Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Evolution of Dance

Write about a time in your life when you laughed. Who were you with? What happened? Give details.


Unknown said...

My best friend, Kaity, was at my house. she was laying on my bed, looking at her iPad. She had leaned over the edge too much, and fell off. We both started to laugh. I still tease her about it.

Unknown said...

Well, the time I laughed really hard was when I was at my friend’s house and this person still makes me laugh to this day. You all probably know who this is, and his name is Brock. When we sit together on the bus he makes everyone who sits around him laugh, even if it something really stupid. When he made me laugh really hard was when Brock, a couple of friends, and me were at his house. We all played a game similar to tag, but it was hilarious. He would run around the room making obnoxious sounds, but we would still laugh our heads off. Also when he tagged you it was hysterical. We still talk about the game on how much fun it was. So if u were there with me playing the game I am sure you would have loved it too.
Exavier Posey

Unknown said...

I was sitting here trying to think of only one time when I laughed and then I realized that I laugh all of the time. For example, there was a time when I was playing soccer and one of my friends was on the other team, we were pushing against each other playfully and she walked the other way and I fell to the ground, everyone laughed including the parents on the side line. Another time my cousins and I, were all down at my house watching television. When my one cousin decided to get up and get down on the floor, on her hands and knees and act like she was chasing her tail like a dog. She started spinning in circles and apparently got really dizzy and fell face first and then her long legs hit the ground. All of us started laughing, including my mom. After the laugh my mom asked her if that hurt she said "Yes a little bit." The funniest part about it was that I got the whole thing on video.

Unknown said...

I was on my way home from KennyWood and I was with my bestfriend Claudia. She has really cool greenish/brown eyes and I asked her if I could take a picture of them. It was getting dark, so without thinking I put the flash on. She looked at the camera and I took the picture. Once the flash went off she screamed and I started laughing. She was saying “The flash! The flash! My cornea!” After she regained eyesight we both started laughing hysterically. I decided to see how the picture turned out so I opened up my camera roll and the picture was super blurry. She was squinting and her mouth was in the shape of an ‘O’. She started laughing at the picture and I asked if I could retake it without the flash and she stared at me for about a minute then she said “No Alli! Don’t be stupid!” -Alli Shriver

Unknown said...

A time I laugh wasn't to long ago me and rahjai were at kennywood and this girl slobber on herself on this upside down thing it was the funniest thing ever

Unknown said...

I realized this assignment is kind of hard for me, considering I more often than not have a smile on my face. I have to say though, the funniest memory was probably with Brooke and Brittan. We were all hanging out on the day of open house. I don't think we really realized we had only an hour before we had to leave. We all decided it was hot, so why don't we just swim. It wasn't the best choice, considering we had to drop a girl off for cross country at 6:00 sharp. Whenever Brooke's mom told us we had six minutes to leave, we sprung to her room. We tried our best to get ready in her house. Instead, we had to go that instant. Our hair was dripping, clothes were wet, due to us not drying off completely. While we were in the car we decided to get ready in there. We're girls so of course we did our makeup, which may I add was a disaster! I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as I did. Especially since there was some extremely short turns and bumpy roads.

Alexandra Haberland 4th/5th period.

Allie Pacoe said...

A time I laughed really hard was a few years ago, in fifth grade. Kerry and I were taking videos on her phone and for one of the videos she jumped on my back. We had laid her phone on the door to take the video. When she jumped on me it shook her room and the phone fell off the door. I quickly leaned with Kerry on my back to catch the phone. Leaning to catch the phone, caused her to fall off my back and she landed on her TV. The TV fell over and all the CDs and books she had went all over the place. After we stopped laughing so hard, we picked up everything. The best part was we had it all on video so we can play it over and over. I don’t think that video will ever get old.

Unknown said...

It was on March 8th, 2014. My best friend, Kaity, had come over to celebrate. We were hanging out in my bedroom. She was looking at her iPad, while I looked at mine. I hadn't noticed that she started to film me. She started to lean off my bed. She started to lean more and more. Eventually, she started to laugh, and I did, too. That was one of my favorite times. I still tease her about it.

Unknown said...

The time I laughed the hardest this summer was probably on vacation with my family. We traveled to Orlando, Florida and my cousins were there. We got to go to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure. I went with my big brother Jay and cousin Brooks. We decided to go on the ride Jurassic Park because Brooks said we wouldn't get that wet. So, we got on the ride and were in the first row of the boat. It moved pretty smoothly until the end... A huge dinosaur popped out and we went so fast down into the water! By the end, we were drenched. We all laughed at each other's reactions. Brooks said it felt like we went all the way under! We were still damp even after we left. What a ride!
Kerry Carpenter 1&2

Unknown said...

A time I remember laughing really hard was during a family vacation to Myrtle Beach about six years ago. We went to see my brother Jamie play baseball in a tournament Fairmont Senior was playing in. My whole family was really excited to be there. After we got to our hotel room I realized I could see the beach from our balcony. I started running as fast as I could and ran right into the sliding glass door. I fell back and landed on the floor laughing as hard as I could but not as much as my Dad. He said, "That’s my blond headed Leah". He was laughing as heard as I was. Leah Allard

Unknown said...

The hardest I have ever laughed in my life was last winter at the filed club. It was freezing, it was one of those negative 6 degree days. So we were sledding on the golf course and Drew, Vince, Nicky, and I made a ramp we were flying down it and laying under the ramp so we could jump each other. Well Vince was scared and he wouldn't do it. So after a half hour of encouraging him he decided to do it. So i was going down the hill and over the jump on a tube and Vince and Nicky were under the ramp. So i start to go full speed down the hill, I am flying almost. Vince thought it would be safer if he jumped up and got out of the way so he did. I drilled him, he fell and rolled down the hill. He fell so far that he landed in the pond on hole number eight. He almost insantly got out. He was freezing and he were laughing so hard we had tears running down our eyes. Thats the story of the funniest thing that has ever happened in my life

-Jacob Ralston 1/2 Period

Unknown said...

The time when I laughed really hard was when my dog, cooper, was playing outside. He is a yorkiepoo and can be extremely hyper at times. My sister and I were putting him on his leash. When he saw the cat walking by he broke his collar and started chasing it. He chased it all around the yard. While he was running he ran into the clothes line pole. He fell over and whimpered. He made me think that he was severely hurt. Then in a few minutes he got up and started chasing the cat again like nothing even happened. My sister and I laughed.

Unknown said...

The hardest I've laughed is whenever one of my best friends Roman comes over.Roman just everything he says has to be funny he enjoys the attention of course.The best moment was when my dad took him and I to a movie. We'll my dad kept picking on Roman to get this girl's phone number. I think we were to focused on Roman than the movie it was the best! Wherever Roman goes he has to be funny. For example, class,lunch,movie,football field,and everywhere else he has to make someone laugh. By the way Roman did get the girl's number, but the girl never texted him back. I wouldn't be surprised she gave him the wrong number! I laugh at a lot of things but this moment cracked me up the most!

-Jacob Pitman

Unknown said...

The one time that I laughed so hard was when I was with my girlfriend at the mall. Well, I didn't know she was around and she scared me. I literally jumped in the air and screamed like a little girl. She began laughing and I was trying to figure out what happened. She was laughing at me so hard she began to snort. Then of course I thought about how ridiculous I probably looked and began laughing with her. We laughed for several minutes after the incident. Later that night she reminded of the episode and we began laughing hysterically again. I am sure anyone that saw this event would have been laughing too!

-Connor Neal

Unknown said...

The one time that I laughed so hard was when I was with my girlfriend at the mall. Well, I didn't know she was around and she scared me. I literally jumped in the air and screamed like a little girl. She began laughing and I was trying to figure out what happened. She was laughing at me so hard she began to snort. Then of course I thought about how ridiculous I probably looked and began laughing with her. We laughed for several minutes after the incident. Later that night she reminded of the episode and we began laughing hysterically again. I am sure anyone that saw this event would have been laughing too!

-Connor Neal

Unknown said...

The one time that I laughed so hard was when I was with my girlfriend at the mall. Well, I didn't know she was around and she scared me. I literally jumped in the air and screamed like a little girl. She began laughing and I was trying to figure out what happened. She was laughing at me so hard she began to snort. Then of course I thought about how ridiculous I probably looked and began laughing with her. We laughed for several minutes after the incident. Later that night she reminded of the episode and we began laughing hysterically again. I am sure anyone that saw this event would have been laughing too!

-Connor Neal

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The time I laughed the hardest was this summer. Shortly after, I returned home from Band Camp, my mother and I were in our family room. She was scrolling through her Twitter account and found a hilarious Vine. If you are not familiar with Vine, it is a social media network. On Vine people, post various videos most of the videos are funny. My mom loves to laugh and she and I have many inside jokes with each other. The vine she showed me was of @Mightyduck’s post-named “the bugs”. In this post @Mightyduck ran to his mother’s car, quickly jumped in and says in a distressed voice “They following me ma, they following me”. As she fumbles with the keys to put them in the ignition for a quick getaway, she replies to her son “Who? Who following you?” He quietly and calmly replies as he shuts the car door “the bugs”. After a half a second of thought, the look of being punked came on her face. She snapped back at her son, while dropping her keys “the bugs” (like really). My mother and I looked at each other and laughed so hard until no sound came from our mouths and our shoulders shook.

-Dre’ D. Hodges 4th&5th

Maya Brinson said...
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Maya Brinson said...

The one time that laughed real hard was when I was in Pittsburgh at the Robinson Mall. That day, there was so much people. And every where I turned, people were making funny remarks and doing random stuff that just cracked me up. I walked around for a little while then got hungry so I went and got Charlie's Grilled Subs. I kept hearing noises. They were funny noises though. As I was ordering, I kept hearing "yoouuu whoooo!" I laughed but tried to ignore it. Then, after I started to get curious about what it was; I turned and saw a Villas Pizza worker giving out free samples. He was, lets say he was "fruity" and he started dancing. That literally made my day and I laughed so hard.

-Maya Brinson 4th + 5th period. 📓📰🔖📖📚

Sam Hensley said...

The time I laughed the hardest would have been an Autumn or two ago.
My mother had turned 50 years old and we were staying at a cabin at Oglebay Resort with my grandparents, my aunt, my uncle, and my 3 cousins.
We were playing a board game called LieBrary where you read the synopsis of a book and come up with a fake first line for the book, and then people have to decide which one they think is the real first line.
Before we started playing, we heard a noise outside and we said it was a bear, just for fun.
When we started playing, the book was Wuthering Hights by Emily Bronte.
The first line I came up with was "It was a dark and stormy night in Wuthering Hights, and the bear just finished eating Emily Bronte."
It was so hard to keep a poker face when my line was read, and we all laughed so hard, not only that time but through the rest of the game (It's a really fun game).
That is probably the time I laughed the hardest.

-Sam Hensley, 6th and 7th period

Unknown said...

I will never forget the time I was at a get-together at a friend’s house and one said something hilarious. The party was at Gavin’s house and we were all tired and hungry. I decided to go upstairs and get myself some food. When I came downstairs, I realized that there was already food down there and felt kind of stupid. When the others noticed, someone said:

“Why’d you get food upstairs?”
“Didn’t notice there was food down here.” I replied.
“Ya know, food closer to the sky is apparently worse for you.” Someone else in the group chimed in.
“Nah, that’s impossible.”
“Yeah, that’s why airline food is so bad.” The first guy jumped back in, delivering the punch line.

Even though I was the part of the punch line I did thoroughly enjoy the timing and quality of the delivery.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The one time I laughed really hard was when Kennedy, Gabby, and I were at the Robinson Town Centre in Pittsburgh. We were just casually walking around with their mom, when some guy at a kiosk came over and started talking to us. He was trying to get people to buy some new hair curler, it didn’t seem like a lot of people were buying it. Anyways, he asked Kennedy if she wanted her hair curled, of course she said no! He grabbed her arm and started curling her hair, even though she said no. Gabby and I started cracking up laughing. We tried hiding our faces because we didn’t want to be rude, but it was impossible to hide the fact that we were laughing. Finally after we controlled ourselves, we looked at Kennedy and she had the most disgusted look on her face. Of course this made us laugh again. Meanwhile, this guy was carrying on a conversation with Suzanne, their mom, and she was just nodding her head and saying yes the whole time. I doubt she was listening. After about 10 minutes, he was done and Kennedy looked at us and said, “I didn’t even want my hair curled. I straightened it perfectly!” I burst into laughter, which caused Gabby to laugh. This is the best part though, just as we were about to walk away, he grabbed Suzanne’s arm and started curling her hair! You see Kennedy, Gabby, and I laugh about the most random things. This was just one out of the many times that we have laughed uncontrollably.

Lauren Williams 6th/7th period

Unknown said...

The time I laughed so hard was when I was with my step mom and dad. We were in Walmart and my step mom and I were walking away from my dad... Talking about him... Making funny faces at him.. Then when we went to check out.. We were standing in line and my step mom acted like she was telling me a secret in my ear but really she wasn't.. My dad asked what she said but I just said nothing.. Then we both started laughing.. Then I told my step mom to come here and I look at my dad while I said this.. I said, 'My dad looks pregnant.. She looked at him and started laughing.. So she told him what I said and he looked at me and shooked his head at us.. But at the end he started laughing so hard.. And told us he didn't like us anymore.. He loves us though <33 Taylor Odell

Unknown said...

It was doing the summer when my brother came home. We sat in the living room and we were talking about celebrities and I was on my mom phone. I was looking at something and I saw that Miley and Katy Perry kiss and I was confused. I had to tell my brother.

"Mikey did you know that Katy and Miley kissed?".

"Who hasn't kiss Katy Perry".

They started laughing.

"You" I said.

And everything went silent. My mom was laughing so hard.

Aisha Multani

Kaleena Kuhn 6th and 7th period said...

This happened to me actually just last night. My mom was in the kitchen, boiling water for us to drink (Shinnston Water Treatment Plant has been under a boil water advisory for almost the past two months because some filters need changed at the plant) and she was carrying it over to the kitchen sink with a large water bottle in her hand in which she was going to pour the boiled water. I was just sort of standing around, being bored and whatnot. Then I happened to notice my cat, Shadow, sleeping on the chair at my Mom's kitchen desk. He just looked so cute, curled up there sleeping, that I had to say something. So I walked over to my mom, a journey of about two steps, and stage-whispered to her in a dramatic tone, "The sleeping!" She just gave me a funny look for a few seconds and then said, "So what?" Then I started giggling at her response and she started to giggle along with me, and I broke out into laughter. She started to laugh along with me, and told me that she had to stop and think about that for a second because she thought I was telling her that he was dead. This made me laugh even harder, and in turn she started laughing harder too. The she told me, "You said it like it's something that's never happened before!" This made me laugh so hard I was snorting and about to fall on the floor. Then, I know I probably don't need another story to get all my lines in but I thought of this while I was halfway through typing my first story, and I just couldn't leave it out. It's a perfect example of my family's strange sense of humor. This morning my dad and I were driving to school and I live out near but not in Whitehall so I have to go past the AT&T store where the two lanes merge together, so my dad pulled over in front of this person because our lane was ending. He didn't cut in front of her or cut her off and he used his turn signal and did absolutely nothing wrong but this lady in the car behind us honked at us, which it scared the crap out of me. So my dad was frustrated and explained what I just explained myself, and so I just replied with I don't know. So this lady followed us all the way to the intersection by Shop N' Save, then had to go somewhere else. So my dad stuck his hand out the window and waved at her. I noticed this and asked him what he was doing as he went through the yellow light (technically red). He replied, "Oh, I'm just waving to the lady who honked at us." We just looked at each other for a minute as we pulled in front of Pufferbelly's and stopped at the red light in front of us. We just held each others' gaze for a minute and then we started to smile. Then we just both burst into laughter. I was laughing so hard that it sounded like I was hitting a bag of cats with a baseball bat! There was a line of cars at the other side of the light leading back towards the school, and there was one particular man who looked like he was a construction worker and was sitting in a silver truck with a bright vest (like construction workers wear) and boards in the back of his truck and had his windows down. We had all of our windows down as well, even though it was chilly out, because frankly I like the cold, and because of this, when we drove past him, the sound of my erratic laughter carried, and he just looked over at me with the oddest look on his face that made me laugh 10 times harder. Then we passed the crossing guards (there were two standing at the corner) and they looked over with expressions on their faces that said very clearly, "What in the world?" Then we finally pulled up to school and Ms. Higgins, Mrs. Boyle, and Mr. Denim, I believe were standing outside, and my Pomeranian Sparkey started barking, so I managed to get my laughter under control and get out of the car, though I could tell all of them were thinking one thing, "What is she laughing about?" It was the funniest 24 hours of my life.

Ezra Yoneda said...

During one of my first soccer years, we went to see older kids play a game! We got to watch it while sitting really close to the field, but we got to sit on it during the halftime. While waiting, everyone was minding their own business. Spectators were chatting, teams were resting, and one member of my team in particular was pulling grass out of the ground. When the game was about to start again, he couldn't pull out one tough piece of grass. We were only 6 or 7 at the time, so we weren't very strong. Once he tugged hard enough, it came out. Actually, a 3 inch chunk of dirt came out with it! At first, we were shocked at this, but we eventually started laughing at this. Unfortunately, the laughing lasted for about a second, as he threw the chunk in my face.
Ezra Yoneda 6th-7th Period

Unknown said...

I remember when I was with my mom seeing the new "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle"(TMNT) movie at the drive-in. We left some time between 7 and 8 o'clock because it was almost dark when we got there. It was funny because two of the movies I wanted to see were showing back to back in the same night. I was really excited with my Marvel T-shirt on and was covered in a blanket. TMNT was a very funny movie with great, well timed jokes that not only made me laugh till my sides hurt but also my mother's. When TMNT was over "Guardians of the Galaxy" started. It was a slow begining but one of the characters made me smile all the time. The character was so funny at moments I couldn't breath. My mom and I thought it was a great night and joked about them on the way home.
Devon Willis

Anonymous said...

One day I was at my friend house and his uncle dog was in my hands so he was sleeping so the dog scare him. So he was scared and i was laughing so hard i started to cry. My friend name is Hezekiah hall. So the next day we were going to play basketball with some of are friends.When we got to the basketball court me,derrick,Logan,and hez was playing two on two so derrick cross-up Logan so we were running over over the court like crazy.That was the best day ever. Would you run all over the court crazy like we were doing? When ii got home i was laying down in my bed watching TV so they was rap battleing so the man said to the other man "is that weave" becasue the other glue weave on his headand that was funny.One day my sister was in the room and there was a spider so she was scare so everyone statred laughing because the was fake. My dad was eating some pizza so i put a fake bee on the pizza and was scare.

Unknown said...

My friend Kerry and I have laughed an anonymous amount of times together, though this one we still find hysterically funny. Well we were having a sleepover at my house just about a week ago, right before school was about to start. Of course, since it was our last 'official' night of the summer, we thought we would make the best of it by staying up late, really late. It was about 4 a.m. and by this point and we knew if we were being too loud we'd probably get in trouble by my parents. Keeping that in mind, we heard what we thought was a someone walking down the stairs to my room, assuming it was one of my parents coming to yell at us. In spite, Kerry ran across the room quickly to turn off the lights so it would seem as if we were asleep. On her way back to jump on my bed she slipped and fell hitting her hip on the side of the bed and landing face first on the floor, making an even louder sound then what would've been heard if we would have just kept the lights on. Although Kerry might not have found it funny at the time I busted out with laugher, making an even bigger ruckus. Scared of getting yelled at, I laid on the bed in silence and Kerry laid on the floor acting as if to be asleep. After about five minutes of this going on or so, we opened up the door to see who it was, finding just my dog laying there. That of course made us giggle a little more considering it was nobody but my dog. We still laugh about that time to this day, and I guess my dog was just the one trying to tell us we should be getting some sleep!
-Hannah Floyd 1/2 period

Unknown said...

Well the hardest I have ever laughed in my life was about a week before school started. My friends and I all wanted to box each other. Their were five of us. Chaz and Chase were both twins, Vinny and Talon were also step brothers. So for the first round Chaz and I went. Then Chase and I did. After that Chaz and Chase went. Now here is were it gets funny. They are one of the most competitive brothers in the world. When Chaz would win Chase would get mad and try to win. Just like in this situation Chase hit Chaz really hard in the face so then Chaz hit Chase. They both had started getting mad at each other and cussing under there breath. So of course Vinny Talon and I all were busting out laughing because how they we're acting. It is one if those story's were if you weren't their to see it then it wouldn't be as funny as in person haha. But about an hour later I had to break the fight up because Chaz had gotten so mad. So both the boys cooled of then the next morning they went at it again
Hunter Honsaker

Unknown said...

This past winter, we went on a skiing trip to Wisp Ski Resort with my family. I am going to share a funny moment that happened when we were at Wisp. After an hour or so we finally arrived at are destination. We put on our gear and headed to the ski lift. My sister, Hannah, and my aunt had come along with us. They were seated a chair ahead of my parents and I. While we were riding on the ski lift Hannah's phone starting ringing. It took her a little while to answer the phone, because she was all bundled up. She finally answered and it was our grandma. After a couple of minutes had past Hannah was still on the phone. Suddenly I see something drop from the ski lift ahead of me and it was Hannah's phone. Her phone had landed in the thick snow and was right below the ski lift heading up to the mountain. I could imagine the look on Hannah's face. I am sure she was freaking out! I was the only one who thought this was funny. I could imagine my grandmother saying over and over, "Hannah are you there? Hannah can you hear me?" Little did she know that Hannah had dropped her phone. We finally reached the top of the mountain. My mom was the first one to say I will go down the mountain and search for the phone. She found it and met Hannah at the bottom of the mountain. Hannah's first question to my mom was "Did you find it?" Luckily she had found her phone and Hannah was relieved!

Michael Floyd

Unknown said...

I have laughed many times in my life. I am the type that laughs all the time but there was a day when I laughed the most. Christian Dewitt, Jacob Ralston, and myself went on a fishing trip. We got to this river that had a dam and it was maybe 5 feet up from the water below. It was more like a waterfall. We weren’t catching anything and we decided to walk along the dam to the other side. We thought it was a good idea at the time but we figured it wasn’t very quickly. When we finally got onto it we saw that it was really slippery so we pulled our shorts up and walked in the river. When we got half way Christian falls in and we laughed so hard! We decided to walk back so we didn’t do the same. On our way back Jacob crawled on the dam and took like 20 minutes and we were cracking up! This was a time I laughed.

Hayden Sliger 1/2 period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The hardest I laughed was at a lacrosse camp in Maryland I went to this summer. I was hanging out at 10:00 pm with my friends Kevin and Tyler both from Virginia Beach. We were getting ready to go swimming when we looked up to find one of the players in his dorm trying to put the blinds on his window down. After about three minute passing, he gave up and got his friend to try. His friend trying pulling the blinds and broke most of them; after that, he gave up. A third person came in the room trying to put the blinds down. Not even three was enough to do this “very hard task”. Time passes by and everyone outside including the staff were trying to cheer them on; since its so hard to do. Five people later then finally found out how to pull a string and release as everyone claps for them. At that time you could probably make one of those cheesy jokes that go “how many men does it take to put down the blinds. Apparently more than one.

Unknown said...

- Caleb Rice 1/2

Unknown said...

Several years ago when I was about ten years old and my sister was eleven, she made me laugh so hard. On a school night, my sister Sammi had to wash her hair. My parents weren't home yet since work hadn't ended. Everything went smoothly as she finished showering until the hair dryer came on. Sammi being sassy decides she'll try to curl her hair by wrapping it around a round hair brush. She begins to apply heat to the hair and brush. As Sammi releases the round brush, her hair gets stuck! She yanks and pulls and yells me for help. I kind of felt sorry, but it was funny watching her agonizing over hair. Suddenly she had no choice but to cut her hair! Afterwards, she asked me if I think it'll grow back tomorrow or in a week. I thought she was pretty stupid for thinking it would. My mom obviously found out. Till this day, her hair line is a little bit uneven and I still tease her.

-Tina Zheng 4/5 period

Unknown said...

It is hard to choose one moment when I laughed hard for the assignment, because when I am with my friends we tend to laugh frequently. But one of the more recent times I laughed really hard was a few weeks ago. I was with Brittan and Lexi. We found this huge tarp in my garage and decided it would be fun if we took it and made a slip and slide out of it. We layed the tarp out on a big hill, got a container of dish soup, and the hose. After about an hour of doing the slide we put the soap all over our feet and decided to try to race up it and see who could get to the top first. We would try to run full speed up it and fall back down to the bottom where we started. it was a blast and we laughed hysterically.

Unknown said...

I remember a time I laughed really hard when I was with my friends Sara, Kayla, Ivey, and Savannah. It was about a week before school started so we decided to have a bonfire. We played soccer and badminton until it got dark out. We all got on the trampoline and we were doing flips. I could do a front flip, but not a back flip and I decided to try it. Instead of flipping all the way over, I only jumped back half way. I didn't go far enough and I hit my face on the springs and busted my lip! It was hilarious!
Kaity Layman 4th and 5th

Unknown said...

Well to start of one of the funniest days ever I asked my mom if I could ride my motorcycle. Then she said "not today Patrick I need your help." Then I begged, and begged, and begged but she still said no. So I just went with it. We went into my garage and she told me to pick up the trash and so I did. But in her eyes even when I did clean the garage she said " It still looks like a hobo has been living in our garage." So I wondered why she was all uptight all of a sudden. So anyways I went up to the back patio where the pool is. Then she comes up here to get a drink out of the cooler with her hands covering her eyes. She then walks too far and falls right in the pool and I start cracking up. She laughs with ,me of course but I thought that nothing in the world could be as funny as that. Then we just went on with our day laughing occasionally about that one moement.

Unknown said...

One of the times I laughed was the other day when I was hanging out with my friend Ashley. We were talking on her bed, and I got hungry, so i started to head off the bed. Once i rolled over I fell on the ground. We were both cracking up, mostly because her bed is really high off the ground. I was fine afterwards and I got to get food, so it was a good day.

Unknown said...

I laughed once when I was at swim practice. Josh (my swim coach) stared playfully making fun of my best friend, Savannah, and me. He got out his phone and pretending he was Savannah and me texting each other. Josh said in a really girly voice (imitating me),” Omg I can’t believe she wore the same skirt as me! It looked way better on me!” Then he said in a less girly voice (imitating Savannah),”I know right, like her body is not made for that!” Savannah and I were laughing our butts off. Then Savannah looked put her head out the back door and looked up at the sky and said,” Oh look the sky is blue.” Josh gave her a look like no duh and said,” Yes Savannah, it is. You should go to the library and get a little kids science book, you should get one with popups. Now get in the pool.” Then we got in the pool.

Unknown said...

One day, my cousin, Sierra, and I were at Kennywood. We got in line for our favorite rollercoaster there, the Phantom’s Revenge. After a 20 minute wait, we finally made it to the front of the line and climbed into one of the cars. The first thing you do when the ride starts is slowly move up a very steep slope. When you finally reach the top, you start speeding down it at about 80 miles per hour. Throughout the rest of the ride, you go under other rollercoasters, down more steep drops, and around the park. After the car came to a very quick stop, my cousin and I were laughing and smiling. We got off the car and went over to the booth to look at our picture from the ride. Sierra and I agreed on riding the Phantom’s Revenge again. We had so much fun that day, and I’ll never forget it. I can’t wait to go there again!

Haylee Jewell, period 1&2

Unknown said...

The hardest I have ever laughed was when I was on vacation in Branson, Missouri. My best friend, Bethany, her family and my family went on vacation together this year. We were on this boat called "The Showboat." On this boat, we had dinner and watched a show. For the show, our seats were in the front row. We were watching the show and all of the sudden I look over at Bethany, and she fell out of her chair. We didn't want to be loud because it was the middle of the show. I think that when you are not supposed to laugh, it is so much harder not to laugh. We were laughing so hard, no noise was coming out. That was probably one of the best trips I have ever been on!

Tori Shaver 6/7

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I have had so many times in my life that I’ve laughed so hard at! The funniest memory that I have is probably in art class when a couple of my friends and I had a “little” accident. Their names were Jillian, Gia, Courtney, and Lexi. Art class was probably the best class that I had all year because it was the only class that we had with all of us together. Our art class was 6th period which is right after when we get inside from recess and lunch. We were all really thirsty becauise all we do is run around outside but Mr.Jaros wouldn’t let us get a drink! I was so mad. So finally he allowed Lexi and Gia to go get plastic cups for us five to drink out of. When they all got back we had a brilliant idea to play a game where we had to fill our mouths full with water and try to make each other laugh. It was hilarious! We were running around the room and spitting water everywhere because we couldn’t stop laughing . Then we all got up and hid behind this table in the front of the room and just sat there. We were packed behind it like a can of sardines! Finally Jillian dripping water everywhere said, “ someone farted!” and that just made a disaster! I spit my water all over Jillians face and Lexi spit hers all over the back of my head. Both Courtney and Gia spit hers on lexis leg so it looked like she peed herself. We were all laughing so hard! The bad thing about it was we had to clean up every drip of water we dripped out of our mouths.

Unknown said...

I time I laughed really hard was when me and my family were at are camp. It was a hot summer day and the river was perfect. Every one was in the river. Then one of the older campers came to the river. As he was getting in the river one of his friends pushed in. As he landed in a foot of water he started yelling that he was drowning. He continued this until four others carried him out of the river. Ever one in the river including me started laughing.
Riley Snider 4th/5th period

Unknown said...

One day, I was at Garret Droppleman's house with Mikayla, Garrett, and Stosh. It was a rainy day. After a while of playing video games, we decided, since it finally cleared up, we needed to go outside and play. Garrett and Stosh wanted to ride dirt bikes and me and Mikayla agreed. After a while, it got boring so we made a ramp. Stosh was. the crash dummy, by choice. I crossed my fingers as he went up the ramp. Right when he was about to go off, the ramp completely fell out from underneath him. Stosh was on a BMX bike at the time, so he probably wasn't as hurt, but right as the thought crossed my mind, Stosh lay there, not moving. Then he rolled over, laughing his butt off. This caused Mikayla, Garrett and I to burst out in a fit of laughter, clutching our stomachs from all the laughing. -Bailey King 6/7 periods

Unknown said...

The time I laughed the hardest was when my family and I where at the store Pool Queen. We were there for a class on how to take care of a pool. The entire class was about two hours. They talked about a lot of subjects on pool care, but they used the word chemical every five minutes. They were talking about what chemicals to use in your pool for the best results. They explained what chemical can harm a pool. It almost felt like all they could say was chemicals. The time came for them to wrap up the class. They then said that they would now answer any questions that we had. They also mentioned that they would be giving the kids that asked a question a prize. So my little nephew that was also there raised his hand. The instructors then gave him a microphone. He was nervous to ask his question because he was only three. He then slowly started to speak. He then asked “Do you need to put chemicals in your pool?” The room then exploded with laughter. It took a good five minutes to calm everyone down. After everyone was calmed down the instructors gave their answer. They said “Yes, you need to put chemicals in your pool.” They then gave my nephew the biggest prize for the “Best question”.
-Jarryd Powell 4th-5th period

Unknown said...

The time I laughed the hardest is when I was at Ivey's bonfire, we were sitting around the bonfire talking, making jokes, roasting marshmellows and singing then all of a sudden my chair falls backwards and everyone goes dead silent for a moment then everyone bursted out in laughter and we all had a great time -Makayla Pearl 6th-7th

Gabrielle wilfong said...
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Unknown said...

The time I laughed the hardest was when Today at school in 6th period my friends Xena,Montana ,Cory,was there we were eating icebreaker mint things and xENA put four in her mouth and it was really funny because she said they were hot and we kept laughing at her she acted like she was dying
~ Emily Stewart 4/5th period

Gabrielle wilfong said...

I think the time I laughed relly hard was when I was at the beach . I was with my best friend Maddie and we were in the ocean. Kennedy had gotten out of the water and went in the sand so it was just us. Maddie turned around to show me this boat that was coming across the ocean and when she was turned around I went under water really quiet. She turned around and I was gone so she got so freaked out. I swam under and grabbed her leg and she jumped because she thought it was a shark. She screamed so loud and I started laughing so hard I almost choked on water. About ten minutes later Maddie did the exact same thing to me! We both started cracking up laughing in the middle of the ocean . Kennedy came in the ocean about ten minutes later and we both scared her ! We had the best time at the beach and I hope we go back !

Gabrielle wilfong said...
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Gabrielle wilfong said...
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Gabrielle wilfong said...
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Unknown said...

The time I laughed the hardest was Daylen H, Zyon D, Jake P, and I were in the art room. We were talking and I said guys let's tell stories. They said ok and I told my story first. My story was about two friends named Rico and Juan. Then Zyon went and told a story about basketball game. Then jake screamed I broke my gamdmoms back. it was funny because it was random. ~Fernando Hussing 1st-2nd pd~

Isaac Popp said...

One of the times I remember laughing the hardest was when I was at my friends house for a New Years Eve party. We were all on the Xbox and the parents were watching football. Us kids all went outside and got on the trampoline. Soon after we could here the parents were moving around and trying to find us. We then thought it would be funny to try to scare them. We all thought we were moving quietly and quickly. Then it turned out that someone was smoking in the garage andcaught on to what we were doing. He started to sneak up on us. When we rounded the corner, that is when he made his move he jumped out at us and scared us all. There was a moment of silence before we all started to laugh so hard.
Isaac Popp 6-7

Unknown said...

I honestly can not think of one of the most memorable times I've laughed. Really, I often laugh at smaller things that happen, such as watching my favorite show, or some weird YouTube video. That of course, doesn't mean I haven't had a good laugh at something bigger, but more often then not, the best moments I spend laughing are just times I spend with people like my friends and brother. But when I think about it, one of the biggest times I've ever laughed, is simply when I went down a water slide at Sandcastle, a water park in Pittsburgh. The slide was called the "Blue Tubaluba" and the slide was a somewhat twisty slide, but what made it really fun, was how dark it was. Never knowing where the slide will go next is always a wild ride, and is always something I will have a nice long laugh when doing. I rode that slide about five times that day, which was a fair amount, suggesting the long line and limited time I had there, and it never got old any of the times I was on it. Really, I can't remember a time where I've laughed much harder, but then again, I can't remember a lot of things, so even as minor as it may be, I loved riding that slide, and that was one of the best times I've had laughing.

James Wright - 6th/7th period

Unknown said...

te last time I laughed really hard was when I was posting today. my friend Madison got on my gmail account and changed the name to maddy Phillips . and I don't now what to do so im laughing but I laugh at the stupidest thing. but any way I went to try to change but I couldn't figure it out so I was just sitting their like what the heck is going on so I just gave up but it was funny at the time
._. Annabelle P.

Unknown said...

I was on the bus sitting beside one of my best friends, Brittany. She is in ninth grade now. She went underneath one of the bus seats and I was sitting in the seat beside her. She didn't have backpack so she was carrying around her stuff. She had a few papers, a notebook, and a few pencils. She had put her stuff on the seat that she was under. She was under the seat and said "Ooh I wonder what's under here," and lifted up the seat. All of her stuff fell down on top of her. We both laughed so hard for like five minutes.
Zachary Jordan 6/7

Kennedy Wilfong said...

The time I think I laughed the most, that I can think of was when I scared my brother to death. That night my brother went out in the garage to take out the trash. A few minutes later I went to the garage to get a drink not knowing he was out there. The lights were off in the garage so I could barely even see. My brother comes back to the garage from taking the trash to the road when he turns and sees someone standing in the garage. He got so scared, he grabbed a lacrosse stick and almost hit me with it. Before I said BRADEN ITS ME ! He put the lacrosse stick back down and said oh my gosh you scared me half to death.
He thought I was a burglar trying to get into the house. Next he told me if I wouldn't have said anything, he would have hit me. I started cracking up laughing because I scared him, even though I almost got hit by a lacrosse stick.

~Kennedy Wilfong 1st & 2nd

Unknown said...

My friend and I went to the Scottish Festival held in Bridgeport this year. After walking through some of the exhibits and watching a few of the shows that were going on we noticed a large animal with a baby in a fence. We walked over to the animals and I started laughing instantly. Everyone was asking me why I was laughing but I could not stop to answer them. Finally, I caught my breath and said look!! As I pointed to my friend,"They have the exact same hair color and style". and everyone busted out laughing. The people walking by us were even laughing at us. Still to this day we all laugh because my friend's hair looks like a baby Hyland-Ku's hair which is a Scottish Yak.

Unknown said...

One time I was with my friends. There names are Austin and Brandon. We stopped at Subway to get some food. Now my friend Austin is a really funny! So we were getting ready to go in and Austin was still in the car. So me and Brandon were going in and looked back. Austin didn't see a huge puddle on the ground and stepped right in to in. Brandon and I were laughing so hard we started crying. And till that day that's been the funniest thing I've every seen. And till this day he still gets mad at us for laughing.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The hardest time I laugh was when I was at basketball practice. It was in the middle of practice. We just got back from a water break. We were getting ready for a drill. We were just passing the ball around. The ball came to me and I was not ready,I tripped over my feet. My coach said "watch out for that line". Everybody was laughing including me. My friends were still laughing after two days. That had to be the hardest time I laughed.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

It was cheer season and my team and I were practicing for a competition coming up in December. It was about the hundredth time we have gone over the routine, just in that practice. We almost had it down to a science. All of our motions were tight. All of our stunts were hitting and hitting with ease. Tumbling was also going flawlessly. Well, up until it was the last pass. This is when I went. When it's done right, I would do a whip-pass…round-off, back handspring, whip,handspring,handspring, tuck. After completing the pass up to the back handspring after the whip. As I threw my self backwards in the middle of my handspring my arms gave out and I smacked my whole self against the gym floor only to hop back up saying "I'm okay!" What make it even better is it is in video and you can see my teammates jump and gasp thinking I was hurt. This is still funny to me today when I watch the video.

Megan Rumney 6/7

Unknown said...

One day in the winter my brother and I went sled riding in my back yard. It was so cold and I was about to go back inside until my brother wanted to rid down the hill one more time. I said yes and then we marched back up the hill. When we got to the top we both jumped onto our sled and took off down the hill. My brother, Jacob, was the diver but not a very good one. He jumped off right as we hit a bush but I was still on. The sled was going out of control and ran into a huge tree but the sled did not stop. My brother was laughing at me while I kept going. Finally and painfully I crashed through some dead bamboo plants. I still didn’t stop until I hit the neighbor’s fence. Painfully, I stood up and my clothes were full of snow, bamboo, and twigs. I couldn’t help myself but laughing with my brother. I still laugh about that winter and the winters after the wrecks get worse and worse. Just making more laughs for us. For some reason he still steers the sled. I can’t wait for this next winter.

Chris McLaughlin ½ period

Unknown said...

There have been many times in my life where i laughed.But this one time, actually many times at a sleepover at my friend Carter Grove's house. We were in a nerf war. So he chased me and soe of my friends down the upstairs hallway. Toward the stairs, where the funny part happens. He slips and falls down the stairs on his butt. We laughed so hard. We laughed so hard tha mucus blew out of my nose. We laughed even harder. The reason we laugh at Carter is because he laughs at himself.

Unknown said...

One day I was at my friends house and we were playing outside. We started playing basketball when a bunch of people showed up and challenged us to a game. We played them two on two because there was only two of us. The loser of the game had to jump in the lake and since that was the deal, obviously it wasn't going to be us ! So we started playing and halfway through the game we were winning by so much that the people asked if the deal could be off and we said, "Nope a deals a deal." Finally when the end of the game was over they were so mad that they lost they were about to just run away but there friends stopped them. Finally after a while of them stalling and complaining, they jumped in. The weather was freezing that day so the water had to have been at least 30 degrees. When they got out all soaking wet they were laughing so hard and so were we. The funniest part of the whole thing though was that one of the kids when he jumped in lost his shorts so he had to go back in to get them.

Christian Dewitt 6/7 period

Unknown said...

One time in my life that made me laugh pretty hard was when I was about seven years old. Some of my family and I went down to our property in the mountains. One day we went fishing, so my older brother, my dad, and my older cousin were fishing in this one part of the stream trying to get this gold trout they had seen. They had been doing this for about two hours and I was getting bored. Of course I was just a little kid and had been playing in the rocks a little ways down the stream the whole time. So I walked over with my rod, casted exactly where the fish was, and caught the trout in one try. I was laughing so hard, and my mom was too, but of course the other three fishermen were frustrated with me because of the previous events. Honestly, I was so proud of myself because my dad had been a fisherman his whole life and I beat him with one cast.

Tyler Rosier said...

Early one morning before sunrise, I was at my granddad's farm. It's not a "working farm", it's one hundred acres of woods and fields where we hunt, fish, ride dirt bikes and four-wheelers, and play in the creek. This particular morning, I was getting in my tree stand to hunt. It was cold and dark. As I sat down on my cushion, I felt something moving underneath of me. I stood up and shook my cushion, and five field mice jumped out and scampered down the tree. I yelled, "Holy crap, it's a rat!" I almost fell out of the tree! I was startled at first, until I realized they were just little field mice. My granddad and I laughed so hard we cried! It has become a standing joke in our family, and we still laugh about it to this day!

Unknown said...

One time that I laughed really hard was when I was in Texas for dance. I was with two of my friends that I meet, Aubrie and Emi. We were all in Aubrie and Emi's dorm room when we noticed something crawling really fast into one of Emi's shoes. She went over and picked up her shoe and a cockroach came crawling out of it! We all started screaming and trying to jump on their beds to get away from it, but Aubrie was really short that she couldn't get up on her bed and fell backwards squishing the cockroach! After Aubrie got up, Emi went to check her other shoe and found another cockroach! This time the cockroach started crawling towards the corner of a wall where there was a nest of cockroach eggs! By now the whole 14th floor could hear us screaming and started running in the room. When one of the girls tried to open up the door, Emi was standing right behind it and it smashed into her leaving a big bruise on her arm, now the door was wide open and the cockroach crawled out of the rom and it was gone. When everyone calmed down we all started bursting out laughing. But the eggs were still there so we threw them out the window and had to call an exterminator. Then we had to clean up the whole room.

Gracie Tarley 4/5 period

Caleb Carlson said...

The last time I laughed was when i was at my friend Shawn's house.It was his party so we were all outside having a good time.We decided to play football so we went outside and threw for a little while.After a little bit of throwing Shawn's dad came out and told us it was time for cake.When he said that I had already thrown the football.Shawn wasn't looking and it hit him right in the face.No one could stop laughing at him for a while.
-Caleb Carlson

Unknown said...

I honestly think the times that I had laughed the most was every time my Syrian hamster,Theodorae, had escaped! My older brother is terrified of her and she somehow loves him. When she had first escaped, my mom and I were at Wal-mart. I soon had gotten a phone call from my brother and as I answered it I heard him scream at the top of his lungs " Your rat escaped! Come save me!"
Instantly my mom and I had started to laugh really hard until we got home. When I had opened the front door to my house, I saw him standing on the dinning room table while Theodorae ran around it! Without a split second going by, my mom and I had started to laugh so hard that we could barely breathe! Eventually we caught her but first the two of us had to play "chase the hamster around the table and into the kitchen". I found that to be hilarious but my mom found it exhausting. Ever since then my brother has never liked Theodorae and I'm pretty sure he never will!

Kezia Foote 6/7 period

Unknown said...

Okay, this is actually kind of hard for me. I mean, yes, I laugh a lot but it’s either about something really stupid or really embarrassing. Well, this one is more like an inside joke and you probably wouldn’t understand it unless you were there. It was Monday August 25th I think, and it’s shared with Gabrielle Wilfong. We were on the activity bus since there was Cross Country practice. There’s a sharp turn on a hill right at the entrance to Mary Lou Retton Park, and the bus is long so it has to drive to the guardrail to be all the way on the road. When it was all the way at the guardrail and finally started turning, someone (I won’t say who) said, “Why are we tipping?” It was hilarious because it was so random. And just yesterday the same person, at the same turn said, “I think we hit the fence!” But we didn’t. Everything was perfectly normal except for what that person was thinking. Cross Country practices almost every day and we turn at the same place almost every day, and she still thinks we’re gonna fall over or something. Now every time someone asks something stupid and oblivious, Gabrielle and I crack up laughing as “Why are we tipping?” runs through our minds. ~Karinna Fazenbaker 6&7

Unknown said...

It's actually really hard to think of a time I laughed hard because I don't usually laugh a lot. So this summer me and my friends Bree, Kat, Tori, Chance, Amber, and Cain were all swimming in a waterfall. Well I was the only one to chicken to jump off, it was only about ten feet but they were all taunting me. So Bree and Kat got out to go get a towel because her mom brought us one so I sat on a rock on the edge of the waterfall. Bree and Kat came up behind me but I didn't say anything because they weren't close to me but then Bree's mom told them to push me off. So after like two minutes Bree shoved me off and I scrapped my leg but besides that after I was in the water I jumped up screaming and hurried out of the water and I fell like five times and they were all laughing at me I started cracking up. After about an hour I got them back but when I pushed Kat she fell on top of Amber and we were all laughing really hard. Its one of those had to be there moments but I still won't jumped off it.

Unknown said...

I laugh all the time so this is hard to think of a time I laughed really hard. Okay so one time I was on a boat with a bunch of friends and we was fishing. There was Jon Cecil and I. We was talking about stupid stuff like jumping off of roofs and stuff like that. Cecil said that he jumped off of a moving car. Then Jon told his story it was funny to but Cecil's was more funny. When they heard my story they all laughed really hard. then we caught a turtle and let it go. Jon and I had to really big poles out with other fish on them. I looked over at my pole and the drag started to make a sound. Then Jon's did it to but faster. so we started to real them in and they pulled the boat really fast. We started towards a big stump and we hit the stump the boat flipped we all started to laugh really hard but lost all are stuff but we got to really big fish and that was the time I laughed really hard.

Unknown said...

There was time I laughed really hard once. It was when I was at with my cousins when Exavier and I were maybe two at the time. You see, my uncle always takes videos of his family, home videos. We went down to his house this summer and we watch a lot of them. I will give a few example. The first one we watched was Exavier was running trough the hall and he was clothes lined by a couch. It was hilarious! Another example was when we watched movie my uncle had said that our favorite parts of the movie was the credits. So he caught us on tape dancing like idiots to the credits.
Elijah Posey

Unknown said...

One time when I laughed so hard. Was when my dad had to get a nice rentle car because his car was in the shop. So I took a picture of it and sent it to my sister saying ,"Look what mom and dad got you!" She thought it was her's so she started freaking out. While me and my brother were laughing our heads off. Soon she found out it was a prank and was fierce at us,but it was worth it. For an example. One time I got stuck in a baby swing and my brother watched and laughed, but I got free a minute latter. I was mad, but let him off easy. I had to admit it was funny.

Unknown said...
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Tiona Clay said...

One time I laughed so hard. Was when I was at my grandmas house and I was with my cousins and my sister so my sister was recording my cousin Jayla, because they were recording vines and they wanted to be come vine famous which for my cousin didn't really happen

Unknown said...

My friend set up a prank for me and I walked right in to it he put super glue on my controller and I couldn't get is off it was hilarious