Saturday, July 25, 2015

World War II

What is genocide? What is prejudice? How did Hitler get so much power? Why didn't German people fight his power? Why did it take the United States so long to enter this war? What does World War II have to do with the civil rights movement in the United States?


Madi Balzer said...

Hitler was already in some type of power and had a small following, then the president of Germany died and the country was weak and desperate for a new leader. Someone decided to appoint Hitler and he came into rule. He gained a huge following by blaming all of the world’s problems on the Jews. Once people were convinced it was the fault of the Jews, it wasn’t hard to get them segregated and eventually hunted out and killed. At the time, the U.S. was in a depression so, they didn’t want to join the war in fear it would plummet them farther into debt.

malachiwest said...

Genocide is the deliberate killing of a huge group of people especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. Prejudice is harm or injury that results or may result from some action or judgment. Hitler got so much power because he terrorized the Jews by sending them to different camps so that they can died. The reason why the Germans didn't fight back because Hitler had to much control and power. The reason United Stated didn't join the war because they didn't want to have nothing to do with the war a that time. World War ll and the Civil War movement both have in common is that someone has to fight for their right and be free.

Leah Chaney said...

Genocide is the deliberate killing of groups of people, majority being those of a particular ethnic group. Prejudice preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Hitler already had power but when the president died they were looking for a new leader and Hitler was nominated. Therefore he already had power just got more after he was president. I think that the people of Germany were afraid of what he would do if they stood up to him or tried to question anything he was doing.America's Involvement in World War two not only contributed in the eventual downfall of the insane Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich, but also came at the precise time and moment. Had the United States entered the war any earlier the
consequences might have been worse. The civil rights movement comprised efforts of grassroots activists and national leaders to obtain for African Americans the basic rights guaranteed to American citizens in the Constitution, including the rights to due process and equal protection of the laws and the right to vote. Although the 1950s and 1960s represent the height of the mass civil rights movement of the twentieth century, activists had sought basic rights for African Americans since before the Civil War.

Unknown said...

The word genocide means a mass killing. It's a plan/organized killing that targets one specific group. The word prejudice means you form a biased opinion based upon, in most cases race, ethnicity, religion, or sex. Hitler became Germany's chancellor then when the president died, he became president and chancellor. They were threatened by Hitler and his leadership powers. We needed to develops more information about Germany before we invaded. The African Americans could then be equally drafted to be part of the military operation.

Brailey Gouzd

Unknown said...

The word genocide means a mass of killing. The word prejudice means only liking one race. The reason Hitler gained so much power is because everyone thought he was nice ,loyal , and caring. But he wasn't nice loyal or caring. And also he wasn't only chancellor when the president died he became president also. Then after he was then a dictator.

Anonymous said...

Genocide is violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group. Prejudice is to form a biased opinion based upon, in most cases race, ethnicity, religion, or sex. Hitler vowed to stop the Bolshevik invaders who wanted to do what they did in Russia to the German people starting with complete social and economic destruction of Wiemar Germany. This meant that a strong hand was needed to wrest control away from the hands of powerful Jewish interests who ran the banking system, the media (pamphlets, radio, movie houses etc) and the education system of Germany. Hitler formed a coalition and were willing to take such measures to ensure his victory, which unfortunately meant that the Germans had to identify the Jews and convince them to leave Germany at any cost.

Unknown said...

Genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. Prejudice is unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding an ethnic, racial, social, or religious group. Hitler got so much power by convincing all Germans that Jews were the reason for all problems. He also took over many countries around Germany. German people did not fight his power because they knew they would get killed or sent to a work camp. The other reason is he convinced them that he was right. It took the United States so long to enter the war because they did not want to get involved in another world war until the attack on Pearl Harbor. World War Two has to do with the civil rights movement because blacks fought right along whites instead of in their separate groups.

Kaylee Elsey 6\7 period

Unknown said...

Genocide is the elimination of a race, ethnicity. Prejudice is an unfair feeling because of race, or ethnicity. Hitler was the chancellor and the president died so they needed someone to fill that spot so Hitler was nominated. The German people were scared at what Hitler might do if they stood up for themselves. He would probably have sent them to work camps if they stood up for themselves. They had no reason to get involved until the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japans. Its kind of the same thing except its race instead of ethnicity. Because the rights movements were trying to make a change silently with no fighting. Hitler wanted to make a change except he didn't want it to be silent he wanted to kill.

Broderick Rohrbaugh 1st&2nd

Anonymous said...

Hitlers reign in Germany was a horrible thing to have happened. A genocide is picking out a race and trying to destroy it and downgrade it. The mood in Germany was already very glum and depressed so these conditions provided the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. The party's rise to power was to rapid. Adolf made the Germans believe he was going to provide jobs and make a better country but as soon as he got power he started making laws to downgrade Jews. In the time that Germany was in it seemed like a pretty good thing to get a a new leader so they wanted one.

Unknown said...

Genocide is the mass of killing lots of people. Prejudice is killing someone because of their race, they're "different" from one another. Hitter had already had some power before everything has started getting really violent. The Germans couldn't fight because Hitler had so much people and power on his side. The United States wasn't in good condition as it was , they didn't want lots of emigrants into the county with the condition. WW11 deals with the civil rights movement because they're both fighting for equality and respect.

Unknown said...

Genocide is the mass killing of lots of people. Prejudice is disliking someone because they're different. Hitter had already had some power before everything has started getting really violent. The Germans couldn't fight because Hitler had so much people and power on his side they couldn't do anything about it. They had no reason too until the attack of pearl harbor by the Japanese. World War 2 and the Civil War movement both have in common is that someone has to endure hatred for a long time until they were free.

Unknown said...

Genocide is a mass killing with the intention of destroying a certain type of person. Prejudice is disliking someone because of something they cant control. Hitler got so much power because he used the Jews as a scapegoat. I think German people did not fight his power because they were convinced by him. It took the U.S so long to enter the war because it didn't effect us until pearl-harbor. In world war II a certain group was targeted with the exception of a few, In the U.S it was the same way.

Garrett Spitznogle said...

Genocide is mass killing or extermination. Prejudice is an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without reason. Hitler already had power as a canceler, and when the president died he took that place. Most Germans at that point were on Hitler's side, there was no revolution besides the Jews. On top of that, they didn't even think differently because of Hitler's charisma. Why the U.S.A took so long to join the fight was they were having troubles of their own, like the Great depression. What tipped the ice berg was Pearl Harbor.

Unknown said...

The reason it took the US so long to enter the war was that the US wanted to stay out of European affairs. It was the bombing of Pearl Harbor that tipped the balance and sent the US to the allied side of Great Britain. Pearl Harbor was such a terrible experience to the American people, that the war effort was nearly complete and the production power and technology of the United States was turned against the enemies of freedom. As for Hitler and the German war machine. It is easy to go along with evil when you are on the winning side. The poverty stricken German people saw how they would be prosperous again as a nation, and that greases the wheels of evil.

Unknown said...

Genocide is when there is a mass killing of people or a specific group. Prejudice is negative thoughts, actions or words against a person or group of people. Hitler came into Germany at a perfect time. After World War 1, the rest of the world punished Germany for their actions through sanctions and making them pay for damage done which negatively affected their economy. The German people followed Hitler because he brought them hope and said things to make them feel that they were a superior people and country to the rest of the world. He preyed upon their distrust of others and exploited it to get them to follow him and his wishes. The ironic thing is that he was not German or a blue eyed blond, which is what his doctrine considered the perfect race.

Jared Stern
4th & 5th Period

Unknown said...

Genocide is the mass killing of a race. Prejudice is hating someone because they are a different race. Hitler had had much power because he took the chancellors place when he died along with his current position. The German people didn't fight his power because he had them believe that all the people he was killing were the causing his country problems. It helped the civil rights because African Americans fought in the war.

Unknown said...

Genocide is a mass killing of a race or a specific group. Prejudice is negative thoughts, actions, or words against person or a group of people. Hitler had so much power because he took the chancellors duty and job when he died. The German people followed Hitler becuase he siad things to make them feel like they were the best. As soon as Hitler got the power he started making laws to downgrade and destroy jews. U.S. didnt want to get involved in this until the Pearl Harbor attack happened. The U.S actually had problems like the great depression so they didn't want involved but the Pearl Harbor attack sparked our country and then we came into the war.

Unknown said...

Genocide is a mass killing, most of the time intending on wiping out an entire race of people. Prejudice is bad thoughts or actions towards a specific race or group of people. Hitler took the role of Chancellor when the previous person in that person died. This is how he got so much power. Germans enjoyed Hitler as leader because he made them feel powerful. He brought strength to the German society. He made laws and policies that robbed Jews of their former, normal every day life. Pearl harbor is what sparked the U.S. into getting involved in word war 2.

Unknown said...

Genocide is a mass killing, most of the time intending on wiping out an entire race of people. Prejudice is bad thoughts or actions towards a specific race or group of people. Hitler took the role of Chancellor when the previous person in that person died. This is how he got so much power. Germans enjoyed Hitler as leader because he made them feel powerful. He brought strength to the German society. He made laws and policies that robbed Jews of their former, normal every day life. Pearl harbor is what sparked the U.S. into getting involved in word war 2.

Unknown said...

Genocide is the deliberate killing of groups of people, majority being those of a particular ethnic group. Prejudice preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Hitler already had power but when the president died they were looking for a new leader and Hitler was nominated. Therefore he already had power just got more after he was president. I think that the people of Germany were afraid of what he would do if they stood up to him or tried to question anything he was doing.America's Involvement in World War two not only contributed in the eventual downfall of the insane Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich, but also came at the precise time and moment. Had the United States entered the war any earlier the
consequences might have been worse

Unknown said...

Well World War Two was one of the worlds most tragic things to happen. When the Jews were killed that was called genocide it was very tragic over 6 million people died and others say that the whole holocast was a fake that it had never even happened. But survives tell their story's about how life was like for them at the time. Like Marion Bluementhual she goes around telling th eWorld her story. I think that the holocast should have never happened. But World War Two was an eye opener for our army and our nation.

Unknown said...

Genocide is the deliberate killing of groups of people,majority being those of a particular ethnic group. Prejudice preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or experience. Hitler already had power but when the president didedthey were looking for a new leather and hitler was nominated. There for he already had power. I thank the only reason he won is because the people were scared of him. And when he started taken over they got more scared of him so they started working with him so they did not die
Shayla Pittman

Zoey Lewis said...

Genocide is the killing of a big or large group of people. Prejudice means racist or against (don't like) a certain kind of person/human being. Hitler got so much power because the president died and wanted him to have the power, but he was already the chancellor so he had a bunch of power. If the United States had entered the war any earlier the consequences might have been worse. In both the U.S. and Germany everyone should be treated the same!

Gabriellakoski22 said...

Genocide is the killing of a large group of people. Prejudice means being or against a certain group of people you don't like. Hitler already had power but when the president died he got appointed and gained more power. If our country enter the war any earlier we would have had more consequences. In the U. S. everyone should be treated the same even if they look different! It shouldn't matter what color there skin is or what religion they practice. it matters what is in the inside. And how they treat others. People alway have to judge other people and I don't think that is fair because no one really gets to pick what they look like.

Unknown said...

Genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. Prejudice is an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason. Hitler was chancellor of Germany but when Germany's president died, Hitler stepped up and became president. It took the U.S. so long to be in the war because we didn't want to get involved until Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese Navy. World War 2 and the Civil Rights Movement were kind of the same. Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jewish, people with disability and many other races because they were different. In the Civil Rights Movement some white people didn't want the colored to have the same rights as them.

Tamara Taylor 1/2 period

Unknown said...

Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.Prejudice means preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Hitler already had the power but when the president died he got appointed and gained more power. Reason why German didn't fight back because Hitler had to much control and power. We needed to get more information about German before we got involved. WW2 deals with civil rights movement because they are both fighting for equality and respect.

Destiny Johnson

Unknown said...

The word genocide means a mass killing. It's a plan/organized killing that targets one specific group. The word prejudice means you form a biased opinion based upon, in most cases race, ethnicity, religion, or sex. Hitler was the chandler or president of Germany. In the US it says in the constitution everyone should be treated equal no matter any race, sex, or gender, it doesn't matter. I don't like how people judge others it should be fair.

Unknown said...

The word "genocide" can be defined as a mass killing, and "prejudice" is an unfavorable opinion or assumption without any knowledge to back it up. Hitler directly put his hatred on the Jews, without really acknowledging that they don't do anything to harm others, or hurt other residents in Germany. The Jews wouldn't rise up against Hitler, because he had already obtained too much control and power. The Americans didn't want to get entangled in this huge mess, so they tried to keep out of it for as long as they could. World War II made Americans look at each other much differently, and we started to have more acceptances of one another. We also learned to appreciate what opportunities or things we were given in life.

Mackenzie Stanley 1&2

Unknown said...

Genocide is the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group. Prejudice is an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, etc. Hitler gained his power while Germany was in a bad condition, and during that period of time, the president passed away. The citizens was desperate, and made the wrong choice without thinking. The United States didn’t think that it would affect much to them. However, when Germany took over many parts of Europe, the United States decided to stand up while they can. After President Roosevelt gained the opinions of the citizens and governments, he hurriedly called his cabinet and military advisors together. There it was agreed that they take a part in WWII.

Lucy Chen Period 6/7

Anonymous said...

Genocide is the mass killing is a certain group. Prejudice is an unfair feeling of a person or group of people. After the leader of Germany died Hitler became the leader and the chancellor which gave a great deal of power. People who were against what Hitler was doing didn't fight back because they were either too afraid or the were a target of the nazis. The U.S. Didn't get involved until the bombing of Pearl Harbor which was when the Japanese flew planes over and destroyed our ships. During the war people realized that all people should be treat equally so the colored fought for their rights.

Unknown said...

Genocide is the deliberated killing of a large mass of people. Also those of a particular ethnic group or nation. Hitler gained so much power when the president died. Hitler became chancellor and president. The German people didn't fight back because they knew that Hitler had more power and could do whatever he wanted, he was stronger then the were. It took the United States so long to enter the war because the war didn't effect them until Pearl harbor has a surprise attack. During World War 2 people thought that it would be fair and equal to let the African Americans fight too.

Unknown said...

Genocide was the elimination of a specific ethnic group. Prejudice is someone or a group of people who hate a specific for absolutely no reason. Hitler gained power at first after the president died. The other Germans were very afraid that they would be punished by the Nazis. It took so long for the US to enter the war because they were neutral at the beginning, until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. The US had a problem like this before. The Civil War was a time when even the US was prejudice. The Whites and African Americans. The Whites hated the blacks and the blacks did not doing anything like the Jews did nothing to Germany.

Alex Morris said...

World War II was a very terrible time in our history. The Germans had to take Jews and kill them for no reason. Genocide is what the attempted. Genocide is when a person or group of people try to exterminate a group of people for no reason. This is a very bad thing to do to people. Adolf Hitler tried to exterminate Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals. Adolf Hitler had so much power because people were to scared to overthrow him. Prejudice is when someone or some people hate someone else because of there religion, race, etc. This brought civil rights to our country because we didn't want this to happen to us. We also joined the war so much later because of the money they had to spend and they didn't want to get in the middle of it.
Alex Morris 4-5

Frazier said...

Zach Frazier 4th
Genocide means killing of mass amounts. If you are prejudice you have something against someone because of their race or religion. The Germans had just finished ww1. They needed a scapegoat to blame for losing the war. The Germans started to become prejudice towards jews. Eventually, they resorted to killing the Jews in a mass genocide. Hitler first came to power as Germany's chancellor. Once the president died, Hitler took his role also. When he came to power no one in Germany questioned him because they were scared of Hitler. It took the U.S so 2 years to join the war. They joined the war soon after Pearl Harbor was bombed.

Unknown said...

The word genocide means a mass killing. It's a plan/organized killing that targets one specific group. The word prejudice means you form a biased opinion based upon, in most cases race, ethnicity, religion, or sex. Hitler became Germany's chancellor then when the president died, he became president and chancellor. They were threatened by Hitler and his leadership powers. We needed to develops more information about Germany before we invaded. The African Americans could then be equally drafted to be part of the military operation.

Unknown said...

Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on actual facts. Hitler got so much power because the president of Germany made him chancellor. Then the president died giving Hitler full power as president and chancellor. The German people didn't oppose him because he used force to rule like a tyrant. The reason it took so long for the U.S. to enter the war was because we were in the great depression and had no money. We didn't what to be involved in it. Germans and the U.S. both had issues with civil rights because we both had slaves and were not kind to different races.

Unknown said...

Genocide means the extermination of a certain race. If someone was predjudice they are very picky for a certain cause. Hitler was already in power when these events occured but he gained more by being elected to a higher office. The U.S took so long to come into this war because we didnt know what was going on at the time.

Unknown said...

World War 2 was a terrible time worldwide. Genocide means the extermination of a certain race. Being prejudice meant that you stuck to your thoughts and were hateful or didn't like another race. Hitler got what he deserved. He was in really high power over something so wrong and disgraceful. They thought thy everything that was wrong with the world, it was the Jews fault just because of their race. If we didn't have history then the world would have no meaning.

Keyonna Hilson, blog for 10/5

Unknown said...

Genocide mean the extermination of a certain race. Being prejudice meant that you were stuck to your thoughts. Hitler was already in some type of power. So he just made it to were he was trying to get power over the whole wide world. It he didn't so we are safe from speaking German. I'm so glade that hitler got killed.

Derrick said...

WWll was a terrible time for Jews in Germany. Hitler didn't like Jewish men women or children. When Hitler became chancellor is when the Jews started leaving. When Hitler had became president is when hitler really ruled

Unknown said...

The word genocide means the extermination of a certain race or nationality. The word Prejudice means hatred or strongly disliking a race. Hitler was already in office and had a lot of power so when the president died he was elected for president. So they decided it was the Jews fault they were hunted, killed, and segregated. Because the U.S. was so much in debt they afraid of going more in to debt because the Nazis were very powerful. We were also in great depression. It was two years before the U.S. joined the war. After pearl harbor was bombed we declared war.

Unknown said...

Genocide means the extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group of people meaning that if someone doesn’t like a group of people, and thinks that there shouldn’t be anyone else of that category. Also the word prejudice means that someone is giving an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed by beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason about that person. This is almost means the same as genocide without the extermination part. Hitler was both of these words. Hitler gained power in January 1933 for the position of chancellor. Most Germans knew he was bad, but they didn’t do anything about it. They didn’t do anything about it, because Hitler was a powerful person. They knew he had the ability to do whatever he wanted. He wanted to create a perfect group of people. He didn’t like anyone that was not blond hair and blue eyes or if they were Jewish. He was a dictator and people followed his every command.

Franklin Bush Jr.
4/5 period

Brooke said...

Genocide is the elimination of all or significant amount. Like whipping out an entire group of people. When you are prejudice you strongly dislike a certain race of people. Hitler was already in office but when the head died he took over and dramatically changed things. We didn't have that much to do with it. Many people didn't like Hitler. What he did was totally unreal. Treating people that had no control over weather you were Jewish or not.

Unknown said...

Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. This word is a great explanation of what Hitler did to the Jews. Prejudice is preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. An example of prejudice is how men didn't think women could do the same as them. Hitler got so much power because of the great depression which hit the country of Germany pretty hard. It was a turning point that's how it kinda related to World War 2 thats how it relates to world war 2

Cindy Maina said...

Prejudice means racist to a certain person. Genocide is the killing a bunch of people. Hitler was a chancellor, but he got even more power after the president died. If by any chance the United States of America had entered the war any earlier than they did things might have been way worse than they actually were. WWII sent messages to jews (and others) that they should be free and it encouraged them to move to places where they had more political influence. These things helped the Civil Rights Movement to emerge.

Unknown said...

Hitler gained so much power because of luck basically. he was a good leader but he didn't do good things. The Germans were afraid to fight back because they didn't want to get in trouble or passably killed. Lot of the German people didn't like who was in control but there was an operation to take out Hitler it was called Valkyrie.

Unknown said...

Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people,especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. Prejudice is harm or injurythat results in action or judgement. Hitler was a good leader but did bad thing to Jews. He had a lot of power before the president died but after the president died he gained even more power. The Jews were scared to fight back at the nazies because they new they would get killed or injured.

Unknown said...

Hitler was already in rule of a small group but when Germenys leader died they appointed to Hitler and he was gained with the power of Germany and decided to put all the problems they had on the Jews, after they pulled all the Jews into consintration camps later on they were killed. End of story

Brandon nichols12 said...

A genocide is a mass murder of a particular race or kind of religion. A prejudice is a person that has a strong hate for a certain race. Hitler gained all his power from the propaganda he put out. The germans believed him because he convinced them that jews were trying to destroy germany. It took the United States so long because they didnt have a powerful enough military to go against the axis forces.

Leigha Jordan said...

Genocide means of deliberate killing of a large group of people especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. Prejudice means the preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Hitler came to power by using his influential speaking skills and promises of prosperity. The Germans didn't uprise against Hitler because he made them believe he was a good leader and doing the right thing. The United States took so long to enter World War 2 because they are oblivious to the horrors the Nazis were doing and we were in the middle of the Great Depression. World War 2 offered opportunities for African Americans to escape poverty.

Unknown said...

Genocide is deliberately killing a nationality or ethnic group. Prejudice is an intolerance of or dislike for people of a specific race, religion, etc. Hitler was already in power by being a chancellor he gained more power when the current president died his was moved up into his place.The Jews didn't fight Hitler and the Nazi's because the Nazi's had more power, and there were laws that Hitler made against the Jews. It took a long time for the US to join the war because we were in the middle of the great depression. World War 2 has to do with the civil rights in the United States because we have civil rights and that's what the Germans wanted.

Cora White 4\5

Unknown said...

Genocide is th mass killing of a certain group of people. Predujuce is the dislike to a certain race, culture, etc. These two terms worked together duing WWII, when 6 million Jews were killd in the biggest genocide the world has ever seen. The U.S took 3 years to free the Jews from this nightmare, but why did it take so long? Maybe because Hitler was a mastrmind and tricked all of Europe to listen to him. After a few years of non stop fighting, the European people began to realize that Hitler was power hungry. Nobody had the courage to overthrow Hitler until the U.S started to fight in WWII. Hitler killed himself and his wife in an underground bunker. I hope he died satisfied of what he did to devastate the Jews, and the whole world for years to come.