Saturday, July 25, 2015

Caine's Arcade

Why is creativity important? How have you ever been creative? Have you ever had an educational experience that fosters creativity? What is your favorite way to be creative?


Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it shows who a person is, it shows what kind of mind they have set, it tells you how that person will act. Everyone has creativity in them like I'm a very creative writer I love to write. But with others they could be a creative like it drawing, for example I also draw anime (back of Mrs.Constables class) I mean I'm not very good but it's also creative.

malachiwest said...

Creativity is important because you have fun by yourself and also you can go a long way with a creative mind. I all ways have a creative mind when I draw or do something creative like in art class. Yes, because every artists has to have a creativity mind so they can get money off of it because it is so creative and know thought of it, but the artist who draw the pictures. My favorite way to be creativity is playing football because you can make up your own plays and you can make it creative and any way you want.

Leah Chaney said...

Creativity is important because creativity is a way of living life that embraces originality and makes unique connections between seemingly disparate ideas. I am creative when I write poems. My favorite way to be creative would have to be when I write so I can let my feelings write for me.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it lets a person be themselves.Yes, when I was little I used to make little comic books.In my 7th grade reading class we had a writing assignment based on creativity.I love to write quotes ,and poems which helps me be creative.

Anonymous said...

I think creativity is very important in school and in life. Creativity is what makes you unique and special if you were not creative everybody would be the same and boring. I can not draw really good so I am creative when I write. I feel like i can write very good and i can get very into my writing when i want to. I have many friends that can draw very good and they are really creative with it also. Creativity can be in anything even sports by creating plays and making things for it. So i thing being creative is very important in life.

Unknown said...

I think creativity is important because I feel if you don't have creativity you don't have any fun, grow up too fast, and become a very boring person. When I was like 5 years old, my sister-cousin and I heard about a big thunder storm was coming and at the time we were terrified of storms. So, we made a big fort in the middle of her living room with chairs, blankets, pillows, and a small table.

Tamara Taylor 1/2period

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it helps you creat stuff like Cain arcade get bigger so that he.can get more people. I was bored so I made a tree fort for my friends and I. I have had a educational experience. My favorite way to be creative is when I play my video games because you need to have a strategy.

Derrick said...

Creativity is the most wonderful thing a kid can have its amazing.When I was a child that's what I use was my imagination and I wood use a tree branch as a wand or something. I had lots of fun. Nowadays people only play on phone they need to bee more active. It provides character and gives a kid a good feeling about having like an imaginary friends.

Unknown said...

Being creative is very important for kids because it helps imbrass their uniqueness. Singing is my creative way of expressing myself. I really can't embrace that in school anymore so I have to use my smarts and athleticism to be creative. Everyone has their own creativity. Some embrace theirs more than others. It is really hard to because of the judging, which that should not be a problem. I feel that everyone should be able to express themselves and be creative the way that they know how.

Garrett Spitznogle said...

Creativity is really big part of growing up. It will show how a person thinks and acts a certain way. Creative people tend to strive for greater ways of living and building. Most people tend to draw or write, or the create and invent. I do none of those things sadly, but my creativity comes from thinking. I tend to think differently and have a open mindset. I usually think of cool items that I could make,but I am to lazy to follow through. When I was little I used to draw a bunch but not anymore

Anonymous said...

Our society doesn’t approve of creativity, nor does it ever encourage it. Why? Because it never wants people to think for themselves or create their own paths in life. Think back from the point when you started school, to were you are now. We are always told what to do by society and that you have to do it.

School actually limits our creativity more than anything else because it is so egregious and is solely focused on how well you can cram and memorize things you will forget right after the fact, which is why we all hate it....

Unknown said...

I felt that creativity is important because almost everything is based on it. If nobody is creative, we wouldn’t have what we have right now. There would be no one there to come up with them. However, you don’t have to make a big thing to be creative. It could just be that tiny change to make a huge difference. For example, I could be creative when I design things with a different style than others. As long as you feel like that’s right, nobody can change that. Everyone can be creative in so many different ways. It doesn’t always have to be in a good way, sometimes unique is what you need.

Lucy Chen Period 6/7

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it is what sets you apart from everybody else. It is important to be creative because different situations can be approached from different ways based on how creative you are and if you come together you could solve a problem easily. I have had a lot of creative educational experiences but usually they are used to figure out a way to get something done in a short amount of time because I procrastinate a lot on projects. My favorite way to be creative is when I design something or do somethings like landscaping. Such as if i was asked what color to paint the walls or what would look good in a kitchen.

Unknown said...

Creativity is very important in life because if no one was creative we would all be the same. We don't want to be the same we want to be different that everybody else. Im not the most creative person, but I'm sure i have been creative sometime and I just don't remember. My favorite way to be creative is to be yourself. It doesn't matter what other people think about you just be you. That is my favorite way to be creative. Everyone has there different way of being creative and no one should bring other people down just be yourself.

Broderick Rohrbaugh 1st&2nd

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because everybody would be the same. It is used in every day situations. Like drawing and writing books. It is also important to have it at a young age. Also it can help for movie directors and business owners.

Cindy Maina said...

Creativity is super important in life. It important because if there were no such thing as creativity, life wouldn't be interesting at all. people wouldnt have good ideas, good invention, anything. I think i'm creative with my outfits. even if i'm wearing a plain t- shirt and jeans, i find a way to make it creative. Honestly,everybody is creative with something.

Unknown said...

A creative mindset is important to be different from everyone else, without creativeness you would have the same ideas as everyone else. Without creative minds we would not have the great technology we have today. It is very important to learn to be creative at a young age. The way I like to be creative is going on Nike ID and customizing shoes. I also like to draw up creative offensive football plays that would be hard for defenses to stop.

Unknown said...

Creativity is very important, because if you don't have a imagination you have a hard time doing creative writing. Almost every day in the summer, my little brother is always using his imagination. He will make a cardboard bow and make arrows to go with it. He will spend hours working on masks, weapons, armor and costumes. When he is done he will play make believe in the woods or beside the creek, acting out fight scenes, love scenes, drama, and even comedy which he himself will laugh at. In big projects in school I always try to us as much imagination as much as possible. I never played make believe, or even with toys for that matter.

Gabriellakoski22 said...

Creativity is very important, in anything you may do. Whether it be in school or in your everyday life. Everyone should be creative, it doesn't matter that size or age. You have to have something in you that is really unique to you in its own way. I think I am very creative when I write, in my opinion I think I'm a very good writer and I can get really creative when I try. I know many people that can draw very well and that is also showing signs of creativity. I'm not a great drawer but I am creative in other things. I think creativity is very important because it can show what people really think.

Unknown said...

I think creativity is important because if you don't have creativity then you don't have fun, You create thing probably everyday, at school in art class or at home. I think I am creative when I'm drawling or when we do projects in my art class. I think drawling is fun, and making projects and painting them, you create them how you want them to be. Some people think their creative when writing or doing other activities. You could be creative with hair or makeup whatever you want to be creative in and you think your good at!

Unknown said...

I think creativity is important because if your not creative then your most likely a boring person. Because creativity comes from imagination and I imaginate things every day. I think I'm creative because I think of stuff to build and to create. Also in art class we are making tree houses and a lot of creativity goes into that. You could really be creative about anything. Sports you can make trick plays, in school you have art class, and you could even be creative when making a hand shake. That shows you a variety of thing you could be creative about. Can you think of any ways to be creative?

Unknown said...

Creativity is very important as it gives each of us the ability to do things in our own way without following any guidelines. In fifth grade we had to come up with a song about landforms and I was able to sing it to the tune Dynamite. I think what I do creatively is thinking of jokes or funny things to say. I always make up new words to songs I hear many times and make fun of the original song. Also, I do different voices and sounds when singing which fit what I think it should sound like. I know my song or joke is successful when friends and others laugh at what I have said or done.
Jared Stern 4th & 5th period

Unknown said...

Without creativity we would have nothing. That's what makes us who we are. I'm not very creative, but when I am it always turns out good. I think our imagination is limited in school. We cant express ourselves and if we did we will be laughed at or even worse. I love to make new ideas for my softball pitches and then new warm up pitches. It helps to be different, if theres to much of the same, no one will take that step and say im different.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because without it life would be boring. Nothing would change and everything would be the same. There would be nothing created. I have been creative when I build my own buildings and vehicles with legos, and when I make my own mini golf courses with things around the house. I use pillows and tables to make obstacles. In school, I have been creative by drawing pictures in art, and when we make models and sculptures. I, also, build forts in the woods from branches I find on the ground. My favorite way to be creative is to build things like Caine.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because you have fun by yourself and also you can go a long way with a creative mind. I all ways have a creative mind when I draw or do something creative like in art class. Yes, because every artists has to have a creativity mind so they can get money off of it because it is so creative and know thought of it, but the artist who draw the pictures. My favorite way to be creativity is playing football because you can make up your own plays and you can make it creative and any way you want.

Unknown said...

Creativity is a good skill because it is used in everyday life. It is good for many things like surviving in the woods.If no one was creative then we would not have anything. If Steve jobs wasn't creative then we wouldn't apple. Creativity is a big thing in life for engineers and artists and everything else in the world. Like in the woods you can make a sword out of sticks in the snow you can make a snow fort . everyone is creative some just don't know it. I used to make forts out of sticks and was fun because they each were different.

Frazier said...

Zach Frazier

Creativity is important in school and in your life. I can be creative when I want to but normally I'm not . When I was a baby I would not play with my toys. I would set all of my toys in a straight line and watch them. My uncles and parents would always mess with me by taking them. I never saw the point in toys and still don't. In school when teachers ask me to be creative I have trouble.

Unknown said...

Creativity is an important thing in life because if people didn’t have creativity most of the world wouldn’t be here. Almost everything you do involves creativity. Are world wouldn’t be here without GODS creativity, he made everything and used his creativity. I am actually pretty creative, I am good at making things, I think creatively, I also like to build thing, which comes from creativity. I think everyone is creative but not everybody’s creativity is the same. I think I’m creative because the way I think is different than most kids when it comes to decisions and answering questions asked by people. Most kids don’t think about their decisions but i try to think what is the best for me and for other people, well I don’t always think like that but most of the time. One time I had to make an egg drop structure and me and friend made a really creative thing for the egg. My favorite way to be creative is probably when thinking because creativity is mostly thinking.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because you can see things from a different point of view. If you didn't think creative, everything would be kinda boring. You can put your thoughts and imagination together to form something you'd probably wouldn't have thought about at first. Everyone has their own type of creativity, it may be just something you only put a little thought into or you thought a lot about it. Not Everyone has the same creativity, everything you think about may not be the same as someone else.

Bmasters said...

Creativity is important because you can do many things with creativity. I'm creative when I write stories. The main education I've had with creativity s when we have art class. We have to come up with ways to make our projects different than others. My favorite way to be creative is writing. I do creative writing when we have to write essays.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because without it there would nothing in this world. There would be no games, computers, phones, ipad, etc. I have been creative by making birthday or Christmas presents and not going out to the store to buy presents. For example, last Christmas I made scarfs for all the women in my family. My educational experience that fostered my creative was art class. It inspired me to draw more and get better at it. My favorite way to be creative is to make homemade desserts from scratch. My parents really encourage my writing. They say I got better and more creative with it.

Kaylee Elsey 6\7 Period

Unknown said...

Creativity is very important because we all have different ideas that help us make the world an amazing place. Everyone has unique gifts and talents that make a difference in all the areas of life, from industry to entertainment. Creativity gives us an outlet to see beyond the natural world and to think "outside the box." When I was little, I would pretend that dinosaurs were all around my yard. It opened my eyes to the history of our planet and gave me things to think about and invent. I have always looked for any chance to use my imagination. An example of an educational pursuit in my life was when I had to do a leaf project for science class this year. I gathered my supplies and got to work. I used leather and parchment paper for my materials and 16 different leaves. In the end, I thought that mine stood out from the crowd. I was able to use my imagination to see the project come to life, and I was able to express my own ideas. In the end, I learned something about leaves and something more about about myself. I realized that I would have my leaf project for the rest of my life. I can use it as a benchmark of my own creativity. My favorite way to be creative is to think of things that could benefit our country and our daily lives. When we are creative, we have the ability to make amazing things and to change the idea at a time.

Court Ciemania
1/2 period

Unknown said...

Creativity is an important key in life, especially for younger children. It gives people a chance to branch out from the real world, and think outside the box. Life would be boring if everyone acted normal, so creativity allows us to be unique. Examples of creativity are drawings, paintings, or even your thoughts. I could describe myself as creative, because with the most boring thing, I can make something cool and fun. Creativity is very crucial to our lives, because without a little fun we might all go insane. This is why creativity is important for everyone, and these are examples of creativity.

Mackenzie Stanley
1&2 period

Alex Morris said...

I think creativity is important because it shows what a single person is like. It show who is different from another person. If someone was not creative they would be a little boring person just sitting there. I have been creative in many ways. One way is when I make posters for school projects. I try to make my poster or visual aid different from anyone because I am different. I haven't ever thought of my favorite way to be creative. Well it would probably me showing people how I'm creative using visual aids. It make me feel good when I creative. Alex Morris 4-5

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Conner Linger

Creativity is the pinnacle of the human experience, for without it, how are we to read what makes our fellow man? How are we to gauge their passions, their desires, their ideals, etc.? I have found that creativity and school don't necessarily intersect regularly, but assignments that are opinionated such as this one do serve to nourish the creative aspect of those who complete them. Typically, if I am to be creative, it is usually in a manner involving literature, whether it be reading or writing it.

Anonymous said...

Creativity is very important. Without it the world would be very dull and boring. Some things we have today wouldn't be here if there wasn't creativity. I used my creativity to help my brother get frisbee down. I thought that if I threw a ball at it, it would fall back down. Every time I draw or paint I am helping my creativity grow. I think the best time to use creativity is when I am playing sports. You must think of different was to win.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important, it separates others from another. It is fun to be creative and be different. Without creativity, the world would be the same. People would have invented anything. I am not a creative person like Caine. He created a whole arcade out of boxes. There are a ton of ways to be creative in life. Such as art and imagination. I remember when I was little, I would love to build random things with legos. At school I sometimes like to draw random things. Another time I thought I was creative, was when the school had the science fair. When me and my friend made a dry ice bubble.

Unknown said...

Creativity is a wonderful thing to contain. You could accomplish so many goals. For some jobs you have to be flexible, like fashion designing, artist, etc. You need different ideas for different jobs. Creativity means the state or quality of being creative. Creative shows the state or power of creating something. Whereas creating means to cause and to come into being such as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by an ordinary process. Most creativity is unique or that someone has not have thought about that particular idea before. Caine had set a very good example for creativity. He made an arcade out of boxes. He used his creativity to create something unique idea into a reality.

Bush, Franklin
Mrs. Constable 4/5 period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Zoey Lewis said...

Creativity is important because if people were not creative they would be getting into trouble. I like to be creative by dancing and making up steps and songs with keyonna! But I haven't ever been in an educational experience but I like to dance and have draw to be creative!

Unknown said...

When I'm creative I build things and draw. If nobody was creative the world would be daul. When I am creative I like to build things for the airsoft wars me and my friends have in the woods all the time in the summer and winter with like 10 people. And another way I like to be creative is when I draw I draw the stuff out then we try to build it out side on time me and my friend mad toast wit a pizza box,tin foil,stick,bread, and a piece of glass the toast was pretty good

Unknown said...

When I'm creative I build things and draw. If nobody was creative the world would be daul. When I am creative I like to build things for the airsoft wars me and my friends have in the woods all the time in the summer and winter with like 10 people. And another way I like to be creative is when I draw I draw the stuff out then we try to build it out side on time me and my friend mad toast wit a pizza box,tin foil,stick,bread, and a piece of glass the toast was pretty good

Unknown said...

Creativity is important to the person being creative because creativity is key. I'm creative when I draw or build with Legos.

Unknown said...

Creativity is a wonderful thing to have. It shows people a new way to look at life, rather than the bland, everyday beige-ness of the day-to-day schedule. Creativity can show who a person really is. People can express themselves, they can show who they are within an object as small as a picture. I express creativity when I draw and write. Some people have trouble being creative, which is okay, however it opens up so many more opportunities in life. I think creativity is something everybody should have.

Madi Balzer said...

Creativity and imagination is something that children today tend to lack. We're all suppressed and told to "stop being so weird" or "stop talking to yourself" when you're really just playing like a kid should. In school you're taught that whatever the book says is correct. There's no way around it, the book is correct and anyother answer is dumb. This makes kids think that having an imagination is dumb. Instead of telling kids how to do certain things, schools should show them options and give them suggestions.

Unknown said...

I think creativity is very important in life, especially when your in the arts. If you would not have creativity you could not create anything such as sculptures, paintings, drawings and even building or pretty much nothing. Because if you want to create a building or baskets or even boats and cars. This kid, Caine has much creativity in his life because I'm very creative and I would never of thought of making an arcade out of cardboard. And instead of people giving you demands they should have give you options to show all of your creativity you have.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because being creative is a good way to do almost anything successfully. I have been creative before, i am creative when i solve problems. My favorite way to be creative is to make new choices when i dont like the the ones given to me.

Unknown said...

creativity is important because it shows people's uniqueness. it shows who people are! I'm creative in my everyday life, like most people are. the only time I have really ever had to use creativity in education, is in art or tech steps. my favorite way to be creative it in my art and my everyday life.

Brailey Gouzd

Unknown said...

Creativity is very important because it shows who you are maybe without speaking. You can show people what your feeling maybe through creativity if you don't like speaking. Some ways I am creative are through designing I love creating rooms or designing houses, or building thing I've always loved building thing when I was little I would always build airplanes or buildings out of Legos. I don't play with Legos anymore but when I was younger that's the only thing I wanted to do. I don't think I have ever had an educational experience with creatively.

Unknown said...

I think creativity is very important in school and in life. Creativity is what makes you unique and special if you were not creative everybody would be the same and boring. I can not draw really good so I am creative when I write. I feel like i can write well and i can get very into my writing when i want to. I have many friends that can draw very good and they are really creative with it also. Creativity can be in anything even sports by creating plays and making things for it. So i thing being creative is very important in life.

Unknown said...

Everyone has creativity. You can use your creativity for good or for bad. Think of what we wouldn't have if it weren't for the gift of creativity. Look at the light in your room, your cell phone, look at the trees, the sky, all of those things reflect someone's creativity. But creativity can also be used for the bad such as a planned murder, bank robbery, or kidnapping. I am creative in how I look, the way I learn, and the style in which I write with. I also love to Decorate, rearrange and reimagine things such as my bedroom or not so beautiful furniture. Creativity truly brings out the absolute best or worst in us. Without creativity we would be hollow and without independence and being. From who or what would we get our thoughts, food, enjoyment, our shelter, and clothing? Creativity is at the root of everything.
Grace Van Horn

Brandon nichols12 said...

Creativity is important in many ways. Creativity keeps the world going around. Even though creativity could be used for harm or help. You use creativity in everyday life and in school. If you think about it every time you do a project you have to use creativity to be unique. Creativity is in everything sports, food, clothes, and buildings. Creativity can also express things that you can't say such as drawing or making a diorama for a book or movie. When i was little i always played with the little building blocks i would build amazing things by just using creativity. You will see creativity all your life everywhere you go and everything you see.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important n more ways than one. If the world was lacking creativity, it would be boring and sad. Creativity gives life to us and the people around us. Creativity may include taking risks for the common good. These are risks we wouldn't take if there was no creativity. There wouldn't be that adrenilane rush that some of us love without creativity. I remember when I was small building things out of legos. I wouldn't use the manual that they gave me, but build my own creations. My gratest creation was "Lego City". I built multiple skyscrapers, cars, and roads in this city. Creativity is important ven if you don't think it is.

Brooke said...

Without creativity every one would be the same. No one would have that personality that makes you stick out from everyone else. Its important to not be afraid to be who you are. You have to be you and nobody else. I show my creativity in how I dress. I dress up a lot and I express myself in that way. My favorite way to be creative is when I draw. I can show all my emotion. My other way to be creative is to write. I recently stared having to write letters to my cousin at boot camp like I did 3 days ago. I really show my creativity in that.

Leigha Jordan said...

Creativity is important because you can express yourself and your creative energy. I'm creative when I write stories, sketch or doodle, or work on a project. Anytime I've ever taken an art class in school, I feel like my creativity is being fostered because there creativity and uniqueness are encouraged. My favorite way to be creative is experimenting with makeup because there are so many things to try, especially during special events, like spirit week.

Leigha Jordan-Smith 4th/5th period

Unknown said...

Creativity is so important to everyday life. I am creative when i write, Even though i am not very good drawing but i sometimes come up with cool idea's when i think about drawing. When you are creative you can accomplish more in life. Creativity can be a good resource to have when applying for a job, working on a project etc. Our creative minds make us who we are everyday and make all of us different in out own way.

Unknown said...

Creativity is a very important thing that should be cherished but instead is frowned upon in society. Creativity is not equivalent to intelligence. A highly intelligent individual does not mean they are creative. Society has told us that creativity and individuality are bad things and that everyone should be the same and because of that many people don’t succeed in life because they are creative or different then people that have no intelligence at all are multi-millionaires or multi-billionaires just because they have a certain name or they are related to these people who just got lucky and won the lottery.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because without it we most likely wouldn't be here right now. It took creativity to make the weapons, fire, houses, and mostly anything. I used to be creative by drawing but i don't do it anymore and I also used to sew. Now I just like to do hair and decorate. I've never had an educational experience that influenced creativity but my favorite creative thing to do is hair.

Cora White 4/5