Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Greatest Photos of All Time

Each of the Photographs in this video represent a very important time in history or a gut wrenching human emotion. Select one of the photographs in the video and comment upon it and the circtumstances which surround it.


Emma Copley said...

The picture at 1:40 shows the Beatles crossing Abbey Road. In 1969, The Beatles recorded what is considered its greatest album. Although released just before the "Let It Be" album, "Abbey Road" was the last album the band recorded before breaking up in 1970.At first glance, the photo is rather simplistic. But there are some fine details that make it a historical image that is often reconstructed or parodied. A few examples are that Paul McCartney is barefoot, and John, George and Paul are decked out in suits designed, while George is wearing blue jeans. This photo is very historical and is well known by many people.

Unknown said...

The first photo in the video was of Neil Armstrong's boot print on the moon from July 21, 1969. His famous words were: "That's one small stop for man, one giant leap for mankind." He was a part of the Apollo 11 mission that landed the first humans on the moon. The other astronauts on the mission were Buzz Aldrin (who also walked on the moon) and Michael Collins who piloted the command shuttle. The mission lasted for eight days. It was President Kennedy's goal for the United States to reach the moon before the end of the 60's. He did not live to see this because he was assassinated six years before. In 2009, Congress gave the three astronauts each a Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest civilian award in the United States. Neil Armstrong passed away in 2012 at the age of 82.

zwolford28@gmail.com said...
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zwolford28@gmail.com said...

The picture at 6:18 shows a man who clammed to die in 9/11. On 9/11/01, was a hororific day for Americans to lose their loved ones, who died at the World Trade Centers, The Pentigon, and the feild in Pennsyvania. The terrorist attack was lead by Osama Bin Laden, but who was assainated by Seal Team 6 in 2011. In the picture you can see the wonderful city of New York City. But you can see the one of few planes that crashed in 9/11. To my opinion the picture looks fake because, the photo should have been destroyed. Plus, the camera man and the person in the picture should have seen and heard the plane coming towards the tower.

By: Zach Wolford

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The picture shown in 3:53 is a picture of the Hindenburg zepplin crashing. It happened on Thursday May 6, 1937 when it crashed. It crashed at the Lakehurst Navak Air station. There was many casualities. There was 36 passengers and 61 crewmen on the zepplin includung 14 crewmen in training. 35 died out of the 97. 13 passengers and 22 crewmen died. One guy died on the ground as a ground crewman. The fire was started by the ignition of the fuel. It caught on fire at exactly 8:45 and then took 32 to 37 seconds to crash to the ground. It was one of the worst crashes in history. I feel sorry for the people who died that day.

-Jacob Branch

Unknown said...

The picture at 1:21 is Albert Einstein. He was a genius. Not only was a great at science but was amazing at math. Albert was born in Germany. When his family moved to Italy later he went to school in Switzerland. He trained to be a teacher in mathematics and physics. He also got his diploma but he wasn't a citizen of Switzerland so he took a job as a technical assitant at Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he earned his doctors degree. After World War two, Einstein became a figure in World Government Movement. He also got a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

Jenna Petracca
1 period

Unknown said...

The picture at 4:02 is of Adolf Hitler with two men. Those two men were Albert Speer, Hitler’s architect, and Arno Breker, his favorite sculptor. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazis who killed many people across Germany and other locations in Europe. Adolf Hitler believed in white supremacy and was racist against Jewish people. He believed in a perfect race of humans that had to have blonde hair and blue eyes. Adolf Hitler committed suicide with his wife on April 30, 1945. An interesting thing about Hitler is that before his rise to supremacy he was a decorated World War One veteran.
By: Jacqson Munro

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The photo I chose was the photo of the two men hanging from the tree well the two men got hung from the tree. This had to be the time when if you didn't do something the correct way you got hung. There were many people standing there looking at the two dead men hanging from the tree the people looking at the men look lost , confused. They're probably wondering what the two people did so bad gone hung from a tree. Nobody deserves to die no matter what nobody in the right state of mind should hang people from a tree. Somebody needs to help them men and get them down that so not right for them to just be hanging there and the people just standing there looking at them pointing and looking all confused and lost.

Anonymous said...

The picture at 0:18 is a photo of the Pillars of Creation. The Pillars are an interstellar gas and dust cloud in the Eagle Nebula. The Eagle Nebula is at least 7,000 light years away from Earth. The picture was taken the Hubble Telescope on April 1, 1995 and was named one of the top ten photographs from Hubble. The astronomers given credit for the photo were Jeff Hester and Paul Scowen. They are named that way because the gas and dust in the Pillars are in the process of making new stars. The Pillar to the left is measured to be 6 to 7 light years long.

Unknown said...

The picture at 0:27 is a photo of six soldiers raising the flag at Iwo Jima. The names of the soldiers are Mike Strank, Harlon Block, Franklin Sousley, Ira Heyes, Rene Gagnon, and John Bradley. Though I won't go into full detail about each soldier I will discuss Mike. Mike was the Sergeant and leader of the group, and was the one who ordered to raise the flag. His reason for doing so being, "so every marine on the cruddy island can see it." Sadly, Mike, along with Harlon and Franklin did not return from Iwo Jima, but they all died as national heroes and monuments to our nation.

Unknown said...

The photo at 1:17 is a picture of what has been said to be the greatest scientist in the history, "Albert Einstein"! He is very famous for inventing the theory that e=mc times mc. This theory lead to creating atomic bombs and nuclear energy. Many would say his work led to the end of World War 2 and the beginning of the Cold War. I say the bad is outweighed by all the good that comes from Einstein’s work. April 18 1995 was a very sad day in science when Albert Einstein passed away. Einstein's legacy will remain a testament for future students of science.

Unknown said...

The picture at 11:00 seconds show the first step on the moon. The first step on the moon was on July 20, 1969, on 20:18 the Apollo 11 spaceflight landed the first Americans to get to the moon. The two first to actually Neil Armstrong, and his buddy Buzz Aldrin, also with Neil Armstrong famous words. That's one step for man and one giant leap for mankind. Now on August 26, 2013 Neil Armstrong would be 83 years of age, but Neil Armstrong date of death was (1930-2012) died at age 82, R.I.P Neil Armstrong, now Buzz Aldrin was born on January 20, 1930 and now at the age of 83 all the mission he was in was Gemini 12, and of course Apollo 11.

Unknown said...

The picture of Muhammad Ali in the video, at 4 minutes 17 seconds, shows him standing over Sonny Liston. The fight took place on May 25, 1965, for the WBC heavy weight championship. At the time of the fight Muhammad Ali's name was actually Cassius Clay. Muhammad was also an Olympic champion in 1960. Muhammad was very clever, he has hundreds of quotes, but my favorite one would have to be, "To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you're not, pretend you are." This picture really shows me that Muhammad had no fear of failure as he stood over Liston taunting him to get back up. I hope I'm like Muhammad and don't fear failure.

Unknown said...
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Samuel Cox said...

The picture at 3:20 shows the plane that the Wright brother's invented. In 1903, that they made their first successful flight. it lasted twelve seconds, and was the first man piloted, sustained, controlled flight that used it's own power. It also took place at Kitty Hawk. Kitty Hawk was picked for it's wind, hilly terrain, and remote location. Also before being the father's of flight they owned a humble bicycle shop. They also had to create their own engine because car engines were too heavy. This picture is very well known by many people today.

Unknown said...

At 4:20 in the video showed a picture of Cassius clay (his name had not been changed to Muhammad Ali yet) Standing over top of his opponent Sonny Liston. The two fought for the boxing world heavyweight championship. It is the fourth greatest sports moment of the Twentieth Century. Liston was the most intimidating fighter of his day, and considered by some, at the time of the Clay fight, as among the best heavyweights of all time. Many were courageous to meet him in the ring. Henry Cooper, the British champion, said that if Cassius Clay won, he was interested in a title fight, but if Liston won, he was not going to get in the ring with him. Cooper's manager Jim Wicks said, "We don't even want to meet Liston walking down the same street." Everyone thought Liston would win. Some thought earlier than others but the end result was indifferent in people’s minds. That is until the fight. They come out and bang gloves then go back to await the ring of the bell. The bell rings and the match starts. Liston comes out swinging but Clay dodges. At the end of round one Clay gets a last second shock right to the jaw. That didn’t make Liston. The first round was Liston’s "worst round since becoming a boxer." some news reporter put down. At the beginning of round 2 Listor came out killing Clay with 1 2 combinations, left jab, right jab, and uppercut. The bell rang. Round 2 was over. Here is round 3. In the third round, Clay began to take control of the fight. At about 30 seconds he hit Liston with several combinations, causing a bruise under Liston's right eye and a cut under his left. At one point in this attack, Liston's knees buckled and he almost went down as he was driven to the ropes. Les Keiter, broadcasting at ringside, shouted, "this could be the upset of the century!" Mort Sharnik described the moment "Cassius hit Liston with a 1 2 combination, a jab followed by a straight right. Cassius pulled the jab back and there was a mouse underneath Sonny's right eye. Then he pulled the right back and there was a gash underneath the other eye."My God, Cassius Clay is winning this fight!" A clearly angered Liston rallied at the end of the round, as Clay seemed tired, and delivered punishing shots to Clay's body. It was probably Liston's best moment in the entire fight. But as the round ended, Clay shouted to him, "you big sucka, I got you now." Sitting on the bench between rounds, Liston was breathing heavily as his corner men worked on his cut. During the fourth clay coasted keeping his distance. Not much happened. Clay had some type of substance in his eye and couldn’t see but a faint outline of Liston. he somehow survived round 5. Clay’s vision cleared and the bell sounded for the start of the 6th but only Clay came out. Listons shoulder was paralyzed due to multiple blows to the shoulder. His trainer tells him he can’t go out and he must end the fight. Liston spit out his mouth guy out of disgust and Clay was the first to realize. In the middle of the ring Clay starting dancing to what soon became Ali shuffle. Cassius Clay had just made history.-Caleb Masters

Unknown said...

The photo at 0:18 is of star formations in the Eagle Nebula. The cloud pillars, which are also called, "Pillars of Creation", are made up of interstellar hydrogen gas and dust. The Eagle Nebula is VERY far away and VERY old. In 2007 the Spitzer Telescope observed hot gas, suggesting that the pillars were disturbed by a supernova that exploded many, many years ago. Inside of them, astronomers have found EGGS (which stand for Evaporating Gaseous Globules). This is where the stars are being created.

Unknown said...

The photo I've selected was the one of Neil Armstrong's footprint on the moon. Neil was the first man to walk on the moon. Only minutes later by Buzz Aldrin. Their Accomplishment placed the United States of the Soviets in the Space Race. This day Occurred on July,20,1969 on the Apollo 11 mission. I choose this photo because I thought it was a really good picture to choose. He passed away on August,25,2012.

Unknown said...

The photo at 0:06 shows the first step on the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. It happened 1969 of July 21. The mission that he was on was called Apollo 11. It was the goal was to beat the soviet union. The united states had achieved that goal. Neil Armstrong actually didn’t die to long ago it was in 2012. We are now setting our goals much higher like trying to set foot on mars safely.

Unknown said...

I chose the picture at 3:08. The picture is about a guy on a typical morning that jumped out of one of the Twin Towers to end his misery. This was on September 11, 2001, the tragic day that many people died due to careless terrorist attacks on the United States. If it wasn't up to that, 2,996 more people would've been here. Two planes hit each of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

----John Oliver

Cole Weaver said...

The photo I choses was at 2:46. It is called “Lunch atop a Skyscraper”. It shows 11 men dangling their feet hundreds of feet in the air. There is another picture were the same people were napping on the girder. This is the construction of the GE Building at Rockefeller Center in 1932. The photo was taken by Charles C. Ebbets. He took the photo on September 29, 1932, and it appeared in the New York Herald Tribune in its Sunday photo supplement on October 2. The picture was taken on the 69th floor of the GE Building during the last several months of construction.

Cole Weaver said...

The photo I choses was at 2:46. It is called “Lunch atop a Skyscraper”. It shows 11 men dangling their feet hundreds of feet in the air. There is another picture were the same people were napping on the girder. This is the construction of the GE Building at Rockefeller Center in 1932. The photo was taken by Charles C. Ebbets. He took the photo on September 29, 1932, and it appeared in the New York Herald Tribune in its Sunday photo supplement on October 2. The picture was taken on the 69th floor of the GE Building during the last several months of construction.

Unknown said...

At 2:38, there's a group of workers sitting on a girder of the Empire State Building. They were sitting and either eating lunch or talking about plans. The construction of the Empire State Building was done without safety equipment in 1929 and it wasn't finished until 1931. It was the highest building ever built at the time, 102 floors high. It's been named one of the seven wonders of the modern world.

~Tressa Floyd 6/7~

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The first picture was Neil Armstong's print from his boot on the moon. In 1969 Neil was part of the Apollo 11 mission, while doing this he was the very first to accomplish this dream. A couple minutes late the second person to walk one the moon was Buzz Aldrin. There was also another man with them that was part of the Apollo 11 but did not walk on the moon, he was Michael Collins and was the pilot of the shuttle. They were the first Americans to ever make it to the moon! Because of that when they returned they received a special medal. Neil Armstrong died at the age of 82 (1930-2012).

Kayla Lough 1-2

Allison Crites said...

The picture shown at 2:37 is called "Lunch atop a Skyscraper". This picture shows 11 construction workers casually eating lunch on a beam 840 feet above the New York streets. The men were working on the construction of Rockefeller Center. None of them were wearing safety harnesses, for this photo was taken during the Great Depression when people were desperate for jobs. The photograph was taken by Charles C. Ebbets on September 20, 1932. The 11 men in the picture (left to right) are Martin O'Shaughnessy, James Joy, Austin Lawton, John Cook, Claude Stragg, John Madden, "Stretch" Donahue, Francis Rafferty, Thomas Enright, Thomas Naughton, and Patrick Glynn.

Alli Crites

Allison Crites said...

The picture shown at 2:37 is called "Lunch atop a Skyscraper". This picture shows 11 construction workers casually eating lunch on a beam 840 feet above the New York streets. The men were working on the construction of Rockefeller Center. None of them were wearing safety harnesses, for this photo was taken during the Great Depression when people were desperate for jobs. The photograph was taken by Charles C. Ebbets on September 20, 1932. The 11 men in the picture (left to right) are Martin O'Shaughnessy, James Joy, Austin Lawton, John Cook, Claude Stragg, John Madden, "Stretch" Donahue, Francis Rafferty, Thomas Enright, Thomas Naughton, and Patrick Glynn.

Alli Crites

Unknown said...

The picture at 0:50 is showing the lynching of two black men. These men were Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith. They were accused by a teenager and eventually is was founded the accusation was false. Many lynching photos were made as post cards to show civic pride. This photo was taken by Lawrence Beitler and the picture sold thousands of copies. It was taken at Marion, Indiana. Most lynchings were perpetrated in the South. Many hangings and beatings were called the sentence of "Judge Lynch." This photo was an inspiration for many poems,songs,and books. "Strange Fruit" by a Jewish poet Abel Meeropol was the most famous known poem for this. It was later sung by Billie Holiday.

~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd period~

Unknown said...

My dad is obsessed with boxing. I asked him about the fight and he got excited and i did to because that was a time we could bond with each other. Muhammad Ali against Sonny Liston. Who do you think won? Muhammad Ali of course. Sonny Liston's punch was tougher than Mike Tyson's. When Sonny fought Muhammad the first two times he won. This time Muhammad knocked him out of fame. I know more but it is hard to word. Muhammad knocked out Sonny in the first round but it took a while because it was one of the biggest fights that took place in 1964. I lused to not like boxing but since my dad watches it all the time i think ill probably have to get used to it.

Brittney Weaver 4/5

Unknown said...

I think that the picture of the hand out of the uterus is cool. The story behind that is the uterus was punctured and broke open. After that the mom and baby had to under go surgery to fix the uterus. Once the baby was back inside the mom it was inside her for two months after that. Then the baby was born but it was born with spina bifida and even though she had that problem she still kicked her legs as an infant which is rare for spina bifida patients. The babies name was Sarah Marie Switzer. Sarah was nine weeks premature. The operation took place on the day of July 1,1999.
by bobbi uphold

Unknown said...

The photo at 0:29 was taken on February 24, 1945, at Mt. Suribachi at Iwo Jima. This photo was of the famous second flag raising. This one was put up as the first flag was taken down. The original copy of this photo was cropped to make it look the way it does. Many of the men in this picture died soon after it was taken. It came to be regarded in the United States as one of the most significant and recognizable images of the war, and possibly the most reproduced photograph of all time. This photo was used to sculpt a Marine Corps War Memorial, located in Arlington National Cemetery, outside of Washington D.C.
-Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Unknown said...

The picture at 5:18 shows a child, most likely in pain, dying of starvation in a third world country. Many people all over the planet die of starvation every day and I chose this picture because not enough people know that families across the world would do anything for your table scraps. If you look closely, you can see a hungry vulture waiting for the child to die.
-Joren Cloutier

Unknown said...

The picture at 00:58 I thought was interesting. This picture is a photograph of a woman was really big and deep eyes. When I look in her eyes, I feel as if she is saying that she needs help someway. She reminds me of all the homeless and help less people in Africa, Indonesia, and other foreign countries that are suffering of hunger and sickness. Its funny when you can look into a picture and see a whole other story be actually thinking about what you see instead of how it looks.

~Madison Brotosky 6/7

Sydnee Boyles said...

The picture I liked the most was the photograph at 0:06. This picture shows the first footsteps man had on the moon. Apollo 11 moon landing took place on July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong was the first person to ever set foot on the moon! As you can imagine, it must have been an amazing opportunity… Even though lots of people had their doubts about the space launch, NASA proved them wrong. Also, a famous quote from Neil is, “On small step for man, one giant leap for man kind.” Neil’s first space launch was on the Gemini 8, in 1966. Armstrong was 38 years old once he first stepped on the moon. His buddy, Buzz Aldren, accompanied him on this space trip along with Michael Collins. Buzz and Armstrong collected about 47.5 pounds of lunar material for return to Earth. July 20, 1969 is a big chunk in history and will be remembered forever!
-Sydnee Boyles 6-7th period

Unknown said...

The picture at 04:51 shows an American atomic bomb exploding in Hiroshima, Japan at 8:15 A.M. on August 6, 1945. This bomb was perhaps one of the biggest tragedies in Japanese history. The difficult decision to drop the bomb was made by President Harry Truman during World War II in the time of the Nazi rule. Japan, part of the Axis (Nazi) Alliance, had refused to surrender many times leading to the use of the bomb. President Truman decided to use the bomb because he thought it would shorten the war. This destructive atomic bomb, labeled "Little Boy", left behind many devastating effects. It demolished houses and buildings within a 1.5 mile radius. The long term effects were even more disastrous. These included deformed babies, retardations, radiation sickness, and mental shock. The total death loss was an estimated 200,000. The "Little Boy" left a devastating and tragic not so little scar on Japan for forever.

Unknown said...

Written by Raimah Hossain....6/7th period

Anonymous said...

The photo at 30 seconds was a picture of six soldiers raising a flag. The first U.S. flag raised Suribachi, soon after the raising it was captured in the early morning on February 23, 1945. The famous picture was actually the second flag they raised. On the day of the raising, at noon, the Marines reached the top of the mountain. Once they all made it to the top of the mountain they actually considered turning around and not raising the second flag but they realized that the summit was an excellent view for taking pictures. Marine photographers Bil Genaust and Bob Campbell were killed in nine days after the flag was raised. This picture is historic and known very well by many people.

Anonymous said...

Written by Haley Johnson 4/5 period

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

The photo at 1:20 is no other than Albert Einstein. He was an amazing scientist who made his mark in the world. He is an inspiration to many people around the world. This photo has to be one of his best pictures ever because everyone loves the fact that his tongue is out. Albert was a very smart man, mastering both science and math. That is a very hard feat to accomplish. I'm sure you know this but he was born in Germany.
Dominique Piercy 4th and 5th period

Unknown said...

The picture 0:32 is the Iwo Jima flag. It was taken on February 23 1945. there were six people who were lifting the USA flag, four in the front and two in the back. In world war two is when all this happened. Now there is a lot of monuments of this day. From that day on forward there will always be a remembrence of that day

Zachary Ayers said...

Photo at .27 is the “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima”. Photograph was taken by Staff Sergeant Lowery on Feb. 23, 1945. It is an image of five American soldiers; Block, Sousley, Strank, Gagnon and Hayes, raising an American flag at the top of Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War II and probably one of the most significant and recognizable images of the war. Taking the tiny island was vital to winning the war. Iwo Jima is located halfway between Japan and the Mariana Islands and was used by the Japanese as an early warning station, radioing warnings of incoming American bombers. Without the island and warning system, the Japanese military was weakened. This picture is not just about the soldiers or the war but is a symbol of our freedom and those who have fought and suffered and offered or given their lives, so we, as Americans, can live in this great nation as free people. We should honor every man and women who has served in our military. It makes me feel proud to say “I am an American!”

Kaycee Cox said...

The picture at 1:06 shows Sharbat Gula (Afghan Girl). The photo was taken in December of 1984 when she was approximately 12 years old. She became recognized when the picture was featured on the cover of the June 1985 issue of National Geographic Magazine. When the photograph was taken Gula was living as a refugee in Pakistan during the time of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Gula was orphaned during the Soviet Union's bombing of Afghanistan, and she was sent to the Nasir Bagh refugee camp in Pakistan in 1984. Gula her siblings and grandmother sought after the refugee camp due to her village being attacked by Soviet helicopter gunships sometime in the early 1980s. The Soviet strike killed both of her parents.
By: Kaycee Cox 4th period

Unknown said...

The picture at 3:02 is of a man jumping of a building. This was 911. In this photo he was most likely trying to save his life. This guy was jumping off the building because it was crashing to the ground. This happened on September eleventh 2001 in New York City. This was one of the most tragic days in the world. There were so many people that lost family and friends on this day. I don't remember this because I was on one year old, but I hope nothing ever happens like this again!

kaitlyn vilain
1-2 period

Anonymous said...

The picture at 2:46 shows some workers who were building what looks like the Empire State Building. They are all sitting on a beam thousands of feet up eating lunch or taking a break. I think it's funny that they're all just sitting up there with that amazing view acting like it's just another day at work. The Empire State Building was built in 1929 and now that it's been around for 84 years, it's become a piece of American history. These were some of the people who helped make our country what it is today. I would have never worked on a building then. Partly because it was thousands of feet high and partly because I don't think they would let a girl do any physical work. If these workers could see how much we appreciate the Empire State Building now, I think they would be very proud they helped make it.

Unknown said...

The picture I chose was the one at 3:00 where the guy is falling in front of the buildings. The story behind it is that he jumped or fell out of a window in the World Trade Center when the building he was in was burning on 9/11. Some people fell because they were leaning out of the windows to get air because of all of the smoke. Some people jumped because they were burning from the fire. If it was me, I think I would rather jump because it would be over faster instead of burning to death and being in that much pain. I feel so bad for those people.

Quentin Davis said...

fifty seconds into the video there is a picture of a group of white men and women who were happy that two black men were hung and killed. The two men were hung just because they were black. the cirtumstances surrounding this picture would be racism, hatred, and disgrace.

Unknown said...

At 1:17 there is a picture of Albert Einstein with his tongue sticking out. Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physicst. He was born March 14, 1879 and died April 18, 1955. Albert was a science export he know all there was about science. He won a noble prize in physics. Einstein always appeared to have a clear view of the problems of physics and the determination to solve them. He had his only ways of finding out things. Albert received honorary doctorate degrees in science, medicine and philosophy from many European and American universities.
-Christa Nuzum 6/7 period

Unknown said...

The picture I liked the most was the photograph at 0:06. This picture shows the first footsteps man had on the moon. Apollo 11 moon landing took place on July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong was the first person to ever set foot on the moon! As you can imagine, it must have been an amazing opportunity… Even though lots of people had their doubts about the space launch, NASA proved them wrong. Also, a famous quote from Neil is, “On small step for man, one giant leap for man kind.” Neil’s first space launch was on the Gemini 8, in 1966. Armstrong was 38 years old once he first stepped on the moon. His buddy, Buzz Aldren, accompanied him on this space trip along with Michael Collins. Buzz and Armstrong collected about 47.5 pounds of lunar material for return to Earth. July 20, 1969 is a big chunk in history and will be remembered forever!
-Sydnee Boyles 6-7th period gabe robinson 4-5 periode

Unknown said...

The picture I liked the most was the photograph at 0:06. This picture shows the first footsteps man had on the moon. Apollo 11 moon landing took place on July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong was the first person to ever set foot on the moon! As you can imagine, it must have been an amazing opportunity… Even though lots of people had their doubts about the space launch, NASA proved them wrong. Also, a famous quote from Neil is, “On small step for man, one giant leap for man kind.” Neil’s first space launch was on the Gemini 8, in 1966. Armstrong was 38 years old once he first stepped on the moon. His buddy, Buzz Aldren, accompanied him on this space trip along with Michael Collins. Buzz and Armstrong collected about 47.5 pounds of lunar material for return to Earth. July 20, 1969 is a big chunk in history and will be remembered forever!
gab3 robinson 4 5 periode

Unknown said...

The picture I liked the most was the photograph at 0:06. This picture shows the first footsteps man had on the moon. Apollo 11 moon landing took place on July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong was the first person to ever set foot on the moon! As you can imagine, it must have been an amazing opportunity… Even though lots of people had their doubts about the space launch, NASA proved them wrong. Also, a famous quote from Neil is, “On small step for man, one giant leap for man kind.” Neil’s first space launch was on the Gemini 8, in 1966. Armstrong was 38 years old once he first stepped on the moon. His buddy, Buzz Aldren, accompanied him on this space trip along with Michael Collins. Buzz and Armstrong collected about 47.5 pounds of lunar material for return to Earth. July 20, 1969 is a big chunk in history and will be remembered forever!
-Sydnee Boyles 6-7th period gabe robinson 4-5 periode

Unknown said...

The photo I selected, presented at 6:20, shows a man standing atop the roof of the World Trade Center on 9/11, seemingly moments before the tower was hit by the plane. However, based on my research, I found the photo is a hoax, and the "tourist" shown has actually been manipulated into many pictures before. Also, it's highly unlikely that the camera taking the picture could survive such a fall once the tower collapsed. Next, 9/11 was a warm day, with the temperature landing in the high sixties. Yet, the man is wearing winter clothing, such as a warm hat and a heavy coat. Another flaw is, according to the picture, the man must have been standing on the South Tower, the one with the observation deck. On the other hand, the North Tower was struck first, so it's hard to believe the man would've been posing for a picture after the North Tower was hit. Finally, the plane featured in the photo is a different model than both planes that hit the towers, and the plane would have probably been blurry in the picture due to it's high velocity before the impact. In conclusion, this photograph has been proven a hoax, and there is lots of evidence to back up this assumption.-Kylie Bushko 6th period

Unknown said...

The picture of the civil people putting up the american flag. I like that because of all of it's history and importance to this country. this photo is so important because of the time it was place. Horrible time back then when the flag was placed.