Saturday, July 25, 2015


What was the videographer's purpose in creating this video? What statistics surprised you? How must we change if we are to compete in the world? How has the world of technology changed since you entered fifth grade.


Unknown said...

The videographer's main purpose of creating this video was to inform the audience. The videographer informed is of our rapidly changing world that is around us. The statistics in how many children there are in developing countries deffinetly surprised me. I do not understand why the people who hold power have not done anything to help them. And that just shows there indifference. We are going to have to become less lazy to compete. People have become so lazy that our ancestors would spit on us. They were very hard-working. The world of technology has enhanced since fifth grade especially the prices have definitely gone up. The fancier it gets the more expensive and people are still wanting to pay for that. Now we are double the technology dependent.
Camryn Morgan 4th,5th Period Mrs.Constable ELA 8th Grade 12-17-18

Anonymous said...

To show you how technology can improve and be a burden to society. But the statistic that surprised me is how that they improve the society more then it hurts it. All thought most people do abuse it we should be being careful about abusing it to much. In fifth grade was when the iPhone five S now they have iPhone tens it moved up five generations.