Genocide is when people kill their own people. Over 6 million jews were murdered by the Nazi regime. Over 1 million children were killed over this time also. There were work camps and death camps where the jews were starved,raped, experimented on, and killed. Some of the actual dealth camps still exist just as this video shows. The most obvious is The Diary of Anne Frank which was written by a 13 year old the went into hidding in Amsterdam. Mrs. Cervo showed one movie. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by never allowing prejudice taking over our lives.adrianna constable1st period.
A genocide is the complete aniilation of a race , group or culture. Alot of killing took place at this time. There was fighting, bombing and none stop masacare. Some reminders of this are the hollocaust musseum. Books about hiding Jew's have been published. The most famouse the diary of ann Frank. Movies i have seen about it is Saving private Ryan. We can avoid the mistakes by not judging a certain kind of people.
A genocide is basically a wipe out of a race or grouping of people in this case. There were a total of around 7,000,000- 8 jewish/other humans killed in this horrible time. The Diary of Anne Frank is the first that comes to mind. The Chronicles of Narnia is an example of some things that happened in World War II but over in London. Another movie would be The Devil's Arithmetic I believe. just stand up for yourself and stay strong to what you believe in.Mariah Allen5th Period (the best period :PP)
Genocide is the killing of a race, ethnic, groups, or other type of group. Some of the horros that took place where human experimentation, mass murder, racism, prejudism, and death/labor camps. I have not watched movies that relate to this.We can avoid the mistakes of this era by realizing what we did wrong and not repeating that.
Genocide is the killing of an entire race, ethnic group, or any other type of group. More than 6 million Jews were killed over this period of time, and a terrible war took place. Some reminders of this history are the museums, the pictures, and tours of the camps in those coutries. There are books and many movies that remind us of this time. I have seen the movie Schindler's List. It is very scary, but I think it shows what really happened in the best way possible. It shows everything that happened such as the sorting, killing in gas chambers, workers, the ghetto, shaving of heads, and just about everything else. We should avoid racism, and we should not judge people in any way. Ali Cumberland (:1st periodd .
Genocide is when people kill off a whole race, group, or culture. During the time of World War II were that many Jews were killed by the Nazi, and many children were also killed. The Jews were sent to work at death camps, and if they were too young, too old, or sick and couldn't work they were sent to gas chambers to die. Some of the reminders of this time in history are the museums, and the The Diary of Anne Frank. I have seen tv shows and a movie called The Devil's Arithmetic. We can avoid this mistake from happening again by not judging anyone for their differences.
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. There were several horrors that happened in World War II. There were around 56,125,262 people who died; civilian and military. Those deaths included the six million or more Jews that died in the labor camps and gas chambers. There are several memorials and other ways that serve as reminders of the history of the time period. The literature that reminds us of this time is the Diary of Anne Frank. I do not know of any movies that were about World War II. I think the best way to avoid the mistakes of this era is to learn about it. I agree with the man who said “those who do not learn about history are doomed to repeat it”. Jared Bartrug5th period
Genocide is the extermination of an intire race. Horrors that took place at this time are bombing, war, hate, and to much death. SSome reminders are documeneries, books, journals, and movies. Some literature would be The diary of anne frank. Some movies I have seen about this time are Band of Brothers, The Big Red One, and a lot of other wwii timed movies. Some of the ways we can avoid the mistakes of this era is to not judge people
Genocide is the destruction of religious group, ethnic groups, national groups, and so forth. There were many, many horrors that took place. More than 6 million Jews were killed, and all the concentration camps. Some of the camps were death camps. The death camps cooked, skinned, and gassed the people. Photos and books are reminders of that time. Another reminder to me would be the amazing story of “The Diary of Anne Frank”. Although Anne had an awful time I'm sure there families that experienced even worse. I have seen a movie about “The Diary of Anne Frank”. We can avoid the mistakes by not judging and believing that some are better than others. And for us to understand we are all equal.Gabriella Pearse, [[:6th/7th
Genocide is the killing of many people. Germans took Jews and etc. to concentration camps where they would either be killed, forced to do hard labor with little meals, or tested on by Dr. Mengle. Some reminders of that era are the death camps, concentration camps, and personal belongings of the Jews who went to those camps. Ann Frank's Diary, which I just so happen to be reading right now, tells much about how she hated hiding but, thought she was lucky instead of being like many of her friends who went to those camps. The only movie I saw about this era is the movie about Ann Frank that I saw in Mrs. Cervo's class. We can avoid these mistakes by being less predjudice against others and getting to know people different from us better. Delaney Pulice 5th Pd.
Genocide is when people kill their own people. The holocaust was the major one millions and millions of jews died.The diary of anne frank. We can avoid this by not judging people for what they look like or who they are.Caroline Brophy1st
Genocide is when an entire race/ethic group is killed off. Millions and millions of jews were murdered. People were tested on and all this other terrible stuff. Museums, camps, and cemetaries are still left over. Diaries and books based on diaries are great literature to tell about this time. I don't think i've seen any movies. We can stay away from stereotypes, racism, and prejuduce.m a t t i s o n(: k o c h
genocide is when people kill people because of their race or religion. Over 6 million people where killed during this time.Most of the jews where in hiding and once they were caught they where sent to concentration camps where the nazi did horrible things to them like skinned them,starved them,gassed them and even shot them.i have seen many movies about this.We can avoid the mistakes by not judging a certain kind of people.stevie thibodeaux3rd/4th period
Genocide is murdering an entire group. One horror is genocides took place in this war and so did individual killings. More than 180000 murders took place. I don't think I've seen movies that relate to this time period. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by having confidence, enough to not let this hapen to our time period. Lauren Hesse 5th period
Genocide is when people kill people or a grouping of people. The horrors of this time were human experiments, mass murder, and death as well as labor camps. The reminders of this time are the holocaust museums, books, pictures, and many different things. I myself have not seen any movies that have to do with this time period. We can avoid this by standing up for ourselves and standing by what we believe in.Maddison Bowen 5th period
Genocide is killing a certain kind of people depending on culture, race, etc. In WW2 millions of jews were hunted down and killed by the nazi regime. There are still some jews that were not found and are still alive today that can recall this event. The most renown literature is the dairy of anne frank. I havent seen any movies from that time. The only way to avoid something like this again is to accept other peoples differences and don't discriminate against anyone.Neil Scherich 3-4
I do not know what genocide is there was alot of nasty things during WW2 but the mos messed up thing was when the nazi army killed jews when we won the war flags of our fathers is a good movie
I think that genocide is the total and complete destruction of a culture, race or religion. There were many terrible events that happened during World War 2. The concentration camps are definitely one of them. Another one is the way that poeple were terified out of their minds and how many went into hiding. People lost their homes, family, and most importantly, any hope that they had. Many books remind us of this terrible time. "The Devil's Arithmetic" is one. "The Diary of a Young Girl" and "The Summer of my German Soldier" are other ones. "Greater than Angels" is a wonderful book that makes me cry each time that I read it. The Freedom Writers, although not directly related, remind me not only with the visit that they take to the museum, but they remind me of the Holocaust in a more modern way. I think that to avoid the mistakes of that time period of sorrow, we need to learn to be more open to poeple, their cultures and the things that make them unique.
Genocide is the destruction of an entire race or group of people. Some reminders of that time are the literature and movies from that time period. Some of the literature that remind me of this time is The Green Glass Sea, The Diary of Anne Frank and The Devil's Arithmatic. I've seen The Boy in the Striped Pajamas from this time period. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by being stronger as United Nations and looking out for other countries around the world.
Genocide is when people kill their own culture. Millions of jews where killed while in the death camps and concentration camps. The jews where either cooked, gased, or worked until they starved to death. Some of the camps still remain standing today. The Diary of Anne Frank is a literature book that reminds me of this time. I havn't seen any movies that record some of the events of this time.
I believe genocide is a huge killing of numerous peoples or species. The worst horrors I can think of was all of the people dying at the hands of Adolf Hitler. It was a very scary time and they were just trying to survive. I watched the movie,The Diary of Anne Frank. It showed how it must of been during the Holocaust. We can avoid it by not recreating their footsteps. Museums and history books will keep reminding us what happened.Erika Edwards5th period
Genocide is when people kill their entire ethnic group. Alot of people died during this time but, mostly Jews. The Holocaust reminds meof that time and all of the deaths. Their is books and magazines about this time that inform everyone about the past. We can avoid this by not judging people.Kimmy Woods3/4 period.
Genocide is an elimination of a smililar group of people. The holocaust was one of the obvious horrors of World War II, and there was a lot of fighting and violence. The Diary of Anne Frank is an example of literature about this time. I have not seen any movies about the events that happened during that time period. We can avoid the mistakes by trying to get along and not comit mass genocide because we feel like it.
the genocide is the elimanation of the race or gruop of simimlar people. There where alot of horrors that toke place including..killings and bombings, and exucution.The holocaust.The diary of ann frank.
Genocide is when people kill there own culture. There was tons of people killing other poeple for no reason at all. The first thing that I think about in the history of that time is the diary of Ann Frank. I havnt really seen any movies that has to do with the events in this period of time. We can avoid this mistake by not judging poeple for what they look like or what they believe in. Brent Pacoe 6th and 7th period
When people kill a group of people that are simular. The holocaust happened at war world two. Of the time when millions of people died
the genocide is a very dragic and horrible event that hapeened to the jews in 1948 millions of people were killed including children and crippled people.
I thought that this video was very sad becase how many people were the size that they were. You would think that they would try to feed them but the outcome of it is that they get raped milested and many other things it sad but we can't help them so we try to think of ways that they can. It's very upseting so we can't help in any kind of way.Meekayla Taylor6th and 7th period
Genocide-The mass murder of a group of people sharing the same race, culture, or beliefs, e.g. Jews or African Americans. There were MANY horrors dunring WWII. First off, there was the war itself. Second, there was the reason for the war, the Nazi Uprising. Adolf Hitler slaughtered Jews, children, and cripples. He killed children, women, and the elderly right away, and kept the health males to work until death. On the terms of literature, i automatically think of 'the Diary of Anne Frank', but I'm sure there are many others. My friend Lucas' father is a WWII junkie, and I've read some of his books. Movies...I saw the movie version of The Diary of Anne Frank'; nothing else. I think that there's no way to end it, only postpone it. No matter how much we fight for peace, the longest it will last is fifty years. We're in the middle of a war NOW. There will always be that one person who's power-hungry, or has a grudge produced by the general idiocy of the human race. If you observe cats, or birds, you'll notice they don't really fight like we do. It makes you wonder...who are REALLY the most intelligent animals on earth...?
Genocide is the extermination of a race or specific group of people. There are many horrors that took place during WWII, like the killing of everyone that was not of the arial race. Millions of jews were killed in death camps. Saving Private Ryan is one of the movies I have seen about this time period. We should do our best to never let any descrimination happen.donovan wilson5th period
A genocide is killing of a certain race or ethnic group. Millions of jews and other people were killed. They were killed by being shot, gas chambers, being worked to death, and diseases. Some things that remind us today are the death camps that still exist, the Holocaust Museum, and different pictures of the Holocaust. The only literature I can think of is 'Diary of Anne Frank'. I don't think I have seen any movies about recent events. We can avoid mistakes but just treating everybody the same, no matter what race or religion. Megan Branch5th period(:
Genocide is when many people are killed at onec. One of the horrors in world war II was when 6n million jews were killed by the Nazi.Some of the jews were send off to work camps and death camps. The Chronicles of Narnia was based at this time.By being aware of the times and what is taking place.
According to, genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. In the words of Rachel Martin, it is killing a group of people due to differences in an attribute. I think genocide is horrible. Worse of all, everyone has to worry about it. Everyone is different. For example, if someone was genocidal against Irish people, I would be running. But if they were genocidal against Catholic people, I’d be just fine. I think Hitler was a horrible person for being genocidal. If I were alive during the Holocaust, I probably wouldn’t make it because I am neither blonde nor do I have blue eyes. Genocide is very wrong and should never be tolerated.Some of the horrors of World War II were the Holocaust, D-day, and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The Holocaust was the Holocaust was the systematic persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi administration. It was a very dramatic event in world history. D-day was the invasion of France by American and allied troops, as ordered by General Dwight Eisenhower. It was a horror for the French. The bombing of Pearl Harbor occurred when the Japanese troops dropped bombs at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It was what is believed to be why us Americans took place in the war.There are many museums and monuments dedicated to the history of that time. Several of the death camps where the Nazis killed the Jews are still standing as well.Some of the books written about this time are The Diary of Anne Frank and The Devil’s Arithmetic. I know those two books are pretty on the surface, but I don’t the time to do broad research on that topic.I haven’t seen any movies about the time but I have heard of a few. Some examples are The Great Escape, Band of Brothers, Casablanca, The Diary of Anne Frank, and Saving Private Ryan. I’ve never watched ay of these movies because historical movies tend to bore me.To avoid the mistakes of this era, we can learn not to judge people. We especially shouldn’t judge people by their appearance. I think we have learned to better understand differences. For instance, white people and colored people never were associated with each other at one time. That completely changed. Look at our school! We have a little bit of everything. America truly is the great melting pot.In my research for this blog, I came across a very wise quote. "We must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. War's are not won by evacuations." Winston Churchill said that. It is very true. You have to fight for victory. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog!Rachel Martin5th Period
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultral group. During World War II there was alot of violence consisting of killing millions of people. Museums are one reminder of this time, and Anne Frank's Diary is literature that reminds us also. I have actually watched the movie about Anne Frank. I think we can avoid mistakes of this era by learning from others mistakes. We shouldn't have to try things out to see what happens because the results are all around us.Amina Byers5th
A genocide is when a bunch of people of a certain race are killed at once. That is when the Holcuast took place that is all I know. The Holocaust museum is a reminder and anne franks diary also are some reminders of this period in time. I have not seen a movie having to do with WW2. We can aviod these mistakes by looking over what color or heritage someone has.Johnny Kesling1st period1-24-10
Genocide is when one race is killed all at once.There was a lot of fighting and craziness during this time.They were sent to camps called death camps where they were treated terribly.
Genecide is when people kill there own folks.Millions of innocent jews were murdered by the nazi.Lot sof kids lives were taking as well as adult.They were sent to a terrifying camp called Death Camp where they were harshly treated.People were raped,experimented on,killed.Some death camps are still around.The Diary of Anne Frank reminds me of the holocaust.I cant sight any movies.Dont allow prejudice people take over.
Genocide is when a race or nation is destroyed. Over 70,000,000 people were killed during World War II. some reminders of that time were racism, killing, and death camps. The Diary of Anne Frank Reminds me of that time. I haven't seen any movies that remind me of World war II. We can learn to get along with other countries and stop fighting. We can also learn how to respect people that are of a different race or the same race.
Genocide is when people kill people kill there own people of their own ethnic group. The holocaust was pretty much the biggest horror during World War 2. It was an event when the German and other countries decided to kill all the Jews. The Nazis killed over 6 million Jews. The Nazis took the Jews to concentration camps or death camps to be tortured or killed. Most of the camps are still standing such as Auschwitz. I have seen the movie Pearl Harbor that was based on World War 2. It was a very sad time in history.
Genocide is when you kill ur whole ethnic group.there were over 7 million jew children and adults killed by the nazi in concentration camps.some reminders are there is still many of the concentration camps still open and the book diary of ann frank.duhh!(: the boy in the striped pajamas is the movie i order to stay away from mistkaes in this era is by notbeing racist or prejudice.;
Genocide is when people kill thier own kind. Many bombs and different horrors took place in WW2. Holcaust is a reminder of this. I dont know any movies that remind me of this. We all need to work as one under god and not be prejudice.Sterling FitzwaterFIRST.(:
Genocide is where people kill their own race orr just their own people. There were about 6 million jews killed during that time. There are some camps where they put the jews in or world today. The diary of anne franks comes to mind first though. Sometimes we make mistakes, but we can cahnge the future so it doesnt happen again.tori harper1st period.
Genocide is a systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic. 1.5 million children were murdered, 2 out of every three european jews were killed. they were put in gas chambers,tested on, killed, cripled, body's stacked up dead, babys lives taken away, slavery,and a lot more. There are many books & plays, occuring to holocaust survivors. i watched a movie in my old school, about the war, but i don't know what the name of it is. I think if you believe, and be good at heart. (anne frank)renee matura (:5th periodd.
Genocide is the killing of a race or ethnic group. Over seven million Jews were murder. Some other horros that took place where human experimentation, mass murder, racism, and death/labor camps. There are many mussuem about the hollocaust. Also there are Books about Jews that went into hiding. I have only seen a few hollocaust movies. The movie that I remember the most is Diary of Ann frank. We can avoid this mistake by not judging people by the color of there skin.
Genocide is when people kill a certain culture, ethnic group, or religion. Like during the Holocaust, I heard somewhere that Hitler had Jewish parents and he didn't like them so he thought that Jews were bad. I am not sure if this is true or not. Some terrible things that happened were how they raided people's homes and sent them to concentration camps. A lot of them weren't even Jewish. They would gas them, shoot them, separate them from their families, and starve them to death. Some reminders are the few survivors that got released from the concentration camps when the Allies came and let them all out. Also, there is the camps, piles of shoes, hair, and piles of dead bodies. Anne Frank Diary and Devil's Arithmetic reminds us of the Holocaust. The only "movie" that I have seen was this video. We can avoid the mistakes by learning to accept people and to not judge them. Marissa Cox1-28-10
Genocide is when you completly take out an entire race. The most horrific thing in my opinoin were the camps were jews were killed or almost worse was having to work to they died. The Diary of Anne Frank is a pretty big one. I think there is a movie called The Boy In The Striped Pajamas. Not letting one person take over a whole country. Also not judging people.eden richmondd ! ;)) 5th pd..
Genocide is when people kill their own peaople. Hitler a powerful leader in germany he wanted every jewish person to die because he thought they wernt worthy of liveing. The holocaust museams. The diary of anne frank The Boyin the striped pajamas. Dont think that one race of people arent worthy.
Genocide is when pople kill many people of a race for now reason.People were killed for no reason and there lifes were destoyed. People lost there families homes and belongings. There are many survivors and stories to remind us of the horrors.The diary of anee frank was one of the most signifecent literatures. Poepl need to look at everyone equal.
Genocide is killing a race, etnics,group. Germans killed over 5millon people were killed in the massascre. The nazi killed children or anybody that was a jew. The only movie I sawabout the holocoust was the diary of anne frank. We can avoid mistakes by not judging people.
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. There were aton of jews killed, over a million kids were killed. There are still concentration camps today. This was a trajic time in history. I have seen the boy with striped pajamas. We can avoide this era by eliminating prejudice people, and racism in our world.
Genocide is the killing of a race, ethnic, groups, or other type of group.Some reminders are documeneries, books, journals, and movies. Some literature would be The diary of anne frank. Some movies I have seen about this time are Band of Brothers, The Big Red One, and a lot of other with timed movies. Some ways we can avoid era is not to judge poeple or make mistakes about them.
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. There were aton of jews killed, over a million kids were killed. There are still concentration camps today. This was a trajic time in history. I have seen the boy with striped pajamas. We can avoide this era by eliminating prejudice people, and racism in our worldr.skar ♥6th 7 7th period
A genocide is a wipe out of a group of people. Many horrors took place during world war 2. The bombing of pearl harbor took place, but the holocust was the worst of all. Their are many reminders. Consitration camps as well as work camps were the kept and slaughtered millions of jews still stand to this day. The diary of Anne Frank is probley the biggest reminder in literature. I saw some documenterys in class recently and on the history channel. Plus the boy in the stripped pajahmas. TO avoid this from happening again we can not judge people on how they look or what religion they fallow. We can also not give one person to much power.
Genocide is the mass murder of a group of oganims in your species. In world war 2, Pearl harbor happened, which caused the U.S. involved. Meanwhile, in Europe Nazis in germany and Italy and other countries were killing Jews and just people different from them. The Holocaust and nuking Japan are two main memories of world war 2. one example of literature that reminds us of this time is The Diary of Anne Frank. A movie I know that record some events of that time is The Sound of Music. A way we can avoid mistakes of this era is a quote from the movie Semi Pro, "Everybody love evrybody," which is a rule for their basketball team.Zack Linger 5th Period
Genocide is the complete extermination of a race. Millions of people were murdered, starved, worked to death and experimented on. Some reminders of that time are the camps still out there. The Diary of Anne Frank is an important piece of literature from the time. I've seen the Sound of Music, which takes place around that time. We can avoid these mistakes by treating people how we would want to be treated.Elliot Herbergerperiod 5
I dont no what genocide is!! Alot of people were killed and hurt during world war 2. The liteature that reminds me of this time was the diary of ann frank. The movie ive seen that reminds mind me of this time is the patriot. We can knock out prejiduce and racism.
Many horrors took place in this time. With all the things the nazis did to the Jews, for no reason. There are many things that remind me of the Holocust. For example, all the shoes from the poor jews. I have seen the boy in the stripped pijamias ang movies about Anne Frank. I feel that the things they did to the jews is very wrong. Melia Dewitt6 & 7 period.
In this video that I have watched I found it very interesting.It was about things I never knew happened that much .So I have now found out things that I had never knew before like how people had got kill and felt bad about theirself.They were eing raped,starved and many others harmful things if I could help them in any way that I could then I would help.Meekayla Taylor6th annd 7th period
Genocide is when you kill someone of the same species. The Holocaust was one of the incredible horrors that took place during WWI. The Dairy of Anne Frank is a dairy written by a young girl during the Holocaust who spent two years in hiding. This was later published into a book & is now one of the most read books in history. I have also seen the movie that was based on that book. One way to avoid this mistake is to not be prejudiced against other people.
Genocide is the complete killing of a race. Millions of Jews were killed by the Nazis. Over 1 million children were killed. When I think of the Holocaust, I think of Anne Frank. We can avoid mistakes of this era by not letting people get away with being prejudice.Sophie 1st period
A genocide is when an entire race is wiped out. Many horrors took place during this time such as the Holocaust. millions and millions of people died during this time. The Diary of Anne Frank reminds me of this because we read it not too long ago. I haven't seen a movie on the Holocaust other than these blogs. Sydney Izydorefirstt.
Genocide is the extermenation of a rece species or ethnic group.The horrors of WW2 were to many and were commuited by both sides and to both sides in one way or another.There are many books and many movies made on the subject. To avoid the mistakes of the past we must learn from them.
Genocide is when you try to completely wipe out a certain race. WW 2, Hitler murdered millions of Jews, Gypsy, and Handicapped people. The Diary of Anne Frank reminds me of that time. I can't think of any movies I've seen involving the Holocaust. It can be avoided by remembering past mistakes.
Genocide is when people kill an entire race of people. Millions of Jews were killed by Nazis. This includes many elderly people, adults, and innocent children. They kept some of the gas chambers, where most were killed. They have the concentration camps where they were kept, the innocent people were murdered, raped, starved, and were used as lab rats in the expiriments that they did. Many people have written books based on the events that have happened in the Holocaust. Such as, The Diary of Anne Frank. Many survivors of the Holocaust have written books, to describe what they were thinking, feeling, and living in the camps. I've seen many videos. One of my favorites is The Boy in the Striped Pajama's. We can avoid this ever happening again, by choosing carefully who we put for our leader. We need to make sure you know every certain detail.Crystal Rowe,6th and 7th
Genocide is when the entire race gets killed. There are many horrrors that took place such as death, abuse, gas chambers, etc. The diary of anne frank is a reminder of the holocaust. We need to make sure we stand together strong as a nation so something like that will never happen again.Rachel Masters5th period
Genocide is when people kill their own race. The holocaust was when millions and millions of jews were killed. The diary of anne frank. We can avoid this by not judging people for what they look like or what religion they woody1st period (:
A genocide is when u try to whip out an entire race of people. The boming of pearl harbor took place and the biggest thing that took place was the holocust. There are still camps in other countries were they made the jews work and killed them. There is The Diary of Anne Frank and plenty of other life stories from that time. Ive seen the boy in the striped pajahmas and the devils arithmitic. We can avoid this by not judgeing people by their back ground or religion and not let one persons belief influence everyone elses like Hitler did.
Genocide is killing your own race. Over 6million Jews were kill for no appearant reason. If you were a Jew you were gonna be killed. It was a very scary time and they were just trying to survive. i have seen many movies about this. I wonder what this world would be like if this mistake would have never happened. Would it be better ? Or would it be worse ? allie wilson3/4
Genocide is the killing of a race. Many children, and adults were killed at this time. they were used for slavery, experimented on, starved, and beat. The Diary of Anne Frank is a great reminder of the war. We all have to stick up for ourselves, and run our own lives, and not let anyone take them over.renee matura 5th period.
Genocide is the mass murder of people. The nazis committed genocide against jews. It was horrible. One of the reminders of this war in literature is the diary of anne frank. They made a movie out of it too. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by not allowing hate to over our lives.
Genocide is when people kill their own people. Hitler and his men killed all the jews including women and children if you were no use to them. If you were sick you got gassed. The literature that reminds us of that time is the shows on history channel and the book "Diary of Anne Frank". The movies I have seen that record some events from that time period were, Hitler and the Jews, Saving Private Ryan, The Devil's arathmatic,Schindler's List,Band of Brothers, The Big Red One, and The Diary of Anne Frank. We can avoid this era by giving everyone equal rights and not recreating prejudice again.
Genocide is when people kill their own race. Millions of people where killed by nazis and suffered severely. Stories and movies remind me of this time. Books and papers remind me of this time too.
Genocide is when people kill their own people . A lot of killing took place at this time . I have not watched movies that relate to this . We can hopefully avoid this mistake from happening again , by not judging anyone for their differences .- Symone Stewart . ( :1st period .
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Genocide is when people kill their own people. Over 6 million jews were murdered by the Nazi regime. Over 1 million children were killed over this time also. There were work camps and death camps where the jews were starved,raped, experimented on, and killed. Some of the actual dealth camps still exist just as this video shows. The most obvious is The Diary of Anne Frank which was written by a 13 year old the went into hidding in Amsterdam. Mrs. Cervo showed one movie. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by never allowing prejudice taking over our lives.
adrianna constable
1st period.
A genocide is the complete aniilation of a race , group or culture. Alot of killing took place at this time. There was fighting, bombing and none stop masacare. Some reminders of this are the hollocaust musseum. Books about hiding Jew's have been published. The most famouse the diary of ann Frank. Movies i have seen about it is Saving private Ryan. We can avoid the mistakes by not judging a certain kind of people.
A genocide is basically a wipe out of a race or grouping of people in this case. There were a total of around 7,000,000- 8 jewish/other humans killed in this horrible time. The Diary of Anne Frank is the first that comes to mind. The Chronicles of Narnia is an example of some things that happened in World War II but over in London. Another movie would be The Devil's Arithmetic I believe. just stand up for yourself and stay strong to what you believe in.
Mariah Allen
5th Period (the best period :PP)
Genocide is the killing of a race, ethnic, groups, or other type of group. Some of the horros that took place where human experimentation, mass murder, racism, prejudism, and death/labor camps. I have not watched movies that relate to this.We can avoid the mistakes of this era by realizing what we did wrong and not repeating that.
Genocide is the killing of an entire race, ethnic group, or any other type of group. More than 6 million Jews were killed over this period of time, and a terrible war took place. Some reminders of this history are the museums, the pictures, and tours of the camps in those coutries. There are books and many movies that remind us of this time. I have seen the movie Schindler's List. It is very scary, but I think it shows what really happened in the best way possible. It shows everything that happened such as the sorting, killing in gas chambers, workers, the ghetto, shaving of heads, and just about everything else. We should avoid racism, and we should not judge people in any way.
Ali Cumberland (:
1st periodd .
Genocide is when people kill off a whole race, group, or culture. During the time of World War II were that many Jews were killed by the Nazi, and many children were also killed. The Jews were sent to work at death camps, and if they were too young, too old, or sick and couldn't work they were sent to gas chambers to die. Some of the reminders of this time in history are the museums, and the The Diary of Anne Frank. I have seen tv shows and a movie called The Devil's Arithmetic. We can avoid this mistake from happening again by not judging anyone for their differences.
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. There were several horrors that happened in World War II. There were around 56,125,262 people who died; civilian and military. Those deaths included the six million or more Jews that died in the labor camps and gas chambers. There are several memorials and other ways that serve as reminders of the history of the time period. The literature that reminds us of this time is the Diary of Anne Frank. I do not know of any movies that were about World War II. I think the best way to avoid the mistakes of this era is to learn about it. I agree with the man who said “those who do not learn about history are doomed to repeat it”.
Jared Bartrug
5th period
Genocide is the extermination of an intire race. Horrors that took place at this time are bombing, war, hate, and to much death. SSome reminders are documeneries, books, journals, and movies. Some literature would be The diary of anne frank. Some movies I have seen about this time are Band of Brothers, The Big Red One, and a lot of other wwii timed movies. Some of the ways we can avoid the mistakes of this era is to not judge people
Genocide is the destruction of religious group, ethnic groups, national groups, and so forth. There were many, many horrors that took place. More than 6 million Jews were killed, and all the concentration camps. Some of the camps were death camps. The death camps cooked, skinned, and gassed the people. Photos and books are reminders of that time. Another reminder to me would be the amazing story of “The Diary of Anne Frank”. Although Anne had an awful time I'm sure there families that experienced even worse. I have seen a movie about “The Diary of Anne Frank”. We can avoid the mistakes by not judging and believing that some are better than others. And for us to understand we are all equal.
Gabriella Pearse, [[:
Genocide is the killing of many people. Germans took Jews and etc. to concentration camps where they would either be killed, forced to do hard labor with little meals, or tested on by Dr. Mengle. Some reminders of that era are the death camps, concentration camps, and personal belongings of the Jews who went to those camps. Ann Frank's Diary, which I just so happen to be reading right now, tells much about how she hated hiding but, thought she was lucky instead of being like many of her friends who went to those camps. The only movie I saw about this era is the movie about Ann Frank that I saw in Mrs. Cervo's class. We can avoid these mistakes by being less predjudice against others and getting to know people different from us better.
Delaney Pulice 5th Pd.
Genocide is when people kill their own people. The holocaust was the major one millions and millions of jews died.The diary of anne frank. We can avoid this by not judging people for what they look like or who they are.
Caroline Brophy
Genocide is when an entire race/ethic group is killed off. Millions and millions of jews were murdered. People were tested on and all this other terrible stuff. Museums, camps, and cemetaries are still left over. Diaries and books based on diaries are great literature to tell about this time. I don't think i've seen any movies. We can stay away from stereotypes, racism, and prejuduce.
m a t t i s o n(: k o c h
genocide is when people kill people because of their race or religion. Over 6 million people where killed during this time.Most of the jews where in hiding and once they were caught they where sent to concentration camps where the nazi did horrible things to them like skinned them,starved them,gassed them and even shot them.i have seen many movies about this.We can avoid the mistakes by not judging a certain kind of people.
stevie thibodeaux
3rd/4th period
Genocide is murdering an entire group. One horror is genocides took place in this war and so did individual killings. More than 180000 murders took place. I don't think I've seen movies that relate to this time period. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by having confidence, enough to not let this hapen to our time period.
Lauren Hesse
5th period
Genocide is when people kill people or a grouping of people. The horrors of this time were human experiments, mass murder, and death as well as labor camps. The reminders of this time are the holocaust museums, books, pictures, and many different things. I myself have not seen any movies that have to do with this time period. We can avoid this by standing up for ourselves and standing by what we believe in.
Maddison Bowen 5th period
Genocide is killing a certain kind of people depending on culture, race, etc. In WW2 millions of jews were hunted down and killed by the nazi regime. There are still some jews that were not found and are still alive today that can recall this event. The most renown literature is the dairy of anne frank. I havent seen any movies from that time. The only way to avoid something like this again is to accept other peoples differences and don't discriminate against anyone.
Neil Scherich 3-4
I do not know what genocide is there was alot of nasty things during WW2 but the mos messed up thing was when the nazi army killed jews when we won the war flags of our fathers is a good movie
I think that genocide is the total and complete destruction of a culture, race or religion. There were many terrible events that happened during World War 2. The concentration camps are definitely one of them. Another one is the way that poeple were terified out of their minds and how many went into hiding. People lost their homes, family, and most importantly, any hope that they had. Many books remind us of this terrible time. "The Devil's Arithmetic" is one. "The Diary of a Young Girl" and "The Summer of my German Soldier" are other ones. "Greater than Angels" is a wonderful book that makes me cry each time that I read it. The Freedom Writers, although not directly related, remind me not only with the visit that they take to the museum, but they remind me of the Holocaust in a more modern way. I think that to avoid the mistakes of that time period of sorrow, we need to learn to be more open to poeple, their cultures and the things that make them unique.
Genocide is the destruction of an entire race or group of people. Some reminders of that time are the literature and movies from that time period. Some of the literature that remind me of this time is The Green Glass Sea, The Diary of Anne Frank and The Devil's Arithmatic. I've seen The Boy in the Striped Pajamas from this time period. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by being stronger as United Nations and looking out for other countries around the world.
Genocide is when people kill their own culture. Millions of jews where killed while in the death camps and concentration camps. The jews where either cooked, gased, or worked until they starved to death. Some of the camps still remain standing today. The Diary of Anne Frank is a literature book that reminds me of this time. I havn't seen any movies that record some of the events of this time.
I believe genocide is a huge killing of numerous peoples or species. The worst horrors I can think of was all of the people dying at the hands of Adolf Hitler. It was a very scary time and they were just trying to survive. I watched the movie,The Diary of Anne Frank. It showed how it must of been during the Holocaust. We can avoid it by not recreating their footsteps. Museums and history books will keep reminding us what happened.
Erika Edwards
5th period
Genocide is when people kill their entire ethnic group. Alot of people died during this time but, mostly Jews. The Holocaust reminds meof that time and all of the deaths. Their is books and magazines about this time that inform everyone about the past. We can avoid this by not judging people.
Kimmy Woods
3/4 period.
Genocide is an elimination of a smililar group of people. The holocaust was one of the obvious horrors of World War II, and there was a lot of fighting and violence. The Diary of Anne Frank is an example of literature about this time. I have not seen any movies about the events that happened during that time period.
We can avoid the mistakes by trying to get along and not comit mass genocide because we feel like it.
the genocide is the elimanation of the race or gruop of simimlar people. There where alot of horrors that toke place including..killings and bombings, and exucution.The holocaust.The diary of ann frank.
Genocide is when people kill there own culture. There was tons of people killing other poeple for no reason at all. The first thing that I think about in the history of that time is the diary of Ann Frank. I havnt really seen any movies that has to do with the events in this period of time. We can avoid this mistake by not judging poeple for what they look like or what they believe in.
Brent Pacoe
6th and 7th period
When people kill a group of people that are simular. The holocaust happened at war world two. Of the time when millions of people died
the genocide is a very dragic and horrible event that hapeened to the jews in 1948 millions of people were killed including children and crippled people.
I thought that this video was very sad becase how many people were the size that they were. You would think that they would try to feed them but the outcome of it is that they get raped milested and many other things it sad but we can't help them so we try to think of ways that they can. It's very upseting so we can't help in any kind of way.
Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period
Genocide-The mass murder of a group of people sharing the same race, culture, or beliefs, e.g. Jews or African Americans. There were MANY horrors dunring WWII. First off, there was the war itself. Second, there was the reason for the war, the Nazi Uprising. Adolf Hitler slaughtered Jews, children, and cripples. He killed children, women, and the elderly right away, and kept the health males to work until death. On the terms of literature, i automatically think of 'the Diary of Anne Frank', but I'm sure there are many others. My friend Lucas' father is a WWII junkie, and I've read some of his books. Movies...I saw the movie version of The Diary of Anne Frank'; nothing else. I think that there's no way to end it, only postpone it. No matter how much we fight for peace, the longest it will last is fifty years. We're in the middle of a war NOW. There will always be that one person who's power-hungry, or has a grudge produced by the general idiocy of the human race. If you observe cats, or birds, you'll notice they don't really fight like we do. It makes you wonder...who are REALLY the most intelligent animals on earth...?
Genocide is the extermination of a race or specific group of people. There are many horrors that took place during WWII, like the killing of everyone that was not of the arial race. Millions of jews were killed in death camps. Saving Private Ryan is one of the movies I have seen about this time period. We should do our best to never let any descrimination happen.
donovan wilson
5th period
A genocide is killing of a certain race or ethnic group. Millions of jews and other people were killed. They were killed by being shot, gas chambers, being worked to death, and diseases. Some things that remind us today are the death camps that still exist, the Holocaust Museum, and different pictures of the Holocaust. The only literature I can think of is 'Diary of Anne Frank'. I don't think I have seen any movies about recent events. We can avoid mistakes but just treating everybody the same, no matter what race or religion.
Megan Branch
5th period(:
Genocide is when many people are killed at onec. One of the horrors in world war II was when 6n million jews were killed by the Nazi.Some of the jews were send off to work camps and death camps. The Chronicles of Narnia was based at this time.By being aware of the times and what is taking place.
According to, genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. In the words of Rachel Martin, it is killing a group of people due to differences in an attribute. I think genocide is horrible. Worse of all, everyone has to worry about it. Everyone is different. For example, if someone was genocidal against Irish people, I would be running. But if they were genocidal against Catholic people, I’d be just fine. I think Hitler was a horrible person for being genocidal. If I were alive during the Holocaust, I probably wouldn’t make it because I am neither blonde nor do I have blue eyes. Genocide is very wrong and should never be tolerated.
Some of the horrors of World War II were the Holocaust, D-day, and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The Holocaust was the Holocaust was the systematic persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi administration. It was a very dramatic event in world history. D-day was the invasion of France by American and allied troops, as ordered by General Dwight Eisenhower. It was a horror for the French. The bombing of Pearl Harbor occurred when the Japanese troops dropped bombs at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It was what is believed to be why us Americans took place in the war.
There are many museums and monuments dedicated to the history of that time. Several of the death camps where the Nazis killed the Jews are still standing as well.
Some of the books written about this time are The Diary of Anne Frank and The Devil’s Arithmetic. I know those two books are pretty on the surface, but I don’t the time to do broad research on that topic.
I haven’t seen any movies about the time but I have heard of a few. Some examples are The Great Escape, Band of Brothers, Casablanca, The Diary of Anne Frank, and Saving Private Ryan. I’ve never watched ay of these movies because historical movies tend to bore me.
To avoid the mistakes of this era, we can learn not to judge people. We especially shouldn’t judge people by their appearance. I think we have learned to better understand differences. For instance, white people and colored people never were associated with each other at one time. That completely changed. Look at our school! We have a little bit of everything. America truly is the great melting pot.
In my research for this blog, I came across a very wise quote. "We must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. War's are not won by evacuations." Winston Churchill said that. It is very true. You have to fight for victory.
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog!
Rachel Martin
5th Period
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultral group. During World War II there was alot of violence consisting of killing millions of people. Museums are one reminder of this time, and Anne Frank's Diary is literature that reminds us also. I have actually watched the movie about Anne Frank. I think we can avoid mistakes of this era by learning from others mistakes. We shouldn't have to try things out to see what happens because the results are all around us.
Amina Byers
A genocide is when a bunch of people of a certain race are killed at once. That is when the Holcuast took place that is all I know. The Holocaust museum is a reminder and anne franks diary also are some reminders of this period in time. I have not seen a movie having to do with WW2. We can aviod these mistakes by looking over what color or heritage someone has.
Johnny Kesling
1st period
Genocide is when one race is killed all at once.There was a lot of fighting and craziness during this time.They were sent to camps called death camps where they were treated terribly.
Genecide is when people kill there own folks.Millions of innocent jews were murdered by the nazi.Lot sof kids lives were taking as well as adult.They were sent to a terrifying camp called Death Camp where they were harshly treated.People were raped,experimented on,killed.Some death camps are still around.The Diary of Anne Frank reminds me of the holocaust.I cant sight any movies.Dont allow prejudice people take over.
Genocide is when a race or nation is destroyed. Over 70,000,000 people were killed during World War II. some reminders of that time were racism, killing, and death camps. The Diary of Anne Frank Reminds me of that time. I haven't seen any movies that remind me of World war II. We can learn to get along with other countries and stop fighting. We can also learn how to respect people that are of a different race or the same race.
Genocide is when people kill people kill there own people of their own ethnic group. The holocaust was pretty much the biggest horror during World War 2. It was an event when the German and other countries decided to kill all the Jews. The Nazis killed over 6 million Jews. The Nazis took the Jews to concentration camps or death camps to be tortured or killed. Most of the camps are still standing such as Auschwitz. I have seen the movie Pearl Harbor that was based on World War 2. It was a very sad time in history.
Genocide is when you kill ur whole ethnic group.there were over 7 million jew children and adults killed by the nazi in concentration camps.some reminders are there is still many of the concentration camps still open and the book diary of ann frank.duhh!(: the boy in the striped pajamas is the movie i order to stay away from mistkaes in this era is by notbeing racist or prejudice.;
Genocide is when people kill thier own kind. Many bombs and different horrors took place in WW2. Holcaust is a reminder of this. I dont know any movies that remind me of this. We all need to work as one under god and not be prejudice.
Sterling Fitzwater
Genocide is when people kill thier own kind. Many bombs and different horrors took place in WW2. Holcaust is a reminder of this. I dont know any movies that remind me of this. We all need to work as one under god and not be prejudice.
Sterling Fitzwater
Genocide is where people kill their own race orr just their own people. There were about 6 million jews killed during that time. There are some camps where they put the jews in or world today. The diary of anne franks comes to mind first though. Sometimes we make mistakes, but we can cahnge the future so it doesnt happen again.
tori harper
1st period.
Genocide is a systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic. 1.5 million children were murdered, 2 out of every three european jews were killed. they were put in gas chambers,tested on, killed, cripled, body's stacked up dead, babys lives taken away, slavery,and a lot more. There are many books & plays, occuring to holocaust survivors. i watched a movie in my old school, about the war, but i don't know what the name of it is. I think if you believe, and be good at heart. (anne frank)
renee matura (:
5th periodd.
Genocide is the killing of a race or ethnic group. Over seven million Jews were murder. Some other horros that took place where human experimentation, mass murder, racism, and death/labor camps. There are many mussuem about the hollocaust. Also there are Books about Jews that went into hiding. I have only seen a few hollocaust movies. The movie that I remember the most is Diary of Ann frank. We can avoid this mistake by not judging people by the color of there skin.
Genocide is when people kill a certain culture, ethnic group, or religion. Like during the Holocaust, I heard somewhere that Hitler had Jewish parents and he didn't like them so he thought that Jews were bad. I am not sure if this is true or not. Some terrible things that happened were how they raided people's homes and sent them to concentration camps. A lot of them weren't even Jewish. They would gas them, shoot them, separate them from their families, and starve them to death. Some reminders are the few survivors that got released from the concentration camps when the Allies came and let them all out. Also, there is the camps, piles of shoes, hair, and piles of dead bodies. Anne Frank Diary and Devil's Arithmetic reminds us of the Holocaust. The only "movie" that I have seen was this video. We can avoid the mistakes by learning to accept people and to not judge them.
Marissa Cox
Genocide is when you completly take out an entire race. The most horrific thing in my opinoin were the camps were jews were killed or almost worse was having to work to they died. The Diary of Anne Frank is a pretty big one. I think there is a movie called The Boy In The Striped Pajamas. Not letting one person take over a whole country. Also not judging people.
eden richmondd ! ;)) 5th pd..
Genocide is when people kill their own peaople. Hitler a powerful leader in germany he wanted every jewish person to die because he thought they wernt worthy of liveing. The holocaust museams. The diary of anne frank The Boyin the striped pajamas. Dont think that one race of people arent worthy.
Genocide is when pople kill many people of a race for now reason.People were killed for no reason and there lifes were destoyed. People lost there families homes and belongings. There are many survivors and stories to remind us of the horrors.The diary of anee frank was one of the most signifecent literatures. Poepl need to look at everyone equal.
Genocide is killing a race, etnics,group. Germans killed over 5millon people were killed in the massascre. The nazi killed children or anybody that was a jew. The only movie I sawabout the holocoust was the diary of anne frank. We can avoid mistakes by not judging people.
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. There were aton of jews killed, over a million kids were killed. There are still concentration camps today. This was a trajic time in history. I have seen the boy with striped pajamas. We can avoide this era by eliminating prejudice people, and racism in our world.
Genocide is the killing of a race, ethnic, groups, or other type of group.Some reminders are documeneries, books, journals, and movies. Some literature would be The diary of anne frank. Some movies I have seen about this time are Band of Brothers, The Big Red One, and a lot of other with timed movies. Some ways we can avoid era is not to judge poeple or make mistakes about them.
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. There were aton of jews killed, over a million kids were killed. There are still concentration camps today. This was a trajic time in history. I have seen the boy with striped pajamas. We can avoide this era by eliminating prejudice people, and racism in our world
r.skar ♥
6th 7 7th period
A genocide is a wipe out of a group of people. Many horrors took place during world war 2. The bombing of pearl harbor took place, but the holocust was the worst of all. Their are many reminders. Consitration camps as well as work camps were the kept and slaughtered millions of jews still stand to this day. The diary of Anne Frank is probley the biggest reminder in literature. I saw some documenterys in class recently and on the history channel. Plus the boy in the stripped pajahmas. TO avoid this from happening again we can not judge people on how they look or what religion they fallow. We can also not give one person to much power.
Genocide is the mass murder of a group of oganims in your species. In world war 2, Pearl harbor happened, which caused the U.S. involved. Meanwhile, in Europe Nazis in germany and Italy and other countries were killing Jews and just people different from them. The Holocaust and nuking Japan are two main memories of world war 2. one example of literature that reminds us of this time is The Diary of Anne Frank. A movie I know that record some events of that time is The Sound of Music. A way we can avoid mistakes of this era is a quote from the movie Semi Pro, "Everybody love evrybody," which is a rule for their basketball team.
Zack Linger
5th Period
Genocide is the complete extermination of a race. Millions of people were murdered, starved, worked to death and experimented on. Some reminders of that time are the camps still out there. The Diary of Anne Frank is an important piece of literature from the time. I've seen the Sound of Music, which takes place around that time. We can avoid these mistakes by treating people how we would want to be treated.
Elliot Herberger
period 5
I dont no what genocide is!! Alot of people were killed and hurt during world war 2. The liteature that reminds me of this time was the diary of ann frank. The movie ive seen that reminds mind me of this time is the patriot. We can knock out prejiduce and racism.
Many horrors took place in this time. With all the things the nazis did to the Jews, for no reason. There are many things that remind me of the Holocust. For example, all the shoes from the poor jews. I have seen the boy in the stripped pijamias ang movies about Anne Frank. I feel that the things they did to the jews is very wrong.
Melia Dewitt
6 & 7 period.
In this video that I have watched I found it very interesting.It was about things I never knew happened that much .So I have now found out things that I had never knew before like how people had got kill and felt bad about theirself.They were eing raped,starved and many others harmful things if I could help them in any way that I could then I would help.
Meekayla Taylor
6th annd 7th period
Genocide is when you kill someone of the same species. The Holocaust was one of the incredible horrors that took place during WWI. The Dairy of Anne Frank is a dairy written by a young girl during the Holocaust who spent two years in hiding. This was later published into a book & is now one of the most read books in history. I have also seen the movie that was based on that book. One way to avoid this mistake is to not be prejudiced against other people.
Genocide is the complete killing of a race. Millions of Jews were killed by the Nazis. Over 1 million children were killed. When I think of the Holocaust, I think of Anne Frank. We can avoid mistakes of this era by not letting people get away with being prejudice.
1st period
A genocide is when an entire race is wiped out. Many horrors took place during this time such as the Holocaust. millions and millions of people died during this time. The Diary of Anne Frank reminds me of this because we read it not too long ago. I haven't seen a movie on the Holocaust other than these blogs.
Sydney Izydore
Genocide is the extermenation of a rece species or ethnic group.The horrors of WW2 were to many and were commuited by both sides and to both sides in one way or another.There are many books and many movies made on the subject. To avoid the mistakes of the past we must learn from them.
Genocide is when you try to completely wipe out a certain race. WW 2, Hitler murdered millions of Jews, Gypsy, and Handicapped people. The Diary of Anne Frank reminds me of that time. I can't think of any movies I've seen involving the Holocaust. It can be avoided by remembering past mistakes.
Genocide is when people kill an entire race of people. Millions of Jews were killed by Nazis. This includes many elderly people, adults, and innocent children. They kept some of the gas chambers, where most were killed. They have the concentration camps where they were kept, the innocent people were murdered, raped, starved, and were used as lab rats in the expiriments that they did. Many people have written books based on the events that have happened in the Holocaust. Such as, The Diary of Anne Frank. Many survivors of the Holocaust have written books, to describe what they were thinking, feeling, and living in the camps. I've seen many videos. One of my favorites is The Boy in the Striped Pajama's. We can avoid this ever happening again, by choosing carefully who we put for our leader. We need to make sure you know every certain detail.
Crystal Rowe,
6th and 7th
Genocide is when the entire race gets killed. There are many horrrors that took place such as death, abuse, gas chambers, etc. The diary of anne frank is a reminder of the holocaust. We need to make sure we stand together strong as a nation so something like that will never happen again.
Rachel Masters
5th period
Genocide is when people kill their own race. The holocaust was when millions and millions of jews were killed. The diary of anne frank. We can avoid this by not judging people for what they look like or what religion they are.
sydney woody
1st period (:
A genocide is when u try to whip out an entire race of people. The boming of pearl harbor took place and the biggest thing that took place was the holocust. There are still camps in other countries were they made the jews work and killed them. There is The Diary of Anne Frank and plenty of other life stories from that time. Ive seen the boy in the striped pajahmas and the devils arithmitic. We can avoid this by not judgeing people by their back ground or religion and not let one persons belief influence everyone elses like Hitler did.
Genocide is killing your own race. Over 6million Jews were kill for no appearant reason. If you were a Jew you were gonna be killed. It was a very scary time and they were just trying to survive. i have seen many movies about this. I wonder what this world would be like if this mistake would have never happened. Would it be better ? Or would it be worse ?
allie wilson
Genocide is the killing of a race. Many children, and adults were killed at this time. they were used for slavery, experimented on, starved, and beat. The Diary of Anne Frank is a great reminder of the war. We all have to stick up for ourselves, and run our own lives, and not let anyone take them over.
renee matura
5th period.
Genocide is the mass murder of people. The nazis committed genocide against jews. It was horrible. One of the reminders of this war in literature is the diary of anne frank. They made a movie out of it too. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by not allowing hate to over our lives.
Genocide is the mass murder of people. The nazis committed genocide against jews. It was horrible. One of the reminders of this war in literature is the diary of anne frank. They made a movie out of it too. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by not allowing hate to over our lives.
Genocide is when people kill their own people. Hitler and his men killed all the jews including women and children if you were no use to them. If you were sick you got gassed. The literature that reminds us of that time is the shows on history channel and the book "Diary of Anne Frank". The movies I have seen that record some events from that time period were, Hitler and the Jews, Saving Private Ryan, The Devil's arathmatic,Schindler's List,Band of Brothers, The Big Red One, and The Diary of Anne Frank. We can avoid this era by giving everyone equal rights and not recreating prejudice again.
Genocide is when people kill their own race. Millions of people where killed by nazis and suffered severely. Stories and movies remind me of this time. Books and papers remind me of this time too.
Genocide is when people kill their own people . A lot of killing took place at this time . I have not watched movies that relate to this . We can hopefully avoid this mistake from happening again , by not judging anyone for their differences .
- Symone Stewart . ( :
1st period .
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