Saturday, July 25, 2015


What does the word "holocaust" mean? Are there any countries where genocide and holocaust have occurred? Which groups were targeted by the Nazis? Which countries experienced the largest loss of live in World War II? Name some of the important players in World War II. What are they famous for? What did the star symbolize during the war?


Unknown said...

The word Holocaust means an mass amount of destruction and loss of life. Yes, there are many countries where genocide and holocaust have occurred. One example is the Jews in Germany.And the Nazis targeted the Jews.Russia had the most lost.Most of the most important players where Adolf Hitler,Franklin D. Roosevelt,Harry Truman. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President of the United States. And Hitler was the leader of Germany and he was the leader of the holocaust .Harry Truman was the Vice President.

Unknown said...

The Holocaust means a lot of lost life's. Hitler was the leader of Germany and he was the leader of the holocaust. Jews and Germany. The mazi had targeted Jews. The Jews had to where stars and if they didn't and got caught they would get killed or a bad treatment. April 30, 1945 Adolf Hitler had shot himself.

Madi Balzer said...

In 1933, a terrible tragedy we know as The Holocaust started. The German army went after different types of people, mostly, but not limited to Jews, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses and the mentally disturbed. These people were sent to either Concentration Camps which are basically where they force you to work for the army in making planes and bombs or anything they would need for war, or they would send you to Death Camps which would hold thousands of people, until they killed them. People tried to hide from the Germans, but most were found. They made it easy to find Jews (the main type of person they killed) because they put the Star of David on the jacket of every Jew. The Holocaust was a tragedy that humanity never wants to repeat.

malachiwest said...

In 1933, The Holocaust started. The destruction or slaughter on mass scale especially caused by fire or nuclear war. Yes, there where many countries that where genocide and holocaust have occurred. An example would be the Jews in Germany. An important player was Hitler and he was the leader for the Germany. Also Harry Truman was the president at that time.

Unknown said...

In 1993 was a historical year it was when the Holocaust started. The Holocaust is when this horrible man named Adolph Hitler decided to take over other countries. So he decided to kill and put into concentration camps all of the Jews,gays, and the mentally disabled. Where they would pretty much make you a slave, and make you do whatever he wanted. If you were put into concentration camps you were sentenced to work like a slave and were not allowed to eat. Sometimes you would go without food for days. He ordered the killing of millions of people .This was a one of the most horrific acts that has occurred in the history of the world.

Broderick Rohrbaugh 1st&2nd period

Gabriellakoski22 said...

The word holocaust means destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. There are countries where genocide and holocaust have occurred. The main groups that were targeted by the nazis were the Jews, gays, and disabled. Russia experienced the most lost of lives. The star symbolized that you were Jewish. Some of the most famous people in the holocaust were, Adolf Hitler : was the leader of Germany when World War II began. Franklin D. Roosevelt : was the President of the United States when Pearl Harbor was attacked and when we became involved in World War II. Harry Truman : was the Vice President when Pearl Harbor was attacked and we became involved in World War II. And Truman was the president when World War II ended, due to Roosevelt's death.

Anonymous said...

The Holocaust which is also known as the Shoah happened in 1933. As soon as Adolf Hitler got power in the German government he started taking over countries. Adolf killed over 6 million Jews and not killing them in a easy way. Adolf would make the Jews suffer by putting them in gas chambers, starving them, burning them, beating them and many other very brutal ways to kill people. Adolf not only killed Jews but many other people that were socially different. He killed the most people in Poland which had the biggest death camp in the Holocaust and also has five torture camps.

Anonymous said...

In 1933, the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Most European Jews lived in countries that Nazi Germany would occupy or influence during World War II. By 1945, the Germans and their collaborators killed nearly two out of every three European Jews as part of the "Final Solution," the Nazi policy to murder the Jews of Europe.

Although Jews, whom the Nazis deemed a priority danger to Germany, were the primary victims of Nazi racism, other victims included some 200,000 Roma (Gypsies). At least 200,000 mentally or physically disabled patients, mainly Germans, living in institutional settings, were murdered in the so-called Euthanasia Program.

Unknown said...

The holocaust was a slaughter. Genocide and Holocaust have occurred in some countries but the one most talked about happened in European countries and took place before and during World War II. The Nazis targeted Jewish people mainly but also gypsies, people with disabilities, and political enemies. The most lives lost were lost in Poland. The most important players in World War 2 were the Soviet Union, Germany, and the USA. The star symbolized you were Jewish.

Brandon nichols12 said...

The word holocaust means mass destruction. Holocaust was a word used alot in the years through 1943-1945. The Nazis led by Adolf Hitler attempted to wipe out the entire Jewish population. They killed 4,000,000 plus Jews. The most deaths happened in Poland where the main concentration camps were located. The camps were used to hold the the Jewish until they were killed off. Many jewish families went into hiding and some made it through the war but others were less fortunate. In 1945 United States and Russian forces attacked Hitler and his army and him and wife killed themselves before they were caught.

Unknown said...

The Holocaust is a terrible time in world history. The Holocaust was the mass extermination of undesirable peoples as defined by the German Third Reich in order to create a master Arian Race. These undesirable people were mainly, but not limited to people of the Jewish faith. I have heard me dad talk about World War II, with great passion. It wasn't until I saw some of these images that I understood why he held some of my relatives in such high regard. It was My Great Great Uncle James Acres who faked his age and joined the army at the age of 15 to go into the 101st Airborne. My Uncle Luther Oakes, who taught math to bomber operators to fly over Germany. Finally it was the people who did not fight like my great grandparents, who stayed in the country and worked double shifts and cut back on their own food so that the soldiers would have plenty to eat.

Garrett Spitznogle said...

The word holocaust or "shoah" was mass slaughter by the millions. Total genocide was committed on one religion, and other people that were not seen fit for the Nazi regime. Estimated that six million Jews were killed. Adolf Hitler was the man in charge behind all of it. Thanks to the allied forces, Hitler wouldn't have his way. The Nazis would have the Star of David put on your shirts to state that you are Jewish.

Unknown said...

The holocaust is one of the mist devastating times in world history. Adolf hitler who led the Nazis, tried to completely kill all Jewish people. The Jewish were not the only ones, however. Adolf tried to emilminate all homosexuals, menataly challenged, and jahovs witnesses. Unfortunately, More that 60 million people died trying to defeat this evil man. People from all around the world too. Holocaust means a mass slaughter. Genocide has occurred in other countries as well. But, this is the most talked about.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In 1933, when hitler became the leader of Germany, the Holocaust had started. The holocaust was a deadly tragedy in many countries. The attacked The Jewish, about 6 million people was killed in such harsh ways. Not just Jews were killed , if you were "different" such as disabled, had an illness, homosexual, many other things, you'd be killed also. Hitler took many people to the concentration camps and the death camps. Lakisha jones 4/5th period

Brooke said...

The word holocaust means complete destruction. It all stated around 1933 when a man by the name Adolf Hitler became the leader of Germany. He didn't like anyone that was different especially those who where Jewish. He started by taking over Germany and then the surrounding countries. If you where Jewish you had to wear the Star of David on your clothes. Many tried too hide many where caught but some hide successfully for a year or two and where discovered like Anne Frank. If you where caught you would either be sent to concentration camp or death camp. People had tried to kill Hitler many times but none where successful. He killed him self on April 20th 1945 at the age of 56.

Unknown said...

the word holocaust means killing a mass amount of people. yes there were many countries where the holocaust and genocide occurred, the most targeted group by the nazis were the Jews for some reason Hitler hated the Jews the most. he also killed the disabled,homosexuals,mentally challenged, or in a wheel chair, or sick. the country that lost the most people was the soviet union with more than 23,000,000 people. Adolf Hitler is important because made the concentration camps and started ww2. the other most important people were Josef Stalin because he didn't try to save his country. Franklin D. Roosevelt also played a big part in world war 2 because he was the president of the united states when pearl harbor was attacked. the star symbolized that the wearer was a Jew.

Unknown said...

The holocaust was a bad time for people. People got killed Jew wheelchair sick people got killed and the most people got killed were Jews. People in the U.S had list to say how much food they God or gas they get in one month and you had to eat a little bit of food a day or u won't have food for the rest of the month. They had to save all the food and all the gas for the army. So they could have food to eat and gas to put in the tanks and trucks so they could win the war

Lucy Chen said...

The Holocaust was occurred in the year 1933. It was also the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. The word itself is a word of Greek origin meaning “sacrifice by fire.” The Nazis, who came to power in Germany believed that Germans were “racially superior” and that the Jews, deemed “inferior,” were an alien threat to the German racial community. The Jews also had to wear the Star of David to prevent getting in trouble. Telling them that they are different. Out of the 11 million people killed during the Holocaust, 6 million of them were Polish citizens. Most of the remaining victims were from other countries including Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Holland, France and even Germany. During the World War Two, the country that lost the most lives would be Russia.

Lucy Chen Period 6/7

Unknown said...

The Holocaust happened during WW2 in 1933.The holocaust was very sad and unfair to millions of people. 11 million people died 6 million of the people were Polish citizens. The only reason the Holocaust happened was because of Adolf Hitler. But a couple years after the holocaust started Adolf Hitler killed himself when the Americans were closing in on him.

Unknown said...

destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.

An example of one of the hugest holocausts on planet earth is Nazi, Germany during world war II. Adolf Hitler is perhaps the biggest face of the second world war. He wanted to and did start, most likely one of the worlds biggest holocausts. He exterminated anyone and everyone who wasn't the so called preferred race (Germans). Some of the countries that suffered the greatest and disturbing losses were The Soviet Union, China, Poland, Germany and Yugoslavia. Hitler especially did not like the Jewish people he had them wear yellow stars of David on their clothes to show that they were inferior to Germans and should be treated as such. There are other examples of genocides such as: Americans in the Ottoman empire, educated people in Cambodia, and Dafuri citizens in Darfur. Though World war II continues to be one of the most horrific example of Genocide.

Unknown said...

Holocaust is any mass slaughter or destruction of life. It is mostly used to describe the horrific atrocities carried out by the German’s during the Nazi rule o-f Adolf Hitler. While this is the most famous genocide in the 20th and 21st Centuries, there have been many genocides carried out in other countries or continents. These include Syria (2012-2015); Angola (1975-2002); Bosnia-Herzgovina (1992-95); Rwanda (1994); Cambodia (1975-79); Nazi Germany/Europe (1938-45); Russia (1932-33) and Turkey (1915-18. In the Nazi Holocaust, Hitler in his effort to have a “Herrenvolk” (master race) or Aryan Race, targeted mainly Jewish people, but also any groups that opposed him. The list is extensive and includes Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, Slavs, Serbs, Romanis (also known as Gypsies), Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transexual (LGBT), Roman Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, Freemasons, African Germans (Colored), Deaf, Communists, Social Democrats, Anarchists, and any other minority not considered part of his master plan or ability to control power. All told, over 6 million Jewish people and over 11 million people of all other groups were persecuted and murdered during the war. The Star of David was used as a symbol to mark either people, areas or buildings as being Jewish. Jewish people were not allowed to be outside of their houses without wearing an armband or patch with a Star of David on it so that they were easily identifiable as being Jewish. Jewish homes and businesses were attacked and robbed/ransacked by those that saw the Jews as being the enemy of the Third Reich.

Unknown said...

The holocaust is one of the most devastating times in world history. Total genocide was committed to the Jews. The man in charge of that was Adolf Hitler who tried to kill out all of the Jews. Mostly the Jews lived in Poland but there were other countries with disturbing losses. Also to tell if your a Jew you would wear the star of David. At the end of the war there was a total of 60 million deaths.

Unknown said...

Holocaust means destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. A holocaust was committed by the Germans in Germany and in the countries they took over. All Jews were targeted by the Nazis and were sent to work camps and death camps. Poland experienced it the worst because most of the Jews lived in Poland. Adolf Hitler played the biggest part since he was in charge off the killing.

Morgan Lilley said...

The holocaust was as know as Shoah, it was a genocide in which approximately six million people got killed by Adolf Hitler. Nay genocide have occurred through out many country and continents like, Armenia, The Holocaust , Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur. The Nazi targeted Jews, Gypsies, Poles and other Slavs, and people with physical or mental disabilities. Important people during the World War 2 were Adolf Hitler, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Church Hill, and Harry S. Truman. Church Hill was known for leading the Britain's fight against Nazi Germany in World War 2. Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party. Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the United States and the only executive to be elected for 2 terms in office. Harry S. Truman was the 33rd President upon the death of Roosevelt in April 1945. The star symbolized that you were a Jew.

Unknown said...

The holocaust was as know as Shoah, it was a genocide in which approximately six million people got killed by Adolf Hitler. Many genocide have occurred through out many country and continents like, Armenia, The Holocaust , Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur. The Nazi targeted Jews, Gypsies, Poles and other Slavs, and people with physical or mental disabilities. Important people during the World War 2 were Adolf Hitler, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Church Hill, and Harry S. Truman. Church Hill was known for leading the Britain's fight against Nazi Germany in World War 2. Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party. Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the United States and the only executive to be elected for 2 terms in office. Harry S. Truman was the 33rd President upon the death of Roosevelt in April 1945. The star symbolized that you were a Jew.

Unknown said...

The word holocaust means mass destruction or killing. Yes there were countries that took major loss in ww2. They targeted jews , homsexals, gypsies. The main people in ww2 were germany,poland, and China. But I'm only going to tell you about 1. I'm going to tell you about Germany. When the nazi's attacked Germany it was crazy the Germans were not going to stop they were just going to keep going and keep going and keep going they were not going to be prisoners. The Germans were crazy they made old women go to were old people. Mainly women were snipers in ww2 for the Germans. What if your mom was a sniper and died. Anyways this is why the holocaust was terrible.

Unknown said...

The word holocaust means mass destruction or killing. Yes there were countries that took major loss in WW2. They targeted Jews , homsexals, gypsies. The main countries WW2 were Germany,Poland, and China. But I'm only going to tell you about one. I'm going to tell you about Germany. When the Nazi's attacked Germany it was crazy, the Germans were not going to stop they were just going to keep going and going and keep going, they were not going to be prisoners. The Germans were crazy they made women go to war. Mainly women were snipers in WW2 for the Germans. What if your mom was a sniper and was killed? Many things that happened to the Germans, Jews and homosexuals, this is what makes the Halocaust terrible.

Unknown said...

The holocaust was a horrible time. The word holocaust means destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. There are many countries where genocide and holocaust have occurred including Poland, Soviet Union, Romania, just to name a few. They did this, because they didn’t like Jews. Adolf Hitler wanted to wipe Germans off of the face of the earth. The Jews were targeted because of their beliefs. They were put into concentration camps, or death camps. These camps are very different. In the concentration camps they ran tests on people, starved, and tortured them until they died. On the other hand, in the death camps innocent people were slowly killed. Some of the things they would do were horrifying. They would put people into gas chambers, skin them alive, put them in pressure chambers, freeze them to death, and other unspeakable treatments. The person that would do these things was none other than Josef Mengele.

Franklin Bush Jr.
Period 4/5

Unknown said...

The holocaust was a very awfull time. Innocent people lost their lives beacause of one mans choice. The extermenation of the population was a very bad choice to make on the world. I think everybody could have been distrought by this tradgey. The Jews had a special symbol they wore so the green police knew they were Jewish. It was the Star of David. The holocaust was very tradgic and not many people understand.

Unknown said...

In 1993, something known as the holocaust during WWII. The holocaust was a devastating time. Jews were eliminated from Europe. Over 6 million Jews were killed during the holocaust. The Nazis were a group from Germany led by Adolf Hitler. The Nazis did not like the Jews so they decided to just get rid of them. The Nazis would make the Jews work or they would be killed. Most of them were killed. Babies were just thrown into fires. The Jews were killed in gas chambers or skinned. The most amount of Jews were killed in Poland. Three million Jews were killed in Poland and one million in the Soviet Union

Unknown said...

The word Holocaust means destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. The Holocaust was devastating and still is, 61 million people died. The Jews were targeted really badly in the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a total genocide of the Jews.Poland was were most deaths were. Adolph Hitler was a major leader in this devastation. The concentration camps and museums from the Holocaust are very sad going to see them. One of the things about the Holocaust that is really sad to me Is that they put a bunch of people in a gas chamber and let them die. They also what starve people and line them up on a way and kill them. I think the Holocaust was the worst tragedy.

Unknown said...

Holocaust means a great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire.
The Nazis were lead by German leader Adolf Hitler. They would send Jews to concentration camps and torture them to death. Over 61 million people were killed during this time. 6 million of those were Jews. 11 million Jews lived Europe before the Holocaust, two-thirds of them were killed. The Soviet Union, China, Germany, Poland, and Dutch East Indies had the most casualties after the Holocaust.

Tamara Taylor 1/2period

Unknown said...

The definition of the word holocaust is the killing of millions of Jews and other people by the Nazis during World War II. The group that was most targeted was the Jews, but other large groups of people were also killed. These groups included Gypsies, Communists, Social Democrats, other political opponents, and homosexuals (male). The countries that had the largest death count would be Belarus (2,290,000) and Poland (5,820,000). Some of the biggest participants in World War II were Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazis during World War II; Franklin D. Roosevelt, the President of the United States when Pearl Harbor was attacked; and Harry Truman was the Vice President at the time. The "Star of David" was a mark given to the Jews so that the Nazis could easily recognize them. Many different countries have experienced genocide. For example, in Cambodia, when the Khmer Rogue took over the Cambodian government in 1975, they began a "re-education" campaign focused on political dissidents. These citizens, including doctors, teachers and students suspected of receiving education, were chosen for torture at the infamous Tuol Sleng prison. There are many important lessons to be learned from history. The Holocaust has left an unforgettable mark upon the world. In the words of Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, "To forget a holocaust is to kill twice."

Court Ciemania
1/2 period

Unknown said...

Holocaust is defined as destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. Approximately six million Jews were killed by Hitler and the Nazis. Other people with a certain ethnicity were targeted too, along with the disabled individuals. The country/group that experienced the most loss is the Soviet Union, which lost 23,400,000 people. Adolf Hitler was very important to WWII, because he started the war, and tried to control other countries and capture people with the Nazis. Franklin D. Roosevelt also held significance to WWII, because he was America's president at the time when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Jews through Europe were identified by a yellow, star badge. World War II was a crucial part of history, but was very excruciating.

Mackenzie Stanley 1/2 Period

Unknown said...
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Alex Morris said...

The Holocaust happened in 1933 witch was lead by evil mastermind Adolf Hitler. In the holocaust Adolf Hitler lead his soldiers in war. He also made the Nazi soldiers take any Jews and take them away to horrible concentration camps. There they put Jews in gas chambers and made them work for them. In World War II Poland lost the most lives including soldiers and Jews. Genocide was a very bad thing. It is when one population tries to exterminate another population. Also Adolf Hitler was a major military leader one the war. He was responsible for this hole thing.
Alex Morris 4-6

Unknown said...

Conner Linger
Periods 4 & 5

A holocaust is defined as when destruction occurs by fire. The most famous and obvious example of where a holocaust had occurred is, of course, Germany and its neighboring countries. Victims of this holocaust consisted of anyone who was or perceived to be:
-Opponents of the Nazi Party
-Mentally or physically disabled
The country that suffered the most casualties was the Soviet Union with an estimated 20 million dead, with Germany in a distant second. Famous figures of the holocaust included FDR, our president at the time, and Germany's leader at the time: Adolf Hitler. The Star of David being a requirement for Jewish people to wear was a form of involuntarily socially distancing themselves from others.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In 1933, many people died from a tragic cause called the Holocuast. Jews, homosexuals, the mentally ill, and the crippled were are punished because of who they are. About 6 million people died because of a man called Hitler and by the nazis. Places such as Poland and Russia were hit very hard by these racist. If it wasn't for England, this small little land, this would still would be going on today. Americans and England's joined forces and closed in Hitler to make him kill himself. England was getting bombed every day but not once did they back down and not fight for what they believed in. They had little in numbers, but unlimited heart which overpowers anything. The Holocuast was a horrible tragedy, but great for u.s. history.

Keyonna hilson 1/2

Unknown said...

The word holocaust means destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war or a Jewish sacrificial offering that is burned completely on an altar. The countries that were attacked were the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Denmark, Yugoslavia, Greece, Norway and Western Poland. The groups that were targeted my the nazis were Jews, Gypsies, Poles and other slaves, and people with physical or mental disabilities. China and Germany lost the most amount of people in world war two. The star means there are 4,048 gold stars and each one represents 100 American military deaths. The holocaust was one of the worst things in history.

Kaylee Elsey 6/7 period

Frazier said...

Zach Frazier
The word holocaust means massive genocide and loss of death. The holocaust took place during WW2 . The Nazi's killed 6 million Jews , gypsies, and people they felt weren't worth it. Leader of the Nazis was Adolf Hitler. He was an evil man. After ww1 he used the Jews as there scapegoat. The Soviet Union sufferd the worse lose of life. The symbol of the nazis was the

Frazier said...

Swastica. The holocast took place in Europe. The nazis were located in Germany and looked to take over the world.

Unknown said...

Holocaust means the destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. There were several countries where genocide had taken place some include Armenia in 1915, Cambodia in 1975, Rwanda in 1990, Bosnia in 1995, and Darfur in 2003. However, the most remembered was the 1933 Holocaust in Germany under the reign of Adolf Hitler. The Nazi's targeted Slavs, Gypsies, disabled, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and political opponents, but the most targeted were the Jews which were forced to wear a badge with a yellow Star of David as identification. Many lives were lost during World War II, but the country that lost the most was the Soviet Union with a total of nearly 24 million people. There were several important and famous players in WWII. Hitler played a crucial player in the war for his mass killing of Jews and many others. Winston Churchill was important for leading Britain's fight against Nazi Germany. Dwight Eisenhower led the invasion against the Nazi's in Europe on D-Day. And, Joseph Stalin's Red Army helped defeat Nazi Germany. The Holocaust was probably the saddest and most horrible event in history.

Anonymous said...

Holocaust means destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. Germany was one of the countries attacked. Jews, gypsies and cripples were targeted by the nazis. The country that had the most losses was Poland. Adolf hitler was the German leader and was a evil man. He ended up killing himself. The Jews head to wear a star on them to tell others that they are Jews. If they weren't wearing their star then they were more than likely killed.

Unknown said...

The word holocaust means a distraction or slaughter on the mass scale. The historical definition is a Jewish sacrifice offering that is burned completely on an altar. Much of the Holocaust happened in Germany and Poland. The Jews were targeted by the nazis. The Soviet union lost the most behind them was China ,after China was Poland. Auto Hitler was an important person in World War Two. He was a dick tater world leader of the nazis. Benito Mussolini was the face this prime minister of Italy who with promise to fight alongside Hitler in May 1938. Franklin D Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States and the only chief executive to be elected for more than two terms. Under Roosevelts leadership the nation rebounded from a devastating surprised at the Pearl Harbor and December 1941. The star was to symbolize the Star of David. That would tell the Nazis if you were a Jew.

Brailey Gouzd

Unknown said...

When I think of the word Holocaust I think of destruction and death. hThere was genocide and holocaust did happen. The Jews were targeted by the Nazis.Russia lost the most civilians and soldiers. Adolf Hitler was an important person in World War 2. He was a dictator who was the leader of Nazis. He was famous for leading the Nazis and killing Jews. The star symbolized that you were a Jew.

Unknown said...

Hen I thank of the word holocaust I thank it means pain and suffering. Doing the holocaust how they found out if u were a jew they went through your family records and everyone on either side of the family no mater what you were considered a jew. If u did not have blonde hair and blue eyes then you were sent to a concentration camp or to a death camp. A concentration camp was were they took all the people that were not jews or had blond hair and blue eyes were sent to concentration camp and had to work and we're not allowed to eat or drink, and if you were not working right than they sent you to a death camp. A death camp is were they send the jews and the people that don't work right at the concentration camp. When they get there they are immediately sentenced to death. When they kill them the can do it many of ways such as gas chambers, they can shoot them and let them suffer, and ext. As a human I would not want either of these, but if I had to pick one it would be a death camp. I say that because I would rather die than suffer.
Shayla Pittman

Unknown said...

When I think of the word holocaust I think it means slaughter and destruction. The Holocaust was a death of 61 million people died. The Nazi targeted Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and other people with physical or mental disabilities. The man in charge of all this was named Adolf Hitler who in the ended up committing suicide. There were these camps called concentration camps where the people went to we worked to death or killed as soon as they got to the camp. The only people that were safe were non jews or if the had blonde hair and blue eyes. Hitler was a cruel man who did horrible things to innocent people.

Isabella Pagliaro

Unknown said...

The Holocaust was a big tragedy were millions were killed. The Nazis targeted the Jews, Gypsies, and Homosexuals and they would be sent to concentration camps and death camps. A lot of people died during this dark period of time. Adolf Hitler was controlling everything. He committed suicide. I f you had blond hair and blue eyes you would be unharmed. A lot of Jews would hide from the Nazis like Anne Frank but she was caught and died of typhus.61 million people died during this period of time.

Grayson Taylor

Madi Balzer said...

The worst part about concentration camps would be watching your loved ones die. When they group them up and send them to the gas chambers would be the worst. I don't think I'd be able to survive in a concentration camp, especially one like Auschwitz

Alexus Williams said...

The word holocaust mean killing and a time not just the Jews but disabled and many more had to suffer from. Also they had a symbol to symbolize the Jews which was the star of david with the word Jude (Jew) in it that the Jews had to wear. The man in charge of this was Hitler. But he commuted suiced a long time ago along with his wif.

Alexus Williams said...

The word holocaust mean killing and a time not just the Jews but disabled and many more had to suffer from. Also they had a symbol to symbolize the Jews which was the star of david with the word Jude (Jew) in it that the Jews had to wear. The man in charge of this was Hitler. But he committed suicide
a long time ago along with his wife.

Unknown said...

I think the worst part about being in a concentration camp would be not knowing if your going to make it. Concentration camps are rough, for the very few people that survived I give them lots of praise. I couldn't imagine seeing my family burn or being beat. I dont think I could survive in a camp like Auschwitz.

Leigha Jordan said...

The word holocaust means a mass amount of lives lost. An example of genocide is in 1975, the Cambodian government killed students, doctors, teachers and anyone else who was suspected of teaching or receiving an education. The Nazis targeted homosexuals, Jews, gypsies, people who were disabled, and other minorities. The Soviet Union lost the most lives out of WW2, with 8,000,000 deaths. Hitler was the leader of the Nazis, and chancellor and president of Germany during WW2. He was infamous for being the head of Germany, and his anti-Semitic views. Benito Mussolini was the leader of Italy, and Hideki Tojo was the prime minister of Japan. Together they formed the Axis Powers. The Jews were forced to wear a yellow star on their coat with a big J on it. This was a way to let society know they were Jewish.

Leigha Jordan 4th/5th period

Unknown said...

The word holocaust means a mass amount of death or loss. Germans used the Star of David with the word Jude meaning Jew as a symbol to separate Jews from Germans. Germany and Poland were two of many countries where mass genocide occurred. Some groups that were attacked by the Nazis were Jews, romans, Homosexual, Criminals, Mentally or physically disabled, and Opponents of the Nazi Party. The country that suffered the most casualties was the Soviet Union with over 20 million dead people. The Holocaust was a horrible tragedy, but great for U.S. history teachings.
Trey Buracker 6-7th period
Mrs. Constable

Leah Chaney said...

From 1941 to 1945, Jews were systematically murdered in a genocide, one of the largest in history, and part of a broader aggregate of acts of oppression and killings of various ethnic and political groups in Europe by the Nazi regime. Every arm of Germany's bureaucracy was involved in the logistics and the carrying out of the genocide, turning the Third Reich into a genocidal state. Other victims of Nazi crimes included Romanis, ethnic Poles and other Slavs, Soviet POWs, communists, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses and the mentally and physically disabled.In total, approximately 11 million people were killed, including approximately one million Jewish children.Of the nine million Jews who had resided in Europe before the Holocaust, approximately two-thirds were killed.A network of about 42,500 facilities in Germany and German-occupied territories were used to concentrate, confine, and kill Jews and other victims.Between 100,000 and 500,000 people were direct participants in the planning and execution of the Holocaust.

Derrick said...

The word holocaust is about mass destruction in life. There are many countries were genesis happened.The Jews were targeted by the nazi's. Europe is were the most Jews died.

Unknown said...

The word hola use means a mass amount of deathorloss Germany and Poland were two of many countries where mass genocide occurred. Some groups that were attacked by nazis were Jews. Germans also hated homosexuals, communists, jehovah's, witnesses, or mentally ill or physically ill.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Is a large amount of loss, during the time of the holocoust many 'Jews' were killed either by sickness or gas chambers. Hitler targeted the Jews because they didnt take them in as real people they were nothing but numbers a terrible time.. Yes but even now that it's over we are still reminded of it. Rip

Unknown said...

The term Holocaust reffers to the mass genocide of a group of people because of their skin color, culture, or disabilities. During the Holocaust, 6 million Jews were exterminated in concentration and death camps across Europe. All behind it, the mastermind leader of the Nazis, Adolf Hitler. He somehow tricked all of Europe into killing millions because of their differences to the Germans. The most targated group was the Jews. Their numbers of death stand out in history documents by a longshot. Out of the some 60 million people died in WWII, 6 million jews died. No race should've ever had the treatment that the Jews did.

Unknown said...

The word holocaust means any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life. There are countries where holocaust and genocide have occurred. For example Hitler was the ruler of Germany he was against all Jews he didn't want them to be there or any where. So he sent them to concentration camps to be worked to death or murdered. Also that's how World War 2 started. the country Germany lost the most lives in World War 2. Some of the important players in the war are Adolf Hitler was the leader of Germany, Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President of the United States, and General Hideki Tojo was the prime minister of Japan.

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