Saturday, July 25, 2015

S.E. Hinton On Location in Tulsa

After watching the S.E.Hinton interview, compare a scene from the movie to something that you have experienced or find an anecdote concerning the movie or the movie stars which has not been mentioned in the Youtube video.


Unknown said...

When ponyboy and Johnny were hiding in that church, it reminded me of the time when me and some other people had to hide from a kidnapper. I was about 6 or 7 at the time as I was playing with a ball outside of my babysitters house while the older kids were in the porch taking. All of a sudden this car pulls up and the guy in the car gets out and he has a knife in his hand. We ran onto Fairmont Ave. and behind this place called the Book'n Bean was an abandoned house. Just like in the book we had to stay in the back but we had stay really quiet. We waited till the coast was clear and it was for a second but he came back. We ended up just going on the house which I don't know why we didn't do that in the first place.

Lucy Chen said...

One of the scene in the movie reminded me of something that I saw in person. It was the part when Cherry and Marcia got in a fight with Bob and Randy in the drive-in. They were standing outside the car, having a talk with one another outside of a movie theater. I remember witnessing a couple arguing one night outside of Walmart. The couple I saw was talking real loudly, and you could tell by their tone that it wasn’t just a friendly talk. However, I didn’t see the whole situation happening, but you could easily predict that they were fighting. Anyways, I felt like it was similar to the scene in “The Outsiders” where the girls had an argument with their boyfriends.

Lucy Chen Period 6/7

Anonymous said...

The book feud between the greasers and the socs remind me of the social differences between the rich and the poor. The rich are stuck up and are spoiled and rude. The poor are not spoiled and kinda have a tough life. Ponyboys mom and dad are dead and he has to live with his brothers in order to not get sent to the boy homes. They all three live in a kinda junky house that is not well taken care of. The socs are fancy and drive mustangs and corvairs and are spoiled and could careless if anything happened to a greaser and would not give anything to them. They both are different in many ways and therefore they have many ways to not like each other.

Gabriellakoski22 said...

I now understand why S.E. Hinton was mad at the social situation in her community. She was upset due to the way people treated different people in her town. It sometimes reminds me of the way people treat each other from either the east side or west side of Fairmont. In my opinion it shouldn't matter what side of the river you are from. People are people. It doesn't matter what you have, where you might live or what school they attend. We should all be united because we are all apart of Fairmont. If we were all united Marion county would only get better.

Anonymous said...

In the novel, "The Outsiders" there is a strong feud among the Greasers and the Socs. They are to rival gangs the do not like each other for various reasons, one of those being which side of the town there individual gangs are located. The Greasers on the east side of town, and the Socs on the west. I can easily compare this to a real life scenario, which we happen to be living right now. Not only have I seen, but I also have encountered feuds that which revolve around whether or not you lived on the west side, or east side of Fairmont. These feuds are pointless and they only lead to arguments, loss of friendships, and in some cases, physical fights.

Unknown said...

The Greasers and the Socs remind me of the upper and lower class. The upper class are more rich and they have what they want and can afford a lot of good things. The lower class can't really afford things and they don't really have the money to buy one thing when they want it.In the novel Bobs parents bought him everything that wanted ,and some peoples families can't afford to buy them things or even afford to buy a house. The upper class have nice clothes, a nice home, and nice places to shower. The lower class don't have nice homes, or nice clothes,and some don't even have places to shower. The richer drive fancy cars unlike the poor. They are both different.

Unknown said...

Underage drinking is common throughout the book. Not only is underage drinking illegal, it is also really bad. At the West Virginia football games I see a lot drunk people and what alcohol can do to them. A freshman at WVU my family knows got arrested for underage drinking. He was afraid to tell his parents so he called my dad instead for help and advice. My father told him he would help him as long as he told his parents. This relates to the Outsiders because the characters were underage and drinking. We have seen people at WVU football games get hurt when they were drinking and we saw them get picked up by an ambulance instead of a police officer.

Jared Stern 5th period

Unknown said...

In the book Johnny staps Bob becausethere drawending poneyboy. So afted they git out of the park they go to Dally Wenston to git money,a gun and a place to hide. When they got there Dally gives Poney a new shirt and a jacket. He gives them a gun some money and tells them to go to the church. They go to the story get some food and stuff and they hop a tran and when they git off they ask someone for derections. They go to the church to hide out. Johnny brout his swich blad and he got some stuff to die poneys hair. He dies poneys hair and cuts it then has poney cut his. They hide in the charch for a cuple weeks. Then dally comes up and tell them that he told the cops that they whent to texas, that theres a rumbul the next night, and that cherry is a spy for the gresers. They git all of there stuff and they leave then they go back to the curch and when they git there its on fire. So Ponry, Dally and Johnny go in and they find litte eight year old kids or yunger. they get the kids out and Dally gits out and so dose Poney Dally hits Poney in the back and knoks him out. He waks up in the ambulins and this dud tells him that hes gong to the hospital and Dally, and Johnny are in a nother ambulins and that Johnnys back may be broken and Dally has therd deggrey burns on his arm. Pony says what y would Johnnys back be boken? After u got out the church started kulapsing and a beam fell on his back but u are gong to be ok.
shayla pittman 6&7th pirod

Alex Morris said...

In the book The Outsiders there are many scenes with rivalries but, there is one that sticks out to me. That would be the rumble. It reminds me of our basketball games against East Park. We were playing East Park and we were playing in there gym. We have already have played them twice in the season. Unfortunately, we lost both games. We went it the locker room and our coach is giving us the greatest pep talk of our lives. He explains our plays and what to do. We go into the first quarter hyped as ever. We were loosing by halftime. Then as we come out we get on a role. Three points there two points here. It was crazy. It was down to seconds on the clock. We were down one point. Our coach calls a timeout and gives us our play. We come out and perform the play perfect. We win and they underestimated us just like the Greasers.

Unknown said...

The conflict between the socs and greasers remind me of racism. A lot of people today look down on people just because of their nationality or color of there skin.
The socs looked down on the greasers because of where they came from and how they dressed. The greasers wore hair oil and old clothes, and the socs wore nice; in style clothing so the greasers thought the socs were stuck up and the socs thought the greasers were beneath them. that caused a lot of fighting just like what's happening in society between different races now. But you should never judge a book by its cover and which I believe to be one of the main points in the Outsiders.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In '' The Outsiders'' there are two gangs and they don't like each other. One gang is the Greasers are low income and have to fight for everything they have and they wear white shirts, jeans, and jackets and walk most places. While the Socs are higher income and where madras shirts and drive Mustangs and Corvairs. This reminds me of our society right now in the world because the poor are looked down at like they are not on the higher class peoples level. So they are looked down upon just like in the book. The higher class are looked at like they are to good for us and they think they are better than everyone else just like the Socs in the book. When all people are created equal and no one should be above anyone.

Broderick Rohrbaugh 1&2 period

Cindy Maina said...

Cindy Maina
6&7th period

In the Outsiders, there are some parts that remind me of a certain movie, West Side Story. In West Side Story two street gangs are fighting in the streets in the upper west side of New York City. The situation becomes complicated when a gang member falls in love with the rival’s sister. Just like in the Outsiders, two street gangs fight each other in a rumble. One of the characters, Pony boy becomes friends with the rival’s girlfriend. Even though the two movies have their differences, they are very similar. One of the differences from the two movies is West Side story is a musical.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In the "Outsiders" book Ponyboy gets sick and he kept saying that he was fine but when Dally dies he passed out and couldn't remember what happened. This relates to because when I had my appendix taken out, my side was hurting really bad and when my aunt and sisters asked me if I was alright I would say yes. Then I started getting sick. When my grandparent got home they took me to the hospital but I couldn't remember anything after that. All I remember was waking up in the hospital surrounded by my family. After a couple of days I was able to go home.
Tamara Taylor 1/2period

Unknown said...

In the book all the greaser boys smoke. Smoking is really bad for you it can cause lung cancer, throat cancer and very bad breathe. A scene I can compare to in real life is half my family smoke. They know its not good for them but they do it because its a stress reliever. My grandma smoked, for 50 years. One morning she woke up coughing up blood because of a blood clot. Personally I dont think Darry will let the rest of the greaser boys smoke because of what the effects will be. Even though it may be hard to quit for the boys, they know they can live without it.

Sydney Raymond 4/5

Unknown said...

Steve Randle reminds me of my dad. Except my dad doesn't steal things off cars. My dad is very good at working on cars. Especially older ones like 50's and 60's like in the book. He can take the hub caps wheels and brake pads off in 5 minutes and replace them. Steve Randle can remove hubcaps in minutes and steal them. He also likes to drive cars and he is a very talented driver. Also like Dally but Dally's probably not as good.

Adam Vandegrift 6-7 Period

Unknown said...

On pages 22-28 Pony-boy, and Johnny went to the drive-in to watch a movie. This reminds me of when my family and I go to the drive-in on most nights. We go there for fun and nothing exiting other than the movie. Unlike Johnny, and Pony-boy getting into a lot of trouble at the drive-in we lay back on the car’s top with blankets and pillows to relax. Sometimes we take our own snacks and other times we buy something from the snack bar. There are more beverage choices than Coca-Cola. To mention some; Sprite, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, teas, flavored waters, sports drinks, freezes, and more. They also have more snack choices available now.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In the book “The Outsiders”, Johnny was in a life or death situation at the hospital with a broken back. This affected everyone in the gang. Especially Ponyboy and Dally. My neighbor was diagnosed lung cancer a while back. He and his family was very close to my family. In the book Dally always wanted to see Johnny in the hospital. His cancer worried everyone that knew. We were like Dally, we wanted to visit him every time we could. He was loved and cared about. Although my neighbor did survive the cancer, his situation was very similar to Johnny’s

Unknown said...

In the book the outsiders you can realate where Johnny stabs Bob into how a friend or person would stab you (in the back) but not literally but like have you ever had a friend that would be like buddy buddy with but then in the next hour or so they would go and talk about you behind your back? Yeah something like that.

Or you could relate how Darry is harder on pony boy than sodapop to your parents being hard on you because they know you can do good like soda had already messed up his education Pony still has his chance, your parents would push on you so that you can make the better choices.

Leigha Jordan said...

The Outsiders is relatable to me because when my grandma died, I was very upset. Similar to how Dally reacted to Johnny’s death, but obviously not as extreme. I was very close to my grandma, and she basically raised me when my mom went back to school when I was first born. I was only about four at the time so I had no concept of suicide, not that I would’ve I committed it, but I do remember feeling very sad, and confused. Another difference is Dally felt partially responsible for Johnny’s death, and my grandma died of a disease. Although there are some differences, I definitely understand how Dally felt.

Leigha Jordan-Smith 3rd/4th period

Unknown said...

You could relate how Ponyboy feels after Jonny's death.To how anyothere person would feel if someone really, really,REALLY close to them had died. Wouldn't u feel as bad as him? Wouldn't you be torn to pieces like that. All lost like that, because I was when my grandfather died i know i was only nine but it hit me like i was on train tracks and a train just came flying to me. i was so sad about it i though about it to much and i started thinking about it at night and i started having horrible horrible panic attacks at night about death and how is it the end or is it a new beginning and i couldn't stop thinking about it soon after while i got back to reality and i came to my senses and i relized i was only 10 at the time and i still have my hole life to live and then the panic attacks stopped.

Madi Balzer said...

In the book The Outsiders, most of the Greasers carry a switchblade. I’m not trying to say I carry around a switchblade, but I did have something similar. A car key. I know, it sounds funny, but some car keys you press a button and the key part flips up. A few friends and I were at a football game and we had to go to my dad’s car. We pressed the button on the key and I said, “Dude, it’s like a switchblade from The Outsiders!” Then we proceeded to talk about how it reminded us of Pony and Johnny when they killed Bob.

Unknown said...

In the novel, "The outsiders" many connestions can be made to the real world. Even though the book took place in the 1960s and came out in 1967, it can still teach us a thing or two about how we go about our lives. One connestion that I feel is very often over looked is the fact that greasers were viewed differently because of their looks. But, they cared, loved and felt for other people just as much as anyone else would. Even a soc.

Unknown said...

The Soc's and Greasers remind me of our own town in the fact that there is an East and West side. Although, we don't have the same conflicts as depicted in the movie. There is still a rivalry between our school sports teams. Everyone gets hyped up for any games that are played between the two, whether it is baseball, soccer, or football. The rivalry is a friendly one because a lot of the kids on the teams know each other from growing up and playing sports together. The most that the kids will do in our community is trash talk the other team when they play each other and on the build up to the games.

Unknown said...

In the book "The Outsiders" it shows how people were treated just because of there looks. If you were a Soc you were called "upper class" and if you were a greaser you were "lower class". In my eyes I think that the Socs were just trying just trying to prove that they were superior. Its like today how there are groups and labels, when really people are just trying to be themselves and being judged for their looks, where they live, etc. When really people are just trying to being themselves.

Garrett Spitznogle said...

The book "The Outsiders" can relate to me in many different ways. One being the most vivid ways is coming to a new school. When you become a new student you feel like a "outsider". If you didn't have the most fancy looking pair of shoes then nobody would really talk to you. I felt like one the Greasers in that situation.Now of days people are put into groups and labeled on appearance and for being just themselves.

Bmasters said...

The Greasers and Socs are different in many ways. The Greasers use a bunch of oil to slick back their hair. They live on East Side, and they are poor. The two gangs also have different emotions. The Socs are very rich. They live on West Side. The Socs also have very fancy cars. The Greasers wear leather while the Socs wear expensive clothes. Both gangs fight the other gang's members usually when they are alone and not with someone to back them up. They all have different reasons for fighting such as for fun hatred and to show off their muscles. When the church was on fire most gang members from both sides said they wouldn't have gone to save the kids in there but they probably really would've.

Unknown said...

In "The Outsiders", the character Ponyboy often would not feel well, but still pretend and say he was fine. For example, near the end of the book Ponyboy was still recovering from the church fire but told his brothers he was okay. He told them this so he could fight in the rumble against the Socs. I can relate to how Ponyboy feels because I sometimes say that I'm feeling okay, when I'm actually not. Once, I played an entire baseball game with a double ear infection. It wasn't until after the game that I told my parents how bad my ears were hurting. I really wanted to play the game and I knew my teammates were counting on me. I believe this is why Ponyboy wanted the Greasers to think he was okay so he could help them with the rumble.

Unknown said...

In the book The Outsiders they have to different sides the west side , and the east side. This reminded me about Fairmont because we also have that, But here we everybody thinks east sides better. In the book west side is better because its where the Socs live and they get everything they won't. In Fairmont on the west side its kind of like the Greasers, They are also our rivals in sports like football, basketball, soccer and others. On the west side we have their are gangs or now they call them a "squad". The east siders and west siders here never have fights though unlike the sides in the book.

Unknown said...

In the outsiders there is a funny scene that happens at the drive-in. I experienced a funny scene in the drive-in 2 years ago. I was at the drive in sitting in the car with a lot of skittles in my mouth when suddenly one of them pulled out my spacer. My dad immediately started freaking out and panicked at the sight of blood. He was running wild worrying what to do. Quickly my step-mother pulled it out the rest of the way and got me some napkins. I have many memories at drive-ins much like the characters in the book.

Unknown said...

When the Greasers and Socs have one of there usual rumbles, it reminds me of the east-west football games. Being a game where neither side likes each other just like Greasers and Socs. The situation in the book kind of reminds of what's going on with west and east today. People judging people where your from or how rich or poor your family is. Some of the bad things in the book that are truly sad are things such as young kids 14 and younger drinking and smoking, just like the Socs and Greasers. The thing is that there are many similarity's between the Socs and the Greasers. They both like picking fights, drinking, smoking, mugging, fighting, and I could go on forever. People just need to stop judging people because they're from somewhere different and also for judging them for being poor or rich. People need to accept everyone for who they are, and the world would be a better place.

Unknown said...

the part I can relate to is when Johnny dies and pony boy is sad because my grandpa and great grandma both passed away. I know how pony felt because I was sad for a while after that happened. I also feel bad for dally when he robbed the store so he could get shot. a lot of people can relate to carrying around a knife sometimes because it makes you feel safer because of all the creepy people in the world. sorry I got off track but its true and also I think I've hit one hundred words so I will end it here

Unknown said...

The Greasers gang’s friendship and how they all are different reminds me of my friends. One of my friends reminds me a lot of Steve because he knows a lot about cars. Another one of my friends reminds me a lot of Dally because he is big and strong and isn’t scared of anyone. Their friendship in the book is similar to my friends because we all care about each other and would step up if anyone tried to hurt us. I think that the Greasers friendship in the book is kind of cool how they are all different and help each other in ways, Darry and Pony argued some in the book because they are brothers but Darry felt bad after he did that. I think that how they treat each other is loyal and that is friendship.

Unknown said...

The I'm going to pick where it's like the rich and the poor. When I was in the Washinton,DC for a basketball tournament. That night we went to go see the the White House and the Pentagon. After that we walked everywhere trying to find a place to eat. Around where the White House was everywhere I looked there was some homeless people. Every person I saw I wanted to help them give something a little make their day. It got me thinking how fortunate I am to have hard working parents that can afford me clothes and food so I am very lucky.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

When Johnny broke his back in the fire saving the kids. It reminds me of my neighbor who was in a car accident and became a paraplegic. Johnny saved the kids in the church and my neighbor’s dad was a preacher. Johnny's parents don’t really care about him so it reminds me of my neighbor that lost both of his parents due to cancer. In another time in my life when I was five years old I had broken both of my bones in my wrist and in the movie during the rumble Steve broke three ribs. Also Darry broke his nose.

Kaylee Elsey 6/7

Unknown said...

In the book the outsiders the part that I have experienced was when Johnny and ponybpy were hiding out in the church with barely anything to eat. My family goes camping a lot and we don't bring that much food to eat. So one day when it was my uncles 50th birthday we all decided to throw him a surprise party and all camp with them. The last night we were there I didn't eat breakfast because I woke up late and we were going fishing so I just thought I would eat at lunchtime. When lunch time came around all the boys were still fishing but the girls decided to go swimming in the river so I didn't get to eat lunch either. I was starving and all we had was fishing bait and I was not about to eat that. I was in a really bad mood since I haven't eaten anything all day. When we finally decided to go back to the camp I was in such a rush to eat that I was searching everywhere but couldn't find anything. I asked my mom and dad where all the food is and they said I have to wait because I will spoil my dinner but I told them I haven't eaten all day and they didn't believe me. After a couple hours dinner was ready and I finally got to eat.

Unknown said...

When Ponyboy and Jonny were hiding at the church and didn't have anything to eat. I have experienced that before. One day I went up to Moorefield with my grandpa and a couple other family members. We have a camp up there and we go stay for a couple of day to a week. Well one day we cut grass and right after we got done cutting grass we went fishing and I didn't eat anything. When we got there for a couple of hours I started to feel sick and thought I was going to pass out down by the river. We all went up to my grandpas car and we got some water to drink because we were all hot and then we got in the car and went back to the camp I got a couple of snacks and i needed some candy too because i thought my blood sugar was low. No my blood sugar wasn't low it was just because I was out in the hot with no food.

Destiny Johnson 6/7 period

Unknown said...

In the book The Outsiders, the Greasers feel left out. I have been in a situation when I felt like an outsider. I was invited to a basketball camp in San Diego California. When I got there I was placed in a group of extremely tall athletes. I was the smallest one in my group. There were others that had attended the camp before and they remembered each other. They laughed and talked while the newer campers just stood around. You could easily tell the difference between the status of the groups. This situation reminded me of the greasers, their social status made them feel like others didn't want to include them or associate with them. They were on their own trying to make it. I was on my own at the camp so I had to work hard to fit in and prove I could compete with these other players.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In the book " The Outsiders " there are the socs and the greasers. The greasers are poor and don't get a whole lot. The socs are rich and get every thing they want. When I was visiting my grandma we drove under a bridge and saw a bunch of homeless people gathered around a picnic table. That was all they had besides the bridge keeping them dry from the rain. I feel very lucky to have a home and not have to worry about when I get to eat or where I am going to sleep. We also saw a huge mansion. The people living there have everything they want and need.

Unknown said...

I can relate to the whole group of the Greasers in the book "The Outsiders" written by S.E Hinton. I feel like I relate to them in several ways. I don't really fit into any social groups in school, and I am also called a "greaser" because of my slicked-back hair. Like the greasers, I am also made fun of for my appearance. I feel like I most similar to Dally because he doesn't let things affect him, and I try not to let the things that people say bother me. One part of the book that resonated with me was when the Soc's drove by and yelled "grease" at the Greasers. The Greasers didn't care and just kept walking because they knew who they were, and they were proud to be Greasers. During the last two years of middle school, I have learned that it is important to be yourself and to feel comfortable with knowing that it is okay to be different.

Court Ciemania
1/2 period

Unknown said...

The book the Outsiders is where there is a huge feud against the Greasers and the Socs, thier feud reminders me of social differnecs how like Socs are rich and snobby and the Greasers are a poor group that doesn't like the Socs what so ever. The Socs are rich and has nice cars and does not care about anyone else except themselves. Where on the other hand the Greasers are caring and will take whatever they can get. Part of the group Soda, Darry, and Ponyboy does not have parents since they died in a car accident so they have to live together and try not to get into a boys home after one of the greasers killed a Soc.So the greasers have to face the struggle of fighting the Socs and trying not to get into a boys home and also stay alive.

Unknown said...

Throughout the book of "The Outsiders" they have a harsh feud between the greasers and the socs. The socs have almost anything that the greasers don't have because they are not as wealthy as they are. They don't think about their feelings. I think that this conflict can realte to real life because people who have more things than others like to sometimes brag about it and make others feel like they are not good enough. The only thing that really matters is feelings. They shouldn't hurt anyone's feelings because of something so little, but yet so big. Lakisha Jones 4/5th period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The book the Outsiders is about a feud against the Soc and the greasers. The greasers are the poor and Socs are the rich. The Socs care only about themselves and greasers are a family that does care for each other. In the group is Soda, Darry ,Pony, Dally, two bit, and Johny. They havea real big fight with the Socs and the win because they cared for each other. The brothers Darry, Soda,and Pony came closer together.

Unknown said...

In the book the outsiders they have two different sides like fairmont. west side and east side. Here in fairmont people think west side is better and other people think east side is better i personally think west side is Better. In the book the outsiders west side is better because the socs live there and the socs are rich and the greasers are poor and they live on east side. In fairmont west is better at sports like basketball football and soccer. But east side is better at band than west side and in the movie the socs can beat people up and there dads will pay the fines on them because they are rich but of a greaser beats up a soc they can't pay the fines because they are poor. The greasers and the socs stay out of each others territory. Because if socs come to the greasers territory they will get beat up and if the greasers go to the socs territory they will get beat up

Gavin Collins 6/7

Unknown said...

I can relate to the part where all the greasers were flipping and goofing around in there front yard in the book "The Outsiders" in two ways. The first way is me and my brother used to take classes in MMA so we were really flexible so we used to do cat wheels, summer salts, and splits just that kind of stuff in general. We would do them all the time in the living room in our bedroom any where. The second relation is when i went to a football game. My sister and I were on the side lines then she disappeared and I was looking around i found her over by the cheer leaders showing them how to do flips. She is five and those girls were around ten it was hilarious.

Unknown said...

Cora White

Unknown said...

Cora White

Frazier said...

Zach Frazier 4th
The differences between the Greasers and the Socs reminds me of playing an opposing football team. Both greasers and Socs want to prove there they are the better group just as in football. The greasers are a team. They work together and watch each others back. In football I know that the rest of my team has my back and I have there's. They care for each other as family. 70 For example, when Johnny killed Bob they went to Dally. They asked for a gun,money, and a hiding place.They knew that that he could get them exactly what they needed.

Unknown said...

In the book the Outsides, they have the Socs and the Greasers. I can compare the Greasers to West Virgians. People make fun of them and say rude comments about how the dress and how they talk. People in other states have a feeling of being better, and like the Socs it is mainly due to money. Just like the Greasers, I am very proud of where I come from in this world. I look at other groups and can be jealous of what they have in their states. West Virginians are like the Greasers. They are loyal to their family and their own people. They also are able to get things done when need be, and aren't afraid to "get their hands dirty".

Unknown said...

"The Outsiders" is told by one's point of view that tells about their life, as well as the others' lives around them. There are easily many ways we can relate to the novel for this reason. The most prominent way I can relate to the novel is how the Socs and the Greasers are both rivalries, and how they both live on the West and East side. In Fairmont, we have an East and West side of the river, and the people from opposing sides are rivalries to prove who's the best. Whether it's sports, who has the better school, or which is more popular, there is never a definite conclusion of who is better. (even though I think West is best) This relates back to the novel, because whenever they have rumbles, it never clearly solves or accomplishes anything. No matter who may be "best", these groups will clearly be rivalries for a long time.

Mackenzie Stanley 1/2 Period

Unknown said...

I sometimes feel like I could be pony boy from the outsiders and at other times I could be soda another character from the outsiders. Mostly because some days I can be the kindest person n the world like pony boy. But on other not very rare days I could be like soda towards soc'sor even darry towards pony boy. Mostly towards my younger brother. And at other times I could just act like dally and be a total complete jerk to some people. I feel like everybody can be this way sometimes but I do this a lot.

Maggie Myers 6/7

Unknown said...

I sometimes feel like I could be pony boy from the outsiders and at other times I could be soda another character from the outsiders. Mostly because some days I can be the kindest person n the world like pony boy. But on other not very rare days I could be like soda towards soc'sor even darry towards pony boy. Mostly towards my younger brother. And at other times I could just act like dally and be a total complete jerk to some people. I feel like everybody can be this way sometimes but I do this a lot.

Maggie Myers 6/7

Unknown said...

In the book, "The Outsiders," there were frequent fights between the Greaser gang. In the end, they always worked it out somehow. This part of the story reminds me of my brother and I sometimes. We will bicker for a little, but we always figure a way to forgive each other. The Socs didn't have as deep of an understanding for each other like the Greasers did. The Socs were too cool to talk about feelings. Instead of using words to sort things out, they used violence or bad behavior. Sometimes the Greasers would use bad behavior too, but they weren't afraid to share their feelings. When my brother and I talk calmly, we sort things out eaiser than fighting or doing something stupid.

Unknown said...

In the book "The Outsiders" many things happened. A thing I was relatable to was when Johnny and Pony rescued the kids from the burning church. One time I was at Walmart on a really hot day and there was all this commotion coming from a car. In the car was a puppy dying from heat exhaustion. The window was cracked open in the back seat. A heroic man stuck his arm through the tiny space and hurting his arm to save the puppy. That's like Johnny and Pony they risked themselves to save something else. P.s. He kept the puppy!

Brailey Gouzd

Anonymous said...

Well I have experienced something like the socs & the Greasers, like how the socs think that they are better than the Greasers, & they think they can go & call the Greasers names, & pick on them, the same thing happens to me all the time. The "outsiders" is like nothing but drama. Drama is basically the only thing in my life. And it not right how people go around thinking they are better than everyone else. CHEYENNE SHAFFER 6-7TH PERIOD!

Unknown said...

Conner Linger 4/5 periods

The main conflict in The Outsiders is that between two social groups separated by class, those being the Greasers and the Socs. In West Fairmont Middle, the general populace are the most cliquey, self-conceited people conceivable, and mainly for the same reason: class (shocker, teenagers are exclusionary). Everyone is constantly belittling each other, and from a moral standpoint, this is horrendous. However, I am not easily swayed by morals. I personally enjoy the abomination that is the 8th grade of this school, seeing as how there probably isn't going to be a huge gang-war style event that takes place in the near future (though if it did I'd probably find it just as amusing), so I feel no shame in this entertainment. Realistically, everyone in this school should do the same; realize how shallow it is to poke fun at each other for the most superficial of reasons, and than laugh in remembrance of the time when judgements based on class, race, gender, religion, sexuality, ect., were commonplace.

madisonposey5303 said...

I compared the scene where Johny got out a switch blade out when i took a sharp stick and tried to attack Tanner. Johny pulled a switch blade out on Bob when they got jumped, so here is my story. I went over to Gracies and we hun gout all day and then I spent the night but once it got dark we played man hunt til 12. Tanner, Gracie, and I here hiding and Tanner wasnt being nice so i took a sharp stick and chased him. Then we realized that it was still our turn to hide so we goit back to the game while H tried to find us.

Anonymous said...

justyn williams 4th
The outsiders kind of remind me of when the greasers and socs were having the rumble. And thsat reminds me of our school. East vs West football game. Were the Greaser and there the socs. And were playing for whos better and we beat them and told our friends and family that we beat east side

Alexus Williams said...
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Alexus Williams said...

In the book the feud between the greaser's and soc reminded me of our school. It reminded me when ever we had the hunger games. When ever all the grades and classes picked one kid to go up and be they're tribute. They didnt do it so see who's the best though its to see who is generally good at something even though the other might be as well. But above Justy wrote between east and west its kind of the same but as I see mines better.

Unknown said...

In the book the "The Outsiders" there where te greasers and the socs. The socs were the "upper class" and the greasers were the "lower class". The socs would beat up on the greasers because they werent as good as them, didnt have money like them, and just beacuse they couldn't get in trouble and the greasers could.

Leah Chaney said...

The greasers and the socs remind me of how the groups are at school you have your popular kids and then you have the kids who really wouldn't care about what people say or think about them so as I sit back and watch as the students just find their friends and separate themselves from the other groups of friends.

Unknown said...

The scene in the movie where dally is hitting on cherry is similar to something that my friend did at the skating rink where he sat down beside one of my friends and started hitting on her and when he sat down he did not notice that there was no chair where he was going to sit down and he fell and we all laughed at him and it was kinda funny