Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 Teaser Trailer – ‘Join The Revolution’

How and why are the roles of government the most significant issues in our everyday life according to the episodes in Mockingjay. Give specific examples of incidents and their importance to Katniss and her quests in the third part of the Collin's trilogy.


Unknown said...

The roles of the government are the most significant in our lives because the government is supposed to enforce laws, make the country a better place and protect citizens. In Mockingjay, the government is really strict and unfair. It is lead by a man who has way too much power. To show that he does, every year he would send 2 tributes, one female and one male, from every district to fight in an arena until one tribute was left. Katniss is standing for what she believes is right, she rebels against the capitol, and is trying to protect the people she loves and cares for. For instance, she didn't agree to be Mockingjay until President Coin agreed to give the tributes in the capitol immunity, in the first book she would have rather died with Peeta to show that they weren't just tributes in the games, and she volunteered for her sister to go into the Hunger Games to protect her.

Tamara Taylor 1/2period

Unknown said...

The government is a bug issue in the book. It's not fair, outrageous, and it's not a good way to protect the way they're living at the point they are at. They're fighting each other and killing one another because of how their government is set up. There everyday life isn't a way people should live. Katniss is not really starting to believe coin and how they're just using her because of the interview peeta done.

Lakisha jones 4/5 period

Anonymous said...

The government was made to protect us and to make this country good and fair. In the Mockingjay the government does none of these. The government is ruled by president snow an evil man with too much power. An example of one of the evil things he has done is put teenagers into an arena to fight. When Katniss Everdeen gets put into the arena she makes a friend. But she is later killed. This makes Katniss even angrier than she already was. To add onto that she has to kill others to survive. After being the victor along with Peeta she now wants to get president snow out of his position.

Connor Saunders 1/2 period

Gabriellakoski22 said...

Government is very important in our every day life. In Mocking Jay government was also very important because they controlled every aspect of the citizens lives. Even though the government appeared to be helping its people, it always came wuth a price that someone had to suffer. An example of one of the horrible things that President Snow did, is got a group of teenaged tributes and forced them to fight in an arena. The rules were harsh but simple, they were to fight until only one tribute was left and they were declared the winner if the hunger games.

Gabriella Koski 1/2

Unknown said...

Th government is a big issue in our everyday life because your not aloud to rob banks still cars and kill people. The government is ruled by president barrack o bama and not every body likes him but they have to listen to him. In the book president snow is the leader of the government. President snow is an evil man with way to much power.president snow puts teenagers in the hunger games to kill each other and some of them are friends and some are not.katniss is mad that she is in the hunger games. She has to kill people to survive to win the hunger games and when it's just pweta and katniss they were told they had to kill each other who ever dies the person who is still alive win the hunger games. Katniss want to kill snow for capturing peeta and brain washing him. The first movie prim was a suppose to be in the hunger games but katniss volunteers as tribute because she does not want her sister to die and she rather her be in the hunger game with peeta than her sister be in the the hunger games with peeta

Gavin Collins 6/7period

Unknown said...

The government plays a big role and our everyday lives. They are supposed to enforce our laws but in Mockingjay they makes a lot worse. In Mockingjay President Snow turns against everybody. He is supposed to be the president of the capital and like our president he is supposed to give us our laws and fix them. President Snow turns against everybody and makes the laws his way. He sends Katniss symbols stating his revenge and she knows that, but she still goes after him anyways as the Mockingjay. She becomes Mockingjay to help all of her fellow citizens and destroyed President Snow for revenge. Katniss sends messages to him over the proto. He doesn't pay attention to them because he thinks he can beat Katniss.

Unknown said...

Our government was formed to try to prevent turmoil. They create the laws we have to follow. Sometimes the government does good things but also do bad things as well. In the story the government believes what it is doing is right but it isn’t because you are making people kill each other. It is just like a war killing other people to win so you don’t die. There wouldn’t be any hunger games if it weren’t for all the districts trying to go against the government so the hunger games were made to punish all the districts. Government plays a big part in our everyday life.

Jared Stern 4/5th period

Unknown said...

The government is important to our everyday life. They have simple rules for us to follow. The laws protect us from harm. They stop people from doing the wrong things. The government thinks they are doing the right thing. I don't think this is right. They 2 people from each district fight to the death. They killing each other for the Capitol's enjoyment. They fight for nothing, the winner just gets to live for a bit longer. In the games she has to make allies to help her but later they are killed in the game. She wants to save Peeta from the Capitol.

Anonymous said...

LTo be in the government would be a hard job. Some people will hate you and some will like you a lot. Based on the decisions you make people like or hate you. There is no way you can make everyone happy. You just have to make the decisions you think are right. But the government is suppose to make things better for us and not worse. In the mocking jay the capital which is the government makes things worse by starting war and violence. The hunger games is a very dumb thing for the government to do. Many people hate it but rich people like it cause they can watch. It's basically sending very strong powerful people into a arena with very weak and scared people. The hunger games starts war and violence so that is a bad choice for the capital.

Unknown said...

The government in mocking jay has completely taken over the districts. This puts them in the power to do whatever they want, like bomb a hospital in district 8. President Snow is the evil mastermind behind the government system in Panem. He is the one who invented the hunger games and all the suffering that comes with it. The government is run solely by him. I see Snow as a power hungry tyrant just like the leaders back in older times. Nobody knew what to do so someone stepped up into power and controlled everything. This is what I relate Snow to. Even our American government could use some work on ensuring jobs for the common people. In reality, no government is perfect, but ours isn't as bad as Panems.

Garrett Spitznogle said...

The government plays a big role on how we live in society. They enforce the laws to keep us in check and make sure nothing bad happens. The government is their to keep things from turning bad. In the story, the Capitol believes that they are helping their country. In reality their not. Having games where someone gets picked to fight for the death for their own enjoyment is not the very helpful to me. The Rebels are doing something great for the cause, and having Katniss as their Mockingjay is even better. Getting rid of the capital would be a great achievement for them.

malachiwest said...

The government plays a big role in are everyday lives. If there's wasn't no government the world would be every different. Like getting jobs and taxes. The hunger games government is like there is not government. There really isn't a government because the government don't help the people get better they make it worst. There are people killing each other and the government is blowing different districts up. Half of the districts are blowin up because of the government. It's like government wants people to died if the government is killing people and using people as slave to fight in the games. The government job is to help people that that are poor or don't have a place to go. In the hunger games it's every man for themselves because the government don't want them to live the government want them to died . And the war in the hunger games is just a way so the government can kill people

Unknown said...

The government places a big role in our everyday lives.the government helps us do good and keep things from going bad. And if something's does go bad than they have our backs. They protects us from everyday harm. Like in The hunger games tho there are two people from each district that fights for no reason to there death. There doing it for the capitol. But our government helps us to make sure we don't do the wrong things. Justyn Williams 4/5 period

Unknown said...

The government is in charge of keeping our country in order. It creates basic laws and systems for us to obey. Our rules/ laws are reasonable. in mockingjay, the government is unreasonable! they are making it hard to do anything right. Katniss, wants to give people ammunition. she wants Peeta to be ok! She also wants to kill President Snow because of all the pain she has put them through.

Brailey Gouzd

Unknown said...

The government is in charge of keeping our country in order. It also plays a big role in our every day life.If their was no government the world would be different. The hunger games government is not Like our government.they enforce the laws to keep us from disobey our rules

Unknown said...

The roles of the government are significant, because it makes, passes, and enforces laws. In Mocking Jay they are going about it all wrong, the story shows that the government likes to put people on whipping posts, mistreat people, beat them, and making turn against each other. In our government they inforce the law, and make sure that people are being treated the right way. The peace keepers are like the C.I.A, but in a bad way. During Katniss’s Quest people were hurt like Gale when they were walking in the streets the peace keepers were attacking and Gale had seen a person getting whipped on a post and intervened. Once he had stopped the peace keeper he was then strapped to the whipping post and was horribly beaten.

Franklin Bush Jr.
Period 4/5

Unknown said...

In they Mocking jay book they have a unfair government. The districts are trying to rebel. In Mocking Jay part 1 they are making the propos for the other districts to see. I believe that this kind of government will eventually happen in the United States. The peace keepers are like the police and military. They enforce the rule or laws, much like in a police state or a country under martial law. Washington D.C would be the capitol, or maybe a city out west that would have survived the initial conflicts. My father says that this is a very scary book series, because it is the direction in which the United States is heading.

Brooke said...

The roles of the government in the book are so important because with would them the evil people would live with the innocent and cause so many problems. I mean its not a perfect government, they still fight but they don't live in they same area so they aren't bringing the rest of the districts down with them. The separation between the capital needs to be there, everyone is against them. Yet President Snow still brings trouble to all. In the book he leaves Katniess a rose which means he is waiting for revenge.

Unknown said...

The government is in charge of keeping our country in order. The government is supposed to enforce laws, make the country a better place and protect citizens. The government in the hunger is really strict and unfair. It is lead by a man who has way too much power. To show that he does, every year he would send 2 tributes, one female and one male, from every district to fight in an arena until one tribute was left.

Unknown said...

In our government they treat everyone like they are equal and in Mocking Jay the government doesn’t care about people. We have freedom to do whatever we want to do or say and in Mocking Jay they give them schedules and tell them what to do every minute of every day. President Snow is unfair and he turns people away from each other. Katniss does not like how President Snow convinces everyone he is right, but then go right behind their back. President Coin is not so different from Snow. Coin had Katniss’s prep team locked up being beaten and starved.

Kaylee Elsey 6\7 Period

Unknown said...

In the Mockingjay, the districts were ruled by President Snow, a man with a cold heart. He created the Hunger Games for the joy of watching the tributes killing one another. What could be worse than that? Because of the unfairness, Katniss Everdeen decided to take a stand. She is willing to fight for freedom. To have a republic government, where each district gets to choose one person to be their voice during fights. Just like Katniss standing up for others when needed, that is a good leader. Different examples include the time when she volunteered to take Prim’s place. When she held out those berries, sang a song to Rue, carried Mags to escape. Again and again, that is what a good leader does.

Lucy Chen Period 6/7

Unknown said...

In the hunger games the government trys to kill people instead of save them and keep them safe. In our government we enforce laws and keep people out of harm instead of kill people. The mocking jays government wants to send people to the hunger games to be killed and only one person is able to win . Katniss is voiceing her opinion and trying to save people and get better conditions for people. She doesn't want any more hungers and for people to be killed for no reason Katniss just wanted freedom and rights for all people.

Unknown said...

In the hunger games the government trys to kill people instead of save them and keep them safe. In our government we enforce laws and keep people out of harm instead of kill people. The mocking jays government wants to send people to the hunger games to be killed and only one person is able to win . Katniss is voiceing her opinion and trying to save people and get better conditions for people. She doesn't want any more hungers and for people to be killed for no reason Katniss just wanted freedom and rights for all people.
Jarius jackson

Unknown said...

The government plays a crucial part in each and every one of our lives. It decides how we are to live, and what actions we can do. It is our armour, and our protection. It keeps us safe, and united. However, in Susan Collin's "Mockinngjay" book, the government takes a different turn on their society. Nothing is equal, which causes a rebellion against the Capitol. The Capitol kills off their own people, and this action is most commonly recalled in their "games". Katniss is trying to put a stop to this, and get the Capitol's power lowered.

Mackenzie Stanley 1/2

Alex Morris said...

In the everyday world government is making people do the wrong the thing. They either abuse their power or don't use it and let people take over there government and rule. People follow there leaders or hate there leaders. It is up to them. We need to all have the same government and choose the best leaders. In Mockingjay President Snow abuses his power. He decides to use his power and take over his country. Katniss is over with this so she needs to take over him. Katniss and others are trying to take over which is a good division in this case. Alex 4/5

Unknown said...

We have a representative democracy, the best you could have. Governments are supposed to ensure that everything is fair and that everything is going smoothly. In mockingjay it is the complete opposite. Their government is ran by a dictator. He wants everything his way and since Katniss won't give it to him, it is a struggle. It causes this big hassle because all of the districts are not agreeing on what this dictator has to say. Now he is just killing people for no apparent reason because he is feeling salty over the fact that he can't control his country.
Keyonna 1/2

Unknown said...

The role of government is significant because they control the place we live. If our government is evil and cruel like President Snow is to the districts of Panem, life would be terrible. I think Snow has too much power and that Panem should be a republic like the districts want. In Mockingjay, Snow has complete control and does what he wants. He destroys districts and takes what he wants from them. The government and the capitol live wealthy while the districts live in poverty. I think the rebellion is a good cause and that they need to defeat Snow.

Unknown said...

Government is a huge part of our daily lives if we didn't have laws the world would be crazy because people would do anything the wanted. Laws prevent that from happening they keep everyone in line so nobody gets hurt. If you want to disobey these laws then you get put in jail. In The Hunger Games the government is the total oppsite the government is almost against you. President Snow is abusing his power he sends people into the Hunger Games to fight. Snow has way to much power he has control over everyone so he makes them do whatever he wants.

Unknown said...

The government is important in our everyday lives for a lot of reasons. One reason is they make laws so that way our country has structure and rules. Another reason is that the government is what defends us from people who want to kill us. Our issues with the government is they charge us which can cause poverty. In the hunger games the government is bad. They are basically torturing people for their own amusement. For example the hunger games.

Frazier said...

In the Mockingjay the capital is the government . The rebels are against the capital because they are for violent some war. The people of district two are for the capital. To be in the government would be a tough job because some people are for you and some people are against you. Since the capital is in control of the government they control the districts. The capital Distric The capital bombed district 8 While Catniss was visiting a hospital. The vent cause caught Katniss to make a great progra The event caused Katniss to make a great propo. The event also fed the fire in Catniss to be Kill Snow.

Frazier said...

Zach Frazier 4

Unknown said...

The government is the most important because ot is meant to watch after those below it. They also have a tight agenda to follow and things to take care of for lower districts. One main event in the story was when katniss first started shooting unscripted propos. At 8 she visited a hospital and was attacked. another important part was when she first agreed to be the mocking jay. These were important because they fueled rebellion against the capitol.

Anonymous said...

The main source of power in The Hunger Games is the totalitarian government of the Capitol. Because the Capitol holds most of the country of Panem's wealth, the government there is able to control the people in all of the districts across Panem. The rebellion fights against this power in the Mockingjay and will keep fighting back if the Capitol keeps giving them ammunition, for example during Katniss's visit to district 8 to make propaganda, she visits a hospital that later gets bombed by the Capitol, thus feeding the fire for the rebellion resulting in Katniss be put op to the challenge of killing president snow...

Unknown said...

the government is most important. Because they make the rules and the citizens follow the rules. the government is like a store or a restaurant you have to follow the rules or you will be kicked out . If you don't follow the governments rules you will go to jail.

Unknown said...

The goverment is most important so we can fix issues.Katniss has to be the mockingjay that means she is the image of the districts. With her being the mockingjay she has many different roles taking care of the people, and then her family.

Zoey Lewis said...

The government is significant in people lives because if we didn't have a government everything would be crazy. If the government didn't enforce laws and control the crazy people everyone would be dead. For example, when katniss told Coin she would be the Mockingjay if coin agreed to get certain people immunity, and she agreed.

Unknown said...

the government is important because it controls the people and the things they do. Like how the government split everything up into districts they keep everything in order. like it is there job to take care of everything. Like in the hunger games how the take care of the districts.

Unknown said...

The government is one of the most important things ever. The government and the laws they make keep people from going around and killing each other for the fun of it. Without the government nobody would have control there would be so much more rape, murder, thievery, and vandalism. If we had no laws then we would have no chance.
We are lucky to have the government we have here in the united states, there are some flaws but overall the government is okay. However; some peoples have horrible governments. One example of a bad government is the government that rules the 13 districts in the hunger games trilogy. The government that rules Katniss Everdeen, her friends, and her family, is a government that has there younger citizens kill each other off for money, food, and fame. The government ( President Snow) then uses the "victors" to make money for them by doing various things such as sex slavery. The capitols president is a dictator and will destroy anyone or anything that gets in his way. he will torture your loved ones if you dare rebel and will find multiple way to break you. this is not how the government is supposed to work. The government is supposed to fight for tits citizens not against them and the government is supposed to help those in poverty, not sit back and watch them fight their way out of it for their own enjoyment purposes.

Unknown said...

The government is very important. It keeps us in order. Without the government there wouldn't be any laws. People could just go on a killing spree and no one could do anything about it. There wouldn't be no buildings because we get money from the government to build them. So we would be jobless and homeless. An example of the government in the Mocking Jay are when they sent Katniss off to the hunger games that is something that her government did. Also the President Snow gets away with what he wants because he is the government. They call it the capital thinking that more than one person runs it but, It's just President Snow and he don't care what anyone says because if they get in his way he can just kill them. Then not feel bad about it.

Cora White 4/5

Unknown said...

In the Mockingjay the capital is the government . The rebels are against the capital because they are for violent some war. The people of district two are for the capital. To be in the government would be a tough job because some people are with you and some people are against you. Since the capital is in control of the government they control the districts. The capital bombed a district 8 hospital while Katniss was visiting it. The vent cause caught Katniss to make a great program. The event caused Katniss to make a great propo. The event also fed the fire in Katniss to Kill Snow.

Unknown said...

Government is very important in our everyday life. In Mocking Jay government was also very important because they controlled every aspect of the citizens’ lives. Even though the government appeared to be helping its people, it always came with a price that someone had to suffer. One example of the horrible thing that President Snow did is got a group of teenagers or tributes and forced them to fight in huge arena. The rules were harsh but simple, they had to fight until only one person was left and they were declared the winner of the hunger games.

Trey Buracker 6-7

Unknown said...

The governemt is a valuable asset in our everyday life that influences what we do, and the desicions we make. The main tasks of the government is to fix problems and organize and create new ways to advance, protect and fix the community. But sometimes, that's not all the government is out to do. This was the case for katniss everdeen and her fellows at the districts. The capitol, which is the governemt, is limiting people of their freedom. Katniss is now the leader of the rebels, who will attempt to over throw the capitol. With every move, every word she speaks, every breath she takes, katniss' "lover" is severely beaten and brainwashed by the capitol. In a race to save peeta, over throw the capitol, kill snow, and rescue injured people, katniss has a lot on her plate.

Leigha Jordan said...

The purpose of the government is to create a fair system of life for the residents of the body being governed. They protect us and try to ensure equality and peace. In Mockingjay, the government is outlandish, cruel, and unfair. For example, the bombing of district 12 resulted in the loss of thousands of innocent lives, and victims of abuse from the system fueled by the government and Capitol. Katniss, along with the rebels, realizes how malicious they are. She wants to abolish the current system of governing in Panem, and create a representative democracy.
Leigha Jordan-Smith 4th/5th period

Unknown said...

The government is a bug issue in the book. It's not fair, outrageous, and it's not a good way to protect the way they're living at the point they are at. They're fighting each other and killing one another because of how their government is set up. There everyday life isn't a way people should live. Katniss is not really starting to believe coin and how they're just using her because of the interview peeta done.

Unknown said...

The government is a really important thing to our country. It basically holds our country together. The purpose of governments is to make a fair system to protect us and ensure equality and peace. In mockingjay the government isn't good and isn't fair. Its not fair because some districts are more powerful than others. For example like the bombing in district 12 , it killed thousands of innocent people. Katniss wants to create a representative democracy.

Madi Balzer said...

Government is important to our country because, it keeps us in line, even if it's a very flexible line. The government keeps our streets safe, and our schooling free. On the downside, the government has/had a lot of restrictions. Not until recently, was gay marriage illegal, and there are lots of rules for so many different things. In Mockingjay, the government was far worse than ours. They are fighting to overthrow the Capitol and make a more equalized, civil government.

Derrick said...

government is the reason every thing works out why taxes are paid . the reason government is around is for the world to evolve as one giant colony. the world is becoming better from the changes to the government . I thank the government for what its done with America . still don't like Donald trump .

Cindy Maina said...

The roles of the government are the most significant in our lives because the government is supposed to obey the laws, and make our country safe. In Mockingjay, the government is nowhere near what its suppose to be. It is lead by a man who has way too much power, like how he sends two people from each district to fight for their lives. And it seems like Katniss is the only one who can't stand for it much longer. Katniss also volunteered for her sister to go into the Hunger Games to protect her.

Unknown said...

The roles in our government are like directions in our lives. They show us what roads to take and others not to take. They are the laws we are supposed to follow. But in mackingjay, Pamen. The laws there were
Supposed to shape it's people. But instead it tears them apart. Like when Latinas was supposed to stay down away from the roof when 8 was being attacked. But her and gale went on the roof and tryed to shot what ever they could to help. And they did so the laws there tear them apart were here they bring us together.

Unknown said...

The roles of government are the most significant because our govern meant is supposed to enforce the laws to keep our country safe. In mocking jay the government does not help the citizens, the laws r awful , they kiill innocent people, and it's not safe for people to be living in a society like that. The president made an awful game called the hunger games where they pick two people from each district to go against each other and the last one standing wins.


Leah Chaney said...

The roles of government are most significant because our government is suppose to make sure people follow the rules and to keep us safe. In the mockingjay their government only cares about certain people and they don't care if people die or not.

Unknown said...

in the mocking jay the government isnt fair at all, its suppose to care about every individual
but it doesnt it could care less about anyone else lives its selfish living in a society like this is terrible and i hope to god that this isnt how we will turn out

Unknown said...

I didn't think that the government in mocking jay was fair at all. A government is supposed to keep your country safe and it didn't do that at all. In this government doesn't help citizens instead they kill each other in what they like to call the hunger games. it's not safe at all what if you get out of the areana and have a flashback and kill someone. Then what are you going to do. This is why inlove my country and its laws.

Unknown said...

Government is important because they enforce laws , they try to make our country a better place for us to live in. In the books Collins has written the laws aren't very fair. Their our kids fighting in the Hungar games and loseing their life at a young age. Also their distracts aren't given a lot of food or anything. In the third part Katniss is trying to kill president snow so their country will be fair, and they won't have to fight and have the Hungar games. Katniss is doing anything she can.

AMBNICHO said...

Government is important in many ways. By, peading our country and keeping us safe. The government in mockingjay is mot fair. They turned the districts against them by creating the hunger games. The districts are not given much supplies to live on while the capitol is thriving on thework from the districts. So i am glad that our country has it's laws that keep us safe and protected. -Brandon Nichols