Thursday, October 4, 2007

Dove Beauty

Please watch the Dove video and comment on the videographer's purpose in creating this short film. What is self-esteem? Does the beauty industry create an environment that is unrealistic for young women to achieve? How is the Barbie Doll image shattered in this video? How realistic or unrealistic do you believe this film is? Does this self-esteem issue exists for men in society?


AShields said...

Yeah first post! It's Thursday... the thursday a week before this is due.
I'm an overachiever.

Self-Esteem is how people feel about themselves. Of course the beauty industry creates an unrealistic environment. They make girls think that that is how they have to look. It's horrible. Nobody look that way without an unhealthy amount of makeup and computer editing. The image is shatered just by showing us how they do that and it makes us think that nobody is like that. This video is very realistic and it sheds light on the dark industry of makeup. I'm sure that the self-esteem issue is there for men, but not as much.

Andrew Shields, you overacheiver
1st period

a said...

I think the videographers pupose in creating this short film is that no one is perfect but they think that making you look good helps you feel better about yourself. Self- esteem is what you think about yourself whether it is good or bad. I think the beauty in someways is unrealistic but I guess if you are an overachiever like ashields says he is you could but that isn't very possible. I think that a lot of people are beautiful. When she had just the make-up on I thought she looked really pretty but they shattered that by changing it and making it unrealistic. I think that the movie and the people in it were realistic and what it was about but not when they distorted her face to make her look like a barbie doll. But it is unrealistic that she looks that good in real life I mean hello nobody looks like that does and if they do then they have really good luck. (They must be Irish just kidding) I believe it exists for men as well but not so much as for women.
Gabby Tenney 7th

Unknown said...

Self-esteem is what and how you see your self. Yes it very unrealistic it would take lots a plastic surgery to do that. It is shattered by like the way the girl looked like in the beginning and then when she was up on the billboard she look nothing like who she really is. I think it is very unrealistic because I don’t think that that was the same girl as in the beginning of the film. Yes I think it does because some men are shy too when it comes to their looks.

Todd Branham said...

I really don't understand it but I guess not everything looks like what it seems like. Yes the beauty industry does create a unrealistic for women to acieve. The Barbie Doll image isn't really shattered to me. I think this video is unrealistic.I think this self-esteem issue does exist for men because I like looking good. I didn't understand the video but now I do.

ptwigg(: said...

This is kind of cool how the person in the beginning looks a lot different from herself at the ending of the short film. The ending result would have never looked like that if there was no makeup or computer editing.
Self esteem is pride in oneself. Self esteem is not always positive, like lack of self esteem is often associated with being overweight. Low self esteem is not caring what you look like and etc. Now every time I look in a magazine I'll think to myself "I wonder what this person REALLY... Looks like. I think this video is unrealistic because they did a lot of her on the computer and no one can look that perfect without the makeup and other things they used. I believe that the self esteem issue is for men exist as well, but not as much it is for women.
Paitan Twigg
7th period

Adrianna (: said...

This video was pretty cool. I think the purpose of this video was to show everyone who watches it that we can beautiful in our own skin no matter how much people make fun of you. Self-esteem is how much confidence you have about yourself. I think that the beauty industry does create and an eviroment that is unrealistic. But myself being a girl, I think every girl feels we can never look just right, no matter how much make-up we have on. We always feel there's a flaw somewhere. The barbie doll image is shattered in this video when they start changing they girl's hair and face becasue we are supposed to be comfortable the way we look and we shouldn't make other people change us. I think this video is very realistic and things like that do happen. I believe self-esteem issues exist for men just as much as for women. It may not be about the same things but it still happens. =)

Adrianna (: said...

Sorry please add this to my origianl post
♥♥♥♥Adrianna Curtis♥♥♥♥
8th period =-)

cheybreezy said...

The purpose of this video was to show that no one is perfect,but modeling companies want everyone to be.Self-esteem is what you think of yourself appearance.I think its ridiculous that women would actually put them selfs through that just for some money.Make up isnt bad but when people use it like that it just makes it seem evil.People always wonder why all thes teenage girls have eating disorders and are annorexic or belemic.I cant believe people would actually want to do that because when you first come in you look totally different in the end and when you do that your not being yourself or setting a good example your just showing that your really insecure with yourself and that you need all that done just to look pretty.This video also wanted to show people everywhere that you need to feel beautiful in your own skin.This video shows that we need to promote good self esteem because no one else like big companies are going to do it for us.

cheybreezy said...

cheyenne shirkey 7th period

Kayla said...

This video is pointing out to me that when actors, models, and other people think they are not pretty enough to go big or bigger they have to get stuff done when normally all the have to do is just be and believe in there self. When people do a photo shoot or something after they are completely done they sometimes do things to make you look better than you do already. They make things the way they would like to see it now how other people and the people they are doing it to want it.

Kayla Wyatt
7th period

Madison said...

By watching this video I believe that it was made to show that not all beauty is real. The self-esteem issue that both men and women have is partially caused by what billboards and such tell people they should look like. When men and women don't meet these so called expectations of society they think that they are not good enough or attractive enough. Their self-esteem is lowered tremendously, because Hollywood is producing an environment where only outer beauty is accepted.

Most young women can't live up to the standards of the Hollywood glam squad. By using computer technology, they are distorting a women’s image. Pictures that are shown in magazines do not resemble true beauty. Dove in general does make women feel better with themselves, and definitely explains that real beauty isn't all about your looks.

The barbie doll image is shattered, because at the end of the video they project that it is very unrealistic.

This video is extremely realistic in the way that what Hollywood does do women as well as men is really happening. On the other hand this movie is also unrealistic, because the overall perception of people should be what the average person can afford, and what people really look like.

Self-esteem, I think, does exist in society for men. Women aren't the only humans that try to look good. For example, not that the Abercrombie models aren't attractive, I'm sure that men feel like they must wear the best clothing and look the best in order to be able to find a women.

In conclusion, I think that unrealistic beauty is wrong and that men and women shouldn't have to try to keep up with it.

-Madison Hoke 2nd Pd.
:D =) ;p B E A U T I F U L video........

Jenny said...

The videographers purpose of this movie is to say that everyone can be beautiful whether it's totally fake or whether it's real.
This video shows you that yus girls really shouldn't haved to worry about looking like these computer-edited models that are all over magazines and televisions. Most of them look very different than what they look like in the pictures taken of them in these proffesional studios.

So many girls want to look like these people,so they end up being anorexic or getting sun cancer from the tanning bed they go to daily. The beauty industry is destroying the things that girls and women really need to think about. The beauty industry is creating an environment that is unrealistic for young women to achieve by taking regular people and making them into the most fake person. Nobody in this world can edit their face with a computer. They can't move their eyes farther apart or make their lips smaller.

The barbie doll image is completely shattered in this video because it shows that the barbie doll look was probably made with a computer too. The barbie doesn't have any birth mark or moles. It's skin is perfect and clear.

This film is totally realistic. The self esteem issue is with men too. the guys want to look just as perfect as the women. they just don't show it.

Jenny Bundy 8th period

Shannon Yost said...

I think this video was made to tell people that everything isn't perfect and everything isn't what it seems, or looks like. It really was an interesting video though, to see how they do make girls look like over-glamored Barbie dolls, which is really kind of sad to think that people don't think that the beauty that you're born with isn't enough and that you have to look perfect to be liked by people. This does cause a self esteem issue in many young women or girl, they see these perfect looking girls and they think that no one will ever like them if they don't dress like that person does, or look like that person does. And yes, men could have the same self esteem problem, it just depends how you look at it.

Shannon Yost
8th Period :-)

♥Stephanie♥ said...

I think the videographer's purpose is to make you think that everyone is beautiful if you put a little make-up on. Self-esteem is the way you think about yourself. Yes, Dove does. I don't think that anyone would be able to look like a girl who's picture has been redone on a computer to make them look pretty. The barbie doll might have been designed by a person but they put the image onto a computer and made it 'flawless'. I believe this film is realistic because the girls on the Dove commercials always look so perfect. They must be doing that. I think there is a self-esttem issue with mean, just not as much as there is with girls.

Stephanie Harris
8th period

katie nestor said...

The videographer's purpose in creating this film was to tell all the young women out there that the models, actress, ect. are not all perfect either. Some of them are just like you and if you add a little make-up and use a bit of technology you can look like “a million dollars ".
Self-esteem what you think you look like or feel bout your self.

I think the beauty industry does have an unrealistic environment because the industry try’s to tell you that without make-up you don’t look really pretty, you need make-up to look really good.

The Barbie doll image is shattered in this video by when they started changing the women’s face, hair, eyes, ect. When you look at yourself you should like the way you look and no one should tell or try to change you.

I think that this video is realistic because out there in the world there will be some people that you meet that will actually TRY to change the beautiful way that you look.

Honestly I think that the self-esteem issue exists for both men and women, Although some of the issue are not the same.

♥♥Katie Nestor♥♥
♥♥ 7th priod ♥♥

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Self-Esteem is how people think and feel about thereselves. I think that videographers purpose of this video was to show how people try to perfect themselves into looking like models. People try to make others look like Barbie Dolls when they are already beautiful. I thought it was amazing to see the before and after pictures of the woman. She would have never looked like that without the make-up and computer editing. When the woman saw herself on that billboard she probably felt very pretty and happy,but if she saw the video that we saw then she woud feel horrible. It's sad to think that people,women and men too, think they have to look perfect to be liked. I think this image was shatered because of how they showed them perfecting her. This video just shows how people like to change people into something that is better then the normal way they are.

Katlyn Wilt
8th period

Audia Bartlett said...

The videographer's purpose was to show that television commercials don't always show the true person.

Self-esteem is how you see your self, if you don't feel good about your self you will always be trying to change who you are.

The beauty industry does create an environment that is unrealistic and it is hard for young woman to achieve.
The Barbie Doll image I feel is shattered by seeing the woman for who she really is before the changes. This should make young woman not want to look perfect, to just be themselves, beauty is on the inside.

I believe this film is very realistic Beauty sells products. A woman with no make up saggy eyes and not so perfect hair wouldn't work for them on a bill board.

I believe men in society do suffer from lack of self esteem, there are more men getting things done to make themselves look better than in the past.

Audia Bartlett
7th period

Unknown said...

The videographer's purpose of making video is to show women and men that no one looks perfect.I think self-esteem is that you have confidence and pride in yourself.Yes because they dont just wake up out of bed looking like that it takes about 3-4 hours for them to look like that.She is a plan ordinary person made up to look like super-star barbie.This film is very realistic because they showed all the things they had to do to that women just to make her look like a super star instead of herself.Some what but not as much as women but it is increasing over the years.

Bailey Haller
7th period

Unknown said...

I think that this video should go world wide, so that all women can be beutiful without trying to kill each other over makeup. If half the people in the world knew how celebrities looked the way they do with all the makeup(aka cheatcodes for beuty), then they would have more money to spend on bills and their children. BEUTY IS NOT EVERYTHING LADIES! The image to want to achieve in videos could never come true unless you wore makeup or unless you were perfect, and nobody is perfect. You are good just the way you are. The only real thing in this video would be that people change the way they look. Men also have this problem. JUST LOOK AT TOM CRUISE!

By: David Collins

princeofthecovenant said...

I think self esteem is some thing I don't have... Really it is believing in your self even if others don't.Think that the idea of looking that way is possible but very few can pull it of without thousands of dollars.The "barbie look" or the "plastic look" was shattered when you noticed that the girl was probily in high schooland had acne.I believed its real with all of these different plastic surgeries and stuff.Look at Dolly Parton, she has had so many surgeries that all she is is a giant skin tight sheet of plastic.Oh don't get me started on male selff esteem; I'm a walking, talking phycologists nightmare. My low self esteem is cuased by peole calling me FAT or lard boy and the worst of them all is they call me GAY, trust me I'm everything but gay, Don't belive me talk to my uncle Wayne.

Unknown said...

The photographer's purpose in creating the video is to show how people are fake and how a computer can work.
Self-esteem is how ypu feel about yourself.Self-esteem is also how you care and treat you for yourself too.
The beauty industry is not creating an environment that is realistic to real life for young women to achive. They are just showing how you have to have a beautiful look to have a great picture.
The barbie doll is similar to this, beacuse Barbie is unrealistic to anyone. She is so fake and so is this. The barbie doll image is shattered because the people just doll up people and make them look beautful.
I believe that people are always being make perpect by computers. This is very realistic. The part that i think is very unrealistic is the part of how they would actually hire someone to do a Dove billboard / commercial that is ugly.
This self-esteem issue exists for everyone in the world. People have to think of themselves in some way. Even if it is good or not.
Tina Woodring 2nd period (:

Unknown said...

I think that this video was made to show that not all beauty is real. Self-esteem is an impression, or how you feel about yourself. I do think that the industry creates an environment that is un-realalistic for young women to achieve. Take a look in magazines, on billboards, or even on television. All of these things are pretty much telling young women what they have to look like, or what they should look like. As girls, teenagers, or even women look at all of these things, they think they aren't good enough or pretty enough, because they don’t look like the people in magazines, on billboards, or on television. Self-Esteem is lowered a lot, just because they don’t think they are good enough.

The Barbie doll image is shattered in this video, they show all the changes that are made, which is pretty much making the girl a person who she really isn’t. In the video they are showing us how unreal the outside of this girl is.

This video is very realistic. It shows how much change you have to make to be famous in Hollywood. It shows what Hollywood does to women, even men, is actually real.

I do believe that the self-esteem issue exists for men. Men probably look at the Hollister or Abercrombie models and think, I wish I was a buff as them.

In conclusion, I think that un-realalistic in unfair to women, even men, shouldn’t follow along with it. People should be happy with who they are, and not want to be, or try to be someone else!

MacKenzie Kline
2nd period

**Shelby** said...

Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself.The public doesn't make women feel good about them self.The public makes people think that there is only one look.I think people come in all shapes and sizes and there all beautiful.The barbie doll image is shattered by telling us that we think everyone has to look like this.This film is really realistic and it shows you how the public is with what people think you should look like.Yes, this is the same with men.This is what it is like for almost all pictures in the public.This is effecting men in the same way like causing belmic and anxeric.
Shelby Sawyer
5/6 period

**Shelby** said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I really liked this video because it teaches us a very important lesson to life. It shows how nobody is prefect and that people change their appearance because they think that it will make them look prettier when we are actually all beautiful in our own way. This video also shows that people will do anything to make them self look better by using a lot of make-up or using a computer to make you look slimmer and change the size of you cheek bones or eyes.
Self-esteem is the way a person thinks of them self. Some people think that they’re over weight even when they are as skinny as a twig. When people look at them self in the mirror they see them self differently than everybody else does. They might think they look ugly or as pretty as can be but it doesn’t really matter because we all look different and that what makes us unique.
I think that the beauty industry does create an unrealistic environment for people today because they make you think that you make have to look a certain way and sometimes dress a certain way to in order to look beautiful. The beauty industry sometimes make people feel bad because they don’t look like the people on magazines or in movies when the people in magazines and movies don’t even look really look that way.
The Barbie doll image is shattered in this video because they show how a model, or whoever she is, really looks like before all the make-up, hair dues are added, and computer effects are added. It showed that she wasn’t what she really wasn’t who she looked like in the billboard. It showed that she is just like you and me and has her flaws, too.
I think that this film is very realistic because not everybody is prefect. Everyone has something that they don’t like about them self but models and many others use make–up and computers to change all the things they don’t like. People don’t just change how they look but they also change how they sound. Some singers change the way they sound in a studio to make them sound better but when they sing live they sometimes sound completely different.
I think that this issue does exist for men, too because they may see guys in magazines who look really strong or something and think should look like that too. I’m not sure how big of an idea this issue is for guys because I’m not a guy so that was just what I think.

Michelle Tucker
1st period

Unknown said...

elbynot Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself.The public doesn't make women feel good about them self.The public makes people think that there is only one look and it makes people think they have to look like everyone else.But I think people come in all shapes and sizes and there all beautiful.The barbie doll image is shattered by telling us that we think everyone has to look like this.This film is really realistic and it shows you how the public is with what people think you should look like.Yes, this is the same with men.This is what it is like for almost all pictures in the public.This is effecting men in the same way like causing belmic and anxeric so what ever you see in magazines and on tv are the real people except they take thier face and us a computure and recreate that persons face George Corbin 7th period

twilight/potter addict said...

I think the videographer's purpose in making this video segment was to inform people of what REALLY goes on at a beauty shoot personally think tat the Barbie image is kind of ugly. I can't imagine what I would do if I had to look like everyone else in the world.
I think self esteem is feeling okay with yourself, even when other people think that you don't fit society's image of 'pretty'.
I think that the beauty industry does ruin the chances of someone having more self-esteem because it is basically impossible to be a 'Barbie doll' in real life. When you hear about all these college and high school kids hurting themselves because people make fun of them too much, that's just like this. More and More girls are becoming anorexic and bulimic because the want to look like the people in the magazines.
The Barbie doll image is shattered in this movie because it basically shows that there is no natural way to look like the celebrities without paying a gazillion dollars.
I believe this film is completely real. I won't say any more on the subject.
Lastly, for the question 'Do you think this problem exists for men in society, I answer:
I think men don't have as much as a problem as women but I think it's not like it doesn't exist.

5/6th period

franki said...

I thought this video was very interesting even though what they were showing was fake. I enjoyed watching the process of how it all happens. Now we know that when we look at a magazine or and T.V. show it is mostly all fake. In my opion I think that if you want to look good that is ok. I thknk that becasue sometimes it makes you feel good about yourself and what people think of you. I don't think the video is telling you not to try to make yourself look good, I think it is telling you that you shouldn't mess with other people's beauty. You, yourself should do what you want and don't let other people do it. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. It is your opion in what you want to do to yourself. If somebody says let me make you look prettier and work on your face, you should say no. I think you should say no because don't let other people do that to you if that is what they really thnk about you.

Franki Perry &hearts
--2nd period :D

amelia said...

On, it says that self-esteem is a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself; self-respect. In my own words, self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. If you have a high self-esteem, you believe in yourself and have respect for yourself. If you have a low self-esteem, you may put yourself and others down.

I think the videographer made this video to show viewers that not everything you see on television, magazines, and billboards are real. There are many things you can do to make people look prettier, thinner, and younger.

I think that some of the beauty industry creates an environment that is unrealistic to young women, but not all of it.

I think this film is realistic, but I don't think that they do this every time they put a picture of a woman on the cover of a magazine or on a billboard. I sometimes think that it is exaggerated on how much they edit photos for magazines.

I think self-esteem issues do exist in men, just not as much, and its not as noticeable.

--Amelia Parks (:
2nd period

Colbi said...

Self-esteem is the way we see ourselves, and how we feel about ourselves. The beauty industry does create an environment that is unrealistic for young woman to achieve. Society has made our young girls feel fat and ugly. A lot of girls become anorexic because of pictures in magazines of other young girls all made up.
The "Barbie Doll" image is shattered in this video. It shows that the young woman has to be fixed up with make-up, and they even change the look of her eyes and other features to make her look beautiful. It is not a natural look. We do not wake up looking gorgeous.
I believe this video is very realistic. It shows that these models are not beautiful right off. They are fixed up by make-up and hair artists.
I do not feel men have to deal with the pressures of looking beautiful or having to be very thin like women. I think men are much more secure than women when it comes to their apperance.
Colbi Dick
2nd period

Anonymous said...

I think that the videographer's purpose of this video is to show how a lot of things are really fake. Such as, models in magazines and people in movies. Self-esteem is the way you fill about yourself. Yes the beauty industry creates an environmont that is unrealistic for young women to achieve because they portray that all the women models and actors are the prettiest and best things out there. The Barbie Doll image is shattered in this video by showing that this girl in the video is not that pretty before they put all that makeup on her and digitialy fixing her. I believe that this video is very realistic because things like this are happening to every women in the spotlight. Yes this self-esteem issue does exist in men because they have to look just as good as the women.
Taylor Gross 2nd prd.

Gabby said...

The videos purpose to show that people on TV and in movies do not look the way appear to look. Yes the movie industry creates an environment that is unrealistic for young women to achieve. The woman in movies are NOT as thin as tall as perfect as tanned as beautiful or as perfect as the audience believes that they are. This video shows how someone’s appearance can be changed by a computer. The Barbie doll image is shattered because this model is a woman with pimples, a fat neck, and small eyes. I believe that this film is very realistic. This same self esteem issue does not exists for men.
Gabriella Constable
5th/6th period

Parrucci said...

I believe that it was a pretty stupid video and don't see why someone whasted the time to tape that. But I also beleive that it is stupid to waste the time of makeing your self look like that for mabey tree pictures. I think it is wrong to change your apperance like that. All it does is show that your self esteam is so low that you can't eccept yourself for who you really are. So all those people who are trying to be role models are doing a horable job. Instead there trying to be good runway moedels.

Zachary Parrucci 7th Pd.

Andrew said...

I think this video is really interesting because I never knew they did that on the computer so I learned something. The author’s point in this video is to show us nobody is that pretty in the real world. I think self-esteem means the way you feel about yourself. This video is really unrealistic environment. Its makes us think that all the famous people are fake I mean they can do anything with anybody. I believe in this video a lot because the way they look in movies and books. Yes, it probably does exist for men to but defiantly not as much. I really like this video though because I never knew this stuff happened.

Andrew Suplita
1st period

cAILEY nICOLE =D said...

I think the videographer’s purpose in creating this short film was to show women of all ages that they shouldn’t be pressured into thinking they need to look a certain way from that media because most of those people look average but are put through several things to make them seem “ better”.

Self-esteem is like self-respect. defined it as a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself. The self-esteem issues do exist for men in our society but not the same way that women have them. The issues form men are probably more like muscles instead of thinness and weight. The Barbie Doll image is shattered in this video because it shows how nobody is perfect. It also shows how most people are digitally altered to make themselves look more like what they think they should look like.

The beauty industry does try to create an environment that is unrealistic for young women to achieve because they want to make them think they need to look a certain way and that their product would help make that image possible. I think this Dove video was very realistic because I believe that they didn’t come up with this whole campaign based on a fact that isn’t true. I believe that our society tries to hard to reach the unrealistic idea of perfection.

***Cailey Weaver***
**2nd period**

◘ Ryan ◘ said...

Self-esteem is the way you think of yourself. It is how beautiful you think of yourself. Yes, the beauty industry does make it imposable for woman to get the "Barbie doll" image. They make girls think they have to have make-up and have to be slim just to be beautiful. I think this film was real about what they do to models. No, this self-esteem issue does not apply to men.

Ryan Wilson 5/6th period Constable

Andrew said...

Andrew Strand
8th Period

I think the videographer's purpose in creating this short film was to inform everyone that our view of beauty is distorted in that we think of beauty as a much higher standard now that we have seen movie stars and famous people on television.
Yes, the beauty industry lies to women and men about the appearance of these women.
The Barbie doll image is shattered in this video by showing what the lady looked like before makeup, wardrobe, and computer enhancement.
I believe this movie to be 100% realistic and true it is hard to believe but this video was very convincing.
This self-esteem issue exists for men by setting their standards in women much higher than real life women.

Andrew Strand 8th period

Megan DeJong said...

I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show how wrong the image of "beauty" is. Anyone can look beautiful when they have professional make-up artists, hairdressers, personal trainers and a lot of money to actually buy beauty. Most people see these images on television and in magazines and feel that they should look like the models and actors. They don't realize that these people don't really look that way either. If you saw these people on the street, you probably wouldn't recognize them.
Self-esteem is when you feel good about yourself on the inside and out. A lot of people don't feel good about themselves because they can't match the images that they see on television. The beauty industry goes overboard with commercials about make-up and trying to make people feel that if they buy the products, they will look perfect.
The Barbie Doll image gets shattered because if you see the girl in the video at the end, you would have no idea that it was the same girl in the beginning. The video shows how photoshop touch-ups, make-up, etc. creates the perfect image.
I think this film is very realistic because most people try to imitate the perfection that they see and don't realize what they see isn't what's really there.
I think that this self-esteem problem does exist for men, but not nearly as much as it does for women. The problem is getting worse for men because more of them are trying to look better than they already do because of the things they see on television and magazines.Megan DeJong 8th Period

Unknown said...

I think the videographer's purpose in creating this short film is to show everyone what real true beauty is. Beauty isn't about the way you look, it’s about who you are as a person that makes you beautiful! If we all had professionals "fix us up" we'd all be ugly. We just wouldn't be "us"!

Self-esteem is how you think about yourself for example... Say you think you're fat. That is un-healthy for you to think that. In order to have a healthy self-esteem you need to always think positive and whatever you do be yourself!

I think the beauty industry is making young women think they need to look like these models and actors that are extremely thin. But what they don't tell you, is how they got that thin and how they're so pretty. Models and actors go through alot just to fit this "Barbie doll" label.

The woman comes in and doesn't look that pretty at all and all these people come around her and do her hair and make-up so she'll look good for her photo shoot.
They edited her photo so that it made her look thinner. It also made her look like she had more noticable bone structure.

This is totally unrealistic to me! You can't get up everyday and be "perfect" looking. You may look good but you'll never be perfect.

Yes, this does exist for men now also. These men you see in magazines and these actors aren't perfect either. They have professional trainers and people who do their hair and make-up.

Rachel Waskis :D
5-6th period

Austin said...

The videpgraphers purpose for creating this film is to show that there is no such thing as a perfect image. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. Yes, the beauty industry is creating an environment that is unrealistic for women because they do not think anyone is beautiful unless they fit the barbie doll image. It makes women have low self esteem because they do not fit that image and they think that they are fat and ugly. The barbie doll image is shattered by showing all the steps and adjustments they have to do to her just to get her to look like that. It is realistic because in our society that is what they do to people in magazines to look perfect. The self-esteem issue does effect men, but not as much as it effects women.

Unknown said...

I liked this video because it teaches us about self-esteem. Self-esteem is how people feel about themselves. Yes the beauty industry creates an environment that is unrealistic. They make young girls think that they have to look the way that movie stars look. The image in the video is shattered because it makes us think that the other people we see on TV don’t really look that way. This video is very realistic because it shows us how they can turn a ordinary person into a movie star looking person. I think that it is going on for men but not as much as women.

Evan Kosik
1st period

Austin said...

Austin Patterson
5th and 6th period

Unknown said...

Self-esteem is the way one feels about his or her self. I feel that the videographer's purpose for making this video was to show how no one is perfect. I would have never thought the young lady in the video could change so drastically. After it was over she did not even look remotely the same as she did originally. I feel that this is an issue with men too, but not nearly as much as with women in today’s society. I think there is a higher standard of women then men in today’s society.
Shane Richardson 1st. Period

Ali said...

The purpose of this video is to show self-esteem and how looking good makes you feel good. Self-esteem is how much confindence you have in yourself.I think the beauty industries makes people think that you have to look like a model to be beautiful. Infact the sooner you realize beauty is only skin deep the better you'll feel about youself.

The Barbie Doll's image is shattered by all of the makeup and facial changes that they make to the model. I believe this is a very realistic video of what the industry does to make an ordinary girl look extra ordinary, however it is not realistic that all girls have to look that beautiful on the outside when they can be more beautiful on the inside. I think this exists for some men but not as much as it does for women.

Ali Sansalone
8th period

midge said...

I liked this video a lot!

The purpose of this video is to build our self-esteem. To me this video was very necessary because it shows how our view on beauty is completely wrong.

People put way to much emphasis on beauty. Society has influenced us to be very shallow. For an example, most people would of considered the model to be ugly before the makeover. I personally thought she was naturally pretty but by the end she didn't even look like herself.

Self-Esteem is the way you feel about yourself.

The beauty industry does create an unrealistic, unachievable environment for women. The Barbie Doll image was shattered in this video because we always viewed Barbie as being perfect and this video shows that NO ONE is perfect.

I think this film is extremely realistic because it revealed the other side of beauty.(THE REAL SIDE OF BEAUTY.)

I do think that men have self-esteem issues too. Men try to have the perfect body, just the same as women but probably not as extreme.

Midge Robinson(:
2nd period

Wes said...

The beauty industry is BIG BUSINESS!! Millions of dollars are spent on products. I do think that companies want girls and boys to buy products that really don’t work. It is all about advertisements. Many people believe that if they buy a certain product that it will work the way it is shown on a commercial. Some products do work, but most of them are really expensive. Do we really need them? The Barbie Doll image is shattered because NO one is perfect.
The video started with a girl with pimples on her face. She had straight hair. By the end of the video, she wasn’t even herself. A computer made her face completely different. Many girls wake up in the morning and put on make-up and do their hair. They change themselves. The beauty industry tells them that make-up and hair supplies will make them look better.
I think that DOVE has realized that there are many “real” people out in the world buying their products. I believe that they want to sell products to the normal person. They have realized that not everyone is a model. Men do have self-esteem. We usually don’t care as much as girls do about our looks and getting ready. A lot of men, just go as they are. I guess it all depends on the man. My dad is clean, but he doesn’t stand there and look in the mirror. He doesn’t have to buy a lot of make-up or products like my mom either. Boys are a lot different than girls when it comes to a lot of advertising. I like this video because it shows you how a person looks one way and can completely change in an hour or two.
Wes Ashcraft – 7th Period

Mehgan said...

The purpose in creating this short film was to show you that you can never really be a perfect looking girl, Like models are.
Models arn't perfect either but they have the equiptment to make them appear this way. Selg-esteem is a very important thing that we need to have in us to go through our everyday lives. Self-esteem is when you think go of yourself and you let no one bring you down. Self-esteem is think that you look good or thinking that you're good enough for the rest of the world.Yes the beauty industry does create an unrealistic envioronment because your really can't be that pretty and perfect everyday, it is nearly impossible. But people lead you to believe that these models are this pretty everyday. When in reality, they arn't. The beauty industry bring your self-esteem up, but when you relize you can never be as pretty as the models, it just bring you down. The barbie doll image is in this video because they edit her face into perfection just like a fake little barbie doll. This film is true, not to many girls are as pretty as models these days but they strive to be which makes a rolarcoaster of self-esteem. Self-esteem issues also effect men. I can't say that they effect men as much as wemon, but they do in ways. Men want to be perfect athletes and they want to look like modles sometimes too. So when they figure that they arn't good enough they no longer have self-esteem. So yes, men deffenitly have self-esteem conflict as well as wemon.
♥♥♥♥♥Mehgan Haskiell♥♥♥♥♥
5/6th pd.

JP said...

This is a good video for people to see how some people are not always what they seem. Its good for peoples self-esteem. Some people think they have to be like someone else ,but this shows that you dont have to be.

john paul crandall

Debii K said...

I think the videographers purpose is to tell people, that the "barbie doll" imgage evryone has the need to have, is really fake. People in magazines go through so much before they look "perfect", when in reality, the computer makes themlook like they do. The videographer is trying to tell us to be comfortable in our own skin, becaus eyou really can't look like that.

Self-esteem is what you thin kof your self.

The beauty industry does create an unrealisteic enviroment. They make wemon feel like they have to look like that, or the world won't accept them.

The barbie doll image is shattered , because the movie reveals the way that model get to look that way. They're not real, and I think a lot of girls are insecure because they think they have to look that way.

This movie is very realistic. It's so true.

I do think men sometimes have low self-esteem.

Deborah Koepnick
Period 2

Logan D. said...

I think that the Dove video is really neat. Self-esteem is a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself. I think that this video does create an environment that is unrealistic for young women. The Barbie Doll image is shown when they make the women look better than she really is for the add. I think that it is realistic, cause if you look at adds the woman look good but if you look them up on the internet or somehow they do not look the way they did in the add. For some men self-esteem is a really big issue and for some men they don’t care about there self-esteem.

Logan Demyon
8th period

Evan Cameon said...

I liked this vidoe but it was very short. I think that self-esteem is how you feel inside. I think that the beauty industry is unrealistic for some but not all young women to achieve.The Barbie Doll image goes away in this video because of how some young woman have natural beauty and others who dont can have artificial beauty from computers. I think this film is realistic because they beauty industry does this to people on billboards and in movies all the time to make them appear and stand out more.i think that the self-esteem exisits in the society for men because they do this to men on billboards and in movies just like they do it to woman.

Evan Cameon 1st preiod

lgower said...

I think the videographer’s purpose for making this video was to show you that everyone isn’t perfect looking including most of the models in the magazines. I think self-esteem is having confidence in what you like and the things you do. The beauty industry can create an unrealistic environment for young girls or woman to achieve. I believe in the statement I just made because girls would have to starve themselves to be that skinny at the age. Also that girl looks perfect in the video, and no one is perfect except God. The Barbie Doll image in this video was shattered , because the picture you are looking at of that girl isn’t real and it is saying that you can be changed to beautiful by makeup which isn’t true. This video is realistic I bet this has occurred and has been done to many photos. I guess a little bit this video is for men. I really don’t think guys have as much of a problem as girls do about there look, but I do think some guys can be
like that.
-Lauren Gower
2nd period

♥ Olivia Katharine ♥ said...

I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that no one is perfect even the movie stars and models in todays magazines and other displaed images of them. I think that self-esteem is how you feel about yourself and your actions. The beauty industry creates an unrealistic enviroment inso many ways. It leads young women to think they have to look just like the so called perfect people in todays magazines. Some young women think they have to be skinny or their hair has to be the perfect color. This barbie Doll image is shattered when they start to make her eyes larger and her neck longer. I believe people should feel good about themselves. I know that everyone of us thinks that we have a flaw somewhere. No one should have to change themselves to be beautiful. I think that this video is very realistic. I am sure that this has been done to other photos to make them look better. Well, this self-esteem issue probably exists for men also but not as much as women.
1st period 8th grade

Unknown said...

I think the videographer's purpose in creating this video was to show that models and actors are not real people. They are just people who pose and then get enhanced by computers and what-not.

Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself.

Yes, the beauty industry DOES create an environment that is unrealistic for young women to achieve. I don't know how people can be proud of themselves looking up at a billboard that has their picture on it and yet it not be themselves because of all of the makeup and digital enhancing done.

Watching this video shatters the Barbie Doll image because nobody is that perfect and all little girls think that people CAN be that perfect, like Barbie.

I think this film is both realistic and unrealistic because it shows the reality of all of the enhancing done to make something "picture perfect". It is also very unrealistic because no one looks like that.

Yes, it does exist in men. Men like to look good when they go out in public. If they didn't they'd all be walking around in clothes made from animal skins. They also wouldn't be worried about how they smell, or how their hair looks.

Brianna Woodburn
7th Period

Baller_Girl_13 said...

The videographer's purpose in creating this short film was to show you what real life is all about. Self-esteem is how much confidence you have about yourself
and how you think of yourself. The beauty industry does have an unrealistic environment because the industry try's to tell you that without make-up you don't look really pretty, that you need make-up to look really good. The Barbie Doll image I feel is shattered by seeing the woman for who she really is before the changes. I think the video is realistic because in real life this does happen. I think it does exists for men to because they might see a guy and say that they want to be like him because he's cool and gets all the girls.

Sierra Greenlee 2nd pd.

Unknown said...

Self esteem islke self confudence.I think that people make unreslistic achievments for all ages of women and men. Ithink that the real image is the best image and they made her cheeks thinner her shoulders wider and longer and added make up and made her hair flow in the wind. i belive that this image is realy realy un reallisstic and they want to much out of women! yes ithink i does they want o be confident too

Unknown said...

Self esteem islke self confudence.I think that people make unreslistic achievments for all ages of women and men. Ithink that the real image is the best image and they made her cheeks thinner her shoulders wider and longer and added make up and made her hair flow in the wind. i belive that this image is realy realy un reallisstic and they want to much out of women! yes ithink i does they want o be confident too

rachel_marie_7 said...

I think that videographer’s purpose in making this video is to show us how and maybe even why some people have such low self-esteems. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself and your confidence level about yourself. They make things impossible to achieve, but younger people and others think that that is real and to be beautiful you have to look that way. The Barbie Doll image is shattered in this video by how they expose the secret to beauty and how it is not real and nobody really looks like that. Very realistic, I think that almost every model shot like that has been edited one way or another. Yes, men see gorgeous men and see how other people respond to them so they do stupid things such as steroids to try to be like that.

--->Rachel Keefover 2nd period

jared burns said...

Self-esteem is one’s perception of one’s self of how they feel of themselves. Yes, I mean come on can anyone really look as good as they do on billboards, magazines, and television. The answer for the people who do not know it is No. I think that the fashion industry is always telling girls that if you don’t look like they do in magazines, you are not presentable to society and lose weight. That is just mean to tell people but that is how it is in fashion.

In his video the “Barbie Doll” image is shattered because it shows how long it takes to make an actual person to look “perfect”. I believe is realistic because it shows how beauty is altered by make up and computer generation. Yes, but you mostly see women who are modeling, not men. But yes it does still exist men but not as much for men.
Jared Burns
8th Period

Savannah (: said...

The dove video shows that the images of beauty that everyone sees on billboards today are completely distorted. What young girls look up to are women who are not real. The only thing that makes them beautiful is the make up and computers. I think it’s sad that we even think that is beautiful. The beauty industry does create an image that no normal girl can achieve. Creating this image, girls’ self-esteem are ruined. They think that if they don’t have every strand of hair in place or perfect skin, they’re not beautiful. A low self esteem can lead into many more serious conditions. In my opinion, real beauty is being happy with you’re appearance and how you are born.

These issues do not only exist in women. Many men look up to athletes and male models. They see that if they aren’t exceptionally talented in sports or have the right clothes, then they aren’t good enough. It really doesn’t matter whether boy or girl, the same issues exist. False senses of beauty are all around us today, no matter who you are.

I think this video is very realistic. The woman featured in the video was an average lady. But with tons of makeup and much time spent doing her hair, she was model material. Then, after the pictures were shot, they did even more and computer edited her photos. The picture that ended up on a billboard looked totally different than how she started out. This happens all the time. When you see celebrities without makeup walking along the street, they are unrecognizable compared to what you see on magazine covers.

All people should be comfortable with whom they are and not feel pressured to be perfect. No one is genuinely perfect. Women on magazine covers and Abercrombie Models appear perfect. That is why the beauty industry today is misleading and unrealistic.

Savannah Sims ™
2nd period ♥

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The bill board image is misleading because alot was done to the model before her picture was put on the bill board. An entire make-up team got her ready for her shoot. After the pictures were taken the computer was used to remove any flaws and make her look perfect. This is misleading to both men and women because "Nobody's perfect" just like the song says. This is hard on a person's self-esteem because no one will ever be perfect. No one will ever like exactly how they look.

Jon Decker 7th period

fletcher devaul said...

I think the purpose of the video is teach people that no one is perfect. I think self-esteem is what you think about yourself and how comfortable you feel in your own body. I think the beauty industry is on the brink of making it unrealistic for young women to achieve.

It is shattered because it shows that all people have imperfections. The woman in the video had so much make-up you couldn’t see her freckles on her face. Then they took the picture and made it perfect on the computer and the video shows how the pictures in display are perfect. I think the film is very realistic.

Yes I think self-esteem issue exists for men to because when photographers take a mans picture they put muscles and abs on them that aren’t theirs. They even take the blemishes off the mans face to so yes there is the same self-esteem issue for men in our society.

Grant said...

WOW! How did they do that? It was amazing how much of a change they could make to a person with just make-up and a computer.
The purpose of the film was to show that what we see a lot of times is really not true beauty. Advertisements with teenagers give us false ideas of what we should look like and what we should wear to be popular.
Self – esteem, to me is confidence in you. Believing that I am ok with being the person I am becoming.
This is unrealistic in my mind. Young girls try too hard to look like the movie stars and they are not able to achieve this then they feel they always look bad. This is not true. Young girls need to realize that they are all different and as the video shows a lot of the models and movie stars have fake looks.
The Barbie dolls always had the girls thinking that the perfect body, hair and make-up are what you had to have. This video shatters this image because you see that someone very plain, through computers, not make-up, etc was made to look beautiful.
I believe the film to be very realistic. It is amazing how much technology is used to try to fool people. This is an example of how they try to fool young people to believe that buying a certain product will help make you have the perfect looking face, and hair. Unreal but it still sells products.
Yes, I think this self – esteem issue does exist in the male society. We see male models that seem to have perfect hair, muscles, smiles, and the clothes to go with it all. Boys also deal with the self – esteem just like the girls do. We are misled to believe that if we look this great we will become popular, everyone will like us; we will be accepted and fit in. In real life this is not true, it is what is inside that counts. Who a person is, not what they look like makes the total person.

Grant Holbert
8th Period

Unknown said...

Sam Haines 8th Period

I think the videographer’s purpose for making this short film is to show that most models don’t look how you think they look. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. Yes beauty creates an unrealistic environment, all the teen stars make girls want to loose weight or wear a lot of makeup. The Barbie Doll image is shattered because; the model on the billboard doesn’t really exist. I believe the film is realistic because it is kind of like what really happens. Photographers alter images to delete flaws on the women they photograph. They do this because very few women are perfect. This self esteem issue exists in men but it is not as important to men as it is for women. For example, girls wear makeup from a very young age, but most boys don’t care as much about their appearance.

NIck said...

I think the purpose of this video was to show us that what we see is not always the real thing. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself, your confidence. I think that the beauty industry does create an environment that is impossible for young women to achieve. You would have to look perfect to be a model or anything. The Barbie Doll image is shattered in this video because no one can look as good as the girl did at the end without makeup. I think this video is very realistic. They really do use all that makeup and the technology on the computer to make people look better. This self-esteem issue does exist for men. Mostly for actors to make them look better in a movie, on TV, in a picture, anything like that and other men also.

Nick Trefz
8th period

Basketballbabe said...

Self-esteem is confidence; self-respect. I don’t think that the beauty industry makes an unrealistic looks for young women to achieve, because to day if you want to look a certain way they came go get certain make up, hair cut, hair colored, surgery, get new clothes, etc. There are many thing that young women can do if they really want to look like someone.

The Barbie Doll is taken and they stretch her neck, fix her eyes, ears, face, hair color ,eye brows, shoulders and the position of her face. They change almost everything to get her face to look as they wanted to.

This film is very realistic because if a magazine illustrator or movie writer wants them to look a certain way they us the computer to make the star look that way. Yes I think they do this to men just as they do to women., because the modeling industry doesn’t only have female model but male model also.

Courtney Sloan
1st period

Nick Sinclair said...

The videographer purpose for making this video is to let us know that the people we see in advertising aren't perfect. The models and stars aren't perfect, but if the advertisers showed us their flaws, we wouldn't buy what they were trying to sell. I think the video is realistic and it shows us that it is impossible to try to look like one of these models. The beauty industry does create an unrealistic environment for young women by using computer generate images. I do feel that the Barbie doll image is shattered because Barbie is the perfect looking doll. Barbie is a creation by someone who is telling us what the perfect girl looks like. Self esteem is how you feel about yourself. Self esteem issues exists for men because I want to look good, but I don't feel a lot of pressure to do it.

Unknown said...

The videographer's purpose was to show that with today's technology people can make other people appear extremely different. The videographer also wanted to show that our perspective of beauty is distorted because of this. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. It could be very likely that the beauty industry creates an unrealistic environment for young women to achieve because they want to sell their products. The Barbie Doll image is shattered because this video proves that with today’s technology and special effects in videography anyone can be made to look like a movie star, although movie star images are probably also false. I believe that this film is probably very realistic because most people can edit photos with the software that comes on their computer. Just think of what people with advanced systems can achieve. The self-esteem issue exists for men also. People, guys and girls, have always worried about what everyone else thinks of them.

Unknown said...

Jacob Richards 1st period

Unknown said...

The videographers purpose in creating the Dove video was to show that not everything you see is always real. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself and the type of self confidence you have about yourself. I think that the beauty industry does create an unrealistic environment by putting pressure on young girls to look like what their idea of perfect is. According to them perfect is if you alter yourself to look nothing like yourself. It makes young girls have a low self esteem because they think if they don't look like the people on tv or in magazines then there is something wrong with them. The barbie doll image is shattered in this video by showing you all the things they do to alter someone. I believe that it is completely realistic and unfortunately we allow it to happen by buying into all the hype. I think that more girls have pressure on them to look perfect then boys, but boys are pressured into liking what the beauty industry considers pretty.
Ashley Patterson
2nd period

Kenny said...

I think that the purpose of this video is to show people that everyone isn't perfect. I think that self-esteem is how you see yourself and what you think others see. I think that the beauty industry does create an unrealistic view for girls. I think that women are never happy with the way that they look, thats why they wear makeup and get plastic surgery. I think that the Barbie doll image is shattered because this lady in the film isn't perfect and after all of the makeup and special effects they do to change her appearance, she looked like a totally different woman. I think this film is unrealistic because that person at the end isn't the same girl they started with in the beginning. I don't really know if there is a self-esteem issue for men in our society. If there is, they probably don't talk about it as much as girls self esteem.

Unknown said...

I thought this video was some what strang but it tells the truth. Everyone in magiezines aren't as perfect as they look. Self-Esteem is how a person feels about themselves. Yes,I think the beauty
industry creates an unrealistic environment. Th make people so perfect looking.that makes
oher people who see the perfect looking people want to be that way because they think thats how they should look. I think it rediculious,honestly. I think everyone should be beautiful in their own way not by computers. The barbie doll image in this video is cool i guess but i would never want to look so perfect. I believe this video is realistic because people seriously do things like that to models and celebirties. Yes,think that this type of self-esteem is an isssue for men too. Some guys ecspecially the models and celebirties feel they have to look perfect if they see it. Well this is how i fellt about this strang video.

-Ashley Charles
-8th period

Unknown said...

The videographer's purpose in creating this film was to show that some people in the world aren't what they appear to be. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself and how you feel when people look at you. Yes it creates an unrealistic image for young women to acheive because they create a whole different person once they take your picture. The Barbie Doll image is shattered in this video because it shows that the movie and magazine industries shape you into a completely different person. This film shows how fake people are and what people do in the world to make you look good. I believe that the self-esteem issue exists for men but it is not as often saw as women.

Tommy Bice
2nd Period

Unknown said...

The beauty industry I think will do anything to a person to get the image they want I dont think that they would care to ask the persons opionion on how they would like to look. I also thought it was cool that they could do that but creepy at the same time. It's terrible they do that to people because they want people to think they should look like that or else they are not fit to bw called beautiful or in a magazine.

Connor Haberland said...

Self esteem is the way a person thinks about themself, whether its good or bad. Yes the beauty industry creates an inviroment for young women to achieve. They make it sound like in order for women to succeed in life they have to look beautiful. I have no idea how the image of the barbie doll is shattered , and frankly, I dont care. It is very realistic. Yeah they do exist in men

Kstaggers said...

Self-esteem is confidence and satisfaction in yourself. The beauty industry is very deceiving to young women. We look at models and want to be just like them, but they really arent even what they are, if that makes sence. This video shatters the Barbie Doll image by showing that people arent naturally like that. This film is very realistic because it shows that everyone has flaws. I think this self-esteem issue does exist with men in society. It may be about completly different things, but it still does exist.

Kelsey Staggers

buonaiuto said...

I think that the videographer created this video to show us that looks can be deceiving. Self-esteem is the opinion that you have about yourself. I think that the beauty industry makes it very difficult for young women to achieve this level of good looks but as they say," Anything is Possible." The Barbie Doll image was shattered when they showed an average looking girl at the beginning of the video clip and turned her into a super-model. They did this with makeup and facial touch-ups on the computer. I think that this film is as realistic as you can get. It shows exactly what they do to people to make them look good. If this self-esteem issue does exist for guys, it's not nearly as extreme as it is for women.

Zack said...

I think the videographer's prupose in creating this video was to bring to our attention that not everything we see is real. It's almost like commercials lately; they try to trick kids into thinking something is the coolest thing ever. It makes me sad.

Self-esteem is how people think about themselves. I think the beauty industry does sometimes lower people's self-esteem, because it is unrealistic for a woman to achieve a look like that without nearly killing themselves. The Barbie Doll image in this film is chattered when they show us the horrific things they do to make it look like that. I like image editing on the computer, but I would never have believed (or hoped) that anything like this was going on. I think the film is very realistic on what is happening with the advertising business. My uncle is an advertiser. I will have to ask him about this when I see him next. I think the self-esteem issue doesn't exist for men, but maybe for young men.

Zachary Herberger
1st period

I hope the next video is less depressing. =(

░Madison~♥~Fitch░ said...

The videographer's purpose was to show people that the people in magazines aren't who they look like. Self-esteem is what you think of yourself. Yes, they make girls lower their self-esteem, making them beleave they're ugly. The barbie doll image is shattered by the video showing how the transform un-appealing girls in to the barbie girls we see in magazines, billboards, and commercials. I think the girl's true face was real, but the one on the billboard was unrealistic. Yes, they might also have self-esteem, but they won't really care in that issue.
Madison Fitch
7th period

alex swiger said...

The videographer's purpose is to make people realize that nobody is barbie doll perfect. They make people think that they should look like a doll. Self-esteem is what and how you think about yourself. The industry of selling beauty lowers self-esteem for women. Magazines and t.v show images of picture perfect people. But we all need to realize no-one is picture perfect. There is self-esteem issues for men too. It is not as bad as it is for women. In almost all magazines and t.v shows they use computer editing and or make-up to make them look better then they really are.

Alex Swiger
8th period

Aaron Worth said...

I think the purpose for creating this video is to show us that no one is actually perfect. I mean there are girls that want to look like supermodels but if they watch this video they'll see that even the supermodels are perfect. Self-esteem is like how you look at yourself and girls who want to be like this need to watch this video. In this video it shows you that the supermodels don't really look like this in real life. I believe this is a very realilistic video because it exposes the real life of supermodels and that they don’t look like barbie dolls. I don't really think it is as extreme for men as for women.

Aaron Worth
7th period

XCChick said...

The videographers purpose is to show and tell us that we are having to warp reality to see beauty when we actually do not need to. Self-Esteem is how you feel about yourself and the way you look. The beauty industry is creating an environment that gives a young woman an unrealistic dream in which the only way to look beautiful is to warp your face and body to become something that your not. I think this video is very unrealistic also this issue occurs in men to although you may not think about it, maybe not as much but it still happens. Men are used to images of a muscular man when in reality it is usually drugs or computers bulging out their muscles.

Phil said...

This video is important because it teaches us that everyone is important. The video points out that no one is perfect and anyone can change appearance, but inner beauty shines through no matter what. Self-esteem is the way a person thinks of his/her self. I think that the advertisers for the beauty industry are the ones who create an un-obtainable standard for people today. This industry’s goal is to make you think that you make have to look and dress a certain in order to be considered beautiful.
I think this film is realistic because it teaches us that no one is perfect. All people have things about themselves that they would change. As a guy, I can tell you that we face the same issues that women do. We all strive to look better, and change things that we feel we fall short on in every day life. However, in the end, all that really matters is who you are in this world. If at the end of a day you can say that you did all you could, then you will have done better than most. If everyone could value his or her self esteem this way the world would be a much different and better place.

Phillip Colasessano
1st period

--->Lexi ;] said...

Self-esteem is the way you feel about yourself. It's very important to have high self-esteem, because if you don't, then when when people put you down, then it will make you feel lonley, left out, and like no one wants to be around you. Now, me personally, I have very high self-esteem, but I still know lots of people with low self-esteem.
Yes, the beauty industry is basically, well,... FAKE!!! It's really bad because when you think about it, you are really never going to get to see that person's own natural beauty. Every magizine or billboard picture is really an computer "animated" person. They just take away from having a pretty model take the picture! I also bet the same thing happens for men but not as much work has to be done maybe.=] And if I was in the modeling industry and they always wanted to fix my face or body, then I would tell them I wouldn't want to work for them! =]

♥Alexxus Bolling
2nd period

tori M said...

This was very interesting, I enjoyed it. I've always had fun in photo editing so in a way, this stuff feeds me. However the finished product does not promote self-esteem, or how you feel about yourself. Watching the process however is very comforting because it shows how someone just the same as us can look like that. I believe this is a very realistic video. While self-esteem issues are present in men, they are not as noticeable or overwhelming.
tori mcgill
1st prd

Unknown said...

The purpose of creating this video is to show what you see is not always what it really is. Self esteem is when you beleive in your-self. Yes That girl really wasn't what she always looks like but some girls thimk it is and they try to get that image. Because no one can ever achieve that image and this video proves it. It is completely true. Yes some guys want to improve girls and try to achieve something there not.

[gwendolyn] said...

it's werid how she went to ulgy to pretty...people should just like the way they look if the person that you wanna look like might not look like what you see

cheyannh said...

By watching this video I believe that it was made to show that not all beauty is real. The self-esteem issue that both men and women have is partially caused by what billboards and such tell people they should look like. When men and women don't meet these so called expectations of society they think that they are not good enough or attractive enough. Their self-esteem is lowered tremendously, because Hollywood is producing an environment where only outer beauty is accepted.☺

cheyannh said...

By watching this video I believe that it was made to show that not all beauty is real. The self-esteem issue that both men and women have is partially caused by what billboards and such tell people they should look like. When men and women don't meet these so called expectations of society they think that they are not good enough or attractive enough. Their self-esteem is lowered tremendously, because Hollywood is producing an environment where only outer beauty is accepted.☺

Tre said...

It told everyone out there that thats what people want people to look like that and sometimes they will chance you to jet it.It importatnt to know that beauty isn't alway what you see in movies or magazens that it whats inside that counts

Unknown said...

This video really brings hope into people's hearts. It shows that if you are trying to look like the people on billboards or in magazines, then you are trying to look fake. No one actually looks like the pictures we see. They have been edited on the computer. It lowers our self-esteem because it makes us think that if we don’t look like the edited pictures that there is something wrong with us.

The beauty industry does create an environment that is unrealistic for not just young women but men also to achieve, thus promoting eating disorders and pointless and expensive plastic surgery. In real life, nobody actually has the Barbie doll image that is displayed in edited pictures. This video proves that point. This video is completely realistic, and I’m glad that people want to get the message of this video out in the communities to make a difference in people’s lives.

I do believe that this issue exists for men in society. One example might be that there might be a picture of a man with extremely large muscles and men might work themselves to death at the gym for an unhealthy amount of hours in order to look like the pictures.

Kristen Zirkle
2nd period

D'Andre Stephens@WFMS said...

Self-esteem can be defined as how people feel about themselves. Children's levels of self-esteem are evident in their behavior and attitudes. If children feel good about themselves, these good feelings will be reflected in how they relate to friends, teachers, siblings, parents, and others. Self-esteem is something that affects individuals throughout life, therefore, it is very important for parents to help their children develop healthy levels of self-esteem. There are many things parents can do to help their children learn that they are lovable, capable, and competent, beginning when their children are at a very young age. Unfortunately, it is also at a very young age that children can begin to develop low self-esteem.

alyssa said...

I think the purpose of this film is how people think models are so beautiful but its not real most of the time. Self esteem is a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself or self-respect. Yes, I think the beauty industry creates an environment that is unrealistic for younger women to achieve. The Barbie doll image in this video is shattered by people making a women look as though she was a Barbie doll which in fact she is not. They enhance her image by making her neck longer and her check bones more wide and her eyes bigger. I think this film is very realistic. Yes, the self-esteem issue exists for men in the society as well as women. (Well maybe not as much but it's still there.) Men worry about them self too.

Alyssa Linger 1st period

Nakoma said...

Self-esteem I think is what you think of yourself, the respect that you have for yourself and that you keep it up above what you think people think of you. The Barbie Doll image is shattered in this image by how much they change the women's appearance just to make her look, "more beautiful" so that people especially girls want to look like that when in fact the picture of that women isn't even a real person. I believe that this film is 100% real. Yes, this self-esteem issue exists for men in society, because they think that girls or women like that look so they dress that way.
Nakoma Connolly (C.K.)
1st period

Unknown said...

This video was amazing. I really hate how the beauty industry makes girls think that they ave to be perfect. Nobody is perfect. I hate how it gets to girls so bad that they starve themselves. People who are a size 10 are just as beautiful as the girls that are a size 0. The industry makes a lot of people feel horrible about themselves. Self - Esteem is how you feel about yourself, this industry has a poor way of giving people confidence and self-esteem.
Yes, the beauty industry does set an unrealistic environment for women to achieve. If e all loved ourselves for who we are, just imagine how different the world would be. I mean people always want what they don't have. People just need to love themselves the way they were made. The barbie doll image is definitely in this video. This film is very realistic. It's sad what the industry does to people. Yes, the self-esteem issue does exist to men, just not as much. This was a great topic for this week.

emily said...

I think the videographer'spurpose in making this video was to show that noone is perfect. Everybody has flaws. Self-esteem is how you look at yourself. I think that it is unrealistic and it's bad for young girls to think they can look like that. They practically kill theirselves trying to look flawless. The Barbie image is cultural and there is many types of Barbie looks. The beauty industry makes it look like you have to be skinny and flawlessly beautiful. I think this film is the truth. I think self-esteem issues occur in men too, they ahve to worry about having a nice body and not looking like a dork.

reese! said...

\\ Self-Esteem is how people think and feel about them selves. I think that yes the beauty industry creates an unrealistic environment. They make us girls think that we have to look a certain way or act a certain way because they want you to look like one person and that is the prettiest and skinniest person in the world. But if they aren’t, then they change the way they look in screen, but in person, that's not really how they appear. I think that this video if very realistic and it makes the industry of make up look really bad. I’m sure men have self-esteem issues too, but not as much as women have it.

♥Teresa Lodge♥
♥2nd period♥

Taylor Masters said...

Self-esteem is the way you think and feel about yourself.

Yes, the beauty industry creates an environment that is unrealistic for girls. It's almost as if the industry is setting the limit as to how young girls need to look to be liked/pretty. I mean, it's sad to see girls that want to look just like these "Barbies". They sit there and just cake on the make-up and some become anorexic because they think they will not be accepted if they're "fat". And one of the most annoying things to me is when girls come to me and tell that they are fat, when they know that they aren't.

I think this video is very realistic. I see people that are doing this every day. Just like in magazines. This is the similar process that they do to make the people in the magazines look like they do.

Yes, I think that this self-esteem issue exists for men, just not as much.

Taylor Masters
2nd period

Andrew said...

Self-Esteem is how you feel about yourself. It is good to have a high self-esteem so you never want to think you are ugly. Yes, the beauty industry creates an unrealistic environment. I never the computer made some girls so hot!! I think it is kind of stupid because once you somebody in person then they will think you are ugly so they won’t like you anymore. The Barbie doll is shattered by showing us all the steps of how they make people look so good. I think this video is realistic because I don’t believe anybody looks that good. Yes, it probably exists in the men’s society but not as much as women.

Andrew Suplita
1st period

NathanA.KolarWFMS said...

I think that the purpose of this video was to let people know that no matter what you look like, with makeup and tecchnology, they can make you feel like what they can do to a person's appearance is what you have to look like. Self-esteem is how people feel about all the aspects of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Self- esteem is how people feels about themselves. Yes, the beauty industry does create an unrealistic environment for young women and older women also. They try to tell us, that if we don’t look a certain way, then we are not right. In the beauty industry, you have to be skinny, not have any acne, be the right height, or wear expensive clothes. How are we supposed to live in a world where everyone is the same or everyone is perfect? It’s not going happen! They took a picture of that girl, and they changed everything on her. I thought the girl was beautiful just the way she was. I don’t think it is right , and it’s pretty much put the category of discriminating against people who don’t look like the girls in the magazines or on billboards. How can you try to make an image of a whole world of people by someone you created on a computer.

I think this video is very realistic. I believe it shows how society really is toward the people in this world. Yes, I do think that this self- esteem issue is happening to men in this world. It’s a proven fact.

Asya Drake

2nd period

Unknown said...

Self-esteem is what you think of yourself. The beauty industry makes it impossible for girls to make themselves feel good about themselves because they create a look that is impossibe to achieve. By them putting so much make-up on the girl and them photo shoping her before they put the picture available to the public. I think it is realistic because no girl or boy is that perfect. Yes, its for a muscular bodies, clear skin, and perfect hair.

Isabella Leon
8th period

drew c. said...

I think the purpose of making this film is that in nearly all movies all this does is make people feel worse about them selves because they see these movie stars with all the makeup and the computer animation that they think the people playing the part actually look like that. Self-esteem is how someone feels about them selves or what they think about them selves. I believe that women are trying to match the movie stars looks in movies but they don't know all the digital enhancements done , so yes I do believe the beauty industry create an environment that is unrealistic for young women to achieve. Its shattered because it shows everything that is done that the people don't actually look like what they do on movies and billboards. I think this film is very realistic. I think that some men try to look like what people do in movies and on TV.

Unknown said...

I think the viedeographers purpose was to show that no one is perfect. Everyone has something they dont like about themselves, that just makes us people.

Self-esteem is how someone feels about themselves. It could be how they look their personality, anything about them really.

I think our beauty industry does make an unrealistic thing to achieve because most of the covers of magazines are touched up, and not really that person. It is sad the way they think they have to be "perfect" to be accepted.

The "barbie doll image" is shattered in this video because they show that no one, no even models are like a barbie doll. Yes, there are some really gorgeous people, but that doesnt mean they are perfect. Even barbie dolls have some things wrong. It has to do with how we are created.

I believe this film is realistic. I believe it is true because i know that everyone has problems with their own self-esteem.

Self-esteem issues exsist in everyone. Maybe, not all men show it but they are all self concious too. For example boys my age some are growing, and some are still small. Some of them get made fun of, and they are self concious about being smaller or short.

davidhaley said...

Self-esteem is how people fell about themselves. The beauty industry is terrible for making girls feel like they need to force themselves to be this way. Nobody can look like people on tv and movies because the people in movies and tv don't look like that. They are covered in make up and are edited until the point where it can't be the same person. The worst part of this video is that this really happens all the time when they put up ads. This problem does occur in men too. I don't think it happens as often though.

demi_thaler said...

self-esteem is how people feel about themself. yes i think the beauty industry creates an enviorment that is unrealistic for young women to achieve. i also think that they don't give the women a chance to show off the real beauty they have to make her look like someone there not. its so bad!! this film is both realisic and unrealisic because they show the woman how she is without makeup and looks fine the way she is and also its unrealisic because they put all this makeup on her and then after there all done they use a computer to fix the picture up. also self-esteen does happen to men to.

demi thaler
1st period