Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Beatles

Who is your favorite singing artist? Who do you most download to your IPOD? Have you ever been to a concert? Who would you most like to see in concert? What is your favorite song?


Unknown said...

I have to say that my favorite singer is Detrick Haddon. He wrote my favorite song "A Sinners prayer". If I would have an iPod I would mostly download gospel, country, and R&B. I have been to a concert before. I went to see Carly Rae Jenson. I would love to see Taylor Swift. My favorite song is "I Need An Angel".

Unknown said...

I listen to tons of different artists and styles, but out of them all, Rihanna is my absolute favorite! I download a lot of her songs, and I love her rich and full voice. Along with her, I download songs by Adele, One Direction, Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, and lots more well-known artists. I've never been to a concert, but I would love too! I think it would be amazing to see someone so famous live! Although I am a big Rihanna fan, I would really like to see One Direction in concert; I'm in love with their songs! Even thought there are hundreds of songs I really enjoy listening to, Katy Perry's new song "Roar" is at the time, my favorite song. It's up-beat and super fun to listen to.-Kylie Bushko 6th period

zwolford28@gmail.com said...

I listen to a lot of kind of music from rap, to pop, to dubstep, and much more. As a result of, listening to all these types of music, my favorite is dubstep. My favorite artist is Zedd. To my opinion, he is an amazing dubstep artist, that makes his songs with fun up-beats. I would love to download all of his songs but unfortionally, I lost my iPod at Jacob Branch's house. I have been to a lot of concerts from Toby Mac; a christian song writer with fun up-beat songs like Zedd but he always sings about god. My favorite song is Radioactive from Imagine Dragons. This song sounds as if it was a rebellion song for Catching Fire that we are reading in class.

Unknown said...

I have many favorite artists from Adele to Carly Rae Jepson. I have been to a concert before. Last year I went to a Toby Mac concert with the youth group from my church. It was a lot of fun because all of his songs are up-beat and fun. I hope I will be able to go to another one soon. I would also like to go to a Taylor Swift concert. I download songs by Adele, Taylor Swift, other Christian artist and many more. I don’t have one song that is my favorite, but there are many songs that I like.

-Kayla Lough 1st and 2nd period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Personally I like many different artists, but my favorite would definitely be Macklemore. I like his music because its all so varied and he sings different styles of music. Most of the songs I download are usually pop or R&B related. I have only been to one concert in my lifetime and that was a Black Eyed Peas concert at the West Virginia state fairgrounds for the Greenbrier Classic. It was really exciting and they really did a good job with connecting to the crowd. In the near future I would like to see Macklemore in concert, I think I would enjoy that. In conclusion, my favorite song is Wings by Macklemore, it is a very inspirational song.

Isaac Swiger-September 16, 2013 at 8:13 PM

Unknown said...

My favorite artist would have to be Taio Cruz. His music is great. I download a lot of different songs. I don't really know which one I've downloaded the most. I haven't been to a concert, but I guess it would be fun to go to one someday. I would like to see Taio Cruz in a concert. My favorite song is "Dynamite." That is my favorite artist, and would be cool to see one day in person. He is just amazing, and I like him.

-By Jacob Branch 4th period

Unknown said...

I'm not a huge music fan but when I do listen to music, I usually listen to Christian music. Phillip Phillips is one of my favorite artists wheather he is christian or not. I usually download all different types of music on to my iPhone. If I could see someone in concert, it would probably be Chris Tomblin. He is a great Christian singer and I really enjoy his songs. Sadly, I have only been to one concert and it was when i was six. I saw the band Casting Crowns in Pittsburgh.Finally, my favorite song is Home and music helps me study better.

Unknown said...

I listen to a lot of kind of music from rap, to pop, to dubstep, and much more. As a result of, listening to all these types of music, my favorite is dubstep. My favorite artist is Zedd. To my opinion, he is an amazing dubstep artist, that makes his songs with fun up-beats. I would love to download all of his songs but unfortionally, I lost my iPod at kevin brwers house. I have been to a lot of concerts from Toby Mac; a christian song writer with fun up-beat songs like Zedd but he always sings about god. My favorite song is Radioactive from Imagine Dragons. This song sounds as if it was a rebellion song for Catching Fire that we are reading in class. gabe robinson 4-5

Unknown said...

I listen to a lot of kind of music from rap, to pop, to dubstep, and much more. As a result of, listening to all these types of music, my favorite is dubstep. My favorite artist is Zedd. To my opinion, he is an amazing dubstep artist, that makes his songs with fun up-beats. I would love to download all of his songs but unfortionally, I lost my iPod at kevin brwers house. I have been to a lot of concerts from Toby Mac; a christian song writer with fun up-beat songs like Zedd but he always sings about god. My favorite song is Radioactive from Imagine Dragons. This song sounds as if it was a rebellion song for Catching Fire that we are reading in class.

Unknown said...

I listen to a lot of kind of music from rap, to pop, to dubstep, and much more. As a result of, listening to all these types of music, my favorite is dubstep. My favorite artist is Zedd. To my opinion, he is an amazing dubstep artist, that makes his songs with fun up-beats. I would love to download all of his songs but unfortionally, I lost my iPod at kevin brwers house. I have been to a lot of concerts from Toby Mac; a christian song writer with fun up-beat songs like Zedd but he always sings about god. My favorite song is Radioactive from Imagine Dragons. This song sounds as if it was a rebellion song for Catching Fire that we are reading in class. gabe robinson 4-5

Anonymous said...

I have many different types of styles and artist I listen to, but I have to say my favorite is Katy Perry. The artist I download most to my phone is One Direction. I have never been to a concert but I want to go to one. One concert I would love to go to is a one Direction concert. My favorite song is by Miley Cirus and it's caled Wrecking Ball. I would listen to that song for hours if I could and if I had time too.

Anonymous said...

Haley Johnson 4/5 period

Unknown said...

My favorite singing artist is Chris Brown. He is and amazing singer and can do runs like no one else. I think he would make a great gospel singer but he is more into hip-hop. On my phone I mostly download him and Beyonce. She is also such an amazing singer. She is my inspriration and the reason why I want to be a singer when I grow up. I have never been to a live concert but I have seen them in tv. I would like to go to a concert of Chris or Beyonce. My favorite song is actualy "Wrecking Ball", by Miley Cyrus. I don't really like her as an artist, but I love this one song of hers.

Stephanie Allen, period:4/5

Unknown said...

My favorite artist is tyga! My favorite song by him is "Get Loose", "Switch Lanes", or "Molly". Yes it is bad but i like the beat more than the lyrics. Rap has a unique style of beats. Anywhere from bass drops to sound changes! Although i have never seen him in concert i'd like to! My sister went and saw them perform in 2011. I was so jealous! But then again it was for her birthday. If i ever got a chance to go i would.

Elijah Cunningham 4th 5th

Unknown said...

i listen to alot of music my favorite band is blood on the dance floor the y sing my favorite song "you are the heart" but other than that i listen to bvb sws bmth and alot more

Derrick Nulph said...

My favorite singer is a group called Florida gorgia line and the song called crusie is the song i listen to alot of theirs. Also eminem is one of many of my favorite singers.He does not sing pop music but he raps and the song of his i like is not afraid. The songs I mostly donload to my i pod are rap and countrty. I have been to a jason aldean concert along with Florida gorgia line and nelly. By Derrick Nulph

Unknown said...

My favorite band is either Superchick, or Basshunter. Superchick wrote my favorite song "Stand in the Rain". I would love to see both of them in concert. I dont have an IPod, but I download rock, pop, and country to my phone. I have never been to a concert. Juliana Miller 7th period 8th grade.

Unknown said...

My favorite artist is Drake he amazing! I usually download a lot of Drakes music cause I know a lot of his songs and by the way he just came out with a new song and it's call Hold on We're Going Home! It's great just the the rest of music. No I haven't been to see him concert yet but I will be going to see him October 12th. I just can't wait to go see him I already know its going to be the best time ever I will get to see two more famous people as well! Last, my favorite song of Drakes is practice. ~ Tameka Burns 1st/2nd

mariah said...

I have a lot of favorite singers because I love to sing, but if I had to pick one it would probably be Taylor Swift. She was the one who inspired me to keep trying my best when I would sing. Artists I download a lot on my Ipod would probably be Adele, Zedd, and many more. I have never been to a concert, but if I could go to one it would probably be Taylor Swift. If I didn't go see her my next choice would be Adele. My favorite songs changes like every week, but the one I listen to most right now would be clarity. It is like my all time favorite song right now.

Mariah Thompson 1st period

Samuel Cox said...

I have to say I don't really have a favorite artist. Most of the time I just listen to whatever's on the radio that doesn't swear too much. Sadly my ITunes messed up on my Ipod so I can't download anything onto it. I haven't been to a concert before, but I think it would be awesome! I'd like to see the imagine dragons in concert. Lastly, one of my favorite songs is radioactive by imagine dragons.

Unknown said...

I think my favorit band is blod on the dance floor even though i lisen to bvb sws too. my favorit song by them is probaly "Somthing Grimm or "Where is my Wounderland.I love this band more then the otheres.

Unknown said...

I listen to a variety of music from oldies to rap,hip-hop, to classical. When it comes to music. I am so not picky about it. i love five finger death punch. i would love to see them in a concert. i mostly download on my laptop. mostly Country, Hip-hop, R&b

Unknown said...

Its hard to choose one favorite artist. If I had to include some, I would say Katy Perry, Ke$ha, and Taylor Swift. These three are my favorites because the songs they write and perform are fun and sometimes inspirational. Each of them have different styles of music.

My ipod is filled with all the songs I like and is a mixture of lots of different kinds of music. Taylor Swift is the artist with the most songs on my ipod. Katy Perry is second and Ke$ha is third.

I have never been been to a concert. I would love to go to a Katy Perry concert.

My favorite songs are: Cups by Anna Kendrick, Heart Attack by Demi Lovato, Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift and The Way by Ariana Grande.

Unknown said...

My favorite artist is Eminem, and most of the songs on my mp3 are his. I have never been to a concert but they look like allot of fun. If I went to a concert I would go see Linkin Park because their music is loud and fun to listen too. My favorite song is "Survival" by Eminem and it is about getting stronger so that you can survive the worst that life throws at you.
-Joren Cloutier

Anonymous said...

My iPod is basically a humongous jumble of different song genres, including pop, hip hop, R&B, alternative, and electronica. I would have to say one of my favorite singers would be Justin Timberlake, some others include Kelly Clarkson, Imagine Dragons, Bruno Mars, Katy Perry, and Adele. I can't really decide which artist I have downloaded most because it is extremely close. I have never been to a concert but really want to go see one of my favorite singers. My favorite song is between "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons, "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson, or "Roar" by Katy Perry.
-Spencer Dublin 6/7th period-

Unknown said...

I think that music is a good thing to be involved with. My Favorite singer would have to be Geddy Lee. The lead singer for rush. He has lots of great music such as TIME STANDS STILL. I have been to one concert with my sister to go see Reba Mcentire. I would probably down load songs from the walking dead's album for my iPhone or iPod. If i could go to a concert i would probably go see rush. It is a exciting to go see. They are up beat and they put on a good show in general.

dante stills said...

My favorite artist is cheif keef one of the best rappers in the world and i have alot of song on my phone from and they are cool to listen to , and no i havent been to any of his concert but I want to some day , i really would like to go see drake because alot of people went to see him, and my favorite song is "Till I collapes"

dante stills said...

My favorite artist is cheif keef one of the best rappers in the world and i have alot of song on my phone from and they are cool to listen to , and no i havent been to any of his concert but I want to some day , i really would like to go see drake because alot of people went to see him, and my favorite song is "Till I collapes"

Unknown said...

I love music, and I listen to it all the time. That makes it kind of hard to choose my favorite band, but I think I've got to go with Dead By April. They aren't who I download most however. I mostly download songs by Evanescence. I have not ever been to a concert, but I would love to go to one. I wouldn't mind, as long as I like their music, who it is. My favorite song would have to be Sorry for Everything by Dead By April.

~Tressa Floyd~ 6/7 period

Unknown said...

My favorite singing artist is Andy Biersack. He is the lead singer of the band Black Veil Brides. Their genre of music is hard rock. The music I download on my Ipod is rock and hard rock. I have never been to a concert before and probably never will go to one. If I did go to a concert I would like to see Black Veil Brides perform. I have many favorite songs by many different artists. A few are Perfect Weapon, Knives and Pens, and Sweet Blasphemy by Black Veil Brides, Weightless by All Time Low, This Is Halloween by Marilyn Manson, Attack by Thirty Seconds to Mars, King for a Day by Pierce the Veil, and Hate Me by Blue October.

By: Jacqson Munro

Unknown said...

I listen to many different artists and styles, but Ariana Grande has to be my absolute favorite!!! Her voice is so soft and her voice is so soft and beautiful. I download songs by Drake, Nicki Minaj , Robin Thicke, and a lot more. Unfortunately I have never been to a concert. I would really like to see either Chris Brown or Nicki Minaj in concert. I usually have a different favorite song every month or two. Right now it has to be "Hold On, We're Going Home" by; Drake.

Unknown said...

I listen to many different artists and styles, but Ariana Grande has to be my absolute favorite!!! Her voice is so soft and her voice is so soft and beautiful. I download songs by Drake, Nicki Minaj , Robin Thicke, and a lot more. Unfortunately I have never been to a concert. I would really like to see either Chris Brown or Nicki Minaj in concert. I usually have a different favorite song every month or two. Right now it has to be "Hold On, We're Going Home" by; Drake.

Unknown said...

My favorite singing artist is probably Toby Mac. I don't have an Ipod and don't usually listen to music. When I do download music it is basically anything but rap, sreamo, and rock. I went to a Toby Mac concert with my youth group at church. It was fun because I got to bring a friend with me. There is no band that I would want to see in concert right now. My favorite song is radioactive.

Unknown said...

i listen to tons of artist but my absolute favorite rapper is between Eminem or DR.DRE.They are all mostly every thing i have on my ipod.i have never been to a concert but my cousin has. She said that it was a once in a life time experience.

Unknown said...

My favorite artist is Drake he sings and raps. Most of his music is meaningful and interesting at the same time! I've never been to A concert before but I plan to soon! When I do go to my first concert I want to see Drake, of course! I download all of his new songs and albums as soon as they come out. My favorite song is the motion it has alot of meaning to me that's why I like it.

Paige King
4th/5th period

Unknown said...

It is really hard to say who my favorite song artist is, but one of my absolute favorite artists is The Newsboys christian band. I don't download songs to my Ipod, but I do listen to christian contemporary music on the radio, cd, and Pandora. One time when it was around the time of my mother's birthday, she took me to a concert for Mandisa, Brandon Heath, and Laura Story. I t was awesome. I got each of their cd's. The person I would like to see in concert would probably be the Newsboys or Matthew West. Again, I don't really have a favorite song, but a song that is one of my favorites is called Kings and Queens by Audio Adrenaline, who are another christian band I like.

6/7 Madison Brotosky

Unknown said...

My favorite singer is probably Weird Al Yankovic. I usually download 70's and 80's music onto my IPod. I think when I was like 5 I went to a Sugarland concert, but I can't stand country now. I'd like to see an acapella group called Pentatonix in concert the most.

Cole Weaver said...

I don’t listen to music very often so I don’t really have a favorite singing artist. If I ever do listen to music it would be Fun. They are also my most downloaded song on my IPod. I have never been to a concert and I don’t plan on going to one. I think it would be better to listen to a song at home in bed than in a jammed room with people yelling. I think my favorite song would be “Burn It to the Ground” by Nickelback. I think this is my favorite song because my mom always listened to it when I was younger.

Cole Weaver said...
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Unknown said...

I would have to say my favorite artist is Kendrick Lamar. And just so happens he is the one i download on my phone most. The first concert and only concert i have been to is Bruno Mars. I would like to see Pearl Jam in concert to be honest. My favorite song is Money and The Power by Kid Ink. It motivates me to work hard everyday. - Caleb Masters

Unknown said...
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Gentry M said...

I have many favorite singers so I will pick one boy an one girl. My favorite guy artist is Justin Bieber. He is my favorite because his some of his songs inspire me a lot. For example, "Believe" it teaches you that everything starts from something. So by doing that one thing you can go so far. My favorite girl singer is Katy Perry. I live her so much. Her music speaks to me. She isn't like most girl artist who complain about their ex boyfriends. In her songs she talks about how girls are powerful and you should always feel beautiful even without a man in your life. Those are the two people I listen to on my phone most of the time.

Gentry Morrone
1st-2nd period

Unknown said...

If I had to choose, I'd probably say that Eminem is my favorite artist. On my iPod I have a large amount of songs from all different genres, so I'm not sure who I have downloaded the most songs from. I have never actually been to a concert before, but I would like to get the chance to one day. I think that it would be cool to see Linkin Park in concert. I really like a lot of songs so choosing one is pretty difficult, but right now, I'd say it’s between "Some Nights" by Fun and "Iridescent" by Linkin Park.

Unknown said...

My favorite artist is I really don't know but if I had to choose on eit would be drake because thats one of the persons I listen to and download on to my ipod and my phone.Ive never been to his concert.If I could go to a concert I would want to go to a burno mars concert. Also my favorite song is gas pedal and tip toe through the tupils with me...

4th&5th period ♥

Unknown said...

My favorite artist is Bruno Mars. I download his music the most. My favorite song he has is treasure. That is my favorite song out there. I downloaded his whole album not to long ago. I listen to some of the songs everyday. My second favorite song is Blurred Lines by Bruno Mars. I would love if he would come close and have a concert because I would be at that concert in a heartbeat. If I would go to one of his concert it would be the first concert I have ever been to I have never been to one before in my life. I would like to go to a concert soon.

Keaton Linger 1-2

Unknown said...

My favorite singing artist would have to be Katy Perry or Taylor Swift. They are two different genres. Taylor Swift is country/pop. Katy Perry is mostly pop. I have an Ipod, but I never use it. I have been to three concerts. The first one was Lady Antebellum. The second concert was Justin Bieber. The last concert was actually this summer. I had a chance to see Taylor Swift. My family got the tickets for christmas. It was the best present ever! I would love to see her again. The person I would love to see would be Katy Perry. The reason is because, to me it seems like her concert would be fun and exciting. Thats the person she is! My favorite song would be “Roar” by Katy Perry. This song has very encouraging words in it and its just fun to listen too.

Elizabeth Williams (: 1st/2nd period!

Unknown said...

My favorite artist is Drake. He is my favorite becsuse when im sad I listen to his music which makes me even more sad but hes hard not to listen to. His new album comes out the 24th and I can't wait! What I mostly download to my phone is r&b / rap / pop music. Those are the genres of music I mostly listen to because I don't like country all that much. I have never went to a concert but I wish I would / could have. My favorites song is 773 by Jeremih

Zachary Ayers said...

If had to pick a favorite sing it would be Darius Rucker. On my Iphone I mostly have country music. No, I have never been to a concert but I would like to go see one. I don’t really like going to places like that with lots of people but if I had to pick I would say Darius Rucker. Finally my favorite song is “Crazy Girl” by Eli Young band.

Angela DeLorenzo said...

I have so many favorite singing artist, but if my favorite are Justin Timberlake, Bruno Mars, and Adele. Justin Timberlake, Bruno Mars, Adele, Drake, and a lot more but mainly those four artist are the artist downloaded on my iPod. Unless if you call a choir concert a "concert" then I have never been to one sadly. I wish I could go to a concert and the concert I would want to go to is Bruno Mars.
My favorite song is "Beware" by Big Sean feat. Lil Wayne & Jhene
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Allison Crites said...
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Allison Crites said...

I have a lot of favorite songs and singers, but I'd have to say that my favorite artist is Justin Bieber. His songs are up-beat and inspirational. My favorite song, as of now, is "Wrecking Ball" by Miley Cyrus. I know many people do not approve of her, but she actually is a good person and artist. I have a lot of different genres of songs on my iPod, mostly pop and country... and a lot of Justin Bieber! I have been to a few concerts, and I am going to two more later this year. I have always wanted to go to a Taylor Swift concert, hopefully I get the chance to someday.

-Alli Crites

Unknown said...

My favorite singer would have to be Carrie Underwood. On my ipod I mainly have country music I don't have one artist on there more than another. Also I have been to a concert in a park to see Billy Ray Cyrus. I really want to see Jason Aldean. I have two favorite songs they would have to be See You Again by Carrie Underwood and Round Here by Florida Georgia Line.

Anonymous said...

My favorite band is Panic! at the Disco. I would love to see them in concert. The lead singer is Brendon Urie. He plays maybe eight different instruments and he is an amazing singer. I also like Ed Sheeran. He plays guitar and sings and he is brittish so that just makes him more awesome. My favorite songs are "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" by Panic! at the Disco, "Build God then We'll Talk" by Panic! at the disco, and "Give me Love" by Ed Sheeran.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

My all time favorite singer is Bruno Mars. Even though he is my favorite singer my ipod is not filled with his songs. I have a couple of songs of his but my favorite song by him is "When I was your man" I love that song I can listen to it everyday and not get tired of it. My ipod is filled with different varies of r&b and rap music.I have never been to a concert before but I would like to go to a justin bieber concert

Unknown said...

I listen to various types of music. Most of the time I go from post-hardcore to pop to classic rock. My favorite singer would have to be Avril Lavigne. Her songs really connect with me. The one that really got me stuck on her music was "My happy ending" which came out in 2004 on her second album. I'm more of a fan of bands like Sleeping with Sirens, All Time Low, Bring me the Horizon, Blood on the Dance Floor, etc. One of my favorite songs is "Can you feel my heart" by bring me the horizon. Lately All Time Low has been like one of my obsessions. Falling in Reverse's new song "Game over" is currently my favorite song. The lyrics from it replay in my head over and over again. It's post-hardcore music but it also has electronic-pop mixed into it.
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd period~

Unknown said...

I am really in to all different types of music. My favorite song right now is probably Roar by Katy perry. I also really like the band we the kings. I have never been to a concert before, but I really hope to go to one soon. I also like other bands and singers to. I download lots of different songs on my iPod. I will hear a song on the radio and buy it on my iPod. I really like music, I listen to it all the time.
Kaitlyn vilain

Unknown said...

I have to say one if I had to pick my favorite artist I would have to go with the band Fun! They are my favorite because I like to listen to them nonstop. They have won the 2013 Grammy Awards for Best New Artist of the Year and Song of the Year. One of my favortie songs they did was Called "Carry On". That is who I would pick for my favortie Artist.
Hayden Moran 1-2 Periods

Unknown said...

I would have to say my favorite singer right now is Darius Rucker. I download mostly country but I download screamo and pop as well. I have never been to a concert but I would like to go on day. I would love to see Darius Rucker in live concert. My favorite song is wagon wheel. In the music video it features the duck dynasty cast well most of them anyway.

Unknown said...

My favorite singer is Luke Bryan. He is a country singer. I download all different kinds of things to my iPad . It just depends on what kind of mood I am in when I download a song on what I download. Yes I have been to a concert. I would love to see Luke Bryan in a concert, since he is my favorite singer after all. M y favorite song right now I would say would have to be “Clouds” by Zack Sobiech. It is an amazing song he wrote before he died if a rare bone cancer. It is an inspirational song.
Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Emma Copley said...

My favorite artist is Ed Sheeran. I have all of his songs downloaded on my iPod! I have never been to a concert before, but I really want to! I would love to see Taylor swift in concert some day! My favorite song right now is "Autum Leaves" by my favorite artist, Ed Sheeran.

Unknown said...

I have heard a lot of music in my past 13 years of my life. For example, hip-hop, country and more. But, my favorite artist or rapper is either Tyga or Lil Wayne. The reason I like them are for many reasons, but the main one is that they have made some of the best rap songs that I have herd of. Like, for Tyga, My favorite songs by him are "Molly" and "Switch Lanes". But, Lil Wayne songs that I like are "My Homies Still", "Milli", and "Mirrors".

Dylan Ozie 4/5th period

Unknown said...

My favorite artist is Drake. I download most of his songs. His new album is coming out and I already have all of his songs on my phone. I have not been to a concert of his but he would be the one I would like to go to one of his. Most of his songs are about girls and about love. My favorite song is "Furthest Thing", by Drake. It's talking bout how everyone is far from perfect.

Sydnee Boyles said...

My favorite singing artist would have to be Miley Cyrus. Her past may be bad as well as her actions, but she has very good music! My iPod has a very long list of artist, but one that has the most downloads is Chris Brown. I have never been to a live concert. I’m planning to do so very soon in the future to see Bruno Mars! My absolute favorite song is Miley’s new release, Wrecking Ball! It has a lot of meaning behind the words that some people might over look.
Sydnee Boyles, 6-7th

Unknown said...

My favorite music group is MKTO. I download their music all the time, but they only have a couple songs though. My favorite song is by MKTO and is called Classic. I download songs from Macklemore, Fall Out Boy, AWOLNATION, Lady Gaga, and a lot more. I like mainly Pop Music. I have never been to a concert, but if I could go I would go see MKTO. I don’t know if I would really like to see someone in concert though because when I see them sing live on TV, they don’t sound as good as they do on the radio or Itunes. Sometimes they sound atrocious. My favorite song is by MKTO and is called Classic.

Kaycee Cox said...

I have a lot of favorite artists, but if I had to choose one it would have to be Bruno Mars. I like him the most because he creates his own music, and I can relate to his songs. I download so many songs to my ipod/iphone! My friends think I am insane for downloading so much, but I can't help it. I can be in the worst situation and music always seems to help with what ever I am doing. My parents on the other hand love music also, but hate I spend so much money through itunes. I have been to one concert in my life and it was to see Bruno Mars. He did a phenomenal job, and put on a great show! If I got to see anyone in concert I would want to see Pitbull. At the moment my favorite song is Beware by, Big Sean. Kaycee Cox 4th period

Kaycee Cox said...

I have a lot of favorite artists, but if I had to choose one it would have to be Bruno Mars. I like him the most because he creates his own music, and I can relate to his songs. I download so many songs to my ipod/iphone! My friends think I am insane for downloading so much, but I can't help it. I can be in the worst situation and music always seems to help with what ever I am doing. My parents on the other hand love music also, but hate I spend so much money through itunes. I have been to one concert in my life and it was to see Bruno Mars. He did a phenomenal job, and put on a great show! If I got to see anyone in concert I would want to see Pitbull. At the moment my favorite song is Beware by, Big Sean. Kaycee Cox 4th period

Unknown said...

My favorite singer in my mind is personally is Neyo he has been in many concerts with great rappers. I don't have in Ipod but my sister downloads mostly Taylor Swift.I have never been at a concert in my life but I wish I did. I would go to a T.i. and Ace Hood concert in all the concerts I would go to those. My favorite song in the world ever is What's Up What's Happening from T.I. it was made in 2010 in the summer it was also made around my birthday plus it is one of those songs that gets you out of a funk.

Unknown said...

My favorite singer in my mind is personally is Neyo he has been in many concerts with great rappers. I don't have in Ipod but my sister downloads mostly Taylor Swift.I have never been at a concert in my life but I wish I did. I would go to a T.i. and Ace Hood concert in all the concerts I would go to those. My favorite song in the world ever is What's Up What's Happening from T.I. it was made in 2010 in the summer it was also made around my birthday plus it is one of those songs that gets you out of a funk.

Hayley Moss said...

I don't have a favorite singing artist. I like a lot of them, but I havedownloaded more Drake and Jeremih songs then anything else on my phone. I hhaven't ever been to a concert but I'd love to go to a Drake concert! I don't have a favorite song. I just love music.
~Hayley Moss 4/5 period

Hayley Moss said...

I don't have a favorite singing artist. I like a lot of them, but I havedownloaded more Drake and Jeremih songs then anything else on my phone. I hhaven't ever been to a concert but I'd love to go to a Drake concert! I don't have a favorite song. I just love music.
~Hayley Moss 4/5 period

Quentin Davis said...

My pre-baseball-game song is Remeber the Name. My actual favorite song is La Bamba by richie Valens. I don't want to see either one of them in concert but I do still like their music. La Bamba is in Spanish, so no one really understands what the song is saying.

Quentin Davis 6/7

corey payne said...

My favorite singing artist is Lady Gaga she made that new song applause. The most the most artist songs I download the most is Kanye West. I never went to a concert. I would most likely see is kanye West. My favorite song is Can't hold us by Macklemore. Corey Payne 6th/7th

Unknown said...

my favorite artist is macklemore, and my favorite song is same love ft macklemore i have been to luke bryans concert and would like to go see more of macklemore.

Unknown said...

my favorite artist is macklemore, and my favorite song is same love ft macklemore i have been to luke bryans concert and would like to go see more of macklemore.

Unknown said...

I have alot of favorite artist but I really can't choose between one. No i have not been to a concert. The nost I have downloaded to my Ipod is well anything really. I don't really choose between songs i just add and then thats it.

Unknown said...

I don't have an exact favorite artist. Because I listen to alot of different people and I like them all alot. I have never been to a concert yet. But i plan on going very soon. I would love to see Chris Brown, Rhianna, Peirce The Veil, and so many more. Music is my life im surrounded by it but i love music so that's okay.
Hydia George
1/2 period

Unknown said...

I don't really have a favorit artist but I mostly listen to lil wayne, eminem, and wiz khalifa. I had went to a kid rock concert with my family. I have no real favorite song but I do listen to a couple songs the most. They are young, wild,and free by wiz khalifa, mostly all songs by emine, and mega man by lil wayne. Those are my favorite songs and artist.

Unknown said...

My favorite music artist is 2 chainz. 2 Chainz is a rap artist. My favorite song by him is " No Lie ft.Drake". It's a really good song and the beat is very catchy. I hope I can see them in concert some day but for now my phone will work. I have never been to a concert but my dad and I are going to a "Kings of Leon" concert sometime soon and I can't wait!

Unknown said...

My favorite atrist that sings is probably Taylor Swift. I download Taylor Swift's songs the most on my phone. I have never been to a concert but I have always wanted to. I've always wanted to go to Taylor Swift's concert. I would want to go with all of my friends. My favorite song is Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. My favorite singer is still Tyalor Swift, but I still love the song Wrecking Ball.

Unknown said...

I don't really have a favorite song. I like a lot of songs. I mostly listen to country,and pop music. Sometimes i listen to country as well. I have never been to a concert. Someone i've always wanted to see in concert was Luke Bryan. I always wanted to go to one though. Luke Bryan and Taylor Swift are my two favorite country singers. Some of my favorite bands are The Fray, The Script, Cold Play,Marron Five, One Direction. Beyonce is also one of my favortie singers. Her voice is amazing.I also like Katy Perry.
-Jenna Petracca 1/2 period

Unknown said...

I don't really have a favorite artist because i like different music and alot of music. i like hip hop pop rap and alot of others. I have never been to a concert but it sounds really fun. My favorite song is wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus. That song is amazing. I don't like Miley Cyyrus but i do like her song. i download alot of music on my ipod. i have like a thousand songs on my ipod. When i am bored and tired i grab my ipod and headphones and just listen to music.

Unknown said...

I have alot of favorite artists. Some of them are Linkin Park, Fireflight, OneRepublic, Imagine Dragons, and Glitch Mob. The one I have been downloading the most of recently would have to be either Linkin Park or Fireflight. I have been to a concert but not by any of them. I went to a TobyMac concert who is also one of my favorite artists. I would like to see Linkin Park in concert. I used to not listen to them but my friend got me hooked. Just as with the artists, I have alot of favorite songs too. Some of them being Counting Stars by OneRepublic, Castle of Glass by Linkin Park, and Radioactive by Imagine Dragons.

Unknown said...

My favorite artists are mostly rap, hip hop and r&b artist. They include lil Wayne, Tyga, and Eminem. There are a lot of others but these are just a little bit of them. I mostly download the previous artist I just mentioned to you. I have never been to a concert and don't really want to because they are probably too loud and I don't like that.

Unknown said...

I don't really have a favorite singing artist but if I had to choose, it would be Beyonce. I the music I mostly download to my phone is Joey Bad. He is from a group called the Progressive Era. I have never been to one of his concerts. But I really want to see him in concert though. Another person I want to see in concert is Meek Mill. He is another one of my favorite artists. My favorite song is called "95 til Infinity". It is by Joey Bad which is my favorite artist.

Unknown said...

My favorite artist is Eminem. I mostly download rap on my phone. No, I have not been to a concert and I don't really want to go because people get to crazy when they hear them sing. If I was to go I would want to see Eminem. My favorite song is mockingbird by Eminem.

October 1,2013 at 6:17 PM

Unknown said...

I listen to tons of different artists and styles but I have to say my favorite singer is 2 chainz his music is probably the best i've ever heard my favorite song by him is i'm different

Unknown said...

My Favorite singing artist is Eminem. I don't have music on my phone but I do go to Grooveshark.com and listen to Eminem. Yes I have been to a Wiz Kalefa. I would love to see Eminem in concert. Bezerk by Eminem that's my favorite song I really like the beet of it.