mad at onw another and start a conflict. And then they start fighting and forming "gangs" and fighting innocent people because they are racist and want to hurt the other person. Thats what the "fire" is in the world.
The fire they are referring to is all of the world's conflicts, problems, but also progress. This fire has been going on forever. The videographer is talking about the good and bad things that have entered the world. I think that the videographer's purpose of creating this video is to show the world what our world has gone through, both the bad and good. The historical figure I chose is Doris Day. Doris Day was a historical actress and singer. She loved animals. In fact, she actually rescued a puppy, a maltese. She named the puppy Daffy. Doris' real last name is Kappelhoff. At the age of fifteen, she began small performances. One of the band leaders suggested that she change her stage name from Doris Kappelhoff to Doris Day. The reason being that it was catchy and shorter. Billy Joel is the lead singer in the song "We Didn't Start the Fire." The song was released on the date of September 18, 1989. The song was recorded the same year as it was released. In conclusion, if we all work together we can fight off all the bad and evil things in our world.
Martina Edgell
4-5 periods
I believe that the author was talking about both the great thing and the awful things that happened in the past century. The videographer created this because they want to inform people about different thing in the last century and also entertain people. The Studebaker was made from 1852- 1963. The company was originally a producer of wagons for farmers, miners and the military. Studebaker entered the automotive business in 1902 with electric vehicles and in 1904 with gasoline vehicles, all sold under the name "Studebaker Automobile Company". Until 1911, its automotive division operated in partnership with the E-M-F Company and the Garford Company
Matt Strand
The fire is all problems over time in the 1900s to 1989.They are talking about all the things that these people did that changed our country.The Catcher in the Rye was a very popular among teens in the U.S. The Catcher in the Rye was written by J.D Salinger in 1951. It was soon translated into all languages over the world so that everybody who wanted to read it could read it.About 250,000 copies are still sold each year which comes to total sales of 65 million. This book was featured on the Time's 2005 list of 100 best English-language novels written since 1923. The song "We Didn't Start the Fire" Billy Joel was made in 1989.
Alex Pavelko 4/5 period
I think the 'fire' means life and the passion people have for life. Like the song says, it began when the world began. The videographer is talking about the things that happen in life, whether it's good or bad. I think the purpose of this video is to present the historical events that have happened in life, but to do it in a fun way. I chose Sally Ride as my historical figure. Sally Ride was the first American woman astronaut to fly into space on June 18th, 1983. She was also a scientist, a physicist, and a writer. Billy Joel is a famous singer/songwriter who wrote and sang this song. The time frame was from 1949 to 1989, during Billy Joel's life.
There is no fire. “Fire” refers to war and everything that is wrong in the world. We are humans, were not perfect. It is our nature to fight. There have been wars since the world was made. That’s what I think the videographer was telling with the word “fire”. I’m not exact sure what the videographer purpose of making this video was. The Hydrogen Bomb (H-Bomb) is an extremely powerful bomb that uses nuclear fission to create a massive explosion. The first ever Hydrogen Bomb was dropped in a remote area of New Mexico on July 16, 1945. The H-Bomb forever changed the world. Billy Joel is the artist of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” He started his career in the 1970’s. One of his tours ended A couple months ago. The time period of the video is from 1949 to 1990. Life is short so let’s try to make it as great as possible. Lucas Kinder 2nd-3rd period
There is no fire. “Fire” refers to war and everything that is wrong in the world. We are humans, were not perfect. It is our nature to fight. There have been wars since the world was made. That’s what I think the videographer was telling with the word “fire”. I’m not exact sure what the videographer purpose of making this video was. The Hydrogen Bomb (H-Bomb) is an extremely powerful bomb that uses nuclear fission to create a massive explosion. The first ever Hydrogen Bomb was dropped in a remote area of New Mexico on July 16, 1945. The H-Bomb forever changed the world. Billy Joel is the artist of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” He started his career in the 1970’s. One of his tours ended A couple months ago. The time period of the video is from 1949 to 1990. Life is short so let’s try to make it as great as possible. Lucas Kinder 2nd-3rd period
I think that the fire is a combination of the views, segregations, and worldly problems that have affected us all in history. The videographer is saying that today’s problems in the world weren’t created by present day leaders and citizens. They have always existed, and we are constantly searching for solutions. The videos shown reflect the different problems that we have endured over time, and are still trying to overcome some of the issues presented. Princess Grace married Prince Rainer of Monaco. Princess Grace was said to have hated every minute of the public wedding, and especially being filmed. Prince Rainer banned the showing of films in Monaco if they had Grace Kelly in the cast. It is still against the law in Monaco to show films featuring Grace Kelly. Billy Joel is a musician pianist, sing-writer and composer. He became the 6th best selling recording artist, and the 3rd best solo artist in the United States. The time frame of this video blog was 1949-1984.
Megan McCullough 7th & 8th period
The fire thats been getting bigger and bigger since the world has started to turn. The videographer was talking about the hate and conflict in the whole world. I think the purpose of this video was to show everyone who has changed the world in some way, people that were loved and hated by others around the world. Some children of Thalidomide were born without limbs because the drug targeted blood vessels. The drug blocked the growth of body parts. The drug was used to stop morning sickness,but morning sickness normally occurs while the childs limbs are growing, so a result of that is about 12,000 children were born without limbs. Billy Joel is an american singer, pianist, songwriter. He made this song based on the time frame of the 1940 to 1989. I really liked this song.
Aubrie Moss
4-5 period
I think the fire means all the things many americans accomplished!Some Americans died for what they believed in and the changes they made stick with us now.
Fire? I think the fire means all of the bad things or problems we have had in this country. But everything or everyone gets a problem every now and then. But we have gotten over some of them. The videographer is talking about all these famous inventions or people that had alot to do with our history. The videographers purpose for this video was trying to show us these people and inventions in history that changed the way we do things then and now.
Albert Einstein was a very famous scientist! He discovered the thing we use in all of our houses Electricity!! Alber also won the Nobel prize in Physics at the age of 42. Albert was born in Ulm, Germany.
Billy Joel is the writer and singer of the song " We didn't start the fire". The song was released on September 18, 1889. The time frame of this selection is between 1949 and 1991!
- Izaiha John 4/5 period
What fire is BIlly Joel talking about? Well, I think he is using fire as a metaphor to talk about all of the most well know events in history starting with Harry Truman in 1949 and ending with foreign debts in 1989.He created this video to recognize all of these events so you know what the world and its people have experienced, including the ups and downs. Davy Crockett was a celebrated 19th-century American folk hero, frontiersman, soldier and politician. He is referred to in popular culture as Davy Crockett and after the 1950s by “King of the Wild Frontier.” He represented Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives, served in the Texas Revolution, and died in the Battle of the Alamo. Billy Joel is an American musician and pianist, singer-songwriter, and classical composer. The time frame was 1949 to 1989.
Cody Brubaker
Pd. 2nd/3rd
We didnt Start the fire," metaphoricly, no we didnt start the fire, but we add wood every day by the things we do. I picked George Santayana, His real name was Jorge AgustÃn Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borr. George Santayana was born on December 16, 1863 in Madrid, Spain and died on September 26, 1952 Rome, Italy. He was a Spanish-American philosopher, poet, and novelist. A lifelong Spanish citizen, Santayana was raised and educated in the United States, wrote in English and is generally considered an American man of letters. Of his nearly 89 years, he spent 39 in the U.S. Santayana is perhaps best known as an aphorist, most famously for his oft-misquoted remark "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Another line of Santayana's, "Only the dead have seen the end of war," is often falsely attributed to Plato.
Sam Tonkovich
4th and 5th
What fire? The fire they are talking about in the song is about the problems and evil things in our world today. The videographer is talking about the good and bad progress. In my opinion the videographer's motive for making this video is to show the people that our world has illness, persecution, and many other problems that we need to face. The historical figure that I chose to write about is Chubby Checker. Ernest Evans, now known as Chubby Checker, was born in Spring Gulley, South Carolina, but grew up in South Philadelphia, where he lived with his parents and two brothers. When he was 11 years old he started moving toward his goal by forming a harmony group and by the time he was in high school he had learned to play the piano. Chubby Checker ended up becoming a famous singer and sang the song that was a big success, "The Twist". Billy Joel is the lead singer in the song "We Didn't Start the Fire".
This song was released and recorded in the same year 1989. It was released on September 18, 1989. In conclusion, there may be a fire but we should all come together and try to fight it off.
Abby Williams
pd. 7th and 8th
The fire is just meaning a lot of the problems in the world that have happened over time. The videographer is talking about all of the good and bad things that have happened in this world. I think that the videographers' purpose in making this video was to show you the historical figures through out time, good and bad.. The historical figure that I chose was Brigitte Bardot . Brigitte was born in France in 1934. She was an actress, animal rights activist, fashion model, and singer! In the 1990's she was outspoken due to her criticism of immagration , race-mixing , and some figures of homosexuality, and for that she was fined 5 times for racial slurs . !!! Billy Joel is an american singer and songwriter . The time frame of this selection was 1989 .
brooklyn nuzum . (:
2-3 periods.
In this video, the fire they are referring to is the world and its problems. The videographer is talking about the problems that occur, and how problems start naturally. The purpose of this video is to take you back through all the things that have happened in the 1900’s, whether they are good or bad. Ole Miss is the University of Mississippi. They started their first class with 80 students and now they have over 18,000. For 110 years, it was the state’s only comprehensive university. Billy Joel is the man who sang “We Didn’t Start the Fire”. This song was first released in 1989.
--Baylee Abbott.
4th&5th periods
The fire they are talking about all the problems we have seen in this world. Stalin and Hitler had a clash of personalities during world war 2. against the advice of his generals, Hitler insisted on humiliating Stalin by invading the city of Stalingrad. During the invasion, Hitler lost a fourth of his army, eventually causing Germany to lose the war. Stalin was known as “Father of Nations,” “Brilliant Genius of Humanity,” “Great Architect of Communism,” and “Gardener of Human Happiness." Billy Joel was the creator of this song. The creator of this video and song is talking about all things that have happened in the world from 1949 - 1989.
The fire probobly means everything good and bad thats happened in history. Mickey Mantle was born October 20 1931 and died August 13 1995. He was a very famous baseball player who played for the Yankees,and is one of the best switch hitters of all time. Mickey Mantle was an alcoholic for many years of his life too. He still leads career walk off home runs. Billy Joel is a musician and a pianist. He also has become the sixth best selling recording artist in the U.S.The video time line is 1949 to 1989.
I think the fire is all of the significant events that have happened throughout history. Some were good and some were bad. I believe they created this video to show how our world has changed over time and what has happened to us throughout history. He says we didn’t start the fire because the fire started long before his generation. The Mafia is a secret organization of criminals mostly in the United States and Italy. They are engaged in many illegal activities such as gambling, drug dealing, prostitution, and protection. Their main motivation is money. Billy Joel is the musician who sings “We Didn’t Start the Fire” in the video. The time frame of these events was from 1949 to 1989.
Trey Giorcelli
4th and 5th periods
The fire Billy Joel (the singer of the song) meant was the sadness, anger, and more. His purpose was to show everyone how dangerous the world actually is. I chose to do Einstein. He brain worked differently from other kids. He dropped out of school when he was 16. He was famous for his intelligence in math and science. He had a case of Asperges Syndrome, which makes his mind work differently. Because he was smart with math, he was allowed to go to a high school in Aarau, Switzerland. He graduated in 1896 when he was 17. He has created many scientific theories, like E=MC squared.
The fire is referring to people and world events that effected the United States from 1939-1989
The vidiographer is talking about events which contain conflicts that are related to “the cold war”, equal rights, and political leaders. The vidiographers purpose is to show all the ups(goods) and downs(bads)in events from our history. Juan Peron was an Argentine general as well as politician. In 1955 he was in a military coup. He had three wives. He had also served as the president of Argentina. Billy Joel is the one who sings the song “We Didn't Start The Fire.” He released this song in September of 1989.
-Sarah Cox
period 2/3
I think what Billy Joel was meaning was there is alot of things that are bad then come out good or even things that turn out good into bad. Either way all of these events had to deal with it being good or bad. That will always happen from now until whenever. I chose Richard Nixon as my historical figure. I chose Richard Nixon because he was one of the president's of the USA. Richard Nixon was the 37th presidnet. He was born on January 9,1913 in California. He attended Whittier and Duke University where he became a smart lawyer. His term of office was from January 20,1969- August 9,1974. His numbers of terms elected was 2 terms, but he resigned during second term because of the Watergate cover-up. Nixon also visited China in 1972. He started liking politics after he came home from serving as a Navy Lieutentant during World War II. Also the difference between Nixon and other President's is he actually got caught from the scandal of the Watergate. Finally he died on April 22,1994. Those are some facts of why I chose Richard Nixon as my historical figure.
The fire means that people have always had conflicts about some matter. It either falls under war or even politcs have caused some to go on the deep end. The start of the worst started in the 1900`s. For example world war and world war two. On record it is the worst war in american history. The fire is not going to get any better in the future. There will still be assasination and other stuff. Billy Joe is who sang we didn`t start the fire. It was put in stores om septemper 18, 1989 and recorded in 1989. The end
The fire means that people have always had conflicts about some matter. It either falls under war or even politcs have caused some to go on the deep end. The start of the worst started in the 1900`s. For example world war and world war two. On record it is the worst war in american history. The fire is not going to get any better in the future. There will still be assasination and other stuff. Billy Joe is who sang we didn`t start the fire. It was put in stores om septemper 18, 1989 and recorded in 1989. The end
The “fire” represents all of the problems in the world and the countries in it. The videographer is describing all the good and bad things that have happened through the 1900’s. The videographer is also bringing it to the people’s attention that most of, if not all, the problems are not caused by us. That they are in fact created by others. But not all of the things in this video are bad to the world.
I chose Buddy Holly as my historical figure. Buddy Holly was born on September 7, 1936 in Lubbox, Texas as Charles Hardin Holley. He picked up his nickname Buddy from his family when he was a young boy. In 1949, he recorded a bluesy solo of Hank Snow's "My Two Timin' Woman" on a wire recorder borrowed by a friend who worked in a music shop.
Buddy was a singer, songwriter, and musician. The instruments that he played were guitar, piano, fiddle, violin, banjo, and vocals.
In 1956, when he was signing a contract for Decca Records he misspelled his last name. He missed the “e” and spelled “Holly”! Then he formed his own band called the Crickets. The Crickets band members included Holly (lead guitar and vocalist), Niki Sullivan (guitar), Joe B. Mauldin (bass), and Jerry Allison (drums).
On August 15, 1958 Holly married Maria Elena Santiago in Lubbock, Texas. Also that same year the Crickets split.
Buddy Holly, J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson, Ritchie Valens, and Dion and the Belmonts were starting a three week tour across the Midwest opening on January 23, 1959. The tour turned out to be a miserable ordeal for the performers, who had to ride a long overnight travel bus that had a faulty heating system and had broken down several times between stops. After a performance at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa on February 2, 1959, Holly, Valens, and Richardson refused to ride the bus again. So they rode a small airplane to take then to the next stop on the tour. All three performers and the pilot of the small aircraft were killed when the plane crashed soon after taking off. It crashed nearby Mason City in the early morning hours of February 3.
Holly’s funeral was held on February 7, 1959 at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Lubbock. He was buried at the City of Lubbock Cemetery.
Holly’s pregnant wife, a widow after barely six months of marriage, miscarried soon after, ending that part of the Holly family tree.
In 1978, there was a movie made about him called “The Buddy Holly Story.”
Billy Joel is who sang the song “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” It was released on September 18, 1989 and recorded in 1989.
Abby Cooper
7/8 period English
The fire is representing the conflict and disagreements between the people. Like Rosa Parks. Her conflict was civil rights. She did'nt want to give up her seat. At that time, people didn't believe that we were all equal. Josef Stalin. As a child he was made fun of and when enrolled in college, he was expelled because he had read forbidden books. All of these childhood memories, could've built up and caused him to be a big part of history. The song "We Didnt Start the Fire", was created by Billy Joel. It was on his album, Storm Front. The point of the song and music video was to show the ups and downs of the historical years.
~McKenna Kelley(:
4/5 period
The fire is probably all the problems and trouble we have. The videographer's purpose in creating this is to point out how many problems and stuff we have to deal with in the world. Dorris Day was born on April 3rd 1922. She was a singer and actress. She has been in over thirty nine films and has recorded more than 650 songs. Billy Joel is a singer, songwriter, and pianist. The time frame of this song is around 1988.
The fire is events throughout recent times. 'We Didn't Start the Fire' means to me that no one wants to take responsiblity for things that are happening. The videograper is sending the message that changes happen for the good or bad. It makes me feel sad to see some of things that I know about. Homeless veterans deserve a place to live. More tax money needs to go to veterans' services to help provide for themselves, such as housing, food, job skills and education. The veterans fought for our country and freedom. We owe them alot for what they have given.
I believe the fire means all the conflicts of the world,and its people.The videographer is talking about all the bad things that are in this world and how long its been around.This video shows some of the conflicts throughout history.
John F. Kennedey was elected January 20th, 1961 and was assasinated while in office on November 22,1963.Kennedy worked for a time as a journalist before running for the House of Representatives. He won and was reelected twice. He showed himself to be an independent thinker, not always following party line.Critics were upset that he would not stand up to Senator Joe McCarthy. He also authored Profiles in Courage which won a Pulitzer Prize although there was some question about its true authorship.As you can see there is still fire today and there will always be fire.
T.J. Jones
7th & 8th period
What I think about we didn't start the fire. I think Its about what happened in the past/history. Like what happened between the black and whites, the famous singers, the baseball players, technology, and the medicines. It shows how our world has changed from then and now. We had a lot of negative situations back then but now they have been defeated!!!!!!
to tell you the truth there was no fire "the fire" is all of the prblems in the world.All major things that happened in history was shown in this video.JFK did not deserve to be shot. He was a good president.When that bullet hit him everybody was a mess,especially his wife.She was a disaster after that had happened.I mean why would someone do this to a president?!Anyway all im trying to say is we are the ones who decide what this world is going to be like so lets make it peaceful and make it the best life we can make it.
I think that the video is talking about all of the problems in the world occurred during the period of time shown in this video which is the 1950's. I think the videographer is talking about the good and the bad events that happened in the 1950's. He is trying to tell us that were not the only ones who make bad mistakes and good ones. On top of all that the purpose of the video is to take us back and show us spectacular events that occurred in the past. For example Mickey Mantle is a hall of fame baseball player who hit 536 career home runs and 18 in the world series which is the record. Jahlil Howard 6/7th period
The meaning of we didn’t start the fire is not talking about an actual fire. The fire Billie Joel is speaking of is that these people and event s did not cause the issues of that time they were there before they just simply lived through them. The video is speaking of the issues of the time frame from Billie Joel’s life to the time the song was created. The topic from the video that I chose is Woodstock. Woodstock was a music festival that lasted August 15-17, 1969. The music festival left the sponsors in dept of 1.3 million do to poor planning because most were admitted for free. The cost of a ticket were $135 a piece. billie joel was a artist and song writer.
By. sarah nicklow
My opinion of the fire is the world and what it was facing durring that time period. I pick the television it is a big part of the world and what is today and i dont know what it would be like without it know. It was invented june 16 1946. The television is a big help to the world and the people in it. billy joel started his cereer in 1970 and made the song we didnt start the fire,Also just recently finished a tour in 2010
what fire i dont see no fire do u mean people hate on black people back in the day when black people couldnt do anything
The Fire is figure speaking of the drama in society. The videographer is saying that we need to be nice and get along with everyone one in the world and stop the drama. To make the world aware of the drama and horrible things in this world is the purpose of creating this video. Martin Luther King had a dream and was shot because of his dream.
Billy Joel was born in 1949; he was an American musician and pianist, singer, songwriter, and composer. The period of this video is a very hard time in the world it was the time frame of 1950’s.
they are really not talking of fire.the past and what we have learned in school his purpose is to teach you about heros and pepole ho changed the world.martin luther king he was one of the people changed slaver and no one would be slaves again
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