Wednesday, August 13, 2014


What was the videographer's purpose in creating this video? What statistics surprised you? How must we change if we are to compete in the world? How has the world of technology changed since you entered fifth grade.


ethanwhite said...

This video was created to show people how much the internet is depend on by many people in this world.Also,to show that how many people use the internet to learn things,find things, and how to do something.The statistics that surprised me where that there was six hundred million phone sales in 2006.We need to change how lazy we are and actually do something for once.The invention of tablets helped revolutionized computers and laptops while i was in fifth grade.Also, with the use of touch screen commercially in the early two-thousands people expanded there use of tech.That is it for this blog!

Ezra Yoneda said...

The purpose for this video is to explain how everyday technology is beginning to become a necessary part of the average person's life. Over 3/4 of these statistics have a primary involvement with tech. One of them that really surprised me was that over 2,700,000 Google searches occurred in a month. I knew people use Google often, but I was actually expecting a higher number. If we want to compete with everyday tech, we need to get outside more and actually perform physical activities, use technology less, and just basically "Go Green." In 5th grade, people only used tech for free time in information. Now it is used by almost any means, and people are assuming that sites like YouTube are going to become the new form of TV! People are also harming the environment for the sake of permanently keeping tech in life.

Unknown said...

Technology is such a big part of the human race's lifestyle today. We depend on our phone, computer, television, and many more daily. The creator of this video is trying to tell us how technology impacts our life. It might be good, or it might be bad, but technology influences a lot of us today. The internet is a great, fast, reliable way to find information or learn something. The statistics that surprised me were 100 percent of India's college graduates speak English. This is probably due to the technology we can use to easily help us learn a new language or translate apps to allow us to learn multilingual words. The world of technology has grown even since I was in the fifth grade, for example the company Apple has grown tremendously. Especially iphones and all the new software, games, and music you can download on it. Technology is useful and fun to use for everyone, and is growing more and more each day!
-Hannah Floyd 1/2 period

Unknown said...

This video explains how technology has exceeded since before I was in the fifth grade. Every day it becomes a part of us even more. Each generation younger than us gets even more educated through technology. What surprises me, is how something created by man, can out smart mankind. Technology is like a crutch for the brain. It helps us discover things we never knew existed, or just couldn’t remember. When man fails we can use technology to do our dirty work for us. It can hold information up to hundreds of years ago. It could connect you to anyone and everyone around the world. Technology is the future of all forwarding generations.
-Caleb Rice/1-2

Unknown said...

In our life, technology has been an essential to life of every humans. As the video says most kids before they are even four have used a computer or phone. The thing that didn't sound so surprising to me was the about of years it took to get a certain amount of views, of course the computer succeeded the amount the fastest. People with computers have the access of watching stuff twice as fast as people watching it on the TV. When I was 10-years-old in 5th grade, I think the new thing was the iPad 2. Everyone was amazed by this tablet. Even though technology is amazing, I think people abuse the power behind the tech. People use technology for purposes that it wasn't originally designed for. Also, I think people give these phones, tablets, an computers to little kids a little to early. When I was 5 the only phone I had was the plastic toy phone.

Unknown said...

The videographer's purpose in this video was to inform us about how technology has changed over the years. The fact that surprised me the most was that in 2006, 100% of the graduates in India spoke English. I guess it's understandable with all of the technology we have to learn new languages. We should expand in every field of study. Since the fifth grade, many things about technology has changed. Apple introduced the iPad in 2010 and it's been advancing since then. Skype was developed also in 2010. By 2011, there are more than 800 billion Facebook users. In 2012, the number of smartphones worldwide reached 1 billion users. The tablet computers became the fastest growing technology, becoming popular within 2.5 years.
-Bailey King 6/7

Maya Brinson said...

Technology is the reason why we are the way we are now. Without it, we would literally be nothing. We would not be able to travel, communicate, have companies or go on social media. Technology has changed dramticly or the years and the things we have today is insane. Like we have galxies and iphones. We can move things on our devices with our eyes. Its scary but at the same time amazing that a human being can make such an amazing thing. Just wait about 20 years from now the technology will be so crazy that it will probably do all the work for us.

Maya Brinson 4 and 5

Unknown said...

This video was made to show how much we use and depend on technology. What suprised me was China is expected to be the number one country that speaks english. Since fifth grade for me I had an IPhone 3. Now I have a Samsung Glaxy S4 Active. It literally has to see my face to unlock as to the IPhone where i enter a code. Who would ever think that would be possible. Also what scares me the most is that humans are dependent on machines. What if Y2K really happened. As of now we would be screwed.

Unknown said...

Technology has changed extemely since the time I was in 5th grade. Now these does we have watches that take pictures and act like a phone. Also the new iphone 6 just came out with more battery and data. Also updates for phones like the new IOS 8. Military technology has probably changed the most. With new weapons and gear to protect our country from attackers. Many years from now new inventions and more technology and will help us more to learn more.

Unknown said...

This video is about how the internet changes over the last years. People are learing from internet. Different people from different parts of the world can learn about different languages or different cultures. The statistics that supriesd me was that in 2006 , 100% of the graduates in India spoke English. They learned how to speak English by reading or saying things from the internet. To compete in the world we must stop using internet so much. There's books to help learn. The world has changed with technology ever since I've been in 5th grade. The phone companies are coming up with new inventions for phones and computers. They have made new phones like the iPhones and galaxy's. They've made new things for the computers , tablets , and iPads. I can't wait to see what else their going to come up with in the next several years.
By. Taylor Odell 4/5th period.

Unknown said...

Technology is everything literily. Everything we do takes a computer or a smart phone. When i was in the fith grade there wasn't a lot of people with iphones and and other smart phones like that. The first smart phone was inveted in 1992. When i was a kid it was cool to have a MP3 player. Now everyone that has a goodbet of money has a iphone or a galaxy. Technology made the united states what it is today all we need to do is push a button and make something start move or do anything. I like to do suff on the internet but it shouldn't be able to do all thr stuff you can do with a tuch of a button . I liked it when it was cool to have a mp3 player instead of phones because they get people into trouble.

Unknown said...

This video showed many cool and interesting facts about the world. It was pretty neat. I think the videographer's purpose on creating this video is to show that our world is over run with technology. There were many stastitics that caught my attention but on stuck out the most; there are more google searches a day than there are people in the world. That is a lot of searches! America is the hihg techiest contry out there in the world but some countries are very close behind because they have smart people as well coming up with great ideas. You need to keep up with the world to stay in-date. When I was in the fifth grade, my parents didn't let me have a phone. Some kindergateners have iPhones. My parents don't beleive in electronics. There were many things of electronics in 2011, but today, in 2014 I can't even count on my fingers of how far we are in the world. It is amazing!

Unknown said...

I believe that the videographer created this video to show how much technology has improved today. The statistic that surprised me the most was 100% of graduates in India could speak English. This surprised me the most because I didn't expect that many people from another country to be able to speak other languages, not just their native language. When I was in fifth grade, all I had was a slide phone. I remember when the slide phones were the best smartphone, until the iPhone came out. Now, there are third-graders with the iPhone 5S. When I was in third grade, I had only heard of a phone. Tehcnology has imnproved so many things, such as education. Kids use computers for homework and school projects. I believe it has reached the point where technology has become an essential in this world. I wonder whsat technology there is to come...

Unknown said...

The video informed us about the change and growth in technology over the years. The statistics that surprised me were that the number of text messages sent today exceeds the population of the planet. That's crazy to think about! I wonder how many texts I send in one day.. Everywhere we go, you see people on electronic devices. You see children with them as well. That is one thing that has changed since I was in fifth grade. I didn't have a phone or something as high-tech as what is created now. Iphones, Ipods, and Ipads are a very fast way to download things and talk to friends. Technology has certainly changed the way we communicate.

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of this technology video is to show what has been changed over the years. Another reason is to show facts about technology and show statistics about it. Out of the may facts about the statistics the one that surprised me the most was the one about how many google searches there were in a single month. If every one alive searched one thing on google the sum of that would be no where close to how many there were in one month. I some what think this is a good thing because every one should need to know how to use it. A lot of change has happened over the years too. This is a very good thing and a bad thing all in one. One good thing is that scientist are working on trying to make a way to keep people alive for a longer time. A bad thing is that if something were to happen during the making of a weapon or something of deadly force were to go wrong, worst case scenario is a epidemic would happen. At the rate things are advancing it is a some what scary thing. Take it from me, in fifth grade to now there have been multiple phones and gaming consoles that have come out. If the rate keeps up we will be in a very good place or a very bad place. All in all I think technology does more good then harm at this time.

Unknown said...

The showed how technology we really use. What surprise me was how many text were sent a day I thought that was crazy. I knew we text a lot but seriously. Technology change a lot when scents I was little. back when I was little they still had flip phone I even had won but mine didn't work but I still had won. Now days people have iphone and tech screens and all this high tech stuff. Two weeks ago I saw this girl walking down the street not paying attend to where she was going because she was listening to music and texting at the some time and she walked into a park car. I laugh so hard, when I was little you didn't have that kind of problem because there was not Pandora or YouTube. Sometime the internet didn't even work on the phone we still had antennas. I'm just waiting till everything we do is power by technology that going to be fun.

Tyler Rosier said...

The videographer created this video to inform the viewers of how rapidly the world is changing because of new technology and innovations, It informs us of how much computers have taken over our lives. We rely on computers in our everyday lives, from listening to the radio, to watching TV, to surfing the web. The statistic I found most interesting was that the number of texts sent and received today exceeds the population of the planet! Texting has become a major form of communication. In order to keep up with the world, we must be open to change and embrace technology. Technology has changed since we entered fifth grade. Computers are much smaller and faster, and almost everything has some type of automation now.

Tyler Rosier
Period 6-7

Tyler Rosier said...
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Unknown said...

This video shows how much technology has changed through out the years and the affect it has on our lives. In the video what surprised me the most was that in India 100% of its graduates could speak english. This has a lot to do with technology and its way to help you communicate. Technology has changed a lot throughout the years. Like the change in how many people watch TV, or how many use a computer daily. The video also shows how many text messages are sent. Technology has also affected our education. With technology we now have more college graduates. Technology has affected us a lot over the years. I wonder how much it will affect us in the years to come.

Unknown said...

This video currently shows how technology is used today. Also, shows how technology has changed from the past to present. It shows more on how technology affects peoples everyday lives. I believe technology affects a lot of things, maybe almost everything. The world has had a huge transformation from writting on paper with a pencil. To typing things with a keyboard on a screen. Technology is taking over all the old fashion resouces. Such as, education resouces, television, communicating, they even have a certain technology for excersise. Therefore, technology has a big impact. technology has made itself all aroung the world. Pretty soon people will not have jobs because robots will soon be made to take over.

Unknown said...

This video is showing us how big of an impact technology has on our lives. We use electronics all the time to help us with things. If we don’t know a math problem we can run to our phones to use the calculator. The thing that surprised me was that 100% of India’s graduates speak English. This shows that we have apps for everything, because they probably used a translator app. I mean in a way it is really ridiculous how much we use our phones or computers. We could easily use a book to find information, but we use these electronics. Why? Because they are the fastest way, and we don’t feel like taking extra time to use a book. I can easily look back and see how much technology has changed since I was in 5th grade. Take the Apple products for example, we had IPods, then we got updates for them. Then the IPhones, we have many, many versions of these. We have IPads, and Mac laptops. I can’t even imagine the things we will have in the future. Basically what I’m saying is technology is the future.

Lauren Williams 6/7

Allie Pacoe said...

The videographer’s purpose of crating this video was to show how technology has changed people’s lives and it’s going to continue to as we get older. Some statistics that surprised me were that if Myspace was a planet, it’d be the eighth largest in the world. Another one that surprised me was that there are more than 2,700,000,000 thing looked up on google, this month. If we would want to change because we are supposed to compete in this world we should just limit our technology. We could limit the times we use our phones or TV’s. Also, we could just limit what technology we use. The world has changed a lot since I was in fifth grade. The I-phone have added the 4, 4s, 5, 5c, 5s, 6, and 6 plus. They’ve also added facetime to the I-phone.

Unknown said...

The purpose of this video was to inform the world about how many people rely on the internet. People use the internet for everything anymore. Such as school work, to find something out, and to socialize. When I say school work I mean projects and even tests. The one thing that really surprised me was that there are over 2,700,000 people who have searched something on Google this month. Another one is how many babies were born in 38 seconds, in my opinion that is amazing. We can change the use on the internet by actually reading a book or working the problem out. We can also change this by not only doing work but for socializing, instead of being on a social network you could be outside or doing something else besides being on the internet. Since 5th grade I believe that technology has went so much higher than before with the phones and social networks have came out with more, and what most of the people use Google for. I think that Google is probably used for more than just answers to questions. What I am trying to say is the internet has taken over the world.

Unknown said...

This video was created to show how much technology has improved through the years. One thing that shocked me was that there were 2,700,000 google searches made per day! I thought that number would be per week and not per day. We all rely on technology in our everyday lives, but over two million searches is just insane. I can't believe people use google that much! There have been so many changes in technology recently. From fifth grade to now, there are a lot of things that have changed. For example, more people, even children, have phones, there are a lot more advanced phones, and a lot more things. When you look around, you notice how many people have some form of technology. It could be a phone, tablet, or Ipod. About everyone I know has something like that. I have all three of those items, and I use them a lot. Sometimes, I feel like I don't do anything else, even though I know I do. As the years go by, more people will get electronics, and technology will keep being updated. Eventually, everyone will probably rely on technology!
Kaity Layman 4/5

Nihya Williams said...

I think this video was made to fully inform us of the various changes technology has made for us. The statistics about China speaking english because although they are very smart, english is said to be one of the most complicated languages. If we are to compete in this world to change we will all have to have either a computer, smartphone, or both and many more to come. Technically the world is going through another phase of evolution and it is either get in the game, or get left behind in the "stone age". The world of technology has changed since I was in 5th grade because touchscreens have gone to a whole diffrent level. We pretty much rely on technology.
Nihya Williams 1/2 period

Isaac Popp said...

The purpose of the video was to show how much we use technology today. Our lives revolve around technology today. One of the statistics that surprised me was that 100% of India's 2006 graduates spoke English due to programs on the internet. This is surprising. That means that they all had use of technology. I think that technology has evolved into almost a need today. When I was in the 5th grade, next to no one that I knew had a phone. It was hugh to have an iPod or tablet. Now pretty much everyone I know has a phone. Everyone I know has a device of technology of some sort today. That is how dependent we are on technology.

Isaac Popp 6-7

Isaac Popp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

The purpose of the video was to show our generation that back then things were different. There were more USA college graduates an fewer children being born during this period. Now there are more children and less college graduates,could children be getting in the way or is this what our society has come to?All of te statistics surprised me but I have narrows it down to three, every 8 seconds 34 children are born. 100% of Indian college graduates speak English, last but not least by the time a person is 38 they will have 10 to 14 jobs. If we were to compete in the world we must have more college graduates and less babies, they can get in the way and distract you from goals and your dreams. Since I have enters the fifth grad technology has become more popular and more advanced. If you honestly think technology that has come to us over just the past four year isn't all that of a good thing.

Megan Rumney 6/7

Unknown said...

The videographers purpose of this video is to show how many humans depend on the internet today. It is a bid part of our life. We depend on technology to help us with almost everything we do. As our generation goes on technology becomes more high tech and more useful. Many people also are, dependent on phones, computer, ect. to do many things for us when we don't want to or to look up information on a certain topic. People all around the world use it. Since I was a young child I have always use technology in some way. With out technology life would certainly be much more difficult.

Brooke Krcek
1/2 period

Unknown said...

I think the author's purpose in doing this video is to show how much the world has changed and improved from the past. One statistic that stood out to me was that 100 percent of India's college graduates speak English. That really amazes me, because you would think since they are in a different country they would speak another language than we do. Because the world is changing, we need to prepare students to make sure they are learning what they need to so that they can compete in the 21st century. The world of technology has changed tremendously and has increased in all areas. Since fifth-grade more people have learned about technology and cell phone technology has changed. Cell phones have become very popular in the last couple years. Just about everyone has a cell phone and the technology will continue to increase. So, we need to be prepared in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math to compete for jobs producing this technology.

Unknown said...

The purpose of the video is to show you how much we as a species have been getting lazier and lazier by the generation. I think the videographer is trying to show you how much you use technology. The statistic that surprised me the most was how much time people play video games and watch TV. Ever since the fifth grade I've seen newer better phones and video game consoles come out on the market.

Unknown said...

I believe the purpose of this video is to show how much escalation technology will take over the years and has already taken. The most surprising statistics to me is if MySpace was a country, it'd be the 8th largest country. I understand that the website isn't present anymore, but think about this. How big would an Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter country be? This just shows us how we've developed as humans, and how much we rely on technology. For example, in the United States, states are constantly moving on to teaching students about new tools involving technology. With us living in the state of West Virginia we strive to be caught up. We're trying to keep up with all these innovations. Since I was in 5th grade, companies have made advancements on their original products like phones. They've been also trying to compete to sell the best. These industries have erupted over just a few years. I see this, but I've never cared much about phones really. Sometimes books are better.

Tina Zheng 4/5th period

Unknown said...

The purpose was for everyone to find out how the world becoming at this point in time. Even though this was made in 2006, a lot of this information is still accurate. Many of the statistics surprised me because I I do not know much about the world around me. So it was very interesting. The statistic that surprised me the most though was about My Space becoming the eighth largest country in the world if it were a country. Many of us must get use to the new things that are happening around us because if you do not get with the program the you are screwed. Many thongs though have happened since the fifth grade because in fifth grade was when the i phone 4c came out and look where we are now. The i phone 6 and 6 plus!

Gabrielle wilfong said...

The purpose of this video was to show people how much they rely on the internet. Most people cant go 2 days without technology. It shows how many people use technology around the world and how much you use it. People use technology for there homework and other things they need to know. The one thing that I thought was really cool was how there were over 2,700,000 Google searches that were searched in a month. That tells how many people use technology to find out things people need to know. Technology has grown since 5th grade! They just came out with the I phone 6 and a new software update. Facetime had been new since 5th grade too.

Kennedy Wilfong said...

The purpose in making this video was to show how technology is beginning to become a necessary purpose in everyday life. We depend on our cellular devices to give us information on a daily basis. The internet is great for finding information or research on something. The statistics that surprised me were that there were six hundred million phone cells in 2006. People need to decrease the amount of time they spend on their cellular devices. We need to get outside and play some fun games, instead of playing on our phone. The invention of tablets, and ipads helped revolutionized computers and laptops. All the new software updates, has made apple grow extremely. People in this world need to stop relying on the internet for everything and start doing other fun stuff. If there were no technology in this world we would not be doing this blog right now.

Kennedy Wilfong 1st&2nd

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The purpose in the video is how much technology has grown over the years. It's tells how technology is starting to become apart of the human life and connecting people to information throughout the world. It seems that some people can not live without computers or smart phones which I believe is assisting people in getting lazy. Technology is just going to keep getting bigger and people are just going to get more into it because technology is amazing. We do need to use technology at times to help us. But I think that we use technology too much other than for video games because they are enjoyable. Technology has grown a lot since the 5th grade like face timing and all of the new iPhones and Android updates and it will continue to grow daily.

Unknown said...

The purpose of this video was to show the evolution of technology and what it can prove. The statistic that suprised me was that 100% of Inda's colledge graduates speak English. English is the hardest language to learj and that is an impeckable amount of foreiners that can speak it. If we want to compete in the world today, we must get outside and do more physical activities instead of just sitting inside and sitting at a bright screren all day. That means phones, tablets, computers, and TVs too. In 2010, when I was in the 5th grade, the iPad 2 was the big thing. Everone was intrigued by its large touchscreen and cameras. This year, 2014, the iPads are smaller and more portable. Technology keeps changing. They can get better, or worse.

6/7 period
Rhyan Cochran

Unknown said...

THe purpose in this video is to show home much technology has grown over the years. To be honost a lot of statistics suprised me but one in particular caugtht my eye and that is how many cell phones wer active in 2006. In 2006, there were 600 million cell phones in active use. This is almost one thousand times the population in West Virginia alone. In the world we must learn to use books and prior knowledge to get answers and not always the internet. Using books and the people around you to answer questions can be as helpful as the internet as long as we just ask. The world of technology has changed drasticaly since I have entered the fifth grade. Before a couple years ago, they were barely starting to invent touch screen devices but now tehere is thoudsands. Today you can buy everything to touch omputers, phones, tablets,and televisions. Not including Televisions and other electroni devices now even microwaves and houseold item can be touch screen too.

Christian DeWitt 6/7 Period

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of this video was to show the viewers how much the world changed over time. Also how we are getting for involved in technology. What most shocked me is how many phone calls and texts sent each second. I think that was interesting. Most people I think these days have or can’t live without technology. That’s also including me. To compete n the world we ned to create safer and more effitiont . Technology sence the fith grade has changed a lot. Like there’s iphone and new cars. New technology is apearing every day.

Unknown said...

Technology is used for many sorts of things. Technology can be used for military uses. With out technology people could not communact with eAch other. Technology can just be used for fun. Such as gaming pc. Or xbox 360's and ps3's. Technology gets better over time. Just like the xbox one and ps4 are newer then their gaming insisters.

Sam Hensley said...

I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that today's society has become too overly reliant on technology. It seems that people need technology to do the simplest of tasks nowadays. All of the babies who grow up now will never know how to do something manually, rather than having some machine do it for them. I think the most surprising statistic in the video was that China will be the Number One English speaking country in 10 years, although, when I think about it, it actually seems plausible. I think if the US Is to compete in today's world, we really need to overhaul our education system, since there are so many things wrong with it, in my opinion. I think if the school system stopped focusing the whole year on the end of the year test, school would be better. The world of technology has changed me greatly since the fifth grade. I got my first cell phone in fifth grade, and I got my first laptop at the end of fourth grade. I know I got my first phone and computer and such quite a bit earlier than people before me, but it still makes me laugh when I'm out in public and I see a 6 year old with a blinged-out iPhone. Eventually, people will be buying kids phones as first birthday gifts. Eventually, the world will be completely reliant on technology.

Unknown said...

I think that the author’s purpose in making this video was to show how, as a world, we are so addicted to technology. It amazes me that so many people have computers in their home compared to years ago. If you go out in public and you look around, you will be so shocked at how many children under 10 have phones. Since I was in fifth grade so much more of our education is based off of technology. For example, this blog. Right now I am writing a blog on the internet. It just amazes me that 10-15 years ago people didn't have the opportunity to do these things. Technology is amazing.

Unknown said...

I believe that this video was made to show people how much technology has developed and will develop over time. Technology has changed our society so much. It has changed the way we communicate, solve problems, find answers, etc. In the next few decades, technology will be even better. Many people across the world are working on newer and better things every day. I was very surprised when the video mentioned the amount of people who married someone they met on the Internet. If we want to be able to compete in the world, we will need a greater education. In the future, the world will rely on the people who invent new things that will improve our environment and life. When I was in the fifth grade, there were no cars out there that had built in wifi. We also didn’t have the iPhone 6 when I was in fifth grade.

Unknown said...

The videographer’s purpose of creating this video was to inform American youth that technology is taking over all aspects of American life. The videographer was also indirectly stating we need to start educating ourselves to meet the technological challenges of tomorrow. The videographer presented some interesting facts that explain how America may lose at the technology race. Every 8 seconds 34 babies are born. 5 of the babies are born in India, 4 in China and only 1 in the United States. In 2006 India had 3.1 million college graduates, China had 3.3 million, and United States had 1.3 million. 100% of the Indian graduates spoke English. It was predicted that by 2016 that China would be the number one English speaking county. Based on these facts, United States will have a smaller and smaller worldwide percentage of English speaking college graduates. The average 21 year old American has spent 20,000 hours watching TV, 10,000 hours playing video games, and 10,000 hours talking on the phone. If you do the math, this comes out to approximately one third of the average 21 year American’s waking hours. Since I was in the 5th grade cell phones have gotten smaller, lighter, cheaper, and much more power. When someone holds a modern smart phone, they are really holding a computer. If Americans don’t start aggressively educating their selves in technology we will be surpassed by both India and China.

Unknown said...

The videographer in this video’s purpose is to inform us on the wonders of modern day society. Technology has had a great effect on us. Our jobs are connected, even our lives are more connected because of the internet.

None of these statistics really surprised me. In fact, I can proudly say I contributed to some of these statistics myself!

The world of technology has changed alot since I have entered fifth grade. New consoles, higher processing computers, new phones: Many things have changed.

Our television can be viewed via the internet and the internet via a television. Journalists use the internet to post their work to a much broader audience now. Also, my dad can watch and edit this on his phone from miles away whilst I type on the computer at home.

Unknown said...

The videographer’s purpose in making this video was to show that technology is a huge part of the human race’s lifestyle today and it will be forever. We use technology to create new things, discover something new or just to use for pleasure. The statistics that surprised me were that China in 10 years will be the most fluent English speaking country in the world and 100% of India’s 2006 college student graduates can speak English. When I entered 5th grade technology was way different. We didn’t use it every day but used it some, now we use it almost every day anywhere we go. Technology companies have grown tremendously like Apple, Xbox, and Microsoft. Every year since 5th grade we were introduced into more new technology and information about it. To compete against today technology people will have to think differently and test different ways to expand and add to today’s technology.

Chris McLaughlin ½ period

Unknown said...

The purpose of this video was to show how much technology has changed and affected our lives. We depend on our phones, tablets, computers, and television every day. The statistics that surprised me was that there were 27,000,000,000 searches on Google this month. Also, that in ten years it is predicted that China will be the number one English speaking country. We need to change by being less dependent on our technology. We use our tablets for a lot of things. When I was in fifth grade the new things were Apple products like Iphones and IPads. They invented that stuff to help us, but we are using it too much. Little kids are getting phones when they are in elementary school. There was also not as much social network like Twitter and Instagram. Technology has become part of our lives.

Zachary Jordan 6/7

Unknown said...

The purpose of this video was to show how much technology has changed and the impact that it's had on our lives. It also shows how technology has become a daily thing. Most people can't go for two days without technology. It also shows how much we rely on technology. Which is making us become lazy. A statistic that surprised me was that 2,700,000,000 google searchers were made per month. Another statistic that I thought was surprising was that in 2006 over 600 million phones were being used. We must change by not using technology as much and start to do our own work. Technology has changed a lot since 5th grade. I remember in fifth grade the iPhone 4s and face timing had just came out. Now there is an iPhone 6 and a lot of new updates. Technology is a major part of our lives.
Gracie Tarley
4-5 period

Unknown said...

It's nice that you chose this video, since I know a lot about technology and how it has changed over the years. Anyway, the videographer's purpose in creating this video is to show how technology has changed over time, and how it may be in the future. Many things actually did surprise me, such as how most kids start using the internet when they are four, and how it is predicted that in the future that China might be the country with most people that speak English, but in retrospect, that isn't too surprising as a lot of people live in China. Moving along, what do we need to do to compete in the world today? We have a while to go truly. For starters, when the education system has students crying themselves to sleep and waking up wanting to commit suicide rather than go to school, then we may have a problem, since learning should be fun for kids, and we have to learn to survive in the world. I suggest we could change our education system to something like the one in Finland, which goes easier on students but actually has very high success rates. We also are faced with the problem of global warming, but with green energy on the horizon, we should be able to fix it. The only problem is that the world is full of pretentious idiots who still think coal energy which emits carbon dioxide into the atmosphere after cutting down half the rainforest is a good idea. To make the future better though, we have to take action to fix all we've messed up now, before it's too late. We have achieved so much before, and we can't just stop all progress now! To show this, we should look at what has changed since I was in fifth grade. Recently, smartphones have become much more common, and advances are being made to improve them. We have also made the internet better and faster, which is helping many students achieve goals. We also have improved technology for relaxing purposes, as when I was in fifth grade, none of the current-gen gaming consoles were out. The Wii U was announced, but that wasn't released until 2012. We have even done small things, like making chocolate that doesn't melt and cars which can drive underwater. We even have gotten lots of progress done on 3D printers! We still have many problems plaguing us, sure, but if we work hard enough, we can change that for the better of our world, and the better of the future!

Kaleena Kuhn 6th and 7th period said...
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Kaleena Kuhn 6th and 7th period said...

I believe the purpose in creating the video was to show people how much we depend upon the internet today, compared to, say, twenty years ago, and how much the world of technology has changed, and at such a fast rate too. It surprised me how many people search on Google every month, and how many people in the world speak English throughout the world. If we are to compete in the world, I believe, people will have to become more environmentally-minded. That is, start caring about what dramatic effects will be forced upon our environment with all of these technological advancements in our society today. The world of technology has changed so much from fifth grade, for me especially, not with the out coming of new products necessarily-even though that's a huge part of it- but more of just my eyes opening up to it. I didn't know how Twitter worked, I could barely Facebook, it was just luck that I knew what it was, Pandora Radio was a foreign thing to me completely at that time and now I can't live without it, and my only email was a Comcast one my dad set up for me. I now have seven different emails, three Gmail, three Yahoos, and that same Comcast. The internet to me was just something that you used to lookup information for a school project on. I didn't know what an I-Phone was, I still had a flip phone at this point. My computer was a large, white square that stuck out about a foot and a half in the back, and you couldn't be on it for too long without it overheating. That year though, we got our current desktop, a Dell, which is fairly modern. I didn't know what the big deal about Wi-Fi was. I was clueless. I would spend maybe a half hour on the computer, whereas now I will waste hours at a time on it. So many things have come out since I was a little eleven-year-old. I remember when the I-Pad first came out. Guess now I'm an old timer compared to, say, third graders today. Imagine what it'll be like when they become fifth graders. What about when the fifth graders of today turn into eight graders? The world is changing so fast, what will it be like in two years? In four? In ten? Twenty? No one knows, no one can predict how much technology will come to evolve by then. Maybe the 1950's vision of people flying around on hover boards and in little rocket cars will happen within the next ten years. I would be shocked if it doesn't come around within our lifetimes.

Unknown said...

The reason for this video is because technology has been taking over the world. All of these statistics are all about the technology now and days. People have no clue of how much it takes away from you. You can talk as much as you want on a text message but when you get to see that person in person you won't say more than two words. Honestly I have done that. Talking on the phone now I like that, or video chat now that is pretty nice to me. But when you are walking down the street texting on your phone you could miss something that could've changed your life.. But kids and teens don't need those to talk to their friends. When my pap was a kid you could only use the house phone and that was right in the kitchen. I would've rather grew up in my paps time for that reason. But in about ten years this country will go down the drain with this kinda stuff. Kids probably won't have to leave their homes because technolgy will run this world.

Unknown said...

The creater of the video made this to show how much technology can do. Humans can create computers that can calculate things so complicated a normal person would have no clue whats going on. To compete with other continetes we need to change and upgrade all the time. America is father behind in math and science than we should be. Entertainment and comunication are the rapidly most updated things we focus on. Myspace was one of the most visited sitea ever, then Facebook and other social mexias came around. Iphones are another thing theres a new slightly longer one every year. Since I was in the fifth grade everything and more changed tens and hundereds of times over.

Unknown said...

The purpose of the author making this video is to show us how much technology has changed over the years. Technology changes so much because our needs change so much. It has changed so much. When I was in first grade there wasn’t touch screen lap tops. I had a tiny touch screen phone and now there are huge phones. They just keep getting bigger and bigger. They were getting smaller.

Unknown said...

The purpose of this video was to show how dependent we've become of technology. It also shows how more and more people use technology every day. I know I've used technology more over the past few years. Technology is helpful; but at a cost. We need technology for school and our jobs, but the time we spend creating these things isn't healthy. People who play video games or lounge around on YouTube all day are not healthy. Most of them are physically inactive and overweight. I'm not saying that if you watch Pretty Little Liars every week, you're overweight. I'm just saying you can't let what you enjoy consume you. I understand that some days, you just want to watch TV or read e-books, but at the end of the day, do you really feel like you've done anything at all?
A lot of technology has evolved since I was in fourth grade and most of it for the better. Google is a big part of my life, for homework and average curiosity. My phone is also important to me, for communication and entertainment. Technology is a major part of our lives, but same as everything else, it has its ups and downs. ~Karinna Fazenbaker 6&7

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The purpose in creating is to inform people how much technology has affected and continues to affect our human’s daily lives. In addition, how the invention of the internet has spread worldwide and has become the thing that connects people and drives innovation. However, to compete with our countries we would have a problem. Our schools systems are behind other countries when it comes to teaching technology. The statistics that shock me is that 100% of 2006, India college graduates can speak English and that China has the most English speakers of any country. Americans are ethnocentric individuals. My mom said American always think were better than everyone else and while we are thinking we are better the rest of the world is passing us by. Other countries are teaching their children to speak English and we have schools in America not teaching foreign language until seventh grade if we’re lucky. Technology has grown leaps and bound since I was in the fifth grade. I remember how I got this DELL computer when it was so “brand new” back then, and now you see computers that have touch screen, tablet, better processors, and other gadgets. There are watches that take the place of a tablet, an App for just about everything and I am still not sure what Google glass does. There are 80in smart ultra light 3D televisions that act as your whole house activation device. The world of technology is ever evolving and as new scientific research is done that technology will be applied and continue to change our world.

Dre' Hodges 4/5th period

Unknown said...

Technology takes a big part in our society today. My little sister was 2 when she started to play on a phone. even school rely on technology to teach students. our lives have been revolved around having phones , computers,laptops , etc. Apple sold 33.8 million iphones
in the 2nd week it debuted. technology is great but we take it for granted we use tech for selfish and lazy reasons. tech was created to help make life and/or learning easier but instead of taking advantage we are lazy and dumb with it. They even have a car that you have to plug IN! Do we really have a choice tho i mean do we really have a choice they are going to make more stuff and we are going to yearn for that because we are humans. We still continue to use them though.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This video showed many cool and interesting facts about the world. It was pretty neat. I think the videographer's purpose on creating this video is to show that our world is over run with technology. There were many stastitics that caught my attention but on stuck out the most; there are more google searches. That is a lot of searches! America is the country with all the knew tech and phones, country out there in the world but some countries are very close behind because they have smart people as well coming up with great ideas. You need to keep up with the world to stay in-date.its crazy that some kindergartners have iPhones. There were many things of electronics in 2011, but today, in 2014 I can't even count on my fingers of how far we are in the world. It is amazing!

Unknown said...

The purpose to this video is to show people how far technology has come. Phones help us reach one other with out having to go to the location were they are at. Smart phones help us figure out how to get places and what stuff means or looks like. This has also helped our military with wining the wars. The last thing I want to talk about is that America is the laziest country in the world.

Unknown said...

I'd say this video was created to show how technology changes lives of many people and many children. There is an impact of shit that happens in which makes this so emotionally stunning. One statistic of technology is that it took thirty-eight years for a radio to have a market audience of fifty million. thirteen years for tv. And only four for a computer. These statistics are an astonishing fact to me. Technology has an impact on many lives. It even impacted mine. So how has technology impacted your life? Im going to go on a limb and say a lot

Unknown said...

This video shows us the impact of technology it made people lazier and a lot of people depend on technology now and days, Like people use the internet to look up words for there definition instead of looking for the definitions in an actual dictionary. that is a perfect example of how it makes us lazier than back in the day. Everyone in the 21st century let technology take over them kids now and days are cyberbullied because of this technology and people don't do there school work because there on there phone technology may make things easier but it has its perks.

Unknown said...

Technology has a strong impact on our lives but also can be frustrating because people get cyber bullied everyday and it's strong impact is helping us it helps us in many ways like search things watch movies

Unknown said...

The purpose of this video is to show how technology has changed our lives like cyber bulling,computer programs, people getting hacked and lots of other thing. When I was four I don't think I knew what a computer was or how it worked, but now most four year olds have I phones and computers.

Unknown said...

The purpose of this weeks blog video is to show how technology has changed over time. People were able to survive with out the technology we have today witch we believe society would crash and burn with out social medias and other effects of the technology. what statistic fascinated me was the one about how many google searches have been made. Another surprising one was every 8 seconds 38 babies are born. If you take a few steps back and look at the big picture of technology as a whole you will see that as technology has as advanced there are less college graduates. so, is technology really a good thing?

Megan Rumney 6/7

Unknown said...

The reason that this video was made is to show how much technology has evolved and taken over our lives. It is not a bad thing. It could be a good thing, or it is a good thing. The statistics that suprised me were that the number one English speaking country will be China. The change that we need is that we need to improve our minds instead our technology. we can also improve technology, we just need to spend more money on education. More phones and other touchscreen and medical advances have been invented since fifth grade. The medical advances we need to continue, but the stuff like phones and tablets need to be put on hold. From what I have seen, people look medical concerns on the internet for free than going to a doctor. That is not good. We need to be more active and GO TO THE DOCTOR! that is my thought.

Caleb Carlson said...

This video shows how much technology has evolved.Since the fifth grade not much has changed.I think that we spend to much time with technology and not our education.I think some time needs to be put in to us haveing a better education.Pretty soon no one going to want to do anything besides play on phones.

-Caleb Carlson 4&5 period

Unknown said...

This blog shows us how our technology has changed over time. A long time ago people could live and do what we do today without technology. Today though if you do not have an IPhone your not cool. There were a couple statistic that have interested me. The first one was how many google searches have been made. The other one was that 8 babies are born every 38 seconds. If u think about it technology is maybe not a good thing. Ever since technology has advanced there has been less and less college graduates.

Connor Neal

Unknown said...

i think technology ruins the minds of kids. the point of the video was to show what goes on every day. But they dont show the dark side of technology, cyberbullying. kids are to busy to go outside and do stuff because their on their phones tweeting. It is not right!
annabelle p.
1/2 period

Tiona Clay said...

I personally think that technology ruins the mnds of the kids now days. The point of this video is to show what goes on in everyday life.If you think about technology has advanced there has been less college graduates in the past few years. Tiona Clay
4/5 period

Unknown said...

Technology is what makes us who we are today without it I dont know what we would because we need it in our everday life for example cooking,sports,writting papers,and building things. Most likely we wouldnt survive without technology in our lives.

Unknown said...

There were multiple statistics in this video that surprised me. If MySpace was a country, it would the eigth largest country in the world. That’s crazy! Other statsitics that surprised me were the number of google searches and the number of texts a day. Knowing that one hundred percent of India’s college graduates speak English, makes me feel kind of stupid. I’ve been in Spanish for two years now and can still barely count to fifty. When I was in fifth grade my sister was in eighth. In her class, you were really lucky if you had a phone. In eighth grade now, almost everyone has a phone.

Unknown said...

The point of this blog was to tell us how much technolgy has changed. The fact that surprised me was one hundred percent of India graduates speak english. We use yechnology in everyday life whether it is phones or computers or anything electronic. Another fact that surprised was if Myspace was a country it would be the eight largest in the world. I remember when brother was sixteen he had one. Something that was surprising was 38 babies are born 8 seconds everyday. I can count in my haed and a baby would be born.

Unknown said...

The videographers purpose of making this was to inform us of the changes we are oblivious of. The statistics that surprised me the most was of how fast technology is spreading. We must always have the newest technology or we would be in no competition for the world we live in today. The world of technology has changed since I was in 5th grades because cellphones were simple and now we have fingerprints just to unlock things. Even more changes will be made before the blink of an eye. Nihya Williams 1/2