Sunday, December 29, 2013


Do you remember whee you were when 9/11 occurred? How did this tragedy effect the future of our country? How can the US protect itself from future attacks? Where were you when this happened? Can you remember anything about it? Interview your parent/grandparent/neighbor or teacher and ask their impression of what happened on that day? What is the videographer's purpose in creating this video.


Unknown said...

9/11 was a really bad event that happened in new york. I don't really remember anything opposed to what my Mom remembers. All I know was that my adoption had been delayed due to the attack because I was suoposed to be adopted that day. One thing that the US can do is stop getting in everyone's business and stop causing trouble with countries that have nothing against us. The point of this video was to look back and try to remember what happened on 9/11

Unknown said...

9/11 was a very tratgic time for everyone i noe i was 1 year old most kids that are 1 right now know all about it that is how seriouse that was most of my teachers were teaching then on tv a cast went threw and said emergeny atack everyonr thought the whole united states was under attack it was really bad everyday people visit those lifes that were lost even firefighters lost there life to save other people.

-gabe robinson 4-5

Unknown said...

I don't remember were I was because I was only a year old at the time. It can protect itself by leaving other countries alone that have nothing to do with us so that way we will have more money to use for protection.

Austin Cole march 3 4-5

Unknown said...

I don't remember much about 911 considering I was only 2 but im pretty sure it was a horrible event

Unknown said...

I was only 2 when 9/11 accrued so I don't remember it. This tragedy made our country go into a security frenzy. It can't think of every possibility but it can put in precautions to help try and stop terrorism. I don't know where I was when this happened. No, I cannot remember anything about it. My parents just say it is a terrible day but at least it taught us to be more careful. I think the point is to inform and tell you about what happened and the tragedy that it was.

Unknown said...

I was only one almost two years old when it had occurred. It effected our future by showing airport security guards keeping an eye on any suspicious people moving around the airport. I was sleeping when it had occurred, No I do not remember anything about it. My mom said it was shocking and nothing else to it.

Unknown said...

I was at home in Newark, New Jersey at my house I was only two years old when 9/11 accured. This tragedy stoped the whole world in a snap millions of people died in the towers friends family boyfriends someone girlfriend died this tragedy stoped everything. The U.S. by protecting from future attack is tell us the truth because another building fell but a plane did not hit it they can prevent future attach by telling us americans the truth and tell us everything thats how we can be protected. All I remember from that day is lots and lots of smoke. The videographer purpose was to remind us of this tragedy and show that we are strong

Derrick Nulph said...

Yes I was in fredrick maryland. this affected the country by tearing down two of the biggest buildings in newyork.the us can protect it self by putting the military into action. I was currently going to the hospital because i was very ill. I really do not remeber anything because i was two I only rember because of the motion pictures of it. Mr Williams thought it was very bad but did not understand it and did not think it sunk into until the next day. Telling us what happen on htis day.

Derrick Nulph said...

I remembered when 9/11 when I was around when I turned 1. I was at my grandparents house that day when the terriost attack happened. This effected the military economy so much by making us think more aabout the other countries. By protecting the US, we must have more advandvanced technology and better government. All I remember from 9/11 is when my mom was crying. The video reminds us the tragedy of 9/11.

Zach Wolford 6-7th period

mariah said...

When 9/11 occurred I was at my house with my parents. I had just turned 1 seven days before it happened. It effected our country because now we have to watch who we let into our country. Also it makes us think more about the other countries. The U.S. Can be prepared by always being ready to fight a I no matter when it is. They can also have more advanced technology and stuff to know when an attack might be getting ready to happen. I can't remember much because I was just a baby, but I do know that it was a very depressing day for everyone. People who lived there had no way of knowing if their husband or wife would be coming home that night. When I asked my parents they said they remember when the plans were hitting the towers. Also that they remember people going crazy wondering if their relative were okay. The purpose of this video is to remind everyone of all those we lost on 9/11. Another thing is to remind us that we always need to be ready for the unexpected.

Mariah Thompson 1-2

mariah said...

When 9/11 occurred I was at my house with my parents. I had just turned 1 seven days before it happened. It effected our country because now we have to watch who we let into our country. Also it makes us think more about the other countries. The U.S. Can be prepared by always being ready to fight a I no matter when it is. They can also have more advanced technology and stuff to know when an attack might be getting ready to happen. I can't remember much because I was just a baby, but I do know that it was a very depressing day for everyone. People who lived there had no way of knowing if their husband or wife would be coming home that night. When I asked my parents they said they remember when the plans were hitting the towers. Also that they remember people going crazy wondering if their relative were okay. The purpose of this video is to remind everyone of all those we lost on 9/11. Another thing is to remind us that we always need to be ready for the unexpected.

Mariah Thompson 1-2

Unknown said...

I dont remember anything from that day, other than that kids were leaving school. This tragedy greatly increased our country's security and precaution. My mom said that everyone was scared and nobody knew quite what to do. The purpose of the video is too educate and to give tribute to those who died and risked their life to help others than day. -Joren Cloutier

Unknown said...

I do remember when 9/11 happened where I was. I was in texas at the time. I only know this because my mom told me I was only like 2 or 3 years old so I dont remember much from that time. It very greatly affected our future toward the ecomic edvances. I beleive the Us has already done precautions to greatly decrease the chances of anything like this happening again. By tremendously beefing of security at airports. This video is a reminder of what happened on that day

Unknown said...

Honestly, no, i don't rememebr when 9/11 occured. I was only a year old and there is no chance I could rememeber it. This tragedy has made our country safer now. There is more security at airports now and they are very strict. We can protect ourselves by keeping the security tight.My mom said that I was at home laying with her. I do not remmeber anything about this event,but I have heard multiple stories. My mom said that she went and picked my brothers up from school. This was a horrible tragedy.

Unknown said...

9/11 was a tragedy. One of the very worst tragedy the United States every incurred n our 238 year history. This tragedy affected our nation so greatly,War occurred in the Middle East,we had to strengthen our TSA and Airport Security Measures, and we finally founded the United States Department of Homeland Security. We can protect ourselves better with these new measures. I was at my home when this happened. My English Teacher said "It was the only time she has ever felt threatened as an American Citizen". Everyone needs to know about September, 11th, 2001.

Unknown said...

Yes I do, my dad was teaching me how to play the N64. Security has been better and more gaurds, this was also an act of war. Missles.
At home playing N64 with my dad.
I was playing Golden eye 007 and my mom was talking to someone. My mom and dad didn't know about it till the next day when her friends told here about it. To show 9/11.

Unknown said...

I was only one almost two years old when it had occurred. It effected our future by showing airport security guards keeping an eye on any suspicious people moving around the airport. I was sleeping when it had occurred, No I do not remember anything about it. My mom said it was shocking and nothing else to it. I am glad i dont remember it very well. it was a bad dasy for america -caleb masters-

Unknown said...

When 911 happened im not sure where i was at. One reason is because I was only 1. Checking backgrounds of people on the planes could protect us from future attacks! Although I dont remember anything about it I now know that it was bad. Many lives were takin, and many brave people were there to help.

Elijah Cunningham 4th

Unknown said...

I was two years old, so I was in Georgia. Many people lost their lives because of this tragity, and it is terrible. I don't remember jack squat about it from any personal experiance. I've been to New York though, and saw them rebuilding the Twin Towers.

Allison Crites said...

I do not remember 9/11 because I was very young. However, I have heard many stories about it. At the time, my mom and my stepdad both worked for the FBI, so when it happened, they were put on lockdown and they were not allowed to leave the building until that night. Also, since my stapdad is a police officer at the FBI, he went to New York a couple days after 9/11 for security. My mom said it was very scary because she did not know when or where the next attack would be, and my stapdad was also very scared because he was in the place where it happened only a few days later. This event caused there to be a lot more precautions taken in our country. Hopefully now we will be prepared if anything like 9/11 is to happen again.

Alli Crites

Unknown said...

I hardly remember what had happened on 9/11 other than that there were planes crashing into the twin towers. The country on the other hand was in great shock and were terrified of this even that had occurred on their soil. Many attacks could be prevented by not trying to get into other business with other countries. While this was happening, I was in Pennsylvania meeting my godfather and godmother. Opposed to my parents, my memory is such a blur from what I saw on the news. My mom was actually in New York when this was happening and she said that the smoke after the collapses were so big that you couldn't see a foot in front of you. But, the whole point of this video is that you an remember the most tragic moments in U.S. history.

Unknown said...

No, I can't remember where I was. This tragedy effected the future of our country, by making people fear foreign countries and people. It can protect itself by staying out of other people's business. Also, the president could stop being so blind and stupid to get into something with another country hen we weren't involved in the begging. I can't remember anything about it. I was looking up comments about 9/11 and one guy said he thought it was the end of the world because he was walking right under it when it happened. The videographer's purpose of creating this video was to show what all happened, and to show us that it was an awful day for New York and the US.
Madison Brotosky 6/7

Unknown said...

I was in my moms lap wen I was one or two. My mom explained it to me when I was older. There was so many new laws made just because this happend. We went to go kill Osama Bin Laden. Even though it took 10 years he got what was comin got him. We made sure no bad people were on planes or anything like that. I don't remember it, but my mom told me. The videographer made probably to remember all the people who died that day. My mom said it was scary.

Unknown said...

I was one year old when 9/11 happened. My mom told me that I was at the babysitter's house when it happened. This tragedy was one of the worst things that could ever happen. Having this happen here has really affected the future in many ways. It has made some people fear eben getting into a plane. The U.S. can protect from something like this happening again by checking peoples plane passes more carefully to make sure that the people are who they really say they are. I can only remeber everyone was talking about it, but since I was so young I didn't really know what they were talking about. Many people couldn't believe what they were hearing and that it really happened when they heard the news. The point of this video was to look back and be able to see how bad this disaster really was.
~Kayla Lough1-2

Unknown said...

Personally I was around the age of one so I do not remember 9/11 that well. Although this tragedy was very horrific, I believe that it was for the better good of our country. The reason I say this is because it made Americans crack down even more on the safety of air transportation. I think the US can prevent future attacks by making sure everything is safe for citizens and keep terrorists out of our country. Honestly, I do not remember much about the attack of nine eleven. My parents said that it was one of the most tragic incidents that had happened during their time. I believe the main purpose he made this video is to remind us of the terrible day of 9/11, and show how much it effected America.
Isaac Swiger/1st-2nd

Unknown said...

i was one when 911 accured. i do not really rember any of it it was verry tradic but i think this event betterd us

Unknown said...

Honestly, I was around one year old when 9/11 occurred, so I do not remember anything about that day. However, my mom has told me that I was with my grandparents at their house, and she completely lost it because she was afraid that I wasn't safe. This horrific tragedy, although taking many lives and scaring us all, actually helped improve our country in some ways. For example, we now have better security when it comes to letting people enter and exit America. Also, I believe it helped Americans band together and stand up against terrorism. We now know what we need to do to ensure the safety of all citizens, including establishing even better and tougher security at airports and other transportation places. In addition, the US can do background checks on people and always have a special task force ready in case of similar incidences. My mom and grandparents all said, "It was one of the most terrifying things to ever happen to one knew what would happen next, and no one felt safe." They all claim to have felt extreme terror and shock because absolutely nobody was expecting something like this. After all, the day started out completely normal, just like every other day! I feel the videographer's main purpose for creating the video is to remind us of all the lives lost on 9/11 and how tragic the entire incident was.-Kylie Bushko 6th period

Anonymous said...

When 9/11 occurred I was at home with my parents, after my mom picked my brothers up early from school. To be fair, I was only about 1 year old so I don't remember much but I do know that it was a horrific event that terrified all of America for years. This tragedy effected our country by actually helping us. It helped us by not only making our country more cautious about security but also helped us become more united and take a stand against the evil in the world. Th U.S. can protect itself by doing checks on citizens and also having a special way to handle any type of incident like this by being ready to fight back. I really don't remember much about that day except for the things my mother told me about. I do remember seeing little pictures of the news reports but I am not sure if they are true or just an exaggeration of my mind. My mom at first was going about her day watching television when she saw a report of the first plane going into the first tower, so at first she thought it was just a tragic accident but then she saw the reports of the second plane. After that, she was scared and immediately went to call my dad and told him to come home while she took me to go get our brothers out of school because she knew it was a terrorist attack. She will never forget that day and hopes that nothing like it will ever take place again. I believe the videographer's purpose in creating this video is to remind everyone of the lives lost on that disastrous day and inform all of what happened.
-Spencer Dublin 6/7th Period

Unknown said...

I do not remember where I was one that day, mainly because I was only a one year old. This tragedy affected our country by making it go into complete security frenzy. The U.S. can protect itself by putting more security I more airports. I don’t remember anything about it, but I know facts that not many people know. On that tragic day three hundred and forty-three firefighters, emt’s, and policemen died. In the World Trade Center alone two thousand six hundred and six people died all together. In the airlines, two hundred and forty six people died. The purpose in making this was to make a remembrance video for everyone and what it was like.
~~Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Unknown said...

I was at my house says my mother and I was 1 I couldn't remember effected out country to have better defense.I interviewed my mom and she said she was watching it as the second plane flew in the next tower she was crying the whole time.the video was telling of the horrible event.

Emma Copley said...

During 9/11, I was at my babysitters house while my mom and dad where at work and my brother was at school. However, I was only one years old, and don't remember much about the day. 9/11 will always be remembered as a very tragic event. I think the US can protect itself from future attacks by having satellites and emergency items ready. Unfortunately, I don't remember much about the day. I've talked to my mother many times about the day. She was obviously terrified of what else may occur in the future of that day, and immediately came to pick me up.
-emma copley

Unknown said...

I was only one when 9/11 occurred so i don't remember anything. It affected us by making us more aware of terrorist. We have already bumped up airport security so there is not much else we can do. I was at a day care near the FBI building playing with some bob the builder toys and my mom said she just got really scared and wanted to come pick me up. My mom and dad sat there watching the news after they picked me up from daycare. The purpose of this video was to remind us of this tragic event.

Keaton Linger said...

I was just born when 9/11 occurred so i don't remember anything at all. One way to make airports and places safer is check luggage better and peoples clothing for weapons. It affected us in very many ways of watching out in everyday places for terrists. The purpose of this video was to remind us of this tragic event. We were at home during event and my parents was freaked out cause this was happening only a couple states away.

Keaton Linger 1-2

Keaton Linger said...

I was just born when 9/11 occurred so i don't remember anything at all. One way to make airports and places safer is check luggage better and peoples clothing for weapons. It affected us in very many ways of watching out in everyday places for terrists. The purpose of this video was to remind us of this tragic event. We were at home during event and my parents was freaked out cause this was happening only a couple states away.

Keaton Linger 1-2

Unknown said...

I was only one when 9/11 occurred. I think the u.s. can be prepared in case this happens again. When this happened i was still living with my mom in Michigan. I do not remember anything because i was only one. to have us remember of the tragic that had occurred on that day in history.

Unknown said...

During 911 I was one year old. I don't really remember it because I was so little. I was at my grandmas house because my mom and dad were working. My mom called my grandma and told her what happened becasue she heard about it one the radio. I think they could be more safe by having things ready next time so nothing else bad could happen. They didn't know what was going on back then. It is something nobody will ever forget. So many people didn't live and it will never be forgotten
Kaitlyn vilain 1-2

Unknown said...

During 911 I was one year old. I don't really remember it because I was so little. I was at my grandmas house because my mom and dad were working. My mom called my grandma and told her what happened becasue she heard about it one the radio. I think they could be more safe by having things ready next time so nothing else bad could happen. They didn't know what was going on back then. It is something nobody will ever forget. So many people didn't live and it will never be forgotten
Kaitlyn vilain 1-2

Gentry M said...

Durning 9/11 I was a year old and since I was that young I don't remember it at all. I was at my grandma's house at the time that it occurred . Meanwhile, my mom was picking my sister up from kindergarten. This event has effected our country in many ways. This event has taken multiple lives and they will never be forgotten.

Gentry Morrone

Unknown said...

During 9/11 I was at my house. I was two years old at the time. It affected our country by us having a better security team at airports and any other major USA buildings or populated areas. I can't remeber where I was because I was only two years old. The purpose was to inform us about 9/11 and remind us about what happened that day.

Kaycee Cox said...

I don't personally remember when 9/11 happened, but I've learned a lot and heard a lot about the subject. Luckily no one I know, or am close with was involved in this terrible tragedy. They didn't know what was going on back then. It is something nobody will ever forget. So many people didn't live and it will never be forgotten. Kaycee Cox 4-5

Unknown said...

during 9/11 i was in my apprtment or at my grandmas house while my mom was off to work. i had to stay with them for the whole day because my mom and dad had to work so long.

Unknown said...

I believe I was about 1 when 9/11 happened, so I don't remember the day incredibly well. I think the US can protect itself from more attacks by having a stronger defense. All I can really remember about that day is what I've seen in videos and what people have told me. The videographers purpose was to help remind us of that horrible day.

Unknown said...

9/11 very sad day for many families many people died and some even jumped from buildings it was very tragic tat other people cam e from a differnet country on a plane to harm other's loved ones i just don't get it ow could someone do that to another human bean when this had appened i was about three good ting they didnt come here to west virginia and try to harm the people here because that would really hurt my soul if my mom or someone got killed -jayla king

Unknown said...

On 9/11 I was probably in a baby bed so I don't really know where I was at the time of it. Our country became so much different after the tragedy of 9/11. Our entire nation became a lot more secure with security at every corner. I think that the way that I could protect my self from this happening to me is not to work in tall buildings. My dad said that he remembers the plane flying over West Virginia. I think that the video was trying to Tell me what happened on that day.

Unknown said...

During 9/11 I was probably at home with my family. I was very little and didn't know what was going on. This tragedy effected our nation in many different ways. It produced fear in a lot of families that lost loved ones. It made a lot of people get prepared also in case this were to happen again. I can't really remember anything about what was going on at the time. My parents remember that scared impressions of those faces on television that day. They remember how those innocent people felt. The purpose of this video was to remind people of the horror this experience cause and the memories that come from it.

Stephanie Allen, period:4/5

Unknown said...

During 9/11 I was only two years old and was probably at home with my family. Being so little I didn't know a horrible event was going on like what happened. This tragedy that we have been through was not a joke. Many people lost their kids or loved ones to this accident. Some people will be damaged for life. A few people witnessed this horrible memory.
Paige king

Unknown said...

I was in my moms lap wen I was one or two. My mom explained it to me when I was older. There was so many new laws made just because this happend. We went to go kill Osama Bin Laden. Even though it took 10 years he got what was comin got him. We made sure no bad people were on planes or anything like that. I don't remember it, but my mom told me. The videographer made probably to remember all the people who died that day. My mom said it was scary.

Unknown said...

I was in my moms lap wen I was one or two. My mom explained it to me when I was older. There was so many new laws made just because this happend. We went to go kill Osama Bin Laden. Even though it took 10 years he got what was comin got him. We made sure no bad people were on planes or anything like that. I don't remember it, but my mom told me. The videographer made probably to remember all the people who died that day. My mom said it was scary.

Unknown said...

When this happened, i was probably eating somehwere. I was only one and i dont remember anything. I learned about 9/11 in school. This was horrible day and alot of people died. Than the U.S. killed Osama Bin Laden. He deserved that. People are just crazy. Who thinks of something like that.

Unknown said...

I remember this exact day and I know it may sound crazy because I was so young but I do. I was in day care. al the channels changed to breaking news, plane crahed into left twin tower. Then I saw another plane flying in from the other sde. Then everyone started crying. The teachers were talking but I had no idea of what was said. I knew it couldn't have been good and by all means it WASN'T.Even though this event was thirteen years ago it still haunts the people who were a part of this. I think it made our countr stronger as a whole and we have a defense system stonger than ever!

Unknown said...

I was around 1 or 2 years old when this tragety occured. I don't remember anything about it. It affected our country greatly because of the number of people who died and also the damage in New York City. When this happened, the twin towers were distroyed. It's hard to believe a group of people would do such an awful thing to so many innocent people. One of my teachers told me they remember kids leaving school and parents going crazy. She said that everybody was so afraid because they didn't know if they were going to hit somewhere else. I think that the government is doing the best they can to prevent this from happening ever again. They now do many secruity checks were you half to take off your shoes and but you carry-ons into bins to be checked.

-Jenna Petracca 1/2 period

Unknown said...

I dont remember anything about 9/11. But now we are learning more and more about it.This affect our contury really bad because that might have scared people for life and now our countrty has more high secruity.When 9/11 happend I was at my babysitters house and and I didn't know anything about it.

Unknown said...

I was very young when it happened and do not remember it. But my mother said that we where together watching a movie or something when it hapened. And my mom isn't quite shur what we where doing.

Samuel Cox said...

I don't remember that time at all I was just a little baby. To stop it we could have better airplane safety. That was how they got to us, they just hijacked a couple of planes! I'm pretty sure I was with my mom in missisipi. She said we were at my older brothers school!She saw the plane destroy the towers on a little TV in the teachers lounge. The purpose in creating this video was to help prepare us for when terrorists strike again.

Sydnee Boyles said...

When 9/11 occured I was only a one year old so I have no memory of my surroundings at the time. This accident put our country in shock. There became higher security, and more secure monitoring on traveling. I think the US can protect its self by having higher technology! My mother said that on that day everyone was on their cellphones trying to contact their loved ones and friends! To me the videographers purpose was to just show a great tragity in history and a huge event.
Sydnee Boyles, 6-7th

corey payne said...

I was only a year when 9/11 occured so I have no memory of it. It affected alot of people in Ney York. The only way that the United States can protect themselvesis by making some weapons because if some other country attacks us we can fight back Corey Payne 6/7th period

Angela DeLorenzo said...

When 9/11 occurred, I was only one so I really didn't know what was going on. 9/11 affected many thing! First, it affected the future of this country. Because of 9/11 no one really knows if any place is safe. I personally don't think that the U.S. can protect itself from any further attacks. When 9/11 happened, I was at my grandmothers house. I really don't remember anything from this attack other than it really hurt out country. In 6th grade, I was a video on 9/11 and it my my heart sink. 9/11 had a huge impact on everyone's life!
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Unknown said...

I was at my great aunt and uncle's house when 9/11 occured. This tragedy made our country improve its security. The U.S. can't really protect itself from these attacks because these attacks are unpredictable. If we would stay out of everyone's business then that could lower the risks of another terrorist attack. I can't remember anything because I was only a year old. Everyone that I've talked to about 9/11 said that it was one of America's worst tragedies.

Jacqson Munro 4/5

Unknown said...

2 years old in texas. i was im preschool aparrently(my mom told me} it was tradgic becaise one of the preschool teachers worked on the top floor of the tower and the plane crash killed him immidiatly but his body was never found. Devastating Tradgedy. big impact for west virginia and we had grief and poverty issues. we have a memorable day to remeber the war of 9/11

Anonymous said...

I think I was at day-care when it happened. It affected so many things in America. It revealed that we weren't really as safe as we thought we were. The U.S. can't really protect itself. That's really scary because one day, out of the blue, there could be an attack anywhere. I don't remember anything about it. The purpose in this video was to remember the tragedy and lives lost during 9/11.

Chloe Wean
1st/2nd period

Cole Weaver said...

I hadn’t been born yet when the towers fell. Due to this tragedy we went to war. But now the world is safer because we learned from mistakes. The US can have more background checks on people when buying a ticket. My mom said they had just finished building our front porch when they can in to see the news. I think the point of this video is to remember those who died that day.

M.edgell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I do not remember the 911 incident. I was about one when it occured. This tragedy effected our country by actually helping us. It helped us by not only making our country more cautious about security but also helped us become more united and take a stand against the evil in the world. My mom said my stepdad was in New York two weeks before 9/11 occured. Which scared me a lot, but Im so thankful he came home when he did. The point of this video is to remember those who lost their lives during 9/11.

Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period

Unknown said...

I do not remember the 911 incident. I was about one when it occured. This tragedy effected our country by actually helping us. It helped us by not only making our country more cautious about security but also helped us become more united and take a stand against the evil in the world. My mom said my stepdad was in New York two weeks before 9/11 occured. Which scared me a lot, but Im so thankful he came home when he did. The point of this video is to remember those who lost their lives during 9/11.

Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period

Unknown said...

On the day of 9/11 I was at home, but i don't remember what exactly what I was doing since I was only 1 like most kids in the 8th grade. Something the U.S can do is pay attention to the serious threats, worrying about more important things than worrying about other countries problems,starting drama with other countries. What I would say the video was about is looking back at all the innocent peoples lives that were killed and injured that day.

Unknown said...

lauren brooks
6/7 pd

Unknown said...

On the day of 9/11 I was at home, but i don't remember what exactly what I was doing since I was only 1 like most kids in the 8th grade. Something the U.S can do is pay attention to the serious threats, worrying about more important things than worrying about other countries problems,starting drama with other countries. What I would say the video was about is looking back at all the innocent peoples lives that were killed and injured that day.

Unknown said...

9/11 was a very terrible day. A lot of people lost their lives. what the US can do to protect future attacks is they should better airport security.