Sunday, December 29, 2013

Martin Luther King

Why is this one of the most famous speeches ever delivered? Which parts of the speech do you find to be memorable? What is the overall meaning of this speech. What is Martin Luther King's purpose in making this speech. Please include one fact about Dr. King.

103 comments: said...

This is one of the most important and famous speeches ever delivered because this speech is fighting for the freedom of african americans. My favorite part of this speech is when Martin Luther King says "I have dream, that one day..." The speech just means that all men and women of any race, culture, or religion can have freedom. Martin Luther King's purpose is that he wants everyone to have freedom. On April 4, 1968, a shot rang out as King stood on the motel's second-floor balcony. The bullet entered through his right cheek, smashing his jaw, then traveled down his spinal cord before lodging in his shoulder. Dr. King died at age 39.

Zach Wolford 6-7th period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This is one of the most famous speeches delivered because it fought for the freedom of many people. It delivered freedom to many African American people. The part in the speech that I find most memorable is “I have a dream” part. The overall meaning of the speech is that everybody should have equal rights. It shouldn’t matter if you are a different race. His purpose of making this speech was to show that everyone is the same. He wanted to say that he wanted everyone to be equal and not judged because of their skin color. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia.
~~Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech has always been one of the most famous speeches ever delivered for several reasons. First of all, the speech brought the problem of segregation to everyone's attention, where it could no longer be ignored. It made all people aware of the unfair treatment African American people were receiving. In addition, his speech helped change the course of history and made a major difference in America. It helped convince Congress to pass a new, crucial Civil Rights Law that freed all African American people from any type of segregation. Another reason the speech will always be remembered is because of the bravery Dr. King had to have to present it. Hardly anyone stood up against segregation, let alone voiced their thoughts before thousands of people! Dr. King had some serious courage in him. Out of the entire speech, I found some parts to be extra memorable. For example, Dr. King pointed out that, even after 100 years since the Emancipation Proclamation had been signed, segregation was still a problem, which I find upsetting and sad. Also, he told how he dreamed that one day, his children would be judged by their character, rather than the color of their skin. Finally, I enjoyed the "let freedom reign," part. Dr. King repeatedly said to let freedom reign from every place in the country! He said there should be no room for segregation because we will be completely filled with freedom and fairness! The overall meaning of this speech is to prove to everyone that all people deserve to be treated equally and not judged by their skin color. Dr. King's purpose for writing the speech was to convince the People of America, as well as Congress, that segregation is wrong and extremely unfair. He also wanted African Americans to band together and unite in an attempt to make a major stand against the government. Moving on, and interesting fact about Dr. King is that he skipped both ninth and eleventh grade, and he entered college at the young age of fifteen.-Kylie Bushko 6th period

Emma Copley said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered, because this is the speech that later freed the African Americans. Martin Luther King is one of the world’s best known advocates of non-violent social change strategies. I find the most memorable part is "I have a dream..." This quote is very well known. The purpose of Martin Luther King's speech is to gain freedom. Before and during his time as a civil rights activist, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist preacher at a small church in Montgomery, Alabama. During his time as a pastor and activist, Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested a total of 20 times and was reportedly beaten at least four of those times.

Unknown said...

This is a famous speech because it was about freedom against racism. The most memorable part to me is when he said "I have a dream..." The overall meaning of the speech is to have rights and to not be against blacks or whites. The purpose is so everyone can have rights to anything. And interesting fact is that he had skipped ninth and eleventh grade and entered collage at 15.

Unknown said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered for many reasons. First, after he gave this speech it gave blacks many rights that they never had before. After his speech blacks and whites were no long separated from each other. The speech was mainly about getting more freedom for African Americans, that there is no difference between them and whites. I think that the most memorable part of the speech is when he says, “I had a dream…” This is one of the best known quotes. An interesting fact to me was that Martin Luther King Jr. skipped ninth and eleventh grades and entered college at the age of only 15. Dr. King’s speech had a huge effect on the world and everyone in it.
~Kayla Lough 1-2

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This speech is one of the most important speeches ever delivered because it began the movement against segregation. I find the part the most memorable when he states that I have a dream that one day both blacks and whites will get along. Those words from him mean a lot to many people including myself. The overall meaning of the speech is that one day segregation will not be I'm existence but a thing of the past. Dr. Kings purpose for this speech was to convince people that we can all get along and not judge by our skin color. Martin Luther King Jr.'s real name was not Martin, it was Michael which was his fathers name also.

Josh Strand. 1/2

Derrick Nulph said...

This speech is the most famous speeches ever because it was martin luther kings dream speech about abolishing segregation. The very end of the speech is the best because he really puts his idea on desegragation. The overall meaning to me it that he wanted his race to be free amongst the white people. His purpose was to give the african americans a hope in which they would have equal rights as whites. Martin died april fourth 1968 he will forever be memorized.

Unknown said...

This speech is very famous for it's symbol of freedom. It was a grand speech that was one of the things that gave hope to the people during the civil rights movement. It inspires people and helped people get through the movement and told people that it was alright to dream. Martin Luther King died on April 4, 1968.
~Tressa Floyd~ 6/7

Unknown said...

The speech is the most important speech because it helped end slavery. The most memorable part of the speech in in the begining, when he says "I have a dream, that one day black children and white children will hold hands and play games together." He wanted to express his feelings and hope for equality. He also invented peanut butter.

Unknown said...

The speech is the most important speech because it helped end slavery. The most memorable part of the speech in in the begining, when he says "I have a dream, that one day black children and white children will hold hands and play games together." He wanted to express his feelings and hope for equality. He also invented peanut butter.

Angela DeLorenzo said...

Martin Luther King's speech, "I Have a Dream," is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it is about the freedom of African Americans. It's not really a part of the speech I found memorable, it was the turn out of people who supported him. I believe the overall meaning and purpose of Dr. King's speech was that even though you may be different, you shouldn't be treated any different. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated at a Motel in Tennessee by James Earl Ray. Many people grieved over the loss of the hero.
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Quentin Davis said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever because no African American had ever spoken so freely and openly about freedom of African American's and white people. They never had because they didn't want to risk their lives' for a speech like he did. My favorite part is when he said" I had a dream that one day little black boys and girls could hold hands with little white boys and girls". The speech was to prove a point that African Americans and white people are no different and that skin color should have nothing to do with how we live our lives. Martin Luther King died when he was only 39 years old
Quentin Davis 6/7 period

Quentin Davis said...
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Quentin Davis said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever because no African American had ever spoken so freely and openly about freedom of African American's and white people. They never had because they didn't want to risk their lives' for a speech like he did. My favorite part is when he said" I had a dream that one day little black boys and girls could hold hands with little white boys and girls". The speech was to prove a point that African Americans and white people are no different and that skin color should have nothing to do with how we live our lives. Martin Luther King died when he was only 39 years old
Quentin Davis 6/7 period

Unknown said...

This speech is one of the most important and famous. The reson why would be it is for the rights of all african americans. The part of the speech that I think is most memorable, is the the part when he says "I have dream." The meaning of that is he hoped one day everybody would be treated as equals. He had hoped for everyone to be treated the same. Martain Luther King was as assasinted on April 4, 1968 in a hotel.

Unknown said...

This speech is one the most famous speeches ever spoken because it was a man who spoke up for what he believed in. He knew, before he gave the speech, that he would be arrested and yet did it anyway. Martin Luther King was trying to expose his feeling about equality and freedom. He said in his speech that he had a dream that everyone would have freedom. His purpose for doing this was to give hope to others and start a revolution that would later change the world. I find the part of the speech when he includes, "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed." Dr. King gave a speech that will forever be in history.

Stephanie Allen, period:4/5

Unknown said...

This speech is one of the most famous speeches because it proves that there should be no separations and everyone should live together equally. The part I found most memorable was when he was talking about how black and white boys and girls should be able to play together. This speech's meaning and purpose is to get it in the heads of the people of America, that segregation is not good. It's wrong. Everyone should be able to be together and have friends that are maybe not the same skin color. Think about it. A lot of athletes today are black, and they play those sports right along white and other color skinned people and they are the best of friends. If it wasn't for Dr. King, that wouldn't be happening. No singers, musicians, doctors, actors and actresses, nothing. I t wouldn't be here. A couple interesting facts about Dr. King is that when he was 12, he tried to commit suicide, and his original name was not Martin, it was Michael.
Madison Brotosky 6/7

Unknown said...

The speech “I have a dream” was one of the most important speeches because, it delivered freedom for african americans. The part of the speech I find most memorable was “I have a dream”. Overall the speech was going to be remembered forever. The message Martin Luther King was trying to send was everyone should have equal rights. Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King was a baptist minister and civil-rights activist. He died on April 4, 1968. The place he died was Memphis, Tennesse.

Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period

Unknown said...

This is one of the most famous speeches because a man stated an opinion that others who shared it would not, and helped to form modern society. I most enjoyed the "let freedom reign" part, because I think that the word "freedom" is perfect for describing the speech. Dr.King was arrested about 20 times.
-Joren Cloutier

Allison Crites said...

Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech was a very important one. As an African American, Martin had a hard life as a kid. He was discriminated against simply for the color of his skin. This is why he wrote the famous speech that helped changed our country. He made people realize that African Americans were being treated very unfairly for no reason, and that it needed to stop. He played a big role in the civil rights movement and made our country a place of peace and equality. Martin also won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for all of his accomplishment. Four years later, he was shot at the young age of 39 in Memphis, Tennessee.

Alli Crites

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This speech, given by Martin Luther King, is such a famous speech mainly because it was given to help fight for the freedom of African Americans all across America. It also presented how cruel people were treating African Americans, and what a big problem segregation was. The parts of the speech that I found to be the most memorable were when Martin Luther King said that he has a dream that some day people would be judged by their character, and not by the color of their skin. Another memorable line from his speech was when he repeated "Let freedom reign" many times. I believe the main meaning of this speech was to inspire the citizens of America that everyone should have equal rights, not depending on the skin color. Lastly his purpose for making this dangerous speech was to create a better living environment for the many future generations of African Americans, and to also show that it only takes one person to make a huge change. Martin Luther King was killed at the age of 39 by a man named James Earl Ray.

Isaac Swiger/2-4-14/1-2

mariah said...
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mariah said...

This speech is such a famous speech because it made more people realize about segregation. After he gave the speech so many people realized what was going on in the world. Martin Luther King Jr's speech helped stop the segregation, and helped give freedom to African Americans. The most memorable thing to me is when he says " I have a dream." That part has always stuck out in my mind for some reason. The purpose of this speech was to give equal rights to everyone. He was tired of people being treated different just because of the color of skin they had. One interesting fact about Martin Luther was that he died April 4th, 1968 at the young age of 39. So the overall reason for this speech was to put an end to segregation. That is just a little bit of the things Martin Luther King Jr did.

Mariah Thompson 1-2nd

mariah said...

This speech is such a famous speech because it made more people realize about segregation. After he gave the speech so many people realized what was going on in the world. Martin Luther King Jr's speech helped stop the segregation, and helped give freedom to African Americans. The most memorable thing to me is when he says " I have a dream." That part has always stuck out in my mind for some reason. The purpose of this speech was to give equal rights to everyone. He was tired of people being treated different just because of the color of skin they had. One interesting fact about Martin Luther was that he died April 4th, 1968 at the young age of 39. So the overall reason for this speech was to put an end to segregation. That is just a little bit of the things Martin Luther King Jr did.

Mariah Thompson 1-2nd

Unknown said...

This speech was very important because it is the freedom of African Americans. The part in the speech that I find most memorable is when he says " I have a dream" this speech is something that will never be forgotten. If Martin Luther king did not make this speech our lives could be completely different. The purpose of this speech is that everyone should have equal rights and that you should not be judged for our looks or personality. One fact about Martin Luther king is that Martins name use to be Michael. This speech is very important and a speech and day that will never be forgotten!
Kaitlyn Vilain 1-2

Unknown said...

This speech was very important because it is the freedom of African Americans. The part in the speech that I find most memorable is when he says " I have a dream" this speech is something that will never be forgotten. If Martin Luther king did not make this speech our lives could be completely different. The purpose of this speech is that everyone should have equal rights and that you should not be judged for our looks or personality. One fact about Martin Luther king is that Martins name use to be Michael. This speech is very important and a speech and day that will never be forgotten!
Kaitlyn Vilain 1-2

Keaton Linger said...

This speech is so importent because he had a dream that African Americans could have freedom and because of him they no do. In my opinion the most memorable this is the minute he says "I Have a Dream" this is a very famous quote. With out Martin Luter King a normal day today would be completly changed. His purpose was that every person will have power and equal rights. A fact about him was that his job was a minister.
Keaton Linger 1-2

Unknown said...

This speech is definatly one of the most famous speeches! Reason being, it is one of the most historical parts of united states history!There were early signs of racism when there was slavery. Luckily the north won and there is no more slavery. But he spoke about how men are created equal. Which is most definattly my most memorible part. All he ever wanted is for blacks and whites to be together as one. Well In todays age it is. Sadly Martin luther King Jr. could never see... he was murdered! Although he still acts on these days!

Elijah Cunningham 4th

Unknown said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever because its about fighting for the freedom of african americans. The part that I remember the most is the begining where it says "I had a dream ,that one day..". The overall meaning of this speech is to gain freedom for african americans. He makes this speech hoping that everyone would understand the meaning of everyone having freedom. He died April 4th 1968.

Unknown said...

This is an important speech because it changed the world. The most memerable would be 'I have a dream." Everyone knows the speech and it is very popular. He changed the way how whte and black peple look at eachother today. If it wasnt for his bravery we wouldnt be were we are today. The speech was about how african americans were just as important as other people.
6/7 pd

Unknown said...

The reason that I believe this is one of the most important speeches ever is because it changed the lives of everyone, and especially changed the lives of african americans for the better. "I have a dream" is the most memorable part of the speech for me. The overall meaning of this speech I believe is that everyone should be treated equally, no matter what race, gender, etc. His purpose for making this speech was to fight for the freedom and equal rights of african americans. An interesting fact about Dr. King is that he skipped two grades of high school and entered college at the age of 15.

Unknown said...

The reason that I believe this is one of the most important speeches ever is because it changed the lives of everyone, and especially changed the lives of african americans for the better. "I have a dream" is the most memorable part of the speech for me. The overall meaning of this speech I believe is that everyone should be treated equally, no matter what race, gender, etc. His purpose for making this speech was to fight for the freedom and equal rights of african americans. An interesting fact about Dr. King is that he skipped two grades of high school and entered college at the age of 15.

Cole Weaver said...

This speech is very famous for going down as the greatest demonstration of freedom in the nation. The part where he mentions his dream is very memorable. The meaning of this speech is that we are all the same on the inside. It doesn’t matter what your skin color is. All that matters is what is in the inside. Martin Luther King wanted blacks to have the same rights as whites.

Cole Weaver said...

This speech is very famous for going down as the greatest demonstration of freedom in the nation. The part where he mentions his dream is very memorable. The meaning of this speech is that we are all the same on the inside. It doesn’t matter what your skin color is. All that matters is what is in the inside. Martin Luther King wanted blacks to have the same rights as whites.

Unknown said...

King's speech is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it fought for the freedom of all African Americans. The most memorable part of King's speech is when he said I have a dream. The meaning of this speech is to show that skin color and beliefs don't have to be the same as yours for those people to have equal rights. Everyone deserves equal rights no matter where you're from. King's purpose for his speech is to show that all American citizens are equal even if they have different skin colors. King spent his honeymoon in a funeral parlor because his friend owned the parlor and offered to let King use it for his honeymoon.

By: Jacqson Munro

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most famous speeches to ever be delivered because it was a speech that touched the heart of every person, no matter the age, race, or gender. Throughout history people have been discriminated against and this speech rose to hold the purpose to put that discrimination, oppression, and prejudice to an end. One part of the speech that I find extremely memorable is when King says "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character". This part of the speech gives me chills every time since it is so moving to me. I would say that the overall meaning of this speech was to show that any and every person, no matter what race, gender, culture, or religion, should have the same rights as another person. The meaning is that the prejudice that plagued America and even the entire world throughout history is entirely wrong. His purpose is to change the look on life that many people had and to show that every person is equal. One interesting fact is that he skipped 9th and 11th grade in high school and entered college at the age of 15. He later earned a bachelor's degree at 19.
-Spencer Dublin 6/7th Period

Unknown said...

This is one of the most important speech ever delivers because it had such a influence on every day people in that time. My favorite part in the speech is when he keeps on saying I have a dream. That is probably the most famous part too. The speech means to me that we should always have freedom no matter who you are. I also think that is also the actual meaning to. One fact about him is that he died at the age of 39 and in 1968.

Unknown said...

This is one of the most important speech ever delivers because it had such a influence on every day people in that time. My favorite part in the speech is when he keeps on saying I have a dream. That is probably the most famous part too. The speech means to me that we should always have freedom no matter who you are. I also think that is also the actual meaning to. One fact about him is that he died at the age of 39 and in 1968.

Unknown said...

This is a famous speech because Martin Luther King wanted to end segregation. It helped a lot against for the movement. I think the most memorable part of the speech is when Martin says, "I have a dream." The speech means that Martin had always had a dream to be free from segregation. His dream did come true. His purpose was to try to end segregation or just help end it. Martin Luther King Jr. led the rebellion. He controlled everything. He died by a gun shot. He ws assasinated.
Jacob Branch 4th period

Unknown said...

This is a famous speech because Martin Luther King wanted to end segregation. It helped a lot against for the movement. I think the most memorable part of the speech is when Martin says, "I have a dream." The speech means that Martin had always had a dream to be free from segregation. His dream did come true. His purpose was to try to end segregation or just help end it. Martin Luther King Jr. led the rebellion. He controlled everything. He died by a gun shot. He ws assasinated.
Jacob Branch 4th period

Samuel Cox said...

This speech is famous because it's the truth. No one would remember a speech full of lies! It also brings out a hidden part of everyone's heart that wants freedom. The most memorable part of the speech for me is when he speaks the famous quote "I have a dream...".The overall meaning of the speech was equal rights. He wants everyone to be free no matter what race they are. It turns out that Martin was a smoker. At the scene of his death he was out on a balcony taking a smoke.-Jacob Cox

Samuel Cox said...

This speech is famous because it's the truth. No one would remember a speech full of lies! It also brings out a hidden part of everyone's heart that wants freedom. The most memorable part of the speech for me is when he speaks the famous quote "I have a dream...".The overall meaning of the speech was equal rights. He wants everyone to be free no matter what race they are. It turns out that Martin was a smoker. At the scene of his death he was out on a balcony taking a smoke.-Jacob Cox

Unknown said...

Firstly, this is one of the most remembered speeches because someone stepped out and spoke the truth to the world. If anyone didn't do what he had done, we would have been like how they were back then. One of the most rememberable moments in that speech is "I have a dream, that one day...." This had moved the whole country, even the world that everyone should be all even no matter their sex, color, culture, religion and beliefs. By the way, Martin Luther King Jr. changed his name from Michael to Martin after his father adopted the name Martin in honor of him.
~~DYLAN OZIE 4/5th~~

Unknown said...

The I have a dream speech is one of the most the most famous speeches ever given. The part where he was in the middle of his speech and got shot. The point of his speech was to help end slavery. One fact about him was that he died at a young age.

bobbi uphold
6\7th period

Unknown said...

This is one of the most important and famous speeches ever delivered because it was fighting for the freedom of African Americans. The most memorable moments in the speech were when he says “I have a dream that one day…” and when he said “free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last”. The overall meaning of his speech is that he wants America to be non-segregated. His reason for this speech is to get people to work together to stop segregation. Martin Luther King was 34 years old when he gave the “I have a dream" speech.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most important and famous speeches ever delivered because ot is fighting for the freedom of African Americans. The most memorable parts of the speech is when Dr. Martin LUther King said "I have a dream..." The meaning of the speech was for American to not be segregated and the reason was so people would see that everyone is the same no matter what race. Martin Luther King Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Haley Johnson 4/5

Unknown said...

This speech his one of the most important speeches ever delivered because it showed that people should not be judged by the color of their shine. The most important part was when Dr Martin Luther King said and basically envisioned his dream to millions of Americans. Dr Martin Luther King was a civil rights visionary that changed a big course in American History. Hayden Moran 1/2.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This is one of the most famous speeches because it was a major point in the fight against racism in the United States. It is a very powerful speech that shows that we should all be treated equally and shouldn't have standards depending on race or religion. I believe the most memorable part of the speech was the very first line, "I have a dream" because it was the beginning of a huge change in America regarding equality.

Chloe Wean 1st-2nd period

Zachary Ayers said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it is for the freedom of African Americans. The most memorable part about the speech is when he says, “I hade a dream that one day…” His purpose is this speech is to show how African Americans and Whites are alike. He was born Michael King, but his father changed his name in honor of German reformer Martin Luther.

Zachary Ayers said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it is for the freedom of African Americans. The most memorable part about the speech is when he says, “I hade a dream that one day…” His purpose is this speech is to show how African Americans and Whites are alike. He was born Michael King, but his father changed his name in honor of German reformer Martin Luther.

Zachary Ayers said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it is for the freedom of African Americans. The most memorable part about the speech is when he says, “I hade a dream that one day…” His purpose is this speech is to show how African Americans and Whites are alike. He was born Michael King, but his father changed his name in honor of German reformer Martin Luther.

Zachary Ayers said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it is for the freedom of African Americans. The most memorable part about the speech is when he says, “I hade a dream that one day…” His purpose is this speech is to show how African Americans and Whites are alike. He was born Michael King, but his father changed his name in honor of German reformer Martin Luther.

Zachary Ayers said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it is for the freedom of African Americans. The most memorable part about the speech is when he says, “I hade a dream that one day…” His purpose is this speech is to show how African Americans and Whites are alike. He was born Michael King, but his father changed his name in honor of German reformer Martin Luther.

Zachary Ayers said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it is for the freedom of African Americans. The most memorable part about the speech is when he says, “I hade a dream that one day…” His purpose is this speech is to show how African Americans and Whites are alike. He was born Michael King, but his father changed his name in honor of German reformer Martin Luther.

Zachary Ayers said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it is for the freedom of African Americans. The most memorable part about the speech is when he says, “I hade a dream that one day…” His purpose is this speech is to show how African Americans and Whites are alike. He was born Michael King, but his father changed his name in honor of German reformer Martin Luther.

Gentry M said...

This is one of the most important speeches ever delivered ever because it fought for the freedom of African Americans. The most memorable part of the speech was when he said "let freedom reign". I really enjoyed that part because it showed that right now everyone one can be free. The meaning of this speech was to prove every person who as been treated differently because of their race or culture is equal to everyone. An interesting fact about Martin Luther King Jr. is that he entered college at the age of fifteen.

Gentry Morrone
1st-2nd period

Unknown said...

This is a very famous quote among all. It serves to many people as a symbol of freedom for many and everybody. The "I have a dream" part always sticks in a person's mind. Martin Luther helps to show that everybody no matter what color skin you have or what religion you believe in, everybody has their rights to freedom. Every single human being on this planet is born being different than you maybe you may look the same but, everybody should deserve to be free even with each flaw or difference they have. Martin Luther's speech caused people to actually give attention to segregation. I believe that without people like him that lived in the past, this world would still separate by race or culture and religion. It's tragic that he was killed on April 4th by a person who was totally against all races having freedom. Martin Luther King Jr. died at the young age of 39 but, his great speech and will to give everybody freedom is something nobody shall ever forget.
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, is one of the most memorable speeches ever delivered because of the purpose that it was told. That specific reason being to help change the view that many people had grown to have over the years and show the people why it was wrong and unfair. I feel the part that was most memorable to me is when he says, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character". One fact about Martin Luther King is that he received a Nobel Prize in 1964.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, is one of the most memorable speeches ever delivered because of the purpose that it was told. That specific reason being to help change the view that many people had grown to have over the years and show the people why it was wrong and unfair. I feel the part that was most memorable to me is when he says, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character". One fact about Martin Luther King is that he received a Nobel Prize in 1964.

Unknown said...

This speech is indeed the most important speech of the civil rights movement. If the " I Had a Dream" speech was never spoken, we might still have racism against African Americans. My favorite part is, well... all of it! I thought it was great that one person could change the fate of American history. It is also astonishing that Mr. King had the nerve to speak out, to not just sit there and be mistreated. No one deserves to be treated like the African Americans were treated in that time period. April 4, 1968 was a tragic day as Martin Luther King Junior had a bullet rip open his flesh while standing on a hotel's balcony. It is just terrible that such a great guy had to go so tragically.
-Nate Scott

Unknown said...

This speech is one of the most important speeches ever delivered because it began the movement against segregation.If the " I Had a Dream" speech was never spoken, we might still have racism against African Americans.I feel the part that was most memorable to me is when he says, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character".One fact about Martin Luther King is that he received a Nobel Prize in 1964.
Keyshawn Mcclung 1/2

Unknown said...

this speech is one of the most famous speeches because it gave all african americans spirt and help them get through what they were going through. His speech was the most intellectual speeches I know when I first heard it I am proud to be who I am, this speech got me through the racism when I was younger this speech it self is a icon. The most memorable parts in the speech is that he said that I have a dream because in my eyes its shows me that even if your black or white you can still dream, and one fact about him is that he inspired so many people in his life also he still do. 4/5 Benjamin Cox

Unknown said...

this speech is one of the most famous speeches because it gave all african americans spirt and help them get through what they were going through. His speech was the most intellectual speeches I know when I first heard it I am proud to be who I am, this speech got me through the racism when I was younger this speech it self is a icon. The most memorable parts in the speech is that he said that I have a dream because in my eyes its shows me that even if your black or white you can still dream, and one fact about him is that he inspired so many people in his life also he still do. 4/5 Benjamin Cox

Unknown said...

Martin L king delivered this because he wanted to free african Americas. It was a tragedy whenever we heard he got assassinated. Whenever he gave this speech he became a world wide known celebrity. He basically freed African Americans. I have A dream is a very famous important phrase and based on that there is a holiday named Martin Luther KIng Jr. day

Unknown said...

This speech is important because it is fighting for the freedom of African Americans. The most memorable part is when he says I have a dream because that is also a quote from him. The overall meaning is that everyone deserves freedom no matter what race or color of your skin. The purpose Martin Luther King had in delivering his speech was to convince people to not be racist against blacks or anybody. A fact about M.L. King was that the head of the FBI, John Edgar Hoover, had placed him under surveillance as a communist.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther king was one of the most inspiring speakers in us history. The part of his speech that I thought was memorable is when he started to say that he had a dream. The meaning of this speech is to try to change the world because of slavery. The purpose of this speech is to end slavery in the world. Martin Luther king was assassinated on April 4, 1968.

Unknown said...

This is one of the most important speech because this is when fighting for freedom became on national television and it was the biggest crowd of people for an African American. The quote I like the best and remember is when he says "Free at last, Free at last, Thank God all almighty we are free at last." The meaning to the speech is that no matter what the person race is they should be able to have any kind of freedom they will like. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968. They was shooting outside of his motel room when a bullet traveled to the second-floor and he was shoot in his shoulder. He was only 39 when he passed.

Unknown said...

This speech is very important because it is stateing that the african americans could be free one day. One of his speechs that is famous is "I have a dream." speech. The purpose of this is to show that the african americans wante= to be free and do everything that any other person could do and have the right to be treated right. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on Apirl 4, 1968 and he died at the age of 39

Unknown said...

This Speech is about one day African Americans should have the right to free that we all need to be treated right,and that we would all be able to do things together instead of having things just for colored peopled and for whites! I like the part the best when he talks about everybody being able to do things together. He came up with this speech so maybe they would stop all the judging and everybody would be free and everything will be okay. Martin Luther kind gt killed in jail. I love this speech nobody could said it better its a great thing that he did this! Now we are all free!~ Tameka Burns 1st/2nd

Unknown said...

I think Martin Luther kings I have a dream speech was all about how treating colored people different from white people is wrong. My favorite part of his speech is when he says, " I have a dream!" The main purpose of this speech was that every man deserves to be treated the same even if you look different. He has inspired many people because of this day. Martin Luther king was killed in jail.

Unknown said...

I think it is a very famous speech because it was one of the most inspirational. It was also a major event in the Civil War. I don't think any one thing stood out to me but rather that the whole thing was important. The overall meaning of this speech to me was to keep giving people hope. It was to show that if you have an idea, you should keep working for it. Dr. King was a very inspiring person and this speech is a way to keep people going.

Kaycee Cox said...

The speech “I have a dream” was one of the most important speeches because, it gave freedom to african americans. The part of the speech I find most memorable was “I have a dream”. Overall the speech was going to be remembered forever. The message Martin Luther King was trying to send was everyone should have equal rights. Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King was a baptist minister and civil-rights activist. He died on April 4, 1968. The place he died was Memphis, Tennesse.
Kaycee Cox 5th period

Kaycee Cox said...

The speech “I have a dream” was one of the most important speeches because, it gave freedom to african americans. The part of the speech I find most memorable was “I have a dream”. Overall the speech was going to be remembered forever. The message Martin Luther King was trying to send was everyone should have equal rights. Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King was a baptist minister and civil-rights activist. He died on April 4, 1968. The place he died was Memphis, Tennesse.
Kaycee Cox 5th period

Unknown said...

This is one of the most remembered speeches in hisyory because it helped end slavery. The par of the speech that I find most memorial is "I have a dream" because it is the part most remembered. What he was saying is that we shoul all have equal rights and it doesn't. matter what color or race you are.

Jenna Petracca said...

This speech was a very important speech in history. It changed the world. Martin Luther King was a brave and selfless man. During his time, African Americans were not aloud to be friends or even sometimes speak to other races. His speech helped people realize that what was going on was wrong. The speech was called "I have a dream" because his dream was one day everybody could join as one, that it did not matter what race you were and everybody treated people equaly. Now, we have an African American president! Martin Luther King work payed off.
-Jenna Petracca 1/2 period

Unknown said...

I think this is a very famous and meaningful Martin Luther King speech because it showed people of a different race that we are all the same. I find the part of the speech that many people know memorable. "I have a dream, that one day". This speech means that African Americans should be able to be free with what they do. They should be able to walk out of their house not being afraid to be judged or restricted from areas the whites were. The purpose is to convince everyone that blacks are just as human as whites. Martin Luther King died at age 39.

Unknown said...

This speech is and still is one if the most important speeches ever. Because it fought for the rights of African Americans. My favorite part of the speech is when Martin says "I have a dream, that one day.." That is my favorite part because he cashed his dreams and look at the world now. That makes me encouraged and i want to chase my dreams because he chased his. The entire purpose of this speech was to show that anyone of any race, culture, and religion should have the same rights as everyone else. This speech means a lot to me, and so many others. Martin Luther King was shot and killed, he died at the age of 39.

Sydnee Boyles said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because this really motivated people to make a change. To me this speech opened up peoples eyes and made them push even harder for equal rights! The part of the speech that is my favorite is when Martin Luther King says, "I have a dream that one day..." I think Martin motivation to make this speech is that he believed that everyone is equal no matter what their appearance or beliefs were like. One fact about Dr.King is that he skipped to grades! These grades were ninth and eleventh grade. He also entered college at the age of fifteen.
Sydnee Boyles, 6-7th

Sydnee Boyles said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because this really motivated people to make a change. To me this speech opened up peoples eyes and made them push even harder for equal rights! The part of the speech that is my favorite is when Martin Luther King says, "I have a dream that one day..." I think Martin motivation to make this speech is that he believed that everyone is equal no matter what their appearance or beliefs were like. One fact about Dr.King is that he skipped to grades! These grades were ninth and eleventh grade. He also entered college at the age of fifteen.
Sydnee Boyles, 6-7th

Unknown said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delvered because its one of the most memorable speeches ever given. This speech was tremendously inspiring to all african americans. He gave people hope that they didn't have before. He told them to keep going and to keep pushing because if you don't the world would never consider "blacks" people, with feelings.

Unknown said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delvered because its one of the most memorable speeches ever given. This speech was tremendously inspiring to all african americans. He gave people hope that they didn't have before. He told them to keep going and to keep pushing because if you don't the world would never consider "blacks" people, with feelings.

Unknown said...

His speech was the most famous one because he stood up for not only himself, his family, or friends. He stood up for everyone that he knows who was going through the slavery. Dr. King died at a young age, someone had shot him. He made the speech because he wanted the slavery to end. I think that the overall meaning of the speech was to fight for his freedom, and everyone's freedom.

Unknown said...

This is one of the most famous speeches because a man stated an opinion that others who shared it would not, and helped to form modern society. I most enjoyed the "let freedom reign" part, because I think that the word "freedom" is perfect for describing the speech. My other favorite part is when he said "I have a dream" -caleb masters-

Unknown said...

This is one of the most famous speeches because a man stated an opinion that others who shared it would not, and helped to form modern society. I most enjoyed the "let freedom reign" part, because I think that the word "freedom" is perfect for describing the speech. My other favorite part is when he said "I have a dream" -caleb masters-

Unknown said...

This man has the most famous speech "let freedom reign". the most important part to me is that he was a giant influence to the freedom of the colored people and the fact that he gave so many speeches over his lifetime. I love that guy.

Unknown said...

This man has the most famous speech "let freedom reign". the most important part to me is that he was a giant influence to the freedom of the colored people and the fact that he gave so many speeches over his lifetime. I love that guy.

Unknown said...

This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered, becuase this changed the course of history for the blacks and whites. The parts of the speech I find to be memorable is when he said he had a dream to change everything. The overall meaning of this speech, is that he didnt think it was fear for them to be treated like that, and it needed to be changed. Martin Luther King's purpose in making this speech was to make things different for everyone. Later, he was asainated but he was remembered greatlty.

Unknown said...

This speech is one of the biggest speeches in the U.S. This speech changed the history for blacks. He made this speech because the black community were not being treated right. He thought that everyone should be treated equal and for everyone to be free. He had gotten shot but he is not forgotten. He will reign in black history forever.

Unknown said...

This speech is on of the biggest soeaches in history. these words thatv had came out if this mans mouth changed our lifes forever and for black history speech. he made this speech because he didn't like what was going on in this black community he wanted people our color to be treated fair and equal.

-Jayla King

Unknown said...

This speach is probably one of the biggest speaches in history. The "I have a dream" speach was about trying to make white people and black people become unsegregated. Before this speach Dr. King was trying to influnse other by having other speaches and a couple of them put him in jail. One of the prisons that he went to he managed to escaped from a bread truck.

- Ryan Laxton 4/5 period

Unknown said...

Because it changed the way people have an outlook on life. My favorite speech would be "I have a dream.."" The overall meaning would be anyone could have a dream. Dr. Luther King was freedom of rights leader.
Lauren 6/7pd

Unknown said...

this is the most important speech ever because that speech later on changed black rights. My favorite part of the speech was when he said "I have a dream." His purpose of the speech was he wanted everyone to know that people shouldn't be judged cause of what color they are.

Shaun Reeder

Unknown said...

this is the most important speech ever because that speech later on changed black rights. My favorite part of the speech was when he said "I have a dream." His purpose of the speech was he wanted everyone to know that people shouldn't be judged cause of what color they are.

Shaun Reeder

Unknown said...

Its one of the most famous speeches giving because it gave the African American people a chance of hope for their freedom. I find the "I have a dream" part the most memorable because it talked about everyone having equal rights and that no one person has more equal rights than the next person because nobody is better than the next person that they are standing beside. A fact about Martin Luther King Jr. is that he went to college at the age of 15.

Austin Cole 4-5th period

Unknown said...

Its one of the most famous speeches giving because it gave the African American people a chance of hope for their freedom. I find the "I have a dream" part the most memorable because it talked about everyone having equal rights and that no one person has more equal rights than the next person because nobody is better than the next person that they are standing beside. A fact about Martin Luther King Jr. is that he went to college at the age of 15.

Austin Cole 4-5th period

Unknown said...

This speech is important because he wants everyone to be equal in the world and nobody to be racist. The most memorable part in his speech is when he said that he had a dream. His meaning is no segregation have everybody to be equal. One fact is he went to college when he was 15. Corey Payne 6/7 the period

Sabrina McKinney 4/5 period ELA said...

King delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, which cemented his status as a social change leader and helped inspire the nation to act on civil rights. The part that I think the speech that was more memorable is "I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow" that was probably the best part of the speech but yet the whole entire speech is really good also fun fact about Dr. King he was later named Time magazine's “Man of the Year.”