I can pick out some pieces done by Leonardo Da Vinci, Picasso, and Titan or however ya spell em :P I can pick out theirs easiest because the women show the same look. Am I artistic? I hope I am, I was voted for it ;P I have been to the smithsonian and the art museum there. I guess as a new era starts the clothes, the amount of makeup, and all around looks of the women start to differ from an earlier picture.
The only painting I recognized in that video was the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. I thought I was atristic when I was little but I now rezlize that I'm not.(: I've never been to any art museums or galleries. The clothes and hair are the biggest differences and the colors of the clothes.Megan Branch5th period(:
I only know picasso, im not into this to much, even tho my mom is an art teacher, ahahah. I used to be artistic, i dont know if i am anymoreee. Yess, i have been to a few museums. (Sorrry for not typing alot, im not to into this <3) skar
I know some of the artworks by Picasso, Titan and Da Vinci but not many others. I am not a very artistic person. Although i do have to say that my stick people are utterly amazing :P I have been to many musems down in Washington D.c. but not all of them have to do with art. I have also seen FSU's art gallery although that IS by the students... i think. I think that they depiction is different becuase women, as time goes on, are seen as more important and they aren't just there to do as you please.
The only artist I recongnize is Leonardo Da Vinci. I'm not very artistic at all but I used to draw little cartoons in elementary school. I've never been to a gallery or museum. The only changes I notice is that at one point there eyes get bigger and near the end the art becomes unrealistic.
I know Mona Lisa created by Leonardo da Vinci. No, I am definitley not artistic at all. I have been to a museum in Washington, DC. I think the outfits and their expressions show the differences.Lauren Hesse5th
I have no clue about an artist in the world. I reall hate art so i have never really looked into it. I have never been to and museum's with art. I think in this video the clothes and the hair are the most different.
Uhm, no i have no idea who any of the artists are. I don't mind art, its not my favorite thing to do but its not like i hate it.I'm not really considered amazing at being artistic but i guess you could say i have a little bit of skill in the area. I can't really remember if i have been to an art museum, if i have its been a really long time. Pretty much the difference's in these paintings are just clothes,makeup, and hair obviously lol.Emily Las Vegas (:6th&7th period
In this video I found this one very interesting. Leonardo Da Vinci was a very good artist. He was good for what he did. No, I have not been to an art gallery ever in my life. It would be nice if I had a chance to go to any museum I would go to the one that he has drawn at because he has many good arts. I’m not very good at art myself. If I could draw really good, then when I got older I would want to be a art teacher.Meekayla Taylor6th and 7th period
No I don't know the guy in the video. NoOOo I am not an artist i cant draw worth of anything. I have never been to an gallery or museum. There body changes.Ryan Bogo6&7 period (;
I don't know who made these paintings. Although I did see the Mona Lisa I don't know who made it. I can draw slightly good. I have never been to an art museum or gallery. Their clothes, makeup, and surroundings change from each time period, but they all have the SAME FACE! It was scary at one point. Zack Linger5th Period
I only recognized Mona Lisa. :( I'm told I'm artistic. I think I'm alright. I have been to the art museum at the Smithsonian. All the depictions of women seem the really alike to me. Once I started to notice a difference, I just saw a woman that looked like one 5 paintings ago! Elliot HerbergerThat time of the day from 11:17 to 12:02 or something
Ya they are pices of other famous artist in this video. I see panitings i know but i don't what artist they are from. No i am not artistic. I had an A in art but nothing i did in there was any good. I think when i was little i went to a museum for a feild trip. The ages you can see change but you can also still see similarities.
yes uhm leanardo devinnci and picasso.sum what i am artistic i guess haha. yes i have been to one in elementary school. uhm the makeup clothe and hair i guess haa im not surree
The only painting I recognized in that video was the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. I do not know many things about art work or peices. I am not very artistic at all. Stick people are they way i roll (: I have never been to any art places before, although I think it would be kinda cool to. The way the dress and apear chang somewhat but, at the same time they all look alike in a sence.Melia DeWitt (:6 & 7 periodd ♥
The only painting I recognized in that video was the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci . I love art . I want to visit an musum fulllll of art work and different pieces .The clothes and hair are the biggest differences and the colors of the clothes .- Symone , Stewart .1st period .
I can recognize one of the artists in the video, for instance Leonardo Da Vinci. No, I am not artistic. Yes I have been to an art museum. Their hair style,clothes,and facial expressions are different.Kailtyn Westfall5th period
I recognized Leonardo Da Vinci and Picasso. I don't really know many artists. I have some artistic ability, but I can't draw people like they did in the video. I was at an art gallery in Huntington when I was visiting my aunt. have also been to museums in Washington, DC and Pittsburgh. The obvious differences in the depiction of the women were in their hair styles, clothing, hats, things in their hair, and different artistic styles, such as the use of shapes, line drawings, watercolors, etc.Ryan RosierPd. 6 & 7
I know a few artists in the video such as: Picasso and Da Vinci. I think I'm artistic.(: I have been in a museum, not a gallery. Well, the pictures in that era represent what women might have looked in that time. Showing how womens features, clothing, and styles have changed over time.(:gabi pearse,(:6/7th.
I actually don't know any artists. They show any kinds of hair, hats,facil expression, mood,time, cothes, and bows to make the pictures more beautiful. I am not an artist. I would like to draw something nice some day but they turn out interesting. I think the artists wanted to show how pretty these ladies were to people who would see them many years later from giving other the idea to match the others.
The only women in the paintings that I recognized were Mona Lisa and Queen Elizabeth. I don’t consider myself artistic at all. I have been to a gallery or a museum but most of them consisted of art done by students. The women are perceived in many different ways throughout the blog. At first the women had simple clothes and simple hair. Then you saw accessories appear and more elaborate hairdos. Toward the end the paintings began to become abstract. The paintings were not so much about photographic painting and more about being different and trying to show a message.Jared Bartrug 5th Period
Leonardo Da Vinci, Picasso are some of the people that painted.The face looked like it was reapeted. No I have never been to the mueseum. The face have been changed and the hair faces and kind of the clothes. the faces have changed and looked different and the face looked darker. NO i am not artisctic i can barly draw a straight line without a ruler i hate art. ive never liked art ive never been good at it its annoying i dont like it at all. its boring and i hate it its way boring the only way i can draw is if im bored.
I only noticed one wihic was the mona lisa by leonardo da vinchi. i am kinda artisic i wont say i'm great but im okay:) i've never been to any art galleries or things like that.the cloths, hair and makeup are the looks of the women that differ.tori harper1st:)
I couldn't pick out many paintings that I recognize in this video. I am artistic when I write. I write about everything, and it's usually artistic. I've been to a couple of art museums. The faces, make up, and hair all look different from the older days. (:ali cumberland.1stt (:
I do know some artists, but not very many. I think I am artistic. Some might not though. I actually have been to an art museum. I have visited the Smithsonian, and some other places. I believe that the women are different in shape, color, hair style, and clothing. Some of them might be more heavy set or smaller, and some might be different colors. Every women in this video had different hair, and clothing. Maddison Bowen5th period.....:)
I know Picasso. He is very world renown. I really try to be artistic. It is very fun to create art and things like that. Making art is very fun and also really interesting haven’t been to an art museum. I have seen one on TV if that counts. I would like to go to one though. Museums are far away from were I live. So I don’t take time to go to them I believe hair is the biggest difference. Clothes are very different also because older women like old style clothes they don’t enjoy wearing today’s modern clothes.100 words total(:Sterling
I know Picasso and Leonardo De Vinci and thats about it. His artistic ability is very different from most. I'm don't think im that artistic, but i love to draw and color. My mom used to color all the time when she was little. Coloring and being artistic makes me feel calm. I have never been in a gallery of museum. I think it would be fun to go though. I love looking at art through books in art class. The deseption of women is different mostly because of their hair, and clothes. maddie stevenski1st
I know Picasso. I recognized Mona Lisa created by Leonardo da Vinci. My dogs name was Picasso. All my pets are named after famous people. No, I am not artistic. I always try to draw but it just doesn't work. I would love to be artistic. I have been to many museums. All of the museums I’ve been to inspire me. The way they wear they’re hair and how they wear they’re clothes are the differences. There are many differences in the way they dress and hair and any more. I think it’s very amazing how the artists make they’re facial expressions. You can express they’re mood.Adrianna
I know Picasso becuase he is known world wide. He is the only artist I know because I heard about him in art class. I am not very artistic. You can ask Maddie and Sterling because we all had the same art class. Yes, I have been to a museum but not a gallary. I went to a bunch of museums in Washington D.C. Through the ages women have changed by the way they wear their hair. Now everyone usually straightens their hair but in the 60's they wore it real puffy. Clothing is another big change. Everyone in the 60's wore dresses and now everyone wear jeans and a t-shirt.111 words(:Johnny Kesling(:1st Period(:
I saw some painting i reconized such as Picasso, Mona Lisa, and some by Leonardo da Vinci. uhm, i really wouldn't say i am artistic. I mean i guess i can be sometimes depending on what i am doing, but other than that no. I have been to a couple museums in San Francisco. They were pretty neat actually, i like looking at all the different types of paintings people do. The difference in the women now i think are they way they dress, and their hair. Now people would be wearing a t-shirt or a short skirt or something with more color. Then they would wear long dresses and stuff. I don't think i have seen someone wear a long dress in a while, except Mrs. Fisher ;D Their hair is a bit different as well, they had it all fancy in curls and buns,now i think they would be just down or up, or something.Sydney Izydore1st (:
I really liked this video. I think it's really neat how all of the pictures change into one another. I recognize some of the artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Picasso, as well as the Mona Lisa. I'm not particularly artistic using actual materials but I'm artistic using graphic design. I've never been to an art museum but I have been to galleries for schools and art institutes. As far as the difference in the depiction of women through the ages, it doesn't follow an exact pattern, it depends more on the culture of wherever in the world that piece comes from. Some of the pictures seemed to depict women from Asian backgrounds because of the color of their skin and their features. Others depicted women from early american cultures because of their clothing and surroundings. Some of the pictures also depicted women from European cultures. You could tell in some of the pictures what era or time period they were from by the clothing and surroundings, even the style of artwork. Others were harder to differentiate. Michaela CloutierPeriod 1 =)
The only artists that I knew in the video was leanardo devinnci and picasso. I think they are both the most popular/well known artists in the past. I am not artistic at all. I can hardly even draw a circle correct haha. I have never been to a gallery or museum, but I think that it would be very cool to go and see all of the things produced in the world and also read about the people that created the things. I think that depiction is different now because back then their hair and their clothes are a lot different and also back then girls were not as important. I think that it is a good thing that girls are important because it shouldn't matter if you are a boy or a girl, everyone should be treated equally. Brent Pacoe6th and 7th period
The only one i recognized was Mona Lis by Leonardo Da Vinci. Some other ones looked familiar but I didn't know who they were by. I am not very artistic. I can't draw at all and when I try it's not very good. I have never been to a museum or art gallery that I know of. But, I would think it would be cool to go to one. All of the women collide together in a way but yet they are all different people who look different. They have different clothes and accesories which makes them look most different.Kimmy Woods3/4 period.
Well, I recognized several of the pieces of art. However, I could not identify any of the artists other than Da Vinci. I've seen a gazillion of them because of my mom. I wouldn't say that I am artistic. Of course my mom is since she is an art teacher. Unfortunately, I didn’t inherit her talent. I'm more of a musical person. I've been to quite a few museums, I believe. I've been through FSU's gallery that displays artwork by college students. As time progresses, it seems as though more discoveries have occurred in cosmetology. Obviously, today’s women wear much more makeup and have different hairstyles.
The only painting I recognized in that video was the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. I am not an artist. have been to a gallery or a museum. I have also been to museums in Washington, DC and Pittsburgh. The ages you can see change but you can also still see similarities. :)
I know Leonardo Da Vinci and few of the others whose names I can not think of right now. I guess you could say I am artistic, but I am not the best in the world. I do not think I have ever been to a art gallery, but I have been to a museum. As the ages develop so do the types of drawings and women. As the video goes on the ages of the women start to vary some are young and some are old. There smiles changes too. Some are smiling, some are half-smiling, and some are not smiling at all. The girls have different hair colors, different eye colors, and different ways there are pointing their faces. It really varies.
I know a couple of the artists like Leonardo da Vinci but i really dont know that many. I dont know if I am artistic but I dont think I am. I think I have been to a gallery or museum when I was really young but I dont remember. They go from dressed up to casual and back throughout the decades.Neil Scherich 3-4
The only women/painting I knew from the video is the Mono Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. I don’t know very many artist from the video. I just know that the ninja turtles are named after artist. I have been to museums. They are different because you could see the way the pictures change when the years progress. Another way they are different are the styles of some of the artists. I am horrible at art and always do badly in it. My art looks like my hand writing which is real bad. I hate art and never will like it but the video was cool.
I know a few artists but that is like one field of history I know nothing about. It is something that I honestly do not care about at all. If I never knew anything about art I would be fine. I am not an artist in any way. I have bean to several museums but I did not enjoy them. The depiction of women in art barely changes in the video.
I do not really know any of the artist's in the video. I think I have heard of a couple of people buy I probaly could not recognize them. It kind of hard to see them because the move really fast. I am not very artistic at all. I have never really thought about any drawing like that. I have been to a couple of museums when I was little. It shows how the style of most people changes during the ages. The clothing hair stles and colors changes get older. That is what I think about them.
I can pick out some pieces by Leonardo Da vinic. I hope i am artistic because i try to be.The work has changed by the clothes they wear, the color and many other details.stevie thibodeaux3rd and 4th
I probably couldn't pick out paintings and say who they were made or created by, but I would appreciate the fact that whoever the heck made it took the time to do so even if it was no good at all. I don't know any of the artists personally because they are all dead and stuff, but I have heard of their names for a couple of them like Da Vinci and Picasso. I am very critical about my own work and I say it is ugly even when everyone else says that it is the most beautiful picture ever. I am hard on myself, but a couple of other people like my artwork and make usually good comments about it. I say that "At least I tried..." I don't remember ever going to a real museum or art gallery, but I like to visit my town's art gallery at the museum in Animal Crossing: City Folk for the Wii. Women in the older ages wore high hair and long frilly dresses and weird make-up. Today, we wear whatever like t-shirts and jeans or shorts or skirrts or even nothing if we feel like it but not in public of course... JK I hope we don't in public... That would be really gross and weird and stuff... Ewwww. :(We are unique... Marissa C.5th periodd10-16-10
I actually don't know any artists. I don’t consider myself artistic at all. I have been to a gallery or a museum but most of them consisted of art done by students. I've never been to any art museums or galleries. Clothing is another big change. Their hair is a bit different as well, they had it all fancy in curls and buns,now i think they would be just down or up, or something.
I do not know of many artists depicted in the video, but I do know Picasso and Leanardo Da Vinci because of their style. I can be artistic. It depends if I see soemthing that spraks an interest. I have been to the Smithsonian and I have also been to a museum, but it was not for drawn art. It was for music. It was the Rocknroll Hall of Fame and Museum. The depiction of women throughout the ages changes a lot. In the earlier stuff the women look very similair in the face and hair and they have an angelic apperance to them. When you get to the newer stuff the women are more abstract and colorful.
I do know the one by da vinci but i have no idea who painted any of the other ones. I think that I am artistic because I enjoy drawing when I get the chance. Unfortunally I have never been to an art gallery as far as I know. I think the earlier the ages the more realistic the people look and the new ones look abstract and weird.
I know a few of the pieces like some by LEonardo Da Vinci and Picasso. I'm not good at drawling but i do enjoy some art. I'm more into the abstract art. No i have never been to an art museum or gallery,but i would really love go when i get the chance. THe obvious things that change are the clothes and hair. But they are conected by similoar features they share like when one changes to another their eyes will be similar or there nose or face shape something in common.
The only one i recognized was Mona Lis by Leonardo Da Vinci. Some other ones looked familiar but I didn't know who they were by. I'm not artistic at all, my dad is a very very good artist but I guess I take after my mom on that. I've never been to any art museums but I would really like to one of these days. The biggest differences are the clothes, makeup, and hair. Back then they hardly wore any makeup but now girls usually wear a lot , the hair style then was usually tall and curly but now its done with a more layed back look, and last of all the clothes were big flowy dresses that were very pretty but now its all about mor trendy up to date clothes.sydney woody1st period (:
I do know of the Mona Lisa picture that was made by Leonardo Da Vinci. I am artistic with small kinds of things and few big things, but other big things I leave to my sister. I have never been to an art museum in my life, but I would like to go to one. The way the pictures looked, the backgrounds of the pictures,the emotions and the structure of the faces even though some look very a like.
Some pictures looked vaguely familiar and others not so much. Well I believe everyone is artistic in someway, everyday we make color decisions and think of things that are creative and that’s what an artist does. But I’m most definitely not a good drawler. Well my dad lives in Washington D.C, and there are so many different museums their, so we go often. I have also been to an art museum, which I thought was quite boring! :p I saw the change in the faces, makeup amount, and even the colors of the background. The way the women were posed showed how things have changed, as everything has.eden laurel richmondddd <33 :]
I don't mind art, its not my favorite thing to do but its not like I hate it.I'm not really considered amazing at being artistic but I guess you could say I have a little bit of skill in the area. I can't really remember if I have been to an art museum, if I have its been a really long time. Pretty much the difference's in these paintings are just clothes,makeup, and hair obviously.If I had to choose my most favorite would probally be picasso because hes a beast and has some really cool paintings.I also kinda like lenardo de vinci because he has some of the most unusual paintings of wierd objects.
I don't really know alot about women in art but I do know a little bit like some pictures that Leonard Da Vinci done and Picasso I think that is how you spell not quite sure XD. I do like art alot I am a little artistic I think it is because of my imagination but who knows. There are alot of things that can make you artistic, it doesn't neccesarily mean with paint or drawing something, there's people that are really good with meak-up and other things that are used in like movies. See there are alot of ways that you can be artistic and have fun while you do it. Art isn't always as boring as others make it out to be.
I think Da Vinci and Picasso were in there, but other than that, I have not idea. I'm an artist, not an art LOVER. I'm very artistic. Generally people only think about visual arts, but I'm very good at visual, musical, and theatre. I suppose I'm a good dancer, but I've never taken classes. I've actually never been to an art gallery, OR a museum. I look forward to getting to one. The depiction of women over the eras has changed dramatically, through clothing, hairstyles, and cosmetics, and looking at pictures of my friends' PARENTS, even then there was a difference in the bone structures.Malik "Paradox" Kinzer, The Natural Light, out. -M
I saw some Leonardo Da Vinci. But I'm not an artist and I don’t understand much about it. But the art is entertaining. It is entrusting to see the different looks of women in all the cultures. The art of women from British , Russian and of all countries. I may not draw and do art but i enjoy it . It just appeals to me. Ands I found it interesting to watch the transformation among women. I have been to many museums and places of art. Art is a world wide thing you can find it just about anywhere.
I only recognized the Mona Lisa, y Leonardo Da Vinci. I can't draw worth my life.! I've been to a museum.Sophie
I noticed leanado da vinci and thats all. i dont think im that artistic but i like to draw and stuff. i like to paint but im not very good at it. Im not a very good drawer or colorer. I have never been to a gallery or museum but i would like too. My dad and I were going to go to one in D.C but our plans got changed. I think the paintings get newer and i dont think they are as good as the older ones. the older ones look better too me.Taylor Rowe1st period :)
I have seen some of the pictures by Leonardo Da Vinci before, but i don't know who they are. I am not artisticat all, i try to be but whenever i draw the picture looks nothing like what i want it to be. Yes, have been to a gallery, it was fun to look at all of the pictures, and sculptures. The depiction of the different women through the ages is the way they pulled there hair back, to wearing it down, wearing lots of make-up, the diifferent poses in the women.renee6th&7th.
The only women in the paintings that I recognized were Mona Lisa and Queen Elizabeth. I don’t consider myself artistic at all.Yes, have been to a gallery, it was fun to look at all of the pictures, and sculptures.I guess as a new era starts the clothes, the amount of makeup, and all around looks of the women start to differ from an earlier picture.
This video was very interesting. I know the person who did this took alot of time and effort creating this video. But im not really in to art so i only know one artist "Leonardo Da Vinci" I think they had a movie about that or something. But im not sure I cant even drawl or color! thats why im not really a Huge fan of art !Aleasha WAlker .6th-7th
I know that pablo picasso and leonardo da vinci are in there they are very well known artists for there work. I am not very artistic. I have been to a museum it was pretty cool and amazing. You can tell the older ones from the newer ones the older ones all look like they have the same eyes and are very classy. But when you get into the modern ones they get colorful and full of life. Caroline Brophy1st ((:
I see some works by Picasso, and Leonardo Da Vinci. But none of the others. I like art, I don't really study it. I'm kind of artistic. People tell me I can draw pretty good. (: I went to the Holocaust museum, but that wasn't an art museum. The women seem to have more modern clothes, and more makeup towards the end. They seem to be more, high class if you will. Andy Shaw1st Period
I know a couple of artist such as Leonardo da Vinci and Picasso. I'm not really artistic, but I do love to paint and photography. I've never been to a museum or gallery, but I'm hoping I can go to one soon. As the different ages go through, they change depicting on their clothing, makeup, hair, facial expressions, and most of all the color that the artist uses to paint or draw the women in the paintings. Crystal Rowe6&7 prd.
I know Mona Lisa created by Leonardo da Vinci. No I am definitley not artistic at all. I think the outfits and their expressions show the differences.allie wilson 3/4
I only recognize the Mona Lisa. I dont know any of the others. I think I'm artistic, I guess. I have never been to an art museum, and I dont plan on going to one. I think that art museums would be boring. The women in these paintings all seem the same, I dont know what it is, just a certain style or the way they are painted makes them all look similar.
The only painting i recognize is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. Stating i'm artistic, or not, really depends on the situation. I think I am only artistic when I'm truly interested in whatever I'm working on. If it is boring, I usually don't put forth much effort. I don't think i have ever been to a museum. The biggest variant in the pictures is that the clothes and make up change tremendously.
the only painting i reconized was the mona lisa by leonardo da vinci.honestly,i am not artistic at all.i have been to an art museum i forget where though. the biggest did=ffence is he color choices have changed. its went from dark and dul to bold and bright.~kelsey morrone!~1st periodd(:
I recognized many of the pictures, but I was not sure of all the artists. The only artist I was sure of was Leonardo Da Vinci. I guess in some ways I am artistic. I guess it depends on whether your audience enjoys your work. Yes, I have been to and art gallery. There is an art gallery at the clay center in Charleston, West Virginia. I would have to say that throughout the ages the pictures begin to look more and more modern. You can tell by the way they dress, how much makeup they wear, and how preserved they seem.
the only artist i can reconize is picassoe, and leonardo de vinchi (sp?). i guess im a little artistic sometimes. i think ive been to a museum a couple of times. the way they wear their clothes or have their picture painted changes on the artist, culture, and time period. their makeup and hair changes, too. Same with their clothes and the way they look in the pictures. (which way their head is turned, or the way their eyes look.)m a t t i s o n k o c h(:
The only artists i can pick out are lenardo da vinchi and picasso. Thats only because I have seen them many times. I do not think I am artistic at all. I do not like being creative or imaginative. I have been to several galleries and museums on my trips to boston, new york, and toronto. I have no idea what their names are. Women used to be depicted as realiant on men and useless in certain job fields or the army. Now women have been seen as dependant, strong, and even iconic in some cases.donovan wilson5th period
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I can pick out some pieces done by Leonardo Da Vinci, Picasso, and Titan or however ya spell em :P I can pick out theirs easiest because the women show the same look. Am I artistic? I hope I am, I was voted for it ;P I have been to the smithsonian and the art museum there. I guess as a new era starts the clothes, the amount of makeup, and all around looks of the women start to differ from an earlier picture.
The only painting I recognized in that video was the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. I thought I was atristic when I was little but I now rezlize that I'm not.(: I've never been to any art museums or galleries. The clothes and hair are the biggest differences and the colors of the clothes.
Megan Branch
5th period(:
I only know picasso, im not into this to much, even tho my mom is an art teacher, ahahah. I used to be artistic, i dont know if i am anymoreee. Yess, i have been to a few museums. (Sorrry for not typing alot, im not to into this <3)
I know some of the artworks by Picasso, Titan and Da Vinci but not many others. I am not a very artistic person. Although i do have to say that my stick people are utterly amazing :P I have been to many musems down in Washington D.c. but not all of them have to do with art. I have also seen FSU's art gallery although that IS by the students... i think. I think that they depiction is different becuase women, as time goes on, are seen as more important and they aren't just there to do as you please.
The only artist I recongnize is Leonardo Da Vinci. I'm not very artistic at all but I used to draw little cartoons in elementary school. I've never been to a gallery or museum. The only changes I notice is that at one point there eyes get bigger and near the end the art becomes unrealistic.
I know Mona Lisa created by Leonardo da Vinci. No, I am definitley not artistic at all. I have been to a museum in Washington, DC. I think the outfits and their expressions show the differences.
Lauren Hesse
I have no clue about an artist in the world. I reall hate art so i have never really looked into it. I have never been to and museum's with art. I think in this video the clothes and the hair are the most different.
Uhm, no i have no idea who any of the artists are. I don't mind art, its not my favorite thing to do but its not like i hate it.I'm not really considered amazing at being artistic but i guess you could say i have a little bit of skill in the area. I can't really remember if i have been to an art museum, if i have its been a really long time. Pretty much the difference's in these paintings are just clothes,makeup, and hair obviously lol.
Emily Las Vegas (:
6th&7th period
In this video I found this one very interesting. Leonardo Da Vinci was a very good artist. He was good for what he did. No, I have not been to an art gallery ever in my life. It would be nice if I had a chance to go to any museum I would go to the one that he has drawn at because he has many good arts. I’m not very good at art myself. If I could draw really good, then when I got older I would want to be a art teacher.
Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period
No I don't know the guy in the video. NoOOo I am not an artist i cant draw worth of anything. I have never been to an gallery or museum. There body changes.
Ryan Bogo
6&7 period (;
I don't know who made these paintings. Although I did see the Mona Lisa I don't know who made it. I can draw slightly good. I have never been to an art museum or gallery. Their clothes, makeup, and surroundings change from each time period, but they all have the SAME FACE! It was scary at one point.
Zack Linger
5th Period
I only recognized Mona Lisa. :(
I'm told I'm artistic. I think I'm alright. I have been to the art museum at the Smithsonian. All the depictions of women seem the really alike to me. Once I started to notice a difference, I just saw a woman that looked like one 5 paintings ago!
Elliot Herberger
That time of the day from 11:17 to 12:02 or something
Ya they are pices of other famous artist in this video. I see panitings i know but i don't what artist they are from. No i am not artistic. I had an A in art but nothing i did in there was any good. I think when i was little i went to a museum for a feild trip. The ages you can see change but you can also still see similarities.
yes uhm leanardo devinnci and picasso.sum what i am artistic i guess haha. yes i have been to one in elementary school. uhm the makeup clothe and hair i guess haa im not surree
The only painting I recognized in that video was the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. I do not know many things about art work or peices. I am not very artistic at all. Stick people are they way i roll (: I have never been to any art places before, although I think it would be kinda cool to. The way the dress and apear chang somewhat but, at the same time they all look alike in a sence.
Melia DeWitt (:
6 & 7 periodd ♥
The only painting I recognized in that video was the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci . I love art . I want to visit an musum fulllll of art work and different pieces .The clothes and hair are the biggest differences and the colors of the clothes .
- Symone , Stewart .
1st period .
I can recognize one of the artists in the video, for instance Leonardo Da Vinci. No, I am not artistic. Yes I have been to an art museum. Their hair style,clothes,and facial expressions are different.
Kailtyn Westfall
5th period
I recognized Leonardo Da Vinci and Picasso. I don't really know many artists. I have some artistic ability, but I can't draw people like they did in the video. I was at an art gallery in Huntington when I was visiting my aunt. have also been to museums in Washington, DC and Pittsburgh. The obvious differences in the depiction of the women were in their hair styles, clothing, hats, things in their hair, and different artistic styles, such as the use of shapes, line drawings, watercolors, etc.
Ryan Rosier
Pd. 6 & 7
I know a few artists in the video such as: Picasso and Da Vinci. I think I'm artistic.(: I have been in a museum, not a gallery. Well, the pictures in that era represent what women might have looked in that time. Showing how womens features, clothing, and styles have changed over time.(:
gabi pearse,(:
I actually don't know any artists. They show any kinds of hair, hats,facil expression, mood,time, cothes, and bows to make the pictures more beautiful. I am not an artist. I would like to draw something nice some day but they turn out interesting. I think the artists wanted to show how pretty these ladies were to people who would see them many years later from giving other the idea to match the others.
The only women in the paintings that I recognized were Mona Lisa and Queen Elizabeth. I don’t consider myself artistic at all. I have been to a gallery or a museum but most of them consisted of art done by students. The women are perceived in many different ways throughout the blog. At first the women had simple clothes and simple hair. Then you saw accessories appear and more elaborate hairdos. Toward the end the paintings began to become abstract. The paintings were not so much about photographic painting and more about being different and trying to show a message.
Jared Bartrug
5th Period
The only women in the paintings that I recognized were Mona Lisa and Queen Elizabeth. I don’t consider myself artistic at all. I have been to a gallery or a museum but most of them consisted of art done by students. The women are perceived in many different ways throughout the blog. At first the women had simple clothes and simple hair. Then you saw accessories appear and more elaborate hairdos. Toward the end the paintings began to become abstract. The paintings were not so much about photographic painting and more about being different and trying to show a message.
Jared Bartrug
5th Period
Leonardo Da Vinci, Picasso are some of the people that painted.The face looked like it was reapeted. No I have never been to the mueseum. The face have been changed and the hair faces and kind of the clothes. the faces have changed and looked different and the face looked darker. NO i am not artisctic i can barly draw a straight line without a ruler i hate art. ive never liked art ive never been good at it its annoying i dont like it at all. its boring and i hate it its way boring the only way i can draw is if im bored.
I only noticed one wihic was the mona lisa by leonardo da vinchi. i am kinda artisic i wont say i'm great but im okay:) i've never been to any art galleries or things like that.the cloths, hair and makeup are the looks of the women that differ.
tori harper
I couldn't pick out many paintings that I recognize in this video. I am artistic when I write. I write about everything, and it's usually artistic. I've been to a couple of art museums. The faces, make up, and hair all look different from the older days. (:
ali cumberland.
1stt (:
I do know some artists, but not very many. I think I am artistic. Some might not though. I actually have been to an art museum. I have visited the Smithsonian, and some other places. I believe that the women are different in shape, color, hair style, and clothing. Some of them might be more heavy set or smaller, and some might be different colors. Every women in this video had different hair, and clothing.
Maddison Bowen
5th period.....:)
I know Picasso. He is very world renown. I really try to be artistic. It is very fun to create art and things like that. Making art is very fun and also really interesting haven’t been to an art museum. I have seen one on TV if that counts. I would like to go to one though. Museums are far away from were I live. So I don’t take time to go to them I believe hair is the biggest difference. Clothes are very different also because older women like old style clothes they don’t enjoy wearing today’s modern clothes.
100 words total(:
I know Picasso and Leonardo De Vinci and thats about it. His artistic ability is very different from most. I'm don't think im that artistic, but i love to draw and color. My mom used to color all the time when she was little. Coloring and being artistic makes me feel calm. I have never been in a gallery of museum. I think it would be fun to go though. I love looking at art through books in art class. The deseption of women is different mostly because of their hair, and clothes.
maddie stevenski
I know Picasso. I recognized Mona Lisa created by Leonardo da Vinci. My dogs name was Picasso. All my pets are named after famous people. No, I am not artistic. I always try to draw but it just doesn't work. I would love to be artistic. I have been to many museums. All of the museums I’ve been to inspire me. The way they wear they’re hair and how they wear they’re clothes are the differences. There are many differences in the way they dress and hair and any more. I think it’s very amazing how the artists make they’re facial expressions. You can express they’re mood.
I know Picasso becuase he is known world wide. He is the only artist I know because I heard about him in art class. I am not very artistic. You can ask Maddie and Sterling because we all had the same art class. Yes, I have been to a museum but not a gallary. I went to a bunch of museums in Washington D.C. Through the ages women have changed by the way they wear their hair. Now everyone usually straightens their hair but in the 60's they wore it real puffy. Clothing is another big change. Everyone in the 60's wore dresses and now everyone wear jeans and a t-shirt.
111 words(:
Johnny Kesling(:
1st Period(:
I saw some painting i reconized such as Picasso, Mona Lisa, and some by Leonardo da Vinci. uhm, i really wouldn't say i am artistic. I mean i guess i can be sometimes depending on what i am doing, but other than that no. I have been to a couple museums in San Francisco. They were pretty neat actually, i like looking at all the different types of paintings people do. The difference in the women now i think are they way they dress, and their hair. Now people would be wearing a t-shirt or a short skirt or something with more color. Then they would wear long dresses and stuff. I don't think i have seen someone wear a long dress in a while, except Mrs. Fisher ;D Their hair is a bit different as well, they had it all fancy in curls and buns,now i think they would be just down or up, or something.
Sydney Izydore
1st (:
I really liked this video. I think it's really neat how all of the pictures change into one another. I recognize some of the artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Picasso, as well as the Mona Lisa. I'm not particularly artistic using actual materials but I'm artistic using graphic design. I've never been to an art museum but I have been to galleries for schools and art institutes. As far as the difference in the depiction of women through the ages, it doesn't follow an exact pattern, it depends more on the culture of wherever in the world that piece comes from. Some of the pictures seemed to depict women from Asian backgrounds because of the color of their skin and their features. Others depicted women from early american cultures because of their clothing and surroundings. Some of the pictures also depicted women from European cultures. You could tell in some of the pictures what era or time period they were from by the clothing and surroundings, even the style of artwork. Others were harder to differentiate.
Michaela Cloutier
Period 1
The only artists that I knew in the video was leanardo devinnci and picasso. I think they are both the most popular/well known artists in the past. I am not artistic at all. I can hardly even draw a circle correct haha. I have never been to a gallery or museum, but I think that it would be very cool to go and see all of the things produced in the world and also read about the people that created the things. I think that depiction is different now because back then their hair and their clothes are a lot different and also back then girls were not as important. I think that it is a good thing that girls are important because it shouldn't matter if you are a boy or a girl, everyone should be treated equally.
Brent Pacoe
6th and 7th period
The only one i recognized was Mona Lis by Leonardo Da Vinci. Some other ones looked familiar but I didn't know who they were by. I am not very artistic. I can't draw at all and when I try it's not very good. I have never been to a museum or art gallery that I know of. But, I would think it would be cool to go to one. All of the women collide together in a way but yet they are all different people who look different. They have different clothes and accesories which makes them look most different.
Kimmy Woods
3/4 period.
Well, I recognized several of the pieces of art. However, I could not identify any of the artists other than Da Vinci. I've seen a gazillion of them because of my mom. I wouldn't say that I am artistic. Of course my mom is since she is an art teacher. Unfortunately, I didn’t inherit her talent. I'm more of a musical person. I've been to quite a few museums, I believe. I've been through FSU's gallery that displays artwork by college students. As time progresses, it seems as though more discoveries have occurred in cosmetology. Obviously, today’s women wear much more makeup and have different hairstyles.
The only painting I recognized in that video was the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. I am not an artist. have been to a gallery or a museum. I have also been to museums in Washington, DC and Pittsburgh. The ages you can see change but you can also still see similarities. :)
I know Leonardo Da Vinci and few of the others whose names I can not think of right now. I guess you could say I am artistic, but I am not the best in the world. I do not think I have ever been to a art gallery, but I have been to a museum. As the ages develop so do the types of drawings and women. As the video goes on the ages of the women start to vary some are young and some are old. There smiles changes too. Some are smiling, some are half-smiling, and some are not smiling at all. The girls have different hair colors, different eye colors, and different ways there are pointing their faces. It really varies.
I know a couple of the artists like Leonardo da Vinci but i really dont know that many. I dont know if I am artistic but I dont think I am. I think I have been to a gallery or museum when I was really young but I dont remember. They go from dressed up to casual and back throughout the decades.
Neil Scherich 3-4
The only women/painting I knew from the video is the Mono Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. I don’t know very many artist from the video. I just know that the ninja turtles are named after artist. I have been to museums. They are different because you could see the way the pictures change when the years progress. Another way they are different are the styles of some of the artists. I am horrible at art and always do badly in it. My art looks like my hand writing which is real bad. I hate art and never will like it but the video was cool.
I know a few artists but that is like one field of history I know nothing about. It is something that I honestly do not care about at all. If I never knew anything about art I would be fine. I am not an artist in any way. I have bean to several museums but I did not enjoy them. The depiction of women in art barely changes in the video.
I do not really know any of the artist's in the video. I think I have heard of a couple of people buy I probaly could not recognize them. It kind of hard to see them because the move really fast. I am not very artistic at all. I have never really thought about any drawing like that. I have been to a couple of museums when I was little. It shows how the style of most people changes during the ages. The clothing hair stles and colors changes get older. That is what I think about them.
I can pick out some pieces by Leonardo Da vinic. I hope i am artistic because i try to be.The work has changed by the clothes they wear, the color and many other details.
stevie thibodeaux
3rd and 4th
I probably couldn't pick out paintings and say who they were made or created by, but I would appreciate the fact that whoever the heck made it took the time to do so even if it was no good at all. I don't know any of the artists personally because they are all dead and stuff, but I have heard of their names for a couple of them like Da Vinci and Picasso. I am very critical about my own work and I say it is ugly even when everyone else says that it is the most beautiful picture ever. I am hard on myself, but a couple of other people like my artwork and make usually good comments about it. I say that "At least I tried..."
I don't remember ever going to a real museum or art gallery, but I like to visit my town's art gallery at the museum in Animal Crossing: City Folk for the Wii.
Women in the older ages wore high hair and long frilly dresses and weird make-up. Today, we wear whatever like t-shirts and jeans or shorts or skirrts or even nothing if we feel like it but not in public of course... JK I hope we don't in public... That would be really gross and weird and stuff... Ewwww. :(
We are unique...
Marissa C.
5th periodd
I actually don't know any artists. I don’t consider myself artistic at all. I have been to a gallery or a museum but most of them consisted of art done by students. I've never been to any art museums or galleries. Clothing is another big change. Their hair is a bit different as well, they had it all fancy in curls and buns,now i think they would be just down or up, or something.
I do not know of many artists depicted in the video, but I do know Picasso and Leanardo Da Vinci because of their style. I can be artistic. It depends if I see soemthing that spraks an interest. I have been to the Smithsonian and I have also been to a museum, but it was not for drawn art. It was for music. It was the Rocknroll Hall of Fame and Museum. The depiction of women throughout the ages changes a lot. In the earlier stuff the women look very similair in the face and hair and they have an angelic apperance to them. When you get to the newer stuff the women are more abstract and colorful.
I do know the one by da vinci but i have no idea who painted any of the other ones. I think that I am artistic because I enjoy drawing when I get the chance. Unfortunally I have never been to an art gallery as far as I know. I think the earlier the ages the more realistic the people look and the new ones look abstract and weird.
I know a few of the pieces like some by LEonardo Da Vinci and Picasso. I'm not good at drawling but i do enjoy some art. I'm more into the abstract art. No i have never been to an art museum or gallery,but i would really love go when i get the chance. THe obvious things that change are the clothes and hair. But they are conected by similoar features they share like when one changes to another their eyes will be similar or there nose or face shape something in common.
The only one i recognized was Mona Lis by Leonardo Da Vinci. Some other ones looked familiar but I didn't know who they were by. I'm not artistic at all, my dad is a very very good artist but I guess I take after my mom on that. I've never been to any art museums but I would really like to one of these days. The biggest differences are the clothes, makeup, and hair. Back then they hardly wore any makeup but now girls usually wear a lot , the hair style then was usually tall and curly but now its done with a more layed back look, and last of all the clothes were big flowy dresses that were very pretty but now its all about mor trendy up to date clothes.
sydney woody
1st period (:
I do know of the Mona Lisa picture that was made by Leonardo Da Vinci. I am artistic with small kinds of things and few big things, but other big things I leave to my sister. I have never been to an art museum in my life, but I would like to go to one. The way the pictures looked, the backgrounds of the pictures,the emotions and the structure of the faces even though some look very a like.
Some pictures looked vaguely familiar and others not so much. Well I believe everyone is artistic in someway, everyday we make color decisions and think of things that are creative and that’s what an artist does. But I’m most definitely not a good drawler. Well my dad lives in Washington D.C, and there are so many different museums their, so we go often. I have also been to an art museum, which I thought was quite boring! :p I saw the change in the faces, makeup amount, and even the colors of the background. The way the women were posed showed how things have changed, as everything has.
eden laurel richmondddd <33
I don't mind art, its not my favorite thing to do but its not like I hate it.I'm not really considered amazing at being artistic but I guess you could say I have a little bit of skill in the area. I can't really remember if I have been to an art museum, if I have its been a really long time. Pretty much the difference's in these paintings are just clothes,makeup, and hair obviously.If I had to choose my most favorite would probally be picasso because hes a beast and has some really cool paintings.I also kinda like lenardo de vinci because he has some of the most unusual paintings of wierd objects.
I don't really know alot about women in art but I do know a little bit like some pictures that Leonard Da Vinci done and Picasso I think that is how you spell not quite sure XD. I do like art alot I am a little artistic I think it is because of my imagination but who knows. There are alot of things that can make you artistic, it doesn't neccesarily mean with paint or drawing something, there's people that are really good with meak-up and other things that are used in like movies. See there are alot of ways that you can be artistic and have fun while you do it. Art isn't always as boring as others make it out to be.
I think Da Vinci and Picasso were in there, but other than that, I have not idea. I'm an artist, not an art LOVER. I'm very artistic. Generally people only think about visual arts, but I'm very good at visual, musical, and theatre. I suppose I'm a good dancer, but I've never taken classes. I've actually never been to an art gallery, OR a museum. I look forward to getting to one. The depiction of women over the eras has changed dramatically, through clothing, hairstyles, and cosmetics, and looking at pictures of my friends' PARENTS, even then there was a difference in the bone structures.
Malik "Paradox" Kinzer, The Natural Light, out.
I saw some Leonardo Da Vinci. But I'm not an artist and I don’t understand much about it. But the art is entertaining. It is entrusting to see the different looks of women in all the cultures. The art of women from British , Russian and of all countries. I may not draw and do art but i enjoy it . It just appeals to me. Ands I found it interesting to watch the transformation among women. I have been to many museums and places of art. Art is a world wide thing you can find it just about anywhere.
I only recognized the Mona Lisa, y Leonardo Da Vinci. I can't draw worth my life.! I've been to a museum.
I noticed leanado da vinci and thats all. i dont think im that artistic but i like to draw and stuff. i like to paint but im not very good at it. Im not a very good drawer or colorer. I have never been to a gallery or museum but i would like too. My dad and I were going to go to one in D.C but our plans got changed. I think the paintings get newer and i dont think they are as good as the older ones. the older ones look better too me.
Taylor Rowe
1st period :)
I have seen some of the pictures by Leonardo Da Vinci before, but i don't know who they are. I am not artisticat all, i try to be but whenever i draw the picture looks nothing like what i want it to be. Yes, have been to a gallery, it was fun to look at all of the pictures, and sculptures. The depiction of the different women through the ages is the way they pulled there hair back, to wearing it down, wearing lots of make-up, the diifferent poses in the women.
The only women in the paintings that I recognized were Mona Lisa and Queen Elizabeth. I don’t consider myself artistic at all.Yes, have been to a gallery, it was fun to look at all of the pictures, and sculptures.I guess as a new era starts the clothes, the amount of makeup, and all around looks of the women start to differ from an earlier picture.
This video was very interesting. I know the person who did this took alot of time and effort creating this video. But im not really in to art so i only know one artist "Leonardo Da Vinci" I think they had a movie about that or something. But im not sure I cant even drawl or color! thats why im not really a Huge fan of art !
Aleasha WAlker .
I know that pablo picasso and leonardo da vinci are in there they are very well known artists for there work. I am not very artistic. I have been to a museum it was pretty cool and amazing. You can tell the older ones from the newer ones the older ones all look like they have the same eyes and are very classy. But when you get into the modern ones they get colorful and full of life.
Caroline Brophy
1st ((:
I see some works by Picasso, and Leonardo Da Vinci. But none of the others. I like art, I don't really study it. I'm kind of artistic. People tell me I can draw pretty good. (: I went to the Holocaust museum, but that wasn't an art museum. The women seem to have more modern clothes, and more makeup towards the end. They seem to be more, high class if you will.
Andy Shaw
1st Period
I know a couple of artist such as Leonardo da Vinci and Picasso. I'm not really artistic, but I do love to paint and photography. I've never been to a museum or gallery, but I'm hoping I can go to one soon. As the different ages go through, they change depicting on their clothing, makeup, hair, facial expressions, and most of all the color that the artist uses to paint or draw the women in the paintings.
Crystal Rowe
6&7 prd.
I know Mona Lisa created by Leonardo da Vinci. No I am definitley not artistic at all. I think the outfits and their expressions show the differences.
allie wilson
I only recognize the Mona Lisa. I dont know any of the others. I think I'm artistic, I guess. I have never been to an art museum, and I dont plan on going to one. I think that art museums would be boring. The women in these paintings all seem the same, I dont know what it is, just a certain style or the way they are painted makes them all look similar.
The only painting i recognize is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. Stating i'm artistic, or not, really depends on the situation. I think I am only artistic when I'm truly interested in whatever I'm working on. If it is boring, I usually don't put forth much effort. I don't think i have ever been to a museum. The biggest variant in the pictures is that the clothes and make up change tremendously.
the only painting i reconized was the mona lisa by leonardo da vinci.honestly,i am not artistic at all.i have been to an art museum i forget where though. the biggest did=ffence is he color choices have changed. its went from dark and dul to bold and bright.
~kelsey morrone!~
1st periodd(:
I recognized many of the pictures, but I was not sure of all the artists. The only artist I was sure of was Leonardo Da Vinci. I guess in some ways I am artistic. I guess it depends on whether your audience enjoys your work. Yes, I have been to and art gallery. There is an art gallery at the clay center in Charleston, West Virginia. I would have to say that throughout the ages the pictures begin to look more and more modern. You can tell by the way they dress, how much makeup they wear, and how preserved they seem.
the only artist i can reconize is picassoe, and leonardo de vinchi (sp?). i guess im a little artistic sometimes. i think ive been to a museum a couple of times. the way they wear their clothes or have their picture painted changes on the artist, culture, and time period. their makeup and hair changes, too. Same with their clothes and the way they look in the pictures. (which way their head is turned, or the way their eyes look.)
m a t t i s o n k o c h(:
The only artists i can pick out are lenardo da vinchi and picasso. Thats only because I have seen them many times. I do not think I am artistic at all. I do not like being creative or imaginative. I have been to several galleries and museums on my trips to boston, new york, and toronto. I have no idea what their names are. Women used to be depicted as realiant on men and useless in certain job fields or the army. Now women have been seen as dependant, strong, and even iconic in some cases.
donovan wilson
5th period
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