Hemmingway was unique because he had a tough guy attitude and liked drinking. He was also unique because he and his father comminted suicide. He is famous for writing in a style called The Iceburg Theory. I define talent as anything someone can do very well. I don't think I have any true talents.
He was unique because he was alwasy standing up for what he thought and acted tough a lot. He wrote in the Iceburg Theory. My favorite author is Lisi Harrison. Talent is being able to do something that's cool. I don't think I am very talented but I can play the trumpet and I am learning how to play the clarinet. I also like to swim and dance. I guess my friends are talented but I never really payed attention. Lauren Hesse5th
He is unique because he is a famous writer and didn't go to college, he had a tough guy look, and liked drinking a little to much. He is famous for writing the Ice Burg Theory. I define talent as something your good at even if others are good at it too. I can play drums alright and I am a natural videogame player. Elliot is the BEST.Zack Linger5th Periodp.s. I beat Ch0c0l4t3:) HA
Hemmingway was unique because he was alwasy standing up for what he thought . He is famous for writing the Ice Burg Theory . I don't know all of my true talents but danceing is one ( :- Symone , Stewart .1st period .
Hemingway was unique because of his tough guy personality, alcohol dependency, his suicide, and the fact that he wrote in short sentences because he had a bad back and had to write standing up. I haven't ever read anything by Hemingway. He is best known for the Iceburg Theory. My favorite author changes from week to week almost but right now it's Darren Shan. I define talent as being able to do something that you enjoy and do it well. I can play piano, sing, read well, run well, listen to people when they need me to, i can do most sports fairly well, and i know how to be a friend :]. I have many talented friends! Mariah, Megan, Michaela, Amina, Rachel, and Lexie are to name a few.
I think Hemingway is unique because he kept a tough guy attitude but wasn’t so tough when committed suicide. Also he was an amazing writer. I have never read anything of his but know that he’s famous for writing something called Ice Burg Theory. I don’t really read but I like books that have a mystery or something were you cant out it done because it is so good. I define talent as something that you can do and believe YOU do well! Ummm… some of my talents are playing guitar, playing bass guitar, and being a true friend. All of my friends are quite talented !eden laurel richmond<33 :]
I think the fact that he stood up for what he thought was right.I define talent as something someone is naturally good at. I think I am a talented swimmer.sophia1st
HEmingway was unique because he was a writer in the 20th century. He loved to drink and things like that. He wrote in a style called The iceburg theory. I have never heard of that before. Hemingway won the Italian silver medal for Valor in his actions in World War one. hE had over 200 pieces of something called mortar shell in his limbs. I thinjk that it might have been in only his leg or something. Not really sure.hIS work was received by critics from the very start which probably made his life very stressful. HE and his dad both committed suicide. He did this because he was struggling with health problems and depression for a long time and I guess he just got sick of it. I know how that can feel. People around here are all very mean to me. I am extremely critical on myself also. I am very self-conscious of myself because of the poeple. I define talent as something that you can do very well that makes you special and unique. Some examples of talents are drawng and writing, playing sports or musical instruments, singing, or just having a good imagination. I don't believe that I have any talents but a few people say that I am good at drawing anime, writing poetry and stories, and playing my flute in the school band. I also enjoy doing these things but I am VERY hard on myself and I don't think that I do anything right. My friend Stephanie is EXTREMELY talented because she is smart, and funny, and nice and she taught me her style of drawing but I barely ever use it. I like to make my own kinds of pictures my own way so they are unique, and my own thing. I don't want to copy someone elses style of drawing because then they could judge me and I probably couldn't do it right anyways. My friend Kyrie is also talented at drawing. Erika is good at learning to play the piccolo because it is difficult to play and she is fairly decent at it so far. She will be better as time goes on. LAuren is talented at helping you out at your problems. Chessie is good at being nice and smart and friendly. Plus she is crazy. Etc... There are more talented peopel that I know but my fingers hurt so I will stop.
Hemingway was unique because he did a lot of weird things. He also committed suicide. I have never read anything from hemingway but im sure i will. He is famouse for poetry. I realy don't read that much so I don;t have a favorite author. I define talent being the ability to do special things. My talents are many. I do have many talented friends.
Hemingway is unique because of his tough personality, how he had to write standing because of back issues, and he committed suicide. No I haven’t read anything by Hemingway. He is famous for the ice burg theory. My favorite author would have to be James Patterson. I define talent as an action that a person will try and succeed in very well. I have quite a few talents. I am a pretty good soccer player. I am unique in many different ways. Yes I have many talented friends. A few that can sing. A few that can dance, draw, and much more! It’s a great thing to be talented. It will get you really far in life.adrianna
He was unique because he stood up for his thoughts and for himself. He wrote The Iceberg theory. I dont really have a favorite author because i dont read very many books like some people. Talent is something u r good at and or something u like to do that u want to become good at. I dont really have a talent. i have talented friends.
I think Hemingway is unique because he stood up for what he believed in. He is also unique because he wrote short sentences because he had a bad back. He acted like a tough guy, but he really wasn't since he commited suicide. I don't think I've ever read anything by Hemingway He is famous from the Iceburg Theory. My favorite authors are Nicholas Sparks and S.E. Hinton. I think talent is something that a person is good at doing. Writing is a talent of mine. I've always been good at writing papers and stories without any problems while doing it. When i write, everything comes naturally. All of my friends are talented somehow. mostly in sports, or just humor. Allll Cumberlandd <331st period (:
What makes Hemingway unique is how he thinks. From what they tell us in the video he is a very complex thinker. I have never read anythin by him i don't think. Hemingway is famous for short stories. My favorite author is Nicholas Sparks. Talent is when you can do a specific thing better then anyone else. I have no talents except everything. I have alot of talented friends,
Hemingway was unique because he didn't care what other people thought of him. But, there is a lot of things that were not good about him like he was an alcoholic and commited suicide. No, i have not read anything by him but i would like to. He was famous for the theory Ice Burg. I define talent as something you do best and you enjoy to do the most. Yes, i think everyone is talkented in their own way and everyone has something they are good at.Kimmy Woods3/4 period
Hes had all the litiger awards.no i havent read anything.For like violent and sexually storys. I define talent as, what your good at.It doesnt matter if your the best you just have to belive in your self.My favorite author is stephan king. My talent is football and making people laugh. Yes i do have a talented friend Neil hes great at track. 3/4 periodJORDAN CRANE
Hemingway is unique because he was a drunk who was extremely famous. Also all of his wifes had the same first name. I have not read any of hemingways books. My favorite author who probably be Stephen King. I defeine talent as someing a person posess that they are good at.
He had alot of injurys before and was still alive before he killed himself. No i havent but i really want to now. I believe its american littaure. My favorite author is dr. sues. Tallent is something that you are really good at. yes, I can run fast. I believe I do. allie wilson 3/4
Hemingway was unique because, of his life most of his family comitted suicide. He is famous for his writing in a style called The Iceburg Theory. I don't have a favorite author at this moment i read all kinds of books. I define talent as something you can do naturally and do it well that not everyone can do well. I don't have any really good talents.stevie thibodeaux3rd & 4th
Hemingway was unique because of his strong personality. I can’t say I have read anything about this man. I think this might be one of the first times I have ever heard of him. His famous writing is called Iceberg Theory. My favorite author is Nicholas Sparks. I love romance novels and that is what his books mostly are. My favorite books are by him also. I define talent as someone who can do something especially that no one else can do the same way. I don’t think I have any great talents. I can’t think of anything I can do very well. I think all my friends are very talented in their own way. Sydney Izydore1st
Hemingway was unique for his writings and his tough guy looks. No, I haven't read anything by Hemingway. Hemingwat is famous for the Iceburg Theory. My favortie author is Nicholas Sparks. Talent is doing something you enjoy and do well at. My most unique talent is swimming. Yes I have many talented friends.Kaitlyn Westfall5th period
Hemingway was unique for his tough guy image. He did some crazy things in life, but he managed to write beautiful literature. He also won the Nobel Prize, which is very rare for authors. I have never read anything by Hemingway, but I’m sure I will in the future. He was famous for writing Iceberg Theory. (I’m sure you’re sick of reading this answer.) I don’t have a favorite author, but I’ve been reading Dear John and I’m falling in love with it! I would define talent as a gift of the ability of exceptional performance in an activity that is difficult for others to do. My talent would be playing piano, as much as I hate to admit it. Of course, I have talented friends. I think that everyone has a special talent somewhere inside of him or her; they just have to search for it.Rachel Martin5th Period
Hemingway I believe is unique because he had that tough guy attitude,he was an alcoholic,and he wrote short sentences because of his bad back problem. I do not think I have read anything by Hemingway. I think he is famous for writing in The Iceburg Theory.My favorite author is D. Anne Love. I define talent as being really good at something and somewhat showing it off. My talents are playing the trombone, being able to speak in public, and some other small things. I have talented friends, Elliot, Mariah, Megan, Rachel, my parents, and a lot more.
Hemmingway is unique because he had a tough guy image. He loved fishing, safaris, bull fights, and drinking. He also was unique in the way that he died: suicide. I haven’t read anything by Hemmingway but I would like to read one of his books. He is famous for short and to the point writing. I have a lot of authors I like, but my favorite would probably be Rick Riordan. I think talent is any special or unique skill you have. I am pretty good at math if you could consider that a talent and I do pretty well in soccer. I know several people who have talents like dancing and singing.Jared Bartrug 5th Period
Hemingway was unique because he was tough and thought positive. He told himself that nothing can bring him down. He also loved to drink all the time. I have never read anything from Hemingway, well at least I don't remember. He was famous for writing the Icebrug Theory. I hate to say it, but I don't have a favorite author. I define talent as something that someone is very good at. I can't think of any talents that I have, but I have tons of friends that are very talented. Brent Pacoe 6th and 7th period.
Hemingway is unique because we stayed with what he beilieved in & was a tough guy.(: I have not read anything by Hemingway. Hemingway is famous for is the " Ice burg Theory". Hmm, my favorite author, at the time, is Nicholas Sparks. He is pretty amazing.(:How do I define a talent. I define it as something you enjoy, you excel at, a hobby, an activity that is special to you. Talents I think I have might be, I'm creative, funny, sorta smart, nice.(:Everyone is talented. So do I have talented friends? yes!All my friends are talented and possess many talents.gabi pearse.(:6&7th.
what made hemingway unique was he like to stand up for what he believed in , and his tough guy appearance. no i have never read anything by hemigway that remember.. he was famous for the iceburg style. my favorite author is Adrianna Trigiani. i define talent as something that you succeed very well at. my talent is basketball. yes i have a very talented friend named caroline brophy and she is an amazing singer !kelsey morrone (:~1st~
Hemmingway is very unique because he was perseved as a tough guy and tried to keep that image. I've never read anything written by him. Ive heard of the Iceberg Theory. My favorite author would have to be Stephenie Meyer, because I feel like shes very descriptive and I like that in a writer. I define talent as a special unique ability that a person has. I can tumble? Yes i have a lot of talented friends, I have awesome (LMR) soccer friends(: , a really talented sports playing boyfriend<3 , and very talented cheerleading friends. maddie stevenski1st period
I think Hemingway is unique because he wrote very descriptive writing and got wasted all the time. He also committed suiscide along with dad. No, I have never read anything by Hemingway but he is more famous for the sex and gory writing. My favorite author personally is Dr. Suess just because he thought of the most unique stuff to publish into kid stories. I define talent by being amazingly skilled at a certain catagoery. My catagoery is sports I feel I am very gifted with all my athletic abilities. My talents are throwing an 83mph fastball and being able to tackle a kid who is faster and bigger than me. Also racing dirt bikes. I have jumped 100 feet before on a dirt bike. Yes, all of my friends have many athletic talents.Johnny Kesling(:1st PeRoId(:
Hemmingway was unique in various ways. There are many stories, rumors, and tales that could be related to Hemmingway. Mrs. Constable actually was telling us that he was in several accidents that never killed him. He actually ended up committing suicide in the end. So i guess those are a few reasons he is unique. Hemmingway was famous for his writing style called the Iceburg Theory. I am not really sure. I think as of right now my favorite author would have to be Nicholas Sparks. I love reasinf about love stories that would probably never happen in real life. I define talent as being able to stick out of the crowd. Usually when we look for talent we look for something that no one else has dared to do that amazes us. Well I guess one of my talents would be baton twirling and the other would be writing. I would have to say I do have talneted friends. They never cease to amaze me =DAmina 5th
He unique because he is a writer that is tough and he liked to drink. I have never read anything about hemingway. I have only heard of hemingway from this blog. The only piece of work I know he is famous for is the Ice Burg Theory. I think my favorite author is J.K. Rowling. The girl who wrote the Harry Potter books. I think talent is something you are good at and something you like to do. I am not very talented. There probaly are things im talented at though.
Hemingway was unique because he was a very strong man at will. I have never read anything by him but I did see a few lines of Oh sweet Honey and it was good. He is famous for writing The Iceberg Theory. My favorite author is Nela Thompson. I think talent is what you can show or do best. I can sing, dance, play piano, and wash cars. I have many talented friends. they are all talented in a different way.
Hemingway was unique because he was an acompished writer and he won many awards for his books, and yet he never went to college. He is famous for writing about life experiences. I don't believe I have read any of Hemingway's writings. My favorite author is Tom Clansy. I define talented as being able to do something in a unique way that nobody else can do. I have a little bit of artistic talent. Yes, I have talented friends because everyone has a special talent.Ryan RosierPd.6 & 7
I think hemigway is very unique because he was a tough guy and they way he writes or thinks. i havenot read anything about hemingway or anything he has written. he is famous for a style called iceberg. i define talent by a gift from god. i have a talent fo playing sports and athletic ability.
i think he was unique because he had a tough guy aattitude and he stood up to write. he is famous for writing the iceburg theory. i dont have a favorite author i dont like reading very well. telent is being able to do something and do it fairly well and having confidence while doing it. i can run but thats abbout it. im also talented at being myself and being unique and not careing whaat people think of me. most of my friends are talented. adriana slaughter is an amazing drawler. amina is a great writer. and all my other friends have lots of talents.
I think hemmingway is unique because he got famous off of drinking basically and also he always acted tough but was really a big punk. Talent is being good at somethin you do. I am pretty talented at bball i have been good sense a very young age. I have alot of talented friends mostly all my friends play sports or is pretty good at somethin they do.
The heminway was unique because he had a great attitude, and was an amazing person. No, I have not read anything by the hemingway. He was also unique because he and his father comminted suicide. He is famous for writing in a style called The Iceburg Theory. Talent is when someone can do something extremely well. I dont know if I have talents, cause i dont like to brag. Yes, i have very talented friends...rskar
He is unique because he is a famous writer and didn't go to college, he had a tough guy look, and liked drinking a little to much.He is famous from the Iceburg Theory. My favorite authors are Dr.Seuss and S.E. Hinton.I define talent as a a skill some one has that they over achieve at.Like a lot of people can play sports.But if you have a unique style and the way you perform stands out.I am a talented dancer.I been doing it since I could walk.And no im not talking ballet.I have a friend who is talented at sports and some who are talented musically.
Hemingway was unique because of his tough guy personality, alcohol dependency, his suicide, and the fact that he wrote in short sentences because he had a bad back and had to write standing up. talent to me is something a person can do that is very unique or something very differant or special.emily uveges
Hemingway was very unique because he had his own attitude. I my whole life I have ever heard you or read aything about hemingway. He is famous for writing in a way called Iceburg theory. I couldn't say that I have a favorite author because all the books i have read so far are very interesting authors. I defie talet as beig able to do something well. I have talent at singing but i dot like to sing around people. I'm very sure that I do have many talented friends i don't know who exactly right off the top of my head.Meekayla Taylor6th and 7th period
Hemingway had a big attitude, had a drinking problem, and was a famous writer and didn't go to college. I really haven’t read much about him the little bit i do know is from this video. He is best known for the Iceberg Theory. He is well known for the way he died too. I love Nichols Sparks ♥ i define talent as something you are good at and have fun while doing it. I love cheerleading (: i think my friends do have talent. maybe not the same as me but, we are all different. melia dewitt (:6 & 7 periodd ♥♥♥
Hemingway was unique because he was tough and all the people in his family commited suicide. I have never read anything about hemingway at first i thought it was a bridge or something. He is famous for writing the iceburg therory. My favorite author is James Patterson he is very unique in his writing. Talent is something that your good at like a sport or something. My talent is that im pretty funnny. I have a bunch of talented friends! Caroline Brophy1st
Hemingway was unique because of his tough attitude and his habit of drinking. He is also unique among writers because he wasn't as educated as many famous writers. Hemingway is famous for writing in the Ice burg theory, a particular style of writing. My favorite author of all time is J.K. Rowling because I absolutely LOVE the Harry Potter series. Recently though, I started reading books by Sarah Dessen and I really like the way she writes. Personally, I define talent as something you are good at, and that you believe you are good at. As for my talents, I think I'm pretty good at writing, dancing and acting. I have a lot of talented friends and they're all talented in different ways. For example, Sara is an amazing singer and Mattie is really good at drawing. All of my friends are talented though, even if it isn't as obvious. Michaela CloutierPeriod 1
Hemingway was unique for his tough guy image. He did some crazy things in life. HE and his dad both committed suicide. He did this because he was struggling with health problems and depression for a long time and I guess he just got sick of it. I haven't read anything by Hemingway. I like to do a lot of sports and fishing is very fun. I hunt a little bit its hard being quiet for a long time. By: Lance Puccio
Hemingway is unique because he is a b.a. He had a tough start but his work found a home. He was a genius and everyone knew it. It was sad to hear what his father did but life goes on. But unfortunatley he did the same.
he was unique because he didnt go to college, yet he was a famous writer. he also was tough and liked fishing, bull fights, and drinking. he was famous because he wrote in the ice burgh theory. my favorite author is my friend bre. talent is something an individual can do a specific thing very well. i dont have alot of talents. i dance and kinda play the drums with my dad. im also a singer and i like to draw. all my friends are very talented in many different ways(:m a t t i s o n k o c h(:
He was unique because there are MANY famous writers, but he's one that you hear about in language class(lolz). While he's well-known, he wasn't as educated, with only a high-school diploma. He was famous for his distinctive style -- known as the iceberg theory -- characterized by economy and understatement. I don't really have a favorite author, but I like Cassandra Clare, J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and there's another one I can't think of right now(she wrote the Warriors series'. Mrs. Fultz has a couple of Warriors books, you can check the name, haha.) I also like peotry, especially by the Brownings, Pablo Neruda, and Tupac Shakur(not his music). I define talent as something you're good at, whether others think you're good or not. Talent is being able to do something confidently and have fun while doing it. I have many talents. I'm a great talker, I do just about EVERYTHING musical, and I'm a great writer. I can also dance, and do a lot more. ALL of my friends are talented!Malizzle Kinzer =]
Hemingway made his wife guilty for killing him by setting up a suicide trap... If that doesn't make you unique, I don't know what does. I haven't read anything by Hemingway, but I expect I will have to some time...? He's famous for his Iceberg Theory writing. I still don't know who my favorite author is, stop asking! Talent: something one excels in, or in some cases an ability that not everyone has. Sooo, something I excel in is music. An ability I have that not everyone has is whistling. You could say I have a talent in whistling (which I do) but I'm sure some people out there can whistle terribly. Therefore, they have the talent OF whistling, but not any talent IN their whistling. My talents according to Malik: everything. MY talents according to me: music, math, other school things, drawing, being creative, having a sense of humor, exercising word and smiley face variety (that's fun), explaining things I know about, explaining things I fabricate that still make sense (example: see whistling talent explanation), getting things done (not right away, never right away, but still.) I have numerous talented friends! numerous, that's a word numerous people don't use (see MY TALENTS: "exercising word ... variety".eLLIOT hERBERGER5TH PERIODRIGHT NOW i AM OF THE VERY SMALL PERCENT OF PEOPLE WHO PURPOSELY USE cAPS lOCK.
Hemington unique style kept his ideas and from ignoring others thoughts. One weird and unique thing about him is that he and his father committed suicide. I have never read any of his work. He is famous for creating the type of writing of Literature which we still learn today. My favorite author is Stephenie Myers who wrote the Twilight series. She has written other books but I don't know he title of them. She has a talent of making her books into movies. The movies do not compare to the books. I define talent by a special ability that certain people can do. My talents are playing flute, being funny without knowing it, and I am quite an entertainer. Yes, I have lot of my friends that have lots of talents. Some of them cheer, others read a book, sing, draw, and are my friends forever.Erika Edwards5th period
Hemingway was unique because he acted tough, drank a lot,commited suicide and wrote standing up. I don't think I've read anything by Hemingway. He is most famous for his Iceburg Theory. I haven't read hardly any books in a while but my favorite author is Stephenie Meyer. Talent is a hobby that you are good at doing. My talents are playing pinao and flute. I also am good at sports, when I want to be. I think everybody has some kind of talent even if they don't realize it. So, yes, all my friends are talented. Megan Branch5th Period(:
He is unique because he could and was possible of many things. He proved that he could commit to something and mean it. I'm pretty sure I've read versons of Hemingway stories and I had to help my sister study for one of her tests of one of his books. He is famous for his type of writing called The Iceburg Theory. I have many favorite authors and can't name one right now. Probably P. Bosch or another writer I read from a lot. Talent is when you have the ablilty to do something above the average and can commit to it without a doubt. I guess you could say I'm talented at some things like clarinet or reading, but there might be other talents I have. I have some talented friends. Some of them are great singer, others very intelligent, and others very athletic. They all share the same talent of being kind enough to care about others than themselves.
Everything in Hemingway's entire life is very unique. He was an amazing writer. He had a bad back but had to stand to write. He was depicted as a tough guy who stood up for what he believed in. Him, his father, and his wife all committed suicide. He is famous for writing in what is called the Iceburg Theory. I don't have a favorite author for I do not read unless I have to. I define talent is being able to do something exceptionally well. I think of myself as well rounded rather than talented. I like to think all of my friends are talented in one way or another.donovan wilson5th period
Hemingway was very unique 'cause he didn't really care what other people thought of him. But there are a lot of things that were not good about him like he was an alcoholic and commited suicide.): Honestly, no, i have not read anything by him but i would like to. He was famous for the theory Ice Burg. I define talent as something you do best and you enjoy to do the most. Yes, i think everyone is talkented in their own way and everyone has something they are good at.-Andy Shaw-1stt Period (:
hemingway was unique because he did what he wanted without caring about what other people thought of him. I don't know what he was famous for because I didnt read ay of his books. I dot have a favorite author. Talent is if you can do something exceptionally well. I can do hurdles. Yes I have talented friends.Neil Scherich 3-4
Ernest Hemingway was unique because he didn't really care what others thought of him. He wrote what he felt and thought. He also had a drinking problem and committed suicide . Hemingway is known as one of the great writers of our time and never even went to college. His type of writing was known as the Iceburg Theory. My favorite writer would be Dr Suess.
Hemmingway wasn't your ordinary every day kind of guy! He acted like he was really tough and boy did he love his alcohol! He always stood up for what he thought was right. He was also unique because he and his father committed suicide. He became famous for his manuscript called the ice burg Theory.
He is unique because he is a famous writer and didn't go to college, he had a tough guy look, and liked drinking a little to much. No I have never really heard about him untill I seen the video. My favorite author is Louis Sachair because I love the book "Holes". I define talent as being able to do something that you enjoy and do it well. My talents is baseball. Yes I have alot of talented friends.Ryan Bogo6&7 period
Heminguay is unique because of the history of him. he is famuos for all kinds of writing mostly poetry.my favorite author is I dont have a favorite author. I define talent by someone who works hard at things and they are very smart.I have many different talents.All of my freinds are talented in there own way.
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Hemmingway was unique because he had a tough guy attitude and liked drinking. He was also unique because he and his father comminted suicide. He is famous for writing in a style called The Iceburg Theory. I define talent as anything someone can do very well. I don't think I have any true talents.
He was unique because he was alwasy standing up for what he thought and acted tough a lot. He wrote in the Iceburg Theory. My favorite author is Lisi Harrison. Talent is being able to do something that's cool. I don't think I am very talented but I can play the trumpet and I am learning how to play the clarinet. I also like to swim and dance. I guess my friends are talented but I never really payed attention.
Lauren Hesse
He is unique because he is a famous writer and didn't go to college, he had a tough guy look, and liked drinking a little to much. He is famous for writing the Ice Burg Theory. I define talent as something your good at even if others are good at it too. I can play drums alright and I am a natural videogame player. Elliot is the BEST.
Zack Linger
5th Period
p.s. I beat Ch0c0l4t3:) HA
Hemmingway was unique because he was alwasy standing up for what he thought . He is famous for writing the Ice Burg Theory . I don't know all of my true talents but danceing is one ( :
- Symone , Stewart .
1st period .
Hemingway was unique because of his tough guy personality, alcohol dependency, his suicide, and the fact that he wrote in short sentences because he had a bad back and had to write standing up. I haven't ever read anything by Hemingway. He is best known for the Iceburg Theory. My favorite author changes from week to week almost but right now it's Darren Shan.
I define talent as being able to do something that you enjoy and do it well. I can play piano, sing, read well, run well, listen to people when they need me to, i can do most sports fairly well, and i know how to be a friend :]. I have many talented friends! Mariah, Megan, Michaela, Amina, Rachel, and Lexie are to name a few.
I think Hemingway is unique because he kept a tough guy attitude but wasn’t so tough when committed suicide. Also he was an amazing writer. I have never read anything of his but know that he’s famous for writing something called Ice Burg Theory. I don’t really read but I like books that have a mystery or something were you cant out it done because it is so good. I define talent as something that you can do and believe YOU do well! Ummm… some of my talents are playing guitar, playing bass guitar, and being a true friend. All of my friends are quite talented !
eden laurel richmond<33
I think the fact that he stood up for what he thought was right.I define talent as something someone is naturally good at. I think I am a talented swimmer.
HEmingway was unique because he was a writer in the 20th century. He loved to drink and things like that. He wrote in a style called The iceburg theory. I have never heard of that before. Hemingway won the Italian silver medal for Valor in his actions in World War one. hE had over 200 pieces of something called mortar shell in his limbs. I thinjk that it might have been in only his leg or something. Not really sure.hIS work was received by critics from the very start which probably made his life very stressful. HE and his dad both committed suicide. He did this because he was struggling with health problems and depression for a long time and I guess he just got sick of it. I know how that can feel. People around here are all very mean to me. I am extremely critical on myself also. I am very self-conscious of myself because of the poeple. I define talent as something that you can do very well that makes you special and unique. Some examples of talents are drawng and writing, playing sports or musical instruments, singing, or just having a good imagination. I don't believe that I have any talents but a few people say that I am good at drawing anime, writing poetry and stories, and playing my flute in the school band. I also enjoy doing these things but I am VERY hard on myself and I don't think that I do anything right. My friend Stephanie is EXTREMELY talented because she is smart, and funny, and nice and she taught me her style of drawing but I barely ever use it. I like to make my own kinds of pictures my own way so they are unique, and my own thing. I don't want to copy someone elses style of drawing because then they could judge me and I probably couldn't do it right anyways. My friend Kyrie is also talented at drawing. Erika is good at learning to play the piccolo because it is difficult to play and she is fairly decent at it so far. She will be better as time goes on. LAuren is talented at helping you out at your problems. Chessie is good at being nice and smart and friendly. Plus she is crazy. Etc... There are more talented peopel that I know but my fingers hurt so I will stop.
Hemingway was unique because he did a lot of weird things. He also committed suicide. I have never read anything from hemingway but im sure i will. He is famouse for poetry. I realy don't read that much so I don;t have a favorite author. I define talent being the ability to do special things. My talents are many. I do have many talented friends.
Hemingway is unique because of his tough personality, how he had to write standing because of back issues, and he committed suicide. No I haven’t read anything by Hemingway. He is famous for the ice burg theory. My favorite author would have to be James Patterson. I define talent as an action that a person will try and succeed in very well. I have quite a few talents. I am a pretty good soccer player. I am unique in many different ways. Yes I have many talented friends. A few that can sing. A few that can dance, draw, and much more! It’s a great thing to be talented. It will get you really far in life.
He was unique because he stood up for his thoughts and for himself. He wrote The Iceberg theory. I dont really have a favorite author because i dont read very many books like some people. Talent is something u r good at and or something u like to do that u want to become good at. I dont really have a talent. i have talented friends.
I think Hemingway is unique because he stood up for what he believed in. He is also unique because he wrote short sentences because he had a bad back. He acted like a tough guy, but he really wasn't since he commited suicide. I don't think I've ever read anything by Hemingway He is famous from the Iceburg Theory. My favorite authors are Nicholas Sparks and S.E. Hinton. I think talent is something that a person is good at doing. Writing is a talent of mine. I've always been good at writing papers and stories without any problems while doing it. When i write, everything comes naturally. All of my friends are talented somehow. mostly in sports, or just humor.
Allll Cumberlandd <33
1st period (:
What makes Hemingway unique is how he thinks. From what they tell us in the video he is a very complex thinker. I have never read anythin by him i don't think. Hemingway is famous for short stories. My favorite author is Nicholas Sparks. Talent is when you can do a specific thing better then anyone else. I have no talents except everything. I have alot of talented friends,
Hemingway was unique because he didn't care what other people thought of him. But, there is a lot of things that were not good about him like he was an alcoholic and commited suicide. No, i have not read anything by him but i would like to. He was famous for the theory Ice Burg. I define talent as something you do best and you enjoy to do the most. Yes, i think everyone is talkented in their own way and everyone has something they are good at.
Kimmy Woods
3/4 period
Hes had all the litiger awards.no i havent read anything.For like violent and sexually storys. I define talent as, what your good at.It doesnt matter if your the best you just have to belive in your self.My favorite author is stephan king. My talent is football and making people laugh. Yes i do have a talented friend Neil hes great at track.
3/4 period
Hemingway is unique because he was a drunk who was extremely famous. Also all of his wifes had the same first name. I have not read any of hemingways books. My favorite author who probably be Stephen King. I defeine talent as someing a person posess that they are good at.
He had alot of injurys before and was still alive before he killed himself. No i havent but i really want to now. I believe its american littaure. My favorite author is dr. sues. Tallent is something that you are really good at. yes, I can run fast. I believe I do.
allie wilson
Hemingway was unique because, of his life most of his family comitted suicide. He is famous for his writing in a style called The Iceburg Theory. I don't have a favorite author at this moment i read all kinds of books. I define talent as something you can do naturally and do it well that not everyone can do well. I don't have any really good talents.
stevie thibodeaux
3rd & 4th
Hemingway was unique because of his strong personality. I can’t say I have read anything about this man. I think this might be one of the first times I have ever heard of him. His famous writing is called Iceberg Theory. My favorite author is Nicholas Sparks. I love romance novels and that is what his books mostly are. My favorite books are by him also. I define talent as someone who can do something especially that no one else can do the same way. I don’t think I have any great talents. I can’t think of anything I can do very well. I think all my friends are very talented in their own way.
Sydney Izydore
Hemingway was unique for his writings and his tough guy looks. No, I haven't read anything by Hemingway. Hemingwat is famous for the Iceburg Theory. My favortie author is Nicholas Sparks. Talent is doing something you enjoy and do well at. My most unique talent is swimming. Yes I have many talented friends.
Kaitlyn Westfall
5th period
Hemingway was unique for his tough guy image. He did some crazy things in life, but he managed to write beautiful literature. He also won the Nobel Prize, which is very rare for authors. I have never read anything by Hemingway, but I’m sure I will in the future. He was famous for writing Iceberg Theory. (I’m sure you’re sick of reading this answer.) I don’t have a favorite author, but I’ve been reading Dear John and I’m falling in love with it! I would define talent as a gift of the ability of exceptional performance in an activity that is difficult for others to do. My talent would be playing piano, as much as I hate to admit it. Of course, I have talented friends. I think that everyone has a special talent somewhere inside of him or her; they just have to search for it.
Rachel Martin
5th Period
Hemingway I believe is unique because he had that tough guy attitude,he was an alcoholic,and he wrote short sentences because of his bad back problem. I do not think I have read anything by Hemingway. I think he is famous for writing in The Iceburg Theory.My favorite author is D. Anne Love. I define talent as being really good at something and somewhat showing it off. My talents are playing the trombone, being able to speak in public, and some other small things. I have talented friends, Elliot, Mariah, Megan, Rachel, my parents, and a lot more.
Hemmingway is unique because he had a tough guy image. He loved fishing, safaris, bull fights, and drinking. He also was unique in the way that he died: suicide. I haven’t read anything by Hemmingway but I would like to read one of his books. He is famous for short and to the point writing. I have a lot of authors I like, but my favorite would probably be Rick Riordan. I think talent is any special or unique skill you have. I am pretty good at math if you could consider that a talent and I do pretty well in soccer. I know several people who have talents like dancing and singing.
Jared Bartrug
5th Period
Hemingway was unique because he was tough and thought positive. He told himself that nothing can bring him down. He also loved to drink all the time. I have never read anything from Hemingway, well at least I don't remember. He was famous for writing the Icebrug Theory. I hate to say it, but I don't have a favorite author. I define talent as something that someone is very good at. I can't think of any talents that I have, but I have tons of friends that are very talented.
Brent Pacoe
6th and 7th period.
Hemingway is unique because we stayed with what he beilieved in & was a tough guy.(: I have not read anything by Hemingway. Hemingway is famous for is the " Ice burg Theory". Hmm, my favorite author, at the time, is Nicholas Sparks. He is pretty amazing.(:
How do I define a talent. I define it as something you enjoy, you excel at, a hobby, an activity that is special to you. Talents I think I have might be, I'm creative, funny, sorta smart, nice.(:
Everyone is talented. So do I have talented friends? yes!
All my friends are talented and possess many talents.
gabi pearse.(:
what made hemingway unique was he like to stand up for what he believed in , and his tough guy appearance. no i have never read anything by hemigway that remember.. he was famous for the iceburg style. my favorite author is Adrianna Trigiani. i define talent as something that you succeed very well at. my talent is basketball. yes i have a very talented friend named caroline brophy and she is an amazing singer !
kelsey morrone (:
Hemmingway is very unique because he was perseved as a tough guy and tried to keep that image. I've never read anything written by him. Ive heard of the Iceberg Theory. My favorite author would have to be Stephenie Meyer, because I feel like shes very descriptive and I like that in a writer. I define talent as a special unique ability that a person has. I can tumble? Yes i have a lot of talented friends, I have awesome (LMR) soccer friends(: , a really talented sports playing boyfriend<3 , and very talented cheerleading friends.
maddie stevenski
1st period
I think Hemingway is unique because he wrote very descriptive writing and got wasted all the time. He also committed suiscide along with dad. No, I have never read anything by Hemingway but he is more famous for the sex and gory writing. My favorite author personally is Dr. Suess just because he thought of the most unique stuff to publish into kid stories. I define talent by being amazingly skilled at a certain catagoery. My catagoery is sports I feel I am very gifted with all my athletic abilities. My talents are throwing an 83mph fastball and being able to tackle a kid who is faster and bigger than me. Also racing dirt bikes. I have jumped 100 feet before on a dirt bike. Yes, all of my friends have many athletic talents.
Johnny Kesling(:
1st PeRoId(:
Hemmingway was unique in various ways. There are many stories, rumors, and tales that could be related to Hemmingway. Mrs. Constable actually was telling us that he was in several accidents that never killed him. He actually ended up committing suicide in the end. So i guess those are a few reasons he is unique. Hemmingway was famous for his writing style called the Iceburg Theory. I am not really sure. I think as of right now my favorite author would have to be Nicholas Sparks. I love reasinf about love stories that would probably never happen in real life. I define talent as being able to stick out of the crowd. Usually when we look for talent we look for something that no one else has dared to do that amazes us. Well I guess one of my talents would be baton twirling and the other would be writing. I would have to say I do have talneted friends. They never cease to amaze me =D
He unique because he is a writer that is tough and he liked to drink. I have never read anything about hemingway. I have only heard of hemingway from this blog. The only piece of work I know he is famous for is the Ice Burg Theory. I think my favorite author is J.K. Rowling. The girl who wrote the Harry Potter books. I think talent is something you are good at and something you like to do. I am not very talented. There probaly are things im talented at though.
Hemingway was unique because he was a very strong man at will. I have never read anything by him but I did see a few lines of Oh sweet Honey and it was good. He is famous for writing The Iceberg Theory. My favorite author is Nela Thompson. I think talent is what you can show or do best. I can sing, dance, play piano, and wash cars. I have many talented friends. they are all talented in a different way.
Hemingway was unique because he was an acompished writer and he won many awards for his books, and yet he never went to college. He is famous for writing about life experiences. I don't believe I have read any of Hemingway's writings. My favorite author is Tom Clansy. I define talented as being able to do something in a unique way that nobody else can do. I have a little bit of artistic talent. Yes, I have talented friends because everyone has a special talent.
Ryan Rosier
Pd.6 & 7
I think hemigway is very unique because he was a tough guy and they way he writes or thinks. i havenot read anything about hemingway or anything he has written. he is famous for a style called iceberg. i define talent by a gift from god. i have a talent fo playing sports and athletic ability.
i think he was unique because he had a tough guy aattitude and he stood up to write. he is famous for writing the iceburg theory. i dont have a favorite author i dont like reading very well. telent is being able to do something and do it fairly well and having confidence while doing it. i can run but thats abbout it. im also talented at being myself and being unique and not careing whaat people think of me. most of my friends are talented. adriana slaughter is an amazing drawler. amina is a great writer. and all my other friends have lots of talents.
I think hemmingway is unique because he got famous off of drinking basically and also he always acted tough but was really a big punk. Talent is being good at somethin you do. I am pretty talented at bball i have been good sense a very young age. I have alot of talented friends mostly all my friends play sports or is pretty good at somethin they do.
The heminway was unique because he had a great attitude, and was an amazing person. No, I have not read anything by the hemingway. He was also unique because he and his father comminted suicide. He is famous for writing in a style called The Iceburg Theory. Talent is when someone can do something extremely well. I dont know if I have talents, cause i dont like to brag. Yes, i have very talented friends...
He is unique because he is a famous writer and didn't go to college, he had a tough guy look, and liked drinking a little to much.He is famous from the Iceburg Theory. My favorite authors are Dr.Seuss and S.E. Hinton.I define talent as a a skill some one has that they over achieve at.Like a lot of people can play sports.But if you have a unique style and the way you perform stands out.I am a talented dancer.I been doing it since I could walk.And no im not talking ballet.I have a friend who is talented at sports and some who are talented musically.
Hemingway was unique because of his tough guy personality, alcohol dependency, his suicide, and the fact that he wrote in short sentences because he had a bad back and had to write standing up. talent to me is something a person can do that is very unique or something very differant or special.
emily uveges
Hemingway was very unique because he had his own attitude. I my whole life I have ever heard you or read aything about hemingway. He is famous for writing in a way called Iceburg theory. I couldn't say that I have a favorite author because all the books i have read so far are very interesting authors. I defie talet as beig able to do something well. I have talent at singing but i dot like to sing around people. I'm very sure that I do have many talented friends i don't know who exactly right off the top of my head.
Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period
Hemingway had a big attitude, had a drinking problem, and was a famous writer and didn't go to college. I really haven’t read much about him the little bit i do know is from this video. He is best known for the Iceberg Theory. He is well known for the way he died too. I love Nichols Sparks ♥ i define talent as something you are good at and have fun while doing it. I love cheerleading (: i think my friends do have talent. maybe not the same as me but, we are all different.
melia dewitt (:
6 & 7 periodd ♥♥♥
Hemingway was unique because he was tough and all the people in his family commited suicide. I have never read anything about hemingway at first i thought it was a bridge or something. He is famous for writing the iceburg therory. My favorite author is James Patterson he is very unique in his writing. Talent is something that your good at like a sport or something. My talent is that im pretty funnny. I have a bunch of talented friends!
Caroline Brophy
Hemingway was unique because of his tough attitude and his habit of drinking. He is also unique among writers because he wasn't as educated as many famous writers. Hemingway is famous for writing in the Ice burg theory, a particular style of writing. My favorite author of all time is J.K. Rowling because I absolutely LOVE the Harry Potter series. Recently though, I started reading books by Sarah Dessen and I really like the way she writes. Personally, I define talent as something you are good at, and that you believe you are good at. As for my talents, I think I'm pretty good at writing, dancing and acting. I have a lot of talented friends and they're all talented in different ways. For example, Sara is an amazing singer and Mattie is really good at drawing. All of my friends are talented though, even if it isn't as obvious.
Michaela Cloutier
Period 1
Hemingway was unique for his tough guy image. He did some crazy things in life. HE and his dad both committed suicide. He did this because he was struggling with health problems and depression for a long time and I guess he just got sick of it. I haven't read anything by Hemingway. I like to do a lot of sports and fishing is very fun. I hunt a little bit its hard being quiet for a long time.
By: Lance Puccio
Hemingway is unique because he is a b.a. He had a tough start but his work found a home. He was a genius and everyone knew it. It was sad to hear what his father did but life goes on. But unfortunatley he did the same.
he was unique because he didnt go to college, yet he was a famous writer. he also was tough and liked fishing, bull fights, and drinking. he was famous because he wrote in the ice burgh theory. my favorite author is my friend bre. talent is something an individual can do a specific thing very well. i dont have alot of talents. i dance and kinda play the drums with my dad. im also a singer and i like to draw. all my friends are very talented in many different ways(:
m a t t i s o n k o c h(:
He was unique because there are MANY famous writers, but he's one that you hear about in language class(lolz). While he's well-known, he wasn't as educated, with only a high-school diploma. He was famous for his distinctive style -- known as the iceberg theory -- characterized by economy and understatement. I don't really have a favorite author, but I like Cassandra Clare, J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and there's another one I can't think of right now(she wrote the Warriors series'. Mrs. Fultz has a couple of Warriors books, you can check the name, haha.) I also like peotry, especially by the Brownings, Pablo Neruda, and Tupac Shakur(not his music). I define talent as something you're good at, whether others think you're good or not. Talent is being able to do something confidently and have fun while doing it. I have many talents. I'm a great talker, I do just about EVERYTHING musical, and I'm a great writer. I can also dance, and do a lot more. ALL of my friends are talented!
Malizzle Kinzer =]
Hemingway made his wife guilty for killing him by setting up a suicide trap... If that doesn't make you unique, I don't know what does. I haven't read anything by Hemingway, but I expect I will have to some time...? He's famous for his Iceberg Theory writing. I still don't know who my favorite author is, stop asking! Talent: something one excels in, or in some cases an ability that not everyone has. Sooo, something I excel in is music. An ability I have that not everyone has is whistling. You could say I have a talent in whistling (which I do) but I'm sure some people out there can whistle terribly. Therefore, they have the talent OF whistling, but not any talent IN their whistling. My talents according to Malik: everything. MY talents according to me: music, math, other school things, drawing, being creative, having a sense of humor, exercising word and smiley face variety (that's fun), explaining things I know about, explaining things I fabricate that still make sense (example: see whistling talent explanation), getting things done (not right away, never right away, but still.) I have numerous talented friends! numerous, that's a word numerous people don't use (see MY TALENTS: "exercising word ... variety".
Hemington unique style kept his ideas and from ignoring others thoughts. One weird and unique thing about him is that he and his father committed suicide. I have never read any of his work. He is famous for creating the type of writing of Literature which we still learn today. My favorite author is Stephenie Myers who wrote the Twilight series. She has written other books but I don't know he title of them. She has a talent of making her books into movies. The movies do not compare to the books. I define talent by a special ability that certain people can do. My talents are playing flute, being funny without knowing it, and I am quite an entertainer. Yes, I have lot of my friends that have lots of talents. Some of them cheer, others read a book, sing, draw, and are my friends forever.
Erika Edwards
5th period
Hemingway was unique because he acted tough, drank a lot,commited suicide and wrote standing up. I don't think I've read anything by Hemingway. He is most famous for his Iceburg Theory. I haven't read hardly any books in a while but my favorite author is Stephenie Meyer. Talent is a hobby that you are good at doing. My talents are playing pinao and flute. I also am good at sports, when I want to be. I think everybody has some kind of talent even if they don't realize it. So, yes, all my friends are talented.
Megan Branch
5th Period(:
He is unique because he could and was possible of many things. He proved that he could commit to something and mean it. I'm pretty sure I've read versons of Hemingway stories and I had to help my sister study for one of her tests of one of his books. He is famous for his type of writing called The Iceburg Theory. I have many favorite authors and can't name one right now. Probably P. Bosch or another writer I read from a lot. Talent is when you have the ablilty to do something above the average and can commit to it without a doubt. I guess you could say I'm talented at some things like clarinet or reading, but there might be other talents I have. I have some talented friends. Some of them are great singer, others very intelligent, and others very athletic. They all share the same talent of being kind enough to care about others than themselves.
Everything in Hemingway's entire life is very unique. He was an amazing writer. He had a bad back but had to stand to write. He was depicted as a tough guy who stood up for what he believed in. Him, his father, and his wife all committed suicide. He is famous for writing in what is called the Iceburg Theory. I don't have a favorite author for I do not read unless I have to. I define talent is being able to do something exceptionally well. I think of myself as well rounded rather than talented. I like to think all of my friends are talented in one way or another.
donovan wilson
5th period
Hemingway was very unique 'cause he didn't really care what other people thought of him. But there are a lot of things that were not good about him like he was an alcoholic and commited suicide.): Honestly, no, i have not read anything by him but i would like to. He was famous for the theory Ice Burg. I define talent as something you do best and you enjoy to do the most. Yes, i think everyone is talkented in their own way and everyone has something they are good at.
-Andy Shaw
-1stt Period (:
hemingway was unique because he did what he wanted without caring about what other people thought of him. I don't know what he was famous for because I didnt read ay of his books. I dot have a favorite author. Talent is if you can do something exceptionally well. I can do hurdles. Yes I have talented friends.
Neil Scherich 3-4
Ernest Hemingway was unique because he didn't really care what others thought of him. He wrote what he felt and thought. He also had a drinking problem and committed suicide . Hemingway is known as one of the great writers of our time and never even went to college. His type of writing was known as the Iceburg Theory. My favorite writer would be Dr Suess.
Hemmingway wasn't your ordinary every day kind of guy! He acted like he was really tough and boy did he love his alcohol! He always stood up for what he thought was right. He was also unique because he and his father committed suicide. He became famous for his manuscript called the ice burg Theory.
He is unique because he is a famous writer and didn't go to college, he had a tough guy look, and liked drinking a little to much. No I have never really heard about him untill I seen the video. My favorite author is Louis Sachair because I love the book "Holes". I define talent as being able to do something that you enjoy and do it well. My talents is baseball. Yes I have alot of talented friends.
Ryan Bogo
6&7 period
Heminguay is unique because of the history of him. he is famuos for all kinds of writing mostly poetry.my favorite author is I dont have a favorite author. I define talent by someone who works hard at things and they are very smart.I have many different talents.All of my freinds are talented in there own way.
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