The way I would make my home a better place is to take care of it and not abuse the shelter. I can make my family a better family by trying not to fight as much and when a disagreement accrues, talk it out but don't shout. Shouting doesn't help get the point across. I try to not jump to conclusions if someone tells me something and if something happens to hurt me or one of my friends, I try my best to forgive but sadly, it is harder for me to forgive someone who hurts someone I care about. You can try not to litter. We can watch what we put into the air and water. I would like to think I am a giver but I catch myself being very greedy. I can only keep trying to change that.
By living green and being good. Helping around the house. Not bullying people and helping other. By picking up trash and helping elders. We can help the world by not being like political leaders but being ourselves.Derick Nulph
I can make my home a better place by keeping my room clean and helping others with tasks that need to get done. I can make my family a better family by listening to my parents and helping my brother out. I contribute patience and listening to rules to my school to make it a better place. I can contribute to the world by not littering and not using so much water. I can help others, and many other things to help the world. Madison Brotosky 6/7
At home, I can do many things to make it a better environment.for example, I can clean around the house, or take the trash out. This makes my family happier too. To make my family better, we can go to church, or fight less that usual. At school, there are many mean people.I think If I can be nice to people, or convince people to be nice to others I can make WFMS a better place. Around the community, I can do volunteer work. I think I can be greedy at times, but I try to be a giver as much as possible! -Emma Copley1-2
I help clean the house and do dishes which makes the house a cleaner place. Well I joke around a lot with my family and it helps us all connect. I'm in science honorary so that influence could make this school a better place. I don't really do anything in the community other than mowing grass and other little things like that. I cant really do much to change the world right now at this age. I am an even mix between a taker and a giver.
To make my house a better place, I do chores around the house so we can get the job faster. As a family, we go out together and have a good time by going out to eat or going on vacation during break. Consequently, my dad is always he grumpy when we have to spend 10 or more hours in the same car. In school, I joined Raze that goes against smoking and drugs. That helps me get a better understanding of what can happen in school. In the community, my youth group goes up to Morgantown to feed the homeless a few times a year. To my opinion, I can't think or do anything to help the world right now being at the age of being a teenager. I am both a taker and a giver; but, I think its better to give than to take though. Zach Wolford6-7th period
Honestly,I believe my contribute to WFMS is the way I act since i act good no one has to worry about me.How I make my home a better place is that I lock the doors at night and I make sure no one is sad and only happy that is also how I make my family better. Right now I don't know how I would make my community but I guess not being a criminal is a good way.I believe right now I don't make a contribute to the world but I think I will but I think I am a taker and giver and it depends on the situation too. Miguel Figueroa 1st/2nd period.
There are many was to contribute at home and at school. For example is you see bullying going on stop it. Thats a great example! Or even at you community, by cleaning up trash can make it a cleaner place. In my own opinion clean places make me feel batter about the world! Although i take lots of things i still consider my self a giver. Because any time i can i help people!Elijah Cunningham 4th
I do a lot of fun things at my house to make my home a better place to live in. I do things with my family to help us get along better. I participate in the fundraiser to make the school better place. I clean up trash to make the school a better place. If I see it I get it. I could send out an ad to make the kids help with the community. I can make my family keep everything clean. I give to a lot of people.
I would make my home a better place by keeping it clean. Not throwing all my trash on the floor and actually clean it up. I would make school a better place by really kinda doing the same.
I make my home a better place by being myself and not letting anybody control what I do except my family. You can make a family better by have good comistry with everyone in the house. My contribution for WFMS is to be good and not get in trouble. I make the community better by working at the soup opera and feed people that can't afford a good meal. I could make the world better by picking up litter on the streets. I am a taker and a giver.
I try to make my home a better place by helping around the house. I try to help my family work out their problems. I try to clean up the floor. I try to make the teachers less stressed. I help clean up the waste that people put in the environment. I think that i would make a group to help keep the oceans and the world clean. I believe that i am a giver not a taker.
i am a taker and try to give back but my parents seem to not like me as a human being. i feel like i am useless for anything but as a human whipping post for there anger. srry that was a complete confession to almost all my years of life. from 10 years old to present.
I can make my home a beter place by not mistreating it and throwing things everywhere.I could make my family better by not arguing and being rude to each other all the time. I can help my school out by not bullying. Reuse and recycle. I would think of myslef as a giver because I dont really like taking from other people.
To help my family, I help when I can and stay out of my Mom's hair. To make WFMS a better school, I have been helping Mr. Jaros clear viruses off of the computers in his room so that students can use them. I am both a Taker and a Giver. I try not to Take to much without giving back, and not to take anything for granted.-Joren
I try to help around the house by cleaning and such. I wish I did more for this school, but I honestly, I do pretty much nothing. I am basically both a taker and a giver. Sadly, I am more of a taker, but I'm trying to fix that.
A way I can help out at school is by picking up any trash that I see on the ground. A way I can help at home is by doing the same, keeping it clean. Picking up anything I see on the ground and cleaning it up. -RYAN LAXTON 4/5th period
I make my home a better place by adding laughter and joy to everyone. Next, I make my family a better family because, I help make sure everyone is getting along well. At WFMS I contribute a lot. For example, I am in student council and help fundraise for our school and also help out cleaning around the school. To make my community a better place, I often volunteer to ring bells for the Salvation Army through student council. To summarize, I don't know what all I could do for our world. It's so big and there are sooo many people. In conclusion, I am a giver. Not only do I give objects, but also joy and other other feelings like that. Josh Strand1/2nd
At home, there are many things I can do to make it better place. For example, I can take the trash out of just clean up around the house. I can make my family a better family by trying to get along better and not fighting as much. I contribute by obeying the rules and listen to teachers and other adults. I make the community a better place by picking up trash and keeping it clean. There are so many different things that anyone could do to contribute to the world. One major thing that anyone can do to help the world is not littering. I am very greedy sometimes, but I try to give as much as can because there are so many people that do not have as much as we do.~Kayla Lough 1-2
I would make my home a better place by having an attitude adjustment. Honestly my family has an attitude towards everyone and it may need to be slightly changed! My family doesn't really need to change, except for me not wanting a brother. One thing that will make WFMS a better school would be less strict teachers. They wonder why we don't like them. Making a community cooperate with one another would be difficult and stressful, although one thing might be to litter less. I don't know what I would do to be a greater contribution. I am both, It really depends on whether I like you or not. Truthfully I'm a giver.1-2Nichole Grant
I think that one way too make your home a better place is to clean it more than You would think it needs. A way to m ale your family better is to go on vacation and get away from stress. A way to make WFMS a better school is to stop all bad things and try to get better grades so then the school can be realized for good things and not the bad things that we do. I think that a way to make the community a better place is to pick up trash. A way to contribute to the world is to give money to the poor. I am a giver not a taker.
To improve both my home and family, I contribute to keeping the house clean and neat. Additionally, I don't abuse my stuff and take pretty good care of my belongings, and I try to fight with my siblings as least as possible. Also, I treat my parents with respect. I'll admit that I can sometimes have an attitude, but for the most part, I follow the rules and do what I'm told. I help make WFMS a better school by doing my part in keeping it clean and also doing my best in my classes. Moving on, to improve the community, I act polite and kind to everyone because you never know when someone is having a really bad day, and just smiling can cheer them up a little. To make a greater contribution to the world, I can always try my hardest and become successful. This way, I can help others by becoming a doctor or having some other great career. Also, I could do church-involved things to share what I believe with others, and I would love to go on a mission trip to a place in need of great help. I think it would be an amazing, life-changing experience! Finally, I confess that I can be a taker, as well as a giver. On the other hand, I've been trying to improve on that. As time goes on, I'm giving back more and more. Overall, I hope to make great contributions to the world, and there is always room for improvement.-Kylie Bushko 6th period
To begin, improving your home is pretty simple. It only needs a few things, cleaning and caring about your home will improve a lot already. To improve your family you have to care for your loved ones. Ways to improve our school would to keep good reputations and take care of the thing we are given. Overall to help improve the world would mean to care for your surroundings. Paige king4th/5th
When I'm at home, I clean the house and do whatever my family needs me to do. Id like everyone in my house to be happy so I don't have to put up with their dumb crap all day. When I'm at school I try to act like a good student around the smaller kids to be a good role model. Everyone at school could pick up some trash once in a while to put less stress on the janitor. I consider myself as a giver and a taker because I like to give and I love to receive.
To keep my house I better place I feed my dog and take her out and try to help out my grandma and mom as much as possible. To keep my family a better family I just try to get along with everyone and help solve any problems we have in our family. At our school I try to contribute a lint since I am Vice President. For example, the day of orientation a few student council members and I come to the school early and help carry pieces of the new play ground equipment to the play ground so the builders could build it. Also, we dug up weeds from the planters in front of the school. It was a lot of work but it was fun in some aspects. I think to make our school a better school we should try to do something where everyone can participate and and we can all try to clean up around the school so we can have a cleaner learning environment. Keeping out community and world a cleaner place is as simple as picking up a piece of trash on the ground and throwing it away. All the little things you to to contribute really do help our environment. Gentry Morrone 1-2 period
To keep my house a better place i try not to pick on my brothers or sister and always do what my parents say. To make my family better I hang out with each and every member in the family. It gives us all a closer bond. I started an Anti- Bully group at school to make it a better place. This also helps with the community. I make sure people do not get bullied and if there is bullying i will put it to an end!
To keep my house a better place i can help my grandma clean up around the house. My grandma is getting older and she needs more help. To keep my family a better family i can try to keep them in a good mood and prevent them from arguing with one another. I really dont know how to keep my school a better school. All i can do is represent the school by getting good grades and being good. To keep my commu nity better i can get a group of people together and pick up trash.
I think I could make my comunity a better place buy going green and cleaning up the local play grounds and other enjoyable places so that itv won't be so dirty for little ones to go and play when they do. i can also make my house a better place buy doing what I am told to do and not get smart with my parents and do what im suppose too. -JAYLA KING 4/5th period
I make my home a better place by keeping it clean and together. I try not to fight with my brothers and sisters and take care of the younger kids in the family. I try to do good in school and not get into truble. Also not put stess on my mom and do everything that i need to.
Simple I just go to my happy place and basically eat and play basktball mostly. My family and I just say whats on our minds when something is bothering me at that ecact time and place when there is something going on and I dont like it trust it will be said at that time ( But im not snitching) I keep my grade point averAGE UP TO A 3.0 or above. I contribute by just basicaslly not doing something bad in order to polute my air. I'm a giver because if you need any help with anything at all I will except with anything illegal I'm not bout that life.
I make my home a better place by doing my chores and occasionally cooking dinner. I don't do much to make my family better as it is out of my hands. I contribute to WFMS by working hard in school and not fighting people. I plan on volunteering at a vet's office soon. To help the world I plan on being a veterinarian. I think I am both a taker and a giver.
By throwing trash away when anyone in my family doesn't want to throw away any trash. By spending some more time together like having a family game night with either mine or my brother's game console like play some football or basketball. The way that I would contribute to WFMS is working hard in class and don't get in any fights and not to start bullying people smaller than me. By picking up trash across the sidewalk and in the parking lot. I'm a giver because I like give people stuff like when people ask me for pencils in class I give them a pencil if I have extra pencils.
Corey Payne 6/7th period
A way I can make my home a better place is by helping my mom when she is cleaning and also to make my family better is not fight with my brother and sister all the time. I'm always nice to people and work really hard and don't give my teachers trouble.
The way that I try to make my home a better place is by doing what I can to help out around my house. Whether it be dusting and cleaning the kitchen, taking care of our pets, or simply watching my nephew. I try to better my family by taking care of my things, respecting my parents, and trying not to fight with my brothers all the time. I help WFMS as a whole by being part of the peer mediators and even helping with the Builder's Club last year. I also try to listen and pay attention, do my work, and respect everyone around me. I help make the community a better place by picking up trash around my neighborhood, assisting in projects at the park, and I even volunteered at my great- grandmother's nursing home a few years back. I still feel like I could do more to better our community, the environment around us, and even the world as a whole. I think I could do this by participating in a local clean up group, helping at various animal shelters and even at the hospital, and also by encouraging others to do the same. I wouldn't say I was a complete giver because I can be a taker at times, but I am definitely not a complete taker either so I would say I am somewhere in the middle. I try to give back, especially to my family and close friends, as much as I take and I hope to do more of this in the future. -Spencer Dublin 6/7th Period
I make my home a better place by helping around and cleaning it. I make my family a better family by not arguing as much. A contribution I make to make WFMS a better school is to be a god student and set a good example for younger students. What I could to do make the world better is to recycle and pick up trash. I feel that I'm both a giver and taker. At times I'll be greedy but I try my best to not be.Jacqson Munro 4/5
4 people died in my family in just thhe last few months of last year. my family hasnt been the same since.The last time I saw my grandma was christmas. I never see anyone anymore unless im baby sitting. saturday is my baby cousins birthday party. I cant wait to see her. as for school, if we didnt have people who likes to fight and run there mouth and iif we didnt have thugs then we would actually be a good school.
I try to help around my house as much as I can! It might be something simple like taking out the trash or something more difficult like washing clothes. I think it helps everyone by just doing something simple like chores. At WFMS I try my best to get good grades and be repesctful to the teachers and students. I also participate in clubs such as the yearbook staff. I help my community by picking up garbage when I see it laying on the ground and just other things that make it look nicer. I think doing small things for your family school and community can make a huge difference in the world I would like to help out with animals someday so I can help people take care of them and walk them. Kaitlyn vilain1-2
I make my home a better place by doing my part to be responsible for cleaning the dishes, taking the garbage out, mowing the grass, and keeping my room clean. In order to make my family as good as it can be I try to be respectful of my parents and older brother. When they are having a bad day I do my best to make it better. In school I try to get involved in as many school clubs and organizations as possible. To help my community my family recycles, and donates to those in need. To make a greater contribution to world I am going to continue to be a good student, finish college, and be a productive citizen. I would consider myself to be a giver. Whether it is a object, or my helpful personality.Isaac Swiger-1/2
I think that by sweeping and dusting the house everyday then we can not only help out the house but the people in it too. My family has a rule where one person talks at a time island if someone disrespects that then they go last and they get a punishment. I try and pick up after the school but it's kind of hard. I think that by just doing the little things it will make a big impact on the world. Quentin Davis 6/7 period
I help my home in many ways. Mostly, I just clean and try to improve the mood of the house. To make my family be a better family I try to solve problems between family members. To help improve WFMS I increase our test averages and I try to set a good example to others. Lastly to better my community I do service. Most of my service is for boy scouts, but some of my service I do by myself. To contribute to the world I would start a charity to help the poor and homeless. I admit a take a little more than I give, but I'm trying to change that
I lighten up the mood alot. I make by family better by making them laugh and have fun. I really dont contribute to making this school any better or worse. Im just pretty much there. I make my community better by following all of the laws and rules of the country and state. Well when I get older im going into nuclear engineering. So im not saying this is going to help the whole world but It will help my country. I see my self as both a giver and a taker there kind of equal to each other.
I make my home a better place by keeping my room clean and helping to clean around the house. I also help keep the hot tub clean. I make my family better by trying to connect and relate with them. You can make the community a better place by not littering and helping to clean it. You could also make the community a better place by helping other people out. That would make the community bond and become closer friends. I see myself as a giver because I'll give all for anybody in need and expect nothing in return.~~Autumn Sorrels
I make my home a better place by helping out around the house. I always make my family do fun things like board games to bond. I don't do much for the school. I'm pretty much just a student. I never liter. To me litering is horrible and if I see it then I pick it up and throw it away. I am not sure what I can do to make the world better other than just being green and recycling. My family is huge on recycling. I am defiantly a giver. I love the feeling during Christmas when I get my mom or dad something that I think is really cool and I always give away the surprise. So I am a giver.
I make my home a better place by helping out when I'm asked, and keeping it clean. I help make my family better by loving them and bonding with them as much as possible. To help out my school I always listen to the rules and pay attention when a teacher is talking. I couldn't ever imagine being disrespectful to a teacher. To make e community a better place I don't litter, and I make sure to tell others not to. To make a better contribution to the world I could start recycling or something in that area. To me I am both a giver and a taker. I love to make people happy and give them things they might need or want, and sometimes I just give them a present to show that I appreciate them. I am also a taker because I love presents and buying new things. Mariah Thompson 1-2
I would make my home a better place by actually cleaning my room instead of just pushing stuff around. My family could be better by actually talking to everyone else in the family. I only see my brother once or twice a month anymore and I see my other brother and my niece and nephew maybe once every three or four months. The only time we talk to the rest of my family is on holidays. We don't fight with them or anything, we just never talk anymore. WFMS could be a better school if people learned to control themselves and stop getting so offended all the time. They need to learn that something small like an argument or misunderstanding doesn't mean you have to fist-fight. The community could be a better place if people forgot their differences and coexisted. I don't know how I could make a contribution to the world. I'd probably donate to any charity that seems worthy. At this point in my life, I'm not much of a taker or a giver. I kind of just exist.Chloe Wean1st/2nd period
I could make it a better place by actually trying to keep up with chores and helping more. I could make it a better family by trying to cut down on arguing and trying to speak more with other members of my family. Cutting down on arguments can help to strengthen a bond between a family. Many people should cutting back on the littering. WFMS could be better if many didn't judge because nobody can get along with every single person in the school. There are many troubles between the kids. I find I can get greedy many times but I try to give and do what I can to help. I think I am somewhere between the ranks of a taker and a giver. ~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~
I think that I make my home a better place by helping out around the house. I'm an only child in my household so a lot of chores are left for me to do. My family and I usually have dinner together every night now. This makes us more united as one. My parents like to believe that a family is a team. I think that my team and I are strong. I try my hardest at school. I don't get in any serious trouble and I study and complete my assignments. My community could use a better social system, but I honestly don't know how I could help out with that. The world needs people who are excited to learn new things for the future. I am trying to become the best person I can be for the world and my future. I am a giver, because I like to give happiness to the ones who need it the most. Making a persons day can show a lot of character. When others are happy, I' happy.Stephanie Allen, period:4/5
We can make our homes a better place by helping out more, and being ourselves. I make my family better by helping increase my and their public images. I help out in as many organizations at WFMS as I can and I pull more than my weight everyday by giving 110% everyday. I increase my public image by helping out with my community. I could make a better contribution to the world by being the change I wish to see in the world, by being a public figure, and by being a humanitarian in the eyes of the world. I am a giver but sometimes I am greedy. I wish to change this. Hayden Moran 1/2
I could make my home better in many ways but the main one would be to help out more and clean more on my free time. Next a way to make my family better would hold more family events and meet more often. Towards our school i try to stop someone if they are bulling somone. In summary to make my community better would be to clean up around town and put out recycle bins for people. Last for the world go green. I am a giver but can get carried away which is not good. Keaton linger 1-2
The one way I could make my home a better place is keeping it clean and organized. Another way is I always keep laughter and try to bond with my family. A way you can contribute to your community is helping elderly people like walk across the street or something like that. One way I can contribute to WFMS is help stop bullying. Bullying is a big thing at our school. I believe I am a giver not a taker.Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period.
To start things off, I make my home a better place by helping with chores or making breakfast in the mornings. By doing these tasks, I make my home and family better. The contribution I could make to make or school better is to start clubs that everyone can join. To make the world better, we could ask people to donate clothes or food to places in need. Personally, I think I am both a giver and taker. Honestly, I think I take more than I give, which I need to change. Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period
I make sure that the place is clean and does not smell horrific. I would try my best to get my parents together again but I never can, no madder how hard I try. Me and the 4th period art class are making a mural on the gym wall. By not robbing stores in Fairmont. Destroy McDonald s. Both, If I can afford to give something I give, But; if it is being given away for free then I take it.
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The way I would make my home a better place is to take care of it and not abuse the shelter. I can make my family a better family by trying not to fight as much and when a disagreement accrues, talk it out but don't shout. Shouting doesn't help get the point across. I try to not jump to conclusions if someone tells me something and if something happens to hurt me or one of my friends, I try my best to forgive but sadly, it is harder for me to forgive someone who hurts someone I care about. You can try not to litter. We can watch what we put into the air and water. I would like to think I am a giver but I catch myself being very greedy. I can only keep trying to change that.
By living green and being good. Helping around the house. Not bullying people and helping other. By picking up trash and helping elders. We can help the world by not being like political leaders but being ourselves.
Derick Nulph
I can make my home a better place by keeping my room clean and helping others with tasks that need to get done. I can make my family a better family by listening to my parents and helping my brother out. I contribute patience and listening to rules to my school to make it a better place. I can contribute to the world by not littering and not using so much water. I can help others, and many other things to help the world.
Madison Brotosky 6/7
At home, I can do many things to make it a better environment.for example, I can clean around the house, or take the trash out. This makes my family happier too. To make my family better, we can go to church, or fight less that usual. At school, there are many mean people.I think If I can be nice to people, or convince people to be nice to others I can make WFMS a better place. Around the community, I can do volunteer work. I think I can be greedy at times, but I try to be a giver as much as possible!
-Emma Copley
I help clean the house and do dishes which makes the house a cleaner place. Well I joke around a lot with my family and it helps us all connect. I'm in science honorary so that influence could make this school a better place. I don't really do anything in the community other than mowing grass and other little things like that. I cant really do much to change the world right now at this age. I am an even mix between a taker and a giver.
To make my house a better place, I do chores around the house so we can get the job faster. As a family, we go out together and have a good time by going out to eat or going on vacation during break. Consequently, my dad is always he grumpy when we have to spend 10 or more hours in the same car. In school, I joined Raze that goes against smoking and drugs. That helps me get a better understanding of what can happen in school. In the community, my youth group goes up to Morgantown to feed the homeless a few times a year. To my opinion, I can't think or do anything to help the world right now being at the age of being a teenager. I am both a taker and a giver; but, I think its better to give than to take though.
Zach Wolford
6-7th period
Honestly,I believe my contribute to WFMS is the way I act since i act good no one has to worry about me.How I make my home a better place is that I lock the doors at night and I make sure no one is sad and only happy that is also how I make my family better. Right now I don't know how I would make my community but I guess not being a criminal is a good way.I believe right now I don't make a contribute to the world but I think I will but I think I am a taker and giver and it depends on the situation too. Miguel Figueroa 1st/2nd period.
There are many was to contribute at home and at school. For example is you see bullying going on stop it. Thats a great example! Or even at you community, by cleaning up trash can make it a cleaner place. In my own opinion clean places make me feel batter about the world! Although i take lots of things i still consider my self a giver. Because any time i can i help people!
Elijah Cunningham 4th
There are many was to contribute at home and at school. For example is you see bullying going on stop it. Thats a great example! Or even at you community, by cleaning up trash can make it a cleaner place. In my own opinion clean places make me feel batter about the world! Although i take lots of things i still consider my self a giver. Because any time i can i help people!
Elijah Cunningham 4th
I do a lot of fun things at my house to make my home a better place to live in. I do things with my family to help us get along better. I participate in the fundraiser to make the school better place. I clean up trash to make the school a better place. If I see it I get it. I could send out an ad to make the kids help with the community. I can make my family keep everything clean. I give to a lot of people.
I would make my home a better place by keeping it clean. Not throwing all my trash on the floor and actually clean it up. I would make school a better place by really kinda doing the same.
I make my home a better place by being myself and not letting anybody control what I do except my family. You can make a family better by have good comistry with everyone in the house. My contribution for WFMS is to be good and not get in trouble. I make the community better by working at the soup opera and feed people that can't afford a good meal. I could make the world better by picking up litter on the streets. I am a taker and a giver.
I try to make my home a better place by helping around the house. I try to help my family work out their problems. I try to clean up the floor. I try to make the teachers less stressed. I help clean up the waste that people put in the environment. I think that i would make a group to help keep the oceans and the world clean. I believe that i am a giver not a taker.
i am a taker and try to give back but my parents seem to not like me as a human being. i feel like i am useless for anything but as a human whipping post for there anger. srry that was a complete confession to almost all my years of life. from 10 years old to present.
I can make my home a beter place by not mistreating it and throwing things everywhere.I could make my family better by not arguing and being rude to each other all the time. I can help my school out by not bullying. Reuse and recycle. I would think of myslef as a giver because I dont really like taking from other people.
To help my family, I help when I can and stay out of my Mom's hair. To make WFMS a better school, I have been helping Mr. Jaros clear viruses off of the computers in his room so that students can use them. I am both a Taker and a Giver. I try not to Take to much without giving back, and not to take anything for granted.
I try to help around the house by cleaning and such. I wish I did more for this school, but I honestly, I do pretty much nothing. I am basically both a taker and a giver. Sadly, I am more of a taker, but I'm trying to fix that.
A way I can help out at school is by picking up any trash that I see on the ground. A way I can help at home is by doing the same, keeping it clean. Picking up anything I see on the ground and cleaning it up.
-RYAN LAXTON 4/5th period
I make my home a better place by adding laughter and joy to everyone. Next, I make my family a better family because, I help make sure everyone is getting along well. At WFMS I contribute a lot. For example, I am in student council and help fundraise for our school and also help out cleaning around the school. To make my community a better place, I often volunteer to ring bells for the Salvation Army through student council. To summarize, I don't know what all I could do for our world. It's so big and there are sooo many people. In conclusion, I am a giver. Not only do I give objects, but also joy and other other feelings like that.
Josh Strand
At home, there are many things I can do to make it better place. For example, I can take the trash out of just clean up around the house. I can make my family a better family by trying to get along better and not fighting as much. I contribute by obeying the rules and listen to teachers and other adults. I make the community a better place by picking up trash and keeping it clean. There are so many different things that anyone could do to contribute to the world. One major thing that anyone can do to help the world is not littering. I am very greedy sometimes, but I try to give as much as can because there are so many people that do not have as much as we do.
~Kayla Lough 1-2
I would make my home a better place by having an attitude adjustment. Honestly my family has an attitude towards everyone and it may need to be slightly changed! My family doesn't really need to change, except for me not wanting a brother. One thing that will make WFMS a better school would be less strict teachers. They wonder why we don't like them. Making a community cooperate with one another would be difficult and stressful, although one thing might be to litter less. I don't know what I would do to be a greater contribution. I am both, It really depends on whether I like you or not. Truthfully I'm a giver.
Nichole Grant
I think that one way too make your home a better place is to clean it more than You would think it needs. A way to m ale your family better is to go on vacation and get away from stress. A way to make WFMS a better school is to stop all bad things and try to get better grades so then the school can be realized for good things and not the bad things that we do. I think that a way to make the community a better place is to pick up trash. A way to contribute to the world is to give money to the poor. I am a giver not a taker.
To improve both my home and family, I contribute to keeping the house clean and neat. Additionally, I don't abuse my stuff and take pretty good care of my belongings, and I try to fight with my siblings as least as possible. Also, I treat my parents with respect. I'll admit that I can sometimes have an attitude, but for the most part, I follow the rules and do what I'm told. I help make WFMS a better school by doing my part in keeping it clean and also doing my best in my classes. Moving on, to improve the community, I act polite and kind to everyone because you never know when someone is having a really bad day, and just smiling can cheer them up a little. To make a greater contribution to the world, I can always try my hardest and become successful. This way, I can help others by becoming a doctor or having some other great career. Also, I could do church-involved things to share what I believe with others, and I would love to go on a mission trip to a place in need of great help. I think it would be an amazing, life-changing experience! Finally, I confess that I can be a taker, as well as a giver. On the other hand, I've been trying to improve on that. As time goes on, I'm giving back more and more. Overall, I hope to make great contributions to the world, and there is always room for improvement.-Kylie Bushko 6th period
To begin, improving your home is pretty simple. It only needs a few things, cleaning and caring about your home will improve a lot already. To improve your family you have to care for your loved ones. Ways to improve our school would to keep good reputations and take care of the thing we are given. Overall to help improve the world would mean to care for your surroundings.
Paige king
When I'm at home, I clean the house and do whatever my family needs me to do. Id like everyone in my house to be happy so I don't have to put up with their dumb crap all day. When I'm at school I try to act like a good student around the smaller kids to be a good role model. Everyone at school could pick up some trash once in a while to put less stress on the janitor. I consider myself as a giver and a taker because I like to give and I love to receive.
To keep my house I better place I feed my dog and take her out and try to help out my grandma and mom as much as possible. To keep my family a better family I just try to get along with everyone and help solve any problems we have in our family. At our school I try to contribute a lint since I am Vice President. For example, the day of orientation a few student council members and I come to the school early and help carry pieces of the new play ground equipment to the play ground so the builders could build it. Also, we dug up weeds from the planters in front of the school. It was a lot of work but it was fun in some aspects. I think to make our school a better school we should try to do something where everyone can participate and and we can all try to clean up around the school so we can have a cleaner learning environment. Keeping out community and world a cleaner place is as simple as picking up a piece of trash on the ground and throwing it away. All the little things you to to contribute really do help our environment.
Gentry Morrone
1-2 period
To keep my house a better place i try not to pick on my brothers or sister and always do what my parents say. To make my family better I hang out with each and every member in the family. It gives us all a closer bond. I started an Anti- Bully group at school to make it a better place. This also helps with the community. I make sure people do not get bullied and if there is bullying i will put it to an end!
To keep my house a better place i can help my grandma clean up around the house. My grandma is getting older and she needs more help. To keep my family a better family i can try to keep them in a good mood and prevent them from arguing with one another. I really dont know how to keep my school a better school. All i can do is represent the school by getting good grades and being good. To keep my commu nity better i can get a group of people together and pick up trash.
I think I could make my comunity a better place buy going green and cleaning up the local play grounds and other enjoyable places so that itv won't be so dirty for little ones to go and play when they do. i can also make my house a better place buy doing what I am told to do and not get smart with my parents and do what im suppose too.
-JAYLA KING 4/5th period
I think I could make my comunity a better place buy going green and cleaning up the local play grounds and other enjoyable places so that itv won't be so dirty for little ones to go and play when they do. i can also make my house a better place buy doing what I am told to do and not get smart with my parents and do what im suppose too.
-JAYLA KING 4/5th period
I make my home a better place by keeping it clean and together. I try not to fight with my brothers and sisters and take care of the younger kids in the family. I try to do good in school and not get into truble. Also not put stess on my mom and do everything that i need to.
Simple I just go to my happy place and basically eat and play basktball mostly. My family and I just say whats on our minds when something is bothering me at that ecact time and place when there is something going on and I dont like it trust it will be said at that time ( But im not snitching) I keep my grade point averAGE UP TO A 3.0 or above. I contribute by just basicaslly not doing something bad in order to polute my air. I'm a giver because if you need any help with anything at all I will except with anything illegal I'm not bout that life.
I make my home a better place by doing my chores and occasionally cooking dinner. I don't do much to make my family better as it is out of my hands. I contribute to WFMS by working hard in school and not fighting people. I plan on volunteering at a vet's office soon. To help the world I plan on being a veterinarian. I think I am both a taker and a giver.
By throwing trash away when anyone in my family doesn't want to throw away any trash. By spending some more time together like having a family game night with either mine or my brother's game console like play some football or basketball. The way that I would contribute to WFMS is working hard in class and don't get in any fights and not to start bullying people smaller than me. By picking up trash across the sidewalk and in the parking lot. I'm a giver because I like give people stuff like when people ask me for pencils in class I give them a pencil if I have extra pencils.
Corey Payne 6/7th period
A way I can make my home a better place is by helping my mom when she is cleaning and also to make my family better is not fight with my brother and sister all the time. I'm always nice to people and work really hard and don't give my teachers trouble.
The way that I try to make my home a better place is by doing what I can to help out around my house. Whether it be dusting and cleaning the kitchen, taking care of our pets, or simply watching my nephew. I try to better my family by taking care of my things, respecting my parents, and trying not to fight with my brothers all the time. I help WFMS as a whole by being part of the peer mediators and even helping with the Builder's Club last year. I also try to listen and pay attention, do my work, and respect everyone around me. I help make the community a better place by picking up trash around my neighborhood, assisting in projects at the park, and I even volunteered at my great- grandmother's nursing home a few years back. I still feel like I could do more to better our community, the environment around us, and even the world as a whole. I think I could do this by participating in a local clean up group, helping at various animal shelters and even at the hospital, and also by encouraging others to do the same. I wouldn't say I was a complete giver because I can be a taker at times, but I am definitely not a complete taker either so I would say I am somewhere in the middle. I try to give back, especially to my family and close friends, as much as I take and I hope to do more of this in the future.
-Spencer Dublin 6/7th Period
I make my home a better place by helping around and cleaning it. I make my family a better family by not arguing as much. A contribution I make to make WFMS a better school is to be a god student and set a good example for younger students. What I could to do make the world better is to recycle and pick up trash. I feel that I'm both a giver and taker. At times I'll be greedy but I try my best to not be.
Jacqson Munro 4/5
4 people died in my family in just thhe last few months of last year. my family hasnt been the same since.The last time I saw my grandma was christmas. I never see anyone anymore unless im baby sitting. saturday is my baby cousins birthday party. I cant wait to see her. as for school, if we didnt have people who likes to fight and run there mouth and iif we didnt have thugs then we would actually be a good school.
I try to help around my house as much as I can! It might be something simple like taking out the trash or something more difficult like washing clothes. I think it helps everyone by just doing something simple like chores. At WFMS I try my best to get good grades and be repesctful to the teachers and students. I also participate in clubs such as the yearbook staff. I help my community by picking up garbage when I see it laying on the ground and just other things that make it look nicer. I think doing small things for your family school and community can make a huge difference in the world I would like to help out with animals someday so I can help people take care of them and walk them.
Kaitlyn vilain1-2
I make my home a better place by doing my part to be responsible for cleaning the dishes, taking the garbage out, mowing the grass, and keeping my room clean. In order to make my family as good as it can be I try to be respectful of my parents and older brother. When they are having a bad day I do my best to make it better. In school I try to get involved in as many school clubs and organizations as possible. To help my community my family recycles, and donates to those in need. To make a greater contribution to world I am going to continue to be a good student, finish college, and be a productive citizen. I would consider myself to be a giver. Whether it is a object, or my helpful personality.
Isaac Swiger-1/2
I think that by sweeping and dusting the house everyday then we can not only help out the house but the people in it too. My family has a rule where one person talks at a time island if someone disrespects that then they go last and they get a punishment. I try and pick up after the school but it's kind of hard. I think that by just doing the little things it will make a big impact on the world.
Quentin Davis 6/7 period
I help my home in many ways. Mostly, I just clean and try to improve the mood of the house. To make my family be a better family I try to solve problems between family members. To help improve WFMS I increase our test averages and I try to set a good example to others. Lastly to better my community I do service. Most of my service is for boy scouts, but some of my service I do by myself. To contribute to the world I would start a charity to help the poor and homeless. I admit a take a little more than I give, but I'm trying to change that
I lighten up the mood alot. I make by family better by making them laugh and have fun. I really dont contribute to making this school any better or worse. Im just pretty much there. I make my community better by following all of the laws and rules of the country and state. Well when I get older im going into nuclear engineering. So im not saying this is going to help the whole world but It will help my country. I see my self as both a giver and a taker there kind of equal to each other.
I make my home a better place by keeping my room clean and helping to clean around the house. I also help keep the hot tub clean. I make my family better by trying to connect and relate with them. You can make the community a better place by not littering and helping to clean it. You could also make the community a better place by helping other people out. That would make the community bond and become closer friends. I see myself as a giver because I'll give all for anybody in need and expect nothing in return.
~~Autumn Sorrels
I make my home a better place by helping out around the house. I always make my family do fun things like board games to bond. I don't do much for the school. I'm pretty much just a student. I never liter. To me litering is horrible and if I see it then I pick it up and throw it away. I am not sure what I can do to make the world better other than just being green and recycling. My family is huge on recycling. I am defiantly a giver. I love the feeling during Christmas when I get my mom or dad something that I think is really cool and I always give away the surprise. So I am a giver.
I make my home a better place by helping out when I'm asked, and keeping it clean. I help make my family better by loving them and bonding with them as much as possible. To help out my school I always listen to the rules and pay attention when a teacher is talking. I couldn't ever imagine being disrespectful to a teacher. To make e community a better place I don't litter, and I make sure to tell others not to. To make a better contribution to the world I could start recycling or something in that area. To me I am both a giver and a taker. I love to make people happy and give them things they might need or want, and sometimes I just give them a present to show that I appreciate them. I am also a taker because I love presents and buying new things.
Mariah Thompson 1-2
I would make my home a better place by actually cleaning my room instead of just pushing stuff around. My family could be better by actually talking to everyone else in the family. I only see my brother once or twice a month anymore and I see my other brother and my niece and nephew maybe once every three or four months. The only time we talk to the rest of my family is on holidays. We don't fight with them or anything, we just never talk anymore. WFMS could be a better school if people learned to control themselves and stop getting so offended all the time. They need to learn that something small like an argument or misunderstanding doesn't mean you have to fist-fight. The community could be a better place if people forgot their differences and coexisted. I don't know how I could make a contribution to the world. I'd probably donate to any charity that seems worthy. At this point in my life, I'm not much of a taker or a giver. I kind of just exist.
Chloe Wean
1st/2nd period
I could make it a better place by actually trying to keep up with chores and helping more. I could make it a better family by trying to cut down on arguing and trying to speak more with other members of my family. Cutting down on arguments can help to strengthen a bond between a family. Many people should cutting back on the littering. WFMS could be better if many didn't judge because nobody can get along with every single person in the school. There are many troubles between the kids. I find I can get greedy many times but I try to give and do what I can to help. I think I am somewhere between the ranks of a taker and a giver.
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~
I think that I make my home a better place by helping out around the house. I'm an only child in my household so a lot of chores are left for me to do. My family and I usually have dinner together every night now. This makes us more united as one. My parents like to believe that a family is a team. I think that my team and I are strong. I try my hardest at school. I don't get in any serious trouble and I study and complete my assignments. My community could use a better social system, but I honestly don't know how I could help out with that. The world needs people who are excited to learn new things for the future. I am trying to become the best person I can be for the world and my future. I am a giver, because I like to give happiness to the ones who need it the most. Making a persons day can show a lot of character. When others are happy, I' happy.
Stephanie Allen, period:4/5
We can make our homes a better place by helping out more, and being ourselves. I make my family better by helping increase my and their public images. I help out in as many organizations at WFMS as I can and I pull more than my weight everyday by giving 110% everyday. I increase my public image by helping out with my community. I could make a better contribution to the world by being the change I wish to see in the world, by being a public figure, and by being a humanitarian in the eyes of the world. I am a giver but sometimes I am greedy. I wish to change this.
Hayden Moran 1/2
I could make my home better in many ways but the main one would be to help out more and clean more on my free time. Next a way to make my family better would hold more family events and meet more often. Towards our school i try to stop someone if they are bulling somone. In summary to make my community better would be to clean up around town and put out recycle bins for people. Last for the world go green. I am a giver but can get carried away which is not good.
Keaton linger 1-2
The one way I could make my home a better place is keeping it clean and organized. Another way is I always keep laughter and try to bond with my family. A way you can contribute to your community is helping elderly people like walk across the street or something like that. One way I can contribute to WFMS is help stop bullying. Bullying is a big thing at our school. I believe I am a giver not a taker.
Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period.
To start things off, I make my home a better place by helping with chores or making breakfast in the mornings. By doing these tasks, I make my home and family better. The contribution I could make to make or school better is to start clubs that everyone can join. To make the world better, we could ask people to donate clothes or food to places in need. Personally, I think I am both a giver and taker. Honestly, I think I take more than I give, which I need to change.
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period
I make sure that the place is clean and does not smell horrific. I would try my best to get my parents together again but I never can, no madder how hard I try. Me and the 4th period art class are making a mural on the gym wall. By not robbing stores in Fairmont. Destroy McDonald s. Both, If I can afford to give something I give, But; if it is being given away for free then I take it.
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