Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Evolution of Beauty Today

What is your perception of beauty today? What actors and actresses do you consider attractive? Are society's expectations for beauty resonable?


Unknown said...

Today in America, the perspective for beauty is how you or another person looks or how their body is shaped. For example, if a person is obese but pretty, then they are made fun of because the way they present themselves. But I think that beauty should be and always be the way you or a person acts or there personality. Today there a lot beautiful actresses like Johanna Scarlett, Megan Fox and maybe Jennifer Lawrence. They are all judged on how they present themselves to an audience or crowd like on the red carpet. I don’t think that society’s expectations for beauty are reasonable because some women may wear a lot of makeup to look prettier.

Elijah Posey 6/7 period

Unknown said...

Today, everyone thinks beauty is only on the outside like your body and your clothes. People who think this are wrong. True beauty comes from within like your personality. People today are not accepted like that, it is only based on looks. People never get to show their inter beauty anymore because very few people look at that now and care. These people are never accepted in society today because no one ever looks at their true beauty. Most actors and actresses always worry about their looks but never about their true beauty. Most people don’t look at true beauty because they don’t have it to show. Society should change the way they look at beauty forever and looks should not count.

Chris McLaughlin 1/2 period

Unknown said...

I agree with Chris: inner beauty is more important. Before you like someone, you have to know things about them. Liking someone’s physical appearance isn’t the same as liking all of them. Sure, there are some drop-dead gorgeous guys like Wade Poezyn and Brenton Thwaites, but I can’t say I like them because I don’t know them. I know them as “this super hot guy” and not as “my best friend I’ve known forever.”
It’s the same as “don’t judge a book by its cover.” You have to look at the contents: what’s inside, what they’re really about. That’s my perception of beauty; someone who is beautiful on the inside. If they look amazing, though, I won’t complain.
I consider Calum Hood beautiful because he’s got this “lost puppy” persona with big brown eyes and a pouty lip. Also, he’s in a band, and has tattoos, and is incredibly hilarious, with stupid comments popping out of his mouth all the time, so, yes, he is the definition in my dictionary.
And no, I don’t think today’s society’s expectations are reasonable because people want to judge and some even want to be judged. Take Demi Lovato, for example. She had a horrible time with bullying, doing terrible things to herself, and then she came back to the spotlight giving the “I’m better and stronger than ever now so don’t mention my past” vibe. Everyone all over the world judged her for the cuts she gave herself or that she must be crazy for self-affliction or that no one can ever be okay after that.
It’s not their business and that’s why tabloids are annoying. If the paparazzi would stop and take a minute to get someone’s inside story, what is actually going on, and not leak it out full of lies, the world would be more understanding. But no, people need the lies because reality just isn’t juicy enough; not imaginative enough. It’s like they don’t understand that imagination and reality are separate and there’s a very big difference. If someone wants their life to be like out of a book, then good for them, but for the person that wants to be ordinary, why can’t you let them? Celebrities don’t always want attention no matter how much they love their fans because pressure is tough. But for the people that try too hard, that’s their own fault and it’s not even remotely pretty to me. ~Karinna Fazenbaker 6&7

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Society's definition of beauty is normally the outer appearance of a person but actually it's not. You can think someone's attractive but to really get to know someone you have to know the inner them. Beauty is not what you are on the outside but the inside too. Have you ever seen the picture of the golden apple with the inside was rotten that's kind of like a person. Never judge a book by its cover because its the inside that matters. This is a life lesson most people to think about a lot of people don't to know someone before they start to judge.
A lot of celebrity's are beautiful ex: Michael Clifford, Andy Sixx, Kellin Quinn, Justin Hills, Vic + Mike Fuentes, Jaime Picaido, Alex Gaskgarth, and Jack Barakat but that is there appearance I don't know there inner beauty that comes from there personality. Appearance is one thing and personality is another like outer or inner beauty.

Sam Hensley said...

Personally, I consider beauty to be inside beauty. If someone walks around flaunting their expensive clothes or all the makeup they wear, I don't consider that to be beauty. I think a beautiful person is someone who's genuinely kind and good-hearted. If someone chose to help charity rather than go on a shopping spree, they would be beautiful in my opinion. Being beautiful is being kind. Being beautiful is simply being a good person.

Today, I would consider celebrities who advocate for charities or anti-bullying foundations to be truly beautiful. They may go to events simply to show off their newest outfit, but they show that they also care. I certainly think it's possible to be what modern society considers to be beautiful and also be what I consider to be beautiful.

That is how I feel about beauty today.

Unknown said...

I can't really say what beauty is. But if I could say I would say your personality has a lot to do with. To me beauty is not what you wear or what you look like, it how you feel about your self. Like for example one of my friends would all ways "I'm ugly or fat". It got to a point were one would say anything because that how she thought of herself. To me everyone has something that make them pretty or special it could be anything. It not what you look like on the outside it what on the inner. I know a lot of people say 'what if there inner is not pretty?'. Well that suck for them. To me society is wrong to me it how you feel about your self not what other think about. If they say your ugly there ugly for saying it.

Unknown said...

I can't really say what beauty is. But if I could say I would say your personality has a lot to do with. To me beauty is not what you wear or what you look like, it how you feel about your self. Like for example one of my friends would all ways "I'm ugly or fat". It got to a point were one would say anything because that how she thought of herself. To me everyone has something that make them pretty or special it could be anything. It not what you look like on the outside it what on the inner. I know a lot of people say 'what if there inner is not pretty?'. Well that suck for them. To me society is wrong to me it how you feel about your self not what other think about. If they say your ugly there ugly for saying it.

Kaleena Kuhn 6th and 7th period said...

The standards of beauty in America today are remarkably low. They are based solely upon appearances, not even bothering to look deeper, to the inside of someone. The standards today of beauty are basically these:

1. You must wear a lot of makeup to even present your face in public, let alone to go to a gathering or special event.
2. You must wear clothing that highlights your figure, meaning you must either have clothes that expose much skin or ridiculously tight clothing, most of the time that shows of a lot of skin that in a halfway reasonable society would be scandalous to show.
3. You must have a tiny waist, and a gigantic posterior and chest area, and those three things you must show off in the most obnoxious way possible.
4. You must have the most expensive clothing that is top of the line, no matter how shoddily made or how soon this clothing will fall apart, because since it has such a high price tag it is perceived to be the best.
5. You absolutely must adhere to ALL fashion crazes and must not deviate or experiment with them in any way unless you will make something that will fit the craze.
6. You cannot be different, different is bad.
7. You must show off your clothing and makeup by posting it all over social media for others to see your man-made beauty.
8. You can only wear items a maximum of five times or so, because people have seen you in these clothes and you will have pictures in them, and you cannot have people think you have no wardrobe.
9. You must drape yourself in multiple accessories to enhance your beauty and they must match your entire look.
10. You must look much older than you actually are, and act like you are even older.

These are the basic "laws" of beauty today. The "laws" were created by our society, and we must take the blame for them. If someone doesn't follow these rules, they are shunned and made fun of. This concept is all wrong.
Beauty is natural, and it exists, not on the outside, but on the inside, in the core of each of us. It is our personality. How we act towards others, how caring we are when a stranger is in need, or when a friend needs someone to hold them up, how kind and honest we can be, and how often we are that way. It is not our appearance or the mask we place up to look beautiful in someone elses' eyes, it is the true, uncensored, raw beauty with all of these layers of superficial elements that we believe will make us better in anothers' eyes, all of that scraped away to reveal only our true, untapped, and purely raw potential. What we can become and what we choose to make of ourselves. If you are kind-souled, caring-hearted, and if you will go out of your way to help someone who needs you.
It is wrong, so very wrong, that we shun people who try to display this part of themselves, because your outside appearance should be solely based on a reflection of your inner self, who you are inside.Unfortunately so many people have lost touch with this part of themselves, and that is a tragic thing, but if we change the concept of beauty, it may not be too late. Society's idea of beauty is flawed and wholly unreasonable. People go into debt just trying to be accepted. You must try to look past the surface and understand someone though, and if they are a good person to the core, if they help people, if they are humble and brave, yet kind and considerate, that is true beauty. They are beautiful. You cannot judge a book by it's cover, we all know this saying, but so few people refuse to understand how this saying is meant to be interpreted. What this means is that YOU CANNOT JUDGE BEAUTY BASED UPON APPEARANCE! It is a matter of their heart and their soul, and one, or both, could be broken, or whole, and someone could still be beautiful. Someone who is beautiful puts passion into what they do, they help people without expecting return, and there are many other qualities that I cannot list, for they are impossible to describe in the English language.
Part one of two, all of it wouldn't fit and I refuse to shorten it.

Kaleena Kuhn 6th and 7th period said...

Most celebrities, meaning all that I know of, do not appeal to me, for the simple reason that I cannot tell with the way society engineers people today, what is real and what is a lie. All people today are just clones of what everyone else is today, they have forgotten that they are unique, and individual. If you listen to the song by Three Doors Down called Let Me Be Myself, maybe even just look up the lyrics to it, you don't have to like it, or even listen the whole way through, but it expresses the ideas I'm trying to convey here. No one cares anymore about inner beauty and they just try to hide it, but in truth you need to let it show and let yourself shine. Today though it is hard, there are messages everywhere telling us to obey the rules, but for once the rules aren't protecting you, they only hurt you. There are five-year-olds that put on mascara and lipstick, not to play dress-up, but to go out into public. Every day. Look at us, look around you in school, twelve-, thirteen- and fourteen-year-olds are wearing full faces of makeup, spending hours on getting that and their hair just right, and spend thousands and tens of thousands of dollars every year on products and clothes that they think will make them look "pretty" but in reality they just look like everyone else. Which is horridly ugly. Why? Because they treat others like outsiders if they don't look the same and they put them down if they look different. Yet people get embarrassed if someone else has on the same outfit as them. Well, with all of the clones out there, all vying for the same look of flawed perfection, then I must ask, WHAT DID YOU EXPECT TO HAPPEN? This is all so flawed, such a flawed conception, but all you have to do is look around you, every day in any public place. Even in school. I won't mention names because I'm not here to bash anyone, just this concept. And Hollywood, and the media, and even parents and teachers support this madness, maybe not willingly or consciously, but they still do. If you have Health this semester, which I believe everyone does, the discussion in class today goes hand and hand with what I'm trying to tell you. Which here it is, in one concise statement.

Society is full of lies, and not only that, Society itself is a lie.

Society is feeding you lies.

Society is a lie.

All you need to do though is look around, just look around and you WILL see it, if you look deep enough. . .

Unknown said...

Beauty in society today is all about appearances. People worry about looks more than they do about someone's personality. If a person were to meet someone who may not be very pretty or handsome they automatically think of them as a bad person. Just because someone may not have the good looks or expensive clothing doesn't mean that they have a bad personality. You have to remember to never judge a book by its cover. If I had to pick people that I think are attractive I would say Theo James and Chris Hemsworth.

Maya Brinson said...

Societies definition of beautiful is that you have to wear lots of makeup, dress nice, have nice hair, and look "perfect ". What I think is attractive is when you have good hygiene and look like You take care of yourself. We all know there are people who look better than others but all in all we are ALL beautiful.

One atcress that I find "beautiful" is Kristen Stewart because she just has that face that makes you want to look like that.

But also, you can be societies definition of beautiful but your attitude and they way you act and treat people might not be so beautiful.
Beauty comes from within and if you aren't beautiful on the inside; your basically a meanie covered in makeup.

Unknown said...

I think that beauty is not on the outside. Yes it can be on the outside, but it mostly matters about whats on the inside. I'm not talking about internal organs. I'm talking a bout personality, and that persons view on things. You need to like who the person as is and not just what they look like. I think that Jeniffer Lawrence is a beautiful actress. She is pretty, but she has a perky attitude and a funny personality. A male actor that i find attractive is Ansel Elgort. Yet again, he's handsome, but he has a sweet personality, and has positive attitude towards things. Society's expectations for beauty are stick thin, light skinned, super tall models. In reality, no one looks like that and are healthy. Therefore I think that society's expectations for beauty is unreasonable.

Rhyan Cochran
6th/7th period

Allie Pacoe said...

My perception is that beauty in today’s society is mostly based on appearance. Hair and eyes are two of the most important things to make a person attractive in my option. It’s also really important to have a good personality and a great sense of humor. All of these things combine to make a person attractive. An example of an actor I think fits all these categories is Zac Efron. His eyes defiantly catch your attention. I don’t know his personality, but based on the characters he plays he seems like he’d have a great one. Society’s expectations for beauty are not reasonable. They expect people to look a certain way to be attractive. In reality no one will fit one definition. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.
Allie Pacoe Period 6/7

Unknown said...

We have a distorted perception of beauty; we feel that everything should be perfect and if it’s not somehow it imperfect. My parents always say, no one is perfect but the man up-stairs but we are so obsessed as a society, we even try to give HIM a makeover. The truth is beauty is what attracts us to a person but character is what makes us stay. We place a high value on beauty. Sure, celebrities such as Paul Patton, Zendaya, and Beyonce offer entrainment value but how do they change our world? I think Beyonce is a beautiful woman. I stop in my tracks every time I see her. What I’ve come to like most about her is fierceness, business savvy and her ability to stay grounded.
However, the most beautiful people to me are the ones who sacrifice themselves and spend endless hours in labs developing cures for diseases or discovering innovative ways to change our lives for the better. These people are beautiful in untold ways. They are the people, in my opinion, who deserve high praise and millions of dollars for their work but they often go unnoticed and underappreciated. Society treats people who are less attractive as less worthy and disrespect them. Beauty has standards, shape, size, and color. If you don’t meet those standards somehow you are perceived as less, when often the case is you have even more to offer.
Recently, Joan Rivers died at the age of 81 years old; I’ve heard reports of her having an absurd number of plastic surgeries something like 700 procedures. Can’t we all just get along with how we look? She was a woman who comedic body of work stood in class by itself, yet even she felt the pressure to be “beautiful” at the age of 81. I fell if the media would not place such a high value on beauty, four-year-old little girls like my sister would care more about science and math and less about whether her boots match with her outfit. We are trapped from birth placing value on beauty and less value on intelligence and character. We are all different and there is beauty in all of us.

Dre’ Hodges 4th/ 5th

Unknown said...

Today people think that beauty is what people see in the blink of an eye. They have a reason to see that. But beauty is both on the inside and outside. It is amazing today if you can find a couple who know each other real well. The body can be amazing, but the inside counts too. If you marry someone just for their looks, you are taking advatage of their looks, not who they really are. It is the inside that counts. People like Emma Watson and Jennifer Lawrence have personalities, just like you and me. If you like someone for their looks but hate their guts, you shouldn't date that person. That is what beauty is. So next time you date someone, Truly love for their exsistence, not their face or body.

Unknown said...

Today we think of beauty as whats on the outside. Anything could be a wildabeast looking thing, but with makeup and digital editing even a three eyed cow/ horse could look gorgeous. So what I am saying is that even if you don't wear makeup your still pretty. Just like Kate Upton. Who cares what you look like. Oh right society, but you don't need to take their crap. All you half to do is be yourself and remember only The Great Lord can judge you. So if you think your ugly and you can never be as pretty as the girls or boys on the tv, or billboards, your wrong. It probably takes them a couple weeks to get those people looking gorgeous with their digital editing. So if you think your beautiful, your beautiful. Everything is beautiful, but the ugly truth.

Tiona Clay said...

Today we think of beauty as what is on the outside of you. But one think when girls wear makeup it can block all of there inner beauty out. For an example like Joan Rivers she is 81 years old and she just past away like a week ago and she has had so many plastic surgeries during her whole life. Some people in life worry about somebody's looks and they don't think about the persons apperence. One of my favorite actresses of all time is Beyonce, and she is 33 years old and she has not had any plastic surgeries in her life she is pretty in her own way. WE ARE ALL PRETTY IN OUR OWN WAY AND WE ALL HAVE BEAUTY IN ALL OF US

Unknown said...

My perception of beauty is if you have a great personality, like the way you respect people and the way you respect yourself. I also think that the way you act matters too, like if you act too full of yourself or you act humble. Yes everyone likes someone who is good looking, but the way that they treat you matters the most. I consider that Henry Cavill is attractive. He is very attractive and the way that he treats people is right and he is not full of himself which makes him more attractive. I don't think that societies expectations of beauty are reasonable because people judge other people for the way you look or what your body looks like. Most people judge them for their bodies and never really get to know them. Some people think that beauty is only how who look but then later find out what they are really like. Some people think that beauty is how the other person acts or what their personality is like. I think that everyone has something unique about them and that is a beautiful thing.
Gracie Tarley
period 4-5

Unknown said...

Now a days, people judge on your outside appearance. Such as your hair, clothes, and weight. People want to look like many actors and actresses. Some actors I find attractive would be Zac Efron and Taylor Lautner. People find them attractive mostly for their bodies. Society's expectations for beauty are not reasonable. Many girls get surgeries because they feel as if they aren't pretty enough. That is something I feel isn't right. You should feel good about the way you look. We shouldn't feel like we have to go to extreme orders to be beautiful. I think that as long as your nice and kind on the inside, then that's all that matters.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I completely agree with Karinna. Today society bases you off of how you dress, or the way you look. In reality, none of that should matter because it’s what is on the inside that counts. It shouldn’t matter how you dress, but how you treat people. As the golden rule says “Treat others the way you want to be treated”. As you can see this rule hasn’t been very affective, because you still have people who are bullied everyday! They are bullied for the silliest things like how their body is shaped or if they aren’t the smartest. I really don’t understand why kids are like that, but they shouldn’t pick on someone for how they look. You have to look on the inside to see what really matters. Inner beauty is what counts, but no one looks for that anymore. You have to have the right shoes, the right clothes, and you have to fit in with the popular kids. If you take a good look at someone’s inner beauty you can tell a lot. Most of these kids who are picked on are probably some the nicest kids you could meet. But no one would know that because they pick on them for not looking the right way.
There are a lot of celebrities that I find attractive, but I can’t say I like them or I have a crush on them because I don’t actually know them. I mean sure they look so nice and they aren’t mean, but for all we know they could be some snobby brat. Take Luke Hemmings or Harry Styles for example, yes I find them attractive, but do I actually know them? No, so I can’t say that I love them. I can consider them beautiful though, because they are in a band and Luke has these gorgeous blue eyes. Harry has amazing hair, but that all comes down to how I see them, not how I know them. I’ve realized over time that you can’t always believe what you read. You see the paparazzi have to make it interesting so they just make some things up. It’s just like when you are a little kid telling stories; you want everyone around you to be interested so of course you are going to throw lies in there. Tabloids are annoying and it drives me nuts when I see something so bazaar. If I could take a minute and talk to a celebrity, I would want to talk to them about how they see everything. Paparazzi don’t know anything about the people they are chasing with cameras, they just think they do. In the end it all comes down to how you know the person and not by what you think they are, based off of something. Inner beauty really counts and society wants us to believe it doesn’t.

Lauren Williams 6/7

Unknown said...

I completely agree with Karinna. Today society bases you off of how you dress, or the way you look. In reality, none of that should matter because it’s what is on the inside that counts. It shouldn’t matter how you dress, but how you treat people. As the golden rule says “Treat others the way you want to be treated”. As you can see this rule hasn’t been very affective, because you still have people who are bullied everyday! They are bullied for the silliest things like how their body is shaped or if they aren’t the smartest. I really don’t understand why kids are like that, but they shouldn’t pick on someone for how they look. You have to look on the inside to see what really matters. Inner beauty is what counts, but no one looks for that anymore. You have to have the right shoes, the right clothes, and you have to fit in with the popular kids. If you take a good look at someone’s inner beauty you can tell a lot. Most of these kids who are picked on are probably some the nicest kids you could meet. But no one would know that because they pick on them for not looking the right way.
There are a lot of celebrities that I find attractive, but I can’t say I like them or I have a crush on them because I don’t actually know them. I mean sure they look so nice and they aren’t mean, but for all we know they could be some snobby brat. Take Luke Hemmings or Harry Styles for example, yes I find them attractive, but do I actually know them? No, so I can’t say that I love them. I can consider them beautiful though, because they are in a band and Luke has these gorgeous blue eyes. Harry has amazing hair, but that all comes down to how I see them, not how I know them. I’ve realized over time that you can’t always believe what you read. You see the paparazzi have to make it interesting so they just make some things up. It’s just like when you are a little kid telling stories; you want everyone around you to be interested so of course you are going to throw lies in there. Tabloids are annoying and it drives me nuts when I see something so bazaar. If I could take a minute and talk to a celebrity, I would want to talk to them about how they see everything. Paparazzi don’t know anything about the people they are chasing with cameras, they just think they do. In the end it all comes down to how you know the person and not by what you think they are, based off of something. Inner beauty really counts and society wants us to believe it doesn’t.

Lauren Williams 6/7

Unknown said...

I think that beauty comes from a person's heart and personality.just look at the hunchback of Noter Dame. He was a sweet sensitive guy who happened to look unattractive to the human eye. People think too much about what other people think about them instead of what they think of themselves. Too many people want to look like Scarlett Johansson. They need to be themselves.

Unknown said...

When I think of beauty I think of their personality. A lot of people her the word beauty and think about looks. Someone could be pretty but be a total jerk. Beauty doesn't have to describe looks. Beauty could describe someone's personality but It could also describe looks. Everyone has there own form of beauty whether it would be looks or personilty. I think Ariana Grande is beautiful looking. But I have never meat her so she could have a hideous attitude.

Unknown said...

When I think of beauty I think of their personality. A lot of people her the word beauty and think about looks. Someone could be pretty but be a total jerk. Beauty doesn't have to describe looks. Beauty could describe someone's personality but It could also describe looks. Everyone has there own form of beauty whether it would be looks or personilty. I think Ariana Grande is beautiful looking. But I have never meat her so she could have a hideous attitude.

Unknown said...

When I think of beauty I think of their personality. A lot of people her the word beauty and think about looks. Someone could be pretty but be a total jerk. Beauty doesn't have to describe looks. Beauty could describe someone's personality but It could also describe looks. Everyone has there own form of beauty whether it would be looks or personilty. I think Ariana Grande is beautiful looking. But I have never meat her so she could have a hideous attitude.

Unknown said...

Some people may think differently about beauty. Is beauty inside or on the outside? Back in the 60s for you to fit in, you had to wear ankle length skirts. Nowadays, you have to be skinny, wear shorty shorts, all the while being tan year-round. I think this alone tells you a lot about our society. We care about what other people think, when we shouldn't. I personally, think beauty comes from the inside and is expressed in your thoughts, actions, and how you go about them. Honestly, I think people read too much into much to a person's beauty and they forget to look at how smart that person is or how good they are at math. Jennifer Lawrence is beautiful because she doesn't care what others think about her and she stays humble. She isn't afraid to be herself either. Beauty is eternal. Look with your heart and not with your eyes because our society is blind.

Bailey King 6/7 periods

Unknown said...

Societies definition of beauty is stupid. They expect everyone to from to their trends. Society expects everyone to be that same and not have room to express themselves alas who they truly are. One example of this is the so called “white girl” who wears yoga pants and Ugg boots everyday of their lives. If you look around in the fall/winter I guarantee you will see them. Society thinks that everyone should be the same size size and shape, but in reality we all know that will NEVER happen. God made us all different, and we need to be bold and confident in who we are!

Unknown said...

These days, society obviously is based on appearance. Then that sprouts popularity. People spend loads of money on junk just to make themselves "hot". There are people who say I don't understand why time is wasted on how we present ourselves. It doesn't take a genius to figure out they do too. Taking so much time just to take a stupid picture to post it on a social media. I do fathom people posting art since it's a way to share it. In the video, layers of makeup was slapped to her face. After that, it still wasn't enough! What was the point in editing the photo? Were her eyes and lips not perfect enough? The makeup is just a mask for your true skin. Yeah you look like a fake piece of crap! Let's say you do look better now to other people's eyes. What is that going to get you in life? "Rules" are made to fit in with a crowd. There's nothing worse than going to school being alone! Everywhere you're surrounded by groups of friends who think you're invisible. People just wear tight clothes or show too much skin. I see this everyday of my life, but I keep quiet because I don't like to hurt people. So now you're in their little kingdom, you just wasted everything that was given to you by God. Whether or not others see you as pretty or not, have faith you are unique. As for the actors or actresses I find attractive, I really don't make that big of a deal about it. I spend more of my time reading and living a new life every week. My favorite author, Cassandra Clare, is beautiful inside and out. Her writing is beautiful. You'll see it too if you look pass her appearance. Everyone views "pretty" differently, but look past the surface.

Tina Zheng 4/5th period

Unknown said...

In this world people think beauty is how you look on the outside by looking and dressing well. But true beauty is what is inside. For example, when there is a well dressed and cute guy but they are not nice, that is beauty on the outside not inside. Zac Efron and Liam Hemsworth are both very handsome, but you never know how they really act when the camera isn't rolling. So what I am trying to say is even though they maybe cute you can't go by the outside you can only go by how they act and by their personality. Or "don't judge a book by its cover."

Isaac Popp said...

I think that the expectations of beauty are very low. A person should not be judged by how they dress or how much they can afford. It should be judged by how they are on the inside, such as feelings, emotions, likeableness, and how they can handle a situation. I think that if I met a person I would rather be their friend if they were nice more than if they were pretty. That is why I think that society's exepectations are pathetic. I think that some of the prettest actresses are Jennifer Lawrence and Megan Fox. They are pretty on the outside but I don't know what they are like on the inside. All I am saying is to not judge a book by its cover, and beautifulness comes from the inside not the out.

Isaac Popp said...

Isaac popp

Unknown said...

Our society's perception of beauty is a nice body good looking hair and what type of cloths they wear .No. Beauty is the content of the heart its what you see in other people that is a beautiful thing . society will never let the real beauty shine instead of having real beauty they show an illusion to make us believe in the type of beauty they believe in .Now today there are a lot of beautiful woman acting Megan fox, Deby Ryan. But we never see what the real beauty is instead we are swallowed by the ignorance of society to believe that beauty is based on appearance. We think we know these actors and actresses but we really don't just because we follow them on instagram and twitter doesn't mean we have an idea what they and what they go through.think about your beauty everybody is beautiful if not outside then inside because we all have our own perceptions of beauty , but do we use them or do we us society's. think about it.

Unknown said...

My perception of beauty is something that is perfect. Perfect hair, eyes, skin, and body. But beauty isn't only on the outside. People can be beautiful by the actions that they do. So beauty is both on the outside and the inside. An actress that I think is beautiful is Selena Gomez of Wizards of Waverly Place & A Cinderella Story. I think she is pretty and her eyes stand out. But, she also spends time helping out charities such as children groups in Ghana, Africa. She is also the UNICEF's youngest ever Goodwill Ambassador. UNICEF provides vaccines to children and helps children after natural disasters. Therefore, I think Selena Gomez is both beautiful on the outside and the inside. I don't think society's expectations for beauty are reasonable. Just like the video we watched for this blog, people can be edited and changed electronically to fit society's standards of what is beautiful. True beauty comes from how you act and your personality not just the way you look on the outside.

Nihya Williams said...

My perception of beauty come from within. Its not about pretty faces but personalities. Looks are decieving and that is what we all fail to realize. Some actors and actresses I find attractive are Jennifer Lawrence and Channing Tatum. I do believe society trains us up to believe that pretty faces are everything but the truth is instead of searching on the out side we need to look at the inside. Society's expectations of beauty are not reasonable at all because beauty shouldnt be defined. True beauty is something that is undescribable. 1/2 period Nihya Williams

Unknown said...

In modern days, beauty is seen as a certain way your body is. If a person is, per se, “out of shape” or, say, smells bad, he/she is rendered unattractive. Never judge a book by its cover, though (Unless dealing with the necronomicon)! As Confucius said, “There is beauty in everything, but not everyone sees it.”

As for today’s attractive actors or actresses, we do have many. To name a few:
Megan Fox
Tom Cruise
Kate Upton
Ariana Grande
Michael Bay (What? Just because he has made bad movies…)

I’m gonna stop there, because i would like to not go on and on and on about it.

So in conclusion, beauty is just on the inside. Beauty should be a measure of which you are judged by your character. And, last of all, LIES. It’s all a lie.

Unknown said...

I think that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty today is extremely overrated. I think that people judge beauty on brands of clothes they wear, how much makeup is worn. I think that people judge to much with their eyes and not with their minds or emotions. I really can not list an superstars that I find "attractive". I think that todays expatiations for many of beauty are superficial. They are mainly based of physical characteristics and they miss out on the true beauty that is on the inside. If you marry someone just for looks then plan on a miserable life and a new wife.

Unknown said...

In America, everyone thinks that beauty is usually what you look like, what you wear, or how good your hair looks. Some people have different ways of expressing themselves, so they will get made fun of for this reason. I think that models really make us have too high of standards for people. If someone doesn't have the newest pair of Uggs it's like a crime. It honestly is pointless to put so much makeup on to the point that you can tell, just to impress someone. I think some of the actors that know how to present correctly are like George Clooney, Johnny Depp, and as for younger Ansel Elgort. These are three stars that I guarantee don't wear makeup. If I had to choose an actress, I would choose Shailene Woodley. I think that she is so pretty and funny. I look up to her. I think that they are always judged on their looks. Generally, nobody pays the single bit of attention to inner beauty. It's really sad how we still use photoshop on pictures, it's the twenty-first century. I think we should remove the photoshop and take natural pictures in magazines.
Lexi Haberland 4th/5th period

Unknown said...
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Gabrielle wilfong said...

Today people think beauty is about how you dress, how your hair looks, or how your body is shaped. I think beauty is how people act or how a person's personality is. People think they need to change their who self or personality. Jennifer Lawrence is a very popular actor who everyone loves. Jennifer thinks she is fat for an actor but everyone loves her. People don't like or care about her body, people like her because of her personality. The real beauty is from what's inside. So anyone who thinks you need to completely change yourself just to be pretty, your wrong because your pretty on the inside. Most people usually judge girls or boys on their looks and appearance. Everybody has beauty. Next time you meet a person don't look at the outside look on the inside.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

My perspective on beauty is how a person looks, but I don’t care what they wear or how much makeup they wear to make themselves look prettier. I care how they are and not what makes makeup make them look like because sometimes makeup can change you into a freak of nature with paint splattered across your face. There are some actors that I think who are just outstandingly hot! All you guys out there will probably applaud me for these ones. Well it’s a pretty long list but I will just name the main ones and they are, Kate Upton, Jennifer Lawrence without the short hair, Ariana Grande, Scarlett Johansson, etc. I believe these women are attractive because they are just one word, beautiful. Society’s word of beauty today is not how I see it, and it should not be that way. Society’s definition of beauty is wearing a lot of makeup and you probably have to be an actor or a celebrity of some sort just to be notice, but I don’t see it that way.

Exavier Posey 6/7

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Today, people think that beauty comes from what people look like with makeup on. Beauty is what people look like without makeup. Beauty is also what is inside the person. Beauty should be based on the person's personality not how they look. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But people base beauty on looks. People also base beauty on what people wear. They judge people by how they present themselves. I think some people that are attractive are Arianna Grande and Selena Gomez. I don't think society's expectations for beauty are reasonable because some people wear a lot of makeup and have their hair a certain way that makes them look prettier. But they don't show themselves.

Zachary Jordan 6/7

Ezra Yoneda said...

Today's beauty these days are described by how people think of your physical appearance, like fashion or cosmetics. Even if one likes the way they are either with makeup or just natural looks, there is always someone who dislikes that person's style. They have even began to use things other than makeup and hairstyling, such as editing the photos of the models. The ways beauty should be truly judged is their behavior, habits, thoughts, etc. I don't find today's expectations for beauty reasonable because they also judge on what's on the outside. The talk shows today on beauty go as far as saying that clothes and cosmetics are all that matters. Sometimes, cartoons and other forms a TV shows try to deliver this message to us. I don't get it. Do people who deliver the opposite of this message never watch these, or do they think the creators are stupid liars? Either way, Those people are just wrong.
Ezra Yoneda

Kennedy Wilfong said...

Society's definition of beauty is all about what people look like on the outside. People are made fun of by the way they present themselves, and it should not be that way. For example all guys look at in a girl is if she has pretty hair, straight teeth, nice clothes, and a nice body, but that's not what matters. People look at how good your makeup looks, or if you even wear makeup. They look at how fat or skinny you are, and that should not be. I'm not saying that you never should look at the appearances in somebody, but what I am saying is that make sure you see their inner beauty. Very little people get too show their inner beauty, because that's not what society cares about. I consider Channing Tatum a good actress, he plays in movies, he is hilarious, and he has good appearances inside and out. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence is an amazing actress. I think that society's expectations for beauty are unreasonable.

Kennedy Wilfong 1st & 2nd

Kennedy Wilfong said...
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Unknown said...

Beauty is looked at by how a person looks. I admit I see it that way too. Perception of beauty in society today is like that. However, I don’t think it should be seen that way. I see Kayley Cuoco and Cobie Smulders attractive; But in no way Malisa Macarthy. Although she is the funniest of both of them. I’m not saying you have to be with someone out of your taste. I’m just saying that you should give people a chance. “Never judge a book by its cover”. A phrase used more times than most others. The expectation of beauty is very high. This means there are very few women that a man can find in his standards. All people men and women should be treated equal. Whether they look different or not, they don’t choose what they look like and neither do you.

-Caleb Rice/1-2

Unknown said...

Everybody is worried about how someone looks. They never look at what really matters. Someones personality is worth more then looks. Who cares what they wear or how much money they have or how much makeup they were or what their body features are. It doesn't matter. Yeah, there are a lot of people that are amazing looking like Chris Brown or Austin Mahone. They have nice everything but I really wouldn't care what they looked like as long as they know how to treat a girl and had a good personality. That's all you should be worried about. I don't think society's expectations for beauty are reasonable, too many girls are wearing a lot of makeup to make their self look prettier but really they doesn't need it because their gorgeous on the inside and out. by; Taylor Odell 4/5th period

Unknown said...

I think people think of beauty on the outside. I feel like people don’t really pay attention to what’s on the inside. I Think beauty has to do with your personality. Not just looks or appearances. Most people in today’s society think that, you have to wear all the right things. Like have the newest brands and clothes. I think that being funny or having a good personality can make you just as attractive. I think the famous actress and actor that fit all of these categories is Jennifer Lawrence and Zach Efron. Both of these famous people have good personalities and are fit all the categories on what I think beauty is. I don’t think todays expectations for beauty or reasonable at all. They expect everyone to look a certain way or dress a certain way to mean their standards. I think you should be yourself.

Brooke Krcek
1-2 Periods

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Today in everyone’s eyes beauty is having perfect clothes, hair, makeup and more. People think that having a skinny body is also beautiful. Or topping your face with tons of makeup. But really everything about you on the inside is beauty! It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside it only matters what you are on the inside. Like if you have a great personality I think that’s the best thing to have. Now I think many actors are gorgeous! Such as Zac Efron, Channing Tatum, Dave Franco, and lots more. They all have great personalities as are shown in the movies so I would think they would have them in real life too hopefully. Society affects a lot of people’s opinions on everyone’s beauty. Based on the expectation of society’s ways of being beautiful, I honestly don’t think they are reasonable. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and don't let anyone change that!

Unknown said...

Beauty today is rarely defined by looking at someone for who they are, instead peoples' ideas of beauty is simply what someone looks like. It's kind of like putting a stereotype on someone before you meet them, which refers to the quote "don't judge a book by its cover." Which in my opinion is the absolute wrong way to pursue life. Instead, I think we should all get to know each other first before criticizing everyone by their looks. I believe societies expectations for beauty are NOT reasonable, rather discriminative towards others. The majority of society believes, to be considered beautiful you have you get things like plastic surgeries, face lifts, and lots of other things that put yourself in danger just to be what people thinks makes you "pretty" or "gorgeous." In my opinion actors like Channing Tatum or Taylor Launter would be considered attractive to me, but I would never really get to know them unless I met them. In this case, if they were not nice or had a good personality towards others I would not consider them beautiful. I believe beauty comes from the inside and people should value that. So the next time you start judging the new kid, your neighbor, or anybody in society make sure you really get to know them first!

Unknown said...

My perception of beauty is not always on the outside but it is on the inside too. Beauty is not by looks alone, it's by personality and attitude. Beauty is defined as the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind. This is why I say, the way someone looks is great, it attracts people to one another, but their personality and attitude is what keeps individuals happy and satisfied. So, if a person wears makeup to help bring out their outer beauty; I think that is fine as long as their inner beauty can match or out shine their facade. Also, I think beauty is when people are comfortable being themselves and not trying to be like others or changing themselves to "fit in.

Unknown said...

My perception of beauty today is the personality that a girl has. The best thing is for someone to be nice to everyone and not be mean. I consider Kate Upton and Megan Fox attractive because of there looks but if I got to know them I'd have to see how there personality is. Also I find Amanda Cerny attractive because of her humor and looks that she shows on vines and snapchats. Today, society's expectations for beauty are not reasonable, for most people that is. All society looks for I'm beauty is looks and popularity. What to look for in beauty can be looks but also how they act and if you have things in common with each other. So now a days , society doesn't look for the inner beauty in people just the outer looks.

Christian Dewitt 6/7 period

Unknown said...

My perception of beauty today is the personality that a girl has. The best thing is for someone to be nice to everyone and not be mean. I consider Kate Upton and Megan Fox attractive because of there looks. If I got to know them I'd have to see how there personality is. Also I find Amanda Cerny attractive because of her humor and looks that she shows on vines and snapchats. Today, society's expectations for beauty are not reasonable, for most people that is. All society looks for I'm beauty is looks and popularity. What to look for in beauty can be looks but also how they act. If you have things in common with each other also. So now a days , society doesn't look for the inner beauty in people just the outer looks.

Christian Dewitt 6/7 period

Unknown said...

I think beauty is a big part of society today. People will be walking down the street and can name off the attractive people they see. Beauty today is more based on the outside more than what is on the inside. Take for example how attractive Megan Fox is. What is she is a horrible person? No one cares because how attractive she is. I think that what is on the outside is the first thing I notice I will admit. Although, I do think that what is on the inside counts just as much. I think that society’s expectations for beauty is too high. Girls will look for the perfect guy that never messes up and is always around but, to be truthful you will almost never find that. That is my intake on what beauty is today.

1/2 period
Hayden Sliger

Unknown said...

my perspective of beauty is it is not what on the outside but its whats on the inside. Honestly everyone says it but I mean it. I mean it depends on personality. I honestly hate people who revolve around what they look like every day all day. its annoying really annoying .

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Beauty is about a lot of things, but people do not usually see it like that. Society today mostly judges on first appearance, with out getting to know that person for who they are. Beauty should be about personality, not the clothes we wear or how much someone weighs. It should be how we act towards others and it shouldn't matter what we look like.
I think Olly Murrs is attractive. He sings and he's not afraid to be himself. When he auditioned for Britain's Got Talent, he wasn't very nervous and everyone in the theater loved him! It takes a lot of courage to get up and do that without ever getting up in front of a crowd before. I could never do that.
Society has a lot of effect on beauty. Almost everyone looks at someone and determines if they're "good enough" or "pretty enough" to talk to. Some people don't dress up everyday, and some times people look at them differently because they stand out more, but even I don't see why I should dress up everyday to impress people! Beauty is only whats on the inside.

Kaity Layman 4/5

Unknown said...

I think all a person needs to be beautiful is inner beauty. It’s what’s on the inside that counts in my opinion. I find several actors today attractive. Some examples are Orlando Bloom, Aidan Turner, Tom Hiddleston, Lee Pace, and many others. I think society’s expectations of beauty today are very unreasonable. People now believe that you have to look a certain way to be considered attractive. This is not the case. Society’s expectations cause people to believe that they aren’t attractive when they have no control over their looks. No one ever gets to choose what they look like. As a result of society’s expectations, everyone is constantly searching for a new beauty product to improve their confidence and make them feel better about themselves.

Haylee Jewell period 1-2

Tyler Rosier said...

In today's society, people are very vain. They consider physical beauty as one of the most important characteristics of people, including how attractive they are, how skinny they are, and how well they dress. I think beauty is not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside that counts. I think having a nice personality makes someone more beautiful than wearing lots of makeup and having nice hair and clothes. I do think Megan Fox is beautiful, but being beautiful in Hollywood is much different than being beautiful in every day life. It's okay to be pretty or attractive, but if you don't have a nice personality to go along with good looks, then you are not a beautiful person.

Unknown said...

What beauty is is actually many different things. Due to different people having different opinions, they will have different views on what is attractive and what isn't. Some people are more interested in inner beauty, and some are more invested in outer beauty. Some prefer other factors like intelligence, bravery, and protection. Despite all the differences between views, there is one thing beauty does contain between people. Beauty is something that creates a positive reaction from someone. For celebrities I think are beautiful- I don't know really. I've never been too involved in the media to know many celebrities, and which ones are beautiful and stuff like that. Really, this is one of the subjects I can't talk as much about, since it is not something I'm too involved in. All I can say is that certain things that cause positive reactions are beautiful.

Unknown said...

Today, people view beauty by the way they dress or look. Like people try to change or shape them the way they want. For example, Kim kardashian or Taylor Swift. What I mean is manipulate them in the way people want. Like on the "Red Carpet" or on tv. To day the people see beauty is not reasonable because beauty is on the inside. The person may be saying something outside but be in a world of pain on the inside.

Unknown said...

When it comes to the words like beauty I don’t think there is a set definition. Society has a fake view of beauty. Society may place movie stars as the most beautiful, but I think it matters more of what us as individuals thinks of as beauty. This way is different from that society. As individuals we view beauty as what is on the inside, not like society’s views. On the second topic, is society’s view of beauty responsible? No! In the short video although we see only one person, it seems we actually see three different people. We seem to see one model without makeup. It seems to be a second model with makeup. Finally, it appears we see a third model after photo shopping. So in this way society isn’t responsible. The true question is what is society responsible with?

Jarryd Powell 4/5 period

Unknown said...

America has really high standards for beauty today. For example if you are a little bit over weight, then you are obese. If you have dandruff than you are filthy. Just the littlest imperfections can make people be unattracted to you. It is very hard to please society today. But some of the most attractive people today are people like Cameron Diaz, or Kate Upton. But beauty to me is looks, but also personality. Like if a girl were the prettiest girl in the world, but was a complete brat, I would not want to be with her. And that is what I think about beauty.

Unknown said...

America has really high standards for beauty today. For example if you are a little bit over weight, then you are obese. If you have dandruff than you are filthy. Just the littlest imperfections can make people be unattracted to you. It is very hard to please society today. But some of the most attractive people today are people like Cameron Diaz, or Kate Upton. But beauty to me is looks, but also personality. Like if a girl were the prettiest girl in the world, but was a complete brat, I would not want to be with her. And that is what I think about beauty.

Unknown said...

Most people consider beauty the way you look, what your size is and what you eat. Also about how you dress and how much makeup you wear. Honestly I think beauty is more about the way you think, what your personality is and if you are happy. A lot of actresses and singers are really pretty like Selena Gomez, Lucy Hale, and Katy Perry but most of them wear a lot of makeup and make themselves look better. Also they set false examples for perfection because they spend hours in hair and makeup. I think it would be a lot nicer if people thought that perfection were Megan Trainor or Demi Lavato. Demi was bullied and she went crazy because of depression but she recovered saying that she was stringer and better than she was before. Also Megan Trainor sings about how girls don't have much self confidence and it's okay to be the way you are because there's nothing wrong with you. I don't think society's expectations for beauty are acceptable because most people focus more on physical appearance rather than their attitude and personality.

Alli Shriver 4/5

Caleb Carlson said...

If you were to ask 10 random people what beauty is what would they say?Most people would its about your looks its not all about that.Its about whats inside of that person.For example many people are made fun of because how they look.Before you judge someone by how they look you should get to know them.Then you can decide if you like them or not.So before you make fun of someone for there looks.You should think and say would i like it if i was made fun for my looks?My favorite actor is Adam Sandler he is halarious.

-Caleb Carlson 4&5th period

Unknown said...

Society thinks you need to be perfect be like others. Thats them trying to hipnotise you into buying products. The truth is they don't care they just want your money. Your impefection make you who you are. Take a bee hive for example ugle outside, but beautiful on the inside. People who are beautiful, but treat others like trash are the actual ugly ones. If you are beautiful on the outside then that mean you don't use make up. You can try and remove your imperfection, but just dont let them change who you are.

Unknown said...

I think beauty is what’s on the inside. Of course you like pretty faces but do you want to date someone who is beautiful but doesn’t have a personality or a very crappy personality? No, at least I don’t. I find Niall Horan from One Direction attractive because he has a beautiful face and seems to have a good personality and doesn’t let the fame get to him. I also find Harry Styles attractive. His dimples are so adorable and his eyes are so green. Luke Bryan is very attractive.

Unknown said...

Today in America, the perspective for beauty is how you or another person looks or how their body is shaped.It is also in sideof you or someone else. I think megan foxx is buatiful. She paid money to make her self look like that noone is perfect. If you have money you can be perfect.Everyone is there own looks so dont try to change your self. We all have flaws so learn to love how you look. When you don't like how you look that makes you ugly. Megan foxx is bueatiful she likes the way she looks so it makes her bueatiful.

Unknown said...

Like most people are looks is everything for a person if your pretty or just plane ugly. People looks for the way people look before personality is one of the last factors people look for. I'll be honest i look for beauty and when I get enough nerve I talk to that person and if I think hey she's my type then yes I would like her. The thing is important make sure they arn't complete pyscos. The things that make people attractive these days are like accesories,nice clothes,hair,makeup, and this one might be weird but smell. If you like crap then see ya! Also Ariana Grande I think she is so beautiful. This girl probably does wear lots of make up but many people try to make drama about her that isn't true. The way she acts and shows good character and people know its not true. That's her personality you shouldn't judge people by looks.

Jake Pitman 4/5

Unknown said...

beauty isn't just about whats on the outside it's also about whats on the inside beauty can be how someone we think that you have to wear makeup to look beautiful well you don't.just to have beauty you don't have to wear a bunch of makeup you could only use a little or not use none at all and still have beauty.some people who i think have beauty is matt prokrop and kane might not really know kane brown or have heard of him he's just a youtuber that casn sing really good.

Unknown said...

In our country, people are judged by the way they look and what clothes they wear. This is because the people that judge think that there is such thing as being perfect, but there isn't. Being perfect is being yourself. People shouldn't be judged by how they look or how much they weigh or what clothes they wear. People should be judged by their character. When I say this, I mean that people shouldn't care about looks, they should care about personality. There is only one actress I find attractive, and her name is Jennifer Lawerence. I find her attractive because in magazines, she doesn't use photoshop because she doesn't like it. This brings us to our next topic: photoshop. Photoshop is taking a photo on a computer, and editing it to make it look nicer. A lot of people and celebrities use this to make themselves look better online. Today, society's expectations aren't reasonable because people cyberbully. They call people fat, ugly, stupid, and so much more. I think they do this because they want to be the person with more power over somebody else. If we all just take a minute and appreciate all the wonderful people in this world, photoshop just might come to an end. THank you for listening.

Unknown said...

Everyone thinks that beauty is on the outside. but its not right beauty is how you conciter your self. There are s lot of beautiful actresses like Meagan Fox, Jennifer Lopez, And Jennifer Lawrence people judge them for the way they look but its not its how they present thier selves. Jacob Cottingham 4/5 period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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ethanwhite said...

My perception beauty is not what others think you should see but what you should is something no one else sees in that person and that's what you should at least try to see.I don't feel comfortable saying so.No, because people think that if you put a whole bunch of makeup on your face you are beautiful but your just masking your true self to the world. That's what i think of beauty.

ethanwhite said...

My perception beauty is not what others think you should see but what you should is something no one else sees in that person and that's what you should at least try to see.I don't feel comfortable saying so.No, because people think that if you put a whole bunch of makeup on your face you are beautiful but your just masking your true self to the world. That's what i think of beauty.

ethanwhite said...

My perception beauty is not what others think you should see but what you should is something no one else sees in that person and that's what you should at least try to see.I don't feel comfortable saying so.No, because people think that if you put a whole bunch of makeup on your face you are beautiful but your just masking your true self to the world. That's what i think of beauty.