Saturday, December 13, 2008

Martin Luther King Jr.

Why is Martin Luter King such an important person in our history? What contributions did he make to the USA? How did his life effect the world as we know it today? How do we know that Dr. King was successful?


cheyannh said...
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Megan DeJong said...

Martin Luther King is a very important person in history because he was the main leader of the civil rights movement in the United States during the 1950's and 1960's. His speeches won the support of millions of people, both black and white, around the world. He won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize for leading nonviolent civil rights demonstrations. Dr. King made many contributions to the United States. Under his leadership the civil rights movement won wide support among whites, and laws that had barred integration in the Southern States were abolished. He, along with other black ministers, founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to expand the nonviolent struggle against racism and discrimination. Dr. King organized the huge event called the March on Washington that eventually lead to a civil rights bill that John Kennedy & Lyndon Johnson recommended. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited racial discrimination in public places and called for equal opportunity in employment and education. Dr. King's life effected the way the world is today because we no longer had segregation. He lead and believed that peace and nonviolence was the way to change the world. He basically gave his life for the causes that he believed in. Dr. King was successful because he strived for change in the world and wanted all people to be treated equally. He wanted segregation to be abolished and most of the changes that he worked for exist in the United States today. Through his beliefs and efforts, Dr. King's dream of racial equality came true.
Megan DeJong
4th Period

Unknown said...

Martin Luther king jr. is an important person in are history because he wanted to give black people the same rights that all of the white people did back in the 50's and 40's. The effect on the world was that all the black people finally got them rights. so now we can do anything that white people can do now.

Unknown said...

martin luther king jr. was a very important part of our history because he helped with stopping segragation and supported african american rigths. because of martin luther king jr. mostly everything that was segragated before is now shared by blacks and whites. he speech called i have a dream has touched the hearts of every person to ever hear it.

marshall tucker 1st 2nd ^_^

okayy said...

His speeches won the support of millions of people, both black and white, around the world. He won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize for leading nonviolent civil rights demonstrations. Dr. King made many contributions to the United States. Under his leadership the civil rights movement won wide support among whites, and laws that had barred integration in the Southern States were abolished. He, along with other black ministers, founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to expand the nonviolent struggle against racism and discrimination. Dr. King organized the huge event called the March on Washington that eventually lead to a civil rights bill that John Kennedy & Lyndon Johnson recommended. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited racial discrimination in public places and called for equal opportunity in employment and education. Dr. King's life effected the way the world is today because we no longer had segregation. He lead and believed that peace and nonviolence was the way to change the world. He basically gave his life for the causes that he believed in. Dr. King was successful because he strived for change in the world and wanted all people to be treated equally.

imaniwashington09 said...

Martin Luther King is a very important person in history because he was the main leader of the civil rights movement in the United States during the 1950's and 1960's. His speeches won the support of millions of people, both black and white, around the world. He won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize for leading nonviolent civil rights demonstrations. Dr. King made many contributions to the United States. Under his leadership the civil rights movement won wide support among whites, and laws that had barred integration in the Southern States were abolished. He, along with other black ministers, founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to expand the nonviolent struggle against racism and discrimination. Dr. King organized the huge event called the March on Washington that eventually lead to a civil rights bill that John Kennedy & Lyndon Johnson recommended. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited racial discrimination in public places and called for equal opportunity in employment and education. Dr. King's life effected the way the world is today because we no longer had segregation. He lead and believed that peace and nonviolence was the way to change the world. He basically gave his life for the causes that he believed in. Dr. King was successful because he strived for change in the world and wanted all people to be treated equally. He wanted segregation to be abolished and most of the changes that he worked for exist in the United States today. Through his beliefs and efforts, Dr. King's dream of racial equality came true

-Imani Washington

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr. is such an important person in history because he made a large impact on how we live today. But HOW did he do that? When everyone else was scared, King stood up and made one of the most memorable speeches that will ever be spoken. He spoke the words that everyone else was afraid to think. Without this "I Have a Dream" speech, there is the possibility that segregation would still be existent. Dr. King is successful because everyday black children and white children come together at places such as school and sports teams. When Dr. King was a child, he was not able to interact with white children. He made it clear to everyone that color should not matter.

Brianna Woodburn
3rd Period

Unknown said...

Martin luter king is an important person because he stoped racism. It doesent matter what the color of your skin is it just matters what kind of person you are if you give people respect they are going to give it back to you. It isnt right to judge people even before you know them. He made a contribute to the united states of america by brodcasting his speech which led to blacks and whites coming together. He has effected the world today because blacks and whites go to school together they hang out I know I am freinds with black people and I am proud. He successful because his words are still there today.

Jason Fortner 1st,2nd period

Unknown said...


martin luther king is a very important person.His speeches won the support of millions of people, both black and white, around the world.He lead and believed that peace and nonviolence was the way to change the world. He basically gave his life for the causes that he believed in. Dr. King was successful because he strived for change in the world and wanted all people to be treated equally.

Unknown said...

He changed the world for all people of all races through words not violence. He lead the civil rights movements. His life has effected this country because there is now one school for all races. He was the one who made our today the way we know it as today.

Justin boyes
4TH Period

alexis said...

Martin Luther King is a importian person in history because he made it so blacks and whites could be equil.he made it so blacks and whites could be in the same school and on the same street and the same restrunts ,ect.
we all remember him by the person whodid so much for the world.we know Dr.King was successful by we allknow that blacks and whites are all equil.

victoria said...

martin luthr king jr is an imortant person. He was a black man born into the time of segregation. He didn't like others treating people because they were different. We are just humans and we do exactly the dsame things. We are unique and one of a kind. He firmly believed that we should be treated equal. That it doesn't matter what color we are or what we look like. what matters is what is on the inside of us and what comes from our hearts. Later he won our victory because he never backed down when it got hard he kept pushing until he had won!

░Madison~♥~Fitch░ said...

Doctor Martin Luther King Junior is an important and I mean IMPORTANT person in history because he showed that all races were, and still are equal. He also led a civil rights movement in many cities to show his cause. He helped African-Americans with discrimination issues (i.e. being shot with hoses, mauled by dogs, separate bathrooms and water fountains, and separate schools). Without what Dr. King has done, we would still have colored schools, bathrooms, and water fountains. The world would be different and terrible. We know Dr. Martin L. King Jr. was successful because we have mixed schools and African-Americans can sit wherever they want on the bus.

Madison Fitch
3rd Period

Bobbi said...

He is very important because he got white and balck people to be together. freedom,ended segergation, won the nobel peace prize. If he would have never made a speech about "I HAVE A DREAM" then we the black kids would not get treated like the white kids. If he would have never made his speech and a year later things were changeing. Thats how you know that he was succesful.


Ali said...

Martin Luther King is such an important person because he is the reason that white and blacks are equal. His life and what he did effected us in many different ways. If it wasn't for King all white's and black's could still be seperated. Because of his speech though, there is not different between the white or black children. We know Dr.King was successful because if not we could all be seperated by schools, resurants, stores, and other places but we are not.

Ali Sansalone
4th Period

Unknown said...

Martin Luther king is an important person in are history because he wanted black and white people to be equaly treated. The effect on the world is that all the black people finally got their rights and nobody is just judged by their skin color anymore unless they are racist.

Kayla said...

Martin Luther King is an important person in history because he stood up for what he believed in and he made a difference in the world. He told people about how it was wrong for whites to be treated better than blacks. He also stated how black kids and white kids wanted to play they couldnt play with each other because of the color of there skin. His life effected the world we know today because now the color of your skin rarely matters very much anymore. For example we now have an african american predsident. Dr. King was a successful man because he succeed in what he believe. White boys and girls can now be friends and play with whomever they wish. Also whites don't have to drink out of a different water fountain than blacks. Dr. King helped people realize that we are all just the same and that god made us all just the same, no matter what your culture is or what color your skin is, we are all the same!

Kayla Wyatt
6-7th period

akeefover said...

Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most important civil right leaders. He helped desegregate blacks from whites. There are no longer segregated schools, water fountains, and the list goes on. That list should of had zero items on it in the first place. We know he was successful because black children goes to school and plays with white children.

Alex Keefover

Steff said...

Martin Luther King is such an important person in America's history because, he lead the blacks in the country to nonviolently oppose against segregation; which lead to the civil rights movement. The contributions he made to the USA were incredible. He influenced many and many people with his incredible speeches. One of which has inspired songs, poems, stories, and people to take action. That speech was the "I Have a Dream" Speech. He lead the Civil Rights movement and got slavery abolished with his nonviolent actions and oppositions. If he hadn't been around to start the civil rights movement, slavery might have been abolished and a much later time or never at all. We know that Dr. King was successful because schools and all other public places are integrated and blacks and whites are living peacefully together and becoming best friends and even getting married.

Stephanie Harris
4th Period

aaron worth said...

Martin Luther King Jr. is such an important person in our history because of the way he impacted our world and government. He was the one who had a back bone who stood up and said this is enough. I don’t want my people to sit here and be under-privileged of their education and what they’re allowed to do. One major contribution he made was the “I Have A Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C on August 28, 1963. It was the speech that changed how we live and what schools we go to. His life affected our world by ending segregation; if he didn’t step up and tell them to stop it we may still have segregation today. Dr. King was successful by ending segregation and making the colored equal to the whites.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr. is a very important man in history. He fought to give blacks the rights that were not givin to them.

Unknown said...

Martin L. King was the leader for fighting segregation against blacks and he looked for freedom. He has changed our country and made relationships between black and white people so much closer. He has made people think of each other equally.

Alec Wadsworth

6 & 7 period

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King is a very important person in history because he was the main leader of the civil rights. He speeches won the support of million of people. His life affected the world as we know it today by he won the Nobel Peace Prize for leading something. We know that Dr. Luther King was success because his speech was about racism and about the black people’s rights.

Unknown said...


brittany said...
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brittany said...

Martin Luther King is an important person in history because he stood up for what he believed in and he made a difference in the world. He told people about how it was wrong for whites to be treated better than blacks. He also stated how black kids and white kids wanted to play they couldnt play with each other because of the color of there skin.He won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize for leading nonviolent civil rights demonstrations. Dr. King made many contributions to the United States. Under his leadership the civil rights movement won wide support among whites, and laws that had barred integration in the Southern States were abolished. He, along with other black ministers, founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to expand the nonviolent struggle against racism and discrimination. Dr. King organized the huge event called the March on Washington that eventually lead to a civil rights bill that John Kennedy & Lyndon Johnson recommended.

Brittany morgan

Grant said...

Martin Luther King is a very important person in history because he was the main leader of the civil rights movement in the United States during the 1950's and 1960's. His speeches won the support of millions of people, both black and white, around the world. Dr. King made many contributions to the United States. Under his leadership the civil rights movement won wide support among whites, and laws that had barred integration in the Southern States were abolished. He led and believed that peace and nonviolence was the way to change the world. He basically gave his life for the causes that he believed in. Dr. King was successful by ending segregation and making the colored equal to the whites.

Grant Holbert
4th Period

Unknown said...

Marting Luther King was and still is a very important person in history. He was a supporter and the most important civil rights leader. He has had a lasting impact on all of us. If it wasn't for him we would still be segragated meaning the blacks and whites would still be seperated. Martin Luther taught us so much such as that God created us all equal and we deserve to be together. We all belong together.
Cheyenne Shirkey

Matt Bartrug said...

Martin Luther King Jr. is a very important figure in our history because he made a difference. Martin Luther King Jr. lived in era were black faced a wall, a wall of racist. Instead of complaining Martin Luther King Jr. did something about it. That is why he is remembered in history. Martin Luther King Jr. changed the way the government looked at the black mans rights. Through Martin’s efforts blacks can now hold a high paying job, sit with white men on the bus, and have equal rights. We know that Dr. King was successful because blacks now have equal rights.

Matt Bartrug
1st and 2nd period

Jenny said...

MARTIN LUTHER KING IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN AMERICAN HISTORY. I CAN'T BEGIN TO EXPLAIN HOW MUCH OF AN IMPACT HE HAS MADE ON OUR NATION. Martin Luther King Jr. many various contributions to the USA. He made the horrible nightmares of segrehation dissappear and vanquish. Segregation was a very big deal and problem in the USA not too long ago. He protested without violence. He also made a sppechg titled I Have A Dream. The speech was so powerful and meaningful that it changed so many people's outlooks on life and the world. His speech changed the world in so many ways. Blacks and whites weren't allowed in the same schools or allowed to drink out of the same water fountain. Since mjartin Luther King Jr. stood up with braveness to make a speech on his opinion, blacks and whites now go to the same school and play sports together. Instead of segregation a new word is used that is way more pupular, integration. Blacks, whites, yellows and reds all our together. Without every race in the world we wouldn't be in such a successful place. Technology wouldn't be invented and the world would still be evil. Thanks to Martin luther King Jr, we don't have to worry about that anymore. He will always be remebered by the present and will always be introduced to the future.

Jenny Bundy 3rd

Wan Ting said...

Martin Luther king jr. is an important person in are history because he helped with stopping segragation and supported african american rigths. I didn't know anything about him before I do this blog. But I google that, so I know a little bit about him now. He was the chief spokesman of the nonviolent civil rights movement, which successfully protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. He was assassinated in 1968. He was changed everything, the all people was same, they can do everything together, it doesn't matter you are white or black or other colors, all people should be same in this world. The Dr. King was successful because people agree with his mind, and there is no racial discrimination!!!

wan ting zhang

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King is such an important person. He has such a magnifcent character. He thought that blacks and whites should be treated fairly and equally. He and Rosa Parks led the bus boycott, which eventually stopped racial segregation on public transportation. Dr.King made a famous speech called "I have a Dream". He was the youngest person to ever win A Nobel Peace Prize. He taught people how to treat others. Sadly, he was assinated but Martin Luther King has made such an impact on the world. He has ended racial discrimnation.
Laura Tennant
4th period

Unknown said...

from the Old West has stirred up more controversy and eluded historians and biographers than Billy the Kid alias William H. Bonney. This young man in his short life has established his place in history and legend, but there is more to the myth there's the man, which in my opinion is far more interesting. On this website you'll find plenty of information and learn who Billy the Kid really was and how he became a legend in his own time.the way martin luther king affected live in the us was the he went in front of millions to perfor a speech that chaged the way that we live now.

cori cianfrocca
6-7 periods

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr. is a very important figure in American history. His famous “I Have A Dream” speech makes him very well known. His contribution is that he is credited to immensely lessening the amount of racism in America in a non-violent manner. His life greatly influences how we live today. Whites and blacks now attend the same school, eat at the same restaurants, and have the same opportunities., all of which were not available 60 years ago. We know Dr. King was successful because of the small amount of racism and that there isn’t any more segregation between whites and blacks.

Sam Haines
4th Period

NIck said...

Martin Luther King is an important person in our history because he was one of the biggest leaders for civil rights during the 60s. He helped get rid of segregation in many places and lead many civil rights movements. Martin Luther made it possible for Obama to become president today. We know he was successful because there is no more segregation any more.
Nick Trefz
4th period

Logan D. said...

Martin Luther King is a very important person in our history cause he was one of the first persons to be noticed about stopping segregation and African American rights. He got the U.S. to stop segregation. He said that all black people sho8uld be treated the exact same way as all white people and have the same rights as well. If Martin Luther King wouldn’t have told his dreams to the U.S. then we could still possibly be segregated right now. We know that Martin Luther King was successful because all black people and all white people have the same rights and are treated equally.

Logan Demyon
4th period

jared burns said...

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is such an important figure in history due to his involvement in the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. Unlike the methods of other contemporizes, such as Malcolm X, King used nonviolence as his weapon. He lead marches, made speeches, and won a Nobel peace prize because he never resorted to violence. Martin Luther King Jr.’s most memorable speech is the “I have a Dream Speech” which states that people should be judged by the content of their character, not the content of their skin. This message may be more relevant today due to the fact that our president is of African decent.
Jared Burns
4th Period

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr. is a very important person in history because he was the main leader of the civil rights movement in the United States during the 1950's and 1960's.His speeches won the respect of both black and white people. It stop segregated school, hospitals, restaurants and ext.

Matt said...

Martin Luther King is an important person in US history because he was one of the biggest leaders in the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King contributed to what the USA is today because if it wasn’t for him there would still be segregation. His life affected the world because he wanted to achieve his dream of blacks and whites getting along without violence. We know that he was successful because know blacks and whites go to the same school, movie theatre, and can ride the same busses.

Matt Wade
6th and 7th period

Nick Sinclair said...

Martin Luther King is probably the most important and famous Civil Rights leader in US history. He helped stop segregation and fight for egual rights. He made people aware of how wrong the treatment of blacks were in the US. King won the Noble Peace Prize for racial segregation and racial inequality through non-violent means. I think his effect on the world was showing other countries how wrong discrimination is in non-violent ways. I think that Martin Luther King was successful because we now have the first black american President in history.

Nick Sinclair
3rd period

Unknown said...

I think that martin luther king in an important person because he belived the every on was equal and every one deserved the same as others and he fought and died over this cause. His life change the world about black people deseving the same rights as others. We know that he was successful because today every one is givin the same rights as every one else.

brandon plivelich said...

Martin Luther King Jr. was a very important person in our history. Everyone wanted blacks, and whites to be sepperated, but he came between them and said tyhat we should all be judged equally, and not be seperated because of the colos of our skin. He is the main reason that blacks and whites can be seen together today and not get aomething said to them. It used to be like if you were black you werent aloud to be around white people. But he is the one that changed that, and that we can now be together.
Brandon Plivelich 6-7 pd.

Unknown said...

Martin Luter King is such an important person in our history because he got the civil rights movement pasted. The contributions he made to the USA were many that helped the African American people. The effects that happened was all people were equal. He is successful because he has his own day named after him.

Michael said...

Martin Luther King is a very important person in history because he was the main leader trying to free the blacks and cival rights. His speeches won the support of millions of people both black and white in the USA. Martin Luther King was a successful man because he succeed in what he believed in. White boys and girls can now be friends and play with each other.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King is very important because he fought for civil rights in a extremely unique way;He used persuading words and non-violent actions to get his point across clearly. When he was succesful, the world was shown that you can make a change without violence and hurtful actions. Without King, it is likely that America could still be segragated today. Someone lacking Martin Luther King's peaceful values could have come along and lead major acts of violence to prove his point.

katie nestor said...

Martin Luther king is an important person in our history because he fought for what he believed in. He fought for civil rights and he was completely devoted to standing beside that decision. Some contributions he provided were equal rights among African Americans and many spiritual movements against racism, which in turn brought about the end of segregation. His life affected the world today in many different ways. An example is; he's life is a representation of how everyone is entitled to and should demand to have equal rights. Thanks to Dr. King’s efforts, segregation and racism have almost entirely ended throughout the United States.

Katie Nestor
3rd period

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King is an importanat person in our history because he ended the segregated schools act. The contributions he made for the U.S.A were teaching people to look at each other equally. His life effected the world as we know it by having schools not segregated. Martin Luther King was succesful by ending segregation.

Anonymous said...

I think that he was a very important person. He gave African Americans freedom, so they could do what they would like and not be judged. He effected the world alot by, telling people what was on his mind and not being judged. I think it's pretty obvious that he was succesful because, he gave African Americans freedom and, not to be judged on what they are doing in life.

Nick Bellay
1 & 2nd period.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King was an important person because he had an impact on the world and everyone in it. He went down as one of the greatest men in history. He gave african americans the same right white american had at the time. His life effected the world by bringing people of all different races together as one america.
He was successful because we really dont have that many racial problems anymore.

Bailey Haller
1&2 period

wes.h said...

martin luther king is a very inportant person because he was the one that one that lead the civil rights movements in the us he won the speeaches over almost every body he won the there side in 1950 trew 1960. it was actualy about millions supported him such as whites and blacks he won the nobel prize for for leading the noviolent civilright demostration.
wesley haddix

Unknown said...

Because he fought to get African Americans their rights and to make everyone in America equals. He gave his I have a dream speach and inspired many young and old ppeople to protest. When he died the world took his ideas in to affect and he accomplished exactly what he wanted to do.

Michael Meaede

devilgirl64915 said...

He is important because he is the one who put the whites and the blacks together. He let the blacks work with the whites. It has effected us today by allowing the whites and the blacks to live in peace as one nation. We know he was successful because if he wasn't we would not be going to work or school with blacks.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King was an important person because he made a huge change in history. Martin Luther King convinced us into believing black and whites should be equal. Now black and whites are equally treated, and are aloud to have the same rights

Jessica Harris

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr. is an important person in our history because he started the journey to abolishing slavery. He gave his life to help ending segregation and racism. Since Dr.King, life today is very different than life in the past. Black people are now allowed to go to the same school and drink from the same water fountain. We know he was successful because if he wasnt we would not be in the same classrooms as colored kids or even go to the same school.

Isabella Leon
1st & 2nd Period

Unknown said...

Without Martin Luther King Blacks and Whites would probally still be seperated. Whites and blacks beingjoined together ended a lot of drama. I personally am happy that all colors can be joined together because I have a lot of friends that arent black. He changed the World and personally to me that being successful.

Courtney Jones
Period 1,2

Destini said...

Martin Luther King is a very important person in history because he fought for what he believed in and made a difference in life! He helped end segragation! Without him we would still use seperate bathrooms. I wouldnt be able to have most of the friends i have now.
Destini Arbogast

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King is a very important person in history for helping to end segragation. He won many peace prizes and helped spread equality.

amanda luzader 1-2 period

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King is one of thee most important people in history he helped people see past the color of peoples skin and that you shouldn't judge someone just because their black or white ! He showed people that we are all thee same no matter what color we are we all should love each other like we are all a family and just because some are darkin than others you shouldn't put them down because of the color of their skin . Thanks to martin luther king their isn't rasisum !He made a success and if you look around you can tell.

Shannon Yost said...

Martin Luther King is such an important person in our history because he helped people to realize that every person on this planet is the same on the inside, and that it doesn't matter how you look or what the color of your skin is. He contributed many things to the USA. He helped to pass the Civil Rights Bill and he won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize. His life effected the world very much. He showed us that Segregation was wrong and that is was a totally inane thing to have in the first place. We know that Dr. King was successful because we are no longer Segregated.

okayy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tyivon said...

Martin Luther King Jr. is very important because he was the leader of the civil right movement. his speech I HAVE A DREAM won the haert and support of millions of people black and white. black people have the same rights as every one now a days. his Assignation change the world by giving black people there rights.

tyivon horton

Unknown said...

If it weren't for martin luther king, we wouldnt have all the legal rights for black people that we have today. He gave all black people freedom, another contribution was his life since it was taken. His work, has made it able for us to live in harmony with all black, and mixed people, without discrimination. Because slavery is no longer a problem in the united states, and he is who we have to thank for it.

Parrucci said...

I think that MLK is an important historical figure because he transformed a nation. He showed that you can influence a way of life with peaceful protest. He eliminated race descrimination with peaceful ways of protesting like marches and rallies. So, he influenced a nation without getting the law involved. And the way we know he was successful is that there is no racial descrimination that we can see today.

Zachary Parrucci
4th Pd.

Wes said...

Martin Luther King was a huge part of our American history. Dr. King breached the color barrier in many different ways. He preached equality to black and white people alike, as if there were no difference in the two at all. Martin Luther not only taught but he acted through peaceful marches, boycotts, and civil rights rallies.

The types of contributions he made to the U.S.A. were astounding. He devoted the majority of his life to the equality of African Americans. He gave one of the most famous speeches in world history, right up there with the “Gettysburg Address” and other famous speeches.

If it were not for the actions of Dr. King the world as we know it today would be unimaginably different. Racism would hang heavy in the air and no one could stop the power of it. If a person such as Martin hadn’t come along and helped the cause there could be two separate worlds, blacks and whites.

olivia said...

Martin Luther King is such a important person because he showed us that everyone is equall and that we should treat each other with respect. The contributions he made were he showed us that we dont have to go stright to fighting when there is a problem and that fighting is wrong and we should no be doing it. His life effected are world today by showing us how importanat everyone is no matter what your color is.If it was not for him i would not be sitting in class with diffrent colored students right now. We know that dr kig was success for because we are aloud to sit in class with people outside of are color.

bb said...

Martin Luther King is a important person because of every thing he has done for us.He helped with stopping segragation and supported african american rigths. because of Martin Luther King Jr. Mostly everything that was segragated before is now shared by blacks and whites. He gave speech called I have a dream that has touched the hearts of every person to ever hear it.

Briana Sanford
3rd period

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr. is such an important person to our history because he is the peson who faught for whites and blacks to be able to be combined and for us to have freedom. He made many contributions to the United States of America, and he lead the civil rights movment. His life effectd the world as we know it today because whites and blacks are together today. We know that Dr. King was successful because we have more freedom and that was one of the things that he was fighting for, because Dr. King was a peaceful person and he liked to keep peace with one another.

By:Mycah Wilson
1st/2nd period

Tre said...

Martin Luter King is so important in our history because he helped get rid of segragastion. He made it so whites and blacks could have the same rights.It made it so everyone was treated equal and that no one is better than anyone else it made so we could have a black president. Because his dream was made real.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King is such an important person in our history because he was the one that gave blacks equal rights as whites. It took evrything he had in him but "He did it!"I think it was tribble what happened back in the 40s and 50s.I can not see anything diffrent between blacks and whites they are all human beings.Martin Luther King did alot for the USA...He did alot..but most of the things he did was concerning racial issues.His life effects the world today by blacks and whites go to school together,you can sit anywhere on the bus,you can drink out of the same water fountain,no one is better than anyone,and more.That is while Martin Luther King is successful too.

Cienna Wright
3rd period

Andrew said...

Martin Luther King Jr. is such an important person in history because he helped create equal rights for all people in the United States during the 1950s and 60s. I think that his best contribution was his speech entitled "I Have A Dream." This was an important contribution, because it helped people realize that they were just as good as everyone else and no one person is better than anyone else. He affected the the world in many ways. One way he did this was by creating an environment that both black and white children could play with each other as they pleased. In our hearts, we know that King was successful in his works by looking around us at the many children interacting with each other in their everyday lives.

kiley moore said...

he is a very important person because he changed the world ina great way, he fought segregation. He fought for the rights of blacks. The world used to be filled with racism, and there are still some people who are racist, but he did stop it a lot. Because today the blacks don't have their own schools, and such, and we all do things together, and they aren't segregated.

kiley moore
3rd period

buonaiuto said...

Martin Luther King is one of the most important men of all time. He is main the reason that white and black people can talk to each other and be friends. It all started when he was a child and he used to play with his neighbor. Martin was black and his neighbor was white. One day, Martin went outside to play with his neighbor but his parents did not allow it because Martin was black. This made an impact on Martin’s life and he took a stand. We know that Dr. King was successful because today I can still be friends with African Americans. If it weren't for him and people such as Rosa parks, who stood up for herself by simply sitting in the front of a bus, I believe that there may have been a civil war between whites and blacks.

alex swiger said...

Martin Luther King is a very important person for the U.S. He has achieved many things for different races in the U.S. with his inspiring speeches. Martin Luther King Jr. has made all races equal. Nobody is though of as different because of the color of their skin. His whole entire life, he tried to stop stereotypes. In the civil rights movement, he had to be one of the people to contribute the most. We know that he was succesful because of how races are treated today. We're all equal, but there is still some stereotypical people in the world.

Alex Swiger
3rd Period

Nathan said...

Martin Luther King was an equal rights activist. He is so well known because he is the main reason for african americans to receive the same treatment and rights as any other. He was one of the very first to fight for blacks to be treated equally and is problably the most well known activist.Today, his efforts have caused laws to be put into place making racism and segregation illegal.

Nathan Kolar
3rd period

Katlyn said...

He was important because he made our country equal for the blacks and the whites. He stopped slavery and spoke out against it. He lived to speak out against slavery. We know that he was successful because we do not have slavery today!

Katlyn Wilt
4th period

Nicola said...

Martin Luter King is an important person because he showed that all people are the same no matter the color of there skin. He made alot of speeches. His life effected the world today in many ways. You see all colors of kids together and happy today and that was because of Martin Luter King. We know that Martin Luter King was successful because we would not be where we are today. White and Blacks would have different schools, restrants, bathrooms, and so on. That is how we know he was successful you just have to look around.

Adriana Slaughter 4th period

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King is such an important person beacuse he stopped segregation. He contributed to the USA by stopping segregation so the blacks could be free. It affects the world today because there isn't as many racist people as there were before Martin luther king, and the blacks have more rights then they did. WE know he was successfull because blacks don't have to go to seperate schools or go to the back of the bus.

Cortney Bright
4th period.

nique said...

martin luther king is a very important person in histroy because he helped get rid of segrigation.he wanted all people to be treated equal.
he effected the world alot by, telling people what was on his mind and not being judged.

princeofthecovenant said...
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princeofthecovenant said...

MLK is importanat to our history be cause he marched for equal rights. MLK helped bring equal rights to people by making powerful speeches that brought the american people together to fight for fair treatment of all of americas citizens. MLK, anlong with many other leaders, brought equal rights to people of all backgrounds and showed that he could carry out his dream. Today, we can see MLK's dream live on because now people aren't turned away because of their culture.
Nathan Clouser 4th period

cheyannh said...

Martin luther king is such an important person in our history because he is one of the leaders of the civil rights movement and he is one of the main reasons why we have less segregation in the world,even thought segregation is still exsiting today.there is a reducdtion of the population of the segrgated people here.contributions he made to the usa are the joining of the the blacks and whites and all colors.his life effected the world as we know it today by letting the world know that everyone is equal and ther should be no discrimination between races because we are all the same.we know that dr.king was successful because he is one of the most talked about historians known today.

4th period

Unknown said...

He gave blacks their freedom and equal rights.his life effected the world and we know it because if it werent for him, blacks prbably wouldnt have their freedom today due to the ratio of racism in america.

Unknown said...

Martin luther king is a inportant part to our history because he was the main leader in the civil rights movement.Martin luther king showed the people of the united states that there was a bigger picture to the world than just the color of an individiules skin.He showed the united states that equility was only right along with other people. His life affected the world today in many different ways one of these ways is that discrimination is not a problem anymore.His voice had beed heard to the world and his voice still lives.Dr king was sussesful because of the outcome of the presiedntial election. We have a black president. his life for equility and the same rights as other people who were not colored had and obama becoming president shows that desrimination is in the least of our worries today in the world.

D'Andre Stephens said...

Martin Luther King Jr is such an important person because he had A Dream that white and black will be together in a school building and will be treated the same. His "I Have A Dream" speech is the contributions of the USA. His life effected the world because he had the strenth to stand for black people. Black and White are going to the same school and drinking from the same water fountain.

Unknown said...

I think he is a very impotant person because he is the reason why blacks&whites go to school togather. If it wasn't for him i would either dead or goiing to segragated school

ambermann09 said...

Martin Luther King is a very important person because he saw that blacks and whites were no different from each other and saw no point to segragation. If it wasn't for him, I would have never met the colored people I have today. I'm so thankful for him, because I got the chance to meet people that are a different color from me and I saw how much they act just like whites. They are really awesome !(: Martin Luther King dedicated his life to change the racism and try and stop segregation. We all know he was successful because look around ! He definatley won.(:

a said...

Martin Luther King is such an important person because he wasn't afraid to stand up for what he believed in. He is a well-known civil rights activist. He believed that segregation, discrimination, and racism were wrong. He gave speeches, led boycotts, and had many peaceful demonstrations as part of the civil rights movement. He made several contributioons, one of which was that laws that barred integration were abolished.

His life effected the world more than people realize it. Martin Luther King paved the way to end segregation and discrimination. His goal was not fully achieved during his lifetime, but was continued by many other activists after his death. Dr. King was successful because now there is no more segregation. People are now free to live their lives without prejudices because of their skin color.

Gabby Tenney 3rd

Anonymous said...

Why is Marther Luther King such an important person? well he did alot of good things he promoted to fight for things without violence. His speeches won the support of millions of people, both black and white, around the world. he won many of different awards. it effects in many different ways for one he gave freedom to black people and for one guy and all of his supporters to do that is just simply amazing.We know that he is sucessful because blacks are free.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King is an important person in our history because he was one of the biggest leaders for civil rights. He helped get rid of segregation in many places.He also lead many civil rights movements. Martin Luther made it possible for Obama to become president today and have just one water fountain for whites&blacks to drink out of.
We know he was very successful because there is no more segregation any more.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King is an important person in our history because he was one of the biggest leaders for civil rights. He helped get rid of segregation in many places.He also lead many civil rights movements. Martin Luther made it possible for Obama to become president today and have just one water fountain for whites&blacks to drink out of.
We know he was very successful because there is no more segregation any more.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Martin luther king was one of the main leaders if not the main leader in the civil rights movement.Dr. King fought for equality , he fought to have the rights as those of pure color did.He bieleved that a man should not be judged by his color to be trated equal, he bielived that a man should be judged by his actions.What Dr. king had done in the short amount of time that he lived effects the world as we know it today alot, Everyday that we as students sits interracial classes and connect with each other as if there was no discrimination of those with different skin colors years back different ethenic backgrounds did not even want to look at each other, or sit by each other but, know that all has changed, I mean the judgement of a person with different color skin is still goin on but the love and the bonds that most people share with others that are not in the ethenic background is stronger now than it was then. We know that Dr king was successful because of how the presidential election went.
Maya Ervin

Unknown said...

Martin Luther king jr was very important because he fought us how to be free, his speech wasn't for just blacks, it was for everyone to wake up and realize that we can ,ale our country free. We can make it to were we are better. And we did. We make the U.S. Fantastic and we should be proud of that (America has tons of problems, and racism is still one of them... We can change if we would actually listen to what we get told)