The one in poland is crowde, unkept, cannot read the names on the stones. the one in philadelphia is neat, u can read all the names, an is much more organized. The polish people show their hatred and distain to the Polish people by using their cemetary stones to pave the road. The authors purpose in creating this video is to show how little the Jewish PEOPLE ARE RESPECTED AND HOW BADLY THEY ARE TREATED. this video correlates to the play because both show how poorly the jewish people are treated.adrianna1
The cemetery in Poland is a haunted reminder of how many are dead. There were so many dead that they just barried everybody there. Some got tombstones and so didn't. The one in Philadelphia is organized. They burried everybody they had a writin reccored of. The Polish showed their disdain by creating monuments and statues in there honnor. The purpose of the author is to show how many died. This correlates with anne franks story to show why they went into hidding.
The cemeteries in Poland seem dirty, left alone, tightly packed together ect. As where the one in Philadelphia is spreaded out, presentable, and what a burial ground should look like. The Polish race actually overlooks the cemetary and that show the hatred between the two. The purpose of this video is to show how badly they were treated, and the harsh conditions they had to deal with. While the wealthier (Aerian people) got nicer things and better burial, they just got little stones with no names. Both of these pieces show how roughly they were kept, and how much no one seemed to care.Mariah Allen5th Perioddd
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is over crowded and in disrepair, the one in Philidelphia is somewhat organized, cleaner looking, and not as crowded. The Polish showed their disdain for the Jewish by leaving the cemetery a wreck and by not taking care of it. The author's purpose in making this video is to show how poorly the Jews were treated and how much they were looked down upon. This corrolates to the play of Anne Frank because the play took place during this time preiod and she was Jewish so she was hiding out.
Obviously, the cemetaries in Poland are very crowded and dirty, and it looks like no one has ever taken care of them. The one in Philadelphia is well-kept, clean, and a little more organized. The polish people show their disdain to the Jewish because of the way that they don't care about where they are buried, or how it looks. The videographer's purpose in this video was to show how little people care for them, and how badly they are still treated when they're dead. Both the play and this video show how terrible the Holocaust really was. Ali Cumberland1st perioddd .
The one in Poland was crowded and you couldn't see the names the stones were so close together. The one in Philadelphia was clean and had descriptions on the stones and you could see what they said. The polish people didn't like them they used there stones as road pavements! The authors purpose is to tell how terrible the holocaust was. This video shows how bad they were treated.Caroline Brophy1st<3
The one in poland is very unorganized, older looking, and crowded. The one in philadelphia is newer looking, and neat. They weren't very respectful. They paved the roads with the headstones. They wanted to show you how no one respected the jews. It shows what the Holocaust did.m a t t i s o n(: k o c h
The cemetery in Poland is very unorganized and cluttered. All of the headstones were broken and faded. The cemetery in Philadelphia is very organized. All of the headstones were perfectly readable and none of them were broken. The Polish people showed their disdain to the Jewish in this video by overlooking the cemetery and letting it get destroyed. They also paved the road with some of the headstones from the cemetery. The videographer's purpose was to she how badly the Jews were treated even after they were killed. The cemetery in Poland was created during the time Anne Frank was hiding from the Nazis.donovan wilson5th period
The cemetary in Poland was clearly not taken care of or cared aobut. Almost all of the headstones were broken and not eligable. The lawn was dying and not every person even had their own headstone. The headstones were even used to pave roads. In Philadelphia The headstones were very clear to read and in nice, neat rows. Every person had their own headstone and even the grass was a lush green. Obviously, the Polish could care less about the Jewish. In Philadelphia, Jewish were treated as just another person, not treated better, but not treated worse. I think the author wanted to explain that some people are very judgmental just because of religion or race. This video shows how badly Jewish have been treated, just like the play does.Megan Branch5th period(:
The cemetary in Poland shows just how little people cared about the Jews. It was crowded and you couldn't even read the names on the stones. They were so close together, it appears that they were all buried in one huge pile. This looks like it should be the cemetary for the Nazi's rather than the Jews. The cemetary in Philadelphia was well kept up and neat. It showed respect for the deceased Jews, and sorrow for their death. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show just how little respect the Polish hold for the Jews. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank because it shows the sadness and hatred going on outside while Anne and her family were in hiding.~~Michaela Cloutier, period 1(:
The cemetery in Poland was incredibly crowded, poorly kept, and seems neglected as if nobody seemed to care. However, the Philadelphia cemetery was very neat tidy, and presentable. Even some of the tombstones looked as if they could be artwork. The Polish showed their disrespect towards the Jewish my using their headstones to pave roads and just making their cemetery unfit to even look like a real cemetery. I think the author's purpose was to show how people mistreated the Jewish actually were just because of their religion. I think this correlates withh the plat, Anne Frank because they basically have the same purpose. They both try to spread the knowledge of how the Jewish weere poorly treated back then. I think it is pretty ridiculous that someone should have to hid for their lives especially we they haven't done anything wrong. Amina Byers5th
The Jewish cemetery in Poland looks very poorly treated compared to the one in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia one looks very nice and organized. Although the Poland cemetery has monuments and remembrance items it is still today being treated poorly. The author's purpose for this video is to remind people of the horrifying event,the Holocaust, and to show how many people died. This video correlates to the play, Anne Frank because Anne was killed during the Holocaust and this video has to do with it. Maddison Bowen :) 5th period
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is crowded,very dirty, and left alone.The Philadelehia cemetery is spread out,very clean, and maintained.They paved the streets with the old headstones. The author's purpose for making this video is to show people how the Jewish people were disrespected. This video and play shows how bad the Holocaust really was.kaitlyn westfall 5th period
I love youSterling Fitzwater
The poland cemetary is crowded. It is ugly. The philly one is neat and spreaded out.The Jewish in this video by overlooking the cemetery and letting it get wrecked. The author's purpose for making this video is to show how the jewish were hated. The holocaust was horribleSterling fitzwater(:
The Jewish cemetery in Poland has headstones that are falling over, weathered, covered with moss and unreadable. The Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia is more cared for and looks nicer, is readable and not as crowded. The Polish people showed their disdain and disrespect to the Jews by using their headstones to pave their streets. The author's purpose for creating this video is to show the level of disrespect for the Jewish people. Both the video and the Anne Frank play represent the horrific devastation of the Holocaust.
The cemetery in Poland was very unorganized, and very untidy. This cemetery looks like they just dumped the bodies in a big truck, dug a big hole, and then just threw them in their. The Philadelphia cemetery was very neat and looked well kept. The Polish people show their disdain to the Jewish by how poorly they kept their buried bodies. The purpose of this video is to show how they didn't like the Jewish people, and how racism was so bad back then. This shows that they still didn't like the Jewish people even after they died. This correlates with the play of Anne Frank because it shows why they were hiding, if they weren't hiding then they would get caught and die in death camps.Maddie Stevenski :)1st
The Jewish cemetery in Poland was unclean, the stones were crammed together, and falling over. The cemetery in Philadelphia was clean, the stones were spread apart, and were still standing straight. The Polish people showed their distain to the Jewish by paving roads with the headstones. The autgor's purpose in this video is to show how the Jewishe people were horribly disrespected. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, because they both deal with the Holocaust. Lauren Hesse5th period
The cemitaries in Poland, seem lonley, cold, and unkept. The oneIN Philidelphia seem clean, neat, and organized. The author's purpose i think is to tell you how bad the jews were treaed then and unrespceted.Tori Harper1st
The Jewish cemetery in Poland, unlike the one in Philadelphia, is un-kept, the stones are unreadable and broken, and the stones are very close to one another. The cemetery in Philadelphia is neat, kept-well, not crowed, and the stones are readable.The Polish showed their disdain to the Jews by not keeping it neat and nice, by not caring to what it looked like to others. The purpose of this video was to show people know that nobody cared about the Jews and that nobody respected them. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, because she was a Jews also and she was disrespected like all others and like the cemetery. gabriella pearse. [:6/7th period.
Poland's graveyard is messy, overcrowded, and unkempt, while the cemetery in Philidelphia is well kept, and each person has their own grave. Disdain - to think unworthy of notice, response, etc.; consider beneath oneself. The Polish show their disdain by not allowing the Jews to have their own burial space. I bet if you went to a Jew-free cemetery, it's clean and well spaced. The authors purpose was to show that what happened to the Jews was cruel and unnecessary. It correlates with the play Anne Frank in topic and in the fact that Jews were disrespected, dishonored, and destroyed.
The Jewish cemetary in Poland is very messy. Like someone just toke a bunch of books and just threw them in a library. The one in Philadelphia looks like someone actually took the time to make it look good, you can actually read the names. The one in Poland had moss all over it too, but back to the one in Philadelphia. It looks like someone acutally took the time to sort the books if you would compare this to a library. The Polish just flat out hated, could not stand the Jews. They had absolutly no respect for them. I think the author's purpose in making this video is to show how hated and mistreated the Jews were. This correlates with Anne Frank because they both have to deal with how bad the Jews were treated and about the Holocaust.
The Jewish people cemetary in Poland is horrible looking. The gravestones are packed together very tightly like they just dug a hole and threw them in it. They show no respect even for the people when thhey are dead. That is horrible. The one in Philadelphia is cleaner and neater. People can actually tell who is buriedd there because you can;t really read the gravestones for the Jews. The purpose of this video is to teach reader's about how much Poland disrespects Jewish people because the conditions are horrible. Poeple go to cemetaries to kind of connect or appreciate people who have passed away and on this, you wouold hurt yourself trying to walk around and you couldn't even tell who you were respecting. Anne Frank tells that the camps were filthy and the conditions were horrible and this proves that even the cemetaries were treated badly. This makes me feel sad beacsue you think of all of the people who don't get to have a life anymore. There were even little children in there. That is just awful. I wish that someone could have stopped Hitler sooner and released the jews.Marissa Cox5th peropd1-28-100
The one in Poland was very crowded and unorganized but the one in Philadelphia was a little more honoring for the dead. Polish did not like them a whole lot because they used their stones as roads!! I think the authors purpose was to inform you about how life was and how greatful you should be that you can basicly live freely. It shows how people really didnt care about them because of how they treated jews and other people.edenn richmond;)) 5th pd.
The cemetery in Poland is very crowded, unkempt, messy, and in disrepair. There are leaves everywhere and they are never raked. Also it is very hard to read the names on the grave stones because of the broken and crumbling stones. On the other hand the cemetery in Philadelphia’s is well kept, orderly, the grass is mowed, the leaves are raked, you can read all of the names on the grave stones, and it looks like someone cares about the people that died there. Also it is looks very respectful to the dead. The Polish show how much they loathe the Jews by paving the streets with their grave stones and by having one hundred thousand bodies buried in the cemetery but only twelve thousand grave stones in it. Another way they show it is by how they keep their cemeteries. I think the purpose of this video is to show to you how much hatred was shown for the Jews even after they were dead by some countries and how people are supposed to be treated even when they are dead. This video relates to the book because it shows how the Jews were hated and why they where willing to hide out in a secret and very small room with very little human contact for two years like Anne Frank did.Jared Bartrug5th period
they are all broke and descragrateing. they show how harsh the holocaust was. they both tell how the war rose.
The one in poland you couldn't see the names and it looked scary. In philly its neat, more respectful, you can see the names and organized. They show the people from poland, there haterid torward the jews by taking their graves and paving them into the road. I think the authors purpose was to show how little the jews have been respected.
The cemetery in Poland looks worse than the one in Philadelphia. The polish take graves and use them to pave roads and do not care about the jewish graves at all. The purpose of this video is to teach us about how bad the holocaust was and now what the do to the graves of Jews. Anne Frank was a Jew too so they could be doing this stuff to her grave also.Kimmy Woods 3/4 period.
The cemetery in poland is very crowed and i thought it was very very dirty. The one in philadelphia was much cleaner. and not as crowed.The authors purpose in this story was to tell us about the holocaust. I thought is was crazy hoe the polish people didnt care where they were buried.
The one in Poland is very crowed.Its very messy you cant read the names on the stones.The one the Philadelphia is neater.It is way more organized.You can see the names on the stones.The polish people showed poor effort to bury the bodies.The video purpose is to show how the polish hate the jews.This correlates with anne franks story to show why they went into hidding
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is over crowded and in disrepair, the one in Philidelphia is somewhat organized, cleaner looking, and not as crowded. They show there hatred to the polish. The author purpose to show this video is because how show how badly the Jewish people where treated. They both have to do with the Hitler and the killing to Jews.Ryan Bogo6&7 period
The cemetery in poland seems dirty and it is also hard to read the names on the stones. The cemetery in Philadelphia is alot more neat and you can read all the manes clearly. The Polish people put up statues and other things for the people. The Jewish people didn't really care about anything. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show how bad the people treated them and also the bad living places. The play Anne Frank correlates with this one by showing us how the jewish people were treated. Brent Pacoe 6th and 7th period
The one in Poland is not kept, dirty, and you cant read the nmaes on the stone. The Polish disliked some of the stuff the jewish. The authors purpose in this video is to show how unfair the jews were treated. How prejudice people were back then. It shows how poorly people are treated.r.skar ♥6th & 7th period
The Jewish cemetery in Poland was a startling reminder of the lives that the Jews under Nazi rule had. They were tossed from place to place, no one cared about what happened to them, and they all pretty much met the same fate.The cemetery is unkept, disorganized, in other words it is a mess and a very poortribute to the Jews that lost their lives during WW2. The Cemetery in Pennsylvania is very organizd and well kept. It is a magnificent memorial of Jews to everyone everywhere. The polish show their disdain for the Jewish through the statue and not recognizing their sufferings and trials by ignoring they burial site. I think that the author's purpose in making this video is to show how many people had to die and suffer before the threat the Nazis posed was removed. Anne said in her diary that sooo many people were dying and that there were many terrible things going on while they were in the Secret Annex.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland looked as if it was vandalized. However, the cemetery in Philadelphia is modern and presentable. Similarly, both cemeteries are in honor of those who died during the Holocaust. The Polish people show their disdain by paving the roads with the tombstones and creating beautiful statues and sculptures. The author's purpose in creating this video was to show how different countries honor the victims of the Holocaust in different manners. Also, the author wanted to portray how horribly the Jewish were treated. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, by showing how badly the Jewish people were treated and showing the harsh conditions that had to come to know as their habitat.Rachel Martin5th PeriodP.S. West Side is the best side!!!!!!
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is very messy and hasn't buried hasn't buried anyone over a century.Philadelpia is very organized and is cared for.The comparison is that they are both cemeteries and has one is remembered and the other is not. Polish show their disdain by using their headstones for paving a street. The author's purpose was to tell us about what happen and what they did to the cemetery and to remind us by giving us details of the Holocaust. Anne Frank lived through during time. Her diary gives us a better picture of what happened to the Jewish people.ERika Edwards5th period
The camps in poland are crowded, dirty. They do not care about them and they want them to have a terrible last days in the camp. To show how the jews lived in camp. It relates to anne frank because it show how bad they were treated.
the camps in poland are very dirty and unkept. the one in philidelphia is nice and well kept. the used the stone to path the informus on the cemetaries of the people from the holacaust. it shows how badly treated the jewish race was,kelsey morrone 1t period
The poland cemetery were dirty and disrespectful. They did not give pride or show respect to them. They were respectful and emactulet. They did not barie them in a formal fashion. The author wanted to show what it was like and how people delt with it.
It is unorganized, disrespected, and scatterd about. They paved the streets with the headstones. To show how they treated the Jewish population even after they died. That she may be in one of the graves somewhere but we do not know where.Neil Scherich 3-4
The cemetery in Poland was very crapy. It was very unorganised. The cemetery in Philedelphia was very organised and was made with care. The Polish showed their disdain by using some of the head stones to make roads. This video was made to show the difference between the cemeteries in Poland and Philidephia. This video correlates with the play because the play talked about the death and concentration camps, which involves people dieing, the video is showing you their cemeteries.Zack Linger5th Period
The Polish cemetery is very unkempt, and there are only tombstones for about 1/10 of the people buried there, which is sad. All the stones are diagonal, and nearly none of them can be read. The cemetery in Philadelphia, however, has a tombstone for every Jew they had records of. The Polish showed their disdain to the Jewish by using the tombstones for paving roads. The purpose of this video is to show how poorly the Jewish were treated during this time. There was even no respect for the dead. This correlates with The Diary of Anne Frank by mean of a matching theme: how Jews were treated.
The didfference is very huge. The one in poland is very crowed and old. The on in Philadelphia is more organized and newer. The nazis were so crewel to the the jews. What makes me mad is that they didnt do anything to deserve all that mistreatment. They both describe the camps and how awful this time was for all the jews Melia DeWitt (:6 & 7 period.
The gravestones are packed together very tightly like they just dug a hole and threw them in it. They show no respect even for the people when thhey are dead. The purpose of this video is to teach us about how bad the holocaust was and now what the do to the graves of Jews.The one in Philadelphia looks like someone actually took the time to make it look good, you can actually read the names."Lance the Man"{xoXO\XO/XOxo}
In this video they are very organized in many different ways.They have looked at many stones in there lifetime.they went to cemetaries in Poland. The jewish peoplewere treated so wrong,it was a sad journey that they had took in thier lifetime. They showed in the Video how some jews were treated some of them were treated very kindly and others were treated horribly if I was to be treated like that then i wouldnt survive.Meekayla Taylor6th and 7th period
The one in Poland is very untidy. The one in Philidelphia is tidy and neat. The polish use the gravestones to pave the roads. The authors purpose is to show how the jews where disrespected. They are alike because they show the poor treatment of the jewish.
The cememtary in Poland is very unorganized, run-down, and poorly maintainanced. The Philidelpha cemetary is much more organized, clean, and more tidy. The Polish seem to not care about the Jews and the millions of lives that were taken. The author's purpose was to show how people thought about the Holocaust and the different minds between the predators and the allies. This video correlates the play because it talks about the Holocaust and the disconcern of the Jews.-Andy Shaw (: -FIRST :D
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is over crowded and in disrepair, the one in Philidelphia is a little more organized, cleaner looking, and not as crowded. The Polish showed their disdain by creating monuments and statues in there honnor. The reason for this video is to show how the holocust was horrible. It correlates with the play by showing how terrible the Holocaust really was.
The cemetery in Poland is very crowded and dirty, the one in Philadelphia is not as crowded and somewhat newer. The purpose in creating this video is too show the millions that dies in the Holocaust. Sydney Izydore.firsttt.
the cemetery in Poland is very dirty,and very crowded together. you cannot see the names on the stones. while the cemetery in Philadelphia is more spaced out, you can read the names,and looks a bit more respected then the one in Poland.the purpose of this video is to show us all how badly the holocaust was and how awful the jews were treated!EmIlY uVeGeS (:6TH AND 7TH
The one in Poland is old and isn't a place people would want to be buried. Few people had tombstones.The one in Philadelphia looks modern and is preserved. They show it by using the tombstones to pave the road. The purpose in this video is to show us what happened to the dead people. It correlates to the play Anne Frank because it is about Jews
The one in Poland is messy and unorganized. The one in Philadelphia is much more organized and neater. The Polish used the Jewish tomb stones to pave the roads. The purpose of this video is to show how badly the Jewish where treated during the HolocaustStevie Thibodeaux3rd & 4th period
The cemetary in Poland is messy while the American cemetary is clean and organized. he Poles did not show any disdane for the jews. This video majkes me feal as thou people are capable of just letting bad things happen to people who don't deserve it.
The ones in poland are so close together and not at all neat. There was no care at all of were they were put down and that is very sad. The ones in Philadelphia are neater and have obvious care connected to them. The Polish show their disdain by creating monuments and statues in honor of the Jews that died. The purpose of this video is to show Jews were treated unfairly while Aerian people were pampered. This is why Anne Frank's family went into hiding.
The one in Philadelphia is much neater than the one in Poland. They show disdain by not taking care of the cemeteries. The author's purpose was to show the low respect for Jewish at that time. This video correlates to the play because they both show the hardships of Jewish people.
The one in Philidelphia is less poluted than the one in Poland. The Poland cemetery looks like people were burried in the ground with random head stones burried over them. They showed that they didn't care by using the heaad stones to help pave the road. I believe that the authors purpose is to show us viewers, what the cemeteries look like, and how the Polish didn't show much respect to the deaths as of what the people in Philadelphia. This shows how much they didnt care about the Jews.crystal rowe,6th and 7th
The cemetary in poland is disorganized and filtyh and untidy but the one is philadelphia is very organized and well kept and clean. The polish people could care less is how it seems since they dont bother to make the cemetary neat and orderly and proper. The authors purpose in this video is that jews need respect just like everyone else. Their race shouldnt make people hate them and kill them for their beliefs.
The cemitaries in Poland, seem lonley, cold, dirty,and gross. The camp in Philidelphia seem clean, neat, and organized. I think the author's purpose it to tell you how bad the jews were treated and woody1st period(:
The one in poland is unkept and disorganized. the names on the stones are unreadable. The one in philadelphia is nicer, more organized, and the stones are readable. The polish didnt take care of the graves and thats how they showed their disdain. They purpose of this vedio is to show how badly treated the jews were by others. Both showed the suffering and how much people treated the jews badly.
I liked this video the holcaust be it was very interesting. I feel bad for the people who have to go through thimgs like that. Just think about if you were in that position it would be very upsetting. How did they find these people in the holocaust? In any way that they found them i know it was very sad because no one wants to find someone that they knew dead. If i had the chance to read anything else about the holocaust i would.Meekayla Taylor6th and 7th period
The one in Poland was very crowded and disorganised but the one in Philadelphia was a little more respectful for the dead. Polish did not like them a whole lot because they used their stones as roads!! I think the authors purpose was to inform you about how life was and how greatful you should be that you can basicly live freely. It shows how people really didnt care about them because of how they treated jews and other people.allie wilson3/4
The one in Poland is crowded, and not organized. The one in Philadelphia is neat, and organized. The polish people show there distain by putting there tumstones down to pave the roads. ): The authors purpose is to show how poorly the jews were treated.renee matura5th period.
The Jewish cemeteries aren't very different that the cemetery in Philadelphia. Both cemeteries have foreign writing on all of the tombstones. Another comparison would be that the cemeteries both have less tombstones than people. The difference is the Philadelphia cemetery is more neat and has more neat space between the tombstones, but in Poland the tombstones are just scattered everywhere instead of being neat. The purpose in making this film is to show how many Jews have died over a period of time. This video correlates with the play because they showed how a lot of Jews have died and that they died a painful death.
The one in poland is really bad looking. The one in philadelphia is neat, you can see all the names. The Polish people show their hatred to the jews by using their head stones to fix the road. The authors purpose in creating this video is to show how little the Jewish are treated.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland looks grotesque in a way. It isn't very organized like the one in philadelphia is. Some of the people that were burried there got head stones and some didn't.The polish people show their hatred to the Jews by using their cemetary stones to pave the road.The purpose in creating this video is to show how little the Jewish people are respected and how badly they are treated.
Well the one in Poland is very crowded and full compared to the one in Philadelphia. they have more room then the one in Poland. I don't really know how they could fit 100,000 bodies in that cemetery. Its very unorganized. I think its just to show us how many people died in the holocaust and to give us a clue about it. It shows us how Jews are treated and how cruel people can be. In the play they showed how Anne Frank and the others were treated and in this it shows how they were treated... which is horribly.Taylor Rowe1st period
The cemetaries in Poland are very crowded and dirty ,i wouldn't think people would really want to go there and visit any graves because it looks like no one cared in the first place . The Polish race actually overlooks the cemetary and that show the hatred between the two . from my point of view the purpose of this video is to show how badly they were treated , and the harsh conditions they had to deal with in their life time . - Symone Stewart .1st period .
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The one in poland is crowde, unkept, cannot read the names on the stones. the one in philadelphia is neat, u can read all the names, an is much more organized. The polish people show their hatred and distain to the Polish people by using their cemetary stones to pave the road. The authors purpose in creating this video is to show how little the Jewish PEOPLE ARE RESPECTED AND HOW BADLY THEY ARE TREATED. this video correlates to the play because both show how poorly the jewish people are treated.
The cemetery in Poland is a haunted reminder of how many are dead. There were so many dead that they just barried everybody there. Some got tombstones and so didn't. The one in Philadelphia is organized. They burried everybody they had a writin reccored of. The Polish showed their disdain by creating monuments and statues in there honnor. The purpose of the author is to show how many died. This correlates with anne franks story to show why they went into hidding.
The cemeteries in Poland seem dirty, left alone, tightly packed together ect. As where the one in Philadelphia is spreaded out, presentable, and what a burial ground should look like. The Polish race actually overlooks the cemetary and that show the hatred between the two. The purpose of this video is to show how badly they were treated, and the harsh conditions they had to deal with. While the wealthier (Aerian people) got nicer things and better burial, they just got little stones with no names. Both of these pieces show how roughly they were kept, and how much no one seemed to care.
Mariah Allen
5th Perioddd
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is over crowded and in disrepair, the one in Philidelphia is somewhat organized, cleaner looking, and not as crowded. The Polish showed their disdain for the Jewish by leaving the cemetery a wreck and by not taking care of it. The author's purpose in making this video is to show how poorly the Jews were treated and how much they were looked down upon. This corrolates to the play of Anne Frank because the play took place during this time preiod and she was Jewish so she was hiding out.
Obviously, the cemetaries in Poland are very crowded and dirty, and it looks like no one has ever taken care of them. The one in Philadelphia is well-kept, clean, and a little more organized. The polish people show their disdain to the Jewish because of the way that they don't care about where they are buried, or how it looks. The videographer's purpose in this video was to show how little people care for them, and how badly they are still treated when they're dead. Both the play and this video show how terrible the Holocaust really was.
Ali Cumberland
1st perioddd .
The one in Poland was crowded and you couldn't see the names the stones were so close together. The one in Philadelphia was clean and had descriptions on the stones and you could see what they said. The polish people didn't like them they used there stones as road pavements! The authors purpose is to tell how terrible the holocaust was. This video shows how bad they were treated.
Caroline Brophy
The one in poland is very unorganized, older looking, and crowded. The one in philadelphia is newer looking, and neat. They weren't very respectful. They paved the roads with the headstones. They wanted to show you how no one respected the jews. It shows what the Holocaust did.
m a t t i s o n(: k o c h
The cemetery in Poland is very unorganized and cluttered. All of the headstones were broken and faded. The cemetery in Philadelphia is very organized. All of the headstones were perfectly readable and none of them were broken. The Polish people showed their disdain to the Jewish in this video by overlooking the cemetery and letting it get destroyed. They also paved the road with some of the headstones from the cemetery. The videographer's purpose was to she how badly the Jews were treated even after they were killed. The cemetery in Poland was created during the time Anne Frank was hiding from the Nazis.
donovan wilson
5th period
The cemetary in Poland was clearly not taken care of or cared aobut. Almost all of the headstones were broken and not eligable. The lawn was dying and not every person even had their own headstone. The headstones were even used to pave roads. In Philadelphia The headstones were very clear to read and in nice, neat rows. Every person had their own headstone and even the grass was a lush green. Obviously, the Polish could care less about the Jewish. In Philadelphia, Jewish were treated as just another person, not treated better, but not treated worse. I think the author wanted to explain that some people are very judgmental just because of religion or race. This video shows how badly Jewish have been treated, just like the play does.
Megan Branch
5th period(:
The cemetary in Poland shows just how little people cared about the Jews. It was crowded and you couldn't even read the names on the stones. They were so close together, it appears that they were all buried in one huge pile. This looks like it should be the cemetary for the Nazi's rather than the Jews. The cemetary in Philadelphia was well kept up and neat. It showed respect for the deceased Jews, and sorrow for their death. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show just how little respect the Polish hold for the Jews. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank because it shows the sadness and hatred going on outside while Anne and her family were in hiding.
~~Michaela Cloutier, period 1(:
The cemetery in Poland was incredibly crowded, poorly kept, and seems neglected as if nobody seemed to care. However, the Philadelphia cemetery was very neat tidy, and presentable. Even some of the tombstones looked as if they could be artwork. The Polish showed their disrespect towards the Jewish my using their headstones to pave roads and just making their cemetery unfit to even look like a real cemetery. I think the author's purpose was to show how people mistreated the Jewish actually were just because of their religion. I think this correlates withh the plat, Anne Frank because they basically have the same purpose. They both try to spread the knowledge of how the Jewish weere poorly treated back then. I think it is pretty ridiculous that someone should have to hid for their lives especially we they haven't done anything wrong.
Amina Byers
The Jewish cemetery in Poland looks very poorly treated compared to the one in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia one looks very nice and organized. Although the Poland cemetery has monuments and remembrance items it is still today being treated poorly. The author's purpose for this video is to remind people of the horrifying event,the Holocaust, and to show how many people died. This video correlates to the play, Anne Frank because Anne was killed during the Holocaust and this video has to do with it.
Maddison Bowen :)
5th period
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is crowded,very dirty, and left alone.The Philadelehia cemetery is spread out,very clean, and maintained.They paved the streets with the old headstones. The author's purpose for making this video is to show people how the Jewish people were disrespected. This video and play shows how bad the Holocaust really was.
kaitlyn westfall 5th period
I love you
Sterling Fitzwater
The poland cemetary is crowded. It is ugly. The philly one is neat and spreaded out.The Jewish in this video by overlooking the cemetery and letting it get wrecked. The author's purpose for making this video is to show how the jewish were hated. The holocaust was horrible
Sterling fitzwater(:
The Jewish cemetery in Poland has headstones that are falling over, weathered, covered with moss and unreadable. The Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia is more cared for and looks nicer, is readable and not as crowded. The Polish people showed their disdain and disrespect to the Jews by using their headstones to pave their streets. The author's purpose for creating this video is to show the level of disrespect for the Jewish people. Both the video and the Anne Frank play represent the horrific devastation of the Holocaust.
The cemetery in Poland was very unorganized, and very untidy. This cemetery looks like they just dumped the bodies in a big truck, dug a big hole, and then just threw them in their. The Philadelphia cemetery was very neat and looked well kept. The Polish people show their disdain to the Jewish by how poorly they kept their buried bodies. The purpose of this video is to show how they didn't like the Jewish people, and how racism was so bad back then. This shows that they still didn't like the Jewish people even after they died. This correlates with the play of Anne Frank because it shows why they were hiding, if they weren't hiding then they would get caught and die in death camps.
Maddie Stevenski :)
The Jewish cemetery in Poland was unclean, the stones were crammed together, and falling over. The cemetery in Philadelphia was clean, the stones were spread apart, and were still standing straight. The Polish people showed their distain to the Jewish by paving roads with the headstones. The autgor's purpose in this video is to show how the Jewishe people were horribly disrespected. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, because they both deal with the Holocaust.
Lauren Hesse
5th period
The cemitaries in Poland, seem lonley, cold, and unkept. The oneIN Philidelphia seem clean, neat, and organized. The author's purpose i think is to tell you how bad the jews were treaed then and unrespceted.
Tori Harper
The Jewish cemetery in Poland, unlike the one in Philadelphia, is un-kept, the stones are unreadable and broken, and the stones are very close to one another. The cemetery in Philadelphia is neat, kept-well, not crowed, and the stones are readable.
The Polish showed their disdain to the Jews by not keeping it neat and nice, by not caring to what it looked like to others. The purpose of this video was to show people know that nobody cared about the Jews and that nobody respected them. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, because she was a Jews also and she was disrespected like all others and like the cemetery.
gabriella pearse. [:
6/7th period.
Poland's graveyard is messy, overcrowded, and unkempt, while the cemetery in Philidelphia is well kept, and each person has their own grave. Disdain - to think unworthy of notice, response, etc.; consider beneath oneself. The Polish show their disdain by not allowing the Jews to have their own burial space. I bet if you went to a Jew-free cemetery, it's clean and well spaced. The authors purpose was to show that what happened to the Jews was cruel and unnecessary. It correlates with the play Anne Frank in topic and in the fact that Jews were disrespected, dishonored, and destroyed.
The Jewish cemetary in Poland is very messy. Like someone just toke a bunch of books and just threw them in a library. The one in Philadelphia looks like someone actually took the time to make it look good, you can actually read the names. The one in Poland had moss all over it too, but back to the one in Philadelphia. It looks like someone acutally took the time to sort the books if you would compare this to a library. The Polish just flat out hated, could not stand the Jews. They had absolutly no respect for them. I think the author's purpose in making this video is to show how hated and mistreated the Jews were. This correlates with Anne Frank because they both have to deal with how bad the Jews were treated and about the Holocaust.
The Jewish people cemetary in Poland is horrible looking. The gravestones are packed together very tightly like they just dug a hole and threw them in it. They show no respect even for the people when thhey are dead. That is horrible. The one in Philadelphia is cleaner and neater. People can actually tell who is buriedd there because you can;t really read the gravestones for the Jews. The purpose of this video is to teach reader's about how much Poland disrespects Jewish people because the conditions are horrible. Poeple go to cemetaries to kind of connect or appreciate people who have passed away and on this, you wouold hurt yourself trying to walk around and you couldn't even tell who you were respecting. Anne Frank tells that the camps were filthy and the conditions were horrible and this proves that even the cemetaries were treated badly. This makes me feel sad beacsue you think of all of the people who don't get to have a life anymore. There were even little children in there. That is just awful. I wish that someone could have stopped Hitler sooner and released the jews.
Marissa Cox
5th peropd
The Jewish people cemetary in Poland is horrible looking. The gravestones are packed together very tightly like they just dug a hole and threw them in it. They show no respect even for the people when thhey are dead. That is horrible. The one in Philadelphia is cleaner and neater. People can actually tell who is buriedd there because you can;t really read the gravestones for the Jews. The purpose of this video is to teach reader's about how much Poland disrespects Jewish people because the conditions are horrible. Poeple go to cemetaries to kind of connect or appreciate people who have passed away and on this, you wouold hurt yourself trying to walk around and you couldn't even tell who you were respecting. Anne Frank tells that the camps were filthy and the conditions were horrible and this proves that even the cemetaries were treated badly. This makes me feel sad beacsue you think of all of the people who don't get to have a life anymore. There were even little children in there. That is just awful. I wish that someone could have stopped Hitler sooner and released the jews.
Marissa Cox
5th peropd
The one in Poland was very crowded and unorganized but the one in Philadelphia was a little more honoring for the dead. Polish did not like them a whole lot because they used their stones as roads!! I think the authors purpose was to inform you about how life was and how greatful you should be that you can basicly live freely. It shows how people really didnt care about them because of how they treated jews and other people.
edenn richmond;)) 5th pd.
The cemetery in Poland is very crowded, unkempt, messy, and in disrepair. There are leaves everywhere and they are never raked. Also it is very hard to read the names on the grave stones because of the broken and crumbling stones. On the other hand the cemetery in Philadelphia’s is well kept, orderly, the grass is mowed, the leaves are raked, you can read all of the names on the grave stones, and it looks like someone cares about the people that died there. Also it is looks very respectful to the dead. The Polish show how much they loathe the Jews by paving the streets with their grave stones and by having one hundred thousand bodies buried in the cemetery but only twelve thousand grave stones in it. Another way they show it is by how they keep their cemeteries. I think the purpose of this video is to show to you how much hatred was shown for the Jews even after they were dead by some countries and how people are supposed to be treated even when they are dead. This video relates to the book because it shows how the Jews were hated and why they where willing to hide out in a secret and very small room with very little human contact for two years like Anne Frank did.
Jared Bartrug
5th period
they are all broke and descragrateing. they show how harsh the holocaust was. they both tell how the war rose.
The one in poland you couldn't see the names and it looked scary. In philly its neat, more respectful, you can see the names and organized. They show the people from poland, there haterid torward the jews by taking their graves and paving them into the road. I think the authors purpose was to show how little the jews have been respected.
The cemetery in Poland looks worse than the one in Philadelphia. The polish take graves and use them to pave roads and do not care about the jewish graves at all. The purpose of this video is to teach us about how bad the holocaust was and now what the do to the graves of Jews. Anne Frank was a Jew too so they could be doing this stuff to her grave also.
Kimmy Woods
3/4 period.
The cemetery in Poland looks worse than the one in Philadelphia. The polish take graves and use them to pave roads and do not care about the jewish graves at all. The purpose of this video is to teach us about how bad the holocaust was and now what the do to the graves of Jews. Anne Frank was a Jew too so they could be doing this stuff to her grave also.
Kimmy Woods
3/4 period.
The cemetery in poland is very crowed and i thought it was very very dirty. The one in philadelphia was much cleaner. and not as crowed.The authors purpose in this story was to tell us about the holocaust. I thought is was crazy hoe the polish people didnt care where they were buried.
The one in Poland is very crowed.Its very messy you cant read the names on the stones.The one the Philadelphia is neater.It is way more organized.You can see the names on the stones.The polish people showed poor effort to bury the bodies.The video purpose is to show how the polish hate the jews.This correlates with anne franks story to show why they went into hidding
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is over crowded and in disrepair, the one in Philidelphia is somewhat organized, cleaner looking, and not as crowded. They show there hatred to the polish. The author purpose to show this video is because how show how badly the Jewish people where treated. They both have to do with the Hitler and the killing to Jews.
Ryan Bogo
6&7 period
The cemetery in poland seems dirty and it is also hard to read the names on the stones. The cemetery in Philadelphia is alot more neat and you can read all the manes clearly. The Polish people put up statues and other things for the people. The Jewish people didn't really care about anything. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show how bad the people treated them and also the bad living places. The play Anne Frank correlates with this one by showing us how the jewish people were treated.
Brent Pacoe
6th and 7th period
The one in Poland is not kept, dirty, and you cant read the nmaes on the stone. The Polish disliked some of the stuff the jewish. The authors purpose in this video is to show how unfair the jews were treated. How prejudice people were back then. It shows how poorly people are treated.
r.skar ♥
6th & 7th period
The Jewish cemetery in Poland was a startling reminder of the lives that the Jews under Nazi rule had. They were tossed from place to place, no one cared about what happened to them, and they all pretty much met the same fate.The cemetery is unkept, disorganized, in other words it is a mess and a very poortribute to the Jews that lost their lives during WW2. The Cemetery in Pennsylvania is very organizd and well kept. It is a magnificent memorial of Jews to everyone everywhere. The polish show their disdain for the Jewish through the statue and not recognizing their sufferings and trials by ignoring they burial site. I think that the author's purpose in making this video is to show how many people had to die and suffer before the threat the Nazis posed was removed. Anne said in her diary that sooo many people were dying and that there were many terrible things going on while they were in the Secret Annex.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland looked as if it was vandalized. However, the cemetery in Philadelphia is modern and presentable. Similarly, both cemeteries are in honor of those who died during the Holocaust. The Polish people show their disdain by paving the roads with the tombstones and creating beautiful statues and sculptures. The author's purpose in creating this video was to show how different countries honor the victims of the Holocaust in different manners. Also, the author wanted to portray how horribly the Jewish were treated. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, by showing how badly the Jewish people were treated and showing the harsh conditions that had to come to know as their habitat.
Rachel Martin
5th Period
P.S. West Side is the best side!!!!!!
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is very messy and hasn't buried hasn't buried anyone over a century.Philadelpia is very organized and is cared for.The comparison is that they are both cemeteries and has one is remembered and the other is not. Polish show their disdain by using their headstones for paving a street. The author's purpose was to tell us about what happen and what they did to the cemetery and to remind us by giving us details of the Holocaust. Anne Frank lived through during time. Her diary gives us a better picture of what happened to the Jewish people.
ERika Edwards
5th period
The camps in poland are crowded, dirty. They do not care about them and they want them to have a terrible last days in the camp. To show how the jews lived in camp. It relates to anne frank because it show how bad they were treated.
the camps in poland are very dirty and unkept. the one in philidelphia is nice and well kept. the used the stone to path the informus on the cemetaries of the people from the holacaust. it shows how badly treated the jewish race was,
kelsey morrone 1t period
The poland cemetery were dirty and disrespectful. They did not give pride or show respect to them. They were respectful and emactulet. They did not barie them in a formal fashion. The author wanted to show what it was like and how people delt with it.
It is unorganized, disrespected, and scatterd about. They paved the streets with the headstones. To show how they treated the Jewish population even after they died. That she may be in one of the graves somewhere but we do not know where.
Neil Scherich 3-4
The cemetery in Poland was very crapy. It was very unorganised. The cemetery in Philedelphia was very organised and was made with care. The Polish showed their disdain by using some of the head stones to make roads. This video was made to show the difference between the cemeteries in Poland and Philidephia. This video correlates with the play because the play talked about the death and concentration camps, which involves people dieing, the video is showing you their cemeteries.
Zack Linger
5th Period
The Polish cemetery is very unkempt, and there are only tombstones for about 1/10 of the people buried there, which is sad. All the stones are diagonal, and nearly none of them can be read. The cemetery in Philadelphia, however, has a tombstone for every Jew they had records of. The Polish showed their disdain to the Jewish by using the tombstones for paving roads. The purpose of this video is to show how poorly the Jewish were treated during this time. There was even no respect for the dead. This correlates with The Diary of Anne Frank by mean of a matching theme: how Jews were treated.
The didfference is very huge. The one in poland is very crowed and old. The on in Philadelphia is more organized and newer. The nazis were so crewel to the the jews. What makes me mad is that they didnt do anything to deserve all that mistreatment. They both describe the camps and how awful this time was for all the jews
Melia DeWitt (:
6 & 7 period.
The gravestones are packed together very tightly like they just dug a hole and threw them in it. They show no respect even for the people when thhey are dead. The purpose of this video is to teach us about how bad the holocaust was and now what the do to the graves of Jews.The one in Philadelphia looks like someone actually took the time to make it look good, you can actually read the names.
"Lance the Man"
In this video they are very organized in many different ways.They have looked at many stones in there lifetime.they went to cemetaries in Poland. The jewish peoplewere treated so wrong,it was a sad journey that they had took in thier lifetime. They showed in the Video how some jews were treated some of them were treated very kindly and others were treated horribly if I was to be treated like that then i wouldnt survive.
Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period
The one in Poland is very untidy. The one in Philidelphia is tidy and neat. The polish use the gravestones to pave the roads. The authors purpose is to show how the jews where disrespected. They are alike because they show the poor treatment of the jewish.
The cememtary in Poland is very unorganized, run-down, and poorly maintainanced. The Philidelpha cemetary is much more organized, clean, and more tidy. The Polish seem to not care about the Jews and the millions of lives that were taken. The author's purpose was to show how people thought about the Holocaust and the different minds between the predators and the allies. This video correlates the play because it talks about the Holocaust and the disconcern of the Jews.
-Andy Shaw (:
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is over crowded and in disrepair, the one in Philidelphia is a little more organized, cleaner looking, and not as crowded. The Polish showed their disdain by creating monuments and statues in there honnor. The reason for this video is to show how the holocust was horrible. It correlates with the play by showing how terrible the Holocaust really was.
The cemetery in Poland is very crowded and dirty, the one in Philadelphia is not as crowded and somewhat newer. The purpose in creating this video is too show the millions that dies in the Holocaust.
Sydney Izydore.
the cemetery in Poland is very dirty,and very crowded together. you cannot see the names on the stones. while the cemetery in Philadelphia is more spaced out, you can read the names,and looks a bit more respected then the one in Poland.the purpose of this video is to show us all how badly the holocaust was and how awful the jews were treated!
EmIlY uVeGeS (:
The one in Poland is old and isn't a place people would want to be buried. Few people had tombstones.
The one in Philadelphia looks modern and is preserved. They show it by using the tombstones to pave the road. The purpose in this video is to show us what happened to the dead people. It correlates to the play Anne Frank because it is about Jews
The one in Poland is messy and unorganized. The one in Philadelphia is much more organized and neater. The Polish used the Jewish tomb stones to pave the roads. The purpose of this video is to show how badly the Jewish where treated during the Holocaust
Stevie Thibodeaux
3rd & 4th period
The cemetary in Poland is messy while the American cemetary is clean and organized. he Poles did not show any disdane for the jews. This video majkes me feal as thou people are capable of just letting bad things happen to people who don't deserve it.
The ones in poland are so close together and not at all neat. There was no care at all of were they were put down and that is very sad. The ones in Philadelphia are neater and have obvious care connected to them. The Polish show their disdain by creating monuments and statues in honor of the Jews that died. The purpose of this video is to show Jews were treated unfairly while Aerian people were pampered. This is why Anne Frank's family went into hiding.
The one in Philadelphia is much neater than the one in Poland. They show disdain by not taking care of the cemeteries. The author's purpose was to show the low respect for Jewish at that time. This video correlates to the play because they both show the hardships of Jewish people.
The one in Philidelphia is less poluted than the one in Poland. The Poland cemetery looks like people were burried in the ground with random head stones burried over them. They showed that they didn't care by using the heaad stones to help pave the road. I believe that the authors purpose is to show us viewers, what the cemeteries look like, and how the Polish didn't show much respect to the deaths as of what the people in Philadelphia. This shows how much they didnt care about the Jews.
crystal rowe,
6th and 7th
The cemetary in poland is disorganized and filtyh and untidy but the one is philadelphia is very organized and well kept and clean. The polish people could care less is how it seems since they dont bother to make the cemetary neat and orderly and proper. The authors purpose in this video is that jews need respect just like everyone else. Their race shouldnt make people hate them and kill them for their beliefs.
The cemitaries in Poland, seem lonley, cold, dirty,and gross. The camp in Philidelphia seem clean, neat, and organized. I think the author's purpose it to tell you how bad the jews were treated and unrespceted.
sydney woody
1st period(:
The one in poland is unkept and disorganized. the names on the stones are unreadable. The one in philadelphia is nicer, more organized, and the stones are readable. The polish didnt take care of the graves and thats how they showed their disdain. They purpose of this vedio is to show how badly treated the jews were by others. Both showed the suffering and how much people treated the jews badly.
I liked this video the holcaust be it was very interesting. I feel bad for the people who have to go through thimgs like that. Just think about if you were in that position it would be very upsetting. How did they find these people in the holocaust? In any way that they found them i know it was very sad because no one wants to find someone that they knew dead. If i had the chance to read anything else about the holocaust i would.
Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period
The one in Poland was very crowded and disorganised but the one in Philadelphia was a little more respectful for the dead. Polish did not like them a whole lot because they used their stones as roads!! I think the authors purpose was to inform you about how life was and how greatful you should be that you can basicly live freely. It shows how people really didnt care about them because of how they treated jews and other people.
allie wilson
The one in Poland is crowded, and not organized. The one in Philadelphia is neat, and organized. The polish people show there distain by putting there tumstones down to pave the roads. ): The authors purpose is to show how poorly the jews were treated.
renee matura
5th period.
The Jewish cemeteries aren't very different that the cemetery in Philadelphia. Both cemeteries have foreign writing on all of the tombstones. Another comparison would be that the cemeteries both have less tombstones than people. The difference is the Philadelphia cemetery is more neat and has more neat space between the tombstones, but in Poland the tombstones are just scattered everywhere instead of being neat. The purpose in making this film is to show how many Jews have died over a period of time. This video correlates with the play because they showed how a lot of Jews have died and that they died a painful death.
The one in poland is really bad looking. The one in philadelphia is neat, you can see all the names. The Polish people show their hatred to the jews by using their head stones to fix the road. The authors purpose in creating this video is to show how little the Jewish are treated.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland looks grotesque in a way. It isn't very organized like the one in philadelphia is. Some of the people that were burried there got head stones and some didn't.The polish people show their hatred to the Jews by using their cemetary stones to pave the road.The purpose in creating this video is to show how little the Jewish people are respected and how badly they are treated.
Well the one in Poland is very crowded and full compared to the one in Philadelphia. they have more room then the one in Poland. I don't really know how they could fit 100,000 bodies in that cemetery. Its very unorganized. I think its just to show us how many people died in the holocaust and to give us a clue about it. It shows us how Jews are treated and how cruel people can be. In the play they showed how Anne Frank and the others were treated and in this it shows how they were treated... which is horribly.
Taylor Rowe
1st period
The cemetaries in Poland are very crowded and dirty ,i wouldn't think people would really want to go there and visit any graves because it looks like no one cared in the first place . The Polish race actually overlooks the cemetary and that show the hatred between the two . from my point of view the purpose of this video is to show how badly they were treated , and the harsh conditions they had to deal with in their life time .
- Symone Stewart .
1st period .
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