Saturday, December 29, 2007

24 Hours in the Life of a Student

Why is school boring? How can school be changed to be more meaningful to the student in the video as well as students that you know. List some activities that could possibly be included in any of your classes that would be more meaningful and interesting to you. Which technology tools could be used in classes? How?


DEV said...

School is boring because all you do is sit in class and study.The teachers could make class more fun with less work and grades.We could play games for studing facts to make class fun.Computers can be used to make classes fun by making 3d models of what we are learning.

Devanie Carpenter 1st period

cheybreezy said...

School is boring because alls we do is sit,take notes,and study.After everyday of doing this for so long yeah it gets old and boring.Teachers could make class more fun with less work and just give us grades on class participation instead.Group work would also be good.To make a class fun teachers could do more group work and more hands on activities.Computers could definitely make learning more fun becasue there is so much that we can do with them.

Unknown said...

schoolis boring because the teachers most usually only teach u things that you either already kno or u just get to listen to teachers blab their mouths off. school could be changed by less work to do, no hamewor, and easier ways to get better grades without having to do the work.

Megan DeJong said...

I think school can be boring when all we do is lots of book work, take a lot of notes and you are just sitting there trying to listen to the teacher. I think that instead of doing tons of book work we could do more hands on learning and not everything from a book. I prefer it when the teacher stands up to teach instead of sitting the whole time. It seems like the teacher has more energy when they are standing and that gives me more energy instead of everyone being so tired. Maybe some of the classes could be a little less structured so that some of the students could study, while others were doing activities. I like using the portable laptops. I think they are fun and they get you away from the pencil and the paper. I would like to see all of the classes use portable laptops. They wouldn't have to be used every day, but they could be used more often to change the routine.
Megan DeJong 8th Period

princeofthecovenant said...

School is boring because there are 8 periods unlike in my dads day they had 6 and there was time after lunch to socialize and if we did that now we would be able to do home work from other classes and use computers for our own reasons such as read blogs and other stuff. School could become more meaningful by being more technology involved to keep up with the students like me that are posting videos and making blogs. A few classes I would like to see develop would be a typing class, computer classes and classes that show you the in and outs of using computer programs such as Window's Movie Maker. Tech that needs to be incorperated into the school day more are computers and other tech by making the students make a movie in movie maker or make their own blogs, but it might not be the best in the begining, but with time it would develop.
nathan clouser 8th period

a said...

I think school is boring if all you do is book work. But, this can be changed by not doing so much book work. I believe that it could be changed if more hands on activities were applied to learning. If we would do Fun Fridays like in Mrs. DeWitt's room it would be lots of fun. Even if we had rewards to look forward to. Like watching a movie or having a pizza party if everyone does their work.
As for during school, we could make craft projects with what we are learning. Also, keep incorporating technology to make thing fun and interesting. If all else fails, school would even be more interesting if we had just one free period a day to socialize.
Powerpoints and charts could be incorporated with school, too. We could even make podcasts to help us learn the material needed. Also, we could use what we already know and make things easier and more fun for the students that will be in our grade next year.
Ü♥♫ Gabby Tenney 7th ♫♥Ü

Unknown said...

Any school that you walk into, there is usually a stack of papers on the teacher's desk. Some waiting to be graded, some graded and ready to be passed out, and then other worksheets that need to be completed. Teachers occupy most of their day grading and running off these papers. Think how many pieces of paper a student uses each day! Soon, there will be no trees left to use!

Many students find school boring because they are not interested in what they are learning. I don't find it fun to sit there and listen to a teacher lecture about why pi is important, how the flu is spread, or what special events happened in the year 1874. Some things we will never use again in our lives.

I like to do activities and make stuff to help me learn. I am attracted to color, so I like to make things colorful and use them to study. Mrs. DeWitt does a different thing everyday to help us understand science better. On Mondays we look at a quote and try to figure out what it means, Tuesdays we use synonyms, Wednesday we answer a question that may be similar to ones we have on the WESTEST, Thursday we look at an informational picture, chart, or graph and answer questions about it, and Fridays we do a dance about whatever we are learning about that week. This makes learning more enjoyable.

As I mentioned earlier, we use too much paper in school. I think that we should have a school website and all the classes are on this website. Each student has a username and password to log onto the classes. The websites for each class will have the books, worksheets, and other assignments on there so that we won't have to use as much paper. I wish that every student could have a mini computer to use during the school year, like a textbook, and return it at the end of the year. We would still be able to do all our work in class and there would be no excuse to forget anything because it will be saved onto your account. The mini computers could be left in school because most students have a computer at home. It's just an idea, but one day I hope that it comes into action.

Brianna Woodburn
7th Period

Unknown said...

School is boring because teachers don’t do that many hands-on activities which is what kids like to do. Teachers also don’t know this but listening to music helps us get done faster. School could be changed by a few different ways. One way would be not being so strict and giving a little more time on assignments and not having homework. Just more hands on activities and more less strict on assignments. Um the technology tools that could be used would be laptops, cell phones, and iPods. IPods help kids learn better and cell phones just let kids feel freer in school, and laptops are just plain out awesome.
Aaron Worth
7th period

Shannon Yost said...

School is boring because students don't get to do a lot of hands on activities in class. All students really have to do in class is to listen to the teacher talk. For some students it's hard to just sit there and listen to the teacher, I know it's hard for me to do. I think that more teachers should incorporate technology in to their classes and they should do hands on activities as well. I think that teachers should use the laptops or the computers in each class because it gets the students away from their pencil and paper and it makes class more in their element by using technology.

Shannon Yost
8th Period

Colbi said...

School is boring because you have to sit in class for hours. You can't talk to your friends or do anything fun. After you are in class all day and you do work there, then some teachers give you work to do at home also. There are tests you have to study for. You don't have time for yourself or after school activities. Some teachers don't realize they are giving a lot of work. They don't understand that it takes a long time to do it. There are other classes we have, not just their class.

Teachers need to make their classes more fun and exciting. If they are fun, that will interest kids. Some teachers already do fun things to make class more meaningful for kids. I like the blogs we do in language class. They are interesting to watch and we get to give our opinions on the subjects. To me this is meaningful. I am learning while having fun. Some classes are just a lot of work and not learning.

Maybe some teachers could bring in a speaker to talk to us about what is going on in that class. Someone who relates to what we are talking about. Another activity could be like in history class, we could do a reinactment of something that happened a long time ago. I think that would be fun. Also, we could watch a movie or play a game that deals with what we are learning.

A few teachers already use some technology tools. The computer is a good technology tool to use. I use the computer in my language, history, and health classes. We use powerpoint on the computer in all three of these classes. That is also fun and interesting to me. The tv can be used for the movies I suggested we watch and learn from. In science we could use a telescope to look in the sky for stars. In math we use calculators. This helps us with some of the harder math problems. Most of my classes are interesting which makes me want to learn. If it's fun you don't realize you are learnimg.

Colbi Dick
2nd period

katie nestor said...

The reason why school is boring is because kids don’t like sitting in a classroom for as long as we do listening to teachers talk about that subject. Than once the bell rings the kids have no choice but to get up and go to their next class where they have to listen to that teacher go on and on and on about that subject. Another reason why school is boring is that they have to go there and take many tests that they studied for that whole weekend.
School can be change to make it a more meaningful to students by maybe doing more hands on activities and maybe a little less homework. I mean I personal don’t mind doing homework but sometimes I have too much to do all in one night.
When I was in the fifth grade I had Miss. Saunders and I remember playing games that had the material that we needed to know in that game. I remember that helped me, because after playing the little games I would remember some of the material. A few years ago I would study for an hour and I wouldn’t remember anything. I got bored easily so that is probably why I couldn't remember anything.
I agree with a lot of the other commits. We should have a laptop to use during class. It would be easy for me I know because if I want to take notes on what the teacher is talking about I can just pull Word documents and take my notes. Than I could save them to my flash drive, turn the computer in at the end of the class period and than take that flash drive home with me plug it in to my computer, print out my notes and start studying.

Katie Nestor
7th period

Grant said...

School is boring because you sit in a classroom all day listening to teachers talk about the subjects they teach. They show little to no enthusiasm with their lectures. They act like they don’t even want to be their teaching. How can a student be excited about a subject if the teacher shows no excitement about what they are teaching.
How can school be changed to be more meaningful? School classrooms and teachers must change their techniques to reach the students. There need to be more hands on activities. Students like to get up out of the chairs and do things. Sitting all day in different classrooms gets boring. Students need to interact and move around learning in this type of setting. Doing things to learn, not just sitting and listening all day long.
Activities that I could think of that may make the subjects more interesting or meaningful would be: doing projects in class that pertain to things we, as students do in real life, working with partners or in groups with hands on activities. Also, computer time with topics that are of interest to us, or making games out of subjects as we learn.
Technology tools that can and may be are used in classrooms to help students learn would be laptops, different computer programs, pod-casting, power points that show different designs and would keep the student’s interest.
By teacher’s updating their teaching techniques to follow the new technology of this century students would be more interested in learning. School and classroom classes would be more interesting if the teachers would be more excited in how they teach and that would overflow into energy for the students to want to learn. Using different techniques would keep the interest level up as students would wonder “what is going to happen next”, “what or how are we going to learn next”?

Grant Holbert
8th Period

Jenny said...

School is boring because a lot of teachers give us busy work. Busy work doesn't make the students smarter. It just takes up alot of the students time and students hate to do it. School is also boring because sometimes teachers go over the same unit or chapter over and oiver until it is practically glued to the students brain. Students also don't like when learning about something is just like the way you learned the chapter before. They want the teachers to switch it up a little bit just so they can try to learn a different way to see which way they learn or study better.

I think the student would like school better if the teacher would change up the seating arrangement or play a game or two. Students don't want school to be the same everyday. change it up a little bit and then school might be more fun.

Review games are fun and group activities are fun. Every student likes to work in partners every once in awhile just to take off some of the hard work. Plus, it could teach the students how to work together and get along with everybody. If teachers woulds make alot of outlines i think it would be easier to study for tests and quizzes.

I think the smart board is a wonderful technology tool for the classroom because the students can interact with it. The students always love interacting with learning because it helps them learn better.

Jenny Bundy 8th

Unknown said...

school is boring because the teachers think that the only reason why we are there is to learn. that is a BIG lie. we have no choice but to go to school. school could be made fun if the teachers would lay of the homework assignments and have some fun in class. teachers could not yell at us because we forget something. AND they could let us chew gum and eat candy in class.

THAT is how they could make school fun for the students.

brittany said...

I think school is boring because all we do is write and take test I think we need to do something about that. School can be change by putting more activities in the class period instead of writing and setting there for 45 minutes. I also think the teachers could let us off the hook of being tardy because it is really hard to get to class to class in two minutes. I also think that we could have like a zero period for 5 periods and spend time with our friends in the time that is given to us. The activities that I would pick are to have some time to play around and do nothing. The other activity that I would choose is to have some time to get on the computers and play games or do anything we want on them. I also think that the teachers should hang loose and give us not that much homework instead they can make learning funnier. The technology tool that I would use in class would be a lab top because we could get our work emailed to us instead of wasting so much paper, and I also think that we should be able to print out our work from our laptops.
Brittany Morgan 7th

Basketballbabe said...

School is so boring because we learn the same things every year. This year it is even worse because not only is it boring but time consuming and stressful, doing everything on computer and the internet is horrible. I would rather write it and I hate to write. In my option we have way to much stuff to do. To change this would take out home work, have more group work, and take out some of the computer work that we have to do. If do, do computer work make it easy and not 87 question that we have to look up in the book. It would be neat to be able to have i-pods so we won’t have to hear the loud people that distract us. Also you cell phone because we could text the work to you. This is my option on this subject.

Courtney Sloan

Parrucci said...

I think that school is so boring is becuase there is nothing to keep us awake. most teachers think that all they have to do to keep us awake is give us a work sheet or something to do. then they wonder why we are falling asleep. Maybe insted of just giving us buissy work, they should give us something worth staying awake for. Or at least a word find. Another thing that could be done is fix everything that gave us a form of freadom that Neptune took away from us. For example, instead of leting us sit by our friends at lunch, he chooses to run the school like a military school and have us file in foor lunch. Another thing that could be done is give us just a little bit of time to hang out with our friends any class so that we can do something other than work all day. And Mr. H had the idea of being able to text message the homework assignments to the students instead of having to write it down on the board. I think that would be a cool idea if I had a cell phone.

**Shelby** said...

School is boring, because we sit in class and do worksheets and take notes. This makes us students sleepy, just sitting there. We could play games and do different things that keep us awake. I think in my music class if we played more instruments instead of singing and watching videos it would be more fun. In science class we could do experiments, in West Virginia studies we could play jeopardy games to learn the information. Gym is already pretty fun and keeps us awake and active. Technology tools that could be used would be i-pods for educational purposes, and we could use computers more in our classes because they are very helpful.

Gabby said...

School is boring becuase you have to sit in class all day. You have to get up at 5 am usually. I go to school and go to my mom's room. School can be changed for me by having a labtop for every student to take home and do their homework.
There should not be textbooks. Students should be able to get their homework from their ipods and cellphones.The activities that are meaningful to me are the powerpoints that we do in my mom's class. I love the podcast's because it teaches us how to use technology.The techonolgy tools ued in our classes are labtops mostly and data projectors.

♥Gabriella Constable♥
5th/6th period

[.lexi.bby.] said...

I think that school is SOMETIMES boring because most teachers just stand in front of you talking and lecturing about boring stuff. Somtimes even if you take a little nap, most teachers are still talking when you wake up.;) Also all you basically do is sit there, take notes, and study.

I think that some teachers need to at least take the time to make our classes more fun by using the computers (like we do in your class.) =) Especially because WFMS is a 21st- century school.

Maybe if we did more things that had to do with technology, maybe students would actually listen and pay attention in class. Also more students would stay awake in class too. :D

In my opinion teachers give too much work to do for one class, at one time. They give out assignment after assignment, and act like it's not a lot to do. They need to realize that we have other classes besides theirs. We (the students) are always trying to get things done on time for one class, but then, missing the due date for another project. I don't understand what the point is in giving students lots of work at a time, I think it just makes the kids frustrated, which also makes them lazy.

There is so much more things teachers can do to intrest the students, other than piling lots of work on them.

-Alexxus Bolling :)
2nd period

Logan D. said...

(COOL 21 comment)
School is boring most of the time cause kids have to sit in class and listen to a teacher tell them things that we don’t think we need to learn about but really we do. School can be more fun if we could do more active games or learn on the computer more or anything other than sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher all day. Activities that would be more meaningful in class would be to play games, use computers, use the smart board, or let us come up to the board and be your personal assistant and right the things on the board for you. Technology that could be used in classes is laptops, they could let us do all of our work in the computer and do all of the research that we need.

Logan Demyon
8th period

Mehgan said...

School is boring because we do nothing that even comes close to meeting our interests. To many unrelated things that we wont even have to deal with in the real world. School can be changed into a more meaningful thing by allowing 21st century objects and the things that we use after our school life. We can use these objects to learn and further our career in our feilds. Unstead of worksheets in classes all the time, we should be doing computer work and powerpoint shows and make it interesting to us to learn and hear about.I think that our computers could be put to more use in our schools because they have to ability to help expand our minds into something that we can learn from.

nicole said...

School is so boring because the teacher do nothing besides book work and you feel like fell a sleep in class the teacher could make it fun but of the teacher do other things but it could be cooler like give the kid food with they work or use cell phones in class maybe get some free time in the day or have a free day every week not work all the time. the teacher migtyh thing it fun but it not really fun but anything will help.

by Nicole McCaulley

cAILEY nICOLE =D said...

School is boring because students today are used to doing everything online. When we have to come to school and use books, paper, and pencil, we have to readjust and get back in the habit of using those things.
School could be change by giving each student a laptop. I think you would save money because you would not have to buy books, paper, and everything else since we would have it already. I think having our ipods out could help to because we don’t really talk that much and get our work done quicker.
Some activities that teachers could include in my classes would to add more technological things, like blogs, podcasts, and tons of other stuff. Like that one guy said on the video, teachers weren't taught to teach kids like our generation. Most teachers get frustrated and just like to skip over things we could more easily do with technology.
Some of my teachers are making the effort to include more technological assignments in class. I think they ALL have to realize that, unless they plan on quitting teaching, they ignore this issue. The next generation will be doing everything online. If they don't make the transition now, it will only get harder to do later.

Cailey Weaver
2nd pd

Unknown said...

School is so boring because you have to do work and not have alot of fun. To chage school i think they should make it a lot funner adn not go to school so early. Do more review games and not jsut take notes in class. We could use i pod instead of reading a book we could listen to it. It would make it a whole lot easier becasue i learn better if i can listen to it on tape or the teacher reads it but when a whole bunch of students read i get confussed.

Cortney Bright 7th period

davidhaley said...

School is boring because we mostly just do busy work with the exception of a few classes. We can change school by incorporating games, more technology, ipods and things students relate to today. We could do more podcasts, animatoions, power points, and things in that area. We could use ipods and cell phones and lap tops.

Unknown said...

School is boring because you have to sit down all day and listen to a teacher. School children these days have short attention spans and sitting in a classroom with bleak white walls and nothing very exiting happening can be a real downer on the average person. Most classes don't do anything really spectacular and if a student tries to liven things up a little they may get in trouble. That doesn't help the situation either. Also, like the movie showed we don't use very much technology in our classes when that is the way we live at home. School could be changed to be more meaningful to the student in the video by using more technology. Also the pictures shown of him in school showed him asleep. Maybe they should make school more interesting and have something big happen every morning so that everyone would have enough energy to last the rest of the school day. Some activities that could be included in my classes that would make them be more meaningful and interesting to me would be in classes where we go threw the same routine every day. It would be great to mix things up every now and again. For classes like math the teacher could have us make graphs on the computer and use different types of calculators for our work. An example might be a graphing calculator. For classes like social studies the teacher could have us act out parts in history and have us make computer creations on a certain event or occurrence. Technology tools such as computers, calculators, and even ipods can be used in classes. The computer can be and already is being used for many different school activities. It can be used in every subject for a number of things. The calculator can be used in math class to make solving equations easily. An ipod can be used to download any type of school related podcast from the computer. You can create and download podcasts telling an event, reading a poem or story, and even creating study techniques such as downloading a catchy song that helps you remember something for a quiz or exam.

Jacob Richards
Constable 1st

Audia Bartlett said...

School is boring because you sit at a desk all day long, watch videos, take notes do work sheets ect..... I like hands on work it makes school more fun and makes the day go fast. The teachers mood effects the class. A fun Teacher makes the school day go a little easier. The technology we do in Mrs Constables class is fun I enjoy doing power points and working on the computer, things like this make the class more meaningful and fun plus its hands on which helps you remember the things you learnt. Laptops would be helpful in the classes and help get away from just using worksheets ect...

Audia Bartlett
7th period

Unknown said...

School is boring bcause you just sit there, a waste of time.
Teachers can bring us to the East West stadium, to play and lift. We can have a study hall. We could use more computers, labtops, use our phones, and watch tv.

Unknown said...

School is boring because you have to do a lot of work early in the boring. Teachers could do more hands on projects. For science we could do the expirement with putting a mento in a bottle of pop. We could use the smart bords more.

Unknown said...

School is boring because all you do is sit at a desk that hurts your butt. You just lisetn to teachers talk about things that are really uninteresrting. Some things they talk about are interesting, but most of the time it in absolutely boring! I don't think school would be that boring, if they let us text in class and listen to our ipods,zunnes,and mp3 players. If they let us sit with our friednds, then it would be more fun. Not even the fact that we aren't able to sit with our friends, or do what we want, but the teachers are boring, the classes or boring, and it could be more fun. They should let us bring our own labtops to school (if we have one) we could get on myspace, facebook, or even education sites as well.
Brooklyn Little said.

***Brittany Ann*** said...

School is boring because usually the teachers make us do individual work or the work is pointless. Another boring thing about school is that we dont have a lot of freedom. School would be more meaningful if we were able to suggest things that we could do in our classes. We should be able to have laptops in every class and not just do individual work. Group work is fun and if school wasn't so boring maybe a lot more people would come. English classes are fun mostly because we use a lot of technology as we work. If we could get as much technology as we use in english and tech ed then school would be a lot more fun. Like I said laptops or computers could be used in classes, also the smart boards in each class.

** Brittany Matheny **

Unknown said...

School is boring because you sit in your desk all day unless you have phys ed, then you get up and move a little bit. But some teachers don't have fun when they teach so it also makes it boring for us students. School should be a FUN place of learning where students are doing fun activities and expressing their feelings and who they are in different ways. I personally like to make stuff like we're doing in our science class, an egg drop. But some teachers don't do that kind of stuff. We use technology mostly in our english class. We use the computers all the time. We do this blog every week, use thumb drives and other things like that. They are more useful than looking out of a book and doing busy work!

Rachel Waskis
5-6th period

Anonymous said...

omg,school is boring because all you do is sit at a desk,and listen to teachers talk and do paper work ya heard.
school can be changed to be fun by playing educational games,(we play jepordy in wv studies)
we could do more fun things like
do relay races,with fun facts,and things like that.
we can use computers more often to play educational video games,umptin like that ya figga deal me??..

Austin said...

I like school. I only think its boring when we learn about something that is really boring which rarely do. The schools can put an fun activity in a boring subject to make it fun. We can do more powerpoints and technology related things. I love to use technology im my classes. Palm pilots, own laptops, webcams and microphones so we could communicate with other people.

Austin Patterson
5/6th period

◘ Ryan ◘ said...

School is boring because you have to do too much work. School could be made more meaningful by letting students listen to their ipods/mp3 players; I know listening to music helps me with work. Technology that could be used in class could be a myspace, or blog, only used for school work. Students could use these sites to send homework to teachers, or post a report.

Ryan Wilson 5/6th period

C.N.B.♥ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
C.N.B.♥ said...

School is so boring because all you do is sit in class study, take tests, read, and not talk to your friends.
Teachers could make classes more fun by doing activities that the whole class liked, like power points, poems, or just talk to us about that subject.We could also get on the computer a lot more for research or assignments.

~Cheyenne Braden~ ~Perioid5&6~

twilight/potter addict said...

I think that school is boring because there is nothing to do but work! It also doesn't help that some of tthe work we are forced to do isn't fun at all. We should do more hands-on activities, like in science we're wrecking model cars to see how speed affects impact. I think we should do more Powerpoints, Movie Maker, and Blogging assesments. The kids at Rivesville get to keep a Palm Piolot for a year. They took notes, used it to keep track of assignments, and used it for countless other various assignments. I think it would be cool if we could do that. :)

Unknown said...

In my opinion, school is not boring at all. But in the opinions of all of the others, school is boring because, all you do in the day is sit on your butt and read. Where is the fun in that? I think school can be made more meaningful by doing things that most students enjoy doing. You know, instead of reading all day, read the story, then watch a version of the story in movie form. Some examples of meaningful activities that could be done to grasp the attention of the students could be: watching a movie that was based on a novel, or do projects that enhance the meaning of the story you are reading. Anything that can boost their spirits in the learning process will help. But some classes don’t need the enhancement of what I am speaking. For example: Our Language class does many things that aren’t all in the text book, but yet we are going by the book; if that makes any sense. A few other classes that don’t need help are: Mr. Keener’s class, Mrs. Williams’ class, and all of the others. But the one teacher that needs enhancing is Ms. Downs’ class. Everything she does in that class puts me about half asleep. Now that must be a boring class, because if it wants to make me to fall asleep, then there is something wrong. I mean all we do is book work, book work, book work, and another heaping dose of book work. But technology wise, we predominately use all of the technology in our Language class. That is the only class that I don’t mind using the computer every now and then. But any of the other classes, they do some fun things; but in the truth of it all. Book work is the only thing some of these teachers work on. Not meaning you Mrs. Constable, but all of the other teachers use the book as their primary source of learning. And in my opinion that bites the bubble big time.

Randy Stickley
Pd. 5/6

**Shelby** said...

^^my blog is under ~~Shelbers~~
Shelby Sawyer 5/6 th period

Mehgan said...

If you spent one day in school, you would go crazy!! This year we have had so much homework and busy work!!! If you would ever want to come in a school for one whole day and had to be a student, you wouldn’t like it. Especially since the teachers are so strict. When we where at the old school our teachers were not strict at all but, we have moved in to a new school and its like we al went crazy!!!! I do like the new school don’t get me wrong but, we went insane.

So if you want you can come spend the day in school with us. If you really want you can take my spot in school, only if you want. The only reason why I don’t like school is because of the homework, if we didn’t have homework then I wouldn’t mind coming to school. Another reason why I don’t like school is because we have to get up early, if we could wake up at like ten and goes till about three. The third reason why I don’t like school is because some of the teachers don’t like you so they try to make your live miserable.

By: Jordan dublin (NOT MEHGAN HASKIELL)

Unknown said...

School is boring because teachers don’t do that many hands-on activities which is what kids like to do. Teachers also don’t know this but listening to music helps us get done faster. School could be changed by a few different ways. One way would be not being so strict and giving a little more time on assignments and not having homework. Just more hands on activities and more less strict on assignments. The technology tools that could be used would be laptops, cell phones, and iPods. IPods help kids learn better and cell phones just let kids feel free in school, and laptops are just plain out awesome.

Evan Kosik
1st period

Kstaggers said...

I think the reason why school is so boring to us, is because in the world we live in today, we are use to doing so many things. For example, most students are in sports like basketball, soccer, football, swimming, etc. Includig sports we are on the computer, we have ipods, tv, cell phones, and video games. We are so use to having so much going on, and we have to sit down all day and listin to teachers talk. I think another reason why school is so boring is because of the surroundings in our school. At WFMS every single wall is white! You get very tired being surrounded and staring at white walls all day.

I think we could change the way we learn things in school is to use more common resources like our ipods and computer, which we debeloping right now. Another thing we could do is to get more active. If we did more things that got us out of our seats, we would probably be able to learn and comprehend things better. Im not nessicarly talking about gym activities and physical fitness, but just getting out of the seats.

I think that we have a good amount of use of technology at the school right now because we use the computers, thump drives, and smart boards. The students just get bored sitting the seats the whole time, so an activity getting us out of our seats would be great.

I think our ipods could be used in class by listing to books and forgein language lessons. They can also be used by watching videos and podcasts on certain subjects.

Kelsey Staggers

Unknown said...

Sam Haines
8th Period

I think the reason that school is so boring is because we are always doing paper and pencil work instead of finding different ways to learn. The student in the video seemed to really like technology so school could be more meaningful to him if it involved technology. I think school could be more meaningful to my fellow students if we did more activities than book work. If we did as many hands on labs in any of my other classes like we do in science, school would interest me more. I think that if we did more projects than bookwork in Tech Ed I wouldn’t be so bored and dislike that class so much. I think that web cams would be a great technological tool to use in school. We could use these web cams to talk to classes all over the world.

Anonymous said...

School is boring because teachers don't make it interesting they just all think that powerpoint is so great. Teachers could have us do things on myspace like blog and go on YouTube and find good news. YouTube isn't just things that are bad so it souldn't be blocked. They could give us something other to do instead of powerpoint or publisher.

Taylor Gross 2nd period

amelia said...

School is so boring because we are always just sitting down and discussing things, when we could be up and outside doing fun things, like playing sports. I think that if we linked learning to sports, students would have better grades, because they would be doing something that they love to do. There is a lot of technology that is used with education, but sometimes, too much is put on us at once. We enjoy e-mailing assignments to teachers every once in a while, but doing it every week gets out of control. Its hard for the teachers and students to keep track of what they need to do, and a lot of times there is technical difficulties that slow down the process. To keep computers in education a fun way, teachers could link learning with MySpace, because most students have MySpace accounts.

fletcher devaul said...

School is boring because you have to listen to the teacher talk a lot and you have to do a lot of worksheets. School would be more interesting if the teacher and the students would interact more because you will fell move involved instead of felling excluded. Also school would be more interesting if the student would get to do more technology assignments such as power points or things in that nature. Some activities that would make school more interesting is group work because students like to talk and doing group work they get to talk but they are talking about educational things. Some technology tools that could be used in classroom are computers, laptops, and smart boards. These technology tools could be used in classrooms by going on the Internet and looking at cool pictures about the lesson they are on.

Fletcher DeVaul
8th period

lgower said...

In my opinion school is boring, because the teachers haven’t found the most fun and exciting way to teach. I understand that everything we learn isn’t always that enjoyable, but we can make so kind of fun out of it. I am not saying all learning isn’t fun some of my teachers make it an incredible learning experience. The teacher’s most of the time think they have us all figured out, well if they do why aren’t they using the things that we are interested in to help us learn. This is going to sound weird but one way to get or attention is to once in a while change our surrounding like move the desks or something. Another possibly would be to change the way you teach like maybe if were learning about a certain person dress like them or something. I really enjoy using the computers and doing power points and stuff like that. Sometimes teachers though can go a little overboard on technology.

-Lauren Gower
2nd period

Connor Haberland said...

School is boring because the teachers assign projects instead of actually teaching. Kind of a do-it-yourself-and-learn-by-yourself kind of thing. School can be more meaningful to that student and other students if they integrate things that 21st century students like to do. Such as computer assignments, and other technology assignments. We could do podcasts that we download into our Ipods and present them to the class. We could use moviemaker and powerpoints.

Unknown said...

School is so boring because the teacher do nothing besides book work and you feel like fell a sleep in class the teacher could make it fun but of the teacher do other things but it could be cooler like give the kid food with they work or use cell phones in class maybe get some free time in the day or have a free day every week not work all the time. the teacher migtyh thing it fun but it not really fun but anything will help.

Bailey Haller
8th period

Wes said...

School is sometimes boring because teachers use old methods to teach. The world is changing rapidly with new technology, and many other things. Most teachers have steered away from the idea of bookwork, although some teachers still use it. Not all classes are boring; it all depends on the teacher’s idea of “teaching.” There are a lot of teachers that just tell you to do an assignment and give you a worksheet. Sometimes they don’t even teach us, they just assign work. It ends up being boring and kind of hard, because we don’t understand the assignments.

School could be changed in many ways. I think allowing students to chew gum would be an appropriate thing to do considering that the movement of the jaw muscle stimulates the brain. Maybe teachers could even make you spit out the gum before we leave class. That would be a solution to kids putting gum on the floor and desks. Also, I don’t know about you, but I’ve never fallen asleep with gum in my mouth and that could make a large difference with the tiredness of students. Being tired to me is the main reason for saying class is “boring,” especially when the assignment is really boring.

I don’t know if you know a lot about Mrs. Palotta’s Health class, but one day we got up in the middle of class and did aerobics, and I know that sounds kind of weird, but it was cool! It kept me awake for the rest of the day. Some other things we could do are…

1 . Stretch in class
2. A lot of labs - experiments (science)
3. More group activities
4. Long term assignments
5. Projects
6. Games and educational puzzles
7. Plays, skits, and drama
8. More assemblies
9. Learning more about technology

I enjoy using technology in all classes! There is a lot of technology I already use, but many more could be used and learned It would be interesting to use a school Myspace. It would be good to have more activities in the long distance learning lab and a digital yearbook. I think it would be cool to have a yearbook committee and a photo club. I would like to know more about downloading pictures and putting them on the internet. There are many more ideas, but those are just off the top of my head.

Adrianna (: said...

I think school is boring because in most classes, we don't do very fun things. We mostly do worksheets and stuff like that. I think school could be changed to be more meaningful by doing more fun activities and playing games to learn instead of worksheets and lectures. How is anyone going to learn if they are bored out of their mind? I think we need to do more partner activities, technology activities, and games that will hlep us learn. I think it we should use things like Powerpoint and Publisher more often in other classes because they are really fun and its a lot less boring than pencil and paper work.
♥Adrianna Curtis♥
7th period

Kenny said...

School is boring because you sit in classrooms all day. Also, some classes don’t allow you to talk as much as in other ones and that makes it boring. I think that if some classes were more hands on it would make kids have a better interest in learning and they would pay attention more. I think that doing class work that involves using technology would be more interesting and meaningful to students. I also like doing fun activities. I like all of the technology that we use in English class. It keeps students interested and it’s a different way of doing class work. It also keeps you busy, and it’s never boring. It is also a different approach to learning that kids enjoy.

Phil said...

On very rare occasion is school interesting. Most of the time all my day consists of is sitting in a chair taking notes, or doing worksheets while a teacher lectures me. Does that sound fun or interesting to you? Our teachers need to stimulate us and grab our attention, or within their lifetimes, our country as we know it will fail. We are the future whether they choose to believe it or not, and if we do not learn we will not succeed. The teachers would like to think that it is our job to pay attention, but really, if we are doing the same things repeatedly, how can we pay attention? They need to incorporate activities and interactive learning technology into their teaching plans, because that is what the world is today, rapidly changing technology and the competition of nations. So why are our teachers trying to teach us about the world of today, with the technology of the past.

Savannah (: said...

Most students find school boring because, they have no interest in most subjects taught in the school. The lack of interest in academic subjects is the endless hours of teachers standing in front of the class, lecturing in the most boring, annoying monotone voice. At points in everyone’s education, you will get a bad teacher. Sometimes, this one bad teacher can ruin your confidence and lead a student to hate that subject for the rest of their lives.
Another reasons school is boring, is because students now have so many other forms of entertainment, the only thing they can think of is their new updates on MySpace or what new games they will be able to find. Taking notes with pencil and paper is not close to as interesting as playing with technology.
On way for students to enjoy school more is to be stricter with the teachers they hire. I know from personal experience, I received a “bad” art teacher at a young age and I have never enjoyed the subject of art again. Teachers should be able to hold a student’s attention enough to transfer the just of the lesson. A teacher must use fluctuation in their voice and body language. It may not seem so, but I pay attention a lot more to teachers who move around and use huge body motions. If I have to follow their moves across the classroom, I’ll be more likely to pay attention.
One very important change that should be made in school is the amount of technology. Students are now equipped at home with computers, video games, iPods, and cell phones. So at school, they expect the same luxuries. Technology also creates more of a challenge for students. Taking notes off a board is too easy for students. They probably know more about technology for teachers do, so what teachers think my help students may really be boring. With the growing technology of this era, there is always a new challenge for anyone who wants to learn.
Many students do not make the effort and honestly don’t care about school. This is why making the learning environment more student friendly could help encourage kids to learn. No one wants to sit at a desk taking notes when they could be sitting at home, learning about things that really interest them. The education spectrum should be more opened to what student’s really want to know and make learning less “forced”.

Savannah Sims&trade
2nd Period♥

Olivia (: said...

I think school is boring when all we do is book work. Well at my old school we used to have a half an hour socializing time right after lunch. That way we would be able to talk to friends and just hang out for a little bit. To make classes more interesting teachers could do more hands on things rather than book work or make class more fun somehow. In English class we do make learning more interesting. For example, when we do a book report we either make a power point, a brochure, or a poster to make it more interesting. Rather than just writing a report about the book on lined paper. I believe that we could use laptops and computers in everyone our classes. If everyone could bring in their own laptop or the school system could provide each student with a laptop learning would be so much more fun.

Olivia DUke
1st period <3

Andrew said...

I think that school is boring because we have so many stupid rules. There are alot of ways to make school better for instance if you want you can bring your labtop and do your work on your computer. I love when we do work on the computer because it is so much easier to do work. Some things we do on the computer are blogs, podcasting, and movie makeing. We use alot of technology tools such as computers, calculators, TV's, telescopes, DVD's, and ipods for podcasting.

Andrew Suplita
1st Period

Unknown said...

School is so boring because all we do is sit there and listen to the teacher talk and we do home work. Also we are not allowed to talk to any of our friends. School would be more meaningfull if we would use technology more in our other clases. Some activites that could be included are powepoints, publisher, blogs, and more. The technology tools that we could use are computers, cellphones, and Ipods. On computers we can use publisher, powerpoint, and the internet for blogs. We can use cellphones to remind us what we have to do. If we had a palm we could use it as a calendar as well as taking our notes on it which would eliminate the need to carry so many notebooks and binders. Information put into the palm could be downloaded onto the computer. We can use our Ipods to help us study for our tests.

Evan Cameon said...

School is boring for many reasons, the homework and the long classes mostly. You can have breaks and longer lunch or some time to just relax or play in the gym. We could do more online things but not have to answer alot of questions from your text book like Mr. Patrick's class. You could use alot of thechnology like computers for powerpoints brochures and you can use the internet to research famous people and other things.

Unknown said...

This blog was weird but made a lot os sence. School is boring because nobody wants to come to school early in the morning to learn about history and math.Its pretty boring but some of it is fun!!! School can change to be more meanful to students but allowing us to have more fun time and study hours. As for during school, we could make craft projects with what we are learning or make interesting models. I think we should us more computer programs in class because they are more fun!!!!!

-Ashley Charles
-8th period.

Unknown said...

This blog was weird but made a lot os sence. School is boring because nobody wants to come to school early in the morning to learn about history and math.Its pretty boring but some of it is fun!!! School can change to be more meanful to students but allowing us to have more fun time and study hours. As for during school, we could make craft projects with what we are learning or make interesting models. I think we should us more computer programs in class because they are more fun!!!!!

-Ashley Charles
-8th period.

Ali said...

I think school is boring because most of the time we are just doing busy work, book work, and worksheets. We should do more projects with partners and such. Also i think we shouldn't have to listen to the teachers lecture all the time. I think school can be changed so thats it's more fun by getting rid of all the old teachers that aren't very good and noone like and bring in new young teachers that have a fun method of teaching. I think some activites would be doing things such as bookreports, powerpoints, and other stuff that we should have an option to work with a partner. I think that each student should have there own personal technology tool or to be more specific a laptop. This is so that if some students don't have powerpoint or microsoft word on their computers at home they will have it on their laptop. Also it'll help the certain students who do not have computers at all.

Ali Sansalone
8th period

JP said...

School is usually boaring, because we just sit at desk for seven and a half hours. We need to be more active. Being able to stand up in class would be nice. In fact I think that should be allowed as long as it is beside our desk, or in a controled fashon.
We need to have more hands on activities. Science does prove that the adolecent brain learns better when active. We should use the smart boards more then once a month. thats about how many times my classes use them.
I I dont even think some teachers have noticed the telivision sets setting over there desk. We need to use the TV sets more as well.

Unknown said...

School is so boring because all we do is nothing either read, take notes, and sit there.*zzzzzz* I think school would be more meaningful to us as a student if we did more work on the computer because I love using technology its so cool. I think we need to use it more then we do now maybe if we did people would turn in there work more and not sleep in class. If we did more pod-casting and took notes on the computer, and ECT then it would be more interesting. Some technology tools we could use is I have no ideal.*lol*
Ashley Patterson

Nick Sinclair said...

School is boring because all you do is study material, take notes, and take a test. That is boring! I think school work is more meaningful when we do hands on activities. I like to work with my hands. I like group work because you get to talk over ideas with your friends. Some activities that would make school more meaningful is group work, power points, games, and computer activities. I think there should be computers in all classrooms to make learning more fun and move toward more technology in the schools.

Nick Sinclair
8th period

Taylor Masters said...

I think school is boring because we aren't active alot. We sit there and get lectured at. Plus most things in history and the past are not very interesting. Yeah, some things are but very rarely.
School could be changed to be more meaningful by maybe having shorters class periods. Kind of like the scheldule for two hour delay days. I think the classes are too long and that just loses the children's attention and then they get distracted and don't pay any attention. And maybe be going by the two delay scheldule they wouldn't get distracted so often.
A list of some activities that could make classes more meaningful and interesting to me are to play games to remember the notes for the test, maybe like a memory game or something. Then maybe have other races or something for the first one done with his/her work. But I don't know something like that.
Some technology tools that could be used in classes are more computers. I think every class room needs enough computers for everyone. If that isn't posible due to spacing than every class needs a portible laptops, like the ones at our school.

taylor masters
3rd period

jared burns said...

School is boring because we don’t usually take alternative ways of learning; instead we normally use pencils and papers. Using technology in schools could possibly make more students interested in what is going on in school instead of waiting till the last minute to do work. Students are used to using technology like this at home if we transfer this over to school more students would probably take more awareness to what is assigned to them. Allowing us to use computers in class would be a good way to make class interesting to students. With computers we can make powerpoints, brochures, documents, etc. A computer of course would be the ideal tool to use for these programs and projects.
Jared Burns
8th Period

emily said...

I think school is probably boring to each kid for a different reason. My reason is there isn't enough creativity in the classrooms. For every forty-five minute period you have to sit there and listen to this adult teach about this dull subject you have no idea why you even need to know. What if this student is not interested in United States history? If teachers would find a way to intrigue kids, even if they don't like the subject, it would make a difference. A teacher could relate John F. Kennedy to a subject the students like. Also, I think laziness has a big part to do with this so called "boredom" in school. If kids were more devoted and new they were lucky to be so fortunate to have schooling. I think if every single kid took a trip to Africa for a day, they would have a more positive attitude towards their education. Also, I think if kids weren't so preoccupied with their girlfriend or boyfriend it would be a lot easier for them to concentrate. If we had more exercises in school were we could involve some of our own personal opinions, it would be a lot less boring. We already have blogging were we can share our own opinion about different events taking place today.

Emily Jordan p. 2

midge said...

To me school is boring because we have to sit in classes all day! We can't talk to our friends. We learn all kinds of boring stuff that we won't even need in life. The teachers give us all kinds of assignments and most of the time they load us with homework.

School could be more meaningful if the teachers would make class more fun and exciting. Certain teachers make learning fun, but most teachers don't. If there were more teachers that made school exciting it would be so much better. Also, school should start later because that’s why kids fall asleep in class. School starts way to early.

Some activities that should be included during class are allowing us to have time to talk to our friends. Letting us have more time to finish homework during class period or just stop giving so much homework. We have a life after school and half of the teachers act like we don't by giving us a load of homework.

We use a lot of technology tools already in classes. Computers are probably the most useful technology tools. They can help you with anything pretty much.
I also think smart boards are a great technology tool. There fun to use and you learn from it.

Nathan said...

I think school is boring because in most classees you just have to sit there and write or read. And you have to stay seated all of the time. School could become more meaningful by creating oonline homework so you don't have th carry alot of books home. Some activities that would be more meaningful I think would be activities done on a computer instead of work from a book and oral activities that save us from writing as much. You can do alot of activities on a computer such as a Powerpoint presentation, a word document, or online research for a project.

Nathan Kolar 7th period

Unknown said...

David Collins
2nd Period

I believe school is boring because teens and younger children do not find anything interesting about school, books, bullies, and they might also hate all the uptight teachers and the restricting rules. I think that if there were things such as Movie Monday or Freaky Friday, teen and young people would look forward to school just a little bit more. I think activities like fun Friday and maybe if water, soda, and snacks were permitted in class rooms. It would give teens and young people something to look forward too in classes they do not really like that much. I believe that in every classroom, students should be given a laptop so that they do not have to worry if all four of the computers in the classroom are taken up by other kids.

Unknown said...

School is boring because most of the time all we do is sit and listen to the teachers. Unless we are moving around then we shut down and it is hard to focus. We are already using all kinds of technology in the classrooms but we are still carrying around textbooks. We could have all of our books on flash drives or even on palm organizers. We could email all of our assignments to our teachers and eliminate all paper work. There is so much to improve upon.

Kristen Zirkle
2nd period

Madison said...

School isn't always boring. The majority of the time it's not half bad. For students to have to sit in a chair for long periods of time with no physical activity, or interactive learning it takes the fun right out learning.
If lessons were taught more orally, and students had more of a chance to express their opinion on the topic classrooms in general would be better. I think that having more long term group projects would be fun, and really discussing ideas instead of reading them. A study hall is cool, too. The computer should definitly be a part of an everyday classroom. It would also be nice if kids received their own personal PDA systems.

- Madison Hoke 2nd pd. ;)

alex swiger said...

School is boring because it is something we don't want to do. When someone doesn't want to do something, they consider it to be boring. We should be aloud to do more stuff inside of the class. We should be able to talk when the teacher is not talking. That would make school better than it is now. If we could do more exciting things kind of like hands-on or labs it would make it way exciting than it is now. We could use more technology based things like the smart-board more often. The teachers could also include more computer activities in their lessons if they don’t now. We could learn faster with the smart-board. It will let teachers highlight important information and much more.

Baller_Girl_13 said...

School is boring because it doesn't have anything fun to do. The teachers could have fun games with facts, and that is how we can learn stuff too because it will interest us. Computer games, drawing, jeopardy, craft projects, and etc. The computer by which you could put the activities on to do during classes.

Sierra GReenlee

Unknown said...

School is boring because of all the stupid rules and the boring teachers who go on and on about something forever. It really does put me to sleep sometimes!! School could be changed by the stupid way we sit at lunch and like how we get writen up for being late for school. Actually cook in base class because we never do fun things, do projects like slideshows in Geography because I usually fall asleep in that class, and do more technology assignments in basically all of our classes. We use computers for blogs, Holt Online Essays, podcasts, powerpoints, and Microsoft Word for writing. I think that it is much more fun using technology then to work pencil and paper everyday.

Katlyn Wilt
8th period

XCChick said...

School is so boring because nobody even tries to make it interesting, when things are interesting and fun kids get it more! We need to be taught not taught at, we need for teachers to have a little fun and not be stiff and mean. If teachers had fun activities like group activities and if they would make cool posters or things that go along with the lesson that were colorful to get our attention we would learn a lot more! I think each student should be able to use a lap top in class to make things easier and its way more organized than in a binder.

Unknown said...

School is boring because all we do is sit in a chair all day long and listen to a teacher lecture us on a topic that goes in one ear and out the other. We do worksheets, bookwork, and computer stuff every single day and we never remember it because the way it is taught to us is boring. We also have to much work to do and homework too. We don’t learn if we don’t like it. Teachers could make school more fun by not making us do as many worksheets and bookwork. They could also not lecture us as much because the last thing we want to do is listen to someone talk about something we do not know about that will make us even sleepier and tired. They could play games, have stuff where you do something physical and active and hands on, and have projects where you do something that is not on the computer because some people, like me, aren’t very good with computers or just don’t like them. Some technology tools that could be used are computers but not a lot. We could use it to do ONLY SIMPLE stuff like type up an essay, research someone, and an occasional PowerPoint. I’m not sure what else we could use because computers are the main things we use at school and for everything else.

Meshell(Michelle) Tucker
1st period

Tina said...

I don't really think school is boring. I think that if a student doesn't work and sleeps in class, their parents should be notified and their games and phone should betaken away. Teachers should lay off the computers for a while and give me a break. I think that would be more meaningful for all my other homework. I never get all of it done. I think that anything could be used in class but teachers could still use paper and a pencil.

NIck said...

School is boring because there aren’t a whole lot of fun assignments that we get to do. Most of the teachers just give us work to do so we are busy and they don’t have to help us or anything. I think that we should have some free period during the day to catch up on homework that we were to busy or forgot to do, or just to relax for a little while and talk with friends that we might not see much. Some teachers could do things with the students instead of doing things out of the book all the time. That would make that period more fun and we would probably learn more from it. Computers could be used in classes a little more. In tech. ed. We could learn how to do cool things on the computer. One cool thing we could learn could be how to make and run a website of our own.

Nick Trefz
8th period

Unknown said...

For some people school is really boring. But I actually like this year. But, I have to say that the only really boring part about it is some work teacers give us. They don't really give us fun assignments to do, and when they do, it's not very often.

I think that if the administrators of the school make classes more exciting and let the students have fun, but learn at the same time.

If I could pick some things to incorporate into my classes to make them more exciting, I would say I would have to choose more games and activites on what we are learning.

Even though MySpace is blocked from the school, I think that it would be interesting if each of our classes make their own MySpace page. But not just the regular ones where you tell aout yourself or anything like that, the type of MySpace where you can post what you've learned, want to learn, and what you're going to learn in the future !

MacKenzie Kline
2nd Period [:

AShields said...

School is boring because we barely ever do hands on things and we just have to sit there. School can be more meaningful By doing things hands on. Just sitting there Kids barely learn anything. Like in Science instead of learning about acceleration, we could experiance it head on. We could use things like computers to make things more interesting. (we do in some classes but not in others) We could use them to see real life experiances.

Unknown said...

School can be fun or boring, It depends on what you do. For some people they like different things then other people so they may think that its more fun. For me sometimes I think that it is oring because I hate just sitting there doing nohing. Honetly in some classes all we do is busy work and in some other classes we can also sit there and actually learn something. I also thinks school is fun because you can be thre with your friends. I think that the teachers could make school more fun by makeing the things and assignments that we do. It would be still learning but in a more fun way. Podcasting, doing more fun experiments in science, more hands on activites, more computer based activities, and more trips. I think that we could use
ipods and laptops.

buonaiuto said...

I think that school is boring because there are so many other things that I think I could be doing. It just doesn't seem time efficient. Some ways to make school more meaningful is to give out prizes for good school work. To make school more interesting, we need more humor and rewards to look forward to. I really enjoy Mr. Furgason's class because he keeps things interesting. While teaching, he really reaches out by using humor. I also think that we deserve more rewards. Kids are simply just not interested in spending their time working for no paycheck. I enjoy using computers during class. It is a fun way to learn.

Anonymous said...

school is boring because we never get to do interesting stuff.All we do is listen and paper work.
the teachers could try to make an effort to remember the students names. i think we should be able to go out side during periods,to get some fresh air,because we are stuck in side all day♥
we could also listen to educational music,like applying what we learnd to music.

***Brittany Ann*** said...

School is boring because all we usually do is learn and sit in our seats and we almost always do individual work. School could really be changed by our teachers letting us do group work, and possibly give us a study hall to get work done that was not finished that do or for work that is due that day that was not finished.

Labs in science would be a lot better than worksheets. We do have labs but they arent really fun and they happen rarley. Technology that could be used wpuld be the smart boards. I think maybe in the future schools would be better off with laptops other than textbooks, mostly because laptops would be more meaningful and students would take more care of them, another plus side to having a laptop instead of a book would be we would not have to carry a binder or paper or a pencil or pen.

** Brittany Matheny **
~5th-6th period~

Unknown said...

School is boring because all you do is sit in class, study, and do busy work. School could be changed by putting some fun in class and make less work for the students. They could make games out of the study guides. They could use computers in class to do the work online so it would make it easier.

Unknown said...

To be honest, I don't think school is boring. Most of the time you do different things every day. Occasionally, you have a boring teacher, but that is the teachers fault. Teachers could make it easier for students to learn by using ways that relate to our lives. I think any way of incorporating technology into the classroom should be used in any way possible.

tori M said...

School is boring becuase we already know what they're teaching, or they don't teach it in an interesting manner. Plus most people don't really care. SChool could change to be more internet savvy. What would also need to change would be the students' attidue towards school. WE don't enjoy it, so we don't pay attention. Most people don't realize how important education is to getting a good job, so they don't do stuff for school.WE should use computers more in school. and actually have good computers instead of the ancient things we use now. And cell phones would be nice.

1st prd

Nakoma said...

School is boring because there is nothing in the halls to keep your brain busy while you are walking to the other end of the hallway so you tend to walk slower. Do a podcast for class and use your ipod, make a webpage for class. Make a blog website about why school is interesting or really boring. ipods could be used in classes, laptops, phones, instent messenger, T.V.s could all be used in the class room. ipods could be used for podcasts, laptops- so that more of the students could do their work in the class room and not have to wait to do their work later, phones could only be used and be monitered by the school bu a radar to listen in and hear what the students were talking about for class(while the students were in class), instent messenger could be used only during the class period (also be monitered by a computer) for students to do group work and do more projects, T.V.s are already being used in the classroom to watch movies for class to do book reports on books.

Nakoma 1st period

reese! said...

School itself it's very boring its just what teachers decide to do that day. I'm the type of person who like to move fast. I think that school would be more meaningful if there was less drama and tension everytime you walk in the school. Its piontless. Somethings that would be more interesting to me is to have a little soccer ream or vollyball. Really no technology would be used, just the heart of the game.

Tommy Bice, Bice Baby said...

School is boring because the teachers either give the students too little of a role in what is going on in class or they are giving them to much to do in class. School could be made more exciting by giving students interesting roles throughout the school day. More interesting activities could be used in classes to make them more interesting. Games like "Jeopardy" used for trivia, or charades for vocabulary would be a great way to make class more intersting.

Tommy Bice, Bice Baby said...

*Added To Above.
Tommy Bice
2nd Period

Unknown said...

School is very boring because we learn the same things every year. This year it is even worse because not only is it boring but time consuming and stressful, doing everything on computer and the internet is horrible. It makes it really hard for kids with no computer. I would rather write it. In my option we have way to much stuff to do. To change this would take out home work, have more group work, and take out some of the computer work that we have to do. If do, do computer work make it easy and not 87 question that we have to look up in the book. It would be neat to be able to have i-pods so we won’t have to hear the loud people that distract us. Also you cell phone because we could text the work to you. Shane Richardson 1st

[gwendolyn] said...

School isn't always boring. The majority of the time it's not half bad. For students to have to sit in a chair for long periods of time with no physical activity, or interactive learning it takes the fun right out learning.
If lessons were taught more orally, and students had more of a chance to express their opinion on the topic classrooms in general would be better. I think that having more long term group projects would be fun, and really discussing ideas instead of reading them. A study hall is cool, too. The computer should definitly be a part of an everyday classroom. It would also be nice if kids received their own personal PDA systems.

[gwendolyn] said...

School isn't always boring. The majority of the time it's not half bad. For students to have to sit in a chair for long periods of time with no physical activity, or interactive learning it takes the fun right out learning.
If lessons were taught more orally, and students had more of a chance to express their opinion on the topic classrooms in general would be better. I think that having more long term group projects would be fun, and really discussing ideas instead of reading them. A study hall is cool, too. The computer should definitly be a part of an everyday classroom. It would also be nice if kids received their own personal PDA systems.

Kayla said...

I firmly believe that school is boring just because we are sitting in a desk most of the time and not really moving around all though that much. I think that if teachers could possibly come up with games to help them learn school may not be so boring. I think that if we could be able to have study hall than most of the kids could be able to do some of there homework that they have gotten during the day maybe at least ten minutes to work on stuff they wouldnt have as much to work on when they went home. When they get home they can finish up the reast of there work and then they could possibly go to bed a lot earlier and be able to make it threw the day at school! I think that computers are a great way for technonlogy use in school because I dont think that I could even possibly think of anything that the internet doesnt hav on it.

Kayla Wyatt
7th period

Andrew said...

School is boring because all we do is busy work and never have fun! It can be more interesting by making students do more fun activities and help learn at the same time. School can be more meaningful by the professors actually learning the students' names and caring about how they do in life. Some activities that would make school more meaningful are having review games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and who wants to be a millionaire. Computers can be used more in class by assigning multiple projects to do in class, such as a PowerPoint presentation of our book reports.

demi_thaler said...

School is so boring because there is nothing fun about the place and we alway have to do work and we have so much homework. Maybe if school had less work the kids would be happier and not have to worry about doing their homework at 10:00 at night. Some activities that would make class more fun is by working with groups and talking about the lesson, get on the computers and look up information on the subject, and last maybe give so very easy work to the classes other than hard work.

rachel_marie_7 said...

School is boring because of numerous reasons. For one thing, there is a lot of busy work. For example a teacher hands you a bunch of worksheets and says, “ do it” that isn’t actually fun. The only time its fun is when we can give our own opinion, we are talking about ourselves because some people these days are a little more self-absorbed than others and it is easier for them, or it is a crossword (but doing those can also get boring). Another reason is when a teacher does not even seem enthused about what he or she is doing and just sees it as “baby-sitting”. It really gets boring and quite frankly annoying when they tell what a bad class you and in high school teachers don’t even want us coming, because they here the horror stories about there incoming freshman class. But all of these things probably affect students one way or another, but I have some really good teachers. The only thing they have ever done to truly bore was teacher me something I have no interest in. But maybe some more online educational games that are not so juvenile would be a good activity. The student in this video and most students in the classroom today use technology everyday. We need more technology. Not necessarily online assignments but devices in the classroom. We have a nice school but we try to live up to large of a title. If we had more things that worked and just more things, like laptops in each class along with the four each class already have students would not have to wait later and then run out of time when they get on. Other than laptops maybe something like PDA’s but more school oriented than the regular one, we might be more organized because few students use their organizers.

Rachel Keefover
2nd period

Anonymous said...

I would have to say the school is boring, because all we do is sit and take notes. We have to sit in class all day and just write down things that we are going to put away and never look at again unless we are told to study it. Im not saying that we aren't going to look at the things that the teachers give us, but its not things the really interest us.

To the students in the video, it's clear that you have to use some kind of technology device to get their attention. WHen they go home, all they do has something to do with a comuter, cell phone, or television. If they want to make school less bring for these kids, the teachers have to try something that they are interested in.

It would be nice to be able to use ipods or something else to like view videos for classes and activities for school. The whole world now knows that technology devices are pretty much the only things that catch any child or teenagers attention these days.

Zack said...

School can be boring at times because of all the work, but that isn't to say school is bad. It helps you later in life. To be more meaningful to students, I suppose schools could make more of an effort to "connect" to each student and see that their needs are met, rather than have everyone do the same thing and expect to understand it. I don't want to blame anything on teachers, because they are giving all the effort they can. It's probably more boring for them, teaching the same things 8 times a day (Not 7 because we don't have recess anymore! Boo!) Some activities that could be included in classes could be more technology-integrated teaching, like they are trying to do at our school. Speaking of our school, I think it is especially boring because it's completely white on the inside! Was Miller really such a bad building? My house is about 80 years old and is in no danger of falling apart. If they're going to make a new school, they should at least have things to look at to keep our feeble minds occupied. I think a tool that could be used in classes as well as home is a personal planner. It would cost a lot less to just download your books to the planner than to buy the actual textbooks. The teacher could also send work to the students on it and it would become part of the daily routine. Given the behavior of our eighth grade, though, I don't see the plan lasting long.

Unknown said...

I think school is boring, because after a while people get tired of sitting in a room going over stuff the same way everyday. I think if teachers maybe took more time to making learning more fun the way people react to learning would change. Doing less on the computer and more group work would help me be more interested, I just get tired of doing the same things on the computer. If we did something more fun I would probably enjoy it more. Some technology that could be used in the classrooms is doing pod casts and things like that.

Ali Summers
2nd period.

Unknown said...

School is boring because kids dont get to ever get breaks! Teachers could play fun games and watch more interesting videos. You could play games by watching videos and playing basketball and baseball. I think the best technology is a computer! Why?, because you can play games on it and make it fun!

Unknown said...

I liked this video because it shows the real life of a student. School is boring because we don't get to see are friends all we do is sit in a class and do work. I think if they give us a little more time to talk to our friends and more kids would like to go to school. In our classes if we did more activities and not just bookwork. I think that we should get to use more websites like we could use like my space to ask our friends what were doing that day if we are absent.
George Corbin
7th period

emily said...

School is boring because we have to stay in a room all day. Students don't get to see their friends or talk to them much. School would be better if instead of using books we used computers. Some activities that would make class better would be group work and less busy work. Using music to teach would also make students pay more attention. Computers could be used as tools to type and look up information. On Ipods, teachers could upload their lessons and the students could listen to it later as a review. Listening to a review of that days lesson would boost student comprehension by letting them hear it all again. It would just be a better way of taking notes.

Unknown said...

School is boring because its school and we have to listen to stuff that we really dont like. School coud have more hands on activities or could make it more fun. In science if we did labs and in language and other classes we did more computer things. Lab tops and beakers. We could do power points or other things. For beakers we could do chemistry and make stuff blow up.

Steff said...

School is boring because in most of our classes, all we do is sit, read, study, and work. And those are the four things that every kid hates. (Well every kid I know!)I think school could be made a little more fun. Like, more games and less worksheets. I think we could use computers. We could use the many programs that we have in the world to do the stuff we need to do in class. Out of all my classes, I really only use computers in English, for more than Benchmark. I think the above stuff would make classes a little more interesting and fun. It might even help a few kids bring their grades up.

Steff said...

Stephanie Harris
8th Period