Saturday, December 13, 2008

21 accents

This is chance for Sam and Alec to shine.... Do you do any accents? How can there be so many accents from the USA? or from London? From where do these accents come? Does West Virginia have different accents? Do any famous people have accents?


princeofthecovenant said...

WHOOO FIRST COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Megan DeJong said...

Yes, I love to do different accents when I am at home. My favorite one is a Minnesota accent, "don't cha know". Some of my other fun accents are, British, Australian, Jamaican, Swedish, and Southern U.S. accents. There are so many different accents in the United States because people from many different countries immigrated here. London is the same way we are. They have so many different accents that the people don't even sound like they came from the same country. Some accents in England are very difficult to understand. The differences in accents are do to immigration and different regions develop their own particular way of saying things. West Virginia has many different accents. Some people in West Virginia sound like they come from the deep south, and then others hardly have any accent at all. Some famous people with accents are Hugh Lurie, Pierce Brosnan, Christian Bale, and Nicole Kidman. These are some of the many well-known actors with accents.
Megan DeJong
4th Period

Unknown said...

I had a bit of an accent for a while but I worked really hard and got rid of it, but at home I talk like I used to. Accents can come from anywhere, two towns that are next to eachother can have different accents. They come from places, and people. For example, I was born here in West Virginia, grew up in Oregon, but while I was learning to talk I was in New Jersey. Naturally I have a Jersey accent even though I was only there for a year or two. Tons of people have accents, even famous people.

amanda luzader

Shannon Yost said...

I do love to play around with accents and stuff while I'm at home. Southern U.S. and Jamaican are my favorites to do, but I'm best at Cockney. Cockney was the form of dialect that was used in London and other parts of England in the 1800's. Usually it was used in the poorer areas, but some other areas had the same dialect. I know so much about this because since I do theater, we work a lot on accents and for at least two of the shows I've done, I've had to use cockney. To speak this way, you have to center your voice in to the front of your throat and push it up to your nose so it sounds nasally, and then elongate the vowel sounds. West Virginia has a few different accents. I've you've ever met people that live down in Greenbrier County, they sound more like they were born in Texas. And people that live in the Northern Panhandle sound more like they were born in the New England States. Yes, many people have accents. Hugh Laurie, Nicole Kidman, and Pierce Brosnan are some examples.

Shannon Yost
3rd Period

Michael said...
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Michael said...

No not really some people say I have a southern accent. I really cant tell if I do or not, but if I do I guess I have little bit of an accent. There are so many different accents in the US because there came here in the earlier days from all over the world. Some accents come from London, Sweden, Australia, and many more. West Virginia has many different accents, you have Italian, Chiense, Japiense, and Southern accents.There are a lot of famous actors and actress that have accents. Ozzy, Grechen Wilson, Slash from Guns and Roses, Carrie Underwood, Faith Hill, Willie Nelson, Toby Keith, Alan Jackson, Jackie Chan, Chris Rock, and many more. I dont think u want me to name all of them that I know.

Michael Parker
1&2 period

Unknown said...

I unfortunately cannot do ANY accents whatsoever. But since I live in West Virginia I have the natural "hick" accent.

The reason that there are so many accents from the USA is because of the immigration. Everyone who lives here is most likely not from the original country from way back when. Everyone has their own accents, and it varies from the different regions of the United States. These accents come from all over the world. Probably the most common accents are British and Australian.

West Virginia does have a large variety of accents because of people who are isolated in the mountains. They develop a new way of talking and since they are not around other people, they do not have a way to change it.

Many famous people have accents. It's what makes their acting even better.

Unknown said...

Accents are fun to play around with everywhere. Most the time I do accents at school because that’s where a do most of my talking.
I also have one natural accent, if you did not know I was born in Kentucky and live there for three years. This is where I learned to talk so sometimes you can hear my little western accent. But aside from that I enjoy practicing a British and Caribbean accent more than all. I love Caribbean Reggae music ex: Bob Marley and Jimmy Buffet. As far as my British accents go I mainly talk with it at grants house. At one point I annoyed his older brother so much he locked me outside until I swore to stop. There are so many accents in the U.S. because people from all countries migrated here long ago and still do today.
West Virginians have the stereotype of being rednecks but I really don’t notice the accents of WV until I go somewhere like Disney World or back to Cincinnati where I was born. Some famous people with accents are Wes Ashcraft, David Beckham, Ozzy Osborne, Dirk Nowitzki, Sting, Bob Marley, and Freddy Mercury.

Wes Ashcraft 4th period

Unknown said...

I have a boat lot of accents, I get my irish accent from my irish heritage i have a british accent, french, jersy, brooklyn, and a lot of others. all the accents come from people who come to america. west viginia can have many accents if different people move here.

Wan Ting said...

NO!!!! I do not do any accents!!!!! There are so any accents because people come from the different places. You usually speak how your parents speak. Yes, people from WV or people from the different parts of WV have accents. Yes, famous people have accents too.


Unknown said...

I only have an accent on some words and they are really noticable. However your parents talk is how your going to grow up talking. In different parts of london they have different accents because of some people moving from one country to another. Yes people from WV have accents but they are not as hillbilly as everyone thinks we talk like everyone else. Yes alot of famous people have accents.

alexis said...

This is chance for Sam and Alec to I like to do funny accents and my favroite accents are british and and southern accents because they all are fun.

Nick Sinclair said...

I like to do accents. I try to copy my friend's dad, Dr. Jain, who is from India. Many people came from all over the world to live in the US and brought their accents from their own language. This would be the same for London. West Virginians do have accents. People from other parts of WV sound different from each other. Famous people with accents are Chef Ramsey, Jackie Chan, Paula Dean, and Daniel Radcliff.

Nick sinclair
3rd period

Grant said...

Yes, I have an accent. Some times when I am home I talk in accents or make funny noises. They’re so many accents in the United States because people immigrated from other countries. Some accents in England are very difficult to understand. The differences in accents are do to migration and different regions develop their own particular way of saying things. West Virginia has a large variety of accents. Some people in West Virginia sound like they come from the deep south, and then others hardly have any accent at all. Several famous people have accents. Some well-known people I know are David Beckham, Ozzy Osborne, and Bob Marley.

Grant Holbert
4th period

Unknown said...

No I dont do any accents some of those accents come from bieng around people that use those accents all of the time. Yes some West Virginians do have like a country accent. I have no clue if celebritys have thier own accents but some of them might.

Logan D. said...

I don’t know if I have an accent, but it seems like till you go on vacation. People come up to you and ask where you are from and they are amazed that I live in West Virginia. There are so many accents in USA from the result of when the US was first being developed. People came in to claim land and build a state with their accents. These accents come from all over the world. I don’t think that West Virginia has that many accents. There are many famous people who have accents.

Logan Demyon
4th period

Ali said...
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Ali said...

No, I'm not very good at accents. Although sometimes people have asked me if I come from Brooklyn, New York. I don't think I have an accent but noone really can tell if they have an accent or not. There are so many accents because people go and come from places. It also is from early on when people immagrated here. Yes, West Virginia has a different accent, some people just do not realize it.
They are many famous people who have accents. Some famous people with accents are Nicole Kidman, David Beckham, Ozzy Osbourne, and Natasha Beddingfield

Ali Sansalone
4th Period

Unknown said...

No I don't do accents. The way there can be so many accents in the U.S. is because you have so many different cultures and you also have different groups of people. These accents come from places like Japan, China, Texas, and Asia. Yes West Virginia has some accents like the people that lived closer to the south. Those people that closer to the south seem to have like a hick accent. Yes famous people do have accents like Chad Reed a professional super cross dirt bike rider has like an Asian accent.

akeefover said...

No, unfortunately I can not do any accents, although I try. " 'Ello govner! " That is about as well as I can do an accent. I think there are so many accents in the USA because of all of the different cultures that co-exist in the USA. Both The USA and London have a high number of immigrants which account for the different accents. Yes, I believe West Virginia has different accents. People who live in southern West Virginia tend to have a deeper southern accent than those of us who live in Northcentral WV. Some of my favorite famous people who have accents include: Heath Ledger (RIP), Natasha Bettingfield, Simon Cowell, Sean Connery, Miley Cyrus, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Ozzy Osbourne, Penelope Cruz, and Robert Pattinson.

Unknown said...

Really i don't know if i have an accent or not i'm not all that sure but there is alot of people in our school that have an accent.I think people have accents because that is where that form of language started from is in different regions of the world.

cori cianfrocca
6-7 periods

victoria said...


katie nestor said...

No, I am not very good at attempting accents. I have a friend that can do a lot of accents. She is really good at attempting a British accent, and a Jamaican accent. There are so many different accents in the USA because many people from different countries immigrated here. The accents come from different languages. When someone from another country and customs learn English they have a way of saying the words but they probably think that they have an accent but you can tell. West Virginia does have different accents because there are people from other places with different accents that move here. I know some people that have a southern accent. Yes, there are famous people that have accents. I only know three. Natasha Bedingfeild, Kate Winslet , and Elizabeth Taylor.

Katie Nestor
3rd Period

Matt Bartrug said...

No, unfortunately I don’t do any accents, but Sam and Alec are definitely good at them. There are so many accents around the United States because during the Industrial Revolution thousand of people from several different countries came to America. This is also how the US became known as the melting pot. Accents are the way a group of people or culture talks. Some accents come from different languages and other come for widespread travel and learning other cultures. Yes, West Virginia does have different accents; West Virginia is the most southern of the states, the most northern, the most eastern, and the most western. So if we are all those things, shouldn’t we have a very wide variety of accents. David Beckman, a famous soccer player, came here from England and probably has an English accent.

Matt Bartrug
3rd period

Unknown said...

Yes, I have an accent. Some times when I am home I talk in accents. Yes some West Virginians do have a kind of southern country accent.Those people that closer to the south seem to have like a hick accent.I know some people that have a southern accent. Yes, there are famous people that have accents. Natasha Bedingfeild, Kate Winslet , and Elizabeth Taylor.

Justin Boyes
4th period

Steff said...

Of course I do accents! I love talking the British accent from London. It is so much fun. I also talk Texas accent (mainly because I am from Oklahoma) and everybody says I have a West Virginian Accent as well. I can talk like I am from Brooklyn and I know that my dad can talk like he is scottish.

I think there are many accents from the USA because there are so many different varieties of people and the words they use. It could also depend on how they grew up. Since there are so many words and so many different pronunciations, it also makes English the hardest language to learn in the WORLD... Though English may be hardest, Spanish is the most widely spoken language in the World. London has many different accents for much the same reasons. Many different varieties of people and many different places they come from bringing in new accents and new words.

I think West Virginia does have its own accent. It sounds sort of similar to a Texas accent though maybe not quite as strong. My friend's dad thinks our accents are amusing and fun to listen to. He thinks that they way we talk and pronounce words is fascinating. (He is from Brooklyn.) So I guess, that West Virginia does have its own little accent. =]

I know famous people have accents and I know some of them learn to talk like that for movies. Back in the 1940's the movie stars were trained to have specific accents to make their voices prim and proper. I find them quite funny to listen to. They pronounce every sound and syllable in a word. A take their time in speaking. So that every person can hear their words clearly and without having to guess what they are saying.

Stephanie Harris
4th Period

NIck said...

I do accents when I am at home sometimes. I like Jamaican and British and some others. Accents come from everywhere that you can go so there are countless accents. The accents come from the region you live in and the people around you. West Virginia does have different accents. There is a major difference from people in southern West Virginia and northern West Virginia. Tons of famous people have accents because they are all from different parts of the world.
Nick Trefz
4th period

devilgirl64915 said...

No. There are people who from china or spain and they come here and thas how accents spread.Yes there are some people from other counties that move here. Yes some of the country singers have that Texas accent.

Desarae Board
1&2 Period

Anonymous said...

Do I do any accents ? Sure why not I always do them to make fun of TV charcters. There can be so many accents in The USA, because its full of different culture. They come from the other countries. being from Iowa West Virginaians seem to be full of accented people. Yes plenty of people, for example Toby Keith, Alan Jackson, Jackie Chan, Chris Rock and more.

D'Andre Stephens said...

Do I do accents? Sure I do them all the time when I'm trying to make a point. There can be differnt accents because people use them as Pupets, charters, and more. They come from your imaganation. Yeah why not. Famous people I don't know.

Unknown said...

I don't have any accents but me sister does. There are so many accents because there are so many people who mimmigrta from different country's and the way people talk in different parts of the country that they are in.Alot of people in West Virgina have accents.Alot of famous people have accents like Ozzy Osbourne.

Unknown said...

Alot of people are careless. Around the home, main interstate. Yes. They don't pay attention.

Unknown said...

I can only do Irish and a Scottish accents. I love doing the Irish accent because I'm Irish.

Unknown said...

I can only do Irish and a Scottish accents. I love doing the Irish accent because I'm Irish.

Unknown said...

I can only do Irish and a Scottish accents. I love doing the Irish accent because I'm Irish.

Unknown said...

I can only do Irish and a Scottish accents. I love doing the Irish accent because I'm Irish.

Unknown said...

I can only do Irish and a Scottish accents. I love doing the Irish accent because I'm Irish.

Matt said...

The only accents that I can do are Canadian and Indian. I think there are so many different accents in the USA because different people have immigrated to the United States. I think that West Virginia has a lot of accents especially hillbilly accents.

Matt Wade
6th and 7th

brandon plivelich said...

Yes, I sometimes like to do different accents when I am at my house. But I won’t do them around any of my friends. My favorite one is and Australian accent, I like the way it sounds. I wish that I could talk like that permanently. Some of the other ones that I like are British, Jamaican, and Swedish. I think they both sound funny, but I like the way it sounds. English people are very hard to understand. West Virginia has a lot of different accents. That is just about all I know about accents, I am not very smart.
Brandon Plivelich pd. 6-7

Unknown said...

Yes, I have an accent to other people I mean that by they think I have an accent but I can not really tell that I have an accent. There can be lots of accents from USA by other people coming from other countries or just to visit. There can be accents from London because they have a strong accent that you can really tell they have an accent. Famous people have accents because they live in certain places which might have a certain accent in that area where they live. So the stars and famous people can or can not have an accent in certain places.

Unknown said...

No actually I don't do any accents, I just don't think that has anythng to do with life and it's not something you need to learn. I do think that accents are from your suroundings. If you hang down in the country you will start to sound like a hick. Yes i think that celebrities have accents, it's like their "title".

Nicola said...

Yeah, I know alot of accents but I don't do them infront of alot of people. Many people from all over come yo the USA and bring the accents and start them here. West Virgina has some different accents but the more south you get the more accent you have. Alot of famous people have accents like David Beckham, Kiera Knightly, and Arnold Swachanager.

Adriana Slaughter 4th Period

Unknown said...

I do like to mess around with different accents sometimes.
There are many different accents in the U.S and London.There are so many cultures it'd be hard not to have alot.
Most west virginians dont have an accent around here but I do know alot of people who have an accent they sound really southern.Some famous actors with an accent are Kate winslet,Nicole kidman, andPenelope Cruise.

Unknown said...

I don't really do accents, only sometimes when i'm joking. Alot of people move around in the U.S so there are alot of different accents. Accents come from all of the world, and the different cultures. West Virginia has a Southern accent. Famous people do sometimes have accents and sometimes have to fake them.

jessica harris

imaniwashington09 said...

Yes I actually do like to do diffrent accent but im not taking any classes for it right now but i do plan to take spanish and french in for 4 years and hight school and in college to.

- Imani Washington

Unknown said...

Yes, I can do accents. In fact I'm really good at it, hahaha I'm better than Alec. There are so many accents in the U.S.A because there are people from many parts of the world. Yes, West Virginia has different accents. Yes, some famous people do have accents, for example Ozzy Osbourne has an accent.

Anonymous said...

Last year i knew a little spanish, but now i dont know any of it. I think because there is so many different people in this world that came from different countries. West Virginia has a little bit of a southern accent. I havnt really noticed famous people to have any kind of accent.

Nick Bellay
1st & 2nd Period

Parrucci said...

I can do some accents but not many. I can do English, Irish German, southern United States, Texan, Australian, and kind of a Mexican accent. I think that the way the US accents are possible is the pace of life in that area. For example, down south, it is a slower pace as far as cities go and small towns so people talk slower. However, in the north, such as New York or Pittsburg, it is a faster pace so people talk faster. West Virginia is the same way. The farther north in the state you go, the faster people talk. The farther south you go, the slower people talk.

Many celebrities have accents. For example, Steve Irwen, Tim Mcgraw, Billy Ray Cirus, and the most famous is Arnold Swartzaneger.

Zachary Parrucci

Unknown said...

I know a lot of accents. The one that came into my head first was the southern accent. There are so many accents because depending on the area inwhich you live people pronouces their words differently. Accents come from all over the world. West Virgina has accents from the north and from the south. Yes, famous people have accents. The only ones I can think of off my head are Keith Urban, Crocodile Dundee, Arnold Schwartzunager,

Unknown said...

I can do some accents, like Britsh Italian and Jamaican. I love how Italian people talk. I love to listen to accents. My favorite accent is the south accent, Ya'll. My cousins who are from Pennsylvania, make fun of the way I talk sometimes, they say I have an accent. If i do have an accent, I can't hear it. There are so many differnent people in the United States. They come from all around the world. Many celebrities have accents, like Miley Cyrus, Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman, Steve Irwin, Kate Winslet and many more.

Laura Tennant 4th period

Unknown said...

Yes I do do some accents when I'm acting crazy or being funny. There can be so many accents in the U.S.A. because people move from different countries all over the world. I don't know where these accents come from. Yes because people who move here from different places have different accents. Yes some famous people do have accents. Some of them have accents where they act ghetto.

By:Mycah Wilson
1st/2nd period

Unknown said...

Yes, I do many accents, such as: a British accent, a Spanish accent, an Irish accent, an Indian accent, and a southern U.S accent. There are so many accents from the U.S because of the different regions of the U.S. For example the U.S has southern accents and northern accents like a Brooklyn accent. Also the United States has many accents do to the people that come here from other countries. London has a lot of scents because so many people immigrate there. These accents would come from many countries around the world. West Virginia people have different accents such as southern accents, and other accents from around the world. Yes, many famous people have accents including: Gordon Ramsey, Steve Irwin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tony Danza, and Wolfgang Puck.

Sam Haines
4th Period

Unknown said...

My accent is mainly a northern or west virginia accent. There is so many accents in the unitnited states and london is because people came for over seas and thay brought there accents also because there are southern, norther, and british accents as well. There alot of differnt accents from west virginia because people move here from the south and other places around the united states. There is alot of movie stars who have accents like Jackie Chan chinese,Al pachino italian,Julie Roberts californian, hitler cuban, and my favorite Pierce Bronson english.

jared burns said...

Yes, I do a few accents, although not many people will ever hear me do them. There are so many accents in the USA because people come from all over. Immigration is a big reason for this. People who come from other countries have accents, such as Arnold Schwartzunager. London has many accents because different parts of London have people from different backgrounds. West Virginia has many accents the southern part is what many consider the classic “hick” accent while the northern part has less people with this accent. Many famous people have accents like Jackie Chan, Jean-Pierre Leaud, Oskar Werner, and JACK NICHOLSON!

Jared Burns
4th Period

Unknown said...

I dont really do an accent, but if im around my sister a certain period of time
I do pick up a New York accent but besides that no. When I talk to my sister and her boyfriend I automatically talk in a Brooklyn, or Harlem New York acccent. some people might think I do it on purpose but I dont its easier for us to understand eachother. Many people come to the U.S from all over the world. Mny people pick up accents in their own little enviroment. Everyone over the U.s has different accents.West Virginia has different accents all over. People From Fairmont Has a different accent then people in Wheeling and they all live in the same state. People from a different country might move to West Virginia so that makes a different accent here. Alot of singers has accents. There are alot of rappers who has and accent from spain or something.
Courtney Jones

Jenny said...

I LOVE ALEC'S ACCENT. AND SAM I LIKE YOURS TOO. I don't think I have an accent. There are so many accents in the USA because there are so many different people from different places. The United States is very diverse because of all the immigrants that came into our country. There are so many different cultures and races in our country. These accents come from people from way different places. Acents just form. An accent is just the way someone pronounciates words in their language. Yes, West Virginia has an accent. The farther south you go, the worse tha accent. Yes, ,many famous people have accents because a lot of famous people are from different countries.

Jenny Bundy

a said...

Accents are fun to be silly and try new ones, but I cannot actually do a good accent. I play around with them sometimes when I am with my friends. There are so many accents within the USA and London because of all the different cultures of the people there. People get there accents based on where they were born or raised. People from New York or Chicago have strong accents. Yes, West Virginia has a lot of different accnets. In the southern part of West Virginia, people have a heavy accent. It is a southern accent that you might here in a place like Texas. Some famous people have accents. A few famous actors have spanish or latin accents. There are just way too many accents in the world to describe them all.

Unknown said...

I don't do any accents,I am not good at doing that kind of stuff.There can be so many accents around the world by peoplecoming from all over and starting an accent.London is the same.West Virginia does have diffrent accents some of my family that lives in Ohio think we talk funny and we think they talk funny.Yes!!Famous people have accents,like country singers and anyone from the southern part of the United States.

Cienna Wright
3rd period

brittany said...

I personal do not do any accents I'm not talented enough like Alec and Sam. Well I really don't know how there can be so many differnt accents. The reason that there are so many accents from the USA is because of the immigration. Everyone who lives here is most likely not from the original country from way back when. Everyone has their own accents, and it varies from the different regions of the United States. These accents come from all over the world. Probably the most common accents are British and Australian. West Virginia does have a large variety of accents because of people who are isolated in the mountains. They develop a new way of talking and since they are not around other people, they do not have a way to change it. Many famous people have accents. It's what makes their acting even better.

Brittany Morgan
4th period

akeefover said...

No, unfortunately I can not do any accents, although I try. " 'Ello govner! " That is about as well as I can do an accent. I think there are so many accents in the USA because of all of the different cultures that co-exist in the USA. Both The USA and London have a high number of immigrants which account for the different accents. Yes, I believe West Virginia has different accents. People who live in southern West Virginia tend to have a deeper southern accent than those of us who live in Northcentral WV. Some of my favorite famous people who have accents include: Heath Ledger (RIP), Natasha Bettingfield, Simon Cowell, Sean Connery, Miley Cyrus, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Ozzy Osbourne, Penelope Cruz, and Robert Pattinson.

Alex Keefover

Tre said...

Yes I do a lot of accents, I do an African, a French, a British, and an Indian accent. There are so many accents because many people move to the U.S. from there countries and they come from other languages and how they pronounce different letters. I'd say West Virginia has different accents some speak southern and there are a lot of Italians in Fairmont so some have Italian accents. Also many famous people have accents like Jackie Chan, Natasha Bedingfeild, and Ozzy Osbourne

Unknown said...

Oh yes It’s the king speaking... I do so many accents I can’t remember some of them, British, girly, Italian, Irish, and so forth. I personally have an accent, one from West Virginia and I don’t know exactly where it comes from. Everyone makes fun of me for it and try’s to imitate it, but only I can do it ha-ha. West Virginia is famous for having accents like the hillbilly or redneck voice. People like Cristiano Ronaldo, David Beckham, and David Ortiz.

Unknown said...

Yes...and no,I can do accents. I can do any accent I want,but doing a good accent, that's another story.I can talk with a British accent,an Indian accent and I could probally manage a Brooklyn accent.I think there are so many accent throughout the world, or maybe just from the USA because people move from area to area.Accents come from people who speak a different language trying to adjust to another language.West Virginia has many accents withing it. The southern part of West Virginia has a very quick accent with a Southern draw. When I went to Washington, D.C. I met people from all over the country and each person had their own accent. My roomate from Texas said even I had an accent.Kieth Urban is a famous person with an Australian accent.

olivia said...

I try to do accents, but it never works i am not very good at that kind of stuff.There are so many different accents in the United States because people from many different countries immigrated here.In different parts of london they have different accents because of some people moving from one country to another. West Virginians do have accents. People from other parts of WV sound different from each other.There are a lot of famous people who have accents.

alex swiger said...

I don't really do any accents well, but I can preform some. There are so many accents because of the region in which people live. They adapt to what they hear, so we talk like the people around us. In the USA there are many accents, because of all of the races in the USA. I don't really know about the accents in London, but it's probably because of the same reason that the US has. These accents come from all around the world, and they travel everywhere. Some West Virginians have an accent. Around WV, every accent is pretty much the same. A lot a famous people have accents because of their ethnicity.

Alex Swiger
3rd Period

Katlyn said...

I play around with different accents. I do southern accents and British accents. I learned my british accent from watching Madeline. I watched Madeline so much when I was little. When I had tea party's, I would always talk with a british accent. I learned my southern accent because of the country music I listen to, growing up with southern cousins, and traveling to the south a lot as a toddler. Accents come from the way people talk and the type of language they speak. In the southern part of West Virginia they have very strong southern accents. Miley Cyrus has a southern accent.

Unknown said...

No i dont no how to do any accent exept for the way i talk. There are many accents cause of how people heard how there parents talk when they grew up. Also because of diffrent places with diffrent accents. Yes there are diffrent place in west virginia were people have accents like some people talk real country like that.
Lots of famouse people have accent like british people.

cheyannh said...

no i do not do any accents.there can be so many accents in the usa because there are many different types of people with different ethnic backgrounds.these accents come from different contries.west virginia has many different accents.most famous people have accents

wes.h said...

No I dont do any accents some of those accents come from bieng around people that use those accents all of the time.West Virginians have the stereotype of being rednecks but I really don’t notice the accents of WV until I go somewhere else and ask u were u came from.They’re so many accents in the United States because people immigrated from other countries. Some accents in England are very difficult to understand. The differences in accents are do to migration and different regions develop their own particular way of saying things.These accents come from places like Japan, China, Texas, and Asia.Some accents in England are very difficult to understand. The differences in accents are do to different regions. wesley haddix 1st and 2nd

Destini said...

no, i don't have an accent && i dont think i can use any. there are so many because people come from everywhere and make their families here. accents come from all over the world. WV has a few different accents. a lot of famous people have accents.
Destini Arbogast
1st&&2nd periods

Unknown said...

I love talking with an accent, I can do so many. Every person has an accent you just do not notice it. So many people, so many accents. There are so many different areas in one place they all have different accents. Accents come from growing up with people around you having accents. In student council you meet so many different people from West Virginia it is cool to see how some have accents and some really do not. Penelope Cruz has a very strong accent.

Isabella Leon
1st & 2nd period

kiley moore said...

Yes, sometimes I usually do country accents, because in my opinion they are the funniest. They come from all over the world because there are so many different people with different cultures. Yeah, there are some counrty accents and some city accents here, Yes a lot of famous people have accents.
Kiley Moore
3rd period

Nathan said...
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Nathan said...

I used to have an Australian and British accent, but I grew out of it. Accents come to the United States by tourism and foreign immigrants coming to the country. West Virginia has many accents. Most of them are southern. There are many famous people who have differant accents such as Jackie Chan, David Bowie, Cote de Pablo, and many others.

Nathan Kolar
3rd Period

okayy said...

Accents are fun to play around with everywhere. Most the time I do accents at school because that’s where a do most of my talking.
I also have one natural accent, if you did not know I was born in Kentucky and live there for three years. This is where I learned to talk so sometimes you can hear my little western accent. But aside from that I enjoy practicing a British and Caribbean accent more than all. I love Caribbean Reggae music ex: Bob Marley and Jimmy Buffet. As far as my British accents go I mainly talk with it at grants house.
-dyrelle jones

buonaiuto said...

Haha I love your first line. I am definitely lacking in the area of accents. I simply do not own that skill. If I try to do an accent, yes people laugh...but not with me! Accents get carried over from place to place through travelers and immigrants. I honestly can't tell that West Virginians talk in a "hickish" way. My theory is this: West Virginia is the only state in the world that has people that talk normal. It's as simple as that! Some famous people that have accents include Ozzy Osborne and Adam Sandler. The only time that I notice I have an accent is when I hear a recording of myself. I sound like a total goober!!!

Unknown said...

I used to have a Spanish accent, but living here in america for so long has changed that... Because, America is a place where anyone, from any country can immigrate, thus creating many series of accents right here in America. People can move to london as well as america. These accents come from many different countries and states that different people live in with different accents. Yes, West Virginia is a free state also, so anybody can move here with accents. Yes, many celebrities have many different accents.

Unknown said...

no not really. umm there are differt places around the usa. no ones sounds the same. yes i think wv has a very strong one!

Unknown said...

No, I am not very good at attempting accents. I have a friend that can do a lot of accents. She is really good at attempting a British accent, and a Jamaican accent. There are so many different accents in the USA because many people from different countries immigrated here. The accents come from different languages. When someone from another country and customs learn English they have a way of saying the words but they probably think that they have an accent but you can tell. West Virginia does have different accents because there are people from other places with different accents that move here. I know some people that have a southern accent. Yes, there are famous people that have accents. I only know three. Natasha Bedingfeild, Kate Winslet , and Elizabeth Taylor.

Bobbi said...

Yes i do accents all the time. Because when people from a different continent come in the USA then we pick it up because its differnet and we just say it. Every where that not in this continent. I have heard some people that have a different accents. Yes there are alot of them.

BY:Bobbi Bowsman

Unknown said...

No, i don't do or have any accents that i know of. There are so many accents in the USA becuause there are many sterio types in the USA, there are also many accencts becuae there are many people who have imigrated from another country. some people from west virginia have accents, I think people more from the southern part of the state have accents. Yes, there are quite a few, such as Natasha Bedingfield, and Ozzy Osbourne.

Andrew said...

No, I do not have any accents. There are are many different accents in the USA because people from other countries immigrated here and picked up the English language in their own interpertations. People already living in that area will eventualty pick up on the dialect. The crocodile hunter and Miley Cyrus are some examples of famous people with accents.

Unknown said...

I only do english. Because many people have migrated to the United states and have brought many different accents with them. These accents come from all over. Allot of famous people have accents.

aaron worth said...

Yes, I do have different accents but I only use them when I’m at home or when I’m with friends. The USA has so many accents because of where the people came to the United States. People from Africa, Asia, China, Korea, Japan, the Middle East, and Europe came to America. I’m sure London has people from all over the world as well. This would mean they will also have many different accents. Of course West Virginia has accents. We have the industrialized people who moved here from different states, we have the northern people, and the southern people. A lot of famous people have accents, I don’t know exactly who but I know a lot of them have accents because they must play different roles in movies.

Aaron Worth
4th Period

░Madison~♥~Fitch░ said...

I have a really light Boston accent...I can't pronounce words like, car, vineyard, hard, and Harvard. I say Caa,vinyed, haad, and Haavaad. All thanks to my grandma. Many immagrants could have shared their accents, or people who were born to immigrants could have gotten their accents. Yes we do. Some people have southern accents, and some have northern accents. Arnold Schwarzanegger and Silvester Stalone both have the thickest accents in Hollywood.

Madison Fitch

Kayla said...

No, I am not very good at attempting accents. I have a friend that can do a lot of accents. She is really good at attempting a British accent, and a Jamaican accent. There are so many different accents in the USA because many people from different countries immigrated here. The accents come from different languages. When someone from another country and customs learn English they have a way of saying the words but they probably think that they have an accent but you cant tell. I think West Virginia does have its own accent. It sounds sort of similar to a Texas accent though maybe not quite as strong.

Kayla Wyatt
6-7th period