Saturday, July 25, 2015


What would be the worst part of living in a concentration camp? Describe what you think a day would be like for one of the people who live in a camp. Include all of your senses in your descriptions


Anonymous said...

The concentration camps were constructed in the autumn of 1941. The Germans originally intended the camps to house 40 prisoners, but very often more than 700 would be placed in each of them. The total number of prisoners to each camp depended on the number of transports arriving. The prisoners slept in 60 spaces, with three bunks in each space. Prisoners slept on straw spread over the wooden bunks. The barracks had earth floors and few sanitary facilities. Resulting in a very hard place to live.

Unknown said...

Being in a comcentration camp would be miserable everyday period. Waking up everyday next to 40 other people, stinky, dirty, ect. Then having to go work for people that you really don't like, but have to hold a steady face so that that they don't kill you right then and there. I would know how that feels cause I get into arguments with people all the time, then have to do something for them. The people that survived the Holocuast looked very unhealthy. It was like they were barely fed, which they probably weren't. It could also be hard to be thinking about your family everyday and how you wanted each other to survive and just to be together one last time. Those people were treated horrible and I couldn't imagine what all they went through.

Zoey Lewis said...

I think the worst part of living in a concentration camp would be living with so many people and the lack of food. I am kind of clostaphobic so so many people in the same room with me would make me feel like they are taking up all of my air. I would feel like I was going to die just being in the room. Also I eat a bunch so I would be staring in a average American way as soon as I got there. It must be so horrible living and smelling people that smell horrible. I fell really sorry for the people who had to live in concentration camps because I wouldn't be able to survive in those horrible conditions!

Brooke said...

A day in concentration camp would be very rough. First it would be it would be physically hard, from getting beat up and the weather. They didn't really give you the proper clothing so you could freeze. I would be mentally crushed. I really don't know what it would smell like. I'm sure you could smell burning hair because they would burn you to death. I would feel either super cold or very hot. I could feel the sense of worrying. I would see some may people that are hopeful but have no chance. I would see we all look alike because we all have shaved heads and we wear the same things. Finally I could hear person crying, I could hear the fear in there voice. Also the whispers of those who talk about running.

Madison Posey

Unknown said...

I think the worst part of living in a concentration camp would be watching people die. Watching strangers and loved ones die of starvation and disease. It definitely would be the worst part since if I accidentally kill a spider it makes me feel bad so i wouldn't be able to look at a dead person without being freaked out. When we looked at the pictures of World War 2 it creeped me out since there was dead people. Another bad part would be the pain of starvation and disease. I wouldn't have been able to survive in a concentration camp I would have tried to escape.

Unknown said...

In my opinion, the worst part of being in a concentration camp would be being tortured. The Nazis would put the Jews in gas chambers, burn them, and much more. I think a day in one of the concentration camps would go like this, the Nazis would get you up and you would get to work on what ever it is they have you do. Then you would do that until bed. You would hope that you weren't chosen to be tortured and hope you can survive the horrible conditions. And you would do this every day.

Tamara Taylor 1/2period

Unknown said...

I couldn’t even imagine what life would be like living in a concentration camp. Not knowing if I would live through another day. Wondering if my family and friends are fighting for their lives as well or has theirs ended. As my stomach growls wondering where, when and what my next meal would be if any. Trying to stay strong while listening to the sounds of men, woman and especially children screaming, crying. The smells of flesh being burned or the gas from the chambers would make me sick to my stomach. Wishing I could take my life in my own hands to end the misery. If I lived through this and became free would I want to go to sleep at night to be awaken by the nightmares.

Jared Stern 4th/5th period

Anonymous said...

I would rather be dead than live in a concentration camp because you are eventually going to die in the camp. I think the camp would be worse than the death camp. The worse thing in my opinion in the camp would be the torture I couldn't handle being tortured I would rather be dead than tortured. I wouldn't like not seeing anyone I knew or anything I knew. That's crazy how someone could have thoughts about killing a entire race just because of what they looked like. Also it's crazy how Anne Frank could have such hope in people and they they are still good at heart.

Gabriellakoski22 said...

I would not like living in a concentration camp at all! I think what the innocent people should not have had to went through what they did. But it happened. If I were in a concentration camp for a day it would not like it one bit! The smell of the of the dead bodies and the gas from the gas chambers would make me gang. And seeing all the people getting killed and then thinking you are probably going die just like they did. It would also be very loud from hearing all the things that are happening around you. That's why I'm glad that the holocaust happened way before now .

Cindy Maina said...

I think the worst part of being in the concentration camp would be watching people die and being tortured. When your there, all you see are dead people everywhere, even people you knew and loved. Another things would be tortured. They make you work and they beat you and even leave you to die slowly.If anything the death camp is better than the concentration camps.

Unknown said...

The concentration camp at Auschwitz had a total camp area of 40 square kilometers with a surrounding radius of five kilometers for isolation. When first entering the camp of Auschwitz I, the prisoners saw over the main entrance the words; “Arbeit Macht Frei” (work will give you freedom). These words was supposed to be there to tell the Jews that if they work hard enough, the Nazis will set them free. However, that was not true, it must’ve only been there to give them a false hope. The worst part of being there must be knowing that you are going to die, but cannot do anything about it. Their schedule must’ve just been work, work, and more work. Each day must feel awful, knowing that the only escape is death.

Lucy Chen Period 6/7

Unknown said...

I couldn't even imagine being in a contraction camp. I could not stand feeling dirty all the time. The worst part would be the children. The children where innocent along with everybody else. I do not understand why they targeted the young innocent children that didn't even know what was going on. The children would have suffered more than the adults. I feel this way because they are growing and need more food than the adults. Also because they need the comfort of their parent. Just imagine being a young child starving surrounded be people but not a sole to comport you.

Maggie Myers 6/7

malachiwest said...

Being in a concentration camp would be horrible. I couldn't stand to stay there for one minute. The worst part would be everything, knowing that your going to die, but you still have hope that you will live and make it out of camp. I felt bad for that babies and the hurt people because they can't do nothing so they just burn them. Also they kill people just because of there belief. A day at an concentration camp would be awful because the people there barely get feed and they barely get something to drink. Also there no privacy to you the restroom all it is, is a long bucket with a hole at the top for everyone. Also at the camp they cut all there hair off and keep it and they took everyone's shoes. This is worst than David Pelzer childhood life story.

Unknown said...

It would be very scary living in a concenrtration camp.But the scariest part would be being burnt in the gas chamber. I would try to run away because either way you wouldn't really have a great of living. One thing that would even make it worse is that you would have to watch your friends and family right in front of you.

Unknown said...

It would be very scary living in a concentration camp. The fact that we would not being able to eat or drink when we wanted to would do me in. I don't think I could last a day. You would be crammed into tight spaces with many other people, it would be hard to breathe. The worst part about being in the camp would be the thought that at any minute you might be tortured and killed for no reason. I would also have smell all the bodies burning in the gas chambers, and the thought I might be next is terrifying.

Garrett Spitznogle said...

Being in a concentration camp or death camp would be my definition of living hell. Knowing that you are most likely not going to survive be depressing. The smell of death and despair would fill your lungs. I would at least try to hold out, as long as I can before I end up dying out. Seeing death wouldn't bother me, it would be the fact that everyday I heave to wake up and fear for my life. Also, the scariest part would have to be the gas chamber's. Knowing that if they put you in their you are pretty much dead. To think people lived through this is simply amazing.

Unknown said...

It would be scary to live in a concentration camp. With stacks and stacks of unburied bodies. It smells so bad because the dead bodies are just lieing there in front of every body. All the people had lice in there hair. The women had to cook food right in front of the dead bodies. I don't think I would be able to last a whole day in a concentration camp. Because you only get one piece of bread and a cup of soup with maggots and worn in the soup in the soup . They had to cram into small spaces with a whole bunch of people. The worst part is getting burnt in the day chambers you can see breath or anything. I couldn't stand being diry all the time. You have to see people getting killed and tortured right in front of you. You die of diseases.

Unknown said...

I couldn't imagine living in a concentration camp with all the people knowing that I had no hope of getting out and knowing I was going to die. the bathrooms have no privacy and they are just a board with holes in it. they only give you old bread and soup to eat for the whole day. I would try to run away after I had a plan that was good and people to go with. another bad thing would be all of the torture and death and the people that thought that they were still human after killing six million people with families and lives just because they were Jewish.

Bmasters said...

The worst thing at a concentration camp would be going in gas chamber and trying to survive. You would get up in the morning with nothing to eat. You wouldn't get to take a shower. Then you would have to do what they tell you.whether it be go in a gas chamber or something else you have to do what they say. The whole day you wouldn't eat anything but maybe a little bit. You would get people doing experiments on you. Instead of using animals you would take the place of an animal. And they would test you and try to find things to use as cures. They put you in bad living conditions. You live with everyone else. You'd get sick and be sent some place else. And you'd get even more sick. It would stink really bad. You don't get to shower.everyone used the bathroom. They don't care if you die. They put you on a pile with everyone else. You would smell odor from everyone else. You'd get really skinny. It would be hard to survive.

Unknown said...

One of the worst parts of being in a concentration camp would be working all day with the fear that you are going to die. It would also be very difficult to see my friends going into the gas chambers and their bodies on the ground. The black smoke would be a constant reminder of the many people who are being killed. The smell in the camp would be horrible because of the unburied bodies and the screams and cries for help would be awful. Also, it would be hard to eat the disgusting food, but I would have to eat it to keep up my strength. Being in a concentration camp would be one of the most horrible places to live your final days.

Unknown said...

The day started as early as 4:30 AM. You are lined up and all you see is darkness. They began working with nothing to eat, only a warm drink. The feeling of starving and stomach pains would set in soon. The day was exhausting. With very little to eat but thin vegetable soup all day, people would be sick with diarrhea. In the small barricks, the smell was terrible because there were so mamy people crammed in them and there were rodents running around. The shortage of water made everything worse. The feeling of desperation filled the air as you watched others die from disease. There was also the smell of burning bodies and it was awful. I can't imagine living like this day in and day out.

Unknown said...

I think the worst part of living in a concentration camp would be living with so many people and the lack of food. I am kind of clostaphobic so so many people in the same room with me would make me feel like they are taking up all of my air. I would feel like I was going to die just being in the room. Also I eat a bunch so I would be staring in a average American way as soon as I got there. It must be so horrible living and smelling people that smell horrible. I fell really sorry for the people who had to live in concentration camps because I wouldn't be able to survive in those horrible conditions!

Unknown said...

The worst part...? They are all equally terrible no one should of ever had to live that kind of life jusr facing the fact that you had to work all day or be killed would be terrifying and be cramped with all those people... The lack of food... The BATHROOMS. Everything about it is terrible I would rather commit suicide then to live in that condition said...
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Unknown said...

I thank the worst part about living in a concentration cam would be the lack of food. If i would thank of one of a day in one of the camps would be u have to wake up really early. after you would wake up and have to make your bed and, stand for count. After count you would have to go to work and work all day in the hot sun with nothing to drink. You would also have to smell and see all the dead bodys. I would not be able to do that. I might jest have killed myself i don't know how all those people could do that. At the end of this on d-day 6,000 people died.

shayla pittman 6/7

Unknown said...

I think the worst part about living in a concentration camp would be having to smell all of the filth from others. Not being able to take showers, eating regularly. Doing fun and creative things. Having to use the bathroom out in the open and with no where for the waste to go to, having to see and smell all of that from others. I wouldn't be able to live like that at all.

Unknown said...

Everything at the concentration camps were terrible. The working conditions were terrible and you only got limited food. The bathrooms were outside and you had no privacy. The only thing you had to eat was soup and bread. You were beside alot of people with diseases and people that haven't took a shower in a long time. It would be a horrific experience i would never want that to happen.

Broderick Rohrbaugh 1st&2nd

Unknown said...

It’s near impossible to fully conceive what the people in the Holocaust had to endure in concentration camps. You would have a hard bed (if any), and no way to keep up with your hygiene, which would bother me the most. The shortage of food supply would probably destroy my hope, self-assurance, and determination all together. I would definitely have enough of the situation by then. It would be a demeaning task to have dealt with working as slaves for people so brutal and inhumane. I’d probably end up getting myself shot for refusing to do their “tasks” or complete their “orders”. I honestly don’t know how the survivors did it, because it takes a lot of durability and strength to withstand the Holocaust.

Mackenzie Stanley 1/2 Period

Alex Morris said...

A concentration camp is a place were Jews had wooded and were tourtured during World War ll. The worst part of being there was probably the dead bodies just laying around there and decaying. I can't imagine what a rotting corpses would smell like. One time a deer died by my house and it smelled abosolutly terrible. That would would be terrible. The second worse part would probably be the bathrooms they had to use. The waste would smell terrible. The smelling sense would be the worst to have during your time in a concentration camp. If I had the choice I would definitely take that away. This was a really bad time for the world.
Alex Morris 4-5

Unknown said...

I think living in a concentration camp would be awful. I think the worst thing would be knowing that you are going to die. I can not even imagine being starved, have to work all day, and sometimes stand all day if someone got away. The bathroom is horrible. It has no privacy and how could they stand the smell? I can not understand why someone would want to hurt innocent people. Some people did not get a lot of sleep or no sleep at all. How could the prisoners stand the smell of corps? I could not ever live like they had to live in the camps.

Kaylee Elsey 6\7

Alexus Williams said...

Many people said they would die than go to a concentration camp I would to. But I think it would be even painful killing yourself because in the bible one of the commandments are tho shall not commit suicide. But I don't know why they would kill all those people because larger amount of people means more population so why not be the largest state.

Unknown said...

The worst part of living in a concentration camp would be getting your freedom taken away from you. The smell would overcome me. The rotting bodies would lie on the ground for days. Eventually I would become used to the smells and sights because this was my everyday life. All I would hear were gunshots and the shuffle of working people. By now I couldn't feel anything for my hands were so frost bit. When I would open my mouth I could taste the ashes of the burned bodies. I would now be called a Jew not my name. I would no longer get meals. All mental stability that I had would disappear. I would be driven out of my mind but forced not to say a word because I feared for my life. By now it was normal for your friend to get shot and you have to watch the blood run. The terrible was the usual. I would work so hard that my knuckles bleed but yet I would still not get anything to fill my hunger or thirst. I was a Jew.

Unknown said...

You The worst part of living in a concentration camp would be being taken away from your home and everything that was ever familiar to you. Families were separated and often never saw one another ever again. A person's life could be ended at any time, and you were forced to live in fear moment by moment. There was starvation, untold cruelty, and death present at all times. Every day was spent doing labor under harsh conditions and facing a pace that was hard to continue while starving. Often, the prisoners received between 1,300 and 1,700 calories per day. There were continual beatings for falling behind. Further, disease was widespread within the camps. Damp conditions, lack of water, and vermin led to unsanitary living conditions. Fear, loss, disease, and death were things that were faced on a daily basis. These words by Viktor E. Frankl are a reminder to all that the horrors of the concentration camps are far worse than anything we can even imagine.

“I shall never forget how I was roused one night by the groans of a fellow prisoner, who threw himself about in his sleep, obviously having a horrible nightmare. Since I had always been especially sorry for people who suffered from fearful dreams or deliria, I wanted to wake the poor man. Suddenly I drew back the hand which was ready to shake him, frightened at the thing I was about to do. At that moment I became intensely conscious of the fact that no dream, no matter how horrible, could be as bad as the reality of the camp which surrounded us, and to which I was about to recall him.”

Court Ciemania
1/2 period

Frazier said...

Zach Frazier 4/5

Aushwitz was without a doubt the worst nightmare for Jews during World War 2. A Jew sent to Aushwitz was an automatic death unless you were part of the lucky few. Of all the concentration camps in Europe Aushwitz had the highest death rate. I think living a day in Aushwitz would be the worst day of my life. I think I would wake up early in the morning crammed in a barrak. Then go straight to work. I would fear the next shipment of Jews because I knew there would not be enough room for me. I would get a peice of bread and watery turnip soup if I'm lucky. I would then go back to work. When the day was finally over I would go back to sleep and repeat everything I did that day.

Unknown said...

Conner Linger
Periods 4&5

The worst part of a being subject to life in a concentration camp is hard to pin down. Between the poor sanitation, lack of food, fatigue, and the constant presence of death, the entire endeavor would be a pretty nasty business. It is nearly impossible for myself to imagine waking everyday into a crowd of people knowing that each day I am not only delaying my death, yet helping my captors murder others.

Unknown said...

Everything about being in a concentration camp would be miserable. I think the worst part of being in one would be starvation, most people can't go 4 hours without eating, let alone getting a piece of bread and some soup for the whole day. I would hat seeing people dying and the skinny people would gross me out. I would hear the silence of people from the deaths and from orders. I would be disgusted by the smell of dead bodies. I would fell the desperation for getting out and living a life. The people who fought in those concentration camps, either survivors or ones who died will never be forgotten for fighting to stay alive.

Anonymous said...

I think the worst part about being in a concentration camp would be fighting disease. When you wake up you'll find yourself having to eat the most disgusting and most unhealthy food. The go to roll call and hope you don't have to stand forever. After that you'll work until you feel like your about to die. All day you'll be worrying about if the nazis will take you away for worse places. At the end of the day you will probably have to sleep in a very uncomfortable place and repeat the next day.

Unknown said...

I could not live at a concentration camp. It was brutal for the Jews. They would be tortured and malnourished. I like to eat but at the camps, there wasn't much food for anyone. See your friends and family rot. Everyone around you dying day by day. Sleeping and waking up very early is good for me either. You have the same routine. You would wake up 4:00 am, work, eat, sleep. You would see babies thrown in fires and people killed. Also, the Nazis would throw the dead just anywhere they could pile up their bodies. The smell would kill me. I would want to be killed then live in these conditions at these camps.

Unknown said...

the worst part of living in a concentration camp would be the terrible living conditions. A day in a concentration camp would be miserable the whole time. even when you just awoke you would feel hungry. You would not have much food to eat and not much to do. You would also constantly experience how bad sanitation was, no working toilets, no place to take dead bodies, no place for privacy. People would also be transported or killed very often. Condition would not be favorable for anyone there. I would rather die than live in one, as i would adjust suffer there.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I think the worst part of being in a concentration camp would have to be separation from my family. Maybe, it would be me knowing that eventually I would die and there would be nothing that I could do to help my family. I would not be given real food to eat. I could not live off of grass. I would need to eat meat or any kind of protein. A day waking up without food or clean water would be horrific! I could not have done what a survivor had to do to. I would have died from either starvation or typhus, because there would not have been hope or anything to hold on to anymore. I say that because I would have been separated from my family, and friends. I would have also been put into a group of complete strangers to rot in an oversized cage. The smell alone would make me very sick. That is what I think a day would be in a concentration camp.

Franklin Bush Jr.
4/5 period

Madi Balzer said...

Living in a concentration camp would be terrible. I would rather die than live in a place like that and work for hours on end and starve. Seeing your loved ones die, smelling the rotten flesh, hearing everyone moan in agony, tasting nothing but old food and disease, and feeling nothing but pain. It is the worst thing you could imagine.

Leigha Jordan said...

I think the worst part of living in a concentration would be not having a sense of spontaneity to your life. I like to do things impromptu and with every sense of freedom stripped of you, you must follow orders. In the morning you would wake up, and make your bed. Then everyone stands in line for rollcall. You can see the scrawny figures of the other camp inhabits in precise rows. There is no noise except a few birds, and the shouting of the guards, and other officials barking orders at you. Children return to their barracks, and adults report to work. They work all day until it’s time for dinner, which consists of rotten vegetables and moldy bread. After dinner is another roll call. Lastly you can sleep in the cold, hard barracks that smell of feces and filth for a few hours until the day starts all over again.

Leigha Jordan 4th/5th period

Unknown said...

The worst part of the concentration camps is the way they were and the conditions they were in.The worst part about that camp is that it was the worst one and it killed a lot of people.Kids were killed the toilets were disgusting.The conditions were disgusting.

Unknown said...

The worst part living in a concentration camps would have be the torture, but the worst for me would be the gas chambers. For a normal day for a inmate would be they wakeup and take role call. Then they would work all day, and only go to the bathroom once a day. Then they would be given their watered down soup and their black bread. But for some inmates it would be the same, but at any point in the day they would go get executed by the gas chamber or the furnace. Being removed from your family and loved ones would also be a horrific detail that these people had to endure. Imagine the constant worry about the well being of brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and other family members.

Unknown said...

Auchwitz was a coniontrafion camp during World War Two. Anne frank went there a famous girl who was in hiding for most of the war but did a Bergman-Bellson. There were many people who went to Auchwitz. Most survivors said was living h***. And most people when thinking about it cry scream on the inside. People hate the fact of the Auchwits in the holocast.

Unknown said...

I think the worst part about being in Auchwitz would be the starvation and smell of the dead bodies. Imagine smelling rotten and burnt bodies everyday for 5 years. Starvation would be hard also because of rhe living conditions. But if I was a survior from Auchwitz I wouldnt be upest in the furture. I would be happy cause Im a part of history and I could tell everything I experienced.

Unknown said...

The concentration camps were built in autumn of 1941. The Germans originally intended the camps to hold 40 prisoners, but often more than 700 would live in each of them. The total number of prisoners to each camp depended on the number of transports arriving. The prisoners slept in 60 spaces, with three bunks in each space. Prisoners slept on straw spread over the wooden bunks. The barracks had earth floors and few sanitary facilities. Resulting in a very hard place to live.

vanhorn.leigh said...

I couldn't pick the hardest part of living at Auschwitz. The innocent, undeserving, people that were being held captive there went through and endured Hell. They couldn't even call there time there living. There would be the stench of dead bodies floating through the air and the stink of millions of bodies that have not been washed for weeks, months, even years. You would g1et food that not even a hungry animal would eat and you would have to urinate on yourselves so your body parts don't fall off. No one there is going to help you. The people that are stationed there are trying to contribute to your hell-like misery. The cruel people there are uncompassionate, unsympathetic, Nazis who want you to suffer beyond mortal belief, and die. There is deadly sickness and disease, horrendous torture, and along with the ever increasing population, your fighting death daily. To commit suicide would be admitting defeat so you are forced to hang on, when your destined to die anyway. You have no privacy. You undress, use the bathroom, cry, and die in front of hundreds, possibly thousands of your peoples. You start to lose your faith and feel that your future bleak and without hope. What is the worst part about living at Auschwitz? The answer is in the question, living.

Unknown said...

I think the worst part of being in Auschwitz is the lice and deseises and possible death of starvation. It stinks to because of all the dead people that are all over the place. U get into the bathroom and undresses than dies because it is poison gas in the showers .u start to loose faith in ur self.

Unknown said...

I think the worst part of being in Auschwitz is the lice and deseises and possible death of starvation. It stinks to because of all the dead people that are all over the place. U get into the bathroom and undresses than dies because it is poison gas in the showers .u start to loose faith in ur self.

Leah Chaney said...

I would think that the worst part of being in the Auschwitz is the dead bodies and the lice and death. I just couldn't handle being imprisoned because of my ancestors or because I didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes things like this make peoples self a steam go way down making them feel worthless or unwanted and more is not a good feeling just reading about it makes me feel bad. I don't know how people could not have a heart and just not except all as one.

Unknown said...

I think the worst part about living in Auschwitz is the conditions all of the toilets are opened and no one gets privacy. i couldn't handle the though of be around dirt and feeling dirty. The smell was probably horrible , having to sleep in a room with over 100 people would be disgusting because the camp was crawling with lice and disease. The amount of work they did and the small proportion of food that they received wasn't even close to the amount that they normal human body should get. The worst part would be not knowing if you would ever see your loved ones ever again

Unknown said...

I think the worst part of Auschwitz would be not getting food or privacy when using the bathroom. When we got food it probably wouldn't have even been good food. The bathrooms would stink and all the prisoners would smell. All you would see is people suffering , working and trying not to die waiting for it to be over. You would see people get killed and little kids have to starve and do labor work in the field. I think that the camp would be terrible.

Unknown said...

I think the worst part of living in a concentration camp would be the constant fear of getting put in the gas chambers or being beatin until you where unconscious. The camp would smell of unwashed bodies and rotten food. The camp would be covered in the deceased, and you could hear the faint sound of whimpering children and adults.

Brandon nichols12 said...

Aushwitz was a network of German Nazi concentration camps and extermination camps built and operated by the Third Reich in Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II. It consisted of Auschwitz I (the original camp), Auschwitz II–Birkenau (a combination concentration/extermination camp), Auschwitz III–Monowitz (a labor camp to staff an IG Farben factory), and 45 satellite camps. The worst part of being in the camps would be the torture and no food. This was a terrible time in history.

Unknown said...

I think the worst part of being in a concentration camp would be the hopelesness that you would feel every day. People suffering at your feet, but you can't help them. Watching you family and loved ones suffer, but unable to help them. You strictly take care of yourself and only yourself. I don't know how I would phisically react to that situation, but I would feel that hopefulness inside.

Unknown said...

Justyn Williams 4/5 period I think the worst part about being in a a contretration camp would be the stink of all the dead rotten bodies. It would be terrible. And another reason why would be not seeing my family. It was bad for Jews. They were tortured . I would rather die then be in a concentration camp. And I pretty sure you had no privacy