Saturday, December 29, 2007


Why does the state of West Virginia want to stop the use of tobacco? How does our state rank with other states in the use of tobacco? Who are the main users of the vairous types of tobacco? What are the main health issues associated with tobacco use?


Audia Bartlett said...

West Virginia is number one in adolescent cigarette use and number one in adolescent smokeless tobacco use. This is why they want to stop the use in WV. Male teenagers are the main users of smokeless tabacco.
Every year, about 8,000 West Virginians 90 percent of them under age 18 begin smoking.

Every year, about 4,100 West Virginians die from smoking related illnesses. Only Nevada, the District of Columbia, and Tennessee have a higher smoking related death rate than West Virginia.

West Virginia's lung cancer death rate 90 percent of which is related to smoking is now the fourth highest in the nation for men and sixth highest for women. The death rate is increasing steadily, particularly among women.

In West Virginia, 43 percent of high school students claimed to have smoked within the previous month,
In West Virginia, 20 percent of high school students said they are regular smokers having smoked on at least 20 days of the previous month 13.8 percent claimed to be regular smokers.
The main health risks are cancer, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis, stroke, heart attack ect....
Sounds like a good reason for WV to want to stop the use of tabacco

Don't start and you wont have to worry about quiting

Audia Bartlett
7th period

a said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it is deadly and it is a bad influence in kids in WV. Our state ranks first in the use of different types of tobacco. The main users of tobacco are teenagers under the age of 18.
The main health issues associated with tobacco are heart attack, stroke, pneumonia, cancer, liver disease, and a lot more. Tobacco can cause death. Don't you think that should be in big letters on the lable?
Gabby Tenney 7th

Anonymous said...

Here are some things I found
on the smoking facts of West Virginia:

Beginning with 1989, the Health Statistics Center of the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health has tracked smoking rates of mothers who smoked during pregnancy. These data have been derived from the West Virginia certificate of live birth, which includes a question regarding the mother's smoking habits during pregnancy. The data have been tabulated for the 10-year period 1989-1998, with tobacco use being related to other items on the birth certificate.

There are approximately 8000 West Virginians who start smoking or using other forms of tobacco each year, most of them are under age 18 (3, 4). Moreover, the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) (3) found West Virginia youths had one of the highest rates of both current and frequent smoking in the United States. Specifically, 41.9% of West Virginia high school youths reported using tobacco products on 1 or more of the 30 days preceding the survey (current use), and 24.1% had smoked cigarettes on 20 or more of the 30 days preceding the survey (frequent use) (3). Further, West Virginia ranked as one of the highest in ST use nationally with 15.8% of its youths currently using compared to a U.S. average of 11.5%.

The main users of tobacco are the teens of West Virginia. Most of the people that smoke started before the age of 18. A lot of the teens in highschool have said they have smoked in the last 20 to 30 days.

Megan DeJong said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it causes lung cancer, heart disease, lung disease, other cancers and strokes. In West Virginia, 25.3% of high school students smoke, 26.5% male high school students use smokeless or spit tobacco, 3,200 kids under 18 become new daily smokers each year, 128,000 kids are exposed to second hand smoke at home and 4.8 million packs of ciagrettes are bought or smoked by kids each year. Tobacco use in West Virginia, compared to some other states is very high! The main users of the various types of tobacco are kids under the age of 18 and young adults. As I mentioned at the beginning, the main health issues of tobacco use are lung and other cancers, heart and lung disease, stroke, and many others. Smoking kills more people that alcohol, AIDS, car crashes, illegal drugs, murders and suicides combined. So basically, DON'T SMOKE!!!!
Megan DeJong 8th Period

DEV said...

West Virginia wants to stop tobacco use because we use to much of it.West Virginia is number one in adolescent cigarette use and number one in adolescent smokeless tobacco use.Teenagers are the main users of tobacco.Many types of cancers can happen with useing tobacco.

Devanie Carpenter 1st period

drew c. said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because cigarettes cause cancer in the lungs and kill 400+ thousand people a year. It looks like our state is the highest in under age tobacco use. It seems that people under 17 seem to be the people who use it the most in WV. Tobacco causes cancer in the mouth and lungs. Can cause you t have to get a hole in your throat.

Drew Crouch

ptwigg(: said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop smoking because its a horrible influence and nicotine addicts can and do die young. West Virginia is ranked one of the first adolescent states after Nevada, the District of Columbia, and Tennessee have a higher smoking related death rate than West Virginia. The main users of tobacco are teenagers under the age of 18. Some of the few health issues are, cancers, heart and circulatory disease, miscellaneous, pneumonia. etc.
Paitan Twigg
7th period

Olivia (: said...

Smoking and tobacco are very bad for your health and others so don't do it! I believe that West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it is a very bad influence on kids and it can cause life threatening diseases. Smoking can cause all types of cancer, strokes, and even heart attacks.West Virginia has the third highest adult smoking rate in the U.S. at 26.7%, and the highest rate of spit tobacco use among men at 15.9%. Tobacco is clearly a problem for our state. Even though these are true, teens are usually the ones who are the main users. Smoking and the use of tobacco have very serious consequences. The main health risks of tobacco use is cancer, heart attack, stroke, etc..... Many things can happen with the use of tobacco.

Olivia Duke
1st period <3

Unknown said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because so many people are dying from it and its making kids drop out of school. In tobacco use to other states we are the highest of them all. We are ranked highest in pregnant women and adult smoking. I couldn‘t find the ranking for youth using tobacco. Mostly youth are the main users of the various types of tobacco. The main health issues are getting various types of cancers and having a chance of death. Other main issues of smoking is second hand smoke. Which can kill others or give them asthma.
Aaron Worth
7th period

Grant said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because tobacco use in any form is unhealthy. No tobacco use is good tobacco use. Smoking, rubbing snuff, chewing tobacco, etc are all harmful to the human body. By stopping or trying to stop the increase of tobacco use we could make a difference in sickness, especially the rise in cancer.
I would think that WV ranks pretty high in the use of tobacco. You have to consider that this would include cigarettes, cigars, tobacco chewing and rubbing snuff. Everywhere you look it seems someone is using some form of tobacco. Also, more and more teenagers and young people are trying cigarettes. That is a form of peer pressure on them. “Come on try it” people will say, and we have to take a stand and say “No”.
I would believe that adult men are the main users of tobacco. Older men and young men seem to smoke as well as rub snuff. A combination of the two forms of tobacco would make them the highest percentage of users. Most women would be the smokers. Although I have heard of some women chewing tobacco and rubbing snuff.. Yuck.
The main issues of tobacco use are well known and simple. Cancer! You may also deal with breathing problems like asthma, eczema, and one is more likely to contact bronchitis and pneumonia. Cancer issues would be lung cancer, cancer of the mouth, throat, tongue. These types of cancer spread very rapidly. Once these occur there is little chance of remission.
One issue that we need, as a state, to address is even if you do not use tobacco you can still be affected in a negative way. If you are constantly around a smoker you inhale secondhand cigarette smoke. This is just as bad if not worse than smoking yourself. Many people who don’t smoke but lived with a smoker were diagnosed with lung cancer. Smoking affects all of us. Not just the people doing the smoking.

Grant Holbert
8th Period

katie nestor said...

Why I think the state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because they want to lower the after affects of what drugs can do such as; crimes, accidents, and the influence of underage teenagers. The State of West Virginia also wants to stop or severely restrict the amount of tobacco use because of the increasing rates of diseases such as cancer and heart malfunctions. West Virginia ranks first in the United States in the use of smokeless tobacco and is one of the top teen usages of tobacco. Though thanks to the program RAZE, the state has been able to decrease this number slightly. The main users of various types of tobacco are underage teenagers especially in high school. From one website that I found said that most of the teenagers who used tobacco in high school regretted it in later years. Some of the most severe effects of using tobacco are many types of cancers, lung problems, kidney failures, and many types of diseases that still today don’t have a cure. So if you use any type of tobacco today, you are really just giving yourself diseases and practically killing yourself.

Katie Nestor
7th period

Unknown said...

i think that the state should prevent kids under the age of 18 from smoking. if they let kids under that age smoke then thwey will get addicted and they will neveer stop smoking and then i will cry because alot of kids will die at an early age. i think that once they turn 18 they should have the right to do whatever thwey want to do.

Unknown said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because tobacco causes a person’s mind to do things that get side-tracked very easily. For example: your grades will drop if you use tobacco, if you participate in a sport your train of thought will slip off track very easily, and many other potentially bad things could happen to you. That’s why West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco. About 4,100 people die from tobacco related causes every year in West Virginia. So I don’t know how we rank with the other states, but I’m sure we are up there in the death toll. So that must mean that we use a great amount of tobacco in a year. Some of the main users of tobacco products are teens in high-school that are put into peer pressure to do so. The main issues that are involved with tobacco are: lung cancer, yellow nails, clothes that smell like smoke, mouth ulcers, and many other con-like affects can come from using some sort of tobacco product. One of the largest killers in the tobacco world is the cigarette. Yes, there are more people in the world that are addicted to cigarettes than there are that are addicted to some sort of drug. While cigarettes are the most widely used, another widely used killer is the cigar. Cigars are basically a larger form of cigarette, but this big cigarette has no filter. So you get the double affect that a usual cigarette would give you. But in my opinion, the one product that causes the biggest addiction is, chewing tobacco. If one chews the tobacco long enough, the chemicals in the tobacco will cause a cancerous ulcer to grow in the lower jaw of the chewer. And if that isn’t enough, if you just dry out that chewing tobacco, it can be put into a pipe and smoked. When it comes to smoking pipes, they have no filter of any kind whatsoever. I mean at least a cigar has some form of wrapping around the tobacco to stop some of the poisons in the cigar from entering your system. No matter what way you put it, any form of tobacco product is harmful in every way imaginable. So the next time you see some one going to take a drag on a cigarette, just remember to grab that tiny killer from the smoker and smash it on the ground. Don’t worry if the person gets mad at you, they will thank you later. Trust me.

Randy Stickley
Period 5/6

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Why I think the state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because they want to lower the after affects of what drugs can do such as; crimes, accidents, and the influence of underage teenagers. The State of West Virginia also wants to stop or severely restrict the amount of tobacco use because of the increasing rates of diseases such as cancer and heart malfunctions. West Virginia ranks first in the United States in the use of smokeless tobacco and is one of the top teen usages of tobacco. Though thanks to the program RAZE, the state has been able to decrease this number slightly. The main users of various types of tobacco are underage teenagers especially in high school. From one website that I found said that most of the teenagers who used tobacco in high school regretted it in later years. Some of the most severe effects of using tobacco are many types of cancers, lung problems, kidney failures, and many types of diseases that still today don’t have a cure. So if you use any type of tobacco today, you are really just giving yourself diseases and practically killing yourself.

Evan Kosik
1st period

Unknown said...

The reason why West Virginia wants to stop smoking is to decrease death, keep people out of jail, And to improve West Virginias health. West Virginia ranks 33 in use of tobacco. Teenagers are the main users of tobacco. The main health issue associated is cancer.

Anonymous said...

West Virginia want to stop the use of tobacco beacuse it affects sports,behaivor and in grades 9-12 is 42.2%, fifth in the U.S. It is estimated that over 38,000 West Virginia teenz now under the age of 18 will eventually die prematurely from tobacco-caused sickness if the way we use it continues.

I think that men uses smokeless tobacco the most:)
i think teens use black and milds and cigarettes the most♥

there are so0o manii causes:
lung cancer,mouth cancer,skin cancer and a whole lotta more

Unknown said...

The reason why I think that they are is because it is unhealthy and stinks. West Virginia ranks very well in the stopping of use of tabacco. People are. The brands are snuff, scoal,and camel. You can get lung cancer from smoking cigars and you can also get black lung diease.

Tommy Bice, Bice Baby said...

West Virginia is the leading state in smoke-related diseases. Therefore, smoking is one of the leading things that West Virginia is trying to stop. The main users of tobacco are teenagers and this is very dangerous to their health and leads to death at an early age. The main health issues related with smokind is cacer, stroke, and heart attack. These are deadly diseases and that is just another reason to stop smoking in the world.

Tommy Bice

cheybreezy said...

West Virginia is the number one in adolescent smokeless and cigarette use.This is the reason they want to stop it.Also because of all the issues and health problems it can cause.It can cause heart disease,lung cancer,mouth cancer,and much more.The main users of tobacco in WV are kids under 18!Our death rate is increasingly going up.If we can stop this we could do better in our acedemics,our death rates and disease rates will go down.We can do better things than smoke,we can hang out with friends and focus on school more.Without smoking we all can do better at anything.With smoking casues alot of health issues that can be with you for the rest of your life these statistics sound good enough to quit and work toward better things.Kids who start smoking try to look cool and they have nothing better to do.How cool is bronchitis, stroke,and heart attacks.Cigarettes are addicting and its hard to quit so dont start.

Adrianna (: said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it is having a big effect on people. People are dying from cancer because the smoke and children are starting to smoke. West Virginia is number 1 in adolescent smokeless tobacco use and in cigarette use. That's really awful isn't is? Male teens are the main users of various types of tobacco. The main health issues associated with tobacco use are cancer(a lot of types) , heart attack, stroke, lung disaese, heart disease, and probably much more. Its a lot easier to get addicted to smoking than to quit so really just don't start at all!!
♥Adrianna Curtis♥
7th period
(20th comment beat that!)

Unknown said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it damages your body. Many teens are influenced to start smoking because they see their role models, such as their parents, smoking. Tobacco causes many types of cancer and tobacco users have more colds than non-smokers.

West Virginia ranks first in different types of tobacco uses. Every day, many underage students try some form of tobacco. Very few stop right after that one use, but the majority keep after that taste. After so long, you become addicted to it, and your brain goes crazy when it doesn't have the nicotine that is found in all tobacco. For people who want to quit, there are types of nicotine-containing gum. When you chew the gum, it gives you just enough of the nicotine to keep you from feeling that you need an overdose of the amount. You chew fewer and fewer pieces, and then you don't feel as if you need it anymore. Some people are able to quit cold turkey. Two of my grandmothers are smokers. One was able to quit, but the other has not.

The main users of tobacco are mainly young men, in high school or college. Other main users are older men and women. I think that more people who are not occupied with anything are more likely to use tobacco because they are bored.

Lung and mouth cancer are very common with tobacco users. With some tobacco that is chewed or kept in the mouth between the teeth and the lower lip is another type of health issue. Little white sores develop in the mouth and are very painful and very hard. These sores can show up on the gums, cheeks, or tongue. If you have a very bad case of this, you may have to have parts of your mouth removed.

Just some thoughts on tobacco use:
My father rubs snuff and I think it is better for us (his family members) because it doesn't give off smoke. Although it is kind of gross to have him carry a spit cup around with him wherever he goes.
I think that most of the kids who are smokers will not succeed in school or life.
If tobacco is so bad for us, why do they keep making and selling it? Money is no comparison to the lives that are taken every day from tobacco use.

Brianna Woodburn
7th period

Evan Cameon said...

The state wants to stop the use of tobacco because thousands of people die every year. Our state has alot of tobacco users so we are up pretty high, in the top 5 sates I think. Teenagers are the main users for tobacco. The main health issues with tobacco are mouth and dental problems, and cancer.

Evan Cameon said...

The main reason why West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco is because it is very unhealthy for us. I really don't know what we rank in our state for the usse of tobacco but I know we have to be in the top five. Teens are the main users of tobacco because if you drive by a high school there will be alot of teens smoking. There are alot of main health issuews with tobacco use and they are cancer, yellow teeth, you smell, and problems with your body.
Andrew Suplita
1st period

AShields said...

The state wants to stop tobacco use because it kills people, and it makes the state look bad because people think we are beer chugging, cigarette smoking hilbillies. Our state has many underage tobacco users.The main users of tobacco are probably underage people. The main health issues of tobacco are they destroy your lungs, mouth, and even your brain. So if you wwant to be a stupid, tar smoking idiot, be my guest.

AShields said...

The state wants to stop tobacco use because it kills people, and it makes the state look bad because people think we are beer chugging, cigarette smoking hilbillies. Our state has many underage tobacco users.The main users of tobacco are probably underage people. The main health issues of tobacco are they destroy your lungs, mouth, and even your brain. So if you wwant to be a stupid, tar smoking idiot, be my guest.

Unknown said...

This video is pretty informational. West Virginia needs to stop the use of tobacco because I see a lot of people smoking all around the state. Our state is high in the ranks of smokeless tobacco use. Adulcents smoke cigarettes and young males use smokeless tobacco such as rubbing snuff. The main health issues are cancer, lug disease, heart disease, and there are many others. I think tobacco should be illegal, but tobacco gives to much money to the economy. I hope one day people will realize it just isn't worth it.

ali summers
2nd pd.

emily said...

I thought that this video was very interesting, considering the fact that my mom also smokes. West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco for the reasons every one else does. Tobacco can cause a lot of diseases. Tobacco can cause lung cancer, heart problems, stroke and other serious health problems. Tobacco also makes you yellowish. It also makes your teeth yellow and your breath stink. West Virginians o smoke a lot, most of my family uses tobacco. I think young people all the way up to middle aged people are the lead candidates of tobacco usage. I hate smoking and any other form of tobacco, so I know I’ll never do it.

emily said...

^ comment Emily Jordan
2nd period

[.lexi.bby.] said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because West Virginia has the third highest adult smoking rate in the U.S. at 26.7%, and the highest rate of spit tobacco use among men at 15.9%.Tobacco is clearly a problem for our state. West Virginia is #1 in the use of tobacco. =(

Effects on the heart.....
Smoking contributes to the risk of developing heart disease. All smoke contains very fine particulates that are able to penetrate the alveolar wall into the blood and exert their effects on the heart in a short time.

Lung dysfunction.....
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) caused by smoking, known as tobacco disease, is a permanent, incurable reduction of pulmonary capacity characterized by shortness of breath, wheezing, persistent cough with sputum, and damage to the lungs, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

A person's increased risk of contracting disease is directly proportional to the length of time that a person continues to smoke as well as the amount smoked. However, if someone stops smoking, then these chances gradually decrease as the damage to their body is repaired. A year after quitting, the risk of contracting heart disease is half that of a continuing smoker.

♥Alexxus Bolling♥
*2nd period*

Unknown said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it kills so many people, because it causes cancer. Our state rank with other states in the use of tobacco since the November 1998 multi-state tobacco settlement, we have issued regular reports assessing whether the states are keeping their promise to use a significant portion of their settlement funds – expected to total $246 billion over the first 25 years—to attack the enormous public health problem posed by tobacco use in the United States. This year, we find that the states have made important progress by increasing funding for tobacco prevention and cessation programs by 20 percent to a total of $717.2 million in fiscal year 2008, which is the highest level in six years. However, most states still fail to fund tobacco prevention programs at minimum levels recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and altogether, the states are providing less than half what the CDC has recommended. The main users of the various types of tobacco are the British American. (I think) The main health issues associated with tobacco use is it can give you cancer, mouth disease and make your mouth nasty!

Unknown said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because the number of deaths each year are increasing. West Virginia, unfortunately has more use of tobacco than any other states in the United States of America. The main users of tobacco are teenagers and young adults because of grades, peer pressure, parents, and stress. Some main issues with tobacco use are the number of deaths in a year, lung cancer, skin cancer, second hand smoke, and money as well. These are all reasons why teens, young adults, and regular adults should not smoke tobacco. IT HURTS OTHERS AS WELL PEOPLE! GOSH!

Unknown said...

West Virginia is the leading state in smoke-related diseases. Therefore, smoking is one of the leading things that West Virginia is trying to stop. The main users of tobacco are teenagers and this is very dangerous to their health and leads to death at an early age. The main health issues related with smoking is cancer, stroke, and heart attack. These are deadly diseases and that is just another reason to stop smoking in the world. However the government makes a lot of money from tobacco so that makes it hard to stop.

Shane Richardson 1st

Kayla said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco for the reasons every one else does. Tobacco can cause a lot of diseases. Tobacco can cause lung cancer, heart problems, stroke and other serious health problems. Tobacco also causes you to smell bad and even have affections on your looks. West Virgin people tend to smoke a lot. I think young people all the way up to middle aged people are the lead candidates of tobacco usage. Teenage brothers or sisters are also setting a bad example for there younger siblings.

Kayla Wyatt
7th period

Logan D. said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco for the health of people. I don’t know what our state ranks in use of tobacco but I am sure we are pretty high. The main users of tobacco are young adults. For instance, if you go out and you see people using tobacco it is usually teenagers cause they think that using tobacco is cool. The main health issues associated with using tobacco are having a very serious sickness or even possibly death.

Logan Demyon
8th period

midge said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it is deadly. West Virginia ranks first in kids smoking at the age of 18 and younger. This is a very personal subject to me because my grandma just died from lung cancer. She started smoking at the age of 12 and smoked all her life. People don't realize the suffering that they will have to face later on in life from smoking.

WV ranks 4th, behind Tennessee, Washington DC , and Nevada in smoking related deaths.

The main users of tobacco are teenagers. This can include the use of snuff and chew.

The main health issues associated with the use of tobacco include circulatory, respiratory and cancer related illnesses.


Midge Robinson (:
2nd period

fletcher devaul said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because of health related issues. Using tobacco hunts the person who uses it and the people around them. If you smoke than you can get lung cancer and all other types of cancer. Also when you smoke it can give the people you smoke around cancer and it causes a higher percentage rate that the children you smoke around will become addicted to smoking to. Our state ranks first in any kind of tobacco use. The main users in West Virginia are under the age of 18. The main health issues are lung cancer, liver disease, pneumonia, and stroke.

Unknown said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because West Virginia is number one in adolescent cigarette use and in adolescent smokeless tobacco use in the whole United States. The main users of the various types of tobacco are usually teenagers who experiment with smoking, drinking, and other drugs. The main health issues when using these drugs are various types of lung cancer, bronchitis, heart attack, emphysema, heart and mouth disease, and strokes. These are a major thing to think about before you decide to even think about smoking. If you think about the bad things that could happen to you if you smoke and/or do drugs, then you will be less likely to even consider trying them.

Katlyn Wilt
8th period

Kenny said...

I think that our state wants to stop tobacco use due to its high death rate and also that we rank 4th in the nation from smoking related deaths. We are ranked 2nd in the nation for smoking in adults and 7th in the nation for smoking in high school students. Our state is ranked second in the nation for women who smoke. Teenage males through adult males are the main users of smokeless tobacco. Most smokers start under the age of 18 and continue to smoke throughout their lives. Tobacco use comes with a lot of health risks. It can cause lung cancer, that if not treated can spread to other parts of your body. It can cause heart problems, such as cardiovascular disease. It can cause your lungs not to function properly. It can also cause pneumonia, bronchitis, and emphysema.

Austin said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because its killing the population in West Virginia. It is also hurting a lot of young kids grades because there starting so young. West Virginia has the fourth largest death rate in a america because of cigeratte smoking. Over 90% of West Virginians start smoking before 18. The main users of tobacco are kids under 18. The main health issue associated with tobacco are: lung cancer, heart disease, and mouth cancer.

Gabby said...

The State of West virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because
of the percentage of smokers in the State of West Virginia. There should not be smoking in West Virginia also because people that are teennagers are smoking at the ages of 13 and up so when they grow up they will probably have cancer. Our state rank withother states in the use of tabacco are very close because about 50% of the people smoking or drink or something that has to do with tabacco.The main types of tobacco are Camel, Pot,and alot of others.The main issues that cause dieses the dieses are like cancer, lung caner and alot of others.

Gabriella Constable
5th/6th period

Andrew said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it is causing many health problems to many of the citizens living here. West Virginia is number one in the country of young smokers. The main users of the various types of tobacco are young teenage males in their late teens. Some of the main health issues associated with smoking is for one, your fingers turn yellow. Two, your teeth also become yellow and much weaker. Number three is the very serious health issues of heart disease and lung cancer if the state of West Virginia stopped the use of smoking there would be 8 thousand less people dying each year. I definitely would not recommend smoking no matter how old or cool you are!

Connor Haberland said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it can kill you. WV is number one in teenage cigarette use and teenage chewing tobacco use. Tennessee has a higher death rate than west virginia. I think males use tobacco products more than females. You can get cancer, pnuemonia, emphazyma, bronchitis, strokes, heart attacks, tumors, and alot of other problems. THere are over 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes.

Unknown said...

WE want to stp the use of tobacco because it has killed many people in west virginia. West Virginia is ranked number one in the use of tobacco and smoking. Mostly younger male adults and male teenagers use tobbacco. some main health issues are Cancer of the liver, lunger,mouth tounge,and brain.Also it can cause gingervitis. heart attack,phneamonia,stroke,memory loss and lots more.

twilight/potter addict said...

The state of West Virginia is trying to stop smoking because it can kill you. I think our state isn't the worst state at smoking, but we are pretty bad off. The main users of tobbacco are teenagers. The health issues that go with smoking are cancers of the mouth and lungs.

carey morris
5/6 per.

Unknown said...

West Virginia is they ant to keep kids living a long and healthy life. Wv ranks 1st is a wide variaty of kinds of tobacco. Most people who smoke are under 18. The results for smoking are heart attack , peumonia, stroke, liver disease,cancer and several more. people WV has now made a law that you cant smoke with a little kid in the car with you. I think that that law is a really good law for them to make. If they didnt make that law kids and babys woulnt have a chance in life. I wish that this law was made upa long time ago.

Nakoma said...

Why West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco is because, 28% Lung Cancer, 23% Corosive heart Disease, 19% Other diseases, 17% Chronic Lung Disease, 7% Other cancer, 6% Stroke. The reasons that I have stated above are only some of the reasons why West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco. Our state ranks first in the use of different types of tobacco. Male users are the main users of the various types of tobacco. The main health issues associated with toabcco use is, cancer, disease, bad breathe, very very bad dental,( :^{ and the pain of bad dental, bad lungs so you can't run as far or as fast as say maybe you didn't smoke.

Nakoma Connolly 1st period

Unknown said...

Tobacco is previlent in West Virginia. "West Virginia is number one in adolescent cigarette use and number one in adolescent smokeless tobacco use. We're in the top two or three in adult use of tobacco products," says Elbert Glover, Ph.D., director of the Tobacco Research Center at WVU's Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center.
Because of this, the state is wanting to stop the use of tobacco.

The main users of smokeless tobacco are usually boys and men. Cigarettes have been widely used by children and adults.

Smokeless tobacco can cause oral cancer while cigarettes can lead to asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases including cancer of the lungs.

Even though some people do not smoke they can be affected by the smokers around them. (second hand smoke) Smoking is hazardous to everyone's health.

Rachel Waskis
5-6th period.

Unknown said...

Sam Haines
8th period

I believe the state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because tobacco can really put your health in danger. This substance can even give you various types of cancer such as in the lung and mouth. West Virginia does not rank well with other states in the use of tobacco. In fact, it is one the states with the most tobacco usage. The most common tobacco users are teenagers. I think that this is true because teenagers feel pressured to be like their peers, so if their peers smoke teenagers feel they should too. Like I said earlier there are many health risks you can get from smoking tobacco. Some consequences of smoking cigarettes include heart disease, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and sudden death syndrome. Chewing tobacco can cause cancer of the cheek and the gum. It can also cause tooth decay and strained teeth.

davidhaley said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it is deadly. We rank number 1 from adolesence smoking. The main users of this tobbacco products are teens. These people die from cancers, diseases, and strokes.

Unknown said...

Wes Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because kids will look up to the people that smoke and then they will smoke. West Virginia ranks with other states in the use of tobacco since the November 1998 multi state tobacco settlement. I think that many teenagers are mostly the problem. Some main health issues are lung cancer and stroke.

Franki Perry *♥*
2nd period

buonaiuto said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop smoking because it is one of the highest percentage states ranking in tobacco use. I think that the main users of tobacco are male adults. Many people die from smoking because of all the diseases that go along with smoking. Some diseases that are associated with smoking are Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, Vascular Disease, Stroke, Tongue Cancer, Impotence, lung cancer, etc. About 400,000 americans die each year from ciggarete smoking. One in every five deaths in the United States is smoking related.

Unknown said...

MacKenzie Kline
2nd Period

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of smoking because the state of West Virginia is the number one state in the country that has the most "underage" people who use tobacco and who smoke. About 8,000 people in the state of West Virginia [90 %] smoke that should't be.

The main users of various types of tobacco are male teenagers.

Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body; causing many diseases and reducing the health of smokers in general. The adverse health effects from cigarette smoking account for an estimated 438,000 deaths, or nearly 1 of every 5 deaths, each year in the United States.

alex swiger said...

West Virginia wants people to quit smoking because it is causing to many deaths. Even if it doesn't kill you, which it probably will, it can seriously damage your health in numerous ways.

33.7% of kids in the grades 9-12 have reported to smoke before. 27.4% of adult West Virginians smoke. I had no idea that many kids and adults smoke. From those numbers I would guess that W.V. is one of the states with most tobacco users. The people that smoke the most in W.V. are probably the adults. Even though the under-age tobacco usage is higher that the adults, that could mean that there are more adults then under-age kids that smoke or do not smoke.

There are many kinds of health issues with tobacco. Some of them are any kinds of cancer,strokes, heart disease,and even lung disease.

Alex Swiger
8th period

lgower said...

West Virginia with my guess wants to stop the citizens from using such a high amount of tobacco, because it makes our community look bad. I mean have you ever watched a person use drugs before they look like idiots. From seeing how much people in our community I would estimate that we are one of the highest users of tobacco. Which is something we shouldn’t be proud of aren’t we so posted to be wild and wonderful. People who don’t have much respect for there selves are who the people who use these kind of drugs if you just want to ruin and rot your body be my guest. Some health issues that can come out of using tobacco are: yellow teeth, cancer, heart problems and so on.
-Lauren Gower
2nd period

Unknown said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because of so many deaths related to using it. For exapmle 28% of the deaths are because of lung cancer and 23% are because of heart disease. Also 29% of the deaths are related to other diagonoses and 27% of them are lung disease. Only 2 of the causes of deaths are under 10%. 7% of the deaths are because of other cancers and 6% of them are because of strokes. The CDC ranks West Virginia 29th out of all the states in the United States in the use of tobacco. Maine is ranked 1st out of all the states. The main users of tobacco are people who smoke. The main health issue associated with smoking and using tobacco is cancer.

**Shelby** said...

The reason West Virginia wants to stop tobacco use is because West Virginia is ranked almost the leading state of tobacco use among teens and young adults. West Virginia is almost ranked the highest state of tobacco use and teen pregnancies. The main users of these various types of tobacco are young adults and adolescents between the ages of 14 and 18.The main health issue associated with tobacco use is lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and emphysema. There are only a few states that have higher ranks than West Virginia with smoking. Most kids say they have tried a cigarette and continued smoking after that.

Unknown said...

First of all this video makes a good point! West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it is causing many types of cancer for example lung cancer.Smoking really harms your body and can also harm the people you smoke around. A fact is 33.7% of kids in the grades 9-12 have reported to smoke before. 27.4% of adult West Virginians smoke. Some many West Virginians begin smoking under the age of 18. And it is very unhealthy! The main users of tobacco would be teens under 18. They are mostly getting into it in middle school.

Health issues caused by using tobacco are cancer, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis, stroke,and heart attacks. It gets that bad! No matter if you are just smoking every once in a while it is still deadly. The people of West Virginia have a good reason why they want the use of tobacco to stop.

If you do NOT start smoking you will not get addictied!!!!!

~Ashley Charles~
~8th period~

Savannah (: said...

West Virginians should be concerned with the issue of smoking. Our state an extremely high smoking rate and leads the country in many statistics. West Virginia places third in America for smoking with 26.7% usage percent. West Virginia also leads the country with a 15.9% use of spit tobacco. 25.3% of high school students in West Virginia smoke cigarettes and 26.5% high school males use smokeless tobacco. 10,100 kids under 18 try tobacco for the first time each year where 2,900 become regular smokers. 128,000 children are exposed to second hand smoke. West Virginia should try to prevent tobacco use because there have been 370 tobacco related deaths this year alone. Tobacco usage can cause: heart attacks, strokes, amputation of limbs, blockage of blood vessels, and oral and lung cancer. Second hand smoking also causes higher risks of: lung cancer, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Smoking during pregnancy and second hand smoke causes 390 to 520 deaths each year. These who die never had the option to quit smoking; they are innocent who can do nothing about it. How is our society saying that it is terrible to murder, but people are dying because of other’s tobacco use? We punish murderers to death, but continue to let parents who chain smoke to live with babies and children. Our state should strive for the prevention of tobacco use because of the deaths each year it causes.

Savannah Sims ™
2nd Period♥

princeofthecovenant said...

West Virginia might want to stop because of the adolescent use of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. Only Tennessee, Columbia,and District of Columbia use more tobacco than West Virginia. The main users are usually high school students and young adults. Smoking can lead to death, cancer, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis and so one and so forth.
Nathan Clouser 8th period

Phil said...

Smoking is a terrible addiction that causes terrible diseases and cancers. West Virginia is a leader among adolescent smokers. One smoker is too many let alone a child that smokes. West Virginia leads the country with a 15.9% use of spit tobacco, which is not a safe alternative to smoking. 25.3% of high school students in West Virginia smoke cigarettes and 26.5% high school males use chewing tobacco. 10,100 underage kids try tobacco for the first time every year. That is horrible considering how West Virginia is known for its’ cleanliness. Smoking and chewing tobacco are known to cause several lung and mouth cancers that can make someone’s life an awful if it does not end it. If you don’t start you don’t have to quit and you won’t suffer the consequences.
Phillip Colasessano 1st period

Wes said...

West Virginia has the third highest adult smoking rate in the U.S. at 26.7%, and the highest rate of spit tobacco use among men at 15.9%. Tobacco is clearly a problem for our state. There are many government programs that are trying to prevent people from smoking.

As of right now $207,692,243 is the amount that West Virginia has spent on tobacco-related costs. That is a tremendous amount of money!

High school students who smoke 25.3% (23,900)

Male high school students who use smokeless or spit tobacco 26.5% (females use much lower)

Kids (under 18) who become new daily smokers each year 3,200

Kids exposed to secondhand smoke at home 128,000

Packs of cigarettes bought or smoked by kids each year
4.8 million
Adults in West Virginia who smoke 25.7% (367,300)
Deaths in West Virginia From Smoking
Adult nonsmokers who die each year from exposure to secondhand smoke 3,900
Kids now under 18 and alive in West Virginia who will ultimately die prematurely from smoking 46,000
Adults, children, & babies who die each year from others' smoking (secondhand smoke & pregnancy smoking) 200 to 560

Smoking kills more people than alcohol, AIDS, car crashes, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides combined -- and thousands more die from other tobacco-related causes -- such as fires caused by smoking (more than 1,000 deaths/year nationwide) and smokeless tobacco use. No good estimates are currently available, however, for the number of West Virginia citizens who die from these other tobacco-related causes, or for the much larger numbers who suffer from tobacco-related health problems each year without actually dying.

Smoking-Caused Monetary Costs in West Virginia
Annual health care costs in West Virginia directly caused by smoking $690 million
- Portion covered by the state Medicaid program
$229 million
Residents' state & federal tax burden from smoking-caused government expenditures
$591 per household
Smoking-caused productivity losses in West Virginia
$994 million
Amounts do not include health costs caused by exposure to secondhand smoke, smoking-caused fires, spit tobacco use, or cigar and pipe smoking. Other non-health costs from tobacco use include residential and commercial property losses from smoking-caused fires (more than $500 million per year nationwide); extra cleaning and maintenance costs made necessary by tobacco smoke and litter (about $4+ billion nationwide for commercial establishments alone); and additional productivity losses from smoking-caused work absences, smoking breaks, and on-the-job performance declines and early termination of employment caused by smoking-caused disability or illness (dollar amount listed above is just from productive work lives shortened by smoking-caused death).

Tobacco Industry Influence in West Virginia
Annual tobacco industry marketing expenditures nationwide $13.4 billion
Estimated portion spent for West Virginia marketing each year $132.0 million
Published research studies have found that kids are twice as sensitive to tobacco advertising than adults and are more likely to be influenced to smoke by cigarette marketing than by peer pressure, and that one-third of underage experimentation with smoking is attributable to tobacco company advertising.

A few years ago my grandfather stopped smoking. He had been smoking for around 40 years. My sister and I made him feel bad about smoking and he quick, cold turkey. He hasn’t smoked since. I think that people that smoke are stupid. Why would you do something like that to your body? Smoking is a HUGE concern in West Virginia! I will Never smoke!

jared burns said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it causes diseases such as cancer that eventually kill people. I believe that West Virginia is around the top 5 when it comes to how many people use tobacco and we have one of the highest death rates of people under 18 in America. The main users of tobacco are teens and young adults. Teens usually rub snuff and young adults smoke cigarettes. Main Health issues with tobacco are cancer, emphysema, strokes, heart attacks, pneumonia, bronchitis, and it can block your blood vessels.

Jared Burns
8th Period

Colbi said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because we are number one in kids smoking cigarettes and number one in kids using smokeless tobacco. We are also in the top two or three in adults using tobacco or smoking cigarettes. Some facts in West Virginia 8,000 West Virginians begin smoking. 90% of them are under 18. Every year 4,100 West Virginians die from smoking-related illness.

Only Nevada, the District of Columbia, and Tennessee have a higher smoking-related death rate than West Virginia. West Virginia's Report Card for tobacco Prevention is an F, for Smoke-Free Air Laws is an F, for Cigarette Tax an F, for Youth Acess an F. One in Five death's in West Virginia is due to smoking. West Virginia ranks first in the United States in the use of smokeless tobacco.

The main users of tobacco in West Virginia is adolescents. A 1999 survey rated 9-12th graders as 42.2% using tobacco. 80% of smokers began cigarette use before they were 18 years old.

Health risks if you smoke during pregnacy could cause spontaneous abortion, low birthweight, premature birth, stillbirth, and SIDS. Cigarette smoking is associated with cancers of the lung, larynx, mouth, esophagus, bladder, kidney, pancreas, and cervix. It also causes chronic obstructive lung disease, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis, and heart disease and stroke. Smokeless tobacco can cause cancer of the mouth and pharynx, Leukoplakia, gumrecession, Bone loss around teeth, Abrasion of teeth and bad breath. Secondhand smoke causes lung cancer, heart disease, and increased asthma incidents in healthy nonsmokers. Children exposed to secondhand smoke may experience respiratory infections (middle ear infections, bronchitis, pneumonia) and asthma. After reading all this I don't understand why anyone would want to smoke or use tobacco.

Colbi Dick
2nd period

Shannon Yost said...

WV wants to stop the use of tobacco because it is harmful to your health and West Virginia is the first ranked state in use of tobaccos. The main users of tobacco are people under the age of 18. The main health issues that are associated with tobacco are stroke, heart attacks, and liver disease and the the most common disease that is associated with tobacco is Cancer. In my opinion, using tobacco should be considered suicide.

Shannon Yost
8th Period

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

The state of West Virginia is ranked as one of the highest states in the use of tobacco, so obviously the state wants to stop the use of tobacco. Also, that means that we probably have one of the highest death rates. The main users are adolescents. It is hard to believe that hundreds of kids our age are dying from tobacco related illnesses. Tobacco use can cause multiple diseases. Lung cancer, Heart disease, and emphysema are among the most serious. All of these illnesses can put you on the fast track to death.

Kristen Zirkle
2nd period

Unknown said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because of so many deaths related to using it. For exapmle 28% of the deaths are because of lung cancer and 23% are because of heart disease. Also 29% of the deaths are related to other diagonoses and 27% of them are lung disease. Only 2 of the causes of deaths are under 10%. 7% of the deaths are because of other cancers and 6% of them are because of strokes. The CDC ranks West Virginia 29th out of all the states in the United States in the use of tobacco. Maine is ranked 1st out of all the states. The main users of tobacco are people who smoke. The main health issue associated with smoking and using tobacco is cancer.

Taylor Masters said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco beause it is one of the number one things that causes death. Our state is ranked number one for te use of tobacco. Believe it or not, teens are the main users of tobacco. Most of the time they teen users are boys. Some people make the choice of smoking so they look "tough". The main users used to be baseball players but that has decreased in the past years. Now most baseball players chew bubblegum. The main health issues associated with tobacco use are cancer, lung problems, mouth/troat diseases, stomach problems, and so much more. Tobacco is very dangerous and should not be legal. It is also VERY ard to quit. I know so many of my relatives that smoke. I really hope they stop and make healthier choices that deal with their life.

taylor masters
2nd period

Taylor Masters said...

Mrs. Constable,
I have also completed my fear of technology blog. Please check it and give me a grade for it.

taylor masters

amelia said...

West Virginia's adolescent smoking rate is the highest in the country. 28.5% of high school students smoke, compared to 26% of the adults. Smoking is killing people, and it needs to be put to a hault. As seen in the video, tobacco use causes many different types of diseases including lung cancer, chronic lung disease, strokes, and other cancers. Every single day in the US, about 3,000 kids start smoking, and about 1,000 of them will die prematurely due to smoking related diseases. Healthcare due to tobacco is causing our wonderful state a lot of money, too. Annual healthcare costs in West Virginia due to tobacco is about $636 million. If people stopped smoking, think of all of the other diseases that we could find a cure for.

Unknown said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because to it bad for our health and can kill us. 440,000 people die in the just in the United States per year. When adults smoke it can sometimes give the impression that it’s okay for children to smoke when it isn’t. More and more kids under the age of 18 are starting to smoke. Some do this because they think its cool or to deal with stress or they could just want to. Many, many people also die from second hand smoking. Stopping or limiting the use of smoking in West Virginia can help stop the deaths or side effects from smoking and second hand smoking.
West Virginia is number one in adolescent cigarette use and also number one in adolescent smokeless tobacco use in the United States. Adults that use tobacco are ranked in as either second or third. I never thought that a smallish state like ours would ever rank that high out of 50 other states. West Virginia also ranked 15th in producing tobacco product in 1996.
The main users of tobacco products in West Virginia are high school students. More male students use smokeless or spit tobacco than the female.
The main health issues with tobacco use are cancer. With smoking you can get heart cancer which can kill as well as lung cancer. You can also get mouth cancer and other various lung diseases.

MIchelle Tucker
1st period

Kstaggers said...

West Virginia wants to stop tobacco use because it causes cancers, a bad influence, deadly, and just a gross addiction. WV is #1 in adolescent smokeless tobacco compared to other states. The main users are men in highschool and college. The use of tobacco effects every part of your body by damaging things, and can cause death. Cancer is a big deal with tobaccos and other cancers.

Nick Sinclair said...

West Viginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because there are 430,000 related deaths annually. West Virgina's youth is rated one of the highest in the nation at 28.5 percent at the high school level for tobacco use. High school students are the main users of tobacco and snuff or smokeless tobacco. My dad is a dentist and he has many posters displayed in his office showing the effects of using snuff and oral cancers it causes in West Virginia's youth.
Using tobacco has many effects such as lung cancer, coronary heart disease, chronic lung diseases, stroke, and other cancers. My grandmother has emphysema, a lung disease from smoking when she was a young girl. Smoking is a bad habit you should never start.

Nick Sinclair
8th period

Zack said...

West Virginia is the number one state for adolescent tobacco use; that's why they want to stop it. The main users of tobacco are teens under the age of 18. I think this is horrible because those people who have so much potential should not ruin their future.The main issues associated with tobacco use are various types of cancer, usually of the lungs or mouth. It causes many types of lung diseases and even heart disease.

Unknown said...

Tobacco is a very bad thing. It can cause some real damage and even death. It is bad for you. This is why the state of West Virginia wants to stop tobacco usage. Our beautiful state ranks very poorly in tobacco usage. It ranks number one in adolescent tobacco usage. Teenagers are the main users of various types of tobaccos. I think this is pretty sad. The main disease associated with tobacco is the terrible cancer. It kills way too many West Virginians and way too many Americans as a whole. It is a horrible disease that usually ends in death. This is why tobacco is just plain bad.

Jenny said...

They want to stop the use of tobacco because too many West Virginians use various types of tobacco. Our state is number on e ranked state in America that uses tobacco. The use of tobacco in west virginia is way too high and somehow it needs to be prevented.

The main users of tobacco are the male teenagers who think using tobacco is cool. Alot of people in their twenties smoke cigarettes and use tobacco.

There are many types of health issues associated with tobacco use. Lung cancer is one of the biggest health issues associated with cigarettes. The lung cancer death is about 90% in West virginia. Mainly cancer is the biggest health issue with all tobacco use no matter what kind of tobacco it is. Your teeth could turn yellow. Your skin will age if you smoke. You also could get lip cancer or jaw using smokeless tobacco. People think smokeless tobacco is safer than cigarettes, but it is just as dangerous and has the same amount of poisons and nicotine. Any kind of tobacco can harm your body and your health, so dont use tobacco. Once you start it is almost impossible to quit.

Jenny Bundy

Anonymous said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because, West Virginia is number one in adolescent cigarette use and number one in adolescent smokeless tobacco use. Our state ranks like every year, about 4,100 West Virginians die from smoking related illnesses. The main users of tobacco are teenagers. The main health issues are cancer of the mouth such as, tongue, mouth, gums, and lots more.
Taylor Gross 2nd period

Unknown said...

West Virginia wants to stop use of tobacco becuase it is bad for the kids and people and it is killing off the population. Our state ranks first in tobacco usage. The biggest consumers would have to be 18 year olds. The main health issues would have to be heart disease, lung cancer, gum disease, heart disease, and probably liver cancer.

Baller_Girl_13 said...

West Virginia wants to stop that use of tobacco because we are the number one state that uses it the most. Male teenagers are the main users of tobacco. The main health issues associated with tobacco use are heart attack, stroke, cancer, liver disease, and so much more.

Sierra Greenlee

Unknown said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because we are the number one state in adolescent cigarette and smokeless tobacco users. The main users of the various types of tobacco are the male teens. There are many health issues associated with tobacco use. Such as: heart dissease, cancer, stroke, liver disease, and many many more. There is an unlimited amout of things that could come from using tobacco.

Katie Nunan
2nd period

reese! said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because everyday it is killing more and more kids and adults. People don't need to be hurting themselves because of stress or depression. Things will get better. We rank higher than other states in the use of tobacco. The main users of the various types of tobacco are teens and collage students. The main health issue associated with tobacco use is the lungs and cancer and heart diseases. Tobacco is really not good for you.

-Teresa Lodge♥
2nd period.

Unknown said...

So it will reduce the amount of lives lost to smoking. West Virginia is number one in underage smokers. Male teenagers are the main users of smokeless tobacco. Eveery year, about 4,100 die from smoking related illnesses. The main health issues associated with tobacco use are cancer, pneumonia, emphysyma, stroke, heart attack, and more.

Basketballbabe said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because tobacco causes may deadly diseases. Our state ranks 1st in the amount of tobacco used. The main use of tobacco is by teens or people over the age of 18. They have heart attacks, liver diseases, stroke, and many more HORABLE things.

Unknown said...

85th comment

i think that smoking should be illegal in all states. i think it is sad that some people have control of how many cigarettes they smoke a day and others will smoke and smoke and smoke. these people have no self-control whatsever.

Kstaggers said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop smoking because we are #1 in teenage smoking and smokless tobacco. As you can see teenagers are the main users with this tobacco. The main health issues with smoking is lung cancer, heart disease,gum disease, and probably liver cancer.

Kelsey Staggers

cAILEY nICOLE =D said...

I think the state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco and tobacco products because we have a bad rep on the subject. Also, the state wants to stop the use to tobacco and its products because we have so many under-aged smokers and chewers.
Based on the following website, http://, West Virginia is among the few top ranked states, from everything from cigarette use ages 12 – 17, to use tobacco products in the past month ages 12+.
Some health hazards that come with smoking or chewing tobacco products could be: various forms of cancer, lung cancer, cancer of the mouth, stained teeth, horrible smell of smoke always with you. Even if you don’t smoke, just being around people who do can also hurt your health, like second-hand smoke. I think that is why you can’t smoke in public places.
Cailey Weaver
2nd pd.

Mehgan said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tabacco because we are one of the top states in smoking tabbaco underaged. We are number one compared to other states that use tabacco. The main users of various types of tabacco are people under the age of 21. The main health issues associated with tabacco are lung cancers and throat cancer. There are many other health issue caused by smoking tabacco, but i would say that these two are the most common.

Nathan said...

They want to prevent it from harming adolescents to try and make it a better place and safer place to live in. The state of west virginia ranks close to number one in use of tobacco. Many people can and will use any type of tobacco that they feel like using. There is no certain type of person that will use a certain type of tobacco. They don't really care what it is or what is in it. Tobacco can cause many types of cancer to body organs such as the heart, or to body parts such as the tongue.

[gwendolyn] said...

I believe the state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because tobacco can really put your health in danger. This substance can even give you various types of cancer such as in the lung and mouth. West Virginia does not rank well with other states in the use of tobacco. In fact, it is one the states with the most tobacco usage. The most common tobacco users are teenagers. I think that this is true because teenagers feel pressured to be like their peers, so if their peers smoke teenagers feel they should too. Like I said earlier there are many health risks you can get from smoking tobacco. Some consequences of smoking cigarettes include heart disease, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and sudden death syndrome. Chewing tobacco can cause cancer of the cheek and the gum. It can also cause tooth decay and strained teeth.
gwen sanders

Tre said...

I to think somking can hert you and that's why I try to stop my brother and older sister from doing it but it hard once they've gottin adictid to it so don't smoke it can cause you to have lug cancer and die and if you have kids think about what will happen to them when you die so don't do it for me do it for your children and tell them it no ok to smoke ethier.

Debii K said...

The reason WV wants to stop the use of tobacco is because West Viginia has a high number of adolecent cigarette use.

Male teenagers are the main users of smokeless tobacco, and teens in general are the main users of cigarettes.

Tobacco can give you lung cancer, yellow teeth, bad breath, yellow fingernails, and ultimately can lead to death.

rachel_marie_7 said...

The state of West Virginia needs to stop the use of tobacco for numerous reasons. For one thing we have many students that do play sports and would like to keep doing so, but tobacco can hurt your chances of sticking with it and for filling these goals. But when playing sports you normally have to have good grades, but like sports tobacco can get in the way by making you unfocused, confused, and more so if tobacco affects one thing it may lead to other things in a chain reaction that hurts you a lot. Compared to all states in different age categories West Virginia always is considered one of the highest. At the bottom of this the main users of tobacco are adults with 25.7%, and then high school students have 25.3%. But in high school males smoke more than girls. There percentage is 26.5%. But this statistic shows that 3,200 kids under 18 will become new daily smokers every year. But out of the kids that don’t smoke there is the large amount exposed to secondhand smoke, which is a lot worse. There 128,00 that are being exposed. The main health issues associated with tobacco are heart attack and stroke, lung problems, harm to children, future impacts, and so many more things.

Rachel Keefover
Feb. 19, 2008
2nd pd.

Look at this site please:]

You’ll be shocked

Ali said...

The state of West Virginia wants to prevent smoking because it can cause lung cancer which leads to death. Our state is ranked number one in the uses of tabacco. The main issues are lung cancer, skin cancer, mouth cancer, and alot more.

Ali Sansalone
8th period.

NIck said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it can hurt you in many ways. It can hurt you legally, academically, in sports, and there are many other things you could do instead of smoking. West Virginia has more people that smoke tobacco than many other states. One of the main health issues with using tobacco is lung cancer and secondhand smoke.

Nick Trefz
8th period

C.N.B.♥ said...

W.V. wants to stop the use of tobacco is because they want to try to keep people alive instead of death. I relly don't know. There can be lung cancer, and carciogenic.

~Cheyenne Braden~ ~period5&6~

alyssa said...

I think the state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because there are getting to be too many people using it then dropping out of school, if they live, or they could just die from it. West Virginia ranks number one in all different uses of tobacco. Teenagers are the main users of tobacco. There are thousands of people dieing from the use of tobacco every year, most of there are under the age of eighteen. Kids shouldn't be using tobacco it hurts their academics and none the less their own bodies. Why in the world would they want to do that to their selves?

alyssa linger 1st period

Tina said...

I think that the state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because there are to many cancer paitents and people dying. There are also too many people using tobacco legally. In West Virginia, you must 18 years or older to use tobacco. I think other states have put a stop to tobacco use bacause of the underage use.Teenagers are usually using tobacco by smoking cigarettes.All different ages use tobacco but I would probably say that cigarettes is one of the most commonly used. Many people have lung cancer because of smoking. Some people get mouth cancer because they use non-smoking tobacco.I have seen pictures of people who have lost part of their face beacause of surgery they had to have because of tobacce.

Tina Woodring 2nd period =]

Unknown said...

The state of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco, because we are ranked one of the highest users of tobacco out of the whole USA! The main users are of tobacco are young adults and adolescents. The most common use of tobacco is smoking. Many young Americans harm themselves by smoking or using smokeless tobacco everyday. You can get addicted to this very easily because of the nicotine inside of the product. The main health issues associated with tobacco is emphysema, lung cancer, mouth and throat cancer, and heart attacks. Many young West Virginians die every year because of smoking related illnesses.

Unknown said...

Because, lots of people are dying from smokeless tobacco because of lung cancer & respotory cancer and other types of cancer.Our state ranks 1st in the smokeless tobacco use.Teenagers are the most users of using various tobacco.The main health issues are lung cancer,heart cancer,liver cancer,toung cancer and many more types of cancer.

Unknown said...

West Virginia wants to stop tobacco use because of the children. As if second hand smoke isn't already a problem, too many children are lighting up and risking their health at an alarming rate. About 59 percent of American children ages 4–11 are exposed to secondhand smoke at home. Studies have shown that children (especially infants) of parents who smoke have more lung illnesses, such as bronchitis and pneumonia, and can develop asthma. Plus, because smoking parents are more likely to cough and spread germs, their children are more likely to develop chest illnesses. Exposure to tobacco smoke also increases the risk of heart disease. I think these are awful and terrible gambles. Numerous cancers like gum, lip, mouth, throat, lung, liver, pancreas cancer and (any organ you could possibly think of) cancer are some of the terrible prizes you could get from playing "Wheel of Smoking.” I applaud West Virginia's effort to "throw the cigarette away.”

Unknown said...

The stae of West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it is killing our people, and our popultaion is decreasing. The main users of various types of tobacco are male teenagers . West virginia is number one in adolescent cigarette use and number one in adolescent smokeless tobacco use.
The main health issues associated with tobacco use would result instroke, heart attack , lung cancer, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis, and more.
Brooklyn Little 5-6th pd. ♥

nicole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
***Brittany Ann*** said...

Because the use of tabacco kills us it gives us lung cancer and other cancers and diseases. We are the highest ranked state for smoking and tabacco. It gives you emphysema lung diseases liver cancer phnemonia and more. We are on the top of the list for the most people in a stare who smokes and does any kind of tabacco. There are too many underaged people needs to be stopped. ** BRITTANY MATHENY**

nicole said...

West Virginia want you stop use tobacco because it kills so many people and teens thing tobacco cool so cool they do it and sec. hand smoking is bad for the children and kill can do anything and it hurts then and there not doing anything about and I think it should stop it not good for any person and it make people do thing they are not should not be doing those thing that’s why it should in West Virginia.

By Nicole McCaulley

◘ Ryan ◘ said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because it kills a lot of people, and teenagers take it because they think it is cool. West Virginia is a state that is ranked high up in the use of tobacco. The main users of tobacco are teenagers, and college students. Some issues of using tobacco are lung, heart, and throat cancer. Chewing tobacco can cause you to lose your jaw, or get mouth cancer.

Ryan Wilson 5/6th period

Mehgan said...

Did you know that West Virginia was the number one in adolescent smokeless tobacco use and also in adolescent cigarette use!!! I think that’s why they are trying or at least want to stop the use in West Virginia. Did you also know that every year about 90 percent of West Virginians under the age of 18 start to begin smoking.

The main health issues associated with tobacco are heart attack, stroke, pneumonia, cancer, liver disease, and a lot more. 90 percent of West Virginians death rate is all blamed on smoking. Did you also know that this death rate is increasing as your reading this! 13.8 percent of high scholars claim to be regular smokers. 20 percent said that they are regular smokers having smoked in the previous mouth. 45 percent claim to have smoked within the previous mouth.

I think that West Virginia should cut down on the smoking, don't you??????

XCChick said...

West Virginia wants to stop the use of tobacco because we are the number one in adolescent cigarette use and smokeless tobacco use in the country. Our states rank is very high! I never knew we were number one in the country! Most of the cigarette and smokeless tobacco users are 18 or under, or young adults. The main health issues that are most commonly associated with tobacco use are heart attacks, strokes, cancer, liver diseases and a lot more!

Jacob said...

West Virginia wants to cut down on us of tobacco. Tobacco can kill or cause serous of conditions like lung cancer and lung disease etc. It also cuts disables you from doing the best you can in school sports and other activities. The State only wants you to do well and benefit them not harm and give a bad reputation. Did you know that West Virginia ranks number one in use of tobacco in adolescents. That includes smokeless tobacco and cigarettes. They also cause cancer, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis, stroke, and heart attack. You should not want this to happen to your friends or yourself

Jacob said...

Jacob Freeland 2nd period

tori M said...

They want to stop tobbacco use becuase it kills so many people. Our state ranks in the top five states for youth smoking. The main users are probably those who grew up with tobacco, or the part of the younger generation that is actually stupid enough to do that. Tobacco can cause lung cancer, teeth problems, more cancer and DEATH!!!!! YOU ARE GOING TO DIE IF YOU SMOKE DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!

1st prd

[gwendolyn] said...
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emily said...

The reason I think that West Virginia as a state is to stop the use of tobacco is that we are like the second leading user of tobacco in the US. The main users of tobacco in general are the teenagers. Many teens use tobacco products such as cigarettes, smokeless tobacco (which is worse than actually smoking), pipes, and cigars. There are many types of health issues when using any types of tobacco. You could get lung cancer from smoking. Lip/jaw cancer from using smokeless tobacco. You could also get a very serious disease called COPD which leads to a lot of breathing problems, and there might even be painful tests that you might have to take.
Emily Harper 2nd pd

Steff said...

Stephanie Harris
8th period

West Virginia has the most teens smoking cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. That is why most cities in West Virginia have a ban on public smoking. West Virginia ranks number 1 in adolescent smoking. Every year, many, many kids and teens fall to peer pressure and start using cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. The main health issues associated with tobacco are mouth cancer, lung cancer, and other types of cancer and diseases.

JP said...

Every Year over a quarter million americans die from smoking. Most started smoking when they were under aged.

Over 8,000 West Virginians start some type of tobacco use. the majority of them are under aged.
Thousands of West Virginians die from smoking each year. This is one of the highest in the nation.

Second hand smoke is even more dangerous than actually smoking a cigarette. The reason for this is, because a cigarette has a filter on it. this reduces it slighly. The second hand smoker recives the full blast.

JP said...

Every Year over a quarter million americans die from smoking. Most started smoking when they were under aged.

Over 8,000 West Virginians start some type of tobacco use. the majority of them are under aged.
Thousands of West Virginians die from smoking each year. This is one of the highest in the nation.

Second hand smoke is even more dangerous than actually smoking a cigarette. The reason for this is, because a cigarette has a filter on it. this reduces it slighly. The second hand smoker recives the full blast.