Saturday, July 25, 2015

Dave Pelzer on Larry King

How has this book affected you?


Anonymous said...

This book made me really realize how big of a problem child abuse really is and how bad it can be. In the book which is a true story Davids mother burns his arm over a stove top, she even mixes together chemicals to make a gas chamber and he passes out and vomits. I never realized how brutal child abuse can be because David is a seven year old boy and his mother punches him and even stabs him in the ribs. When I hear of child abuse I always hear about famous people hitting their kids you never hear about the regular people abusing their kids cause no one pays attention to it. Reading this book has made me realize how bad child abuse is and how brutal people are to their kids.

Gabriellakoski22 said...

This book made me stop and think of how lucky I truley live. Here I am complaining about what my mom cooks me for dinner when some kids like David don't even get dinner. I never really took into consideration how bad child abuse can actually be. David's mother stabbed him in his ribs, burnt his arm on the gas stove and mixed chemicals which made him pass out and then vomit. It is really hard to believe that this had happened to David but unfortunately it did, and it is probably happening to 1000's of children all over the world. Reading this book made me realize how some kids have to come home from school to get stabbed and starved. It is a very sad thing that happens but unfortunately does. I really wish that people wouldn't do that to their own kids but, some people do.

Anonymous said...

This book definitely made me stop and think. Although we complain about the most miniscule things David Pelzer’s life as child was the definition of a living hell. I can definitely think of a time where I thought my life sucked, but looking at the big picture I now realize that my life is so far from being like David’s. My life has openings for so many possibilities when David could hardly even join the cub scouts. I’m so thankful that I can say I live a happy life. I am blessed to say that I have to loving parents who their main priority is to make sure I succeed in my life.
-Alexander Beafore 1st – 2nd period

Lucy Chen said...

This book helped me realized just how painful it must’ve been when children around the world getting abused. Knowing that these terrible things are actually happening, and there’s not much we could do about it is really sad. Just thinking about what they go through each day makes me tear up. Seriously, what kind of a parent would do such a thing to their own child? So, to prevent as much happening as possible, try not to prejudge someone around you. Maybe there’s actually something going on in his/her life that we didn’t know about. After having read the book, I felt really lucky to be living in the surrounding I am currently.

Lucy Chen Period 6/7

Unknown said...

The book has made me realize how difficult life can be for a child. David went through so many things in life, that you have to wonder how he still lives to this day. I think what saved him was his will to live. He made it his goal to survive. No child should have to make it their goal to survive because of their mother. He had a "can't be stopped" mentality that helped him often. He makes us rethink our ways and our attitudes. What we think is hard and tough is really a walk in the park for Dave. Also, the one person he could rely on, left him. His father promised that he'd help him, but then took mothers side as he brushed it off like it was nothing. The book is bwey I inspiring.

Unknown said...

This book makes me think about how lucky I am to not be abused. I think my parents are unfair when I get things taken away for punishment but nothing compares to David Pelzer’s story. When my dad was little they still had corporal punishment in school. Kids used to be abused by teachers in school not just at home. He told me that if he got in trouble in school and got hit he also got hit at home for getting in trouble. No one ever talked about being abused for fear of getting hit more. Now people share their stories about what had happened to them when they were little. We need to help someone if they are getting abused by telling someone about it.

Unknown said...

This book makes me think how lucky I am not to be abused. For the people that are we need to help them by telling someone. David Peltzers punishments were unecessary. Theres times where a kid should be punished but not over a stove. I mean I complain when I get punished but I know its to keep me safe or under control.

Madi Balzer said...

While reading this book, I have come to realize how not only common, but also hidden it is. People from school didn’t know about David’s abuse until he said it. This book really makes you think about your friends and classmates and just people you know. You think to yourself like, “What if their parents it them?” or “What if they haven’t eaten in days?” You really start to think, and it also makes you really upset if people you know start to show the same signs that David showed. Like holes in clothes, smelling bad, not caring about their work etc. Overall this book is really sad, but also really informative. I think people should really read the book so they know what it’s like to live like that. People need to know that it could be worse, and they need to know that child abuse is very real and it is right here, probably in this very school.

Unknown said...

This book made me feel like all the problems i have cant even compair to the problems some other children have... And how their could be that one normal kid at school doing what he can to be good enough but when he gets home he just gets pushed down...Child abuse is not a joke its not something to joke around with... Its something that needs to be recognized... Just the thought of those kids that actually do suffer from any form of abuse just makes me cringe it isnt fair... The worlds just not fair..

Unknown said...

This book has made me realize how nice my life was as a child. He has went through more difficult things as a child than most people go through there whole life. It has also made me realize the big problem of child abuse it is a huge problem that 1,000s of children go through every day of there childhood. We don't realize all of the problems they face as a child we look at some people and don't realize what they go through they probably haven't eaten in a long time, and get hit for no reason by there parents. They have probably some of the problems that David has had like holes in clothing, bad odor. But we don't realize the struggle of these kids and i think everyone that gets abused should use the same attitude as David and use it as a learning experience and write a book or become a motivational speaker. but we don't realize what these horrible parents do to these harmless children.

Broderick Rohrbaugh 1&2nd period.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This book made me realize how bad child abuse can be. David Pelzer's mother started abusing him at a very young age. She burned him on a lit stove, rarely ever fed him, stabbed him on his chest, always made him feel bad about himself, and called him an "it" child. David had no friends at school, kids constantly bullied him, and his brothers acted as if he was never there. No child should ever have to feel this way. This also made me realize how thankful and fortunate I am for what I have. I have amazing friends, a loving family, and people who care about me.

Tamara Taylor 1/2nd period

Garrett Spitznogle said...

This book made me stop and think about how lucky I am in life. Knowing some people have to live like this and nobody glances an eye, or even help. Its heart breaking to listen to this type of story and live through the pain and suffering. Realizing that David had the courage to keep on moving when time looks grim is mind blowing! If I was in David's situation I most likely would have given up. This book expanded my mind and to see that this stuff happens to date. It takes a special type of person to live through hell.

Unknown said...

This book made me realize how good my life is. When I read that his mom burned arm with a stove and mix chemicals to make a gas chamber. It's heart breaking to hear what this morther did to her child. Nobody realizes it when it's happening or not able to stand up. I would of done the same thing David did, I would stay strong until I got help and if help never came I think I would take my life then be abused for the rest of my life. This book made me open my eyes and think how good my life is compared to David's.

Unknown said...

The book taught me that child abuse is a major problem in todays society. David's mother started abusing him at a young age. She punched him, stabbed him, and terrible things you couldn't even imagine doing to a child. She said he was trash and everything else to make him feel like he's nothing. Also, he was bullied at school and kids made fun of him everyday. This story showed that we take a lot of things for granted in life. here is always someone out there that has it worse than you. David had the drive to make something better of himself, by becoming an author and a father. This made me realize how good I have it. This was a really inspirational story that shows you not to take anything for granted in life.

Unknown said...

This book had a huge effect on everyone in the class. It made everyone who read it stop and think about their own family, and how good most of us have it in life. It is hard to believe that in the blink of an eye someone can go from having a loving mother and home life to literally living a life that is hell on earth. It is also extraordinary that he could over come these issues not only to be successful personally, but also to help so many other people. I had to stop and think about my own home life. Not only with my parents, but with my aunts, uncles, and grandparents. I am surrounded by people who not only look out for my best interests, but are there to support me and help me grow as a person.

Unknown said...

Reading the book made me understand child abuse better. I always thought abusing your child would just be like punching them in the arm for doing something wrong. Or like taking punishment to a high level. I never thought it would be like this. I pictured child abuse like Johnny's abuse from the Outsiders. The book made me think about child abuse and how maybe this could be happening right now.

Anonymous said...

This book made me realize how bad child abuse is. It made me realize how awesome and lucky my life is. I feel bad for some people that get abused and dont have a loving mother. Im suprised that David didnt commit suicide and stay strong and survive being abused. This book made realize that i have a loving mother and family that look out for me and love me and support.

Unknown said...

This book isn't anything a child would want to go through and experience. This is disgusting and has so much disrespect in so many ways. This book has made me understand the things some children go through, maybe on a daily basis. All abuse isn't the same weither if it's emotionally, physically, mentally abuse. Either way you abuse someone, it still can affect them in all kinds of Ways. This book made me realize how important it is to be have caution in these situations. Lakisha jones 4/5th period

Cindy Maina said...

This book has made me realize how far people take with these kinds of things. I never knew how brutal people can be with there own children. When i hear about child abuse i always think parents slapping their kids or grabbing them in an intense way. I would have never thought of someone laying there kid on a stove, making them eat baby poop,forcing them to drink Clorox and ammonia. This book made me realize how there are kids out there who go through this everyday if not worse but the thing is, some kids never do get saved like David did.

Alexus Williams said...

This book had made me think a lot about my life and how lucky I am. I wish child abuse was never a thing but sadly it is. The thing that made me wonder about the the book was why did she do this I know she hated David, but why did he have to be the one to suffer she could have put him in foster care cause he didn't need to go through this. The book has made me realize that I'm really lucky to have a family that loves me and stay strong for me even in the hard times

Bmasters said...

The book made me feel bad. In our generation, we think that getting grounded is a terrible thing. We don't get treated badly at all compared to what David went through. I do dishes and other chores to help out in my house but it's not the same as when David did chores. David only had a little time to get his chores done but we don't have time limits. This book made me realize just how blessed I have been to be adopted. David's abuse started when his mom started drinking. My parents don't drink. I realized how much we take for granted and how much teenagers complain about their parents for things not important such as what David went through. The book has made me realize that life isn't as bad as we sometimes think. Life is great compared to David's life.

Unknown said...

After reading the book it made me thank of how terrible abuse actually is. I thank a child should not be abuse jest because they get i truble. I fill really lucky that i don't get abused. I fill like david did nothing wrong that his mom was filling bad and he was the one there she could take it out on. But the thing that i don't understand is why would she jest take it out on him. I also thank that abuse should not be a thing that people should not do it. Yes i understand that it is illegal but people should not do it they don't know how it fills there jest doing it to help themselves. That jest because they do something wrong they should not be beat. I thank that standing in the corner is ok but not being physically hart.

Unknown said...

Besides the fact of making me sick to my stomach, this book makes me realize all the good things that I have. In the book David gets abused in so many different ways and forms that aren't even explainable. Sometimes I overexaggerate how my parents are. I know that they are tough on me and we both take it out of proportion. I feel bad for ever feeling sorry for myself because what this little boy has went through at such a young age is just ridiculous. I think that we should really help end child abuse entirely. It really has effects on children when they get around other people. Maybe that is why we have so many bullies. They get bullied at home so they take it out on other people. Child abuse is wrong period and it should really stop. Whoever abuses the amazing creature that came from them should really be punished.

Unknown said...

After reading this book it made me realize how good of a life I have unlike David in the story. I think this book raised child abuse awareness around the world. In our generation child abuse is less common because it is now against the law unlike it used to be. Even though it still happens. The main reason for children getting abused by their parents is because when they're parents were children they would get abused by they're parents. But their should be no reason for abusing your child just for them doing something wrong.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

This book made me realize how bad child abuse is. It affected me in a lot of ways. It made me really upset thinking that a little boy would have been abused that bad. It made me think that I have a easy life and I should be thankful for how my parents treat me. A child should never be beaten like that or forced to lay over a stove. If I ever got beaten like that I would have told someone after the first time. Also you shouldn't get stabbed by your mom, that one hit me hard, I almost was in tears. Hopefully now, that your parent can get in trouble for it abusing you, you'll tell someone.

Unknown said...

This book made me realize how very fortunate I am. I am loved and well cared for by my parents. It made me feel extremely sad because no one should ever have to live the way David did. It also made me feel horrible and sick the way David was mistreated. This book made me aware of how big a problem child abuse is even though it is illegal. I didn't realize how bad some children have it and that not all children have mothers who love them and protect them. Those people who abuse children should be punished severely.

Unknown said...

After reading this book I realized how good I have it. When I read this book I thought I had it easy but I know I have it easy if David got abused every day until he was like twelve or thirteen when he went to school he had to go to the nurse every day to tell her where all the bruses came from and he had to lie to the nurse and say he got hit by the door and ran in to the wall. The nurse knew he was getting abused but he begged her not to call his mom and tell her. Because he would get hurt even more than he already did

Unknown said...

I feel like child abuse is a big problem. Not nearly as big as it used to be. For one because there is now laws on it. Also because of staff at school's. I feel like this book has made a huge difference in this world. It changes anyone's point of view that has even read the first chapter or even the first page of this book. My mother began reading this book. She started it reading after her first son or my oldest brother was born. She did not finish it and she still after 15 years remembers every bit she read and conciders it disgusting, sad, horrible. She also thinks that what she did to him should be done to her. It also will make you never ever want to eat hot dogs again.
Maggie Myers 6/7

Unknown said...

This book has given me a new understanding of child abuse. How could someone hurt a child to that point? Who knew that a parent would actually abuse a child that badly? A child or person should not have to go through that. A child should have a normal life. I never fully understood how alcohol could affect someone until I read this book. I have always thought a parent or guardian should not drink or do drugs because of the results. I am so thankful for the life I have. After reading this book, I appreciate my family and friends even more.

Kaylee Elsey 6/7 period

Unknown said...

Yes this book has affected me. It made think about child abuse and how much it really happens. Your neighbors could be child abusers,drug abusers, or alcohol abusers, and you would never know. I didn't realize how good my home life is until I read this book. I put myself in David's shoes and how I would feel if l were David and I felt like I was nothing like I didn't matter. I can't even imagine being David it got so bad at times that he questioned god. I couldn't even imagine being a parent and beating my kid like that. I don't know how you could even strike or punch or smack a little kid. I just wanted to take that little kid away and smack the mother. David is unstoppable and that is great. That is how the book made me feel.

Unknown said...

Reading the novel "The Child Called It," written by David Peltzer caused me to think about life in a different way. I reflected on all of the times that I said "my life is horrible." I had no idea that some kids actually have such truly "horrible" lives. It was eye opening. It was really hard for me to read this because it wasn't a piece of fiction. The author had these things happen to him. He is a very strong person to forgive his mother for all the years of torture that he endured at her hands. I don't know that I would have had the strength to survive. I admire the fortitude of the author, and his bravery in telling his story. I will live my own life with more appreciation after reading this book.

Court Ciemania
1/2 period

Unknown said...

Reading this book affected me a lot because it taught me that some people out there have it really bad to the point where I want to throw up. It also taught me that no matter how bad it is to still have hope and still believe that it is going to get better. What really got me was how she could think of all the awful ideas on how to Torture this pore child for example mixing Clorox and bleach together and making a gas chamber. It affected me in a lot of different ways but It still blows my mind that he could get threw all that torture and living possibly the worst life ever and turn out to be this great guy and he still had that little bit of hope that got him through it all.

Unknown said...

“The Child Called It” by David Pelzer, touched my life and affected me by seeing how some parents could treat their children. I know that Mr. Pelzer had gone through a lot especially during his childhood. My mom use to be a social worker and she was able to tell me that not all children have a good childhood. She said that most of the instances she dealt with the parents were part of the problem. Mr. Pelzer was in that type of situation. His mother was the aggressor and his father was passive. His father like most fathers had to work outside of the home to provide for their families. He was not aware of what was going on at first. It seems as though Mr. Pelzer did not blame his father. As a matter of fact, he said that he was with his dad when he “passed away in my arms.” His mother had the mentality that, “if you can forgive me for stabbing (the big things) you, you can forgive me for everything else (the small things).” These were the things that Mr. Pelzer said in the interview. Mr. Pelzer had a bad childhood, but as my mom would say, “He has turned his negative into a positive.” He did not let how he was treated as a child affect how he treated his child. I am glad that he is now a motivational speaker and helps others.
Franklin Bush

Alex Morris said...

The Child Called It was a very graphic book and made me sick. This book has effected me in many ways. One is I am very great full of my life. I don't get beaten for no good reason. It has also showed me how bad child abuse is. I never just sat there and thought how bad some people have it. Child abuse is a big thing in this country unfortunately. Adults should love there children and not beat them. Dave Pelzer's childhood story also made me think of how big of a problem this is. I have been listen to the news lately and it seems like every other day a person is being arrested for child abuse. That is just sad.
Alex Morris 5-6

Unknown said...

After reading the book "A Child Called It" I realize how easy most of us have it. After reading about David and his abuse it made me feel really bad for him but good about myself because I didn't get abused like he did and I never have gotten abused. This book affected me in many different ways. One of the ways is how bad child abuse could be i never realized how bad it could be. I'm very great full for the life that I have now. I never just thought how bad child abuse was and how bad some people have it. Now just thinking about it, it makes me sick. Child abuse is a very big sad thing that parents do to their kids that the kids shouldn't have everyday if their kid is bad everyday just try talking to them and just smack them on the butt you don't have to abuse them. Example: you don't have to lay them across the oven and burn them or you dint have to make them not eat. Is just sad what parents do to their kids. Another example is that is mother put a bucket of clorox and bleach and lock him in the bathroom it blows my mind that he went through all of that and fought through what he could and he still grew up to be a great sweet man and he still has some hope in him. Now he is a motivational speaker and he is gonna help others get through what he went through. David Pelzer is 54 years old and has hope even though he went through all that.

Destiny Johnson
6th+7th period

Unknown said...

The book "A Child Called It" definitely moved me like nothing ever before. I never had fully grasped the concept of child abuse, and understood how bloodcurdling and loathsome it really is. This book can make you realize how much more you have then most of the people and children around you. Hope is really the key to David's survival. He pulled himself together, even under the circumstances he had to face. This book can make people actually open their eyes about the society we have come to live in today. Someone is out fighting for their lives just as David had. People are being abused everyday, and most end up losing their faith, hope, and desire. Child abuse is clearly a main obstacle that America needs to put more focus on. David's story made me realize many things about child abuse that I hadn't before.

Mackenzie Stanley 1/2 Period

Unknown said...

This book made me realize what child abuse actually is. Child abuse is something that could be happening right now. I take things for granted. I have a roof over my head and food to eat. David has a roof but he doesn’t have food to eat. She doesn’t just hit him, she burns him, makes him suffer, and stab him. His mother acts like he is trash and worthless. This surprised me because I didn’t know kids were abused like this. In the news you see people being sexually abused and physical abuse, but you don’t really see anything like this anymore.

Anonymous said...

This book made me think about how children should be treated and how big of a problem child abuse is today. I see and read about child abuse but nothing like what what happened to David. Some kids complain about how awful their family is and how they never get anything but they don't realize that some kids are being abused and are being treated like dirt. They at least have parents who take care of them and have everything they need. I am lucking to have the family and stuff I have. Unlike David who had to live his childhood scared and get treated awful by his own family.

Connor Saunders 1/2

Unknown said...

"A Child called It" made me realize how horribly brutal and extreme child abuse can be. I've also learned how secretive it can be , I might know people who are being abused. I have come to realize that social workers are true heroes in everyday society and should be treated as such. I think another lesson this book presents is never to "judge a book by its cover" and bully them, you never know what somebody is going through at home and shouldn't treat them like an alien or outsider, like so many of us treat each other. We should appreciate people and love them for who they are. Nobody could have known what David was going through and since they bullied him and treated him terribly he had no place to escape to.

jacob gomolak said...

A Child Called “It” was one of the best books I have ever read. It was impossible to put it down. It was similar to a car accident, something gruesome and horrifying, but also something that you can’t take your eyes off of. It succeeds as an effective memoir. Dave Pelzer’s survival story is inspiring and amazing considering he fought for his own life against one of the most abusive parents in history at such a young boy. It is written in a young boy’s point of view, making it a fast and easy read. It is effortless to get into the mindset of the character by the way he describes his mother’s actions and his own feelings. It made me want to step in and help him, and turn in his mother for doing such horrible things to a child. The details about the different ways she would abuse him, like forcing him to eat out of his brother’s dirty diaper, made me feel sick, emotional, and like I truly hated his mother just as much as he did. I was hopeful throughout the entire memoir, that he would overcome this and escape her wrath. He constantly reminded himself that he was in control, and only he could decide his future. He came close to giving up, but fought through it. This added a lot of suspense and really pulled some heart strings. It also really made me really thankful that my family treats me good.

Unknown said...

This book really made me see how child abuse it's right in front of our eyes but sometimes we don't notice it! Any child could be abused but you don't see the warning signs. None of us know what it's really like because we haven't experienced it. Child abuse is a horrific act and no child should experience it. In this book I saw how bad the abuse could be. This book showed me that no matter how bad of a thing a child does they should never be punished that way!

Brailey Gouzd 4/5

Unknown said...

This book made me think about the abuse David Pelzer took compared to punishments other kids would receive. It made me think aboour just how bad child abuse is and that it is a problem in the current day. It has made me wonder how i would view the world after going through something as terrible as what David went through. The book pulls you in and makes you see things how he saw them. In the book i also saw how some parents can be loving you one second and not the next.

Unknown said...

The book we read in class "The Child Called It", is about David Pelzer's childhood how his mother beet him and abused him. I never thought that someone could be so mean to an eight year old little boy. His mother would punish by putting his arm on a burning stove and also mix chemicals where it would be like a gas chamber and would make him vomet and pass out. This makes me look at child abuse very different way because when I was little and I would get in trouble I would get wipped by my parents but not where it would leave scares and buries like David and I would never think a mother would do that to her own son.I always see famous people getting in trouble about child abuse but there just punishing there kids by hitting them but not giving them bruise or scares like David's mom did to him. No one would ever hear about David's abuse if he did not write this book.

Unknown said...

This book helped me realized just how painful it must’ve been when children around the world getting abused. Knowing that these terrible things are actually happening, and there’s not much we could do about it is really sad. Just thinking about what they go through each day makes me tear up. Seriously, what kind of a parent would do such a thing to their own child? So, to prevent as much happening as possible, try not to prejudge someone around you. Maybe there’s actually something going on in his/her life that we didn’t know about. After having read the book, I felt really lucky to be living in the surrounding I am currently.

malachiwest said...

This book affected me by showing how I'm so lucky to have a good life and I'm happy for my life because I have lots of friends and family. I have a good family that loves and cares about me. Even though I get punish sometimes its nothing compare to David Pelzer had to go though. At the age seven he had so much hate. He was living in a living hell. I thought this book was sad that his own mom would beat and abuse him. Also I thought it was unfair that he was the only one to get abuse out of his two brothers and he had to sleep in the basement and barely eta food at his own house. The thing that I liked about this is that David Pelzer never gave up to get away from his mom.

Frazier said...

Zach Frazier 5th

The book made me realize how lucky I am to have good parents. The content in the book really makes me want to vomit. The torture games David's mother played Left him near death many times. I do not know how another human being could treat another so badly let alone your own kid. I can't imagine that happening to any person. The book showed me that even today child abuse is still out there. Even the most abusers have been abused themselves does not excuse their actions.Child abuse is still a problem and is not going to stop anytime soon.

Unknown said...

The book made me realize how lucky i am to have parents that love me and care for me. It made me think about how many kids could be getting abused and no one could know. The book affected me a lot. I think that he should've told someone when he had to lay over the stove i was almost in tears. I don't understand how someone could be so cruel and rude to another human being. It was her own child how could she treat him like that i just wish people would speak up if they saw something like that happen.

Unknown said...

This book made me realize how good my life is because I have parents that care about me. The book made me think how tough it is to go through stuff like child abuse. I think Dave should have done something to stop his mother. He should have told the truth about mother. It doesn't make since how someone could just snap and target your kid and torture him. How could someone go to loving there kids more then anything to hating them. Just because of her abusive history and her drinking shouldn't get between her and a good family.

Leigha Jordan said...

This book made me realize how severe, and common child abuse is. While talking about the book at home with my mom, who is a social worker, she told me that child abuse is unfortunately very common. Most cases she dealt with weren’t as extreme as David Peltzer’s. It’s very unfortunate to think that children, some younger than myself, have to deal with abuse on a day-to-day basis. No one should have to be scared to go home. I also now realize how truly lucky I am to have a good home life, and parents who care for me. No situation should be taken for granted because someone out there always has it worse.

Leigha Jordan 4th/5th period

Unknown said...

It makes me think how my life was nothing compared to his own and I don't have it as horrible as he had it.

Brandon nichols12 said...

This book really helped me understand how bad child abuse can be. It also taught me to. Ot take things for granted. I think its amazing though that all David Pelzers been through he has fought through it and now lives a good life. It makes you think how good of a life you have and how anybody could be in this situation. It makes me feel terrible think of all the children that have to go through this. You should feel save and loved at home.

Brooke said...

Not only was this book hard to read but it was hard to think such a helpless little boy would have to go through these kind of things. I can't believe he had to go to the lengths just for some food his mom would make him regret he ate. I feel no one she be treated like this especially when there were other kids in the family but they were treated regularly. It makes me realize I have life good and I shouldn't feel any different.

Unknown said...

This book helped me realize how much of a real problem child abuse is. We need to be more aware of what may be happening when kids go home every afternoon. Everyone gets their spankings, but putting your child on a stove and laughing is a different story. I learned of ways of torture I would have never thought about. I have to give this book credit for opening my eyes to the world of child abuse. Before, I used to think child abuse wasn't that bad, but if it was, it was few and far between. It could happen to anybody, and we have to take a stand.