This Video shows how much the world has progressed. From VHS to DVD, books to search engines, cassette tapes in a chunky computer to a world wide web on a computer the size of paper, hiding "foul language" in songs to not being modest AT ALL :P these two time periods have changed a lot. The children of this age a.k.a us, have adapted to this change very quickly, as we are called the digital era. I swear I knew how to make a webpage when i was 6. Who need instruction manuels anymore?! We just figure everything out in seconds *snap effect* just like that :) Though that does worry me a little bit. Yes, we are very well educated in technology today-- but I think we are becoming lazier by the hour.
This clip just shows us how things can change so quickly.I mean we've went to black and white to colored TV. CD players to Mp3 Players. Watching tv on an actual tv to watching it on our I pods. I mean its amazing how things can just flip upside down. It almost seems like we're getting more and more technology everyday. I have to admit I kinda miss the way things used to be. I mean what happened to being active and creative? NO lets sit at our computers and play video games instead. It's almost like we dont really want work anything anymore. Everybody just wants things handed to us.
The video shows how we as humans have adapted discoveries and new technology to make our lives easier even as it makes us lazy. My mom constantly says that her children will be fat because instead of playing outside like she did, we sit around playing video games all day. Fashion has changed from long skirts and blouses to bubble-dresses and masks, five-inch heels and purses big enough to carry vacuums. Cars in '76 were bulkier and slow, whereas cars in '06 are low to the ground, sleek, and go 0 to 60 mph in five seconds. Computers went from huge room-size things in government buildings to 7" laptops. Music has changed from disco to hardcore gangster rap and scream-o metal. Thank you! Have a nice day! M A L I K _ K I N Z E R
The differences of 1979 and now is everything. There are sereval things happening, but the simplest way is from technology advancing. One diferences are between in the way researching could be done in 1979 going to read for a long time in a library when the internet can do it now. Instead you wouldn't even bother leaving your home because everybody has a computer with internet which is a faster way instead of wasting time. LIke another example like phones in 1979 there were built in phone in the wall.But now we have all kinds of phone like cell phones, pay phones, and home phones. Technology is still advancing faster and more swiftly as we speak.
This video shows few of many examples of how technology has progressed and how much the world has changed. Music has changed epicly it went from slow nice songs to cussing every half second. That is okay with this generation. i dont realize what songs are really about nowa days till i think of it but i hardly ever thing of what songs mean. They are all about a three letter word and money. Thats what we spend most of our time listing to. But occasionaly you will find a nice song.
The world has changed in many different ways. For example, it went from cassettapes to ipods and mp3 players. People would wear long skirts and long dresses to mini skirts and ruffles with lowcut shirts. If you needed information you had to go to a library, now just go on the internet. Movies went from VHS to DVD. There are more women involed with sports now and pro athletes get more money than they use to. Television is way different. They had either small black and white shows that you couldnt see, or wooden televisions that has satelite cords on the top which you had to ajust. Now we have flatscreen colorful shows with the satelite dishes outside.
this vidoe clip shoes many ways of how technology has chandged and moved since 1976 to 2006.the fashion from that time peroid was an incredible change from afros and hippirs to people now.the mucic has also changed from people not even cussing and swaring to now where it is there are songs about cussing and bad things. the sports i think has made the greates impact where the uniforms and fields and courtts to even what we watchnit on is amingly and way different from back then.
The world has changed in many ways. The world has changed so much, it went from cassettapes to cds, ipods, and mp3 players. The cars were mostly manual like you had to manually roll down the windows and they were heavier, now we have everything electronic in cars. Now we can watch movies in cars you never had that luxury back then. Back in the day hair was very long even for guys. The basketball shorts were very short and tight, even for boys. The cheerleading uniforms were sweaters with pleated shirts. Now most guys have short hair and basketball shorts are long. The cheerleading uniforms are short and sparkly. They used to listen to southern rock music and now we listen to hip hop and rap. Cartoons were only shown on Saturdays and now they are shown 24/7. There weren't a lot of girl sports now there are a lot. Back then there were reel to reel movie films and prjectors nothing digital like now.
Technology has advanced very fast. Instead of use type writers we now have laptops that we can take anywhere and use them and you can also store information many different ways. Instead of records and cassettes we now have ipods that are easy to that places and olds many songs and movies.Instead of passing notes in class we now have cell phone to text mant people at once. Instead of spending hours looking through books we now can search the web for information in a matter of seconds.
This shows us how modern day has changed so much from back then. We have went from black and whit tv's to colored tv's, VHS to DVD, looking in books to now we got google you type in anything right there its goes right too it. Today has got a lot worst they used to send a message in there music back then but now there telling us we should smoke nweed and have sex.
This videp expresses fow just 30 years can make a HUGE difference in technology and the way that we do things. For example, we went from books to search enginges, from Robert De Niro to Antonio Banderas, from checkers to nintendo, printing press to computer printer, and much more. Things that people comsider to be appropriate have changed also. for instance, abortion is now (however hesitantly) acceptable in the eyes of some people. Time can change the world, but we have to decide if it can change for the better... or the worse.
This video shows how the world has progressed technologically. If you look at sports, in basketball it was rare to see someone dunk in high school back in the 1970's. Now you almost have to be able to dunk to be able to make the team. If you looke at football, the kids back then for a high school team would weigh about 180 pounds and average bench press 200 pounds. Now kids in high school weigh about 220 pounds and on average bench about 250 pounds. Then in baseball an average fastball back then would be about 80 mph and now it is about 90 mph. That is a bunch of big differences.
The technologies and luxuries of 1976 were very different from those we have now. We have progressed a lot in the ways of portable enjoyment, automobile installments, and home computers. Back then, people were more street smart and had some more common sense in them, but now we make up for that with insane technology skills.
In this video they where trying to show how technology has changed in the past thirty year increment. For example we went from books to Google for research, from record players to MP3 Players for listening to music, we went from passing notes to texting from our cell phones, etc. I use technology every day for school or just to fool around when I am bored. Another way the world has changed is sports. For example in soccer we went from Pele to Freddy Adu. In football we went from "Mean Joe" Greene to Troy Poloamalu. Clothing styles are not as conservative as they once were, especially for females. Movies and TV shows now contain more violence and sexual content than what was exceptable thirty years ago. These are some of the ways the world has changed, for better or worse, in the past thirty years.
This video shows how much things have changed since then. form black and white tv to color, from records to cassetts to cd's and now we have mp3 players and ipods now. Its amazing how thing progress in time. We have adapted to this very quickly as you can see its hard to tell what is coming in the future
In 1976 bell bottom pants and disco shirts we what people wore. Now days people wear Nike and Air Jordans along with skinny jeans or baggy oversized jeans with an American Eagle or Ed hardy shirt. People used to drive VW busses and El Caminos now people drive Escalades and Ferraris. Not to mention todays cars have things in them that werent even around in 1976. Today people listen to rap and hip-hop which is such a difference to the Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and Cream that people used to listen to. Rocknroll and psychadelia were everywhere in 1976 now it's almost nowhere. Compared to todays television and home theaters that almost everybody has, the blocky, large, and un-advanced Tv's of the 70's are prehistoric. Back then most Tv's were controlled by knobs on the Tv itsself now we have six different remotes for all the different things hooked into the Tv. When you used to go to the movies 10 different movies weren't playing at the same time it was usually only a couple. People didn't have cell phones or email or computers they went to the library to study or they called people on the house phone seeing as cell-phones weren't around. People used to use record players now days we have 4,000 songs in the palm of our hand that we can hook into miniature spakers that blast out 20watts. On the television and in ovies and magazines people were upset by the fact of seeig two people in the same bed nowdays you go to the movies and there's a whole lot worse going on on the screen than just two people in the same bed. Not to mention language, today 5th grades have foul mouths but say 20 or 30 years ago saying that stuff would have gotten you in loads of trouble.
The world can change dramatically in just thirty years. With the help of technology, some things such as education, recreation, entertainment, and communication are a heck of a lot easier. Back in the golden days, inappropriate content was discreet in the media but now it is as broad as daylight. I would add more but I am very braindead today.
This video shows how much the world has changed. One way the world changed from 1976 is that we used VHSs and now we use DVDs. Another couple ways are CDs to Ipods, Black and white tv to color tv, and peoples fashion. One way fashion has changed is that back then wormen could only wear long dresses, now they can wear mini skirts. Another the world has changed is music. In 1976 the music wouldn't say any bad words at all. Now almost every popular song cussed. So that's how the world has canged.
The world has changed a lot in twenty years. In 1976 bellbottoms, peace signs, hippies, and long hair were the hottest styles. Today, cell phones, texting, facebook, and anything technology-related is in. Everything has changed a lot in only twenty years!
Tecnology fashion and alot of other things have gitton differnent. Fashion back then is weird looking now. Cars didn't have all the fetures they do today. Such as rear view carmera. and top speed. Movies were in Black and white . Movies now we watch in High Deffiniton. Children are less active because of televisions. Sports have improved. Any recored set back then is probably brokken by now.
The video shows how everything has changed in a matter of years. Listening to music was having to buy new cassets and now it is as easy as going on the internet and downloading it to your i-pod, not walkman. Sports have also changed, I mean look at basketball, in the 70's you had pants up to your waist and now they are down below your knees. Pass times such as video games and computer games where not heard of quite yet. There where board games and just doing whatever.
This video just shows some of the ways our world is changing by the minute. New things are being developed every day, and they are making a huge impact on our generation. I think everything has changed in our culture, but in some countries across the world, there are a lot of things that are still the same way that they were in very early dates. Technology is advancing so much, and now children are sitting inside all day, unlike our parents did. Everything is becoming more easier to do, and a lot of things are becoming bad for a child to look at or watch. I think it is harming our society all the time.
This video has shown how much the world has changed in technology since 1976. There are lots of things that have changed since 1976.In sports lots of things have changed like now they have instant replay. In football you can now challenge a call a referee made. Also we have gone from VHS to DVD. A lot of things have changed since then.
In many areas of culture there have been numerous advances made between 1976 and today. Such as: cassette tapes vs. ipods and cds, console tvs vs. flatscreens, and mailing vs. email. Some things seem to cycle their way back. Such as: tye dye, peace signs, neons, hair styles, and some fashion statments. Gabriella Pearse 6/7th .(:
This video shows how much the world has changed since 1976 to 2006. Some examples of how the world as changed is peoples taste in music has changed and also the different things we use to listen to the music. In the 70's disco music was popular and people listened to it on records and 8 tracks. Now, rap music is popular and people use ipods and cds to listen to their music. Another example is how people search things. People use to have to go to the library to check out books to look things up. Now, you just get on the computer to find what you need. You dont even have to leave the house to find information.
The video, 1976, shows how things have changed in the world. The television has changed from black and white to color. Channels also had to be changed by buttons on the TV, now we have remotes. We have ipods now and back then they had radios and casette tapes. Today the world is LAZY. Before some people didn't have cars or even phones.
This video shows how much the world is changing. It shows how the technology is making everything easier. The fashion, cars, tv, etc. everything has changed. The fashion used to cover up more than it does now. You can now watch dvd's instead of video tapes. Books are now about different information, they used to be about important stuff now some don't matter at all. But, what this video was showing was the increase in all the technology over the years and how much everything has changed.
In 1976 a lot of things were different from today. Now we have Mp3s and CDs when in 1976 they had cassettes. We have IPods they had walkmans. The contacts were hard and rigid and now they are soft and disposable. The computers were the size of four filing cabinets and ran on punch cards. Now they are super thin, ultra light and very fast and all of their programs are run from their hard drive. Gaming and entertainment has come a long way. They used to have large machines where you had to pay a quarter or you had an Atari game system which was large compared to current game systems. Now we have Wiis, Xboxes, and portable game systems like the Nintendo DS. Things have changed dramatically over the years but I believe that it is for the better.
his video shows how much the world has changed. One way the world changed from 1976 is that we used VHSs and now we use DVDs. Another couple ways are CDs to Ipods, Black and white tv to color tv, and peoples fashion. One way fashion has changed is that back then wormen could only wear long dresses, now they can wear mini skirts. Another the world has changed is music. In 1976 the music wouldn't say any bad words at all. Now almost every popular song cussed. So that's how the world has canged.
This Video shows how the world has progressed throughout history. We have gone from VHS tapes to DVD, record players to radio then to Ipods. We have even gone from simple space consuming phone to compact cell phones. We have also reinvented cars so that they are faster,safer, and more full efficient.
This video shows how far we have came with technology. There used to be black and white TV's and now we have colored TV's. We also have cell phones instead of just home phones like the old days. Music has also changed sense the old days. The alot more swearing.
his video shows how much the world has changed. One way the world changed from 1976 is that we used VHSs and now we use DVDs. Another couple ways are CDs to Ipods, Black and white tv to color tv, and peoples fashion. One way fashion has changed is that back then wormen could only wear long dresses, now they can wear mini skirts. Another the world has changed is music. In 1976 the music wouldn't say any bad words at all. Now almost every popular song cussed. So that's how the world has canged
This video shows how the world has progressed technologically. If you look at sports, in basketball it was rare to see someone dunk in high school back in the 1970's. I think that our socieaty is not the best but we majke it work.
This video shows how technology has changed the way we live. For example fashion went from long classy dresses to miniskirts and tanktops. And books went to google. and thats what technology has done.
The world has evolved so much since 1976, We can be searching the web while texting your freind and watching tv all at the same time. Transportation is so much quicker now than back then because there are a lot more roads and much more technology. Sports has changed alot to from the rules to the equitment.
This video shows how much the world has changed since 1976. Then there were VHS's,books,CD players, tape players. The music has changed alot.Back then they weren't cussing in alot of songs, society was just starting to except that. Back then there was bright colored clothing. Now it is very nutral,and not very different.Like I said we have changed so much since then.
The world has changed in many different ways over the years.In 1976, Elton John was becoming big, now we have Taylor Swift. Back in the 70's Farrah Faucet was a star, now we have Kim Kardashian. They had to put rolls of film in their cameras, now we have digital cameras.
Today we have digital and cell phoone cameras and laptops and internet that is high-speed usually unless the computer is being stupiddd... Back then they had rolls of film that they had to put in the cameras and only home phones that were weird and slow. they had big computers but mostly rich peopel had them. they might have had internet but if they did it was an hour to load one page in black and white. and really really really slow.
This vidoe shows us how much the worlds technology has increased since 1976!!! transpotation has come a long way! too from cars that had to be ran manually to the awesome cars now. technology today is really AMAZING its sooo out of this world when you start to think of how far we have come. computers have come a long way too! from big fat ginormous things that take up a whole room then they kept getting smaller and smaller. cellphones, cameras,video cameras,and the list goes on of things in technology that have progressed over the years.
Things have changed a lot since 1976. We have cell phones and labtops and our fashion has gone from plain to exciting. I'd say that we have evovled much from 1976 though, I'm not sure if it was for the better. Now people are getting lazier and bigger (if you know what I mean).
In 1976 most people would wear very wide pants pulled up all the way to their waist and big jewlery and big hair. Now jeans are usually really tight and low and we hava smaller jewlery. We've had from VCR's to DVD players and cell phones keep getting smaller.
In 1976 there was different clothing. they had bell bottom pants and more colorful shirts than we did in 2006. For music they listened to records and television was just black, white, and gray colored. Now we have i pods and CD players. Back then they had music to listen to and know what the the song meant, and now the music is about things that our generation shouldn't be worrying about.
So much has changed in only a few decades! Lots of new technologies have been introduced, which in turn has made us much lazier. it used to be calm days outside, just hanging out. Now, its less personal and more technical.
this video shows how the world has changed. like how music went from being nice meaningful music fast up beat ver sexual music. fashion has went from legwarmers and neon to plaid and jeans with holes. movie sares used to be good role models for he public now there are just embarrassments to society..
This video shows how big the world is changing and transforming. From radios to Ipods. Regular black and white tv, to high deffinition tv. From big fat computers to little tiny notebook laptops, as thin as a feather. Each day, we are getting closer and closer to inventing more and more great things that can help us in so many ways. I also dont think that its good for all this technology. Now you can work from home and do school at home. It's making people lazy. We used to have to go to the library to get books to do a project on, now we just go to, type in what we need, copy and paste, then print it out. Technology is controlling us. We don't use our own thinking, we just take what the computer gives us, change a few words and turn a paper in for a grade that you dont deserve. We are getting even more lazy each and everyday. In this video it show you a big change, but in another 40 years, where are we going to be?
We have changed alot! we dress differently. We seem to care more about looks and we want name branded clothes (hollister, ae, aero, etc.) Our music seems to have more of a variety and we seem to not care whether or not we use profanity in it anymore. We have alot more channels on tv and we have dvd and blue ray rather than vhs. We have computers with high speed internet and we can do everything by the click of a mouse. We can email instead of write out letters and i think it is making us lazier. We spend hours in front of the computer and tv and video games.
The clothes in the 70's were shiny and flared pants with lots of feathers. It was very disco-like. The hairstyles were big and feathery. now there straight and flat. the computers were big and bulky with a small screen. now theyre flat with big screens. M a t t i e k o c h
The video shows how the world changes and how everything is the same concept but looks different. Our generation can do things very easily and quickly. Fashion now is alot different, we dont wear shoulder pads or anything like that! Movies have changed alot as well because they used to be really slow and now they get to the point and there are more movies rated R ! As for music, it is cussing all the time instead of guitar solos ! My mom always has me help her on the computer but the truth is i dont know how to do it either but this generation learns very quickly!!
The world has changed in many different ways over the years.In 1976, Elton John was becoming big, now we have Taylor Swift. Back in the 70's Farrah Faucet was a star, now we have Kim Kardashian. They had to put rolls of film in their cameras, now we have digital cameras.
Today the world is terrible. There is alot more volgur stuff being shown on tv and in movies.But we have also made progress. The first black president, we have dvd's,and there are alot mor ethings to come.
Back then tvs where only black and white colored, now we have colored tvs. Things like pregnacy werent mentioned on tv now there are shows only based on that. Computers were big and chunky and now computers can be carried around in purses and backpacks.Music used to be slow and never mention a cuss word at all now songs have cuss words in evey single verse. People stay inside these days and play vedio games where as back then kids went outside and played. Although this generation is very good at using technology people are becoming very lazy.
This clip just shows how the world changes so quickly, and we dont even notice it. We wnet to colored tv, mp3 players and cazeettees to ipods, telephonees to usaul cellphones. Watching movies, and tv on our ipods. Technology changes everything, and we have noticed that in the few years. I would rather live now because, i coulldnt live without technology.
The video, 1976, shows how things have changed in the world. The television has changed from black and white to color.There are lots of things that have changed since 1976.In sports lots of things have changed like now they have instant replay.In the 70's disco music was popular and people listened to it on records and 8 tracks. Now, rap music is popular and people use ipods and cds to listen to their music. Technology changes everything, and we have noticed that in the few years. I would rather live now because, i coulldnt live without technology.
This was a very interesting video because in a chunky computer to a world wide web on a computer the size of paper. They did stuff so much differently then there cars were different from ours there movies were in blac and white and are movies are in color. They play there sports differently from what we did , and also the icons are different.
The world today is diffrent than twenty years ago. Now days we have cell phones,labtops,Ipods and ect. T.V.'s are even different. Back then it was black and white. Now its color. But everything back then was a whole lot cheaper to. Like you could get 100 peices of candy just for 5cents. allie wilson 3/4
This video shows how much the world has rapidly changed since 1976 and how everything was different back then. Now we get all this high tech stuff that makes everything more conveinent for us, however I also believe it has caused us to become lazy.
The technology has changed in the past years. for example, searching went from books to google, tapes to ipods, television sets went from black and white w/ little screens with knobs to change the channel to flat screens w/ full color and remotes,to lay down and change the channel.
The fashion over the years has changed alot. When i look at what my mom had worn compared to what we wear now. They are so much different. The cars have became more high tech and so have the televisions. Everything has just gotten more high tech or better. Sometimes i think maybe things didn't change for the better? things have even changed in my years too. They will just keep changing too (: who knows if that ids good or badd.
This video shows how technology has really made a difference on our life today.The TV has changed from black and white to colored.Cars have gotten all high tech.
This video shows how technology has really made a difference on our life today.The TV has changed from black and white to colored.Cars have gotten all high tech.
in the time "1976" The world was completly different from T.V shows, to vehicles, even from the technology we use now days to make things easier to do that back then had to be done by hand and was back-breakingly hard.The music back then wasn't as arythmetic as it is now. Back then you had to use actual objects for sound effects therefore now days we have electronics to do that for us. Sports were also different from the protection we wear from the uniforms specifying football. Cheerlading back then was just a pair of shorts and a shirt or sweater.
This Video shows how the world has improved. From Video Tapes to DVD players, encyclopedias to google and wikipedia, time has changed a lot. We as a people have adapted to this change quickly, because it is in human nature to adapt and survive in the world.
The video shows the progression of technology. From VHS to DVD, the techonolgy these days are so much more complicated then what they use to. To controll a remote you need to read the instructions! But the good thing about it is that its alot better and faster to find what your looking for. You can search anything now and days on the enternet!
This video shows how the world has changed in how we do everyday things. Every time period has different fashions styles, models of cars, new types of music, different television shows, actors, authors, but most sport have been around for a long time. Cars can run on different fuel sources. Most of the new cartoons are really stupid in my opinion. Movies can have REALLY good special effects now. Movies come out on DVD or more recently Blu-ray instead of VHS. Now there are computers which most kids know had to use better than most adults, and all the other new technologies. Although the Digital Era is progressing with new things to do, is is making the new generation VERY lazy.
I think this video showed me that we have become very technical. Also very lasy. Back then they had record players and now we have ipods. They used to have black and white television, my mom said they didn't have but like 3 channels. In 1976 people didn't care if you smoked and did drugs, it was the stlye. But if you do it now at a young age you could get in some serious trouble. They didn't have computers so you couldn't just send it by email, you had to send it by mail. No one really does it anymore. The librarys aren't used very often anymore either. People just look it up on the internet.
I think this video showed me that we have become very technical . Also very lasy . Fashion as also changed over the years . i mean , we hae i - pods , computers , flat screen t.v.'s , cameras that work at the push of a bottom , ect . Technolgy has improved so much and sometimes i love it . ( :
There are so many ways technology has impacted the way we live. Cars used to be slow and boring. Now cars are a seen as a statement about the person who drives it. Music was listened to on a turn table that you had to wind up. now everything is digital and can be played anywhere with the click of a button. Movies are another thing that have greatly changed. They used to be black and white and the played so slow that you could easily see the slide transition. Today, you can go see a movie in a 3d imax theatre and it seems like you are living in the movie. Sports have been improved alot by technology. Many sports, like football or hockey, are very dangerous to play without proper protection. The protection for these sports have greatly improve over the years making these sports much more safe to participate in. Also, you used to have to rely on the refferees' eyes and the players' honesty to play the games fairly. Now, every in of every second is caught on video from 6 different angles to make sure the games are played as fairly as possible. Everything we do and the way we do it is changing from day to day.
This video shows how the two time periods of the same culture has changed. 1976 was a time with cassette tapes, VCRs, typewriters, no cell phones, and no GPS systems. Video cameras were just coming out and you had to carry a battery pack on your shoulder and carry a huge video camera in your hand. In today's world, we don't listen to cassette taepes, we listen to iPod. We don't watch VHS tapes, we watch DVDs and Blueray. We don't type on a typewriter, we type, revise, e-mail, and post it on a computer. We don't haul around a gigantic video camera, we carry one that fits in the palm of our hand. So, as you can see, the wrold has changed in a dramatic way.
This Video shows how much the world has progressed. From VHS to DVD, books to search engines, cassette tapes in a chunky computer to a world wide web on a computer the size of paper, hiding "foul language" in songs to not being modest AT ALL :P these two time periods have changed a lot. The children of this age a.k.a us, have adapted to this change very quickly, as we are called the digital era. I swear I knew how to make a webpage when i was 6. Who need instruction manuels anymore?! We just figure everything out in seconds *snap effect* just like that :) Though that does worry me a little bit. Yes, we are very well educated in technology today-- but I think we are becoming lazier by the hour.
Mariah Allen
5 Perioddd
This clip just shows us how things can change so quickly.I mean we've went to black and white to colored TV. CD players to Mp3 Players. Watching tv on an actual tv to watching it on our I pods. I mean its amazing how things can just flip upside down. It almost seems like we're getting more and more technology everyday. I have to admit I kinda miss the way things used to be. I mean what happened to being active and creative? NO lets sit at our computers and play video games instead. It's almost like we dont really want work anything anymore. Everybody just wants things handed to us.
The video shows how we as humans have adapted discoveries and new technology to make our lives easier even as it makes us lazy. My mom constantly says that her children will be fat because instead of playing outside like she did, we sit around playing video games all day. Fashion has changed from long skirts and blouses to bubble-dresses and masks, five-inch heels and purses big enough to carry vacuums. Cars in '76 were bulkier and slow, whereas cars in '06 are low to the ground, sleek, and go 0 to 60 mph in five seconds. Computers went from huge room-size things in government buildings to 7" laptops. Music has changed from disco to hardcore gangster rap and scream-o metal. Thank you! Have a nice day!
M A L I K _ K I N Z E R
The differences of 1979 and now is everything. There are sereval things happening, but the simplest way is from technology advancing. One diferences are between in the way researching could be done in 1979 going to read for a long time in a library when the internet can do it now. Instead you wouldn't even bother leaving your home because everybody has a computer with internet which is a faster way instead of wasting time. LIke another example like phones in 1979 there were built in phone in the wall.But now we have all kinds of phone like cell phones, pay phones, and home phones. Technology is still advancing faster and more swiftly as we speak.
Erika Edwards
5th period
This video shows few of many examples of how technology has progressed and how much the world has changed. Music has changed epicly it went from slow nice songs to cussing every half second. That is okay with this generation. i dont realize what songs are really about nowa days till i think of it but i hardly ever thing of what songs mean. They are all about a three letter word and money. Thats what we spend most of our time listing to. But occasionaly you will find a nice song.
The world has changed in many different ways. For example, it went from cassettapes to ipods and mp3 players. People would wear long skirts and long dresses to mini skirts and ruffles with lowcut shirts. If you needed information you had to go to a library, now just go on the internet. Movies went from VHS to DVD. There are more women involed with sports now and pro athletes get more money than they use to. Television is way different. They had either small black and white shows that you couldnt see, or wooden televisions that has satelite cords on the top which you had to ajust. Now we have flatscreen colorful shows with the satelite dishes outside.
this vidoe clip shoes many ways of how technology has chandged and moved since 1976 to 2006.the fashion from that time peroid was an incredible change from afros and hippirs to people now.the mucic has also changed from people not even cussing and swaring to now where it is there are songs about cussing and bad things. the sports i think has made the greates impact where the uniforms and fields and courtts to even what we watchnit on is amingly and way different from back then.
The world has changed in many ways. The world has changed so much, it went from cassettapes to cds, ipods, and mp3 players. The cars were mostly manual like you had to manually roll down the windows and they were heavier, now we have everything electronic in cars. Now we can watch movies in cars you never had that luxury back then. Back in the day hair was very long even for guys. The basketball shorts were very short and tight, even for boys. The cheerleading uniforms were sweaters with pleated shirts. Now most guys have short hair and basketball shorts are long. The cheerleading uniforms are short and sparkly. They used to listen to southern rock music and now we listen to hip hop and rap. Cartoons were only shown on Saturdays and now they are shown 24/7. There weren't a lot of girl sports now there are a lot. Back then there were reel to reel movie films and prjectors nothing digital like now.
maddie stevenski
Technology has advanced very fast. Instead of use type writers we now have laptops that we can take anywhere and use them and you can also store information many different ways. Instead of records and cassettes we now have ipods that are easy to that places and olds many songs and movies.Instead of passing notes in class we now have cell phone to text mant people at once. Instead of spending hours looking through books we now can search the web for information in a matter of seconds.
Kaitlyn Westfall
5th period
This shows us how modern day has changed so much from back then. We have went from black and whit tv's to colored tv's, VHS to DVD, looking in books to now we got google you type in anything right there its goes right too it. Today has got a lot worst they used to send a message in there music back then but now there telling us we should smoke nweed and have sex.
This videp expresses fow just 30 years can make a HUGE difference in technology and the way that we do things. For example, we went from books to search enginges, from Robert De Niro to Antonio Banderas, from checkers to nintendo, printing press to computer printer, and much more. Things that people comsider to be appropriate have changed also. for instance, abortion is now (however hesitantly) acceptable in the eyes of some people. Time can change the world, but we have to decide if it can change for the better... or the worse.
This video shows how the world has progressed technologically. If you look at sports, in basketball it was rare to see someone dunk in high school back in the 1970's. Now you almost have to be able to dunk to be able to make the team. If you looke at football, the kids back then for a high school team would weigh about 180 pounds and average bench press 200 pounds. Now kids in high school weigh about 220 pounds and on average bench about 250 pounds. Then in baseball an average fastball back then would be about 80 mph and now it is about 90 mph. That is a bunch of big differences.
Johnny Ray Kesling
The technologies and luxuries of 1976 were very different from those we have now. We have progressed a lot in the ways of portable enjoyment, automobile installments, and home computers. Back then, people were more street smart and had some more common sense in them, but now we make up for that with insane technology skills.
Elliot Herberger
period 5
In this video they where trying to show how technology has changed in the past thirty year increment. For example we went from books to Google for research, from record players to MP3 Players for listening to music, we went from passing notes to texting from our cell phones, etc. I use technology every day for school or just to fool around when I am bored. Another way the world has changed is sports. For example in soccer we went from Pele to Freddy Adu. In football we went from "Mean Joe" Greene to Troy Poloamalu. Clothing styles are not as conservative as they once were, especially for females. Movies and TV shows now contain more violence and sexual content than what was exceptable thirty years ago. These are some of the ways the world has changed, for better or worse, in the past thirty years.
Ryan Rosier
Pd. 6 & 7
This video shows how much things have changed since then. form black and white tv to color, from records to cassetts to cd's and now we have mp3 players and ipods now. Its amazing how thing progress in time. We have adapted to this very quickly as you can see its hard to tell what is coming in the future
Tori Harper
1st period
In 1976 bell bottom pants and disco shirts we what people wore. Now days people wear Nike and Air Jordans along with skinny jeans or baggy oversized jeans with an American Eagle or Ed hardy shirt.
People used to drive VW busses and El Caminos now people drive Escalades and Ferraris. Not to mention todays cars have things in them that werent even around in 1976. Today people listen to rap and hip-hop which is such a difference to the Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and Cream that people used to listen to. Rocknroll and psychadelia were everywhere in 1976 now it's almost nowhere. Compared to todays television and home theaters that almost everybody has, the blocky, large, and un-advanced Tv's of the 70's are prehistoric. Back then most Tv's were controlled by knobs on the Tv itsself now we have six different remotes for all the different things hooked into the Tv. When you used to go to the movies 10 different movies weren't playing at the same time it was usually only a couple. People didn't have cell phones or email or computers they went to the library to study or they called people on the house phone seeing as cell-phones weren't around. People used to use record players now days we have 4,000 songs in the palm of our hand that we can hook into miniature spakers that blast out 20watts. On the television and in ovies and magazines people were upset by the fact of seeig two people in the same bed nowdays you go to the movies and there's a whole lot worse going on on the screen than just two people in the same bed. Not to mention language, today 5th grades have foul mouths but say 20 or 30 years ago saying that stuff would have gotten you in loads of trouble.
The world can change dramatically in just thirty years. With the help of technology, some things such as education, recreation, entertainment, and communication are a heck of a lot easier. Back in the golden days, inappropriate content was discreet in the media but now it is as broad as daylight. I would add more but I am very braindead today.
Rachel Martin
5th Period
P.S. As for the competition, no comment.
This video shows how much the world has changed. One way the world changed from 1976 is that we used VHSs and now we use DVDs. Another couple ways are CDs to Ipods, Black and white tv to color tv, and peoples fashion. One way fashion has changed is that back then wormen could only wear long dresses, now they can wear mini skirts. Another the world has changed is music. In 1976 the music wouldn't say any bad words at all. Now almost every popular song cussed. So that's how the world has canged.
The world has changed a lot in twenty years. In 1976 bellbottoms, peace signs, hippies, and long hair were the hottest styles. Today, cell phones, texting, facebook, and anything technology-related is in. Everything has changed a lot in only twenty years!
Tecnology fashion and alot of other things have gitton differnent. Fashion back then is weird looking now. Cars didn't have all the fetures they do today. Such as rear view carmera. and top speed. Movies were in Black and white . Movies now we watch in High Deffiniton. Children are less active because of televisions. Sports have improved. Any recored set back then is probably brokken by now.
The video shows how everything has changed in a matter of years. Listening to music was having to buy new cassets and now it is as easy as going on the internet and downloading it to your i-pod, not walkman. Sports have also changed, I mean look at basketball, in the 70's you had pants up to your waist and now they are down below your knees. Pass times such as video games and computer games where not heard of quite yet. There where board games and just doing whatever.
This video just shows some of the ways our world is changing by the minute. New things are being developed every day, and they are making a huge impact on our generation. I think everything has changed in our culture, but in some countries across the world, there are a lot of things that are still the same way that they were in very early dates. Technology is advancing so much, and now children are sitting inside all day, unlike our parents did. Everything is becoming more easier to do, and a lot of things are becoming bad for a child to look at or watch. I think it is harming our society all the time.
Ali Cumberlanddd (:
1st period .
This video has shown how much the world has changed in technology since 1976. There are lots of things that have changed since 1976.In sports lots of things have changed like now they have instant replay. In football you can now challenge a call a referee made. Also we have gone from VHS to DVD. A lot of things have changed since then.
In many areas of culture there have been numerous advances made between 1976 and today. Such as: cassette tapes vs. ipods and cds, console tvs vs. flatscreens, and mailing vs. email. Some things seem to cycle their way back. Such as: tye dye, peace signs, neons, hair styles, and some fashion statments.
Gabriella Pearse
6/7th .(:
This video shows how much the world has changed since 1976 to 2006. Some examples of how the world as changed is peoples taste in music has changed and also the different things we use to listen to the music. In the 70's disco music was popular and people listened to it on records and 8 tracks. Now, rap music is popular and people use ipods and cds to listen to their music. Another example is how people search things. People use to have to go to the library to check out books to look things up. Now, you just get on the computer to find what you need. You dont even have to leave the house to find information.
Brent Pacoe
6th and 7th period
The video, 1976, shows how things have changed in the world. The television has changed from black and white to color. Channels also had to be changed by buttons on the TV, now we have remotes. We have ipods now and back then they had radios and casette tapes. Today the world is LAZY. Before some people didn't have cars or even phones.
Lauren Hesse
This video shows how much the world is changing. It shows how the technology is making everything easier. The fashion, cars, tv, etc. everything has changed. The fashion used to cover up more than it does now. You can now watch dvd's instead of video tapes. Books are now about different information, they used to be about important stuff now some don't matter at all. But, what this video was showing was the increase in all the technology over the years and how much everything has changed.
Kimmy Woods
3/4 period
In 1976 a lot of things were different from today. Now we have Mp3s and CDs when in 1976 they had cassettes. We have IPods they had walkmans. The contacts were hard and rigid and now they are soft and disposable. The computers were the size of four filing cabinets and ran on punch cards. Now they are super thin, ultra light and very fast and all of their programs are run from their hard drive. Gaming and entertainment has come a long way. They used to have large machines where you had to pay a quarter or you had an Atari game system which was large compared to current game systems. Now we have Wiis, Xboxes, and portable game systems like the Nintendo DS. Things have changed dramatically over the years but I believe that it is for the better.
Jared Bartrug
5th period
his video shows how much the world has changed. One way the world changed from 1976 is that we used VHSs and now we use DVDs. Another couple ways are CDs to Ipods, Black and white tv to color tv, and peoples fashion. One way fashion has changed is that back then wormen could only wear long dresses, now they can wear mini skirts. Another the world has changed is music. In 1976 the music wouldn't say any bad words at all. Now almost every popular song cussed. So that's how the world has canged.
Ryan Bogo
6&7 period
This Video shows how the world has progressed throughout history. We have gone from VHS tapes to DVD, record players to radio then to Ipods. We have even gone from simple space consuming phone to compact cell phones. We have also reinvented cars so that they are faster,safer, and more full efficient.
Neil Scherich 3-4
This video shows how far we have came with technology. There used to be black and white TV's and now we have colored TV's. We also have cell phones instead of just home phones like the old days. Music has also changed sense the old days. The alot more swearing.
his video shows how much the world has changed. One way the world changed from 1976 is that we used VHSs and now we use DVDs. Another couple ways are CDs to Ipods, Black and white tv to color tv, and peoples fashion. One way fashion has changed is that back then wormen could only wear long dresses, now they can wear mini skirts. Another the world has changed is music. In 1976 the music wouldn't say any bad words at all. Now almost every popular song cussed. So that's how the world has canged
This video shows how the world has progressed technologically. If you look at sports, in basketball it was rare to see someone dunk in high school back in the 1970's. I think that our socieaty is not the best but we majke it work.
This video shows how technology has changed the way we live. For example fashion went from long classy dresses to miniskirts and tanktops. And books went to google. and thats what technology has done.
Caroline brophy (:
The world has evolved so much since 1976, We can be searching the web while texting your freind and watching tv all at the same time. Transportation is so much quicker now than back then because there are a lot more roads and much more technology. Sports has changed alot to from the rules to the equitment.
Your Faviorite Student
Lance G. Puccio
This video shows how much the world has changed since 1976. Then there were VHS's,books,CD players, tape players. The music has changed alot.Back then they weren't cussing in alot of songs, society was just starting to except that. Back then there was bright colored clothing. Now it is very nutral,and not very different.Like I said we have changed so much since then.
maddison bowen
5th period
The world has changed in many different ways over the years.In 1976, Elton John was becoming big, now we have Taylor Swift. Back in the 70's Farrah Faucet was a star, now we have Kim Kardashian. They had to put rolls of film in their cameras, now we have digital cameras.
Today we have digital and cell phoone cameras and laptops and internet that is high-speed usually unless the computer is being stupiddd... Back then they had rolls of film that they had to put in the cameras and only home phones that were weird and slow. they had big computers but mostly rich peopel had them. they might have had internet but if they did it was an hour to load one page in black and white. and really really really slow.
Marissa Cox
5th period
This vidoe shows us how much the worlds technology has increased since 1976!!! transpotation has come a long way! too from cars that had to be ran manually to the awesome cars now. technology today is really AMAZING its sooo out of this world when you start to think of how far we have come. computers have come a long way too! from big fat ginormous things that take up a whole room then they kept getting smaller and smaller. cellphones, cameras,video cameras,and the list goes on of things in technology that have progressed over the years.
Emily uveges! (:
6th&7th period
Things have changed a lot since 1976. We have cell phones and labtops and our fashion has gone from plain to exciting. I'd say that we have evovled much from 1976 though, I'm not sure if it was for the better. Now people are getting lazier and bigger (if you know what I mean).
In 1976 most people would wear very wide pants pulled up all the way to their waist and big jewlery and big hair. Now jeans are usually really tight and low and we hava smaller jewlery. We've had from VCR's to DVD players and cell phones keep getting smaller.
Megan Branch
5th period
In 1976 there was different clothing. they had bell bottom pants and more colorful shirts than we did in 2006. For music they listened to records and television was just black, white, and gray colored. Now we have i pods and CD players. Back then they had music to listen to and know what the the song meant, and now the music is about things that our generation shouldn't be worrying about.
So much has changed in only a few decades! Lots of new technologies have been introduced, which in turn has made us much lazier. it used to be calm days outside, just hanging out. Now, its less personal and more technical.
this video shows how the world has changed. like how music went from being nice meaningful music fast up beat ver sexual music. fashion has went from legwarmers and neon to plaid and jeans with holes. movie sares used to be good role models for he public now there are just embarrassments to society..
kelsey morrone
This video shows how big the world is changing and transforming. From radios to Ipods. Regular black and white tv, to high deffinition tv. From big fat computers to little tiny notebook laptops, as thin as a feather. Each day, we are getting closer and closer to inventing more and more great things that can help us in so many ways. I also dont think that its good for all this technology. Now you can work from home and do school at home. It's making people lazy. We used to have to go to the library to get books to do a project on, now we just go to, type in what we need, copy and paste, then print it out. Technology is controlling us. We don't use our own thinking, we just take what the computer gives us, change a few words and turn a paper in for a grade that you dont deserve. We are getting even more lazy each and everyday. In this video it show you a big change, but in another 40 years, where are we going to be?
Crystal Rowe
6th and 7th
We have changed alot! we dress differently. We seem to care more about looks and we want name branded clothes (hollister, ae, aero, etc.) Our music seems to have more of a variety and we seem to not care whether or not we use profanity in it anymore. We have alot more channels on tv and we have dvd and blue ray rather than vhs. We have computers with high speed internet and we can do everything by the click of a mouse. We can email instead of write out letters and i think it is making us lazier. We spend hours in front of the computer and tv and video games.
The clothes in the 70's were shiny and flared pants with lots of feathers. It was very disco-like. The hairstyles were big and feathery. now there straight and flat. the computers were big and bulky with a small screen. now theyre flat with big screens.
M a t t i e k o c h
The video shows how the world changes and how everything is the same concept but looks different. Our generation can do things very easily and quickly. Fashion now is alot different, we dont wear shoulder pads or anything like that! Movies have changed alot as well because they used to be really slow and now they get to the point and there are more movies rated R ! As for music, it is cussing all the time instead of guitar solos ! My mom always has me help her on the computer but the truth is i dont know how to do it either but this generation learns very quickly!!
The world has changed in many different ways over the years.In 1976, Elton John was becoming big, now we have Taylor Swift. Back in the 70's Farrah Faucet was a star, now we have Kim Kardashian. They had to put rolls of film in their cameras, now we have digital cameras.
sydney woody
1st period(:
In like the 70s there where like rock and rool bands now we have rap hip hop and all the stuff like that.
Today the world is terrible. There is alot more volgur stuff being shown on tv and in movies.But we have also made progress. The first black president, we have dvd's,and there are alot mor ethings to come.
Back then tvs where only black and white colored, now we have colored tvs. Things like pregnacy werent mentioned on tv now there are shows only based on that. Computers were big and chunky and now computers can be carried around in purses and backpacks.Music used to be slow and never mention a cuss word at all now songs have cuss words in evey single verse. People stay inside these days and play vedio games where as back then kids went outside and played. Although this generation is very good at using technology people are becoming very lazy.
This clip just shows how the world changes so quickly, and we dont even notice it. We wnet to colored tv, mp3 players and cazeettees to ipods, telephonees to usaul cellphones. Watching movies, and tv on our ipods. Technology changes everything, and we have noticed that in the few years. I would rather live now because, i coulldnt live without technology.
The video, 1976, shows how things have changed in the world. The television has changed from black and white to color.There are lots of things that have changed since 1976.In sports lots of things have changed like now they have instant replay.In the 70's disco music was popular and people listened to it on records and 8 tracks. Now, rap music is popular and people use ipods and cds to listen to their music. Technology changes everything, and we have noticed that in the few years. I would rather live now because, i coulldnt live without technology.
♫JoVaun Howard♫
This was a very interesting video because in a chunky computer to a world wide web on a computer the size of paper. They did stuff so much differently then there cars were different from ours there movies were in blac and white and are movies are in color. They play there sports differently from what we did , and also the icons are different.
Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period
The world today is diffrent than twenty years ago. Now days we have cell phones,labtops,Ipods and ect. T.V.'s are even different. Back then it was black and white. Now its color. But everything back then was a whole lot cheaper to. Like you could get 100 peices of candy just for 5cents.
allie wilson
This video shows how much the world has rapidly changed since 1976 and how everything was different back then. Now we get all this high tech stuff that makes everything more conveinent for us, however I also believe it has caused us to become lazy.
The technology has changed in the past years. for example, searching went from books to google, tapes to ipods, television sets went from black and white w/ little screens with knobs to change the channel to flat screens w/ full color and remotes,to lay down and change the channel.
renee matura
5th period.
The fashion over the years has changed alot. When i look at what my mom had worn compared to what we wear now. They are so much different. The cars have became more high tech and so have the televisions. Everything has just gotten more high tech or better. Sometimes i think maybe things didn't change for the better? things have even changed in my years too. They will just keep changing too (: who knows if that ids good or badd.
Melia DeWitt ♥
6 & 7 period. (:
This video shows how technology has really made a difference on our life today.The TV has changed from black and white to colored.Cars have gotten all high tech.
♥Stevie Thibodeaux♥
3rd & 4th period
This video shows how technology has really made a difference on our life today.The TV has changed from black and white to colored.Cars have gotten all high tech.
♥Stevie Thibodeaux♥
3rd & 4th period
in the time "1976" The world was completly different from T.V shows, to vehicles, even from the technology we use now days to make things easier to do that back then had to be done by hand and was back-breakingly hard.The music back then wasn't as arythmetic as it is now. Back then you had to use actual objects for sound effects therefore now days we have electronics to do that for us. Sports were also different from the protection we wear from the uniforms specifying football. Cheerlading back then was just a pair of shorts and a shirt or sweater.
This Video shows how the world has improved. From Video Tapes to DVD players, encyclopedias to google and wikipedia, time has changed a lot. We as a people have adapted to this change quickly, because it is in human nature to adapt and survive in the world.
The video shows the progression of technology. From VHS to DVD, the techonolgy these days are so much more complicated then what they use to. To controll a remote you need to read the instructions! But the good thing about it is that its alot better and faster to find what your looking for. You can search anything now and days on the enternet!
6th - 7th period
This video shows how the world has changed in how we do everyday things. Every time period has different fashions styles, models of cars, new types of music, different television shows, actors, authors, but most sport have been around for a long time. Cars can run on different fuel sources. Most of the new cartoons are really stupid in my opinion. Movies can have REALLY good special effects now. Movies come out on DVD or more recently Blu-ray instead of VHS. Now there are computers which most kids know had to use better than most adults, and all the other new technologies. Although the Digital Era is progressing with new things to do, is is making the new generation VERY lazy.
Zack Linger
5th Period
I think this video showed me that we have become very technical. Also very lasy. Back then they had record players and now we have ipods. They used to have black and white television, my mom said they didn't have but like 3 channels. In 1976 people didn't care if you smoked and did drugs, it was the stlye. But if you do it now at a young age you could get in some serious trouble. They didn't have computers so you couldn't just send it by email, you had to send it by mail. No one really does it anymore. The librarys aren't used very often anymore either. People just look it up on the internet.
Sydney Izydore
1st period.
I think this video showed me that we have become very technical . Also very lasy . Fashion as also changed over the years . i mean , we hae i - pods , computers , flat screen t.v.'s , cameras that work at the push of a bottom , ect . Technolgy has improved so much and sometimes i love it . ( :
- Symone Strwart .
1st period .
There are so many ways technology has impacted the way we live. Cars used to be slow and boring. Now cars are a seen as a statement about the person who drives it. Music was listened to on a turn table that you had to wind up. now everything is digital and can be played anywhere with the click of a button. Movies are another thing that have greatly changed. They used to be black and white and the played so slow that you could easily see the slide transition. Today, you can go see a movie in a 3d imax theatre and it seems like you are living in the movie. Sports have been improved alot by technology. Many sports, like football or hockey, are very dangerous to play without proper protection. The protection for these sports have greatly improve over the years making these sports much more safe to participate in. Also, you used to have to rely on the refferees' eyes and the players' honesty to play the games fairly. Now, every in of every second is caught on video from 6 different angles to make sure the games are played as fairly as possible. Everything we do and the way we do it is changing from day to day.
donovan wilson
5th period
This video shows how the two time periods of the same culture has changed. 1976 was a time with cassette tapes, VCRs, typewriters, no cell phones, and no GPS systems. Video cameras were just coming out and you had to carry a battery pack on your shoulder and carry a huge video camera in your hand. In today's world, we don't listen to cassette taepes, we listen to iPod. We don't watch VHS tapes, we watch DVDs and Blueray. We don't type on a typewriter, we type, revise, e-mail, and post it on a computer. We don't haul around a gigantic video camera, we carry one that fits in the palm of our hand. So, as you can see, the wrold has changed in a dramatic way.
Andy Shaw
1st Period
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