Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Running of the Bulls

The Running of the Bulls is a famous day in Spain each year. Tourits come from all over the world to participate in this dangerous adventure. Have you ever been to Bridge Day? Have you ever participated in a dangerous event? Would you like to witness or participate in the Running of the Bulls?


Unknown said...

I would so not like to participate in the dangerous stupid things that some people decide to do. It is just the thought of dieing because you got hit by a running bull

Unknown said...

I don't even know what bridge day is. I have participated in a dangerous event, I had to fight. I would not like to participate because it is and event of entertainment for other people while you could get killed for something as stupid as that. In a way, I think it's kind of like the Hunger Games.

6/7 Madison Brotosky

Unknown said...

I have never been to bridge day and I don't think I want to! The only dangerous event I have been in is a fight. I don't think I would like to witness or even participate in the running of the bulls because I don't violence unless I'm in the position where its my only choice.

Paige king
4th/5th period

Unknown said...

No, I have never been to Bridge Day. I have participated in a dangerous event. In Colorado, you can go rock climbing. Lots of people get injured or die every year from it. One year my sister and I went rock climbing. It was amazing. Yes, I would like to watch the running of the bulls. I doubt I would participate though. My parents would kill me.

Kaycee Cox said...
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Unknown said...

Have I ever been bridge day if you really want to know then no.I nerver in my life participated in a dangerous event.I reallly dont think there is no reason to fight becuse I really dont like fights.I would not like to wittness the running with the bulls event.Also because I don't want to see people get hurt doing somthing stupd. I would never be in that event cause i don't want to get hurt.

Kaycee Cox said...
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Kaycee Cox said...

This video is insane. I don't know to laugh about the peoples stupidity or feel bad for them. I have never been to Bridge Day, but from what it sounds like it probably be a fun thing to do. I don't know if you would consider this a dangerous event, but probably the most thrilling thing I have ever done was when my friend sydnee and I tried make a fire grow by dumping gasoline on it. I would enjoy watching the Running Of the Bulls, but if I had the opportunity to run I probably wouldn't.
Kaycee Cox 4-5

Hayley Moss said...

No i have never been to bridge day but my sister is actually going with my day to jump off the bridge! My whoel family is going. I thnk it will be kind of fun! No i have never participated in a dangerous event. No I would never ever ever witness or paricipate the running of bulls. I think that is ridiculous! I could never watch that! Thats not funny and it doesnt look fun at all!
~Hayley Moss 4/5

Unknown said...

No I have never been to Bridge Day I really dont know what it is, but I would go to see what it is just to have fun.I have participated in one dangerous act I went to the fright farm with my best freind Conor Garrout I leaned in on the drive to the farm and a zombie crazy man like off of wrong turned grabed his chainsaw and turned it on and put it near my face I would go see the people who went to and ran with the bulls to ask just why would you do that, and no I would not ever do that just to get pierced hard in the stomach and die.

Unknown said...

I have never been to bridge day but it would be allot of fun to watch or participate in. I have never been in any dangerous event other than a fight. I think it would be allot of fun to watch the run or even participate in it if I only had a day to live.
-Joren Cloutier

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I would not like to participate in a sport such as running with bulls. Its a fear if dieing combined with telling people i was gored in the butt. But i've only ever really been skydiving thats probably the most dngerous thing i've done. And no i have been to bridgeday.

Jamere Harston

Samuel Cox said...

That video is crazy. it's funny to watch, but it's too dangerous for me. No I have never been to a bridge day. I wouldn't go ant way because it would be hard to watch. I've never really participated in a really dangerous event. I would like to watch the running of the bulls,but if it got bloody I would look away or leave. I might participate, but probably not because it doesn't seem worth it.

Unknown said...

I don't know what Bridge Day is. I have participated in a dangerous activity though. I have gone shark fishing. The running of the bulls is an act of animal cruelty and it is nonsensically insane.

Unknown said...

Holy crap that looks fun! Just kidding I'd probably die. I've never really done anything dangerous except jump off of the balcony with cardboard taped to my arms. The Running of the Bulls looks fun but stupid to actually do.

Unknown said...

i have never been to a day like thats crazy but id porply try it it looks fun . and

corey payne said...

I have never been to bridge day. I have never been in dangerous activities. I would watch the Running with the Bulls but I would never participate in it.

Unknown said...

This video is crazy! I would never run with the bulls. I don't even think this is stupid more than funny. "Running with the bulls" is something that noone should ever do because it is absolutely crazy! I have never been to bridge day and have noidea what it is (lol).

-Kyzhay Cox 4/5th period

Unknown said...

NO, I have not been to bridge day. I also have not participated in any dangerous things because its dangerous.I would never witness a bull run because their stupid. And also I will never run in one.

Nichole Grant 1st-2nd

zwolford28@gmail.com said...

To my opinion, I really don't understand spainish culture even though I have spainsh class. I think people who run with bulls are insane. I've heard of Brigde Day but I've never gone to it. I would like to do the activites on Bridge Day. I've never been to a dangerous event in my life. For once, I would never do anything stupid like bull running. I'd never do it because I don't want to be ran over and I wouldn't like it if I had a bull's horn stuck in my stomach.

Zach Wolford 6th-7th period

Unknown said...

No I haven't been to Bridge Day. It seems to dangerous. Why would anyone do it even if you get paid if you do. I have never participated in a dangerous event fpr some good reasons. One it could kill me. Two I'm pretty sure I don't get paid. I definitly would love to see thos for real. It sounds fun to watch. It can be fun. I bet the rest of my family would love to see it.

-Jacob Branch 4th

Anonymous said...

I'm not exactly sure what Bridge day is. I haven't really participated in anything too dangerous. In fact, I can't recall anything dangerous or life-threatening in my past. I wouldn't participate in Running of the Bulls. I've seen segments in t.v. shows that are about animals about people getting seriously injured or killed by being impaled by the bull's horns or getting trampled. So, running from bulls is not on my bucket list. I think it is a dangerous and risky thing to do that is also sort of weird.

Chloe Wean
1st&2nd period

Unknown said...

I have never been to Bridge Day because I'm scared of heights. I haven't attended anything that dangerous. No I would never like to be in the running of the bulls. Especially not witness it because that is really disgusting! I

Emma Copley said...

I've never been to bridge day, but my mom and dad both have. I hope to go to one someday. I have jumped off of a cliff into Tygert Lake. I think it would be awesome to do the running of the bulls. I think it would be cool to watch too.

Unknown said...

I have never been to bridge day nor do i know what that is. I went to a rock climbing event which i thought was pretty dangerous. I mean you're like 100 feet off the ground. It was freaky. I would love to witness running of the bulls even though it seems really dangerous. I'd be scared to run from them. You know considering im not that fast.

Unknown said...

I have never been to any dangerous event besides a football game which isn't all that bad. I probably would not like any of that just because of how people are put at risk. I don't think it is right to do that to someone but that isn't my call I hope those are cancelled one day.

Unknown said...

I have never been to bridge day. I hope t go to one someday in my near future. I have jumped off a roof into a trampoline and a cliff into a lake. I would love to go to the running of the bulls one day. I would only be watching it would be very fun to watch.
Hydia George
1/2 period.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think this would be a fun, adrenaline rushing experience. It would be a nice trip to do. I have never been to Bridge Day I would love to do stuff like this. It separates you from the status quote. If I ever had the oppriutiny to do this I would push and push to have these experiences. Life is to short not to chase experience.
Hayden Moran 1/2

Unknown said...

I think this day is insane! Why would people think it's fun to get trampled by bulls? Next, I have never been to Bridge day.
I think it would be really fun! I know it could be dangerous, but it would be cool to be floating through the air. I would not attend the Running of the bulls day. I think it would be really funny to watch the people in it though. I have never attened any dangerous events in my life like that. The closest to dangerous event would probably be climbing up rocks and cliffs at Black Water Falls. Finally, if you do not take risks in life sometimes, you will miss out on many opportunities.

Unknown said...

I think running of the bulls is dumb. I know it is part of their culture but I would never ever participate in the running of the bulls. I have never been to a bridge day event but would like to see them do it and maybe even like to participate when I get older. I can't recall me ever being at a dangerouse event nor participating in one. But I do stuff that some people would probly call stupid or dangerous. I will never be running with the bulls cause they are probly faster then you and they got horns. I also wil never go to spain to watch running of the bulls because I am not watching people get hurt or killed then the bulls getting totured or killed afterward for being force to do that. I guess I am saying they got their customs and people got a chioce to do their own thing and get hurt but I choose not to.

Unknown said...

well all i have to say is running with the bulls is stupid like who wants to go runn with bulls and get killed when you can get that money from working at your job but no that is not my thing. id probably do it if i was dared to do it and i was with my friend other wise i wouldnt do it i wouldnt kill my self running with the bulls abvousley thats stupid to do there is no point.

Unknown said...

Bridge day is a very popular event in feyette county. I use to live in feyette county in a small town called Oak Hill. Which is about 5 minutes away from the bridge. I use to crose the bridge every day. It is ginormis. I have been to bridge day twice. It is the only time in the year that you are aloud to walk on the bridge. Any other time it is very illegal, it also is a big fine. Reason being is because many people are depressed and want to kill themselves. The government doesn't want that. But at bridge the are base jumpers, and many other things. Now there is a walk way under the bridge if you are brave enough. It is west virginia's 8th wonder.

Elijah Cunningham 4th and 5th

Unknown said...

I think that is really insane! The reason why is that you could see your best friend killed or you could laugh from them running like, well bulls. But, I have been to Bridge day and it is crazy fun! One year I saw someone do 6 flips! Plus, you landed it by realeasing his parachute at about 300 feet left. Plus, I would like to do the running of the bulls. The reason why is that I would actually jump onto a dumpster and climb up. Then I will follow them all to the finish line.
~Dylan Ozie 4/5th~

Unknown said...

I would never do the running of the bulls and i would not do it because it is stupid and I'm not getting killed running from a stupid bull. I will probably run from it if it came after me. I haven't been to bridge day and probably won't because I don't want to throw parties for bridges.

Unknown said...

I have never been to Bridge Day. I would like yo go though. It would be a fun experience. I think it would be fun to jump of a bridge. Im not afraid of heights so it would be cool. I would not like to run with the bulls. That would be really, really scary. I dont want to get chased by a bull and get stabbed with the horns. Who would do that stuff.

Unknown said...

I can't believe how dangerous and crazy this event is! The people were getting completely battered and injured by the bulls. I know I would never want to attend or participate in this event! It's much too violent and scary for my liking. I haven't really ever been to a dangerous event because I don't enjoy stuff like that. Sure, it would be something very rare to do, but it could cost you your life. Bridge Day sounds thrilling and exciting, but I'll never take that life or death chance! Overall, this event really scary and unnerving, so I don't really like it!

Angela DeLorenzo said...
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Angela DeLorenzo said...

I really don't understand why people do things like Running of the Bulls. The most thrilling thing I've ever done was cross the street with the stop sign up! I just now found out what Bridge Day was and I think that would be an awesome thing to participate in, but I would want to see someone do it before I jumped. I haven't really been to any dangerous events, unless if a West Virginia game counts. Those games are dangerous when you go into them, everyone is pushing and shoving. It is like Running of the Bulls without actually having the bulls. If I ever had the option to participate in the Running of the Bulls, I maybe would but I would probably try to escape before I ran a few feet.
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Personally I have never been to Bridge day, but I think it would be very exciting. I'm not positive what it is, but it would be very cool to see people jumping off of the New River Gorge Bridge. I have never really done anything too crazy, but one time my soccer team and I went ding-dong-ditching in my buddies neighborhood. We were actually chased through the streets by a white truck, which was pretty scary. In a way it kind of resembles the running of the bulls. I honestly don't know if I would participate in the running of the bulls. I would have to decide when the time came.
Isaac Swiger/1-2/10-1-13

Unknown said...

I have never been to bridge day and I don't know if I would ever want to do it. I have participated in a dangerous event when I went hiking and got lost and keep getting hurt.I would never ever participate in running with the bulls and I would never want to see this happen in real life.
4th&5th period

Unknown said...

I have never been to bridge day and I don't know if I would ever want to do it. I have participated in a dangerous event when I went hiking and got lost and keep getting hurt.I would never ever participate in running with the bulls and I would never want to see this happen in real life.
4th&5th period

Unknown said...

I have never been to bridge day and I don't know if I would ever want to do it. I have participated in a dangerous event when I went hiking and got lost and keep getting hurt.I would never ever participate in running with the bulls and I would never want to see this happen in real life.
4th&5th period

Quentin Davis said...

I have not been to the bridge nor in anything dangerous. I would not like to be in the running of the bulls, it looks scary, freaky, and hurtful. Those people are either crazy, tough, seek danger, or think its fun.
Quentin Davis.6/7

Unknown said...

That is crazy. I have never been to bridge day. the most dangerous thing iv ever done is ride a roller coaster. I Would never participate or watch the running of the bulls

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think that the running of bulls event is dumb. People could get really injured. No I have never been to bridge day but I want to go it looks cool and extreme. I is so cool when the bungi jump from that high. Me I have never been in a dangerous event besides when we were in key west. There was a performance and they called me up. There was a guy on a ten foot tall unicycle and I have to throw knives to him. I would never want to have to run from bulls while people watch me that would not be fun at all.

Keaton Linger 1-2

Cole Weaver said...

I have never in my life been to Bridge Day. As far I remember the most dangerous event I did was help my dad clean the gutters and put new shingles on our roof. The roof is about 18 feet high off the ground. It’s really scary when you look over the edge and just image falling.my mom does not like it when I walk around on it. We recently have had to replace some of the shingles on the roof. I would love to be a part of the Running of the Bulls. I guess it is because I like doing stupid things.

Cole Weaver said...

I have never in my life been to Bridge Day. As far I remember the most dangerous event I did was help my dad clean the gutters and put new shingles on our roof. The roof is about 18 feet high off the ground. It’s really scary when you look over the edge and just image falling.my mom does not like it when I walk around on it. We recently have had to replace some of the shingles on the roof. I would love to be a part of the Running of the Bulls. I guess it is because I like doing stupid things.

Anonymous said...

This event and the video are insane and crazy! I wouldn't really like to participate in this or even watch it since it is just complete madness and all out chaos. I know that it is tradition in Spain but I wouldn't do it, and also I like to be alive so i'm not gonna risk the chance by running in this thing. I have never been to bridge day or any dangerous event that wasn't staged. All in all, I would never like to see this event because of all the gore and violence.
-Spencer Dublin 6/7th

Unknown said...

I think the running of the bulls is kinda cool just because of the creativity and rush of it all. I have never been to bridge day but I would like to go. I'm not scared of heights but jumping off a bridge might be a little to much. A time i've been in a dangerous event is when I tried to catch a cottonmouth snake with my hands. When I release it after I caught it I almost got bit. I would like to participate in the running of the bulls because I like adrenaline and it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Unknown said...

In my opinion I don’t understand why people would run around being chased by bulls for fun. I think it would be fun to watch, but not to participate in. I have never been to bridge day. I think it would be a fun event to participate in. I have always wanted to go bungee jumping and I think it would be really cool to be able to jump off of the New River Gorge Bridge. I have never really participated in a dangerous event.

Kayla Lough 1-2 period

Unknown said...

I have never participated in Bridge Day. I honestly don't know much about Bridge Day either. I have done many dangerous events. A lot of the events though, have come from stupid decisions. I think that the Running with the Bulls activity isn't safe and I don't think it's for me. I think that people hurting themselves for entertainment is dumb and irresponsible. I would probably be scared to even go near a bull anyway.

Stephanie Allen

Unknown said...

Running with the Bulls would be a dangerous thing to do. If you are crazy enough to try it, you better be a really fast runner.

I've never been to Bridge Day, but I've watched videos on YouTube. It looks like lots of fun. I'd love to try it some day.

As for dangerous events, I've road in the car with my sister, so you could call that dangerous. Just kidding! She's a very careful driver when I'm in the car with her.

This summer at Kennywood, I rode the SkyCoaster with my friend's mom and sister. They harnessed us in and pulled us up very high in the sky. I pulled the cord and we flew out over the park. It was amazing and one of the best experiences of my life. I was singing "I believe I can fly" the whole time. I know it wasn't that dangerous, but that's as close to dangerous as I've ever gotten.

Gentry M said...

I have to say I have never been to a bridge day. I think that people are crazy for wanting to jump off of a high bridge. I would certainly never want to participate in a bridge day because I am scared of heights. I also would never participate in the running of the bulls. I just don't understand the whole point of wanting to risk your life by voluntarily running with mad bulls that could kill you. The most dangerous event that I have ever see was the bull riding at the rodeo. The bulls have stomped right on top of the person riding them. It is crazy what people do for fun in this generation.

Gentry Morrone
1-2 period

Allison Crites said...

I have never been to Bridge Day, but I think it would be a cool thing to watch. However, I don't think I could jump off of the bridge. I would never participate in the Running of the Bulls either. It's so ridiculous that people voluntarily risk their lives in something so stupid! Judging by this video, I wouldn't want to watch it either. The most dangerous thing I have done is whitewater rafting during a thunderstorm. This, to me, was the most terrifying thing ever, then again I was only 6. That is still not nearly as dangerous as participating in the Running of the Bulls or Bridge Day.

Unknown said...

I have never been to Bridge Day and this is my first time ever learning about it, but it looks like it could be a lot of fun to participate in. I've never really participated in any very dangerous event in my life. I think I would like to watch the Running of the Bulls, but I would never actually participate in the run. It may be fun to some people but I'd rather not risk my life doing something like that.

Unknown said...

I have never been to bridge day. I didn’t even know there were such things as jumping off a bridge. I think that is kind of stupid. I have participated in a couple of dangerous events. One of them was a fight. I also have been rock climbing. I would not like to participate in the running of the bulls because it is just stupid and gross. I don’t understand why people would even risk their life to run with some bulls down the street. I don’t think I would like to witness it either. I don’t think it would be that interesting.
~Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Unknown said...

Yes, my family and me go to bridge day every year. No I have never participated in a dangerous event. No I think the running of the bulls is stupid.

mariah said...
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mariah said...

I have never been to bridge day, and I don't even know what it is. I have been involved in many dangerous events. One time I jumped off a rock into the water, and if I didn't jump out far enough I would I have hit another rock. Also the rock pointed down and I could have fell off because one little girl right before me did. I would not like to participate or witness running of the bulls because I don't want to see that stuff happen right in front of me. I don't think it would be very fun to see all of that.

1-2 period Mariah Thompson

Unknown said...

I have never been to Bridge Day and I haven’t even heard of it until I read chapter two section two in my West Virginia history book. I would also not like to go to Bridge Day because it doesn’t seem that exciting and I would never bungee jump off a bridge. I have never participated in a dangerous event and neither have my parents. I would not like to witness or participate in the Running of the Bulls. I wouldn’t witness it because I could never comprehend why a person would deliberately run down a street with angry bulls chasing them. I would not participate in it because I do not want to die by being impaled in the skull or lung by a bull’s horn.

By: Jacqson Munro

Unknown said...

No I have never been to a bridge day and I don't plan on it. It is crazy people jumping off the high bridges. I have never been in a dangerous event and I don't plan to be. I would never witness a bull running over someone. That's just stupid, because if they were your friend. What if they got really injured and you were just there laughing at them!

Elizabeth williams 1-2 period (:

Unknown said...

No I would not like to participate in the running with the bulls. Its just the fact of dieing or getting the horns in the butt. No I have never ben to bridge day and frankly I don't know what it is. the big event ive been in is a pirates game and that's all

Unknown said...

I haven't been to bridge day and now i never plan to. It's interesting but dangerous. It makes me really question why these people put themselves in situations like this. Just the thought of getting killed just because I participated in a stupid event sickens me. I don't see how people can willingly do these things. It's funny to much how stupid people are for participating in it but, I would never even think of doing it.

Unknown said...

I've never been to bridge day. I dont even know what it is. I have participated in many dangerous events. One of the dangerous events i've been to is bungie jumping. Bungie jumping is very fun thing to do, it gives you a rush. I would not like to witness the running of the bulls. I dont because dont want to see multiple people get trampled by bulls right in front of my face. I dont want to participate in it because I dont want to get ran over by a bull. I dont think it would be very fun.

Unknown said...

No I have never been to bridge day! I would be really scared to jump of a high bridge like that! I really have never been to a dangerous event like this and I don't think I want to ever go to one! It would be a little bit scary. Somebody could be hurt very bad! I would never want one of my friends or family members to go this because they could be killed! People do the craziest things!
1-2 period

Anonymous said...

No I have never been to the bridge day and have never done anything extremely dangerous. To begin with, I think the running of the bulls is foolish. I would noy participate in it for the simple fact that it is easy to get hurt while running. Also, it's kind of like when your in the woods and you spot a bear. You don't just take off running because the bear will come after you. You have to stay still and wait for it to move away and go in the opposite direction of you. In this case, for the running of the bulls, your the idiot that runs from the bear.

Anonymous said...

Haley Johnson 4/5

Unknown said...

I have never been to a bridge day before but I would like to but i would not want to bungee jump off a bridge. With my luck the bungee cord would probably break when I jump. Even though that has probably never ever happened. I would never want to do running with the bulls in the first place. I wouldn't want to go see one either. I have never been to a dagerous event in my life and neither has my mom and dad. If I had to be in a bull run i would be in the back of all of the bulls

Unknown said...

I have never been to Bridge Day, but I would really like to go. I have never participated in a dangerous event because I want to stay alive. I never want to see the running with the bulls, because it is stupid to want to get a horn through them. I never want to be in the running with the bulls, because I don’t want to die.

Unknown said...

I have never been to Bridge Day because I have never heard of it. I haven't attended anything that dangerous because honestly I am scared of anything like that. No I would never like to be in the running of the bulls because I could die or get seriously injured. Especially not witness it because that is really disgusting!
-Nakiyah Maddox 6th and 7th period

Derrick Nulph said...

I have only been in one dangerous event at a shooting range. My uncle and I were having a clay shooting contest and he was doing it one eye shut. I have never been to bridge day but I would like to. I will never partake in the running of the bulls every not even for all the money in the world if there was any.

Derrick Nulph said...

by derrick nulph

Sydnee Boyles said...

I have never been to Bridge Day, but I know a lot of people attend it. I have also never participated in a dangerous event! I don’t really like dangerous and gory things… With that said, I would never participate in the Running of the Bulls. Just watching that video and seeing how terrifying it would be too actually be there and see all of those people get trampled would horrible. I personally wouldn’t even stand in the stands!
Sydnee Boyles- 6th/7th

Unknown said...

I have never been to Bridge Day, nor do I know what it is. I don't think I've ever participated in a dangerous event either. I might want to watch people participate, but I would not want to do it myself. I don't understand why anyone would want to do something like that.

~Tressa Floyd~ 6/7

Unknown said...

I think going to see the running of the bulls would be fun but i wouldn't participate in it. I have herd of bridge day before iv'e never been there but would like to go. I think it would be really fun to jump off a bridge on a bugie chord. I am a daring person love to be crazy. But im not stupid. Bridge day would be fun but running with bulls is stupid.

Daphne Munro
1/2 period

Unknown said...

I have never been to Bridge Day. jumping off a bridge doesnt sound too exciting to me. I would be to scared. I get scared very easily. I have never participated in a dangerous event. I woulldnt be stupid enought to do anything dangerous. I wouldnt ever want to watch riding with the bulls, becuase I dont like to see eople gettign hurt. I wouldnbt want to participate in iut either. I would never do anything like that i would be way too scared!

Unknown said...

The running bulls stuff is like seriously the stuipdest thing I have honeslty ever heard of. Like why in the right state of mind would you wanna put yourself in danger to run from a bull. Like that is so pointless. Why would you wanna get chaced by a bull knowing if the bull gets you will be dead there is no saving you!

Unknown said...

No,I have never been to Bridge Day. It's just not something I would want to take part in at all. I have never participated in a dangerous event because I don't want to get hurt or anything along those lines. I wouldn't even want to go to the Running of the Bulls because it is kinda stupid and I don't understand the point of this weird activity.

Unknown said...

dominique piercy 4/5 period ^^

Unknown said...

No I have never particapated in a dangerous event and I dont think I plan to

Unknown said...
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dante stills said...

No i havent been to a bridge day beause i heard that it was really dangerous and there alot of deaths, and yes ive been to a dangerous sport, and yes i would like to go see a running of the bull , because i see it on tv all the time

Unknown said...

I have never participated in bridge day. I have heard of bridge day but never participated in bridge day. also I have never been in anything dangerous except for cheerleading. I would not like to watch or participate in running of the bulls.

by bobbi
6/7th period

Unknown said...

I have never participated in bridge day. I have heard of bridge day but never participated in bridge day. also I have never been in anything dangerous except for cheerleading. I would not like to watch or participate in running of the bulls.

by bobbi
6/7th period

Unknown said...

I have never paricpated in Bridge day. I have heard of it but, even if went I would never do anything there. I never was a into adrinaline sports. I dont think I would ever watch the running of the bulls. I would never for any amount of money participate in the running of the bulls. I wouldnt be able to watch someone get mauld like they do in the video