Tuesday, August 13, 2013


What is your favorite sport? What is your favorite football team? Who is your favorite football player? What is the best sporting event you have ever attended?


dante stills said...

My favorite sport is football, and my favorite team is the baltimore ravens(nfl), my favorite player was ray lewis beacuse he retired now its ray rice , when my dad invited me to go to his biggest game that year steelers vs ravens , i'd had a great time that day and weekend

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite NFL football team is the New Orleans Saints. My favorite player is Drew Brees. I haven't been to any big sporting events and there i think way to loud for my hearing.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is Basketball. My favorite fb team is the baltimore ravens. My favorite football player is my friend's sister because she is a girl who plays. I have never atended any big sporting events other than a wvu football game and it was allot of fun.

Unknown said...


zwolford28@gmail.com said...

My favorite sport in the world is lacrosse. I feel the andrenaline when I have a lacrosse game or when my coach puts me on the feild. I dont have a favorite NFL team or College Football team. I just love watching the football game and enjoy it with my friends or family. My favorite football player is Payton Manning because he played on the Indianapolis Colts from 1998 through 2011. Now he is playing for the Denver Broncos. I've attended to a few of big sporting events for high school and middle school lacrosse touramets. The touraments are fun to watch and evne play. Ive also been to a lot of West Virginia basketball ad football games.

Zach Wolford 6th-7th period

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is golf it is so fun. My favorite football team is a tough decision but I would say it is the steelers. I like them because they are close and I like going to steeler games. My favorite football player is tavon austin who plays for the Rams. The best sporting game I ever attended was probably a night game it was the steelers playing I had so much fun. The crowd was loud and we were having a good time.

Keaton Linger 1-2

Anonymous said...

I don't really like any sports. I guess my favorite football team is the Mountaineers. The best sporting event I've been to is a Pirates baseball game because we went with my friend who is handicapped and we all got our own private seating that was close to the restaurants and stuff.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is a mix-up because I can't decide on either football or basketball. But I guess that I'll do both! My favorite football team is the Baltimore ravens from their tough defense, but my favorite player is not on their, but it is Tavon Austin of the St. Louis rams. I have went to a major sporting event, and it was the ravens verses the steelers. I had so much fun!

Kaycee Cox said...

My favorite sport is definitely soccer! I have played for as long as I can remember. It doesn't seem to be to well liked here in the United States, but world wide it is the most popular sport! I fell in love with the game when I first started and that feeling has not changed. I don't know to much about football so basically the only team I really know is the Mountaineers therefore that makes them my favorite football team. My favorite football player is probably Geno Smith. He played great for college, but I'm not sure about the NFL. He is a rather small player that will probably end up getting injured eventually. The best sporting event I have ever attended was a Columbus Crew soccer game in Ohio!

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is probably baseball. I'm not really big about just one sport but many. One of my favorite things is motocross whether you consider it a sport or not. Next, my favorite football team is the Steelers. My favorite football player would have to be Tavon Austin since he got drafted from WVU. The best sporting event I have ever been to, even though we didn't win, was the West Virginia state baseball tournament the past four years. I really enjoy playing an watching baseball.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is soccer. My favortie football team is the Chargers because I liked them when they used to be good. There not as good as they used to be. I still do though. My favortie player used to be Shaun Phillips, but he isnt't on the Chargers anymore. He played linebacker and then got moved to right end. I've been to a bunch of WVU games. My most important sporting event I went was a soccer tourtament. My team became state champions! It was a very good weekend because it was my first tourtament I've won in my whole life.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is hockey because its full of action and the players can get in fights and the referee can’t stop them unless it starts to get out of hand. My favorite football team is the Steelers. My favorite football player is Terence Garvin because he is from West Virginia but he plays for the Steelers. The best sporting event I ever went to was when I went to see the Wheeling Nailers versus the Toledo Walleyes. The reason I went to this game was because I had to play a game with the Wheeling kids team in their rink. The best part about it was that we got to play some hockey with the Nailers.

By: Jacqson Munro

Unknown said...

Im not really into sports but if i had to pick my favorit it would be swimmin if that counts. caus i like to swim and i don't realy have a favorit football team or player.

Unknown said...

Soccer is, without a doubt, my favorite sport. I've played since I was just five years old, and it's the only sport I play; hence, it takes up a major part of my time. Although I rarely watch football, my favorite team is definitely the Steelers since that's what my whole family has always rooted for! My grandparents often have cookouts whenever they play, so everyone can come watch the game together. If I had to choose, I would say that Tavon Austin is my favorite player because he seems to be really talented and I know a lot of people that like him as a player. Moving on, I've never been to any super huge soccer games, but I would absolutely love to one day! The best sporting event I've ever attended was last week. I went to watched the WVU women's and men's soccer teams play with my team, a recipe for tons of fun! To complete the night, luck was on my side and I caught a really cool t-shirt that was thrown into the stands! Even though I had a blast with my friends, I hope one day I can go to something even bigger. Near the top of my bucket list is to attend a USWNT soccer game, where I can cheer on my favorite soccer players! -Kylie Bushko 6th period

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is basketball because I know alot about it and I play it. My dad played basketball when he was younger.I like the football team the steelers.My favorite player is Ben Rothisbuger.The best sporting event I have ever been to will have to be when i went with my basketball team to see the girls moutineers play at the stadium.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is softball, all of the girls in my family have played softball and this year I will too! I practice pitching and batting alot with my aunt we have so much fun doing it because we enjoy the sport. My favorite football team is the Steelers, on that team my favorite player is Ben Rothisburger. I have never been to any major sporting events but I would like too!
Paige King
4th/5th period

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is basketball because ive played it for several years but had to quite. My favorite football team is the Baltimore ravens.My favorite football player is on the same team and it is Ray Rice. My favorite sporting event that I have attended was the super bowl last year it was so much fun and I had a blast

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is football. My favorite football team is the Washington Redskins. My favorite football player is Londen Fletcher. I never had time to go to a big sporting event.

Austin Cole
September 25,2013 at 3:15 PM

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is lacrosse. It's like football with a stick with a net and different rules. Its really competitive and fun. My favorite football team is probably the Packers. They are good and play clean. My favorite player is Payton Manning since he is the only one I really know. I've never been to any professional games but a few Mountaineers and they were fun.

mariah said...

My favorite sport is soccer. I would play it twenty four seven if I could. I don't ever really watch football, so my favorite team would probably be the Steelers. That is a team I hear of a lot so I us picked it. I don't really have a favorite player either so I would just say Ben Roethlisberger. One of the best sporting events I've been to would have to be the NASCAR race. I get to go to another race here shortly to. And that is pretty much it for that.

Unknown said...

I really don't have a favorite sport, but if I had to like one it would either be soccer or volleyball. Usually, my football team would be the one who wins, but I guess it would be the Steelers. I don't watch football, so I don't know any of the players. I do go to Pirates baseball games sometimes. In fact, I went to one usually, and it was amazing! They got like three homeruns in a row! My favorite player on the Pirates team would be McCutchen or the catcher guy. I think his name is Martin?

6/7 Madison Brotosky

Samuel Cox said...

My favorite sport would have to be soccer or lacrosse. I'm kind of torn because it's really hard to choose. My favorite football team would be the BYU. BYU is a religious college in Utah. I don't have a favorite player because I don't really know any. The best sporting event I've gone to is probably the pirates game because It's the only one I've gone to, but it was really fun.
Jacob Cox 6-7

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is soccer. I've been playing since I was five. My favorite position to play is striker. I also play goalie/keeper.

My favorite football team is the West Virginia University Mountaineers. I've been watching them my whole life and I've been to lots of games. My favorite player of all time is Pat White. He was number 5 and that is also my soccer number.

The best sporting event I've been to was a Pittsburgh Pirates v. Oakland A's baseball game. This was the first professional game I had ever been to. Even though the Pirates lost, I got to see my favorite baseball player, Andrew McCutcheon.

Derrick Nulph said...

My favoorite sport undoutfully would be football. My favorite player is RGIII Because he was voted the most accurate thrower in baylor history. He was also the hiseman trophy winner of 2012. Although he had a rough first year in the nfl with his knee injury he still played this year. I have never been to one of his games but I would like to someday in the future. The best sporting event I have been to would be a pittsburg pirates baseball game against the arazona dimond abck rattle snakes.

Derrick Nulph said...

By Derrick Nulph

Unknown said...

I don't actually have a favorite sport. Which also means I don't have a favorite sports team, nor a favorite player. The only sporting event I've been to would be my brothers sporting events.

~Tressa Floyd~ 6/7th

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that my favorite sport is probably soccer, since I have played it for a little over half of my life. My favorite football team would be, without a single doubt in my mind, the Pittsburgh Steelers! Regardless of how they have started out this year they are and always will be my favorite, my entire life my family has always cheered for the Steelers, my mom especially. Whenever the Steelers are on there is not one word spoken, besides the deafening shouts and sometimes screams at the referee through the T.V. if there is a bad call our the shouts of celebration if we score, until halftime. I would say that my favorite player would probably be Tavon Austin when he was with the Mountaineers. I would say the best event to me is was the 2008 Meineke Car Care Bowl, which was the Mountaineers vs. the Tar Heels and the final score was 31-30. I would say it was the best since it was Pat white's last game with the Mountaineers and they won. It was a really fun time since most of my family and some family friends got to go, which we all had a blast!
-Spencer Dublin 6/7th Period

Unknown said...

My favorite sport has to be football. My favorite team is the Washington redskins in the NFL. Pat White is my favorite football player he is from my home town. He played for the Mountaineers, Dolphins then he quit then came back and he is now playing for the Redskins. The best sporting event I went to was a WV football game with my brother and dad.
-Christa Nuzum 6/7 period

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is basketball. I don't play basketball anymore but when I did I loved it. I like it because it can be kind of violent yet fair. My favorite team is the Heat. I really watch much basketball games so out of the ones I've seen and heard of I like the heat. The best sporting event I've ever been to is a women's basketball game in Pittsburg. It wasn't for a really big known team but I really enjoyed myself. I went with my friends and her dad. I only like watching sports when I can understand what is happening.

Stephanie Allen, period:4/5

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is definitely soccer. I've played soccer for as far back as I can remember. Personally my favorite professional football team would have to be the Pittsburg Steelers. I like them mainly because they are pretty local to where we live. My favorite player is Troy Polamalu because it always seems like he puts everything he has into the game. By far the best sporting event that I have actually attended was a soccer game with Manchester United vs. Barcelona. The reason it was so special to me is because it was basically the two best teams in the world playing against each other. I watched them play in Washington D.C. It was also a lot of fun because the atmosphere was great, and I got to play a few soccer games while I was there.
Isaac Swiger-1/2-9/25/13

Zachary Ayers said...

My favorite sport is football. My favorite football team is West Virginia and I don’t really watch NFL games. My favorite football player is Tavon Austin even though he is in NFL now. The best football game I ever went to was the blue verses gold (West Virginia). I got my favorite football player to sign my football and I got one of his gloves that he wore in the game.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is wrestling. I don't really like NFL football that much so my favorite football team is The Alabama Crimson Tide. My favorite football player by far is Tavon Austin. The best sporting event i have ever attended was the West Virginia vs. Oklahoma. It was the best! West Virginia ended up losing 49-50 but the excitment in that game was amazing!I don't think that anyone ever sat down. The crowd was jacked and it was just stunning. I've never seen so much energy. I cant even imagine was it would've been like if we would've one that game.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport would have to be volleyball. It is a very fun and energetic sport. My favorite football team is the Steelers. My favorite football player is Tavon Austin. He is my favorite because he is really good at playing football. I have never been to a major sporting event, but I really want to. I would like to go to a NASCAR race, a pirate’s game, or go to a football game.

-Kayla Lough
1-2 period

Allison Crites said...

My favorite sport is cheerleading, and yes, it is a sport! I have cheered since I was 4 and never stopped. I plan to cheer in high school and maybe even college. At the age of four, I didn't really know what I was doing, but now cheerleading is a huge part of my life and I never want that to change. My favorite NFL team is definitely the Baltimore Ravens. My family is originally from Baltimore so I was raised to be a fan of them. Ray Lewis, who retired from the Ravens last season, is my favorite player. He is such an inspiration to me and I'm sad that he doesn't play anymore. The best sporting event I have been to is a Mountaineer football game. My parents went to a Ravens game last year, and I would love to attend one!

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is basketball because I have been around it for a long time, and also I didn't really like any other sports unless you count wrestling but really I didn't like other sports all I wanted to do was play basketball. My favorite football team is the Green Bay Pacer's they have won the first two championships in the hole National Football Laegue and also they won the championship two years ago beating the some people call the phenom team but I don't the steelers. My favorite football player that I think is the best Micheal Vick he was with the eagles and he got on the eagles a few years back and still there best qauter back ever and also he got arrested for fighting dogs, and I've never been at a big event.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is... well actually I don't really have a favorite sport because I don't play any sports or involve myself in any activies. I wish that I had a favorite sport or could play a sport. I can't swim, throw a ball, pitch a ball or hit a ball so that really singles me out of everything. I was really lonely this summer because everyone was in the "swimming championships" and I was at home making chicken or watching my cousins play "sports".

-Kyzhay Cox 4/5

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is softball. I have been playing softball for years. This year was the only summer that I did not play softball. I don’t have a favorite football team because I don’t like watching spots. Since I don’t like to watch football, I don’t have a favorite football player. One of the best sporting events I have attended would be a Pittsburgh Pirates game. I had a lot of fun with my friends and family who went with me. I enjoyed watching them play and win the night I was there. One of my best friends was there with me that day.
Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Cole Weaver said...

My favorite sport has to be lacrosse. Not many people know what it is. It’s a combination of a lot of sports and involves tons of running and practice. It’s a sport were going to one practice won’t improve your skills. You have to go home and throw the ball at a wall and catch it with the stick. My favorite football team is the Denver Broncos. The only reason I like them is because Peyton Manning is their quarterback. He is my favorite player and whatever team he is on I immediately cheer for that team. My best sporting event I’ve gone to was a Mountaineer football game. It was also my first and I hope to go to more.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is soccer. I have played it for a very long time. I started when I was around seven years old, and it has always been my favorite sport since. My favorite football team would be Mountaineers, because that’s the only team I really know. I am not really into football, so I don’t really have a favorite football player. The best sporting event I have ever been to was a Mountaineer game with Gentry Morrone. It was really fun cause it was my first one ever! We sat like in the second row, so it was really cool and an interesting expierence. Even though I am not really into football it was still an exciting game to watch!

Elizabeth Williams 1st/2nd (:

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is between football and basketball. Ive played them both since i was at least 4 or 5.My favorite team is the indianapolis colts. My favirote player is hall of fame linebacker LAURENCE TAYLOR.I kinda hoped he would be in the video when he hit Joe theismann in 1985.I think that was the most gruesome hit in football history. I have only been to one big game and that was when the Colorado Rockies played the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is softball. I have played for almost four years . I don't really have a favorite football team. I don't watch football that often so I don't have a favorite player. Then I have only been to one game so I guess that is my best game I have ever been to.
by:bobbi uphold
6/7th period

Angela DeLorenzo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela DeLorenzo said...

Although I have played many sports, my favorite sport is basketball. My favorite football team is the Saint Louis Rams. My favorite player also plays for the Saint Louis Rams, Tavon Austin. I also have another favorite football player but he is retired, Ray Lewis. The best sporting event I have ever attended was the Yankee game in New York. They have the best hot dogs and lemanade there.
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is cheerleading and and volleyball.m favorite football is the steelers and my favorite football player is troy polumalo.ive never been to any sporting event.
Jaylah Michael

Gentry M said...

My favorite sport is definitely lacrosse. I've only played lacrosse for a year, I have fallen in love with it. The biggest sporting event is when the mountaineers went to the Gator Bowl. It was very important to us because my cousin played for the mountaineers. So my whole family drove down to Florida on Christmas Day and took a family vacation just for it. My favorite lacrosse team is the UNC Tarheels. I really want I go to there summer lacrosse camp.

Gentry Morrone
1st-2nd period

Anonymous said...

My favorite sport is basketball. I have many favorite football teams but my most favorite is the Denver Broncos. My favorite football player was also from that team. His name is Tim Tebow. Even though he has been moved from the Broncos he is still my favorite player. One time I went to a sportig event for WVU with my team. That was very fun and we all enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

Haley Johnson 4/5 period

Unknown said...

I'm not really a big fan of sports. If I had to pick a favorite team maybe either Mountaineers. I've gone to a few of their basketball games at the coliseum in Morgantown. Everybody else usually gets into basketball or football but, I'm not really fond of any of that. They don't really connect with me. I don't know if karate would count as a sport but, if it does that would have to be my favorite. Other then that, I kind of get into swimming
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~

Hayley Moss said...

My favorite sport is Volleyball. I don't really have a favorite football team, but my families favorite team has been the Green Bay Packers for years! I don't have a favorite player either. The best sporting game I've ever attened I would say is that Pirates Baseball game my dad took me to two years ago.
~Hayley Moss 4/5 period

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is cheerleading. Most people say it is not a sport but I think it is. I have cheered every year in middle school so far and I love it. My favorite sports team is probably the mountaineers. I don't really have a favorite player on the team. One of my favorite sporting events I have ever been to is the Pittsburg pirates game. I really love watching baseball and I got to bring my friend one time it and was really fun! I really love watching sports!
Kaitlyn vilain
1-2 period

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

My favorite sport is track because I run it for the school and I went all-county in shotput and discus in the 6th Grade. When I throw I think of Reagan's Challenger Speech "it goes around the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of god."The last big sporting event I went to was the Gator bowl.
Hayden Moran 1/2

Quentin Davis said...

My favorite sport is baseball. My favorite team is the Dallas Cowboys. My favorite player is Tony Romo. The greatest sporting event I have been to would be an Arizona Diamond Backs baseball game.
Quentin Davis 6/7 period

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is basketball. I love basketball. Its the only sport I play. I don't really watch football but if i had to choose a team it would be the Steelers. The player I like on that team is Troy Polamalu even though I don't watch football. I can tell you who my favorite basketball player is. Its Carmelo Anthony.

Unknown said...

I don't really have a favorite sport. I guess it's soccer though. I rarely watch sports, but when I do it's usually basketball. My favorite team is the Steelers. The best sporting event that ive ever been to would be the Harlem Globetrotters.

Unknown said...

i really dont have a favorite sport.i rarely watch sports to. my favorite team is the texas cowboys. the best event i went to was Pirates game.

corey payne said...

My favorite sport is football. My favorite nfl team is Baltimore Ravens. My favorite player is Ray Lewis but he is gone now my favorite player is Joe Flacco. The best sporting event i went to was Pittsburgh Steelers vs Houston Texans. Corey Payne 6th/7th

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is soccer. I have been playing soccer since I was three years old. I play on a travel soccer team every Sunday. My favorite college football team is West Viriginia but my favorite NFL team is the New York Jets. My favorite football player is Geno Smith. The best sporting event I went to was when I went to a West Virginia soccer game 3 years ago. It was my first time going to a college soccer game and I was picked out of the stands before the game to be an honorary Mountaineer Maniac. They took me to watch the team warm up and then I got to walk out with the team at the start of the game when both teams walk out. They announced my name along with the players and I got a free t-shirt and a poster with the teams autographs.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is swimming which I have done competitively since I was eight. My favorite NFL team is the Indianapolis Colts while my favorite NCAA team is the Mountaineers. My favorite player is Peyton Manning, the quarterback for the Denver Broncos. Off the top of my head, I'm not really sure what the best sporting event I have ever attended is. I have been to lots of Mountaineer football games though, and those are always a good time and really fun.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is volleyball. Even though I may not play it yet I still like it. I don't really have a favorite football team but I would pick the 49ers. My favorite football player is Colin Kaepernick. He is the quarterback. I have never attended an actual game before but if you consider going to a volleyball game attending a sport then I have.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is volleyball. Even though I may not play it yet I still like it. I don't really have a favorite football team but I would pick the 49ers. My favorite football player is Colin Kaepernick. He is the quarterback. I have never attended an actual game before but if you consider going to a volleyball game attending a sport then I have.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport to play to is track. MY favorite NFL team is the New England Patriots, but my favorite collage team is WVU. I have been to alot of football games because my dad goes to every home game and I go with him sometimes.

Emma Copley said...

My favorite sport is swimming. I have been swimming for almost my whole life. My favorite football team is WV, Mountaineers. My favorite football player is Donnie Barclay. I have been to three WV games and of course a lot of basketball games.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is basketball. My favorite football team is probably West Virginia Mountaineers. They are the only team I really know because Im not really a fan of football. Aaron Rogers is my favorite football player. He's the only one that I actually know. The best spoting event I have ever attended is the West Virginia game. It was really crowded, but fun. I was with all of my friends, so that made it more fun. There where a lot of crazy people there! I was up there all day.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is basketball. I've been playing basketball for a while now and I love every second of it. My favorite football team is The Baltimore Ravens. But I don't ahve a favorite football player because i don't watch it that much. I have never been to a football game unless it was the high school's or our game. But i pkan on going in the near future.
- HYida George
1/2 period

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is Basketball. I've been playing for a while now. And I love every minute of the game. My favorite Football team would hjave to be The Baltimore Ravens. I don't have an exact favorite Football player becasue I don't watch it that much. I've never been to a game but I plan on going to one soon.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is fotball. I just love playing the sport where you can actually tackle someone and not get a penalty or a foul for it. My favorite football team is the Pittsburgh Steelers. They may not be the best team but they play hard. My favorite player is Ray Lewis. He retired last year but he was the hardest hitting middle linebacker I know. I hope to go to a Steelers some day but the couch is comfortable too!

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is softball. My favorite football team is probably Alabama. They are the only team i like because they are really good. I play alot of sports and softball is my favorite. I play outfeild and sometimes short-stop. The only football player I know is no one.. I just know the teams. The best sporting event i went to was a west virginia game when i was little. I don't really remember it but i just know that it was fun. It was hot and crazy. Alot of people were screaming and cheering. It was alot of fun.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is Track i love running track its the best sport, I have been running for a long time. I run the 100 meter dash,4by1,200 meter hurdles My favorite football team is the Pittsburgh Steelers, that is my all time favorite team. I have been to football games one for the Steelers and the other one for west Virginia.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is lacrosse. I've only played it for a few months, but I really like it. I used to run cross country. I did like that as well but it just wasn't my thing. I don't really know much about football.I do watch football sometimes. I've been to a west Virginia game before. I've also been to a Mashall game. I plan on going to ethier WVU or Marshall for college. My favorite team is UNC. That's my dream college. I want to play lacrosse there. I also go to school football games which I enjoy watching more because I actually know who's playing.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is football. I actually play football for the school. I played football since I was five. My favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys. I dont watch football to much but when I do I route for the cowboys. My favorite football player is tony romo. He is the quarter back for the dallas cowboys. When I was about seven years old I went to a Dallas game. It was with my whole family. I had alot of fun

Unknown said...

My favorit sport is football I have played baseball but I still like football better. My favorite team in the NFL is Pittsburg Steelers even know they are not doing to good this year. In NCAA collage football I like West Virginia and Ohio State Buckeyes. I have never been to a big sporting event but I hope to go to one soon. Otherwise I have only been to a highschool football game which I still like to watch.

Unknown said...

well I dont normally watch football but I do have a favorite football team it is the pittspurgh steelers i dont have a favorite sport but i have been to the coloseum in morgan town to watch the WV womens basketball games with my aunt

Unknown said...

My favorite sport would have to be Cross Country. My favorite football team would be the CU Buffulos. My favorite football player is Tim Tebow. I love how he keeps getting shot down but he never says anything bad about anyone. He keeps getting back up and trying again. The best sporting event I have been to was my first football game. I had watched football on TV before but I had never seen it in person before. It was a WV football game and I loved it!

Unknown said...

well ive been hit like that when i was in football but it is fun to play football its just rough. you have to have skill to do alot of sports put football is probably my best and my favorite ive palyed football fo 5 years and my favorite NFL team is green bay packers the cheese heads. when i played football i was the line backer and on kick off and when they needed a center i was the center.Althouge NFL is hard ive watched collage football too they can hit hard to and there fast my favorite wv football player is austin. i rember when pat white played for wv he was really good but right when he got in NFL he gat smashed.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is football. I have played it for 7 years. My favorite team is the Broncos. My favorite player is Paitin Manning. The greatest sporting event that i have ever been to is the 2010 State championchip for basket ball. My sisters double a school has went there five times. In which every time they have won. But the reason it was so special was because it was the first time one of my highschools have went. That game Kalif wright a 6`7 forward dunked on a windmill ally-oop. It was amazing!

Elijah Cunningham 4th and 5th

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is baseball because it's fun to me. I have played it for 8 years and won't stop until I can't play anymore. I am going to try to make it to the MLB one day. You have to be really good so I need to start practicing even more.

Unknown said...

In all my 10 years of cheering I only say one major hit. The quarter back was Dominic Smith in the year 2010. he got hit so hard he wasn't moving. We had to call 911 but it took about 20 minutes for the ambulance to get there. The next game they made an announcment saying that he had a concusion and a broken arm but he could still play but only after he got his cast on. Ever since my dad died 2 years ago I havent been a big fan of football. I was raised in Texas so I would have to say my favorite team is the Texas Cowboys.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is basketball. My very favorite NFL team is the Baltimore Ravens and my favorite player is Adrian Peterson, who plays for the Vikings. The most exciting sport event I have ever attended was when I went to the Orlando Magic game and watched Dwight Howard block the mess out of people who were in his way.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is basketball. My favorite NFL team of all time is the Philidelphia Eagles. Mike Vick is the best quarterback ever to step on the field. The reason for this is because our offesnsive line isn't the best so Mike Vick will have to take over and be the best he can be. That is what makes him the best quarterback out there. My favorite football player is Lashaun McCoy. He is very fast and strong and can score anytime he wants to. He also plays for the infamous Philidelphia Eagles. My favorite sporting event is when I went to a camp in North Carolina.

Unknown said...

I like all kinds of diffrent kinds of sports. Such as cross country and wrestleing and also swiming. But my favorite sport has to be baseball. I've played baseball for allmost all of my life. I was one of the best pitchers in my little lugue in A ball. My favrite football team is probably the west virginia mountianeers. I love to watch them on tv. my favorite player is geno smith he played for the west virginia mountianeers. The last time I went to a big game was a year ago to a pittsburg pirates game.

Unknown said...

My favorite sport is baseball. I don't watch the NFl, so I don't have a favorite team or player. The best sporting event I've attended would be when I was in Boston and went to a Red Soxs game.
Juliana Miller 6/7 8th grade

Unknown said...

To be honest i really don't have a favorite sport i basically like them all to be honest. But probably the greatest sporting event i've ever been to is the steelers and the bengals game.

Jamere Harston

Unknown said...

My Favorite sport is Football. I don"t watch football but I did play for the FOP Colts. I don't watch football so I don't have a favorite player. I have been only to my little brothers football game.