Sunday, December 29, 2013

Roaring Twenties

What do you think of the justice that was administered in the 20's? Do you think that the black community was intimidated by the lynchings? What was the primary location of the lynchings? Compare and contrast what was happening in the arts with what was happening in the world of justice.

66 comments: said...

I thought it was unfair that the justice was administered in the 20's by killing normal black citizens. I think the black community was very scared and afraid by the lynchings. They were probably so scared and afraid that they wanted to stay away and tried not to get murdered. In the arts, the black community had an easy life by creating jazz music and different kinds of music. Consequently, the black community was having a hard time being murdered and tried to be hung by the other community.

Zach Wolford 6-7th period

Unknown said...

the way that justice was dealt was very unfair, killing black citizens. The black community had to be frightened by this, I am sure that many went into hiding. Meanwhile, black people were finally succeeding more, through music and art and things were looking up.
~Joren Cloutier 6\7 period.

Samuel Cox said...

If you ask me their justice wasn't justice at all. I can't believe anyone could think that was justice! I think the black population was very intimidated by the lynching. Who wouldn't be? Though it seems terrible lynchings mostly happened in the south. Technically the same people being lynched probably weren't the same ones writing music. I think musicians were in the north. It's amazing how just a few hundred miles would change if you were a musician or if you were dead.-Jacob Cox

Unknown said...

I personally believe that their justice was not felt with fairly at all! If I were a black living in this time era, I would be very scared. Not only for my life but also my loved ones. Although they had the chance of being killed, they funnily began to succeed in arts such as jazz. However, I think that there were musicians everywhere in the north and the south wheather they were recognized for it or not. Finally, this entire scheme was unfair to the blacks and I'm glad it is not still like that to the day.

Josh Strand. 1/2

Gentry M said...

In my opinion, the justice that was administered in the 20's was unfair. I think that if I were apart of the black community I would be extremely terrified by the lynching. They probably just wanted to get away from everything and try not to get killed. In the arts, the black community different genres of music including jazz. They became quite successful in the art of music. Finally, they figured out that the whole thing was unfair to the blacks. I am so glad that present time is nothing like the 20's.

Gentry Morrone
1st-2nd period

Unknown said...

In my opinion, the justice administered in the 20's was completely unfair and discriminatory. People were being brutally murdered just because of their skin color! When I attempt to put myself in their shoes, I realize how enraged I would be since authority refused to take action! I can't even begin to imagine how upset and afraid I would always be. I'm sure the black community was extremely intimidated by the lynchings, as I would be! Most lynchings occurred in the south. In the world of justice, the black community was going through many terrible struggles; on the contrary, the were succeeding very well in the artistic world. In conclusion, the 20's was a time of both great success and drastic struggles for the black community.-Kylie Bushko 6th period

Anonymous said...

I believe the justice administered in the 20's shouldn't even be considered a type of justice at all, since it is completely unfair and the outcomes are horrifyingly gruesome. The idea of killing someone based on something like skin color is downright wrong. The black community had to be intimidated by these horrible lynchings, terrified even. If I would be in their position I would be scared out of my wits and angered by the actions of these people. The usual location of these lynchings were in the south. Even though there were many murders, the black community was succeeding in many aspects of life. As a result, the arts and music, especially jazz, were being explored by many people. The black community was making a living through the calm and upbeat feeling of music, despite the deadly crimes being held against them.
-Spencer Dublin 6/7th Period

Unknown said...

The justice was extremely unfair because they were killing normal black people for no reason.Then they don't get any justice. I would be intimidated because I don't know if I would have died that day or a loved one would have died. Meanwhile, the blacks started creating an art life by creating jazz music and other kind of music. Afterward black communities had it rough because they didn't know if they was goin to die that day.

Unknown said...

I believe that the justice in the 20s was completely unfair. People were killed because of what skin color they are! I believe it doesn't matter what color skin you have! I am sure that the black community was extremely terrified by by the lynchings. I was be very terrified if I was living in what they lived in. The blacks started creating jazz music and other types that helped them. They were living because of this music which helped them believe that they would live. I am very thankful that what we live in today is not like how it was back them in the 20's

Kaitlyn vilain 1-2

mariah said...

I think that the justice in the 20's was truely unfair. They killed people just because they were a different skin color. Whenever I think of it, I just imagine myself in their shoes. Every single day I would be scared that something was going to happen to me or my family. I think that the black community was probably intimidated by the lynchings, because they were by everyone else. The black community went through many struggles;therefore,the lynchings weren't making things any better. Basically the 20's had both good and bad times.

Mariah Thompson 1-2

Anonymous said...

I think the justice in the 20's was very unfair. Just because people had a different skin color they killed them. I would try to pit myslef in the position they were in. So, the black community was probably intimidated by the lynchings. Because the black community had many struggles the lynchings probably didn't make anything any better. In conclusion, the 20's had many good times and many bad times.
Haley Johnson 4/5

Unknown said...

In my opinion, I believe that what is referred to as "justice" was the complete opposite of what occurred in the 20's. I mean the black community was literally treated like animals. I would say that the black community was very frightened by these unnecessary and cruel lynchings. I'm not sure because I've never been involved in a situation like this, but I can imagine that it would be extremely terrifying. These horrific lynchings mainly took place down south, but I'm sure that they occurred elsewhere as well. Although many blacks were being executed, they surprisingly began to succeed in music and arts. I find this very unusual, but also impressive that the black community didn't give up the will to keep living and to succeed.
Isaac Swiger/2-13-14/1-2 period

Unknown said...

In my opinion the justice wasnt fair at all. I think the African American community must have been very frightened by this. I think the Black comnunity was very intimidated by this, I dont know someone who wouldnt be intimidated by this. The lynchings were primarily in the sounth. I think the black community had an easy life as musicians, consequently the African Americans were having a hard time being killed.

Keaton Linger said...

I think that the justice was very unfair in many ways. The whole population of African Americans we treated like the were just peoples maid. Therefore I think they were very freighted by the lynching! Everything about this is just horrible and sad. I would compare this to elevator music slow and sad. After all in the 20's it was just bad to be African American.

Keaton Linger 1-2

Unknown said...

I thought that it was unfair that the justice was administered in the 20's because of them killing all the black citizens. They were only killing them because of their skin color. I think that the black community was probably very scared and intimidated by the lynchings. I know if I was one of them I would be very scared. It is found that most of the lynchings happened in the south. The blacks went though some very hard struggles. The lynchings didn't make any of this better.
~Kayla Lough 1-2

Unknown said...

Justice was unfair during the Roaring Twenties in many ways. Lynchers we're never prosecuted. In many ways they were intimated by the lynchers because of the fear of death. Lynchings primary locations were in the South. The roaring twenties were good in many ways and bad in many ways. There happened to be rebirthing in the arts while you could be killed for being the color of your skin. In conclusion, the Roaring Twenties could be considered the best and worst times in American History. Hayden Moran 1/2

Unknown said...

The justice wasn't good because they were hanging black people. They were very intimidated because if you were black you had a wy better chance of bein hanged. Most of the hangings were in the south. Black people who weren't in the world of arts had a hard time. The others that were in the arts got by because they were good at something. Most black people were hanged for the smallest reason. They had a very hard time.
Jacob Branch 4th period

Angela DeLorenzo said...

In my opinion, the justice that was administered in the 20's was unfair. I believe it was unfair because of how badly treated the black community was. A lynching is a murder mob, basically killing by hanging the chosen ones. I think that the black community was afraid of the lynchings because they were targeted by them. Lastly, in the 20's the arts were changing because the blacks were created different genres of music.
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Unknown said...

I wouldn't call it justice if your killing people for a silly, unfair reason. I totally think there were intimidated. Why not? I think they happened in the South. Most of the musicians and stuff were probably in the North. Because the North was the free states, and the South was the slave states; thus, the justice system was so much better in the North.
6/7 period Madison Brotosky

Unknown said...

I think that the “justice” was not fair at all. Killing black citizens was not the right thing to do. I think they may have been a little intimidated and scared. The lynchings usually happened in the southern part of the world. They blacks started making jazz music that helped them through their tough times. Black people had it rough because they did not know whether they would die or live each day. I think that there was a great deal of good and bad times in the 20’s.
~~Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Emma Copley said...

The justice that was administrated in the 20's, I think was very unfair to the black citizens. I know if I had been a part of the black community, I would be very frightened of the lynchings. They were killing so many people, and I would be angry and scared of them. The black community was succeeding in arts like jazz music. Although they were being threatened and killed, they still managed to succeed in music very well. The community in the twenties is nothing like it is now.
-Emma Copley
1-2 period

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think the justice administered in the 20's was very unfair. The black community was probably very intimidated by this, as any person would. The arts and music showed the pain and fear of the black community. The black community were probably having very hard lives living in fear of being killed.

Chloe Wean 1st/2nd

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In my opinion the justice administered in the 20's in unfair. The black community was treated very poorly. They were treated like servants. The black community was extremly frightened because of the lychings. If I were there during that time I would be so scared! They created music. All kinds of music. For example like jazz and other genres. The lychings mainly took place in the South.

Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period (:

Unknown said...

I think the justice administered in the 20's wasn't really "justice" at all. I do think it was a bit intimidating. It's like one day you're chatting to your neighbor, and the next day you see them get hanged. Lynchings were something that occured mostly in the south. In the arts, everyone loved and adored what the black comunity had to offer, but outside of that, they were treated like dirt.

~Tressa Floyd~ 6/7th

Unknown said...

In my opinion the justice that was considered fair in the 1920 was not right at all. The black community was not treated fairly in this time period. These people were known to be more like slaves than the human beings they truly are. I think the black community was intimidated by the lynchings. This mostly happened in the south. The pain was shown through the music. The black community had troubles during this time and the music express the emotion behind how badly they were treated. These people had no rights and no way to express how they felt. Even though there is still racism throughout the nation, the poverty and the rights of the black community have changed tremendously. In general, I believe that there was no real justice in these decisions against the black community.

Stephanie Allen , period:4/5

Unknown said...

The justice in the 20s was stupid. In fact it was not justice at all, it was murder! I think the lynchings intimidated some but not all. If anything the people who weren't intimidated were depicted as even more aggressive and mad. I think most of the lynchings happened in the south where groups ganged up on black people. I think the art of music was hurt by the lynchings and segregation but the jazz continued on by the blacks and eventually became popular. Since it was popular it inspired the community to take action which really helped the African Americans.

Allison Crites said...

The justice administered in the 20s was not justice at all. The black community was treated awfully for no reason. I could not ever imagine experiencing something so horrible. I'm sure they were very intimitading by the lynchings, as anyone would be. The lynchings typically happened in the south. As far as the arts go, the black community was very successful, but they obviously were not in thw world of justice. The arts were definitely a spark of hope for the black community.

Alli Crites

Allison Crites said...

The justice administered in the 20s was not justice at all. The black community was treated awfully for no reason. I could not ever imagine experiencing something so horrible. I'm sure they were very intimitading by the lynchings, as anyone would be. The lynchings typically happened in the south. As far as the arts go, the black community was very successful, but they obviously were not in thw world of justice. The arts were definitely a spark of hope for the black community.

Alli Crites

Unknown said...

The justice wasn't at all fair in any way. The fact that they would just kill black citizens. Lynchings and many murders took place in South locations. Black citizens easily became successful through music though at this time. To take there life away while they're having a passion for music is in no way right. Black citizens would still continue to make their music and arts life successful. Music could help them get through all these tough times and I find none of them should have lost their life throughout these times.
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~

Unknown said...

The so called "justice" that was administered in the 20's was horribly obscene. The black community had to be terrified of the lynchings, although they usually only happened in the southern U.S.A. The black community was very talented in the arts however, and the beauty of their work is completely parallel to the atrocity that was taking place at the time.

Unknown said...

I think that the "justice" that was administered in the 20's was not fair at all. I bet the black community was very intimidated by the lynchings. The thought of someone killing another person based off the color of their skin is absolutely terrible. The primary location of these lynchings was in the southern area of the U.S. In the world of arts, the black community was thriving and doing very well but in the world of justice, things were a difficult struggle.

Unknown said...

the roaring 1920's was the break between amrica and uk there were posters and riots. the black community was very intiminated by the lynchings.the location was in the southren u.s it's pretty bad when you just kill someone over there skin so what that there skin diffrent that doesent mean that they are diffrent in the inside 1920's were a very bad time for the colored.

gabe robinson 4-5

Unknown said...

I think that what they did to the black citizens was wrong. I think that lynching was very wrong in the world at that time. The primary location was in the south of the united states. I think that the jazz music made them feel better than how they feel in the reel world. The reel world made them feel hated and abused. In their jazz music they can be who they are and not be accused of anything.

Jenna Petracca said...

People in the 20s did not treat African Americans the same way they treated whites. People of a diffrent race did not get regonized for their talent because of their skin color. It was wrong. The lynchings were also very scary to blacks. They killed inocent people because of the color of their skin. The 20s were a very difficult time in history and was terrifying to many people.The worst thing is they called it "justice".
-Jenna Petracca 1/2 period

Unknown said...

Back in the 20's, I thought that the world was unfair. To treat fellow citizens like that. What did the black community do to them? But, it was not right to treat them like they are meant to be servants and not people. Lychins scared all of them to death and they should have been too. The worst part is that all of them said it was right to do and it was justice.

~Dylan Ozie 4/5th~

Kaycee Cox said...

I think that the justice in the 20's was truely unfair. They killed people just because they were a different skin color. Whenever I think of it, I just imagine myself in their shoes. Every single day I would be scared that something was going to happen to me or my family. I think that the black community was probably intimidated by the lynchings, because they were by everyone else. The black community went through many struggles;therefore,the lynchings weren't making things any better. Basically the 20's had both good and bad times.
Kaycee Cox 5thperiod

Anonymous said...

I think the justice in the 1920's was very unfair. Black people were getting killed just because of their skin color. They did nothing wrong but still were murdered. I bet the black community was very scared. I bet they were even scared to walk out their front door. It wasn't fair.

Unknown said...

I thought this was completely unfair towards the African american community. They were murdered because of a darker complexion and skin color. which is something that they can not control. Most of the community was most likely terrified to even walk off of their own porches. But they were succeeding through art and music.
-hydia george 1/2 period

Cole Weaver said...

I think the justice that was administered in the 20's was very unfair and cruel. The black community was very freighted and so was some of the white community. In the arts people can be proud of their accomplishments. But if they went somewhere else they would be treated just the same. It’s very sad that this is a part of our history.

Unknown said...

I think the justice back in the twenties was way more than unfair! I think the so called justice that they practiced was just evil people finding reasons to murder innocent ones. I think that the black people were terrified of the lynchings but I also think they were more terrified of what would happen if it kept happening. I think they knew they had to stand up. The primary location for the lynchings was in the south of the U.S. What was happening in the arts was new and beautiful which is completely different from the murdering that people were calling justice. That was gruesome and wrong on to many levels to count.
Madi Cox 4th-5th Period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Sydnee Boyles said...

I think that the "justice" that was administrated was very unfair. They were just going and killing normal black citizens! I think everyone in the black community was very terrified by the lynching's... I mean, who wouldn't be? Even though these lynching's usually happened in the south it was still a very big and scary issue. In African American community they made their lives better by making jazz and other genres of music to get their minds off of things. On the other hand, they still had a hard time avoiding being hung and having to go through other torchers by the other communities.

Unknown said...

Back then in them times I really don't agree with the whole color things. How certain people couldn't go where because of there color. We'll I'm mixed so what would happen to us! But now days people go around saying black people black people that it's just a color. We can see it in you don't need for you to say it 24/7. But if I was the blacks I would be scared if the lynching. All they wanted was peace but everybody just wanted hatred. They just wanna to get away without being kilt. They became successful with the music and making albums

Unknown said...

Twenties fashion is probably the greatest fashion and most unique fashion I have ever laid my eyes on. Not only is it fashionistic but its also original. The dresses aren't too short or too long. They are however you want them and the perfect fit. I love how they had the natural hair bob with their circular fit head hats/cover ups. I would love to live back in the twenties because of the fashions and cars and the old fashioned style. They even made a movie based on the twenties and its called The Great Gatsby.

Unknown said...

I thought it was unfair that the justice was administered in the 20's by killing normal black citizens. I think the black community was very scared and afraid by the lynchings. They were probably so scared and afraid that they wanted to stay away and tried not to get murdered.

Zachary Ayers said...

The justice was extremely unfair because they were killing normal black people for no reason.Then they don't get any justice. I would be intimidated because I don't know if I would have died that day or a loved one would have died. Meanwhile, the blacks started creating an art life by creating jazz music and other kind of music. Afterward black communities had it rough because they didn't know if they was goin to die that day.

Zachary Ayers said...

The justice was extremely unfair because they were killing normal black people for no reason.Then they don't get any justice. I would be intimidated because I don't know if I would have died that day or a loved one would have died. Meanwhile, the blacks started creating an art life by creating jazz music and other kind of music. Afterward black communities had it rough because they didn't know if they was goin to die that day.

Zachary Ayers said...

The justice was extremely unfair because they were killing normal black people for no reason.Then they don't get any justice. I would be intimidated because I don't know if I would have died that day or a loved one would have died. Meanwhile, the blacks started creating an art life by creating jazz music and other kind of music. Afterward black communities had it rough because they didn't know if they was goin to die that day.

Unknown said...

The twenties were a very unfair time for some. I also think the black community might have been a little intimidated by what was going on. the black community wantedto be peaceful but the others did not want ot be peaceful with them.

by bobbi uphold
6/7th period

Unknown said...

The twenties was a very unfair time for some blacks. They were killed for no reason.I thinlk they were very intimidated by the lynchings they were very scared.

Unknown said...

The early 1900s were a very rough time for many people, including the blacks. What they did to them was just ignorant and uncalled for they. They didnt like them because they didnt look the same. Thats not fair. It is even worse that they made them go to different schools and use different bathrooms. Also many innocent black men and women were hung by members of the kkk. Which is called the klu klux klan. In conclusion most white people did not like blacks!

Elijah Cunningham 4th

Unknown said...

in the 1900s there were all kinds of problems with nonequal rights for black personell. and i feal the same way at home. all the people were supposed to be equal in all sorts of life. before the underground railroad many of thousands of people had died.

Unknown said...

The 1920's were a horrible time for African Americans since they were being randomly killed off for no reason at all besides their race. I am almost positive they were absolutely frightened by this. But, on the bright side, African Americans were becoming more and more successful in music and arts.

Unknown said...

I think that the justice in the twenty's was really bad. No I think that the African Americans where not intimidated. I think that they just dealt with the problem. I think that the world of art was becoming a lot broader. The world of justice was becoming stronger for every body safety as a citizen. Don't you think so too?

Unknown said...

In my opinion, I think that the justice in the 20's was truly unfair. They treated everyone with no respect. The way you treat somebody will make and effect on them. You don't know what their life is like at home but they made it hard for them everywhere they went. Racism is not as big of a thing now bit it still happens everyday.
Paige king

Unknown said...

i think that the roang 20s where very unfair to blacks.they did not treat us with respect they spit on blacks.I think african americans handled it very well.I think that racisim is has kinda dissapered

Unknown said...

i think that the roang 20s where very unfair to blacks.they did not treat us with respect they spit on blacks.I think african americans handled it very well.I think that racisim is has kinda dissapered.What they did to.They didnt like them because they didnt seem or look or talk the same. Thats very unfair. It is worse that they made them go to different schools and use other bathrooms. Also many blacks were hung by the kkk.

Unknown said...

i think that the roang 20s where very unfair to blacks.they did not treat us with respect they spit on blacks.I think african americans handled it very well.I think that racisim is has kinda dissapered

Unknown said...

I think the justice was extreamly unfair to them. I think the were frightened, but this caused them to want to fight more for what they deserve. During all this, they became more popular for their art and for their jazz music. The world of jutice became better and safer for the African Americans to live in the own backyards.

Unknown said...

i think that the roang 20s where very unfair to blacks.they did not treat us with respect they spit on blacks.I think african americans handled it very well.I think that racisim is has kinda dissapered.

-Jayla King 4/5th period

Unknown said...

I think its was horrifying, unfair, and very sick. Yes, i think they were very intimidating, not not only because im black but because they treated them terribly. The primary location of the lynching is the south. The blacks started making Jazz music, arts and fighting the unfair laws with the government.
Lauren 6/7pd

Unknown said...

I thought that the justice administered was very unfair because it allowed the killing of normal black citizens. I think that they were extremely scared and nervous because they don't know if they were going to die from day to day therefor I think that they were very intimidated by the Lynchings. Later they started succeeding in Jazz and other arts and then things started turning around for them.

Austin Cole 4-5th period

corey payne said...

I think that it makes sense. Yes I think it was intimidated. Like around the whole world. The black community was really having a hard time because they were getting killed and hanged.