I fear a tornadoe the worst because it drags many things up in the air in a gigantic swirl. We wont have any problems with that because of our mountains thought. I have been caught in a bad storm a couple of years ago with my relatives in North Carolina. The world can all work together as one and help all the people in need even better than they did before because all of those people need urgent care. The world would be destroyed and every one would die. That would be horrible.sterlinn
I fear an earthquake the most although we probably wont EVER see one here in wv. When we were in colorado and I was 2, we had a really bad wind storm that they even put out a tornado warning for. It was a really dry summer and we had tumble weeds halfway up our porch door afterwards. It was very frightening, sitting in the basement, waiting... tho not as frightening as when ms constable screams at u!! :P I think that we have better technology that can warn us in advance of the tsunami and evacuate the buildings. But i also think that if you chose to live in a place that are frequently under watches like that, then u have to be prepared for the consequences because accidents do happen. I think that it epends on where the disaster occurs but in many populated areas, the after affects would be unbelieveable.
The weather events that I fear most are tornados, hurricanes, and tsunamis. I don't think I've ever been caught in a bad storm. THe only place I've ever gone was New Hampshire and New York and there were no storms that day.(: I think we can be prepared with better ways of warnings. We need some way to notify people a natural disaster is coming. We could always have emergency procedues prepared and emergency kits ready to go whenever we need them. This could cause so many disasters and deaths in the world. All the structures would be destroyed and we couldn't rebuild them all at once.
I fear an earthquake because of what I saw dealing with Haiti. Yess, in Texas I was caught in a terrible rain storm. It was back in 2003 I think. The world could be better prepared if they get beetter storm tracking systems, which they probably will in the future. This would be a great thing to have. I couldnt imagine a tsunami. skarrrrrr
I can't really say what weather event I'd fear the most because they are all devastating. The worst storm I was caught in was at my old house. It was just a bad thunderstorm that made are power go out for awhile and it wasn't anything compared to a true weather event. They can put up really huge barriers or something to stop the tsunami. Only some sea creatures would survive a disaster of this magnitude on the world.
I fear tornados the most because I don't like the wind. So really I fear all storms having to do with any amount of wind. I have been in a hurricaine before. I was five years old and living in Baltimore, MD. If we get technology that tracks the storms faster. Everything would be destroyed and ruined. Lauren Hesse 5th
I think I fear either earthquakes or tornadoes the most. Earthquakes can make buildings fall and rip holes in the ground, but tornadoes can fling everything around. I have never been caught in a bad storm. They could build big barriers on the coast so the water doesn't come in, or just don't live on the coast. This kind of disaster can, did, and will destroy populations and enviroments.Zack Linger5th Period
I fear things like that , that is why i like the fact wv is full of mountains : but anything is possible . I don't remember any horrible storms , but i'm sure there were some . I feel terrible for people in hurricanes earthquakes ect . If I experienced anything like that , I don't know what I would do. - Symone , Stewart .1st period .
The weather that I fear the most is probably a tornado. I have been caught in several bad storms. The worst one was probably five years ago when I was going to Grantsville Maryland. My grandparents were with me and my family and we suddenly got hit by a torrential downpour. We tried to go through but eventually had to pull off and wait till the storm passed. One thing they can do is take heed to the natural warnings. For example a few days before the disaster every animal started running for the hills. Another is that they could have better prepared themselves. They can do this by having storm shelters ready and a better system to protect them from the water. A disaster would have a large impact on the world in several ways; economical, emotional, and physically. Many families would be there and the dead people due to the disaster would break tons of people’s hearts all over the world. The disaster would also cause million and billions of damage and money would be needed to fund repairs. Plus many buildings would be destroyed.Jared Bartrug5th period
The weather event I probably fear the most is an earth quake. Well, I have not been caught in a bad storm and hope to never be. I'm not sure if the world could have had more preparation for the diaster without knowing it would come. All disasters have a major affect on the world, killing people, and loosing loved ones. Any affect would have a magnitude on the world.gabi pearse.(:6/7th
The thing I fear the most is either an earthquake or a tsunami. Either one its really hard to run from or get in your car and run off in a blink of an ear. Also it takes out your whole city and you are so lucky to live through it. When I went to Florida one year hurricane Charley was coming and we had to leave a day or two earlier to get away. The crazy thing is when we were driving home there were funnel clouds everywhere! I have no idea how to recover from a tsunami like that I’ve heard some place made a huge wall from terrible waves ?! eden laurel richmonddd <33 :]
I fear tornadoes and other things in the same catagory. I have been caught well not exactly caught but it was where I was and all I know is that I was scared almost to death. I can't remember exactly what it was I think it was either a tornadoe or a hurricane. I was somewhere between seven and eight when I went to Virginia with my Grandmother. We was sitting out side on the porch that was closed off and then she seen something and took me inside quickly and she wouldn't tell me what was going on until I seen it myself. I was so scared, I really thought that I was going to die. I was crying and my grandma was holding me and everyone was screaming and running. We just went downstairs in the basement and sat there until everything was over.
im afraid of hurricanes.i was with my friend and we were walking home and it was pouring down rain. no because you can never be really prepared for a tsunami.
I think the worst weather disaster is either a tornado or an earthquake. I havent been caught in any major storm or anything like that.The world could be better if they could detect exactly where it would hit earlier so that they could evacuate people better. An event like this would be even more devastating than it already is.Neil Scherich 3-4
The weather event that I fear the most is probably hurricanes. I fear then because I hate the feeling of being trapped in water and there is no way out. I have been in many bad storms like snow and rain storms but nothing too serious. One time on the way too Spruce Knob I got stuck on it for at least a few hours in the snow. I think we can prepare for another tsunami by having better look outs and earlier evacuations.
I feel terrible for the families this happened to. I would never image what it would be like to loose a loved one in the blink of an eye. I would feel miserable for the rest of my life. Rain storms, when I was like ten I was riding my bike and lighting struck like twenty feet away from me and my friend. I was crying like a baby. It was scary. I have never been caught in a storm to bad but stuff happens.
The weather event that I fear the most are tornadoes. Only because it will damage everything. Yes I was caught in a terrible storm when my soccer team was in Beckley. There was a tornado warning coming toward Beckley. My mom, sister and I took our chances of driving home. I think we should all have better technology use that can tell us what is coming our way. We could also have a place to go incase of emergency. I think the effect would be terrible. A big amount of us would be dead and some wounded. It would be a terrible hazard.adrianna
I fear Hurricanes the most because Its very strong and cant be stoped. I Don't like it because it is like a tornado with water. I am glad i lived in a mountain state. I have been in a bad storm. When lived in Florida i went threw 3 hurricanes and they were very scary one of them was katrina but it was befor it was at a full power so we didnt get that big of a effect. The only way I think you can be safe in these situations is to leave that area.
Tornadoes are my biggest fear well other than spiders but I have always been afraid of tornadoes. When ever we were in Georgia for the sugar bowl about four years ago there were tornado watches. Well we were all eating at this restaurant in the hotel waiting until we go to the stadium for the game and on the T.V. it said there was tornadoes seen through out the county that we were in . I was trying to ignore it as much as I could cause I didn't want to keep looking up at the T.V. and then start crying, that would have been embarrassing. Well my Mimi knew I was scared but she just didn't bring it up but you know loud mouth pap , he looked up at the T.V. and said " Look there's a tornado watch for our county. Well I couldn't ignore that so I started crying and my Mimi got really mad at my pap for saying anything and she took me to the lobby and sat with me so I couldn't see outside of see the T.V. The world could be better prepared if they get better storm tracking systems, which they probably will in the future. One other thing that I think we should have is a better protection center for when there is tornadoes or any other natural disaster. I could never imagine being in a tsunami !sydney woody1st period(:
The weather event that i fear the most would have to be all of them because they all have major impacts on things or places in the world. I have never really been in a bad storm. The closest that I have been to a bad storm is just very bad winds, which knocked over lots of trees. It was here in fairmont last year I think. I think that they could try and build stronger, taller, and thicker walls around the city to keep waters from coming to the land. It would make people very scared. It would also kill lots of people and destroy the area that the tsunami happened in.Brent Pacoe6th and 7th period
The weather event I fear the most is probably snow storms beacuse snow is so that it destroys a lot of belongings to families. The worst storm that I have been caught in is probably this past snow storm when we had no school for like two weeks. People could check the weather more often and now about when it is going to happen so they can maybe get away and have valuble items away. So you can cherish them again instead of them disapiring in a storm. This disastor had an effect on the world, because people had family living there and peoples belongings got distroyed.Johnny Kesling(:1 Period(:
I fear an earthquake, because you would have things falling on top of you randomly. I have been caught in a tornado, I was maybe 5 or 6 in South Carolina and my grandparents took me with them and my parents stayed in a hotel with the company they were working for. At that age I was so angry that they got to stay in a hotel. now i am glad i was in Virginia and not closer to the storm. I believe that We have better technology today, to warn more people, and hopefully they will understand that they are in danger so less people will have to go through this type of tragedy. It would be horrible if an event of this magnitude were to happen to the whole world, people would be devistated. Maddison Bowen 5th period
Tornadoes are the most frightening to me because it would just destroy everything. At one of my baseball games there was a lightning storm and A bolt of lightning struck right in front of me. It was a while ago. We could evacuate quicker or build a tsunami wall. It would throw us into an economical downgrade again.
I did the woman blog:)
I fear a tsunami the most, it terrible how everything happens like that. No i have never been caught in a bad storm. I hope i never do get caught in a bad storm. Everyone needs to help other people who need help, people with no food, or no shelter, or clothes. The world is be recked by storms all over the place, these storms kill alot of people, and talk peoples homes, and loved ones away. It's just heart breaking. renee6th and 7th
Tornadoes have always been my biggest fear, even though I dont really have to worry about them with all of the hills and mountains in this area. If i lived near an ocean, I would be terrified of tsunamis. I haven't really been caught in any bad storms except for strong lightning, thunder, and rain. We can be better prepared by having plans and emergency evacuations farther ahead of time. We should also have extra food, water, shelters, and clothes ready for people who lose everything. This disaster would destroy everything, but it depends on where it would take place. Allll Cumberlanddddd <331stt periodd :]
I fear tornadoes and earthquakes the most. Back in 2005, my family and I were out in Kansas for a couple weeks during the summer. It was the fourth of July and right after we let off some fireworks, it looked like a tornado was going to hit. SO all the kids ran down stairs.The wind was blowing hard then it started pouring. The world could get a better tracking system. It would devastate most of the world, just like the earthquake in Haiti did.sophie1st
The storm I fear most is a tornado becasue it could tear your house right off the ground and every thing around it. One summer when I was 2 years old, I was at North Myrtle Beach and Hurricane Bonnie came. It was in 1998. We had to leave immediatly because of a mandatory evacuation. A storm like this would have a big impact on the world, because everyone would have to pitch in and help the country get back together, just like how we helped during the Haiti and the New Orleans disasters. In order to be prepared for natural disasters, cities have to have disaster plans prepared and ready to execute within a short amount of time.Ryan RosierPd. 6 & 7
I fear all kinds of weather really, from thunder to tornadoes to earthquakes to tsunamis. I have a lot of fears. SOme of them are random like my fear of people and my fear pf being noticed. Others like my social phobia and fear of public speaking are most likely because I am shy and made fun of constantly. I have been in Myrtle Beach a couple of years ago with my mom and there was a hurricane watch and everyone was going away from the beach. I got angry because she would not let me go outside on the sand and collect sea shells and play in the water, but now I understand that it was possibly dangerous. They could give better warnings and if one hits unexpectedly or something, help out people like what they did in HAiti. Collect money and clothes, food, ETC. for them and let the victims know that you care and really do want to help and improve their lives. Just be as nice as you possibly can and help whenever possible. It would be very bad, because the world is already in terrible condition. Whether from the 20 story pile of trash at a landfill in the United States to the multiple earthquakes to global warming to oil explosions and pollution. There is a ton of problems in the world to fix, but barely anyone really cares. I do. I am an environmentalist basically. Plus a veggie-tarian. Look at my funny spelling. LOL. :)
I fear the worst weather is when a tornado happens but that has never happened here that I know of.My mom has been in over a hundred earthquakes in Japan. The worst storm that I been was a rain storm that flooded Fairmont pretty badly at school when I was in fifth or sixth grade we were released from school early so we weren't trapped at school. To prevent a tsunami, you need to build a tall wall or building to block the huge wave from causing more damage. The global location is a border line of near-by disasters near the tropics which mean the equator. Near the equator is warm so it is most likely to cause a tsunami.Erika Edwards5th period
I fear a tornadoe the worst because it drags many things up in the air in a gigantic swirl.THe only place I've ever gone was New Hampshire and New York and there were no storms that day.Oh yeh when i lived in ohio it was a really bad storm.My family and i had to stay inside the whole day.It was blowing trash cans every where.I was scared.One thing they can do is take heed to the natural warnings. For example a few days before the disaster every animal started running for the hills. Another is that they could have better prepared themselves.
The fear that i would have most would be a tornado because are the most fearful.you never know what to be expecting and at anytime. I have never been caught in a tornado before i have no clue what I would do if I did. they could try telling us by the weather changing to something that the weather is not now. The world would be destroyed and everyone would die around the same time.The world can all work together as one and help the people who are in need even better than they did before because all of those people needed help.
My biggest fear would defiantly have to be a tornado. thank goodnesss we live in west virginia and are surrounded by mountains so we dont really have to much to worry about. i have never really been in a tornado or extremly bad storm the closest i have gotten was, when i was at cheerleading practice and it started to thunderstorm and lightning very bad! by the time i woke up in the morning trees were everywhere and windows were broke in and everything. i think to prepare for tornadoes better we should have some kind of device that gives us a heads up. The damage left behind from any natural disaster is awful!
My biggest fear is to be caught in a hurricane. After i seen the affects of Hurricane Katrina i was so scared, I seen peole laying helpless with fear in their eyes!I have never got caught in a natural disater ever! And I don't want to. When things happen like you can lose alot of family, not only that but the damage it does to your town. when a disaster happens its good for you to stick together.I hope nothing ever happens like that here !
I fear anearthquake the most because there always tremors and you never know for sure where the earth is going to crack open. When I lived in Florida there was a small tornadp that passed through where we lived. I think the world can be better prepared with advanced technology,stronger structures, and better evacuation plans. It would be very devastating. Kaitlyn Westfall5th period
The worst natural diaster i fear is a hurricane beacuse the water levels get very high the electric goes out for weeks the wind is blowing so hard you just can't move. I have never been caught in a bad storm but my relatives were caught in hurricane katrina in 2005. The world can be perpared by having a shelter with food, water, blankets,and a radio. This diaster would destroy the world and make it hard to live everyday life. Caroline Brophy1st ((:
The weather even that I most fear is a tornado. I think they are the scariest because they're the hardest to escape and to prepare for. I've never really been caught in a bad storm. However, over spring break there was terrible flooding in Rhode Island while we were there visiting my dad. You couldn't get anywhere because almost all of the streets were blocked off where there was water across them. It was the worst flood there in over 100 years. The world can be better prepared for a serious weather disaster by planning evacuation routes and how people will exit major cities when a natural disaster is about to occur. A disaster of this magnitude would have a terrible impact on the world, leaving much of it in a crisis and the rest desperate for a way to help. Michaela Cloutier1st period
The weather event that I fear the most would probably have to be a flood. To me that would be horrible, because I can't tred water very well. I'm scared to death of drowning. I have kind of been caught in a bad storm. We were in Beckley for a soccer tournament and they had bad tornado warnings. This happened like 2 years ago. We could be better prepared for a disaster like that by watching weather patterns more carefully, and make buildings more stable for all kinds of disasters. This kind of disaster could have a horrible effect on the world, because it could ruin everything in the environment and communities.maddie stevenski1st
I most fear earthquakes because the amount of people getting killed by them. I have been caught in a flood here in WV. I believe it was about 7 years ago. I think that we all should get together and build places that are strong enough to hold through a storm like that. many people would be very crushed if someone close or other people were dead, their things would be displaced, their homes would be lost, and it would cost a fortune to be able to rebuild and get everything fixed that was destroyed.
Well, I’d have to say that I am a rather fearful person. I’m pretty much afraid of all natural disasters. From tornadoes to hurricanes, from floods to earthquakes, I’m afraid of every one you could possibly name. I haven’t been in any major storms. The worse one that I remember was this year. The wind was blowing like crazy and the next morning, electrical wires were down, windows were broken, and trees and branches covered the ground. Although we can’t stop such disasters, we can try to save some of the victims. We can develop technology that can accurately predict future weather. A disaster of this magnitude would change the world by causing people to donate money and necessities towards the people. It would also cause people to become more worried about what might occur where they live.Rachel Martin
the weather i most fear is a tornado. actually i have been caught in a bad storm one time down in the beach on our way home it was really scary. the need to make a building of some sort where everybidy can get to. like make be underground or on a big hill or something. the world would be a diaster and it woiuld be bad.
I fear any natural disaster you can think of, in my opinion one isn't really worse than the other. I have never been caught in any natural disaster but there have been bad storms around here before. We could prepare for a natural disaster like that of the tsunami in 2004 would to build something like a bunker or multiple 'bunkers' to house people during the time of trouble. I disaster of this magnitude has a huge effect on the earth, people lose houses, family, friends, money, and pets. All in all it's not good. I think more should be done to prevent or help take care of these natural disasters once they do happen.
The weather event that I most fear is an earthquake. I was on my was home from gymnastic practice and my mom was driving down the interstate when this huge hail storm started. It was so bad that we had to pull over to the side of the road. We couldn't see anything out of the windows, because it was so bad out. When it calmed down enough to be able to see to drive, we crossed this bridge and it wasn't even wet with rain or anything and the sun was shining. I believe that we should have better technology to detect when a storm, earthquake, tsunami, or tornado is going to happen, because it's better to know when something bad is going to happen before it happens. It has a big effect on the world because people see what has happened, what kind of danger people are in, and that makes them want to help. A disaster this big cause a lot of sorrow on many people across the world.Crystal Rowe (:6&7th period
The weather event that would make me tremble in fear is tornado. The worst storm I have ever seen was at school because it was raining really hard and we had to stay in school. It was in 4th grade. It was right aroung 12:00. They might have the survival skills from the last time it happended. People could be more prepared. It caused most of the cities in the state had to recover from it. Just rebuild what they already worked on. The people would probaly be in shock for the lives they lost. That is my opinion on this week's blog.
I fear ocean storms the most because after i saw this video i totally changed my mind. Im still afraid of tornados and floods though. Yea i have been caught in a type of storm. We had a huge rain storm and it flooded everything in our home basically. It was terrible. The storm happened in like 2005-2007 i cant remember the year. The best way to be prepared is to tell as many people that you love them. It might effect the world because people lost a lot of lives and people wont want to live in places like that.taylor rowe1st period
The weather event i most fear is a hurricane! They are very scary. Once i got caught in a very bad storm almost like a hurrican but not as strong. Me and my family got caught in it when we were driving home from vacation at mertal beach. The world can be safer by having designated shelters for people to go.
I most fear tornadoes because you don't know when they are coming. I don't ever remeber being in a very bad storm but of course i have been in storms. I don't think you can ever be prepared for a tsunami because you don't know when they are coming so you can not prepare for it. Everyone would die and everything eould be destroyed if it happened here.Kimmy Woods3/4 period
the most. I have been caught in a hurrcane. A couple of years ago in Jacksonville, Florida. I think we should have excape planes. Where everyone can leave that area right before a tusnami came. This could efect everyone because familys can die. allie wilson3/4
I fear a torando the worst.I have been caught in a bad storm when i lived in preston county it stormed really bad we did not have electrity for about a week. The world can be pepared for natural disasters by getting generators and having extra food just in case something happens. Natural disasters effect the world greatly because they cause many people to diestevie thibodeaux3rd & 4th period
I am terrified of Hurricanes. I have been afraid of the ever since the New Orleans hurricane. I have never been caught in a bad storm, well at least not that i know of. I think if all people worked together to show they all care. We could all help prepare something good in case something bad did happen. Like everyone have food saved and boats and things like that to help each other out. A disaster like that could have many effects on the world. There could be so many people without homes and people could lose their family. Sydney Izydore1st
I think the natural disaster i fear most is a tornado. They intrigue me, yet also terrify me. So, I'm glad i live in WV, because they are very rare here. I was caught in a horrible thunderstorm while walking home from school with my brothers. We were all pretty young and ended up going to the neighbors house. I think they should monitor these storms and make better evacuation plans. Survivors would be struck with grief for lost loved ones.
I fear a hurricane the most, hurricanes usally destroy everything they pass. Also a tornado in a way. We probably won't have have anything like that sence we have high mountains. I have been stuck in a terrible storm before, my mother, cousin dee, and father were about to get in the car from celebrating our football team winning. I was a cheerleading when I was younger. We had to stay in the car for atleast an hour before we could go home. When my mother was walking up our sidewalk and almost got struck by lighting, it was right by her foot. I bet she was terrified. If the world can work together as a team and help when a event like a hurricane or earthquake hits. Nobody should be selfish right now, a lot of people need help in the world today.- Symone Stewart ( :1st period <3
the weather even i mostly fear is an hurricane, because a hurricane is a combination of highwinds and water tearing threw a place. her ein wv we dont have to worry about those though (: yes i have been in a badstorm on the way to a basketball tournament in ohio about two years ago . there were highwinds and hail!!! the world can can upgrade there sattalite technology to see when a tsunami or any other weather disaster earlier before it happens. the effect a disaster like this has on the world is everyone sort of comes together to help the place wehere it happened.
Oh my I have no Idea. I fear any natural disaster really? I would be scared to death if I was put in a situation like this. Thank goodness we have mountains!!!! lol We definitely have experienced our share of bad storms. It was not too long ago, but the the thunder was so lound that it shook the house. I guess the world can prepare by having drills and practices for these kinds of disasters. Everyone needs to have a back up plan for each natural disaster that may occur even if they are not in an area that a disaster is likely to occur. If the whole entire world had to face a disaster like this I think everyone would just have to start from scratch. We would have to rebuild everything we've lost and start all over.Amina5th
my fear is in tornados and earthqacks. yes once i was at the beach and was caught in part of a hurricane it wasnt that bad just a whole lot of rain and wind. There could be more medical people and places ready for when the people get hurt in the disaster. the world would suffer from the loses of the people and financialy for having to repair the damage that it would bring.
I personally fear a earthquake even tho i dont think we will ever have one in West Virginia. I dont think I have ever been caught in a terrible storm, thank gosh. although I have almost been to every statein the U.S. I dont know tho. Be prepared alott earlier, and track the radar earlier. The world can all work together as one and help all the people in need even better than they did before because all of those people need urgent care. disasters today are terrible, they hurt alot of people, and mess up alot of places.rskarrrrrr
I fear either earthquakes or tornadoes the most.Once i was in florda and I was just chilling by the pool. it was a very windy day that day but still sunny out. i was getting some ZZZ time by the pool and was geting a little sun :D. When i woke up about and hour later it was a little chilly and not sunny any more :(. so me and my family went in side of the condo we were staying at. When we looked at the news it said that a tornado just went threw a city close to us and i was like wow. I got a little freaked out because it could have hit my city and i would have proble been deid :(. I think they should have a recording that calls all cell phones and all house phones to tell them a tornado is coming. You should never sleep by the pool when a tornados close. Lance Puccio :)
I probably fear tornados they most. They are pretty scary to see in person. I haven’t before but, I have seen movies. I was in a really bad snow storm before. I was in the car and I was so scared, I was around ten years old. I have no clue how we could prepare for natural disasters for many reasons. On is that you can’t stop Mother Nature and you don’t know when it is coming. Disasters have a huge impact on our world, from food, shelter to all the medical care. melia Dewitt ♥6 & 7 period (;
If I had to pick the worst natursl disaster, I would have to say a hurricane. It's like a tsunami sucked up by a tornado and thrown all over the place. Over Spring Break this year, my father, brother, my dad's girlfriend and I were driving in from a great night out, when the song cut off, and said there was a small hurricane coming through where we were. Even a tiny hurricane brout huge chunks of hail, partially flooded the interstate, and blew the car with the four of us in it sideways while we were driving. It was terrible, because I couldn't stop thinking how vulnerable we woulf be if it got any worse. The world can be better prepared for these things by working on solutions NOW, and not waiting for the storms to come. It's never too late... until it is. A disaster of this magnitude would not only destroy families and cause major pain and grief, but it would turn our alredy suckish economy into a joke. It would be terrible, to the second power (hee hees, math).Malizzle, baby! =]
i dont fear a lot of wheather events that much at all because ive been in a lot of them. im going to have to say im most afraid of an earthquake though. ive been caught in tornadoes and floods. im surprised i havnt seen a big hurricane yet. i was at my house 2 summers ago when the tornado hit. it was very fun(: scientist can track the way the ocean in before a tsunami and can predict when the next one will be, that way we can evacuate people in danger. what does magnitude mean?m a t t i s o n k o c h(:
I don't want it to seem like I laugh in the face of danger or anything, but I can't say I fear any horrific weather event. That's probably because I never experienced one, I guess. I can imagine going through a tornado, earthquake, etc. and yes, that would be scary, but I just don't feel I need to fear anything because, well... We have mountains, we're far from the shore, we're not on a fault line. Say I lived somewhere else, earthquakes would probably be the last thing I would choose to live with. I don't remember any REALLY bad storms, just the occasional thundering. Where? My house. When? Occasionally. Better weather prediction technology is the only method I can think of for disaster preparation. If every coast got... tsunamified... at once, many would die.
Pretty much everything you can name, tornadoes, etc. Yes; my family had to sit in our basement because of a tornado warning and stayed there for hours. I can't remember when it was. We could carefully develop and plan for a situtation like this one. It would and has brung pain to all of us and we would probably do all we can to help as we have before.
I fear tsunamis the most. I was caught in a hurricane on a vacation to Florida to visit relatives. It was a couple of years ago. Thankfully, it wasn't a very strong hurricane. I do not think the world could be better prepared for a tsunami. There isn't really alot you can do to prevent or stop a wall of water coming towards you. This disaster would devistate any part of the world it occurred in. You can still see the destruction of hurricane Katrina in New Oreleans and that was years ago.donovan wilson5th period
I think I fear a tornado the most. I remember when I was at Kennywood, they had to shut down the park for like 3 days because of the storm that hit while we were there. Then, it seemed to be right over us the whole way home. and it was very bad. Truly, I tihnk there just needs to be more safehouses, and better evacuations plans that everyone can rely on. The world would be chaos and disaster. Ughh , not goooodd ! Andy Shaw 1sttt .
The weather event that I fear the most is probably hurricanes. No I have never been caught in a bad storm. But I hope i never do get caught in a bad storm. I think the world can be better prepared with advanced technology,stronger structures, and better evacuation plans.The disaster would cause million and billions of damage and money would be needed to fund repairs
I fear an earthquake because of what I saw dealing with Haiti. No i hvae never really been caught in a bad storm. The world could be better prepared for a disaster if the technology would be alittle better like if they would come out with a way to shut down the disaster. This could cause so many disasters and deaths in the world. All the structures would be destroyed and we couldn't rebuild them all at once.
A something that involes water. No, well sorta. There was this small baby tonado and it was windy outside but it was really strong and fast. It felt like I was going to be pulled away. It was at my house. They should have better things to tell people when there is going to really really bad storm. It could save alot of people and there would be less death, maybe.
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I fear a tornadoe the worst because it drags many things up in the air in a gigantic swirl. We wont have any problems with that because of our mountains thought. I have been caught in a bad storm a couple of years ago with my relatives in North Carolina. The world can all work together as one and help all the people in need even better than they did before because all of those people need urgent care. The world would be destroyed and every one would die. That would be horrible.
I fear an earthquake the most although we probably wont EVER see one here in wv. When we were in colorado and I was 2, we had a really bad wind storm that they even put out a tornado warning for. It was a really dry summer and we had tumble weeds halfway up our porch door afterwards. It was very frightening, sitting in the basement, waiting... tho not as frightening as when ms constable screams at u!! :P I think that we have better technology that can warn us in advance of the tsunami and evacuate the buildings. But i also think that if you chose to live in a place that are frequently under watches like that, then u have to be prepared for the consequences because accidents do happen. I think that it epends on where the disaster occurs but in many populated areas, the after affects would be unbelieveable.
The weather events that I fear most are tornados, hurricanes, and tsunamis. I don't think I've ever been caught in a bad storm. THe only place I've ever gone was New Hampshire and New York and there were no storms that day.(: I think we can be prepared with better ways of warnings. We need some way to notify people a natural disaster is coming. We could always have emergency procedues prepared and emergency kits ready to go whenever we need them. This could cause so many disasters and deaths in the world. All the structures would be destroyed and we couldn't rebuild them all at once.
I fear an earthquake because of what I saw dealing with Haiti. Yess, in Texas I was caught in a terrible rain storm. It was back in 2003 I think. The world could be better prepared if they get beetter storm tracking systems, which they probably will in the future. This would be a great thing to have. I couldnt imagine a tsunami.
I can't really say what weather event I'd fear the most because they are all devastating. The worst storm I was caught in was at my old house. It was just a bad thunderstorm that made are power go out for awhile and it wasn't anything compared to a true weather event. They can put up really huge barriers or something to stop the tsunami. Only some sea creatures would survive a disaster of this magnitude on the world.
I fear tornados the most because I don't like the wind. So really I fear all storms having to do with any amount of wind. I have been in a hurricaine before. I was five years old and living in Baltimore, MD. If we get technology that tracks the storms faster. Everything would be destroyed and ruined.
Lauren Hesse
I think I fear either earthquakes or tornadoes the most. Earthquakes can make buildings fall and rip holes in the ground, but tornadoes can fling everything around. I have never been caught in a bad storm. They could build big barriers on the coast so the water doesn't come in, or just don't live on the coast. This kind of disaster can, did, and will destroy populations and enviroments.
Zack Linger
5th Period
I fear things like that , that is why i like the fact wv is full of mountains : but anything is possible . I don't remember any horrible storms , but i'm sure there were some . I feel terrible for people in hurricanes earthquakes ect . If I experienced anything like that , I don't know what I would do.
- Symone , Stewart .
1st period .
The weather that I fear the most is probably a tornado. I have been caught in several bad storms. The worst one was probably five years ago when I was going to Grantsville Maryland. My grandparents were with me and my family and we suddenly got hit by a torrential downpour. We tried to go through but eventually had to pull off and wait till the storm passed. One thing they can do is take heed to the natural warnings. For example a few days before the disaster every animal started running for the hills. Another is that they could have better prepared themselves. They can do this by having storm shelters ready and a better system to protect them from the water. A disaster would have a large impact on the world in several ways; economical, emotional, and physically. Many families would be there and the dead people due to the disaster would break tons of people’s hearts all over the world. The disaster would also cause million and billions of damage and money would be needed to fund repairs. Plus many buildings would be destroyed.
Jared Bartrug
5th period
The weather event I probably fear the most is an earth quake. Well, I have not been caught in a bad storm and hope to never be. I'm not sure if the world could have had more preparation for the diaster without knowing it would come. All disasters have a major affect on the world, killing people, and loosing loved ones. Any affect would have a magnitude on the world.
gabi pearse.(:
The thing I fear the most is either an earthquake or a tsunami. Either one its really hard to run from or get in your car and run off in a blink of an ear. Also it takes out your whole city and you are so lucky to live through it. When I went to Florida one year hurricane Charley was coming and we had to leave a day or two earlier to get away. The crazy thing is when we were driving home there were funnel clouds everywhere! I have no idea how to recover from a tsunami like that I’ve heard some place made a huge wall from terrible waves ?!
eden laurel richmonddd <33
I fear tornadoes and other things in the same catagory. I have been caught well not exactly caught but it was where I was and all I know is that I was scared almost to death. I can't remember exactly what it was I think it was either a tornadoe or a hurricane. I was somewhere between seven and eight when I went to Virginia with my Grandmother. We was sitting out side on the porch that was closed off and then she seen something and took me inside quickly and she wouldn't tell me what was going on until I seen it myself. I was so scared, I really thought that I was going to die. I was crying and my grandma was holding me and everyone was screaming and running. We just went downstairs in the basement and sat there until everything was over.
im afraid of hurricanes.i was with my friend and we were walking home and it was pouring down rain. no because you can never be really prepared for a tsunami.
I think the worst weather disaster is either a tornado or an earthquake. I havent been caught in any major storm or anything like that.The world could be better if they could detect exactly where it would hit earlier so that they could evacuate people better. An event like this would be even more devastating than it already is.
Neil Scherich 3-4
The weather event that I fear the most is probably hurricanes. I fear then because I hate the feeling of being trapped in water and there is no way out. I have been in many bad storms like snow and rain storms but nothing too serious. One time on the way too Spruce Knob I got stuck on it for at least a few hours in the snow. I think we can prepare for another tsunami by having better look outs and earlier evacuations.
I feel terrible for the families this happened to. I would never image what it would be like to loose a loved one in the blink of an eye. I would feel miserable for the rest of my life. Rain storms, when I was like ten I was riding my bike and lighting struck like twenty feet away from me and my friend. I was crying like a baby. It was scary. I have never been caught in a storm to bad but stuff happens.
The weather event that I fear the most are tornadoes. Only because it will damage everything. Yes I was caught in a terrible storm when my soccer team was in Beckley. There was a tornado warning coming toward Beckley. My mom, sister and I took our chances of driving home. I think we should all have better technology use that can tell us what is coming our way. We could also have a place to go incase of emergency. I think the effect would be terrible. A big amount of us would be dead and some wounded. It would be a terrible hazard.
I fear Hurricanes the most because Its very strong and cant be stoped. I Don't like it because it is like a tornado with water. I am glad i lived in a mountain state. I have been in a bad storm. When lived in Florida i went threw 3 hurricanes and they were very scary one of them was katrina but it was befor it was at a full power so we didnt get that big of a effect. The only way I think you can be safe in these situations is to leave that area.
Tornadoes are my biggest fear well other than spiders but I have always been afraid of tornadoes. When ever we were in Georgia for the sugar bowl about four years ago there were tornado watches. Well we were all eating at this restaurant in the hotel waiting until we go to the stadium for the game and on the T.V. it said there was tornadoes seen through out the county that we were in . I was trying to ignore it as much as I could cause I didn't want to keep looking up at the T.V. and then start crying, that would have been embarrassing. Well my Mimi knew I was scared but she just didn't bring it up but you know loud mouth pap , he looked up at the T.V. and said " Look there's a tornado watch for our county. Well I couldn't ignore that so I started crying and my Mimi got really mad at my pap for saying anything and she took me to the lobby and sat with me so I couldn't see outside of see the T.V. The world could be better prepared if they get better storm tracking systems, which they probably will in the future. One other thing that I think we should have is a better protection center for when there is tornadoes or any other natural disaster. I could never imagine being in a tsunami !
sydney woody
1st period(:
The weather event that i fear the most would have to be all of them because they all have major impacts on things or places in the world. I have never really been in a bad storm. The closest that I have been to a bad storm is just very bad winds, which knocked over lots of trees. It was here in fairmont last year I think. I think that they could try and build stronger, taller, and thicker walls around the city to keep waters from coming to the land. It would make people very scared. It would also kill lots of people and destroy the area that the tsunami happened in.
Brent Pacoe
6th and 7th period
The weather event I fear the most is probably snow storms beacuse snow is so that it destroys a lot of belongings to families. The worst storm that I have been caught in is probably this past snow storm when we had no school for like two weeks. People could check the weather more often and now about when it is going to happen so they can maybe get away and have valuble items away. So you can cherish them again instead of them disapiring in a storm. This disastor had an effect on the world, because people had family living there and peoples belongings got distroyed.
Johnny Kesling(:
1 Period(:
I fear an earthquake, because you would have things falling on top of you randomly. I have been caught in a tornado, I was maybe 5 or 6 in South Carolina and my grandparents took me with them and my parents stayed in a hotel with the company they were working for. At that age I was so angry that they got to stay in a hotel. now i am glad i was in Virginia and not closer to the storm. I believe that We have better technology today, to warn more people, and hopefully they will understand that they are in danger so less people will have to go through this type of tragedy. It would be horrible if an event of this magnitude were to happen to the whole world, people would be devistated.
Maddison Bowen
5th period
I feel terrible for the families this happened to. I would never image what it would be like to loose a loved one in the blink of an eye. I would feel miserable for the rest of my life. Rain storms, when I was like ten I was riding my bike and lighting struck like twenty feet away from me and my friend. I was crying like a baby. It was scary. I have never been caught in a storm to bad but stuff happens.
I feel terrible for the families this happened to. I would never image what it would be like to loose a loved one in the blink of an eye. I would feel miserable for the rest of my life. Rain storms, when I was like ten I was riding my bike and lighting struck like twenty feet away from me and my friend. I was crying like a baby. It was scary. I have never been caught in a storm to bad but stuff happens.
Tornadoes are the most frightening to me because it would just destroy everything. At one of my baseball games there was a lightning storm and A bolt of lightning struck right in front of me. It was a while ago. We could evacuate quicker or build a tsunami wall. It would throw us into an economical downgrade again.
I did the woman blog:)
I fear a tsunami the most, it terrible how everything happens like that. No i have never been caught in a bad storm. I hope i never do get caught in a bad storm. Everyone needs to help other people who need help, people with no food, or no shelter, or clothes. The world is be recked by storms all over the place, these storms kill alot of people, and talk peoples homes, and loved ones away. It's just heart breaking.
6th and 7th
Tornadoes have always been my biggest fear, even though I dont really have to worry about them with all of the hills and mountains in this area. If i lived near an ocean, I would be terrified of tsunamis. I haven't really been caught in any bad storms except for strong lightning, thunder, and rain. We can be better prepared by having plans and emergency evacuations farther ahead of time. We should also have extra food, water, shelters, and clothes ready for people who lose everything. This disaster would destroy everything, but it depends on where it would take place.
Allll Cumberlanddddd <33
1stt periodd :]
I fear tornadoes and earthquakes the most. Back in 2005, my family and I were out in Kansas for a couple weeks during the summer. It was the fourth of July and right after we let off some fireworks, it looked like a tornado was going to hit. SO all the kids ran down stairs.The wind was blowing hard then it started pouring. The world could get a better tracking system. It would devastate most of the world, just like the earthquake in Haiti did.
The storm I fear most is a tornado becasue it could tear your house right off the ground and every thing around it. One summer when I was 2 years old, I was at North Myrtle Beach and Hurricane Bonnie came. It was in 1998. We had to leave immediatly because of a mandatory evacuation. A storm like this would have a big impact on the world, because everyone would have to pitch in and help the country get back together, just like how we helped during the Haiti and the New Orleans disasters. In order to be prepared for natural disasters, cities have to have disaster plans prepared and ready to execute within a short amount of time.
Ryan Rosier
Pd. 6 & 7
I fear all kinds of weather really, from thunder to tornadoes to earthquakes to tsunamis. I have a lot of fears. SOme of them are random like my fear of people and my fear pf being noticed. Others like my social phobia and fear of public speaking are most likely because I am shy and made fun of constantly. I have been in Myrtle Beach a couple of years ago with my mom and there was a hurricane watch and everyone was going away from the beach. I got angry because she would not let me go outside on the sand and collect sea shells and play in the water, but now I understand that it was possibly dangerous. They could give better warnings and if one hits unexpectedly or something, help out people like what they did in HAiti. Collect money and clothes, food, ETC. for them and let the victims know that you care and really do want to help and improve their lives. Just be as nice as you possibly can and help whenever possible. It would be very bad, because the world is already in terrible condition. Whether from the 20 story pile of trash at a landfill in the United States to the multiple earthquakes to global warming to oil explosions and pollution. There is a ton of problems in the world to fix, but barely anyone really cares. I do. I am an environmentalist basically. Plus a veggie-tarian. Look at my funny spelling. LOL. :)
I fear the worst weather is when a tornado happens but that has never happened here that I know of.My mom has been in over a hundred earthquakes in Japan. The worst storm that I been was a rain storm that flooded Fairmont pretty badly at school when I was in fifth or sixth grade we were released from school early so we weren't trapped at school. To prevent a tsunami, you need to build a tall wall or building to block the huge wave from causing more damage. The global location is a border line of near-by disasters near the tropics which mean the equator. Near the equator is warm so it is most likely to cause a tsunami.
Erika Edwards
5th period
I fear a tornadoe the worst because it drags many things up in the air in a gigantic swirl.THe only place I've ever gone was New Hampshire and New York and there were no storms that day.Oh yeh when i lived in ohio it was a really bad storm.My family and i had to stay inside the whole day.It was blowing trash cans every where.I was scared.One thing they can do is take heed to the natural warnings. For example a few days before the disaster every animal started running for the hills. Another is that they could have better prepared themselves.
The fear that i would have most would be a tornado because are the most fearful.you never know what to be expecting and at anytime. I have never been caught in a tornado before i have no clue what I would do if I did. they could try telling us by the weather changing to something that the weather is not now. The world would be destroyed and everyone would die around the same time.The world can all work together as one and help the people who are in need even better than they did before because all of those people needed help.
My biggest fear would defiantly have to be a tornado. thank goodnesss we live in west virginia and are surrounded by mountains so we dont really have to much to worry about. i have never really been in a tornado or extremly bad storm the closest i have gotten was, when i was at cheerleading practice and it started to thunderstorm and lightning very bad! by the time i woke up in the morning trees were everywhere and windows were broke in and everything. i think to prepare for tornadoes better we should have some kind of device that gives us a heads up. The damage left behind from any natural disaster is awful!
My biggest fear is to be caught in a hurricane. After i seen the affects of Hurricane Katrina i was so scared, I seen peole laying helpless with fear in their eyes!
I have never got caught in a natural disater ever! And I don't want to. When things happen like you can lose alot of family, not only that but the damage it does to your town. when a disaster happens its good for you to stick together.
I hope nothing ever happens like that here !
I fear anearthquake the most because there always tremors and you never know for sure where the earth is going to crack open. When I lived in Florida there was a small tornadp that passed through where we lived. I think the world can be better prepared with advanced technology,stronger structures, and better evacuation plans. It would be very devastating.
Kaitlyn Westfall
5th period
The worst natural diaster i fear is a hurricane beacuse the water levels get very high the electric goes out for weeks the wind is blowing so hard you just can't move. I have never been caught in a bad storm but my relatives were caught in hurricane katrina in 2005. The world can be perpared by having a shelter with food, water, blankets,and a radio. This diaster would destroy the world and make it hard to live everyday life.
Caroline Brophy
1st ((:
The weather even that I most fear is a tornado. I think they are the scariest because they're the hardest to escape and to prepare for. I've never really been caught in a bad storm. However, over spring break there was terrible flooding in Rhode Island while we were there visiting my dad. You couldn't get anywhere because almost all of the streets were blocked off where there was water across them. It was the worst flood there in over 100 years. The world can be better prepared for a serious weather disaster by planning evacuation routes and how people will exit major cities when a natural disaster is about to occur. A disaster of this magnitude would have a terrible impact on the world, leaving much of it in a crisis and the rest desperate for a way to help.
Michaela Cloutier
1st period
The weather event that I fear the most would probably have to be a flood. To me that would be horrible, because I can't tred water very well. I'm scared to death of drowning. I have kind of been caught in a bad storm. We were in Beckley for a soccer tournament and they had bad tornado warnings. This happened like 2 years ago. We could be better prepared for a disaster like that by watching weather patterns more carefully, and make buildings more stable for all kinds of disasters. This kind of disaster could have a horrible effect on the world, because it could ruin everything in the environment and communities.
maddie stevenski
I most fear earthquakes because the amount of people getting killed by them. I have been caught in a flood here in WV. I believe it was about 7 years ago. I think that we all should get together and build places that are strong enough to hold through a storm like that. many people would be very crushed if someone close or other people were dead, their things would be displaced, their homes would be lost, and it would cost a fortune to be able to rebuild and get everything fixed that was destroyed.
Well, I’d have to say that I am a rather fearful person. I’m pretty much afraid of all natural disasters. From tornadoes to hurricanes, from floods to earthquakes, I’m afraid of every one you could possibly name. I haven’t been in any major storms. The worse one that I remember was this year. The wind was blowing like crazy and the next morning, electrical wires were down, windows were broken, and trees and branches covered the ground. Although we can’t stop such disasters, we can try to save some of the victims. We can develop technology that can accurately predict future weather. A disaster of this magnitude would change the world by causing people to donate money and necessities towards the people. It would also cause people to become more worried about what might occur where they live.
Rachel Martin
the weather i most fear is a tornado. actually i have been caught in a bad storm one time down in the beach on our way home it was really scary. the need to make a building of some sort where everybidy can get to. like make be underground or on a big hill or something. the world would be a diaster and it woiuld be bad.
I fear any natural disaster you can think of, in my opinion one isn't really worse than the other. I have never been caught in any natural disaster but there have been bad storms around here before. We could prepare for a natural disaster like that of the tsunami in 2004 would to build something like a bunker or multiple 'bunkers' to house people during the time of trouble. I disaster of this magnitude has a huge effect on the earth, people lose houses, family, friends, money, and pets. All in all it's not good. I think more should be done to prevent or help take care of these natural disasters once they do happen.
I fear any natural disaster you can think of, in my opinion one isn't really worse than the other. I have never been caught in any natural disaster but there have been bad storms around here before. We could prepare for a natural disaster like that of the tsunami in 2004 would to build something like a bunker or multiple 'bunkers' to house people during the time of trouble. I disaster of this magnitude has a huge effect on the earth, people lose houses, family, friends, money, and pets. All in all it's not good. I think more should be done to prevent or help take care of these natural disasters once they do happen.
The weather event that I most fear is an earthquake. I was on my was home from gymnastic practice and my mom was driving down the interstate when this huge hail storm started. It was so bad that we had to pull over to the side of the road. We couldn't see anything out of the windows, because it was so bad out. When it calmed down enough to be able to see to drive, we crossed this bridge and it wasn't even wet with rain or anything and the sun was shining. I believe that we should have better technology to detect when a storm, earthquake, tsunami, or tornado is going to happen, because it's better to know when something bad is going to happen before it happens. It has a big effect on the world because people see what has happened, what kind of danger people are in, and that makes them want to help. A disaster this big cause a lot of sorrow on many people across the world.
Crystal Rowe (:
6&7th period
The weather event that would make me tremble in fear is tornado. The worst storm I have ever seen was at school because it was raining really hard and we had to stay in school. It was in 4th grade. It was right aroung 12:00. They might have the survival skills from the last time it happended. People could be more prepared. It caused most of the cities in the state had to recover from it. Just rebuild what they already worked on. The people would probaly be in shock for the lives they lost. That is my opinion on this week's blog.
I fear ocean storms the most because after i saw this video i totally changed my mind. Im still afraid of tornados and floods though. Yea i have been caught in a type of storm. We had a huge rain storm and it flooded everything in our home basically. It was terrible. The storm happened in like 2005-2007 i cant remember the year. The best way to be prepared is to tell as many people that you love them. It might effect the world because people lost a lot of lives and people wont want to live in places like that.
taylor rowe
1st period
The weather event i most fear is a hurricane! They are very scary. Once i got caught in a very bad storm almost like a hurrican but not as strong. Me and my family got caught in it when we were driving home from vacation at mertal beach. The world can be safer by having designated shelters for people to go.
I most fear tornadoes because you don't know when they are coming. I don't ever remeber being in a very bad storm but of course i have been in storms. I don't think you can ever be prepared for a tsunami because you don't know when they are coming so you can not prepare for it. Everyone would die and everything eould be destroyed if it happened here.
Kimmy Woods
3/4 period
the most. I have been caught in a hurrcane. A couple of years ago in Jacksonville, Florida. I think we should have excape planes. Where everyone can leave that area right before a tusnami came. This could efect everyone because familys can die.
allie wilson
I fear a torando the worst.I have been caught in a bad storm when i lived in preston county it stormed really bad we did not have electrity for about a week. The world can be pepared for natural disasters by getting generators and having extra food just in case something happens. Natural disasters effect the world greatly because they cause many people to die
stevie thibodeaux
3rd & 4th period
I am terrified of Hurricanes. I have been afraid of the ever since the New Orleans hurricane. I have never been caught in a bad storm, well at least not that i know of. I think if all people worked together to show they all care. We could all help prepare something good in case something bad did happen. Like everyone have food saved and boats and things like that to help each other out. A disaster like that could have many effects on the world. There could be so many people without homes and people could lose their family.
Sydney Izydore
I think the natural disaster i fear most is a tornado. They intrigue me, yet also terrify me. So, I'm glad i live in WV, because they are very rare here. I was caught in a horrible thunderstorm while walking home from school with my brothers. We were all pretty young and ended up going to the neighbors house. I think they should monitor these storms and make better evacuation plans. Survivors would be struck with grief for lost loved ones.
I fear a hurricane the most, hurricanes usally destroy everything they pass. Also a tornado in a way. We probably won't have have anything like that sence we have high mountains. I have been stuck in a terrible storm before, my mother, cousin dee, and father were about to get in the car from celebrating our football team winning. I was a cheerleading when I was younger. We had to stay in the car for atleast an hour before we could go home. When my mother was walking up our sidewalk and almost got struck by lighting, it was right by her foot. I bet she was terrified. If the world can work together as a team and help when a event like a hurricane or earthquake hits. Nobody should be selfish right now, a lot of people need help in the world today.
- Symone Stewart ( :
1st period <3
the weather even i mostly fear is an hurricane, because a hurricane is a combination of highwinds and water tearing threw a place. her ein wv we dont have to worry about those though (: yes i have been in a badstorm on the way to a basketball tournament in ohio about two years ago . there were highwinds and hail!!! the world can can upgrade there sattalite technology to see when a tsunami or any other weather disaster earlier before it happens. the effect a disaster like this has on the world is everyone sort of comes together to help the place wehere it happened.
Oh my I have no Idea. I fear any natural disaster really? I would be scared to death if I was put in a situation like this. Thank goodness we have mountains!!!! lol We definitely have experienced our share of bad storms. It was not too long ago, but the the thunder was so lound that it shook the house. I guess the world can prepare by having drills and practices for these kinds of disasters. Everyone needs to have a back up plan for each natural disaster that may occur even if they are not in an area that a disaster is likely to occur. If the whole entire world had to face a disaster like this I think everyone would just have to start from scratch. We would have to rebuild everything we've lost and start all over.
my fear is in tornados and earthqacks. yes once i was at the beach and was caught in part of a hurricane it wasnt that bad just a whole lot of rain and wind. There could be more medical people and places ready for when the people get hurt in the disaster. the world would suffer from the loses of the people and financialy for having to repair the damage that it would bring.
I personally fear a earthquake even tho i dont think we will ever have one in West Virginia. I dont think I have ever been caught in a terrible storm, thank gosh. although I have almost been to every statein the U.S. I dont know tho. Be prepared alott earlier, and track the radar earlier. The world can all work together as one and help all the people in need even better than they did before because all of those people need urgent care. disasters today are terrible, they hurt alot of people, and mess up alot of places.
I fear either earthquakes or tornadoes the most.Once i was in florda and I was just chilling by the pool. it was a very windy day that day but still sunny out. i was getting some ZZZ time by the pool and was geting a little sun :D. When i woke up about and hour later it was a little chilly and not sunny any more :(. so me and my family went in side of the condo we were staying at. When we looked at the news it said that a tornado just went threw a city close to us and i was like wow. I got a little freaked out because it could have hit my city and i would have proble been deid :(. I think they should have a recording that calls all cell phones and all house phones to tell them a tornado is coming. You should never sleep by the pool when a tornados close.
Lance Puccio :)
I probably fear tornados they most. They are pretty scary to see in person. I haven’t before but, I have seen movies. I was in a really bad snow storm before. I was in the car and I was so scared, I was around ten years old. I have no clue how we could prepare for natural disasters for many reasons. On is that you can’t stop Mother Nature and you don’t know when it is coming. Disasters have a huge impact on our world, from food, shelter to all the medical care.
melia Dewitt ♥
6 & 7 period (;
If I had to pick the worst natursl disaster, I would have to say a hurricane. It's like a tsunami sucked up by a tornado and thrown all over the place. Over Spring Break this year, my father, brother, my dad's girlfriend and I were driving in from a great night out, when the song cut off, and said there was a small hurricane coming through where we were. Even a tiny hurricane brout huge chunks of hail, partially flooded the interstate, and blew the car with the four of us in it sideways while we were driving. It was terrible, because I couldn't stop thinking how vulnerable we woulf be if it got any worse. The world can be better prepared for these things by working on solutions NOW, and not waiting for the storms to come. It's never too late... until it is. A disaster of this magnitude would not only destroy families and cause major pain and grief, but it would turn our alredy suckish economy into a joke. It would be terrible, to the second power (hee hees, math).
Malizzle, baby! =]
i dont fear a lot of wheather events that much at all because ive been in a lot of them. im going to have to say im most afraid of an earthquake though. ive been caught in tornadoes and floods. im surprised i havnt seen a big hurricane yet. i was at my house 2 summers ago when the tornado hit. it was very fun(: scientist can track the way the ocean in before a tsunami and can predict when the next one will be, that way we can evacuate people in danger. what does magnitude mean?
m a t t i s o n k o c h(:
I don't want it to seem like I laugh in the face of danger or anything, but I can't say I fear any horrific weather event. That's probably because I never experienced one, I guess. I can imagine going through a tornado, earthquake, etc. and yes, that would be scary, but I just don't feel I need to fear anything because, well... We have mountains, we're far from the shore, we're not on a fault line. Say I lived somewhere else, earthquakes would probably be the last thing I would choose to live with. I don't remember any REALLY bad storms, just the occasional thundering. Where? My house. When? Occasionally. Better weather prediction technology is the only method I can think of for disaster preparation. If every coast got... tsunamified... at once, many would die.
Pretty much everything you can name, tornadoes, etc. Yes; my family had to sit in our basement because of a tornado warning and stayed there for hours. I can't remember when it was. We could carefully develop and plan for a situtation like this one. It would and has brung pain to all of us and we would probably do all we can to help as we have before.
I fear tsunamis the most. I was caught in a hurricane on a vacation to Florida to visit relatives. It was a couple of years ago. Thankfully, it wasn't a very strong hurricane. I do not think the world could be better prepared for a tsunami. There isn't really alot you can do to prevent or stop a wall of water coming towards you. This disaster would devistate any part of the world it occurred in. You can still see the destruction of hurricane Katrina in New Oreleans and that was years ago.
donovan wilson
5th period
I think I fear a tornado the most. I remember when I was at Kennywood, they had to shut down the park for like 3 days because of the storm that hit while we were there. Then, it seemed to be right over us the whole way home. and it was very bad. Truly, I tihnk there just needs to be more safehouses, and better evacuations plans that everyone can rely on. The world would be chaos and disaster. Ughh , not goooodd !
Andy Shaw
1sttt .
The weather event that I fear the most is probably hurricanes. No I have never been caught in a bad storm. But I hope i never do get caught in a bad storm. I think the world can be better prepared with advanced technology,stronger structures, and better evacuation plans.The disaster would cause million and billions of damage and money would be needed to fund repairs
I fear an earthquake because of what I saw dealing with Haiti. No i hvae never really been caught in a bad storm. The world could be better prepared for a disaster if the technology would be alittle better like if they would come out with a way to shut down the disaster. This could cause so many disasters and deaths in the world. All the structures would be destroyed and we couldn't rebuild them all at once.
A something that involes water. No, well sorta. There was this small baby tonado and it was windy outside but it was really strong and fast. It felt like I was going to be pulled away. It was at my house. They should have better things to tell people when there is going to really really bad storm. It could save alot of people and there would be less death, maybe.
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