What is happening is a chemical reaction. The chemicals are reacting when you put them together; thus, making the pop explode like the video showed. My favorite science experiment is when you put baking soda and vinegar together. I have made some experiments this year: in my science class. Science is cool, just not my favorite subject. I bet it would be cool to do it at home. I would, without a doubt, blast my brother with it. Speaking of mentos and coke, did you know there is a mentos gum now? I wonder if coke would react with the gum.6/7 Madison Brotoky
A chemical reaction is happening. The coke reacted this way because of the way the atoms interacted with each other. My favorite science experiment is one I am participating in currently. I am studying my cat trying to deduce how a at purrs. I love science, and I have done this experiment before. I would like to target either my father or my stepmother.
A chemical reaction is the reacting of the atoms and all the chemicals coming together i have donw vinag pop and egg with some mints to do a volancano expirement in 6th grade miss garcia i havent really done anything eles thoe -gabe robinson 4-5
The chemical reaction with the mentos and diet coke causes the explosion. My favorite experiment is the egg drop. I have done a lot of school experiments. I hate science a lot. I would like to do it at home. I already have done it at school. I would point it at a hobo so he can get something to drink.
In the video the thing that is happening is a chemical reaction.The thing that causes the coke to go crazy is the mentors. I think that the one in the video is probably my favorite experiment. Yes in sixth grade we dissected a frog. I would have to say that i truly like science. I think that it would be to messy to do it in the house so i think that i would like to do it out side at my house. I would like to target my sisters and brother with the coke because they get on my nerves.
When you put mentors in diet soda it causes a chemical reaction. My favorite experiment would have to be this one, because I love how the mentors make the diet coke go out of control. I have made a lot of cool experiments at school and at home. I would definitely do this at home. Wouldn't you? If I shot any one with it would be my friend when he is least expecting it.
In this video a chemical reaction is taking place. The Mentos act as a catalyst and basically cause the soda to explode. I would have to say that my favorite science experiment is making " elephant toothpaste". Actually in fifth grade our teacher decided to have us do the Mentos and pop experiment. I have also done many other experiments, but that was a very memorable one. I enjoy science very much and it is one of my favorite subjects. I would definitely want to try this experiment at home. If I could point the coke at anyone or anything of my choice, it would have to be a deer. For some reason I just do not like deer.Isaac Swiger/2-24-14/1-2
A chemical reactin is happing. when you put coke and mentos with each other making the soda will explode. My favorite experiment is a valacano. I have not made experiments yet.I love doing expriments.
What is happening is a chemical reaction. When you drop mentos into the soda, the chemical bubble up into an explosion out of the soda bottle. My favorite science experiment is dissecting frogs. I have done science experiments at home like making a volcano with baking soda and vinegar. I do like science but it isn't my favorite subject. I would like to do this experiment at home. I would target a raccoon.
The diet coke explodes because the mentos does something to the molecules in the coke. It makes the coke fizz up a lot. My favorite science experiment would have to be disecting a frog. I've made plenty of science experiments in the past. I like science second out of all my subjects. I would love to make this experiment at home because it will be really awesome. I would target my little brothers definitely. It will be extremely funny.Jacob Branch 4th
The diet coke explodes because there is some type of chemical reaction between the two! My favorite science experiment is when you take a cup of baking soda put it in a bottle the take a half cup of vinager. Then you put them both in the bottle and add a ballon on top! The balloon blows up!Also i would like to do this experiment at school. I would point the bottle at danny booth. he is a very violent person so it would be funny! Elijah Cunningham 4th
The diet coke reacts because of the two people. Mentos cause the big reaction to the diet coke because when they held the diet coke and they put a white mento with a string around it. My favorite science experiment is when you get alot of ingredients like vanilla, ice, and salt with with a big plastic bag and shake it to make it into ice cream. An experiment I have that is interesting is when I mixed salt and water and also put it in my mouth and see how long it would take to clear my cold sore. Yes I do like science because it gives me a chance to express myself chemically. No I wouldn't because it would take me forever because all the homework I'm pilled with. I would target Dominque Piercy because I want to see him not matching.
In this video a chemical reaction is happening because when they are put together.My favorite science experment is when you get to make a volcano and at the top put vinger and baking soda and red food coloring to make it look like it's erupting. When I was in the fifth gradeeverybody got to disect frogs.Science is my favorite subject in school. I would target the coke at my little brother or sister.
The diet coke is bursting because the mentoes caused a reaction. my favorite since experiment is baking soda and vinegar rocket. the baking soda and vinegar rocket is my favorite experiment I did it at home. yes i loveeee science and I would like to make this at home.No i wouldnt want to target anyone with the coke anyways.
In this video a chemical reaction is occurring. The mentos have something in them that causes this certain reaction. But it won't work with regular coke,it has to be diet coke to get that reaction. My favorite experiment is this one actually. I like science because of the experiments. I did this experiment for the science fair last year. I would like to try the red bull and milk reaction though-hydia george 1/2 period
When the Coke and mentos come together, a chemical reaction occurs. In this reaction, the mentos act as the catalyst. This causes the coke to explode. My favorite science excitement is when you have baking soda and vinegar in a bottle, and then place a balloon over the top causing the balloon to blow up. One expiremnt I have done at home was in my grandmas brand new car, I mixed mentos and coke together.(I didn't believe the reaction would occur) the coke went everyone but my grandma luckily wasn't too upset; if she was she didn't show it. Yes, I like science. It is a very easy subject to me and also very interesting. I would most deffiently like to do this experiment at home. If I could point it at anyone, it would be Isaac Swiger! It'd be hilarious to watch him try to run away and be soaked in coke.Josh strand 1/2
A chemical reaction is what’s happening. My favorite experiment is dropping an egg and seeing if it will not be cracked. In the 5th grade we dissected a frog. It was the only time I have ever done it. I do not like science but I have to do it so I can go to high school. I would target my family because it would be funny.
What is happening in the film is a chemical reaction. The mentos make the diet coke go crazy because of the ammount of the carbonation in the diet coke. My favortie Science Experiment is when I made my own glue in Mrs. Conley's classroom last year. I love science it is one of my favortie subjects. I would do an experiment like this at my home. If i could target anyone with the diet coke I would choose my friends because it would be hilarious.Hayden Moran 1-2
What is happening is a chemical reaction. The reason why the coke "explodes" is because the mentos have many small pores that cause a rapid release of carbon dioxide. This causes large quantities of foam to build up and shoot out of the bottle. My favorite science experiment is one I did at home where I created my own rubber ball. I don't really like science that much and I wouldn't like to do this experiment at home because I'd probably mess it up and it would get really messy. If I was to target the coke at someone it would have to be one of my friends when they're not paying any attention to those around them.Jacqson Munro
There is a chemical reaction occurring. They react when you put the things together. That is why you hear the popping noise in the video. I don’t have a favorite science experiment because I honestly I don’t really enjoy science. I have made experiments in the past at school and at home. I like science but don’t enjoy it. Science can get boring to me. I would like to make more experiments at home I think it is fun. I would aim at my sister because she really annoys me. ~~Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period
The thing that happens with the soda. Is when you put the the mentos and diet coke together the moulocules are reacting to create an explosin. I actually have done an expirement at school that was fun. It was done right outside of the school. It was this same expirement that I did. I do like science I'm just not the greatest at it. I have already done this science expirement at my home. We made the target a small bullseye.
What is happening in this video is pure amazement! This mixture of Mentos candy and Diet Coke can be concluded as an insane chemical reaction. This is caused by the chemicals in the mixture reacting together; hence, an immense production of foam occurs and in turn causes the eruption demonstrated. I would say my favorite kind of science experiment is when you mix cornstarch and water to make Oobleck, which is an amazing and indescribable type of substance. Oobleck is described as a non-Newtonian fluid, which basically means it is a solid and a liquid, that becomes dense like clay when met with pressure and flimsy like water when left alone. I have tried to do this Mentos and Coke experiment at home, as well as trying to make Oobleck, and both were extremely messy and hard to clean up. I happen to love science, since it is such an interesting subject to learn and holds so many new secrets that are fun to discover. I would love to try and make this experiment again at home just not on this humongous type of level. Since I most likely will end up preforming this catastrophic eruption again no one shall be safe. I will aim for anyone and everyone that is home, regardless of the consequences. -Spencer Dublin 6/7th Period
In this video two scientists are setting of dozens of chemical reactions to create a work of art. It's amazing that two simple ingredients can make such a large effect. They're using mentos and diet coke. Something in the different molecules cause an explosion! My favorite science experiment was mixing cornstarch and water to make a substance that is a solid and a liquid depending on pressure levels. I've done a couple of science experiments including this one, and others. I do like science, but it definitely isn't my favorite. I would totally do this at my house. I would target my older sister because she's least likely to kill me for it!
During the video, a chemical reaction is taking place. Basically, the mentos candy acts as a catalyst and mixes with the Diet Coke, causing it to explode! Personally, my favorite science experiment is combining water, corn syrup, and regular Joy dish soap to create enormous, seemingly indestructible bubbles! An interesting experiment I preformed at home with my siblings was going outside with boiling water in the freezing weather. When we tossed the water into the air, it immediately turned into mist! Also, while the temperature was below freezing, we set water balloons outside, and after a few days, we retrieved them. They had been turned into solid balls of ice! Moving on, I really love science and I always enjoy class. Learning how things, such as the human body, work has always peaked my interest. I would definitely love to try this experiment at home because I think it would be a lot of fun! I would target my brother for sure, just to get back at him for all the times he's pulled pranks on me!-Kylie Bushko 6th period
This video shows a chemical reaction. The mentos candy mixes with the diet coke, causing it to explode! My favorite science experiment is dissecting frogs. We did it in fifth grade, and my class had a ton of fun with it! I really love science and I always enjoy class. Also science class always seems to be fun and intresting. You can never have a boring science class! I would definitely love to try this experiment at home because I think it would be a lot of fun. Especially it would be a ton of fun with my other siblings! Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period
What is happening in this video is a chemical reaction. Once the mentos are put in the atoms go crazy and have no where else to go so the soda ends up exploding. I have actually have done this exact experiment at school my fifth grade year, along with other experiment's I have completed in my science class this year! If I tried this experiment at home I would probably end up getting in trouble because I would be beyond tempted to spray the substance at every single one of my family members! Sydnee Boyles, 6-7th
In this video a chemical reaction is happening. What happened is when the mentos we're put in the diet coke the atoms had no where else to go so they just went crazy. The outcome of that is that the coke over flowed and exploded. I have done this experiment before with my cousins at my grandmas house. My grandma made us go outside to do it so we wouldn't get it in the furniture and each other. Gentry Morrone1st - 2nd period
In this experiment the chemicals are reacting when they are put together; however, that is making them exploded! I would have to say my favorite one if when we out drive way rock in one side of the bag and baking soda in the other and water in the middle and then poured water and the both sides and one side of it was cold and the other side was hot. But it was cool. Science really isn't my favorite subject. It would be fun to do at home my silblings would like it. One experiment I would want to try would be pop rock, soda and vinegar and see if it would explode cause people say if you eat pop rocks and drink soda your heart will explode! ~ Tameka Burns 1st/2nd period
What is happening is a chemical reaction. The chemicals cause a reaction when the mentos are added to the diet coke. I think my favorite science project would be mixing baking soda and vinegar together to make a reaction kind of like the reaction with the diet coke and mentos shown in the video. We have done so experiments in science class this year that make a small reaction, but nothing major. Science is one of my favorite subjects. I would like to make the experiment at home. I think it would be cool. If I could pick anyone to aim it at I would most likely be one of my friends.~Kayla Lough 1-2
To start things off, the mentos and the coke reacted. This caused a chemical reaction. The coke reacted because the mentos was the catalyst in this experiment. Although I had tried many experiments, my favorite is putting lemon juice, vinegar, and baking soda in a film case. If you shake it up, it will explode! The experiment I just explained, Josh and I made up in Mrs. Garcia science class. Personally, I love science because all the fun experiments we try. I would love to try this experiment at home but I don't think I will ever target it to anybody! Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period
The coke and mentors combined togather causes a chemical reaction. The mentos caused the coke to shoot up and explode. I have done many science expirments in my life but I think it is the coolest thing when you build a volcano. You put baking soda in a tube and then add vinegar and then it shoots up and explodes. I've done this many times in school. I like doing experiments a lot. I have tried the mentos and coke at home many times. I think it is very cool but I think targeting the coke T my friends would be funny so I would do it.Keaton Linger 1-2
The diet coke and the mentor are creating a chemical reaction together and shots up. The diet coke goes crazy because the mentos creates pressure and the bottle can take only a certain amount of pressure. When to much pressure is created in the bottle the diet coke shots up. To my opinion, I don't have a favorite science experiment because like to do any type of experiment. Science class is one of my favorite classes in school because it's easy and you get to learn some thing new everyday. I love doing the mentos and coke experiment so much! I would shoot the coke at my friends or even neighbors just to do some funny pranks Zach Wolford 6-7th period
In this experiment a chemical reaction is forming. The diet coke reacts with the mentos. I think it's the acid reacting with the mint or something else that is inside of a mento. This causes pressure to the bottle and it then explodes. My favorite science experiment would have to be when our class dissected frogs. It was a weird experience but it was fun too. I don't really have any experiments that I do at home, although; sometimes i like just making random things out of stuff around the house. I don't really like science because it is very hard for me to understand. I would like to do this experiment at home with my friends and see their reactions. Stephanie Allen , period: 4/5
Mentos and Diet Coke..... Some people mix it to have fun and some use it as a prank. The pop has to be diet or it wont work. You place the mentos into the pop then.......BOOOOM. The more mentos and pop the bigger the blast. More means best. I remeber when my sister kept on making me mad so she tried to sneak up on me and I had mentos and pop and i turned around and she got drenched. Prank or activity. Its your decision.
The diet coke and the Mentos are making a chemical reaction showed in the video. But, there is experiment that I really like doing is with baking powder and some vinegar. Plus, I just did a chemical reaction lab in my science class. Science is probably my second favorite subject. Doing experiments like this would be pretty cool to do with your family for fun. But, I wont be to thrilled if my brother has it in his hands. Plus did you know, this helped make the water speakers real?Dylan Ozie 4/5th
A chemical reaction is happening. The Mentos and the diet coke are reacting together make the explosion. My favorite experiment is putting baking soda and vinegar together to make an explosion similar to the Mentos and diet coke. I’ve done the baking soda and vinegar experiment in school before. I really like science and hope to be a paleontologist when I grow up. I would like to do this experiment at home but my mom wouldn’t let me because of the mess it would make. I would love to target my mom with the coke.
A chemical reaction is taking place between the mentos and coke. My favorite experiment was dissecting a frog. I've personally done this experiment before. I really do enjoy science and experiments similar to this one. Doing experiments like this at home can grow to be fun activities with family. I seriously enjoy experiments outside of school. I would absolutely do this experiment at home. If I could target anybody with it I'd probably hit one of my neighbors with it just to get a hilarious reaction. ~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~
When you put mentors in coke is causes a chemical reaction. By adding mentos to diet coke is causes the coke to start foaming;therefore, the diet coke explodes. I can't really say I have a favorite science experiment because I pretty much like them all. The one I don't like though is dissecting frogs because I think that is just gross. I have made a lot of interesting experiments, but there is just to many to remember. I do like science, and I would have to say that it is one of my favorite subjects. I just like learning about all the wired things that are in this world. I would like to try this experiment at home, and I would want to target it at my brother. I chose him because he is always getting on my nerves day and night.Mariah Thompson 1-2
the mento's have a chemical reaction with the coke yes I do love sience class it is one of my best classes besides English I would write more but my computer wont let me watch the videos
In the video shown, a chemical reaction took place. When you put the substances together it caused a reaction. My favorite science experiment was when my class made ice cream. I was in 6th grade and it was very tasty. My second favorite lab was when we made snow. I do like science because I love learning about animals,plants and other things. -Jenna Petracca 1/2 period
What happened in this video is called a chemical reaction. When you put this substances together it caused that reaction to take place. My favorite science expierment that I have done was in the sixth grade when we made ice cream. I also would probably do this expierment at home because it is very fun and interesting to watch. Science is one of my favorite subjects because I love learning about plants and animals and also doing many different labs. Haley Johnson 4/5
The chemicals is why the coke is reacting like that. Its a chemical reaction. My favorite science experiment is when I was in 5th grade and we made a substance called Ooblek. It got hard when you rolled it or play with it, but when you stopped it felt like glue.
A chemical reaction is happening. The coke reacted this way because of the way the atoms interacted with each other. My favorite science experiment is putting mentors into a bottle of soda and watching explode. I used to do all kinds of experiments at home but I lost interest. One time me and my mom made snow. I forget how. I'm not really to interested in science to be honest. I would do this experiment and I would point it at my brother Colin.
It is a reaction. It was the chemicals reacting when put together that made it react. My favorite science experiment is anything that has to do with fire because it is always something neat when it is finished. I made a coke and mentos bottle explode once just for fun at my house. I like science and I would like to make this experiment at home. I would point the bottle at anyone who got within ten feet of me.
What is happening is a chemical reaction when the mentos come in contact with the diet coke. I'm not exactly sure what makes the diet coke react like that. My favorite science experiment would probably be blowing things up or changing the color of fire. For the science fair last year, I did an experiment where I tested if age affected sense of smell by having people smell a scent, while blindfolded and tell me if they thought it was the real or artificial version of that item (they were all foods). It depends on what kind of science it is. I probably wouldn't do this at home because I would make a mess and my mom would get mad at me. I would probably target one of my friends.Chloe Wean 1st/2nd period
It is a chemical reaction. One of my favorite science experiment was in sixth grade when we had to find out who murdered the host of a party, like the board game Clue, but much better. I have never really made experiments at home, unless you count making slim. I like science, it just depends on what the topic of science is about. I have done this experiment before in my Grandpa's backyard, and once in my fifth grade science class. I would target one of my friend's, or find a way to make it a prank, so who ever opens it well have an explosion
Whats happening in the video is a chemical reaction. The mentos caused the coke to explode. I have actually done this before at my old school, and it was very cool. We also do a lot of little experiments in science class, but I hardly ever do any at home. I do like science, but it is not my favorite subject.
In the video, a chemical reaction is occurring. The mentos interacted with the soda making an explosion. My favorite science experiment is producing electricity with a battery, wire and light bulb. In science class, we do many science labs. We work with chemicals and many other interesting things. Science is probably one of my favorite classes in school, because it isn't all just book work. We do many hands-on activities. It would be really cool to try this at home! Out of anybody at my house, it would definitely have to be my brother getting targeted with the coke bottle. -Emma Copley1-2
In this video, what is happening is a chemical reaction. The mentos cause the soda to explode. We have actually done this is fith grade. I don't really have a favorite experiment but I do lots of them. I don't really do them as much now as I use to. We do lots of expirements in school in science class. I like science and it can be really cool at times. It isn't really one of my favorite subjects but it's not that bad.Kaitlyn Vilain 1-2
i love diet coke and mentos. i do this to all of my grandparents 2 liters of diet coke. this a bad chemical reaction. we did this experiment in 7th grade in washington state on the west coast.
What is happening is a chemical reaction. The mentos are making it blow up. I love science! Once I did this to my little brother!-Joren Cloutier
I actually did this for the Science Fair last year. A chemical reaction is causing this explosion. My favorite science experiment was probably this one. I love science. I would probably target Spencer with this.
A chemical reaction is going on in this video and I only like science if we're doing science experiments in class bc I don't really like doing work. My favorite experiment is putting baking soda and vinegar together to make it bubble up bc its funny looking to me.
Combining coke and mentos causes a chemical reaction. The only kind of science I like is doing labs or hand on activities. I don't like doing book work or worksheets. My favorite experience would probably be this one. It's fun and you also learn while having fun. Paige king4/5th
In this video the mentos cause a chemical reaction in the soda and causes it o erupt suddenly! It is crazy to do this experiment! My forite experiment though is either an Axe blow torch or making a volcanoe erupt. In the Axe blow torch lab you need a bottle of axe cologne and a lighter. the light the lighter and start spraying the axe into the fire. Watch as the Axe and fire mix to roar like a blow torch.
In this video the mentos caused a chemical reacation in the soda and causes it to erupt. It's crazy to do this experiment! my favorite experiment is the soda nd baking soda one causer it has more action to it and i like to see things blow like an valcano about to erupt! - Jayla King 4/5th period
I think they spent too much money on mentos and diet coke for that experament. I still think it is cool and would want to try it but I dont have the money for all of that.- Ryan Laxton 4/5 period
I don't really know what happened in the video cause I didn't watch the video. I don't have a favorite experiment even though it's all cool I just don't have one. Corey Payne 6/7 period
The experiment demonstrates the physical reaction, rather than a chemical one between a carbonated soda which in this case would be diet coke and adding mentos candy to the bottles of diet coke. The result is an explosive one in which the candy's surface causes the rapid release of CO2. I don't really have a favorite science experiment, but I have always been fascinated by science in general. If I were to do a diet coke experiment I would add bleach to the diet coke.
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What is happening is a chemical reaction. The chemicals are reacting when you put them together; thus, making the pop explode like the video showed. My favorite science experiment is when you put baking soda and vinegar together. I have made some experiments this year: in my science class. Science is cool, just not my favorite subject. I bet it would be cool to do it at home. I would, without a doubt, blast my brother with it. Speaking of mentos and coke, did you know there is a mentos gum now? I wonder if coke would react with the gum.
6/7 Madison Brotoky
A chemical reaction is happening. The coke reacted this way because of the way the atoms interacted with each other. My favorite science experiment is one I am participating in currently. I am studying my cat trying to deduce how a at purrs. I love science, and I have done this experiment before. I would like to target either my father or my stepmother.
A chemical reaction is the reacting of the atoms and all the chemicals coming together i have donw vinag pop and egg with some mints to do a volancano expirement in 6th grade miss garcia i havent really done anything eles thoe
-gabe robinson 4-5
The chemical reaction with the mentos and diet coke causes the explosion. My favorite experiment is the egg drop. I have done a lot of school experiments. I hate science a lot. I would like to do it at home. I already have done it at school. I would point it at a hobo so he can get something to drink.
In the video the thing that is happening is a chemical reaction.The thing that causes the coke to go crazy is the mentors. I think that the one in the video is probably my favorite experiment. Yes in sixth grade we dissected a frog. I would have to say that i truly like science. I think that it would be to messy to do it in the house so i think that i would like to do it out side at my house. I would like to target my sisters and brother with the coke because they get on my nerves.
When you put mentors in diet soda it causes a chemical reaction. My favorite experiment would have to be this one, because I love how the mentors make the diet coke go out of control. I have made a lot of cool experiments at school and at home. I would definitely do this at home. Wouldn't you? If I shot any one with it would be my friend when he is least expecting it.
In this video a chemical reaction is taking place. The Mentos act as a catalyst and basically cause the soda to explode. I would have to say that my favorite science experiment is making " elephant toothpaste". Actually in fifth grade our teacher decided to have us do the Mentos and pop experiment. I have also done many other experiments, but that was a very memorable one. I enjoy science very much and it is one of my favorite subjects. I would definitely want to try this experiment at home. If I could point the coke at anyone or anything of my choice, it would have to be a deer. For some reason I just do not like deer.
Isaac Swiger/2-24-14/1-2
A chemical reactin is happing. when you put coke and mentos with each other making the soda will explode. My favorite experiment is a valacano. I have not made experiments yet.I love doing expriments.
What is happening is a chemical reaction. When you drop mentos into the soda, the chemical bubble up into an explosion out of the soda bottle. My favorite science experiment is dissecting frogs. I have done science experiments at home like making a volcano with baking soda and vinegar. I do like science but it isn't my favorite subject. I would like to do this experiment at home. I would target a raccoon.
The diet coke explodes because the mentos does something to the molecules in the coke. It makes the coke fizz up a lot. My favorite science experiment would have to be disecting a frog. I've made plenty of science experiments in the past. I like science second out of all my subjects. I would love to make this experiment at home because it will be really awesome. I would target my little brothers definitely. It will be extremely funny.
Jacob Branch 4th
The diet coke explodes because there is some type of chemical reaction between the two! My favorite science experiment is when you take a cup of baking soda put it in a bottle the take a half cup of vinager. Then you put them both in the bottle and add a ballon on top! The balloon blows up!Also i would like to do this experiment at school. I would point the bottle at danny booth. he is a very violent person so it would be funny!
Elijah Cunningham 4th
The diet coke reacts because of the two people. Mentos cause the big reaction to the diet coke because when they held the diet coke and they put a white mento with a string around it. My favorite science experiment is when you get alot of ingredients like vanilla, ice, and salt with with a big plastic bag and shake it to make it into ice cream. An experiment I have that is interesting is when I mixed salt and water and also put it in my mouth and see how long it would take to clear my cold sore. Yes I do like science because it gives me a chance to express myself chemically. No I wouldn't because it would take me forever because all the homework I'm pilled with. I would target Dominque Piercy because I want to see him not matching.
In this video a chemical reaction is happening because when they are put together.My favorite science experment is when you get to make a volcano and at the top put vinger and baking soda and red food coloring to make it look like it's erupting. When I was in the fifth gradeeverybody got to disect frogs.Science is my favorite subject in school. I would target the coke at my little brother or sister.
The diet coke is bursting because the mentoes caused a reaction. my favorite since experiment is baking soda and vinegar rocket. the baking soda and vinegar rocket is my favorite experiment I did it at home. yes i loveeee science and I would like to make this at home.No i wouldnt want to target anyone with the coke anyways.
In this video a chemical reaction is occurring. The mentos have something in them that causes this certain reaction. But it won't work with regular coke,it has to be diet coke to get that reaction. My favorite experiment is this one actually. I like science because of the experiments. I did this experiment for the science fair last year. I would like to try the red bull and milk reaction though
-hydia george 1/2 period
When the Coke and mentos come together, a chemical reaction occurs. In this reaction, the mentos act as the catalyst. This causes the coke to explode. My favorite science excitement is when you have baking soda and vinegar in a bottle, and then place a balloon over the top causing the balloon to blow up. One expiremnt I have done at home was in my grandmas brand new car, I mixed mentos and coke together.(I didn't believe the reaction would occur) the coke went everyone but my grandma luckily wasn't too upset; if she was she didn't show it. Yes, I like science. It is a very easy subject to me and also very interesting. I would most deffiently like to do this experiment at home. If I could point it at anyone, it would be Isaac Swiger! It'd be hilarious to watch him try to run away and be soaked in coke.
Josh strand 1/2
A chemical reaction is what’s happening. My favorite experiment is dropping an egg and seeing if it will not be cracked. In the 5th grade we dissected a frog. It was the only time I have ever done it. I do not like science but I have to do it so I can go to high school. I would target my family because it would be funny.
What is happening in the film is a chemical reaction. The mentos make the diet coke go crazy because of the ammount of the carbonation in the diet coke. My favortie Science Experiment is when I made my own glue in Mrs. Conley's classroom last year. I love science it is one of my favortie subjects. I would do an experiment like this at my home. If i could target anyone with the diet coke I would choose my friends because it would be hilarious.
Hayden Moran 1-2
What is happening in the film is a chemical reaction. The mentos make the diet coke go crazy because of the ammount of the carbonation in the diet coke. My favortie Science Experiment is when I made my own glue in Mrs. Conley's classroom last year. I love science it is one of my favortie subjects. I would do an experiment like this at my home. If i could target anyone with the diet coke I would choose my friends because it would be hilarious.
Hayden Moran 1-2
What is happening is a chemical reaction. The reason why the coke "explodes" is because the mentos have many small pores that cause a rapid release of carbon dioxide. This causes large quantities of foam to build up and shoot out of the bottle. My favorite science experiment is one I did at home where I created my own rubber ball. I don't really like science that much and I wouldn't like to do this experiment at home because I'd probably mess it up and it would get really messy. If I was to target the coke at someone it would have to be one of my friends when they're not paying any attention to those around them.
Jacqson Munro
There is a chemical reaction occurring. They react when you put the things together. That is why you hear the popping noise in the video. I don’t have a favorite science experiment because I honestly I don’t really enjoy science. I have made experiments in the past at school and at home. I like science but don’t enjoy it. Science can get boring to me. I would like to make more experiments at home I think it is fun. I would aim at my sister because she really annoys me.
~~Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period
The thing that happens with the soda. Is when you put the the mentos and diet coke together the moulocules are reacting to create an explosin. I actually have done an expirement at school that was fun. It was done right outside of the school. It was this same expirement that I did. I do like science I'm just not the greatest at it. I have already done this science expirement at my home. We made the target a small bullseye.
What is happening in this video is pure amazement! This mixture of Mentos candy and Diet Coke can be concluded as an insane chemical reaction. This is caused by the chemicals in the mixture reacting together; hence, an immense production of foam occurs and in turn causes the eruption demonstrated. I would say my favorite kind of science experiment is when you mix cornstarch and water to make Oobleck, which is an amazing and indescribable type of substance. Oobleck is described as a non-Newtonian fluid, which basically means it is a solid and a liquid, that becomes dense like clay when met with pressure and flimsy like water when left alone. I have tried to do this Mentos and Coke experiment at home, as well as trying to make Oobleck, and both were extremely messy and hard to clean up. I happen to love science, since it is such an interesting subject to learn and holds so many new secrets that are fun to discover. I would love to try and make this experiment again at home just not on this humongous type of level. Since I most likely will end up preforming this catastrophic eruption again no one shall be safe. I will aim for anyone and everyone that is home, regardless of the consequences.
-Spencer Dublin 6/7th Period
In this video two scientists are setting of dozens of chemical reactions to create a work of art. It's amazing that two simple ingredients can make such a large effect. They're using mentos and diet coke. Something in the different molecules cause an explosion! My favorite science experiment was mixing cornstarch and water to make a substance that is a solid and a liquid depending on pressure levels. I've done a couple of science experiments including this one, and others. I do like science, but it definitely isn't my favorite. I would totally do this at my house. I would target my older sister because she's least likely to kill me for it!
During the video, a chemical reaction is taking place. Basically, the mentos candy acts as a catalyst and mixes with the Diet Coke, causing it to explode! Personally, my favorite science experiment is combining water, corn syrup, and regular Joy dish soap to create enormous, seemingly indestructible bubbles! An interesting experiment I preformed at home with my siblings was going outside with boiling water in the freezing weather. When we tossed the water into the air, it immediately turned into mist! Also, while the temperature was below freezing, we set water balloons outside, and after a few days, we retrieved them. They had been turned into solid balls of ice! Moving on, I really love science and I always enjoy class. Learning how things, such as the human body, work has always peaked my interest. I would definitely love to try this experiment at home because I think it would be a lot of fun! I would target my brother for sure, just to get back at him for all the times he's pulled pranks on me!-Kylie Bushko 6th period
This video shows a chemical reaction. The mentos candy mixes with the diet coke, causing it to explode! My favorite science experiment is dissecting frogs. We did it in fifth grade, and my class had a ton of fun with it! I really love science and I always enjoy class. Also science class always seems to be fun and intresting. You can never have a boring science class! I would definitely love to try this experiment at home because I think it would be a lot of fun. Especially it would be a ton of fun with my other siblings!
Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period
What is happening in this video is a chemical reaction. Once the mentos are put in the atoms go crazy and have no where else to go so the soda ends up exploding. I have actually have done this exact experiment at school my fifth grade year, along with other experiment's I have completed in my science class this year! If I tried this experiment at home I would probably end up getting in trouble because I would be beyond tempted to spray the substance at every single one of my family members!
Sydnee Boyles, 6-7th
In this video a chemical reaction is happening. What happened is when the mentos we're put in the diet coke the atoms had no where else to go so they just went crazy. The outcome of that is that the coke over flowed and exploded. I have done this experiment before with my cousins at my grandmas house. My grandma made us go outside to do it so we wouldn't get it in the furniture and each other.
Gentry Morrone
1st - 2nd period
In this experiment the chemicals are reacting when they are put together; however, that is making them exploded! I would have to say my favorite one if when we out drive way rock in one side of the bag and baking soda in the other and water in the middle and then poured water and the both sides and one side of it was cold and the other side was hot. But it was cool. Science really isn't my favorite subject. It would be fun to do at home my silblings would like it. One experiment I would want to try would be pop rock, soda and vinegar and see if it would explode cause people say if you eat pop rocks and drink soda your heart will explode! ~ Tameka Burns 1st/2nd period
What is happening is a chemical reaction. The chemicals cause a reaction when the mentos are added to the diet coke. I think my favorite science project would be mixing baking soda and vinegar together to make a reaction kind of like the reaction with the diet coke and mentos shown in the video. We have done so experiments in science class this year that make a small reaction, but nothing major. Science is one of my favorite subjects. I would like to make the experiment at home. I think it would be cool. If I could pick anyone to aim it at I would most likely be one of my friends.
~Kayla Lough 1-2
To start things off, the mentos and the coke reacted. This caused a chemical reaction. The coke reacted because the mentos was the catalyst in this experiment. Although I had tried many experiments, my favorite is putting lemon juice, vinegar, and baking soda in a film case. If you shake it up, it will explode! The experiment I just explained, Josh and I made up in Mrs. Garcia science class. Personally, I love science because all the fun experiments we try. I would love to try this experiment at home but I don't think I will ever target it to anybody!
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period
The coke and mentors combined togather causes a chemical reaction. The mentos caused the coke to shoot up and explode. I have done many science expirments in my life but I think it is the coolest thing when you build a volcano. You put baking soda in a tube and then add vinegar and then it shoots up and explodes. I've done this many times in school. I like doing experiments a lot. I have tried the mentos and coke at home many times. I think it is very cool but I think targeting the coke T my friends would be funny so I would do it.
Keaton Linger 1-2
The diet coke and the mentor are creating a chemical reaction together and shots up. The diet coke goes crazy because the mentos creates pressure and the bottle can take only a certain amount of pressure. When to much pressure is created in the bottle the diet coke shots up. To my opinion, I don't have a favorite science experiment because like to do any type of experiment. Science class is one of my favorite classes in school because it's easy and you get to learn some thing new everyday. I love doing the mentos and coke experiment so much! I would shoot the coke at my friends or even neighbors just to do some funny pranks
Zach Wolford 6-7th period
The diet coke and the mentor are creating a chemical reaction together and shots up. The diet coke goes crazy because the mentos creates pressure and the bottle can take only a certain amount of pressure. When to much pressure is created in the bottle the diet coke shots up. To my opinion, I don't have a favorite science experiment because like to do any type of experiment. Science class is one of my favorite classes in school because it's easy and you get to learn some thing new everyday. I love doing the mentos and coke experiment so much! I would shoot the coke at my friends or even neighbors just to do some funny pranks
Zach Wolford 6-7th period
In this experiment a chemical reaction is forming. The diet coke reacts with the mentos. I think it's the acid reacting with the mint or something else that is inside of a mento. This causes pressure to the bottle and it then explodes. My favorite science experiment would have to be when our class dissected frogs. It was a weird experience but it was fun too. I don't really have any experiments that I do at home, although; sometimes i like just making random things out of stuff around the house. I don't really like science because it is very hard for me to understand. I would like to do this experiment at home with my friends and see their reactions.
Stephanie Allen , period: 4/5
Mentos and Diet Coke..... Some people mix it to have fun and some use it as a prank. The pop has to be diet or it wont work. You place the mentos into the pop then.......BOOOOM. The more mentos and pop the bigger the blast. More means best. I remeber when my sister kept on making me mad so she tried to sneak up on me and I had mentos and pop and i turned around and she got drenched. Prank or activity. Its your decision.
The diet coke and the Mentos are making a chemical reaction showed in the video. But, there is experiment that I really like doing is with baking powder and some vinegar. Plus, I just did a chemical reaction lab in my science class. Science is probably my second favorite subject. Doing experiments like this would be pretty cool to do with your family for fun. But, I wont be to thrilled if my brother has it in his hands. Plus did you know, this helped make the water speakers real?
Dylan Ozie 4/5th
A chemical reaction is happening. The Mentos and the diet coke are reacting together make the explosion. My favorite experiment is putting baking soda and vinegar together to make an explosion similar to the Mentos and diet coke. I’ve done the baking soda and vinegar experiment in school before. I really like science and hope to be a paleontologist when I grow up. I would like to do this experiment at home but my mom wouldn’t let me because of the mess it would make. I would love to target my mom with the coke.
A chemical reaction is taking place between the mentos and coke. My favorite experiment was dissecting a frog. I've personally done this experiment before. I really do enjoy science and experiments similar to this one. Doing experiments like this at home can grow to be fun activities with family. I seriously enjoy experiments outside of school. I would absolutely do this experiment at home. If I could target anybody with it I'd probably hit one of my neighbors with it just to get a hilarious reaction.
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~
When you put mentors in coke is causes a chemical reaction. By adding mentos to diet coke is causes the coke to start foaming;therefore, the diet coke explodes. I can't really say I have a favorite science experiment because I pretty much like them all. The one I don't like though is dissecting frogs because I think that is just gross. I have made a lot of interesting experiments, but there is just to many to remember. I do like science, and I would have to say that it is one of my favorite subjects. I just like learning about all the wired things that are in this world. I would like to try this experiment at home, and I would want to target it at my brother. I chose him because he is always getting on my nerves day and night.
Mariah Thompson 1-2
the mento's have a chemical reaction with the coke yes I do love sience class it is one of my best classes besides English I would write more but my computer wont let me watch the videos
In the video shown, a chemical reaction took place. When you put the substances together it caused a reaction. My favorite science experiment was when my class made ice cream. I was in 6th grade and it was very tasty. My second favorite lab was when we made snow. I do like science because I love learning about animals,plants and other things.
-Jenna Petracca 1/2 period
What happened in this video is called a chemical reaction. When you put this substances together it caused that reaction to take place. My favorite science expierment that I have done was in the sixth grade when we made ice cream. I also would probably do this expierment at home because it is very fun and interesting to watch. Science is one of my favorite subjects because I love learning about plants and animals and also doing many different labs.
Haley Johnson 4/5
The chemicals is why the coke is reacting like that. Its a chemical reaction. My favorite science experiment is when I was in 5th grade and we made a substance called Ooblek. It got hard when you rolled it or play with it, but when you stopped it felt like glue.
A chemical reaction is happening. The coke reacted this way because of the way the atoms interacted with each other. My favorite science experiment is putting mentors into a bottle of soda and watching explode. I used to do all kinds of experiments at home but I lost interest. One time me and my mom made snow. I forget how. I'm not really to interested in science to be honest. I would do this experiment and I would point it at my brother Colin.
When you put mentors in diet soda it causes a chemical reaction. My favorite experiment would have to be this one, because I love how the mentors make the diet coke go out of control. I have made a lot of cool experiments at school and at home. I would definitely do this at home. Wouldn't you? If I shot any one with it would be my friend when he is least expecting it.
It is a reaction. It was the chemicals reacting when put together that made it react. My favorite science experiment is anything that has to do with fire because it is always something neat when it is finished. I made a coke and mentos bottle explode once just for fun at my house. I like science and I would like to make this experiment at home. I would point the bottle at anyone who got within ten feet of me.
What is happening is a chemical reaction when the mentos come in contact with the diet coke. I'm not exactly sure what makes the diet coke react like that. My favorite science experiment would probably be blowing things up or changing the color of fire. For the science fair last year, I did an experiment where I tested if age affected sense of smell by having people smell a scent, while blindfolded and tell me if they thought it was the real or artificial version of that item (they were all foods). It depends on what kind of science it is. I probably wouldn't do this at home because I would make a mess and my mom would get mad at me. I would probably target one of my friends.
Chloe Wean 1st/2nd period
It is a chemical reaction. One of my favorite science experiment was in sixth grade when we had to find out who murdered the host of a party, like the board game Clue, but much better. I have never really made experiments at home, unless you count making slim. I like science, it just depends on what the topic of science is about. I have done this experiment before in my Grandpa's backyard, and once in my fifth grade science class. I would target one of my friend's, or find a way to make it a prank, so who ever opens it well have an explosion
Whats happening in the video is a chemical reaction. The mentos caused the coke to explode. I have actually done this before at my old school, and it was very cool. We also do a lot of little experiments in science class, but I hardly ever do any at home. I do like science, but it is not my favorite subject.
Whats happening in the video is a chemical reaction. The mentos caused the coke to explode. I have actually done this before at my old school, and it was very cool. We also do a lot of little experiments in science class, but I hardly ever do any at home. I do like science, but it is not my favorite subject.
In the video, a chemical reaction is occurring. The mentos interacted with the soda making an explosion. My favorite science experiment is producing electricity with a battery, wire and light bulb. In science class, we do many science labs. We work with chemicals and many other interesting things. Science is probably one of my favorite classes in school, because it isn't all just book work. We do many hands-on activities. It would be really cool to try this at home! Out of anybody at my house, it would definitely have to be my brother getting targeted with the coke bottle.
-Emma Copley
In this video, what is happening is a chemical reaction. The mentos cause the soda to explode. We have actually done this is fith grade. I don't really have a favorite experiment but I do lots of them. I don't really do them as much now as I use to. We do lots of expirements in school in science class. I like science and it can be really cool at times. It isn't really one of my favorite subjects but it's not that bad.
Kaitlyn Vilain 1-2
i love diet coke and mentos. i do this to all of my grandparents 2 liters of diet coke. this a bad chemical reaction. we did this experiment in 7th grade in washington state on the west coast.
What is happening is a chemical reaction. The mentos are making it blow up. I love science! Once I did this to my little brother!
-Joren Cloutier
I actually did this for the Science Fair last year. A chemical reaction is causing this explosion. My favorite science experiment was probably this one. I love science. I would probably target Spencer with this.
A chemical reaction is going on in this video and I only like science if we're doing science experiments in class bc I don't really like doing work. My favorite experiment is putting baking soda and vinegar together to make it bubble up bc its funny looking to me.
Combining coke and mentos causes a chemical reaction. The only kind of science I like is doing labs or hand on activities. I don't like doing book work or worksheets. My favorite experience would probably be this one. It's fun and you also learn while having fun.
Paige king
In this video the mentos cause a chemical reaction in the soda and causes it o erupt suddenly! It is crazy to do this experiment! My forite experiment though is either an Axe blow torch or making a volcanoe erupt. In the Axe blow torch lab you need a bottle of axe cologne and a lighter. the light the lighter and start spraying the axe into the fire. Watch as the Axe and fire mix to roar like a blow torch.
In this video the mentos caused a chemical reacation in the soda and causes it to erupt. It's crazy to do this experiment! my favorite experiment is the soda nd baking soda one causer it has more action to it and i like to see things blow like an valcano about to erupt!
- Jayla King 4/5th period
I think they spent too much money on mentos and diet coke for that experament. I still think it is cool and would want to try it but I dont have the money for all of that.
- Ryan Laxton 4/5 period
I don't really know what happened in the video cause I didn't watch the video. I don't have a favorite experiment even though it's all cool I just don't have one. Corey Payne 6/7 period
The experiment demonstrates the physical reaction, rather than a chemical one between a carbonated soda which in this case would be diet coke and adding mentos candy to the bottles of diet coke. The result is an explosive one in which the candy's surface causes the rapid release of CO2. I don't really have a favorite science experiment, but I have always been fascinated by science in general. If I were to do a diet coke experiment I would add bleach to the diet coke.
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