Saturday, July 25, 2015

When the World Stopped Turning: A 9/11 tribute

Interview a parent, grandparent, sibling or neighbor about 9/11. Where were they? What were their feelings? How would they characterize the mood in America? Have you ever been to the 9/11 Memorial or Museum in New York? How has our country changed as a result of this attack?


Unknown said...

My Aunt Holly was at work at Eyecareone in Fairmont WV. She was in shock when she received a call from my grandma that an airplane hit the first tower. As they were talking on the phone my grandma witnessed the second plane hit the tower on the news. My Aunt couldn't believe this was happening. She said the entire country was completely devastated, the mood was somber. She couldn't do anything but sit and listen to the news on the radio, as each event took place. Her and her coworkers gathered in a circle and just sat and listened all day. After she left work, she turned on the television and watched with the rest of the world as the wreckage was dealt with. She said for days that's all she could watch or think about. The poor families involved in this tragedy were hopeless. I have been to New York City but I wasn't able to visit the 9/11 memorial or the museum. I hope to get to do that someday. The country has made major security changes at airports and other places. People from all over the US went to NY and banned together to look for survivors and help restore the city. I feel people are more sincere and have more sympathy for families that suffer from tragedies such as 9/11.

Unknown said...

the morning 9/11was surreal for my dad. He and my mom had been maried a long time when it seemed like their world had stopped. my dad was drving in his car when he heard the first reports of a plane hitting the world trade center came over the radio. He instantly drove home and turned on the TV and a few minutes later the second plane hit the tower. As the news was coming out my dad remembrs other cities being shown for fear there would be more attacks. My dad said the next several days would be unforgetable because it was the first time in his life where he had witnessed terrorism of that magnitude and people were afraid. He said it was strange to look up in the sky and there were no planes for days after. My dad was teaching a class at faimont state at the time and he said for several weeks it as like grief counselling because the students were young and didn't know what the future would be like.

malachiwest said...

The day 9/11 happened my dad was in Maryland working listening about 9/11 and planes hitting the World Trade Center on the radio. After he heard the second plane hit the tower he got in his truck and home from work. My dad was very upset that this was happening in his home town because he had family and friend living in New York. Also he surprised that this was happening. Him and his family were very scared about what was happening. They where very distraught because of the attack on America. After the destruction was over my dad had been to the museum to see the 9/11 memorial. My dad thinks that your country has changed because we are more united than we were before 9/11 happened.

Unknown said...

When 9/11 happened my dad was on his route because he works for Fedex and and called my mom the second it happened and she was at home sleeping so she had a terribly thing to wake up to. So she rushed downstairs and turned on the tv and she seen the second plane hit the second tower. But before they hit the towers my dad looked up and he claims to have seen one of the supposed planes that hit the tower. So this was a terrible experience the whole US. A lot of people joined the army and marines because they didn't want there country being terrorized. Our country has changed because we were 5states but now we are united as 1 country.

Broderick Rohrbaugh 1&2nd period

Unknown said...

My mom was on bed rest because she was pregnant with me. At that time we lived in Chicago, and she said that she was depressed and crying because she wanted to be in West Virginia with her family. She was kind of mad in a way because she wanted to be able to move and do something about it. I recently visited New York in the summer. I got to see where the twin towers were. They replaced it with a little waterfall that has a ledge around it imprinted with all of the names of the people that died during 9/11. They were also in the process of still rebuilding the Empire State Building. It was the biggest and most amazing sight that I have ever seen. I think that this experience has changed the way people look at life. Anything can happen so make the best of life while you can.

Keyonna Hilson 1&2 period

Unknown said...

My father’s best friend who we call “Uncle” Tony worked for CitiBank in New York. On the morning of 9/11 he was supposed to work at their offices in the World Trade Center. He missed the subway train from Harlem headed downtown so he had to wait for the next one. If he had made that subway train, he would have been inside the towers and possibly would have been killed like most of those in the CitiBank offices there. He came up from the subway station into the turmoil that was taking place. As the building was crumbling he joined in the people running away from “Ground Zero”. This May, the Gifted Field Trip went to New York and visited the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. “Uncle” Tony came down to see us, and he said it was the first time since 9/11/2001 he had been at the site. He would not go into the Memorial/Museum and he would not even walk near the “Memorial Pool”. His comment to me and the group was “To you all, those are just names. But to me, those were people I knew. They were friends, co-workers and fellow New Yorkers.“

Jared Stern 5&6 period

Anonymous said...

For the person I chose to question, I decided to interview my older sister because she was around my age when this tragic event occurred. I first started my questioning with “Where were you the day of this event?” She was quick to inform me that she was in the fifth grade and was eleven years old at that the time. She was attending Dunbar middle and was going to her 7th period history class. Mrs. Michal (who was her teacher at the time) had hurried the class into the room to inform them on the devastating news. It was at this time the second plane had crashed into the south tower, and all of students were left to wonder what would happen next. My sister then explained that at the time, she couldn’t rap her head around the situation, being only a fifth grader and could hardly comprehend the situation. I feel that are country has grown twice as strong and definitely more prepared, if the situation where to happen again.
-Alexander Beafore , 1st-2nd

Gabriellakoski22 said...

I interviewed my mom on the 9/11 attack. When this occurred, she was pregnant with me. She was on her way to work at Muriale's and turned on the T.V. She knew instantly that there was terror In America. My mom was shocked that people could organize such a terrible tragedy. People all over the world were horrified and shocked by the falling of the twin towers. The mood of the world was sad, scared, angry, and even worried that another attack would happen. Our family toured NYC in 2011 but did not get to go to the memorial . We regret not going to the memorial but plan to visit it the next time we make a trip to NYC. Our country has change in result of this attack. Security has been tighten, through this event the Homeland Security program was created. This was a terrible tragedy that will never be forgotten.

Madi Balzer said...

September 11th 2001, my coach Ethan Brown didn’t think much would happen that day. He was only in third grade at the time, so he thought nothing much of the day when he woke up. Later that day, kids started leaving left and right, and teachers came into the class room in tears. At this time his teacher explained what had happened and said, “There were some very bad bad bad people that wanted to hurt our country. So they made a crash with the Twin Towers and air planes.” Being young, he didn’t understand what it meant. Later when he went home, his parents explained it. After that day, he couldn’t really go outside and play for around two weeks. Everyone was afraid.

Leigha Jordan said...

During 9/11, my mom was in a hospital in Chambersburg, PA giving birth to me. I was supposed to be born that day, but instead I was born on the 20th. The site Flight 93 crashed at was Shanksville, PA, which is only an hour and thirty minutes away from the hospital. She said that she remembers watching the two planes crash into the twin towers on the small TV above her bed, and she started to cry. When she learned about the plane that was supposed to be heading to the White House she started to panic. My mom was so afraid of another plane coming in and crashing into the hospital that she begged my grandma to drive her to a different hospital. Today she says that the experience is still very tear jerking and surreal for her.

Leigha Jordan-Smith, 4th and 5th period

Unknown said...

So during Nine Eleven i was just a thought... MY mom and dad were just going about there normal day and just before my mother woke up to get ready to go eat brunch with my aunt Renee.
My dad was at work as usual up at 4:00 AM he was in Washington D.C. he was working on putting a panel on some building and then his phone started buzzing in his back pocket. It was my mom said was talking so fast my dad couldn't keep up with her. He finally slowed her down a bit and all he could hear was two planes crashed into the world trait center her and my aunt rush back to my house and sat there and watch the TV and my dad was frozen he called his mom, brothers, sisters, all of his relatives he could not believe what he had just heard he was struck

Unknown said...

When, I interviewed my mom, she informed me of how her day went along during 9/11. My mom had used to work at the post office in Clarksburg a long time ago. She was just going about her job, when all of the sudden, people start looking very confused, devastated, and frightened. She was quickly informed about what had just happened. She said that she felt very scared, so she called my dad to make sure he knew about it. She said that the whole day was very mournful, along with the weeks and months following the event. 9/11 was definitely a huge turning-point, but America handled it amazingly, and in the future I think we can be even stronger if something like this ever happened again.

Mackenzie Stanley 1/2 Period

Unknown said...

Ethan Brown my coach was only in the third grade. He didn't think much of that day. They were having reading time they were in groups reading different sections. He saw a whole bunch of his friends leaving his teachers coming in crying. His teacher she came in to the classroom and told the class to go to their seats. She explained what was happening " Some really bad people took over a plane and crashed it in to the first building." She turned on the TV on just on time to where they got to see the second plane crash into the other building. He watched the news all day. When he went home his mom and dad told him to sit down so they could explain something to him. Well his dad explained why it happened and told him he didn't want him going outside to play. Well he couldn't go out for like two weeks or maybe even more days. When he watched the news it was all about what happened with the two planes and the building. He watched the news in school and at home with his parents.

Anonymous said...

When 911 happened my mom was at home with my brother John David. She was on the phone with Rob Steele, a Morgan Stanley investor talking about investments. She noticed Rob wasn't acting right. When she asked him what was wrong he asked her if she had the TV on. She said yes but John David was watching a movie. He calmly asked her to turn the video off and just look at he TV. When my mom turned the TV on the second airplane hit the Tower. Rob Steele explained what was happening and that the company that he worked for occupied several floors of one of the Towers. He also said several of the people were his friends. My mom was in shock when it happened and very sad and unsure of what was happening. The mood of America as far as friends, family, and the media was very sad and scared. I have never been to the museum in New York, but my we plan to see it when we go to New York this November.

Unknown said...

The morning it happened my aunt who lived/ lives in New York was walking from her apartment on 19th street to 52st to go to a meeting. She said it was very scary, a lot of uncertainty and confusion about what was actually happening in the city. During that moment she said she was scared for her life. She said everyone was very somber people felt uneasy, it was scary to think something like this could actually happen and what else they could do. She has been to the memorial and said it was a very moving tribute to all of the people that have died or has had family members die from the tragedy. They security has been stepped up a lot since 9/11, when traveling on a flight all of your articles have to be put threw a scanner and there r many body scanners.

Unknown said...

9/11 was a horrific tragedy that affected the whole United States of America. We were not expecting any kind of terrorist attack on US soil. My mother, Tricia Bush, was a social worker for the State of WV and she was in her office when the news broke. She was very worried, because it hit home for her. My aunt Debbie lived in NY at that time and she worked only blocks from the World Trade Center. My mother immediately tried to call her to see if she were alright. There was no answer for about ten minutes. When my aunt finally called, it was a brief static call. The phone lines were effected by what was going on. She was able to say that she was alright, but she couldn’t see very well because of all the debris from the crash. My mom was very worried once the call dropped. She began to panic as the second tower was hit and there was no way to be in contact with my aunt. My mom said that my dad picked my sister up from school and then my mom because of all that was going on. This was the first time in a very long time that the US was vulnerable. My mom said that, “911 was a very sad and heart wrenching time in our history.” My aunt’s birthday is September 11, and she said, she would never forget that birthday as long as she lived. I have been to NY, but have not had the chance to visit the memorial. My aunt said that the smell and debris lingered for months. I think that the US has changed the way they handle terrorist attacks. There are different levels of security and we are more prepared for things like this. We are still a targeted place, but the people have come together to get through this tough time.
Franklin Bush, 5th and 6th period.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

The morning of 9/11 my mom was at work and she got called out of her morning meeting. When she left her office all of the employees were gathered around the Tv watching the news. Everyone at her work was scared they weren't sure if it was an attack on the country or what. My mom runs a nursing home in Morgantown, so she had to keep her employees and the residents calm. They were only a few miles away from Morgantown airport so that just frighten them even more. She said that everyone thought that it was the beginning a new war and no one knew if there were going to be any more attacks. So it was like the constant fear of not knowing what was going to happen. My moms best friend was six blocks from there and her daughter was at day care eight blocks from there. So my moms friend ran out of her work and got her daughter and had to walk through the Lincoln Tunnel to leave the city. My mom said that it made the country become united as one.

Isabella Pagliaro
Period 6/7

Garrett Spitznogle said...

On this day of 9/11 my father at the time was working at his old job. Him and his co-workers were doing there normal routine. Then all of the sudden it came on the radio that the U.S came under attack, and a plane had hit one of the World Trade Center. Not understanding the situation at the time, they quickly turned on the TV to see the horrific site. Nobody really knew what was going to happen next. Me being in my mother's belly at the time I didn't see the scary site. To be honest, I am glad I didn't knowing the helpless feeling of not knowing what to do at all. Following 9/11 the U.S has taken in consider to raising security for traveling. 9/11 is a day we should all remember.

Garrett Spitznogle said...

On this day of 9/11 my father at the time was working at his old job. Him and his co-workers were doing there normal routine. Then all of the sudden it came on the radio that the U.S came under attack, and a plane had hit one of the World Trade Center. Not understanding the situation at the time, they quickly turned on the TV to see the horrific site. Nobody really knew what was going to happen next. Me being in my mother's belly at the time I didn't see the scary site. To be honest, I am glad I didn't knowing the helpless feeling of not knowing what to do at all. Following 9/11 the U.S has taken in consider to raising security for traveling. 9/11 is a day we should all remember.

Garrett Spitznogle said...

On this day of 9/11 my father at the time was working at his old job. Him and his co-workers were doing there normal routine. Then all of the sudden it came on the radio that the U.S came under attack, and a plane had hit one of the World Trade Center. Not understanding the situation at the time, they quickly turned on the TV to see the horrific site. Nobody really knew what was going to happen next. Me being in my mother's belly at the time I didn't see the scary site. To be honest, I am glad I didn't knowing the helpless feeling of not knowing what to do at all. Following 9/11 the U.S has taken in consider to raising security for traveling. 9/11 is a day we should all remember.

Unknown said...

My dad was in the Mon County Sheriff's department control room when the first plane struck the world trade center. He was getting bits of news when the second plane hit the world trade center. It was total confusion, and the sheriff's station went on lock down. When the second plane hit the same location it was pretty evident that it was a terrorist attack. My dad was alone in the control room for the next 36 hours answering phones. Phones lines were blocked and my dad says that it has heart wrenching, all the calls he received from people trying to find out if their loved ones were ok. When the third plane hit the Pentagon, everyone guessed that it was terrorists and that more were to come. My dad says in the days and weeks that followed the tragedy, there was a sense of unity. He says that he imagined that the sense of unity was the same during World War II.

Alex Morris said...

I decided to interview my Dad on the 9/11 attacks. He said he was a happy 25 year old working at Rivesville. He was a fourth grade teacher at the time. He was teaching his class just like a regular old day and one of his teachers walked in and told him about. At first he didn't believe them and then he turned the news on in the classroom. The second tower was hit. He was shocked. I was at home with my mom during all of this. I was over a month old. That is what my Dad remembers of 9/11. I have been to New York and I got the chance to walk into the most emotional building in the United States of America. It was devastating. The museum was cool but I don't know if I could go in there again.
Alex Morris 4-5

Unknown said...

I decided to interview my mom about 9/11. She was late to work that day because had to take my brother to school because he missed the bus. She is a travel agent. When she got to work, all the TV's were on and she had no idea what had happened. She was shocked when she found out about the planes flying into the towers. She had clients that she needed to check on that were on flights that day. She had to cancel some flights for customers and rearrange some travel plans due to the events of 9/11. I have not had the chance to see any of the memorials in New York, but I would the chance to visit them soon.

Unknown said...

I was only less than 1 month old when it happened. I was still living in St. Lucia, where I was born. My parents heard about it on the radio. I couldn't understand the emotion at the time, but sure understand it now. The feeling of hopelessness is one of the worst feelings out there. Just knowing that you can do nothing as you watch the world change around you is devestating. Millions of people felt that empty feeling that day when the world stopped turning. The ones who had the chance to do something for the better, took their chances. When hijackers took over a plane predicted to crash into the White House, all the men on the plane helped to take it back. If you know you're going out, might as well take the bad guys out with you!

Unknown said...

On September 11th, 2001 two planes crashed into the two twin towers. My mother was 7 and a half months pregnant with me when this tragedy had happened. She was in the living room with my older sister as this happend, watching the news. My mom didn't know what to think her and my dad were both confused and terrified. The world feeling sad, outraged with this.

Lakisha jones 4/5th period

Lucy Chen said...

On September 11, 2001, I was about four months old in New Jersey with my mom. However, I interviewed my dad who was at Florida due to his work schedule. He called my mom to make sure we were alright. He even said that he was worried sick because he wasn’t there with us. Both my parents were scared at the moment. They didn’t know for sure if anything else would be happening at any second. It was scary even to them. My dad said that he had to constantly contact my mom about our safety for a week or so until he got reunited with us.

Lucy Chen Period 6/7

Unknown said...

When the planes crashed into the twin towers my mom was laying in bed 8 months pregnant taking a nap. When she received a phone call from her friend telling her to turn on the T.V. and watch what was going on. She couldn't believe it was happening. At first she didn't think it was terrorist, she just thought it was a plan crashing. I have never been to the memorial, but I would like to go there one day. Many family, friends and others have been effect by the deaths and are sill upset about it.

Unknown said...

Many people were effected by 9/11, and one just so happened to my grandma. She was told me that when the attack occurred, her own father was near the twin towers because he was in the hospital. She was worried sick and I'm sure he was to. He lives in south Carolina (and wouldn't answer his phone) so I was unable to reach my great grandfather. She told me that he kept saying "sweetie, I'm okay. You're okay. Everything will be alright." She innitialy heard of this on the radio, and word quickly spread to the news. She was frantically trying get ahold of my family members, and the hospital to make sure my grandfather was okay.

Unknown said...

My dad was in Morgantown in bed when my mom called my dad and said tourn on the news something happened. When he heard about the first plane he thought it was an accident. Then he saw the second plane go into the second tower he knew it wasn't an accident and he was shocked. Our country was devastated, sad, and ad when this terrible tragedy happened. No I have never been to New York, neither has my dad. Our country has changed like the the security at airports and public transportation. Stricter immigration and deported people out of our country cause they weren't American.

Unknown said...

I interviewed my grandma she was at work at Fairmont State University when it came across the radio. It was very shocking news and left very scary feelings for everyone involved. Everyone was very sadden with the news of the explosions for the ones involved. No I haven't been to the 9-11 museum but it is somewhere I would love to visit. They changed rules and regulations and security through out America.on that day all the Americans stood together to help comfort families and loved ones who lost their lives on that tragic day of September 11 200.The day America stood still

Jackie Constable said...

Read Jared Stern's post! Heart wrenching...

Unknown said...

I decided to interview my dad. He was working on a house in Moundsville, WV. The owner of the house he was working on came outside and told them the World Trade Center was attacked by two planes. After that they listened to the radio and went on working. He claimed to see fighter jets escorting another plane. He characterized Americas mood as scared at first then hatred after wards. After 9/11 he said our country changed with stricter security at air ports, power houses, chemical plants, and many other places. All in all, America became more alert after the attack on the World Trade Centers.
Tamara Taylor 1/2period

Unknown said...

My mom was at work in the pharmacy on the day of the 9/11 attack. She learned from patients and nurses calling into the store that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. She then turned on the radio to listen to the news reports. My mom said when she learned of the attack, she was shocked, saddened, and her heart ached. She remembered many people got to go home from work early to watch the news and to be with their families. It was the first time the United States was affected by terrorists on their own soil and people were scared. After this devastating attack, the United States enhanced security especially on planes. I have never been to the 9/11 memorial, but I hope to one day.

Unknown said...

My mom was at work at the time of 9/11. She said nobody believed what was happening even though the news reported it all happening. She had family that worked in Washington D.C. The phones in D.C and Virginia were out for three days. She had no way to call her family. My mom felt scared after the 9/11 because she didn't know if her family was okay. She said the mood in america was scared and quiet then angry at al qaeda. Our country has changed by taking the level of security in airports and other places up. I have never been to the memorial or the museum but would like to go. Adam Vandegrift 6-7 period

Unknown said...

On the day of the attacks my dad was at the gym we owned at the time, talking to his buddy, Matt Dolten. They both were watching the Today Show when it happened. My dad said his feelings were very sickning and agitated.The mood in America would have to be characterized as sad. I really want to go to the 9/11 memorial and museum because its amazingly powerful. Plus I also want the personal feeling to have. I think our country has changed a lot since the attack. There has been more people being cautious. We needed more tighter secuirty and background checks.

Unknown said...

My mom was in our apartment watching the news and ironing my dad's clothes while I was playing in the living room on 9/11/2001. Suddenly a report came up on the news that something had struck the first World Trade Tower. She called my grandparents and they came to our apartment and crowded around the TV. According to my mom,everyone in my family was devastated by the fact that terrorists had attacked the U.S. . As people came and talked on the news and asked about missing family members, they soon realized that most of the missing people had perished in the towers. Until then, the U.S. had never been attacked by terrorists on our own soil. On 9/11 ,the U.S. changed forever. I have not been to the world trade memorial, however my dad took pictures on his last trip to New York.
In closing my mom said;"I think we all have a lesson to learn from September 11th, and most of all to realize just as those people on that day, that we are not assured of anything. We can take nothing for granted, not our lives, not our freedoms, and we need to live in appreciation of everything that we have."

Court Ciemania
1/2 period

Trey Washenitz said...

On 9-11-01, my dad was working at Niosh (National Institute for Occupation Safety and Health) At the time he was working with firefighter fatalities, it's where if a firefighter goes into a fire and dies he would go and investigate it and see how the firefighter died. So he saw it on CNN and knew right away he would have to go to the Twin Towers for investigation. Instead he stayed back and did reports and figured out if firefighters should go into burning building that could collapse such as the World Trade Center. He felt that the mood in America at the time was disbelief, just from the media and observing everyone. He said after the attacks the United States tightened security everywhere including airports and high-scale buildings.

Unknown said...

On 9/11/01 i was only about 3 months old... My mother was nurcing me as she watched the news... She would tell me stories about how scared she was... I could only imagine her jaw drop and the fear run through her body... I mean i would have the same reaction... That doesn't really matter,.. What matters is how those families felt... How there hearts broke...the reaction other people had... The tears they shed... Yeah... We lost a lot of lives so RIP the 2976 american people that lost their lives on 9/11 and RIP the 48665 Afghan and 1690903 iraqi 35000 Pakistani that paid the aliment price for a crime they did not commit RIP...

Frazier said...

Zach Frazier 4th
The events of 9/11 were tragic and shocked the world. When the twin towers came down I was only 12 days old. My mom remembers the day vividly. When my mom found out about the terrorist attacks she was at my 12 day doctors appointment. At first she didn't believe what was going on. She took me home from the doctors appointment and locked the doors. My mom turned on cnn and watched the twin towers go down. Even though the day was horrific it has made schools, airplanes, and hospitals safer because of new safety laws devolved because of 9/11.

Unknown said...

I chose to interview my brother on the 9/11 attacks. He was at Miller Middle School in 6th grade math. He remembers Mrs.Dotson being took out of the room. When she came back she turned on the tv and let the children watch the news channel. He said everyone was in disbelief. A lot of the kids were in shock. He was really sad because he used to live in New York and thought that maybe some of his friends or their families got hurt. After School he went home to my great grandmas house and waited for my mother to come get him. My mom arrived later than usual because her hospital went on lockdown. Once she arrived she was talking about how they were scared my uncle was going to get drafted. My brother got really scared! They then went to my grandmas house and watched the news and talked about what happened and how said it was. My mom had just moved back to fairmont. She was offered a job at NYU a hospital that was with in 3 blocks from the twin towers. My brother said he remembered my mom making phone calls to all her friends in New York to make sure they were ok. He said that, that night him and my mom got in a fight. My mom wanted to volunteer to go help at the hospital, but she decided not to go because it was going to be so crazy. America was devastated and in grief. The lost souls will never be replaced! This attack made America so much stronger. It made our nation one and showed how we can unite. I have never been to the memorial, but I would love to visit one day. My brother told me the towers were beautiful and breathtaking. The attack was a shame and changed our country forever!

Brailey Gouzd
4-5 block

jacob gomolak said...

My mom was at home and my dad was on his way to D.C. because he works for the FBI and the FBI Headquarters is really close to the Pentagon. My dad was suppose to be in D.C. that day but something held him up from not going as early as he was supposed to. I believe that it was the Lord protecting my dad. While my mom was home a neighbor called her and told her to turn on the news. She was so shocked and sad but she was glad that my dad didn't go when he was supposed to do. I wasn't born at the time, I was probably in my Moms belly. They said that America was devastated from this tragedy. I have never been to a 9/11 memorial or museum but I would want to, it is probably sad but I would like to learn more about it. Our country has changed in many ways, the protection on airplanes is way safer than it use to be but they still have to be prepared for anything like that. U.S. military has sent soldiers over to different countries to solve problems with other countries and have been studying Terrorist Organizations. The Navy Seal team killed Osama Bin Laden who was the planner of the 9/11 attack.

Unknown said...

On September 11, 2001 my dad was working on roof for someone in Fairmont and my mom was home with my youngest brother. She was also pregnant with me. She was worried because oldest brother was in school that day. My dad was worried that when my brothers were old enough that they would get drafted. America was worried and mourning because they lost loved ones. No, I have not been to the memorial or museum in New York yet but, I would like to go. Our country has changed since the attack by being on watch for terrorist all the time.

Kaylee Elsey 6\7 period

Brandon nichols12 said...

My mom was pregnant for me at the time. She was also babysitting one of her friend's little girls. As she was was getting the little girl a snack she over heard the tv. She had came out of the kitchen to see what was happening. She was shocked,sad and worried about our family that lives in DC. The first thing she did when she saw what was happening she called her mom to tell her to turn on the tv. She has been to New York, but it was before the tragedy. I have never been there myself but I would like to go and see the memorial. I would say our country has changed alot since the attack such as the security checks at airport to metal detectors at schools. It was a sad time in american history but it did make us stronger as one country.

Unknown said...

My mom who was pregnant with me was supposed to be in Washington D.C. Her bosses drove right under the plane that hit the pentagon as they were driving by the pentagon. my mom says the most scariest part after the attack was that no planes were flying and that you don't really realize how used she was to them. She lived right by a military airport base and heard a sonic boom which she had never heard before and that scared her. She was at work and heard the first report when they assumed it was a private plane. She tried calling her bosses several times but couldn't get ahold of them she didn't find out what had happened exactly until a couple days later when her bosses got back. A few weeks later she had to travel on a [plane she said that the airports and planes were completely empty and she as the only one on the plane.

Unknown said...

My mom was in the car when she herd the radio. They started to talk about how something had hit one of the twin towers. There was confusion to what it was but it was soon cleared up that it was a plane. She tried to pick up my sister at the school. My mom was in disbelief and frightened because at the time we lived in Connecticut and that that was so close to New York. She was also afraid that people we knew would die in the event. She described america as feeling scared and in disbelief that something like this would happen to us. We have not gone but we would like to go to the memorial or museum. Before the attack we felt invincible, and after people became more cautious.

Unknown said...

On 9/11 my mom was on her way to get her payche. At the time her my dad my brothers lived in North Carolina. My mom did not here about it till she got to work. she was sad, she felt confused like what had happened. She was very sad. She thought the mood in america was that every one was confused on what was gong on and every one at her work was very sad. my brother logan was with her he was only one years old so he had no idea of what was gong on. My mom found out from someone at work every one there was sad too.

Unknown said...

I decided to interview my Dad for this. He and my mother were working at the restaurant during the attack. He overheard a customer listening to the radio. The customer approached him and told him to listen. Right after he knew what was happening, he called my aunt in uncle that live in New York. They were both at work and didn’t know what was going on. They turned the news on at work and they were worried. My father was very worried for them because they lived very close to the site. That is how my dad remembers this horrific day.

Anonymous said...

My mom said when she was working in Summerville people were coming in saying that a plane had hit the first tower. Then it was her lunch break so her and her friends went to a restaurant that had a t.v and by the time they showed up the tower was already hit. She said that she was in shock and could not believe what was happening. My dad was on his way to work when my mom called him telling him what happened and instantly turned on the radio. He was also surprised and shocked just like my mom was.

Connor Saunders 1/2 period

Unknown said...

When 9/11 happened I was 3 months old. My mom was listening to the radio and they were saying how to planes just crashed into the World Trade Center. That people were stuck and jumping out of the buildings and calling home to there families.

Unknown said...

Conner Linger 4/5

On September 11, 2001, I was neither born nor conceived, but my brother was; and he of course was being a burden. He was around 3, and had to be dropped off at daycare before my mother could go into work (she had a government position at the time and had to report in). My mother arrived, only to find she couldn't contact my father because all the phones were out because of a flood of calls. My mother left to go find him. He was in Pennsylvania somewhere selling something, but he was fine. Overall, she said that it was a terrifying experience, yet one that made our county as a whole stronger.

Unknown said...

when 9/11 happened my dad was at work hanging out with his workers when the radio announced about the first plane hitting the tower then they turned the tv on and watched in horror as the second plane hit tower number 2

Unknown said...

my mom was pregnant with me at the time she heard about the first tower being hit, she was driving to work. She said it didn't dawn on her what was happening until they said the second plane hit the second tower. My mom said she was scared, she knew it was on purpose when the second plane hit and we were going to war. She said America came together at first and wanted to help but everyone also wanted justice for what had been done. My mom has never been to the 9/11 memorial or museum in NY but would like to take me one day. America is changed because we lost a lot of Americans that day and during the war after. My mom feels like it is time to bring our soldiers home.

Trey Buracker 6th and 7th period

Cindy Maina said...

On September 11, 2001, my mom was 6 months pregnant with me. At the time we were living in Kenya, Africa, where I was born. My mom was very worried because she had already been to America before so she was very touched in a special way. Also she thought some of her old friends would be affected in some way since she hadn’t been in touch with some of them. I think some people here are very patriotic so it’s always a sensitive time. Although most people don’t know it, Kenya was first hit by terrorism in 1998 when the U.S. Embassy in Kenya was bombed. More than 200 lives were lost that day, and my mom personally knew a few that were affected. Terrorism is a very serious (and sad) issue. When that happened my mom was here, and for 3 days she couldn’t even reach her family by phone. All the phone lines were cut off, so she was so sad because she knew it had happened in her hometown where all her family was. All the Kenyans got together and they watched CNN for 3 days together while they waited to hear from their families. It was very sad! So obviously when 9/11 happened, it was hard for her to imagine that some people were going through the same thing that she did in 1998.

Unknown said...

On 9/11,My mom was 1 month pregnant with me. She was teaching at Head Start fairmont wv. My mom waited to here from their supervior whether to close class or to continue on having class. Here coworkers were panicing class continued till the end of the day. My mom remembers coming home and being glued to the tv and sitting and listening and watching the disaster take place in New York City on the news.During that time in west virgina my mom said that it was sad .here and alot of people crying and that it was quite. As days went by according to my mom she said people seemed to be kinder to one another in the town that we lived in. There was still alot of conversations and concerns as to what had happened . Mom stated that the kepttheir office tv turned on all day for days after the incident.

Unknown said...

My parents were going to Pennsylvania on 9/11.My mom was pregnant with me at the time. They were listening to the radio and heard what was happening, and was scared and shocked.The mood for the whole country was depressed. I haven't seen the memorial or the museum yet. We have improved security, and will be prepared if this was to happen again.

Unknown said...

The day 9/11 happened my dad was in Maryland working listening about 9/11 and planes hitting the World Trade Center on the radio. After he heard the second plane hit the tower he got in his truck and home from work. My dad was very upset that this was happening in his home town because he had family and friend living in New York. Also he surprised that this was happening. Him and his family were very scared about what was happening. They where very distraught because of the attack on America. After the destruction was over my dad had been to the museum to see the 9/11 memorial. My dad thinks that your country has changed because we are more united than we were before 9/11 happened.

Brooke said...

My Grandma Lynnette was In New York on 9/10 and took pictures of the twin towers. Early on the 11th of September she had got on the plane around 6am. When she had got home to see news of something she had just saw was now in a pile. She was so sad. I was in my mommy's belly and she was still working at UHC. She had went into the lounge and at first she didn't know why everyone was crying. Then she heard they words no one would ever want to hear. Sine this when we fight we do it in a different country to prevent something like this happening again.

Unknown said...

The person I am interview is my mom. My mom was at home with my older sister and cousin. She was scared and worried, and didn't know where her family was. Through out the day and fallowing weeks, my mom feelings and believes that the country got angry that it happened in are home. She has never been to New York or the memorial. actually, my mother has never watched video of devastation of that day. She thinks that from that day forward the country band together to fight the good fight. However, almost two decades later, we as a people are more divided than ever. We cannot find a common ground and it is very sad that death and tragedy is what unites us.