Sunday, October 21, 2012


Would you say something on line that you would not say in person? Do you know of examples of how cyberbullying occur at WFMS? How can you help stop cyberbullyling? Do you have a facebook or Instagram or Twitter account? How can you use those in a positive way?


Unknown said...

Yes, I probably would say something on the internet rather than saying something in person. I would rather do it this way, because it's easier to say something indirectly and be able to be separate from the problem. One example could be when my friend always talked to this certain person all of the time and rarely anyone else. One day, she got on Facebook or Instagram and received a message that told her that they were hanging out with someone else now and not to come meet them. She asked them why and the person told her that everyone was saying that she was dirty and they hated her. You could help stop cyberbullying by forming a group and letting people know that these actions could result in someone going into a deep stress or even suicide. Yes, I have Facebook. You could use these sites for social matters and instead of always wanting to see what happens to people, use it to talk to someone secretly to let them know that they are not alone and that someone cares.

Tre Lewis
6th and 7th period

Unknown said...

I would love to think that any problems that someone has with one another, they would talk it out. Sadly, that's not the case anymore. This has resulted in bullying, and and most commonly, cyber bullying. For me, it would depend on the situation, if I would say something online or in person. Me and my friends, I believe, can talk about anything together. On the contrary, the people I may not know that well, I'll probably talk to them on line first, to see how they may react to a situation.
For me, I've haven't been in any situations of cyber bullying at WFMS. I've heard people talking about encounters where they've been talked about on Facebook but not to the point where it got too serious. But, any kind of bullying is serious and shouldn't be taken lightly.
What can I do to stop cyber bullying? One thing we can all do is be kind to everyone online. Never say or do anything you'll regret and treat people like you want to be treated, even online. If your are in a situation of cyber bullying, tell someone! Telling an adult can always lessen the risk of it getting any worse.
The only social network that I am involved in is Facebook. But sadly, my mom is my friend and can check my page anytime she wants. Considering that I'm always aware of what I put on line, I'm not worried about it as much. Using these social networks in a positive way, such as putting encouraging words on line, can definitely reduce the amount of cyber bullying. Or, even just being worried about yourself on the internet can avoid altercations. By doing these things, we can all keep cyber bullying under control.

Sarah Wilmoth said...

No because people who would find out, if I said it in person, would find out if I said it on the internet. No I don't know any examples at WFMS but I am sure that it happens. To stop cyberbullying you have to stand up to the bully online. Depending on the situation, though, you might be able to work it out in person.I don't have Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account so cyberbullying is not a problem for me unless it is through texting. You can use those in a positive way by posting positive things about people on their page. Sometimes just saying something nice and encouraging to someone cand help them give up the nerve to stand up to the bully.

Unknown said...

To be honest I probably would say something online that I wouldn't say in person. Because I think its easier to say something to a person through someone or by a message. I don't know of any problems that have happened at WFMS that has been online or something like that. But it probably happens. Because now in the world you never know what is going to happen! You can help by telling the person to stop doing that, or contact a parent, teacher, police officer, or anyone else. Cyberbullying can really hurt someones feelings in many ways! Sometimes it even leads to someone committing suicide or someone killing someone else! That's how serious it can be! And yes I have a instagram, facebook, and a twitter! You can use these sites by talking to your friends easier and sharing pictures and things with your friends! Instead of being hateful and being mean!

AllieShreves said...

I would not say something on the internet that I could not say in person. I do not see the point in saying something online because it only causes more trouble. In my opinion, it would make things a lot more clear if you would say it directly to the person. I have recently seen a lot of cyberbullying at WFMS, yet it is only getting worse. People are not thinking of the aftermath, or solving the problem. I think that in every arguement, both of the people are wrong. However, no one wants to just accept they are wrong and move on. I think it would be easier if there was an age restriction on social media because there wouldn't be as many people talking to each other.

I have a facebook, but I don't have an instagram or twitter. Many times I have thought about getting one. I then changed my mind because I never even get on my facebook, so what is the point? All of the time I see people getting into fights because they have the chance to say things they wouldn't normally say. You can still use forms of social media in a good way. You just need to watch what you say and make sure you are kind, even if you do not like the person.

allie shreves 6/7

Zach Phillips said...

Yes, I would probably say something online rather than to a person. No I don't know of any problems with cyberbullying that have happened at WFMS. You can not do it and hope people will follow you. Also, you can track down people that says things on the internet so no one is able to get hurt. Yes I have a facebook and an instagram account. You can use the sights to talk to people about cyberbullying and how they can stop it. Cyberbullying is one of causes of suicide and of people trying to commit suicide.

Alexis von Schmidt said...

I would not say something online that I wouln't say in person because it would most likely be something private. I don't know why you would do that. i do not know of any cyberbullying happening in school. I hope that it never occures as well. I don't have a facebook or anything like that. I am not allowed to have one because of cybullying, my mom says. My mom won't let me because she is afraid it will lead to something bad like this. The only way it could be a good thing is to communicate with family who lives far away or something likek that.

Anonymous said...

No, I doubt that I would be mean to someone on the internet, unless of course it was out of defense. The example I am about to narrate is in fact a true occurrance. I was on this online game that had the avatars and characters and junk, when some random girl named "Kelsey", or at least that was her characters name was, told me I was a fat ugly pale pig, and I had no idea who the heck she was! I said that that wasn't true and that she had no idea what I looked like, but she wouldn't quit. All I said to her was, rather than throwing insults at her, I said things that would show her that she couldn't bring me down. That wouldn't stop her, eventually I did use a different method: I informed her that she was a rude and unfriendly little coward who hides behind the internet and that she couldn't hurt me in a million years. Then, I reported her, and later learned that she had been being rude to other random people as well. I still stand by my statement that no one could possibly bring me down, I am to strong to give in to those blobs. I could stop cyberbullying by simply telling the bully that they could say what they wanted if it'll make them feel better about themselves, and to go ahead and continue being a coward and hurting others whilehiding behind the internet rather than dealing with their emotional issues because they aren't my problem, and I can provide my own support and stability, even if they can't. Yeah I have a facebook, but I use it safely, however that is actually very irrelevant because i hardly use it anyhow. I think that a good way to stimulate a positive attitude on a social site is to be nice to some random person, then hope that they will spread the kindness and make someone else happy, then that person will do the same until eventually everyone is happy.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't say something online to a person if I wouldn't say to their face. This is mainly because I don't have a twitter and I'm not on facebook. I don't know personaly know the people know involved in this but I can remember one insident of cyber bullying. From my perspective cyber bullying really shouldn't be fussed about, it's not like in person where you can't get away but online you could just block them. If I cared about knowing about what every one is doing right then then I'd get a face book ,but I really don't care about your personal life.

Unknown said...

I most likely have said something online than I have in person. Cyberbullyling can happen in many ways. First of all it can happen while the person is sitting beside you. But it can happen when you are not directly communicating with them. I think that if people would use social media sites just to talk to friends and not make fun of them, then it would be easy to stop cyberbullyling. I do have a twitter acount, but I don't use it that much so I'm no threat to anyone on the internet. Some positive ways of using the twitter, facebook, or other sites are just simple things. Those include: staying in thouch with friends and families, saying what the homework is for that day, or talking to each other.

Levi said...

I would never say something online that I would never say in person. I've never heard of any ways, but I'm sure they occcur more frequently than some may think. I have a Facebook, but I don't get on a lot, maybe once or twice a week. I created a twitter account, but I havn't used it.

Allie Maset said...

No , because if you have to the guts to say something online I feel that you should atleast have the guts to say it to their face. Yes ! There are alot of bullying that happens on Facebook , Twitter , etc . However , I am not involved . I actually have all three of those accounts . I dont get on Facebook though . You can use those in a positive way by not instigating trouble and not doing innapropriate things .

Jakob Lemuel Abbott. said...

I probably would say something online that I wouldn't say in person. You don't have to look them in the eye and say it to their face. I really don't get into that type of stuff so no I don't know any stories. I have all three of them. I don't get on facebook though. To use them in a postitve way I tell people the they did a great job if they did anything good. and not doing anything inapropriate.

M3g@n said...

I would probobly not say something online instead of in person. One reason is i never use facebook and another is because its rude and people have been to me before. It does not feel so good. Some things occuring at WFMS are people calling others mean names and saying rude comments. You can stop it by not using theses sites. I do have all three but only use instagram. I hate twitter and facebook. Positive ways on instagram on by not commenting bad things.

Jakob Lemuel Abbott. said...

I probably would say something online that I wouldn't say in person. You don't have to look them in the eye and say it to their face. I really don't get into that type of stuff so no I don't know any stories. I have all three of them. I don't get on facebook though. To use them in a postitve way I tell people the they did a great job if they did anything good. and not doing anything inapropriate.

Unknown said...

No, I wouldn't say something on the internet that I would not say in person. I think it is better to face your problems head on and not hide behind a computer. Also very few sights allow you to be anonymous so people will still know who you are.
I don't know of any cyberbullying that happens at WFMS, but I'm sure it does. With this many kids I would say it is impossible for them all to be nice.

You can stop cyberbullying by reporting it as inapproiate.

I have a facebook, instragram, and twitter. I only use facebook and instragram though. I think Twitter is stupid.

I can use my accounts to stick up for people that are getting bullied. I can also report stuff and get my friends to report it so that it will be taken down.

Austin J(: said...

Yes I would probably say something online that I would not say to the person's face. I would rather put it online because I know I couldn't say it to the person's face. I really don't know any problems tthat has happened here at WFMS, but I hope there is none. I have all three social medias. I don't get on facebook very much anymore though. I ussually use positive words to help peole, or I ussually post funny things. Never about poeple though.

Unknown said...

No I would never say something online that i wouldn't say in person because it means that you are just being a bully period. Yes, I do. Students at WFMS always are judging people. On how they look, how they dress, what they look like, ect. It really makes me sick because no one is better that any other person in the school. I think how to stop cyberbullying is: . when someone is being rude and saying out of line comments, they should be repoted and removed from the computer. Yes, I have all three. I could post a picture/ status/ or tweet saying stuff about how to stop the bullying period. Remember, you are not any better than anyone in this world. Be the bigger person, and be bully free. <3

Unknown said...
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bryce thibodeaux said...

I would probably say something online that I wouldnt say in person. You dont have to face the person and say it to there face because I feel more safe behind a computer. I never get into stuff like that so I dont really no anything thats happen. You can stop it by blocking that person or standing up for yourself. I only have Facebook because I dont really feel like making accounts for the other sites. i use mine in a positive way!

Brandyn Pavelko said...

No i would not say anything online that I woudnt do in person to me that is cowardish and wrong in the first place. Yes Wfms students bully and judge people all the time and i stand up for people that do that and people should do the same. Be better than the other people and stop bullying! bully free!

Jason Coffindaffer said...

I probably would say something online that I wouldn't say in person. Because you could say it and get away with it. You could block them or you stand up to them.

braden wilfong said...

No,I wouldn't say anything online that I wouldn't say in person. People at WFMS do bully people and I don't like when people do that.Yes I have a Facebook, an Instagram, and a Twitter. W e can stop bullying by posting positive comments online and treating peole with respect.

Hunter said...

The things I say online are the things I say in person to someones face. I know that last year someone said something to someone on facebook and their parents came to the school extreamly mad. This year on xbox live someone was being harassed and his dad called the board of education. You can stop it by not putting anything online that can hurt you. I have all three of those accounts and you can use them for school reasons or for communicating.

Unknown said...

No, I would definitely not say something to someone online that I wouldn’t say to them in person. No, I don’t know of any examples of cyber bullying at WFMS, and I very much doubt that there are any. However, I could be wrong. I have never had to deal with any cyber bullying before, and therefore don’t know of anything to solve it other than to not use any websites where you could receive any harmful messages. I certainly do not have any kind of social networking account. In fact, I despise most every internet site I know. I would prefer that the internet had never been invented at all.

Unknown said...

No, I would never say something online that I wouldn't say in person because it means your just being a bully and students at WFMS are always judging people. On how they look, how they dress, who they look like. It really makes me sick because no one is better then any other people at our school. I think how to stop cyberbullying is when someone is being rude or saying mean comments about someone. Be better than a other person and be bully free.

Unknown said...

Yes, because I feel that it is easier to say what is on your mind, also it makes me more outgoing. Saying stuff online isn't as akward as telling someone something in person. For example, if you had a crush on this one guy/girl, you would have more courage to ask them out. If they would, by chance, reject your question, then they won't be able to see your red, embarassed face. Don't get me wrong though, saying stuff online is a good outlet of your emotions, but some peers use it to hurt peoples' emotions.
Cyberbullying is mainly outside of school,but yes it happens between people who go to the same school.I'm not sure that I can think of any cyberbullying cases, because most of them are kept confidential. Some cases though, are spread through rumors/gossip. With these cases, you don't really know what to believe because everybody is saying something different. I believe that cyberbullying is never going to be stopped. I just believe that it can be prevented. To prevent cyberbullying, you should first, tell an adult. Yeah, I know, people will call you a snitch, but who cares! If the cyberbullying is hurting you, then, you have the right to tell someone who will back you up and get it to calm down. Second, you should cut loose al connections you have to that person and/or peoples. Don't, bully them back. That will just get you in trouble, and you'll be just as a bully as them. Third, find yourself an outlet. Find something that you can do to get you away from the electronic devices. Go join a sports team, girl scouts/boyscouts, scrapbook, etc. The longer away from the device, the better. I myself have a Facebook account. I normally get on it about every other day. I'm just involved in so many activities, that I don't waste my time on that. Using Facebook, can help cyberbullying in a few ways. They can help promote anti-bullying programs and campaigns. Facebook can help you reconnect with your old good friends.

Ashley :D said...

Yes I would probably say something online that I wouldn't say in person, but not something that would manipulate someone or hurt them. I believe it is easier to tell the truth or ask someone something through an electronic device; for example, if you like someone and you decide to ask them out,like Seneca said, they can't see your embarrassed face if they reject you. I haven't heard of any cyber bullying at WFMS, but I am sure it occurs considering how many kids there are. I help stop cyber bullying when I report inappropriate comment that I see on social networking sites. I only have a facebook, but I rarely get on it and almost never post anything. You could use social networks positively by complimenting people, and never posting negative things.

Unknown said...

Cyber bulling is probably one of the most severe forms of bullying in the 21st century. I would never ever try to hurt someone in person or on the internet. I use the internet for educational and social purposes that cannot harm people in any way, shape, or form. Even though cyber bullying is a major problem in our society I have not heard of one happening in our school. I have however heard of other events where cyber bullying has taken place in other states of America.

The ways I prevent bullying is to discourage harmful words that are posted or typed on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instragram. I have a Facebook account that I use often, and I would never dare to cyber bully while online.

I use Facebook to interact with others and not to bully them. You can discourage cyber bullying by telling others to not post rude or mean comments while online.

Unknown said...

Yes, the reason is that why say something online and not in person. Anyone can talk trash about some one behind the screen of a phone or lap top. There isn't much cyber bullying at west Fairmont but its mostly face to face or at school. The only way that I can think is when someone is being bullied go up to them tell them to stop or if they don't go to a trustworthy adult and tell them about it. Yes I do have a Facebook and no I don't use it to be mean or anything :). You can use it to talk to distant friends and relatives.

Unknown said...

I would never say something online that I wouldn't say in person because thats just being a coward. I'm glad to say that I don't know anyone being cyberbullied at school but if I did I would try and help them by talking to them or inviting them to church. Also yes I do use a face book account and I would never use to cyber bully someone. Finally you can use it in a positive way by joining a cyber bbully free web page or talking to kids that are cyber bullied.

tanner22 said...

No I would never say soemthing online that I wwould not say in person. Yes I can think of many incedints of cyber bullying that have happened at our school. When I see it I try to stop it but people just don't listen, they don't understand that cyber bullying can end a person's life. Yes I have a facebook, Instagram, and Twitter account. I use my social networking accounts to talk to frineds who don't have phones and to just see what other people are doing or thinking.

Unknown said...

I would never say something online that I wouldn't be willing to say in person. Unlike most people, I realize that being online doesn't shield you from harm and make you look tough, in fact it does the opposite, making you seem weak because you are too afraid to talk to this person face-to-face. some examples of cyberbullying I see in WFMS is when a girl on facebook posts an anonymous status about another girl, and something ironic is that it's usually saying that girl is too afraid to say something to her face. You could help stop cyberbullying by standing up for other people and just in general be nice to people, especially online. Yes, I have a facebook. These sites are meant for being a place where people can socialize over the computer, hence the term social network. It's meant for announcing get togethers and talking to friends you currently aren't around, not bullying and ruining other kids' self esteems.

Jason Coffindaffer said...

I probably would say something online that I wouldn't say in person. Because you could say it and get away with it. You could block them or you stand up to them. I think one of the ways happens at WFMS is Facebook. I have a Facebook and Instagram.

Unknown said...

If i siad something online about someone then yea i would say to thier face.just like most people would do I know of a couple incidets of cyberbulling like wen someone posted a fight on facebook and when he came back he got made fun of. Yes i have both a Facebook and instagram and some ways we all can do to try and stop cyberbullying is to maybe post pictures of some things that people end up doing if they get bullyed online

Unknown said...

I would and I do say somethings that i dont say to peoples face. When i get into a fight with someone sometimes I say and do somethings that i would never do off line or to someones face. The people that i get in fights with do the same things. They post statuses about me then i get mad because they wont say it to my fac even though i do the same things all the time.

Sierra Stickley said...

I would, and have said stuff on facebook that I would never have the guts to say in person. I have seen different sorts of cyberbullying, but dont know enough about them to go into detail. I have a Facebook and an Instagram. The only thing to do to stop everything would be to start a group or chain letter to stop cyberbullying.

Charli_Crandall♥ said...

I would not say something on line to a person that I would not say to their face. I think that you can't really stand up to the person, then why hide behind a screen? So far I haven't seen any cyberbullying at our school, West Fairmont Middle School.

In my opinion, you can stop cyberbullying by not doing it. It is very wrong, and you can hurt someone's self-esteem. I have an Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. However, I normally only get on Instagram, and sometimes Facebook and Twitter. I can use these accounts in positive ways by not posting anything I woulnd't say to anyone. Also, I woulnd't want to post anything negative to hurt someone's feelings. On Instagram, I would not post pictures that everyone could see that look like a bad influence. Always remember, once it is on the internet, it can't be removed!

~Charli Crandall 6th and 7th period.

Unknown said...

I probably would say something online to a person that I would say to their face. People at WFMS do this when they want to fight or when their too scared too say it to their face. We could patrol the websites for cyberbullying. I have Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We could setup an account or something that helps stop bullying. Or you could post non- negative things towords people. I have never experienced cyberbullying but I have seen it happen.

Anonymous said...

I would say something online, but I would also say it in person because i'm not scared and i'm about that life. Yes i know of some examples of cyberbullying because I have seen it in a post and I have also expirenced cyberbullying personally. I think I could help to stop cyber bullying by telling an adult or comfronting the person who is committing cyberbullying. I do have a facebook. I could help stop cyberbullying by posting something that would make a cyberbully think before he or she post something hurtful about someone else. Icyberbullying is a very serious matter and someone needs to put an end to it.

Ryan_V said...

No I would not because if you have the need to say something to someone online then there is no doubt that you should say it face to face. I do not know of any cyberbullying going on at our school,but I am sure that there are some that I do not know about. We can stop cyberbullying by watching out for the youth online and provide more security. I do have an Instagram and Facebook as well as many other people that I know. I can use these in a positive way by posting things that will not hurt somebody. I always try not to hurt somebody causing them to avoid being online.

Ryan Vilain 6/7

abby =) said...

I wouldn't say something online that I wouldn't say in person. I just go on the internet to keep in touch with my friends, not to hurt people. I'm sure there's cyber bullying going on at WFMS because it's everywhere now. I have a Facebook account that I don't really use anymore, I have an Instagram that I use a bunch because it's nice to be connected with my friends, and I have a twitter also.
Abby Wadsworth 1/2nd period

Unknown said...

I wouldn't say something to someone that I wouldn't say to them in person because I know it hurts them just as much. I don't know any cyberbullying happening at WFMS but I've about some others in other places. You can stop cyberbulling by telling telling an adult or don't say anything rude ot anything else that hurts others. I have a facebook and a instagram but I barely get on facebook. I can use these by reporting someone who is the cyberbully or tell that bully to stop.

Alyssa Martin said...

I wouldn't say something online that I wouldn't say in person. It is definately better to say things to someones face than saying it to them through the computer. Plus, You never know how safe you are on the computer. Depending on what website you are on, there could be someone listening to you. There are many events with bullying involved throughout our school. However, there are a couple that have included websites such as instagram, and facebook. In order to stop bullying, you should tell an adult when you see that it is occuring.

I have a facebook, and an instagram account, but I choose to use them in a positive way. I know that if I don't watch what I am doing, that something bad could happen. If I see bullying happening on facebook or instagram, I should probably tell an adult about what is happening.

White Ink (DC) said...

No because it's cowardly to sit behind a computer to make the victim feel bad just to raise your self-of-steem. No I have not heard of any examples of cyber bullying at WFMS. We could all help stop cyber bullying by signing a pledge. Yes I do have an Instagram account. I don't have a Facebook or twitter account because I'm not allowed til high school. That's how long my bro had to wait. I can post pictures on Instagram of the pledge to get the word out that we all need to sign it.

White Ink (DC) said...

David Childers 4th-5th

Unknown said...

I've never been cyberbullied and don't know any cyberbullies. I have facebook account. You can do good things on Facebook likehelping a comany. Facebook is fun because you get to talk to your friends and play games. People cyberbully people because it's easier. Cyberbullying is wrong and people shouldn't do that stuff. People can get upset from what bulked do but not all bullies realize that. Some bullies think they're funny but they're not. Hurting proles feelings is not funny. They probably got bullied that's why they bully people. They use their computer so they don't have to do it a person.

Unknown said...

I've never been cyberbullied and don't know any cyberbullies. I have facebook account. You can do good things on Facebook likehelping a comany. Facebook is fun because you get to talk to your friends and play games. People cyberbully people because it's easier. Cyberbullying is wrong and people shouldn't do that stuff. People can get upset from what bulked do but not all bullies realize that. Some bullies think they're funny but they're not. Hurting proles feelings is not funny. They probably got bullied that's why they bully people. They use their computer so they don't have to do it a person.

Unknown said...

I've never been cyberbullied and don't know any cyberbullies. I have facebook account. You can do good things on Facebook likehelping a comany. Facebook is fun because you get to talk to your friends and play games. People cyberbully people because it's easier. Cyberbullying is wrong and people shouldn't do that stuff. People can get upset from what bulked do but not all bullies realize that. Some bullies think they're funny but they're not. Hurting proles feelings is not funny. They probably got bullied that's why they bully people. They use their computer so they don't have to do it a person.

Unknown said...
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aman2524 said...

No if I have something to say I would say it to the persons face. I was taught that a man who talks behind someone's back is a coward. Yes, when someone is being a bully over email or over school encouraged websites. You can stop cyber bullying by thinking before you post. I have all three, but don't use them often. I can compliment people and say nice things about them on their wall or picture.

Unknown said...

It really depends on who I am talking to. For example, if I were talking to my friends, I would talk to them anywhere, but if it was a bully or someone bullying a friend, I would probably talk to them online because I feel that it's easier to tell someone how you feel if you're not talking directly to them.

I have heard of multiple examples of cyberbullying, however, I have never experienced any at WFMS.

Yes, I have a Facebook account and a Instagram account. I can use those accounts in a positive way by only saying things that you would want said to you and being kind to others. Also, stand up for yourself and others when someone is being bullied, they might not have the courage to, but you can.

Mackenzee Walker said...

I think it depends on the situation if I would say something online rather than to the person's face. Mostly with people I don't really know. I would probably start talking to them more online than in person. Then if I feel comfortable enough I would talk to them in person. I personally have never witnessed any kind of cyberbullying at WFMS. I have though seen or heard about small argueements online. But it wasn't any kind of bullying. To stop cyberbullying people should never do anything they wouldn't do in person online. Never say anything to people online that you wouldn't say to them in person. I only have a Facebook. I use it in a positive way by only using it to connect with friends and family and never saying anything mean to others.

G said...

Yes, I would probably say something on the internet instead of saying it in person. This is the way I would like to communicate with someone because your not face to face. I do not know any examples of cyber bullying at WFMS. You could help stop cyber bullying by getting victims and standing up against the people who write these terrible things people write on the internet. Yes, I do have a Facebook and a twitter because these social websites are awesome. I get on both of these websites almost every day to talk to my friends and what is happening in the world. You can use these social websites by talking to your friends or having a conversation with one another.

Unknown said...

Most of the time, it's easier said than done. And I think that if your gonna say somethnig online or throught text, you should be able to say it in person, face to face. I don't really know any cyberbullying done at WFMS necause I don't really get bullied so I wouldn't know. You can help stop cyberbullying if you see it by saying somethnig to someone or getting help from a trysed and responsible adult. I have all three.. facebook, twitter, and instagram. You can use those in a positive way by not posting negative thnigs on any of them and only post positive and nice things about you and other people.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

yes that is a really bad thing to do to someone. I dont understand why people do that or do just simple bulling people. I have never have that done to me, but I have been bulled before and it was not htat bad. I would never do that to anyone in the world.

Unknown said...

Yes I would because if your man enough to say it online than you are man enough to say it in person. People might say it in a text while they are in school, or show everyone a pick of what someone had sent you that was personal. Also Text other people about that person and then the text ends up all over the school. By telling them that, that is wrong and what would you do if that was you. Yes, I have a facebook but I don't use like other people might. I use it when I can and that is not very often, but when I do use it it is only for me to talk to my friends. You can use is in a possitive by not telling people that there, well I can't really say the words that people say on facebook, but if I was called that then I woukd walk up to them and say, "now what did you say again on facebook, cause if you think you can say it online then you can say it right here right now. Come on if you think your bad enough." Then they would be like, "I didn't say anything," then thats when you pull up the text and say, "now what didn't you say again," and see what they say, and you mostly likely to punch them in the face if they say one wrong word.

Unknown said...

Yes, because if your man enough to say it online then your man enough to say it to there face. Yes, name calling and all sorts of stuff. you could talk to someone that has gottin bulyed just to calme them down.Yes, i have a facebook but i only use it to talk to my friends and my girlfriend and to see what my homework assigment was for that could not talk crap about someoneon there and if i saw that on there i would report them.

Unknown said...

Yes, I probably would say something on the internet rather than saying something in person. I would rather do it this way, because it's easier to say something indirectly and be able to be separate from the problem. One example could be when my friend always talked to this certain person all of the time and rarely anyone else. One day, she got on Facebook or Instagram and received a message that told her that they were hanging out with someone else now and not to come meet them. She asked them why and the person told her that everyone was saying that she was dirty and they hated her. You could help stop cyberbullying by forming a group and letting people know that these actions could result in someone going into a deep stress or even suicide. Yes, I have Facebook. You could use these sites for social matters and instead of always wanting to see what happens to people, use it to talk to someone secretly to let them know that they are not alone and that someone cares.

Kieanna Fleming 4/5th

Unknown said...

No, I wouldn't say something on the internet rather than saying it in person. An example is that you are the kind of person that talks to people online instead of real life. I never met anyone that was cyber bullied. And yes I have a Facebook. Any someone could start an account on Facebook or any of the other one of those kind of websites and star a stop cyber bulling page.

Heustan O'Dell said...

I would not say anything on the internet that i would outside in the real world to someone. I do have A facebook and twtter and a way I think to stopit is topost posotive things about not bullying. I do know there is most likely cyber bullying here and the people coming in to talk to us about it should help the problem.

Unknown said...

No i would say anything on the internet that i wouldn't say online. I dont get on facebook or anything else that much. Some of the ways you could stop it is deleting the person and blocking them or just dont get on that website anymore. I do have a facebook but i dont really like facebook.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't say anything on the internet that I wouldn't say in person. I have a facebook,instagram and a twitter. Some of the ways you can stop cyber bullyying is deleting and blocking people from your profiles. Then they won't be able to talk to you anymore.

abilliris said...

I would not say anything to anyone on the iternet that I would not say in person. I know alot of cyberbullying instances that occur at WFMS, and I, too am a victim of cyberbullying. I have a Facebook, Twitter, and an Instagram. I use all these for the sole purpose of communicating, and simply having fun and sharing my life with my followers & friends. if anyone gives me a problem or harrasses me, I simply block and ignore them.

Unknown said...

Probably, because it's a lot easier to say something mean to someone else because sometimes that person might not even who you are. Another reason why it might be easier because you could make up a fake name or something like that. One example is that I was on Instagram one day and I seen kids from our school bullying this girl, and they where saying things like "your a sl*t" and "You where never a really friend." or "Your nasty because hang with high school guys your always flirting with them your such a sl*t!". One way you could stop cyberbullying is that they could make the internet a lot safer. I have al of thoughs. You could watch what you say to people. You could only follow or friend people that are your friends and that you know.

Kayla McKenzie

Unknown said...

Most likely, its alot easier to say something rude through a screen than it is in person because through the screen no one can like really stand up and be like hey ima do this, but besides cyber bullying is something that should be treated like regular bullying when its not no one pays actual attention to it even if they say they do, they dont plenty of girls commit suicide or do harmful things to themselves because of things on the internet and we dont even pay attention to it because its 'online' so many people can make this stop but they dont, because its online, and its okay because everyone else is doing it right? No, this is not okay i mean yes you could avoid it by blocking the person or unfriending them etc. but some people arnt necessarily smart enough to do that..