Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Evolution of Dance

Write about a time in your life when you laughed. Who were you with? What happened? Give details.


dante stills said...

Time i laughed is when my and my brother were watching americas funniest home vidoes on a friday night and were aboit 6-7 and we were sitting on my benbag chairs laughing ao hard we were crying our eyes out but we had to go to bed in like 30 minutes...

dante stills said...

Time i laughed is when my and my brother were watching americas funniest home vidoes on a friday night and were aboit 6-7 and we were sitting on my benbag chairs laughing ao hard we were crying our eyes out but we had to go to bed in like 30 minutes...

Unknown said...

i have never really ever heard of this never really have paid any thing to those kind of dance remix things well its pretty wierd and funny at the same time also i would never do thaty would be to inbarasing no that is not for me

Unknown said...

A time that I laughed really hard was two winters ago. Isaac Swiger was at my house and we were both out playing in the snow. After a while we began to get bored sledding. That's when we came up with the idea to ride bikes on ice. We both went down into my building and got out two bikes. We tried riding them up the snow covered hill but we couldn't. We punched them to the top of the hill and rode on the pavement. There was ice all over the road and it was hard to stay balanced on my bike. I gained traction and began riding really fast. When I slammed on the brakes the bike slid out from under me. I fell really hard on the ground and hurt my head. When I tried to get up. I fell right back down. Isaac tried to help me up and then we both fell. We were both laughing really hard and it was a fun day!

Josh Strand

Derrick Nulph said...

I time i lughed was last summer down in the woods near my grandpas house. My brother and I were climbing trees and he had the dumb idea of hanging on a branch that was hanging out over the tree trunk. He went to swing off it and the branch broke and my brother fell out of the tree. He got up and said that he broke his tail bone but he really did not. And it was a very funny day. All in all nobody got hurt and he wont do that ever again.

Unknown said...

The time I remember laughing is when my grandma told me i was going to be late for work. She has all timers but in a way it was still really funny. I have taken care of her every Saturday for 6 years now and she never said anything out of the blue like that before. A couple Saturdays ago I was sitting there playing on the I pad when she just out of no where asked me what time i had to go to work and that if i did not hurry up i was going to be late. She also asked my 56 year old grandma that she was getting bad grades in school and that she should really straighten up before she whoops her. That is my funny moment but i pray for my grandma everyday because she is in really bad shape.

zwolford28@gmail.com said...

The time I almost died lauhing was a few weeks ago. It was at Jackson's Mill and I was there for a Military Teen Leadership Camp for the whole week. It was the last nigt of camp and we were having a party. My friends Marcus, Bethany, and I were walking towards the main building we had to go at camp. We all noticed my good friend, Chris, was doing something by a tree. I called out his name and he vanished behind the tree. We didnt want to know what he was up to. We all walked in the building. Marcus and I were sitting down until Bethany started running towards use. We were trying to talk to her but. she could stop laughing so hard. Finally, she calmed down and told me and Marcus to go behind the building. She explained to look aroung the wall and see what Chris is doing. So all three of use ran towards the back of the building. We silently looked out, o ver the wall. I saw, with my own eyes, Chris twerking the tree he was beside of! I laughed so much I thought I was gong to died from laughing. Chris finally heard use laughing and started chasing use all around the soccer feild. That was one of the most funniest days I've ever had!

6th-7th period

Unknown said...

It was a few days ago. My dad, Jonas, Isaac, and I were sitting on the couch. My younger brothers told me to type in on Youtube funny cats. They really liked cats. I was bored so I said "ok." One video was really funny . I couldn't stop laughing. It showed a cat that tried to jump from the bed to the top of a dresser. Cats can normally jump pretty high. I don't know how this happend, the cat really just jumped two inches, and fell and hurt himself. I still don't know why the cat couldn't jump. My cats scare me how high they can jump. I laughed prettty hard at the video just like my dad.
Jacob Branch-4th

Unknown said...

A very memorable time that I laughed was last year when I asked my friend, Emma Copley, to come to my house for a sleepover. After a fun day, we headed downstairs to go to bed, with strict orders from my mom to keep the noise level down. Around midnight, we were still awake and in a very giggly mood. Our growling stomachs were a clear sign it was time to sneak upstairs to grab a snack. As we crept up the steps, struggling against the creaking stairs, I spotted a tray of cupcakes in the kitchen. That's when I had the bright idea to dare Emma to try and eat an entire cupcake all at once. Emma's mischievous grin told me she was up for the challenge. Less than five minutes later, she was bent over the sink, stuffing a cupcake in her mouth, with me recording the entire hilarious moment on my phone. The real challenge here was to stay quiet, but we weren't doing very well with that! By the time she had the cupcake down, with only chunks of it remaining, we were both in tears from laughter, but we were cut short by the sound of my mom coming down the hall. We ditched the mess, rushed down the stairs, and lunged onto our bed. When the coast was clear, we began cackling so hard we were crying once more. When we finally settled down, both our stomachs were aching! Believe me, that was not the first or the last time my best friend and I shared a laugh like that!-Kylie Bushko 6th period

Unknown said...

A funny experience that I have had was when I was spending my day with my cousin Kyle and my neighbors Gabriella and Adriana Constable. We were all headed down to my house after we finished swimming in their pool. The only thing standing between the houses was a giant fence that was approximately eight feet tall. We all got over except for Kyle. He was a bit slow climbing up the fence, but he finally reached the top. He sat at the top of the fence and prepared himself for the drop. After about thirty seconds of sitting there he finally jumped, but he didn't fall! His pants were caught on the fence! Adriana, Gabriella, and I dropped to the ground laughing, I couldn't control myself and I just let it go. I peed my pants! Gabriella finally controlled her laughing enough to get Kyle down. It had actually torn a hole through his swim suit. That was probably the hardest I've ever laughed.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The one time I really laughed was the time when my freind Clae was riding away from my cusin Dasilas, See for some reason Clae said something stupid I think were he had to ride away from Dasilas, but I had my bike to so before I could grab my bike Dasilas was already on it chasing him. I lost them for about 5 minutes then I heard a loud scream when I heard the scream I came down seeing Silas on my bike laughing and Clae on the ground holding his but, then I ran down saying oh dang, oh dang, oh dang, then I mutterd laughing What happend. Later Dasilas told me he got hit on the but with my bike whiles he was riding his bike, and what was really funny was that his little brother came up to him and said while clae was on the ground can I get 50 cents for a soda we were laughing but kinda mad because that was his brother he didnt care about his saftey all he cared about was his money, and thats was and still is the funniest moment I had.

Emma Copley said...

A time that I have laughed was last summer, at Tygert Lake. I was with my cousin, Lexi Christian, and we had to get up a steep hill to get to a cabin that we were staying in for the week. We began our journy up the steep hill, when I got a great idea to help us get up the hill. I asked Lexi if she wanted to race up the hill, and she began counting down from five. She scremed go and I sprinted up the hill. About half way up the hill noticed that i didn't hear Lexi. I immediatly turned to see. Lexi was standing there not moving, beacause she had her shirt caught on a tree! We both couln't help but to dry from laughter. That was a very funny moment!

Unknown said...

A time I laughed really hard was when I was at this summer camp in Clarksburg and I bet my friend Garret my food for lunch that he couldn't ride his bike through the swings we had there. He took the dare got his bike and lined up on the side of the swings. I had got three of my other friends and we all got on the swings and started swinging. He had to ride through without getting hit. Garret rode through the first one then the second but on the third his timing was off. I swung down and he flinched by grabbing my feet so when I knocked him off his bike I fell with him. He was on the ground with me screaming my pelvis my pelvis. We didn't get hurt but we were both on the ground laughing really hard because of how dumb it was.

Unknown said...

A time that i laughted really good is when we where having a cook out/fire thing and justs joking. And my sister and cousin started doing faces and made us all laugh. It was realy great and fun i love fires and night time.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

A time that I laughed s when we were having the regular thing. Football and cross country after school. But, that day was the best ever! As we were going through our regular thing, like stretching, all you heard was Gentry screaming. We all stopped to see what it was and all you saw is that we were all on the ground laughing to death! The reason why is that there was a deer that jumped right in front of her and hit a fence! The deer looked like it was having a seizure too! plus, it rolled over and was doing it even funnier and it rolled over and hit a huge tree! Later on, the deer rolled down the hill that it was by and stood up and ran away. But, the funny thing was is that it looked like it was running away from the pain and it was tripping every 5 yards with a crooked head!

DYLAN OZIE 4/5 period

Unknown said...

A time that I laughed was yesterday when my brother and I were passing football. He decided he was going to try to kick it and he said he was going to kick it as high and far as he could. He was facing downhill and I was at the bottom waiting for the ball. He swung his leg back as far as he could and took a swing at the ball but all that he did was take a face full of grass and went head first down the hill! It's funny when anybody falls but when Nicky did it was so much better because he is my brother. I bet you when we are older we will both look back and laugh at this time!

Unknown said...

A time I really laughed was when I was down at the beach and a girl came up to her mom telling her that there was a possum in the ocean. I laughed for 20 minutes because it was the craziest thing I had ever heard in my life. After that her mom said " I ain't getting in the water now! No! No! No! I said I was going to come to the beach, I didn't say I was going to "do" the beach!" That was the funniest thing ever.

Unknown said...

One of the times I laughed the hardest was when I was 10. It was snowing so my sister and I went outside. We went down a small, steep hill, then we got stuck down there because the snow was too thick. I got out quickly, but my sister was having a hard time. She kept climbing halfway up, then slipping and rolling back down. It took her about 20 tries until she finally got up. It was really funny.

Angela DeLorenzo said...
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Angela DeLorenzo said...

A time I laughed and couldn't stop was at basketball practice a month ago. When I got in the gym, I took off my slides and I was getting ready to put on my basketball shoes. Then, my mom asked me to get something out of the car that she forgot. I thought that if I didn't have any shoes on, there wouldn't be a problem. Well, I was completely wrong. I went to run for the car, but then my mom forgot to give me the keys. As I turned around to get the keys, I completely face planted. I got back up and tried running again, but I fell another time. (This one wasn’t nearly as bad as the first fall). Everyone was laughing at me, including myself. My mom just said forget about the stuff in the car because I would probably break something if I attempted to try to get it anymore. My coach said the only reason I fell was because I was wearing a Duke shirt, which I think is true because I’m a UNC fan, but I think it was that I didn't use my common sense. I really learned my lesson and I will never run in just socks again!
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Angela DeLorenzo said...
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Unknown said...

A time I laughed really hard was in the sixth grade, when the band was going on a trip to another school. We were in the bus, I was in the back we were all having a great time and laughing. My best friend at the time decided that it would be a great idea to do a front flip over the seat. Of course everybody thought that was a great idea, so we cleared the seat. As she flipped she missed her aim a little bit. She completely missed the seat and went flying onto the floor. Everybody thought it was just hilarious, even the bus driver chuckled. Everybody just cracked up. Even she was laughing at herself. Turns out she surprisingly did not get hurt. That was a very hilarious moment. We all enjoyed ourselves and learned not to attempt to do a front flip over the bus seat.
Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A funny time to me when I have laughed was over the summer. I was at Mariah Thompson's house and Carlie Holstein was there also. We were just playing video games and riding around on her four wheeler. We then went inside to go back in Mariah's room since it was getting dark. Mariah's mom told us to stay quiet since everyone was going to sleep and Carlie suggests that we play truth or dare. I dared Carlie to put on layer after layer of clothes and then break dance. Mariah recorded the whole time Carlie was dancing on the floor and all around the room. All three of us were dying from laughing. We didn't really do a good job at being quiet.
-Spencer 6/7th period

Unknown said...

A time that made me laugh was when I was at cross country practice with my friends. Colby Gwynn, Jacob Cox, and I were running on a muddy football field. Colby came up with the idea to play a game called splash tag. Whoever was it had to jump into a puddle and splash the person behind them. Colby jumped in a huge puddle and splashed mud on me from head to toe. It was so funny that Colby laughed so hard he fell down. Another time was at the practice the day before and we were running and the goal was to pass the person in front of you. Colby yelled PASS loudly when he passed me. Then he tripped. It was hilarious. We decided we were going to yell PASS at the meets from now on to try and scare people from passing us.

By: Jacqson Munro

Unknown said...

Its hard to decide which memory I want to talk about because I have so many of them.

One night I invited my friend, Chloe, to spend the night. At midnight, the Hunger Games came out on DVD. At 1:00 a.m., my Mom decided she would take us to buy it. While my Mom went to get the movie, Chloe and I walked around the store. We ended up in the bicycle section where the toys are. Chloe saw a folded up tricycle. She dared me to get on it and take a ride. Of course, I had to take the dare. I got the tricycle down and hopped on. Before I could even take off on a ride, something hilarious happened. Just as I was about to peddle, the tricycle flipped over backward and I ended up on my back. I laughed so hard that I could hardly get up and Chloe was laughing so hard her face was beet red. After we calmed down a little bit, we saw a few teenagers laughing at us. That made it ever more funny.

We still laugh about it to this day.

Unknown said...

A time I laughed uncontrolably wasn't too long ago. My father had made a table with a shelf, and the shelf wasn't working out. I was watching him trying to put it up, and I'd tease him everytime it fell. When he finally got it to balance, I cracked another joke, and he playfully kicked my butt. I was fine, but he hurt his big toe when he kicked me and it was hilarious. I still make fun of him for it.
~Tressa Floyd~ 6/7

Unknown said...

A time that made me laugh was when me and my friend Jerious where riding scooters. It was a hot sunny day and we where maple ave and at the top of ,apple ave there is this HUGE hill. I triple dog dared him to go down it as fast as he could and go to the bottom and drift arount the turn. So he said ok and started down the hill he made it all the way down but slipped on the way to the turn his scooter went flying and he landed flat on his head. And I think that is the funniest moment I can remember. He wasent hurt.

Samuel Cox said...

A funny time in my life I remember is when my brother had a friend over. They were talking and I was petting our cat and it was really late. After a while the cat left to chase a moth that had gotten in our house. Well we started watching the cat, and it was funny to see it fail. Then, the cat finally got it and decided to eat it. I guess she decided it was gross because she spat it out and scraped off her tong with a paw. It was hilarious, and it was all the more funny because it was super late. That's something funny that happened to me.

Samuel Cox said...

A funny time in my life I remember is when my brother had a friend over. They were talking and I was petting our cat and it was really late. After a while the cat left to chase a moth that had gotten in our house. Well we started watching the cat, and it was funny to see it fail. Then, the cat finally got it and decided to eat it. I guess she decided it was gross because she spat it out and scraped off her tong with a paw. It was hilarious, and it was all the more funny because it was super late. That's something funny that happened to me.

Allison Crites said...

I laugh a lot on a daily basis, so its hard for me to remember specific times that I really laughed hard. I laugh the most when I am with my friend Gabby. There is never a dull moment when we are together. One night Gabby stayed at my house so we could finish a science project. It was late at night, and we always get super giggly when we are tired. Honestly, I don't even remember what was funny, but all I know is we could not stop laughing. We were literally rolling on the floor laughing with tears streaming down our faces. Our stomachs were hurting and we could not stop laughing to save our lives, and all over something stupid. Gabby and I have moments like this every day, but this one really stuck out to me.

-Alli Crites

Gentry M said...

A time that I laughed was when u was the beach with my family this summer. It had rained all day that day and my mom, sister, my cousin and I had went out for ice cream that night. When we got back we had to leave the parking lot to get to the elevator. There is a railing that lined the hallway to get to the elevator. So my sister, Kelsey, decides to climb over the rail. The rail was slippery from the rain so when Kelsey climbed over, her footed slipped and she rolled off of the rail. My mom and my cousin and I laughed so hard we were crying. I probably have never laughed as hard as I laughed when this happened.

Gentry Morrone 1st-2nd period

Unknown said...

I time that I laughed was when I was 12. My cousins and I were all out in the woods swinging on this vine we found. I went first then my cousin Preston then my cousin Andrew. My cousin Owen went last and when he went the vine broke and he fell off rolling down the hill screaming and laughing at the same time. We all ran to see if he was ok then he got up and started laughing and asked if he could do it again..

Daphne Munro 1/2 period

Cole Weaver said...

I think the hardest time I ever laughed was 2 years ago. My family was out on the river and decided to go ride on the tube. We needed to balance the weight so it was me and my cousin Jake. As soon as we started going it was a computation to push the other off. At one point we made a truce and enjoyed the ride. We were going in a straight line and my mind was in outer space. All of sudden I get awaken by a lot of bumps followed by a hard push on my right side. He had pushed me off the tube breaking the truce. I bounced off the water and was rolling just to see his face for a slight second laughing at me. It was so hard not to laugh that I even laughed when I was under the water. I came up and somehow managed to get in front of the tube to be run over by it. By this time it was not funny. When I got on the boat my sister had filmed it and was playing it over and over again.

mariah said...

I have had a lot of great laughs throughout my life time, but I have one that sticks out to me. Last year when my soccer team went to the Kohl's Cup Elizabeth was on my team. It was our first game and the ball was coming to her and she puts her hands up and practically catches the ball. Her reaction was so funny because she just stood there with her hands in the air and her mouth wide open. I started laughing so hard that I couldn't even pay attention to the game. After se did that I never let her live it down. Even with her doing that our team still came second in the state. That was a time that I had a good laugh.

Mariah Thompson 1st period

Unknown said...

The time I laughed so hard is when me and sister and jade had to go to sleep and be quite and I was drinking something and my sister made me laugh and start choking and then we was already for bed and as soon we was getting to sleep I start laughing so hard that I made my sister laugh and when she laughs it sounds like ha ha ha ha in slow motion so that made jade laugh and me even harder and we was laughing so hard that our stomach was Tighting up and we couldn't breathe and we almost stayed up all night laughing so hard at nothing .
-5th & 6th period

Unknown said...

The hardest time I have ever laughed was so funny we laughed for hours! It was the saturday before school started. A couple of my friends and I were at Kaitlyn Vilains house for her birthday party. It was a typical saturday night just watching movies and stuff like that. Later in the night me and my friend angela decided to play a prank on our friend gentry. It was the so funny! Gentry was just sitting there with my friend emily and paying no attention to me and angela. Angela came up behind her and rubbed whipped cream all over gentry’s face! Angela and I dropped to the ground laughing so hard! After that gentry got mad at us, but it was still a funny memory with my friends that I will never forget!

Elizabeth Williams 1st/2nd period (:

Unknown said...

Well I laugh all the time, but one of the most funniest times when I laughed my absolute hardest was when I was at lunch at school and I was sitting the table with my friends and we were just eating and talking doing the usual. Then we look over and we see two of our Friends running really fast in the lunch room and they were running for the one seat left at the table I was at zyaira and Kyzhay were running and zyaira like tackled Kyzhay and they both fell and zyaira rolled on the floor she missed the sit! Oh my Gosh it was the funniest thing ever I laugh so hard it was crazy. It was one of the funniest times ever.
Tameka burns 1st / 2nd period

Unknown said...

One time I laughed when my grandfather and I went hunting. Just some background information my grandfather never went hunt growing up. The reason he was taking me was because my father severely injured his knee that year. Back to the story once we got setup in our spot we started to wait. Then I thought to use my call to call them in. So as I stopped calling them in I heard them coming close. Unfortunately something bad happened. The log my grandpa was sitting on gave out from under him. Causing a very loud noise which scared the deer away. After it happen I made sure he was ok, and the deer hunting was over for the day. But at the end of the day we laughed.

Elijah Cunningham 4th 5th

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

A time I laughed a lot would be when I had a sleepover with my bestfriends. We were all laughing because we watched funny movies and talked about funny things. This night was very fun because I got to laugh a lot with people I like to hang out with. We also laughed about simple things after we got tired enough. Then there was all the sugar we had that evening. We all shared jokes and played pranks on people. It was a great time and it was very loud. If you try having a sleepover with four girls overdosed on sugar there will be lots of laughing. I wish I could go back to that night just so I could have that much fun again.

Stephanie Allen, period:4/5

Quentin Davis said...

Actually I was just laughing my head off today, when I couldn't find my new kitten. we could not find him anywhere. Not me, my brother, or my sister. We looked for about twenty minutes or so and then we found him. He was under our rocking chair. He was sleeping when we found him.

Unknown said...

A time that I almost died while laughing was when me and my friend was riding dirt bikes and it was raining that day spit was really muddy. We're having so much fun! So we were riding and we decide to go through this path so we went through. As we are going through there was a big thing of mud that we went through. First I went then he said I am going. So he went through and as he was he fell of his bike into the mud. He was not hurt. His shoes fell of and he was waking in the mud in his socks. The mud was so thick that his bike got stuck! We were laughing so hard! It was so funny I was crying so hard from laughing. It was hilarious! Finally when we was done he was so muddy and we were laughing so hard muddy as can be!

Keaton Linger 1-2

Zachary Ayers said...

We were watching my favorite T.V. show Ridiculousness. We were laughing so hard at the people that fail to do things. In my own opinion, the funniest one was when the guy rode his bike into a sign Time I laughed was when me my mom and my sister were sitting on the couch.

Anonymous said...

One time I laughed so hard was during one of our basketball games. We were playing mannington and they brought up the ball and thought they were going to be able to shoot. Well they didn't when the shot it nearly went out of bounds but my team mate, Emily, caught it and took one dribble. After that one dribble she picked it up and was wide opened under neath our basket. She was stuck though. No one went to help her so she decided to shoot to see if she would make it. What she didn't realize was that she was way to far underneath the basket and it bounced right of the bottom of the rim. It was the funniest thing I have ever experienced. We were all laughing on the court, our coach was laughing, and so wasn't the crowd. That was the hardest time I have ever laughed. If someone would bring it up to this day I would still laugh really hard.
-Haley Johnson 4/5 period

Unknown said...

One time I laughed so hard. The place was Disney's Hollywood Studios in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. It was the day when I decided to ride the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. When on the ride we went on an abandoned maintenance elevator and it was a drop tower from one place at the top at Walt Disney World and when everyone was screaming I was laughing. It has always seemed like that on every drop tower I have been on. That was one of the funniest moments of my life.
Hayden Moran 1-2

Unknown said...

One of the times I laughed the hardest was this summer. I was staying at my grandma’s house and we had just gotten back from the pool. I and my two cousins were there. I and Brock were just sitting on the couch doing nothing, we were so bored. He asks me if I wanted to play baseball with him. I said sure then we went to get a ball and bat. Then we realized she didn’t have a baseball of a bat. So Brock went to find something we could use as a bat and I went to find a ball. I found a foam stress ball and he found a yardstick. We went outside and started playing baseball in the middle of the road with a yardstick and a stress ball. Later on, the mail truck pulls up. It parked and the mail man started delivering mail. I was up to bat and I hit the ball and it bounced off of the mail truck and I turned around and it hit me in the back of the head. We were both laughing so hard we were pretty much crying. That was the time that I laughed the hardest.

-Kayla Lough 1st and 2nd period

Unknown said...

One time that I laughed really hard was when me and my best friend Megan Stephenson went to the beach together with our family. It was this summer. We decided to go out on the beach alone. We started jumping around in the water and singing like we were little kids again. Everyone around us was laughing ans staring at us like we where dumb. We didnt care though. We were playing around like there was nobody else around us. I could only imagine what people where thinking. Ive had many other great times with her that it's hard to explain how we act around eachother.

Kaycee Cox said...

A time I laughed very hard was the end of my sixth grade year. I was walking around with my two friends Carlie Holstein and Sydnee Boyles. Our teacher let us eat in her room while everyone else was in the lunch room eating. We ate everything, but I guess Sydnee and Carlie ate some of the wrong food. No one knew at first, but I think everyone eventually realized when we all took a bathroom break. It was like World War lll going on between stalls. The funny thing is that my friends tend to get embarrassed very easily so having that go on in the bathroom during school caught me a little of guard. That might me the funniest day of my life. It is a moment I will never forget! Kaycee Cox 4th period

Sydnee Boyles said...

A time where I laughed so hard was about 3 weeks ago. I was at my friend, Kaycee Cox, house! First, we were cleaning up the house for her mom while she was at work, but the neighbor, Daylin Smith, had other plans. He came up to the house and tried to break in, so we drenched him and his brother in water! We both got all the little kids together and had a gigantic water fight with six people on each team. My team kind of broke the rules a jumped out of the dark green bushes and squirted Daylin's alliance with maple syrup! Of course, after that they brought up pots and pans full of dish soap, and water! After sticky liquids got involved Kaycee, and I got clothed in trash bags for protection. That was one of the funniest days ever, and I will remember it all of my life.
Sydnee Boyles 6-7th

Unknown said...

The last time I laughed really hard was when I fell down the stairs. I was by myself until my step dad heard a big thump and sure enough it was me. What happened was I wanted to go with my mom to pick up my sister because I like to ride in the car at night and I it's kinda weird but oh well. So my mom told me she would come get me before she left so I was in my room and all the sudden I heard the garage door open. I thought my mom had forgot about me! I was at that time talking to my friend CeCe so I raced down stairs holding my phone between my head and shoulder and at the same time trying to slide my flip flops while going down the stairs. I then slide backwards and fell down every stair. When I got to the bottom I just sat there and couldn't move. My stepdad then went and got my mom and helped me up. But on the bright side I did go get my sister and my mom got me Dairy Cream Corner because she felt bad about my awful fall.

-Jenna Petracca 1\2 period

Anonymous said...

One of many times I laughed last year was in science class. Me and my friend Tressa sat together and we always talked and laughed too much. The first day we sat together, I kept telling her she made this face when she wasn't taking me seriously. Then she kept trying to make the face and we started laughing like idiots. It was really quiet and we kept trying to be quiet but every time we looked at each other we would laugh even more. When i laugh too much i start crying and it was terrible. We kept doing that through the entire class period and we kept trying to hide it with coughs but that made us laugh even more. people saw that we were laughing and probably thought we were weird. They got used to it after it happened almost every day and it got so bad that the teacher moved us to the front of the classroom by her desk and threatened to separate us multiple times. That didn't stop us.

Unknown said...

A time where I laughed was with my friend Allie Shreves. I was walking on my porch to eat my dinner. I had a plate of pasta salad walking outside. It was a very windy day.When I was walking I didn't have a very good grip on my plate and as I was walking my plate flew into the air. The pasta salad flew everywhere! We couldn't stop laughing it was so funny. Then my mom came outside and saw what had happened. Then it wasn't very funny because I had to clean it all up! We still laugh because, of this, and I think we always will.
Kaitlyn vilain
1-2 period

Unknown said...

A time i laughed was when i went to my cousins swimming pool. We were there all day. It was about 8 or 9 at night. It was when I was smaller. He was really tall. He used to life me up above his head. get on the diving board. Then jump off the diving board. He used to throw me off the diving board. i did a flip like 8 feet in there air. I kicked something will in the air. We got a flash light. I kicked a bat it was trying to swim so we got something to pick it up. When we picked it up then threw it in the woods.

Unknown said...

A time that i laughed really hard is when my friend hit her head off her headboard of her bed. I couldn't stop laughing. What happened was i was laying down and i wouldn't let her lay down so she jumped and hit her head. It was so funny to me. It was a "you had to be there" moments.

-Kyzhay Cox 4/5th period

Unknown said...

I have a lot of times I laughed but I am going to tell you about the time my dad ran into a door. This is how it began my dad, Ray, LeeAnn, and I were eating dinner. Well at dinner we get into play fights my dad and I were playing around and he through water at me and I went to through some back, but he had already running so I chased him and he unlocked the door he went to run out it but in stead he ran into it. When he did that he almost broke the plastic on the window. It was pretty fun but I wish you could have seen it. That was a time I laughed at my father .

Unknown said...

A time I laughed really hard was when me and my family where at a restaurant and my little cousin was with us. Anyways my little cousin yelled at a manager at the restaurant and the manager ran away, we where laughing so hard some of the people asked to change seats. We still like to tell story's about that day and we still like to laugh about that experience. i told it to my scout troop one camp out and every one was laughing so hard they where falling on there faces. afterwords they where telling other troops and other scouts, and they wouldn't stop talking about it.

Unknown said...

The time I laughed the most was when my family and I were at Hershey Park. We went on a ride called “The Mouse Trap” and we didn’t think it would be that exciting. It had a couple turns and then went up high. When we were up high, it started making sharp turns over and over. Every time it turned, my grandma would moan like she was being squashed. The ride kept turning and turning so she kept moaning “oooh..oooh” over and over. She wasn’t really getting squashed but kept making that sound. My mom and I couldn’t quit laughing about it through the whole ride. We were laughing so hard that we were crying and couldn’t hardly breathe.

Unknown said...

A time when I laughed was when I went to my best friends birthday party. We are actually like sisters. We have been friends since the first day of school. When I got there, other friends from our school was there. There was Autumn Milford, MacKoda Haught, Ashley Wilson, and Ashley Payton. We all played truth or dare and it was probably the funniest game of that I have ever played. I love my sister!:)

Unknown said...

Something im laughed at is when my friend kicked herself in the face. I wasn't doing it to be mean but more in shock that she hit her face. I mean I kinda feel bad she was crying and everything mostly in shock. We were at cheerleading practice with the rest of our squad of course alot of us were laughing even some parents. The rest of the parents got her ice and made sure she was ok. In the end she ended up fine and that is one time I laughed.

By bobbi uphold
6/7th period

Unknown said...

A funny moment in my life was when my father had a football party up in the new edition on top of our garage. Well, he invited a bunch of family and friends, and of course they all pretty much have kids , so all the adults stayed up stairs and the kids down stairs. The older kids (including me) were in the down stairs living room and the younger ones in the bedrooms, and we were watching television, talking, and eating snacks when these two brothers started arguing and playing around, and suddenly one of them jumps on the other and starts kinda beating him up. Well me and my cousin were just sitting there watching them and laughing, when one of my other cousins comes over and kinda starts to beat the brother that started it up. Thats when we started laughing so hard, my cousin started choking. It was so hilarious. And just when they stopped fighting and sat back down, my little brother comes in with his friend and they start ruff-housing! It was so funny. After that I went up stairs to go get a drink, and I tell my dad what happened, he didnt't think it was that funny. He went down stairs and told them off, and thats when I started laughing all over again.

Period 6/7
Madison Brotosky

Unknown said...

The time I laughed the hardest was when kyzhay and I was walking to the park and this old man was riding his bike and hit a rock and flipped over his handle bars. The man didn't get hurt but he was really embarrassed, I don't blame him though. It was so funny he was even laughing! That is a day I will never forget!

Paige King
4th/5th period

Unknown said...

The time I've laughed really hard was at my nephew when we was learning how to walk. All my family and I was in the living room and he got up to start walking and he was trying so hard but he just couldn't get it he was falling face first running into things and everything but he never gave up I was proud of him but it was to funny

Unknown said...

i laughed so hard will i was watching america's got talent. I was with my mom and dad and my brother. All of our faces were turning purple because of how people are so crazy about winning 1 million dollars.

Unknown said...

A time i laughed really hard was when I was drawing a horse with a night on top, but my little brother insisted it looked like a camel. So then my little brother brother was trying to help, but the drawing got worse and worse. Then my big sister walked past and said HUMP DAAAAY! My brother and i l;aughed so hard and my sister said whats wrong? but we couldn't stop laughing.
~Joren Cloutier

Unknown said...

the time i laughed so hard is when me and my cousin was at the skatepark and she tryed to skate down a ramp and she fell and hurt her butt but got up and tryed like 3 more times and finally got it and she was laughing so hard

Unknown said...

I laugh all the time when I watch videos by pewdiepie on youtube. My favorite video is "Outlast Funny (and silly) Mouments" Me and my
neighbor morgan watch it all the time. What happend inappropriate is for school
Keyshawn Mcclung 1/2

Unknown said...

My favorite dance would have to be simply the catdaddy my little has been doing it since i showed him the video of it