Friday, November 28, 2014


What would be the worst part of living in a concentration camp? Describe what you think a day would be like for one of the people who live in a camp. Include all of your senses in your descriptions.


Unknown said...

I think working in a concentration camp would be gruesome . It would smell of death and the Oder of feces and urine .The debris of the dead would flake in front of us, thousands upon thousands of bodies slaughtered men , women anyone who disobeys. Gunshots ring , weeping families sob in sorrow for the ones they have lost, the screaming of the ones who suffer the fatalities.
The scraps of bread if available the bland taste, but its better than starvation , polluted water in our hands. Bare footed, cold cloths , starved , thirsty , freezing , alone. Life being extinguished right in front of us. The cold shovel against your hands sucking the warmth out of your hands. Love is nowhere but I still try to claw out of the stomach of tyranny. I'm thankful for my life today I am glad I have family and friends and teachers that support me all the way

Tyler Rosier said...

I think living in a concentration camp would be the absolute worst thing imaginable. It would be nothing but death, despair, and disbelief. It would smell horrid like burning,rotting flesh and the discharge of bodily fluids. The sound would be unbearable with gunshots, crying, screaming, and people begging for their lives. You would see guards with guns, starving bodies of nothing but skin and bones, and a dreary landscape. Any taste would be very bland, because they were only given small amounts of food such as broth and bread. They often ate grass because they were starving to death. I think everything would feel cold and hard against their unclothed bodies, like the toilets, where they slept, and the ground under their feet. I can't think of anywhere worse to spend my days, and it makes me so thankful for all that I have been blessed with.

Tyler Rosier
Period 6-7

Unknown said...

Being in a concentration camp would not be… pleasant. Concentration camps are a very serious manner, and one not to be taken lightly. An average day of a victim included feeling your stomach eating at the your very organs because of starvation, constantly worrying of being the next to be executed, feeling the lice eating away at what’s left of your hair, smelling your relatives ashes escape from the “crematorium” chimney, tasting their remains glide into your mouth, and countless others crimes against of humanity I dare not speak of. The worst part doesn’t exist: It was so bad, their (the concentration camps) very existence was the worst part.