Sunday, December 29, 2013

Think Before your Post

What can you do to be safe on the Internet? What is the videographer's purpose in creating this video? Do you feel that this video is accurate? Do you know any examples similar to the one illustrated in this video? How much time do you spend on social networking sites?


Unknown said...

Geez that is all everything is about now a days everybody does this everyday on face book face book was crazy when it first came up myspace was left in the dust exspecially since there is instagram kik twitter tumbalr everything u can think of honestly me myslef i downloaded messagner so i wouldnt have to see all the post people do its all drama no one needs that in there life alot of people hunger for drama,drama its self is annoying no one needs people spreading it it's kinda like a disease if u catch it'd there for the rest of your life if someone says something about you everyone gets in on it them it turns in to cyberbulling and bullying there sor think before you post

-gabe robinson 4-5 said...

The safest thing to do when you're on social media websites is this: Think before you do. This helps because you don't know who is watching you and they might post something about you all over the internet. I think this video is very accurate about the internet and what you post. I don't know any examples of what the video showed. Im usually on social media site about once in awhile when I get bored. I only have a kik, instagram, snapchat, ooVoo, and Facebook, but I only follow my friends only and no one else.

Zach Wolford 6-7th period

Unknown said...

Ever science touchable, non-flip phones were created, the Internet is being used for evil. It started off with Facebook, which made myspace go down into dust, the came instagram, twitter, kik, snapchat, and vine. The videographers are way on to point that cyber bullying has taken over the world. Kids are frightened about what would happen the next day if they were a victim in this tragedy. For my life, in a normal 24 hour day, I usually spend about 6 hours totaled up even with all my apps.

Unknown said...

well there is a lot you can do to be safe on the internet but I ususally spend most of my time on facebook kik instagram and snapchat I am usually on there most of the day

Unknown said...

To be safe on the internet, some things you can do are to not give out your name, don't give your address, basically don't tell them personal information. To inform you of the danger the internet can pose as well as the fun. I feel it was accurate at most points. no, I do not know any examples that relate to the video. I haven't been on a social network in over 6 months, possibly a year.

Unknown said...

To be safe on the internet, some things you can do are to not give out your name, don't give your address, basically don't tell them personal information. To inform you of the danger the internet can pose as well as the fun. I feel it was accurate at most points. no, I do not know any examples that relate to the video. I haven't been on a social network in over 6 months, possibly a year.

Unknown said...

To be safer on the internet is to nott put yourself out there. Don't give all your information to a stranger or someone you dont know all that well. Thats how murders happen. I LOVE social networks like snapchat, instagram, all that good stuff. I mean who doesnt? The internet is fun.

Unknown said...

To be safe on the Internet you must be cautious about pictures or imformation you post. There are too many bullies out there to be posting things like this. The videographer's purpose was to show that you need to be careful. I feel like this video is accurate. I have seen a movie call Cyberbully and there was a situation similar to this. I don't spend a lot of time on social network. I am usually at practice.

Markell Drake 4/5 period

March 5, 2014 at 12:05 P.M.

Unknown said...

To be safe on the Internet you must be cautious about pictures or imformation you post. There are too many bullies out there to be posting things like this. The videographer's purpose was to show that you need to be careful. I feel like this video is accurate. I have seen a movie call Cyberbully and there was a situation similar to this. I don't spend a lot of time on social network. I am usually at practice.

Markell Drake 4/5 period

March 5, 2014 at 12:05 P.M.

Zachary Ayers said...

To be safe on the internet, some things you can do are to not give out your name, don't give your address, basically don't tell them personal information. To inform you of the danger the internet can pose as well as the fun. I feel it was accurate at most points. no, I do not know any examples that relate to the video. I haven't been on a social network in over 6 months, possibly a year.

Unknown said...

To be safe on the internet, you must watch what you post because once it's posted, there's no going back. One think I am extremely careful about is sharing my adresses with anyone on the interent, even in person I'm still scared. The videographers purpose was to let the viewers know the risks of posting things on the interent. This video is very accurate. One example similar to this is the commercial about the French model who isn't French and says, " uhh bonjour" I personally spend a good but of time on social media networks, especially Instagram. When it is a nice day outside though, I isually leave my phone innsife and forget about all social networking.

Josh strand

Unknown said...

You can not post any bad things to be safe. It shows that what you post is stuck there forever and ever. Thinking before you post will help. The video is very accurate. It made perfect sense and it showed that the girl should think before posting. I don't know any times there has been that happening. I think it would be bad if it did. I don't spend that much time on social network sites. I don't really enjoy them that much.

Unknown said...

Personally I use internet alot and I never have any issues with it. I have never had a problem with the internet. But if someone was getting hersassed on the internet I would they should just disconnect themselves from the situation just cut all ties to that. The video is showing that bullying in the media is a very big problem. I think this video is accurate although I dont see bullying all that much anymore. Actually in one day I probably spend less then 30 minutes on social networking sites. Facebook I get on about once a week for like 5-10 minutes

Unknown said...

There are many things you can do to be safe of the internet. The main thing is think before you post. The videographer's purpose for making this video is to prove that once you post it once you can never get rid of it and it is always there. I do feel like this video is accurate. I don't know any examples of things that are like this video. I am normally on social media sites a lot. The one that I am on the most would have to be Instagram.

~Kayla Lough 1-2

Unknown said...

The only way to stay safe online is to think about what you're going to post. If its something extremely personal forget about posting it. The purpose of this video is to show that the internet can be a dangerous thing. This video is completely accurate. It shows how everyone at the school was able to see that girl's photo. I can't really think of an example. I usually look at my twitter at the end of the day and facebook in the morning, after school, and a bit before I go to bed.

Unknown said...

To ensure that I am safe on the internet, I should only visit websites and post pictures that I know are appropriate; in addition, giving out my private information could turn into a huge mistake. Also, for Instagram, I have my profile set on private, so only people I approve are allowed to see my pictures. This way, no strangers can see what I post. I feel that the videographer's purpose of creating the video was to warn and remind us what a dangerous place the Internet can be, and that one mistake can cost you big time. I think the video is very accurate because it displays how rapidly one picture can spread, and no matter what you do, you can't change the fact people saw it. Even deleting the picture won't help since just one person can spread a lot of gossip. I do know of people who have only slipped up once, and their whole life was ruined because they posted just one inappropriate picture, and everyone immediately turned on them. Honestly, I spend a lot of my free time on social networking, especially Instagram. However, when I'm preoccupied, I tend not to check it as much.-Kylie Bushko 6th period

Unknown said...

In my opinion, the smartest thing that you can do to be safe on the internet is to try and predict if anything that you say or post will affect your life. I believe that his purpose is to show that once you post something on the internet it can never be taken away. Personally I believe that this video portrays its meaning very clearly and gets the main point across to the viewer. I do not know of any examples of this, but I have seen a few movies that show how fast something you say or do on a social networking sight can ruin your life. I spend a fair amount of time on social networking sights, and I would have to say that my favorite is probably vine.
Isaac Swiger-1/2

Unknown said...

There's many ways to be safe on the internet. One of them is to always check and think over what you're going to post. This video is completely accurate. Honestly social medias have taken over mostly everybody's life so, people easily have things like this happen to them. This videographer was trying to show how dangerous to just post something without thought. I couldn't inform you of any examples because I can't think of any. I spend a lot of my time on social medias. Mostly, I'm on facebook, Instagram, and kik during my day when I get home from school. I believe just about every kid would spend their life on social medias.
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~

Unknown said...

They are many different ways to be safe on the internet. One of the more important ways is to think about what you post before you post. It shows how a post can affect people. Especially if you don't think about it. This video is completely accurate. Yes, I do know a few other examples. Well, I was doing my homework when my brother was flipping through channels on the television. He stopped, and we saw this show and these people were testing out their new app they made. It's called MEOW MEOW BEANS. It's this app were you rate people with a 1-5, and they gain or earn these MEOW MEOW BEANS. I t was tearing friends apart. If you had more points than other people, you thought you were better than them. It was truly pathetic. I really don't use social media. It is just not that interesting.
Madison Brotosky 6/7

Unknown said...

The number one most important thing to do on the internet to be safe is to not give out any personal information. I think the videographers purpose was to tell about all of the dangerous things the internet has to offer, as in the dangers. I do think that the video is accurate. No I don’t know any other similar examples. The internet is all full of crazy social media sites. There is so many to chose from. I personally do not spend much time on social media because I prefer to read. I will sometimes go onto instagram but that’s really it.
~~Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Gentry M said...

One of the most important things to do to stay safe on the internet is to always think before you post. A thinking method to think before you post is to think how you feel about what you would post in one week, then how you would feel about it in one month, then one year, and so on. Also, if you have doubts about what you are about to post then you probably shouldn't post it. I think the videographer's purpose of this video is tell how dangerous the internet and social medias really are. There are so many crazy things on the internet that i couldn't name all of them. The only social medias that I use are Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat.

Gentry Morrone
1-2 period

Derrick Nulph said...

Not post dumb things about yourself or stay away for it all together. The purpose of this video is to let kids know what could happen if people leave things on the internet it will always be there. The video is very accurate. I spend maybe four to five hours on the internet.

Samuel Cox said...

The best way to be safe on the internet is not to be on the internet, but we all know that's not going to happen. We're all addicted! furthermore, to be safe don't post anything you wouldn't want a stranger to see. also, don't give out your address or other personal information. That way no one can hurt you. I think the video is very accurate. It perfectly demonstrates how one bad choice can destroy your social life. I personally don't know anyone this happened to, but I've heard about a couple. I don't spend much time on social sites; only about an hour a week!

Unknown said...

To be safe on the internet is not use your whole name on the internet. Yes I believe that the video is tells how you shouldn't make bad choices.I spend about an hour on social example is when my tech ed. teacher in florida told us never to use our our names on the internet and to be care full of it too.

Unknown said...

To be safe on the internet is not use your whole name on the internet. Yes I believe that the video is tells how you shouldn't make bad choices.I spend about an hour on social example is when my tech ed. teacher in florida told us never to use our our names on the internet and to be care full of it too.

Anonymous said...

To be safe on the internet, you should never post personal information. You should also never post anything that can have consequences on you or your reputation. The videographer's purpose in this video was to show that when you post something online, it doesn't go away. Also, anybody can see your pictures. Mostly, it's girls who post this kind of stuff. I've seen where girls post pictures of them in bikinis and think that there's not going to be some weirdo looking at it. I spend most of my time on instagram, but I rarely post anything about myself. I am maybe on all of my social networks for maybe two hours a day and I should probably stop doing that, since I am usually seeing a screen rather than a sky.

Chloe Wean 1st/2nd period

Keaton Linger said...

One main way to be safe is never share personal information to other people. Also never ever let someone you don't know follow you on twitter or Instagram. In my opinion the main purpose is to show if you post something it can never be taken off even if you would delete. There is alawys a way to get it back. I feel as if thus video is very accurate and putts a very good point across. I did not find any examples I noticed. Me I usually on social network a couple hours a day.

Keaton Linger 1-2

Abby Williams (: said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

One of the most important things to do to stay safe on the internet is to always think before you post. Also, if you have doubts about what you are about to post then you probably shouldn't post it. I think the videographer's purpose of this video is tell how dangerous the internet is. Social media has taken over mostly everybody's life. The only social medias that I use are Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat.

Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period (:

Unknown said...

One way to stay safe online is don't give out your name ,age ,or location online to anyone you dont know. the whole purpose is to give you information to keep you safe online. there aren't any that were illustaited in this video that i could think of.I don't spend alot of time on social networking sites but when i am on them i am only on for like fifteen minutes at the most.
by bobbi uphold
6/7th period

Unknown said...

There are many ways to stay safe online. Not very many bulletproof ways though. There people out there who know how to hack accounts and minipulate people over social networking sites. I think that you should reveal your age, address, or any other personal information. Your name is okay because many others have the same name as you, most likely. The purpose of this video is probably to demenstrate how dangerous the online world can be. Social media is a big thing in this generation and causes a lot of problems. I mostly use Instagram, and snapchat because I don't like to consume my time with just the internet.

Stephanie Allen , period:4/5

Unknown said...

Be safe on the internet not to give yourself out and give somebody all your information if you don't know them. That's is how bad things happen to children. They plan to met someone they don't know and they have to lie to there parents and they get taken or maybe even kilt. That's why you keep yourself in the down low especially if your to young to be in social networks. There are bullies out there who don't care about other peoples feelings and will do anything to hurt them so you have to watch out. Social media has change so much I'm always on twitter and Instagram & snapchat. Some kids don't give it a break I give it a break I couldn't just look at a screen all day long and plus sometimes the apps get boring!

Anonymous said...

I think to be safe on the internet you should not give your perspnally information out to any strangers that say they know you but you might not know them. The purpose of this video is to show how dangerous an online social life can be. Sometimes people plan to meet someone that they have met online and know nothing about them or if they are dangerous. Also no matter if your a child or an adult you still need to be safe on the internet.
-Haley Johnson 4/5-

Unknown said...

I only go on YouTube when I am on the internet. To show how harmful internet can be if you are not safe. Amanda Todd was a victim, from cyberbullying she committed suicide about last year. I spend a lot of time on instagram when I'm not doing anything, or I have my eyes glued to YouTube.

Unknown said...

IIn order to be safe on the internet you can think before you go to any site before you start, and if you do get on a viral website like facebook and instagram also if you get o any site you can think before you post anything or type anything to anyone. I do think that the video was verty very accurate about intenet in this century. I do not know any examples in this video. I spend only a couple hours in the day because I'm the type of kid who loves going outside and playing basketball if I dont go outside I must be sick or injured or just bad weather outside.

Anonymous said...

I always make sure that I am safe whenever I am online, and I do this by making sure that whatever I post or share is completely appropriate and safe to put online. The main thing is think of the consequences and who it will effect if you do end up posting it, since it might harm another person besides yourself. The videographer's purpose in making this video is to show how a simple post can spread like a wildfire and to warm us to be careful when online, since it can ruin your life if something went wrong. I feel like this video is accurate because it shows how fast a post or picture can spread and the extend of who will see it. I do know of one person that comes to mind who posted a slightly inappropriate picture and then they had to apologize to everyone for posting it because it not only this person but also their best friend, and this was the basis of many arguments that took place. I wouldn't I spend a lot of time on a social media site, only when I have an entire hour of free time do I think of going on a site. Usually I might just go on Tumblr or some other place if I am really bored, but when I am extremely busy I don't even think about opening an app.
-Spencer Dublin 6/7th Period

mariah said...

When your online you have to make sure you are safe. For example, I never ever accept a friends request from someone I don't know. You never know if that person could just be pretending to be your age, just so they can get all your information. That is why I make sure I know who the person is before I would even think about accepting them as a friend. The point in making this videos is to show people the danger if you post one wrong thing. Even if you think your are just being funny, just stop and think about what will or could happen afterwards.'i think that this video is accurate because it's shows just how fast something you post online can be shared. Also someone can take a photo and change it into something completely different to make you look bad. I can't think of anyone right now who this has happened to, but I can think of the movie cyber bully. That movie applies to all the same stuff because she gets made fun of for stuff she really didn't do but people believed it because it was online. I do spend a good bit of time on social media, but I also spend a lot of time being active with soccer and mma too. Even when I am online I make sure that I only talk to someone I know personally. So that is basically what I think about this topic.

Mariah Thompson 1-2

Unknown said...

To be safe on the internet we need to not give out personal information like our social security numbers, credit card numbers,and be safe sharing personal data and information. The purpose in creating this video is to help us understand that for us being what we call and safe on the internet isn't being safe enough. We need to move cyber bullying ahead of us to make sure that we can move forward in our school, community, and the best of all our nation. If we are safer online we move forward tomorrow. I spend a lot of time on social networking sites. We move forward tomorrow if we are safer online today.
Hayden Moran 1/2

Angela DeLorenzo said...

Personally, I don't think you are ever safe on the Internet. The government always watches want you are doing. The videographer's purpose in creating this video is to always be safe on the Internet. The videographer tries to explain to always think before you post. My mom always checks what I post because she says that once it's is posted you can never delete it. Usually I spend a lot of time on social networking; however, I don't post anything bad!

Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Unknown said...

I'm against social networking sites. The only reason I have a facebook is so I can play the games, and I usually don't even do that. The government has taken away any privacy we had on the internet anyways, so I don't see the point. This video is accurate and the internet trolls need to be stopped.

Unknown said...

I'm against social networking sites. The only reason I have a facebook is so I can play the games, and I usually don't even do that. The government has taken away any privacy we had on the internet anyways, so I don't see the point. This video is accurate and the internet trolls need to be stopped.

Allison Crites said...

To be safe on the internet you must be very cautious about what you post, because once you put it on there, you can't take it back. The videographer made this video to show us that you have to be very careful about what you put on social media sites, and it is very accurate. I am very safe on all of my social media sites, like Instagram and Twitter. I don't post anything innapropriate or dangerous. Also, I have both accounts private so that I can control who is allowed to see my posts. This way, I don't have to worry about any strange people seeing my pictures or tweets.

Alli Crites

Unknown said...

To be safe on the internet don't dive to much information out to total strangers. The videographer's purpose was to show how dangerous the internet could be. Ye i do feel this video is accurate to what is going on in social media. I don't have any social media so i don't know any good examples. I don't spend any time on these sits because i don't have any of those sites.

Emma Copley said...

To be safe on the internet, one of the most important things is to keep your social networks on private. This prevents anybody that you don't know from seeing you profile. The purpose of the video was to warn us about the dangers of the internet.I think the video is extremely accurate. Also, on the internet, don't always believe what you see. I've been watching a show called "Catfish". Its all about how people fake there identity online. I spend most of my free time online. Especially when it comes to Instagram, Twitter,Vine, and Youtube!
-Emma Copley

Unknown said...

I think being safe one the internet is very important. It is also important to keep your Instagram or twitter or other social media on private so people you do not know cannot see your photos or information. The reason for this video is to warn us about dangerous things on the internet that could happen to us. I hear lots of story's about horrible things on the internet. You have to be really careful because you don't know what could happen. Also once you post something on the internet it doesn't go away even if you think you deleted it
Kaitlyn vilain 1-2

Unknown said...

I think that anyone can be safe on the internet if they want to be. The reason for this video is to form us about the dangerous things that can be found on the internet.Yes i think that the video is accurate. I have heard a lot of bad things about the things being posted on the internet.I hardly spend any time on the internet because i don't have anything that i can be on except for games.

Unknown said...

I think that anyone can be safe on the internet if they want to be. The reason for this video is to form us about the dangerous things that can be found on the internet.Yes i think that the video is accurate. I have heard a lot of bad things about the things being posted on the internet.I hardly spend any time on the internet because i don't have anything that i can be on except for games.

Unknown said...

To be safe on the internet, the best thing to do is just be careful. I feel that the video is VERY accurate and does a good job of showing just what can happen when something is posted. I do a personal example. One time, My logo, which I use for almost all social media and gaming, was stolen by someone and used as their own. They removed it, however, when I threatened to hack their account. It amazed me that even something simple like that could be stolen. I spend allot of time on the internet, and I am always very careful
-Joren Cloutier

Unknown said...

We can be safer on the internet by setting up parental blocks on sites and not letting people on them unless you have a passcode. The author is saying that the internet is very dangerous. I don't spend a lot of time on social networking sites becasuse they are a waste of time unless you need to contacct somebody.

Unknown said...

I think something we can do to stay safe on the internet is just be careful what we do, or put up some sort of block. The videographer is trying to show us that the internet is very unsafe. I used to spend a LOT of time on social network sites, until I dropped my iPod in the toilet and it stopped working.

Unknown said...

I think that the safest way to be on the internet is to block all inappropriate things and hacked websites that can make you computer crash. I think that the purpose of the video was to tell you that whatever you put on the internet can not be fixed or changed and every body in the world can see what you posted. I do fell that this video is pretty accurate. I do not know any body like this. Do you? I only pend up to thirty minutes a month on social media sites.

Unknown said...

I think the best way we can keep ourselves safe on the internet is beware of the setting around us and don't post or like something you will regret. If you don't get on some sort of social media you won't have a lot of problems with regretting what you post. If you don't like what someone has to say then you could unfriendly them or block them rather then fight and argue with them. There is a responsible way to deal with your problems.
Paige king

Unknown said...

The best way to stay safe on the internet and make sure that you do not give out any personal information. This information could be a phone number, address, etc. I see a lot of this kind of stuff because my dad deals with this kind of stuff every day. He is a state police man and he helps get the people out there who try to abduct children. That is the craziest stuff ever and I can't stand it. I am also always on my social networking!

Unknown said...

The best way to keep yourself safe on the Internet is to not post your personal business. Don't post bad pictures and dont post where you live. People can track down things and track you down.

Unknown said...

the best way to keep you safe on the internet is to not post bad stuff on the internet and not to post your bisness dont post persnal pictures if you think someone will make fun you dont post where you are and where you live because some can find you.

Unknown said...

I think that social media can be used for good and bad things. It can be used for good because it connects you with your friends and family that maybe don't live in the same state as you. You can also post pictures with your friends or see funny things that your friends said. You can also use them for bad things,though. Some people post bad pictures or tweet things that are mean. Also, some people are to open with people on the internet and that can get you in trouble if their stangers. My instagram is private so that when people I dont know try to look at my page, they can't unless I accept their follow. The video is true and we should be more careful about what we post.
-Jenna Petracca 1/2 period

Unknown said...

Some ways you can keep safe on the internet is not to post stuff that will get you in trouble and tink about if you post something bad on there you might get in trouble.

Unknown said...

Some ways you can be safe on the internet is not to post stuff that will get you in alo0t of trouble and think about what your conseques might be if you do post those things because you really will get cought sooner or later if you have or are going too.

- Jayla King 4/5th period

Unknown said...

I think that you should think about what you are posting before you post it or everyone could see it and you could get into trouble or maybe get made fun of.

- Ryan Laxton 4/5 period

Unknown said...

I think that you should watch you post on the internet because thats the fastest way possible to send out information. The purpose of putting things on the internet is for attention or something like that. i think this video is accurate.

Sydnee Boyles said...

You czn be safe on the internet by always thinking about the outcome of your posts. Think about how it could effect you, others, or you reputation, and if you think it could hurt you in the future it probably isnt a good idea to post it! I think the videographers purpose in making this video is to show how cyberbulling is taking over the world... I think this video is very accurate because bullying over media, etc., has became a huge issue. Im not sure of any examples,but im on social media sites quite a bit. With that said, all of my accounts are private which means only certain people can view them!
Sydnee Boyles, 6-7th

Sydnee Boyles said...

You czn be safe on the internet by always thinking about the outcome of your posts. Think about how it could effect you, others, or you reputation, and if you think it could hurt you in the future it probably isnt a good idea to post it! I think the videographers purpose in making this video is to show how cyberbulling is taking over the world... I think this video is very accurate because bullying over media, etc., has became a huge issue. Im not sure of any examples,but im on social media sites quite a bit. With that said, all of my accounts are private which means only certain people can view them!
Sydnee Boyles, 6-7th

corey payne said...

By not posting any harmful language and not bullying anybody on the internet. I don't really know about the internet because it wouldn't work so I don't know if the video was accurate. Corey Payne 6/7th period

Unknown said...

when i post anything on line which is rarely ever..the only thing i post are phrases and lyrics from a song that came to mind the day. Ive seen stuff on facebook that makes me feel bad because the people who post it dont really know what they posted. pictures are a big percentage of whats inappropriate on social media. If you post a picture online make sure you have pants and a shirt on to the point its covering everything.

Unknown said...

when i post anything on line which is rarely ever..the only thing i post are phrases and lyrics from a song that came to mind the day. Ive seen stuff on facebook that makes me feel bad because the people who post it dont really know what they posted. pictures are a big percentage of whats inappropriate on social media. If you post a picture online make sure you have pants and a shirt on to the point its covering everything.

Unknown said...

The safest thing to do when your on a social network would be watch what your doing, you post, say, and even when you post pictures up people are watching everything you do. Think before you do. That helps alot. The videographers are way on to point that cyber bullying has taken over the world. For a normal day it depends on weather. If its a rainy, cold day then i would spend about 6 hours all together. A sunny, warm day I would spend about 2 or 3 hours because im outside doing tings that don't consist of internet.
Lauren 6/7pd

Unknown said...

To be safe on the internet you have to make sure to not use a face cam and not to give out info. To tell that you should really think that if you post something on the internet its there forever. Yes, I do feel this video is accurate. I spend no time on social networking sites I think there a waste of time and are pointless.