Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Famous Quotes

Select a quote used in this video and write about it? What is the most common quote used by your parents, grandparents or peers? Please select a quote which has not been written about.


Unknown said...

A quote from this video that I find very meaningful is "Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses." This thoughtful quote was said by Alphonse Karr. In my opinion, this means to stay positive and always look at the bright side. In situations where most people would complain or gripe, find the good in it. For example, instead of pointing out the negative, that roses have thorns, look at the positive. These hurtful thorns have beautiful roses growing on them! A motivational quote my parents and I always say is "You miss one hundred percent of the shots you never take." To me, this means even if you are afraid to take a risk or try something new, such as for me, a new soccer move, you should go for it. After all, you never know what will happen if you never try.--Kylie Bushko 6th period

Unknown said...

The quote from the video I liked was, "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall." Which means winning isn't always the hard, But recoverng from is almost impossible. Let's say I won a soccer game 12-0. That wouldn't have been much of accomplishment. If I lost a championship 1-0 that would be different. Trying to win next year and not giving up is a lot more amzing than winning 12-0. My Mom said once "Don't count you chcikens before they hatch." It means don't plan or expect anything good to happpen before it has actually happened.
-Jacob Branch 4th period

Hayley Moss said...

The quote from this video that I liked the most was "If you see someone without a smile, give the ond of yours." This quote caught my eye because I try my hardest to keep people smiling, I love you see smiles, I really dislike people being upset and crying! It makes my want to cry myself! A quote my parent usually use is "Treat people the way you want to be treated." They use that quote because its not fair for you to be mean to someone and then you expect them to be nice to you! People should except to be treated the way the treat other people, they should expect less or more out of someone that they are doing the same thing to!
~Hayley Moss
4th-5th period

Hayley Moss said...

The quote from this video that I liked the most was "If you see someone without a smile, give the ond of yours." This quote caught my eye because I try my hardest to keep people smiling, I love you see smiles, I really dislike people being upset and crying! It makes my want to cry myself! A quote my parent usually use is "Treat people the way you want to be treated." They use that quote because its not fair for you to be mean to someone and then you expect them to be nice to you! People should except to be treated the way the treat other people, they should expect less or more out of someone that they are doing the same thing to!
~Hayley Moss
4th-5th period

Unknown said...

I selected the quote " it's better to be alone than to be in bad company" this quote grabbed me because I try to stay away from the bad people in life. This quote was written by George Washington. A quote that my family uses a lot is " what ever makes your boat float". I get told this because they say that because it means if it makes you happy then do it. I really like both of these quotes. I feel like the quote "what ever makes your boat float" is a great quote and I use it a lot.

Keaton Linger 1-2

Unknown said...

The famous quote I pick is “never point a finger where you never lent a hand.” The quote means you should never judge people and there situations without helping them and trying to understand what they are going through. A quote that my grandma uses is “God will you for lying same as stealing.” Not telling the truth is just as bad as lying if you lie God sees that as a sin. Another quote is “its better to have it and need it then need it and not have it.” It means better to be prepared then not have what you need.
-Christa Nuzum 6/7 period

Samuel Cox said...

The quote I picked was "to lead a symphony sometimes you have to turn your back on the crowd". To me this means that sometimes to do great things you have to do what you want, not what others want. Like if a famous artist was to paint a painting he would paint what he wanted and wouldn't change because someone didn't like it. sometimes you have to displease others to do something great. My dad always says, "no matter what you do someone is going to disagree with you". He normally says this about our family because we sometimes disagree with each other. Imagine if I wanted to go to subway then, my little sister got mad because she wants to go to Burger king. that's when he would say this quote.-Jacob Cox 6/7

zwolford28@gmail.com said...

The quote I picked was "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" at 42 seconds. This means if you are kind to an another person or if you help them out. They will do the same thing back to you. This quote has been used since my grandmother was a little kid and passed it down every generation. My parents tell me if I use these quote through life, it will help me out to make new friends. Thats how I have all great friends that are smart, funny, and kind to me. This quote is one of the most important because it is the golden rule.

Unknown said...

The quote I have selected is "No day is ever over if it makes a memory." I think if you're having a great day full of fun, you don't want it to end, but of course it has to. What you don't realize is that the day is never really over because it will live in your memory for the rest of your life. This is also true with bad memories.

My Mom always says "Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?" I've always had a bad habit of doing my work until the last minute. My Mom always encourages me to get my stuff done ahead of time so I'm not rushing to get it finished. Of course, if it's something I like to do, I always get it done way before it's due.

Unknown said...

I quote I've selected is the first one "Get a good idea and stay with it Dog it, and work it until it's done and done right." - Walt Disney and I choose that one because I really liked that one. A common quote that my parents tell is"To want respect you have to give respect".

Jaylah Michael
4th & 5th period

Unknown said...

The quote from this video that stuck out the most to me was the one that says," A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but ideas live on". To me, this means that,"- ideas are bullet proof" which was said in the movie V for Vendetta. Some people from the past have had ideas and morals that we still live by today.

Unknown said...

My favorite quote is "be who you are". It reminds me of a lot of things. Lady Gaga expresses who she is with her costumes. I express myself with my personality and looks. I think I am cool,fun, a good friend, an awesome person, a little scary at times. My mom says i'm a weirdo but she loves me anyway. I really do not care what other people think of me its only what i think of myself...... right?? Well that is all I have to say. \

Brittney Weaver 4/5

Emma Copley said...

One of the quotes that I like is "Its better to be alone than in bad company" Written by George Washington. Bad company can and will leave someone astray. Its better to be alone than astray. One quote used by my family a lot is "Common sense is not so common" especially if I say something without using my common sense!
-Emma Copley ,1st period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

A quote that inspires me would be, "Those on top of the mountain, didn't fall". It's meaning is, you can't achieve anything without perserverance. If you give up, then you won't ever reach the top. A quote my parents used to use a lot was,"If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well". It means if you're going to do something, put in good effort.
~Tressa Floyd 6/7th~

Unknown said...

My favorite quote from this video would have to be, " A flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." This incredible quote was written by Robert Leighton. To me this quote means to always follow dreams and never give up even when times are rough or challenging. A good example would be like when I didn't make it to England the first year for a soccer camp. Although that upset me, I didn't let that put me down. I worked hard, and the next year I was able have an amazing experience while playing soccer over there. One quote that my parents always seem to over use is, "If your going to be dumb, you better be tough. I'm guessing that is because I always end up on the bad side of things, and usually end up getting hurt.-Isaac Swiger 6th period

Unknown said...

The quote that stuck out to me the most was “It takes courage to stand up and speak. It also takes courage to sit down and listen”. This quote was told by Winston Churchill. The quote means that sitting down and not reacting to what someone is saying takes even more courage than speaking publicly. My mom always told me when I was younger that “kindness is keen”. That means to always be kind to people no matter what. Another quote my mom would tell me is “Try your best to obtain success.” which means to try your hardest at everything and you will succeed at everything.

By: Jacqson Munro

Unknown said...

The quote from the video that I liked is" use the talents you posses: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best" by Henry van dyke. He was a poet. I like it because I believable even if you are not very good at something you should still try your hardest and do your best at it. The quote that we use at home is "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I think this is also a very good quote because you cant let the bad things in life get you down.
-Joren Cloutier

Unknown said...

The quote I like best is, "Some people grumble that roses have thorns, while others are thankful that thorns have roses." This quote has a lot of meaning no matter what way you look at it. I look at it this way. There are people in our world today who look at only the good and take it for granite. When they see the bad things, they think that they shouldn't be there. I myself, on the other hand think of the bad things and then think about the bright side, like the rose on a thorn. One quote my parents and grandparents have used and still do sometimes is," You only get out of what you put into it." This is very effective to those who play sports. When you are at practice and slacking, you won't be able to do as good in your game. The more practice and the harder you work, the better you become!

Josh Strand
1-2nd period.

Unknown said...

My quote is "go with life flow" as if you were a man on a surf board. Firstly I think the what the quote is telling me is that just live life don't try to control everything or make it perfect because nothing in this world is perfect so don't try. I picked this quote because it was something that clicked to me and it was the easiest one, but also it tell's me don't worry about every little thing.

A quote me and my family use and other people is mostly "you gotta give respect to get respect." Which means be nice to others and others will be nice to you but most of the time some people won't be nice.

Anonymous said...

The quote i chose is "It's better to be alone than to be in bad company." I think it's meaningful because it shows that just because you can hang out with people who don't understand you, doesn't mean you should. That sounds strange, but one is usually happier in their own element by themselves rather than with a group of people who have no idea what you are talking about. I have experience with stuff like this. I like a lot of different things than other people and we all have different interests and there's nothing wrong with that. But when I'm around people who don't understand me or I don't understand them, it's awkward and I'd rather be myself with no one to judge me. That's why people are in groups of friends, those people found something in common or something they like about that person. So It's true, It's better to be alone than to be in bad company, but what's best is being in good company.

Unknown said...

A quote that I found to my liking is, "A flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days". I believe that this quote is stating that when you commit yourself to something you should stay with it. Even when things get bad, if you put your heart to it you can always do it. This expression is probably used when someone feels like quitting. If you have a religion that you are committed to stay faithful. No matter how much people or the difficulty of things gets you down keep going. You can succeed in anything you do. A quote my mom uses a lot is, "A family that prays together stays together". She says this anytime anyone in our house has issues with one another. The quote means that if you stay true to what you believe in with your family, then you and your family can overcome anything.

Stephanie Allen , Period: 4/5

Unknown said...

One quote said "If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."I chose this one because, my friend always waves and smiles at people who have a frown, It reminded of of him. One of the most common quote from my parents is "Is your chores done" Because they have a few chores we do.

mariah said...

A quote that I like was "learn from the mistakes of others, you many not live long enough to make them all yourself." This quote is basically saying to learn from others and not try an do it all yourself. You don't live long enough to learn from all your mistakes so just learn from everyone else. A quote my parents use often is "money doesn't grow on trees." I hear this all the time because I love to shop, but don't like to use my own money. That is just some quotes I learned about or hear all the time.

Mariah Thompson 1st period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The quote I chose was "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Which means treat people how you want to be treated. So if you were to treat someone really bad. Then you should expect to be treated bad by that person. If you were to treat someone nice they should treat you nice back. My grandpa's most common quote is work builds good character.

Period 1-2

Anonymous said...

I picked the quote "It's better to be alone, than to be in bad company." I picked this quote because it is better to be alone than to have a bad influence around you and their bad behavior rubbing off on you. The quote my family uses is "If you don't succeed at first try, try again." I use this quote for basketball. If at first I mess up on something during the game as in dribbling, passing, or shooting I try it again so I can learn from my mistakes. My Dad always said "It's always better to make mistakes and get better, than to try to make everything perfect and not know what to do." I play basketball of those quotes and remember it's okay to make mistakes.
-Haley Johnson 4/5 period

Unknown said...

A quote that I really like is "Hard works beats talent when talent fails to work hard" by Kevin Durant. He always has motivated me from the start of his Nba career. Everyone all has their favorites and non-favorite basketball players. To add on, this also helps me inside of the school, because it says "Hard work beats talent.....", this makes me think about that being good in something else than sports and athletics, I can be good at something else. Also, you could be a good artist, writer, reader, or great at meth, or great in science. But, this doesn't mean that you don't have to stop trying at something, keep trying in all things.
DYLAN OZIE 4/5th period

Unknown said...

The quote that I really liked from the video is “It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company” This quote really caught my attention because it means exactly what it says. I would rather be alone than to be somewhere where I’m not liked. If someone is sitting near me and saying rude things I wouldn’t sit there I would leave and be somewhere where I can be alone. A quote that my mom used to say when I was little is “Quit crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.” She only said that when I was crying for no reason.
-Kyzhay Cox 4/5th period

Anonymous said...

The quote that I liked the most is "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." This quote was said by a Chinese teacher and philosopher, among other things, named Confucius. What this wise quotes means to me is that every person should adversity and difficult challenges, then learn from what they have done. Do they become a better person or fall again only to get back up and rise to try again. It also means that if you never fail or fall then you also never learn. A certain quote that my parents always say to my brothers and I is "Do as I say, not as I do." It sometimes works and they always have fun saying it to us. -Spencer Dublin 6/7th period

Unknown said...

My favorite quote was “to lead a symphony you must occasionally turn your back on the crowd”. It is because it says you can’t just stick with the group. It tells you to be true to yourself and be an individual. One thing that compares is The Outsiders quote telling Ponyboy to “Stay Gold” it told him to be individually good and stay true to you. Everyone on earth should be independent. It says you are you and anybody else is different. “You are one of a kind” is my favorite quote my family told me when I was young. It shows relation to this.
Hayden Moran ½ Period

Sydnee Boyles said...

The quote that caught my eye was, “To lead a symphony, you must occasionally turn your back to the crowd.” To me that means in order to achieve greatness you must veer away from the crowd. For example, it’s not bad if you are different from your friends, or peers! It’s good to be yourself! As my mom says, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” which to me means if someone sticks out from crowd it doesn’t mean anything bad, it just means they are original and unique! Just because someone is different doesn’t mean you should think any less of them, they can accomplish the same great things as everyone else. Everybody is different in their own way. Only a few are strong enough to go their way and achieve greatness on their own! Eventually, some will follow in your footsteps.
-Sydnee Boyles 6th period

Unknown said...

The quote I chose was “Never point a finger where you never lent a hand”, by Robert Brault. I think this quote means never judge someone on something they did badly when you never lent a hand to help that person out. It could also mean don’t judge a person when you have never lived the life they have lead. I use a lot of different quotes, but the one I like most is “Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.” It means always try to achieve more than what you have already done. No matter what has happened in your life you always have to get back up and keep reaching for the stars.
Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Unknown said...

The quote I picked was "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This means if you are nice to other people they will be nice to you.. . My mom has used quote lots of times in the past My mother has told me if I use this quote through life, it will help me out to in the long run And help me make good Friends all through life And make good decisions And good judgment.

Unknown said...

The quote I picked was, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." What this means is do things to others that you would like them to do to you. For example if you do something nice for someone else most likely they will do something nice back to you. My parents and grandparents both use this quote. They will also use the quote "money doesn't grow on trees." They use it because I like to spend money but never my own. My mom uses it the most because I will always ask her for more things then I do any other family member.

Kayla Lough 1/2 period

Allison Crites said...

The quote I liked best from the video is "It is better to be alone than to be in bad company." To me, this means that you should surround yourself with people that make you happy, and you know will never turn their backs on you. It is hard to find people like that nowadays, so you have to be sure to stay away from untrustworthy people. One quote my parents and cheer coaches always say is "Know what you want, and go for it." What they mean by this is that we have to set goals and push ourselves to achieve them. This quote really causes me to focus on my goals and never stop until I reach them.

-Alli Crites

Unknown said...

Sometimes quotes can be real true and can be unnderstood fairly quick. Others can be are harder to understand. Thats what I think seperates famous quotes. I chose this quote from the video,"One does not grow old; one becomes old by not growing." I think this quote means that if you try new thing and be active then you will not feel as old. Others that are not active then they would feel older. one quote my dad has said to me many times is,"Tuff it out." I think that means when you get hurt its not going to kill you. It reminds me of that quote,"Its not the end of the world."

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The quote i used was "Do unto others as they would have them do unto you." I have heard this so many times in my life it's sickening. It is the golden rule in most everyone's mind. My teachers', parents', grandparents', and even friends have told me this. The importance of the belief was emphasized during the 17th century, when it began to be known as the Golden Law, or Golden Rule. Robert Godfrey called it that is Various injuries and abuses in chemical and galenical physic 1674 using the more colloquial form do as you would be done by. - Caleb Masters

Unknown said...

The quote I chose was at the very end where it said “No day is over if it makes a memory.” To me this means always live your days like it is never going to end. When you wake up be happy that you’re still alive living another day. Also to me this quote means the day you made a great memory is a day you will never forget. The most common quote my mom always tells me is “ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” The reason she says this to me is because, if I complain about going to school she wants me to know that if I go to school and get a good education it will take me far in my future life.

- Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period

Cole Weaver said...

The quote I liked best out of all was “learn from the mistakes of others and you may not live long enough to make one yourself.” It means if you pay attention you may not have to make the same mistake someone already has. I remember seeing this poster at school when I was younger. I believe this is very true. For example, I asked a question and the person behind me had the same one. Instead of asking again the person could have learned from my mistake. A quote my parents always say is “ Don’t follow the crowd.”

Derrick Nulph said...

The quote I am using is the flower that follows the sun follows the sun even on a cloudy day. My mom says that if you follow the right path even when your down you wil still do good in life. My grandpa uses the same thing but uses it differntly but it still means the same thing. So its like saying if you do right nothing can go wrong. It is like the platinum rule or something too my parents and gardiauns. They lived by it for a long time.
By Derric Nulph

Unknown said...

A quote I like is "someone else is happy with less than what you have." Even thought this quote isn't I'm the video, it's still a good quote. It means that over people are happy with what they have and they are thankful for what they have. You don't have to have all the things in the world to be happy. Be happy with what you have. A quote my grandma likes to use is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It means to treat others how you want to be treated. Be kind to others and they will be kind back.

Unknown said...

The famous comment that I found the most eye catching was the one that said to conduct a symphony you must sometimes turn your back. This quote is inspiring to me because I am in the band and sometimes you must turn your back and help yourself. One quote my dad often uses is whatever and really. Those are some of the quotes that I hear and use everyday.

by bobbi uphold 6th period

Unknown said...

A quote from the video that I liked the most was "The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism." I found this quote very true to how our society is today and explains how most people are. If we could be more open to criticism and understand why it can sometimes be helpful, things would be much less complicated for everyone. One quote my great grandfather used to say was "It's just a phase, it'll pass." The way I interpret that is even when things can be rough and upset you, it'll eventually just blow over and things will be alright again.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The quote I picked was "Do unto other others as you would have them o unto you. I grew up in churches and in schools that said that a lot. It means treat people the way you would want to be treated. It means a lot to me for some reason. I wish people in this world today values this quote or "Golden Rule."

Madison Brotosky

Unknown said...

The quote that i really liked in this video is "No day is ever over if it makes a memory".I could relate to this one because i think the same way .I think that if you always remember something then it will never go away. You can just go through those days and i'm shure that's what the person who aaid this was getting at. And he /she was right when they said it too. Like when someone said "Friends are the family you choose "the meaning is rught there.

Unknown said...

My favorite quote was "one does not grow old; one becomes old by not growing." One of the most commonly used quotes in my family is " treat others the way you want to be treated" meaning what you say to people and how you treat them will effect the way they treat you the future. Kinda like the other quote I hear a lot as well " you get more with honey then you do vinegar" meaning if you are sweet to people like honey you will get treated with respect back. If your bitter like vinegar people will be rude back.

- Jenna Petracca 1\2

Unknown said...

My favorite quote from this visit is "It's better to be alone then to be in bad company." The reson I like this quote because if I were to be in a situation where I had to choose to be alone or not wanted around I would rather be alone. Bad company is basically unwanted attention and nobody ever wants that! A quote my grandparents use alot is "Treat others the way you want to be treated." They always tell be and my sister that because it's rude and disrespectful to ask for the best they can give if you never do anything for them! All quotes have a good meaning, so you should pay attention to them!
Paige King
4th/5th period

Unknown said...

One of the quotes that I found very relevant from this video was "To lead a symphony, you must occasionally turn your back on the crowd." This quote was said by the author, Anon. I interpret this quote to mean that sometimes in order to be a leader, you must stand on your own. It also means that to stand up for someone, you may have the only one with enough courage to do it on your own. I think this quote can and should be applied to the ever-present topic of bullying. If you see someone being bullied, you should do something about it, whether that be telling someone or standing up for the victim. I also think that we should all know that sometimes we don't have to do what everyone else is doing. Life is too short to live it like someone else's. One quote that my relatives always use is "Life is too short to stress over the past. Keep your head up and move on." This means that if something didn't turn out the way you planned or didn't turn out as well as you planned, you shouldn't stress over it because there is nothing you can do about it. I use this quote when I'm in a fight with my friends or when I get a bad grade or think I did something wrong.
-Raimah Hossain 6/7th period

Unknown said...

A great nba player Ray Allen is very insparational! He once said a very powerful quote“Everything I know now . . . the pitfalls, the highs and lows, everything . . . it taught me and made stronger.” It means failure makes you stronger. I`ve had a lot of failure but i keep working. Now im better at basketball. But before i got cut from the basketball team. Hopefully this year i make it because ive worked hard. Now i have confidence i will do better!
Elijah Cunningham 4 5

Unknown said...

A quote that I like is funny to me. It says"Silence is golden, Ducktape is silver." I like it because it reminds me of when my dad says if someone doesn't shut it he is going to get ducktape and tape their mouthes. Sometimes he is kidding, sometimes he is not. A quote my granparents us alot is"Treat others as you wish to be treated." They are really supporters of that. Everytime I see them they at least say it once. Lots of times though, it's more than that. My parents don't really use many quotes. If my dad found out about this one though, it would most likely be his favorite. My parents are more straight forward. The no nonsense kind of people. If you need something said to you they will just say it, no sugar coating.

Unknown said...

The quote i chose is witen by Robert Leigthton. He wrote the quote "flowers that follow the sun does so even on a clouydy day.The most commen quote my father uses is "to day is a new day i will try to do better".He tells me that if i dont lurn somthing evry day it is a wasted day. He also wrote "forgive thyself little and forgive others more.He has wrote many of quotes that in spirer people all over the wold.That is the quote i chose to write about.

Unknown said...

the most famous saying at my house is "get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it, and work at it until it's done right." said by Walt Disney. My parents and all my family has said this exact words. When ever i mess something up everyone refers to this saying. this is the best for me to remember everything i mess up.

Unknown said...

The quote I found was "It is better to be alone than to have bad company." This quote was said by George Washington. I picked this quote becausei think it is the second most truthful thng i have ever read. The most truthful is "treat others the way u want to be treated." I think it is the most truthful because it works. i mean it is the golden role. It is what people base there life off of. I'm one of those people and I like it.

Unknown said...

My favorite quote from this video is "Our greatest glory isnt in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." I think it means the world may shove you on your butt, but you can always get back up again. My Nana once told me "You never lose untill you quit trying to win." and i think she was right. Juliana Miller 6/7th period.

corey payne said...

My favorite quote from the video is "get a good idea and stay with it." They mean when you get a great idea you shouldn't try to get another idea keep the one you have and share the idea with your friends. If they like the idea that means the idea was worth the idea

corey payne said...

corey payne 6th-7th period

Unknown said...

My favorite quote from the video is treatr others the way you want to be treated.My mom always says "if you can dish it out you better be able to take it". That is my favorite saying

Unknown said...

My favorite quote is not from the video but is from Bruce Lee, "knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.” My moms favorite quote is, "put your dishes in the dishwasher."

Unknown said...

John Oliver period 4/5

Unknown said...

My favorite quote in the video was "To lead a symphony, you must occasionally turn your back on the crowd." To me it feels like it means that you shouldn't go with what everybody else likes. Whenever you're leading, do what pleases you even though some people aren't fond of your choice. This really stuck out to me, and it has so much meaning in my opinion. One quote my parents will tell me is "Why please everybody else if you're not pleased with yourself?" I think about this a lot. Many times I will try to please everybody else. In the end, I end up being the one unhappy with the decision. I've learned that I shouldn't let people choice things for me. I should go with what I feel I should do. Don't change for anybody, and be be you.
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd period~

Unknown said...

A quote that I think is very meaningful is "A flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." My moms favorite quote is "you did your best." My dads favorite quote is "keep trying and you will only get better."

September 6,2013 at 6:24
Austin Cole 4th/5th

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

A quote that I think is very meaningful is "A flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." My moms favorite quote is "you did your best." My dads favorite quote is "keep trying and you will only get better."

September 6,2013 at 6:24
Austin Cole 4th/5th

Gentry M said...

My favorite quote from this video is "Those who are on top of the mountain didn't fall there". The quote means that you must work hard to get to the top. It also means hard work pays off. I love this quote because I think of that to inspire me in cross country and school. If I don't work hard I won't get anywhere, but if I take the time to work hard and give it all I've got I can go far. Something that my grandma says all the time is "live your life to the fullest". It is also one of my favorite quotes because you may never know when you life will come to and end. If you spend your whole life complaining and being miserable you will regret it when your time comes to an end. It teaches you to be daring, take chances and have fun. By living by these quotes you can go far.

Gentry Morrone
1st-2nd period

Unknown said...

The quote from the video I like the most is " The person who is pulling the oars doesn't have time to rock the boat." To me this means that when you are working hard to achieve your goals you don't have time to make trouble. One quote my family has taught me is "It is better to give than to receive." I think this is true. I love the feeling I get when I can give someone a gift. It really is better than any gift I can think of receiving.--Kaitlyn Vilain 1/2 period

Quentin Davis said...

The quote I like the most is " If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours." To me this means that if you see someone upset then you should go and talk to them and listen and not talk. That you should try and understand why they are upset or what they are going through. Try to help them in any way possible. Give them some advice. One quote my parents always say to me is "Be happy with what you have and don't' cry about what you don't have, because some people don't have anywhere near as much as you have. I think this is true because there are people that are not as lucky as us to have this much.
Quentin Davis 6/7 period

Angela DeLorenzo said...

The quotes, “Refusing to ask for help when you need it is refusing someone the chance to be helpful.” is kind of important to me. This quote was written by Rie Ocasek. To me, this quote means just how it sounds but it may be different in another person’s point of view. In school, when you need help you ask because the teachers are the ‘’someone’’ who has the chance to be helpful. The most common quotes my parents use is, “You play like they practice.’’ and ‘’ If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing right.” This goes with sports or just anything. The first quote could be used for school because if you study then you will get a good grade, so you are playing like you practice. The second quote is similar to the first because if you study, then you should study right.
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Unknown said...

My favorite quote from this video would have to be, " A flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." This incredible quote was written by Robert Leighton. To me this quote means to always follow dreams and never give up even when times are rough or challenging. A good example would be like when I didn't make it to England the first year for a soccer camp. Although that upset me, I didn't let that put me down. I worked hard, and the next year I was able have an amazing experience while playing soccer over there. One quote that my parents always seem to over use is, "If your going to be dumb, you better be tough. I'm guessing that is because I always end up on the bad side of things, and usually end up getting hurt gabe robinson 4 5 periode

Keyshawn McClung said...
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Keyshawn McClung said...

The quote from the video I Heard was "A flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days" My parents tell me that every time I visit and tell me that it means to try your hardest even when all else fails.
Keyshawn Mcclung 1/2 Period

Unknown said...

The quote that I thought was very interesting is "The flower that follows the sun will do so even on cloudy days". It's telling you that if you want to follow your dreams, you have to do it even if something bad happens or if something gets in the way. This quote means a lot to people who want to succeed in life because it will pop into their head when they want to quit doing what they want to succeed in, which will keep them going and wanting to work even harder. My dad always says "If you are not doing it now, you want to do it later in life when you have to do it",

Kaycee Cox said...

" A flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." I really like this quote. I picked this quote because it says, if today was a bad day, tomorrow can be a better day. My parents always say, “ It is what it is”. This saying is almost the same thing. What happened, has already happened, nothing you can do about it. Just always look at tomorrow as another chance to fix what happened, that caused your cloudy day. This is something we talk about a lot in my house, especially when it comes to soccer. Some days if I feel I didn’t do my best, I talk to my parents and look for ways to improve and make things better. If it’s a cloudy day today remember, the sun will still come up tomorrow. Kaycee Cox 4th period

Unknown said...

My favorite quote in this video was " Do unto others as you would have them do to you".That means to treat others in a way that you would like to be treated. Don't treat people badly because you surely wouldn't want to be treated that way. The only quote that my mom and grandparents say is " What goes around, comes around. When it does, make sure you watch your back." I love that quote so much! Dominique Piercy 4-5 period

Unknown said...

The quote I picked from this video is " if you see someone without a smile give them one of yours." I just aboustly love this quote its the best. Just cause I'm a happy person normally 90% of the time. I'm always smiling and really joyful and out going.It hurts to see some of my friends upset and not smiling and down. I like to see them with a smile in there face cause alot of my friends are all smiling like me cause my happiness and my great attitude rubs off on them and that's great! I just love for everybody to happy and smiling. Tameka burns 1st/2nd period

Zachary Ayers said...

“The flower that follows the sun does so even in cloudy days” by Robert Leighton is about perseverance.
Staying the course, following your dreams, never giving up even when times are bad. Anyone can give up, it’s easer to give up, but to keep going when things are tough makes you stronger. My dad always says, “ When the going gets tough the tough get going.” Keeping trying and always give you best.

Zachary Ayers 6th period

Unknown said...

My favorite quote in this clip was "is someone don't have a smile give them one of yours I like that because a lot of people don't have anything to smile about and it would be nice to give the person to smile about and make their day. On of the qoute that I hear a lot in my daily life is "give me my roses while I'm alive to smell it" I still have no idea what that means but my grandma said while I get older I will understand it more

Unknown said...

My favorite quote out of all of them would have to be "Be who you are." Every time I think about that quote it reminds me of the word "unique." I love the word unique because you stand out from every body else. You don't need to act like and dress like every one else. Just because someone is wearing American eagle doesn't mean you have to too. My Mom always says "You can't take it heaven with you." So why would you follow the world, your different from every body else. And don't try to make yourself fit in around a group of people that you don't hang around with. Just because they think it's cool doesn't mean it's cool. Be different!
~Desiree Williams 6th/7th Period.