Saturday, December 13, 2008

puppy mills

Why must Puppy Mills be stopped? How do we support them? How can we make an attempt to stop them?


Megan DeJong said...

I love animals so I don't believe in any kind of harm to them whatsoever! Puppy Mills are horrible and cruel. They must be stopped because the puppies and dogs and not cared for properly and therefore, they produce puppies and are deformed and unhealthy because they are inbred and not cared for or given the proper food and medication they need. People inadvertently support them because they buy pets from pet stores and don't realize where the puppies come from. We can stop them by educating the public as much as possible. Many celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey are beginning to try to tell everyone about the horrors of Puppy Mills. She has done two shows about them to alert the public. Instead of buying pets from a pet store, people should go and adopt one from the Humane Society. People need to make sure they know where their pet comes from if they get it from a pet store. Their are millions of animals at animal shelters around the country that need adopted. If everyone got animals from shelters and not from pet stores, the Puppy Mills would close down!
Megan DeJong
4th Period

Michael said...

Puppy Mills should be stopped because they make dogs reproduce more then they won't to. I a animal lover so I couldn't do that to any kind of animal. Because if we go to by a puppy we give the people that breed them the money, so they keep torching the dogs. I don't really know how to stop them but we could talk to people that dont know so they know whats going on.

D'Andre Stephens said...

Puppy Mills must be stopped because there like humans have a right to live and Puppy Mills don't even take care of them. We support them by buying them from pet stores we don't even know about that might be supporting Puppy Mills. We stop them by taking animal police with us when we go to a store like this so they can see what the Puppy's have to dea'l with.

Unknown said...

Puppy Mills sell unhealthy dogs to people. The puppies have grown up in cages, and some have not been fed or loved by anyone. Many puppy mills exist all over the United States. One even existed in Huntington, West Virginia. These puppies have not done anything wrong, they are just punished so severely, and some even die. Puppy Mills need to be stopped because they are killing defenseless animals, which is wrong. You should never kill anything that has done nothing wrong.

When you buy pets from some shelters, you are supporting these puppy mills. You should only buy animals if you know where the money goes, and where the animal came from. Buying dogs from large kennels is a bad idea, the dogs could be sick, and you could be supporting a puppy mill.

To stop puppy mills, we need to make everyone aware of them. I had not heard of puppy mills until Oprah talked about them on her show. Only buy puppies from reliable sources, and tell everyone about saving the cute puppies.

Brianna Woodburn
3rd Period

Unknown said...

Puppy Mills are horrible! Animals can't speak up for themselves, they can't stand up for themselves, they depend on us to protect them and take care of them. Just thinking of the type of people that would run those places makes me feel pretty sick and what's even worse is that animals lovers who fight against these things could accidently be supporting them!

I personally love animals, I have a few dogs and cats myself and its impossible to imagine anybody wanting to hurt such loving and trusting creatures. Another thing is that puppy mills not only hurt the dogs, they also hurt whoever bought the puppy. I can't think of anything worse than buying a puppy, getting attached to it, and then having it get sick or die.

Puppy Mills can be stopped but it wouldn't be easy. It's not like one of the dogs is going to call the police oon the mill owners. It'd take people working together to find these places, adopting instead of buying, and throughly researching a store before you buy an animal from it.

Amanda Luzader
1-2 period

Wan Ting said...

Puppy Mills should be stopped because they sell some unhealthy dogs to people. Those poor animals did not do anything wrong, they can not say anything, only to be manipulated. I think everyone likes puppy, they inadvertently support them because they buy pets from pet stores and don't realize where the puppies come from. We need to keep more aware of these. In my country, some people sold unhealthy dog. We call for those puppies - “week dog" because they were forced to eat certain drugs, their life expectancy is only one week. Looking at those puppies died, I am very distressed. Sometimes I would think that if the world does not have the money and interests of these things, people would not make these things. Mankind's hypocrisy, selfishness, let the community add a lot of crisis, they can make anything, so long as to their benefit.

wan ting zhang

Shannon Yost said...

Puppy Mills must be stopped because they are horribly cruel and they sell sick puppies to people. They must be stopped because puppies are not taken care of as well as they should be. Therefore, the dogs that are there are sick and weak. Sometimes when someone purchases a puppy, the money goes to a Puppy Mill without the customer knowing. This is why you should ask where the money goes to before buying the animal. Also, you could try to adopt a puppy from a local shelter. This is a way to attempt to stop Puppy Mills. There are lots of animals that need to be adopted from local shelters that are perfectly healthy, they just need a home.

Shannon Yost
3rd Period

aaron worth said...

This is the saddest video you have ever posted on your blog site. Just thinking of those poor dogs being killed for no reason at all wants to make me go out and stop this. I looked up some more pictures and videos on puppy mills after I watched this video ad they were twenty times worse than this one. Puppy Mills must be stopped because doing this to innocent puppies is almost as bad as what Hitler did to the Jewish people except in animal form. We can support the fight against puppy mills by tipping the Humane Society if you see something going on that shouldn’t be going on with puppies. We can make an attempt to stop send money to the Humane Society and sign petitions to stop puppy mills and ask the pet store owner if this shop supports puppy mills or not.

Aaron Worth
4th Period

Unknown said...

I am a animal lover and I have had animals in my house all my life and I plan to ahve them when i get older.Puppy mills must be stopped because they are not being feed properly and they are in cages that some never get to come out of, They are forced to reproduce and that is unhealthy and when the parents are unhealthy the babys have a chance to be as well and you ar ebuying them in pet stores and pay alot for them and that is supporting them and the dog may die from not being healthly.We can attempt to make them stop by not buying them from pet stores and going to the humane sopciety

cienna wright
3rd period

Unknown said...

Puppy Mills are terrible and cruel. They must be stopped because there will just be more and more mistreated and unhealthy animals. People don't mean to support them but just by buying a puppy at a certain pet store you are supporting them without knowing of it or even where they are really coming from. We can stop them by being more aware of where they are coming from and telling people about puppy mills and learning more about them.
Cheyenne Shirkey
6-7th period

Ali said...

The Puppy Mills must be stopped because there they mistreat dogs , they very seldomly feed them and when they feed them they get so little food. Also they force the dogs to produce and they keep them crammed in such small cages. People support puppy mills by going to pet stores and buying dogs they sell there. We could stop going to animal stores to buy dogs, instead people should get them from shelters or people who breed dogs.

Ali Sansalone
4th Period.

imaniwashington09 said...

I love animals so I don't believe in any kind of harm to them whatsoever! Puppy Mills are horrible and cruel. They must be stopped because the puppies and dogs and not cared for properly and therefore, they produce puppies and are deformed and unhealthy because they are inbred and not cared for or given the proper food and medication they need. People inadvertently support them because they buy pets from pet stores and don't realize where the puppies come from. We can stop them by educating the public as much as possible. Many celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey are beginning to try to tell everyone about the horrors of Puppy Mills. She has done two shows about them to alert the public. Instead of buying pets from a pet store, people should go and adopt one from the Humane Society. People need to make sure they know where their pet comes from if they get it from a pet store. Their are millions of animals at animal shelters around the country that need adopted. If everyone got animals from shelters and not from pet stores, the Puppy Mills would close down!

Unknown said...

they force animals to dogs to breed and the dogs don't even live in good conditions. we support them because they sell the puppies to pet shops and we buy the dogs. to stop them you could start a patition to stop them or just not buy from pet shops that get their dogs from puppy mills.

marshall tucker 1st 2nd ^_^

Unknown said...

Puppy mills are very bad to the animals on many different levels. In some puppy mills there would be at least 20 dogs every week.The owners where mean and crewl to the dogs. so dogs when miss treated get very ill and i dought that the owners can afford to buy the right medications for there dogs when the owners spend all the money on themselves.

6-7 periods
cori cianfrocca

Unknown said...

Puppy Mills must be stopped because they are highly dis treating dogs and the people have no point in it and are extremely selfish and greety. I myself don't support Puppy Mills I highly dislike them even though I've never heard of them. We could help stop them by aressting the people.

░Madison~♥~Fitch░ said...

Puppy mills must be stopped because they torture their dogs. They barely feed them, keep them locked in cages, and force them to reproduce. It's just sick! We support them by buying the puppies they breed in the cages. We can stop buying the dogs, even though the dogs won't have a loving home. We could, maybe, tell the president about this problem.

Madison Fitch
3rd Period

victoria said...

I love animals so i think what they did was torture and sick. Those puppies didn't derserve to be treated like that.I mean what did the poor little animals do to you. Think of it this way you are a litttle kid and your parents are locked up in a cell and force to produce kids and you are taken away
and someone else buys you. How will that make you feel not only you but your parents cause they can't keep you. Is what they are doing to animals the way you want to be treated. Maybe so cause if its not you wouldn't be treating them like that.

Tre said...

Puppy Mills must be stopped because they treat there puppies they keep them in cages all there lives, and barly feed them. We support these mills by buying these puppies from them but I know it's hard not to buy puppies from them because you feel you just want to save them but that's not the way to go just turn them in to the police and that's the best you can do for them.

Tre said...

Puppy Mills must be stopped because they treat there puppies they keep them in cages all there lives, and barly feed them. We support these mills by buying these puppies from them but I know it's hard not to buy puppies from them because you feel you just want to save them but that's not the way to go just turn them in to the police and that's the best you can do for them.

Logan D. said...

Puppy Mills must be immediately stopped cause this is so wrong. How could the just sit there and watch these innocent animals die just to make money. I think that all the these Puppy Mills that are still running then they need to be shut down immediately and the people running it should have done to them what they did to the dogs. People support them and don’t even know it by buying animals from animal stores. The people need to be informed that every time they buy a animal from a animal store that they are just giving more money to these Puppy Mills to do more terrible and disgusting things to innocent animals. We can make an attempt to stop them by going to as many animal stores that we can and ask them were they are getting their animals from. Once we find out were the are getting animals from then we can go and bust them up. And put them in prison. This was probably the most disturbing video yet that I have blogged too.

Logan Demyon
4th period

Wes said...

It is very sad to hear about puppy mills. Puppy mills are just for the sake of making money.

These people that have them are cruel and selfish. They don't even think about the poor dogs. I thought it was terrible that some of these dogs don't ever get out of a cage. I really didn't know about this type of puppy breeding.

Puppy mills are just for the sake of making money. These people that have them are cruel and selfish. They don't even think about the poor dogs.

There is an organization called the Humane Society of the United States. It helps to investigate puppy mills and the people that run them. They have undercover people that try to find these puppy mills. Recently there were many found in Virginia by the HSUS. They fight for laws to be passed to help prevent these dreadful places.

Some ways that we can help to get rid of this is try to boycott puppies that are from puppy mills. Donate to help stop puppy mills. Telling more people about puppy mills will spread the word and education more people about them. Hopefully this appalling act will be stopped!

Wes Ashcraft 4th period

akeefover said...

I love animals. Some of the pictures are sick. Animals are not meant to live in cages. They have feelings just like us. Puppy mills must be stop because its inhuman. Pet stores buy puppies from puppy mills and sell them to us for more money. We can keep track of of dogs at the pet store and where they came from. How can people do that?

Alex Keefover

Kayla said...

Puppy Mills must be stopped because peolpe are mistreating the puppies and causing them to repoduce without the proper care in which all the puppies are in need of. We support puppy mills by buying puppies without knowing exactly where they came from. We all can make a attemp to stop puppy mills by trying each and everytime to look into the puppies background and check as to how healty it really is. Also, by adopting your animal from a animal shelter instead of buying one from a pet shore.

Kayla Wyatt
6-7th grade

Unknown said...

Puppy Mills must be stop because they are treating those dogs with no respect. Also those people do not care about those dogs in the little cages. We support the Puppy Mills by buying puppies and that gives the people at the Puppy Mills get touchier the dogs even more so they can produce more puppies for us to buy. We can make an attempt to stop the Puppy Mills by stop buying so many puppies.

Unknown said...

Puppy mills must be stop because they are cruel to animals and it is sick and discussing they way they treat them. They we support them is some pet shop sells there puppies to us and we buy there without knowing. We can stop buying puppies and start adopting them from are local animal shelter.

Andrew said...

Puppy Mills must be stopped for several reasons. One, it is a federal offense of animal cruelty. Second, it can spread disease amongst other animals and their offspring's. Three, it is just wrong to do! We accidentally support Puppy Mills by buying puppies from places that we do not know of the ancestors of the puppies. We can attempt to stop them by buying puppies from breeders, instead of pet shops.

Andrew Strand
4th period

Anonymous said...

I LOVE animals and have many myself and to see this it upsets me alot! I think we can try to stop them by not buying animals from the store for an example, ''Animal Kingdom''. But in my opinion i dont think they will ever stop and hopefully someday they will because i HATE to see them go threw that.

Nick Bellay
1st & 2nd Period

Matt Bartrug said...

Puppy Mills are horrible places where dogs are severely abused and forced to reproduce. Then, their young are sold to pet store. These puppy mills are horrible places that must be stopped! When you buy dogs supplied by a puppy mill from a pet store, you are supporting puppy mills. It is through this support puppy mills stay in business. The only way puppy mills can be stopped is to cut off their sole support. Dog lover all over America should boycott pet shops that support puppy mills. This is the only way to stop puppy mills!
Matt Bartrug
1st and 2nd period

Unknown said...

Well , puppy mills i think are horible and discusting . I dont think its right to sit there and tourcher and kill dogs - its wrong , and i honestly think people are sick for even thinking to make a place like they. Its wrong and crul , people are just like humans they also deserve love and respect ! I honestly think the way to help or try and help is right a letter to the presedent banding puppy mills in america [: its just straight crud to hurt puppies for no entier reaso! its sickning ]:

devilgirl64915 said...

Puppy mills must be stopped because dogs are living things to and you would not want that to happen to you. We watch them make the dogs fight each other. We could pay no attenion to them.

Desarae Board
1&2 period

Tyivon said...

puppy mills must be stop because forcing animals to have babies is Curl. to make them do such and after they die and just throw bodies in trash cans that is just discusting. people that onws puppy mills should suffer for what they did to all of those poor animals is just unsanitary.they must be stop the puppies an kittens or any animals that they have are not cared for properly and because of that they are force produce puppies.

we support them by buyies there puppiesthst poeple buy there puppies. It influces them sell pet shops to get more money.

I can't think of any way.

Anonymous said...

The puppy mills have to be stopped , becuase they are killing puppys.We are adopting puppys from stores that get them from pounds.We need to stop taking lost dogs to the animal police.

brandon plivelich said...

I think that puppy mills are very cruel. They put dogs in cages with wire bottoms. And they force them to breed. It isn’t fair to waste the puppy’s life like that. They have a horrible life like that. They barely feed them any food. And a lot of them starve to death. I think that puppy mills should be stopped, because they are doing terrible stuff to the puppies in the cages. They ate stacked from the floor to the ceiling in cages. That is what I think about all of the puppy mills.
Brandon Plivelich pd.6-7

Unknown said...

the puppy mills are a horrable thing they just keep the dogs in a cage made of barb wire and when they get food and water it is very often when they do and there brused and there feet never touch the ground of outside and they should arrest every sing puppy mill in the world because they keep the dogs there for no reason what so ever and thats not right they wait until they die then just throw theree bodys away on top of trash cans and inside to so the puppy mills are a horrible thing no dought about it

Unknown said...

because they kill half of the puppies, and dogs. the dogs are forced to have puppies. the dogs and puppies can not leave their cage.
when you buy the puppies you are supporting the puppy mills. where they can buy more dogs to force them to breed.
make a strong letter to them and say "stop the puppy mill farm and give the puppies to the animal store and stop making the animal store give you money so you can buy more dogs."

Parrucci said...

Puppy mills must be stopped because what they do is wrong. Not only is it wrong but it is also illegal. And what is sad is thee way the mills look at it. When they loose an animal they see it as loseing a buck. They don't care about the animal,they just care about the money.And the way they make money is through pet stores that get there animals from these mills. I didn't know of puppy mills when I got my golden retriever but now that I know I'm glad we got him from a breeder. And unlike puppy mills, breeders often care for the puppies and the parents of the puppies are there pets. So that is the best way to stop a mill. Don't by a dog if you don't know were it's been.

Zachary Parrucci
4th Pd.

Unknown said...

Puppy mills should be stopped because all the dogs are being treated unfairly, and cruel. People support puppy mills from buying a dog from a pet store. We can stop puppy mills by not buting a dog from a pet shop.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I myself love animals, especially puppies. I don’t think animals should be treated like they are in puppy mills. The way they treat dogs there is wrong, sickening, disturbing, and heartless. We support puppy mills by buying puppies from pet stores. That reason is why my family got our two yorkies from a breeder in Wheeling. At the beginning of this past summer we got a six month old Yorkshire terrier puppy named rocky from the same breeder we got our other yorkie, Snickers from. We can attempt toi stop them by not getting dogs at pet stores. I do not support puppy mills.

Sam Haines
4th Period

alexis said...

I think that puppymills should be stopped because they kill the other dogs by not feeding them and all of this cruel stuf.
I think they should be stopped by sueing them for all the money that they have and have them go to jail for the rest of there lives.

Matt said...

Puppy Mills should be stopped because they basically torture dogs. The put them in very tight places, force them to reproduce, and give them little or none food and water. We support puppy mills even though we don’t know that we are. We buy a dog from a local pet store thinking that it is a healthy puppy but actually came from a puppy mill. We can stop puppy mills buy adopting puppies from a breeder instead of buying them from pet stores.

Matt Wade
6th and 7th

Nick Sinclair said...

I love dogs. Puppy mills must be stopped because it is animal cruelty. The breeders have a lot of dogs for sale and some are sick and they are not cared for. It made me sick to see all those dead animals in trash cans. It looked like a lot of those dogs were grown and not adopted. We can stop puppy mills by not buying from pet stores or on line. Everytime someone buys an animal from a pet store or unknown breeder on line, we support puppy mills. I have two dogs and we bought them from local breeders. We tried to adopt from the humane society, but whenever they got a small dog, there was a long wait list of people wanting it. It seems like people want to adopt from the humane society. I think that we should not buy pets from pet stores and adopt locally or from humane society.

Nick Sinclair
3rd period

jared burns said...

Puppy mills must be stopped because they basically torture their animals. They supply the dog with the minimum to no amount of food and force them to reproduce. They cram them in cages. Some of the dogs don’t even touch the ground in their life. Animal cruelty is wrong and by some of the pictures you can see what happens to these poor creatures. The sad thing about puppy mills is that people unknowingly support them by buying dogs from pet stores who were breaded by dogs at puppy mills. So that means that the mills are getting paid to make dogs and sell them to us. We can make an attempt to stop puppy mills by educating others about puppy mills and what they do to their animals.

Jared Burns
4th Period

buonaiuto said...

I have to start out with saying that this is a very sad video. But personally I think that dogs abuse their privileges. I'm serious. They give way to many puppy dog faces. But back to the actual answers to the questions. Puppy mills should be stopped because dogs are being treated unfairly and cruelly. They are forced to be in cages all of their lives only to breed new dogs so that people can sell them for their own profit. One way to stop puppy mills is by asking where the dog came from if you are searching for a pup. If they say it came from a puppy mill then simply don't buy it. Otherwise you are supporting puppy mills.

Grant said...

Puppy mills are cruel and horrible. These puppies and dogs aren’t being treated the way the need to be. Many puppy mills exist all over the United States. Did you know there is one in West Virginia? These puppies haven’t done anything wrong, they are being punished so terrible. I have a dog and I would hate to see him like that, stuck in a cage nowhere to go without eating.
Puppy mills need to be stopped because they are killing animals that have done nothing bad. Some dogs die because they aren’t fed or been outside to run.
By stopping puppy mills, we need to aware people about them. For insist, I didn’t even know puppy mills existed. Only buy I dog if you know where they money is going or it’s a reliable source.

Grant Holbert
4th Period

Destini said...

puppy mills should be stopped soon! how about like, now?! puppy mills are horrible.its like slavery but they are taking dogs against their will, not people. they need to be stopped so all these puppies dont keep dying, thats just wrong.we support them by buying puppies from pet stores!! we can stop buying puppies from the pet store. we can also try to get them shut down!
Destini Arbogast♥
1st and 2nd periods

Katlyn said...

Puppy Mills are one of the most horrible things in the world! The poor dogs usually never get to touch the ground in their lifetime! They need to be stopped because these are real animals that are really alive and they need care. Everytime you buy s puppy from a pet store, then you are supporting the Puppy Mills. If we just stop buying puppies from pet stores, then that little action could make a big difference. If you really want a puppy, then I suggest you get it from a breeder so that we can stop Puppy Mills!

-Katlyn Wilt-
4th period

Unknown said...

Puppy mills must be stopped because why would you hurt an animal that cant defend itself. I dont know anyone that would support hurting an animal and I really dont want to know anyone like that. We can stop them by putting more of them in jail. Why hurt an animal when you can give it a home that really would take care of it.

Bailey Haller

Bobbi said...

Puppy mills need to be stopped. Because if you look at this video you will see that no aminal should be treated like that. I think how we should stop them is to write a note to the govenor about how puppy or any other aninal should not be treated like that and they should vote to stop that.


Bobbi said...

Puppy mills need to be stopped. Because if you look at this video you will see that no aminal should be treated like that. I think how we should stop them is to write a note to the govenor about how puppy or any other aninal should not be treated like that and they should vote to stop that.


Bobbi said...

Puppy mills need to be stopped. Because if you look at this video you will see that no aminal should be treated like that. I think how we should stop them is to write a note to the govenor about how puppy or any other aninal should not be treated like that and they should vote to stop that.


Bobbi said...

Puppy mills need to be stopped. Because if you look at this video you will see that no aminal should be treated like that. I think how we should stop them is to write a note to the govenor about how puppy or any other aninal should not be treated like that and they should vote to stop that.


kiley moore said...

Puppy mills should be stopped because it is tourture to make a dog live in a cage its whole life. & to only give them little bits of food! Its not right.We support the puppy mills by going to pet stores and buying the puppoes that cost hundreds of dollars. We can attempt to stop them by not buying the puppies from the stores and buy the puppies from real breeders.
Kiley Moore
3rd period.

Unknown said...

How can we make an attempt to stop them? Puppy mills need to be stopped because, having a puppy just to simply make it breed, is just wrong. The puppy should be able to enjoy the outdoors, puppy treats, and other things that a normal puppy deserves, not to be cooped up in some cage all its life. We can support the stopping of puppy mills by keeping an eye open for such things as this. also, we can tell and show the world how wrong it is to do this to, innocent, harmless puppys. When someone buys a pet, make them show you their registration to make sure they havent harmed any puppys, ever. and if they have, tell them to get out and dont sell them a puppy.

Unknown said...

I love dogs and seeing people who keeps dogs locked up in a cage makes me sick! For their whole lives they live in cages stacked on top of each other with little food. I think puppy mills should be found and shut down. Do the world a favor get a dog from a shelter. Those dogs get saved from the streets not bought from puppy mills. If you know anything about puppy mills call the cops.

okayy said...

because thats not rite there are alot of people that can take care of the gogs and they are killing them.we can try to find where they are or we can hang like posters up

Unknown said...

Puppy mills need to be stopped because the people running them are guilty of animal cruelty and need to be put in jail. We keep buying dogs from pet shops and they keep supplying the puppy mills around the country. We need to stop buying from the pet shops and start getting them from breeders and such.

Alec Wadsworth

6th & 7th period

Unknown said...

Puppy mills must be stopped because because that is just crull to any dog to put it in a cage and not let it out through its whole life. We suport them when we buy a dog from a pet store and we do not know where they cme from. We can stop them by not buying a dog from them.

brittany said...

Puppy Mills sell unhealthy dogs to people. The puppies have grown up in cages, and some have not been fed or loved by anyone.We can support the fight against puppy mills by tipping the Humane Society if you see something going on that shouldn’t be going on with puppies. We can make an attempt to stop send money to the Humane Society and sign petitions to stop puppy mills and ask the pet store owner if this shop supports puppy mills or not.

Unknown said...

I was really surprised at this video! I love animals especially dogs and cats. This video made me really sad for the animals. Puppy mills are terrible and most of the dogs don't know what grass fells like cause they have never been out of a cage. They don't even care about the animals all they want from them is to reproduce and they do that there whole life. When they die, they just throw them in trash cans and they don't realize how cruel that is. We support this because we buy puppies from stores and we don't know where they came from. We can stop this by going to the Humane Society or buy from a breeder. It is more expensive to buy from a breeder but it is defineatly worth it!!
Laura Tennant=)
4th period

Unknown said...

:( I have never, ever bought a dog from a pet store and I dont plan on it, now. These puppy mills have to be stopped. I bet the puppy mill industry is getting bigger and that means there are going to be more puppies dieing, starving, and hurting. It's so hard to believe that many puppies in pet stores come from puppy mills,but it is very true. I believe the best way to stop puppy mills is to let people know about the cruel mills their puppies come from. I dought people will continue to buy their puppies from pet stores after they are educated about the puppy mills.

Unknown said...

because it is a form of cruelty to wanting to get dogs . aDOPT.

Unknown said...

I personally think puppy mills is basically killing and harming dogs. Yeah your breeding more but the ones making the puppies are getting killed and basicall held hostage. If you know the dogs from the pet store are coming from Puppy Mills dont buy them. If you want a puppy adopt it dont buy it from a puppy mill. If you buy a pup from a store then you're helping the Puppy Mills. STOP buying from the pet stores and go to a adoptiong shelter

Courtney Jones

Unknown said...

Puppy Mills our doing horrible things to innocent animals ! Animals with problems should have the proper care they need to survive because every animal deserves a chance. We support them by not having our pets spaid or neuter them. By Neutering our pets and taking care of the ones we have.

Isabella Leon
1&2 Period

Jenny said...

Puppy mills are horrible! They are violent and horrid. They sort of remind me of the holocaust for dogs. We support puppy mills by buying puppies from pet stores. The pet stores buy the puppies from the puppy mills that overly reproduce puppies to make money. Supporting puppy mills isn't a good thing, but it is hard for people to stop buying from pet stores. The pound is a good place to but from. We can attempt to stop puppy mills, but there are so many that it is almost impossible to stop them. We can make flyers to telll people the certain pet shops that buy from puppy mills, and not to buy from there.

Jenny bundy 3rd

Unknown said...

Puppy Mills sell unhealthy dogs to people. The puppies have grown up in cages, and some have not been fed or loved by anyone.We can support the fight against puppy mills by tipping the Humane Society if you see something going on that shouldn’t be going on with puppies. We can make an attempt to stop send money to the Humane Society and sign petitions to stop puppy mills and ask the pet store owner if this shop supports puppy mills or not.

Unknown said...

Puppy Mills sell unhealthy dogs to people. The puppies have grown up in cages, and some have not been fed or loved by anyone.We can support the fight against puppy mills by tipping the Humane Society if you see something going on that shouldn’t be going on with puppies. We can make an attempt to stop send money to the Humane Society and sign petitions to stop puppy mills and ask the pet store owner if this shop supports puppy mills or not.

cheyannh said...

Puppy mills must be stopped because it is killing todays puppies and dogs are living animals just like we are but we dont get starved and killed everyday and can roam around and have fun so why shouldnt the puppies be able to.We support the puppy mills by buying puppies from pet stores because puppy mills are where those puppies come from.We can make a attempt to stop these mills by stop being a consumer of these pet stores that provide us with these puppies from theses mills.

cheyann hammonds
4th period

Steff said...

Puppy mills must be stopped for the cruelty in which the animals are treated is awful! It is horrible and disgusting! They come out with deformed dogs who are killed the moment they are seen deformed. The mothers are starved and emaciated and kept in cages all of their lives. The puppies are sold in pet stores and people buy them, which is inadvertently supporting puppy mills. In fact, more often than not, the puppies you see in pet stores come from puppy mills. And unfortunately the puppies that are taken to Pet stores from puppy mills are the puppies who came out healthy and undeformed, which is only a small fraction of the puppies produced there. Eventually when the mother dog dies from starvation or giving birth too many times they take another dog to replace her. And another one after that, just deposing their bodies into a dumpster where they are taken to the dump. To stop puppy mills, unfortunately we have to stop buying from them. Which means we cannot buy from an uncertified breeder or Pet store. Buy from good breeders that you know treat their puppies and dogs right. Also get dogs from Shelters. The shelters have a lot of animals that are simply longing for a home. Simply longing for someone to love. If people stopped buying from pet stores and uncertified breeders than maybe puppy mills would start to shut down and hopefully close down forever!

Stephanie Harris
4th Period

princeofthecovenant said...

Puppy mills need to be stopped because of the cruel and usual treatment the the animals face! Think about it: When you want a pet where is the first place you think of going? I pet store! Where do you suppose that the pet stores get there pets? Another supplier because not very many puppies that are sold in a store where born there! Can you see where I am going with this!!! Do I have to spell it out to you?!?! P-U-P-P-Y M-I-L-L-S S-E-L-L S-T-O-R-E-S
P-U-P-P-I-E-S !!!!!!!! Now you are probably wondering how to put puppy mills out of buisness? BUY FROM PEOPLE, NOT STORES, SO YOU CAN SEE WHERE THE PUPPY IS COMING FROM!!!

Nathan Clouser 4th Period!

katie nestor said...

Puppy mills are terrible. They must be stopped because they lock the poor puppies in cages stacked in rows that are super tall! They barely give the puppies enough to eat and it is bad because no animal should be treated like that. There are some that they were born in a cage and haven’t even touched the ground. They haven’t even been outside. I don’t support them. I think that they are terrible and who ever came up with the idea of it should be put to shame!! (Every one that I know doesn’t support them.) If there is a person that supports this cruel method of treating pups is 100% discussing and sick!! For us to try and stop the puppy mills we would have to stop buying pups from it. Every time that someone buys from a puppy mill then they are actually supporting this terrible sick place. They may not know it but they are. by giving them money to buy a pup you are helping them. :[ this would be hard to do [because we feel bad for the puppies] but it would be worth shutting them down!!!

~Katie Nestor~
~3rd period~

Nathan said...

Puppy mills need to be stopped because it is extremely cruel and highly illegal. The dogs that they keep aren't properly taken care of and they deserve better treatment. The dogs that are bred are extremely unhealthy and some even become deformed. We support puppy mills by buying dogs from pet stores where the puppy mills sell them. We can stop them by not buying dogs from a pet store that have been brought from puppy mills

Nathan Kolar
3rd period

Unknown said...

Puppy Mills must be stopped because they've been doing such horrible things to little cute innocent puppys, and it's not fair.We could attempt them to stop by calling the police on them and having the put in jail.we could also addopt the puppies and press charges on the and use the money to take care of the puppies.

By: Mycah Wilson
1st/ 2nd

Unknown said...

I think puppy mills shood be stoped because its not right to have any kind of animal treated that way and they shouldnt have to live there lives like that in a cage. We support puppy mills when we buy dogs instead of getting them from the pound were they can be aboted. I think we could make an attempt on stopping puppy mills is to just stop buying dogs and adopt them and find were they keep the puppy mills and stop it.

Unknown said...

Puppy Mills should be stopped because they make dogs reproduce more then they won't to. I a animal lover and dog owner so I couldn't do that to any kind of animal. Because if we go to by a puppy we give the people that breed them the money, so they keep torching the dogs. I don't really know how to stop them but we could talk to people that don't know so they know whats going on.

Justin Boyes

NIck said...
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NIck said...

Puppy Mills should be stopped for several reasons. For one they are against the law because they abuse the animals and force them to produce more dogs that they sell to pet stores. They are also very cruel and inhumane to the animals. We support them by buying dogs from the pet stores that the puppy mills sell them to. We can stop the puppy mills by trying to buy our dogs from breeders or from people that we know.
Nick Trefz
4th period

Unknown said...

They are disgusting, brutal, barbaric, and horrific. We support them by just buying puppies from pet stores and dont understand thoroughly where they came from, its a win lose situation though, if the world stops buying these puppies then they will die, but if we do, we put even more puppies through the same suffering. We need to put the word out, scream it from a mountain if we have to...anyone affiliated with these brutal and wicked places should be put to death, despite the harshness of the word, for every 1 person that would be killed for this probably hundreds of puppies have died...i beleive though that for a public announcement of this we should try to make a podcast and put it out, get on the radio, tv even, just to tell about this.

Unknown said...

p.s. this vid made me tear up (no one better say anything about this at school)

Unknown said...


i love animals so i dont believe are like what they do to these poor animals its just not right. thats just not right for every person to do this has to be down right sick to do this i think they should be put in jail and never walk the streets again. the animals should be tookin care of properly. and the pet stores i cant believe they dont know where puppies come from and the people that buy them dont know that they are supporting puppie mills. i think instead of buying them from the pet store people should just adopt them. the puppie mills need to be shut down for good.

a said...

Puppy Mills should be stopped because they are very cruel and horrible. The dogs there are not treated well and are very unhealthy. They are not given the medicine they need or the amount of food and water they should be receiving. It is very inhumane to treat animals like this. These puppies are kept in small cages and used solely for the purpose of reproducing. That is why puppy mills should be stopped!

We support them by buying the dogs being reproduced in Puppy Mills. Pet Stores buy the puppies and sell them to unknowing customers. These people are completely clueless as to what they are helping to support.

We can make an attempt to stop them by teaching people the negative things about Puppy Mills. Also by trying to find the people who buy and sell puppies from the Puppy Mills. This could help stop the creation of new Puppy Mills and the advancing of ones already happening.

Unknown said...

Puppy mills shouldn't not only because it killing dog but it hurt people who love animals and dog. They should because it is wrong to kill those poor loving animal were there cute loving faces

briana sanford
3rd period

olivia said...

I think puppy mills should be stoped bacause they are very wrong and harmfull. We support the puppy mills becasue we go ad buy puppys from the people who support the puppy mills.We can make a atompt to stop them by no longer going to buy the dogs.

Unknown said...

puppy mills must be stop because they are hurting inicent puppys by making them stay in those kind of living conditions. I love dogs and seeing them living in those kind of conditions makes me sick. I would like to trap the people in cages with there own feses and see how they like it. We can addompt in an attempt to rescue the puppys. Stoping them will be difficult but if we work together im sure we will find a way

Unknown said...

i like animals alot i dont like seeing puupies or bigger dogs getting hurt i dont realy like cats but i dont like to see them get hurt eather i dont know why somone would keep buntch of puppies in a puppie mill just for mony when they are almost dead and suffering it is almost like the hollocaust what they did to those people. that is what it kind of remind s me of. you could probally help by going to the humane society and adopted dogs and cats.
wesley haddix

Unknown said...

Beacause they are constantly making the dogs have babys so that they can sell them to petshops and they make them sleep in cages on top of each other. We could ask alot of the petshops where they get thier dogs and cats from and mayby they will tell us and we can find and end the puppy mills.

Unknown said...

Puppy Mills sell unhealthy dogs to people. The puppies have grown up in cages, and some have not been fed or loved by anyone.We can support the fight against puppy mills by tipping the Humane Society if you see something going on that shouldn’t be going on with puppies. We can make an attempt to stop send money to the Humane Society and sign petitions to stop puppy mills and ask the pet store owner if this shop supports puppy mills or not.

Briana Sanford
3rd period

Unknown said...

Puppy mills are very bad and VERY cruel to animals. I am an animal lover and this makes me sad. I don't know who woud ever want to do this to an animal. They must be stopped because they are unhealthy for the dogs, they make them live in small cages with wired bottoms and make them reproduce. We support them by buying dogs from pet stores that get their dogs from there. Which many of them do. You can stop them by asking where they got the dogs and if they got them from a puppy mill go olse where.

cortney Bright
4h per.

Unknown said...

Puppy Mills must be stopped because they are horribly cruel and they sell sick puppies to people. They must be stopped because puppies are not taken care of as well as they should be. Therefore, the dogs that are there are sick and weak. Sometimes when someone purchases a puppy, the money goes to a Puppy Mill without the customer knowing. This is why you should ask where the money goes to before buying the animal. Also, you could try to adopt a puppy from a local shelter. This is a way to attempt to stop Puppy Mills. There are lots of animals that need to be adopted from local shelters that are perfectly healthy, they just need a home.

Nicola said...
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Nicola said...

Puppy Mills must be stopped. Animals are just like people they have a right to live and be happy in their life time.When you buy pets from some shelters, you are supporting these puppy mills. You should only buy animals if you know where the money goes, and where the animal came from. Buying dogs from large kennels is a bad idea, the dogs could be sick, and you could be supporting a puppy mill.
So that means that the mills are getting paid to make dogs and sell them to us. We can make an attempt to stop puppy mills by educating others about puppy mills and what they do to their animals. The way we can help is to stop buying puppys from big groups. And stop sopporting them!!!! FIGHT!!!

Adriana Slaughter 5th period