Monday, October 14, 2013


Setting is an integral part of any literary work. Give examples of mysterious, scary, futuristic and romantic settings from books, poems, novels, or movies that you have seen or read. Give examples of setting from the past, present, and future from television shows, movies and or books. Can you think of any examples of stormy weather in a movie or book and the relationship of that storm to the character's struggles. If you could create a scary, or romantic setting for a story where and when would you choose?


Unknown said...

There are many types of different settings and tons of literary pieces of each! Insidious and the Conjuring are both examples of movies with a scary setting. Meanwhile, the Mortal Instruments and Harry Potter book series have mysterious settings. Some movies with a futuristic setting include Avatar and Gravity, and a book is Matched. A couple romantic movies are the Notebook and Safe Haven. A few shows and books that take place in a past setting are the Outsiders, Friends, and Full House. Some television shows from a present time are What Not to Wear and Say Yes to the Dress. On the other hand, some television shows and movies from a future time are The Hunger Games and After Earth. An example when the stormy weather relates to a character's struggles is the Wizard of Oz. As Dorothy becomes upset, the tornado appears. If I could choose a setting for a scary story I would definitely select the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum which I recently visited. I would make it in a present time, so I could say the angry deceased patients want revenge. My friends and I had numerous ghostly encounters, and it was definitely one of the creepiest and scariest places ever!-Kylie Bushko 6th period

Unknown said...

Basically every literary piece of work or movie has a setting. Some examples of futuristic movies are Avatar and the Hunger Games. Some scary settings would be The Grudge or the Conjuring. Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Hobbit are movies that are mysterious. Some examples of a romantic settings are the Hunger Games and Safe Haven. Some examples of the shows or books that take place in the past would be Brian's Song and I am David. However, some present settings that I enjoy watching are Ridiculousness and Fantasy Factory. Futuristic settings would be After Earth and Once Upon a Time. One movie that comes to mind when I think of stormy weather is 2012. The characters in this movie basically face every natural disaster from earthquakes, to tsunamis, to volcanic eruptions. If I had to create a scary movie I would choose my Uncles farm as the setting. There was actually a family that died in a house down the road from his. I would probably choose Halloween for the time because it would be a little more creepy.
Isaac Swiger 1st/10-15-13

Unknown said...

Settings can be very different in many books and movies. Paranormal Activity and Goosebumps books have a scary setting. The book Unwind is futuristic because the goverment has made a new law. There was also the A to Z mystery books. Those were pretty mysterious. Some movies or books can be romantic. Walking Dead is one of the future TV shows. Present would be like Good Luck Charlie. Past shows would be the Waltons. Theere are plenty of TV shows, movies, or books that have stormy weather. Like in an episode of SpongeBob they tried to bury someone, but the weather washed away the dirt. If I had to have a setting it would be School because it would be so empty at night and I know pretty much where everything is so I could have a perfect plot. The person could be justing runing around the school the whole time.

Unknown said...

There are many scary, romantic, and futuristic's books and movies. Some I have watched are Paranormal Activity and Insidious. These are scary movies and I regretted seeing them in the dark especially Insidious! Safe haven and The notebook are my favorite romantic movies. Safe Haven is in between mysterious and romantic though. I don't really watch mysterious movies but I can relate to them. A futuristic show is The Walking Dead, my dad and I always watch that together and my brother gets scared of it! I would choose scary setting for a a movie I could make. A camp ground where I stayed at would be the place. And the day would be Halloween!

Unknown said...

There's alot of creepy settings like in the conjuring. Which is probably one of the scariest movies I've ever saw. Like one scary and creepy place in the movie is the basement because its where the man put his wife in a chair and she was being possessed by a demon in the house. I can't explain its really scary though lol
-Kyzhay Cox 4/5th period

Unknown said...

i would probally have my step sister kaitlyn help me with writing a story because she is very good at that so knowing her she would probally have the setting at a grave yard or something

Unknown said...

I am doing my blog on twilight.the setting of twilight is that it starts in the woods at her house.Also the weather is rainy and sunny at some points. In the past the setting was about how her last home was always sunny. Yes I can tell times when it was stormy. They were in the woods when it started to rain and storm. I would choose it to be in 2016 and it would be gloomy and sunny.

Unknown said...

I chose to do my blog on the Hunger Games. One setting in the hunger games is at the end when they have just unleashed the dogs and are about to end the game. I think that was supposed to be the scary-ish setting in the move. And the whole move was about the tributes fighting for there lives. If I was to make a scary setting I think it would be somewhere like a house in the woods or something.

Unknown said...

Examples of mysterious, scary, and futuristic settings are Skeleton Creek, The Conjuring, and Star Wars. I have never really seen or read any romantic things. I don't know any past settings in books, TV shows, or movies. A present setting would be in something like Diary of a Wimpy Kid or The Ghost of Graylock. Future settings would include Human.4, The Shadow Project, or The Hunger Games. I cannot give a good relation between stormy weather in a book or movie and the struggles of the characters. I would create my own scary story and it would take place in an old, abandoned prison in the early ninety’s.

Unknown said...

There are many settings I can think of in all of these categories! A creepy or mysterious setting to me would have to be Paranormal Activity or The Conjuring. Some romantic movies are The Vow, The Last Song, The Notebook, and Safe Haven. I love all of these movies. A future setting would be The Hunger Games. Past settings would include Full House. A stormy weather setting movie would be Twister. This movies plot is storm chasers chasing a twister. If I had a chance to create a scary setting in would be at an abandoned house with creepy things all around it. My setting would take place on Halloween night.

Elizabeth Williams (: 1st-2nd

Unknown said...

Well for scary I would have to say a haunting at silver falls would be one to fall under horror. For romance movies it would be movie such as Romeo and Juliette. A past setting is something like that 70's show.For future it would be like the hungar games. A stormy weather movie would be the wizard of oz. If I had to create a scary setting it graveyard after dark. With owls making noises and you find scary.
by bobbi
6/7th period

Allison Crites said...

There are many books and movies that fall under each of these categories, but I will name a few for each. The movies Insidious and Paranormal Activity both have scary settings. World War Z and the Hunger Games have futuristic settings. Examples of movies with a romantic setting is The Lucky One and the Notebook. The show Full House took place in the past, and so did the movie Grease. Shows that take place in the present would be the Walking Dead and things like that. In the beginning of the Wizard of Oz a twister occurs, knocking Dorothy out and causing her to dream about Oz. If I were going to create a romantic story it would take place on a beach sometime in the 50s. Beaches are always relaxing and romantic, and I think the 50s was a better and simpler time.

-Alli Crites

Unknown said...

One show that I think is insanely scary is Paranormal Activity. Everyone time I watch it at night I end up not being able to sleep at all. A romantic setting is in almost all movies it seems like. For example in 50 first dates , there were romantic scenes every like 10 minutes. Some of the scenes have humor inside if another. A movie that has a storm change the setting is the movie twister. Hence the name, it completely changed many lives and the setting. If I could create a scary or romantic setting in a book or movie I would chose to do scary. Since being romantic is harder for most guys to think of , I think I would do better making it scary. Next, to make the scenes scary I would use fake cob webs, spiders, ghosts, and fake mirrors. Finally , with all the different setting in books and movies , it makes for a great show !

Unknown said...

There are all kind of settings literary work. CandyMan and the strangers are examples of movies with a creepy setting. Goosebumps has a pureacure setting. Movies with a futuristic setting include Looper and Dreed. Some romantic movies also include the Lucky one and the Vow.shows and books that take place in past are Ghostbusters and That '70s Show. An example when the stormy weather relates to a character's struggles is the is Stormy weather because it all is about storms and people trying to hunt them. If I could choose a setting for a scary story I would definitely pick fright farm.

Unknown said...

I know a lot of settings I can think of in this category. A mysterious setting would be Harry Potter and The Hobbit. A scary movie would be Paranormal activity. Some futuristic movies would be Avatar and Star Wars. I don't really know of any romantic movies but I guess the Hunger Games could be counted as one. A couple past movies would be The Hobbit and 300. Some present Movies would be Act of Valor and a show called Call of the Wildman. I remember watching a movie about a tornado and these kids had to survive because they got lost in the forest during the tornado. If I could choose a scary setting it would be in an abandoned hotel sometime during October because it is when everyone is ready for Halloween.

Anonymous said...

The setting is one of the basic building blocks for any movie, novel, show, or any form of media. Some examples of a scary setting are the movies the Conjuring, Insidious, and Sinister. Then some movies with a mysterious setting are Paranormal Activity and Harry Potter. The Matrix, Alien, and Prometheus are examples of movies with a futuristic setting. Also, The Proposal, The Notebook, and Titanic are good examples of the romantic setting of movies. Some very interesting examples of settings in the past are Friends, the Outsiders, and the Conjuring. Examples of settings in the present include Modern Family, Once Upon A Time, and the Walking Dead. After Earth, iRobot, and Avatar are some examples of settings in the future. An example of stormy weather relating to the struggles of the character is the Wizard of Oz. That is because in the beginning Dorothy is upset and a twister occurs that knocks her out and she has a dream of her traveling to Oz. If I were to create a story it would have to be a scary setting. It would most likely be in the 1980's at either a graveyard, a haunted mansion, or at the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. I would use one of these places because it would offer many chances to scare the audience and there could be numerous scary scenes or actions to make the viewers jump and be on the edge of their seats.
-Spencer Dublin 6/7th period

Unknown said...

Setting can be in many different category's. I think a mysterious setting could be in something like Harry Potter or things related. One that I am not a big fan of is scary which could be like Insidious or Paranormal activity which are movies that I don't like. Another category is futuristic which could be many like Star Wars and Transformers. A setting I don't pay attention to much is romantic but The Hunger Games and Catching Fire could be one with Peeta and Katniss love. A past movie could be Titanic and present could be Olympus has Fallen because when North Korea wanted to attack and last a future movie could be Star Wars cause it happens in the future. If I could create a story it would be scary cause you could do a scary story on Halloween in a ghost town.

Keaton Linger 1-2

Unknown said...

There are many types of different settings in literary pieces. Some things with a mysterious are Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. The Hunger Games and Safe Haven have a romantic setting. On the other hand, The Hunger Games can also be a futuristic setting. The television show Full House takes place in a past setting. A setting from a book that the setting is in the future is Unwind because the Government made a new law that parents can have their kids unwound after they turn a certain age. One movie that a character struggles from weather in is the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy looks out her window and she see a tornado. The next thing she knew was she wasn't in Kansas any more. If I created a story, it would have a scary setting. The story would take place in an abandoned hospital.

~Kayla Lough 1-2 period

Cole Weaver said...

An example of mysterious books is the A to Z mysteries. The title itself tells you it is a mystery. A scary setting would be “The Walking Dead”. It takes place in a post-apocalypse outbreak. George Lopez would be a setting from the past due to them not making any more episodes. A present setting would be one of my favorite shows, Bar Rescue. And finally The Hunger Games is the future setting. My scary setting would be in a prison with all exits blocked and creature come in the windows to grab you. The only ways out would be a make-shifted plane on the roof.

Unknown said...

Setting is very important in reading language arts. A mysterious book and/or movie would be Percy Jackson and the Olympians and any Marvel movie or book (super heroes). Hunger Games movies and books could be an example of mysterious, romantic, scary, and futuristic. The fourth book of The Heroes of Olympus series could be romantic as well. A movie that was based on the past was about one of the most devistating tragedies of America's history. In fifth grade we watching a movie about the twin towers and 9/11. Also, the movie Captin America:The First Avenger. A present day book series could be the Lorien Legacies series. A futuristic book could be the Hunger Games. Would a giant spell that is technically a magic storm be a storm. The magic caused and is causing struggles, loss of memory, unknown of past in the television show Once Upon a Time, thus relating to the characters. I don't really like scary or romantic books, movies, or television shows, but if I had to choose, I would choose romantic. Only because one of the best books I recently read was partly romantic. The fourth book in The Heroes of Olympus series was drama, fantasy, and kind of romantic to me. I would love to make it a movie. I would certainly do better at making a movie based on a book by Rick Riordan than the directors and producers did with the two Percy Jackson and the Olympians "based on the book" movies.
6/7 Madison Brotosky

Unknown said...

The movie “Friday the 13th” is set at a summer camp in the woods were everyone is getting killed and is very scary, while the recent movie “Now You See Me” is set in Las Vegas about a theft, using a magic show, to do his work. In the movie “Avatar” the setting in a futuristic place about an alien race, while the “Hunger Games” while still futuristic, is set here in America about what the future is like after an apocalyptic event. Though, I don’t like romance moves very much, my mom’s favorite romantic movie is “Sweet Home Alabama”, about two childhood sweetharts from Alabama. My dad’s favorite TV show is “Davy Croockett”, in which, most of the setting is from the past in the wild frontier. The movie “The Perfect Storm” is all about the weather and the struggle the characters have to survive the storm on a fishing boat at sea. If I had to make up a story, I would have set it in the woods and tell about something scary.

Unknown said...

There is manny types of settings and plots. For example in the movie "Halloween" there is many college kids doing dumb things at a campus, then most or all of them die from a killer named micheal myers. Another example of setting is in the movie the "Hunger Games" there is a boy and a girl along with many others that go into a arena and fight untill the death, to crown a victor. One of my favorite movies has an intresting setting. In the movie "Radio" there is a coach that takes a challenged guy in to help with the football team when none of the team or community liked him. Then, they all learned and grew from him. they all learned a esson from him and the movie pretty much gave a moral. Last but not least in the movie "42" jackie robinson a well known baseball player in the 40's went against the racism and came up on the top of the league. He showed hat anyone can do anything. These are all examples of setting, which is the most important thing to every story!

Elijah Cunningham 4th 5th

Unknown said...

There is manny types of settings and plots. For example in the movie "Halloween" there is many college kids doing dumb things at a campus, then most or all of them die from a killer named micheal myers. Another example of setting is in the movie the "Hunger Games" there is a boy and a girl along with many others that go into a arena and fight untill the death, to crown a victor. One of my favorite movies has an intresting setting. In the movie "Radio" there is a coach that takes a challenged guy in to help with the football team when none of the team or community liked him. Then, they all learned and grew from him. they all learned a esson from him and the movie pretty much gave a moral. Last but not least in the movie "42" jackie robinson a well known baseball player in the 40's went against the racism and came up on the top of the league. He showed hat anyone can do anything. These are all examples of setting, which is the most important thing to every story!

Elijah Cunningham 4th 5th

Marion County Humane Society, WV said...
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Emma Copley said...

Every literary has some sort of setting, even if it doesn’t say it directly. An example of a mysterious setting would like Harry Potter or any of the Goosebumps books. A scary setting is like both, Insidious 1 and part 2. Avatar is a good example of a futuristic setting, because it looks fake and like it isn't real. A romantic setting may include The Notebook. An example of setting from the past is the Full House, and from the present would be Honey Boo Boo or The Walking Dead. The Hunger games are an example of future tense. If I were to write a movie or book, I would choose a scary movie. I have always loved getting scared for some reason and it would be cool to be able to see many other people reacting to the movie or book. If I were to create one I would make it in an old building. I can base this off places that I have been myself.

mariah said...

Every book, movie, poem, etc has some kind of setting. Some examples could be the exorcist, and insidious two would be a scary setting. The notebook, and safe haven would have a romantic setting. A mystery setting would be Harry potter. The hunger games trilogy have a future tense setting, while something like the Watson's go to Birmingham has a past tense setting. If were to make a movie it would probably have to be a romantic one. I hate scary movies so I know I wouldn't make a scary movie. I would make a romantic movie because for some reason I love romantic movies. I just love to see two people fall in love!

Mariah Thompson 1st period

Unknown said...

There are many stories with all kind of scary and intiguing settings. One example would be Scary Movie. An interesting one would be the setting of the Hunger Games because it is like where we live but different. I remember reading a book a few years ago about a little buy and his feelings affected the weather and he realised that people were dying because he was upset. For a place and time, I would choose it somewhere toward midnight and in a big haunted house.
-Joren Cloutier

Unknown said...

Settings are one of the most important parts of a story. The book series Pretty Little Liars is mysterious, scary and romantic. The plot revolves around the mystery of a teenager girl's death and how her friends try to find out who caused her death. The story takes place in modern times.

The Hunger Games settings can be viewed as futuristic. It has multiple settings. For example, the Capitol, each District and the game arena.

An example of a past setting is the television show and books series Little House on the Prairie. It is set in the pioneer days of our country.

In the movie Aquamarine, a mermaid goes on land and wants to find true love. She sneaks away from her father to do this. She has to stay away from the water or he will pull her back home. She falls in and her father sends a storm (because he was mad) to pull her back home. When she realizes she has found love with two best friends, he sees that finding love can happen.

Unknown said...

There are several different settings. For example horror movies or a book.Cathcing fire when all the tribrutes that ever one the hunger games has to go back in the arena.

Unknown said...

welll there are a whole lot of scary/romantic movies theres hunger games,unwind,goosebumbs,friday13,there is many diffrent sences there is very diffrent stories where they take place the time usally when there is atlest 1 or 2 boy and girl there is a romantic/slasher movie or parinormal. they all are romantic and one of the best that is a big hit is titanic theres just a whole lot of them so many you cant keep count. They are making the romantic movies so sad and they will carry the movie on from book to movie to book to movie so you can read the book and get a idea of the movie like everyone cant wait for the catching fire on movie my school is going to be the first to watch it i cant wait to see it is scary/ romantic sad heart breaking every thing you want in a movie watch it be movie of the year i know for a fact that it will atlest make top 10 greatest movie of the year it has a lot of belif and justic and romantic to make u happy scared in love action pack movie i just cant wait 4-5 periode gabe robinson

Unknown said...

A scary movie I saw frequently was the Conjuring it was so scary in some parts the climax in the story was that this dead women came to this blonde a live women and hit the cover girl off her face and knock her out for a strait fifteen minutes, but in the end the ghosts dies and everything is happily ever after... so you think 59

one movie I can think of when it was storming and made thier ralationship stronger was the christmas movie with Queen Latifa and LL Cool J staring in it. The movie was based on Queen Latifa hitting her head and had a certain date to die, so she just got all her money and blew it on having a real good time then LL Cool J figure out where she was so he followed her, when he was almost there a big snow storm hit, but when they got together they got married fell inlove and Queen Latifa brain tumer when away.

Unknown said...

There is a lot of different types of settings. Calm, scary, mysterious and many more. Usually in scary movies, its raining with lighting like in jason movies. If its like a crime movie or book its gunna have a mysterious setting. Calm setting are in like funny movies or love movies. Well usually romantic setting are in love movies. When you read books you cant see the setting but the book Says things to make you imagine the settings. I think the best setting are the scary settings.

Unknown said...

Many authors base the settings of their books off of the theme they want to write about. For instance, if they wanted to write some sort of Sci-Fi story, they'd set in the future or something like that. If I was to write a scary story I'd have it set in some sort of abandoned asylum, because they really scare me. said...

A lot of authors create their own type of setting for their books, movies, and tv shows. They use this method so the main character will be confused to scared of the surrounding they are in. Like in the book Catching Fire, the arena is shaped like a clock. The arena also has different sections that are dangerous. In some scary movies, they have rainy, stormy, and evil setting with a murderer or something unnatural. To my opinion, settings are good things to add into big movies, books, and tv shows.

Zach Wolford

Angela DeLorenzo said...

In books and movies, setting is very different. A mysterious setting in in the T.V series Law & Order. It's mysterious because it keeps you in suspense and you don't know what going to happen next. An example of a past, present, and furture setting is Disney films because the director makes a film back in the past. Then, they make a film that was in the present. Later on, they will make a film that is in the future. In the movie with Dorthy, there is a storm that she get stuck in and she has to find her way out. If I could ever create a scary story, I would choose to flim it at Morris Park. Morris Park is preety creepy whehn you are there alone. I would probably flim it in the furture because the park would be older and scarier.
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Unknown said...

There are so many types of settings. From scary, to funny and comedic, to romantic, and more! But, one of the of my favorite kinds of settings is scary and horror. An example of scary movies are Insidious, The Conjuring, and Insidious 2. Also, Harry Potter is a very mysterious story. A futuristic movie and story series is the Hunger Games from how different the setting is there and now. Plus, a romantic novel, book, and movie is the Twilight series. There are a lot of past movies, one is the Pirates of the Caribbean. But, there are more present movie, for example, Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a story or movie that has to do with a kids journal. Also, there are plenty of future movie, for example, The Hunger Games again and Avatar would be noticed as future movies. But, there are movies that I can remember what the weather was. For a movie I can remember what the weather was like for The Conjuring from how they were dressed, and the sound of crushed leaves. But, a movie, book, novel, or something else that I would like to use as a setting is the Lunatic Asylum in Cincinnati, which is somewhere that I have went to. it has made the Lunatic Asylum and Fright Farm look like a kids place.~Dylan Ozie 4/5th~

Unknown said...

You can't write anything without first deciding on a setting. Some movies with scary or suspenseful settings are Insidious or The Conjuring. Some that take place in the future would be Hunger Games and Once Upon A Time. A romantic setting could be Twilight. Some books from the present could be Elegy, Lullaby, Tidal, and Wake. Settings from the past could be The Outsiders, or Pigman. If I were to make a setting for a scary movie, I would find someplace that is always dark, like an abandoned building.

~Tressa Floyd~ 6/7

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of different settings I've seen in past works of writing and film. In most of the books I've read, the setting is somewhere secluded and isolated from the rest of civilization and it's also usually suspense. Most of the books I read are ghost stories. The shows I watch vary with settings. I watch Supernatural which has a setting of suspense and the episodes are usually scary. Another show I watch is Doctor Who which is more futuristic. An example of stormy weather in a book is in the book "The Ghost of Graylock" where the main character, Brian was being contacted by a ghost to find her killer. The killer was actually someone who they trusted, and he almost killed them. If I could create a setting for a story, I would pick a scary story, because to me, those are more interesting.

Unknown said...

There are a ton of diffrent setting in a lot of booksm movies, and about almost anything that has to do with a story. Scary would I probably use skelaton man as an example. Notebook would be used for romantic. For futuristic I would use hunger games. That is like 100 years later. That was the result from the people uprising against the government. That was the result of it. I would make it stormy night were you wake up in the woods all alone. When you find a note saying run and hide your in danger. I would chose a sunny field.

Unknown said...

There are many different categories for settings. A scary setting would have to be the movie paranormal activity or the movie the conjuring. The book unwind is a scary setting also. A romantic setting movie would be the notebook, the last song, dear john, and safe haven. All of these books are written by Nicholas sparks. If I had to create a scary setting it would be at a graveyard or an abandoned house.

Unknown said...

Every story and movie have a setting, if they did not it wouldn’t really be able to be called a movie or book. The book “Unwind” is a good example of a futuristic. The book “Wicked Appetite” is a good example of a romance. The movie Hunger games is a book that takes place in the future. The TV show Saved by the bell took place in the past. The TV show the little couple takes place in the present. A movie about struggling with weather would be tornado alley. They have to face living in a bad part of the U.S. If I was to write a story I would make it a scary book. I would make it scary because I fell like it grabs the reader’s attention. I personally love scary movies and books.
~~Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Unknown said...

A mysterious setting would be from the Hunger games when they were in the woods in the arena. They could hear noises around them but didn’t know what it was. A scary setting would be from the Hunger games when they are in the arena and the monkeys are coming out of the woods to attack them. A futuristic setting would be in Real Steel when they are in the arena getting ready for a robot battle. A romantic setting would be in the Hunger games when they are on the roof of their room in the Capitol. A setting from the past would be the old house from the TV show “That 70’s Show”. A present setting would be the apartment building from “The Big Bang Theory”. A setting from the future would be in the forest in Avatar. An example of the storm would be the lightning storm and the blood rain could stand for all of the fighting between the characters. For my own story, I would pick a scary forest setting at night.

Unknown said...

A book that I have read with a mysterious setting is The Hobbit. Some scary settings from different movies are Paranormal Activity and Insidious 1 and 2. A very popular book and movie with a futuristic setting is The Hunger Games, along with its sequels Catching Fire and Mockingjay. A book with a setting that takes place in the present is the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson. Another book with a setting that takes place in the future besides Hunger Games is the Unwind series by Neal Shusterman. If I could create a setting for a scary movie, it would be at an abandoned mansion sometime during the early 1900’s.

Anonymous said...

One mysterious book that I have read is Deep and Dark and Dangerous. It is about how this little girl died by drowning and she comes back as a ghost and tells everyone her name Sissy. They later find out that she is a ghost and find her body in the lake. One scary movie that I have seen is the Conjuring. Some futuristic books I have read are all of the Hunger Games triology, the Hunger Games, Catching Fire, The Mockingjay. One romantic movie I have seen is Twilight. There is a spark between Edward, the vampire, and Bella, the human.

Unknown said...

Setting to me is the backbone to any story book or novel. One of the most mysterious books I have read is Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. Some telivision shows with settings in the past are Cheers, Coach, and Growing Pains. Some Telivison shows with settings in the present are 30 Rock, and Modern Family. Some telivision showsa with settings in the future are Battlestar Galtica, and Star Trek. For a story with a scary setting I would chose the roaring twenties and a suburban city as the setting.
Hayden Moran 1/2

Unknown said...

Sometimes settings can be really boring but some times they can be really dromatic or funny. I like settings that are really fuuny or one that you would have to think what they are talking about to go ahead in the book. Books that I have read that are mysterious are the hunger games trilogy, and the Hardy Boys. Settings from the past is little house on the prairie, and Bonnanza. Setting in the present are breaking bad,and ncis. Settings that are in the future are the walking dead and evolotion. A scary movie setting that would be good would be in the woods.

Kaycee Cox said...

There are a ton of different settings it just depends on the type of movie. A mysterious setting in a movie is "Nancy Drew." A scary setting to me would be any movie that has to do with ghost and demends such has the movie "The Conjuring." Something futuristic would be the "Hunger Games" because it is taking place in the future. A romantic setting basically would be "The Notebook." Also, if I could create a scary setting in a movie it would take place in an abandon house in the early 1970s.
Kaycee Cox 4/5 period

Kaycee Cox said...

There are a ton of different settings it just depends on the type of movie. A mysterious setting in a movie is "Nancy Drew." A scary setting to me would be any movie that has to do with ghost and demends such has the movie "The Conjuring." Something futuristic would be the "Hunger Games" because it is taking place in the future. A romantic setting basically would be "The Notebook." Also, if I could create a scary setting in a movie it would take place in an abandon house in the early 1970s.
Kaycee Cox 4/5 period

Unknown said...

I don't read a lot of scary books or movies but I like some. "Dark Skies" is my favorite scary movie but it wasn't that scary. I also like science fiction books and articles. I don't like to read romantic books or see romantic movies. I did like "A Walk to Remeber". If I would create a movie it would be a comedy. The movie would be about a girl who runs away and cray stuff happens to her on her journey.

Stephanie Allen Period: 4/5

Quentin Davis said...

I have never read a scary book. I only read comedy books. some of them are about scary books, other then that I have never read one. If I were to make a movie it would be about baseball. I love baseball my whole life is baseball. some settings are in the woods, a house, or in the middle of no where. some are scary, funny, or mysterious.
Quentin Davis 6/7

Gentry M said...

Setting can be different in every movie. For example, romance movies like The Notebook take place in the past. Scary movies take place in the past as well like The Conjuring. Science Fiction movies like The Hunger Games take place in the future. If I were to make a scary movie I would make it take place in an old abandon house where a family died in. It would take place in the late 1930s.

Gentry Morrone
1-2 period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

There are many different types of settings. Every book has a setting that tells where the story takes place. There are very many different types of settings. One setting that is a scary setting, is the conjuring. I am not a huge fan of scary movies or books! Also the book the hunger games takes place in the future. If I had to create a setting it would be in a old abandon house in the past. There would be ghost in my story and it would be very scary! I think setting is one of the most important things In a story!

Kaitlyn vilain 1-2 period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

There are all kinds of types of settings. In the movie carrie, there is a very scary setting. A mysterious setting is one that would be a book or movie similar to Sherlock homes. The Hunger Games takes place in a futuristic setting, which you know, is in the future. If I were to create a setting, it would be a little murderous. It would be about a big truck who loved to kill people who mistreats him.

Dominique Piercy 4~5 period

Unknown said...

An example of a futuristic tv series is "Dark Angel". It is about a girl who was experimented on as a child. Scientists experimented on her and alot of other kids by mixing their DNA with that of animals. She escapes with others and grows up. She has a barcode tatoo on the back of her neck because that's how they identified the children. It's futuristic because it happens in 3036. I know I have seen movies where a strom starts because something bad is going to happen but I can't think of the name of any of them. If I could write a scary movie, the time would be in about 2020 and it would be about a war that has happened because of all the political stupidity that is going on now. another country wouldn't come in and start a war though. It would be a civil war because I think right now, we are going to drive ourselves into the ground before anyone else has the chance.

Unknown said...

A romantic movie that I have seen was "The Great Gastby" It is about a man was sent away to war but he had to leave his love of his life back home then he came back and he was rich so he tried to win her love back and she had already married someone else but he died at the end of the movie and only one person showed for his funeral and that was his neighbor and Daisy moved away with her husband.

Unknown said...

A romantic movie that I have seen was "The Great Gastby" It is about a man was sent away to war but he had to leave his love of his life back home then he came back and he was rich so he tried to win her love back and she had already married someone else but he died at the end of the movie and only one person showed for his funeral and that was his neighbor and Daisy moved away with her husband.

Unknown said...

the stormiest movie ive watched is notebook and theyre relationship is so cute they fight and find eachother and yhou never need to give up !

Unknown said...

There any many times of settings in movies like in "Safe Heaven" it was a romantic movie but it kinda had action in it as well. They were fighting and everything cause the man wasn't happy that she has moved on from him! Then in The conjuring that is a scary movie there is a lot of deaths and mysteries. Of different types of deaths. It is a pretty freaky movie.

Samuel Cox said...

Setting is a very important part of every piece of literature. Without the right setting any story would be pointless. There are many types of settings too. There is romantic, futuristic, scary, and mysterious. Some examples of futuristic settings would be unwind, hunger games, and the transal saga. Some examples of scary settings would be insidious and the grudge. Also, some mysterious settings are Percy Jackson, Artemis fowl, and the hunger games. If I had to make a scary movie it would be in one of those junky, abandoned house you see on the side of the rode.jacob cox:4-5

Samuel Cox said...

Setting is a very important part of every piece of literature. Without the right setting any story would be pointless. There are many types of settings too. There is romantic, futuristic, scary, and mysterious. Some examples of futuristic settings would be unwind, hunger games, and the transal saga. Some examples of scary settings would be insidious and the grudge. Also, some mysterious settings are Percy Jackson, Artemis fowl, and the hunger games. If I had to make a scary movie it would be in one of those junky, abandoned house you see on the side of the rode.jacob cox:4-5

Unknown said...

i would have to choose New Orleans, Louisiana. they say New Orleans is the most haunted city in the US. "The #1 Haunted City In America." there is the truth right there. that is the nickname for new orleans.

Unknown said...

There's so many different types of settings to choose from. Take the book "Alice in Wonderland" for example. It takes place back around 1800-1900s. There's a mysterious setting to it. I'm found of futuristic settings like in the Hunger Games trilogy. I'm fond of a video beyond two souls which has a futuristic settings with all the different technology and it also has a mysterious setting with the different entities. I would love to make a mysterious sci-fi movie if I had a choice. They're interesting to me and I also like scary settings.
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~

Unknown said...

My favorite books/movies are The Hunger Games series. I cannot wait to see the new movie! The setting of these movies and books is the future. Basically saying that one day we will have a government like that. I'm not really a scary movie type of person so I couldn't tell you much about the setting. But I have seen a few scary movies. This one we watched during the lock in was really hard to follow but the setting was future and present. My second favorite movie is The Note Book. This movies setting was back in the old days and was about young love.

- Jenna Petracca 1/2 period

Unknown said...

My favorite book is "Unwind" by Neal Shusterman. The book was published in 2007. The booke is about the future and if you are between the ages 13 to 18 you can be "unwound". Unwinding is when you are a child (13 through 18) your parents can choose to have your body parts removed and given to people who need a particular body part. The characters are Connor,Risa, Lev, and many more lesser people. If you read this book you will be on the edge of your seat the whole time! "Unwind" is the absolute best book I have ever read!

Unknown said...

There is a lot of different types of settings. Calm, scary, mysterious and many more. Usually in scary movies, its raining with lighting like in jason movies. If its like a crime movie or book its gunna have a mysterious setting. Calm setting are in like funny movies or love movies. Well usually romantic setting are in love movies. When you read books you cant see the setting but the book Says things to make you imagine the settings. I think the best setting are the scary settings.
Keyshawn Mcclung 1/2

Unknown said...

There is a lot of different types of settings. Calm, scary, mysterious and many more. Usually in scary movies, its raining with lighting like in jason movies. If its like a crime movie or book its gunna have a mysterious setting. Calm setting are in like funny movies or love movies. Well usually romantic setting are in love movies. When you read books you cant see the setting but the book Says things to make you imagine the settings. I think the best setting are the scary settings.
Keyshawn Mcclung 1/2

Hayley Moss said...

My favorite romantic movie is The Vow, because they fall inlove, before the accident, and even though she is hurt and doesn't remember anything he is willing to get her to fall inlove again. He tries so hard to get her to fall inlove with him again while shes inlove with her ex fiance and she doesnt see houiw much he loves her, until close to the end and she falls inlove with him again! It gives me hope for when im older!
~Hayley Moss 4/5

Hayley Moss said...

My favorite romantic movie is The Vow, because they fall inlove, before the accident, and even though she is hurt and doesn't remember anything he is willing to get her to fall inlove again. He tries so hard to get her to fall inlove with him again while shes inlove with her ex fiance and she doesnt see houiw much he loves her, until close to the end and she falls inlove with him again! It gives me hope for when im older!
~Hayley Moss 4/5

Unknown said...

My favorite movie and book series is the hunger games. We are going to go see the movie today actually. And it's mysterious and romantic but has a touch of scary to it also. But the setting of the book is the future. It takes place close top west Virginia when were talking about district 12. and i have tons of scary movie favorites. and a lot more.

-hydia george 1/2 period.