Once I saw this one I absolutely had to do it! :) A stereotype is a general idea about a person. The stereotype for a talented person would be, pretty, young, fit and perfect. Her appearance definately did not show us any of that. First off we expected for her to fail, miserably LOL. Other stereotypes would be, white girls can't dance, cheerleaders are snobby, ect. I think it has to be me :PP even though my whole family does have a unique talent but I have more under my belt. In my class I think everyone in 5th period is full of talent! Except for Donovan poorly reading while Jared was gone ;)
A stereotype is believing something about someone because of thier looks. For example Susan boyle she looked like she would be the worst singer in the world and she turned out great. She just looks wierd. We excpected bad singing from her. They are many steryo types on people without nice clothes and silly things like that. I believe my mom is the most talented in my family because she works hard everyday. She is always concered forn the well bieng of her bussines. Also she has to keep up with my sister. but im not trouble. And she still does a great job at bieng a mom.(: I think everyone is talented in my class. Carolione is the most talented at bieng crazy in our school.sterlinnnn
A stereotype is what you think about someone when you first meet them. The stereotype for a music artist is being young, and stuck up and pretty. I thought Susan was a stay at home mom with a bunch of cats. I was getting ready to laugh my first time I saw her. Other stereotypes are like football players are mean and nasty, and people who hunt and fish are hicks. Either me or my dad are the most athleticly talented and my mom and sister are artisticly talented. But it depends on what your talking about because everyone has a special talent. ;)Johnny Kesling :)
A stereotype is a generalization about people. Thinking that jst because maybe one person has a certain characteristic evryone else like them has that charcteristic. The stereotyper for a singer is a young pretty and prety. Susan Boyle is almost the opposite. PShh! I'm the most talented person in my family!! I play piano, flute and I'm the only one who can play drums in rock band! In my class it depends on what kind of talent we're talking about. Amina is defintley the most talented when it comes to writing!
A stereotype is when you judge someone or think you know how they are before you hav even talked to them. I think everyone was very surprised when Ms. Boyle walked up because maybe she wasnt as "pretty" as they wanted. I think everyone expected her to fail, make a fool out of herself, and to get a good laugh from her. ummm, some are "dumb blonde," "teenagers are rude," so much more! Both me and my mom are talented in different ways!!(: At school everyone is pretty unique and talented in our own ways!!edennn laurel<33;]
A stereotype is having a idea about them before you actaully meet them, for example blondes are supposively stupid. We excpected bad singing from her. There are alot of stereotypes out there such as cheerleaders are mean and nasty, girls cant dance, and hunters and fishers are hicks. The most talented person in my family is my dad, because he works for what he does, he is good at everythingg, and is always up behind his words, he is just the best (:. In my school is sterling for being the funniest kid i know. <3 love yu sterrrrr. skar
Stereotype means to have an idea of what a particular type of person is like with knowing them. It is wrong and unfair. I think it means that people may judge you by appearances, age,and personality. Ms.Boyle didn't fit the stereotype because she surprised them by singing really well. From her appearance the show thought that she was old and that she can't sing well but since she is on the show she must of went to challenges so she can get to that round she must of sang well to be in the show. Other stereotypes can be the color of skin,the way people sing, and age. My mom is the most talented person in the family. She is organized and on top of everything. She is the best person to be with when your shopping because she always knows where to gets the best deals. In spanish class, Carolina is most talented. She makes anyone laugh and she could be a comedian like Sterling and other people who try to be talented.Erika Edwards5th period
A sterotype is what you think about someone you just met. Ms Boyle doesn't fit the sterotype of a talented person. I didn't really know what to expect from her because anything could happen, but when I heard her voice I thought she'd be a great singer. There are a bunch of different stereotypes but probably some would be that blonde people are dumb (that one doesn't make sense), Talented people look great, and teenagers are bad (I'm certainly not). I almost never sterotype people because anything can happen.
A stereo type is what you think of someone from the first glance. Some sterotypes are blondes are stupid or cheerleaders are snobby. The most talented person in my family is my cousin, in my class I'm not sure, and in the school I would say the music teachers. Lauren Hesse 5th
A stereotype is when you assume someone will be or act a certain way based on their appearance. their wealth, or things they enjoy. For example, that cheerleaders are dumb or that people who have a lot of money are snobby. Ms Boyle does not fit the stereotype of a good singer because she isn't young or good looking. Because of this, we expect her to be a terrible singer. The most talented person in my family is my little brother Joren. Despite his disability, he is brilliant and an amazing artist. The most talented person in my class is either Maddie because she's an amazing cheerleader or Sharon because she has an incredible voice. I either Maddie or Sharon is the most talented person in school as well.Michaela Cloutier1st period(:
I think a sterotype is thinking something about someone because the way they look. I think you can't really put a sterotype on singers because they don't really have to be the cutiest or whatever. When susan came in they had a sterotype on her that she was going to be extremly bad but she was actuall amazing. Some sterotypes i know of are blonds are stupid and also white girls can't dance like adrianna said HAHAHAHA
Hey now Jarin! A stereotype is what you first think about someone. We expected that she would not do good. Other stereotypes would be that cheerleaders are stuck up and white people cant dance. Also that all blondes are stupid. The most talented person in my family would be my sister. In my class it would be Sharon. The most talented person in this school? Hmm.. Im not sure about that one !adrianna
A stereotype is pretty much judging or making ideas about someone. The stereotype for Susan Boyle was, we all were laughing when she first came out mainly because of her looks. Everyone's first thought was ooo my this lady is gonna be awful! but suprisingly she was AMAZING!! stereotypes: blondes, are so stupid and airhead major!, cheerleaders are stuck up.Most talent in my family!? obviously im gonna say me! (: lol im just that good. most talented in my class... it depends! we all are in our own way (:Emily Las Vegas6th&7th
A steroetypre is what you think of the person from the outside. before you know them. Sense she is older and not as pretty as other singers they assume she can't sing or won't be famous. We all think she is a great singer and it shouldn't matter how she looks. I don't know who is the most talented person in my family or school is cause their are a lot of talented people everywhere.Kimmy Woods3/4 period.
A stereotype is a generalization about people. Thinking that just because maybe one person has a certain characteristic evryone else likes them. Ithink this is the same think like judging them,i think you should never judge anyone till you meet them.
A stereotype is something you think about a person. Everbody thought that Susan Boyle would have been a terrible singer but she impresses everybody. Another stereotype is how everybody thinks blondes are stupid. I think the most talented person in my family is me because im talented. The most talented in my class is Andrew.
A stereotype is a general idea about a person.Susan Boyle she looked like she would be the worst singer in the world and she turned out great.The most talented person in my family would have to be my mom. She is a good singer.Stevie thibodeaux
A stereotype is a person or a group without originality. Her appearance doesn't fit her voice. People have a tendency to judge people for many different reasons. I'm the most talented person in my family because i play the fulte,I'm on the swim team,and im a good gymnast. In my language Amina is the most talented in writing.Kaitlyn Westfall5th period
Susan Boyles performance was blown out of prportion. So what she was deifferent looking she can sing. Alot of wierd people can do great things. And vise versa. I know people who you would think run five miles every day but they dont do anything. I play three sports and youd think i did nothig. Stereotype is pointless. My sister can really sing.
I do not at all care about Susan Boyle. So she can sing so what? Everything she did was blown out of preportation and made into some big deal that I dont care about. Yes I know a lot of sterotypes but i will not srare them for the fear of being racist. I belive that everybody in this school is talented in at least some way.
HAHA.I have ms. boyle on my ipod singing amayzing grace. A stereotype is when you make a decision about somebody for other facts. You make a decision about what they are like without even knowing them. She deosn't fit the stereotype because she has a beautiful vocie and when they first saw her they thought she was a joke. Because she cam from a small town and wasn't very wealthy. We expected to hear a 46 year old woman trying to sing like the super stars today. And she didn't sing like to superstars today she did better then them.A stereotype is that blondes are stupid. Also just because you have big muscles dosn't mean you are a juoice head(; . The most talented person in my family is my sister molly. She has a disability and she does so many thing independently. A talented person at your school is Sharon because she sings really good. Also all the teavhes are talented putting up with us kids.
I think troys post he is just jelous because he can't sing like that (: lol
A stereotype is when people judge a person or other people when they see them or even before they see them. People thought that just because she wasn't pretty that she couldn't sing. And she can sing REALLY good. Some stereotypes I can think of are blondes being dumb or cheerleaders being mean and those aren't true. The most talented person in my family would be my brother Ben. He is good at sports but, I'm stronger than him and you can ask him that. In my class, I would have to say Sharon Faye. She is one of the best singers I know. She is good. There are probably thousands of talented kids at this school and I have no idea were to start.
A stereotype is what you think of someone by their looks. Susan Boyle's stereotype was she didn't look like somebody who could really sing, but she ended up getting the biggest "yes" ever given on the show. I expected her to sing good, but I never expected anything like that. Another stereotype I can think of is a hillbilly. The mosted talented person in my family is probably my brother, because he can sing and draw really well. I think everyone in sixth and seventh period, and the school, has their own special talent. Ryan RosierPd. 6 & 7
A stereotype is when someone thinks something of someone that you don't even know. For example, the way someone looks or something you have heard about the person. The reason she does not fit the stereotype is because she was not that pretty, but she got up on the stage and sang very good. We all expected her to get up there and just from her appearance we thought that she was going to do very bad. There is a stereotype that Asian people are smart and also that people that live in the south are stupid. The most talented person in my family is my dad. The most talented in my 6th and 7th period is everyone. ha. I think everyone in our school have their special talents. Brent Pacoe6th and 7th period (:
A stereotype is a generalization usually exaggerated or oversimplified and often offensive, that is used to describe or distinguish a group. Ms Boyle did not fit the stereotype of being a bad singer because off her appearance. Her singing was amazing and went against the stereotype. A stereotype that I live with is that West Virginians are hillbillies. There are several others stereotypes like jocks are dumb and blondes are ditzy. I would say my mother is the most talented person in my family. She does a lot of things for everything and always does an amazing job at it. There are several talented people in my class. There is even more in my grade. It would be impossible for me to choose one.Jared Bartrug5th period
A sterotype is a reputation if a group of people. Ms. Boyle does not fit the sterotype because most singers that we know are skinny, young, and beautiful. She, however, is chunky, old, and unattractive. Due to her apperance, we expected her performance to be a complete epic fail. Nevertheless, she possesed an absolutely stunning talent. Some stereotypes are dumb blondes, mean cheerleaders, drunk Irish, lazy obese people, and the list goes on. I would have to say that my cousins Autumn, Rob, and I are the most talented people in my family. Autumn is an amazing singer, and I am muy jealous of her talent. Rob is an excellent pianist, and his talent is much better than mine. I am a pianist to, and not to brag, I am pretty good for a 13-year-old. Everyone in my class has a special talent so the award goes to everyone! Ditto with my school.Rachel Martin5th PeriodP.S. My special talent is singing like a drunk girl! XD
Stereotype is when you judge someone on how they look or the way they act. All people think that she will not be able to sing at all, just by the way she looks. Another thing is the way she is acting. I expected her not to be a good singer, untill i got blown away by her voice. (: some other stereotypes are blonds. They are seen out as stupid but, not all of them are. The most talented person in my family is probally myy little brother. He is really good at sports. In my class and school, i think we all have our own special talents.
A stereotype is when you make a decision about somebody for other facts.Boyle does not fit the stereotype of a good singer because she isn't young or good looking. We expected her to sound like a tipical old lady. Another stereotype is that cheerleaders are dumb or that people who have a lot of money are jerks. The most talented person I know in my school would probaly be Sharon. She sings great.!!!!!!!! :-)
A stereotype is when you think something about someone before you actually get to know them. We expected that she wouldn't be that good of a singer. Some stereotypes are that blondes are stupid, cheerleaders and stuck up, and West Virginians walk around bare foot with no teeth. The most talented people in my family would have to be my older cousins Eric and Jennifer. They were amazing basketball players. The most talented person in my class would depend on what kind of talents, we have many talented kids in our class, but for singing it would have to be Sharon. At our school we also have mony talented kids in all different aspects. maddie stevenski1st period
A stereotype is when people make fun of a certain kind, race, etc of people. She doesn't fit because she is not pretty, no offence, but she can still sing. To not be able to sing. I can think of alot of stereotypes like blondes are dumb and stuff like that. I think everyone is talented in some way.Neil Scherich 3-4
A stereotype is believing something about someone because of thier looks.Hitler didnt like jewish people.People didnt like african americans because they were a different color.People dont like people because of there religion or race. Im not sure who is the most talented because alot of people are talented in there own way.
A stereotype is someone who judges a person beacause of the way they look, ethnicity, and many other ways. I think there are too many stereotypes in the world and I think thats a reason why surtain groups of people do not get along. I think everyone in my family is talented. I think that everyone at our school is talented in their own way.
A stereotype is when you take a group of people and say that something is the same about all of them. Like taking blondes and saying that they are all stupid.>:(The stereotype for them is that they are young aged, beautiful, physically fit, a basically perfect person. She didn't really look like any of that. I expect for her to not do well and to not fit in and to be not as good as any of the other people. Other stereotypes that I can think of would be that blondes are stupid, brunette people are good at fighting, people who are cheer leaders are spoiled and bratty (of course a lot of them are... Only about 1-2 of the cheerleaders herre are though. Sorry but they kind of are. And almost all of the cheerleaders here hate me and are at least a little bit mean to me.) People who are in the band are all losers and geeks and are not popular at all. The most talented person in my family would be everyone. My mommy is good at art and painting because she is creative and has a steady hand.My grandpa is good at making floral arrangements and being stubborn and cranky..My grandma is good at annoying people and doing household chores.I am good a writing stories, poetry, and haikus. Also drawing basic body poses for anime characters. But they don't have faces, just hair, kind of like a mannequin. In the class is probably Elliot. (and you and Ms. Sisk. of course....)In the school is probab;y the teachers.
A stereotype is a generalization of a person or a group of people. Most talented people do not look like susan boyle, she is not the skiniest person. We do not expect her to have very much talent.the most talented person in my family is my brother, he is very good at playing guitar. At this school i would say Elliot Herberger.maddison bowen5th per.
A stereotype is believing something about someone because of thier looks. The stereotype for a music artist is being young, and stuck up and pretty. I thought Susan was a stay at home mom with a bunch of cats. I was getting ready to laugh my first time I saw her. Other stereotypes are like football players are mean and nasty, and people who hunt and fish are hicks. Either me or my dad are the most athleticly talented and my mom and sister are artisticly talented.
A stereotype is when someone is judging someone else. People didn't think that she would be able to sing that well so when they heard what came out of her mouth they were amazed by what she sounded like. When other people think bad about someone and don't expect them to say what they do. I would have to say majority of my family are good at what they do. it's hard to choose because a lot of my classmates are talented.Meekayla Taylor6th and 7th period
A stereotype is judging someone. They don't believe she would be a good singer by the way she looks. You expect her to be a bad singer, although she is a wonderful singer. Other stereotypers are: ugly, smart, dumb. The most talented person in my family is my Dad, I look up to him daily. The most talented person in our class is Melia DeWitt. I do not know who the most talented person in our school is, we are all talented!love, gabi pearse,(:6/7th
A stereotype is judging someone based on what they look like what, what they do, or what they like. Susan Boyle does not fit this stereotype because she looks like an old frumpy lady, yet she can sing amazingly. We expected her to not be able to sing very well based on how she looks. Some other stereotype are that if you like metal that you're 'emo', that if you make good grades you're a nerd, and that if a boy and a girl are friends they must be dating. I think I'm the most talented in my family, although my sister plays sport I am able to play sports and play bass. The most talented person in my class would have to be Lucas Zepeda because he is funny and very good a drawing. I can't think of who would be the most talented person at this school.
A stereotype is an idea that you have made about someone before you know them based on certain characteristics that they share with a certain group of people. she is an amazing singer; it is very moving when she sings. I expected someone who wasn't very talented with an attitude. BLONDES!!! i think that also there are stereotypes with what race you are. There are also stereotyped like " people who are smart and like to read are geeks" "cheerleaders are snobby and pretty" and "white boys can't dance". I think that the most talented person is my mom. She can play piano, cook, read, a hard worker, plus all of the stuff she does to raise me and my siblings.... and she's still sane!!!(maybe :P)On that question I plead the fifth:). at that question, also, I plead the fifth. Everyone has their own talents and have their own things to contribute to the world. You can't put a label on people. It limits what they believe they can do.
A stereotype is judging someone because of their looks and their actions before your get to know them. Susan Boyle didn't seem like she could sing at all but once i heard her i was shocked. Almost everyone in the crowd was like WOW when they heard her sing.... it was amazing. I expected way less from her. I didn't think she would be any good... i guess i was wrong. I think my dad... but not at singing but at other stuff. The most talented singer is Sharon Faye. i think she's a pretty talented singer.Taylor Rowe1st period class :)
A stereotype is when you judge someone by how they look or do things before you get to know them personally. A stereotype for someone talented usually is someone young, fit, and pretty. Ms. boyle didn't have much of that. Most people expected her to epically fail because we stereotyped her. I thought she was going to sing beautifully before she started because usually someone like her would sing horabaly, but I knew this video was going to trick us all. NOT ME, NOT EVER! Other stereotypes are like all asain people know martial arts, foreign people can speak their foreign language, and basically one person of one race did something so all of them can or are like that. All of my family is talented. Elliot is definetly the most talented in my opinion because he plays music, can draw awesome, knows some karate, wins math field day, gets on the academic team in 7th and 8th grade, and he's very humble. Elliot is the BEST EVER! because he's German like me. <-did you see what I just did?Zack Linger5th Period
i wrote alot the first time and it didnt take it:[
A stereotype is when you judge someone before you actually meet them. She dose not look like the type of person who could sing very good at all. Blondes are stupid, Police men eat donuts. I am the most talented person in my family. In the school would be elliot. In the class would be elliot.
A stereotype is when people think a certain way about certain people. For instance, blondes are dumb! Except they're not. They have yellow hair, and that doesn't determine their intellect. Ms. Boyle doesn't fit the stereotype of a singer because the stereotype for a good singer is being young, pretty, etc. We expect something along the lines of total humiliation. That's not what we receive. I can think of some stereotypes, like all Chinese people know their language. Most everyone in my family has their own unique talents. In my class? Same. In the school? Same.Herberger, ElliotPeriod 5
A sterotype is judging someone before you have even talked to them. She doesn't fit the singer sterotype because shes weird and you wouldn't think shes a good singer. The most common sterotype is sumb blondes. The most talented person in my family is me i mean have you heard me sing! The most talented person in the class is sharon and in the school it would be Ms. Constable!Caroline Brophy1st ((;
sterotype is judging someone on their apperance or how they act kinda. because everybody thought she was a low life and could not sing but she proved us all wrong. football players are mean and nasty and cheerleaders are drama queens blondes are stupid. most talented person in my family is .....idk at nthe school is sharon faye she cann sing.
A stereo type is an idea or thought made of a person usually created by judging looks and characteristics. Susan Boyle doesnt really fit stereotype of a singer because when people think singer they think of fame, beauty, and an idol. One stereotype is that celebrities are beautiful...Pshh have you seen them without makeup? haha. Hmmm the most talented person in my family would have to be my mom. She is very smart, creative, artistic, and her writing is amazing. In class I have no idea who would be the most talented...maybe Elliot? haha Elliot can do anythign according to Megan.
A stereotype is a general idea about a person . She looks like she would absoulutly suck at singing . But I had to cancel my thought and create a new one : she was amazing . Most talented person in myfamily ? I wouldn't say anyone because we all have different things to bring to the table , haha . I think the most talented person in school is Racheal Martin .- Symone , Stewart .1st period .
A stereotype is an idea about something or someone. She looked like something that I though she would be but she wasn't. Things that people think about me like I wouldn't be the nicest person but I am.My whole family is talented. I think that Andy Shaw is . The whole school would be me. Just kidding but I don't know who the best is in the school.
A stereotype is a general idea about a person. She doesn't look like a common celebrity, and we all thought she would be terrible. Everyone has a different stereotype. Sometimes they classify what friends we have and what things we get involved in. The most talented person in my family would have to be some of my cousins with their athletic skills. The most talented person in our class & school is Sharon (:ali cumberland1stt
A stereotype is a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group. Most people looked at her and thought she was going to be horrible. But she showed them up! Some other stereotypes I can think of are. that blondes are stupid.Sophia libonati
When I heard this women sing i was shocked because i dot thik anyone was expecting that to come out of her.she was one those kinds of girls that shocked people and showed that she has good talent.We excpected bad singing from her.They are seen out as stupid but, not all of them are. She is an amazing singer.Most people looked at her and thought she was going to be horrible.Ms. Boyle walked up because maybe she wasnt as "pretty" as they wanted her to be so they didn't think that she would sound that good.Meekayla Taylor6th and 7th period
This is like the 50th time I've seen this video :) A stereotype is something that you automatically expect of someone or something basedon past hearings. Everyone thought she was gonna suck! But, she was completely amazing. That just goes to show that you can't judge a book by its cover. Some other stereotypes are that blondes are dumb, all black people can jump really high, and that kinda stuff. At my house, the most talented person is Gary. He is a realllllyyy good singe. I think the most talented person in my class would have to be Sharon Faye.(: She is one keck of a singer! But in the school, I'd have to say Tyra Horton. She is an amazing singer ♥Andy Shaw1st Period
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Once I saw this one I absolutely had to do it! :) A stereotype is a general idea about a person. The stereotype for a talented person would be, pretty, young, fit and perfect. Her appearance definately did not show us any of that. First off we expected for her to fail, miserably LOL. Other stereotypes would be, white girls can't dance, cheerleaders are snobby, ect. I think it has to be me :PP even though my whole family does have a unique talent but I have more under my belt. In my class I think everyone in 5th period is full of talent! Except for Donovan poorly reading while Jared was gone ;)
A stereotype is believing something about someone because of thier looks. For example Susan boyle she looked like she would be the worst singer in the world and she turned out great. She just looks wierd. We excpected bad singing from her. They are many steryo types on people without nice clothes and silly things like that. I believe my mom is the most talented in my family because she works hard everyday. She is always concered forn the well bieng of her bussines. Also she has to keep up with my sister. but im not trouble. And she still does a great job at bieng a mom.(: I think everyone is talented in my class. Carolione is the most talented at bieng crazy in our school.
A stereotype is what you think about someone when you first meet them. The stereotype for a music artist is being young, and stuck up and pretty. I thought Susan was a stay at home mom with a bunch of cats. I was getting ready to laugh my first time I saw her. Other stereotypes are like football players are mean and nasty, and people who hunt and fish are hicks. Either me or my dad are the most athleticly talented and my mom and sister are artisticly talented. But it depends on what your talking about because everyone has a special talent. ;)
Johnny Kesling :)
A stereotype is a generalization about people. Thinking that jst because maybe one person has a certain characteristic evryone else like them has that charcteristic. The stereotyper for a singer is a young pretty and prety. Susan Boyle is almost the opposite. PShh! I'm the most talented person in my family!! I play piano, flute and I'm the only one who can play drums in rock band! In my class it depends on what kind of talent we're talking about. Amina is defintley the most talented when it comes to writing!
A stereotype is when you judge someone or think you know how they are before you hav even talked to them. I think everyone was very surprised when Ms. Boyle walked up because maybe she wasnt as "pretty" as they wanted. I think everyone expected her to fail, make a fool out of herself, and to get a good laugh from her. ummm, some are "dumb blonde," "teenagers are rude," so much more! Both me and my mom are talented in different ways!!(: At school everyone is pretty unique and talented in our own ways!!
edennn laurel<33
A stereotype is having a idea about them before you actaully meet them, for example blondes are supposively stupid. We excpected bad singing from her. There are alot of stereotypes out there such as cheerleaders are mean and nasty, girls cant dance, and hunters and fishers are hicks. The most talented person in my family is my dad, because he works for what he does, he is good at everythingg, and is always up behind his words, he is just the best (:. In my school is sterling for being the funniest kid i know. <3 love yu sterrrrr.
Stereotype means to have an idea of what a particular type of person is like with knowing them. It is wrong and unfair. I think it means that people may judge you by appearances, age,and personality. Ms.Boyle didn't fit the stereotype because she surprised them by singing really well. From her appearance the show thought that she was old and that she can't sing well but since she is on the show she must of went to challenges so she can get to that round she must of sang well to be in the show. Other stereotypes can be the color of skin,the way people sing, and age. My mom is the most talented person in the family. She is organized and on top of everything. She is the best person to be with when your shopping because she always knows where to gets the best deals. In spanish class, Carolina is most talented. She makes anyone laugh and she could be a comedian like Sterling and other people who try to be talented.
Erika Edwards
5th period
A sterotype is what you think about someone you just met. Ms Boyle doesn't fit the sterotype of a talented person. I didn't really know what to expect from her because anything could happen, but when I heard her voice I thought she'd be a great singer. There are a bunch of different stereotypes but probably some would be that blonde people are dumb (that one doesn't make sense), Talented people look great, and teenagers are bad (I'm certainly not). I almost never sterotype people because anything can happen.
A stereo type is what you think of someone from the first glance. Some sterotypes are blondes are stupid or cheerleaders are snobby. The most talented person in my family is my cousin, in my class I'm not sure, and in the school I would say the music teachers.
Lauren Hesse
A stereotype is when you assume someone will be or act a certain way based on their appearance. their wealth, or things they enjoy. For example, that cheerleaders are dumb or that people who have a lot of money are snobby. Ms Boyle does not fit the stereotype of a good singer because she isn't young or good looking. Because of this, we expect her to be a terrible singer. The most talented person in my family is my little brother Joren. Despite his disability, he is brilliant and an amazing artist. The most talented person in my class is either Maddie because she's an amazing cheerleader or Sharon because she has an incredible voice. I either Maddie or Sharon is the most talented person in school as well.
Michaela Cloutier
1st period(:
I think a sterotype is thinking something about someone because the way they look. I think you can't really put a sterotype on singers because they don't really have to be the cutiest or whatever. When susan came in they had a sterotype on her that she was going to be extremly bad but she was actuall amazing. Some sterotypes i know of are blonds are stupid and also white girls can't dance like adrianna said HAHAHAHA
Hey now Jarin! A stereotype is what you first think about someone. We expected that she would not do good. Other stereotypes would be that cheerleaders are stuck up and white people cant dance. Also that all blondes are stupid. The most talented person in my family would be my sister. In my class it would be Sharon. The most talented person in this school? Hmm.. Im not sure about that one !
A stereotype is pretty much judging or making ideas about someone. The stereotype for Susan Boyle was, we all were laughing when she first came out mainly because of her looks. Everyone's first thought was ooo my this lady is gonna be awful! but suprisingly she was AMAZING!! stereotypes: blondes, are so stupid and airhead major!, cheerleaders are stuck up.Most talent in my family!? obviously im gonna say me! (: lol im just that good. most talented in my class... it depends! we all are in our own way (:
Emily Las Vegas
A stereotype is pretty much judging or making ideas about someone. The stereotype for Susan Boyle was, we all were laughing when she first came out mainly because of her looks. Everyone's first thought was ooo my this lady is gonna be awful! but suprisingly she was AMAZING!! stereotypes: blondes, are so stupid and airhead major!, cheerleaders are stuck up.Most talent in my family!? obviously im gonna say me! (: lol im just that good. most talented in my class... it depends! we all are in our own way (:
Emily Las Vegas
A steroetypre is what you think of the person from the outside. before you know them. Sense she is older and not as pretty as other singers they assume she can't sing or won't be famous. We all think she is a great singer and it shouldn't matter how she looks. I don't know who is the most talented person in my family or school is cause their are a lot of talented people everywhere.
Kimmy Woods
3/4 period.
A stereotype is a generalization about people. Thinking that just because maybe one person has a certain characteristic evryone else likes them. Ithink this is the same think like judging them,i think you should never judge anyone till you meet them.
A stereotype is something you think about a person. Everbody thought that Susan Boyle would have been a terrible singer but she impresses everybody. Another stereotype is how everybody thinks blondes are stupid. I think the most talented person in my family is me because im talented. The most talented in my class is Andrew.
A stereotype is a general idea about a person.Susan Boyle she looked like she would be the worst singer in the world and she turned out great.The most talented person in my family would have to be my mom. She is a good singer.
Stevie thibodeaux
A stereotype is a person or a group without originality. Her appearance doesn't fit her voice. People have a tendency to judge people for many different reasons. I'm the most talented person in my family because i play the fulte,I'm on the swim team,and im a good gymnast. In my language Amina is the most talented in writing.
Kaitlyn Westfall
5th period
Susan Boyles performance was blown out of prportion. So what she was deifferent looking she can sing. Alot of wierd people can do great things. And vise versa. I know people who you would think run five miles every day but they dont do anything. I play three sports and youd think i did nothig. Stereotype is pointless. My sister can really sing.
I do not at all care about Susan Boyle. So she can sing so what? Everything she did was blown out of preportation and made into some big deal that I dont care about. Yes I know a lot of sterotypes but i will not srare them for the fear of being racist. I belive that everybody in this school is talented in at least some way.
HAHA.I have ms. boyle on my ipod singing amayzing grace. A stereotype is when you make a decision about somebody for other facts. You make a decision about what they are like without even knowing them. She deosn't fit the stereotype because she has a beautiful vocie and when they first saw her they thought she was a joke. Because she cam from a small town and wasn't very wealthy. We expected to hear a 46 year old woman trying to sing like the super stars today. And she didn't sing like to superstars today she did better then them.A stereotype is that blondes are stupid. Also just because you have big muscles dosn't mean you are a juoice head(; . The most talented person in my family is my sister molly. She has a disability and she does so many thing independently. A talented person at your school is Sharon because she sings really good. Also all the teavhes are talented putting up with us kids.
I think troys post he is just jelous because he can't sing like that (: lol
A stereotype is when people judge a person or other people when they see them or even before they see them. People thought that just because she wasn't pretty that she couldn't sing. And she can sing REALLY good. Some stereotypes I can think of are blondes being dumb or cheerleaders being mean and those aren't true. The most talented person in my family would be my brother Ben. He is good at sports but, I'm stronger than him and you can ask him that. In my class, I would have to say Sharon Faye. She is one of the best singers I know. She is good. There are probably thousands of talented kids at this school and I have no idea were to start.
A stereotype is what you think of someone by their looks. Susan Boyle's stereotype was she didn't look like somebody who could really sing, but she ended up getting the biggest "yes" ever given on the show. I expected her to sing good, but I never expected anything like that. Another stereotype I can think of is a hillbilly. The mosted talented person in my family is probably my brother, because he can sing and draw really well. I think everyone in sixth and seventh period, and the school, has their own special talent.
Ryan Rosier
Pd. 6 & 7
A stereotype is when someone thinks something of someone that you don't even know. For example, the way someone looks or something you have heard about the person. The reason she does not fit the stereotype is because she was not that pretty, but she got up on the stage and sang very good. We all expected her to get up there and just from her appearance we thought that she was going to do very bad. There is a stereotype that Asian people are smart and also that people that live in the south are stupid. The most talented person in my family is my dad. The most talented in my 6th and 7th period is everyone. ha. I think everyone in our school have their special talents.
Brent Pacoe
6th and 7th period
A stereotype is a generalization usually exaggerated or oversimplified and often offensive, that is used to describe or distinguish a group. Ms Boyle did not fit the stereotype of being a bad singer because off her appearance. Her singing was amazing and went against the stereotype. A stereotype that I live with is that West Virginians are hillbillies. There are several others stereotypes like jocks are dumb and blondes are ditzy. I would say my mother is the most talented person in my family. She does a lot of things for everything and always does an amazing job at it. There are several talented people in my class. There is even more in my grade. It would be impossible for me to choose one.
Jared Bartrug
5th period
A sterotype is a reputation if a group of people. Ms. Boyle does not fit the sterotype because most singers that we know are skinny, young, and beautiful. She, however, is chunky, old, and unattractive. Due to her apperance, we expected her performance to be a complete epic fail. Nevertheless, she possesed an absolutely stunning talent. Some stereotypes are dumb blondes, mean cheerleaders, drunk Irish, lazy obese people, and the list goes on. I would have to say that my cousins Autumn, Rob, and I are the most talented people in my family. Autumn is an amazing singer, and I am muy jealous of her talent. Rob is an excellent pianist, and his talent is much better than mine. I am a pianist to, and not to brag, I am pretty good for a 13-year-old. Everyone in my class has a special talent so the award goes to everyone! Ditto with my school.
Rachel Martin
5th Period
P.S. My special talent is singing like a drunk girl! XD
Stereotype is when you judge someone on how they look or the way they act. All people think that she will not be able to sing at all, just by the way she looks. Another thing is the way she is acting. I expected her not to be a good singer, untill i got blown away by her voice. (: some other stereotypes are blonds. They are seen out as stupid but, not all of them are. The most talented person in my family is probally myy little brother. He is really good at sports. In my class and school, i think we all have our own special talents.
A stereotype is when you make a decision about somebody for other facts.Boyle does not fit the stereotype of a good singer because she isn't young or good looking. We expected her to sound like a tipical old lady. Another stereotype is that cheerleaders are dumb or that people who have a lot of money are jerks. The most talented person I know in my school would probaly be Sharon. She sings great.!!!!!!!! :-)
A stereotype is when you think something about someone before you actually get to know them. We expected that she wouldn't be that good of a singer. Some stereotypes are that blondes are stupid, cheerleaders and stuck up, and West Virginians walk around bare foot with no teeth. The most talented people in my family would have to be my older cousins Eric and Jennifer. They were amazing basketball players. The most talented person in my class would depend on what kind of talents, we have many talented kids in our class, but for singing it would have to be Sharon. At our school we also have mony talented kids in all different aspects.
maddie stevenski
1st period
A stereotype is when people make fun of a certain kind, race, etc of people. She doesn't fit because she is not pretty, no offence, but she can still sing. To not be able to sing. I can think of alot of stereotypes like blondes are dumb and stuff like that. I think everyone is talented in some way.
Neil Scherich 3-4
A stereotype is believing something about someone because of thier looks.Hitler didnt like jewish people.People didnt like african americans because they were a different color.People dont like people because of there religion or race. Im not sure who is the most talented because alot of people are talented in there own way.
A stereotype is someone who judges a person beacause of the way they look, ethnicity, and many other ways. I think there are too many stereotypes in the world and I think thats a reason why surtain groups of people do not get along. I think everyone in my family is talented. I think that everyone at our school is talented in their own way.
A stereotype is when you take a group of people and say that something is the same about all of them. Like taking blondes and saying that they are all stupid.>:(
The stereotype for them is that they are young aged, beautiful, physically fit, a basically perfect person. She didn't really look like any of that.
I expect for her to not do well and to not fit in and to be not as good as any of the other people.
Other stereotypes that I can think of would be that blondes are stupid, brunette people are good at fighting, people who are cheer leaders are spoiled and bratty (of course a lot of them are... Only about 1-2 of the cheerleaders herre are though. Sorry but they kind of are. And almost all of the cheerleaders here hate me and are at least a little bit mean to me.) People who are in the band are all losers and geeks and are not popular at all.
The most talented person in my family would be everyone. My mommy is good at art and painting because she is creative and has a steady hand.
My grandpa is good at making floral arrangements and being stubborn and cranky..
My grandma is good at annoying people and doing household chores.
I am good a writing stories, poetry, and haikus. Also drawing basic body poses for anime characters. But they don't have faces, just hair, kind of like a mannequin.
In the class is probably Elliot. (and you and Ms. Sisk. of course....)
In the school is probab;y the teachers.
A stereotype is a generalization of a person or a group of people. Most talented people do not look like susan boyle, she is not the skiniest person. We do not expect her to have very much talent.the most talented person in my family is my brother, he is very good at playing guitar. At this school i would say Elliot Herberger.
maddison bowen
5th per.
A stereotype is believing something about someone because of thier looks. The stereotype for a music artist is being young, and stuck up and pretty. I thought Susan was a stay at home mom with a bunch of cats. I was getting ready to laugh my first time I saw her. Other stereotypes are like football players are mean and nasty, and people who hunt and fish are hicks. Either me or my dad are the most athleticly talented and my mom and sister are artisticly talented.
A stereotype is when someone is judging someone else. People didn't think that she would be able to sing that well so when they heard what came out of her mouth they were amazed by what she sounded like. When other people think bad about someone and don't expect them to say what they do. I would have to say majority of my family are good at what they do. it's hard to choose because a lot of my classmates are talented.
Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period
A stereotype is judging someone. They don't believe she would be a good singer by the way she looks. You expect her to be a bad singer, although she is a wonderful singer. Other stereotypers are: ugly, smart, dumb. The most talented person in my family is my Dad, I look up to him daily. The most talented person in our class is Melia DeWitt. I do not know who the most talented person in our school is, we are all talented!
love, gabi pearse,(:
A stereotype is judging someone based on what they look like what, what they do, or what they like. Susan Boyle does not fit this stereotype because she looks like an old frumpy lady, yet she can sing amazingly. We expected her to not be able to sing very well based on how she looks. Some other stereotype are that if you like metal that you're 'emo', that if you make good grades you're a nerd, and that if a boy and a girl are friends they must be dating. I think I'm the most talented in my family, although my sister plays sport I am able to play sports and play bass. The most talented person in my class would have to be Lucas Zepeda because he is funny and very good a drawing. I can't think of who would be the most talented person at this school.
A stereotype is an idea that you have made about someone before you know them based on certain characteristics that they share with a certain group of people. she is an amazing singer; it is very moving when she sings. I expected someone who wasn't very talented with an attitude. BLONDES!!! i think that also there are stereotypes with what race you are. There are also stereotyped like " people who are smart and like to read are geeks" "cheerleaders are snobby and pretty" and "white boys can't dance". I think that the most talented person is my mom. She can play piano, cook, read, a hard worker, plus all of the stuff she does to raise me and my siblings.... and she's still sane!!!(maybe :P)On that question I plead the fifth:). at that question, also, I plead the fifth. Everyone has their own talents and have their own things to contribute to the world. You can't put a label on people. It limits what they believe they can do.
A stereotype is judging someone because of their looks and their actions before your get to know them. Susan Boyle didn't seem like she could sing at all but once i heard her i was shocked. Almost everyone in the crowd was like WOW when they heard her sing.... it was amazing. I expected way less from her. I didn't think she would be any good... i guess i was wrong. I think my dad... but not at singing but at other stuff. The most talented singer is Sharon Faye. i think she's a pretty talented singer.
Taylor Rowe
1st period class :)
A stereotype is when you judge someone by how they look or do things before you get to know them personally. A stereotype for someone talented usually is someone young, fit, and pretty. Ms. boyle didn't have much of that. Most people expected her to epically fail because we stereotyped her. I thought she was going to sing beautifully before she started because usually someone like her would sing horabaly, but I knew this video was going to trick us all. NOT ME, NOT EVER! Other stereotypes are like all asain people know martial arts, foreign people can speak their foreign language, and basically one person of one race did something so all of them can or are like that. All of my family is talented. Elliot is definetly the most talented in my opinion because he plays music, can draw awesome, knows some karate, wins math field day, gets on the academic team in 7th and 8th grade, and he's very humble. Elliot is the BEST EVER! because he's German like me. <-did you see what I just did?
Zack Linger
5th Period
i wrote alot the first time and it didnt take it:[
A stereotype is when you judge someone before you actually meet them. She dose not look like the type of person who could sing very good at all. Blondes are stupid, Police men eat donuts. I am the most talented person in my family. In the school would be elliot. In the class would be elliot.
A stereotype is when people think a certain way about certain people. For instance, blondes are dumb! Except they're not. They have yellow hair, and that doesn't determine their intellect. Ms. Boyle doesn't fit the stereotype of a singer because the stereotype for a good singer is being young, pretty, etc. We expect something along the lines of total humiliation. That's not what we receive. I can think of some stereotypes, like all Chinese people know their language. Most everyone in my family has their own unique talents. In my class? Same. In the school? Same.
Herberger, Elliot
Period 5
A sterotype is judging someone before you have even talked to them. She doesn't fit the singer sterotype because shes weird and you wouldn't think shes a good singer. The most common sterotype is sumb blondes. The most talented person in my family is me i mean have you heard me sing! The most talented person in the class is sharon and in the school it would be Ms. Constable!
Caroline Brophy
1st ((;
sterotype is judging someone on their apperance or how they act kinda. because everybody thought she was a low life and could not sing but she proved us all wrong. football players are mean and nasty and cheerleaders are drama queens blondes are stupid. most talented person in my family is .....idk at nthe school is sharon faye she cann sing.
sterotype is judging someone on their apperance or how they act kinda. because everybody thought she was a low life and could not sing but she proved us all wrong. football players are mean and nasty and cheerleaders are drama queens blondes are stupid. most talented person in my family is .....idk at nthe school is sharon faye she cann sing.
A stereo type is an idea or thought made of a person usually created by judging looks and characteristics. Susan Boyle doesnt really fit stereotype of a singer because when people think singer they think of fame, beauty, and an idol. One stereotype is that celebrities are beautiful...Pshh have you seen them without makeup? haha. Hmmm the most talented person in my family would have to be my mom. She is very smart, creative, artistic, and her writing is amazing. In class I have no idea who would be the most talented...maybe Elliot? haha Elliot can do anythign according to Megan.
A stereotype is a general idea about a person . She looks like she would absoulutly suck at singing . But I had to cancel my thought and create a new one : she was amazing . Most talented person in myfamily ? I wouldn't say anyone because we all have different things to bring to the table , haha . I think the most talented person in school is Racheal Martin .
- Symone , Stewart .
1st period .
A stereotype is an idea about something or someone. She looked like something that I though she would be but she wasn't. Things that people think about me like I wouldn't be the nicest person but I am.My whole family is talented. I think that Andy Shaw is . The whole school would be me. Just kidding but I don't know who the best is in the school.
A stereotype is a general idea about a person. She doesn't look like a common celebrity, and we all thought she would be terrible. Everyone has a different stereotype. Sometimes they classify what friends we have and what things we get involved in. The most talented person in my family would have to be some of my cousins with their athletic skills. The most talented person in our class & school is Sharon (:
ali cumberland
A stereotype is a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group. Most people looked at her and thought she was going to be horrible. But she showed them up! Some other stereotypes I can think of are. that blondes are stupid.
Sophia libonati
When I heard this women sing i was shocked because i dot thik anyone was expecting that to come out of her.she was one those kinds of girls that shocked people and showed that she has good talent.We excpected bad singing from her.They are seen out as stupid but, not all of them are. She is an amazing singer.Most people looked at her and thought she was going to be horrible.Ms. Boyle walked up because maybe she wasnt as "pretty" as they wanted her to be so they didn't think that she would sound that good.
Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period
This is like the 50th time I've seen this video :) A stereotype is something that you automatically expect of someone or something basedon past hearings. Everyone thought she was gonna suck! But, she was completely amazing. That just goes to show that you can't judge a book by its cover. Some other stereotypes are that blondes are dumb, all black people can jump really high, and that kinda stuff. At my house, the most talented person is Gary. He is a realllllyyy good singe. I think the most talented person in my class would have to be Sharon Faye.(: She is one keck of a singer! But in the school, I'd have to say Tyra Horton. She is an amazing singer ♥
Andy Shaw
1st Period
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