Monday, July 14, 2008


Please describe learning experiences that you have had where you needed to cooperate. With whom did you cooperate? What were the out comes? Have you uses collaboration in any of your learning activities or sports activities? When? What are the shortcoming of the collaborative process? How do you feel about competition? Does it motivate you?


Megan DeJong said...

I have had to cooperate with other students for basically every subject. In Science, I have had to do experiments with other students, in English I have had to fill out study guides and in Gym we have to be on teams and cooperate. Also, in Math we have had to do group work for homework and worksheets. I cooperated with my teachers and classmates. The outcomes are usually good because we share ideas and skills. Cooperating is beneficial because not everyone is equally good at the same thing. If I am a little better at some things, and a classmate is better in other areas than I am, we can put our ideas together for a good outcome. Almost all sports activities require some type of collaboration unless you are a team of one! If everyone just did what they wanted and there were no guidelines and rules and no one collaborated their efforts,a game or team of any kind would be impossible. You have to collaborate not only when you create plays, but carry them out as well. I think that a shortcoming of collaborating might be that you can't always be as creative as you would like to be and can't necessarily do things the way that you want to do them. You might have a really great idea and it can be changed because you are working on it with others. I think that competition can be good and bad. It can encourage you to strive to be the best that you can but it can also be defeating, because people get too caught up in trying to win and be the best. However, if we didn't have competition, there wouldn't be any goal to work towards. Competition does motivate me. I think that it motivates everyone in some way, whether it is in sports, intellectually or just in everyday life.
Megan DeJong
8th Period

Unknown said...

I have to cooperate with mt peers all the time! In General Music I have to work with a partner to create a song, in Math I had to work with a partner to grade each other's papers, and in Gym I had to be on a team for soccer. Also I have to work with my peers in places most people don't think of, like at lunch and in the hallway. At lunch you have to work together and not push or shove in line. In the halls you have to cooperate by staying on your side of the hall. Another thing most people don't think of is working with the teachers (exspecially Mr.Tennant or what ever Science/Cats teacher you have). Usually team/partner work works out very well, but someimes it doesn't. Like if someone refuses to work with another person fights can break out, it also adds unnessisary stress in the class room. As for collaboration, the only time I've ever had to collabrate was when I was on my school basketball team. It was important that we worked together because otherwise we would spend more time and energy argueing with eachother than we spent on the court. I've never really been very competitive so competitions aren't exactly high on my favorites list. I don't get motivated my it at all.
Amanda Luzader
1&2 period

Unknown said...

Ok competiton does get me motivated , and in physical activity's like sport get you very involved with people and you have to work together an do stuff together to make it work you will be a team .

I also think the video is trynna tell us tht shcool isn't all that boring an really shouldnt be an that school shouldnt be daul they should have color to brightin the day .Also that even in school we nedd to use team work an partner ship to get alot done ;).
-jamie boo

Unknown said...

I have had to cooperate alot of times in alot of classes such as science,language,and also gym. In gym you cooperate with all of the students in different ways the same with language and science. The out come was really great because it goes buy very fast and its fun. In basketball we use alot of collaboration.The shortcoming is that you might not do as well as another person.I love competition because everyone wants to win and it motivates me to do a little bit better to help my team win.

Bailey Haller
1&2 period

Unknown said...

Learning experiences that I had to cooperate in is in band. I have to cooperate with my peers in band also with the teacher.In band when Mr Sullivan is working with a diffrent instroments and people you have to be quite and also listen to see if he is saying anything that would be helpful to you.The outcomes are very good you can become better at the instroment,play in concerts,and more.I have useed collaboration in band because you peers can help you with something if Mr sullivan is with someone else or in his office.I think competition wonderful. It does motivate me to be better.

Unknown said...

I had to work with other students almost in every single subject at least once Like it social studies wee all took a job and researched on it In science we doo labs all of the time together and sometimes we do tests together

In english we traced each others faces on the board and cut it out. And we both designed it with things about our selfs

Grant said...

Learning experiences that I have had where I needed to cooperate were in sports, like basketball. You have to play as a team and cooperate if you want to win the game and be successful. In school, I had to cooperate in projects that were due and we had to have a partner. When two or more of us worked on a project it was only going to get a good grade if we worked together and cooperated.

The shortcomings of the cooperation process include persons not wanting to listen to others. All input may not be accepted by the group or individuals. Cooperation may not always be easy for some if they prefer to work as and individual and persons attitudes and personalities do not mix well.

Does competition motivate me? Competition is good if it does not get out of control. Competition motivates me to help my succeed and do the best that I am capable of doing on a project or on my team, in sports. I cannot let it be out of control. Some persons compete to an extreme and it only causes more stress and broken friendships. A person needs to learn how to handle competition and use it to benefit not hinder, succeed and not fail.

Grant Holbert
4th Period

Unknown said...

I cooperate with people all the time in school. Doing group work or helping someone that dosen't get the assignment. Usually we get our work done, but sometimes we goof off and don't finish the work. I used to play soccer and we collabrated to get plans and figure out what to do next. I think competiton is a good thing it gives people a chance to push themselves to the limit. Instead of just hiding behind other people. It gives kids motivation to do more than there best.
Marshall tucker:)
1st and 2nd period

Ali said...

In basically every class I have to cooperate with other students. Some of these classes are Gym, English, Science, and occationaly Math. I have to cooperate with not only my classmates but also my teachers. The out come is actully very successful. This is because when your working with someone else and you cooperate with eachother it makes it lots of fun! Yes , I use collaboration in alot of my learning activites as well as my sport activites. The shortcoming is if someone thinks that they are always perfect then they won't listen to other peoples suggestions on how to fix what they're doing wrong. Yes, competition motivates me. Competition motovates me to come out on the top and to try my hardest.

Ali Sansalone
4th period.

Michael said...

Everyday I cooperate with many different people.In school,I cooperate with My teachers,other students,and the principal.

Last year Justin and I,we had to do a project.We cooperated with each other and are parents.We had to schedule times to meet with each other to work on the project.We had to collaborate with each other on our presentation,speeches,and displaying our project.At the end,we completed it on time and received an A.

In sports we cooperate with running plays and learning new plays.I feel that every kid in their life should have competition in some kind of activities.It motivates me to do my best,work hard in every thing I do,and to acheive new goals in my life.

olivia said...

i have had to cooperate with lots of diffrent kids like when iam doing sports,or if i have a school project where i have to work with other people.For example last year Jenny and I had to work together and build a poster about what we wanted to be when we grow up.We worked together verry good and the out come was great!We both did are part and we ended up getting 2nd place for the judge part of are project. I like working with other people because two heads are better then one!! I have used collaboration many times. Ive used it when i play basketball,i love working to gether with my team on the floor.You can tell when we dont work together most of the time by just looking up at the score bord.In order to win a game we have to work together as one.Sometimes collaborative is not always the best thing though mostly because lots of people want to do there own thing and have the spot light.I mean everyone wants to be the reason that the team won the game,or the reason you passed the last project you and a friend worked on.I fell like competition can bring the good and the bad out in everyone. I can be a verry cometitive person and iam not always the nicest thing in the world,when it comes to competition,but then agin who is? It motivates me in many ways i love the felling of trying to be better then the person beside you. And an even better felling is when you motivate your self and try your hardest till you truly are better then the person beside you!!!

Parrucci said...

I remember one time at summer camp we had to accomplish a task by team work and it required 100% cooperation. The only problem was I was the only one who knew exactly what to do. That might not look like a problem however, everyone else had a different plan. And that about drove me insane becuase, I am one of those people who wants everything to be my way. If I were incharge of something, unless it didn't matter, I would end up dictating allot. And in the end it all worked and pleased everybody though. I use collaberation allot in school and everything works out. I love competition. And it motivates me very much. You may not think it but, I am probably the most competetive person you will ever meet. And that is why one of my favorite sports is dodgeball. And that is the main thing that motivates me in allot of things.

Zachary Parrucci
4th Pd.

kiley moore said...

Well you have to cooperate alot, like in english when we had to do the study guide questions, we did them with a partner. When you cooperate the outcome is usually better. It is because when you put two brains together to do one thing, you use your knowledge and the other persons knowledge. Like yo umight not know something and you partner might, so in that case cooperating makes it easier.
In basketball you use collaboration. When you make plays, you use collabortion.
Its good to use cllabortion, because you ca get many ideas, and share things with others to help them.
I like competition, it gives me a lot of adrinalin. It keeps me going, and i like the feeling of winning.
Yes, it does motivate me. Competition motivates me to be the best, and do my best at whatever i am doing.

Kiley Moore
3rd period

devilgirl64915 said...

I have cooperated with many people. One of the people that I had to cooperate with is my friend Amanda Luzader. We had to work together in language arts. We became best friends and we got done faster with what we were working on than the others. Yes I have used collaboration before. I used it in sixth grade. I had to get in a group of people to read our books.In soccer I am always working with other people. I played soccer for six yaers and basket ball for one. I think that the shortcomeing process of me would be that I'm not really that organized, or that I'm not good at math. Competition is an awsomr thing only if you don't get carried away with it. Most boys compete every day. Competition does motivate me but, I'm not always to competetive because I don't care if some one is better than me.
Desarae Board
1&2 period

Kayla said...

I have had to cooperate with other sudents in very many things to learn. You dont always have to learn academically for example I have learned to cooperate while playing basketball. While learning the plays you have to cooperate with your team in order to run the plays right. The outcomes of cooperating with the team is you get very good and use to running the plays to where you can do them the best you can in a game. I have had a collaboration before. You need collaborative in almost every sport that you could possibly do, unless there were abosolutely no rules! I love competition. When I no that I have a competition with another person or team it makes me excited to find out what the outcome of the competition is going to come out as. Competition deffinaltly motivates me. If there was a competition to debate who can get up and get ready the fastest in the morning I would most definitly be eager to see which person would win.

Kayla Wyatt:).
6-7th period

Unknown said...

I have to cooperate with somebody everyday, football, school and my family. In football I cooperate with Coach Beerbauer, Coach Delligatti, Coach Kish and my teamates, at school with everyone and home with my mom, dad and my brother. By cooperating in football I learn more, play more and I know alot more about what I am doing and I feel that makes me better. School, it just makes everything go better and at home cooperating with my family makes alot of things run more smooth. Almost everything you do needs some type of collaboration, it helps everyone that participate better, it gives all of us new ideas and better ways of thinking to better the situation. In sports it helps to collaborate, because its always good to have more input on the game plan. I have collaborated today out on the football feild because I had to work with all of my good teammates as well as with the coaches, and if you don't get along with them, things turn bad, fast, its good to have shortcoming process's sometimes, because you are with a group for a short period of time and that helps you in making a better decision, because you have more ideas to think about. My thoughts about competition are positive, because it helps me stride more in what I do. Yes it does motivate me because it makes me push and try harder in things that I do whether it be in football, school and at home.

cheyannh said...

learning experiences that I have had to cooperate was when I had to take a partner test and I didn’t like the person I was taking it with but I had to cooperate anyway. I would rather mot say. The outcomes where that we got an A.i have used collaboration sporting activities when I played basketball. When ,during b-ball ga,es.the short comes of the collaborative process when we lose a championship. I absolutely love competition I am a very competitive person. My compositeness gives me a drive all of the time I mean when I am in a competition I want to win but who doesn’t.

4th period

Unknown said...

Once in 5th grade, i was paired up with students who just wouldnt help! All they did was talk or play, i was the only one who did the work. I had to cooperate with them and just let them do their thing because i couldnt convince them to help. after everything was done the projectg was complete, but the teacher had seen that i was doing most of the work, so i got 100% while everyone else only got 75% You should always cooperate with people and help them with whatever is going on, you will be rewarded. It was xavier, zack, and kenny gump.
I got a 100% and they only got 75%.
Once while playing a team in a game of baseball, i had one team mate who just wouldnt try, he said, "im to good for this, i can do this in my sleep" little did he know he couldnt even do it awake. Because of him our whole team had to try twice as hard because when he was up to bat, 1 out! If the ball comes to him, ref yells, SAFE!
Everyone had to make sure we were there to catch the ball in the event it was coming towards him.
This was just last march i believe.
I think competition is a great thing because, it gives you self confidence, when you win you feel great, and when you lose you know to try harder next time. OH YEAH! it definantly motivates me, it should motivate everyone because competition is a great thing.
Ivan Figueroa
monday, sept. 8 11:03 PM

alex swiger said...

We always have to cooperate in school with other people. For example, in science, we're always doing labs. The partners are sometimes picked randomly, and other times they're not. Some of the people work, even if their partner doesn't do any of the work. The outcomes vary each time. If we cooperate well, then the outcomes are way better. In almost every class, we have partner assignments. The shortcoming of the collaborative process is, even though we're supposed to be in a group, and some people don't cooperate, we all get the same grade.

I'm not very competitive. I feel competition is a good thing to a certain extent. It pushes the competitors to do their very best. Competition doesn't motivate me that much.

Alex Swiger
3rd Period

brandon plivelich said...

I have to cooperate with my peers all the time. Just like in Mr. Tennant’s class I have to work with one of my peers. In music I have a partner to make a song. In gym I have to cooperate with my teammates or we won’t play good. I think the purpose of this video is to show that you have to work together if you want things to work out. Sometimes if we don’t cooperate then fights can happen. But, if we do cooperate in our groups in class then we can get good grades. That is what I think the purpose of this video is
Brandon Plivelich

Unknown said...

I have to cooperate with my parents. I have to because if I don’t I know that they have the power to ground me. The outcomes of that is I got grounded a couple times and caught on that it wasn’t fun to be grounded, so now most of the time I do what they say. But I usually don’t until my parents threaten to ground me then that’s when I do what they say. I have collaborated almost every day in school when the teachers tell us to get in to groups and do a work sheet or something. The short come of collaborating is sometimes you and your group might talk to much and never get the work done. Sometimes I feel like I couldn’t do that and I don’t want to get embarrassed but when someone that has more power than me like a teacher or a coach tells me to do it I do and find out that it’s not that bad after all.
Brandon Boyers
6th & 7th period

Bobbi said...

I've learned when i was cheerleading to listen to the coach and other people on the squad. I've learned to get along with different people. When our squad worked together we looked really good when we cheered.But there were times that we didn't work together, like when someone falls from out a stunt. Or if someone is being lippy with another team member or the coaches. We would get punished because of it.When it comes to competition I just want to do it right and get it over with. Competiton makes me want to do my best.

░Madison~♥~Fitch░ said...

Well, for most of my classes, we have to cooperate, but in two classes, we have to cooperate every single day. Those classes are, of course, gym and band. In gym, we have to be on teams and in band, we have to play our instruments together, or the song would sound terrible. I cooperated with my teachers, cousin, and friends. I've mostly worked with my friends, though. The outcomes were very well, I work better with friends, I don't know why, but I get done faster. Yes, in step, we all have to learn a step, and we all want to do that step in front of the school. But, if someone can't get it, we can't do the step. For instance, we wanted to do this ending to a step, but someone, I forget who, couldn't get it in time to do it, so we didn't get to do the ending. This was last year, towards the end of the year, when we had to step in front of the sixth and seventh grade. Some people talk and goof off, some do stupid things, and others are too lazy to work together. I don't like competition because you have to go against people, for example, one of my best friends is on East side, and I'm on the West, but our families don't really approve of the others teams. It really doesn't motivate me that much.

Madison Fitch
3rd period

Matt said...

I have to cooperate with my classmates in a lot of my classes like gym and science. In science we do a lot of labs and activities with partners. Sometimes you don’t get to pick your partner. In gym you have to cooperate because if you don’t your team will do badly. Sometimes the outcomes are bad and sometimes they are good. If you cooperate well with your partner or teacher then the outcome will be good. If you don’t cooperate with whomever your working with then you will probably get into an argument. I think that competition motivates me because it is exciting.

Matt Wade
6th and 7th period

victoria said...

For most of my classes, we have to cooperate, but in two classes, we have to cooperate every single day. Those classes are, of course, gym and band. In gym, we have to be on teams and in band, we have to play our instruments together, or the song would sound terrible. If any band member makes a mistake we have to cooperate by being quiet while Mr. Sullivan helps their section. In gym we have to work together as a team in order to win. If we didn't we wouldn't get to where we need to be.

Andrew said...
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Andrew said...
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katie nestor said...

I have had lots of experiences where I needed to cooperate. One has been recently, such as in a class now I have been put in a group of people I don’t really talk to, I like them but I don’t really talk to them. I have to cooperate and work with them. Also I have had to cooperate in gym class. My teacher will sometimes places in teams herself and sometimes I might not always get on a team that I have a chance to talk with them, but I cooperate with them and it always seems to work out great. The people that I cooperate with are people practically in my every day life. I have to cooperate with my teachers and my other classmates. The outcomes are good because normally when you cooperate you get along with others and have a great time at what you are doing. Yes, I do use cooperation in the actives I do. The short outcomes are like if your group is goofing around and then you'll have to turn the project in late. I feel that compition brings out a side of people that you would never think to see from them. Although I think that it is wonderful to get not just students but people to work a little harder to what they want. I do think that compition does motivate me! I know that it gets me to work harder!!!

Katie Nestor
3rd period

Andrew said...
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Andrew said...

Some learning experiences I've had, where cooperation is needed would probably be in Gym class. Gym class forces you to work on a team with other students. I cooperated with my class and teammates. The outcomes were that by working together on a team my team won. In my learning activities, I use collaboration in Science class a lot within last year. I play baseball so collaboration is one of the keys to success. I really like completion. So, baseball is very fun for me. Completion motivates me a lot. If I feel that someone is playing against me, I think that I will do better.

NIck said...

I have had to cooperate with many people. Mostly I have to cooperate in school. One time I had to cooperate was in base class on Tuesday. We had to make a pizza and every one had their own job to do. My group didn’t cooperate very well so the outcome wasn’t very good. If we had all done what we were supposed to and cooperated well the outcome would have been a lot better. I have used collaboration in almost every sport that I have played. Collaboration is important because if we didn’t collaborate it would be impossible to get anything done. I think that competition is important because it makes you want to be better than everyone else and so you work harder. Competition definitely motivates me, especially in sports.

Nick Trefz
8th period

Unknown said...

Some learning experiences I have had to cooperate was when I played basketball. We had to Work together as a team to win. Somtimes we would forget to and get mad at each other. The outcomes of the game depended on whether we cooperated or if we just did what ever we wanted and didn't work as a team. If we worked as a team we did good and won. If we didn't work as a team we usually lost. YEs I have used Collaboration many times. expecially in basketball. The shortcoming of the collaboration proccess is shortcoming when you are doing a sport like swimming when its an individual sport. I love competition. Yes. It motivates me alot. Just this summer I didn't have any competition until I swan a girl from Bridgeport. Even though i took about 5 or 6 seconds off i still got second but it motivates me.

alexis said...

I half to cooperate in alot of my classes and I hate it.But It is also nice.Sometimes some people dont do there work to help me and sometimes they do.Sometimes it can be fun but sometimes it is horrible. I think we should pick are owne partners but we dont.

Anonymous said...

I have to cooperate with many differnt students,and people.For example,school is one place where I have to cooperate with students.Like in West Virginia Studies Mr.Patrick picked groups with people I barely talk to.But it's very easy to cooperate with others.Sometimes they don't like to work around people they don't know,but then once you get to know them it's really easy to cooperate with others.Thats what I personally think.You have to cooperate in many differnt places.Like the lunch room,you can't push or shove,so you have cooperate.
Inique Little:)

Unknown said...

In many different subjects I had to cooperte. Such as in science,gym,social studies and other subjects. I dont know exactly who i cooperated with any the subjects but, I work with alot of different students in every difference class. The outcomes in when I work with other students were that I got to meet new people and work was much easier. When You work as a group things get down faster and easier. Yes! I have been in situations where I have to use collaboration. Such as in Softball in gym your a team so in that case you have to use collaboration. Any sport you do or anything that has to do with a team you collaboration. I feel like competition is something to motivate you to do something. It gets me pumped and excited for a challenge and I think when its a challenge it makes you put effort to do better and WiN!!!


nick said...

My learning experiments in the past have been like all the other. In about every class we usually have a subject where we need to work in groups. Like in gym if we’re playing baseball we need to cooperate with our team mates so we have a chance of winning. I cooperated with students and teachers but mostly teachers, like when I have a question they try to help me out so I can solve it. The outcome was always good because we learn new things out of our questions. I have to use collaboration if were on a team with each other if we didn’t our team would fail. The shortcoming of collaboration is that we always learn new things if we share our information with others. I really care about competitions because I HATE to lose and if my team isn’t pumped up ready to play I will try to motivate them so we can succeed. It motivates me more if the opposite team is pumped up so that really gets me going.

Nick Bellay
1 & 2 period

Unknown said...

Most of the time when I had to cooperate with other kids in social studies.I had to work in a group with Logan,Christina,and AJ.the out comes have been all right so far so good. when I soccer in 2001 I had to do a little bit collaboration.I fully agree with Competition because with my karate class i go to Competition all over. I actually have one coming up that's in Kentucky soon.

Justin Boyes
4th period

brittany said...

I have to cooperate with a lot of others for example. Basketball i have to cooperate for teamwork to win. Softball is the samething just like basketball, and when i swam in the summer i was on a relay tem i had to cooperrate to make sure that we didn't get disquilify. I also have to coopertrate when doing experimants classes. For basketball and softball it was for winning and swimming is for winning and the fasts time, and experiments is for getting work done qiucker. I have had to collaborate in basketball cause when you do a ball fake you fake out the defender and then they foul you. I feel good about compitetion cause it just makes me want to do better than the other person or team. Yes compitetion motivates me so much.

Brittany Morgan
4th period

Logan D. said...

There has been learning experiences were I have needed to cooperate with other students, especially in gym. I cooperated with other students, mostly the ones that I know. The outcomes of cooperating were making new friends and becoming better friends with someone. I have definitely used collaboration in sports. I use a lot when a new season starts in sport and I don’t know any of the kids, that’s when I cooperate. The one shortcoming of collaboration is that sometimes you cant always be yourself. Sometimes you want to try to go with the flow and not be stupid. I feel that competition is every thing, mainly in sports. If there was no competition I wouldn’t do sports, cause the whole reason to play sports is to have fun and win and brag in the other teams face about it.

Logan Demyon
4th period

Destini said...
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Destini said...
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Destini said...

Most of my learning experiences have been interesting. I have had a lot of times where I had to work with others. Honestly, I have had more bad experiences than good but you can’t run away from problems so I had to deal and make the best of it! I think over more than half of the time when I have to cooperate in a group would have to be in my science class. That is usually where you need to be friends with everyone. I play basketball so I have to have a good attitude and great cooperation. Competition actually is what makes me get up every day right before a game and feel great about how our team will do. It does motivate me a lot because without competition like would just be a great big boring place!
♥Destini Arbogast
1st&2nd periods!

Steff said...

Learning experiences that I had to cooperate in were gym class, science, english, and well most of my classes. In those team learning experiences you have to work together to achieve an outcome, whether it is just studying or doing a project worth 200 points, you still have to work together. we (as students) usually cooperate with other students and sometimes the teachers. Some of the outcomes were good grades and some were personal achievements and some were just to make friends. Even with similar assignments or the same group or team, the outcomes are always different and new every time. Yes, I have used collaboration in some learning activities. In English mainly, we do a lot of group projects in there. You have to work together to achieve a goal. In some cases those projects are a big grade and that usually motivates the team to work better. I feel that every class and student needs competition. If you are the best at everything or there is nothing to compete with; you don't feel like you have accomplished something. So classes would be boring. And yes, it motivates me. I know there are people out there that can do things better than I can, so that just encourages me to try harder.

Stephanie Harris
4th Period

akeefover said...

I needed to cooperate in science when we did a lab, if we didn’t cooperate we might get hurt. I was in Physical Education and we played wiffle ball, we needed to cooperate to get three outs. I cooperated with my classmates and the teacher. In the science lab, my partner was great and we cooperated great together. However the teacher wasn’t clear about what she wanted. In P.E. we won by cooperating! I play Miracle League baseball and our goal is that nobody has to hit off a tee in one game. One game nobody had to hit off a tee. We all worked together to reach our goal. One shortcoming is one person may do more work then another person, but both people get the same credit. This could lead to arguments and hard feelings. I love competition! Competition does motivate me. I love it that we have competition or life would be boring.

Alex Keefover
1&2 period

Unknown said...

I must cooperate everyday in school with my classmates. For example in science class we do labs with one or more students. We have to cooperate with our partner or group so that we can do the lab correctly. Another example is that in Tech Ed class we are doing a computer module with a partner. If we don’t cooperate it is possible we could do badly on the module and get a bad grade. Lastly, we must cooperate with others on our team in gym so that we can work together and win. I cooperate with my class mates, and due to the fact I cooperate well with others it always has a good outcome. Teamwork or collaboration is used in every sporting event, such as basketball, soccer, and football. Team work is an important aspect in every sport because without it a team has no chance of excelling. Collaboration is as important in education as it is in sports. I used teamwork on my basket ball team when I played in the 5th and 6th grade. I always kept my eye out for a player to pass to if I didn’t have an open shot. A shortcoming of collaboration is not doing as well as the other people you are working with. I do not really like competition, especially between my friends. So therefore, competition does not motivate me.

Unknown said...

I have needed to cooperate on my basketball team and also on my soccer team on the court and field. I have had to do it with people that are in class with me during the day, and people that play sports with and against me. I have had good outcomes and bad outcomes. There was one time when I was doing an important project with someone and they didn’t care to help and I ended up finishing the project on my own. There have been times where I had thrown a pass to someone and they were not prepared for the ball. I have used collaboration in school and in sports also. I have done worksheets in class where a partner and I worked together in class to solve certain problems. I have used collaboration in a soccer game when another player and I steal the ball and race down the field to get a good pass and score. Competition is what drives you to do or become something extraordinary. Competition motivates me in class when someone is doing better than me; I try to get a better grade than they have received. I also get motivated in soccer when I get pumped up for a big game and I want to score a goal. Motivation can sometimes just be listening to loud music before competition.

Alec Wadsworth

6&7 period

Unknown said...

I have to cooperate with other students in school all the time. I have to cooperate with other students in the hall way to get to class on time. I also cooperate with other students in group projects. In WV Studies class students were assigned groups and given a region of West Virginia. My group consisted of Katelyn Cox, De’vante Waites, Kayla Wyatt, and myself. Our mission was to find as many facts as we could about that region and record them. My team didn’t find all that facts that I thought we could. If we would have communicated about the project and all been on the same page we would have found more facts.

Talking is a main part of cooperation and collaboration. Talking is not only important in the class room but in sports, too. If you have ever watched a high school soccer game, you can always hear the players yapping. If the soccer players did not talk, the team performance would suffer. Isn’t communication an absolute when collaborating with someone? I am not a huge fan of competition. I love good natured rivalries. I don’t like unnecessary competition in the classroom. However, competition DOES MOTIVATE me on the soccer field.

Matt Bartrug
1st & 2nd period

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of this video is to teach kids to be cooperative and collaborative in school in their classes.I am cooperative in my classes, and collaborative.Today in science I had to do a lab and share equipment and work with a group.Sometimes when I work with others and they don't know alot I help them instead of just sitting there and watch them struggle.When I need help I ask them for help.When they tell me they don't know I ask the teacher for help.I share with others and let them borrow things only as long as they return it.

jared burns said...

In almost very class I have I have to cooperate with different students and teachers. Such as in Science when we work in groups we most stay on task to finish on time. Also in gym we have to be quiet enough so our teacher doesn’t make us stop playing. My outcome most of the time is positive because I have to cooperated so much in the past. In learning activities I have used a lot of collaboration, like the ones stated before, and in track our team worked together to make each other better at what we did, running, discus, shot putt, long jump, etc. The shortcomings of the cooperation process include people not wanting to listen to you, arguments within the group, and even feuds between people. I really don’t have a good or bad thing to say about competition, people can sometimes go overboard with it and others keep it in a good bounce. In some competition motivates everyone, but I’m not a very competitive person myself.
Jared Burns
4th Period

Wes said...

There are several learning experiences that I have had to cooperate with other students and friends. Most people think of sports when they think of cooperation.

Most sports are made up of teams, and those teams have to work together. Coaches and teachers always say, there is no I in team. That means that people shouldn’t always think of themselves.

When I was in grade school I played on a team with a kid that hogged the ball ALL THE TIME!!!! He was bossy and a know it all!! He didn’t cooperate with anyone on the team. He was fairly good, but NO ONE liked him because he was so arrogant about everything.

In order to get along I have had to work with others. Sometimes it’s not easy to share and take your turn, but if it weren’t for other people, you wouldn’t have anyone to do things with or play with.

I cooperate with friends, teammates, my family, and teachers. NOW, I’m not saying that I am always perfect. It is really difficult to get along with my sister. When we have to do things together my mom usually has to yell at us to quit fighting and fooling around. But, all and all I pretty much get along with everyone. I have a lot of friends. One example, of my sister and I cooperating was when we had a yard sale together this summer. We cleaned out our playroom so we could get new furniture. We threw away a whole bunch of stuff. We decided to clean the room up and get rid of all the kid stuff that we had gathered over the years. In our yard sale, we made $270.00! That was an example of great cooperation because we made money by selling junk!

Some shortcomings about cooperation are when people don’t do what they are supposed to do. Last year in one of my classes I had to have a partner that didn’t do anything! I got really upset when we got a bad grade on the project. I feel that he didn’t even care about it. I did everything, but he didn’t do anything at all. I think the teacher even knew the situation. I made sure that I never had to work with him again.

I have ALWAYS liked competition. I have been going to WVU football games since I was 9 years old. I have always liked sports, and many sports are competitive. Yes, competition has always motivated me. Even when I was young, I always liked to win.

Competition motivates you to do better because you want to be the best and you want to win. Yes, competition motivates me because all my friends are competitive and we all play sports together. It is an infinite test of your skills.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I once had a project when I had to make a power point with my friend we had to have some major focus and cooperation. The outcomes of our cooperation was an amazing power point which came along with a guaranteed A. in sports you always have to collaborate with your teammates for teamwork, teamwork makes the dream work. In our championship game we all had to work together and we won and were champions of our age group. I love good spirited competition or as I say friendly fire even if that’s not what it means. But I love competing for something it motivates me to make myself do something as best as I can and try my hardest.

Isabella Leon
1-2 Period

Wan Ting said...

I have to cooperate with Adriana and Brittany in CATS. We work together to make things. They help me make things easier. When I play basketball I have to work with my team to win. Some people do not want to help the team, and it makes me mad. I like competition, it makes me feel better.

Unknown said...

I have had many learning experiances in which i have had to cooperate with other students that i didnt get allong with.and once i decided to cooperate with them we became better friends with each other and our grade as a group went up thanks to that one decision.Although collaboration is something i have never really done i like cometition. withlout competition everything you do would be dull. competition both motivates and exites me.

Unknown said...

Most often i cooperate in classrooms because some assignments take more than one person. At my old school i cooperated with my friend Parker Hintzman. The outcomes were good, we got a 90 on the assignment at hand if not 100%. Every now and again, i like to do things by myself but its ok working with others. Usually i only do so in school. The shortcomings are if one person goes down, everyone does. i love competition, its very motivating.

Unknown said...

You have to cooperate in every thing you do. I have to cooperate in all of my classes in school. I have to cooperate with all of my friends and family. The outcomes are good when I cooperate. Yes I collaborate in learning activates. We got the project finished faster. I think completion is good for every thin you do. Completion motivates me sometimes.

Shannon Yost said...

The learning experences that I have experenced when I needed to cooperate were the experiences where I have worked in groups. I cannot remeber who exactly I cooperated with because I have done many group projects at school, but the one I remember most is the Career Project that we had to participate in and I worked with Katlyn Wilt and Ashley Charles. The only outcome of that project was a test grade of 100 points in Geography. All teams need collabroation to suceed, so if you're on a team, you've collaberated before! I am a very competitive person, in school and out of school. I always like to win, and hate when I loose, but I can get over the fact that I'm upset when I loose. Yes, competition motivates me in a way. When I'm competitive I want to do my best and most of the time, it works!

Shannon Yost
3rd Period

Unknown said...

I have had to cooperate with my soccer team on and off the field. We have to be able to talk to each other, take criticism from our team and coaches, and listen to each and every person on the whole team. If we don’t, the team will fall apart and we will play horribly. No one will pass and we won’t get much accomplished. We have to be able to collaborate, too. Our team learns together at practice, shares ideas, and brainstorms new strategies. I always try to remember that if I cooperate and collaborate with my team, we will do an awesome job. I do pageants to, so I have to be able to cooperate with my mom and collaborate with my sister because we learn techniques together. We share our ideas and viewpoints and it helps a lot. It’s great because she has different highpoints than I do. So she can help me with my evening gown and I can help her with her street wear. I know that if I listen to her and speak my mind, there will be a big trophy and crown!
Pageants are big competitions and it motivates me to do my best.
Susan King
3rd pd

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I’ve had a lot of experiences needing to cooperate .In Science we do a lot of things that need cooperation like when we do labs we need to work together. In WV studies when we are doing group work you have to work together because you need cooperation to work the thing out. I cooperate with students that I’m partnered with in my class and even outside of the school on the football field. You have to work to together to win. In school you will get a better grade. In football you will win and will be a great team overall. In football the team you use collaboration to make your team a true team. The short comes are a 1st down or a touchdown. Competion defiantly motivates me it gets me more pumped up and more focused.

John Morris

Unknown said...

I cooperate with as many students and teachers as I can. I focus on getting my work done.

Unknown said...

I have to cooperate with people about everything.From everything about in school such as like school sujects i after school when i have cross crountry practice we will be running five to six miles but that is to make our legs stronger.also to make use faster and stronger.

a said...

In any learning environment there is always a time when you must cooperate with each other. I have many classes this year that I have to cooperate with other students or work in groups with them. I have worked with various classmates on projects and assignments. The outcomes were usually good and positive because the other mambers of the group and I worked well togther and cooperated.

Anytime you are involved in a team sport collaboration is the difference between having a good team and haveing a great team. Everyone on the team has to work together and run the plays so that they can win the game and become better players. No matter what you think, one person can NOT make a team. Everyone one has to collaborate. If they don't, it may end with a bad outcome like losing a game or even an injury.

Competion motivates me a lot. I know that I should always do my best and try my hardest. In sports, I will always compete to show the coach that I am really there to play basketball. Also, competing with siblings about grades may not be the best approach, but it definitely gets me motivated.

Gabby Tenney♥
3rd period

Nick Sinclair said...

I think I have used cooperation since I was in kindergarten with other students and later in sports. I like it when I got to work with a partner or a group.
I have worked in a group or with a partner in almost every subject. The one time that I didn't like working with a partner was on a library assignment. We were all supposed to work on parts of the assignment on our own, but when we were to put it together my partner never did his part and we got a bad grade.
In sports it is very important to cooperate with others on your team. In soccer, the whole team has to work together to keep the other team from scoring or to make a goal.
I feel that most of the time I have worked with a group or partner, the outcomes have been good. It is nice to have a lot of ideas and help working on a project.
I have had bad outcomes when people in my group or a partner doesn't do their share of the work. I have also been in a group or with a partner that only wanted to the project their way and that isn't the best way to work on a project. A lot of the students have good ideas.
I think competition is good. If a person was running in a race and there wasn't anyone that could run as long or as fast as that person, they wouldn't try hard to win. I think competition motivates a person to do their best. Competition definately motivates me.

Nick Sinclair
3rd period

Unknown said...

i have to cooperate all the time like in music i had to have a partner to make music on the computers gym we have to be on teams,math we needed partners on worksheets,so yeah i have to cooperate alot during school even with people i really dont like are get along with but hey have to get use to it its basically a part of life because when we start working we are goin to have to cooperate with people we dont get along with at i learn to just get over it and get use to it because its never going to stop.but i kinda of learned cooperateing with other people really isnt that bad you get to know them better.

Logan Vincent 6th&7th periods said...

I cooperated with entire band. The outcome was cool and the music sounded great. Yes when we played soccer in gym. What I got out of the collaborate process was that it is hard to live up to the expiations of your team mates and if you don’t try they get mad. I think that competition is unnecessary and only causes fights. No competition does not motivate me.

Unknown said...

I have to cooperate in football because if I don't I will miss my assignment and when it comes to the next play I will not know what to do and the players will end up getting tackled in the back field cause I didn't cooperate. In football I also have to be collaborate because we have to work as a team in football to keep the opponents from sacking the quarterback you also have to collaborate will the new players who don't know have to play football. How do I feel about competition. I like to have a competition against the other team because it does motivate me like East vs West.

Tre said...

I have had to cooperate with a team mate on the basketball team I have had to work with a player to get a point. To get along with some of the people on the team. Like in science we do labs and we have to partner up with others to get a good grade. Almost in every class I have to cooperate with a student. The out comes are that usaly I always win or get a good grade and we never have any real problems.

Unknown said...

I have had to cooperate with other students so there is not that much fights. In science we have to work together, in English we do some partner stuff, in gym we work together as a team. In all team sports we have to do collaboration to work as a team.

Unknown said...

I have had to cooperate with other students so there is not that much fights. In science we have to work together, in English we do some partner stuff, in gym we work together as a team. In all team sports we have to do collaboration to work as a team.

Unknown said...

I have had to cooperate with other students so there is not that much fights. In science we have to work together, in English we do some partner stuff, in gym we work together as a team. In all team sports we have to do collaboration to work as a team.

Unknown said...

I have had to cooperate with other students so there is not that much fights. In science we have to work together, in English we do some partner stuff, in gym we work together as a team. In all team sports we have to do collaboration to work as a team.

roy hogan language 6 and 7

Unknown said...

I have had to cooperate with other students so there is not that much fights. In science we have to work together, in English we do some partner stuff, in gym we work together as a team. In all team sports we have to do collaboration to work as a team.

roy hogan language 6 and 7

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I have had to cooperate with people in school and out of school. In school I've had to cooperate with people in Mrs.Dewitt's class, Miss Angelo's class, bascially every class. In Miss Angelo's class we had parteners for everything. For example worksheets or projects we always had partners. In Mrs. Dewitt's class we had to cooperate with people many times. I remember once when we had to do an oral presentation of the stars. We had to do a dance and make up hand movements. It was really fun but we had to listen and respect each others ideas. In Gym when we play basketball you have to cooperate with your teamates or else your team will lose. In soccer I have to cooperate with my teammates all the time. We have to take critisim from each other. On the field if we don't cooperate and work together everything will fall apart. Cooperation is very important.
Laura Tennant
4th peroid

Katlynwfms said...

One learning experience where I needed to cooperate was in cheerleading. Just like any other sport, if you aren’t willing to cooperate with your teammates, in cheerleading, your build will fall. The most successful way is to cooperate with every teammate and coach that you have. If you have problems with others on your team stress will build up inside of you and you will not do your best. I have to use collaboration in cheerleading all of the time. To put up a stunt you have to have a climber, a back spot, two sides, and a front spot. Without even one of them, the stunt would not run smoothly. I love competition! Once I go to a competition against other cheerleaders I am siked the whole day! Right before I step out on the floor my stomach is in knots, but once I’m out there, nothing can stop me!

-Katlyn Wilt
4th period

Jenny said...

Alot of my learning experiences had to deal with cooperating. At school, we do alot of group work.Even if I have to work with the stinkiest and nastiest person, i have to cooperate to get an A. I have cooperated with many different people. I have worked with children in Mexico for a school project too. It was very interesting and meaningful. Learning is supposed to be something that you never forget and i never forgot that. There are a lot of different outcomes when working with other people. I usually get a good and successful outcome. I think working together in class gives kids discipline. I have used callaboration in activities and especially sports. You can't be successful in sports if you don't callaborate and cooperate as a team. If your team doesn't callaborate, It will be unorganized and messy. You definitely won't win anything. I use callaboration in basketball and soccer. I am actually in charge of the callaboration because i am team captain. Being positive is a major key detail to callaboration.The outcome of good callaborating for me was and is two undefeated seasons of basketball, four team championships in soccer, and three team championships in basketball. The outcome will always be good if you stay positive and have good cooperation. I feel that competition is a very good thing. Yes, competition does motivate me. It motivates me to push myself that extra little bit to strive to do better. Without competition, i don't think i would be as successful as i am now.

Jenny Bundy 3rd

Unknown said...

I cooperate with someone every single day, and so does everyone else. We cooperate with others in school and sports. In many projects, we have partners. If we didn't cooperate with them, we wouldn't get the job done. In sports, you have to cooperate with your team to win. You have to understand the other person to do well. I cooperate with my classmates and teammates. The outcomes are usually good, because I do whatever I can to cooperate with other people that I am working with.

In soccer, we have to collaborate with each other by passing the ball and trying to make a goal. In cross country, you have to work together to get the lowest score to win the team standings. If we didn't collaborate, we probably wouldn't do so well. In track, if you run a relay, you have to pass the baton to the next person. If you didn't give them a good handoff, they might drop it and you would get disqualified.

The short coming of the collaborative process could be trying to get together with one of your classmates after school to do a project. Your partner could also make you do all the work, and if you make a good grade on the project, they get credit for doing nothing. But if you get a bad grade, they blame it on you because you didn't listen to them, do a good job, etc.

There are good and bad things about competition. I like pushing myself harder to beat the competition, but if I fail, I become upset. When I do beat my competition, I am very excited because I did well, and then I find new competition.

Yes, competition does motivate me. I am a very competitive person, and I am very serious during sports and other competitive activities. I like to win, but who doesn't? Competition makes me better at what I do, and that's why I like it.

Brianna Woodburn
3rd Period

princeofthecovenant said...

I have had good and bad experiences when it came to cooperative learning with others, and it wasn't always good to be with some of the people i have been with. I have cooperated with friends and enemies, but i had to so what can I say. Some out comes have been good, such as a good grade or out come, but others not so much, like talking the whole time through or not getting a decent grade. I used to use collaboration in football and with band at school more so. I used collaboration on the field or in the band room and at concerts all the time. The many short comings such as failure and weakening of bonds in collaboration where the most common. Normally i am not to competitive, but I do have my moments were I can be really aggressive. Having something to be able to achieve makes it much more the worth while.
Nathan Clouser 4th period

Unknown said...

One place where I needed to cooperate was pre-school. A learning expierience I had in there was never throw glue at people. I had to cooperate with Miss ....... I cant think of her name right now but she doesn't matter. The outcome was I got in trouble. I haven't used collaboration. I like to have competition, and yes it motivates me.

weshaddix said...

Ihave cooperated with lots of peaple in my life most of the ones i have has been in school. And also classes such as english like we worck with each other.gym we worck to get a touch down on the other team. math we shar stuff and thats how i get to cooperate with other peaple in classes.

bjbj said...

you almost have to cooperate with students in every class. Sometimes you are going to like the person or sometimes not. I had to work with my freind Robbie in science it was fun and we got alot acomplished. Sports teams also require cooperation you both have to understand the rules and guide lines. Competician does motivate it helps me to try harder. Jason Fortner !st

okayy said...

I have had to cooperate with alot of people.In math we have to cooperate with alot of people.Like when we are playing games or we are doing math problems.In wv history we have to cooperate. Sometimes it is hard to cooperate because some people you dont even get along or you dont know them or they dont like you.But then on the other hand it is really easy to cooperate like when your with your friends but sometimes you dont get nothing done.

Unknown said...

I have to cooperate with people all the time! That is basically what you have to do every where! You can't just go around all the time and do every thing your way or no way! life isnt life that you at least listin to there idea and if you don't like it is a good one try to help them on it! Try to tell them some of your ideas and them put them together! I love giving people ideas andf helping them with theirs!
...lesia reddish...
...6th and 7th...

bb said...

i have to cooperate with other student because you have to so you can make it thought school all year long no matter if it's with your friend or a classmate.

jamil'e allen said...

hmm well i cooperate with other students alot in diffrent class's like language, science, and math on group projects or when we partner up.most of the time most of them go good but at other times we dont all exacly agree . at times i get pair with a person i dont get along with but we just stick it out at times so we both get the grades.exspecially in sport i have to use collaboration because if you dont its not exaclly a team ! competition deffenitlly motivates me because it push's me to want to do or get better makes me want to win.

jamile allen(;

Unknown said...

I have cooperate with people every day in school. cooperation is a good thing and makes alot of hard thing seem easyer and long things seem shorter. That is because you are being partners and your partner could do half the work and you could do the other half of the work at the same time and that would make long work seem easyer. If you dont know the answere to a question your partner could help you and that would make the work easyer.One day in gym we had 2 teams and we all had to get across the gym floor with out touching the floor only using the equitment the teacher gave us and that took alot of cooperation.